дела (делА) - (благодаря ему в компании дела идут хорошо): he got the company humming infml;
- (в д-ах юриспруденции): the Western Allies had long conceded that in matters of jurisprudence the West Berlin authorities should handle all criminal and civil offences other than those falling within the ambit of the purely military laws of the Western Allies;
- (в некоторых д-ах мне приходится всецело на него полагаться): on some matters I have to rely entirely upon him for my information;
- (ведЕние дел Математического общества): the president insures the orderly transaction of Society business;
- (вести д. с кем-л, т.е. торговлю): the Chinese did business with the Japanese because it was convenient - necessary was a more accurate term;
- (вести д. с кем-л, т.е. торговлю, компания не ведёт дел с Китаем): the company doesn't do business with China;
- (вестимного дел с компанией): we do a lot of business with the company;
- (воплотить мечты в д.): I worked hard to translate his vision into actions that improved people's lives and furthered our democratic values at home and around the world;
- (государственные дела): the police captain and the ambassador locked horns regularly over shared affairs of state;
- (д. давно минувших дней): the interest aroused by this murder is a thing past and forgotten;
- (д. давно минувших дней, преданья старины глубокой): the deeds of days of other years, a tale of the times of old;
- (департамент по делам религии): the government will curtail raids on bars and nightclubs by the religious affairs department;
- (держи нас в курсе твоих дел): keep us posted on your progress;
- (домашние): she starts to do endless household chores;
- (заниматься своими д-ами): people were going about their business, unconcerned;
- (заниматься своими обычными делами): The best way to fight terror is to go about your normal duties. Mumbai has to resume its commercial activities tomorrow. We have to show the bunch of madcaps that we are not going to be cowed down.;
- (знания в этих д-ах): he didn't have any particular expertise in this matter;
- (д. идут): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. изготавливать, д. сельскохозяйственное оборудование): they set up co-operative factories to manufacture farm equipment;
- ( т.е. изготавливать, д. шифер из глины): an enormous polluted excavation pit from which Parisian contractors mined clay to manufacture red roofing tiles;
- (как д.?): how are things?;
- (как д.?): "How's it going?" is acceptable in the US as an informal greeting among friends and is sometimes inverted to "How goes it?", just as acceptable. Typically answered by "Just fine" or some such, just like "How are you?";
- (как д., не помешало бы спросить, как у меня д.): it wouldn't hurt to ask how it's going with me;
- (ну и д.!, т.е. возглас удивления): Well, I'll be damned. Of all the amazing things. Hey, what are you doing these days? Sunning your fanny, spitting at the ceiling?;
- (международные): he conducts international affairs negotiations, administers Department of State;
- (невежество в д-ах политики): my ignorance of political matters;
- (обсуждать д. на работе): even with the intimate friends, a Japanese salaryman would not discuss goings-on in the office until after they were overt and public;
- (общественные дела): women's participation in public affairs;
- (остаться не у дел): the Shannon Act ensures that, if operated, the farmers would get a fair price, but the speculators would be out of business;
- (т.е. по дому): there are chores to do - ironing and washing;
- (повседневные д.): he is often forgetful in daily activities;
- (религиозные д-а): all the colonies grew more tolerant in matters of religion;
- (серьёзные / незначительные дела): he has always known that on matters of gravity or of little consequence, he could accept my word;
- (у меня много дел): I have much business to attend;
- (у него были свои д.): he had his own things to do;
- (улаживать административные д.): Mohammed spent 15 days in Mecca settling various matters of administration;
- (юристы которые ведут торговые д. компании в другой стране): lawyers whom we employ to manage our business dealings for us;
- (финансовые д. кого-л): the archives have much evidence about his financial dealings
дела (делА идут) - (как идут д. на мировых рынках): how the markets are faring;
- (когда д. пойдут неважно): when the going gets tough infml wealthier states will withhold funds from the federal government and effectively secede from the union;
- (д. идут ненормально): here the things are far from normal;
- (д. пошли поинтереснее): things had gotten a little more interesting lately;
