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Stalin-Putin Against Need

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    Vladimir Putin celebrated his seventieth birthday in Stalin's body. There is little joy, in general, and the body is already old and flabby, and the USSR pays reparations to the Third Reich, and the destroyed economy needs to be rebuilt. For now, there is peaceful construction and winter. For now, even Hitler, who conquered almost the entire world, does not wage wars, although he has planned an invasion of Finland. And the main characters write very interesting stories and novels.

  Vladimir Putin celebrated his seventieth birthday in Stalin's body. There is little joy, in general, and the body is already old and flabby, and the USSR pays reparations to the Third Reich, and the destroyed economy needs to be rebuilt. For now, there is peaceful construction and winter. For now, even Hitler, who conquered almost the entire world, does not wage wars, although he has planned an invasion of Finland. And the main characters write very interesting stories and novels.
  . CHAPTER #1
  The celebration of the seventieth birthday of Joseph Stalin, in whose body Vladimir Putin, the former president of Russia, was rather modest. There were no special reasons for pomp. The country, having lost a significant part of its territory, was recovering from a practically lost war. And it still had to pay reparations to the Third Reich. Winter reigned - cold and hungry, and there was no time for fat.
  Hitler has just crushed the rebellion against Mussolini and a referendum on joining the Third Reich has been announced in Italy. The situation is, so to speak, hanging by a thread.
  It seems that Hitler has decided to do away with all independent states in the world.
  Stalin-Putin hid in a bunker. He remembered his past life and the war with Ukraine. It also dragged on, contrary to the expectations of a blitzkrieg, the military actions became protracted and fierce.
  Now he had a respite, partly due to luck. Because Hitler wanted to capture Japan with its colonies first. And the Fuhrer conquered it together with the USSR. He managed to return what the samurai had previously captured , as well as southern Sakhalin and the Kuril ridge. Then Hitler waged several relatively small wars - he captured states in Latin America, Spain and Portugal, Turkey, and finally Italy with its colonies.
  The Finns could be next, but in the cold, Hitler is unlikely to march on Suomi. Most likely, it will be in the spring, but for now...
  We have to solve the problems of post-war restoration of the Soviet empire.
  Stalin-Putin called Molotov.
  The People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs did not appear immediately. Before that, Vladimir-Joseph looked at the dancing girls. Despite the winter, they were wearing short skirts and barefoot. Their beautiful, graceful legs deftly moved and stamped their steps.
  Stalin-Putin felt tired and weak. In fact, he was already seventy years old. Or maybe even seventy-one, if Stalin was really born in 1878, and not, as is commonly believed, 1879. Although this, too, seems to have not been fully proven. But in any case, his strength is not the same, and there is no desire for girls.
  Yes, it's sad...
  Stalin-Putin sang:
  It is impossible to live in this world without women, no,
  In them is the sun of May, in them is the blossoming of love!
  I won't say a word,
  Falling passionately in love again,
  Every time I
  Even for an hour!
  Stalin-Putin thought to himself that bare, girlish feet are beautiful and aesthetic. Indeed, what perfection of lines they have. How sexy the straight, toes with neatly trimmed nails look. And how tempting the curve of the round heel. It is simply incredible charm. Such feet make you want to shower with kisses without stopping.
  Moreover, your little friend has already sagged, and you don"t have the same strength as before.
  At the time of his transfer, Putin was no longer young, over seventy years old. And he entered Stalin's flesh when he was formally sixty-two years old. But the body of the dictator who abused wine and tobacco and worked at night was pretty worn out.
  So he could have women for some time. But now almost eight years have passed. And how much has Putin achieved in Stalin's place? Not very successful. Rather the opposite compared to the real Stalin, he is in the minus. Moscow is half surrounded by the Germans through a corridor, Leningrad also has a narrow gauge for supplies. Ukraine, the Baltics, Belarus, the entire Caucasus, Karelia, including Arkhangelsk and Murmansk are under the control of the Nazis. In the south, the Germans captured lands up to Ulyanovsk, and Uralsk with Guryev , almost to Orenburg. And even Turkmenistan and part of Uzbekistan are under the Third Reich.
  That is, Putin has lost a lot of land, and is paying Hitler huge reparations in raw materials, gold, diamonds, and food. And it is not a fact that the Fuhrer will not want to carry out unification and create a single empire for the entire planet Earth. And he needs to be told already and there is little left in this matter.
  Finland has independence. And also Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia. Turkey was recently captured. Italy has just been conquered. A little earlier Portugal and Spain with all their colonies. This is an operation against Brazil and the Latin countries. America .
  Well, before that, Japan and its numerous colonies were enslaved by the Third Reich, along with the USSR.
  For this, the Germans allowed corridors to be built to Moscow and Leningrad. They moved away a little from Orenburg and Tashkent. But the USSR still lost a lot of land and pays tribute to the Germans. True, reparations for the war with Japan were somewhat reduced. Now they have to restore what was destroyed. And dream of revenge. And there are different ideas here. One of them is the atomic bomb. But Hitler warned that his agents would uncover something like this, and Russia would be finished.
  For example, you can only play around with tanks. The IS-13 is one of the developments. The machine weighs two hundred tons . But in practice it is too expensive, clumsy and vulnerable.
  So far, the T-54 series of medium tanks. For a weight of thirty-six tons, the tank is well protected in the front. But against the German pyramidal machines it is weak - and this is , alas, understandable. The 100-millimeter gun, even with a cumulative projectile, will not take the AG-50 tank from any angle. And it will penetrate it with its 105-millimeter gun and high pressure in the front from a long distance.
  The T-55 is being developed, with a slightly larger 105mm gun and a longer barrel, but it will clearly be insufficient.
  Yes, problems. There's a lot of fuss with these Isami , although they can still take on pyramidal vehicles. But for example, no Isami can penetrate the AG-100 .
  That is, there is a dead end here for now. And it is better to think about a new war.
  And look at the girls' bare and naked feet.
  I wonder how much longer Stalin will last? In real history, he died on March 5, 1953. And obviously from illness. So the body really became decrepit and weak.
  You walk a little and you're already out of breath. Plus the pressure. And there's no energy or strength.
  If we take into account that one year of war is worth three, then Stalin-Putin at seventy is already a very old man. And it's time for him to go to the graveyard. And of course, his strength is not the same.
  In his past life, Vladimir Putin also felt increasingly exhaustion and weariness from the protracted war with Ukraine, which the entire Western world stood behind. Maybe that is why Vladimir Putin was so willing to make peace with Hitler, first handing him Britain with all its colonies, and then the USA, because chronic fatigue had accumulated from wars.
  And they wanted to buy a reprieve from war and slaughter at any cost. In general, Vladimir Putin will probably go down in the history of modern Russia as a war president. From the very beginning, he waged constant, almost uninterrupted wars.
  In particular, in Chechnya. But the legitimate president of Chechnya, Aslan Maskhadov, offered Putin negotiations and to resolve the matter peacefully. And indeed, it would have been possible to reach an agreement . And if Vladimir Putin had not shown his stubbornness, then not only Kadyrov's men , but also Maskhadov's men , Basayev's men, Raduyevs , and others would have fought against the Ukrainian troops and Western support. After all, why isn't Shamil Basayev a warrior? Of course, he is a warrior and a skilled fighter. And he, Shamil Basayev, could have brought a lot of benefit to the Russian army.
  But Vladimir Putin was stubborn and did not negotiate with the warring party. And this was, perhaps, his biggest mistake. The guerrilla war dragged on for about fifteen years. And as soon as the Caucasus calmed down, Vladimir Putin started a war in Syria. He got involved in the Islamic showdown. And again there was blood, victims and expenses.
  Well, if in the war in the Caucasus the loss count was in the thousands on the Russian side, then in Syria it was only in the hundreds. And then mostly Wagnerites and Kadyrovites died .
  At some point, Vladimir Putin imagined that he was a genius, that he was omnipotent and that the Russian army was invincible. And that he could really move mountains, conquer the whole world. Or, at least, restore the Russian empire, at least within the borders of the USSR.
  And on February 24, 2022, a big war began in Ukraine. Which was called a special military operation. The prevailing mood was that we would throw our hats at them. And the Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov seriously claimed that Ukraine was a four-hour problem for the Russian army. And many believed him. And even Western media echoed him.
  In the war against the Donbass pro-Russian separatists, the Ukrainian troops showed their weakness and inability to fight. Both in 2014 and in the winter of 2015, the Ukrainian Armed Forces fought weakly, against an enemy that was not very well armed and few in number. The LND and DPR troops had no aviation at all, and almost no heavy equipment. Of course, the experience of such battles led to the opinion that the Ukrainians are lousy warriors. And that they would crumble immediately from a blow from the Russian army.
  And the Americans themselves fueled such sentiments, declaring that the Russians would take Kiev in three days. And how can one not believe this? Moreover, people readily believe what they themselves want to believe. But these are ordinary people. And the president?
  A president, especially with such a great deal of experience as Vladimir Putin, simply had to be wiser than the crowd and his entourage. But it was also thought that Ukraine would be captured in a week, well, two at the most. And there would be new lands, and Vladimir would go down in history as a conqueror.
  But contrary to calculations and estimates, the blitzkrieg did not work out. And the war became protracted and bloody. And the losses of the Russian army reached hundreds of thousands. Russia lost more people only in the Second World War. And this, of course, was a big, bloody and fat stain on the biography of Vladimir Putin. Sometimes he even regretted that he did not die before the war with Ukraine began.
  Which, probably, many Russians also regretted. And they thought - I wish the devil would take you. Perhaps that is why Vladimir Putin, having incarnated in Stalin's body, first of all began to harm the Americans and the British, thinking that, supposedly, Hitler would serve as an icebreaker for the future Soviet empire. And Putin succeeded. But the Third Reich became the world hegemon, and its technological, material and human resource superiority is too great.
  So Vladimir Putin himself drove the USSR into a corner. And now all that was left was to pray that the Third Reich would probably not attack anytime soon. And then, you see, Hitler would bend over, or some other force majeure would happen. So...
  certainly made a mistake regarding Ukraine . Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, mercenaries and volunteers were killed there. And nothing significant was achieved. Russia would go down in history as another bloody loser.
  Vladimir Putin was most often compared to either Hitler or Napoleon. But the comparisons were negative. And there was nothing to be proud of.
  The trill of a nightingale's bell was heard. Molotov had finally arrived. The Minister of Foreign Affairs. Vladimir Putin-Stalin had not replaced him yet. Firstly, Molotov was not yet sixty, he was not old. And secondly, Vladimir Putin did not like new faces in his circle too much. For example, he kept Lavrov as Minister of Foreign Affairs for a long time. So what? It would be hard to find a better one anyway . And an old horse will not spoil the furrow. Prime Ministers could be replaced more often , so that the aging president would not be undermined!
  By the way, when thoughts about a successor arose, Lavrenty Palych Beria was most often remembered. He is twenty years younger than Stalin and has been his right hand for many years. So Beria could replace him better than others. And perhaps it would be better to leave a will about the successor in writing. That would be more capable. Molotov is also one of Stalin's deputies in the State Defense Committee, but he is in no way fit to be a successor, as Stalin-Putin himself thinks.
  Perhaps, if there had been Lavrentiy Beria instead of Nikita Khrushchev, or Nikolai Voznesensky, then communism would have been built!
  As for Nikolai Voznesensky, Vladimir Putin also had his eye on him. He was already a seasoned business executive and academician. And he could also have easily headed the USSR. In real history, Stalin also wanted to appoint Voznesensky as his successor, but then some cuckoo bit him.
  Molotov gave a report on the international situation. In general, nothing new or significant. The Third Reich is digesting conquered Italy and its colonies, and a referendum is to be held on New Year's. A single empire is being created for the whole world.
  It is clear that the USSR's turn will soon come, and there are practically no chances of victory. The only thing that can be done is to prolong the agony.
  Although in this case there may be a chance to create a superweapon. And not some primitive atomic bomb, but something similar to the Hyperboloid of engineer Garin.
  And that would be a worthy answer.
  Molotov, on the whole, did not make any approving contributions and Stalin let him go.
  He left, bowing modestly.
  The Supreme Commander-in-Chief took a short nap in his chair...
  He dreamed that he was Malchish-Kibalchish. And he was fighting with the whole white army. And he had only barefoot children under his command: boys and girls who were not yet fourteen.
  But at the same time, in the battle with the White Army, they literally work miracles. And mow down the ranks of the White Guards...
  It"s like little children are somehow enchanted and neither bullets nor swords nor shell fragments can touch them.
  And Putin himself is not a decrepit Old Man Stalin with many ailments, but a nimble boy of about twelve years old - barefoot and in shorts.
  And it's so great to be a child. How easy and pleasant you feel, and how much strength and energy you have. And you jump like a monkey. And wave a sabre...
  But he didn't manage to sleep for long. Having fallen asleep in the chair, Stalin-Putin waved his hand and knocked over a glass of tea. It fell, and the sound woke the dictator.
  And the leader, waking up, ordered Beria to be called.
  The girls ran, their bare heels flashing, and after Lavrenty Palych. It was very interesting.
  And Stalin-Putin propped his chin on his fist and thought. There was an idea to eliminate the Fuhrer physically, counting on this causing chaos in the Third Reich and a struggle for power. And maybe even a split in the empire.
  Indeed, not everyone is happy with the successor, who is officially Hermann Goering.
  Besides, Goering, abusing drugs, seriously undermined his health. And he is hardly capable of holding on to power. And Adolf Hitler's numerous sons are still too young to inherit the crown. There is no way to argue with that . So there was a certain reason for this.
  True, if the Soviet secret services are exposed here, then there will be something like this ... Of course, an inevitable attack on the USSR. But the prospects are not cheerful.
  Stalin-Putin sighed heavily. He wanted to and was afraid. Although there was a chance, undoubtedly . He himself could also die. Maybe he should officially declare Beria his successor and secure this at the congress.
  Or Nikolai Voznesensky? There were reasons for both.
  Stalin-Putin sighed heavily once again. The appointment of Beria as successor could have pushed Lavrenty to poison Stalin. And this is understandable. In general, in this world, the leader is a loser, having lost a large amount of territory and the USSR, and his authority is not the same!
  Even if they managed to win something back from Japan in the end. And Putin was lucky again. But sooner or later, luck runs out. As it was with Ukraine, when Crimea was easily taken away, like in a science fiction novel. But then things didn"t go quite that way. Here Putin himself messed things up. There was a chance to defeat the SBU and take Kyiv, but the Russian president personally ordered the militia to stop, and they missed the victory.
  And then everything went wrong. From the very beginning, the war against Ukraine did not go well . Well, there is not much room to move around here.
  Stalin and Putin even whistled in his nostrils, saying that he really did screw up .
  And the further the war went, the more victims there were. And the losses were constantly growing.
  Stalin-Putin estimated that so many Russian soldiers died in Ukraine that more in the entire history of the country occurred only in the First and Second World Wars. True, of course, one must also take into account what Russia's population was. But all the same, the number of RTVs was impressive. And Putin became a monster.
  But overall he was a more or less respectable ruler.
  Stalin-Putin dropped his shoulders ... I really wanted to cry.
  But finally Beria appeared.
  And the leader of all times and peoples assumed an arrogant and menacing appearance.
  Beria reported the discovery of a couple of small conspiracies.
  He was slightly taller than Stalin, balding, even shaved bald in the song. Stalin himself did not wear glasses, although in his last years his eyesight had become worse. Beria was, in general, quite physically healthy. He did not smoke, drank little, and fornicated with women. He could rule for a long time - Molotov, for example, lasted for so long.
  Beria is a Georgian, and among them there are often long-livers.
  Stalin-Putin asked sternly:
  - And what is the mood of the people?
  The Minister of the Interior responded:
  - There is some unrest. But people are gradually getting used to the world. Crime is falling. I think in another two or three years we will reach stable growth and it will even be possible to reduce prices.
  Stalin-Putin nodded his head confidently:
  - Well ... That's true! We will definitely get out of the bottom that the war has driven us into!
  Beria nodded and continued:
  - Intelligence reports that the Germans want to fly to the Moon. And they are building a very powerful rocket. They have a plan to send two men and two girls there. Moreover, Hitler's son, Wolf, despite his young age , may become an astronaut!
  Stalin-Putin nodded his head :
  - That's not bad! For them, of course, but not for us! And in general, what do you think, if Hitler had died, would it have been good for our country?
  Beria shrugged his shoulders and replied:
  - Perhaps this led to a big war for power! To a very big one, a civil war. Or maybe not ! In any case, for now Hermann Goering remains the official successor of Hitler, but the boar is sick and has decomposed in drugs.
  Stalin-Putin nodded his head:
  - It looks like it! In any case, we may have problems too.
  The Minister of Internal Affairs noted:
  - Nevertheless, it is a chance! And not the smallest chance!
  The leader sang in a hoarse voice:
  It's not a paycheck, it's not an advance,
  It only drops once...
  And God will tell you - He will provide!
  Also a tricky chance!
  Beria noted with a smile:
  - We will do as you order, oh great one. If there is an order to kill Hitler, we will kill him. Although he has four whole personal guard divisions. But our guys can do a lot.
  Stalin-Putin suddenly remembered how in real history they tried to remove Borz Tito. And what came of it. No, perhaps this is not the best idea.
  The chief nodded his head and replied:
  - You know, we don't have to kill Hitler yet. Let's look for other ways.
  Beria nodded in agreement:
  - Maybe you are right, Comrade Stalin!
  - So let's have a drink!
  And both thugs clinked glasses of red wine. After which Beria left the leader's office.
  Stalin-Putin dozed off again...
  He dreamed of some boys... About eleven or twelve years old, nice-looking, handsome boys in white shirts, red ties and shorts.
  They ran, splashing with their bare, small, sharpened feet. And they made a terrible noise.
  Stalin-Putin saw that the main boy among the boys was a boy of about twelve years old with light hair cut in a semi-box. The boy was tanned with a naked, very muscular and sculpted torso, but a red tie was tied around his bare neck.
  The boy sang:
  In the vastness of our wonderful homeland,
  Tempered in battle and labor...
  We composed a joyful song,
  About a great friend and leader!
  The barefoot pioneer boys immediately picked up on it:
  Stalin is military glory,
  Stalin of our youth flight...
  Fighting and winning with song,
  Our people follow Stalin!
  Fighting and winning with song,
  Our people follow Stalin!
  And then, apparently, the boys started dancing with their bare, sharpened feet.
  Then the girls ran up to them. In smart dresses and ties and also barefoot . And the beauties began to sing:
  A furious volcano is raging,
  from hell are attacking ...
  A strict order was given to the elves.
  Let bears and wolves not pass!
  girls of light, boldly advance,
  To fight bravely with the enemy of orcishism,
  Here, write down the fighter Elfie in your notebook,
  Why are you serious and not have the soul of a clown?
  In the Fatherland, every warrior from the nursery,
  The elf reaches out to the crossbow...
  So you defeat Koschei,
  Let our exploits be sung!
  The girl rushes into attack barefoot,
  In just a bikini you are a fighter-hottie ...
  And if necessary, he will move his fist -
  No, even vodka won't help the Fritzes!
  Yes, the holy Elf - there are countless places,
  You can show your class beautifully...
  And the pride and honor of the bravest warriors,
  And we will defeat the terrible goblins!
  May our Motherland always be,
  Great and simply beautiful...
  The universal dream will come true,
  Such a team of elves has become!
  Yes, we are ready to fight for the people,
  Who can make everything cool...
  And who is Koschei - an unthinkable freak ,
  Although it can be very dangerous!
  We will give our hearts for the Motherland,
  The soul is full , and the seas of light...
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
  And the blue planet moves!
  That's how good girls are,
  Although in battle you are certainly barefoot ...
  Believe me, the girls will dance from the heart,
  And the golden luxuriant braids comb!
  This place is just a miracle Elf,
  Which is more beautiful than Eden...
  Fight for your Motherland and don't be afraid ,
  You will certainly be a brave sir!
  Yes, for elf women there is no word for coward,
  For them, any business is worth five kopecks...
  Although sometimes sadness comes to brothers,
  That the boy doesn't have enough money!
  After all, you want unbridled love,
  So that the Fatherland may prosper generously...
  Although much blood will be shed,
  But believe me, even the world is not enough for me!
  Yeah, it's cool with a barefoot girl,
  To lead the boy on some exciting adventures ...
  And deal with the hairy horde,
  And then they plowed the fields with a plough!
  This is how beautiful the lush May is,
  The air in it is filled with endless honey...
  And you, a furious boy, dare to do so,
  For the Motherland, for happiness, for freedom!
  And man and elf are considered one,
  Together we will have infinite strength...
  The girl holds a strong oar in her hands,
  This is the daring of a hero!
  I believe we will bravely defeat the orcs,
  we'll punch the goblin in the face too ...
  We fight for freedom and for peace.
  And let's make the whole planet happy!
  May Tsar Koschei not defeat us,
  Even though the army of the bony one is great...
  We fight for our wives and children,
  And there will be faces of light on the icons!
  Then to the glory of the Lord Elst ,
  We will sing such songs as...
  That we will be in the glory of our father's family,
  And everything will become more interesting!
  Yes, our Supreme God is now one,
  But multifaceted , in different guises...
  Both the elf and the man are master,
  I believe there will be no evil misfortune!
  Yes, the Elven homeland is blooming,
  And for people she is a mother...
  We will show honor to those who need it.
  Let there be a very generous reward!
  I know the dead will rise again, believe me,
  And in a beautiful paradise they will be, I believe people...
  Even if a beast attacks from the underworld,
  Believe me, no one will judge the bravest !
  And now the light of the Earth rises as a paradise,
  The radiant savior of the world will come...
  And all nations are a friendly family,
  Sacred Eden given by the God of happiness!
  . CHAPTER #2.
  Natasha Sokolovskaya also tried to compose something in the winter, during her vacation. Indeed, after hard work, why not scribble something on a typewriter. For example, here is the story of a boy ranger who travels with his girlfriend through space worlds.
  Oleg Raketny and Margarita Korshunova landed on the planet Epsilon. The child rangers took computer chips with them and created their atmosphere. The locals, looking like giraffes framed by rose petals, began to show through. Oleg, looking like a handsome, fair-haired boy of about twelve, chirped:
  - There is more fluorine than oxygen in the atmosphere here!
  The girl Margarita, who looked to be the same age as Oleg, nodded:
  - Yes, fluorine is active, but our security guards us perfectly!
  And the beauty with golden hair pressed the button.
  And the children flew around the cosmodrome. There were spaceships of various designs and the most fanciful shapes all around. Some rockets looked like colored markers. Others looked like New Year's garlands. Or something even more impressive. Here you can see lemons with floats.
  And then a crab in a spacesuit swam by. And the little fish with legs, and other humanoid and non-humanoid communities.
  Margarita flew up to the boy with her head covered in needles like a cactus and sang:
  - All who have reason are brothers,
  The only difference between us is our dresses!
  He extended his hand in response and said:
  - You and I are of the same blood - you and I!
  After which the boy with the needles and the charming girl with gold leaf hair exchanged badges. And it looked very funny and symbolic.
  Oleg flew up to a rocket in the shape of a hybrid of a squirrel and a pineapple. A very nice rocket indeed. And next to it stood a girl with a fox's head. And the boy from Earth shook her hand. The girl did the same in response .
  Oleg asked:
  - Will we be friends with each other?
  The fox girl answered confidently:
  - We will!
  And they also exchanged badges as a sign of friendship and symbolic support.
  After which Oleg and Margarita met again and, holding hands, flew together.
  It was unusually beautiful outside the spaceport .
  The roads flowed like rivers. The buildings turned out to be of the most diverse and sometimes extremely fanciful forms. And it was fun. The local residents - giraffes framed by pink petals - flew up every now and then and cut circles. Everything looked simply wonderful.
  And many buildings, in their magnificence and abundance of decorations and various garlands, resembled New Year trees in the houses of the richest merchants. And it is so luxurious and charming that your head literally spins.
  The girl noticed:
  - This world is peaceful and resembles paradise. But do you remember how we ended up in one alternative history? There, the Germans only managed to discover in time that the scrapers on Soviet documents were made of simple iron, not stainless steel. And that's why the Germans couldn't take action in time at Stalingrad. But in that AI, they did just that and regrouped their troops. As a result, the Red Army's offensive was stopped!
  Oleg nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, I remember this AI. The most interesting thing is how a simple paper clip can influence the course of history.
  Margarita cooed:
  - Life is a chain, and the little things in it are links, you can"t ignore the importance of a link!
  The boy nevertheless noticed:
  - But you can"t get stuck on trifles, otherwise the chain will envelop you!
  The children then clapped their hands and flew on.
  Oleg Raketny remembered this AI well.
  After the Red Army failed to achieve success in either the Rzhev-Sychovka operation or the offensive at Stalingrad, the Germans held on in the winter. The Fritzes were also able to hold on to the blockade of Leningrad, repelling the Soviet offensive during Operation Iskra.
  In the end, the Germans finally managed to take Stalingrad and consolidate their position there.
  However , things were going badly for the Nazis in Africa. Even before Stalingrad, the battle in Egypt at El Aman was lost. And Rommel was forced to retreat. An Anglo-American landing force landed in Morocco. True, Rommel was able to launch a counterattack. And more successful than in real history, since Hitler gave Rommel emergency powers and authority over all troops.
  Having transferred some units from France and Europe, Hitler strengthened Rommel . Both Tigers and Panthers took part in the battles. These tanks became an unpleasant surprise for the Allies. As it turned out, the Panther is impenetrable from the front for English tanks, but it itself penetrates all of them, including the Churchill. And the Tiger is also not bad and is well protected from the side.
  So the fighting in Africa was once again dictated by the Wehrmacht.
  And Hitler decided to refrain for now from attacking the USSR and to defeat the British and Americans in Africa.
  Moreover, Stalin and his team also decided to stick to a wait-and-see tactic. They expected to wear down the Wehrmacht in defense. But Hitler shifted the weight of the battles to Africa. At the same time, the Third Reich increased the production of submarines, and they really bothered the allies.
  Well, the total mobilization bore fruit : the production of weapons was constantly increasing. The clashes in Africa showed that now German tanks are the best in the world, as is the Ferdinand self-propelled gun. And the Focke-Wulf aircraft with powerful weapons is effective against Allied aviation, as is the 30-millimeter caliber aircraft cannon.
  German troops under Rommel's command defeated the British and occupied Egypt. And another part of Hitler's army, led by Meinstein, captured Algeria and Morocco. Under these conditions, Churchill asked Hitler for a truce.
  The Fuhrer first invaded the Middle East, and captured lands as far as Iran during the summer and fall. The USSR transferred additional forces to Iran. And only then did Hitler accept a truce with Britain, the United States and their allies.
  In addition, the Fuhrer received guarantees that Germany's communications in Africa would not be disrupted. And an exchange of prisoners of war was carried out. And since the Allies had more losses in prisoners, they were obliged to supply equipment to the Third Reich. And the USSR was no longer to receive anything under Lend-Lease.
  Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to this. Germany also received control over the Belgian and Dutch colonies in Africa, and all the French ones.
  Now Hitler could fully concentrate on the war against the USSR.
  Stalin, of course, was accumulating his strength. But the territory of Soviet Russia had been severely curtailed. Before the war, eighty million people lived in the part occupied by the Germans.
  The leader kept postponing the offensive. And only at the end of November, on the 30th, did the Soviet troops begin a new offensive on the flanks of Stalingrad, and in the center on December 5, again in the Rzhev- Sychovsky direction.
  The Germans knew about this offensive and prepared for a tough defense.
  The fighting unfolded with great force and intensity.
  On the German side, a good self-propelled gun, the Jagdpanther, took part. It proved to be a good tank destroyer. And the simple Panther and Tiger also proved to be excellent machines. Especially in defense.
  For the first time, a crew of girls took part in battles on the German side. Before that, German women had not fought in tanks in real battles.
  Wittmann also fought . He became a real star of pantsvale .
  But Gerda's tank crew especially distinguished itself. The girl fired with her bare toes. She hit the Soviet tanks very accurately, and the other girls sang to cheer themselves up;
  We are brave she-wolves of tanks, know,
  We fight with the legion troops...
  Let's build a paradise on the planet,
  Although there are countless millions of enemies!
  We shoot very accurately, believe me,
  To the orcs that rush like a whirlwind on tanks...
  Even if a beast attacks from the underworld,
  We'll make a casserole out of the trolls!
  We do our duty as girls,
  Which you know was written down in notebooks...
  So that the evil orc leader with the bald head dies ,
  And we will see the distances of elfinism!
  I believe we will acquire wealth,
  We will fly higher than the clouds, believe me...
  And we will confirm our glory with a steel sword,
  May adults and children be happy!
  What is a hairy orc?
  He is a growling beast and so smelly ...
  The soldiers stab him in the side with a bayonet,
  And figuratively disperse the clouds!
  The girl's boots were torn,
  Well, why is she shooting with her bare heel...
  such pies,
  And braiding hair in this passion!
  Do not trust someone who is weak in heart,
  We will do everything as it should be...
  And the miserable slave will be destroyed,
  The girls of light will receive a reward!
  No, the enemy will not catch us in the net,
  We will definitely bury him...
  And even though the wounded bear roars,
  He should know that hell will be miserable!
  Such miracles happen here,
  So that everything is beautiful, like in a museum...
  We will fly, believe in heaven,
  And let the villains be in hell!
  This is how good it is for girls,
  The shooting is done with a small caliber...
  Let the girl's oar break,
  We will respond with an extremely wild blow!
  Girl, you know, I've been barefoot all my life,
  Why does she need shoes? It's nothing but trouble...
  She creates a beautiful voice,
  Let us not be plebeians, just sirs!
  For the glory of our Motherland, love,
  To what helps beat the orcs...
  Even though blood flows like a stream,
  light elvenists will come !
  We are the girls who sing,
  And the beauties have a ringing voice...
  And the orc certainly looks very cool,
  But the elf will beat you literally from the cradle!
  Sometimes a cruel thunderstorm sounds,
  And lightning flashes without restraint ...
  But the girl will not shed a tear,
  Let Abel triumph, not Cain!
  In our world, we are not given the opportunity to rule,
  To the one who is evil or too proud a guy...
  But for us girls it doesn't matter,
  horde to ashes !
  We girls dispersed the tank,
  And they rammed the evil orcs...
  The orc player got a hard punch in the snout,
  May the kingdom be ruled by a kind, good-natured guy!
  Believe the light forever, we will not betray,
  Since we girls are giants...
  To us, to us, the golden-winged cherubs,
  After all, we are completely invincible in battles !
  Our tank is certainly strong and powerful,
  He breaks trees like matches...
  The wind will disperse the flocks of gloomy clouds,
  And we study, we will be excellent !
  Where a girl walks with her bare heel,
  The harvest there is rich and luxurious...
  The number of victories has been endless,
  The lesson has been learned, believe me, the most important one!
  That's how the girl sang on the Panther, hitting Soviet tanks with a cannon. And the cannon of the "Panther" makes fifteen shots per minute. And its caliber is seemingly small: 75-millimeters, but the barrel is 70 EL long and the muzzle velocity of the projectile is high, with good armor-piercing . So try to get to her.
  However, these are the Germans who are such serious fighters. But the Soviets are also pushing forward with cool Komsomol girls. And they are also extremely serious.
  The girls rush into the attack, despite the frost and snowdrifts, barefoot, and at the same time do not forget to sing;
  When we all joined the Komsomol,
  The girls swore a true oath...
  That the world will be like a radiant dream,
  And we will see communism in the distance!
  That life will pour out like golden rain,
  And there will be faith, know communism...
  We will defeat the enemies with certainty,
  Let us crush the hordes of vile fascism into dust!
  But it wasn't a piece of cake at all,
  The world turned out to be the tip of a dagger...
  The right of the fist reigns everywhere,
  For whom , imagine, the land is not enough!
  But our motto is not to give in to enemies,
  The Wehrmacht will not bring us to our knees...
  Exams are passed with an A,
  And our teacher is the brilliant Lenin!
  We can make Hitler a khan,
  Although the Fuhrer of the underworld is even cooler...
  The fighter shouts "hurray" enthusiastically,
  And disperses the darkness and clouds with one volley!
  We, the Komsomol members, shouting hurray,
  We will raise the whole world on the rack with screams...
  The children laugh and rejoice,
  To the glory of our mother Russia!
  And the flag of communism is very bright,
  Which is the color of blood, and a grenade...
  He is an aggressive fighter like a magician,
  And believe me, Hitler will come to his senses!
  no limits for achievements ,
  And the girls run to battle in beauty...
  The swarm of fascism has noticeably thinned out,
  And our little pioneer voice is ringing!
  Beauties run to the front barefoot,
  Why do girls need shoes , and it"s not necessary...
  And we'll hit Hitler with our fists,
  Friendship will be for the glory of the Fatherland!
  Yes, for the sake of our holy Motherland,
  We will do things you never dreamed of...
