Невзоров Александр Александрович : другие произведения.


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One day I met a redhead girl
The morning sun was bright
And sure I took her home with me
And stayed there for a night

We had a talk, I mean we spoke
We had some tea or more
I dreamed, awoke 
And found myself
All naked on the floor!

This redhead girl left me alone
But she left not alone
She took my cash along with trash
And furniture is gone

I think I'm gonna be so sad
Don't laugh cause there's no fun
I want to go to bed so bad
But I just haven't one!

There is no bath for me take.
And how can I have lunch?
I have no tables, chairs and plates,
No fridge with food to munch.

I'll go to Georgia someday
To meet my future wife
But I will never ever deal
With redheads in my life!

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