Николь Н. Вервер : другие произведения.


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The explosion of your heart
Burning brighter if the rain
Ever happens to restart
In its deeper burning pain
Will forever send the light
Captured on the way to Mars
In its interrupted flight
Which has turned into a farce.
In the poems that you drop,
In your crazy childish dreams,
You are in the holy robe
And you are my genuine prince.
While you look like a princess
Who has left the royal hearth,
This feels worse than an incest,
Breaking our lives in parts.
I will read your holy book
I will show you my pain
I will hide behind my looks
Which will make you feel insane.
But you"ll never see my soul
Burning between light and hell
I will break the golden bowl 
I will ring the final bell
Which you"ll miss during your sleep
In the cradle lost in stars
I will see how you weep
While it"s all turning a farce.

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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