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Alice in the Wonder World

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    Wonderland does it really exist? Or was it just a dream. If it's real, than where she can find the way to return to old friends. And if she'll found the way... will it all be as it was in her childhood. Or will she face the new nightmare.

Alice in the Wonder World

   Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Introductions & Chapters
   Autors: Aurora Amber (me)
   Translated: Godwin many thanks :)

Part I

Something wrong in Wonder World

   "Hello, Alice. Come in," he pointed at the free chair on the right-hand side. Alice, with gratitude, settled down. Young man carelessly grasped white tea pot and, after filling small accurate cup with hot tea, offered it to the guest. "Well, tell me, how is it there - outside? You have not visited us for long."
   Alice smiled awkwardly and picked up cup. "Yes, for some time I couldn't guess the way back."
   He nodded and silently sipped tea.
   "The way back is always there, Alice. You were not seeking well enough."
   Girl lowered her fair-haired and looked down. The king-size table was crammed with sweet, it was impossible to count all biscuits, cookies, cakes and lots and lots more, of what is usually served to midday tea. But, even all these sweets couldn't soften the wormwood of the bitter sorrow inside girl's heart.
   "You are right, Sir," started Alice, decided to direct an old friend with full respect, "But White Rabbit..."
   "White Rabbit is not obligated to appear every time and show you the way to me," snubbed Hatter, not letting young guest to finish the line.
   Now Alice was truly depressed. She glanced at table, than at flower garlands and than finally at the thick wood, through which she ran almost all yesterday's night. She tried to look at anything possible, only not to meet with his piercing gaze.
   Jesters rule the kingdoms in secret and madmen turn out to be prophets and seers... though Alice with sadness.
   "But, I did came," she started timidly. Hatter didn't answer, sipping his black tea.
   "It doesn't matter how long it took me to get back. I did came back, didn't i?" Alice crossed hands on the blue skirt of her puffy dress. It all was edged with laces and covered with beautiful embroidery. On the occasion of the celebration it was gifted to her in advance to show off before guests.
   Today was Alice birthday - she was turning seventeen. In such age it was common to seek future spouse for daughters and then lead her to the altar. It was coming, a big celebration been planned, but who knew that Alice would ran away.
   "You are here, indeed," agreed he without a single smile, without a single mischievous joke or fooling around. Hatter, in truth, was not reckless and cheerful eccentric man. He used to be like that long ago, in the childhood of the Alice. And even then, only to ease the burden of the child, to calm her, make her laugh or put her up.
   "You are indeed here. But you are late," now in front of him was a young grownup woman. Babysitting her, to indulge her daring wishes, was not anymore necessary. He could be himself - serious and thoughtful.
   "You can't even imagine, what I had to go through to get you back here...again," added he after a small pause. Alice, who felt herself guilty already, after such words totally lost heart.
   "But last time..."
   "In the last time, your presence was not that important, than it is now," he abruptly stood up and, crossing his hands behind back, began to step off the yard, filled with greenery. "Darkness has come to our world, Alice. And it was you, who showed it the way last time."
   "Be nicer to girl," purred a smile, appearing suddenly hovering over the other edge of the table. The smile without a cat. Cheshire appeared like a phantom - without asking and warning. He turned visible and stretched lazily.
   "No one asked your opinion," strictly answered him Hatter.
   "Oh, give me a break, we are all not strangers to each other here. Boiling in the same cauldron, if to say so," snickered he and started to wash his face, impudently lounging on the table, moving white plates and silver traces to the edge of the table. Few cups did even break.
   "Could you then at least not to break the dishes?" sough Hatter.
   "Yeah, I know, I know, it's family tableware," snickered Cheshire and squinted with his huge saucer like green eyes onto confused girl.
   "Look how she turned out, our Alice. What a beauty. True bride..."
   Hatter turned back to his guests on heels, feeling burning inside.
   "Sour cream... is you here?" fatty cat poked his nose into wide saucer, then into sugar bowl and after few more tries found a sour cream dish.
   "Cheshire, do you realize we have a serious talk here? Your presence during it is not necessary," roughly noticed Hatter, without turning.
   "My oh my, how grand we became, Your Highness," cat stood up and made funny stand, trying to copy the court bow.
   "You should also be softer to our monarch." The long rabbit ears touched the rose arch.
