Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

Salty Ocean

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Once white water swallowed me,
Took away my pain and grief;
So I wander what I did
"Cause my wounds now do not bleed.

Something weird deep inside
Makes me stop hoping and die.
The water gets in through my eyes,
The water whispers "You"re my prize".

I sleep endlessly
In dark side of the ocean;
My dream will never be
As real as your emotions;
No one comes to me,
I"m far from your devotion;
I sleep endlessly
Inside the womb of salty ocean.

The water flows in through my ears,
Leaves in me no drop of fear.
Years will pass, but I"ll be here,
While my torn flash disappears.

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