Аннотация: It is believed that the intangible otherworldly as a thing in itself is absolutely inaccessible, invisible and terrible because no one returns from there. Let's try to understand why this is not the case using examples of known facts.
Science following the hypothesis of the only one beingness with all its universes, galaxies, planets, that is, what is available to the sense organs and devices that people have, thereby does not even want to try to look beyond the visible, which results from the imposed by it on itself limitations in the form of a purely experimental verification of hypotheses and the repeatability of the studied phenomena.
Therefore, science, willy-nilly, comes to a standstill in explaining such phenomenon as time, which it recognizes as objective, which is refuted by numerous facts of its change depending on circumstances both in space and on the planets; the meagerness of the part of the universe perceived by a person, more than 90% of which is it is not clear what is called dark matter and dark energy; the reasons for the everywhere manifested fractality and the golden section.
Science has not yet connected motion with time evidentiary, and some of its representatives believe that motion precedes time.
For hundreds of years, scientists have been trying to explain the emergence of living things from non-living matter with perseverance worthy of better use, although spontaneous generation alive with the formation of the genome is so negligible according to probability theory that it is not even worth talking about this, especially since confirmation of the fact of impossibility of self-generation of alive organisms on Earth is that relatively recently were found traces of organisms, at which could not but be a genome, in the most ancient on the Earth sedimentary rocks in the southwestern part of Greenland: it were traces of complex cellular structures whose age is at least 3.86 billion years.
Therefore, the first forms of life could have arisen as a result of falling to Earth with meteorites [1], if, of course, these cellular structures were able to survive out in space for their own further reproduction on Earth.
Although, in itself, this does not deny, but on the contrary, confirms that on the Earth or exoplanets similar to it, the simplest organisms, and not only them, could have arisen not from lifeless matter, but with the participation of a single consciousness of a holographic projection of an infinity outside of time (the latter can also be designated as Uniform), which is mentioned in more detail below.
Therefore, scientists should at least pay attention to the possibility of the coexistence of living and non-living things, without putting one before the other.
Consciousness is still studied according to purely external signs, and psychology, which deals with it alone, has not achieved success in its study.
It is also absurd to hide in the storerooms of museums numerous artifacts that testify to the existence of civilizations on Earth similar to the current hundreds, tens and millions of years ago, when there were no animals as a basis for their evolution into a humanoid being.
Nevertheless, relatively recently, facts have appeared that allow us to look at Creation, consciousness and time from a different angle, having explained satisfactorily what traditional science has not yet been able to do.
These facts are as follows.
At the University of Paris in 1982 (Alain Aspect) it was found that under certain conditions, elementary particles, such as electrons, are able to instantly communicate with each other, regardless of the distance between them.
University of London physicist David Bohm noted in explaining this phenomenon that "each relatively self-contained and steady structure has to be understood not as something independently and constantly existing, but rather as the derivative, given rise in complete motion of the stream and, eventually, dissolving in same stream... Let's assume, for example, that the hologram is the matrix giving rise to all in the world, at least all elementary particles is in it, which accepted or will take any possible form of a matter and energy, from snowflakes up to quasars, from blue whales up to gamma rays, i.e. there is all in it" [2].
Though Bohm recognized that we have no way to learn that else the hologram conceals in itself, he made bold to claim that we have no reasons to assume that in it more anything is not present. In other words, probably, holographic level of the world is simply one of steps of the infinite evolution.
The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
There are other researchers of properties of the holographic world except Bohm. Independently of Bohm, the neurophysiologist from Stanford University Karl Pribram working in the field of research of brain also inclines to a holographic picture of the world [3].
Pribram has come to this conclusion, reflecting over a riddle, where and as memoirs are stored in a brain. Numerous experiments for decades showed that information is stored not in any particular site of a brain, and is dispersed on all volume of a brain. The researcher of a brain Karl Lashley in a number of decisive experiments in the twenties the last century has found out that irrespective of the fact which a site of a brain of a rat was deleted, he could not achieve disappearance of the conditioned reflexes received by a rat before operation. The only problem consisted that nobody could offer the mechanism explaining property of memory "all in each part".
Later, Pribram faced with the principle of a holography and understood that he found the explanation which neurophysiologists looked for. Pribram is sure that memory is contained not in neurones and not in groups of neurones, but - in series of the nervous impulses, "braiding" a brain just as a laser beam "braids" the piece of the hologram containing all image entirely. In other words, Pribram is sure that the brain is the hologram.
Pribram's hypothesis also explains how a human brain can store so many memoirs in such small volume. It is supposed that the human brain is capable to remember about 10 billion bits for all life.
It was revealed that one more feature can be added to the properties of holograms - the huge density of record. Simply changing a corner under which lasers light a photographic film, it is possible to write down many various images on the same surface. It was shown that one cubic centimeter of a film is capable to store to 10 billion bits of information.
Our supernatural ability to fast identification of the necessary information from the enormous volume of our memory becomes clearer with accepting the fact that the brain works by the principle of the hologram. If you ask that occurred to you at the word "zebra", you should not shuffle mechanically lexicon to find the answer. Associations to the words "striped", "horse" and "lives in Africa" appear in your head instantly.
Really, one of the most surprising properties of the human thinking is that each piece of information is correlated instantly and mutually with any another - one more quality inherent to the hologram. As any plot of the hologram is infinitely interdependent with any another, it is quite possible that it is the highest exemplar of cross and correlative systems.
