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Tell Me When The Snowdrops Bloom

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Tell me at my graveside, when you come to see me, 
When the snowdrops bloom, and winter is set free. 
Tell me quietly, how you are living,
If life is kind, or unforgiving. 
Tell me you think, about me, each day, 
And I will tell you how much I pray.
Tell me about, your fears, and your desires, 
So that I may summon the Heavenly choirs, 
To ask them to guide you, in all that you do, 
And gently remind you, when a visit is due. 
Your Guardian Angel, watches constantly over you, 
He comes to me nightly, to collect Blessings anew.
Tell me your hopes, your thoughts on our Love,
And I shall remember our promises made up above. 
We met as the snowdrops were just showing through 
Their shining white petals, against the sky line blue. 
I asked you to Love me, and never leave me, 
You said that your Heart would never deceive me.
Tell me you miss me, my warmth and affection, 
And I shall offer you, forever my protection.
I asked you to stay, no matter the pain,
How was I to know, that heartache would reign? 
I wasn't prepared to be taken away,
So soon after promising my Love every day.
From that day, when the snowdrops showed through, 
I was taken to Heaven to be born anew.
A high price to pay for this Majestic Love,
But God took me Home, high up above.
So tell me you miss me forever and a day,
And I will come to you like the Sun's warming rays. 
So tell me each Spring, when first we met,
Your Love for me, was immediately in debt. 
Never stop saying those immortal words, 
'I will always Love You, and fly free like the birds'!

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