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Sale, as an acquaintance with a girl

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  This publication is not a guide "How to get acquainted with a girl" Using this analogy, I will prove that anyone can become successful in the field of trade for one simple reason. After all, the first sale we make, while still in diapers.
  Let's start with the official definition of the term "Sale". According to the Wikipedia, SALE is a business concept, describing almost any commercial activity, business in general. This is the exchange of goods for money, confirmed by a document.
  In this definition we are interested in two passages:
  "Describing almost any commercial activity" and "This is the exchange of goods for money, confirmed by a document" We remove the term "commerce", and it turns out that the sale can be called any exchange, where both sides receive the desired benefit from the transaction.
  And the irony is that this life "barter" begins at every person at an age when he has not yet learned to speak.
  When, for good behavior, a child is allowed to play his favorite toy - he commits the first sale in his life. For him, his parents are a welcome client, good behavior is the client's need, and the favorite toy is the equivalent of payment.
  Further, the child begins to grow, think and develop. And with him growing his needs. And instead of a favorite, but an old toy, he wants a new, more complex and expensive. Here he meets with the first difficulties, or rather with the objections of the client. After all, good behavior is not enough, the "client" is not enough, it requires more from our young seller, and accordingly, this sale is more difficult for him than in the first case.
  Using the example of this situation, we can see how the skills of trade grow with the person. We hone this skill throughout growing up and all life, adding to our life experience map new, more complex cases. And for the fact that a new employee has opened in your company, it is necessary to teach this person to apply already familiar skills, but already for the sphere of trade.
  To bring this message to a person is not so difficult, because, as I said above, we learn to interact with people throughout our lives, trying to get the most out of each situation for ourselves.
  And having reached a mature age, one of the key tasks of a person is to create a new social unit - the family. Find the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life, and the first step to registering this "deal" is acquaintance.
  Next, I propose to disassemble the full cycle of sales with all stages and sub-stages by the example of dating a girl.
  How does it all begin? As always, the goal is initially set, the achievement of which we pursue throughout the entire transaction. In our case, the success will be considered getting the cherished phone number or other contacts that it will agree to provide.
  The next step is to determine the type of contact. If this is your friend, then the client in this case is called "warm" and the task is greatly simplified. But if, for the first time you see this person, then such a client in the sphere of trade is called "cold", because nothing is known about him. This type is considered the most difficult, and we will take it as a basis in our acquaintance.
  Before you start to act, you must set a goal. In our case, this is your phone number. And in order to understand how this should work, we will break the transaction into five main stages of sales and in each of them we will also put a mini-goal.
  A small digression:
  In the sphere of trade, we often face failures. For example, making cold calls in the sphere of b2b, a good conversion is considered to be 2-5% of successful calls. That is, 2-3 people out of 100 will say "yes." With the rest, we just say goodbye and move on to the next contact. Therefore, further we will consider sales techniques that will help to achieve the set goal, and we will analyze the failures at another time.
  Phase 1 "First contact"
  The goal of this stage is to create a good first impression and to establish contact with the client. Having set a goal, one must ask the question "How?"
  "How to create a good first impression?"
  "Good clothes open all doors". And since the first impression you start to produce at the moment when it first sees you - this is one of the most important stages of our deal. And this can be affected by many factors that can increase the chances, or vice versa, reduce. If you can afford an expensive suit, a good watch, and in your hands you will have the keys to an expensive car - yes, it will be an advantage. But if there is no such possibility, then it's nothing to worry about. It's enough to look neat, to be in clean clothes, etc. It is necessary to look like that in order for a person to "walk you in the mind", that is, give you time to show yourself in all its glory.
  I remind you, the client is "cold", she does not know you and did not think about you until you approached her. And a neat appearance in a complex with a good welcome will create an excellent first impression, as well as increase your chances of getting the phone number of the person you like.
  Therefore, going to the girl - smile, say "hello" and boldly go to the next stage.
  Phase 2 "Identification of needs"
  The goal is to obtain the necessary information, which will be useful in the course of further conversation.
  As a rule, all needs can be accommodated in several basic components:
  • Quality
  • Time
  • Money
  Depending on the situation, each of them can be interpreted in different ways. But the needs described above will be interesting when the goal is not a phone number, but a wedding. Now, we are at the very beginning of acquaintance / sale, and we are interested if she generally needs to get acquainted.