Location of memory is not the single neurophysiological riddle which became more solvable in the light of the holographic model of brain of Pribram. Another riddle is how the brain is capable to translate such avalanche of frequencies, which it perceives by various sense organs (light frequencies, audio frequencies and so on), in our concrete conception about the world. Coding and decoding of frequencies is procedures with which the hologram it copes best of all. Just as the hologram serves as some kind of lens, the sending device, capable to turn as if a senseless mash of frequencies in the concrete image, so and a brain, according to Pribram, contains such lens and uses the principles of a holography for mathematical processing of frequencies from sense organs in an inner world of our perceptions.
Pribram's thought that our brain designs mathematically "solid" reality, relying on entrance frequencies, also received the experimental confirmation. It was revealed that any of our sense organs possesses the much bigger frequency range of the susceptibility, than it was supposed earlier. In particular, researchers found out that our organs of vision are susceptible to audio frequencies, that our olfaction depends on what that now is called as "osmotic frequencies" and what even cells of our body are sensitive to a wide frequency range. Such finds suggest an idea that it is work of holographic part of our consciousness which transform separate chaotic frequencies to the continuous perception. The most curious aspect of holographic model of a brain of Pribram comes to light if to compare it with the theory Bohm. Because if the visible physical density of the world - only a secondary reality, and what "there", actually is only holographic frequency setting and if a brain - too the hologram and a brain only chooses some frequencies from this set and mathematically transforms them to sensory perception, what remains on a share of objective reality? [ibid].
The hypothesis of the holographic essence of Creation can be only by any approximation to truth, but it, nevertheless, visually illustrates our idea that, being divided into particles that are diverse in their development, consciousness at the same time remains one.
However, the opinion Bohm about illusiveness of the Universe is exaggerated because from the description of creation of the holographic image of object, for example, an apple follows that it is impossible without the material carrier. In this case as the material carrier is the laser radiation.
For its part, the holographic model also shows that consciousness is not the brain function, and, on the contrary, the brain is controlled by consciousness, more precisely, the brain is the instrument of consciousness, which, thus, in case of death of the brain, does not perish. In the holographic reality the thought, eventually, is as well real, as consciousness.
If the hypothesis about the holographic basis of the reality around us is close to the truth, then this will be an additional confirmation of the use of this reality, due to its characteristics, as an adequate tool for work, or rather, the development of the particles of consciousness through alive in beingness.
It is difficult to argue against the fact that consciousness exists and that it is quite clearly and effectively expressed in the person.
The fact that the person is the finite - is also unconditional, but any finite is expression of the infinite in it. And if a lifeless stone reflects the infinity of the eternal, but indifferent to all the passive, then such live, self-active, understanding oneself in opposition to the rest of the world, not indifferent being as a person should reflect not only a passive molecular component of his body, but also - something else that makes it alive and conscious of oneself.
It must be assumed that this something can be only active, and, perhaps, we never learn its true form, but manifestation of which we feel every moment.
If to assume that the person in the basis is the hologram from the superhigh-frequency frequency passive and active, then the last can't but be the leading willy-nilly, otherwise it would lose its activity and it would be "found" in nothingness, but not in the living being, which is capable, undoubtedly, to change also itself and surroundings.
A person, unlike a cobble-stone which only is destroyed, can grow and develop, i.e. in this process he can look for the new, the best and more suitable for him as it seems to him, and to do it quite purposefully, making mistakes, receding, but often and achieving his objectives.
On this way in collisions with things and with similar the person more and more comprehends his surrounding and himself, without finding, however, full satisfaction in anything and in anybody.
At the same time, each person, as we know, combines two polar properties: he has personality and individuality inherent only to him and along with that he isn't capable to exist without similar. In other words, a person is separate and he also is as whole, that is, united with other people, just like everyone else in the set, like him. Like the ant, which has lost the ant hill, a person perishes if he remains out of contact with other people.
This fact allows assuming, that the basis of a person is a hologram which in any own part is as whole, and vice versa.
It is this property of separation and at the same time unity allows each person to be separate, self-active, unique and at the same time - not capable to realize itself and own existence without communication. Similar acquisition of self-consciousness and self-activity in community means for each person in fight and tests purposefully to do what he is still capable of, seeking to reconcile in this process own egoism (reflection of the peculiarity) with sympathy to people surrounding him, each of which also is he himself as a whole of hologram.
However, all the above about the possible holographic basis of beingness and a person, or the holographic essence of Creation, is only a hypothesis.
In order to bring this hypothesis closer to the truth, we present below some more facts in favor of this hypothesis, preceded them by a brief explanation.
Let's look at reality, more precisely, beingness, from the position of manifestation in it of what is beyond our sensations, and this something, as it will be further shown below, finds a very definite texture, which, unlike other hypotheses that assume Creation in the forms of universes as the only one, demonstrates that duality of Creation, including a hologram and an infinity out of time (Uniform), which are only together capable to producing reality, or being with all its myriads of stars, microparticles, planetary systems and etc.
All this Creation consists of only two components: the active matter (consciousness) and the passive matter in various combinations in the information field, differing in that consciousness in combination with things (dead matter), that is, manifesting oneself in the form of the living beings, that is possible only in beingness with its fluid time in the form of the present, is able to perceive, transform, create and transmit information, but everything else in beingness (things, or the passive) can only be a carrier of information.