- (у С. д. шли успешно / хорошо): even though S. was doing well, he was making enemies;
- (у тебя д. идут на лад): I am so happy to hear that things are looking up for you;
- (д. идут хорошо): when the going is good;
- (д. идут [хорошо] ): things are humming along [nicely] infml;
- (д. идут хорошо): When you face a major crisis - your computers are down or the delivery you needed today did not show up - it can become easy to concentrate fully on handling the immediate problem. But you need this same attention to business when things are humming infml, so that future crises can be averted.;
- (д. шли всё хуже и хуже): things got steadily worse;
- (д. шли по-нашему): apart from the size and exuberance of the crowds, the September events offered anecdotal evidence that things were going our way;
- (д. принимают неприятный оборот): things are turning sour;
- (у меня много дел): I have much business to attend;
деланно - (д. бодрые письма): I wrote my Dad a few bogusly cheerful letters
деланный - (весёлость): "I do hope that never happens to me. Well, of course, it may have done, mayn't it? And I wouldn't know!" he declared with false levity.;
- (улыбка): she was wearing a vapid smile like a beauty contestant;
- (улыбка): "..." she said with the slight makings of a fake smile
делать - (аборт в опасных условиях): every year thousands abortions are performed under unsafe conditions;
- (аборты): he had been performing abortions there;
- (автомобиль сделан в Японии): the car is made in Japan;
- (д. анализы на интоксикацию): "You ran a tox screen that came back negative." "We do a tox screen in every automobile fatality. It's routine.";
- (д. анестезию кому-л): he was given a local anaesthetic;
- (д. безразличный вид): she tried to appear indifferent, but her eyes gave her away;
- (вдох): смотри ниже;
- (взмах крыльями): the bird gave one sweep of its mighty wings
- (вид): смотри ниже;
- (д. вираж влево): the plane banked left;
- (всё возможное): we will make every effort to contact you for approval;
- (выбор): we made the right choice;
- (выбор): you can take whichever you want - take your choice;
- (вывод): смотри ниже;
- (выговор кому-л): the committee voted to reprimand her;
- (выдох): he let out a long, slow breath;
- (глоток): смотри ниже;
- (глупости): don't do anything stupid;
- (глупости): "Don't be ridiculous." "Oh? Now, why am I being ridiculous?";
- (глупость): he wanted to say something to her to stop her from doing anything stupid;
- (д. гребок при плавании): he struck out once more, marvelling at how far and fast his flipper-like feet propelled him through the water;
- (гримасу / рожу): "This tastes horrible," said T., pulling a face at his glass;
- (гримасы / рожи): I was pulling silly faces to make the baby laugh;
- (движение, чтобы спрятать что-л): he made to stow his wand hurriedly out of sight;
- (доклад): the sales director will give a presentation on the new campaign;
- (д. долги по счетам за обслуживание в гостинице): they ran up huge room service bills;
- (д. домашнее задание / уроки): to do one's homework;
- (д. доступным людям со скромными доходами): mass production brought the automobile within the reach of people with modest income;
- (если полиция ничего не будет д.): if the police don't act he gives a press conference and puts them in the spot;
- (заказ билета на самолёт): please verify both flight numbers and arrival / departure times with the airline when making reservations;
- (заказ на обслуживание в номере, т.е. в гостинице): it was there that I placed my first-ever room-service order;
- (д. записи в блокноте): he jotted notes on a pad;
- (зарубки): he nicked the handle every inch, and had a measure;
- (заявку на пост президента): leaders who have made serious presidential bids have failed
- (заявление): смотри ниже;
- (звонки по телефону к кому-л): if your account is turned over to a collection agency for non-payment, a bill collector cannot place telephone calls to you or any other person without identifying him or herself as a bill collector;
- (знак): смотри ниже;
- (д. из золота украшения): the smith proved so skillful a craftsman that the king gave him much gold to make into ornaments;
- (инъекции, делайте инъекции в шею / никогда не делайте инъекцию в крестец): Give all injections in the neck. Never inject into the top butt or top of the rump.;
- (инъекции / уколы): I can't give myself injections;
- (д. инъекцию под кожу): a video on how to self administer a subcutaneous injection;
- (д. искусственное дыхание кому-л): he got her on the floor and gave her artificial respiration;
