Новиков Евгений Алексеевич : другие произведения.

Emergence Of The Laws Of Nature

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    Based on the quantum modification of the general relativity (Qmoger), supported by the cosmic data without fitting, it is suggested that the vacuum is producing matter with random properties. The stable types of matter survive, the unstable absorbed by the vacuum. All laws of nature are emergent and approximate, including the conservation of energy.

   Evgeny A. Novikov
   University of California - San Diego, BioCircuits Institute, La Jolla, CA 92093 -0328; E-mail: enovikov@ucsd.edu
   "All theory, dear friend, is gray, but the golden tree of life springs ever green".
   Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
   Abstract Based on the quantum modification of the general relativity (Qmoger), supported by the cosmic data without fitting, it is suggested that the vacuum is producing matter with random properties. The stable types of matter survive, the unstable absorbed by the vacuum. All laws of nature are emergent and approximate, including the conservation of energy.
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