In other words, Creation can be represented as an infinite timeless Nothingness and along with that - as a set of finite objects, which are manifested in time infinitely, i.e. that we call beingness, or existing present. Along with that, the information bridge connecting an infinity out of time and beingness can be considered a projection of an infinity out of time in the form of a kind of formation, hidden from our view, because it represents ultra-high-frequency formations that are situated in the opposite phase mutually, the frequency range of which is beyond the limits of similar formations for our universe,
For clarification, we note that the three-dimensional world known to us, judging by duration, minimum possible for it, in seconds with the basis 10 and the exponent 24 (according to other scientific data this exponent can be - 44), is capable to give frequency structures in hertz with basis 10 and exponent 24 (44). This frequency is the limit for the formation of the things copies of our measurement, which are "produced" by a single consciousness. The frequency spectrum of the copies of a single consciousness is above this threshold - and therefore, it is impossible these frequencies, and accordingly copies to fix in any ways in three-dimensional measurement.
Arising, these formations neutralize each other, representing in this respect, like an infinity out of time, an infinite nothingness, but only integrally.
Nevertheless, each "half" of these wave-like high-frequency formations, arising, can serve as the accumulator and transmitter of information like radio waves in the ether, connecting an infinity out of time and beingness.
Thus, the active and passive are capable of "being" as if in three places and states: inseparably in an infinity out of time, separately in its frequency projection in the form of wave-like structures, and also separately and partly together in beingness in the form of more or less dense objects.
More information about the hologram and its properties, in particular, about its main property - "everything in each part," as well as about the holographic essence of Creation, is presented, for example, in the article "Creation - a hologram at the base or a matrix (critical review)?" [4 - 23.11.2021].
So, let's move on to the facts.
To a certain extent, the confirmation of the holographic basis of Creation is the failure of science to bind dark matter and dark energy, which together make up about 94% of the mass of the universe, with the matter of the universe.
These formations are still not amenable to research by analytical methods.
The only thing that has been understood so far is that they are directly related to the evolution of the universe.
The dark matter does not participate in electromagnetic interaction and therefore is inaccessible to direct observation. It makes up a quarter of the mass of the energy of the universe and manifests itself only in gravitational interaction, not participating in other types of interaction and not containing any elementary particles related to the matter of the universe.
The dark matter is present in the entire volume of the universe, and its proportion increases with increasing scale. The mass of stars and gas is not enough to hold the visible objects of the universe, if you do not take into account the dark matter.
The dark energy is uniformly distributed in space, experiences gravitational repulsion instead of gravitational attraction, has a low density, and does not interact with ordinary matter through known fundamental types of interaction, with the exception of gravity. The density of the dark energy does not depend on time, but nevertheless has a significant impact on the universe, filling all space and accounting for about 70% of the entire energy of the universe.
The negative pressure of the dark energy generates repulsion, or anti-gravity, causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.
It is assumed that the dark energy, as a superweak scalar field, after it reaches a state of equilibrium, will slow down the expansion of the universe and, most likely, it will be replaced by the contraction, making the universe a kind of the oscillating system.
Thus, both of these types of matter are clearly involved in the control of the universe: the anti-gravity of dark energy counteracts the gravity that dark matter controls.
It is estimated that the accelerating expansion of the universe began approximately 5 billion years ago, and before that, the expansion was slowed down due to the gravitational action of mainly the dark matter.
Curiously, if the acceleration in the universe had begun earlier than the specified moment, stars and galaxies would not have been able to form and life in the universe could not have arisen.
All these above facts regarding the dark matter and the dark energy indicate the opposite nature of their effect on the ordinary matter of the universe, similar to the fact that in the holographic projection of timeless infinity, ultrahigh frequency wave-like formations also have the opposite sign, and, therefore, may well project this property from a kind invisible dimension, respectively, into the dark matter and the dark energy to create an infrastructure in the universe suitable for the emergence and development of life.
In other words, it is quite possible that through the dark matter and the dark energy, the thinking matter in the form of a single consciousness of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity (otherworldly) penetrates into our universe, more precisely forms it, controlling at the same time both its structure and its changes for the sake of emergence and distribution. life, and therefore, by the development of consciousness in it.
The next argument in favor of the secondary nature of being with all its countless universes is "energetic".
As you know, our universe is finite. Therefore, it occupies a limited space and has a certain amount of energy. Briefly, this is mentioned above.
Where did this gigantic energy of the universe, as well as an infinite number of similar universes, come from?
Science does not provide an answer to this question. In turn, religion claims that everything appeared from nothingness at the behest of some higher being, which itself is not clear where it is found.
The appeal to the hypothesis of the holographic nature of an infinite Creation leads to a reasonable conclusion that resolves many questions that modern science cannot answer with its hypothesis of only one of Creation in the form of an infinite series of universes (beingness).
The main conclusion of this hypothesis of the holographic essence of Creation is that it does not appear suddenly and does not disappear, but exists forever in the form of the active and the passive in the information field in varying degrees of interconnection (see above).
The energy of ultrahigh frequency-wave formations, which are mutually in opposite phase and, therefore, integrally equal to zero, is infinite in separate "halves" of these formations.
It is due to this energy that the entire infrastructure of beingness is formed.
In particular, each universe has, so to speak, its share of energy, which is unchanged, and this is evidenced by the law of conservation of energy, all the laws of thermodynamics, the constancy of the speed of light, etc., the violation of which would mean the loss of stability of this entire finite system.
That is, the energy source of each universe is the powerful energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of the holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which carry the corresponding encoded information in their harmonics, and it is converted in accordance with the well-known formula E = mc² into the mass and energy of the objects of the current reality.
