Аннотация: Обратите внимание на глагол ВЫЙТИ/ВЫХОДИТЬ. Как по-разному выходят из поезда, автобуса, автомобиля! :0))
выбегать / выбежать - (т.е. неожиданно, вооружённые люди, выбегающие из рощицы): he saw armed men erupting from the coppices;
- (из комнаты): I ran out of the room terrified;
- (тренер выбежал на поле): the coach charged onto the field, screaming and cursing;
- (опрометью / стремительно): смотри ниже
выбегать / выбежать (опрометью / стремительно) - (из зала заседаний): on one occasion, Mr. G. stormed out of a meeting in a huff after a shouting match in which Mr. B. jumped to the defense of several colleagues;
- (из квартиры): he raced from the apartment and down the fire stairs to the basement;
- (из комнаты): to storm out of the room;
- (из комнаты): he seized his hat and rushed headlong from the room
- (кот выбежал из-под автомобиля): a cat streaked out from under a parked car and flew out of sight;
- he came pelting out of the classroom;
- a cat streaked out from under a parked car and flew out of sight;
- the boy with the gun darted from the alley;
- he stormed out in a red-faced huff
выбивать / выбить - (автомат защиты сети выбьет при повышенном токе): the circuit breaker will turn off or "trip" when in an overcurrent condition;
- (автомобильные номера): to hammer out licence plates;
- (бутылку, которую девушка держала во рту / ползуба): Her dance moves were flamboyant, to say the least. She threw her arms in the air and accidentally knocked the bottle of beer I was holding straight into my mouth, knocking half my front tooth out.;
- (зуб): he had a tooth knocked out;
- (из седла): a single flutter of the dragon's wings stirred enough wind to topple the head huntsman backward out of his saddle;
- (в. из седла рыцаря): at the tilt mounted knights with lances tried to unhorse one another;
- (медаль): смотри ниже;
- (окна взрывом): What damage was caused by the explosion? There is extensive damage, windows have been blown out;
- (пепел из трубки): he knocked the ashes out of his pipe;
- (противника, т.е. с занимаемых позиций): the Meccans had exerted their utmost might and had failed to dislodge Mohammad;
- (пыль из одежды): to beat the dust from their clothing;
- (трубку): he knocked out his pipe;
- (чеки из фургона): I wanted to somehow knock the axle-pins out of this caravan before it got on the road
выбивать / выбить (медаль) - (в память о чём-л): in 1782 Benjamin Franklin engaged the French engraver A.D. to strike a medal commemorating American liberty;
- (в честь кого-л): Manchester United will ask the Premier League to mint a medal for teenage Italian sensation Federico Macheda if they retain the title;
- (в честь чего-л): to strike a medal in commemoration of the approaching Coronation of their Majesties;
- (в честь чего-л): Congress, which already has commended Canada's ambassador to Iran for his help in spriting six Americans out of the country, is considering whether to strike a medal in his honor as well;
- (медаль на юбилей): the decision to strike a medal for the Golden Jubilee is part of a long tradition of marking special occasions in the life of the nation, including Royal Jubilees;
выбиваться / выбиться - (волосы выбивались из-под сетки): her hair was escaping from its hairnet;
- (он совершенно выбился из сил, когда...): he felt utterly spent as he...