  And we will sweep away the fascists like a scythe,
  Let us show mercy only to those who have surrendered!
  In Russia, every warrior comes from a nursery,
  The boy was born with a machine gun!
  You kill the damned Fuhrer -
  We must fight bravely for our Motherland!
  We will do everything very well,
  In battle, both an adult and a boy are strong...
  Although the fight is too hard,
  But believe me, the girl is not stupid!
  She is capable of conquering mountains,
  Throw a grenade with your bare foot...
  The she-wolf barks and the bear roars,
  The fascists will face a fierce retribution!
  We defeated the Tatar army,
  They fought the Ottomans very bravely...
  They did not give in to the pressure of the infidels,
  Where there was thunder, it suddenly became quiet!
  Warriors come from a family,
  In which the banner of communism rules...
  Oh, my dear friends ,
  Break the tanks of big fascism!
  Everyone can achieve everything,
  After all, we are forever united with the Motherland...
  We row together like one oar,
  The fighters for communism are invincible!
  Science will resurrect all the dead at once ,
  And we flutter in love with Jesus...
  You hit the fascist right in the eye,
  Fighting with unbending art!
  The girls sang with great enthusiasm, demonstrating good preparation, including physical fitness.
  That even such powerful tanks as the Panther are no match for them.
  But overall the Germans held their ground both in the center and in the south. Winter came, this time not as severe as before. The Germans defended themselves.
  In January 1944, the Red Army was in for another unpleasant surprise: Turkey entered the war. And why not? Turkey had fought Russia thirteen times, and had succeeded in the coalition a couple of times. During World War I, the Ottomans even took Baku. And here the USSR had obvious problems. The Germans, however, resumed their offensive on Grozny and Ordzhonikidze at the end of January. And in mid-February, they even managed to encircle Grozny. And at the end of February, Ordzhonikidze fell. The Turks managed to capture Batumi and encircle Yerevan in the course of stubborn fighting. The USSR's position became grave.
  The Germans tried to attack and in early March 1944 their troops struck south of Stalingrad.
  Then the brave battalion of pioneers entered the battle. At the end of March the snow had already melted in this area. The pioneer boys and girls fought barefoot. And that was right, there was no frost anymore, and why tear up shoes.
  And, of course, repelling the attack of Hitler's troops, the pioneers sang, throwing explosive homemade packages with their bare toes and grenades with their hands;
  What other country has a proud infantry?
  In America, of course, the man is a cowboy.
  But we will fight from platoon to platoon,
  Let every guy be energetic!
  No one can overcome the power of the councils,
  Although the Wehrmacht is also undoubtedly cool...
  But we can crush a gorilla with a bayonet,
  The enemies of the Fatherland will simply die!
  We are loved and of course cursed,
  In Russia, every warrior comes from a nursery...
  We will win, I know it for sure,
  May you, villain, be cast into Gehenna!
  We pioneers can do a lot,
  For us, you know, the automatic machine is not a problem...
  Let us serve as an example to humanity,
  Let each of the guys be in glory!
  Shooting, digging, know it's not a problem,
  Give the fascist a good whack with a shovel...
  Know that big changes are ahead,
  And we will pass any lesson with an A!
  In Russia, every adult and boy,
  Capable of fighting very zealously...
  Sometimes we are even too aggressive,
  In the desire to trample the Nazis!
  For a pioneer, weakness is impossible,
  The boy is hardened almost from the cradle...
  It's extremely difficult to argue with us, you know.
  And there are a whole legion of arguments!
  I won't give up, you guys believe me,
  In winter I run barefoot through the snow...
  The devils will not overcome the pioneer,
  I will sweep away all the fascists in my rage!
  No one will humiliate us pioneers,
  We are born strong fighters...
  Let us serve as an example to humanity,
  Such sparkling shooters!
  The cowboy is of course also a Russian guy,
  For us, both London and Texas are native...
  We'll destroy everything if the Russians are in good shape,
  We'll hit the enemy right in the eye!
  The boy also ended up in captivity,
  He was roasted on the rack by fire...
  But he only laughed in the faces of the executioners,
  He said that we will soon take Berlin too!
  The iron was heated to a bare heel,
  They pressed the pioneer, but he remained silent...
  The boy must have been of Soviet training,
  His Fatherland is his true shield!
  They broke fingers, the enemies turned on the current,
  The only response is laughter...
  No matter how much the Fritzes beat the boy ,
  But the executioners succeeded!
  These beasts are already taking him to be hanged,
  The boy walks all wounded...
  He said at the end: I believe in Rod,
  And then our Stalin will come to Berlin!
  When it became quiet, the soul rushed to the Family,
  He received me very kindly...
  He said you will get complete freedom,
  And my soul was embodied again!
  I started shooting at the mad fascists,
  For the glory of the Fritz clan, I killed them all...
  A holy cause, a cause for communism,
  It will give the pioneer strength!
  The dream came true, I'm walking through Berlin,
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub...
  We brought light and happiness to the whole world,
  People of Russia - know that we will not win!
  Although the pioneers sang about invincibility, the Nazis broke through the front with the help of new tanks, including the formidable Tiger-2, better known as the King Tiger.
  And so, in mid-April, the Fritzes and their allies had already reached the Volga Delta and the Caspian Sea.
  And now the Caucasus is cut off from the main territory of the USSR by land. The new Tiger-2 tank entered serial production six months earlier than in real history and is actively used in battles.
  But the Panther-2 is late. But in the sky the bomber Ju-288 is raging, and showing its piloting and efficiency. And there are more and more jet aircraft.
  an evolution of the Focke-Wulf family, also appeared . The USSR began to put more pressure on the skies.
  In addition, the Germans received a good American fighter "Airacobra" and actively use it in battles. The Germans also have American bombers B-29, and their own TA-400 and Ju-488 of high power and range are on the way. It would be difficult to resist them.
  Well, of course, in the USSR they are also trying to launch production of the newest T-34-85 and IS-2, but there are many problems, especially when the Americans stopped helping.
  . CHAPTER #3.
  Friedrich de Bismarck, the eternal boy and at the same time super ace, was resting after the victory over Italy. There were rumors that Finland would be next. But for now everything was quiet. It was not worth fighting with the northern country of the Finns at the end of December.
  So Friedrich was basking in Sicily for now, where even in winter on the southern coast one can still sunbathe and swim.
  The eternal ace boy ate his fill and fell into a deep sleep, and he actually dreamed...
  The boy-mountainarian Kenny from the immortal race remained completely alone of his kind. All the other immortals died in the showdown and the last battle of Armageddon. Apart from him, only one mountaineer Duncan Munklaud remained . He is almost the only one who survived. But having completed the mission, Duncan lost his immortality and became a simple man. So now Kenny is no longer threatened by other bounty hunters. On the contrary, the boy felt lonely. At the age of eleven, he became immortal, and this happened back in 1182. He has already lived more than eight hundred and fifty years. And he has always been eleven.
  A cute, immortal boy of about eleven. He looks like an angel, his face is pretty, his hair is light. But in reality, how many people he has already killed. Both highlanders and mere mortals.
  Kenny was on the verge of death several times, but managed to get out. Duncan Mancloud was also his friend for a while. Until Kenny tried to kill him. Then he tried to do it again with someone else's hands.
  And he himself almost died. But Armageddon has already died down. There are no more Highlanders on Earth, only two survivors remain, Kenny himself and Duncan Munklaud . But the latter is no longer a Highlander, but a mere mortal. So on the entire planet, there is only one Kenny who will never die unless his head is cut off.
  His dream came true. But after eight hundred and fifty-four years of Kenny's life, he got tired of being a child.
  He doesn't grow, doesn't age, doesn't mature. On the one hand , of course, being a highlander is good. If you get a tooth knocked out, it will grow back in a couple of minutes. And you don't know diseases. Kenny in particular loved to walk barefoot. And he didn't even cough in any weather. The boy even took part in the Children's Crusade.
  Then Kenny led one of the squads of boys. The children walked barefoot, through the mountains, on rocky roads. Kenny also refused the uncomfortable shoes. And his bare soles were harder than the leather of his boots.
  The boy then experienced a lot, and even ended up in slavery. Kenny, although immortal , is not much stronger than an ordinary child. And he, too, ended up in slavery to pirates, and was sold to the Baghdad Caliph.
  The hot sands of Galilee burned the children's bare feet. Well, Kenny's soles had become like camel's hooves over the decades. And what was it like for ordinary, mortal children? Especially girls. They burned their childish feet and walked literally through force. And those who fell were raised with blows of the whip.
  Kenny took one of the girls, whose legs were burned and bloody, onto his shoulders. And carried her across the desert. Although it was hard. True, the immortal body was distinguished by greater endurance. But still, he was not Hercules in strength and felt almost as tired as the others.
  Then the children were offered a choice: to accept Islam or go to the quarries.
  Kenny, like most children, chose slavery. And imagine, he ended up in a mine. And who was there? The stench of torches and slave excrement, hard, backbreaking work. Many children died in the first days and weeks. Kenny was naked, without even a loincloth, like other children. He was beaten by overseers for the slightest reason. And they made him work two-thirds of the day, leaving a third for sleep. It was hellish hard labor.
  The children were small in size, and it was more convenient for them to work in the mines. They were fed only so that they would not die of hunger, and could still work. Kenny tried to escape, but he was caught with the help of cheetahs, they were brutal, and they put chains on the boy.
  And he worked so hard, not seeing the sun.
  This was the most nightmarish period of Kenny's life. He found himself in a real hell. And he climbed from rock to rock, getting shoulders, ate bread and water, worked like a damned man.
  And he even dreamed of death as a deliverance. And he couldn"t escape: cheetahs are very strong guards - they can"t be compared with German shepherds.
  Years passed. Kenny did not die, gradually got used to this hell. Almost all the children died from the stench , gases, backbreaking work, meager food and constant beatings. And those who managed to survive were transferred to the adults.
  And Kenny still lived. Other children were brought and driven. Little workers were needed in the narrow mines.
  Kenny was a slave who wore chains on his hands and feet, and that was his only clothing. Young slaves weren't even given loincloths, and why would they? It was economical. Especially since the mines in the Middle East were quite warm even in winter. Kenny was even worse off than the others, since he wore chains. The other children mostly worked lightly. You couldn't escape anyway, and a chain also cost money.
  Kenny hadn't seen the sun for years, and he slept on rocks, and only in his sleep could he feel free. And he often dreamed of flying over mountains, or castles. And also fighting with swords and killing overseers.
  Kenny had already begun to forget normal life. And a whole century had already passed like a nightmare. And the chains had already rusted and crumbled. He was not transferred to adults because Kenny did not grow, and remained with the children. And just then a very fierce caliph came to power, who, instead of cutting off heads, preferred to impale.
  And the word got back to the overseers. And Kenny, having spent more than a hundred years in the quarries and not having lost his sharpness and liveliness of mind, as well as his health, decided that this was his chance.
  And he, lying in wait, hit the overseer on the back of the head with a stone and began to beat him.
  For this, the impudent slave was pulled to the surface for the first time in a hundred years. And Kenny saw the sun, which blinded him. After which they led him to the stake. Was Kenny scared? He knew that he would feel severe pain now. But he had already gotten used to beatings and suffering in the quarries. So what if the stake goes into his ass?
  Already on other stakes, grown men and a couple of women were writhing and dying.
  For Kenny, he made a smaller stake. The executioners lifted him up and impaled him on the tip with his butt.
  The boy felt a strong pain. And then it hit him and his body began to slowly descend.
  Kenny felt pain and screamed with all his might. Then it became easier and the boy became quiet . The executioner burned the boy's bare heel with a hot iron and walked away from him, smelling something burning.
  Kenny came to his senses and was left alone. He began to swing the stake. And again a sharp pain pierced him. The boy screamed. One of the guards raised his head and grinned. Then he went back to sleep. The dead won't jump off the stake.
  Kenny pushed himself up with his bare feet, desperately. He had grown strong from over a hundred years of carrying heavy rocks and working in the quarries with a sledgehammer and crowbar. And then he jumped off the stake. And crawled across the sand.
  Fortunately, the cheetahs guarded only live captives in the quarries. No one wasted money on the dead or rare animals.
  Kenny crawled away, then ran. He was over a hundred years old, and had learned Arabic quite well. And his hair was dirty, and you couldn't tell he was blond.
  Many Arab children were half naked too. And Kenny is very dirty. Imagine how long he hasn't washed. But neither infection nor worms affect the immortal . And teeth don't rot, even if you don't brush them.
  Kenny spent several days in the desert. And he was tanned almost to blackness. And he could easily pass for an Arab boy.
  And so he did. He pretended to be a wandering orphan and began to pray on his knees.
  He was taken into service by a merchant in Baghdad. He suspected that he was a runaway slave, but there was no reward for Kenny. Moreover, no one believed that it was possible to survive execution by impalement.
  The boy, wearing only a loincloth and barefoot, ran around doing the merchant's errands. And he was paid almost nothing, and fed poorly. But time passed, and the merchant grew old, and the boy did not grow, and this began to seem suspicious to him .
  Then Kenny ran away. And wandered again. And one warrior, seeing that the boy was very hardy, and strong and muscular beyond his years, took him as his squire.
  And during the battle with the Crusaders, Kenny fled. And he passed himself off as a runaway Christian boy. And again he began to wander around Europe. And then to other countries.
  And where only Kenny has not been. And of course he could not forget such a country as America.
  The boy, with his eternally youthful memory, knew a great many languages and was very smart. He had to study at school too. And in different ones. And now, by 2025, there was something to compare.
  When you have a young body, it affects your consciousness. In particular, Kenny discovered computer games. And how great is that . And how many wonderful cartoons appeared in the future? And you can watch them on the Internet as much as you want.
  But initially, cinema was black and white, then it became color. And TVs had small screens. And Kenny himself still remembered those times when there was no gunpowder in Europe. He is slightly younger than Genghis Khan himself. And he managed to drive many eras through himself. The last immortals perished in 2017. And Duncan MacLeod became mortal this year.
  So he's not old yet , and can be a dangerous fighter. Kenny dreamed of chopping his head off. Although it wouldn't give him any extra energy. But Duncan is still too young. He looked to be in his early thirties. So now he's biologically only over forty, and he's a man full of strength.
  Kenny himself remained a boy of about eleven years old, handsome, cute, stronger than his peers. And he preferred to enjoy the fruits of progress.
  Indeed, how many new things have appeared in eight and a half centuries. Smartphones, iPhones , high-speed Internet, when you can watch a movie holding a TV in the palm of your hand. And of course, cars, airplanes.
  Unless people fly to other planets yet, but in a couple of centuries that will happen too.
  Kenny smiled: he will live to see this. Moreover, there are no immortals left after the last showdown in 2017. And that means that Kenny's head is not threatened by their sharp swords. He is the only unique one left.
  Like the fairy tale Peter Pan . He didn't even want to grow up. But Peter Pan is a hero invented by human fantasy. And Kenny is a real boy who is never destined to become an adult.
  And of course, we don't appreciate what we have. Kenny really wanted to grow up, even if it meant losing his immortality. Although perhaps, sometimes in his young head such a thought flashed that when he grew old , he would remember his young immortal years with nostalgia.
  And an eternally barefoot childhood. Kenny loved to walk barefoot in any weather, but he was teased too often for this by boys, and had to wear sneakers, or sandals in big cities.
  The worst thing is constant, chronic problems with money. Just try to earn something with a child of eleven years old, and not a bit bigger than his peers, and maybe even smaller, considering that he was born in the century before acceleration.
  True, in America it is easier with food. It is not difficult to find a free canteen, and in Sackenhead almost free clothes. And there are plenty of different religious institutions. When they see Kenny barefoot, they give him sneakers or other shoes and clothes for free.
  But Kenny, of course, was not satisfied with just that. He was attracted to smartphones and computer games. He was too young to be with a woman, and that was a problem. But for money, a prostitute would do anything, even with a child like him, satisfy any fantasy. And of course, a good game and a laptop cost money. And he wanted something forbidden. For example, to buy alcohol from someone. After all, his liver was eternally young and immortal, and it wouldn"t do any harm, even hydrocyanic acid or some other strong poison.
  And I'm tired of drinking Coca-Cola. Especially since in some US stores they'll pour Coca-Cola for free for a child.
  But you can't sell alcohol to children. You can only buy it illegally, overpaying a lot of money.
  That's why Kenny didn't shy away from pickpocketing, robbery, and breaking into other people's apartments. And he did this in the Middle Ages. In the East, a boy would be beaten on his bare heels with sticks for stealing. And once, they even chopped off his hand, but fortunately it grew back. Although, of course, it hurt.
  But when they beat bare soles with sticks, it's not so scary, because the heels of a child who had been walking barefoot for centuries were so calloused and rough. Even this was almost pleasant. That's why Kenny loved the East. But when they lashed his back with a whip - that hurt. Well, the boy was also branded a couple of times for stealing. But the brand disappeared without a trace from the immortal.
  Kenny also managed to visit sugar cane plantations and English penal servitude.
  In the quarries outside Baghdad, it's not scary anymore. Especially since you work in the fresh air, and the bright, tropical sun shines on you.
  And then Kenny finally escaped and became a cabin boy for pirates. A whole multi-volume series could be written about his adventures.
  The boy traveled all over the world. And even took part in Stenka Razin's rebellion.
  And he was also captured. A child had to hang on the rack. They twisted his arms and beat him on the back and bottom with a whip . And then they even burned his bare heel with a hot iron. And everything was restored right before the eyes of the executioners.
  They thought he was a sorcerer and let him go in fear.
  Kenny killed people in battles, in showdowns, in robberies, and he chopped off the heads of immortals , often on the sly. He's still a kid.
  War, especially in the Middle Ages, is entertainment and great pleasure for an immortal. If they don't cut off your head, they can't kill you. And you yourself can perform feats.
  But you won't make a career. An eternal boy who doesn't grow and doesn't mature naturally arouses suspicion. And the mountaineers - immortals - shouldn't reveal their existence to other people.
  There is even a special organization of space aliens that ensures that this secret does not become known to the general public. They have strong hypnosis and special memory erasing equipment. So this secret has been kept for millennia.
  Kenny is not the oldest Highlander. Some lived to be no older than five thousand. But they too went to Armageddon.
  There can only be one left. And Kenny's dream came true, he stayed. But did it bring him happiness?
  Kenny has been through a lot over the centuries in a child's immortal body. And nothing will surprise him, and nothing will confuse him. He had to fight in the Second World War, and in Vietnam, and in the First , of course, and where else.
  Boys are curious. You have a memory of many centuries, but the body of a child. And you are drawn to adventures and escapades.
  The last war Kenny fought in was in Ukraine. The boy joined the Foreign Legion, on the side of the Ukrainians, and was mainly a scout.
  After all, a child with angelic features would not be suspected. And he killed Russian soldiers on the sly.
  But the war dragged on. His white, slightly yellowish head became familiar. And he had to leave the war. He had become too famous. Such is the fate of immortals : do not live in one place for long. Travel and move all the time. Otherwise, your eternally childish face will arouse suspicion. The longest stay in one place, a hundred years, was in the quarries. But there, naked, dirty, never washed boys had the same face, or rather body.
  And somehow Kenny didn't arouse suspicion back then. But in a more modern prison, then ... Of course, you can get caught there. But the powerful organization somehow helped the boy keep the secret. For example, Kenny had already been caught as a minor . In the USSR, too. But photographs, fingerprints, disappeared without a trace. And the boy was either released, or he escaped.
  Or they helped him escape.
  In the USSR, Kenny visited the famous Makarenko colony. What he liked there was that all the imprisoned boys and girls walked barefoot until the snow fell.
  But in this colony one had to study, which was boring, and work. Although there were songs and entertainment.
  And it's relatively easy to escape.
  Kenny has been in different prisons. But usually not for long. And what does another arrest mean to him?
  It was just Christmas 2025 in Texas. Kenny was sipping whiskey and not really hiding from the police. Naturally, a child shouldn't drink alcohol. Especially in a public place.
  But Kenny felt really cool. Firstly, he had already killed so many people, and with impunity. Secondly, even if the police arrested him, the kid would still be released. Or the organization would bail him out.
  Besides, Kenny hadn't been to a juvenile prison for a long time. And he was wondering what had changed there. In terms of food, it was not bad there. And as for the company, the strong and fast boy had learned to fight very well over the centuries. And he was at least an adult level, a black belt. And youngsters respect strength.
  And Kenny knew the registration very well, and was, of course, very smart, and knew all the concepts and thieves' laws.
  Prison didn't scare him. Especially among children, where he quickly became a leader. And now he only smiled when the police asked him to get into the car and snapped handcuffs on his wrists. Texas traditionally has a high level of juvenile crime. There, even the death penalty was still recently for children from thirteen years old. So the police had special handcuffs for the child.
  They behaved rather rudely, though. Kenny winced. He was curious, though, about what it was like in Texas juvenile prisons these days. In terms of the crowd and the comfort. And was it true that the toughest kids in the US were here ?
  Kenny wasn't afraid. In the US, in juvenile prison, in some ways it's better than in the Soviet one, for example, they don't shave their heads bald. The latter isn't very pleasant. Walking around with a spiky haircut. And it's noticeable after the escape. When an immortal's hair is shaved, it grows only slightly faster than that of an ordinary person.
  It is clear that if they grew back immediately, it would cause more suspicion. And you won't be able to make a fashionable hairstyle for yourself - you will walk around shaggy.
  Kenny was taken to the station. They put his childish hand on a special scanner and started checking his fingerprints.
  This didn't scare the experienced boy. The organization for control over immortals usually erased all suspicious information and video recordings.
  Otherwise, from fingerprints, video, and many other data, people would have guessed , and long ago, that the immortal race exists. Only thanks to the powerful race of observers, the secret was preserved.
  True, Kenny thought: if there are only two immortals left alive, and Duncan is mortal, then won"t the organization cease its activities?
  On the one hand, Kenny would become completely uncontrolled and free in this case. But on the other hand, he would be deprived of reliable protection.
  There were a few other boys in the police force, a little older than Kenny, and although they were taller, they were children to the immortal .
  Kenny was checked with a device for metal objects. Then a woman of about thirty in medical gloves touched him. The boy smiled at her. It was ticklish and pleasant.
  They haven't undressed him yet, since the decision hasn't been made yet whether to send him to a federal prison or throw him out as unnecessary.
  But Kenny had been in and out of prisons and searched many times during his long childhood.
  In particular, in the NKVD prison. They stripped him naked. And the guard , despite his young age, reached his big hand right into his ass. And it was quite painful and humiliating. And then they almost tore his balls off. Under Stalin, they didn't even stand on ceremony with children. They stuck their gloved hands in their ass and mouth. In later times in the USSR, they simply forced them to squat in front of a mirror. But in the US, too, if the police consider you dangerous, they take you naked to a box. And there they examine you, sticking their hands in your ass, even if you're a child three times over.
  That's the axiom. In America, there's a bad attitude towards child criminals. They're humiliated and put in shackles on their hands and feet. True, the food is quite decent, and often the cells are pretty good. Sometimes two boys are kept there, or four. Not like in Russia, where children were crammed in like sardines in a barrel in the nineties. But that was such a short period.
  Kenny was photographed in profile, full face, half sideways , and from behind. Then they were taken to the TV with the other boys. There they had to wait for the judge on duty. And he would decide whether to send them to prison, bail them out, or release them altogether. There was no one to vouch for Kenny, which meant either he would simply be thrown out and the policeman would hit him on the ass with a club. Or he would be sent to a juvenile prison.
  And that means a thorough search, a shower, and an orange robe. And then to a cell with juvenile delinquents.
  Kenny is not afraid of all this. Although it is unpleasant when you are groped by male police officers. Sometimes women in uniform or white coats search the boys.
  Kenny has seen a lot and nothing can surprise him. He and the guards were perverts , they tried to seduce him. It's strange, this is in America, where women get crazy sentences for sex with boys. But it is. Some teachers stuck to him. Kenny was not embarrassed - he is years old and has experience, any adult would envy. Only the device is too small. He is an eternal child, and his perfection is not large. Although he can already become hard.
  Kenny could do something after all. And he liked women. Even if the opportunities weren't the same.
  And of course , other boys and grown men tried with him. Especially in the last century, when it became fashionable. Kenny, as a man of the old school, fought off such things as best he could. With a woman, you can still give her pleasure, even with your tongue, in the East it is normal. And Kenny spent a lot of time in Asia. But he has not yet matured to men.
  Although maybe in a couple of centuries, everything will change.
  Kenny was sitting with a dozen boys, ages ten to fifteen, all different colors. They were chatting with each other. One of the teenagers said with a chuckle:
  - And I'm already hard!
  Another snorted:
  - Don't jerk off! There are video cameras here and the police are watching.
  In response, there were sarcastic chuckles. One of the teenagers stuck his hand into his jeans. And twitched.
  Kenny smiled indulgently: hormones are playing. He himself had tried many times. And it was possible to cause an erection. But physically he was still too young to want it every day. But the sensations are really pleasant, and the heart beats like a drum when you come. And from this shudder.
  And a prostitute with a handsome boy, especially in Europe, where the laws are more relaxed , will willingly sleep with him and even give him a discount.
  to boys because of the desire to tickle their nerves .
  One of the teenagers noticed Kenny's bare feet. It was December, and even in Texas the temperature outside was around zero. And of course, boys don't go barefoot.
  He whistled and muttered:
  - Look at the crazy guy , barefoot in winter!
  The two biggest boys stood up and walked up to Kenny. They were smiling slyly. The one on the right remarked:
  - And he's very handsome! Maybe we'll use him as a girl!
  Another noted:
  - There are video cameras here!
  One of the boys nodded:
  - The police are full of perverts! Let them see!
  Kenny stood up and squeaked:
  - You'll get it now!
  The boy raised his arm to strike, but lost his balance and fell. Kenny hit him in the back of the head with his bare heel. The second depraved teenager flew over his head and fell so hard that he passed out. The mountain boy made barely noticeable movements. He had learned to fight very well over the centuries, including having teachers in the east. So these boys are of no use to him !
  The rest of the guys retreated, yelling that they were asking the police for help.
  Several police officers ran into the cell. Kenny was calm and smiling. They picked up the two unconscious teenagers and put them on stretchers. They carried them to the medical center.
  The senior police officer threatened:
  - There will be more fights, everyone will get a slap on the wrist!
  After which the police left the cell. And the teenagers surrounded Kenny. They began to ask where he learned to fight like that.
  Kenny couldn't tell the truth, so he replied:
  - My uncle was a Green Beret and he taught me the tricks!
  The boys started asking to show it.
  The highland boy answered with a smile:
  - You have to pay for the lessons! Give me dollars!
  One of the boys took out a hundred dollar bill, which he hid in his underwear. The search was superficial and it was possible to bring something in.
  Kenny started showing him the technique. It was like Aikido mixed with judo and Chinese wrestling.
  something like that in half an hour . And Kenny easily dropped the teenager, although he looked older and taller.
  Kenny, despite living for eight and a half centuries, felt like a fish in water with the boys. They quickly respected him, and he became a godfather .
  That's why Kenny wasn't afraid of prison. It's possible to live here, especially for young guys who are so easy to subjugate.
  One of them took out a smartphone, which he also hid in his pocket between his legs, and the guys started watching ... Of course, something about sex.
  Some even started jerking off right in the cell.
  Kenny smiled. He had done it himself. Although he hadn't wanted to so much. But his body was young, and his mind.
  And the mind depends on the body. Although you want to be an adult, there are some advantages to eternal childhood.
  Especially in the United States, where teenagers are precocious and have imagination.
  . CHAPTER #4.
  Kenny watched erotica on his smartphone and felt excited and aroused. Yes, he is still a little small in body, but he knows a lot and is able to teach others. Some teenagers began to move their hands in their pants. And this, of course, is natural for them.
  The warden appeared. A rather fat, black woman. She looked at the boys greedily. Apparently, she was also very turned on by this.
  She licked her lips and beckoned to one of the larger, prettier teenagers. He followed her. She led the boy into the next cell and from there, lustful sighs and moans could be heard. The teenage boy could see it well, too.
  Kenny sighed heavily. He was at that age when you were still not mature at all. You were ready in your thoughts and you wanted to, but your body was failing you. If only he had been at least fourteen when he died.
  The mountain boy felt bored in the company of teenagers. After all, he had eight and a half centuries behind him. And that was a lot. There were only immortals that many and even more. But they killed each other. And their era was over.
  And the young Kenny's body survived. And he remained in this world to enjoy eternity.
  And he suddenly felt disgusted in the company of underdeveloped, sexually preoccupied teenagers. He, who was also acquainted with Count Calliostro . A man who is more suitable for a fantasy novel than real life.
  I remember they talked to him. Calliostro was a mountaineer. And he was really born back in the days when modern European culture was just emerging in Greece. And he was already a little over four thousand years old. And that's not a record for a mountaineer.
  Calliostro told him a lot of things . Kenny had interacted with adult mountaineers, and his cultural level was high. And here were some underage bastards .
  The mountain boy wanted to cry, but he held back his tears. But he had a desire to run away or at least change company.
  Kenny began to look at the door. An idea occurred to him, maybe he should fake a heart attack. He could do it, the highland magicians taught him, so that the heart wouldn't beat. And even make the body go rigid so that it would be carried to the morgue. And then run away from there and scare the orderlies.
  The boy was about to fall to the floor with a blue face when several policemen entered the monkey house.
  They immediately put shackles on Kenny and dragged the boy along with them.
  The young mountaineer did not resist. He was even curious. He had committed a great many crimes of various kinds during his long life. But a powerful organization covered for him. The one that made sure that the existence of the immortal race did not become known to that part of humanity that was deprived of such a gift.
  Everyone is afraid of death... Moreover, immortals seem to have a soul, but heaven is not shining in any case. When a head is cut off, it falls into a kind of captivity, where the spirit has little joy. So becoming immortal may not be a reward. However, even for ordinary mortals, it is difficult to get something good after death.
  Kenny had been in so many different prisons anyway that he wasn't afraid of being locked up. Well, he'd have a little break. I think they don't shave minors' heads in America? Although it depends on the state. In some, they might cut off their gorgeous blond hair with a clipper.
  The boy was first taken to a special search room. Mirrors all around, and spotlights shining. Four women in white coats. Women are often assigned to search minors. Perhaps because they do it less roughly and painfully.
  The boy undressed, it's usual. You're standing there completely naked. And now they're going to feel you up.
  Kenny felt a little ashamed, though. His young body was beautiful and there was nothing to be ashamed of.
  Two women started to feel the blond boy's hair. Their hands were nimble and experienced. They combed every strand. Another older one looked at the boy greedily. He had such a beautiful and muscular body. Even though the boy was small.
  Kenny had met women like that before. They loved to paw boys and feel them up. Horny creatures. But they could also feed them.
  The guards checked every strand of the boy's hair, combing it with all their might. Then they took out tweezers and started looking into his ears. They shone a light there and poked around, which was quite painful and unpleasant.
  The guards also looked into the nose. First they got the nostrils, shone a light on them. But apparently they were not satisfied with that.
  One of the guards took out a small, thin probe on the computer and connected it to the network.
  Now that was something new, something Kenny hadn't seen before. Like that probe they use to check your stomach, this time they were scanning your nasopharynx and all the way to your lungs.
  It was strange that a boy of eleven, who looked no older than ten, was being checked so thoroughly. As if he were some kind of spy. Kenny had a bad feeling about this.
  A small probe entered the right nostril of the eternal child. At this time, two guards held him tightly by the shoulders. And the other , adjusted the probe. And the image was displayed on the monitor screen. In fact, it went all the way to the boy's lungs.
  They are in perfect condition. Kenny, of course, tried smoking many times over the course of eight and a half centuries , but he didn't like it. In the modern world, in most countries, tobacco is not sold to children. Although in the past, no distinction was made. But the habit is bad, and a lot of money is spent on it. It is better to have fun on a game console. To drive different kinds of cars or motorcycles, or to shoot.
  And even more interesting, and here Kenny gave credit to progress - these are military-economic strategies. When you are not just a warrior, but a famous commander. You build and command troops.
  So they passed through the boy's right nostril all the way to his lungs and began to shine a thin hose with a light bulb through his left nostril.
  Kenny, in order to distract himself from this unpleasant procedure, and also from the female guards looking at your young body, tried to remember something pleasant.
  Here, for example, is a classic computer game: "Cossacks". It's really great .
  There you build a whole city, and troops and barracks, and fight. And it really is entertaining.
  Kenny, having no experience in Cossacks at first, got too carried away by economics, and was attacked by computer troops. Yes, you can't forget about defense here. It's easier to play using the cheater's code. But it's too easy to win with it. And it's much more interesting when your head works too. In fact, you need to have both an understanding and talent to do everything sensibly, beautifully and perfectly. Kenny loved the game "Cossacks" as one of the first.
  But there were many others. For example, "General", "Entente", "History of the Earth", "Cleopatra", "World War II", "Ancient Rome", "Napoleon" and others. Plus such a cool strategy as "Civilization" - it's just a delight. There was everything.
