Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

When I will die

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I can't understand
Why am I so bad
And so confused.

I don't realize
Why should I die
To find my muse.

[And nobody helps me
 To find my own way,
 'Cause my thoughts are filthy,
 I've made so much pain.]

{Killing myself
 I can't forget
 My place in your life.
 I have no regrets,
 So would you be
 My dead bride?
 Killing myself
 I can't forget
 My place in your life.
 I have no regrets,
 So take my hand
 When I will die.}

I see only hell
And hear the bell
Inside my head.

I can't figure out
What color is blood
When I am dead.

[And nobody trusts me
 When I feel bad,
 'Cause my thoughts were filthy
 But now I am dead.]

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