Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

No time to live

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The faster we run, the sooner we die;
The fabulous rule of the unfabled life.
We"ve lost everything in the night.

We get what we want, but it"s never enough,
We"re longing for money to buy more new stuff;
Result"s we have lost our love.

[The space around us is full of treasures,
 But we have no time to see;
 Life"s the brightest of all pleasures,
 But we have no time to live.
 Unforgiven, but not forgotten,
 We are crawling in own sins.
 Life is music by the lightning,
 But we have no time to hear.]

The shorter we live, the harder we die;
We"ve never wanted to survive.
And there"s no answer to your "Why?"

The faster we swim the deeper we drawn.
We always run, and run, and run...
And we won"t see another dawn.

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