The creator of this current reality is a single consciousness of the hologram. It is, as it were, distributed over countless living beings, more precisely, connected with them, converting through them its own energy-informational discrete frequency clots (successive impulses) into the current time, i.e. into beingness, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, providing an opportunity for these beings in the corresponding an infrastructure acceptable to them with a certain constant supply of energy within the framework of laws that ensure a stable specific universe, to exist, grow, develop and multiply according to the appropriate programs, having a timeless connection with every living being due to the basic property of the hologram "everything in every part."
Therefore, each living being in its frequency-holographic basis is a kind of clot of information, accompanied by a clot of energy to convert this information, focused both on updating this being itself and on the formation of its immediate environment, as a result of what, it finds oneself in the current time of space. where all components of this space have mass and are bound by energy.
In this beingness, any living being is occupied with solving mainly two tasks.
One of them consists in converting by them under implicit control of a single consciousness the energy-information copies of inanimate matter into their own surrounding in accordance with the available sense organs, information processing centers and form-building abilities, in which this being can live, possessing a certain mass and energy
Another task is the automatic participation of this being under the control of a single consciousness as a particle of a hologram in the creation of a common infrastructure of beingness in its certain part (universe).
How all this happens can be imagined as follows.
It is known that in a person it is not the eyes that create the picture seen by the person - only the unwrought light signals come to eyes. The picture appears then - by combining the pulse signals at their processing in the uniform changing picture in which the person is the main character, transmitting this picture as if outside - like the projector in a cinema hall directed to the screen.
Thus, on the screen of the cinema hall the image is moving for us thanks to the relocation of a tape in a projector with a certain speed, and on the TV set screen the image is moving for us owing to combining and conversion of radio signals from the ether by appropriate programs.
And this materialization of separate frames or separate packets of information is carried out for a person-viewer virtually - in the form of images.
Unlike a projector or a TV receiver, converting of wave matter (pulsed energo-information packets) from a holographic projection of an infinity out of time in any living being including in a person, into his surrounding, is produced by being not in the form of images on the screen, but in the form of the material objects of different "density" and various forms using the corresponding matrixes (form-building abilities) creating both the living being itself and its surroundings by discrete updating of their energy-information copies within the framework of the common time, which is being presented to them by smoothly current time. This procedure is a consequence of the action of a single consciousness of a hologram in a combined set of the living beings. The energy for this conversion comes from an inexhaustible supply of an infinite holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
As a result, around any living being (and in it) appear concrete objects in motion, i.e. the environment, which as a whole is a derivative of the total time, and into it the specific surrounding of each living being fits. And this surrounding for different creatures depends on their sensors. For example, for a mole, all visual images are excluded, and for a dolphin - sense of smell, that is, all objects from these spheres do not enter the life of a mole or a dolphin, respectively, more precisely, in their individual current time, although, thanks to the common time, they can be perceived by other living beings with the corresponding senses.
Thus, both in a television receiver, and in a living being separate portions of information in the form of pulse signals owing to a delay when processing is converted into a visible, moving picture of objects in time.
Only you are watching movie at screen, separate from yourself, and movie hasn't a direct bearing on you, but own picture you form yourself, although automatically, like any other living being - in yourself.
However, all living beings in their variety are connected among themselves anyway, and connected with the things surrounding them.
In the same way television receivers (computers) in themselves don't work. To receive the image on the screen, it is necessary to connect them to power sources and to catch by means of antennas the signals from the general radio space, in which signals (radio waves) come from transmitters.
For the living beings by this radio space is ultrahigh frequency wave-like holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
Approximately much like the image on the screen of the TV "undertakes" from the radio waves of the certain transmitter (TV program), chosen by the TV viewer, through of ether, so and the living being "chooses" oneself, the adjoining living beings and things (own time, or own beingness) for oneself by means of a holographic projection according to the available set of sense organs at this being with their opportunities and opportunities of the centers processing information, bound with form-building abilities this living being.
However, this choice is carried out not from the transmitter, so how outside space the transmitter cannot be, but, nevertheless, this transmitter on call is a infinite nothingness which potentially is everything.
Therefore, the specified choice carries out the living being thanks to the form-building abilities which are available for it (his consciousness cannot but have them as the active, connected with a single consciousness (the active) of a hologram, turning out to be passive in their absence due to the inability to manifest itself, perceiving and transforming information) by means of own sense organs thanks to their "contact" through a holographic projection, similar to some extent to etheric radio space for TVs and radio receivers, with this nothingness, which is similar to some kind of transmitter containing potentially everything.
At this, only the living beings can be actors in this eternal performance of beingness, inasmuch all the rest in beingness has no the sense organs, the information processing centers, the form-building abilities and the program of growth, development, existence and actions. Therefore, this the rest, being the passive, can't carry out the choice for its existence by determination of the corresponding forms, what is any living being capable of, always striving for where - according to its sensations-it is more pleasant, in accordance with his indispensable dissatisfaction by the present, which is nothing but the desire to dominate his own environment (this choice in every living being corresponds to its form-building abilities).
A person, in addition, can carry out this choice upon own conscious desires and ideas.
Form-building abilities of each living being correspond to its sense organs, and their automatic action is controlled by a single consciousness of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
The above comparison of the active (alive) and the passive (all others) objects of beingness quite clearly shows that all living beings, developing in the course of evolution with possible complication and change, could not but initially have, that is, before any evolution, for example, in the encoded form, such attributes as sense organs, intellect with memory, a program on a protein carrier (genome) and the form-building abilities in order to function in the appropriate environment.