  Kenny in "Cleopatra", went through all the missions from the family history. And it was really cool .
  And what hasn't he tried yet? Computer games are so addictive. It's really hard to tear yourself away from them.
  The boy, who is eight and a half centuries old, loved such strategies. Over the years, they became more and more complex. And the number of units increased, and the graphics improved.
  Kenny was even glad now that he was a boy. After all, for a child, sitting for hours at a gaming table is natural.
  In the nineties of the last century, when he met his adoptive mother from the line of immortals, and Duncan MacLeod, one of the strongest fighters among the highlanders, and maybe even the strongest. He had a thought, what if ... Really live under their protection in one family, and enjoy stability.
  But the mountaineers cannot live together for long. There were constant showdowns. And in 2017, the last Armageddon of the immortals . The boy survived and even retained his eternal youth. Now no one is hunting for his head. And there are no more mountaineers left on the entire planet Earth. And the same MacLeod is already over forty years old. And sooner or later he will grow old and die.
  And then Kenny the immortal boy will be all alone. All other people will become strangers to him.
  This is, of course, on the one hand good, not a threat that one of the adults, tempted by what seems to him an easy prey, will cut off your head. But on the other hand, you are so alone when there are no other immortals.
  And it's extremely boring that there are no permanent friends left. And his foster mother also died in the showdown. Yes, everyone disappeared. And those who are five thousand years old, too...
  Kenny felt the probe go all the way to his other lung. It illuminated it and went back.
  He had never had such a thorough search . It is clear that scientific progress has developed, and there is such electronics here and it is not too expensive.
  But is Kenny suspected of being a spy? What if his secret - immortality - has surfaced?
  Perhaps the mountaineers' organization stopped patronizing him? Deciding that since the era was over, everything else was unimportant?
  What, is there just one eternal child?
  Kenny sighed. He was led to the counter, and the matron grabbed his chin with her hands. Before that, she rinsed her fingers in thin, medical, rubber gloves in alcohol. So that everything would be sterile, and God forbid the boy would not get infected.
  After which she climbed into my mouth. She began to feel behind my cheeks, in the roof of my mouth, under my tongue, and all the way to my tonsils.
  Well, that's nothing new. Kenny remembered how a female guard in another prison had stuck her bare, unwashed fingers in his mouth. Then the boy had broken free and protested. Let that lady wash her hands and put on gloves first, and not stick her fingers in a minor's mouth, which she had done God knows what with before.
  Then the guards became embarrassed and said that they had problems with gloves.
  Then they made him sit down about ten times and took him to a cell. It was a municipal prison. And not very well equipped. No TV, no refrigerator, not even a flush toilet. But the cell was full of children, many of them even younger than Kenny. And bare boards on three rows of bunks, and a stinking latrine in the corner.
  And this is in America! True, such a prison is an exception, usually they are cleaner and more comfortable.
  There is a smell of rubber and medical alcohol in the mouth. Not very pleasant, and even nauseating. Although boys are always checked to see if they are hiding anything in their mouths, and this has been the case since the Middle Ages. Yes, you can carry a lot in your mouth.
  Kenny somehow carried the diamond and then swallowed it. And managed to keep it.
  But here you can't get by with swallowing.
  Here the warden in a white coat pulled up the probe. And now they will examine the intestines.
  What a frisk ! In Russia, only under Stalin were guys frisked conscientiously. And then, somehow carelessly.
  And then they took him, made him open his mouth and stuck a probe in it. Without freezing, it's a very unpleasant procedure. True, there is a special mouth guard in his teeth so he doesn't bite off.
  Kenny felt the hose go down his esophagus and into his stomach. Everything lights up there.
  They once x-rayed him when they suspected him of drugs at the airport, but never a probe.
  Kenny, like any other immortal, was practically never sick, and this is a huge plus of eternal life and the Highlander family. This means that he does not need a medical examination. Indeed, he is immortal. And why would he need it? Everything in the body will recover on its own.
  The boy swallowed a probe for the first time, although he lived eight and a half centuries. Even if he drank hydrocyanic acid and aqua regia every day, he would not have a stomach ulcer.
  So what is this for?
  And the procedure is quite unpleasant.
  Kenny wondered why they were checking the child so thoroughly. Maybe they suspected something?
  And then another disturbing thought flashed through his mind. What if they deprive him of his immortality?
  Yes, he is very young and will be able to become an adult. And he will not have a childish offshoot, but a real male perfection. And he will possibly be able to have his own children.
  Immortals are sterile. And this is their significant minus, despite all their other pluses.
  But your life will end sooner or later. And Kenny didn't want to die. He was used to living, and he wasn't tired at all.
  On the contrary, there are many computer games, and every year there are more and more. And they are more and more beautiful in graphics. And soon, probably, they will create a real matrix of virtual reality, there will be simply amazing and unique adventures.
  All this makes life worth living.
  Kenny sang mentally, his mouth busy with his umbrella :
  How far progress has come,
  To unprecedented miracles...
  The depths of the sea sank,
  And he flew off to the skies!
  The worries are forgotten,
  The run has been stopped!
  Robots are working hard,
  Happy is the man!
  Kenny, remembering a century in the quarries, really didn't like working. And in the quarries the worst thing is not the overseer's whip, and not the carrying of heavy objects.
  immortal's body quickly got used to the stress and adapted.
  The most vile thing is routine and moral boredom. When around you there are only naked, dirty, sweaty, often with ulcers and wounds, boys moaning in pain, and stern, stinking overseers.
  And even you don't see the sun for years. And only the torches are dim and smoky. And the terrible stench to which you get used, however .
  The only good thing was that Kenny learned to see in the dark, better than any cat. And he could fight in the complete absence of light.
  In addition, the boy acquired phenomenal endurance, even for a highlander.
  But he suffered moral trauma. And sometimes he dreamed about these quarries.
  Highlanders have excellent memories, and they forget practically nothing, even if they want to forget.
  Maybe that's why Kenny became so evil. He killed immortals, gaining their trust and mortals too. And he loved to fight.
  In particular, he fought in Ukraine. He killed many Russian soldiers, but became too famous and was asked to leave so as not to be seen.
  You really won't make a career.
  And no prospects. A child cannot be a king, at least not for long.
  By the way, Alexander the Great was immortal, and that is why he rushed into battle so fiercely and without fear. But he was asked to disappear so that the ruler's eternal youth would not arouse suspicion. And he left behind a similar double who died of poison.
  And he himself set off on a journey. Until, in the end, his head was cut off.
  This is the story of the legendary ruler and king of Macedonia.
  Kenny sighed when they finally checked his stomach. Well , the probe went back and it tickled.
  The boy thought that if his secret was revealed, he would not be given freedom. They would examine him like a rat and take him apart for parts. They would try to cut off a limb, for example.
  What will happen in this case?
  She will grow again.
  Kenny sighed... The probe was removed and the search continued. They ran a hand between his fingers. Then they started pressing on his belly button. Apparently they were looking for something there too.
  The most unpleasant thing is at the end. But Kenny, although he had experience of anal searches, did not expect this. The warden in a white coat brought a large, automatic enema. And another one, also in a white coat, brought a huge basin.
  And they shoved her enema into his anus. After which they turned on warm water. And they started to wash him with great pressure. It was painful and disgusting and humiliating.
  The bowel lavage was very thorough. Kenny became sad. Although it was humiliating to have a gloved finger stuck in your butt, it was already not that painful. But it was his first time getting an enema. Why would an immortal boy need a hospital? Everything would heal and get better on its own.
  And here is something special and incredible. They cleanse him of all that is bad...
  Kenny, fortunately, his mouth was now free and he sang;
  From somewhere far away , like a warm wind -
  The echo of the phone ringing will wake me up.
  You will hear a familiar voice, like the bright sun.
  I know that no one remembers me like this, no one loves me like this.
  Hello mom, mom.
  Tell me it's cold. Tell me you missed me.
  I missed this so much, mom, mom.
  I know you're alone there, but even though I'm not allowed to be there -
  This world is at your feet.
  Our souls sing in unison songs about the main thing.
  Without you, this world is doomed, mom, mom, mom, mom.
  Our souls sing in unison songs about the main thing.
  Without you, this world is doomed, mom, mom, mom, mom.
  Our life is very confusing and unclear.
  People don't fight for love - they're stupid, Mom.
  There are so few paths and so many crooked roads.
  But this is not for you. All this is just dust.
  Tell me, how are you, mom, mom?
  Birds sing with your voice, your name flies over the capital,
  And he can't stop now, mom, mom.
  I know you are there alone, but even though I am not allowed to be near you, -
  The whole world is at your feet.
  Our souls sing in unison songs about the main thing.
  Without you, this world is doomed, mom, mom, mom, mom.
  Our souls sing in unison songs about the main thing.
  Without you, this world is doomed, mom, mom, mom, mom.
  Soon I will become the best of the best. Just like you dreamed, Mom.
  Soon I will become the best of the best. Just like you dreamed, Mom.
  Very soon I will become the most. Just like you dreamed, mom.
  Remember how you dreamed, mom.
  warden growled angrily :
  - That the little bastard remembered his mother! And how he killed people, what were the thoughts in your head doing!
  Kenny gurgled:
  - I didn't kill anyone!
  The senior matron muttered:
  - Oh yeah! And that colored one who broke the skull with a crowbar, leaving fingerprints.
  Kenny nodded. Yeah , he did hit a black guy over the head with a crowbar yesterday. And he even had to hide the murder weapon or wipe off the fingerprints.
  Somehow Kenny got used to the fact that a powerful organization deletes all data about him in the card file, and showed carelessness. And apparently he was checked, and right now the computer found a match.
  The senior matron muttered:
  - You're a juvenile killer, that's who you are!
  Kenny logically noted:
  - Even if I was holding a crowbar in my hands, that doesn"t mean that I was the one who killed!
  The senior warden growled:
  - You're going to say that in court! And they'll give you life in prison !
  Kenny noted with a smile:
  - I'm just a kid! A few years of juvenile life at most .
  In response, the woman noted:
  - This guy is our prosecutor's son-in-law. So you're unlucky. You robbed and killed the wrong person. That's why the prosecutor ordered a thorough and detailed search of you. Now you can't get away with it !
  Kenny muttered:
  -Let's see!
  And he really was sure that the powerful organization would somehow get him off the hook. Especially what kind of life sentence? An eternal boy in a federal prison would be too suspicious.
  I wonder if he'll be allowed to play on the computer? It seems like minors can.
  Meanwhile, the white-coated matron stuck out a probe. And now Kenny must have all his intestines scanned, doing an endoscopy. It's an unpleasant and humiliating procedure. But it's done in regular clinics.
  The woman in the back robe stuck it in her fifth point, the boys began to push the hose in, which is quite.
  And his intestines began to show through on the screen.
  Kenny shuddered. And so that it wouldn't be so painful, disgusting and ticklish, he began to sing again;
  Far, far away in a quiet town
  In the middle of the earth alone in a dark room
  I pray to God for my salvation
  My midnight pilgrim .
  She prays for one thing: God bless!
  wax candles burn in the window ,
  So that she who has lost faith and love,
  My lost soul has found the light.
  Mom, mom, you alone will never betray me and will never stop loving me.
  In this world and the next, you will always be with me.
  I go to you alone, my heart wounded.
  Mom, mom, you are my stone wall.
  Mom, mom, you are my stone wall.
  The night is black, the path is unknown, the darkness is bottomless
  And the dark forces prophesy troubles to me,
  But in the darkness two insomnias keep me:
  The eyes of a mother, and even the Mother of God.
  They say that I was never sad.
  You know, you are the only one - my darling.
  have I been beaten by fate without mercy?
  I survived thanks to your prayers.
  Mom, mom, you alone will never betray me and will never stop loving me.
  In this world and the next, you will always be with me.
  I go to you alone, my heart wounded.
  Mom, mom, you are my stone wall.
  Mom, mom, you are my stone wall.
  That's why troubles couldn't break me,
  What is far, far away in the middle of the earth
  I pray to God for my salvation
  My midnight pilgrim .
  The senior matron noted:
  - You sing well! But you will be tried as an adult. And you will not get a juvenile sanatorium. You will be surrounded by adults, brutal, stinking criminals who love to rape pretty and fair-haired boys like you.
  Kenny answered confidently:
  - I can fight back!
  The warden laughed and remarked:
  - You're just a child! How old are you?
  Kenny asked with a smile:
  - Don't you know yourself?
  The senior warden nodded:
  - You are some kind of strange person. No clan, no tribe, and you are not in the card index. We must first find out where you are from and how you fell on our heads. And then we will decide what to do with you!
  The boy noticed:
  - Better let him go! It will be cheaper!
  Meanwhile, the nurses finished examining the boy's intestines and removed the probe from his butt.
  Immortal Kenny thought that the hardest part was already behind him, but the Senior Warden noted:
  -You also need to check your bladder! This search must be as thorough as possible!
  The warden suggested that Kenny lie on his stomach. And her hand in a medical glove carefully exposed the head of perfection. And the other brought a thin probe capable of passing through the urethra.
  Kenny felt the excitement of the touch of women's hands, even in thin rubber gloves. And his trunk swelled with blood and excitement.
  The senior matron asked:
  - Have you ever had a woman?
  Kenny, blushing with embarrassment, replied:
  - Yes! And more than once!
  The senior matron noted:
  - And you will have them in prison too! You are a very handsome boy!
  Meanwhile, a woman in a white coat stuck a thin cord into the urethra and began to push it in. It was a little painful and ticklish.
  Kenny thought that most likely this was done in hospitals when they needed to check more thoroughly. And for such a procedure in the US they probably charge a lot of money, he was getting it done absolutely free. And there was no need to blush and feel humiliated and burn with shame.
  Women in white coats who look like nurses are simply doing their job. And there is nothing to be ashamed of.
  Kenny smiled and thought that he must be a very noble person, since they were searching him like that, and again the immortal boy of eight and a half centuries old began to sing;
  Go around the whole world -
  Just know in advance:
  You won't find warmer hands
  And more tender than my mother's.
  You won't find eyes in the world
  More affectionate and strict.
  Mom to each of us
  More precious than all people.
  Mom, mom - the most beautiful word in the world.
  Mom, mom gives warmth and a smile to children.
  Mom, mom, I share joy and sadness with you,
  Mom, I love you!
  No matter how much you look around,
  But in winter and summer
  Mom is the best friend,
  There is no better mother .
  I want to wish you
  Both goodness and light.
  Let it be about my mother
  The whole planet knows!
  Mom, mom - the most beautiful word in the world.
  Mom, mom gives warmth and a smile to children.
  Mom, mom, I share joy and sadness with you,
  Mom, I love you!
  And the boy Kenny even cried. After all, he had a mother, but how long ago, back in the days when the empire of Genghis Khan had not yet emerged, when gunpowder was not known in Europe, she was killed.
  Finally, the probe was removed. Afterwards, the guards in white coats checked the toes of my bare feet and felt the bare, calloused sole.
  The warden noted:
  - It's so hard, like a rhinoceros horn. As if this boy had only run barefoot his whole life!
  Kenny nodded:
  - Yes, that's exactly it! I don't like shoes!
  The senior female warden ordered:
  - Take him to the shower and wash him thoroughly. Then they'll shave his head and take pictures of him naked from all sides again!
  The boy groaned:
  - Why shave my head!
  The senior matron replied:
  - Because you've irritated our prosecutor too much. And you boys don't like to part with your hair. And they'll pick a solitary and cold cell for you. Because the other kids respect you too much.
  Put your hands behind your back and go to the shower.
  Kenny was led out, and the boy-prisoner and immortal mountaineer, with his head down, trudged off to wash. His mood plummeted. It would be boring to sit in a cold solitary cell without a computer and TV. Better to be in the company of stupid teenagers than alone.
  Well, okay, anyway, the secret organization won"t allow him to reveal himself and sit there for too long.
  . CHAPTER #5
  Anastasia Vinogradova also decided to compose in her spare time. Especially since there is no war and the pilot has plenty of free time.
  Gavroche, although seriously wounded, was not killed. Street boys are a tenacious people.
  So don't rush to bury him. Gavroche lay down for a week, and then jumped up again, everything on his young body is healing like a dog. Only a couple of barely noticeable scars remain. The boy is back on the street and walking. He feels a little weak and is very hungry. A kind woman from among the rebels fed the boy when he was wounded, but now she said that he should look for his family, he can't feed him anymore.
  Gavroche slapped his bare feet, a boy of about eleven, on the warm cobblestones of the street. It was summer and walking without shoes was a pleasure for a child.
  Shoes are hidden until winter, when the frost will bite bare, children's heels. Although in France the winters are milder , and there may be no snow, or it may fall a couple of times during the winter. When there is no snow, the rough soles can be barefoot in the cold when moving. Only when you sleep, you wrap them in something.
  For a street tramp, shoes are a luxury, especially if he is a child. Perhaps Gavroche would be very surprised that in the future, in films, for some reason, he is shown in shoes, even in the summer.
  But Gavroche, of course, did not yet know the future. Some of the rebels were shot, some were sent to prison. The boy was considered dead. But a kind woman checked and heard that Gavroche was still breathing and took him.
  kid's naturally strong body quickly recovered from his wounds. And now Gavroche walked quickly and sang:
  Sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up,
  When we disagree, we start shooting!
  An eye for an eye, blood for blood,
  And all in a circle, all over again!
  The boy approached the square where the barricades were and saw that they had been dismantled. And the blood had already been partially washed away and the corpses had been removed.
  But the gendarmes in blue uniforms still walk around with angry faces.
  Gavroche turned aside. The times were not yet completely civilized and the rebellious boy could also be sent to prison. Not with adults, of course, but they would put him in a cell with street ragamuffins and thieves like him.
  But this is not much fun, plus you can"t avoid mandatory spanking and forced labor.
  Gavroche had heard that in juvenile prisons the food was generally tolerable, maybe even better than what vagabond boys ate outside. But they were shaved bald, whipped, beaten for the slightest offense, and forced to study and work. Well, the study was so-so - reading, writing, counting, and the law of God. But you had to work a lot. Up to twelve hours a day. That was life - a little study, work until complete exhaustion, and sleep on a prison bunk in a stinking cell overcrowded with boys.
  And they can also put stocks on your bare feet before going to bed. Sometimes there are ten boys at once, they put them in one stock, and they also handcuff them, and you sleep on hard bunks. Naturally, what kind of sleep is that - sheer torture. And after that, you wake up and run to wash up, have breakfast and go to work or school.
  There is not enough time for sleep anyway, and what kind of sleep is there in the stocks on hard bunks? Their shaved heads hurt terribly. That is, the prison is for children, and in some ways it is worse than that of adult convicts. They also work the same twelve hours a day, but at least there is no school, and a little more time for sleep or to lie down. And they are shackled in the stocks much less often, as well as whipped.
  Adults are beaten for specific offenses, and little boys are often beaten simply for educational purposes.
  That's why Gavrosh didn't want to go to prison. Especially since things are different with children. Sometimes they are released after a couple of weeks, as happened with his sisters, sometimes they are kept for years.
  Now, however, Gavrosh, whose young body had almost recovered from the injury, was very hungry. And the more he walked, the more hungry he became.
  The boy began to approach the stall with flatbreads cautiously. Gavroche had done this more than once, although not very often. Even for such a trifle as a flatbread, if caught, prison awaits. And that is at least a guaranteed good spanking. So in a juvenile prison they simply cannot do without spanking the boy.
  But now Gavroche had grown bolder. He was a hair's breadth from death. And what about the bars? His father had been in prison, his sisters had been in prison, he should try it someday. His back was strong enough to withstand it. They wouldn't beat him to death - the executioners were experienced, and the scars would heal.
  By the way, some boys are flogged by women or teenage executioners, whose blows are weaker. So Gavroche should be prepared.
  The boy was dressed in rags, with bare feet, the heels of which were darkened by the Parisian pavement dust, thin as a reed, skin and bones, and through the holes in the rags his bony chest was visible. The mistress noticed him and shouted:
  - Ah , you barefoot slacker ! Don't even think about stealing anything!
  The boy replied with a sigh:
  - I'm very hungry!
  The woman asked:
  - Orphan?
  Gavroche answered honestly:
  - I don"t know ... But I haven"t seen my parents for a long time!
  The hostess answered with a kind look:
  - I'll give you a flatbread if you sing something funny!
  The boy shrugged his shoulders and replied:
  - I can sing, but a cheerful one ... It 's somehow sad when so many people died. Including my sister. When you think about it, your soul begins to grieve with terrible force. And the poor boy's heart is not in cheerful songs.
  The woman softened and said:
  - Okay, take the flatbread and eat! I understand you.
  Gavroche did just that. There was cheese inside the flatbread, and it seemed very tasty to the hungry boy.
  The woman, seeing how greedily he ate, gave another to the child. Gavroche ate the second one and felt a heaviness inside him. It was hot, the boy had not yet fully recovered from his wounds, and he fell asleep sitting on the bench. The woman did not wake him.
  And Gavroche dreamed of something so wonderful;
  Spartacus' army is fighting Crassus' army. Their forces are roughly equal, maybe even slaves are slightly more numerous, but the army of the rebellious gladiator has many untrained slaves who have recently joined the rebels. A significant number of them are teenagers and even children. And the seasoned, well-trained and armed Romans began to push them back from the right flank.
  Spartacus himself entered the battle. He was a mighty warrior, one of the strongest gladiators in the history of Rome. And he fought, waving two swords at once. And Roman soldiers fell from his blows.
  the boy gained unusual strength. His body became very sculpted and muscular.
  The child's muscles became tiles, and his legs and arms, like veins, were wrapped in steel wire. He looks like a boy of about eleven, but he is monstrously strong and cast from titanium.
  Gavroche rushes into battle to prevent Crassus from winning and becoming stronger. In addition, this is a turning point in the war. If Spartacus had never lost before and had never retreated before the Romans, which created a certain aura for his army, now Crassus risks inflicting the first defeat on the rebellious slaves. And this will have major consequences, including reducing the influx of volunteers into Spartacus' army.
  Gavroche also holds two swords in his hands, each as long as his own height, and rushes at the enemy.
  And now the first Roman soldiers fall, cut down by the blows of the boy-terminator.
  Gavroche fights and the boy's bare heel hits the Roman centurion square in the forehead, causing him to fall with his legs spread. The boy swings his swords again and shouts:
  - For Freedom! For Spartak!
  And the young warrior is back in battle. He is ready to fight with fury, from the swings of the boy's swords the Romans fall.
  The other slave boys, seeing that a very young boy was chopping so successfully, cheered up the Romans. Thousands of teenagers and children under ten, straining their little muscles, rushed into battle. And let the Romans chop, so that torn flesh flew in shreds. That was a battle.
  The bare heels of the slave boys who rushed into the attack sparkled with the blood of slain Romans.
  And the legionnaires died under the blows of children.
  Gavroche fought with great activity. His swords spun like propeller blades. And they chopped down dozens of Roman soldiers.
  How strong and invincible the boy became. Just a super warrior and soldier. And nothing could stop him.
  The boy, fighting, sang:
  He gave the light of freedom to slaves,
  And he helped them throw off the chains...
  After all, slavery is a human shame,
  And not the sacred Rock of God!
  And the bare heel of the boy-terminator will again hit Crassus' assistant in the chin, so hard that his jaw will fly off.
  The other children are delighted and shout:
  - Bravo! This is just super!
  And so the boys and a few girls with them increased their pressure. And they began to hack at the Roman fighters from Crassus' army at a furious pace. Which they did with a great deal of aggression. Such active guys.
  The boys are half-naked, and some are completely naked , but they are muscular, strong, resilient, and tanned.
  And it is clear that such guys will definitely not let you down. These guys are really just super class . Who, if they get going, even Roman legionnaires will back off.
  The boy warrior Gavroche pounded his opponents with incalculable force, chopping from both shoulders, and chanting:
  Victory awaits, victory awaits,
  Those who are eager to break the shackles...
  Victory awaits, victory awaits,
  We will be able to defeat evil Rome!
  This was the young and delightful boy-fighter he was. And his tanned, muscular body glistened with sweat and blood.
  A real and merciless battle was going on. And already the Romans began to retreat.
  Spartacus' troops perked up. They compensated for their lack of experience with fury and courage. Which was a very remarkable and sparkling step.
  Gavroche was hacking away. The boy's bare, tanned feet splashed through the puddles, raising clouds of scarlet splashes. And it was simply magnificent - just super. And in this case, you can't take the words out of a song. How magnificent and exciting it all looked.
  And the other slave boys felt their strength increase tenfold, and they rushed at the Romans with great fury.
  Crassus saw that the slaves, now having a slight numerical advantage, were pushing back the Romans and attacking. And that Spartacus himself and the previously unknown boy were fighting like the gods of Mars. And the other slaves, inspired by their example, were attacking. And even the children who had joined Spartacus' army were fighting even better than the adults.
  Then Crassus ordered fifteen thousand horsemen to be thrown into battle. And the numerous Roman cavalry, trampling their own soldiers, rushed like an avalanche towards the enemy.
  In response, arrows and darts and other striking elements flew at her. Which began to knock out riders and horses. And the slave boys, flashing their bare heels, rushed to attack.
  The Romans, not expecting such impudence, were taken aback. And the child warriors began to stab and chop them.
  Gavroche, having cut down the dashing quaestor riding on a white horse, sang:
  Here is a commander, the darling of victories,
  I came across a very sharp sword among the slaves...
  The trace of past success has already been lost,
  Under the heel of barefoot slave boys!
  And again the child cuts down the Romans. Spartacus, continuing to fight, gave the order with a sign.
  And the rebel cavalry rushed into battle, attacking the Romans from the flanks. And a fierce battle began.
  And the slaves increased their onslaught even more. And in front of them all were Spartacus and Gavroche. And such a furious battle began.
  The boys fought desperately, their naked, muscular bodies literally shaking and splashing with sweat. And they acted with pressure and great passion. And the slave archers also fired, shooting with their bare feet in the grass and pulling the bowstring by straightening their arms. And it turned out so great and cool.
  Gavroche sang as he slashed the Romans:
  I have an enemy
  There is strength and pressure...
  But I am in the skin of a bull -
  That's the whole conversation!
  Hey, toreador, hold on,
  I'm starting my run...
  Rome's life will end -
  Man reigns!
  And the boy warrior fights with great strength and enthusiasm. And shows his highest and unique class. And so the Romans cannot withstand the onslaught of the brutal boy slaves, and begin to retreat. At first they try to retreat more or less in an organized manner. But the slaves press harder and harder.
  And so the retreat of Crassus' army breaks into a general flight. And the slaves rush after his troops with howls and giggles . And a deafening roar. This is truly such an incredible and unique battle.
  The boy Gavroche rushes forward, chops down the Romans with his swords and sings:
  Well why?
  We are chopping down the Romans, I don"t understand!
  Well why?
  We have become his slaves!
  Well why?
  It is impossible to live according to the mind,
  Why, why!
  Well, why!
  And the boy runs a crazy mill with his swords and chops off Roman heads.
  Spartacus' troops are pursuing Crassus' army. And the slave boys are at the forefront and the most furious and aggressive in pursuing the troops of Ancient Rome.
  And Gavroche himself is no slouch either . And he chops up these Romans. After all, he is against slavery. The ragged boy himself was not a slave, of course. And on the contrary, no one took care of him from early childhood. And this, of course, made the boy somewhat spoiled and weaned him off work.
  But here he was in a different body. In the body of a boy who had worked in the quarries barefoot and in swimming trunks since he was three.
  And this boy hated slavery. And he literally rushed into battle with fury. And under his sharp blades the Romans fell and fell. And Gavroche was truly unstoppable. And no one had ever seen a more fierce and powerful fighter who mowed down Romans by the dozens.
  Gavroche sang:
  And the battle continues again,
  And my heart feels anxious in my chest...
  And with us is young Spartak,
  Sweeps away evil Rome on the way!
  And he hits the boy in the back of the head with his bare heel, and Skoffa , Crassus's right hand, falls down, knocked down. Well, Crassus himself did not enter the battle, he is saving his life.
  And the rebellious slaves rush into battle with all their frenzy. And they chop desperately and with wild enthusiasm. And they literally cover their entire path with corpses. And they carry out a total chopping. Especially desperate courage is shown by young warriors, who are like a pack of predatory animals in a frantic attack.
  And the bare feet of the boys splash through the puddles of blood. And the child-terminator Gavroche himself is ahead of everyone and desperately, with great passion and skill, he fights. And this shows his highest and unique class. Which, in general, says a lot. These boys are real eagles.
  The slave boy fights and chases the Romans. And he fights very beautifully. And his bare, round heels, this handsome guy just flash. And it is extremely beautiful and aggressive and super strong.
  Gavroche fights very actively, and her naked, muscular body, with relief muscles, rushes so, and the waves splash. And how magnificent it is, let's say.
  The boy is extremely dexterous and cool, and can be very magnificent beyond measure. A wonderful warrior and very young. And strong and extremely cool and delightful.
  Gavroche is very active and aggressive and fights like that, and it's all super, he's an extremely smart guy and has the greatest strength.
  Yes, the boys are very wonderful slaves here, with them were very developed and shapely girls-slaves. It was extremely aggressive and unique.
  And so the Romans ran and ran, and there were so many corpses and dead people that they were covered with whole mounds. These were real battles. And the boys were even tougher than the adults.
  In short, Crassus was defeated and fled in disgrace...
  And Gavroche woke up. Well, the dream was good, and the boy perked up. He got up from the bench. It was already dark. The weather was fine, quite warm. The boy had slept well and was cheerful. And he liked to wander the night streets of Paris.
  And how pleasantly the dust tickles the bare, rough soles of a boy. Of course, it is much worse in winter. To keep your boots from falling apart, you put them on when the cold is completely unbearable and the pavement is covered with an icy crust. But fortunately, in France, the winters are mild, most of this time the temperature is above zero, and then if you are on the move, the child's accustomed, hardened, rough feet do not freeze.
  And now Gavroche, after sleeping, thought that it would be nice to find some food. And not just an apple in the garden.
  In summer, these apples literally give you heartburn and set your teeth on edge. If you eat apples all the time, your stomach will hurt. Although stealing an apple from the garden is not at all difficult for a nimble boy.
  But maybe steal something more substantial? And it would be good to put together some kind of gang of your own. It is easier to survive in groups. But the point is that in any gang, even a children's one, there must be one leader. And street boys really don't like to obey - especially their peers.
  Oh, I really wish I could become a pirate. And set off on sea adventures as a cabin boy.
  It's just a pity that the time of pirates has already passed. The dawn was in the seventeenth century, and now it's the nineteenth century. And once there was such a great hero, and a bloody, but very brave pirate Morgan. If only he, Gavroche, had fought under his command. He would have become even better, taller and cooler than Morgan.
  Oh, why wasn't he born two hundred years ago, when any boy could sneak onto a ship and become a powder monkey there, and then , seizing the moment, run away to become a pirate.
  Gavroche took it and began to sing with enthusiasm:
  We love to rob and steal,
  We have no conscience, believe me, and no honor...
  And our business is to kill for doubloons,
  So that all the pirates are together!
  We will slash you with a dagger,
  And we'll tear the girls' guts out without holding back...
  There is no one on Earth more evil than us,
  Avadon himself stands modestly to the side!
  Believe me, we will kill and burn everyone,
  This was all planned out for us first and foremost...
  And somewhere a golden-winged cherub flutters,
  And the corsair will cut off his wings a little !
  Believe me, the pirate will not give in to you,
  Neither to priests, nor to others who speak evil...
  May the result be very glorious,
  So that the filibusters don't sit quietly!
  In war, of course, there will be a limit for you,
  In battle, a pirate cannot surrender!
  The enemy has thinned out in battle,
  I showed that our corsair knows how to fight!
  So we pirates besieged the galleon,
  They slaughtered the Spaniards mercilessly...
  We'll kill, even if it's a million,
  And we will never say , enough guys, okay!
  The frigate is now on fire,
  The flame in it blazes very fiercely...
  We swore an oath to Satan, apparently,
  To ruin everything that was a bright paradise!
  This is how good everything has become,
  Of course, we love girls too...
  As a result, everyone will get what they want.
  The woman will give him a kiss!
  We will, believe boldly, win,
  Doing everything glamorously and beautifully...
  Donating blood, essay for five,
  And puffing up his mouth arrogantly !
  For Morgan, the glorious captain, is with us,
  Who burned cities with fires...
  Such a great ataman has been given to us,
  What tramples with steel boots!
  In short, there is a pirate's way -
  To crush, to choke, without mercy...
  The enemy will not be able to bend us,
  After all, you should know that any people are bastards !
  We don't even care about the Duke ,
  We will boldly break off his horns...
  And we'll hit you in the face with a brick,
  That he will become just a parrot in the oven!
  Well, this Louis is the king,
  It will be just good for the pirates as nuts,
  He is not a king, he is just a zero,
  Believe me, it's not worth even a pathetic black pawn!
