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"Deja vu"of the Mikhail Gorbachev"s epoch or "political Titanic" of the Russian history

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    The article considers the historical epoch of Mikhail Gorbachev through the "prism" of so-called Fibonacci cycles, the duration of which is a multiple of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. This approach allows us to construct convergent Fibonacci spiral Russian history and thereby identify predestination and fatalism of Mikhail Gorbachev's epoch, the last three epochs of Russian tsars: Alexander II (epoch of openness and liberal reforms), Alexander III (the conservative epoch), Nicholas II (the revolution and the collapse of Russian Empire).

   What has been is what will be, and what is done is that which shall be done: and there is nothing new under the sun.




   Discussion of a role of the first president of the USSR Gorbachev M.S. for destinies of Russian history does not cease. Especially it is a lot of "oil in fire" this discussion has added magnificent celebrating of its 80-year-old anniversary in London.

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Fig. 1 Gala concert in London, devoted to Michael Gorbachev's 80 anniversary

   Much of this theme is explored eminent scholars, historians and politicians, sometimes it seems that everything has been fully investigated. However, by each new consideration the researcher hopes to find something such unknown before to anybody. Therefore and we will try to understand and specify, whether such drama result as disorder of the USSR in 1991 for such euphoric the begun "Perestroika" in 1985 has been predetermined
   Today many researchers try to understand a secret of recurrence and repeatability of Russian history. With reference to Gorbachev M.S's epoch many correctly find general with the Khruschev's thaw, the second and including playwright Edvard Radzinsky - with the forced liberal reforms of a XIX-th century of tsar Alexander II. The third see general between August revolution (putsch) of 1991 and the subsequent disorder of the USSR with revolutions of 1917 and the subsequent disintegration of the Russian empire. However, despite dot, fragmentary coincidence there is no conceptual, integral and complete understanding of a place of an epoch of Gorbachev M. S in Russian history, including and taking into account all completeness of parallels in history and analogies.
   As show author's researches (Evgeny Lvov In search of the ancient roots of the Russian language. Political mysteries in Russia. M. Professional, 2012, 382s.,
   Fibonacci cycles in the history of Russia.
   http://samlib.ru/l/lxwow_e_w/cyclesfibonacciinthehistoryofrussia.shtml) any direct and logical communications between epoch it will not be possible to find also the only thing a method there can be a search and the analysis of irrational communications. Such approach can be lawful only at the expense of consideration of Russian history by so-called cycles of Fibonacci in the history of Russia, as which it is necessary to understand the historical periods duration multiple to numbers of some Fibonacci (... 55, 34, 13, 8, 5...).
   Russian history for foreseeable can be considered 1000 and more years as process which it is possible most precisely to present in the form of a spiral of Fibonacci, and sectors (hereinafter referred to as cycles) or their parts correspond to the various political epoch, headed corresponding governors of Russia. The part of this spiral, since an epoch of reformer Alexander II, is presented on fig. 2.
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Fig. 2 Chart of the periods of history of Russia according to cycles of Fibonacci

Since 1861: black the last epoch, by shading - future are allocated.

   Apparently for historical processes in Russia following features are characteristic:
   1) Spiral Fibonacci is narrowed, directing to the focus. Duration of similar historical cycles on each subsequent coil of a spiral is reduced almost in 7 times.
   2) Character and features of the historical periods, cycles on different coils of a spiral substantially are similar.
   Legitimacy of last thesis is shown in author's works and presented on fig. 3 in the form of the allocated sectors similar for different historical epoch on different coils of a spiral of Fibonacci.
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Fig. 3 Simplified the image of the similar historical events on different branches of a spiral of Fibonacci of ancient history of Russia

   As appears from simple mathematical calculations and to a general view to the 7-year-old reformatory period of board of Gorbachev M.S. on the previous coil of a narrowed spiral of Fibonacci almost completely there corresponded the long 55-year-old period of board of three Russian tsars of a dynasty of Romanovs (1862-1917), also begun with liberal reforms. Accordingly, for all period of the board our contemporary had to visit 3 forms of Russian tsars, and each such small stage can be compared to a separate, local "Deja vu" of Russian history (fig. 4):
   1. Gorbachev M. S - the initiator of the forced reforms - as tsar Alexander II;
   2. Gorbachev M. S - the conservative as tsar Alexander III;
   3. Gorbachev M. S - last governor of the Soviet empire as tsar Nikolay II.
   From these positions all following material also will be presented.
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   Fig. 4 Conformity of three stages of an epoch of Michael Gorbachev to three epoch of last Russian tsars
   Read the following article and, if necessary, for free you can download it at the author's website at:
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