The mechanism of interaction between the active and the passive can be one or another, but the active and the passive are different objects, the separation and unification of which ensures not only the existence of beingness as such, but also ensuring the stability of Creation with its countless universes and exoplanets interspersed in them, on which life develops, civilizations arise and die out.
Of course, relying on the data of the objects known to us from beingness, it is impossible to judge the active outside of this beingness, which for us is otherworldly, but in which, judging by the above comparison of the active (alive) and the passive (the deadened in relation to the perception of information), quite in harmony "are situated" the active and the passive in other forms, for example, in the form of frequency formations of the hologram type, constituting zero in antiphase, but separately quite capable of forming information flows for subsequent conversion into objects of beingness through the living beings which "produce" the current time with all its attributes in the form of a space with objects moving in it.
This active in beingness can be called consciousness, since it controls the development of the living beings on the basis of knowledge, more or less meaningful even at the level of amoebae, although this process is incomprehensible to them, because exactly individual consciousness supplies the information in the form of the successive pulsed packets of data from an infinity out of time through its holographic projection into the organs of sense of every living being, and it converts these packets of data with the help of the intellect and the form-building abilities of a living being, both into oneself and its local surrounding, which fits into the general environment, since the individual (own) time of any living being is within the general time, but own time of each living being can slow down and accelerate depending on the current conditions.
In other words, the consciousness of each living being is kind of ahead of it, since it forms this living being, as well as constantly updates of this being, indirectly controlling all its further actions, and therefore remaining out of sight of a living being, although in the hypostasis of a person, this being considers himself an independent individual, but in fact this individual is just a product of own consciousness in its two forms - natural and self-consciousness, with a body made of the passive matter.
Thus, each individual consciousness, remaining in a hologram representing a single consciousness along with that associates oneself with a specific living being, forming the current time by means of a living being, not being literally present in it, but creating it every moment by its action through it, and in this respect, as if covering this being by oneself and every moment reviving this structural formation from passive matter by connecting it through itself to the hologram, which is a source of energy and an information bridge, connecting the formation, enlivened by consciousness, with an infinity out of time.
That is, the active (consciousness) does not unite directly with the structure formed by it, being another - the most organized wave matter of the hologram, but, like an antenna for a radio receiver, it connects through itself the enlivened structure to a hologram, which is an energy source, as well as a transmitter and a collection of information, due to which a constant connection is ensured between a living being and a single consciousness of a hologram, but only from the side of a single consciousness of the hologram.
Therefore, a living being, being a derivative of consciousness, along with that is its organ, not only having an independent life, but also by the being, forming beingness for providing outlet of consciousness into life.
As for consciousness in the otherworldly, which is also the active there, then in the rank of the active it is a frequency-wave formation, the harmonics of which are one form or another of all the attributes of the living listed above, passing into them at the moments of renewal of alive, that is, at the moments of the conversion of the packages of information into the material objects of beingness.
It follows from this that consciousness in living things evokes the information necessary for itself, and a single consciousness of the hologram reacts to this challenge with its corresponding portions from an infinity out of time, as a result of which beingness exists and develops eternally together with its living inhabitants, and does not disappear, but, on the contrary, this infinity itself with its holographic projection is supported by the living, as a consumer of information from an infinity out of time, making up, as it were, a three-layer Creation.
Thus, the active and the passive in the form of the living and inanimate is before our eyes, composing beingness.
The coincidence of each individual active (consciousness) in a living being with a single active (single consciousness) in a hologram means their inseparable connection in beingness. In particular, it is for this reason that a single consciousness ensures the automatic functioning of the organism of every living being.
To prove the existence of this infinite energy reservoir - a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, - transcendental for our universe, one can try by contradiction.
In any functioning system, especially a ultrahigh frequency one, failures inevitably occur, due to which, in principle, one can come into contact with these infinite energy reservoir of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which is "ruled" by a single consciousness through the totality of living beings in beingness, and it is not part of holograms, since beingness is a derivative of the hologram, but one that it cannot do without.
Therefore, such a largely creative being as a person is quite capable of taking advantage of these failures, that is manifested in individual inventions, although they appear extremely rarely and they is even prohibited, since they do not fit into the system of economic relations, which have developed in civilization.
In particular, violation of the laws of conservation in the form of the creation and use of an unlimited flow of energy will immediately disrupt the stability of the functioning of the human existence in the framework of the limitation of resources, necessary for the development of each person and individual social groups in the struggle for them, and will destroy this local beingness (civilization).
Be that as it may, but such creative figures can accidentally or deliberately take advantage of the "hole" in the border between being and the other world, having received in one form or another access to the bottomless energy reservoir of the hologram.
A specific example of the use of similar failure ("clearance" between the otherworldly and beingness-universe) is the activity of the famous inventor Nikola Tesla. He, being a supporter of the theory of ether and dealing with the problem of transmitting energy without wires, at the beginning of the 20th century began to experiment with the generation of lightning tens of centimeters thick and more than four meters long using a 60-meter resonator tower. In addition, he developed the design of a high-frequency emitter with three oscillatory circuits, the potential of which reached 10 thousand volts, and learned how to create ball lightning artificially. Tests of the resonator tower, begun in 1903, went quite successfully.