выбираться / выбраться - (из автомобиля на тротуар): the car stopped outside the building and he climbed stiffly out on to the pavement;
- (из города): I want to get out of this town;
- (из жёлоба аварийного трапа самолёта): Recent certification demonstration evacuations have demonstrated potential problems with the structural integrity of inflatable escape slides. With severe loading of the escape slides, the inflatable beams are known to bend, sometimes allowing the sliding surfaces between the beams to form cups that can impede the egress of evacuees by making it hard to climb out of the slide and onto firm footing.;
- (из кустов): he was fighting his way out of a clamp of bushes nearby;
- (из парашюта): he managed to struggle out of his parachute;
- (из самолёта): For flights landing at U.S. airports, airlines are required to provide passengers with an opportunity to safely get off of the airplane before 3 hours for domestic flights and 4 hours for international flights;
- (из самолёта, т.е. о человеке с неловкими движениями): I stumbled my way off the plane;
- (из туннеля): he managed to struggle almost a mile to get out of the tunnel;
- (их бросили в яму со змеями, но оба выбрались оттуда живыми): They were cast into the snake pit as punishment. Both made it out alive.;
- (он так и не выбрался в Италию): he never made it to Italy despite talking about it all his life;
- (помочь другим в. с аварийного трапа, т.е. из самолёта): to assist others in getting off an escape slide;
- (через окно запертой комнаты): woman sneaked out of a bedroom window wearing only a sheet yesterday when her former boyfriend passed out after raping her twice and securing the door shut
выблевать грубо - I'm gonna upchuck AmE slang everything I've eaten for the past week
выбрасывать / выбросить - (бюллетень в мусор): to throw the ballot in the trash;
- (в унитаз, т.е. и слить воду): she gives him a love letter but he tears it up and flushes it down the toilet;
- (винтовки, рюкзаки и каски, т.е. чтобы не утонуть): By the end of ten minutes, every sergeant is either dead or wounded. Among the men who are still moving in with the tide, rifles, packs, and helmets have already been cast away in the interests of survival.;
- (волшебное кольцо): Bilbo would never have just forsaken the Ring, or cast it aside;
- (выброшенный асбест): discarded asbestos from the shipbuilding industry;
- (выброшенный сундук): the books he had discovered in a cast-off trunk lying in a ditch;
- (гильза была выброшена из патронника): the shell casing was ejected from the breech;
- (грязные носовые платки / в. в мусорный ящик): you can reduce, but not eliminate the risk of catching or spreading influenza during a pandemic by disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully - bag and bin them;
- (десантник выбрасывает торпеды, т.е. чтобы не утонуть): He jumps out when the ramp goes down drops in drowning water, and his load of two torpedoes takes him straight to the bottom. So he jettisons the torpedoes and then, surfacing, cuts away all equipment for good measure.
- (документы): some had genuinely lost their identification papers, others had thrown them away for good reason;
- (за борт траулера мёртвую рыбу): A British trawler was filmed taking a boatload of endangered fish caught in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea and then dumping the majority overboard in UK waters. Norwegian coastguards filmed the crew of the trawler, openly discarding more than 5,000 kg of cod and other dead white fish, or nearly 80% of its catch. It is illegal to discard fish in Norwegian waters, but boats are forced to do so in European Union waters if they have caught the wrong species of fish or fish that are too small.;
- (лапу вперёд): he snaked out a claw, raked and caught at something solid;
- (лейкопластырь-бабочку): We can close deep cuts and lacerations without stitches with butterfly bandages. Expect to make a schlock job of it the first time. Have at least half a dozen butterfly bandages on hand and do not worry if you have to scrap a few a and try again.;
- (мусор в океан): he stepped out on to deck, strolled to the starboard rail, and hurled his rubbish to the ocean;
- (мы не хотим, чтобы труп выбросило на берег, т.е. из озера): Kill him and throw his body to the lake. Make sure his body's well weighted. We don't want him wash up on the shore.;
- (на берег, бурей н.б. выбросило часть скелета кита): part of the skeleton of a whale had once been thrown up by a winter storm on the beach of Inner Bay;
- (на берег, дельфины были выброшены на берег): more than 400 dolphins had been washed ashore;
- (на берег, море выбросило много мусора): overnight the sea had washed a lot of rubbish;
- (на берег, o корабле): a pirate ship had been wrecked on the coast;
