- Alexandre Pushkin is a great Ruissian poet. To be be exact, the greatest one. Yet he was a famous bedhopper, and as every single male slut he was morbidly jealous. He was killed by a Horse Guardsman, young French man Georges d'Anthès whom Pushkin after receiving an anonymous abusive letter challenged to a duel https://youtu.be/_4gQvDjVKEc Georges d'Anthès was a bridegroom of his wife`s sister at the moment of the duel. Despite this Pushkin imagined d'Anthès had tried to seduce his wife Natalie.
- As a man Pushkin must have suffered from the complex of inferiority. Pushkin was elder, 37 years old, just 166 cm tall and dark-skinned while Georges d'Anthès was a very tall blonde guy about 20 years old.
- In his youth Pushkin would seduce the batallions of the married ladies, but he couldn`t bear an idea of having been a cuckold himself. By the way, he wasn`t. He preferred Hormony to Harmony and died in vain, though in his youth he was warned by a gipsy fortune teller to avoid conflicts with le grand blond (see `Le grand blond massacre Mozart et Brahms` https://youtu.be/uexGhKoG4WM).
- The descendants of Pushkin sometimes meet one another in Russia, but they refuse to forgive Georges d'Anthès, IMHO, in vain. In any case they are all one big family, the Pushkins-d`Anthèses. Their feud, their strife reminding of that of d'Capuleti and Montecchi is senseless. All in all, there are 240 descendants of Pushkin in the world. None is a poet or poetess unlike the descendants of Georges d'Anthès.
- After the duel Georges d'Anthès came back to France with his wife Ekaterina, Pushkin widows`s sister and many years later he became a Senator. His daughter was a poetess and philologist specializing in ... Pushkin. His grandgrandson French Baron Louis de Heeckeren d'Anthès, an owner of the waste incineration plant, is a poet too. He lives in the same estate to where Georges d'Anthès returned from France. The Baron had a book of poems issued. He was illustrated by his own pictures. The first poem is dedicated to the duel. It explains the version of the d'Anthès` side, their view-pont of reasons of the fatal conflict. A propos. On his deathbed Pushkin forgave his brother-in-law. The fact which is still being widely igonored. The real killers of the poet were neither High Society nor his own brother-in-law but, if to judge by the grammar mistakes of the abusing letter (`The Certificate of a Cuckold`) written in French, his Russian enemies, people of not noble birth, probably, irritated by the then Pushkin`s wife ardour for Catholicism. The case needs a new objective re-investigation.