Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

Nation by nation

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Strength means nothing for me,
I hate world that I see,
Where no one can be free,
Where men hang on the trees.

What is justice today,
When millions of us are in graves?
Mankind is on slippery way,
I quit playing this game.

Planet dies but nobody cares,
Some stupid fools drive in steel nails;
President's dead, God is big joke.
Can you see me through black dense smoke?

Fire around me, blood under feet
Make me be crazy, make me be wick.
Some people die, some people bleed,
Some people lie, another agree.

{Nation by nation, race by the race,
 Everyone will go out this place;
 Earth will be hollow like head of that fool
 Who sits on the throne and pretends that he rules.}

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