I saw something sitting on your bed. I saw something touching your head. In the room where you sleep. You better run. You better hide! -- Dead Man's Bones - In the Room Where You Sleep
Did my time among the lost paying such a heavy cost Did my time among the cruel laying with the broken fools Did my time among the slaves walked around their waiting graves Did my time among the lies watching as they slowly die Down in the belly of the beast I lie All I save is my pain -- Danzig - Belly of the Beast
PLANEWALKER - A cutter who travels the planes looking for adventure, jink, or glory - a plane-traveling adventurer. Usually, to refer to someone as a planewalker carries a tone of some respect, for such individuals are considered capable, knowledgeable, and experienced. (выдержка из Planar Cant Dictionary)
.про Рыцарей Изморози, ждущих прихода зимы; про человека, состарившегося под детским именем; про огромную саламандру посреди ледяной пустыни; про Судью и Палача, про Тень и Огонь, про Железный Корсет, Обитель Ветра и Вдовью Иву.