  In short, Morgan will win handily,
  Any army that the enemy sends us...
  We corsairs are like a monolith,
  ours for battle crusher !
  there will be time for glory ,
  Each will receive half of the world...
  A pirate is essentially a beast of prey,
  It will treacherously hit you in the back!
  When we have robbed up to our navel,
  We will build ourselves luxurious mansions,
  Satan is with us forever,
  And a new planet will enter the world!
  . CHAPTER #6
  The boy sang well, but his voice attracted a couple of policemen and he had to run away, his bare, dusty heels flashing. Seeing that it was only a poor, ragged, little boy running away from them. And a very agile and fast one at that, the policemen did not run for long, but after shouting, stopped and walked on, breathing heavily.
  Gavroche ran away from them and also began to walk slowly. While running, the boy's callused, rough heel stepped on something sharp and hurt slightly. If his sole had not been so hard and full of pain from many years of almost constant walking barefoot, it could have been worse.
  But in any case it is unpleasant. Besides, after running fast, I felt more hungry.
  And Gavroche began to examine the nearest houses. It was summer and warm, some windows were open and this was a chance to steal something. The boy chose a richer house . And he began to climb the stone wall, clinging with his hands and bare toes.
  So carefully he got up, trying not to make any noise. And here is the boy, nimble as a monkey, on the windowsill. Just a little more and you are already in the room, so small and silent.
  The boy was so nimble and his little bare feet stepped onto the marble floor. No creaking, no sound, only the calluses on the child's soles slightly scratched the smooth surface.
  Gavroche winked, he was so nimble and now his feet were stepping on the floor. The boy looked around. There on the table was a copper dog. It could also be used for selling to a fence. Gavroche's father was quite a scoundrel . And he knew many speculators.
  The boy picked it up from the table, and there was a bronze inkwell with a picture. But that was a trifle. He should steal something more substantial. Not for himself.
  Gavroche had a crazy idea - to create his own children's gang. First, to raid the rich houses of Paris together, and then to create an army. To unite with adults and organize their own revolution.
  Make your own children's song...
  The drawers were locked with keys. But the boy did not lose his head and tried to open the lock with a needle. He was shown how it could be done, at least with a cabinet of some simple design. It was also a boy who showed, but older and more experienced. And he was taught by a seasoned burglar.
  And Gavroche managed to open the locker. And there were some pretty expensive clothes in it. In particular, ladies' shoes, which could also be sold. The boy also took off one of the fashionable dresses, and some other things. You could wrap a dog and an inkwell in a dress. And the shoes are expensive with leather.
  Gavroche also took it and chirped with a smile:
  About this barefoot girl,
  I couldn"t forget it...
  It seemed like the stones of the pavement,
  They tormented the feet of tender legs!
  Although of course the house is quite rich and he takes not the last. The boy, despite the risk, was sure that everyone in the house was asleep. And his young eyesight saw perfectly well in the dark. And it was not particularly dark here, there were many mirrors. Well, there is a comb made of silver. It can also be sold.
  The small boy carefully stepped with his bare, nimble feet on the carpet. And his little hands carefully turned the lever and the child deftly jumped into the next room. Noiselessly on tiptoes, his bare feet walked along the fur road to the kitchen, guided by the pleasant smells.
  Rich people usually have large stocks of silverware in their kitchens. And fences are happy to buy it.
  After Gavroche was wounded in the head and saw so many deaths, something broke in the child's head and he turned into a real thief. Although, on the other hand, Robin Hood was a robber, but in the people's memory and folklore he remained a good guy. Moreover, Robin Hood even became a somewhat iconic and household name.
  Here the boy, using a pin, carefully and almost silently opens the lock to the kitchen.
  Gavroche whispers with a smile:
  What kind of confession is a thief these days?
  Of course, the art of acting!
  Today they are thieves, today they are thieves,
  All pretenders are actors!
  Outwardly you are as pure as an angel,
  And inside there is a repeat offender!
  And the boy with his little checkers penetrated into the kitchen. It was large and rather luxurious. The young thief approached the drawer and carefully, so that it did not creak, opened it. In it lay, and the boy was not mistaken here, silver forks, knives and spoons. And Gavroche began to rake it out calmly and measuredly. His small, dexterous hands just flashed. What a child mastered a peculiar craft. And he did it quite deftly.
  He was even seized by the thrill of thievery. Almost silently, the tramp boy began to sing:
  Everything is in the power of thieves, or in the hands of God,
  Or those who decide our destinies at the top...
  Satan himself holds a sharp sword like an oar,
  Theft rules the planet of people!
  And the boy, picking up the bag, piled silverware into it. And opened drawer after drawer .
  For eleven years old, Gavroche was quite a strong boy. But it had already become too much for him. And with a sigh: he could not take any more, he, staggering under the weight of the stolen goods , and dragging a bag of silver, began to leave the kitchen.
  And even Gavroche, to make it easier to carry, sang ironically:
  Why do you need riches, boy ?
  Life is short and no matter how much you eat...
  There is no point in wasting your time trying to eat enough for future use,
  Dry your oars, sir, dry your oars, sir!
  And the boy somehow dragged himself to the room with the open window. But to pull the heavy bag with the loot into it was beyond the child's strength. And then Gavroche began to carefully open the window. Suddenly the flowerpot fell off, but the child managed to catch it and the flower did not break.
  The boy carefully placed the pot on the floor and sang:
  Your fate hangs in the balance,
  The enemies are full of courage...
  But thank God there are friends,
  But God has friends...
  And thank God our friends have swords!
  After which the window with the skip opened. The boy's heart began to pound wildly. But nothing happened , everyone in the house continued to sleep. Gavroche sang ironically:
  Bears and elephants are sleeping,
  Uncles are sleeping and aunties...
  Everyone in the world must sleep,
  But not at work!
  And so the boy, with great effort and dripping with sweat, pulled the bag with the loot: silverware, trinkets and fashionable ladies' shoes onto the windowsill. Now it had to be lowered down. Since it could make a lot of noise when falling, and the forks and knives could bend, reducing their value.
  The boy, leaving the bag on the windowsill, began to look for a suitable rope to lower the stolen goods . Gavroche had discovered that he could use curtains and a special cord for this. And then everything would work out perfectly.
  And so the boy tied the sack with a silk cord and began to lower it. But the sack turned out to be too heavy, and the rope slipped from Gavroche's sweaty hands. And the stolen goods he had collected fell to the ground on the rocks.
  The boy was very scared. True, from the street inside the apartments it might not be very audible. In any case, there was no further noise. Everyone continued to sleep.
  The boy thief sang almost silently:
  Fart, you sweet mouse,
  I'll eat you skin and all...
  Happiness is just a respite,
  A bright flash,
   In the darkness of problems!
  The boy, pushing with his fingers and bare feet, took it and went down. The descent was not entirely smooth, and the child thief fell down - his hands were sweaty from the effort of dragging the bag. And this is a significant minus. The boy fell and hurt his knee, limped. And then it was even worse - he had to drag the bag on himself.
  The child's strength was not enough to lift him onto his shoulders, and Gavroche dragged him, with great effort, over the stones. It was hard, the boy was sweating heavily and breathing like a driven horse.
  This is truly the sucker's greed that ruined him.
  Unexpectedly, or rather logically, three boys appeared , about twelve years old, slightly older and taller than Gavroche. For his age, due to poor nutrition, the boy was even slightly below average in size, although he was naturally quite strong. Gavroche was small, but agile and despite chronic malnutrition, strong, he beat his peers in fights.
  And now a fight broke out between them. The child thieves attacked the boy, realizing that he was dragging something stolen and valuable. Gavroche, of course, did not study karate , but he knew how to fight with both hands and feet.
  And so he kicked his opponent in the groin with his bare foot. The other missed the blow, fell down and began to writhe in pain.
  Gavroche picked up the second boy and threw him over himself, and he fell, bruised his back and groaned.
  The third boy hit Gavrosh in the cheekbone with his fist. The boy responded. And a small boxing match ensued. Both boys were punching each other. Until Gavrosh successfully hit the tip of his chin with his knuckles and his vis-a-vis passed out.
  The boy, who had hurt his back, jumped up and pulled out a small knife. And this was serious. You can even kill with a knife. Gavroche picked up a paving stone with his bare foot and threw it into his right hand. Both boys looked at each other with animalistic looks. They were both barefoot and angry. Gavroche was shorter and seemed thinner and more frail. But he had natural physical strength. Perhaps he had a different father. He didn't really look like his bandit, such fair hair and a handsome, sweet face.
  Gavroche abruptly hit the hand that held the knife with the stone. The hooligan boy dropped the weapon. And Gavroche lifted it onto his shoulder, shook it, and threw it again, so that the boy kicked the back of his head against the stone. The boy passed out, this time for a long time. The other boy who got hit in the groin wanted to rush at Gavroche too. The boy raised his hand with the stone and hissed:
  - Oh, I'll hit you! Enough!
  The boy muttered:
  - There are three of us!
  Gavroche objected:
  - Two are knocked out, and you are alone!
  And softening, he answered:
  - I'm thinking of starting my own gang. It's boring to be alone. So let's be friends and be together!
  The boy asked:
  - What's in the bag?
  Gavroche answered confidently:
  - Silverware and some small change. There's a lot of it, the bag is heavy and it's enough for the four of us!
  The boy looked at his motionless comrades and noted:
  - Well, you are strong! Okay, you will be the leader by right of the strong !
  Gavroche honestly stated:
  - I'm also smart and agile! Now let's bring the guys to their senses!
  The boy's sister once helped in boxing matches, and taught how to do a facial massage to bring a knocked-out fighter to his senses. And so he massaged the young faces. Children's bodies , strong with live blood circulation, and the boys came to their senses.
  The boy noted:
  - He defeated us, now he is the head of our gang!
  The boy who was throwing the knife remarked:
  - Yes, he is strong. But is he smart enough?
  Gavroche answered with a smile:
  dragged out more silver than you weigh! And for that you need both intelligence and dexterity!
  The boys approached the bag, tried to lift it and whistled in surprise:
  - Yes, this is a big catch!
  Gavroche sang ironically:
  I brought, I brought the spoils,
  The prey has a bull's head!
  After which the boys finally dragged the bag. Now there were four of them and it was easier to drag it somehow. But it was still awkward, especially since it kept slipping out of their hands.
  Gavroche suggested:
  - Let's make something like a stretcher!
  One thief boy stayed to guard the loot, and the others rushed to look for the boards. Only the bare heels of the children flashed.
  The boards were quickly found, however . And they finally carried the captured silver and small trinkets.
  However, the problems were not over yet. A whole dozen more boys appeared, and several girls in rags. And they started throwing stones.
  The members of Gavroche's gang answered them. Both of them got it. And then a policewoman showed up.
  Gavroche grabbed a bronze dog and a pair of silver forks and a knife and ran away. His vis-à-vis only managed to grab a pair of fashionable ladies' shoes.
  So the boys ran away, leaving behind their rich booty.
  And the policemen were obviously very pleased, having seized a heavy bag of silver.
  Gavroche and his team scattered ... The boy was alone again. He really did have enough silver now to buy food for at least a month by selling it to a fence. But that was certainly not wealth. And his mood was spoiled...
  True, not for long. In summer it dawns quickly, and it was getting lighter. And the rising sun blew such freshness and gentle warmth that the sad thoughts of the boy thief finally dissipated. There are many rich houses of all kinds, and he will steal more. Perhaps it is better to steal something less bulky than silverware. Better gold, and even better diamonds.
  That's when he'll really get rich. He'll become a noble peer, a duke, and he'll have his own huge estate and fleet. And everyone will bow to him.
  And then he will become a king, and then an emperor like Napoleon.
  No, perhaps not even Napoleon - Napoleon was a loser, but Genghis Khan. Or even more. And he will conquer the whole world!
  And then the best sorcerers and scientists of the entire planet Earth will find a way, a medicine, an elixir or a magical artifact to make at least one of the emperors of the planet Earth, Gavroche, immortal!
  The sun finally rose, a barefoot girl ran past the boy, and thrust a sweet candy into his hand. So free.
  Gavroche tried it on his tongue - tasty and sweet. And he thought: how good life is after all. And how wonderful that he is still a child and has everything ahead of him. And that today he will eat honey gingerbread, having sold two forks and a knife with milk. And maybe he will also swing on the swing?
  And who will it be great ?
  The tramp boy felt a great inspiration within himself and began to sing with feeling and expression;
  What you have done is radiant,
  Grace has been poured out upon the human race!
  This is what you, the holy God, gave me,
  Soul, joy, heartfelt mercy!
  Lucifer, having turned us into Sodom,
  The offspring of sin and pride!
  He raised his sword to the sacred throne of the Lord,
  And he decided that now he was omnipotent!
  Chorus after each verse;
  My God, how beautiful and pure you are,
  I believe that you are infinitely right!
  You gave your glorious life on the cross,
  And now in my heart there will be bitterness forever!
  You are the Lord of beauty, joy, peace and love,
  The embodiment of boundless, bright light!
  You shed precious blood on the cross,
  The planet was saved by an endless sacrifice!
  Next come the couplets.
  Evil rages in rebellious hearts,
  Satan is tearing the human race apart with his claws!
  But death will be cast into dust,
  And the Lord will be with us forever!
  The devil waged war against the Lord God.
  The enemy fought cruelly and treacherously!
  But Christ crushed Satan with love,
  Having proven his truth on the cross!
  We brothers must merge into one stream,
  Direct your heart, mind and feelings to Jesus!
  So that the Great God may help us to be saved,
  And forever and ever we will praise the Lord!
  So that the soul may find its peace forever,
  We must work together in the Lord's harvest!
  And forever, O Most High, we will be with You,
  I want to pray harder and harder!
  If you have hurt your feet, the carpet will be covered with velvet moss,
  Jesus will heal any pain instantly!
  He covered the shore with golden sand,
  He is the master of the Sun and the endless universe!
    With his word he created the heavens -
  He scattered the stars of the sky with a flourish!
  Jehovah love beauty,
  Devotion to him, loyalty without fear!
  Without the Almighty there are no friends,
  Radiant faces of kind icons!
  That's why I want it more and more,
  Jesus become a part of the flesh!
  Have mercy on God for our sinful debt,
  What we, alas, did not give to You!
  Even though the time for repentance has passed,
  And there is already an abyss where the flowering distances are!
  But the Lord gave his grace,
  And he said: I forgive you orphans!
  I can"t repay the debt to you ,
  But there will be a place for you in heaven too!
  It is impossible to betray something,
  The Lord of the Universe is harmless!
  And with his Orthodox hand,
  He brings us wicked into the chambers!
  say no to him ?
  Accept the request for repentance!
  Patiently awaits the Supreme Answer,
  Forgive us, believe His desire!
  We decided to go to torture,
  To strengthen your spirit!
  There is no other way for us who have fallen,
  May the Most High be with You forever !
  Here it is, the hour of salvation is near,
  God will never break his word!
  What will happen to us?
  And they will fly up, winged souls!
  What You have created will last forever,
  Infinite and wise ruler of the universe!
  You illuminated me with the streams of life,
  And I believe that our love will be true!
  Gavroche's high spirits were slightly spoiled by the fact that he stepped barefoot on a horse's dung. He had to urgently look for a puddle to wash his childish, tanned foot, and so that it wouldn't stink, and especially not get infected.
  And in general, the reality in the world is such that people have few special reasons and occasions to praise God. Although running barefoot in the summer is pleasant and good, in the winter it is painful and cold.
  And you are at risk of catching a cold. However, if you train your feet to be constantly in the cold, they will get used to it. And in general, while it is warm, it is great .
  Gavroche took it and sang with pleasure:
  The sun is shining above us,
  Not life, but grace...
  To those who are responsible for us,
  It's high time to understand,
  To those who are responsible for us -
  It's high time to understand...
  We are little children,
  We want to go for a walk!
  great it all was . And the boy's soul sang. The sun rose higher and higher and it was warm.
  The boy found another entertainment. He jumped up to people dressed richer and said, holding out his hand:
  - Give the poor orphan some food!
  The response was varied. But a couple of times the young rascal was served.
  Gavroche bought himself a meat pie for a couple of copper sous and ate it with pleasure.
  After which he reached the alley where the famous fence of stolen goods, Moisha, lived. He would take that silverware. Only, of course, he was a greedy guy.
  But it is inconvenient to carry knives under a torn shirt . Gavroche was a smart boy, he understood that of two evils one should choose the lesser.
  Moisha met him sullenly. What was this little bugger doing here? But when he saw the silverware he perked up. He weighed it on the scales, cheating with the weights, of course . Then he offered a third of the market price for the silver. Gavroche pretended to leave. And Moisha, this dry and skinny old man, added half.
  Gavroche agreed. And received a dozen coins. So he had no problems with food now.
  After that, the boy went to the nearest tavern. And there he ordered himself a good pork shashlik and red wine. In those days, morals were simpler and no one asked where a barefoot ragamuffin got his money from. And the fact is that children are not supposed to drink wine. But this is nineteenth-century France. Morals there are much freer than modern ones. And the wine is natural, without added alcohol, quite sweet.
  Gavroche treated another skinny boy, who was in rags and probably about nine years old. He didn't give him any wine, but he did eat shashlik with bread and washed it down with kvass.
  ate it with pleasure and chirped:
  - You are very kind, sir!
  When you are called - sir, the soul rejoices. Although who said that the thief boy is kind.
  Gavroche wanted to chat with him, but he had eaten too much out of habit and had also drunk too much wine. And everything began to swim before the boy's eyes. Gavroche staggered out of the tavern. His bare, little feet were tangled.
  The child crawled with difficulty to the nearest corner. He chose a softer place for himself and just like that he started snoring. It's still nice when it's summer and there's a house under every fence. The fly slid its paws over the bare , dusty heel of the sweet child.
  Gavroche sniffed and dreamed of something very interesting and heroic.
  . CHAPTER #7.
  The boy is back on Spartacus' team. After defeating Crassus, the defeated legionaries retreat to Rome. But there is no complete victory yet. More and more reinforcements are arriving from the Eternal City. Crassus is gaining strength. But the rebel army is also growing. It includes new, combat units.
  Gavroche is very agile and strong in his sleep. Together with Spartacus, they spar . The boy avoids the blows of the strongest gladiator of the ancient era.
  Spartacus uses a triple trident. But the boy not only dodges, but even scratches his powerful vis-a-vis in response.
  Spartacus notes:
  - And you are a very strong and agile fellow. You act so quickly!
  Gavroche noted:
  - Speed, eye, pressure!
  And the boy stood on his head. Gavroche was wearing only swimming trunks, but his childish body was so muscular and sculpted - simply a miracle.
  But Spartacus's troops were moving towards Rome. Crassus, having received new forces and having gathered up to eighty thousand fighters, decided to give a new battle. Spartacus had gathered more than one hundred thousand slaves and former poor. The rebels had a clear advantage, but a significant part of the army were recruits.
  Nevertheless, Spartacus rushed to attack. And the main blows were delivered from the side of the flags. The boy warrior, barefoot and almost naked, was on the left flank with other boys . And Spartacus with the best warriors came from the right. And such a colossal battle began.
  Gavroche, using two swords, cut into the enemy line. The Romans fell under the boy's powerful blows. His swords cut through the bodies of the armored Romans like blotting paper.
  And the boy's bare, childish heel broke jaws. It seemed like a child, but the child was surprisingly cool and strong.
  Crassus saw that the slaves were full of enthusiasm. That even a boy fought no worse than adults and showed the highest level of fighters. And so he decided to throw the cavalry into battle. He had a lot of it, and he counted on a solid advantage.
  But in conditions where the infantry was locked in combat, the cavalry had nowhere to turn around.
  Spartacus used Hannibal's tactics. The Roman flanks gave in to the pressure. And numerous slave boys threw darts. And slave girls, barely covered by loincloths, shot arrows from bows.
  Gavroche fought, not only chopping with swords, but also throwing poisonous needles with his bare toes. The boy warrior showed his high combat class. Here the centurion fell, pierced in the throat by a poisonous needle. And the boy terminator cut off the quaestor's head in a jump.
  After which the child terminator chirped:
  - But we returned reason - sacred gods,
  Under the wing of Spartacus - that's where we ended up!
  We dealt a mighty blow to Rome,
  The rebels showed an incredible gift!
  And Gavroche, with his bare little toes, will throw a lethal pea of antimatter. And it will explode so hard that three hundred select Roman warriors will fly into pieces.
  The warrior boy chirped:
  - Lenin and Spartacus are with us!
  It is not clear where Lenin came from in the child's head, though. But maybe in a dream you can sometimes fly into the future.
  And that in time and space there are molehills, and the soul of a child in a dream can quite well see through them.
  Well, the other slave boys and slave girls have also increased their striking power. And they have started to chop even more actively and with greater pressure. And they act with frenzied fury. This is really no joke.
  Gavroche, fighting with rage, said:
  - May the bald Fuhrer be cursed!
  Also, someone apparently flashed in his head and in his sleep!
  Such an incredible battle is going on, in which a lot of blood has been spilled. And now the Romans have once again begun to retreat.
  The boy warrior threw another explosive gift of death with his bare toes, then began to swing his two swords and chop with even greater ferocity.
  This is a battle of the titans.
  Gavroche noted with a radiant smile:
  Our Motherland is holy,
  Will always be famous!
  The girl runs barefoot,
  And Satan is behind her!
  And the slave girls are also fighting at the highest speed. The battle is bloody, holy and just. The working people are striving for the battle. Or more precisely, the slave warriors.
  Now that was a real fight...
  And the trumpets blare the voice of the archangel from heaven.
  And so the Romans retreat more and more. A murderous and destructive effect occurs.
  True, Crassus's warriors try to use catapults against the rebels. But the half-naked slaves jump aside quite deftly. And dodge the smashing stones. Everything happens extremely dashingly and brilliantly .
  Gavroche chirped:
  To a bloody, holy and just battle,
  March, march, forward, rebellious people...
  To a bloody, holy and just battle.
  March, march, forward, our Roman people!
  And so the retreat of the Romans turned into a mass flight. And numerous slave boys in battle on high. And they cut down the fleeing warriors of Rome.
  Gavroche whistles and shouts:
  Victory awaits, victory awaits,
  For those who thirst to break the shackles...
  Victory awaits, victory awaits,
  We will be able to defeat evil Rome!
  Here the battle is unfolding, and part of Crassus' army is surrounded. Spartacus himself fights with two swords and does it skillfully and deftly. And with him is his sister - a strong, muscular girl. She worked in the quarries and was very strong indeed.
  And her blows are also such that many men would envy her.
  The girls are so aggressive that they rushed forward and cut down Crassus' legionnaires.
  Gavroche chirped:
  - God, how much truth,
  In the eyes of the poor Roman slaves...
  God, have mercy on your faithful sons!
  We have brave Spartacus with us and he is very cool,
  And the boy threw something with his foot during the attack!
  You who have risen are not fallen at all,
  We will defeat Crassus,
  Beat the faggot!
  Come on, let's get going,
  And to the attack people!
  And the girls also fight with great fury and tenacity. Their bodies shine as if they were doused with olive oil from sweat and sparkle with bronze.
  Crassus's troops are in the bag, and they are being destroyed with fury and despair by the brave Roman slaves. The fiercest battle is underway. Gavroche, this boy-terminator, is ahead of everyone. And his courage is truly great.
  Other slave boys fight him. They simply amaze with their incredible courage. And they rush at the enemy with desperate and aggressive fury.
  Child slaves in loincloths or swimming trunks. And they rush to attack with incredible and unbending fury. This is truly a battle that knows no bounds.
  And here is Crassus's cavalry trying to break through. And fiery pots with coals and burning oil are thrown at them. And the horses are choking and turning away from the blows that are pouring down on them. And how much squealing and the smell of burnt meat. Which is absolutely incredible delight.
  The slave boys are on the attack again. Their bodies are tanned and muscular, lean from forced dieting and work in the quarries and elsewhere. Many of the boys are bare-chested and have brands burned into their chests and shoulders.
  And they are ready to fight for real and without any delays. And such boys will not really kneel.
  Even if you walk on the bare heels of children, a whole bamboo grove of sticks will walk.
  Gavroche is on the attack and ahead of everyone. Two long swords, in the thin but strong hands of the boy, like lightning. And they fall upon the Romans.
  Terminator boy sings:
  I will not surrender to the enemies, the executioners of Satan,
  I will show courage under torture...
  And let the vine lash, on the sides and shoulders,
  The enemy will be met with a smile!
  And a swing of swords, a butterfly move and the felled Romans fall like mushrooms in a basket. Now that's a fight.
  And the warrior girls fight. They are so strong and muscular. Their muscles just roll under their tanned, bronze skin. And they fight with wild redemption. This is truly a fight of the level that is needed.
  Gavroche fights with wild swings of his two swords, and sings with fury:
  Rome filled itself with gold,
  And it thunders with its roar...
  Apparently he wants to conquer the Earth,
  Turn the boys into game...
  Let's strike back with a steel blow,
  The gift will be revealed...
  And the girl with bare feet,
  She became a truly cool woman!
  This is how this brave and unbending boy fought, demonstrating incredible agility, flexibility, and ability to move his body.
  And the slave girls also fight with great force and wild fury. They show their truly unique and inimitable class.
  This is truly a battle of barefoot slaves. Who are so tanned, beautiful and muscular.
  Gavroche noted, cutting down another Roman:
  - This is truly a battle of the highest level!
  And the swords of the slave boy cut off the heads of the Romans.
  Crassus' army perishes under the blows of the rebels. And this is very symbolic. And blood flows in streams. Which cannot be ignored.
  And there are so many slave girls - you can't count them! And it's really extremely cool . And there is a capital and unique attack. And the blood flows in real streams.
  Gavroche noted with a smile:
  Girls are different,
  White, blue, red...
  But the guy doesn't care about them,
  The girl sang a romance!
  And the slave boy took and showed his long tongue. And then he took and spat. The Roman centurion took and fell down dead from the lethal spit. His skull was split.
  Gavroche took it and chirped:
  Damn hunchback, what do you want?
  I don"t even want to stand next to you...
  the boy alone, you bastard ,
  will kill you and become a hero!
  And here's the kid-terminator in battle again. He seems like he's just a kid, but he turns out to be so cool. That there's literally no way to deal with him. Once he gets going, he starts waving swords, and you can't stop him. This is a real juvenile monster.
  their enemies with great force and desperation .
  Gavroche sang with fury, chopping:
  The gods have cursed Rome for the third time,
  He began to take on too much...
  The cherub flaps its wings,
  Somewhere a child is crying tears!
  I wanted to tell you,
  Know your limits in any action...
  To pass the exam with an A,
  And cause complete destruction!
  I can't say bro ,
  That it is not worth chopping down evil Romans...
  Sometimes Satan attacks,
  And threatens to kill us all!
  My head will not bow,
  Boy, straighten your shoulders wider ...
  We know for sure that two times two,
  There will definitely be four!
  We are ready to fight the enemy,
  Having created miracles in the universe...
  And without wasting unnecessary words,
  Creating this unchanging path!
  We will cause such a rout,
  The one in which Spartacus is the winner...
  And the legions will be broken,
  There will be a new Lord-ruler!
  We will not give slaves to our enemies,
  Let's commit hara-kiri together...
  The best sons now,
  We'll really soak you in the toilet !
  The boys' sword is now sharp,
  And they just sharpened it...
  Crassus awaits the axe,
  And know Mochilovo in the toilet !
  Rome has many Gods,
  The coolest and the greatest...
  We will break off a lot of horns,
  And we'll make the flight very wild!
  Here is Jupiter, and where is Perun,
  Every knight is now a thunderer...
  Crassus really blew away in battle,
  And now he is defeated by slaves !
  And we have power beyond measure,
  We are such guys!
  Run away, bandits, go away,
  This brutal Rome!
  God does not like the weak , believe me,
  And the boy will not be a slave...
  Here is a furious beast on the attack,
  And really, believe me, it won"t hurt!
  The evil Roman growls like a wild wolf ,
  And the grin is very fierce...
  That Fatherland is a sword and a shield,
  Well, somewhere there's mad Cain!
  I, a boy, swung my swords,
  The heads of evil people flew...
  It seems that you really lost your mind, Crassus.
  You obviously want to sing in the cradle!
  The executioner swung his sword,
  Wants to destroy peace on earth...
  Wild howling and real crying,
  Souls rush to heaven!
  Jesus is always with me,
  There is a great warrior in my heart...
  Well, someone is now with Satan,
  And he really deserves to fight!
  I am a boy with a sword in my hands,
  Very sharp, made of durable steel...
  I want to cut the enemy with it,
  So that Crassus really gets beat up!
  This is sometimes fate,
  Believe me, it happens...
  is attacking,
  Well, and Cain's sword pokes into his back!
  We are not weak at all, however,
  Our muscles are filled with titanium...
  We will repel the evil flow of the horde,
  So that there is no place for tyrants!
  Who is this evil executioner?
  You are a boy and you don"t know yourself...
  Why is the girl crying?
  Why are you scaring the crows like that?
  God is able to save us all,
  And send the evil Crassus to the grave...
  Count to ten
  Then get the middle ground!
  What makes our country great?
  I see its powerful expanses...
  The stormy river overflowed,
  And painted the mountains pink !
  We have reached great heights,
  The highest peak here is communism...
  Our people will be united,
  And the girl doesn't know feminism!
  Rome, believe me, is already burning,
  And the empire collapses quickly...
  And the friendship of slaves is a monolith,
  A whisper was heard somewhere quietly!
  Children will always be free,
  They will surely throw off the slave chains...
  Let our dream come true,
  In endless joy forever!
  The Roman army, while the boy-terminator was performing a whole symphony, was completely chopped up. Some of the Roman soldiers, in a hopeless situation, surrendered. And this was another victory for the rebel army.
  The slave girls approached the now pitiful captives. They fell prostrate and obediently kissed the beauties' bare, dusty, but graceful and seductive feet.
  The girls were very pleased. How beautiful it all looked.
  Gavroche sang:
  - Our furious squad,
  Our furious squad...
  Our furious squad,
  The lights are burning in the heart!
  And the boy waved his swords. A rather plump, though still young, and beautiful woman was brought to him. It was Crassus's captured lover.
  Gavroche commanded:
  - On your knees!
  The woman stood up obediently. The boy extended his bare, dusty, bloody foot to her and commanded:
  - Kiss my heels!
  Crassus' mistress obeyed. A noble Roman woman of patrician descent, she kissed the bare feet of the slave boy. And he bared his teeth and giggled and remarked:
  - This is how those who exalt themselves will be humiliated! This is truly a lesson for you!
  After which the boy took and grabbed the captive woman by the nose with his bare toes. As if he would take it and scream. It really hurt her a lot.
  The boy-terminator giggled and noted:
  - And you wanted a plum? Well, you took it and got it! This will really be a harsh lesson for you!
  Crassus's mistress moaned:
  - Let me go, boy!
  Gavroche laughed and replied:
  - Everything impossible is possible, I know for sure, and if necessary you will roar, you know like a wolf! And I, a boy, am capable of doing a lot! And my road is wide, believe me, now!
  The slave girl ordered:
  - Take away her sandals and expensive tunic. Let her work barefoot and in a loincloth on the plantations. Let her know what it was like for us slaves!
  Gavroche nodded vigorously with his light, neatly trimmed head:
  - So be it! Let her work like the most ordinary, barefoot slave.
  The slave boys laughed. One of them remarked:
  - Crassus' mistress loved to torture slaves. Especially beautiful and young boys. For example, they smeared my soles with olive oil and brought a flaming brazier to them. And know how truly painful it is. Moreover, the pain is long-lasting and very excruciating.
  The slave girl nodded:
  - We must fry the very heels of Crassus' mistress!
  Gavroche objected:
  - No! That's not our method! Let her work on the plantation. But what with the boys' heels being fried, this woman will walk barefoot on the sharp stones of the mountain road!
  The slave boys nodded approvingly.
  The slave girl noted:
  - She is not used to walking barefoot . And it will be very painful for her with bare soles on sharp stones!
  Gavroche sang enthusiastically:
  Freedom for all slaves, bright country...
  We will drive out the foreign Romans,
  We are one with them, we will become like a wall -
  Let's raise hundreds of right fists!
  After which the boys and girls pounced on Crassus's mistress. And so she, almost naked and barefoot, was shackled in stocks and driven further along the rocky ridge. The bare soles of the woman, not used to walking without shoes, almost immediately became bloody. This was her retribution.
  The slave boy winced. She remembered how his bare feet were squeezed into stocks. And the soles were greased with fragrant olive oil. After which a brazier was lit under his bare feet. The flame flared up and went like a torch. Its tongues licked the girl's bare heels, which was very painful. The boy could only grit his teeth and try to hold back his moans, which was not very successful. And the flame licked the sole. And it smelled pleasant, the smell of young, boyish skin. Like roasting a lamb.
  The slave boy noted:
  - Maybe we should throw some coals under her bare feet?
