Полищук Александр Леонидович : другие произведения.

Don"t say "bye"

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Don"t say "Bye"
I will cry
Tell me "Yes"
& your tress
I will pet with a terrible pleasure.

After all
I"m not small
Don"t say "No"
For I know
That Inessette is wonderful girlie.

If you want me to love you
Then you will be entitled
To the best of my loving, of course.
If you want me to die
If your heart wants to fly
Then your poet will turn into corpse.

Don"t say "Die"
I can"t fly
Tell me "Live"
& believe
That I"ll never forget you, my Baby.

I can say 
There"ll b" a day
When you say 
That I may
& at once I will come to my business.

If you want me to love you
Then you will be entitled
To the best of my loving, of course.
If you want me to die
If your heart wants to fly
Then your poet will turn into corpse.

Close your eyes
And then rise
Your nice face
To the space
And you"ll feel that I"m near my dear, kitten.

Don"t say "Bye"
I can fly
Tell me "Live"
And believe
And you"ll feel that I"m near my dear girlie.

If you want me to love you
Then you will be entitled
To the best of my loving, of course.
If you want me to die
If your heart wants to fly
Then your poet will turn into corpse.
25. 11. 96

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