- (на берег, прибоем на берег выбросило яхту): heavy surf beached a yacht;
- (ненужное в канализацию): the clothes were dropped in a sewer; - ( т.е. ненужное в урну): he dumped his helmet in a dustbin;
- (т.е. ненужную вещь): I realized I didn't need it anymore, so I threw it away;
- (обрывки бумаги в корзину): he swept the scraps of paper together, screwed them up tight, and dropped them into a basket;
- (в. одежду в мусоропровод): he dumps his old clothes in the rubbish chute;
- (окурок): he finished his cigarette and threw the stub away;
- (окурок): she flicks the cigarette butt into the garden;
- (отходы): to dump toxic waste;
- (парашютный десант будет выброшен в четырёх скандинавских странах): another 100000 (paratroops) would drop on the four countries of Scandinavia to possess the capital cities and main arteries, with massive naval back-up from off-shore;
- (песок посреди дорожки): don't dump that sand in the middle of the path;
- (пивные банки): Why were beer cans tossed away just anywhere? "Well, DUH!", you may think, "because they were trash!";
- (пивные банки): why beer cans were just tossed out?;
- (пистолет / украденные деньги): the murderer managed to ditch the gun somewhere and if he's robbed P. then he'd also thrown away the cash or whatever the booty was;
- (пистолет за борт): he unstraps the gun and dumps it overboard;
- (пистолет через решётку канализации): he wiped down his gun and disposed of it through the sewer grate;
- (в. письмо, не читая): the letter could have fallen into anyone's hand, if she had taken it only to discard it unread;
- (порежьте на куски и выбросьте старую кредитную карту, получив новую): if you switch to a lower rate card, sign your new card as soon as it arrives and be sure to cut up and throw away the old card;
- (радиоактивные частицы в атмосферу ядерным взрывом): fallout of radioactive particles released into the atmosphere by nuclear explosion;
- (с силой в. из тела струю воды, о кальмаре): squids move through the ocean using a jet of water forced out of the body by a siphon;
- (в. сокровище, если нужно): one who cannot cast away a treasure at need is in fetters;
- (старые журналы): to throw away old magazines;
- (струю на большую высоту): the spout was blasted into the air to a great height;
- (что-л в окно): he got really angry and chucked infml his Play-Station out of the window;
- (что-л на обочину): he had taken the saddle off the animal and dumped it by the roadside;
- (штормом выбрасывало на берег монеты): sometimes a gale brought ashore gold coins
выбрасываться - (на берег, т.е. о китообразных): Cetacean stranding is a phenomenon in which cetaceans strand themselves on land, usually on a beach. Beached whales often die due to dehydration, collapsing under their own weight, or drowning when high tide covers the blowhole.;
- (пары выбросились из трубки под действием сжатого воздуха): impelled by the compressed air, the vapour shot out of the tube into the breathing passages in an invisible cloud
выбриться - (чисто, электрической бритвой нельзя чисто в.): you can't get a close shave with an electric shaver
выброс - (в. адреналина - это реакция надпочечника типа "драться или бежать"): an adrenaline rush is the fight or flight response of the adrenal gland, in which it releases adrenaline;
- (в. адреналина, у парашютистов происходит в. адреналина, когда они выпрыгивают из самолёта): skydivers get an adrenaline rush the moment they jump out of the plane into the open air;
- (бурового шлама, запрет на в. бурового шлама при использовании буровых растворов на масляной основе): at present there is a ban to dump drilling cuttings during drilling operations utilizing oil based drilling fluids;
- (в атмосферу): atmospheric emission;
- (вредные выбросы в атмосферу): to reduce harmful effluents into the atmosphere;
- (в. или угроза в-а нефти и опасных веществ): each year, more than 20,000 emergencies involving the release (or threatened release) of oil and hazardous substances are reported in the United States;
- (выхлопных газов): exhaust emission;
- (нефти из скважины): his reputation for having never met a blowout he couldn't cap earned him a nickname Hellfighter;
- (радиоактивный в. при аварии): radioactive emission;
- (радиоактивных веществ): one of the primary objectives of nuclear reactor safety systems is to prevent the release of radioactive material during events and accidents;
- (ядовитого газа на заводе): in case of a discharge of a poisonous gas
выброшенный (на берег) - (нефть): large quantities of very toxic industrial cleaner and detergents were used to chemically treat beached oil;
- (человек после кораблекрушения): A castaway is a person who is cast adrift or ashore. The situation usually happens after a shipwreck.