  Gavroche chuckled and replied:
  - My little feet, my bare little boy feet,
  There will be zeros if you chickened out a little!
  And they looked at each other.
  The slave girl answered, proudly raising her head on her strong neck:
  - There will be new victories - new fighters will rise!
  And the slave girls took it and slammed their bare soles against each other, so that even sparks flew. Yes, it really was very cool .
  Gavroche took it and sang:
  Since the time of Spartacus, this faith has lived on,
  Slavery will be thrown straight into the cave...
  Go on a radiant flight, boy,
  And perform a poem - on a free theme!
  After which the slave girls and slave boys sang in chorus, with fury and force:
  Our Spartacus is a military glory,
  Know that Sparta is the flight of youth...
  Fighting and winning with songs,
  The slave people follow Spartacus!
  Fighting and winning with songs,
  The slave people follow Spartacus!
  And the boy warrior Gavroche slapped his bare foot on a puddle of blood, and splashes flew in all directions.
  The child terminator screamed:
  - For communism and a state of freedom in Ancient and unbending Rome!
  . CHAPTER #8
  The army led by Oleg Rybachenko conquered Egypt and Sudan. Now it takes some time to digest the conquest. The eternal boy took several local girls as wives. And sent out detachments to the provinces, recruiting new supporters. And at the same time , the terminator boy decided to write something;
  After selling a cargo of coffee from a previously captured Spanish galleon, Pavel Ivanovich Rybachenko went on a robbery spree again. The coffee, of course, had to be sold at half the market price, but a lot of it had been captured, and the goods were valuable at the time. So he made some money. Sitting on the shore was boring. Drinking was of no interest to the time traveler from the twenty-first century. How else to have fun?
  No computers, no Internet, no TV, no radio, and in this hole there wasn't even a theater or circus. The amazing thing is that all the pirates drank heavily, often driving themselves crazy. They fought constantly, using not only their fists, but also knives, daggers, sabers, swords, pistols. And sometimes they got so mad that they even fired cannons at each other.
  Of course they didn't have game consoles to shoot at virtual units! Such are those not the most cheerful, primitive, evil times. When the most brutal tortures are natural, and the gallows is not the worst outcome.
  Because there was nothing else to enjoy in life.
  Adala and Agatha, two girls from the twenty-first century, also walked and could drink a bucket of rum, and they behaved like.
  No, not to sit on the shore, but rather to go for treasures and into battle. Moreover, Pavel Lev converted his share of the loot into bills of exchange of French banks, and he received interest. So it would be possible, having saved up money, to buy a title for himself and try to take from life the few joys that can be obtained in the seventeenth, still such a primitive and backward century.
  Before the start, the brigantine's bottom was cleaned to make it sail faster, and the sails were renewed.
  Another trump card was the pre-measured portions of gunpowder in bags, which allowed them to shoot twice as often as other pirates. And the gunpowder itself was made smokeless and more lethal by former special forces officer Pavel Ivanovich Rybachenko.
  So they had the fruits of progress. In addition, of course, something else was done. For example, a flamethrower. Its principle was similar to a fire extinguisher, and allowed you to burn opponents very well.
  The flamethrower had quite a long range .
  The brigantine took off and confidently cut through the waves. And the sails were inflated to their full power.
  Agatha took and threw a boomerang with her bare foot. It flew past, piercing the fish that was splashing overboard.
  The girl pulled out the fish with a wire and noted:
  - It's boring without the Internet! Nowadays you can watch any movie! But here you won't even see a black-and-white Charlie Chaplin!
  Adala agreed with this, devouring the fish just like that, raw , with her wolfish teeth:
  - Exactly! That's what the Middle Ages are all about!
  Pavel Lev noted:
  - These are not quite the Middle Ages . This is already the beginning of the newest time. True, it is only the very beginning!
  Agatha giggled and sang:
  How can I convince stubborn Pasha,
  Pashka wants to go to the cinema like Saturday...
  Pasha insists that I am filled with passion,
  To the stupid idiot box!
  After which the girls burst out laughing and showed their tongues.
  Pavel Drakon wanted to hit them, but then a vessel appeared on the horizon. It seems, by the way, not Spanish.
  The command followed:
  - Raise the sail! Increase speed!
  The pirates began to bustle about. Adala jumped up and sang joyfully:
  Ehma, over the ocean, ehma under sail,
  fabulous riches ...
  It's just a pity that no one knows, and we don't know ourselves,
  How much gold do we need, how much do we want to gobble up !
  Agatha noted with a sly smile:
  - This is such an awkward song! You could have sung something better !
  The distance with the ship was quickly decreasing. It was obvious from the flag - it was an English vessel. Quite large and with cannons. But, of course, this would not stop the pirates. What difference does it make whose ship it is? Here, most of the crew is French. This is King Morgan in Jamaica, who is their old rival and enemy.
  Two centers of piracy - one under the protection of the French crown, and the other under the English. And if the English have already decided on the main one - it is Morgan. Then the French have Pavel Lev, who is still fighting for leadership. Although he has already acquired a reputation as a great fighter.
  In any case, it doesn't matter who is in front of you. Only the French are not accepted to be robbed, since after all their nest is on the territory of the crown of Louis XIV. But the French historically hate the English more than the Spaniards.
  And now the brigantine is getting closer and closer. The ship, however, is large for the English, and there are no less than fifty guns. And now the four largest British guns fire a salvo from a long distance, relying on their large caliber and long range.
  Of course, when shooting in an arc, the accuracy is poor and the cannonballs fly past the small but nimble brigantine.
  Agatha noted, baring her teeth maliciously:
  - What losers you are ! I'll kick you with my bare feet!
  Adala added, waving her sword:
  - And with your feet in boots too!
  The girls took and inflated pikes for themselves. And put on their bare feet, special sandals with spikes that were supposed to rip open the bellies of enemy soldiers.
  The brigantine was rapidly gaining speed, go. Skilfully maneuvering, Captain-Lion held her so that she would not fall under the terrible broadside. The English guns here are strong, and if they hit, it will not seem like a little. And nothing can be done - you are not going to hang steel armor on a brigantine.
  Girls, of course, do not like shoes that make their feet sweat during the heat. There is eternal summer here, a wonderful climate. It is especially nice in winter, when it is at least a little cooler and the sun is not so exhausting. And the water is still warm, almost like fresh milk. A paradise.
  Only when you can swim around the clock, it is not such a great pleasure.
  Pavel Lev looked through the telescope. And in his hands the former major of special forces clutched an optical homemade sniper rifle. He needed to take out the most important person on the enemy ship. The crew here is large, they know how to fight and his pirates will have a hard time.
  The corsairs look unpleasant. To stop them from stinking so much, they have to be forced to wash themselves constantly in the salty, warm water of these Spanish seas. Which, of course, the pirates don't like very much. But the hot-blooded, former special forces major can give a killer argument to this - send a bullet into the stomach. To wound so badly that the stinking filibuster won't immediately die.
  So, you can't joke around with Captain Lion like that.
  Pavel Ivanovich takes aim at the colonel and shoots. The English officer's chest with the medals is immediately stained with blood. A precise hit.
  The young man says:
  - I hit only once, I am fast and brave,
  I ate a bear on this!
  Here Pavel-Lev reloads again and shoots again. And their brigantine, evading the cannonballs of the salvo of a powerful English ship, flies up to the enemy. And the pirates' cannons hit with grapeshot. Which literally blows numerous filibusters off the deck. A mass of blood and mountains of bodies.
  Agatha leaps at her opponents, slashes at them with her swords, and with a powerful blow strikes the tip of her sandal into the groin of a Royal Navy officer.
  He, having received the blow, spreads his arms and falls as if he had been mown down. Agatha roars:
  Pirates don't need science,
  And it's clear why...
  We have such evil hands,
  That the head is no longer necessary!
  Adala also chops down her opponents. She does this with great passion and pressure, after which she squeals:
  - Yes, I'm not crying or sobbing,
  And believe me, I don"t curse fate at all!
  The law of the sea is simple,
  The girl is lively...
  Let it be beaten hard,
  Who is too angry in battle!
  The battle was led by the pirates, but there were dead and wounded among them too. One of the filibusters had his shaggy head chopped off with a sabre. And it rolled like a cabbage.
  Agatha responded by jumping and kicking a British soldier and throwing him overboard.
  After which she sang:
  We are the strongest girl of all,
  And they fought for the Motherland...
  The villain will be beaten hard -
  We fell, but we got back up!
  Pavel-Lev was shooting at the enemy fighters with a sniper rifle. It was semi-automatic and fairly rapid-fire. And the bullets were special, lethal, although small in size.
  Pavel had to fight in hot spots. His last place of service was Tajikistan. There, Russian troops fought the invading Taliban. Taking advantage of the fact that Russia's hands were tied by the protracted war with Ukraine and the North Atlantic Alliance standing behind it, the Taliban leadership decided that it was high time to invade Central Asia. And hundreds of thousands of mujahideen poured into Tajikistan. And as it turned out, not so much, people wanted to die for Rakhmonov. And the Taliban captured almost the entire country, encircling and shelling the Russian base. After which another war began.
  Pavel was an excellent sniper. But of course, he was not as good with swords. And really, are special forces trained to fight with blades or sabers? Well, rapier fencing, and even that is a little time. But shooting...
  The sniper rifle is the God of War. And the girls were good shots too. But Agatha and Adala preferred swords and sabres.
  And how cleverly these girls fight. They deal a crushing blow. And the captain falls into the sea with a split skull.
  Pavel Ivanovich fired and sang:
  My soldier, believe me, my nature is not easy,
  When a fighter is no longer too lazy to shoot...
  And here she is, an enraged stray bullet-fool ,
  She suddenly grew stronger, became smarter and hit the target more often!
  And the captain-lion shoots... The girls, with their steel sandals, beat without stopping and without mercy, and chop with a sword in one hand and a saber in the other.
  The English ship is large. There are fifty large-caliber side guns on it alone, and there are also new ones on the stern. And of course there are many crew members.
  Pavel Lev thought that it would be a shame if such a large guard were posted in an empty place and they were left without loot.
  The former special forces major sang:
  To a bloody, holy and just battle,
  March, march forward - pirate people!
  The warrior girls joined in unison:
  To a bloody, holy and just battle,
  March, march forward - pirate people!
  Here Adala threw another officer of the Royal Navy over herself and he fell overboard.
  The girls roared:
  - God save me! I am the sovereign!
  Agatha noted with a chuckle:
  - We are Rodnovers!
  Adala nodded:
  - Yes! Not pagans!
  And the girls, continuing to fight with fury and force, began to sing;
  Without demanding a reward for the sacrifice,
  I love you, my dear Russia, passionately...
  At the moment of death all my aspirations are towards you,
  We went to our death without any desire for the ruble!
  In a nightmare world, only cruelty rules,
  There seemed to be no good places in it at all...
  But the Holy God showed us sinners meekness,
  And for the sake of life Jesus was resurrected!
  Great sacrifices are born of war,
  But even at the moment when Christ suffered...
  With your hand - pure, unearthly,
  I asked that God not punish us harshly!
  In people's dreams, cruelty will be overthrown,
  Let them realize the century-old ideal...
  And if we are angry, we will bite our elbow -
  The demon tormented Cain in hell forever!
  War, when it comes and goes -
  What remains is pain, and feelings are cold!
  The axe will be sharpened by the formidable Viking Ovdin,
  And without Christ we suffer alone.
  The fiery battle sparkles with a ray,
  A snake hisses like a broken tire...
  And above the stars the chariot sparkles-
  And her Lord's sacred family!
  Let things go better, guys,
  When the sleeve is rolled up, the navel is pulled down...
  The armada of evil scum will be crushed -
  The enemy will understand that he is not cool at all!
  And we will come out of the fiery quagmire,
  Let the heavenly nightingale sing its hymn!
  Knights are always united with their homeland -
  Trust us and you'll be bursting with champagne!
  Yes, such a peaceful song, but at the same time the warrior girls chop and stab and beat without any pity or doubt.
  And Pavel-Lev shoots. How many mujahideen did he shoot in Tajikistan? He didn't want to fight in Ukraine against his Slavic brothers, and at that time he was carrying out missions with his partners Agata and Adala in Africa. It's nice there - warm, and there are special ointments against mosquitoes.
  And here on the sea there is grace. Splash in the gentle water and no insects.
  Now the resistance of the English crew has begun to wear thin. The sailors of the Royal Navy, however, will not surrender. Since they will not receive mercy from the pirates anyway. At least a dozen filibusters have already been killed, and three times as many wounded.
  Adala marked another officer by throwing him overboard:
  - Pirates have a hard time,
  We risk our skin every hour...
  But the filibuster is certainly cool,
  His opponent, the rabbit, is an unfortunate man!
  Agatha, chopping her enemies into pieces, shouted:
  - The English are all shaking,
  Our valor is beyond measure...
  If women fight -
  It's better not to get into a fight!
  Captain Lion suggested to the girls:
  - Let's do something, let's push it.
  And now follow the finishing blows and shots. The last English soldiers and sailors fall silent. The filibusters scream with fury, they have won.
  A dozen pirates, however, went quiet, heading straight to hell forever. They were clearly not fit for heaven. Another half a hundred corsairs had wounds of varying severity. Five lay and writhed in pain.
  Pavel-Lev ordered:
  - Finish them off!
  The pirates enthusiastically stabbed their comrades. Then they began searching the ship. They had to see if the booty was worth such victims.
  And soon it became clear what it was worth. On board was Spanish gold from Latin America. It was mined in the Amazon. And the English were able to capture the Spanish galleon, scattering the guards.
  Besides gold, there was also some jewelry made of precious stones.
  The pirates rejoiced. There really was so much loot that it was hard to find. However, it had to be divided among everyone. And even so, Captain Lion became richer than any lord.
  The warrior girls uncorked the barrels of rum and began to sing with joy;
  In the universe, evil is always king,
  Punishment has become like a system...
  Without a sword, a man is nothing.
  Weakness is the lowest treason!
  Soldiers were born to kill -
  The world is only a brief dream at night!
  The son sells his mean mother -
  The titmouse attracts you in the nets!
  Everyone knows that stealing is a sin -
  But to steal from the treasury is valor!
  Conscience is like a hateful yoke,
  Well, where are you people rushing to the dust!
  A person wants good -
  To curb the dashing, hellish passions...
  Well, what is Satan guilty of?
  Even God has no power to make it cleaner!
  Only the spirit can overcome,
  The weakness of man is the abomination of the body!
  And then the power will awaken in you,
  No matter how damned laziness eats!
  Then the egoist will be able to -
  To serve for the benefit of all nations...
  Optimism will overcome frustration -
  And there will be no place for evil freaks !
  The world will become like a legendary paradise,
  There children greet the dawn with laughter...
  And you too, man, dare -
  After all, there is so little space for dreams on this planet!
  The rye turns golden in the open field -
  Everyone will become a demiurge by force!
  And why, we noble ones, do we need lies?
  If you have learned wisdom through reason!
  After which the girls took and began to push the young pirate from side to side.
  They pushed and pinched the young corsair. After which they began to laugh madly.
  Then the girls decided to throw knives at the filibuster. They tied the young man to the mast, stripped him to the waist, and started throwing sharp blades.
  The girls took off their sandals and could now throw not only with their hands, but also with their feet.
  The pirates drank rum captured in battle. It was good, strong and sweet. And it quickly got them drunk.
  And they were already bawling out songs:
  Fifteen men on a dead man's chest,
  Oho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum...
  Drink and the Devil will take you to the end,
  Oho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum!
  The girls also grabbed a bottle each and drank straight from the bottle. Then they smashed them over the filibusters' heads.
  Agatha roared:
  An evil enemy crawls along the rocks,
  Hit him with napalm...
  Do not spare the evil ones,
  Destroy all the bastards ...
  Like crushing bedbugs -
  Beat them like cockroaches!
  And the girls started beating the pirates reaching out to them. Adala took and threw one of them overboard and shouted:
  You poor, you poor pirates,
  I feel very, very, very sorry for you...
  We robbed carriages and sang couplets,
  Because they didn"t instill morality in us!
  Then laughter is heard. However, the fun did not last long. A frigate of the Royal Navy of Britain appeared on the horizon. Having seen the pirate brigantine, it went to approach.
  Captain Lion noted:
  - Misfortunes never come alone!
  Agatha replied with a laugh:
  - Well, what's the problem? Let's just go ahead and sink it!
  Pavel Ivanovich noted:
  - The crew is drunk!
  This time Adala intervened:
  - Drink, but understand the matter!
  And the pirate brigantine began to inflate its sails. Pavel-Lev decided to give them a maneuvering battle.
  larger vessel at hand .
  And they prepared four long-range guns to hit the frigate.
  Adala and Agada, quite tipsy but still fighting fit, aimed two larger guns . The pirates, staggering from the heat, pulled up two cannonballs.
  The girls sang in drunken voices:
  You're not a Chicago boy,
  The problem of extra money...
  Will take off in five minutes -
  Racket Robin Hood!
  And how they shot....
  The cannonballs flew in an arc and hit the frigate. The foremast fell and the galley was torn apart. And the English vessel itself was shaken violently.
  The girls laughed wildly.
  And they sang:
  Well done, well done,
  He fights like a lion...
  Only the hare gets him!
  And the warriors showed figs. Having received damage, the frigate slowed down. Then it fired a salvo, however, senseless, the guns did not reach either the brigantine or the government vessel.
  The girls fired from two other long-range guns. And this time, the drunken snipers brought down the mainmast, and the cube with the soldiers was blown to pieces. That's how terminator girls fire , extremely lethally.
  The frigate, having lost two main masts, stopped and began firing blindly.
  Agatha took it and sang:
  With bare hands,
  I dealt with the tsunami...
  Storms, ocean storms,
  How I trained a puppy!
  Adala confirmed, baring her teeth, which sparkled the color of ivory:
  - We can train any ninth wave!
  And the girls ordered to load the big guns with lethal cannonballs again.
  The pirates moved awkwardly, they were staggering from the drink, and the heat had made them drowsy. One of the pirates even fell on his haunches and began to vomit , as if he were throwing up.
  Yes, this is really disgusting!
  Pavel-Lev roared:
  - Well, you sons of hyena - I'll shoot you all now!
  And the former special forces major shook his homemade sniper rifle.
  A semi-automatic shotgun with a long barrel and considerable destructive power.
  However, the pirates did not react.
  Although it was clear that the warrior, who had killed many fanatical Taliban, was not joking at all.
  The warrior girls, in order to cheer up the corsairs, began to sing again with great fury and colossal enthusiasm, with their melodious and beautiful voices;
  We are proud Komsomol girls,
  Born in that great country...
  We're used to running around with a machine gun all the time,
  And our guy is so cool!
  barefoot in the cold,
  A snowdrift with a bare heel is pleasant...
  The girls bloom luxuriantly, like roses,
  Driving the Fritzes straight into the grave!
  There are no girls more beautiful and wonderful,
  And you won"t find better Komsomol members...
  There will be peace and happiness throughout the planet,
  And we look no more than twenty!
  We girls fight like tigers,
  Imagine a tiger with a grin...
  In our own way, we are just devils,
  And fate will strike!
  For our turbulent Motherland Russia,
  We will boldly give our soul and heart...
  And let's make the country of all countries more beautiful,
  Let us stand firm and win again!
  The Fatherland will become young and beautiful,
  Comrade Stalin is simply ideal...
  And in the universe there will be mountains of happiness,
  After all, our faith is stronger than metal!
  We have a very strong friendship with Jesus,
  For us the great God and idol...
  And we, the coward, are not allowed to celebrate,
  Because the world looks at girls!
  Our homeland is flourishing,
  In the wide color of grass and meadows...
  Victory will come, I believe in the magnificent May,
  Although sometimes fate is harsh!
  We will do something wonderful for the Motherland,
  And there will be communism in the universe...
  Yes, we will win, I honestly believe in it,
  That furious fascism has been destroyed!
  The Nazis are very strong bandits,
  Their tanks are like a hellish monolith...
  But the enemies will be soundly beaten,
  Fatherland is a sharp sword and shield!
  You won"t find anything more beautiful for your homeland,
  Instead of fighting for her, joking with the enemy...
  There will be a storm of happiness in the universe,
  And the child will grow into a hero!
  There is no homeland, believe in the Fatherland above,
  She is our Father and our own mother...
  Although war roars and blows off roofs,
  Grace has been poured out from the Lord!
  Russia is the Motherland of the Universe,
  You fight for her and don"t be afraid...
  With his strength in battles, unchanging,
  Let us prove that the torch of Rus' is the universe!
  For our most radiant Fatherland,
  We will dedicate our soul, heart, hymns...
  Russia will live under communism,
  After all, we all know this - the Third Rome!
  This is the soldier's song,
  And the Komsomol girls are running barefoot...
  Everything in the universe will become more interesting,
  The guns fired, a salute - salute!
  And therefore, we Komsomol members unite together,
  Let us shout a loud hurray!
  And if you have to die for the land,
  Let's get up, even though it's not morning yet!
  . CHAPTER # 9.
  The English frigate made a not very successful attempt to escape. It no longer had any speed.
  The pirate girls fired again from two guns. And the large cannonballs smashed the forecastle and broke the keel. The Royal Navy frigate began to sink.
  Adala and Agatha rejoiced and jumped like monkeys.
  They were very beautiful girls and they looked very sexy. These are really cool women.
  Here the girls fired from two other guns, loaded by the shaking pirates. And here the frigate was hit by the ram. And the sinking process accelerated.
  Adala giggled and growled:
  - If you need some thrilling adventures, we can give you some pleasure!
  The girls started laughing and pointing. And the English soldiers and sailors jumped overboard. Their faces showed confusion and wild, unbridled fear. Something truly dreadful was awaiting them.
  And sharks were already circling, ready to devour the bodies of the royal navy's warriors at once.
  These carnivorous predators were spinning and here one of them grabbed the body of an English sailor. And started tearing him apart.
  Pavel-Lev noted in cold blood:
  - Some are predators, and some are prey!
  Agatha screamed, flashing her teeth:
  -We will boldly go into battle, crushing the enemies,
  This girl has such a nightmarish soul!
  Adala noted with a chuckle:
  - Yes, this is our unheard-of killer moment!
  One of the pirates asked the girl:
  - Maybe some more rum?
  She laughed in response and chirped:
  - You've already had your drink - now you'll have a hangover!
  And she took it and hit the pirate in the forehead with her heel. He fell, as if from a butcher's club.
  The girls started singing in chorus:
  There was such a wonderful country,
  It was called the empire of the Soviets...
  The vile Satan destroyed it,
  It's high time he was held accountable!
  Lenin ruled in it - simply an ideal,
  Who made the Motherland great...
  And he handed over the reign to Stalin...
  He crushed the impulses of the wild horde!
  May our Motherland be in bloom,
  Birches, poplars, oaks, rowans...
  I will destroy the army of fascism -
  After all, Russians are invincible in battle!
  Russia will be the sun over the Earth,
  Its rays and stars and comets...
  You will become the best country,
  It glorifies the exploits of heroism!
  The USSR, when it was flourishing,
  And he led the country by the hand to communism...
  But the bald one ruined his donkey,
  Surrendered to the mercy of vile fascism!
  But I believe our Rus' cannot be defeated,
  She shines like the sun over the Earth...
  Mighty Russian, White God Bear,
  And there will be a place in the noble paradise!
  You love Russia with all your heart,
  She is our great Motherland ...
  Even though Sam opens his mouth to the ground,
  And the thousand-faced monster attacks!
  Svetlana is our bright star,
  Which promises happiness and freedom...
  A great dream will come true -
  Let's build communism, trust the people!
  No one can crush the country,
  Which is called, believe me, Russia...
  You remove Satan from power -
  Christ the great Messiah will come!
  And Lada will be with us forever,
  And we will build practical communism...
  Centuries and minutes of the year will pass,
  We will be with the most just system!
  Our great Motherland's dream,
  To make the world the most turbulent and beautiful...
  We have mountains, rivers and forests -
  Everything will be very clean and fair!
  Our capital is our Motherland Moscow,
  But Kyiv and Minsk will also be capitals...
  The Mongol horde was defeated,
  The Almighty God helped us win!
  No, believe me, the Russians cannot be broken,
  All Slavic brothers will become one...
  The hunter will soon become the game,
  And we are fighters, always believe in the strike!
  The pirate girls sang together, and the rest of the filibusters took up their fervor, and in unison. After which the frigate finally sank.
  Peter-Lev noted:
  - We should save at least some of the sailors.
  Adala shrugged:
  - And what benefit do we have? It's hard to take a ransom. And the English won't give it out of principle. It's not really possible to sell white people into slavery, and most importantly to whom?
  Agatha noted:
  - Arabs can. But they'll have to be transported far. And prisoners will be sent to hard labor... But that's got its own problems.
  The girls shrugged and exhaled:
  - C'est la vie!
  Pavel-Lev noted:
  - When they say - C'est la vie - it means there's nothing to say!
  Adala tweeted:
  The anthill lives,
  Someone broke their paw - it doesn't count!
  You receive the calculation,
  If he dies, he dies!
  Here the last soldiers and sailors drowned. The pirates howled something in farewell.
  And they fired a farewell volley of muskets. Thus the victory was won, already the second in a short time.
  Pavel-Lev ordered the pirates to rest, but without excesses. After which two corsair girls lay down next to him.
  Agatha noted:
  - There is good banditry here, not to mention our wars. I remember it was worse with the Taliban. They are so fanatical and there are many of them. General Alexander Lebed also warned that the Taliban could strike Tajikistan and crush the Russian troops. And we saw that, even though a lot of time has passed.
  The girls decided to amuse themselves by playing dice out of boredom.
  And they started throwing tiles with numbers.
  And Captain Leo dozed off. And he dreamed...
  The Taliban troops are breaking through. Now the Russians have wavered and someone's head is already being cut off.
  The Taliban are being inventive. And in battle, in the attack, there are wooden models of tanks that look like Ambrams. And they hum and literally roar. That's really scary. And hundreds of such wooden tanks are approaching.
  What pressure... And already the Taliban's leg ripped open the soldier's stomach.
  Captain Lion woke up in a cold sweat.
  It was already night and the sea was so calm. Pavel Ivanovich decided that it wouldn't be a sin to go for a swim.
  He took off his clothes and plopped into the sea. How nice it is when the sweaty body is washed by gentle sea water.
  And you swim in the sea...
  Suddenly someone else plopped down next to him. Pavel opened his eyes wider. It was the red-haired, muscular Adala. She was splashing and spinning. Her body with its sculpted muscles was magnificent.
  The girl asked the captain:
  - So, what did you see in your dream?
  Captain Lion replied:
  - What a nightmare!
  Adala laughed and replied:
  - In a dream, you need to be able to control both the dream itself and yourself!
  Pavel Ivanovich nodded and began to sing a pioneer song with enthusiasm;
  I was born in the space age,
  Where ships flew through the galaxies...
  People's deeds are not bad at all, believe me,
  Knight, tear the war apart!
  But the Gods-demiurges ordered,
  You, boy, help your ancestors...
  Take the hyperblaster in your boy's hands,
  And tear Hitler to pieces!
  Well, boys are born to fight,
  They are dashing warriors, believe me...
  After all, Russians have always known how to fight,
  Let the beast of prey be destroyed!
  May my holy country be glorified,
  Our great native USSR...
  A girl runs barefoot through the snow,
  Showing an example of courage!
  And I fight furiously against fascism,
  The great Russian boy pioneer...
  And our faith will be with communism,
  At least greedy Sam helps the Fritzes!
  Believe me, Russians simply cannot break,
  All nations will unite around Moscow...
  I am a knight, not at all one who solders with a soul,
  We are faithful to Stalin as to God!
  No one can break the pioneers,
  They are not children, but sons of Gods...
  We will be a generation of examples,
  The Fuhrer won't count the horns!
  Yes, our glory of our Motherland is in the air,
  Believe in the snow above the highest mountains...
  A girl runs barefoot through the snow,
  Driving the Fritz into the coffin with his bare heel!
  Don't believe that the fascists are strong now,
  Although their "Sherman" was introduced by Sam...
  We will not regret even believe in life,
  The time of turbulent changes is coming!
  The Fatherland is beautiful as the sun,
  Playful Fatherland is our mother...
  And the girl's hair curls like gold,
  We will be able to tear the Fritzes to shreds!
  We are pioneers, children of communism,
  We serve both Svarog and Christ...
  Let us disperse the vile hordes of fascism,
  I will bring victory to the Fatherland!
  Russia is the Motherland of the planet,
  It contains the most beloved dreams...
  Know that both adults and children are happy,
  Just don't need any extra fuss!
  When the Most High comes there will be sun,
  Apple trees will bloom on Mars...
  The Chinese and the Japanese are united,
  An American and a Russian are on the same path!
  They will unite the ideas of communism,
  And know faith in Lenin's dream...
  Let us cast to hell the abomination of cynicism,
  Let's build beauty in the universe!
  For us Mary and Saint Lada,
  We honor God, and Marx's "Capital"...
  Let there be a reward for all pioneers,
  For us, Svarog and Stalin are ideal!
  The fascists, you know, won't get through with a battering ram,
  We have the will, the strength, know the power...
  We will crush the enemy with a triple blow,
  And the Fuhrer will soon turn into a louse!
  Let our glorious Russia be,
  Like an eternal spikelet blooming in the garden...
  Comrade Stalin, you are our messiah,
  With you we will go to communism!
  When there are minutes of thunderstorms and hard times,
  The bloody war will end...
  Suddenly our children will grow up,
  The time of eternal happiness will come!
  While Captain Leo was singing, Agatha joined them. The blonde girl turned over in the sea water. Pavel grabbed her bare, chiseled foot and tickled her heel.
  The beautiful girl turned over and splashed water on the young man. It all looked magnificent and wonderfully beautiful.
  The two girls and the male captain began to turn over in the water and splash around like dolphins. And it looked very aesthetically pleasing.
  Three naked bodies in the night waters of the warm Caribbean Sea. And how wonderful it is here .
  The shark tried to get to them, but got a good beating from the triumvirate. And Pavel hit it with a dagger. And the sea predator, having lost a lot of blood, floated belly up.
  Thus the fight ended.
  Agatha noted:
  - They treated the shark without ceremony!
  Adala giggled and sang:
  He drowned fifteen times,
  Died among sharks...
  But he never even blinked!
  Captain Lion nodded:
  - Yes, I'll show you my class!
  Agatha noted:
  - The Taliban attacked Tajikistan. It was a showdown within the Muslims. Should we get involved? How many Russian guys died in the war with the Taliban!
  Adala remarked with fury:
  - And in the war with the Ukrainians even more! And it was a fratricidal, senseless war!
  Captain Lion exclaimed:
  What is war, what is war?
  a bad woman and a bitch !
  The blonde warrior hissed:
  - That's exactly it... One bald shorty started so many wars. All Russia knows about for the entire twenty-first century is war!
  The red-haired warrior nodded:
  - The bald guy only has a bullet in his head! He's like a drug addict, obsessed with war!
  Pavel-Lev nodded:
  - Yes, Russia has indeed fought a lot. In Chechnya, it was possible to end the war quickly, all it took was to negotiate with Maskhadov, the legitimate president. But instead, the path to war to the end was chosen.
  Agatha nodded with a grin, noting:
  - And as soon as the war in the Caucasus died down, the bald one entered the war in Syria. And he also began to shed a lot of blood. It was barely over - the war with Ukraine... and all the wars and blood!
  Adala noted with a predatory grin:
  - Is it worth it for us to fight for Tajikistan? Well, it was part of the Taliban empire, maybe they wouldn't have gone any further. Or they would have hit Uzbekistan and the Americans would have entered the war again.
  And this short old man, without untying his hands in the war in Ukraine, is still trying to take control of Tajikistan. There is nothing to take from it. These mountains are not worth what you have to pay for them!
  Pavel-Lev noted:
  - At the moment we are not fighting in the twenty-first century. The seventeenth century reigns , in which we have already achieved something. We have captured great booty. There is a choice: to quit piracy and go to Europe, or to continue to risk!
  Agatha exclaimed:
  - I prefer risk. Besides, medieval Europe had harsh, cold winters and rainy autumns. And here is a resort - you can spend days in the sea even in winter. The weather is simply heavenly. And as for entertainment, you can't watch a movie there or there!
  Adala noted:
  - There is another option, to return to Russia. But now the pirates there will probably be hanged on the rack and impaled. If only Peter the Great were in power. But Alexei Mikhailovich... Well, it seems that now he is planning a big war with Poland!
  Pavel-Lev nodded with a smile:
  - What about Stenka Razin? Soon his turn will come! Maybe we should go and join the ataman, who was possibly my ancestor?
  Agatha noted:
  - Now it seems Stenka Razin is fighting the Poles. So if we have a choice, it is to serve the Russian Tsar. The only question is - will they accept us?
  Yes, in tsarist Russia there is even less entertainment than in Europe. In France there are theaters, circuses, zoos, musical orchestras. And in Russia it is even more boring. And much colder winters than in France. In my opinion, it is best to save up great capital for yourself , and win some title.
