Костючок Марина Николаевна : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Two deep blue eyes without smile

And lips without kiss,

And touch that makes you feel alive,

And voice that makes you breathe.

I still don't know who is this guy

With warm and deep blue eyes.

But every girl wants to say: “He's mine!”

I don't think that their wise.

He's just a boy without hope,

He's lonely in his life.

He dreamed someday to meet a love

But not to have such wife.

He's a boy who feels himself so weird

When girls scream: “I love you!

I know that all he wants - to feel

That he belongs to you.

But who are you, this lucky one?

His life, his dream and hope...

I wish you never be so proud

To stand above his love.

Do this for eyes without smile,

For lips without your kiss,

For touch that makes you feel alive,

For voice that makes you breathe.

6/2/2003 1:53 53/p53

From Mary with love!

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