- (д. исправления в тексте): to make amendments in a text;
- (каким-л): смотри ниже;
- (камера делает 12 кадров в секунду): the camera catches 12 frames in a second;
- (д. карнавальные костюмы, мама умела д. карнавальные костюмы, в которых мы имели шансы на победу в школьных конкурсах): my mum was masterful at pulling together costumes that would be sure to place us in the running at the school contests;
- (д. карьеру в прикладной науке): he pursued a career in applied science;
- (д. карьеру на военной службе): to make a career in the armed services;
- (карьеру, я сделал хорошую к-у): I've got a good career;
- (д. комплименты кому-л): he soothed his wife by paying her limitless compliments;
- (крюк): the crusaders were side-tracked to Constantinople where they became embroiled in a conflict between rivals for Byzantine imperial throne;
- (д. ложное заявление в показаниях): he had given a false statement in his deposition;
- (д. люстры из полипропилена): he makes chandeliers out of polypropylene;
- (можно подумать, мне больше д. нечего, как..., т.е. слова тюремной надзирательницы): See the attitude? As if it's the highlight of my day to peer up women's smelly bottoms.;
- (намёки): a sufferer tries to get what he wants by sending indirect messages;
- (намёки): he kept throwing out dark hints about...;
- (д. наркоз кому-л): he was given a local anaesthetic;
- (д. наркоз кому-л): he was put on a general aneasthetic before the operation;
- (не знать, что д. дальше): he felt uncertain how to proceed;
- (д. неприличный жест в сторону журналистов): outside the court, he directed an obscene gesture at the press;
- (д. нечего, вам что, больше д. нечего?): He looked around at the group of gawping servants. "Haven't you lackwits got better things to do?";
- (д. нечего, пришлось согласиться): there was nothing he could do but agree;
- (ноги жаргон, т.е. сбежать): the police had a warrant for his arrest, so he flew the coop slang;
- (нужно что-то д.): urgent action must be taken;
- (обзор): to undertake a review;
- (общее дело): the war on terror now hinges on making common cause with Palestinians;
- (обыск): to conduct a thorough search of the castle;
- (одолжение): will you do me a favour?;
- (д. одолжение кому-л): he was conferring a great boon on me;
- (он никогда не делает другим того, что не сделал бы себе): At a party hosted by J. he barbecued a rattlesnake and served it to the guests under the pretext it was Pacific salmon and, when he revealed what he'd done, a number of the guests became nauseated, and several were sick to their stomachs. He never does unto others what he would not happily do upon himself - for diamondback rattler is one of his favourite meats.;
- (они делают это с теми, кого хотят полностью уничтожить): it's what they do to those they wish to destroy utterly;
- (операцию, т.е. медицинскую): to perform an operation in a hospital;
- (опись): it allows you to take inventory of all your software;
- (перерыв): he is taking a well-deserved break;
- (д. перерыв в заседании): I propose we adjourn fml and separately seek some suggestions;
- (д. перерыв / передышку в подготовке к неделе моды): taking a break from preparing for New York's fashion week, the designer recently reflected on challenges facing the industry;
- (д. пересадку на трамвае): after transferring once, he got off the streetcar;
- (д. пересадку на самолёт): he took the Aeroflot flight from London to Moscow and changed planes there for the Aeroflot flight from Moscow to Narita Airport, Tokyo;
- (письменное предупреждение): before you can be fired for unsatisfactory work performance, you must be given at least one written notice, clearly stating in what manner your work performance is unsatisfactory, and warning you of further discipline or discharge if you do not improve;
- (д. письменные предупреждения, городские инспекторы стали д. письменные предупреждения владельцам ветхого жилья): city inspectors begin issuing written warnings to owners of blighted and unkempt properties;
- (д. по чертежам двухсотлетней давности): strapped tightly on the face of the fighters are black steel goggles, with discoloured, steel-mesh lenses, modeled on 200-year-old designs;
- (пожертвование): he has given a very generous contribution to the hospital;
- (пожертвование): donating before the end of the year means you'll be able to claim a tax break for 2003;
- (пожертвования): he gave endowments to colleges and universities;
- (покупки): card issuers may charge you a yearly fee in addition to the interest that accumulates when you make purchases;
- (по-своему): he meant to have his way;
