Чиянова Марина : другие произведения.

Ketu anthem

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  • Аннотация:
    This is a Hindu religious anthem written by me. A message to Ketu - a planet and a god.

You are a demon coming from the darkness
With a strong presence in a cp;d fresh air,
You shine like the stars
And you overshadow the Moon,
You sound like the choires of spirits.
You spread an incense fragrance
And you vibrate with meteors and falling stars.

I entrust my past experiences to you,
Hoping to regain my karmic memory,
To understand my mistakes
And embrace my glory.

You shine like morion
And bull's eyes,
You cover the night
With a veil of darkness.

I admire your wisdom
And your strength
That trembles in the air
Full of falling stars. 

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