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  • Аннотация:
    About Ukrainian architecture from a Hindu point of view

Each building is a text,
Each moment is precious when you see them. 
A long procession of coming of age
Among those buildings
Which seem to remember everything. 

Each musical instrument is a prayer
And each story has its reflection,


Through a Hindu 'optics'
Odesa would seem devoted to Ganesha, 
Kyiv - to Shiva and Narasimha, 
Kharkiv - to Sarasvati,
Lviv - to Surya, 
Crimea - to the Apsaras and Rishi

Vinnytsia - to Garuda.

And each small town is equally sacred

From the point of view of creativity. 

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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