вываливать / вывалить - (из сумки на кровать): she reached down for a bag at her feet, turned it upside down and tipped a dozen bits of splintered wood and twig onto the bed;
- (книги на кровать): he tipped his books onto his bed;
- (лодка стояла лагом / боком к волне, раскачивалась из стороны в сторону и грозила нас в.): the boat was now broadside on to the rolling waves, rocking sideways and threatening to spill us out;
- (на стол): he came to her with a bunch of tapes and dumped them on her table;
- (порошок на кого-л): A leading candidate in France's presidential election was left covered in white powder when a woman dusted him in, what was thought to be, flour during an appearance at a campaign event. The protester ran to the side of the podium where F.H. was speaking and dumped the white powder over him in front of a packed audience in Paris.;
- (рюкзак на прилавок): he dumped his shoulder-bag on the counter;
- (содержимое мешочка на ладонь): he dumped the bag's content into the palm of his hand;
- (содержимое сумочки на стол): She opens her handbag and rummages through it, looking for his business card. Upending the bag, she spills the contents onto the counter.;
- (содержимое шкатулки на кровать): he tipped the contents of the box on to his bed;
- (товары перед кассой, т.е. в магазине): I popped into the store to buy a few sweeties. I plonked infml the items down on the till.
вываливаться / вывалиться - (из окна): he could see two figures that came tumbling out of the rear windows;
- (о языке): the tongue popped bizarrely out between the teeth;
- (мы ждали, когда из автомобилей впереди начнут в. пассажиры): we were waiting for the cars ahead to disgorge passengers
вывалять - (в смоле и перьях): royalists were tarred and feathered
выведение - (вещества из организма): elimination of a substance from a living organism;
- (в. вредных химических веществ из организма через почки, с калом или с потом): enzymatic reactions that neutralize and solubilize these harmful chemicals and facilitate their excretion from the body mainly via kidney, stool, or sweat;
- (жира из жировых клеток): the balance between the accumulation and the discharge in the fat cells;
- (лист используется для в-я токсичных отходов путём диффузии): the leaf is also used as a method of excreting toxic wastes via diffusion;
- (токсичных веществ с потом): Excretion of Toxic Elements in Sweat
вывезти / вывозить - (в. автобусом на территорию Боснии): they were bussed out to Bosnian territory;
- (в. в безопасное место): Hitler was to be spirited away to safety by one group of conspirators on the false premise that the SS was conducting a coup against Hitler.;
(в. в безопасное место): the wounded king had to be spirited away to safety in Turkey, despite his own arguments to stay with the army;
- (в. бриллианты из страны): he devised a plan for getting the jewels out of the country;
- (за город / на природу, режиссёр вывозил труппу нa природу): he took his casts on field trips; in the 1970 it was for a month's trek around the Forest of Arden;
- (мусор, т.е. городскими службами): During the scandal's nearly 8 months, the Mayor repeatedly said the city wasn't missing a beat. He liked to say trash was still being picked up, snow was cleared and the grass was cut.;
- (произведения искусства из страны): it is illegal to take such works of art out of the country;
- (солдат из страны, т.е. провинившихся американских морских пехотинцев из Афганистана): we arranged for the 2 Marines to be shipped out of the country;
- (тайком в. золото из страны): vast sums of gold were smuggled out and deposited in numbered bank accounts;
- (товары из страны): if you want to export goods temporarily to a country outside the EU with the intention of returning them to Sweden, you can use temporary exportation or outward processing relief;
- (труп на каталке): a body is being brought out on a trolley;
- (тяжелораненых из центра Басры): getting the critically wounded out of the center of Basra was far harder
вывернуть / выворачивать - (карманы): there was a nasty moment in the customs shed when D. was asked to turn out his pockets;
- (в. наизнанку): he turned the bag inside out;
- (в. на лицевую сторону, о сшитом из ткани изделии): awl is used for pushing out corners such as when fabric is turned right way;
- (на правую сторону, т.е. состроченное по изнаночной стороне швейное изделие): to turn the bodice right side out, you will need to "feed" each side of the bodice back through the shoulder strap and out the front;
- (незакреплённую половицу): he wrenched the loose floorboard, and pulled out...;
- (т.е. отвинтить, в. стяжки из отверстий соединительных валиков и развести пояса 3 в стороны для обеспечения свободного извлечения изделия из отсека): unscrew tie rods completely from holes in connecting spindles and move belts apart to enable the article to be freely removed from the compartment;
- (руку кому-л): the shoulder was wrenched from its socket as he forced a victim's arm backward and upward;
- (Сложите лицевыми сторонами внутрь и сострочите детали пояса по краям и вдоль одной из длинных сторон. Выверните лицевой стороной наружу.): With right sides together, sew across both ends and along one long edge of the two waist band pieces. Turn right sides out.;
- (в. щиколотку, т.е. чтобы показать туфлю): "Yes?" she held her leg out, twisting her ankle to get a better view of the shoe.