  Adala nodded:
  - Soon the war between France and Britain will flare up with renewed vigor, and Spain is still very strong. Perhaps we are on the side of France and will receive some reward for our exploits. We are experts in this matter. And having received the reward and titles...
  Pavel-Lev noted:
  - I would prefer to return to the twenty-first century. Nowadays, any schoolchild in a normal family has many more opportunities for entertainment and pleasure than a modern, seventeenth-century duke. - The young man splashed on the wave and noted. - I really want to play on the game console. And watch almost any movies on the Internet, and much more. ... I want to drive that car around.
  Agatha nodded:
  - And I want to return to the twenty-first century! We need to think about how to do it! Maybe we'll return as suddenly as we appeared here!
  Adala lowered her voice and remarked:
  - I'm thinking that we shouldn't share such treasures with this team. I've hidden most of the diamonds, and I suggest we bury them unnoticed on the island.
  Pavel-Lev asked:
  - And there are many of them there?
  The red-haired girl answered in a whisper:
  - Three million francs at market value! Well, gold is too bulky, but we can hide the diamonds. And that's a million each!
  Agatha noted:
  - That's good, even if it's not entirely fair! But we are ready, of course, to receive this gift. Share with stinking pirates? They'll drink away or waste all the money anyway!
  Pavel Ivanovich nodded:
  - That's right! We'll hide it on the nearest island. We need even more money! I'll buy myself the title of Duke!
  Adala sang:
  Make money,
  Make money...
  Forgetting about boredom and laziness,
  Make money,
  Make money,
  And the rest is all rubbish!
  And the rest is all drab, day!
  And after swimming a little more, they returned back to the brigantine.
  You can take a little more sleep...
  Pavel-Lev fell into a deep sleep and was carried away.... Indeed, what did he dream about:
  That he is a great genius and scientist. He created a hyperdrive that penetrated into kinesispace and already really worked. Most importantly, the design is very compact and inexpensive. It is possible to populate the entire galaxy in the near future. However, people are not so eager to conquer other worlds.
  After the discovery of thermoquark synthesis, humanity learned to obtain energy from any matter, even the sand of the Sahara. Just think, so much energy is extracted from the process of quark fusion that from one gram of ordinary soil, you can get the efficiency of burning a hundred million tons of oil!
  And there is no need to fight for gas, oil, coal, etc. All energy is taken from any piece of matter. There are no more problems with energy sources. And along with this, other things were solved. New suns were lit above the Earth. Winter and night disappeared. It became like paradise. People united into one empire, and that's it. Progress drove like an avalanche! And now everyone can live like a real king.
  And you want to have fun with power? Then go to the Hypernet, you will find yourself in virtual reality and in a game where you yourself are the Almighty God, creating and destroying universes!
  Not everyone can be the emperor of reality, but everyone can become a Virtual Supreme Being and gain the illusion of omnipotence.
  And you don"t need to fly into space: electronics will program so many worlds and planets, and you will be the game emperor yourself.
  Yes, people are not very eager to go beyond the solar system. They have everything. Food is almost free, for every taste, and synthetic. Eternal youth and the opportunity to live in a world of colorful illusions.
  His friend Agatha smiled and remarked:
  - Anyone can become a God with a capital letter in a virtual world, and get such an illusion that you won't notice the difference. What should you strive for? If in the game you can have everything and always win!
  And outside the solar system you can even die!
  Agatha tried to play herself. Yes, the virtual world is terribly addictive. It has everything! No prohibitions, no restrictions! You can be Napoleon, who won Waterloo and conquered the whole world. Not the world, the universe! Not the universe, a quintillion universes! If only you don't go crazy from the overload!
  Any erotic fantasies, any situation, any film and you are a participant in it. Any scenario!
  Virtual reality and Hypernet games can give you everything!
  How tempting. Worlds of illusions, fairy tales, magic, omnipotence. Any game situation.
  The gaming industry has developed, where scanning radiation enters the brain itself, and you can get whatever you want.
  Here are some people flying down the street and playing at the same time. And a cybernetic suit makes sure they don't crash.
  More and more often people are diving into virtual paradise.
  Peter-Lev is also worried about this. How tempting are colorful illusions. It's good that there are still those who have fun the old-fashioned way, on rides or in sports!
  A hologram appeared in front of Pavel. And Adala's face. The child prodigy herself came into contact, shaking her red hair.
  Her gentle voice is heard:
  - Why do you need to race on a gravity bike? I'm not even on Earth right now! And there's an easier way to contact me!
  . CHAPTER #10
  Natasha Sokolovskaya also tried to compose something in the winter, during her vacation. Indeed, after hard work, why not scribble something on a typewriter. For example, here is the story of a boy ranger who travels with his girlfriend through space worlds.
  Oleg Raketny and Margarita Korshunova.
  The genius children found themselves in some kind of monstrous, time hole. And they were literally sucked into the web.
  And in the children"s imaginations wild pictures from an alternative history were drawn.
  On June 12, 1941, Stalin struck the first blow at the Third Reich and its satellites, starting a preventive war. The decision was not easy for the leader. The Third Reich's military authority was very high. And the USSR's was not so high. But Stalin decided to forestall Hitler, since the Red Army was not ready for a defensive war.
  And the Soviet troops crossed the border. That was it, made a bold move. And a battalion of barefoot Komsomol girls runs into the attack. The girls are ready to fight for a bright tomorrow. Well, and for communism on a global scale with the International.
  The girls attack and sing;
  We are proud Komsomol girls,
  Born in that great country...
  We're used to running around with a machine gun all the time,
  And our guy is so cool!
  barefoot in the cold,
  A snowdrift with a bare heel is pleasant...
  The girls bloom luxuriantly, like roses,
  Driving the Fritzes straight into the grave!
  There are no girls more beautiful and wonderful,
  And you won"t find better Komsomol members...
  There will be peace and happiness throughout the planet,
  And we look no more than twenty!
  We girls fight tigers,
  Imagine a tiger with a grin...
  In our own way, we are just devils,
  And fate will strike a blow!
  For our turbulent Motherland Russia,
  We will boldly give our soul and heart...
  And let's make the country of all countries more beautiful,
  Let us stand firm and win again!
  The Fatherland will become young and beautiful,
  Comrade Stalin is simply ideal...
  And in the universe there will be mountains of happiness,
  After all, our faith is stronger than metal!
  We have a very strong friendship with Jesus,
  For us the great God and idol...
  And we, the coward, are not allowed to celebrate,
  Because the world looks at girls!
  Our homeland is flourishing,
  In the wide color of grass and meadows...
  Victory will come, I believe in the magnificent May,
  Although sometimes fate is harsh!
  We will do something wonderful for the Motherland,
  And there will be communism in the universe...
  Yes, we will win, I honestly believe in it,
  That furious fascism has been destroyed!
  The Nazis are very strong bandits,
  Their tanks are like a hellish monolith...
  But the enemies will be soundly beaten,
  Fatherland is a sharp sword and shield!
  You won"t find anything more beautiful for your homeland,
  Instead of fighting for her, joking with the enemy...
  There will be a storm of happiness in the universe,
  And the child will grow into a hero!
  There is no homeland, believe in the Fatherland above,
  She is our Father and our own mother...
  Although war roars and blows off roofs,
  Grace has been poured out from the Lord!
  Russia is the Motherland of the Universe,
  You fight for her and don"t be afraid...
  With your strength in battles, unchanging,
  Let us prove that the torch of Rus' is the universe!
  For our most radiant Fatherland,
  We will dedicate our soul, heart, hymns...
  Russia will live under communism,
  After all, we all know this - the Third Rome!
  This is the soldier's song,
  And the Komsomol girls are running barefoot...
  Everything in the universe will become more interesting,
  The guns fired, a salute - salute!
  And therefore, we Komsomol members unite together,
  Let us shout a loud hurray!
  And if you need to know how to take care of the land,
  Let's get up, even though it's not morning yet!
  The girls sang with great passion. They fight, taking off their boots so that their bare feet can do it more easily. And it really works. And the girls' bare heels flash like propeller blades.
  Natasha also fights and throws grenades with her bare toes,
  I will show you everything that is in me,
  The girl is red, cool, and barefoot!
  Zoya giggled and noted with a laugh:
  - I'm also a cool girl, and I'll kill everyone.
  In the very first days, Soviet troops were able to advance deep into German positions. But they suffered heavy losses. The Germans launched counterattacks and demonstrated the better quality of their troops. In addition , the Red Army was noticeably inferior in infantry numbers. And the German infantry is more mobile.
  Well, it also turned out that the newest Soviet tanks: T-34 and KV-1, KV-2 are not ready for combat use. They do not even have technical documentation. And the Soviet troops, as it turned out, cannot penetrate everything so easily. Their main weapon was blocked and not ready for battle. Now that was a real entourage.
  The Soviet military did not show themselves to be quite up to par. And then there was...
  Japan decided that it was necessary to comply with the provisions of the Anti-Commissioner's Pact and, without declaring war, dealt a crushing blow to Vladivostok.
  And the invasion began. The Japanese generals were thirsty for revenge for Khalkhin Gol. In addition, Britain immediately offered a truce to Germany. Churchill expressed himself in the sense that Hitlerism was not very good, but communism and Stalinism were even greater evils. And that in any case, killing each other for the sake of the Bolsheviks taking over Europe was not worth it.
  So Germany and Britain stopped the war at once. And as a result, German forces, considerable ones, were freed up. Divisions from France went into battle, and the French legions too.
  The battles turned out to be very bloody. When forcing the Vistula, the German troops launched a counterattack and pushed back the Soviet regiments. Not everything went well for the Red Army in Romania. Although they managed to break through initially. All German satellites entered the war against the USSR, including Bulgaria, which in real history had remained neutral. And what is even more dangerous is that Turkey, Spain, and Portugal entered the war against the USSR.
  Soviet troops also launched an offensive on Helsinki, but the Finns fought heroically. Sweden also declared war on the USSR. And transferred its troops.
  As a result, the Red Army received several additional fronts.
  And the battles were fought with great fury. Even the children, pioneers and Komsomol members, were eager to fight and sang with great enthusiasm;
  We, children, were born for the Motherland,
  Dashing Young Pioneers of the Komsomol...
  In essence, we are knights-eagles,
  And the girls' voices are very clear!
  We were born to defeat the fascists ,
  the young people shine with joy ...
  It's time to pass the exams with an A,
  So that the whole capital can be proud of us!
  For the glory of our holy Motherland,
  Children are actively defeating fascism...
  Vladimir, you are like a golden genius,
  Let the relics rest in the mausoleum!
  We love our homeland very much,
  Endless great Russia...
  The Fatherland will not be torn apart ruble by ruble,
  Even though the fields were all irrigated with blood!
  In the name of our great Motherland,
  We will all fight with confidence...
  Let the globe spin faster,
  And we just hide the grenades in our backpacks!
  In honor of new, furious victories,
  Let the cherubs sparkle with gold...
  The Fatherland will have no more troubles,
  After all, Russians are invincible in battle!
  Yes, tough fascism has become very strong,
  The Americans got their change...
  But still there is great communism,
  And know that it can"t be any other way here!
  Let's raise my empire high,
  After all, the Motherland does not know the word - coward...
  I keep faith in Stalin in my heart,
  And God will never break it!
  I love my great Russian world,
  Where Jesus is the most important ruler...
  And Lenin is both a teacher and an idol...
  He is a genius and a boy, oddly enough!
  We will make the Fatherland stronger,
  And we will tell people a new fairy tale...
  You punch the fascist in the face harder ,
  So that flour and soot would fall from it!
  You can achieve anything, you know,
  When you draw on your desk...
  Victorious May will come soon, I know,
  Although of course it would be better to finish in March!
  We girls are also good at making love,
  Although the boys are not inferior to us...
  Russia will not sell out for pennies,
  We will find a place for ourselves in a bright paradise!
  For the Motherland the most beautiful impulse,
  Hug the red flag, the flag of victory, to your chest!
  The Soviet troops will break through,
  Let our grandmothers and grandfathers live in glory!
  We are bringing a new generation,
  Beauty, shoots in the color of communism...
  Know that we will save our homeland from fires,
  Let's trample the evil reptile of fascism!
  In the name of Russian women and children,
  Knights will fight Nazism...
  And kill the damned Fuhrer,
  No more intelligent than a pathetic clown!
  Long live the great dream,
  The sky shines brighter than the sun...
  No, Satan will not come to Earth,
  Because there are no cooler ones than us !
  So fight boldly for your Fatherland,
  And both the adult and the child will be happy...
  And in eternal glory faithful communism,
  Let us build the Eden of the universe!
  That's how the brutal battles went. The girls fought. And Gulliver found himself on Soviet territory. He was just a boy of about twelve, wearing shorts and walking around, stamping his bare feet.
  His soles had already become rough from slavery, and it was not bad for him to wander along the paths. And even great in its own way. And if the opportunity arose, the white-haired child would be fed in the village. So, on the whole, it was great .
  And there are battles going on at the fronts. And Natasha and her team are busy as always.
  The Komsomol girls go into battle wearing only bikinis, and shoot from submachine guns and rifles. They are so perky and aggressive.
  Things are not going very well for the Red Army. There are heavy losses, especially in tanks, and in East Prussia, where there are powerful German fortifications. And it also turns out that the Poles are not happy with the Red Army either. Hitler is urgently forming a militia from troops of the Polish ethnic group.
  Even the Germans are ready to forget about the persecution of Jews. They are raking everyone they can into the army. Officially, the Fuhrer has already softened the anti-Semitic laws. In response, the US and Britain unblocked German accounts. And began to restore trade.
  For example, Churchill expressed a desire to supply the Germans with Matilda tanks, which were better armored than any German vehicles or Soviet T-34s.
  Rommel's corps has returned from Africa. It's not much, just two divisions, but they are elite and strong. And their counterattack in Romania is quite significant.
  The Komsomol members, led by Alena, took the blows of the German and Bulgarian troops and began to sing a song with passion;
  It's very difficult in a predictable world,
  It is extremely unpleasant for humanity...
  The Komsomol member holds a powerful oar,
  So that the Fritzes know - I'll give it to them in the eye and that's clear!
  A beautiful girl fights in the war,
  A Komsomol member is jumping barefoot in the frost...
  The evil Hitler will be given a double punch,
  Even going AWOL won't help the Fuhrer!
  So good people - fight fiercely,
  To be a warrior you have to be born one...
  The Russian knight soars upward like a falcon,
  Let the knights of grace support their faces!
  Young pioneers with the strength of a giant,
  Their power is the greatest, stronger than the entire universe...
  I know you'll see - a furious layout,
  To cover everything with daring, imperishable to the end!
  Stalin is the great leader of our Motherland,
  The greatest wisdom, the banner of communism...
  And he will make Russia's enemies tremble,
  Dispersing the clouds of menacing fascism!
  So, proud people, believe the king,
  Yes, if it seems that he is too strict...
  I give a song to my Motherland,
  And the girls are crazy, their bare feet are in the snow!
  But our strength is very great,
  Red Empire, the powerful spirit of Russia...
  The wise will rule, I know for centuries,
  In that infinite power without any boundaries!
  And don"t slow us down, Russians, in any way,
  The strength is heroic, a laser cannot measure it...
  Our life is not fragile, like a thread of silk,
  Know that the dashing knights are in good shape until the end!
  We are loyal to our homeland, our hearts are like fire,
  We rush into battle, cheerful and full of rage...
  We'll soon drive a stake into the damned Hitler,
  And the vile and evil old age will disappear!
  That's when Berlin will fall, believe the Fuhrer.
  The enemy is capitulating and will soon fold its paws...
  And above our Motherland there is a cherub in wings,
  And hit the evil dragon in the face with a mace !
  The beautiful Motherland will bloom luxuriantly,
  And huge lilac petals...
  There will be glory and honor for our knights,
  We will get more than we have now!
  The Komsomol girls fight desperately and show their highest level of skill and class.
  These are really women. But overall the battles are tough. The German tanks aren't very good. But the Matilda is a bit better . Although its gun isn't very strong - 47mm caliber, no more than the German gun on the T-3 - the protection is serious - 80mm. And try to penetrate that .
  And the first "Matildas" are already arriving in German ports and are being transported to the east by rail. Of course, there is a clash between the "Matilda" and the T-34, which turns out to be serious and very bloody. And there are demonstrative battles. Soviet tanks - especially the KV, do not penetrate the guns of German vehicles. But they take 88-millimeter anti-aircraft guns and some captured guns.
  But the wheeled and tracked BTs burn like candles. And even their German machine guns are capable of setting them on fire.
  In short, the blitzkrieg failed and the Soviet offensive was stifled. And a lot of Russian vehicles are figuratively burning, torches in a word. This turned out to be extremely unpleasant for the Red Army.
  But the soldiers still sing it with enthusiasm. Here is one of the young pioneers who actively composed a rainbow song;
  What other country has a proud infantry?
  In America, of course, the man is a cowboy.
  But we will fight from platoon to platoon,
  Let every guy be energetic!
  No one can overcome the power of the councils,
  Although the Wehrmacht is also undoubtedly cool...
  But we can crush a gorilla with a bayonet,
  The enemies of the Fatherland will simply die!
  We are loved and of course cursed,
  In Russia, every warrior comes from a nursery...
  We will win, I know it for sure,
  May you, villain, be cast into Gehenna!
  We pioneers can do a lot,
  For us, you know, the automatic machine is not a problem...
  Let us serve as an example to humanity,
  Let each of the guys be in glory!
  Shooting, digging, know it's not a problem,
  Give the fascist a good whack with a shovel...
  Know that big changes are ahead,
  And we will pass any lesson with an A!
  In Russia, every adult and boy,
  Capable of fighting very zealously...
  Sometimes we are even too aggressive,
  In the desire to trample the Nazis!
  For a pioneer, weakness is impossible,
  The boy is hardened almost from the cradle...
  It's extremely difficult to argue with us, you know.
  And there are a whole legion of arguments!
  I won't give up, you guys believe me,
  In winter I run barefoot through the snow...
  The devils will not overcome the pioneer,
  I will sweep away all the fascists in my rage!
  No one will humiliate us pioneers,
  We are born strong fighters...
  Let us serve as an example to humanity,
  Such sparkling shooters!
  The cowboy is of course also a Russian guy,
  For us, both London and Texas are native...
  We'll destroy everything if the Russians are in good shape,
  We'll hit the enemy right in the eye!
  The boy also ended up in captivity,
  He was roasted on the rack by fire...
  But he only laughed in the faces of the executioners,
  He said that we will soon take Berlin too!
  The iron was heated to a bare heel,
  They pressed the pioneer, but he remained silent...
  The boy must have been of Soviet training,
  His Fatherland is his true shield!
  They broke fingers, the enemies turned on the current,
  The only response is laughter...
  No matter how much the Fritzes beat the boy ,
  But the executioners succeeded!
  These beasts are already taking him to be hanged,
  The boy walks all wounded...
  He said at the end: I believe in Rod,
  And then our Stalin will come to Berlin!
  When it became quiet, the soul rushed to the Family,
  He received me very kindly...
  He said you will get complete freedom,
  And my soul was embodied again!
  I started shooting at the mad fascists,
  For the glory of the Fritz clan, I killed them all...
  A holy cause, a cause for communism,
  It will give the pioneer strength!
  The dream came true, I'm walking through Berlin,
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub...
  We brought light and happiness to the whole world,
  People of Russia - know that we will not win!
  The children also sing very well, but they are not going into battle yet. And the Swedish divisions, together with the Finns, have already gone on the counterattack. And the Soviet troops, having broken through to Helsinki, received strong blows on the flanks, and bypassing the enemy positions. And now they are entering with striking power and cutting off the Red Army's communications. And Stalin forbade retreating, and the Swedish-Finnish troops are breaking through to Vyborg.
  There is a general mobilization in the country of Suomi, the people are happily ready to fight Stalin and his gang.
  Sweden also remembered Charles XII and his glorious campaigns. More precisely, that he lost, and now it is time for revenge. And it is very cool - when a whole army of Swedes is mobilized for new exploits.
  Moreover, the USSR itself attacked the Third Reich and practically all of Europe. And together with the Germans, even volunteer battalions arrived from Switzerland. And Salazar and Franco officially entered the war with the USSR and declared a general mobilization. And this, it must be said, was a tough move on their part - which creates big problems for the Red Army.
  More and more troops are entering the battle. Especially from the Romanian side, which is why the Soviet tanks were completely cut off.
  The situation was also aggravated by the exchange of prisoners - all for all from Germany, Britain, Italy. As a result, many pilots shot down over Britain returned to the Luftwaffe. But even more Italians returned - more than half a million soldiers. And Mussolini threw all his forces at the USSR.
  And Italy, not counting the colonies, has a population of fifty million, which is not a small amount.
  So the situation of the USSR became extremely difficult. Although the Soviet troops were still in Europe, they found themselves under the threat of flank envelopment and encirclement.
  And in some places the fighting moved to Russian territory. The assault on Vyborg, which was attacked by the Finns and Swedes, had already begun.
  . CHAPTER #11.
  The situation was complicated by the Japanese offensive. Samurai never considered losses. And they pushed forward. Their tanks were light, small and mobile with diesel engines.
  And the battles continue. The Komsomol girls fight stubbornly with the Japanese, and try to hold the line and sing at the same time, especially the red-haired Aurora tries hard;
  I am Chernobog, the daughter of the evil God,
  I create chaos and sow destruction...
  My greatness cannot be overcome,
  Only furious vengeance burns in my soul!
  As a child, the girl wanted goodness,
  I wrote poetry and fed cats...
  I got up early in the morning,
  The wings of cherubs fluttered above her!
  But now I know what evil is,
  What in this world makes one unhappy...
  And what do you say is good?
  Now I have fallen passionately in love with destruction!
  And showed her girlish ardor,
  That she became God's sparkling daughter...
  We will conquer the vastness of the universe,
  We will show strength, very powerfully!
  Father Great is this Chernobog,
  He brings chaos and wars into the universe...
  You pray to Svarog to help,
  In fact, you get your reward!
  So I said, God save us,
  Let the anger boil in your heart...
  Let's build happiness, I believe , on blood,
  Let your womb be filled to the brim!
  I love cunning, meanness and deceit,
  How to fool Stalin the tyrant...
  It won't be possible to expose it to shame,
  And how much fog there is in that world!
  So she suggested making a strong move,
  Destroy the evil ones with one blow ...
  But he fell in love with the very black God,
  In all matters, both these and the afterlife!
  How I became accustomed to evil ,
  And in the heart there was fury, madly nourished...
  The desire for joy and goodness has disappeared,
  Only anger penetrated from the pedestal!
  And what about Stalin? He is also evil,
  As for Hitler, there "s no point in talking about him...
  Genghis Khan was such a cool bandit,
  And how many souls he managed to cripple!
  So I say, why keep good,
  there is not the slightest self-interest in it ...
  When you are a woodpecker, your mind is a chisel,
  And when you're stupid , your thoughts disappear!
  This is what I tell myself and others,
  Serve the force as ink does black...
  Then we will conquer the vastness of the universe,
  Waves will scatter across the universe!
  We will make evil so strong,
  It will give immortality to rage,
  Those who are weak in spirit have already been blown away,
  And we are the strongest of all people, believe in this!
  In short, we will become stronger than everyone everywhere,
  Let us raise the sword of blood over the universe...
  And our rage will be with her too,
  Let us receive a full destiny calling!
  In short, I am faithful to Chernobog,
  I serve this dark force with all my heart...
  My soul is like the wings of an eagle,
  Those who are with the Black God are invincible!
  That's how the girls sang, and with great aplomb threw grenades at the Japanese with their bare toes.
  Or even very lethal balls with explosives. And it looked extremely cool.
  Hirohito decided to attack the USSR, as there was an agreement with the Germans, to act in case of aggression, against one of the parties. True, there was also a pact with the USSR on neutrality. But it can be forgotten. Moreover, Britain and Germany stopped the war. And the question is with whom to fight: on the one hand, Britain and its colonies, dominions, and the mighty USA, and on the other hand, the USSR, against which all of Europe and Turkey? Of course, the choice is to attack the weakest . And to seize the rich regions of the Far East and Siberia.
  So Hirohito can be understood. But in real history, the Japanese hesitated. But why? It was believed that the Germans would destroy the USSR and it would be possible to capture the Far East with little bloodshed! But then it turned out that in reality , everything is not so simple. And it is clear that in real history, Hirohito more than once regretted not opening a second front in 1941. Then perhaps the USSR would have fallen, and without it, Britain and the USA are not such terrible opponents.
  And then the Red Army came to China. In any case, the Japanese are advancing and pressing, like tanks pushing forward, and they know no mercy or the word stop.
  the pioneers are also fighting with them . The Japanese are climbing in large numbers in the direction of Vladivostok. And they are crawling like ants on jam.
  And the poet's squad of pioneers entered the battle. And the children sang with great enthusiasm and feeling;
  We are children of poverty with the caress of summer,
  Born in a shack in the rain...
  Let the boyish dream be glorified,
  When will we go into a hot battle again!
  I ended up in Mexico by accident,
  And my Motherland is Holy Rus'...
  With my fate, quite extraordinary,
  I fight for the happiness and love of the country!
  And there is no more beautiful Motherland than Russia,
  You are for fight for it and don't be afraid...
  And there is no happier country in the universe,
  You are the universe, the torch of light, Rus'!
  I will go through fire and water for you,
  The pioneers are used to winning...
  We will always be pleasing to the people,
  Because the army is limitless in strength!
  For the Motherland, let us go on the attack, fighters,
  Under the cry of a powerful, furious hurray...
  Hitler will get his final payback,
  We will drive the fascists out of the yard!
  My Fatherland is full of heroes,
  And Stalin is a great giant...
  The pioneers march in formation,
  The Supreme Rod, our Lord is O One!
  In the name of light and good life,
  We will fight bravely, children...
  After all, the generation will live under communism,
  Believe me, hope cannot be taken away from us!
  We love our homeland guys,
  We want to rise above the clouds...
  Fascism will receive a severe retribution,
  From the pioneers, the valiant eagles!
  I believe we will achieve victory soon,
  Although fascism is insidious and cruel...
  Our grandfathers will be proud of us,
  And Svarog will lead the battle!
  For the glory of our valiant Fatherland,
  The Lord Almighty Himself ascended the cross...
  We will not spare our lives for Russia,
  Let there be a loud thunder from the heavens!
  Fight for the glory of our Motherland,
  Love her, faithful fighters...
  You are wolf cubs, not cowardly hares,
  The knights are very proud!
  We are able to get the Moon from the vault,
  Catch a pike, a large catfish...
  The great Lenin raised his voice for freedom,
  We will bring the building to perfection!
  In the Name of the Family, build pyramids,
  And the ships that will tear up the vault of heaven...
  And kill Hitler , soldiers, in jest ,
  The Almighty died and rose again for us!
  You are my dear, mischievous Lada,
  The great White God was born from you...
  And we must fight boldly for you,
  May the Almighty help me live forever!
  Love, honor God Jesus,
  He is a Russian guy, with us forever...
  It's time to embroider the ornament skillfully,
  May the years be filled with joy forever!
  The greatness of my holy Russia,
  Capable of defeating enemies...
  Although the women cried out in fear,
  We will be able to tear the dragon apart!
  For the glory of the Holy Motherland, believe me,
  In the name of the Russian God Christ...
  We will soon build large churches,
  Let's go our way to the very end!
  Love, believe me, knows no unnecessary words,
  There is no more unnecessary boredom to be seen in it...
  Let Cain perish in the underworld,
  And Abel will sing his song again!
  Here we are marching towards Berlin with a bugle,
  The trumpet sounds like a bell ringing...
  You better be a very humble warrior,
  Blow the Nazis' heads off with an axe!
  The family will soon resurrect the dead, believe me,
  The White God will give you each a harem...
  And we decided very clearly,
  What will be eternity, bright changes!
  This is how the pioneers sang and fought the Japanese. And they showed their outstanding class.
  However, the Japanese also had serious forces. For example, the ninja girls appeared - four fighters of the fair sex. And with them was a boy, Saigo, who looked to be about eleven years old, a fair-haired and very muscular child. A real terminator.
  And so this five went into battle. They began to chop down Soviet soldiers with katana swords and throw deadly peas of death with their bare toes.
  Here the blue-haired ninja girl took and carried out her swords, the windmill technique, cutting down Soviet soldiers. And heads flew.
  The girl sang:
  - Hooray for Japan!
  And with her bare toes she threw a pea with explosives, and a dozen Soviet soldiers flew into the air.
  The yellow-haired ninja girl also performed a butterfly move with her swords. And she cut the Soviet officer in half.
  And she sang with fury:
  - Glory to the ninja warriors! You can't stand against us!
  And with her bare foot she threw a deadly gift of death, causing the Soviet T-26 tank to flip over.
  The red-haired ninja girl also took and slashed with her swords, cutting through the Soviet soldiers.
  And then she took and threw something destructive and murderous with her bare girlish heel.
  After which she roared:
  - For Emperor Hirohito!
  Then a white-haired ninja girl entered the battle. And again she slashed at her opponent with frenzied fury. And her swords chopped off the heads of Russian soldiers.
  of death with her bare toes, turning over the Russian thirty-four - that's how powerful the explosive was - and chirped:
  - Banzai!
  And finally, the boy ninja Saigo is still just a child, but he cuts down Soviet soldiers with two swords at once.
  And his little feet also threw the pea with an explosion. And the little ninja sang:
  Japan is a great country,
  The people who live there are cool and brave...
  Know that God has given it to us forever ,
  Emperor Hiro is really cool!
  This five really went through with great pressure and fighting enthusiasm. And mowed down so many corpses around themselves. And turned over soviet tanks.
  But brave fighters also fight in response. Including Komsomol members, and not only them, but also other Red Army soldiers.
  And yet they sing so wonderfully;
  In the vastness of space, believe me, there is a dream,
  She is like a ray of sunshine in the sky...
  In the eyes of Svarog there is peace and purity,
  He will rise again for us, like Jesus!
  We will give birth to a radiant destiny,
  She will shine like the sun in May...
  But I don"t understand how long you can live undead,
  How evil fate plays with us!
  Defend your homeland, knight,
  Let it shine like a star in the sky...
  We protect the vastness of our native land,
  Let the planet become an eternal paradise!
  But what can the formidable communism do?
  He will make the flag of the motherland all-powerful...
  And furious fascism will perish in hell,
  We will pierce the enemy with a very strong blow!
  Give our Motherland hearts,
  So that they burn with a very bright heat...
  We will go through our battle to the end,
  And we will sweep away the Fuhrer with one blow!
  Comrade Stalin replaced the father,
  We are children of very different generations...
  The horde will perish in rage in Gehenna,
  And the genius Lenin will show you the way to Eden!
  In Russia every boy is a giant,
  And girls are trained to fight...
  The Lord Almighty, our Family is One ,
  We Russians have always known how to fight!
  We will achieve everything soon, I believe.
  There is nothing higher in the universe...
  The Komsomol member raised her oar,
  And she hit the Fuhrer on the roof!
  There is no more communism, know the ideas,
  They are beautiful and will bring happiness!
  And the Fuhrer is simply a villain,
  Very insidious, very black suit!
  I am a girl - the greatness of a fighter,
  Barefoot rushed boldly through the frost...
  My thick braid is made of gold,
  Made a fast rose!
  A billion ideas can come up,
  How to organize the Fatherland in communism...
  If you see a Fritz, hit him hard,
  So that bloody Adolf does not sit on the throne!
  Get your fists into the fascists,
  Or better yet, hit them with a sledgehammer...
  Let's ride along the Volga with the breeze,
  We simply don't mind crushing goats!
  We will raise soldiers for the Motherland,
  The girls rush to attack...
  The beauty aimed the machine gun,
  Hitler will have to pay for it!
  No one can defeat the Russians,
  Even if he is a wolf of fascism, he is a seasoned devil...
  But still, the bear is stronger than him,
  Which order builds a new one!
  For the Motherland, for Stalin, run,
  The Komsomol girls rush along with barefoot steps...
  The fascists were slashed with boiling water,
  Because the Great Russians are the coolest of all!
  Proud girls will enter Berlin,
  They will leave footprints of bare feet...
  Above them is a golden-winged cherub,
  And they shine silver like wasp pearls!
  This is how the girls sang and rushed into battle, brave and tough.
  Turkish units are also attacking the USSR. The fighting is mainly taking place in Transcaucasia. Ottoman units are trying to cut off Batumi in the Black Sea region and encircle Yerevan. The fighting is very brutal.
  The Ottomans are rushing like an avalanche - because there are many people. And they are climbing, dropping countless of their soldiers.
  Even very young boys go into battle. They attack barefoot, with smiles on their lips.
  And on the other side, Soviet soldiers are fighting. And there are many beautiful, almost naked Komsomol girls. There are also young pioneer boys in only shorts.
  It's really hot and the kids are actively shooting or handling shells to the guns.