- (по-своему): he liked to have his own way;
- (правильно сделать): you did right to tell me that;
- (предложение кому-л, т.е. выйти замуж): the actress has revealed that her co-actor in the movie was so engrossed in his character while filming that he actually proposed to her;
- (д. предложение купить дом): he made an offer on our house;
- (д. предложение, от которого он не сможет отказаться): I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse;
- (предположение): in assigning equal probabilities to all outcomes of tosses of a coin, one is making two different assumptions;
- (предположение, об учёном): in 1919, B. posed a seemingly simple conjecture;
- (предупреждение): Athens had seven years to pull the Games together, but the government, the city and the original organizational Olympics Committee dawdled until the International Olympics Committee gave them a stern warning in 2000;
- (д. предупреждение стране): B. Clinton issued fml a warning to Saddam Hussein;
- (д. предупреждение Конгрессу): he issued warnings to Congress against going on an autumn spending spree;
- (привал): to stop off;
- (д. прививки кому-л): we have given vaccination to 1000 people;
- (прививку): a healthy and robust 18-month-old boy died 10 days after being given the controversial MMR vaccination;
- (приготовления): he made arrangements for ammunition and other high-technology equipment to be picked up at an out-of-the way naval base;
- (приготовления): before the end of the war most senior SS members made secret provisions to disappear to a new life;
- (причёску): to do one's hair / to set one's hair;
- (разбор, т.е. обычно грамматический): U.S. officials are "parsing" the "negatives";
- (д. различие между чем-л): смотри ниже;
- (рекламу): concerned about the bad publicity hiring prisoners could generate, most companies have shied away from the idea;
- (ремонт): It is absolutely forbidden to conduct any repair- or maintenance-work on their truck while waiting for loading or unloading. We have seen very serious injuries in the past when truck drivers climbed on the truck or load to do repairs.;
- (д. репортажи о чём-л): he spent 40 years at NBC, covering wars and civil rights;
- (самолёт сделал ещё один вираж): the airplane banked again and began its long drop toward S.;
- (самолёт сделал вираж в сторону моря): the airplane banked away to the see;
- (д. своё дело, т.е. свою часть работы): Congress has a profound moral duty to show - for once - that it is willing to do its part;
- (д. своё дело т.е. сосредоточенно работать): the people were calmly and quickly doing their jobs;
- (своё чёрное дело): the war continues to take its heavy toll;
- (сделано в Японии): the car is made in Japan;
- (д. следующим образом): it is most convenient to display such a table graphically by proceeding as follows;
- (снимки / фотографии): police took digital photographs of the defaced property for evidence;
- (сообразить, что д. дальше): he tried to figure out his next move;
- (ставку): смотри ниже;
- (стол сделан из дерева): the table is made of wood;
- (д. стрижку кому-л): the barber gave M. one of the shortest haircuts he had ever had;
- (д. так, чтобы иракцы сами решали свои проблемы): the strategy is to get Iraqis to deal with their own problems;
- (д. тише музыку): please turn your music down;
- (д. то, о чём ничего не знает): he can tackle something he knows nothing about;
- (торт): to make a cake;
- (д. ту же ошибку): For, tell me, if you condemn one who has sinned, wherefore do you sin yourself, and fall into the same fault? Hath he insulted? Insult not thou again, or you have insulted yourself.;
- (уборку): I'll do the cleaning;
- (д. укол морфия): he injected morphine to dull the pain;
- (д. упор на что-л): Islam retains its emphasis on an uncompromising monotheism and a strict adherence to certain religious practices;
- (упражнения): to do one's exercises;
- (успехи): either you get on or you get out;
- (успехи): Britain is making progress towards its target of 100000 daily coronavirus tests;
- (успехи в политике): he was making fair headway in local politics;
- (уступки): one admission of weakness, one concession granted without a struggle, will lead to an endless catalogue of demands;
- (уступки): his team adroitly maneuvered through the details of the budget bills, giving a concession here and there in order to secure funding for our big priorities;
- (уступки кому-л): the end of war reduced the fervid pressures against the Administration to make concessions to Hanoi;
- (фотографии в автомате): you can get them (photos) taken in one of the automatic booths at the station;