   "So what, if he is a monarch. The Ruler of the bedlam," cat laughed, with pleasure licking his paws covered with sour cream. In addition, he was using own fluffy tail as fan.
   "It became a bedlam AFTER our dear girl left," rabbit in tailcoat made a polite bow, "Good afternoon, lady Alice," he greeted girl with a friendly smile on the furry face.
   "Good afternoon," Alice rose a bit and spread hem of the dress with a little bow.
   "And you, Your Highness, why are you so strict to your betrothed?" asked well-brought-up Rabbit.
   "He probably forgot his promise," snickered Cheshire, rolling over the lacy tablecloth. Its seems that he overate sour cream and it was just a morning.
   "I never forget my words, not speaking of breaking my promises," Hatter said coldly, turning towards table. Yet he didn't even look at all three. Rabbit sighed and sat near Alice on the edge of the chair.
   "You seem to be in a bad mood today," noticed he with soft voice. Being faithful companion-in-arms and helper of the Hatter, he could notice even a slightest change in his behavior.
   "That's exactly what I am talking about," snickered Cheshire, "If only our ruler had a bit more sense of humor..."
   "If only our ruler wouldn't have to swing a sword every night, slaying demons, then, probably, he would have had a better sense of humor," interrupted White Rabbit.
   "Enough, two of you!" Hatter turned towards the table, "Right now talk is not about Me or Black and White kingdoms. It's about Alice."
   All three of Wonder World inhabitants turned their gazes to girl. She herself was wishing to fall through ground, just not to be in the center of attention. Yet, probably, it would be impossible to fall even more underground. As she presumed, under Wonder World there is nothing...
   "I... I came to help," silently whispered girl. She left behind warmness and comfort of a big estate, all silver and gold and all this only to get back here. To her friends, to Him... Alice gently looked at the majestic and beautiful youth. He didn't change a lot since their last meeting. His face was still light, without any sign of wrinkles, eyes were emitting inner strength. He is a wise ruler, Alice didn't doubt in that. Brave and mighty, yet even his powers were not enough to hold back new disaster. Wonder World was collapsing and she, Alice, was the reason behind it. At first this world's inhabitants were going crazy about their forced isolation, now they were going mad due to dark forces, whom Alice showed way to this world.
   "I am ready to do anything!" bravely assured she.
   Hatter smiled crookedly.
   "Even to marry me?" playfully asked young monarch. On his shoulders fell a incredible responsibility after both kingdom fall-down. He became a single stable link, connecting all in this rapidly and constantly changing world of changes, among the insanity as pure as diamond.
   Alice blushed and lowered her eyes. In that question was a ounce of truth. This was an old promise. And, probably, if not this promise, what tied Alice tightly to the Wonder World, she couldn't find her way back here...
   "What happened to the Wonder World?" asked Alice from Cheshire, who perched himself on the sturdy branch. Cat was waving the tail with satisfied look. His fur was sparkling in the light of the noon sun, eyes turned into small cracks-crescents.
   "A lot of unpleasant, my dear," purred he, answering and lowered big paw. "A lot of unpleasant".
   "Cheshire, I beg you, at least you don't talk to me in the riddles," asked Alice.
   Cat smiled widely, chasing away fireflies with tail.
   "Have you forgotten, Alice? I always talk riddles," cat made a sly face, "... or just talk rubbish."
   "But... this was back then, in my childhood," argued girl and scratched cat behind the ear, "Back then... all was different..." she soughed sadly. She was now just looking into nothingness, slightly touching the far away horizon. Mind of Alice was full of thoughts.
   "A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then..." agreed cat with a philosopher tone, rolling up his eyes, "but did your heart also change, Alice?" asked he.
   "My heart?" girl repeated and took her hand off the Cheshire's head. Striped cat suddenly started to fade away in sunlight, shrinking and changing shape, as a mirage. Only thing left was his pearl-white, famous smile. Any court lady, caring about her beauty and splendor, would envy such. But they were just beautiful dolls in the atlas and cambric wrappers anyway. Cute sweets without taste, smell or even anything inside. Have she became one of them? Or haven't she.
   "Are you the same brave girl, what invaded a world beyond, following the fluffy rabbit from a fairy tail? Or maybe you are already not so perceptive to wonders?" continued invisible cat.
