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Lady in blue poncho

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    little blues song


So she was wearing a blue long poncho
had a bored look but a nice sight
I said to her "hi"
in my mind

She looked at me and then away
She was staring through the station glass
I guess she was waiting for the bus
Well I was waiting too

Then I saw her reflection
I wonder if she has seen mine
well she must have
it was right there
wearing my smile

Like I said, I smiled, and my reflection did the same
her reflection replied with a little nod
she obviously gave in to my charm
I looked back at her
no sign of warmth

Back to the image in the glass
her tongue was out in unambiguous fashion
I saw the look, the passion
Fast glance at her
She was as cold as ever

As I was preparing my slick move
the bus arrived, and she went through
And I could swear that through the glass
of windows of the fading bus
I saw myself standing inside
with my stretched hand on her behind

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