- (фотографии / снимки): I took photos;
- (фотография была сделана в 2001 г.): the photo was snapped in 2001 in the Gulf of Mexico by E.;
- (д. честь стране): Captain V. reported that I was a well-behaved Jew who would be a credit to the country;
- (что ты собираешься с этим д.?): so what are you going on about?;
- (что бы он с волосами ни делал): his hair was stubbornly untidy, whatever he did to it;
- (что-то д. с нищетой пригородов): France needs to address the culture of despair that is reflecting its urban areas - the infamous "banlieue" mentality that has grown out of the decay of the belts of poverty surrounding many of its cities
- (что-то д. с типографской краской, т.е. чтобы подделать паспорт): the printer's ink is water-based and runs the moment you start to fiddle with it;
- (что-то д. с угрозой терроризма): both Bogota and Washington have decided to do something about terrorist threats;
- (д. шаг назад): he stepped backward
делать вдох - the beaver can stay at the bottom about 15 minutes without taking a breath;
- it was hard to draw a breath;
- he drew / took a deep breath;
- (делая глубокие в-и, он поплыл к свету): taking deep breaths, he struck out for the light;
- he took a final great gasp of clean air from a barred window
делать вид - (д.в. оскорблённого достоинства): do not put on that air of injured dignity;
- I was pretending that like scenarios have not described themselves to my imagination on a hundred occasions in the last year;
- (он из вежливости делал в., что ему интересно с нами): he courteously feigned interest in meeting us;
- (д.в. что не замечает кого-л): he began to read, pretending to take no notice of the man;
- (д.в., что не слышит): he was turning a deaf ear to these reports;
- (д.в., что она не существует): In our days handicapped children were often hushed up. Though to take it to the extreme of actually imprisoning a little girl in the house and pretending she didn't exist...;
- (д.в. что пьёт): he pretended to drink;
- (д.в. что пытается вспомнить): I affected to rummage in my memory
делать вывод - Egypt concluded that it was free to consult its own interests short of actions that might lead to a U.S.-Soviet war;
- it may be concluded that if and when war with Egypt comes, that war will be fought and won by conventional weapons;
- the Independent Counsel concluded that the decision to fire the Travel Office political employees was lawful;
- (из происшествия): our client does not like the inferences that could be drawn from the incident;
- (из чего-л): he draws the political consequence of this;
- (о чём-л): we cannot draw any inference as to your possible participation;
- (относительно чего-л): they draw their own conclusions regarding...
делать глоток - (вина): he took a deep swig of wine;
- (бренди): he took a huge swig of brandy;
- (из чашки): he swigged lightly at the cup;
- (кофе): he paused to take a portentous gulp of coffee;
- (лимонада из бутылки): you can take two sucks of lemonade out of the bottle;
- (напитка): he took another swallow of his drink;
- (снега): he took a few mouthfuls of snow;
- (чая): he took a large gulp of tea
- (чистого воздуха): he took a final great gasp of clean air from a barred window
делать (заявление) - the Kremlin issued a curt two-paragraph statement saying Russia was prepared to begin negotiation;
- we have issued a statement saying we have no intention in pursuing any acting against the broadcasts;
- (заявление было сделано с некоторой надеждой): this statement was delivered with a dollop of hope;
- (о бюджете штата): Governor A.S. today issued the following statement regarding the state's overdue budget;
- (т.е. о признании себя виновным или невиновным): she entered her plea in a soft voice;
- (т.е. о признании себя виновным или невиновным): he refused to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty;
- (д. политическое з.): mister Milosevic is making a political statement
делать знак (т.е. жестом) - (д.з. ехать дальше): while the witch spoke, she signalled BrE to the dwarf to drive on;
- (д.з кому-л): P. from the mayor's staff, is motioning to me;
- (д. кому-л з. молчать): fingers to his lips, he signaled them to silence;
- (д.з. официанту унести бутерброд): he stubbed out his cigar in the remains of his sandwich and signaled for a waiter to carry it away
делать (каким-л) - (невидимым): a professor invents a machine that renders people invisible;
- (д. днеспособными бороться с туберкулёзными бактериями): a genetic deviation that renders certain people incapable of fighting the TB bacteria;
- (неуязвимым): the goddess had rendered her son impervious to wounds;