- Аннотация:
- Der Panpsychorealismus: die extrasomatische Selbstwahrnehmung von Schloss Blutenburg (Acryl, Papier, 2021). Intrasomatisches und extrasomatisches Bewusstsein von Subsystemen (Ölpigmentstift, Papier, 2021).
- The consciousness of a person (for example, a guest or a resident of the Blutenburg Castle) with its subsystems is a subsystem of the consciousness of the Blutenburg Castle, which is a subsystem of the Consciousness of the Universe with the creative possibility of exchanging information between all subsystems, including subsystems remained from the past. If a person masters the technologies of green fog (smog) and the systematic approach subalgorythm SOSSS (stop - observe - smog - solution - step), then it will be able to connect to any subsystem of consciousness and self-consciousness (for example, the Blutenburg Castle) and to solve any problems. The formation of special cultural and creative skills allows a person unlimitedly to develop its extrasomatic panpsy-structure of consciousness and self-consciousness connected with the Consciousness and the Long-term Memory of the Universe.
- Das Voynich-Manuskript von Johannes Hartlieb: Schloss Blutenburg (1434), Balneotherapie (warmes Bad), die heimliche Trauung Albrechts mit Agnes Bernauer (1423), verschlüsselte Zaubersprüche (z.B. Hexensalbenrezept unguentum pharelis: ***, Vogelblut, Tierschmalz und Zauberspruch "Sholdy doldy doldaiin dar dar dal ol ydaiin" - es kommt nicht auf die Aussprache an, sondern auf die Lautfolge)