   Alice lowered her head and looked at her white hands. Any lady was shirker, but Alice never feared to do something, what anyone else would call rubbish or madness. She was a strange child, strange girl. A girl, who had seen a lot of strange things for her age. No one believed her, when she declared, that a magical, forbidden land really exists. No, even not just A LAND. A whole WORLD! World, what was hidden from curious eyes behind hidden trails. World, what was nowhere and yet somewhere at the same time. It wasn't easy to believe in such thing. And Alice didn't blame adults, who called her story "just a child talk" and her "a dreamer". She didn't cry or got offended. She simply... forgiven them.
   "I'm here... and that means something," Alice recalled the words of the Hatter. How he spoke to her, how strict he was.
   "Means something..." repeated Cheshire.
   "Please, I beg you, tell me, what did happen to the Hatter?" begged girl. As there was no fresh monarch, his counselor or any of his followers around, no one could tell him about this conversation. And only Cheshire could answer her honestly. Cat appeared as the light from a lantern - just appeared in a single blink of an eye. His appearance was telling about tension, big green eyes were concentrated.
   "Since you left, girl, a lot have change," Cat stood up on back paws and crossed one's on the chest.
   "Well, I already understood that," silently whispered Alice, but cat didn't hear her and continued his speech.
   "Probably, it was my fault" I shouldn't have sent you to the Queen. Not a fit place for a child with such an imagination."
   Alice didn't answer, her opinion probably was right now out of the place - Cheshire was just recalling old times aloud, thinking through the old events. But still, she found courage to ask:
   "I am not the same little silly girl as before. Please, tell me all how it is," asked she silently. Cheshire measured her with strange, slightly sad gaze. He soughed.
   "Alright, Alice, but I only ask - don't take it to close, dear girl. This is not only your fault, but fault of all us. And mostly rabbit's."
   Cat sat down on the branch, covered with fresh green vines, crossing front and back paws.
   "Since you and Hatter parted last time, something... unexplainable... started to happen in our World. Yes, believe it or not, unexplainable even for us," started cat slowly, "Inhabitants of the both kingdoms began to disappear. Disappeared here, appeared... somewhere else. And ones, who found them claimed, what poor things were blabbering and spoke madness, being frightened to the death." Cat made a small pause and continued. His face, as much as it was possible to tell from the face of a cat, became gloomy, eyes lost their shine.
   "Two Queens met for negotiations and even declared to combine both kingdoms to defend their loyal subjects with joined might. Yet, seems, this decision was taken too late - on the next morning, after the night full of celebration... both were found... departed."
   Alice, who took a deep breath before, now, at last word, coughed, choking.
   "What do you mean - departed?!" she didn't believe her ears.
   "Well, not so dead maybe... half-dead..."
   Alice recalled all the rubbish, what Cheshire used to talk, when she was little and now she started to doubt in the words of his. But cat, as if reading girls mind, raised round head and shouted.
   "Sleeping, they were sleeping! Tight, deep dream. Cold were and didn't wake at anything their servants did."
   "Sleeping you say..." girl whispered, Cat nodded, agreeing, "And what did happen to them?"
   "No one knows," Cheshire shuddered, "Some say it was the evil plan of the other Queens, not wishing to join the alliance, some say it was the deed of one of the four Kings. And some were talking about mysterious evil forces."
   "And Hatter, you know, from all us is only direct descendant of an old royal family, only he could command Lion and Unicorn, even though he wasn't a titled monarch, just... as people say - for a "tick"."
   Alice raised thin brow.
   "Oh, look, you already too!" cat suddenly jumped up and poked girl into the face, what was extremely impolite in the place, where Alice came from.
   "What?! What?!" she started to examine herself, turning round, but didn't notice anything. She didn't grow, shrink or disappear like back then.
   "Your hair," smirked cat.
   "What about them?!" Alice put hands on the hair. She didn't feel anything and she had no mirror to tell, if something did change. Telling truth she didn't had time to take anything along, being in same rush, as the Rabbit, when he was hurrying to the audience of Queen.
   "They just turned dark, nothing to be afraid of..." Cat was following girl's hurrying gestures, smirking, "It will go away with time... probably. As for now, you will be Dark Alice. More similarity with Hatter," cat smirked again. Alice froze with widely opened eyes.
   "Hey, don't worry so much, it's totally normal. You did have breakfast with us... so this is the result," cat again sat down and thoughtfully looked into sky. "Don't worry, it's normal for many magical realities. Tasted something local and - shazam! If not complete transformation, a tail can grow, or pair of wings..."
