Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

Song of repenting richman

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Oh, shit, the dirt is filling my
Blind eyes;
And fucking Devil cursed again
My brain.

I think a lot of what I've done,
I think a lot of painful fun
That I have found...

{Oh! Stupid mistakes of my life...
 Oh! Stupid mistakes caused by lies...
 I've never felt before the pain like this;
 I've never made somebody stand on knees;
 I've never made somebody be somebody's slave,
 But money made me do this, now I have to pray.}

Please, Lord, forgive me!
I've been so greedy!
I've been so nasty man
         Without the sense of guilt.
I never trusted
In people - bastards,
I've been in golden cage,
         In cage that I have built!

I used to kill for every silver dime I saw;
I used to see the cleanest love in every whore;
I used to be the richest man in fucking world;
And now my soul is locked in tiny piece of gold
      That I have sold...

I am so empty...
I am so hollow...
I have a plenty
Of tears to swallow...

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