  Here are Ottoman howitzers working on the positions of the Soviet troops. They are quite powerful, and with high-explosive shells. The Ottomans also have English tanks in the battle. First of all, of course, the mighty "Matilda" is breaking through. And it is not so easy to take it head-on.
  God of war artillery. The USSR seems to have a lot of guns, but there is a shortage of shells, the warehouses are mainly on the territory of the European part of Soviet Russia.
  In addition, the Turks use French, English and American guns. And quite effectively.
  So the pioneers in shorts, when the lethal shells fall, literally run away, flashing their bare, round, childish heels.
  The children bare their teeth and shoot at the Turkish troops with slingshots. Which is quite funny to watch.
  Summer is not over yet, it is hot, and the children are having fun. But they sing under bombs and shells, as if about winter. Which is very symbolic;
  The snow fell so beautifully,
  I'm a barefoot boy...
  Warriors of Holy Russia,
  You can't hold us back with your fist!
  We are capable of doing a lot,
  We can handle the matter...
  We are warriors from God,
  And the boys are top notch!
  For the great victory,
  Let's raise our glass...
  Our grandfathers will be in glory,
  Let's beat the Fuhrer's grin!
  No one will stop us,
  We know how to fight...
  Even though the boys are young,
  Let's crush the army of Nazism!
  We firmly believe in the Fatherland,
  And the enemies will not be able to resist...
  Know that we will not spare our lives,
  I'll write this down in my notebook!
  Communism is a holy faith,
  A radiant light burns within it...
  The conversation unhurriedly flows,
  The flag has a red light!
  We deserve freedom,
  Let us fight boldly...
  I will give my life to the people,
  Dear Motherland!
  We sing the best song of all,
  Both the girl and the man...
  The dead in battle will rise again,
  There is no dead end ahead!
  Glory to the Motherland - Russia,
  You are a great country...
  The stars watered the velvet,
  And Satan rages!
  We will return the tricolor flag in a moment,
  Let us boldly go into battle...
  Our people, although poor,
  Will be able to find the truth!
  Red flag of scarlet blood,
  What all brothers need...
  Our people groan in pain,
  And wants change!
  People are really tired of it,
  Life and poverty under the tsars...
  And I believe a change will come,
  There will be holidays in a few days!
  For the greatness of Russia,
  We will give our lives and hearts...
  Glory to the Lord Messiah,
  We will stand firm and win!
  All nations will be together,
  God's spirit and holy army...
  In the world of the Motherland and honor,
  Let's start killing the evil ones !
  So believe in the universe,
  God Almighty is brighter than the stars...
  And what a punishment,
  Glory to Jesus Christ!
  There is salvation in Jesus,
  Let's protect our Motherland...
  Show forgiveness to your friend,
  And the planet will become a paradise!
  . CHAPTER #12.
  Alexander Rybachenko, with his young gang, from time to time robbed the dachas of rich Germans, and their policemen, and lackeys . The raids brought in good loot, but in winter it became more difficult and the boys and girls spent most of their time in the catacombs.
  And the boy Sashka wrote interesting essays in his notebook.
  Waking up, Gavroche did a little warm-up and squatted. Then he started slapping his little, bare, tanned feet around Paris again.
  It is pleasant to walk barefoot on the sun-warmed cobblestones. The boy wore shoes only in frosty weather, and his soles are hard, calloused, but have not lost sensitivity and retained their elasticity.
  In general, it's good when you're eleven. Everything is still ahead and your mood is elevated.
  Cheerfulness and good nature are characteristic of children. Even if they are poor and hungry.
  And now Gavroche feels that it would be nice to have a snack. He still has a couple of silver coins, but he doesn't want to spend them.
  A boy approaches a shop where fresh meat pies are sold and shouts at the top of his lungs:
  - Oh, your milk has boiled over!
  The trusting hostess turns around automatically, and the boy grabs three tasty pies and takes off. Only his dusty heels sparkle.
  Gavroche, a very nimble boy, overtook the girl. She was thin, in a torn dress, and with light, curly hair. Her legs were all in abrasions and bruises, apparently she was not yet quite used to walking barefoot.
  The boy handed her a chicken pie and said:
  - Bon appetit!
  The girl bowed and replied:
  - Merci!
  Gavroche became curious and asked:
  - You must have been a noble person!
  The blonde girl shook her head:
  - No! I was just a servant in a rich house!
  The boy smiled and noted:
  - And they kicked you out barefoot and didn"t give you a piece of bread for the road!
  The girl shook her head:
  - No! Worse! The diamond disappeared, and suspicion fell on me. There was no evidence, though. But they called the police and took me to prison. And there they took away my casual clothes and smart shoes, giving me these rags.
  Here the girl showed the mark from the steel ring on her leg, the skin had not yet had time to heal, and she continued:
  - They took me to a cell where there were three dozen other poor, unfortunate girls like me and chained me to the wall. It stank terribly there - they relieved themselves right into a hole in the floor, and they hardly fed us.
  Then they put me to work - just extracting resin from the hemp with my fingers. It's quite unpleasant.
  Gavroche interrupted:
  - How did you manage to escape?
  The girl answered with a smile:
  - When they took me to field work, the gendarme got distracted and I was able to untie the rope and escape. In general, the prison is disgusting, with rats, stench , cockroaches, and bedbugs. Plus, some of the girls cough or cry, which makes it hard to sleep at night.
  The boy nodded:
  - Yes, prison is a bad place even for children. Although we are a resilient people and we get used to everything!
  The girl nodded and asked:
  - Did you steal these pies?
  Gavroche confirmed:
  - Yes, I stole it!
  The innocent child noted:
  - It's a sin!
  The boy laughed and replied:
  - And what is not a sin in our world!
  The girl noticed:
  - For sins the devils will put you on a frying pan, or beat you with sticks on your bare heels!
  Gavroche laughed again and remarked:
  - And I've already been beaten on the heels. It's okay - it will hurt for a while and then stop! Only the skin will be stronger!
  The girl smiled and replied:
  - You're a brave man! Let's be friends!
  And the little tramp extended her little hand. Gavroche shook it and sang with delight:
  All people on one planet,
  We should always be friends...
  Children should always laugh,
  And live in a peaceful world,
  Children should laugh,
  Children should laugh,
  Children should laugh,
  And live in a peaceful world!
  And live in a peaceful world!
  After which he handed over another pie. The boy and girl stamped barefoot, their feet with soles gray from dust.
  The girl introduced herself:
  - My name is Stella!
  The boy confirmed with a smile:
  - And I'm Gavroche!
  The girl noted:
  - Aren't you the same Gavroche who collected cartridges when they were besieging the barricades!?
  The boy was surprised:
  - And what is already known?
  The girl nodded:
  - They even talked about it in prison! But it seems like the boy was killed!
  Gavroche sang in response:
  Nothing on Earth passes without a trace,
  And youth that is gone is still immortal!
  How young we were,
  How sincerely they loved!
  Boys and girls,
  Like a ringing bell!
  After which, holding hands, the boy and girl started running, their round heels flashing.
  Paris is a big and beautiful city. The girl, who had only recently gained her freedom, was interested in seeing it and she literally devoured with her gaze the beautiful stone houses of the wonderful city, one of the largest in the world.
  Edya, ran up to Gavrosh . They clapped their hands as they ran. And the boy boasted:
  - I stole a silver brooch!
  Gavroche replied coldly:
  - Well done!
  Edya glanced at the girl and noted:
  - You have a fresh tan. You must have recently become rich!
  Stella squeaked:
  - I was in prison!
  The boy nodded with a sigh:
  - Me too... They spanked me thoroughly on the back there, and then added sticks to my heels!
  Gavroche grinned and noted:
  Our heels are not afraid of sticks,
  Boys have always known how to fight!
  Edik jumped after them a little. And even on the way he deftly took a handkerchief out of the fat boy's pocket.
  After which he started running. Gavroche and the girl also had to go all out. They raced. The girl, whose calluses on her feet were just beginning to form, noted:
  - The soles are on fire!
  Gavroche noted:
  - It happens! Although I, for example, have been walking barefoot since infancy. And the skin on my feet is like the devil's skin!
  Stella noted with a smile:
  - The devil is evil! Don't mention him!
  The boy wittily remarked:
  - It is said in the third commandment: do not take the name of the Lord in vain, but this does not apply to Satan!
  The girl smiled and noted:
  In heaven, on the throne,
  The King of the Universe sat...
  According to the sacred will of the father -
  Christ ruled us!
  God was crucified on the cross,
  Jesus prayed to the Father...
  So that he doesn't judge them harshly,
  I forgave them their sin to the end!
  Gavroche whistled, licked his lips and replied:
  - And you sing beautifully. What a wonderful voice!
  The girl nodded:
  - Yes, it is by God's will!
  The boy suggested:
  - Maybe we can collect alms for a song? That would be really cool !
  Stella winced:
  - Sing for alms?
  Gavroche logically remarked:
  - And stealing is even worse! Besides, there are many poor children who should be helped!
  The girl nodded in agreement:
  - Perhaps you are right!
  Gavroche quickened his steps, and the cutie could hardly keep up with him. The children were almost running, and their mood was palpable.
  One of the mischievous boys threw a lump of dirt at the girl, but missed.
  Gavroche picked up a stone and threw it back. So deftly that it hit the young hooligan's bare, round heel. And he fell into a puddle. The other boys burst into deafening laughter.
  The girl noted:
  - And they are disgusting!
  Gavroche logically remarked:
  - Children of the streets! The streets raised them, so what do you want!
  Stella chirped:
  - So that all children and people are good!
  The tomboy asked:
  - Why doesn"t Almighty God make it so that all people are good, forever young and happy?
  The girl shrugged and replied:
  - I don"t know why ... And what are your thoughts, my friend?
  Gavroche logically noted:
  - If you go to a priest, he'll fill your ears with nonsense. Like free will. Something like that... We can die anywhere, sleep under any fence. In short , we live freely - figuratively speaking!
  The girl smiled and replied:
  - Can you compose a song on this topic? How is your voice and hearing?
  The boy answered confidently:
  - I can do everything! A street kid can work miracles!
  And the boy began to sing with enthusiasm:
  Creator of the Universe, you are cruel,
  So spoke the lips of millions!
  And even from horror my temple turned so gray -
  When there are countless problems - legions!
  When old age comes, evil death,
  When there is a war, a tornado - the earth shakes!
  When you just want to die,
  Because there is no heat under the world of the Sun!
  When a child cries - a sea of tears,
  When there are whole bouquets of diseases!
  One question - why did Christ suffer?
  And why do only comets laugh?
  What in this world became why -
  Are we starving, freezing and suffering?
  And why does shit crawl to the top ?
  But why does Cain succeed?!
  Why do we need the withering of old women,
  Why do weeds cover the vegetable gardens?
  And why do they delight our ears -
  A round dance of nothing but promises?!
  The Lord answered, also grieving,
  As if not knowing a better fate...
  O man of My love - child...
  Whom I wanted to settle in paradise!
  But you don"t know - the child is stupid,
  There is only one small thought in you!
  That the light of grace has dimmed,
  So that you don"t sleep like a bear in winter!
  After all, in order to stir you people up,
  I send you trials and tribulations!
  So that there will be fat game for dinner,
  It takes courage, cunning and effort!
  Well, you would be like Adam in that paradise,
  Walked aimlessly, staggering like a ghost!
  But you learned the word - I love,
  Communicating with the unclean spirit Satan!
  You understand, there is a struggle in this world,
  And at the same time, success and respect!
  Therefore, the harsh fate of people,
  And, alas , one must endure suffering!
  But when you achieved your goal,
  Managed to break barriers and shackles...
  May your dreams come true,
  Then you want new battles!
  So understand, sir man,
  Sometimes even I feel so offended!
  That, living in bliss for a whole century -
  People are like pigs and I'm ashamed of them!
  Therefore, there is a new light in the struggle -
  The battles will be in boundless eternity...
  But you will find consolation in prayer,
  God will always embrace the unfortunate tenderly!
  The boy sang with great enthusiasm. And the girl in Gavroche's cap collected small change that passers-by threw at them. And it was fun.
  The boy also picked up a five-sou coin with his bare toes and deftly threw it into the cap.
  The girl tried to do the same with her bare foot , but the coin whistled past.
  Gavroche consoled the girl:
  - It's okay, you'll learn!
  Stella noted:
  Who does not have the light of knowledge,
  Damaged and spiritually weak...
  A nightmare demon possesses him,
  He is not a man, but a miserable slave!
  The boy jumped up, even stood on his head, did push-ups on his hands and said:
  - We are not slaves! We are not slaves! Long live freedom!
  The girl answered with a smile, and she has such a sweet smile:
  - You are a real Spartacus!
  Gavroche responded by standing on his head again. And with his bare toes he began to juggle a copper coin, which was larger . And the audience gathered.
  The boy was applauded. It really looked great .
  Gavroche became inspired and sang with pathos:
  Born in agony under an unfortunate star,
  I dreamed of happiness, even for a short moment!
  But instead of this there is a sea of evil, pain and misfortune,
  And relief is only in the darkness of dreams!
  What is God guilty of before you?
  I lived in the dark, not knowing my mother!
  Left fate as an unfortunate orphan,
  Like a prodigal dog, suffering from hunger!
  I know you won"t find it in starry space,
  Love, family, and a welcoming home!
  I am crushed by poverty like a louse,
  I wish you another bright world!
  The soul grieves and at the same time burns,
  And the mind was inflamed, do not be a submissive sheep!
  The rich man with mammon will be beaten hard,
  Let's put an end to this vile, crown power!
  I believe, my precious Spartacus,
  You will be able to break the chain of fascism!
  The people will see the proletarian flag,
  The era of happiness will come - communism!
  The girl smiled. The audience applauded.
  And here she is, barefoot and in a poor dress, stamping her worn-out heels and singing:
  There is ice and hot fire in the heart,
  The fire turns everything into dust!
  My spirit froze like a hard stone,
  A gloomy gaze wanders into the abyss!
  The path to salvation is terribly narrow,
  I want freedom from the crown!
  Favorite hymns and chants,
  And loyalty to duty to the end!
  A ray of unearthly, all-powerful passion,
  I pray that God gave me life!
  They squeezed my chest with a grave slab,
  But in my torment I love you!
  Enemy, pain and wild excitement,
  The cruel fate of my destiny!
  I draw inspiration from the cup,
  The light of the eyes burns like a star!
  And this song inspired the people. And they threw coins abundantly. But too many people crowded together. And a gendarme appeared with a couple of policemen.
  Grabbing the singing coins, the boy and girl rushed to run. And again their little, childish heels flashed.
  Stella, who was in prison, noted:
  - They beat me there. True, it was the executioner's son who beat me. A boy not much older than you. And he took pity. But it still hurt. Except that boy didn't cut my skin with a whip. And they also wanted to roast my heels with a brazier!
  Gavroche was indignant:
  - Torturing children! This is barbarism!
  The girl nodded:
  - True! But they wanted to know where I hid the diamond. But fortunately, they didn't fry my heels. Instead, the executioner's son picked up a goose feather and began tickling my heels!
  The boy giggled:
  - Tickle your heels?
  Stella confirmed:
  - Yes, exactly! They wiped the soles of my shoes with diluted alcohol, and then the executioner's son started running a goose quill over them, like the kind scribes have. And it tickled a lot.
  Gavroche nodded:
  - Frying children's heels is, of course, very cruel, but tickling. That's not even considered torture!
  The girl noted:
  - But also painful. At first I laughed and bared my teeth. And then it was already painful. And I was sweating, exhausted, and literally sobbing. I would have told them everything if I had known anything.
  Gavroche grinned and noted:
  - It's hot! Let's drink some kvass!
  A boy and a girl ran up to the kvass row. One of the boys wanted to snatch the coins from Gavroche's fist, but got his hands slapped. After which he tried to fight.
  But Gavroche made a clever trip with his bare foot, and the boy fell.
  The girl noted:
  - Fighting is not good!
  The boy stood up and asked in surprise:
  - And who is this?
  Gavroche replied with a smile:
  - My friend!
  The boy muttered:
  - Why did she think that fighting is bad?
  Stella sang with pathos:
  People and animals should be friends ,
  Wolves and lambs should be friends!
  Tigers and elephants should be friends,
  We must be friends, we must be friends!
  Several boys and two girls came up to them. And smiled.
  The boy, who was older and bigger, remarked:
  - I'm not a servant of evil either! And guys, maybe we'll drink to friendship!
  Another boy, shorter, squeaked:
  - Let's drink some beer! Kvass is for the little ones!
  In those days, drinking beer was not considered forbidden for children. The nineteenth century was a more free time. And Gavroche did not argue.
  However, Stella grimaced and noted:
  - And it's bitter. Why do you drink such disgusting stuff?
  The older boy laughed and replied:
  - When you grow up, then you'll understand!
  And he drained the whole glass. He was the only one in the barefoot team who had shoes on his feet, and new ones at that, apparently bought with stolen money.
  After which the boys softened a little and even started singing:
  The executioner said: there will be no happy days,
  You will be persecuted by everyone and a stranger!
  But the army of freedom-loving fighters,
  Deal with the countless horde!
  Phantom face of death: eternal companion-wanderer,
  But we don"t need sleep and peace either!
  He who is lazy is an exile everywhere,
  How difficult it is to have a dream!
  And what is a dream - ether-love,
  The path to it can sometimes be false!
  Paul is hard, then do not speak ill of him,
  Sometimes a careless miscalculation can be cruel!
  Then the years will flow away into a youthful moment,
  And the battle will die down like a feast!
  Here the wind spins circular whirlwinds,
  How the rain poured down passionately and furiously!
  Believe me, the fields will bear ears,
  They will grow and reap golden grain!
  Well, and from the icons of the saints the faces shimmer,
  They will reward you with grace for this work!
  But like a whirlwind - Seroko from the desert,
  A terrible war has come to Earth!
  The children run with bare feet,
  Even though snow has already fallen, winter reigns!
  The enemies turned the houses into ruins,
  And someone is in grief - they lost their children!
  They hung weights around people's necks,
  The dance of heartless executioners burns!
  The people cannot express their grief, it is so difficult,
  No shelter, no food, no warm beds!
  Whistles like a cobra, an angry blizzard in the field,
  Where is truth, nobility - to hell with lies!
  The bright day will come - the glorious hour of victory,
  The eagle of the Fatherland will fly higher than the rocks!
  Let the exploits of soldiers be sung,
  We have a sharp sword and a strong shield!
  . CHAPTER #13.
  After which the young team decided on a daring raid. Gavroche himself was drawn to exploits.
  So the boys took it and one of them stuck a stick in the wheels of the carriage. And it turned over. The boys and three girls pounced. They tore the lady's jewelry off, climbed into the chest, and gutted the carriage. And then they disappeared.
  Even Stella distinguished herself and stole the brooch. After which the boys and girls ran off in different directions.
  Gavroche, jingling his coins, noted:
  - What a gang!
  The girl was embarrassed:
  - This is not going well somehow!
  The boy nodded his bright head:
  - But it's profitable!
  Stella noted:
  - This is a sin before God!
  Gavroche responded by starting to sing:
  Nasty, vile misers ,
  They hide bags underground!
  Well, and the forest wanderers,
  They are being beaten out of debts!
  The prince is in the possession of a neighboring land,
  Taxes are collected from subjects!
  The poor beggar groans in chains,
  He who is under the yoke is wretched!
  We don't want to be slaves,
  Bend your back before the master!
  Truth, reasonable is with us,
  And lights our way!
  We are not evil robbers,
  And we don"t want to kill!
  But my dear children are crying,
  They need to be given something to eat too!
  For justice and honesty,
  So that everyone can live in equality!
  You can dare to be bold,
  kill the enemy !
  And he took the boy and threw a stone at the colored glass of the luxurious mansion. And the broken particles fell like shards of a rainbow. And again the whistle of the gendarmes. Then the police.
  And again the children run.
  Gavroche noted:
  - Well, how do you like it?
  The girl muttered:
  - Disgusting! Always on the run!
  The tomboy noted:
  - And as Demosthenes said: if you want to be strong, run; if you want to be smart, run; if you want to be healthy, run!
  Stella laughed and noted:
  - Demosthenes, I see you know a lot!
  Gavroche nodded:
  - I stole a school bag of books from a boy. And when it was winter, I read it from cover to cover!
  The girl noted philosophically:
  - It turns out that sometimes even stealing is good for education!
  Gavroche agreed with this:
  - Yes, it turns out that way! And what surprises you?
  Stella noted:
  - Aristotle said: genius is a friend of paradoxes!
  The boy responded by very deftly catching the frog with his bare toes and remarking:
  - If you want, I can eat it raw!
  The girl was embarrassed:
  - Why raw? We can fry it. And we have enough money to eat normally!
  In response, Gavroche bit off a front paw with his strong, white teeth. He swallowed, chewed lightly and noted:
  - It tastes like crab sticks!
  Stella nodded with a smile:
  - Let me try!
  The boy handed her a still-live frog. And the girl bit off the other front leg. In France, it's quite normal to eat frogs. Just like that, raw and without spices. But yes, it tastes like crayfish, and quite fresh.
  The girl noted:
  - There is a very good restaurant where they serve excellent frogs with a side dish!
  Gavroche remarked with a sigh:
  - They won't let us in there! We're children and in rags!
  The girl giggled and noted:
  - But clothes can be bought or stolen!
  The boy nodded approvingly:
  - You learn quickly! I did too, I was in the clouds for a while!
  Stella nodded and noted:
  Good must come with fists,
  Good must be harsh...
  So that it flies in six pieces,
  From those who climb on good!
  Gavroche chuckled and chirped:
  Love and death, good and evil,
  What is sacred and what is sinful is not destined to be understood,
  Love and death, good and evil,
  And we are given only one choice!
  And the children quickened their pace along the stone streets of Paris, their dusty soles flashing.
  They were in a cheerful mood, and it didn't get worse even when they ran out into a large crowd. People had gathered to watch the punishment: the flogging of a couple of thieving boys.
  The spectacle was amusing and Gavroche and Stella stopped. They chose a place for themselves so that it would be more comfortable .
  Two boys, about twelve or thirteen years old, were being carried on carts. The boys had been kept in prison and had their heads shaved bald, and they themselves were wearing government-issue striped pajamas that hung like rags on a scarecrow on their skinny bodies.
  The boys were shaking on the cart. It was obvious that they were not having a sweet time in prison, dark circles under their eyes, the feet of the children-prisoners were bare and dirty.
  Here the cart reached the edge of the square. The boys were rather roughly pushed off the place that leads to execution.
  The executioner's assistant ordered them to take off their pyjamas. The boys obeyed. Now it was clear that they had been flogged before, the marks of the whips on their thin bodies. Every bone in the poor, emaciated bodies of the child prisoners was visible.
  And so they go naked and barefoot to the chopping block. And the crowd buzzes and makes noise. Some boys even spit at their comrades who are being punished.
  They bashfully cover their shame and shrink like snails.
  Stella screamed in fear:
  - Is this even possible? This is shameful and disgraceful!
  Gavroche noted angrily:
  - They want to humiliate them even more with this!
  The executioners soaked willow twigs in urns with brine, while other torturers tested the flexibility of the sticks with which they were supposed to beat the bare heels of juvenile criminals.
  It was obvious that they were preparing for a serious beating. The children walked with their shaved heads hanging down. On their almost naked skulls, lumps, bumps, and even abrasions from blows were visible. Gavroche's keen eyesight also saw bruises and scratches on the boys' lean bodies, and small bruises on their faces, and marks from a stick on their backs.
  Apparently, the young prisoners got a lot of abuse from the executioners and guards in the prison. Although some blows could have been inflicted by fellow inmates-boys.
  The child prisoners walked, and people laughed at them and whistled after them. It was sad and even tragic in its own way. But for the boys who had not yet been beaten, as well as for some of the girls, it was great entertainment and a fun spectacle.
  Stella noted with a sigh:
  - How cruel children can be sometimes!
  Gavroche clarified philosophically:
  - If only sometimes, but it"s almost always like that!
  The boy prisoners walked through the dust, leaving small, bare footprints in it. One of them stepped on a bottle shard with his bare sole, roughened from walking barefoot almost all year round. But apparently his callused foot held up, and the boy felt only a slight prick and winced.
  Stella noted:
  - It is useful to go without shoes after all. Today you serve in a noble house in red, patent leather shoes, and tomorrow they will take them off and drive you barefoot to hard labor or prison, or even to the chopping block!
  Gavroche nodded:
  - In prison, children are given wooden shoes only in frost. But walking in them is such torture that barefoot is much better! Even though your feet get cold. I try to spend as much time without shoes as possible. When you move and have a habit, even in light frost, bare feet can withstand for hours, although they become red as goose feet. But you toughen up, and you don"t even cough!
  The girl nodded in agreement:
  - I'll get used to it too!
  Here are two boys who reluctantly began to climb the scaffold. Their bare, childish legs were shaking. And the gendarmes were pushing them from behind. They obviously did not want to be whipped on the back and have their bare heels hit with sticks.
  They were taken to the frontal place and ordered:
  - Hands at your sides!
  And they hit them with truncheons, but the boys continued to cover themselves and blush with shame.
  After which the herald began to read out the charges. For petty thefts and attempting to escape from the police, the boys were sentenced to public flogging, fifty lashes each, and thirty blows on the soles of the feet with sticks.
  The herald was brief.
  After which the executioners pounced on the boys and threw them onto the trestles, securing their arms and legs in the openings. They also grabbed their lower limbs in stocks so that the children's bare feet were turned outward.
  After which the executioners took out a whip and urns with water. And two more took out sticks.
  It was necessary to beat both on the heels and on the bare back.
  Gavroche noted:
  - Both cruel and practical!
  The girl Stella burst into tears:
  - It's horrible!
  The whip whistled and fell on the back of the first boy. Then the whip whistled again and hit the second boy. Then a stick flew and hit the bare, slightly dusty, rough heels of the child. He screamed. And the blow hit the bare soles of the second. Moreover, it hurt even more on the heels, and it was obvious that he had less experience in receiving such blows. If the boys withstood the blows of the whip, then they clearly screamed from the stick.
  And the crowd, contented and carnivorous, purrs.
  The boy Gavroche remarks:
  - Perhaps, at one time, when they were beating other boys, they also went crazy and rejoiced.
  The girl Stella squeaked:
  - How disgusting a person can be!
  The executioners beat the boys hard. The skin on their backs burst and scarlet blood flowed. First in drops, then in streams. The executioners tried their best . They beat them with sticks on their bare heels. The children-criminals' heels turned blue and swelled. Yes, it was a terrible sight.
  Gavroche noted:
  - Yes, such is the fate of vagabonds of all stripes - to be flogged and beaten!
  Stella agreed:
  - Yes, that's right! And where is God looking?
  The tramp boy chuckled and replied:
  - Good question. It is hard to believe that if God had omnipotence, he would not have used it to bring order to planet Earth.
  The girl replied with a sigh:
  - Yes, I don"t understand this...
  The boys were beaten without mercy. And then they passed out from the pain shock. The beating was temporarily stopped. A bucket of ice water was poured on the boys' shaved heads. They came to their senses and began to moan.
  The crowd buzzed with delight. It was obvious they were all enjoying it. Especially the kids.
  After which they hit the boys' swollen heels with sticks a couple more times, and then continued beating them with one whip. And they did it quite energetically.
  Gavroche exclaimed:
  - He who wears a boot with his mind will get it on his bare heels with a stick!
  Stella objected:
  - Not necessarily! Maybe a bamboo grove will walk on your heels!
  The boys were flogged and lost consciousness again. After which they were doused with ice water again. They were brought to their senses and untied from the goats. And since they could no longer walk on their own, they were literally carried to the cart. Then prison awaited them. There they had to work for another three years, under strict control. The crowd squealed and clapped their hands with satisfaction.
  Gavroche noted angrily:
  - Yes, people are too often worse than animals!
  Stella agreed:
  - Yes, worse! Poor boys...
  After which the crowd began to disperse . Gavroche did not waste time in the confusion and managed to pull out the wallet. The girl Stella remarked:
  - It's not good to steal!
  Gavroche objected:
  - I didn"t steal, I just restored justice!
  The boy crushed a cockroach crawling along the pavement with his bare foot. And then he added:
  - I took the purse from the richest man in the crowd! Who also laughed when the boys' backs were slashed and their heels were beaten! - Gavroche angrily flashed his blue eyes, like a little wolf cub.
  The girl stamped her little bare foot, her bruised, scratched, callused heels itched very much and answered:
  - That's good! So you restored justice!
  The young rascal giggled and sang:
  For justice and honesty,
  To live in equality...
  You can dare to be bold,
  kill the enemy !
  Stella objected:
  - Murder is a sin! And how are the good better than the evil if they use the same methods?
  Gavroche shrugged and replied:
  - Probably better with your own goals! - The boy picked up a pebble with his bare toes and threw it in an arc. It flew past, crashing into a gadfly. Then the nimble child answered:
  Violence crushes steel,
  But the power of evil is not eternal,
  Fighter boy, become stronger in soul than steel!
  When the hand is firm and the goals are humane,
  You can crush the violence of the state!
  The girl supported this passage:
  Evil is proud of its power,
  And you think you are a slave, I am the master!
  But I believe that we will defeat the evil ones ,
  these scumbags a fierce lesson !
  And the girl flashed her sapphire eyes. They are so bright and expressive. She is truly a miracle child. The children walked a little further. Gavroche threw a silver coin, and the girl bought herself a raisin cake and a slice of sausage.
  Having had some refreshment, the boys felt more cheerful. Stella noted:
  - The world is not so bad after all. There is both good and evil in it. For example, what a wonderful sun, and it is almost pleasant to walk barefoot. And I want, for example , to sing in praise of Jesus Christ!
  Gavroche remarked with a smile:
  - The fact that Jesus asked God the Father not to punish his executioners is, of course, wonderful and speaks of the greatness of the soul of the Son of God. But that is why, having received all the power on Earth and in Heaven, Jesus did not correct the existing situation. And at least did not make it so that women, and men, would not stop turning into ugly old men and women. This could have been done! So that the world would be young and beautiful!
  Stella replied with a sigh:
  - I don't understand this. Isn't God himself disgusted by this? I'm sure that even the most cruel tyrant would prefer beautiful slaves and especially slave girls to old ugly ones!
  Gavroche chirped:
  I adore beauty,
  I surround the throne with flowers...
  I love sweet girls,
  I catch slaves with a lasso!
  The girl laughed and noted:
  - You are a man, even though you are small!
  The boy objected, offended:
  - Just say it, man, no shortage!
  The children walked a little further. Here they found themselves near a flower bed. There were both white and red roses growing here. It looked very beautiful.
  Gavroche noted:
  - But even flowers fade!
  Stella logically noted:
  - But flowers have neither soul nor mind!
  The boy shrugged and replied:
  - It depends. Flowers may also have their own soul, just like every star. Don't think that a person is unique in this regard!
  The girl noted:
  - Man is created in the image and likeness of God!
  Gavroche nodded and clarified:
  - Like everything in the universe!
  Stella agreed:
  - And everything in the universe! And especially butterflies, so beautiful!
  The boy chirped:
  I can see your brush everywhere,
  Your chisel and your handwriting are sweeping...
  You gave life to the universe,
  but there are many fears full of grief!
  The girl nodded:
  - Much grief! Alas, such is this world!
  Gavroche stated:
  - We will make this world a better place!
  Stella agreed:
  - Of course we will!
  The children exclaimed in unison:
  -For Jesus Christ and a new, beautiful world!
  After which the children moved on, and their bare, small, long-suffering feet stomped along the cobblestones of the Parisian pavement. The children's mood became more cheerful, they were well-fed and the day was sunny. Of course, it was a pity for the prisoner boys, but children have a short memory, and they do not hold on to negative emotions for long.
  And why be upset? You can even go and sing something more cheerful and perky:
  I was a simple boy from the village,
  I walked behind a plow on my native land...
  And remembering the commandment of the ancients,
  I wanted to serve my native country!
  I walked barefoot far into the city,
  The path was freezing and very hungry...
  The boy could even perish before his time,
  Among the forests and the highest cliffs!
  But he arrived at the port to serve as a cabin boy on watch,
  To become a real warrior...
  I had to drag it with a cast iron anchor,
  Try and whip, with the sharpness of steel!
  But I thought I would make a career,
  Now a boy - later a captain!
  And I will become my example to the children,
  I will see many different, wonderful countries!
  But there was a boarding and the pirates,
  The brig was suddenly captured by storm...
  The reckoning has come for all the sailors.
  They threw him overboard at that very moment!
  bearded captain himself asked me ,
  That I will soon be fourteen years old...
  It's probably too early to kill the boy,
  Let him be one of the sons of pirates!
  Well, I had to try some rum,
  And become a cabin boy for dirty pirates...
  But now a new world has opened up for the guy,
  Seek grace by force, knight!
  We are galleons, we rob caravels,
  Where is boarding, and where is a surprise assault...