These achievements consisted in the fact that he learned to create the powerful electrical impulses and concentrate them over deserted areas (Indian Ocean and Siberia). The pumping of impulses was being carried out, as he believed, by the energy of the "ether". The resonance effect was being "swinged" the wave and a discharge appeared with a power equivalent to that of a nuclear explosion.
It is very likely, judging by the fact that he requested maps of Siberia to determine deserted areas there, that allegedly Tunguska meteorite (06.30.1907) could well be such an impulse, especially since it was on this day, as is known, that Tesla was being conducted an experiment on transmission of energy through the air.
Therefore, the medium from which Tesla drew energy, and which he considered to be ether, could well turn out to be exactly the otherworldly (hologram).
Having access to the energy of this "ether", Tesla also carried out wireless transmission of energy to the car engine, and in 1931 demonstrated this electric car in Buffalo, which moved without traditional current sources, as there are numerous testimonies of a number of persons. Within a week, Tesla was testing this car, accelerating to 90 miles per hour.
Regarding the source of energy, according to his nephew, Tesla claimed that "the radiation comes from the ether."
However, Tesla, immediately after the tests, curtailed this business with the car, apparently having realized that an inexhaustible source of energy would destroy the entire system of civilization, built on the limitation of energy and other resources.
Like Tesla, the aerospace engineer Roger Scheuer apparently managed to get in touch with the energy reservoir of the hologram in the early 21st century as well.
His invention is an engine capable of generating thrust for a spacecraft in a vacuum without using propellant, without pushing off anything or throwing anything into space. Thrust is generated by the formation of a standing wave of microwave radiation in a closed container.
The magnetron of this device was powered by solar panels (M. Taimar and G. Fiedler. Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Technische Universitat Dresden, 01062 Dresden, German).
Curiously, he, like Tesla, used standing waves to generate, though not energy, but traction.
The presence of traction is confirmed in all experiments, amounting to about 20 micronewtons at a magnetron power of 700 watts (51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joi Propulsion Conference).
But the nature of thrust remains unclear to experts. However, it has been suggested that the thrust is generated by virtual particles in the quantum vacuum, which behave like fuel ions in magnetohydrodynamic propulsion systems, extracting "fuel" from the very fabric of space-time.
This assumption, of course, is groundless, since it considers the problem in the framework of beingness (the space-time of the universe), where the violation of conservation laws is impossible, but becomes possible in case of going beyond this framework.
The same "trick" of violating conservation laws, apparently based on accidental penetration into a hologram using its energy, was succeeded by Yu. Potapov - the inventor of the fuel-free power facility (RF patent No. 2045715, 1993).
The vortex heat generator of Potapov is executed in the form of a vertical cylindrical pipe into which the upper part is tangentially entered the water flow with such speed at which with turbulization of a flow appear cavitational bubbles, as a result, water the heats up quickly, and the heat release is redundant, which was shown not only on models, but also in comparative tests at NPO Energia in 1996. The measured heat release was about 142% of the consumed energy. The installation, despite such a violation of conservation laws, was manufactured and even began to be sold. In particular, it was produced and sold by Fakel (Kaliningrad), Termovikhr, Noteka, Yurle (Belarus) enterprises.
The confirmation of the control of the thinking matter of the spread of life and the optimal development of living things together with their consciousness, that is, the thinking matter itself, is also the Fibonacci sequence, in the framework of which to one degree or another there are all phenomena and objects in the universe, including galaxies, microcosm, crystals, various natural phenomena in the form of cyclones and thunderstorms, as well as flora and fauna. In accordance with the Fibonacci sequence, branches and leaves of trees grow. In accordance with this sequence are also formed the various parts of the human body and the structure of a DNA molecule. In short, everything in the universe (beingness) follows this sequence, but with varying degrees of convergence to it, the maximum indicator of which is felt by a person as beautiful.
The Fibonacci sequence itself is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...
In this numerical sequence, each subsequent number behind 0 and 1 is the sum of the previous two.
The further this series continues, the closer the ratio of neighboring numbers in it to 1.618.
Geometrically, as the ancient Egyptians noticed, this number is obtained if you divide the line into two parts so that the long part correlates with the short one in the same proportion as the entire line correlates with its long part.
In the future, this number was called the golden ratio, since it, both in natural and artificial phenomena, and as this has been shown by practice, even in the case of any complication of a living or inanimate object, leads to flowing various physical processes with minimal energy costs.
For this reason, different living organisms do not develop by chance, but trying to follow the Fibonacci proportion, and the "golden section" gradually appears almost everywhere, which, in our opinion, is the meaning of the evolution of the living, which brings to a self-conscious and independent subject in the form of a personality.
In particular, the DNA molecule is 34 angstroms long and 21 angstroms wide. And these numbers are adjacent in the Fibonacci sequence, and their ratio is 1.618.
All best works and works in the fields of architecture, technology, painting, music, literature, as shown by their analysis in relation to the number 1.618, also followed, according to the thoughts of their authors, consciously or not the Fibonacci proportion.
These facts cannot but point to a clear attempt by living organisms to avoid chaos in their change in order to ensure their own economical and at the same time accelerated growth and development in the form of any degree of complexity, which, in turn, contributes to the development of consciousness in this alive.
Thus, this type of living and non-living objects of beingness in the most economical state of the "golden section" guarantees them maximum stability of development or existence, reducing the likelihood of both decay and stagnation.
In particular, a person who is aware of his own existence in time, unlike other living beings, is able to respond to this expression of the form of things and living organisms, which is maximally far from chaos and stagnation, as perfect.