  Alice quickly started to examine her back with hands, but found nothing but tight lacing of corset. "And if you don't eat, can become a ghost or disappear," cat spoke calmly, looking into eyes of young lady. "You have been given a drink on entrance, remember? So you wouldn't thin up like a candle. And now... enough of the rubbish! Listen further, if you still want!" Cat became serious and frowned (even though cats don't have brows), "So from the day two Highnesses fell... ahem, asleep... Hatter was called upon to the throne. Though he didn't argue much. He was one of the first, who understood, that something is not right with the World. When he became king of the joined kingdoms, Black Queen came to his audience and offered her help and advise."
   "And where are Kings gotten to?" Alice was amazed. Kings in the Wonder World were lot more than two and even more than four. But, Alice didn't know much about them. Seemed they didn't play a big role in the World.
   When she read Carrol's Alice, she couldn't even imagine to become The Alice, to meet the heroes of the story. Yet now seemed this story is somehow bitter for her. A world, what was behind a thin, yet sturdy shell. Neighbor world, it was so unreal, yet so similar to the world of the Carroll's book and in the same time it didn't. It was... different. Everything was different, so Alice's own story was also different.
   "Alice," cat waved with paw. He not only could suddenly disappear and appear again, fly and walk through walls.
   Cheshire had a lot of others useful abilities and skills. That was what made him Hatter's helper, even though nothing in his attitude was telling they are friends.
   "It doesn't matter! What matters is, what a Black Queen said to the Hatter," noticed cat.
   "And what it was?" Alice asked.
   "That he better not get involved! That forces, what came to our world are above even his bend, and that his idea of becoming a monarch is pure madness - they wouldn't like it."
   Cat frowned, becoming alike to the dark cloud. Literally - he now was floating over branch in a shape of a dark fluffy foam cloud.
   "How's that?" asked girl with concern. She was never indifferent to Hatter, even in childhood she liked him.
   He acted good with her, friendly back in her childhood, acting the role of book's Hatter very well. He calmed lost child. But, unlike The Alice's story, Hatter escorted her to the court, told how to get back home, into real world, even though he asked to stay. And he made a promise.
   Cat became cat again and soughed, sitting down.
   "You see, Alice, in our World, nothing is as simple, as it may seem from a first glance. Yes, we have here a lot of strange and wonderful things, yet some you can find even in yours. Lets call them Might and Power. Conditional they are, yet they are present even in our World. Queens had given throne to the new monarch not by their will, yet by a accident. Taking power in his hands, Hatter took a burden none of us could bear. I probably would just hit the skids on kingdom and World and flew to some warmer, peaceful place. But he decided to rescue all of us."
   "And I was the one, who showed the way to all these evil forces," Alice became sad, barely holding herself from crying.
   "You are not one to blame, dear girl," Cheshire was silent, but then continued. "It so happened by itself. You came to us from the outer world, come to enjoy the World of Dreams, and like there else called, Fairy Kingdom?" Cheshire said, busily scratching his chin.
   "Yes, the kingdom of Oberon and Titania," Alice remembered her favorite childhood tales. "I pointed at you, I called your role, and yet you were not at all like i thought."
   "Many things are not as them seems to be, girl" reasoned the cat. "But now we are talking about something different."
   "What became of the world." agreed Alice.
   Somewhere in the distance a Yellowtail bird sang, but even it trill did not sound comforting anymore. The high trees closed around with rows of blackness, and haven't left no slits to look into the backwoods. Out there reigned premature darkness. Is there always been so dark in the woods?
   The fairy-fireflies were gone, the shining day birds sing sadly and quietly, barely hearing. There is nowhere to find those cute little animals that were talking as human beings. The flowers kept silent.
   "Obscure shadows that prowl around at night, dormant Queens that are sleeping in their crystal sarcophagus, mysterious disappearance of civilians, and finally, unexplained madness. It is, among other things are spreading in the two kingdoms as the sore. And there is no escape from it."
   In the world beyond the doors something really wrong was happening.
   "It is terrible, Wonder-world plunged to such tests." Alice shook her head, she felt like crying again.
   Cheshire sighed, busily adjusting his mustache. "You know, if properly to think, sooner or later, our world would drown into madness. I don't know how you got up there, but here to live without any external communication is quite difficult. Thou our world are beyond the reach for many people, but visitors are always welcome here."
   "I know." Alice nodded. She herself tested a warm welcome of wonder-world inhabitants.