вывернуть / выворачивать (т.е. тошнить): - (её вывернуло): "How's A. (a pregnant woman) doing?" "Puked her guts out infml this morning.";
- (от того, что я обнаружил, меня вывернуло, т.е. стошнило): what I found turned my stomach
вывернуться / выворачиваться - (из пут): he had wriggled free from his bonds;
- (из рук кого-л): he was trying to wrench himself free from Ron;
- (из рук): he wriggled out and dashed back downstairs to his trunk;
- (ребёнок может в. из лямок сиденья): the child could be in danger if he can wriggle forward, loosening the belt
вывесить / вывешивать - (белый флаг): to hang out the white flag: to ask truce;
- (объявление о награде за информацию, которая приведёт к осуждению убийцы): the owner of the bar put up a ten-thousand-dollar reward for information leading to the conviction of her killer (of a waitress);
- (в. перины проветриться): some busy housewife hung featherbeds out to air;
- (в. по всему городу афиши цирка): they put up posters all around the town advertising the circus;
- (результаты экзаменов): he put up the exam results;
- (табличку "инвалид" на двери, т.е. гостиницы): Fire Instruction Notice. ... Guests with any disability, likely to affect their own safety should inform a member of staff immediately and display the disabled door sign outside the bedroom.;
- (флаг вывешивают круглый год на большинстве государственных учреждений, нередко флаг вывешивают на частных домах): Display and use. The flag is customarily flown year-round at most public buildings, and it is not unusual to find private houses flying full-size flags.
вывести / выводить - (т.е. вещество из организма): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. людей откуда-то): смотри ниже;
- (печатные буквы, он старательно выводит одну за другой печатные буквы): he laboriously prints letter-by-letter everything he writes by hand;
- (пятна краски скипидаром): I have to see if I can get the paint off with turpentine;
- (т.е. транспортное средство куда-то / откуда-то): смотри ниже
вывести / выводить (т.е. вещество из организма) - (лимфатические узлы выводят из лимфы отходы, бактерии и другие вредные вещества): lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structures that filter or remove waste, bacteria, and other harmful substances from the lymph;
- (кровь выводит углекислый газ и другие вещества из клеток): The blood transports oxygen through the body and delivers it to cells. At the same time, the blood is picking up carbon dioxide and other substances from the cells.;
- (мочу из организма): after the prostate gland is taken out, a catheter (a narrow rubber tube) is put through the penis into the bladder to carry urine out of the body until the area heals;
- (печень и почки выводят многие вещества из крови): the liver and kidneys clear many substances from the blood (for example, in renal excretion), and the cleared substances are then excreted from the body in the urine and feces;
- (растения выводят отходы в окружающую почву): plants excrete some waste substances into the soil around them;
- (токсины с потом): he over-imbibed at the garden party and now he's sweating out toxins in a Russian steam room at P. spa
вывести / выводить (т.е. людей откуда-то) - (если она не возьмёт себя в руки, то судья прикажет судебному приставу вывести её): She was found guilty and he ordered her to pay a $114 fine. She then became irate, standing and holding out her arms. "What?! That's it? He wins?" The judge then warned her that if she didn't compose herself, he would have the bailiff remove her.;
- (из банка, т.е. тайком): I have to get them out of the bank;
- (из зала суда): he was ushered out of court by sheriff's deputies and his lawyer;
- (из зала суда): he was hand-cuffed and led from the courtroom;
- (посторонних из кабины капитана): my cabin had been emptied of intruders;
- (присутствовавших представителей прессы вывели, когда высший дипломат стал говорить): Tillerson Has Awkward First Encounter With Lavrov at G-20. Media present ushered out as top U.S. diplomat began talking.;
- (протестующих из зала): officials quickly ushered the protesters out of the hall;
- (силой в. за дверь): the culprit shouted before being strong-armed out of the door;
- (т.е. слуга спрашивает, выводить ли гостей): shall I show them out?
