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What's in a language?

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    What's in a language for us? An essay for foreign speakers with a high level of English knowledge. #English #The US #education #perfection #tuition #remote_study

  Hello my dear readers, especially those who live abroad and still haven't got enough time to master English!
  Today, on July 4th, I am here to tell you this mission is rather hard.
  Sometimes it's a sink or swim situation.
  Those of you who know me well are aware of the fact that I adore British and American rock and jazz and I also havea thing for classical and romantic novels and the incredibly deep and impressive classical musical works.
  As a tutor, I know too much about how important the immersion is. You can nearly become a native speaker in case you do it properly and study with passion, play around with words, feel free to combine them...
  Then there are these several highest and closest points to the peak. They are the trickiest thing about nearly all sorts and methods of stuies, ever.
  This is the very moment when you see, feel, know and acknowledge the fact that your potential and creativity are in their prime, but your perfectionist eyes you still are a stranger.
  This is, once again, a perfect moment to train yourself to keep reading, writing and, most important, socializing with the locals and comparing their attitude and approach to yours.
  The language, like a living creature and an abstract system at the same time, keeps evolving, and the more you find out about it (formally and informally), the more freedom of self-expression you can gain.
  Once you have started thinking in English, go with the flow and try to complicate your communicative mechanisms from time to time. This is how your mind stays fresh and vividly thriving at any given moment.
   I feel inspired by the American culture and wish all the foreign/English-speaking visitors of this website to feel excited, blessed and safe today!
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