   At that time, the first to found her was Cheshire cat. He basked in the midday sun, lazily waving lung tail and were smiling, so queries.
   "My dear girl, welcome to the World of wonders," he greeted loudly and waved horizon full of colors. Here everything was living, plants, sometimes even stones, and Household Objects might clean up themselves, like in a fairy tale. While Alice thought, Oh it's a Wonderland for real, the white rabbit with the hourglass in an embrace, turned out to be not that White rabbit, that served to Card queen.
   "Alice?" Cat chuckled, wiping muzzle resentfully. She was distracted by her thoughts, and did not heard of what Cheshire had narrated.
   "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Alice hurried to sit in kniksene. At the court she have been trained the manners, that are not so easy to get rid of, even if it is simply switched to "you" with close friends.
   "Ah, girl, just stop with that," waved cat with irritation. "Okay, look. Now here, in the Wonder world no longer safe, and even not very safe... Now when we have, our own demons! It is already smacks of suicide."
   "But I had walked to you through the forest by myself" said Alice. Cheshire again smiled with all the teethes. "Girl, you all this time had been led by the hand of Hatter. It directed your path, the most secure and quiet trails."
   Alice was silent, she fell so awkward. It is true, Hatter said something about "how hard it was to help her with return." And she does not have the heart to clarify what he meant. Well at least she had the courage to ask for a stroll with Cheshire. But they strayed too far from the Cottage in the garden.
   "Our Happer is a magician not without a reason. After all, he was elevated to the rank of a monarch. He only one, why understands all these demons and supernatural things. Perhaps, as well as the Black Queen," the cat added, straightening his mustache.
   "But the Black Queen..." Alice did not manage to finish speaking. From the thicket a terrible roar reached to them. As if in the forest of Wonder world wound up true predators, true nightmare.
   "So, it begin." Cheshire for a moment disappeared. He always disappeared, when he started to worry, or fear of something.
   Alice looked anxiously in the forest. Through the slender peaks yew, beech trees and cypresses, swept something big, scary evil, and shaggy. Red eyes where glittering in the glimpses of raspberry bushes. The monster raced to them with all speed, and where he ran the grass turned black, acrid with smoke.
   "Yes, even better than you can imagine. A beast nightmare has welcome," snorted cat, fur on his withers and tail become stand on end.
   "A Nightmare..." Alice marveled.
   Finally it ran out on the lawn. Terribleness and infinitely black as the most bleak night. Alice heart sank from the seen.
   Here you got an adventure, Alice. True, deadfall adventure...
   Perhaps due to the fact that Alice used to be surprised, or maybe, just because it was a Cheshire at her side, she did not fainted, as would any lady of her surroundings. She remained on her feet, looking straight into the eyes of the nightmare. It seared Alice with hungry red eyes, it howled and dig the ground with a strong claws.
   "It will attack, you know," he announced. Cat's tail vanished somewhere, then legs, and then neck. Now at branches were part of body, but still separated from the head! Oh, it is not clear now, which was more frightening - a nightmare come to a life, or dissected magical cat.
   Alice was scared with her own indecent thoughts. In outer world, the court ladies tried to control every step of there princess life. Oh, if they only knew, what the royal child is thinking about! Little princess never parted with the world of dreams and miracles, she did not leave her fantasies. Perhaps because of that, she had the strength to come back?
   New whine broke in. The creature reared. Alice only had time to cover face. With the corner of eye, she noticed that in opposite bushes, white lightning had flashed.
   The Nightmare rend them. Someone had stopped it, interrupted its gallop a few steps from the beech. Someone was firmly holding the sword shone, in the rays of the crimson sun it looks precisely as a piece of the moon. Hatter firmly gripped the hilt of the sword. The young monarch has kept up in time to help his friends.
   Nightmare groaned as a wounded animal, and tried to bounce back, angrily waving his paws. Somehow it was lust like a lion, but no, it was not a lion. The only Lion for a whole world, was the sacred animal of the Red Kingdom. "Get out," commanded Hatter, in the next blow he pierced the chest of a terrible creatures, stroke the beast precisely in the heart.