Another fact confirming the basic principle of the hologram - "everything in every part", that is, the coincidence of each particle of the hologram with its whole, is the similarity of the simplest structures of reality (beingness) and the fractality of its more complex structures.
Fractality is also characterized by a kind of complicated similarity, more precisely, self-similarity of the part and the whole: the whole completely or almost completely coincides with its part or parts (has the same shape) with a dimension greater than the dimension of the topological spaces.
A variety of scales of objects that do not have exact quantitative characteristics, but have a relative constancy of ratios and dimensions, is included in the field of fractals, regardless of whether these objects belong to the microcosm, the macrocosm, planets, the living things. Fractality unites almost everything, including self-organizing systems such as a person.
Almost everywhere we can see repeating lines and shapes in inanimate and living nature: in the structure of DNA, lightning, minerals, planetary systems.
Fractal are the crowns of trees, the circulatory system of animals, clouds, snowflakes, etc.
The objects of the universe known to us are also located in it as self-similar structures, that is, fractally.
The fractal analysis is also widely used in human activity.
The fractal analysis of markets postulates the dependence of future prices on past changes, borrowing the properties of fractals to obtain forecasts
Fractal geometry studies processes and phenomena that have fragmentation, brokenness and curvature, creating a fractional (fractal) space.
Fractal art is digital art, that is, the results of calculations in the form of still images, animations, and automatically generated media files. All these images reflect such properties of fractals as self-similarity, algorithmicity, multidimensionality, unevenness, repetition, incompleteness.
Thus, the holographic essence of Creation is reflected in a number of concretely perceptible phenomena of beingness, which, in accordance with the principle of fractality, repeat the frequency wave-like form of formations of the holographic projection of timeless infinity, but with a much lower frequency, as well as in the repetition of lines and forms in inanimate and living nature.
That is, the holographic essence of the projection of Uniform (a timeless infinity), according to which each particle of the hologram is its whole, in being (the reality of our world) is externally reflected in the similarity of the simplest structures of being and in the fractality of its more complex structures, providing an opportunity for such a self-cognizing the subject, as a person, through these forms to approach the harmony of his own wave base.
Indeed, people believed thunder, lightning, sunlight and light of the moon from ancient times as newcomers from other world, deifying them in this or that form.
And they were right in the respect that these frequency phenomena are quite actual reflection in beingness of a wavy projection of Uniform (Uniform is an infinity out of time), inasmuch light and sound have no a direct bearing to the objects of the "dense" matter, but without them these objects would remain "in the shadows".
It is the frequency-wave basis of a person, together with the fractality of almost all objects around and the use by them or in them of the Fibonacci proportion, including a person himself, that explains not only the deification by him, until recently, of a number of light and sound effects, but also his craving for ordered wave formations, which he is able to perceive with his senses.
In the sphere of the light phenomena, in particular, patches of light on water, rainbow, polar lights, sunsets and sunrises, a combination of light clouds with blueness of heaven, magnificent greens of meadows and woods concern to them. Now laser shows and various pictures on television screens and monitors of computers were added to these lighting effects.
All painters work on a combination of lighting effects, and those from them, who managed to catch the play of light, for example, impressionists, have been put in a row with the greatest representatives of the human race in art.
Yes, and the art itself, as such, is aspiration to ideal, not absolutely clear for it, which, actually is a harmonious holographic basis of a person.
Clear evidence of this fact is also the relation of the person to a sound.
Natural sound phenomena in the form of splash of waves, rustle of a cane, singing of birds, murmur of a stream, peals of thunder, terrible sounds of a storm with whistle and howl of wind, chirr of a cricket gradually led a person to idea to copy these sounds through organs of articulation - singing - and by means of the pipes and strings, which were being transformed gradually to various musical instruments.
Eventually simple copying was replaced by composing of various melodies - from militant marches to lyrical opera arias.
It is curious that the thoughtless everyday consciousness perceives easier simple melodies. These unpretentious melodies become especially popular in accompaniment of the uncomplicated text.
Undying love of the masses to this kind of music (frequency-wave formations) indicates concealed in the depths of every human consciousness the memory of own holographic basis.
Numerous composers subconsciously too try to catch own another basis. But this basis is too complicated and far from low-frequency (sound) waves.
Nevertheless, this manages to make for some of them, mainly by using of the principle of similarity, on the one hand, and by access through insight in "otherworldly space", on the other hand.
Such musical compositions arise in a small number compared to the total number of all musical compositions, inasmuch their creation requires some kind of magic, but the real magicians as true masters, do not appear in a large number, because to find "thing in itself" ("transcendental object) on that side of reality and connect it with reality can only a person, who knows on some reasons, how to do it.
More about this skill is described in the article "Intuition as a hidden process of the targeted filtering of information" [5 - 18.11.2022].
Product of similar insight is often the only one for the entire life of the composer, and composers, who created at least several similar masterpieces during life, are located in the first row, judging by long-term programs of performance of the same operas, cantatas, symphonies etc.
Audiophiles and practically all lovers of classical music by "skin" feel at once uniqueness, universal greatness and unusual tenderness of this music which also is reflection of harmony of a hologram of projection of Uniform in that sphere of human life, where there is no need to fight for existence and can sink" in waves of "ether" without harm.
Another example confirming the possibility of the existence of a holographic basis of beingness is intuition, which provides an exit beyond the limits of ordinary consciousness and logical constructions into the "space" where "things speak".
