Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

Fog rolls away

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{You're my lee,
 You're everything I need,
 Always real for me
 In times of disbelief;
 You're my air,
 You're object of my prayer;
 Your vanilla hair
 Will dream to me forever.}

Sometimes I dream we are together,
And everything keeps going right...
No sudden rain, no cloudy weather,
There's only sun in lonely sky.

Sometimes I dream, but dreams are ending
In smoke on water of my life...
I understand that I am blending
So many things inside my mind.

Fog rolls away with blinding pleasure,
And now I know what do I feel;
I feel pure love, the greatest treasure,
As dear as gold, as strong as steel...

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