  It is believed that the one who asks questions - directs the course of the dialogue. Therefore, in order to get the information we need, we need to formulate them correctly and correctly.
  In sales, they can have a different plan, but just like the need, they can be reduced to three variations:
  • Closed questions - questions, to which you can answer either yes or no.
   - Are you open to new acquaintances?
  • Open questions - on them we get a detailed answer
   - How do you look at new acquaintances?
  • Leading questions are questions that already have the answer we need.
   - I hope you are open for new acquaintances
  As you can see, the same question can be used in different versions, depending on the type of information required. Having received the answers you need, you can proceed to the presentation.
  If you have reached this point, then everything is going well. You are interesting to the interlocutor, otherwise, he would have already stopped the dialogue.
  This will sound unusual, but the goal of this stage will be to sell yourself. Myself, as a person, a person as a potential partner. But how to do that?
  For a successful presentation, you need to know just a few basic points:
  1. Any word heard a person projects in his head.
  Simply put, if he hears the word "robber" - he will present something bad. Therefore, it is important to exclude stereotyped words that evoke negative associations.
  2. You need to sell not the product, but benefit from it.
  Buying a can of soda in the store, you buy the opportunity to quench your thirst. After all, as such, you do not need soda, you need to solve your problem with thirst. So here, from the meeting with you, the girl wants to get something, whether it's a good mood or a pleasant evening. Therefore, when speaking about yourself you need to find the right words to interest your interlocutor.
  3. You need to know the product that you are selling.
  To skilfully argue arguments by exposing your product in the best possible light - it must be thoroughly studied. But in our example, the task is simplified by the fact that we have been studying ourselves since childhood. We perfectly know our pros and cons, and we can easily answer any questions.
  Now, knowing these three points, make only a few sentences about yourself that will show you a favorable light in the eyes of the girl. Here, it is important for us to interest the interlocutor in ourselves, so that he wants to continue communication.
  In most cases, this stage in sales is called "work with objections," but often, if the seller has reached him, the client does not object - he doubts. The word "objections", unlike "doubt," causes a negative coloration due to the fact that the opponent does not agree with us and the sale turns into a kind of similarity of the dispute, which is unacceptable. And accepting what our interlocutor just doubts, we at the subconscious level choose other words, we even change the timbre of voice and manner of speech.
  And as in sales you will rarely hear: "Yes, shut up and take my money!" Or, as in the case with the acquaintance "Do not say anything more, I fell in love with you, as soon as you went to the cafe. Here is my number and address, tomorrow get acquainted with my mother, and next month a wedding! ".
  You will encounter doubt on your way. This is normal when a person doubts. At this stage, people need to help overcome these doubts with competent arguments. Many make a banal mistake and think out the reason for the refusal for the client, then either surrender or begin to work out a wrong objection. The correct solution will be to ask the person, what is the reason for the refusal? And when he answers you, you will only have to parry the objections with arguments. Maybe she's just afraid to give you her phone number or there are other reasons. Suggest an alternative and suggest leaving your contacts.
  The purpose of this stage in sales is to find the true reasons for the client's doubts and help him overcome them. As I wrote above, the one who asks the questions - sets the course of the conversation. Do not hesitate to specify the information you need - this will help to move to the final stage and reach the goal originally set.
  Closing of the transaction
  The final stage, on which one can not simply be blundered. It will be a shame to reach the end and not get a phone number, right?
  There are a dozen different sales techniques for closing deals, but the main goal for all is to push the customer to the final choice in his favor.
  One of the most effective ways is to give our "client" a choice. More precisely, create the illusion of this very choice. Yes, you both understand that you have not just come to her, but want to get acquainted. But let her choose herself. She, you or any other person likes to make decisions on your own, and you just need to push her to the right decision. This may sound like this: "We have had a nice couple of minutes with you, and since we are still communicating, it means that I am at least a little, but interesting. And if so, I would gladly write down your number and repeat our meeting. How do you look at that? You will decide". If you analyze this phrase, it turns out that you are saying obvious things. But in fact, these are facts with which it is difficult to argue. Therefore, in most cases you will receive the cherished number and will be able to communicate more for a cup of coffee.
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