Романова Инесса Сергеевна : другие произведения.

Моя грусть находит место и на листах бумаги

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  • Аннотация:
    This World is weird, Every tiny soul is devastated. That's normal, but I'm tiring... Many tries, but my mind is exhausting... New boring day, new scary way, How should I pay? What should I say? No more, next day will be outrageous. New annoying idea, heart is rebellious. I should be respectable, I should be valuable, So terrible, because I'm just miserable... Follow to the darkness, this music is alarming, Find the exit, this way is frightening. Community likes people, who determined, So, I'm trying, I can't be confused! I'll try, my person will be successful, But not I, my mind is always stressful... დ .•*""*•. #ISSA •*""*•.დ

This World is weird, 
Every tiny soul is devastated. 
That's normal, but I'm tiring... 
Many tries, but my mind is exhausting... 

New boring day, new scary way, 
How should I pay? What should I say? 
No more, next day will be outrageous. 
New annoying idea,  heart is rebellious. 

I should be respectable, I should be valuable, 
So terrible, because I'm just miserable... 
Follow to the darkness, this music is alarming, 
Find the exit, this way is frightening. 

Community likes people, who determined, 
So, I'm trying, I can't be confused! 
I'll try, my person will be successful, 
But not I, my mind is always stressful... 

დ .•*""*•.  #ISSA  •*""*•.დ

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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