Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

Mockery - Life

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Red light of the moon
Is light of the doom;
It makes me forget everything.

This light causes fear,
Makes me disappear
In mist of the madness it brings.

I look for the peace
In cave of the beast
And dark tries to fulfill my mind.

But I keep inside
The warmth of your eyes;
It helps me to stay here alive.

I vanish in death;
I'm losing my breath,
Remembrances flow in my head.

I see you're alone,
You speak over phone
With somebody who is not dead.

So I fly away
From big cruel mistake
That means just my mockery-life;

I wanted the love,
But I've never loved
And all I can do now is die.

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