вывести / выводить (т.е. транспортное средство куда-то / откуда-то) - (автомобиль со стоянки, т.е. передним ходом): he was nosing his Mercedes out of concrete parking structure abutting the County Building;
- (буксиры вывели корабль из дока): powerful harbor tugs eased the ship away from the loading dock;
- (груз приборов на околоземную орбиту): he wanted to put a payload of instruments into earth orbit cheaper and faster than everyone else;
- (задним ходом в. автомобиль со стоянки): when backing a passenger vehicle out of a parking place, you should always look back over your right shoulder;
- (в. с орбиты спутник): to de-orbit a satellite;
- (устаревшие спутники на орбиту захоронения): aging satellites are brought to a graveyard orbit where no operational satellites are present
вывестись / выводиться - (за сезон выводятся до двух выводков): the breeding season is long, from February to June, during which up to two broods can be hatched;
- (о личинках): larvae that hatch from eggs on damp soil were able to reach a breeding site within a distance of 10 cm;
- (о птенцах куропатки): partridge chicks normally hatch in mid to late June;
- (у нее вывелись все птенцы): she has hatched all her chicken;
- смотри выводиться
выветривание - (продукты в-я): these clay seams are weathering products of the parent rocks;
- bauxite is а secondary mineral resulting from the leaching of silica from clay minerals, clayey limestones, or low-silica igneous rocks, commonly under conditions of tropical weathering
вывинтить / вывинчивать - (в. резьбовую втулку из уплотнения сальника): unscrew the threaded bushing out of the stuffing box;
- unscrew and remove the two screws on the back of the turret;
- (болт / гайку против часовой стрелки): most threads are oriented so that a bolt or nut, seen from above, is tightened by turning it in a clockwise direction, and loosened by turning counterclockwise
вывих - (плечевого сустава): a dislocation of the shoulder joint happens when the bones making up your shoulder joint are moved apart so that the joint no longer functions
вывихнуть - (плечо): most people dislocate their shoulder in the anterior direction (i.e. their shoulder pops out towards the front);
- (плечо): I can't play tennis today; I've put my shoulder out infml
вывихнуться - (о плече): the shoulder dislocated
выводиться - (мочевина выводится из крови почками): urea is removed from the blood by the kidneys;
- (мочевина выводится почками): urea is found dissolved in blood and is excreted by the kidney as a component of urine;
- (о токсинах, т.е. из организма): some toxins are able to be directly excreted through the primary routes of elimination, others must first be transformed by the liver;
- (...определить, как быстро глюкоза выводится из крови): a glucose tolerance test is a medical test in which glucose is given and blood samples taken afterward to determine how quickly it is cleared from the blood;
- (радиоактивный плутоний не выводится из организма): radioactive plutonium remains fixed in the body;
- (с мочой): other nitrogenous compounds that are excreted mainly in the urine;
- (свободный билирубин не выводится с мочой): as unconjugated bilirubin is not water-soluble and is not excreted in the urine
вывоз - (стоимость, т.е. в-а твёрдых бытовых отходов: 125 долларов за один в. плюс 35 долларов тонну): rate for solid waste: $125 per haul plus $35 per ton;
- (сбор, в. и утилизация твёрдых бытовых отходов): name of solid waste collection, transfer, and disposal provider: Republic Services, Inc.
вывозиться - (контрабандой, незаконно приобретенные препараты контрабандой вывозятся в другие страны): in many cases, the diverted preparations are smuggled into other countries;
- (на свалку): unusable parts are usually disposed of in landfills or burned;
- (отходы и брак вывозятся на свалку): it is easier to state that all scrap and rejects must be disposed of, and the employees can take nothing for themselves
выгибать / выгнуть - (листовой металл): to bend sheet metal;
- (пространство): big objects like stars can actually bend and curve space;
- (спину): he arched his back to uncramp muscles;
- (спину, о кошке): the cat hunched in a corner
выгибаться / выгнуться - (оно не даёт балкам в. наружу): it stops these bars from bending outward
выгладить - (рубашка была выглажена): his shirt has been pressed;