Such way out is achieved only by the ability to exclude the opposite aspirations of the lowest (animal) and the highest consciousness (self-consciousness) in a person for a while.
This kind of unification of both forms of consciousness to solve a single problem means a temporary exit through the lowest consciousness into the "space", in which objects of beingness, including a person himself, are formed by means of a single consciousness, and where all these objects become "understandable" through the same single consciousness. for each living being of various types, since it is consciousness from lifeless fragments (shapeless matter) with the direct participation of the living beings that "sculpts" various forms that acquire motion in beingness, making up the infrastructure for the existence and development of these beings.
Naturally, any living being, including a person, does not suspect that he and all other living beings, due to the presence of consciousness in them, possess Creation as a whole, in beingness of which the inanimate turns into material and tools for life.
The explanation for this paradoxical situation is the holographic basis of a person, which coincides with the entire extra-spatial hologram of the projection of Uniform (a timeless infinity), containing in an implicit form for us the active, or consciousness, as well as the passive, or a lifeless matter.
Thus, no the environment creates a living being, but on the contrary, the living beings creates a habitat due to its guidance by consciousness in its individual and unified expression, which is a consequence of a holographic basis of beingness with its basic principle "everything in every part".
Due to the holographic essence of Creation, which manifests itself by the action of a single consciousness through alive in a thingness beingness as its own visible part, which creates an infrastructure that guarantees the existence and development of the living beings, by the real owners of beingness are the living beings. Moreover, all living beings, except for the persons, do not need to look for a way in their minds to the environment, since in their interaction with things they are naturally united with the environment, being its active (dynamic) elements, and "absorb" it in the form of their own sensations, obtaining thereby own time, but only within the framework of adaptive existence in it.
A person, as a part of a holographic projection of Creation, and therefore coinciding in this basis of beingness with the entire hologram, in principle, is able to become all this in view of the goal set by him, but real for him is becoming only in that area that he can perceive on the basis of his experience.
Otherwise, the desired product, which he can get in this manifested to everyone in the form of a kind of insight, will remain incomprehensible to him, as, for example, everything in this "other world" is incomprehensible to drug addicts.
When the unity of actions (harmony) of the highest and lowest forms of consciousness is achieved, a united consciousness begins to work just as automatically (without reflections and logic), as it happens in animals for their survival, but along with that in this automatic scheme relatively short time are being plugged all achievements of a person in the form of acquired experience in this area, available knowledge and skills with a certain target focus.
Similar relatively short-term harmonious merging of the target programs of self-consciousness and the programs of the lowest consciousness, ideal for survival, no longer opposing each other, as usual, but working in unison, for example, helping a person to escape from this or that misfortune, reflects their mutual interest in a favorable resolution of an extreme situation, or a person can mislead his own animal consciousness, presenting, for example, his creative searches in a banal desire for dominance, while in normal circumstances their interests and aspirations, as a rule, diverge, which is clearly visible from the contradictory actions of each person.
If a person"s voluntary or involuntary appeal to his own lowest consciousness for a specific purpose does not contradict the latter"s aspirations, which are mainly related to the survival of the organism, then a person receives what he needs, if, of course, he will understand the answer.
In conclusion, we can also very briefly note a few more striking facts that also cannot be explained by the means that modern science uses, based on own hypothesis of only one of Creation.
The source and mechanism of the emergence of the living beings with a program on a biological carrier in each cell (the genome) has not been identified ensuring the formation of their structure, as well as growth, metabolism, development and reproduction on certain planets of one or the other universes.
There is no explanation of the reason for the ordering by the living beings in the aggregate as a result of their activities of the world around them thereby violating the law of non-decreasing entropy.
One can state the constant evasion of scientists from justifying the absence of the possibility of the brain producing consciousness, since it has long been found out that the body of a person is similar to the biological robot, and this body is incapable to produce the consciousness independently. As it was found out in a number of experiments of physicists and psychologists, the body does not have the required elemental basis to produce consciousness.
In particular, the philosopher A. I. Vvedensky in 1914 formulated the law of "the lack of the objective signs of the animateness". The meaning of this law is that the role of psyche in the system of the material processes of a regulation of behavior is absolutely imperceptible and any thinkable bridge does not exist between the activity of a brain and the area of the mental or spiritual phenomena, including consciousness. Professor of the Moscow State University Nikolai Kobozev has shown in the monograph that neither cells, nor molecules, even atoms cannot be responsible for the processes of thinking and memory [6, p. 85].
The sudden transformation of only one of the representatives of primates into such different being as a person, with his self-consciousness and creative abilities, has not been convincingly explained either from the standpoint of the evolution of the animal world.
There is no explanation for the phenomenon of time compaction for communities of the living beings in the course of their evolutionary development.
There is no explanation for the violation of the evolutionary development of living things on Earth in the form of the appearance on it of a number of technological civilizations hundreds, tens and millions of years ago, when people, in accordance with the theory of the evolutionary development of the living beings, could not yet appear.
These are the facts, quite convincingly, in our opinion, demonstrating by no means the only one of beingness (the universe), and at the same time showing its irreducibility to such simplified model of direct control of beingness as the Bostrom matrix [7; 4].
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6. Кобозев Н. И. Исследования в области термодинамики процессов информации и мышления. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1971. С. 85.
7. Nick Bostrom. (April 2003). "Are You Living in a Computer Simulation" Philosophical Quarterly. 53(211): 243-255.