   Nightmare hit the ground, with a long howl and froze. In no time It turned into light lacy black color clouds, that began to dissolve, driven by the wind in to the woods. Hatter lowered the sword, straightened the shoulders. For a moment oppressive silence hung under the beech. Then the king turned to Alice and Cheshire. "What are you doing here. Both of you?" asked the Hatter. The cat scratched the back and smiled awkwardly. "Yes not good... no good at all," he said through clenched teeth. Monarch hid the shining sword under his brown, long coat. He stepped forward to conspirator. "Havent i told you, Cheshire, that is not safe here in the wood? Why have you brought here, Alice?" calm voice of Capper pressed them like a shaved ice, it sounds frightening.
   "I brought Cheshire here," declared Alice. Her slender arms entwined on the chest, her eyes glowed like two firefly in the dark. Girls long hair become darker, blonde color to cloudy - gray sky, her skin like white porcelain now and her eyes - pure azure. Hatter leave comments to himself, with a quick look he confused girl even more. "What for?" He asked quietly."To chat," chimed in cat, wagged his tail. "Be silent, I'll deal with you letter. Better yet, leave us alone," commanded Hatter.
   Cheshire hissed, "I have the honor, Your Majesty, Your Obedient Servant." He gallantly bowed, bending at the cross, and disappeared with soft puff. Perhaps Cheshire was greatly offended by his request, but Hatter really did not care about cats mood."He's gone?" Alice looked back. The forest fell silent, and all entities returned to their daily activities. Cat really nowhere to be seen.
   "They, Cheshires are nimble and quick-witted beings. He will appear only if I ask," thrown Happer with serious gaze. "Now tell me. What it is all about?" ordered he with the same measured tone.
   Alice breathed nervously. "I just wanted to know what has happened in my absence..." she began with weak voice. "What has happened since your runaway," Hatter clarified.
   Alice blushed and looked away, biting her lips. Yes, it was runaway indeed, but when it comes to the past, it is necessary to recall everything as it was and not to snatch pieces of plot, and throw them like trump cards right and left! Why he was so cold with her. She had a right to be angry, not him. After all she had been deceived. She had a right to be angry, but said nothing. "The demons have invaded our world, as you can see," said Hatter after small pause. "One that attacked you is not the strongest of that beings, believe me." The last words he marked by lowering his voice.
   Alice did not know what to say. Tension hovered in the air. Everywhere imagined dire shadows, frightened crying or whispering. "But when ..." Alice wrung her hands as hard as she could, just to hold back the tears of remorse and resentment.
   "Almost immediately after you left," replied Hatter.
   "So long ago ..." whispered Alice with horror. He nodded in response, holding beautiful smooth top hat, presented by Alice at their first meeting, when she was just inquisitive and resourceful child.
   She could not remember where she found it, and why she decided that topper should belong to young weirdo. She only remembered that this had happened at their first tea party. Alice without asking come in, quickly called everyone by their "names", and gave the role of the Mad Hatter to the young bewitching host.
   The young man did not thwart, he smiled then, with smile so soft and warm, that the Alice's heart cleared with happiness.
   Young man invited her with a sweeping gesture. All his guests treated her, strange child, kindly and not reproached for her rude interruption.
   "It was not that long," whispered young monarch. His eyes softened, and now Alice could find in his gaze a forgiveness. Alice nodded.
   "Seven years." It was long enough for the outer world, but in the Wonder-world time passed differently."Yes, seven years changed you," - smiled Hatter, casting a quick glance at girl.
   "And you haven't at all." Now Alice directed him on "you", forgetting about her good manners and education.
   She always "poked" on Cheshire, but never on young man with the special royal lineage. Hatter smiled, though he would laughed before, in her past. She voluntarily gave up her marriage to Crown Prince order to come here, return to another prince, which become an mighty monarch.
   "This must be because of tea," he proposed jokingly. "Perhaps because of jam," she replied. And for the first time Hatter have laughed, almost happy and loud.
   When Hatter calmed down, he looked at the girl standing before him. She grew up, became prettier but did not lost her childness. And that was good for the world and for him. He was so afraid to meet "the wrong Alice." Not that funny cried, a little bit giddy, gumption inbreak from outer world, but a strange young woman from another realm.
   However people didn't spoiled her. Alice came back the same as she used to be. Though the long absence have affected her settling the light shadow on the heart.
   "Alice has returned to the Wonder-world," he shook, bowed and closed his eyes.
   "Alice returned home," replied young lady whispering.

Part II

Wrong Alice

   Alice came back in Wonderworld and met dearest ale friends. world have change and only she now can fix what have been done. But what if she is for real the "Wrong Alice".

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