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Al_Jamahiriya Rtbreakingnews

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  al_Jamahiriya: RT @BreakingNews:
  Good morning ?, to all good people,
  Chris Sedlmair breaking news here, in the studio of "World Jamahiriya"
  Algiers ISP informs: the nearest 2 days, Nov. 16-17, are a starting line for general offensive of Liberation Army, to thoroughly and decisively clear the cities from the gangs of NATO intruders and native rats. It was also stated, that the last days" fights of Vershefana tribe were only the prelude to this main event.
  As of now, the Southern wing of New Libyan Liberation Army is manned predominantly by patriots of Varfalla, Sirt, Zliten, Vershefan. It amounts to about 23 000 fighters; the Western wing - about 10 000. They are adequately armed for heavy and lengthy combat.
  The Liberation Army Command stresses that its formations would move absolutely openly around the country. It also recommends that rats cross the border of Libya as soon as possible in any desired direction.
  Enemy mass media of Canada inform, citing the sources of Green Resistance as follows: during several weeks the intruders lost 37 military air planes taking part in operations over Southern Libya. All South, they state, is controlled by Muammar Quaddafi"s Army.
  Tripoli: yesterday, an assault group of Libyan Liberation Army destroyed a pickup with 5 armed rats, and soon after, from an ambush - another 3 pickups with their live contents and ammo.
  Yesterday, in a French hospital, ended his days the main rat of "Misurata" gang, Mohammed Ibrahim, Commander of the Eastern front in Misurata. He died of wounds inflicted in the fight with Liberation Army in Sirte. His pickup was hit from grenade thrower, and thereafter this Big Bug was evacuated to France, where in utter dishonesty he met his maker.
  Az-Zavia: Heavy fighting of Vershefana tribe against rat gangs is going on. The volunteers from several other tribes are also helping. The yesterday"s deathly balance is more than 40 gangsters.
  The Green Resistance has also captured several pickups complete with ammunition.
  The Libyan Liberation Front declared the beginning of "Anguish of Sirte orphans" operation. Immediately thereafter, the oil platform at Az-Zavia was attacked with rockets. This was synchronized with Vershefana tribe attack. This is to disillusion all those, still thinking that Liberation Army hasn"t got to oil yet, reminds the Algiers ISP.
  Argumenti.ru Russian Agency informs that the center of Tripoli is fully controlled by Liberation Front. NATO gangsters have had even to cut off electricity supply and Internet to avoid panic. A single emergency diesel generator is working in the central hospital, but its power is insufficient for performing operations.
  Green flags are flying at the roofs of the highest buildings in various cities, including Bani-Valid.
  Heavy fighting is continuing around Tripoli, Az-Zavia, and Benghazi.
  Judging from previous messages, at least 300 captives were freed from prisons by patriots of Az-Zavia and Green Resistance fighters.
  As became known from reliable sources in Libya, many mercenaries have begun to flee the country. This is the main news of the day. And it is not surprising: "rats" flight" has started long before yesterday, the information on this was published in the first decade of November. This so-called "revolution" was not one of their own, and Muammar Quaddafi has not done them any wrong. The only thing he really did: put them in prison for violating the law.
  And now, lost in their own country, without any perspective, up to Adam"s apple in other peoples" blood, they realized at last, that they would never be able to become regular military force. So they have to flee, dragging along "sacks packed with loot". And, paradoxically, the bigger these sacks, the easier they become the targets. But not for Resistance fighters alone - for their own accomplices in bloody gang business, their fellow rats!
  The reasons for this flight become more clear considering that Liberation Army Command formed special groups tracking the routs of money of Temporary National Board distributed all around the country. They attack the money convoys and seize the money.
  Thus, yesterday"s press-release of Liberation Front informs of a seizure of nearly 2 Million Dinars. This is a payment for mercenaries - because attached to bank rolls were lists of people who were to be paid. The Front also declared that Libyan Resistance is tracking money transfers of the rebels. And this must be the most terrifying for these heroes of the gutters and cesspits. Indeed, they automatically get included into the lists of criminals - for future retribution. Naturally, money captured was handed over to the Fund for helping Libyan children who became orphans in this war.
  So, it"s no surprise that "rats are fleeing from the sinking ship". Moreover so, when Resistance forces are multiplying, and rats" skins feel it too well around-o-clock.
  So Western mass media are now confronted with uneasy dilemma. Either call that they stop fleeing Libya, so admitting the Liberation Army"s victory - or to instill in the rats" minds a confidence that their common ship is not sinking? Let us call this a "rat syndrome"! They keep fleeing, and their masters keep saying: "No, no, the ship is still afloat. And there is plenty of cheese yet". Cute, isn"t it?
  These were the news from Chris Sedlmair here, in the studio of "World Jamahiriya"
  Translated by Sergey Kamenskiy, Odessa, Ukraine, Nov. 17 2011
  Libyan people keep on fighting! http://gidepark.ru/community/Libya/article/468164
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