Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

Someone told me

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Everything I believed was wrong;
And my life seems to be so long.
I'm so wick, I can not feel love,
And my heat, my heart became the stone...
And I will stay alone...
All my hope is gone...

Nothing's fine; I've lost the meaning of love,
And I hate, I hate everything I saw.
Hell is waiting and I'm ready to fall.
Don't forget me, good bye, I must go...
I don't wanna say "no"...
I have sold my wick soul...

{Someone told me not to cry.
 I didn't hear that so I must die.
 Sun is shining not for me,
 I am blind, I don't see it.
 Someone told me to be strong.
 I didn't hear that, now I'm alone.
 Wind is blowing not for me...
 Who can show the way to be?}

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