With every dawn
Of hunger and thirst
The world deforms
To a pale uncertain ash
"Death and the Labyrinth"
Where is the hunger?
With eyes of sadness it stares
The air it hangs dying
Dressed in the nightmares of old
"At War with Reality"
A black lung full of ash
A parasitic void
Oh, the tenebrous upheaval
Our defeat triumphant
"Circular Ruins"
We are a burning darkness
Swamped by a thousand seas
Mute from fear, hollow and eternal
We sleep forever
The end goes on
Bodies like pillars of dust - disappear once again in the wind
During the night, we move in circles, in unbroken structures
"Heroes and Tombs"
From the lips of the blind man
A kiss of decay
The dawn of the iconoclast
A sharpened blade
The conspiracy of the blind - staring dead into our lives of decay
"The Conspiracy of the Blind"
Streets as cracks in the skin
To drink from the night itself
Webs of perdition - crush the rushing earth
The aching void lures - promising rebirth
"Order from Chaos"
Infected forever - we hide inside the hive
Grey and faded - hibernated lives
A moment without presence - as we fall in line
Lost in the maze - of iron must be the night
Of iron must be the night
"The Book Of Sand"
Cloaked in the tongue of the Dead
His voice like a scar through the night
As weightless eyes watching
Pregnant with Doom - the night
"Language of the Dead"
The tomb is the passage
As the light flickers before me
The head of the hydra
The charlatan denounced
"The Head of the Hydra"
The strategies of war - through a universe of grief
And the city of mirrors - wiped out by the wind
Through the impenetrable haze
Through shapeless fog
Scattered through these desolate plains
White shine the bones
"Eater of gods"
The sickness is a dream
Imprisoned in the deep of the stone
Reality restin' upon pillars of dust
The infinite voracious arms of myth
"Pillars of Dust"
Where the land has been drinkin'
All our blood & regret
Our words are like quicksand!
Against the endless sky
"The Night Eternal"
No rest for the wicked, the children of god
The final retribution, the final curtain torn
Within us - the flames of the end
Survival of the fittest, the hunt for the sacred game
Under a serpent sun - we shall all live as one
"Under a serpent sun"
Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души"
М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"