Rutana Anshantar : другие произведения.

At dead of night

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    Мысли, навеянные зимним садом

  At dead of night
  Who are we? Where are we going? Why have we appeared in this World? What is the purpose of our being? Such thoughts are gradually emerging in my mind while I`m going through a dingy dark winter park. I`m able to see grey ugly bushes that have lost their leaves. The yellow moon is lighting this park. In a dim haze I`m going across an old bridge.
   Suddenly it begins snowing, everything becomes white and cold.My spurious negative impression changes into total joy. This quiet and peaceful night forces me to think about the ethos of my life.
   Our feelings are differentials of a living person from dead ones. We are different, we have different features: bold and timid, strong and weak, garrulous and gregarious. We have different priorities and thoughts. We plan our future in our own way. But all have something in common that leads us in the life. Something that is cohesive to correlate our humanity. What strikes me most is that the same feelings and impressions can be found in an ordinary worker and the most powerful politician, a hardworking housewife and a bigoted rapist or professional killer.
   So first and foremost, the question is what does sustain our being? At this jucture I stop. Snow is falling on the ground and pavement without a pause and it calms me down. I feel a strong sense of confidence and relief. I don`t know what you are living for. I1m not even interested in this point. But I`ve just found out what is the purpose of my own life and this understanding is a heady leap to complete perfection. I don`t care more about fatuous things such as casual problems. I`ve achieved the other way of the consciousness and I accept and appreciate these changes.
   Maybe it is my doom to understand such simple but yet brilliant signs, maybe it is my burdenor just an evasion to break out from routine and cruelty. I`m not sure about the way but I`m going forward without a furtive look back.
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