  Once they captured a whole schooner ,
  And having played the treasures for a whole tour!
  I grew up, had a bunch of mistresses,
  with huge amounts of money ...
  Sometimes clouds would gather in the sky,
  But apparently God did not abandon me!
  The boy who was once a captain has already become
  Has grown to the very heights of space...
  But he didn"t want to settle for little,
  I wanted to become the very first of men!
  And then the proud princess looked at me ,
  And the guy wanted to become a husband...
  An unquenchable youth flared up in him,
  He forgot that he was just an evil thief!
  He decided to propose right there and then that night,
  The king rejected him with contempt...
  I wanted to leave the maiden immaculate,
  But the corsair has a will like metal!
  The princess was kidnapped treacherously,
  And they responded by forcing him down the aisle...
  She cast a proud glance -
  The lips whispered: you're finished!
  Then the hunt for the pirate began,
  States rose up against it...
  It seems that retribution awaits the abominable one ,
  They'll just catch him, that's all!
  Our own betrayed: the captain in chains,
  The princess quietly approached him...
  She whispered: you will soon receive the scaffold,
  And the hand gave a slap in the face!
  The trial was harsh and of course swift,
  They decided to cut off the arms and legs...
  The executioner sharpens a new axe for execution,
  It looks like the thread of life will soon be broken!
  Before the boy's death, they tortured him with fire,
  And they burned a brand on his chest...
  And he remembered only the sea distances,
  Nothing can be torn out by these sadists!
  They lead him to the scaffold - the crowd rejoices,
  Children's laughter is heard everywhere...
  He will soon be cruelly wheeled,
  Oh, how ephemeral is the success of a privateer!
  The captain was thrown onto the wheel,
  And the executioner began to break his rib...
  But the sea absorbed courage into him,
  And let them execute him, but the guy doesn"t care!
  So he died, with a very proud smile,
  And he flew with his soul to heaven...
  Now he sings odes with Jesus,
  Courage creates miracles, know that!
  The innocent little lamb Stella sighed and with a tremor in her voice she remarked:
  - Since he's a pirate, what awaits him is not heaven, but hell! And not a meeting with Jesus, but a cauldron of boiling tar!
  Gavroche laughed and replied:
  - And Jesus is in Hell too. As it is written in the Scripture: I will ascend to heaven and there You are, I will descend into the underworld and there the Lord is. That is, you should not think that there is no love and God's grace in Hell.
  Stella laughed in response and patted the boy on his thin shoulder and noted:
  - Yes, it is possible... God is in every thing and on the surface of every thing!
  The children smiled. Gavroche picked up a piece of ceramic with the bare toes of his small, childish feet and threw it. The piece flew past and knocked off the gendarme's cockade. He screamed:
  - Thieves! Help!
  Gavroche sang wittily:
  And the guard of honor,
  For the sake of decency, I cried...
  The gendarme fell into hysteria,
  Let's bring up the artillery!
  After which they walked along with the beggar girl as if nothing had happened. And their bare feet slapped like ducklings stomping almost silently.
  Stella sang with feeling and expression:
  We are completely poor children,
  But noble at heart ...
  And believe me, we don"t have any problems.
  We are free in our souls!
  A boy ran past them. He seemed to have stepped on a bottle shard, and left a beautiful, graceful trace with one bare, childish sole.
  The girl suggested:
  - You have to be more careful!
  In response, the boy shouted something offensive. And ran on. Yes, it was fun.
  The children were happy and contented. Their mood had noticeably improved even from the high level it was at .
  The girl chirped:
  How beautiful this world is, look,
  And boys, don't be too naughty...
  How beautiful this world is,
  Jesus, believe me, is an idol!
  . CHAPTER #14.
  The children started running. Their dusty, small, round heels were flashing, as if bunnies were running away from a fox. But the boy and the girl were not running, they were simply joyfully rushing, full of strength and enthusiasm. And they were in the mood, as if they were brave soldiers, rushing into the attack.
  Gavroche asked the girl:
  - Do you want to have wings?
  Stella responded with delight:
  - I really want to!
  The tomboy nodded:
  - I want to too! Maybe we can want to together?
  The beggar girl laughed and replied:
  - No, it's not enough to want! You need your wishes to come true!
  Gavroche noted with a smile:
  - When all your wishes come true, it"s not always good!
  Stella asked:
  - Why not always?
  The tomboy answered confidently:
  - If only because one boatswain liked to yell: may my spleen burst, and another drunk captain with a hangover practically always said the same thing : the anchor up my ass!
  The girl laughed and remarked:
  - Yes, that's true! Indeed, not everyone's wishes should be fulfilled!
  The boy grinned and remarked philosophically:
  - An anchor in the ass is not the worst thing, there are worse ones!
  Stella asked:
  - What's worse?
  Gavroche replied:
  - Yes, for example the expression: let it all burn with fire!
  The girl considered it necessary to add:
  - And after us, even the flood!
  The boy nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, even that. Although that's after us. And we're still children, and in theory we should live for a long time!
  Stella remarked with a confused look:
  - Chance rules the world. If you look at world history. There was the successful Alexander the Great, but where is his empire, or the even more successful Genghis Khan, who, unlike his Greek colleague, even lived for seventy-two years, but all that remained of his gigantic empire were just horns and legs!
  Gavroche asked with a smile:
  - Why don't you remember Napoleon Bonaparte? He also conquered almost all of Europe, but he came to an end! Not a very glorious one!
  The girl noted:
  - It is too obvious to talk about Napoleon. Moreover, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, and Alexander the Great remained in history, although their empires did not survive!
  The boy remarked with a sigh:
  - The most extensive empire in the world today is Russia. It stretches from Canada to Germany. There are hundreds of nations in it, and many military factories, and an autocratic emperor over all of them!
  Stella nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, an emperor whose power is greater than Napoleon's. But centuries will pass and the Russian empire will also no longer exist. Although Alexander the First will remain in history as the conqueror of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  Gavroche noted:
  - Or maybe the main conqueror of Napoleon was not Alexander the First, but Kutuzov?
  The girl giggled and noted:
  - A controversial statement. It can be said that the main conqueror of Austria was not Napoleon, but Marshal Davout !
  The boy noted with a sigh:
  -Marshal Davout was a strong commander . If all our marshals were like him, then victory would have been France's.
  Stella noted:
  - Napoleon in Russia lost not to Kutuzov's army, but to the Russian frosts. And against nature, even the genius of Napoleon and Marshal Davout is powerless!
  The children ran a little further and found themselves near the Bastille prison. A large building. It was partially destroyed during the Revolution, but then restored by Napoleon Bonaparte. Under the great emperor, many prisons were built, including for children.
  So those were tough times.
  Gavroche noted:
  - My father was sent to the Bastille. He was in prison, escaped from there, and was caught again. And now he was sent to the main prison of Paris.
  Stella replied with a sigh:
  - Sorry!
  And the girl stamped her bare, little foot. But in doing so, she crushed the mosquito. And she really liked that she crushed the bloodsucker.
  The boy nodded:
  - You're fast!
  Stella remarked with a smile:
  Speed is the life of great fighters,
  We are able to show loud class...
  For the sake of our grandfathers and fathers,
  Children, don't drink bitter vodka!
  And the girl again took and stamped again with her bare, childish foot, and another mosquito was crushed. And the scarlet blood splashed beautifully. How wonderful .
  Gavroche noted with a smile, and his bare toes grabbed the bottle shard and it flew. And in flight it pierced a fat gadfly, literally nailing it to the wooden wall.
  The boy asked the girl:
  - What's clever?
  Stella replied:
  - Very clever indeed! Let me try!
  The girl picked up another bottle fragment with her small, childish foot. And threw it. It flew past and hit the stone wall.
  Gavroche noted:
  - It's not as bad as you think! You were able to throw a shard of glass with your bare toes. And you have to be very dexterous to catch it.
  Stella laughed and noted:
  - Yes, that consoles me! That I will continue to progress.
  The tomboy sang:
  What progress has been made?
  To unprecedented miracles!
  And so a child of about eleven years old took and dipped his bare foot into a small puddle and made a small lily.
  Gavroche took it and sang:
  How beautiful it will be in the new world,
  Where a bald goat will be slaughtered in the toilet !
  The boy took it and stood on his hands. And his bare feet spun in the air. And the child's legs, although dirty, are quite beautiful, of the correct shape.
  Stella reached out and ran her index finger along the boy's bare, gracefully curved sole.
  Gavroche smiled and replied:
  - It tickles! But it's nice, and act faster.
  The girl began to work her index finger and her already grown nail on the callused sole much more energetically. And Gavroche began to laugh. His voice was beautiful, and his laughter was like silver bells ringing. Stella winked and noted:
  - And you are my knight! You are my hero!
  The boy remarked with a cheerful look:
  Some need a leader, others need an idol,
  The third ones need a hero who leads the way,
  To save the whole world!
  The girl noted with a peaceful and beautiful smile:
  - Save the whole world? First, help the hungry child who extended his hand to you, and only then dream of saving the universe!
  Gavroche looked around. Several ragged, barefoot, and very thin children were sitting and standing near the wall. They were obviously hungry and unhappy. And they were between five and eight years old.
  The girl chirped:
  - They should be helped! You have money!
  The tomboy nodded his bright head:
  - Of course we'll help! But we'll buy them food ourselves.
  And Gavroche ran, his bare heels flashing, grey from the dust.
  The girl ran after him. The children ran and sang as they went:
  A man without faith is unhappy,
  It is impossible to live in sinful lust...
  Because God's wrath is terrible,
  Because God is a strict judge!
  The flesh in hell languishes from the heat,
  And it's high time for all of us to understand...
  He who does not know faith in the Lord,
  Will fall under the yoke of hell!
  A sinful man will get his due,
  It will be like a spider burning in a fire...
  The demons in the underworld will torment you,
  Those who worshiped Satan!
  Fear and repent, enemy of the Lord -
  You will be cast straight into hell...
  Whoever does not honor the Sabbath day -
  Will be forever engulfed in flames!
  You honored the idol and suffered for it,
  It's very painful to writhe in hell ..
  It will be wicked , science -
  He preferred the idol to Christ!
  I didn't believe God's command,
  I didn't want to honor the first day...
  Don't hope, you won't burn right away-
  Eternity in torment is the lot of the sinner!
  I believe that the time for revenge will come,
  Jesus the Great God will come -
  And the end of the world will come,
  He will bring salvation to people!
  The Holy God will resurrect the dead,
  Those who in faith will not be stung by decay...
  I believe with the Almighty, I will too,
  To the heavens - let the captivity of the flesh collapse!
  The children ran to the shop. They bought some cheese, cottage cheese, meat, jam and lard pies. They also took a bucket of fresh milk from the owner. Luckily, Gavroche had gold coins in his stolen wallet. Yes, stealing is a sin, but sometimes it is possible and possible for a good purpose.
  The children ran back. There were a dozen little, poor, ragged children there .
  Gavroche and Stella began handing out treats. And they did it with joy. And the children began to push each other. But Gavroche, as a born commander, calmed them down with a shout. And so the children began to behave more decorously.
  Stella carefully brought them a bucket of milk to wash down their pies. And the young beggars were delighted.
  Gavroche noted, with a very intelligent look:
  - No, it is still pleasant to do good! Both for the one you do it for and for the one who does it!
  Stella noted with a smart look:
  - Good and evil are not such relative concepts! Now we have done absolute good by all standards!
  The boy smiled and remarked:
  - And the fact that I stole the wallet is nothing bad?
  The girl giggled and objected:
  - You didn't steal, you just redistributed wealth! And that's not stealing, but restoring justice!
  Gavroche agreed with this:
  - Yes, that was right. Why do some have everything, and others have nothing? This is what really needs to be corrected, all these imbalances!
  Stella agreed:
  - Since God does not force the rich to share, then we will do it! And it would be good if without violence!
  The tomboy nodded:
  - Sometimes you have to be either Robin Hood or Spartacus. Or both at the same time.
  The girl squealed: "To new friends and happiness on planet Earth!"
  After which Gavroche decided to entertain the children, who had already satisfied their hunger, a little. And the boy took and stood on his hands, and began to walk on them. And from above, the child's bare, dusty legs were kicking.
  Stella clapped her hands and said:
  - Well done! Very clever indeed!
  Gavroche shouted to her:
  - Throw a pebble on my heel!
  The girl asked:
  - Which?
  The boy replied, continuing to walk on his hands:
  - Preferably round!
  Stella picked up a pebble from the pavement, ran closer to the boy, and carefully threw the pebble onto the child's bare sole. The boy very deftly caught it with his bare toes and began to juggle the pebble.
  The ragged children applauded. They clapped their hands energetically and shouted bravo .
  Gavroche exclaimed:
  - Another stone!
  Stella threw it. The girl, seeing how skillfully the boy juggled with his feet, took it and sang:
  Solar circle,
  The sky around...
  What a clever little prankster!
  With his legs he -
  Glorious juggler,
  The evil orcs will be defeated!
  And the girl just burst out laughing. It looked really funny. She was a girl from God. More precisely, she was still a little girl. And the little boy picked up a pebble from the tile with his hand and threw it onto his bare feet. It all looked really touching. And the boy walked on his hands and threw up the pebbles, like a professional juggler. And the child did it with his bare, nimble, monkey-like feet.
  Stella took it and sang:
  They jump like bunnies,
  Barefoot, nimble boys...
  The girls aren't shy either,
  The rogues are very clever!
  And Stella took it upon herself to try to walk on her hands. But she wasn't very successful. And the girl stood up again and chirped:
  - Let's teach me Gavroche!
  The boy giggled and sang:
  What kind of school life is this?
  the test every day ...
  Addition, division,
  Multiplication table!
  The girls giggled and noted:
  - That"s just life... Some study, some work, and some suffer!
  Gavroche declared decisively:
  - Personally, I don't suffer! I live, and my life boils like water in a kettle!
  The beggar children laughed. And how pleasant it is to hear children's laughter and see their cheerful, round faces.
  The mischievous boy added the fourth pebbles. But it was clear that Gavroche was getting tired. A drop of sweat rolled down the child's nose. What did it look like? It looked quite funny.
  The boy sang to cheer himself up:
  Be patient, be patient, be patient,
  When things are hard...
  Creak, creak, creak,
  You are my saddle!
  Don't you dare, don't you dare, weaken for a moment,
  Manage to overcome yourself!
  Stella responded:
  Let, let the road run into the distance,
  Let sadness lie on your heart!
  Children will not break down in this need,
  And with this song,
  We run around the world,
  We are for happiness on Earth!
  We are for happiness on Earth!
  And the girl took a piece of red glass with her bare toes. And tossed it up - carefully and not high. Then she caught it. And she didn"t cut herself. Although her sole was all in abrasions, scratches and bruises. It hadn"t had time to become rough yet, and it was a bit painful to step on . But the girl hardly paid any attention to the pain. And Gavroche was so cheerful and happy.
  But it was clear that the boy was tired of dancing on his hands, or rather he was tired, and he stood back up on his feet. After which he bowed and noted:
  - The first time the performance is free!
  One of the beggar girls asked:
  - And then? What kind of money?
  Gavroche laughed and replied:
  - And then - soup with the cat!
  One of the poor, half-naked, tanned, and thin boys answered:
  - And soup with a cat is not bad! Cat meat is even better than chicken meat!
  Stella giggled and noted:
  - Yes, that's a wise remark!
  The beggar boy squeaked:
  - No! You can't spread wisdom on bread! It's better to be cunning and practical!
  Gavroche nodded:
  - It may be better for the stomach, but not for the heart!
  A beggar boy who looked about ten years old noted:
  - A heart of gold is most likely to lead to ruin!
  Stella nodded:
  - You have to agree with that, you can"t argue with that!
  Gavroche noted:
  - Wealth is not only the opportunity to fill your belly with cakes, chocolate, and black caviar every day. But it is also a considerable burden on your neck. Especially in the summer , barefoot is much better than in shoes, and in the winter it is not a problem. I run, shining with bare heels in the snow, and it is even pleasant in its own way!
  The beggar boy nodded:
  - Maybe! Wooden shoes rub your feet. And about studying. Well, I was taught in a monastery shelter. And it was so boring, especially writing dictations, that I took off and ran away. And first of all, I threw off the hated and too big wooden shoes that rubbed my feet like crazy. And I felt such pleasure from the touch of the turf, grass and pebbles with my bare sole!
  Gavroche asked:
  - And were you forbidden to walk barefoot in the monastery?
  The boy nodded:
  - Exactly! Although even nuns go barefoot. But apparently they wanted us not to look like ordinary, barefoot, street boys.
  Stella noted:
  - Yes, everything is in defiance of the world. For example, poor girls go barefoot, but noble ladies do not. So, poor girls are given shoes in the monastery, but noble girls, on the contrary, are forced to go barefoot !
  Gavroche laughed and replied:
  - Yes, there is such a thing! And you can't argue with it !
  The girl took it and sang:
  Not scary , the breath of days and years,
  He is alone in this world...
  Whether it's good to be like this or not,
  Is it good to be like this or not?
  It's unlikely that anyone will answer!
  Gavroche responded by whistling. A pair of circling crows lost their bearings from the loud whistle and crashed into the stone wall of the prison. The children clapped again:
  - Bravo! This is super!
  Stella noted:
  You know what kind of guy he was,
  The whole world carried him in their arms!
  He had a lot of strength -
  Anyone who doesn't understand is an idiot !
  Gavroche found it very funny, and the boy-terminator went and said, in rhyme:
  Moron , damned, damned moron,
  Why did you drink our blood, you vampire!
  Moron , damned, damned moron!
  Stella shook her head:
  - No rudeness! You are a very cultured boy!
  Gavroche nodded in agreement and sang:
  This very culture,
  But the muscles,
  Yes, yes, yes, yes!
  And the children burst out laughing. But then three policemen and two gendarmes appeared from the wall. Stella squeaked:
  - Torch police! Torch police!
  Gavroche chuckled and noted:
  - What kind of entertainment is this!
  And the children rushed, their heels of different sizes flashing in all directions, but all round, dusty children's. And it was romantic.
  Stella asked Gavroche on the run:
  - Do you think the food in prison is bad?
  The boy answered with a smile:
  - Oddly enough, but the children are fed better there than, for example, in a workhouse. In prison, they feed according to the state norm, and in a workhouse, a private owner saves on children. However, not everything is measured by food. The cells are stinking , cold in winter, and older prisoners often offend the little ones. Not always, of course, and not all of them. But if other children start to bully you, then there is nothing worse than that in a children's prison!
  The girl noticed:
  - You were a pahan in the juvenile prison . You are smart, agile, and strong!
  Gavroche nodded in agreement:
  - True! Both intelligence and strength help to become a leader. But it is not as interesting to command among children as among adults!
  Stella asked in an ingratiating tone:
  - Do you want to become Napoleon?
  The boy nodded:
  - Yes, but Napoleon without Waterloo! Or even better, Genghis Khan!
  The girl confirmed:
  - Genghis Khan knew no failures! Except for the fact that at the beginning of his life, he was a slave!
  Gavroche grinned and noted:
  - Perhaps Genghis Khan's slavery is a fiction! To show once again what a hero he is - where he started and where he ended!
  Stella noted:
  - Genghis Khan lived for seventy-two years, or as the Chinese say, sixty-five years. No one knows exactly. But he wanted to become immortal, because he felt that without him the empire would fall apart. And so it happened. To conquer the world, you need to be immortal!
  The boy nodded:
  - Yes, immortal ... That's great! To live to see the time when people will fly into space, having built winged ships. And to fly myself!
  The girl noted with a smile:
  - I read somewhere that there is a way to stay in childhood forever and never grow old or mature!
  Gavroche replied with a sigh:
  - Well, yes ! Living water, rejuvenating apple trees, special mirrors, dates of eternal youth, and whatever else happens in fairy tales!
  Stella noted:
  - A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows!
  The boy agreed with this:
  - True lesson. But a fairy tale is not reality!
  The girl answered with a smile:
  - Not exactly reality, but a reflection of reality. And there is a way to become immortal. But it is not so easy to get, and it is available only to children, or to those adults who agree to become children forever!
  Gavroche chuckled and noted:
  - To be forever young, forever barefoot! It's funny! And will they listen to a child on the throne when he conquers the whole world?
  Stella answered confidently:
  - Of course they will! Conquer them first!
  The boy asked with a sweet smile:
  - And where can one obtain immortality and eternal childhood? I hope in Paris?
  The girl laughed and replied:
  - And you and I, Gavroche, in Paris are needed like pliers in a bathhouse!
  The children, especially the girl, were out of breath from running so fast. And they slowed down a little. Then Stella went to the fountain and dipped her dusty, bare, exhausted, bruised feet into it. Just like Gerda, who had walked half of Europe in search of Kai. Gavroche also decided to wash himself a little.
  The boy even sang cheerfully:
  And who likes to wash with soap,
  Will immediately become very cute,
  Clean and smooth
  To wash away the abrasions!
  The girl sadly remarked:
  - We don't have soap!
  Gavroche flashed his white teeth, like a real wolf cub:
  - It's not a problem, we can either steal or buy. We still have money!
  Stella nodded:
  - It wouldn't hurt to take a bath! And with shampoo!
  . CHAPTER #15.
  Volka Rybachenko, aka Friedrich Bismarck, was also taking a break from the war. There are plenty of winter activities on the Canary Islands. But why shouldn't a boy from the twenty-first time write something?
  And no sooner said than done, the boy terminator started scribbling:
  The warm, gentle summer of Sweden is over. And sad days have come for the little one: it is time to go to school again. And who likes that? All this coincided with the fact that Carleson flew away. Which made the world much more boring. Especially in those days when there were no personal computers, smartphones, game consoles and the all-powerful Internet. Although there are already TVs. But how much more boring it is for the children of that time. And then there is also going to school and sitting at a desk. And who likes to go to school? Especially in elementary grades, when there is little interesting.
  A boy of about eight, nicknamed Baby, was stomping through puddles in his new shoes and singing:
  What kind of school life is this?
  the test every day ...
  Addition, division,
  Multiplication table!
  And from such a song it became more and more sad. Eight years old, you are still a child. And sitting at a desk, and scribbling something with a ballpoint pen is incredibly boring. And the other kids, too, either pinch or tease. School is a sad fairy tale.
  A crazy thought even arose - what if we take a walk? Go, for example, to the metro and there, in the underground, find the station where the wizards live?
  Suddenly a familiar voice was heard, either a child's or an adult's.
  - Well, Baby, are you so sad? As if you're going to the gallows?
  The boy in uniform grinned, showed his baby teeth and sang:
  School, school, school,
  Worse than a windfall!
  Carleson was not taller than the Kid, but even slightly shorter, but much fatter. He looked like a well-fed boy, but his face was both childish and not quite childish. In any case, he did not look like an adult dwarf man . But he could only be called a child upon superficial examination. And the Kid felt that Carleson was actually many years old. Maybe even older than his mom and dad. But the fat man with the motor was clearly not acting seriously.
  Carleson grinned and suggested:
  - Maybe we should fly?
  The kid, embarrassed, muttered:
  - I have to go to school!
  The fat man with the motor chirped:
  - Why do you need school?
  The little boy stamped his little shoe on the asphalt and began to sing;
  If there were no schools, if there were no schools,
  What a person would go to! What a person would go to!
  What has man come to? He might turn into a savage again!
  What has man come to? He might turn into a savage again!
  Carleson punched himself in the side and gurgled:
  - But I don't study, and I already know everything! Isn't that cool?
  The kid nodded with a smile and confirmed:
  - Yes, this is extremely cool!
  Carleson muttered:
  - Come on, sit on my back before I change my mind!
  The Kid did not argue. Moreover, to top off all the problems, a bad boy named Adolf appeared at school. Who had already managed to give the Kid a black eye.
  The kid sat on the broad shoulders of the fat man with the engine. And Carleson took off. His engine gave him enough power to lift a skinny kid, about eight years old with a backpack, and a plump boy off the floor .
  Svante, as the boy was called, laughed. It seemed funny. It was only the fifties of the twentieth century and there weren't that many cars in Stockholm.
  But those that are there are quite interesting. From different countries. You can find Volkswagen and Mercedes, Ford and so on. The boy Svante devoured these cars with his eyes. They look very mesmerizing when you look from above and the autumn sun is shining.
  The kid asked:
  - Where are we flying to?
  Carleson chuckled and replied:
  - I don't know myself! More precisely, I know, but I won't tell!
  The boy smiled and remarked:
  - Stockholm is a big city. There are many interesting places in it. You can visit an amusement park!
  The fat boy snorted contemptuously:
  - Amusement rides. Swings and spinners of all sorts?
  Svante replied with a smile:
  - I read that cars appeared there. You can ride them, just like real ones !
  Carleson chuckled:
  - For free?
  The kid replied with a sigh:
  - No, you have to pay!
  The fat boy exclaimed:
  - I see! And I want to have fun for free!
  The boy giggled and sang:
  - For free, for free, for free,
  I have a gift!
  I don't want to pay,
  I want to get everything for free!
  Carleson was surprised:
  - Since when did the Kid learn to compose in rhyme?
  Svante winked and replied:
  - I read one fairy tale where a boy was taught poetry. Rhyming is not difficult at all!
  Carleson muttered:
  - Oh yeah ? And what rhymes with the word drop?
  The kid frowned, but then answered confidently:
  - Heron!
  The fat boy with the motor nodded:
  - That's cool! And even interesting. But here's the question: if you can rhyme, why don't you do it for money in magazines?
  The boy remarked with a sigh:
  - I'm still a child, and they won't give me money for this!
  The fat boy with the motor noted:
  - It's not fair! But make up something about chocolate!
  Svante chirped with a smile:
  Chocolate, chocolate,
  So the child is happy to see you...
  If you drink a whole liter,
  You'll be full for a week!
  Carleson muttered:
  - Primitive! But look, boy. It looks like two homeless people are planning to smoke.
  Indeed, two subjects in torn clothes were smoking like steam locomotives. Clouds of bitter poison were rising into the air .
  Carleson, flying by, grabbed a pot of cactus from the windowsill and , making a Nesterov loop, which almost knocked the Kid off his shoulders, threw it at the smokers and sang:
  - Cigarettes are poison! That's right, people say!
  There is nothing worse than nicotine! Throw away the pack of cigarettes!
  The blow from the pot hit one of the Kurts on the head, and another was painfully stabbed by the cactus.
  Carleson chuckled.
  - This is a lesson for you - don"t you dare poison people with tobacco smoke!
  The homeless people started running away. Carleson's laughter was loud, like that of a violent lunatic.
  Chasing them, the fat boy gave them a good kick in the ass and whined:
  - You will poison people,
  You won't be able to collect the bones!
  After which the team of two boys began to gain altitude. The kid nodded in agreement:
  - Tobacco smoke, it's disgusting!
  Carleson hissed:
  - Don't even mention it!
  Svante sang:
  Columbus discovered America,
  The sailor was brave...
  But at the same time he taught,
  The whole world smokes tobacco!
  From the pipe of peace, for good,
  What about the captain and the leader...
  The usual harmful one has risen,
  On a global scale!
  And the Kid took it and saw how another child of about ten years old picked up a cigarette butt, took a drag, pulled a water pistol from his belt and sprayed a stream of water.
  Carleson nodded approvingly:
  - Fabulous!
  boys flying , and at a decent speed he landed on his butt in a puddle and roared:
  - Mom, save me!
  Carleson chirped back:
  - We taught the boy to behave himself, otherwise the ethereal devil will start eating you !
  In response, all he did was blink and widen his eyes in fear.
  This really turned out to be great , and Carleson responded by trivially making horns for the boy.
  And he sang with wild fury:
  The rating is breaking records again,
  I'm on all the covers!
  And I'll beat your faces in, apparently .
  And I'll stomp on your feet a little!
  And Carleson again took it and jumped up like a ball.
  This is truly a boy who sings. And if necessary, he cries.
  After which Carleson slowed down. And hung near the okra. A fishing rod appeared in the fat rascal's hands. And a hook flashed. True, without a worm.
  And he picked up a cheesecake sprinkled with powdered sugar. And pulled it out. Threw it into his mouth and began to chew.
  At the same time, the fat boy sang:
  - Let me become as fat as a barrel,
  Let them not pass through the door...
  But a jar of honey in a cup of tea,
  I will never be forbidden!
  And again the words vatrushka on the hook. The kid suddenly noticed:
  - Is this theft, Carleson?
  The boy with the motor objected:
  - No! This is charity!
  The kid was surprised:
  - How?
  Carleson answered logically:
  - I want to eat, which means a hungry child! And feeding hungry children is charity!
  Svante noted:
  - But you told me that you are not a child, but a man in the prime of life!
  Carleson nodded his head:
  - True! But does one contradict the other?
  The kid shrugged and remarked:
  - How can you be a child and a man in his prime at the same time?
  The fat boy answered confidently:
  - It is possible! Just like it is possible to be both God and man at the same time! Although you will say that this is impossible!?
  Svante smiled and sang:
  Rejoice people, you have enough tears,
  A bright miracle - Christ was born!
  Even though he is a baby in a cradle,
  A smile shone in an icicle!
  In every snowflake and every ray,
  God's glory is seen everywhere...
  If the baby smiles,
  Evil will never return!
  Carleson nodded and noted:
  - For an eight year old, you compose very well! You have a talent comparable to Byron!
  Svante replied with a smile:
  - Byron is a great darling of fortune,
  I have never met more wonderful people than him...
  In poetry, lyrical strings,
  You have embodied the universal ideal!
  Carleson muttered:
  - Okay! Stop stealing the buns. Otherwise the poor woman will go crazy with grief. Let's earn some money instead!
  The kid nodded:
  - Earn money? That's good!
  Carleson howled with fury:
  - People die for metal, for metal,
  Satan is in charge there, he is in charge there!
  The kid agreed with a sigh:
  - Yes, that's right! But evil is not so much from money, but from the lack of it!
  Carleson scratched the top of his head and suggested:
  - Let's paint portraits of women on the streets, for money!
  Svante was embarrassed:
  - I'm not very good at drawing!
  Carleson grinned and replied:
  - But I can! But first, let's get some brushes and paints!
  And the fat boy with the motor unloaded the Kid. And flew up at high speed to the stall. He threw the fishing rod in mid-air, demonstrating dexterity, and picked up the brush with the watercolors.
  Svante was even surprised:
  - That's great !
  The saleswoman's eyes widened at the sight of the flying boy and she fell off her chair.
  Carleson puffed:
  - Calm down, just calm down!
  The boy squeaked:
  - You're just a terminator!
  The boy with the motor hissed:
  - Become child's play,
  But to be something more...
  To be known as a terrible secret,
  Face without a face...
  Always hide!
  Carleson chuckled and noted:
  - Now that would be really cool!
  After which he threw the Kid on his back again. The boy was surprised at how strong Carleson was. He was like a kitten with him. Yes, it was really impressive.
  Carleson rushed and roared at the same time:
  - I'm not a student or a carpenter,
  And not disabled at all...
  I am a terrible and evil robber,
  Or, more simply, a bandit!
  The kid responded to this:
  - No, Carleson, you are very good!
  In response he roared:
  - But to be honest,
  I've been terribly bad since childhood!
  And there can't be an answer to the question,
  There is only one answer - you will get it right!
  The kid nodded with a smile:
  - Yes, I will! As a reward!
  Carleson chose a more comfortable place and took a piece of paper from the trash can . And on it he wrote decisively:
  - The best artist in the world is Carleson, who lives on the roof!
  Svante nodded and sang:
  - We are great talents,
  But they are clear and simple...
  We are a bit of musicians,
  And dream artists!
  The first woman was about thirty years old, and she asked Carleson:
  - What can you draw?
  The fat boy replied:
  - I can do everything, including drawing!
  The woman smiled and asked:
  - Come on, make a sketch of me!
  Carleson smiled and replied:
  -I draw, I draw you, I draw you,
  Sitting by the window!
  I miss you, I miss you, I miss you,
  For me, girl, it's like you're the only one!
  The woman smiled and remarked:
  - You look like a child, but at the same time you could be mistaken for a dwarf! Only your face is too tender and childish!
  Carleson noted:
  - I was born at night,
  At the hour of the wolf's prayer!
  After which he began to make energetic sketches with a brush. At the same time, Carleson shouted to the Kid:
  - Well, sing something!
  Svante sang:
  I remember your look, your wonderful tender one,
  Like a radiant sky....
  I am tense like a rebellious slave,
  Your look of love is like a heavy dream!
  The boy sang with great feeling and delight. His voice was wonderful and clear. One of the men stopped and threw him a five-ore coin.
  The baby wanted to catch her on the fly, but missed.
  The coin fell and rolled. And flew into the crack.
  Carleson muttered:
  - Well, you are so stupid!
  Svante hissed:
  - You'd think you were perfect!
  Carleson sang with delight:
  I am perfection itself, I am perfection itself,
  From a smile to a gesture, beyond all praise!
  And the fat boy with the motor spun and took off from the asphalt. Then he slowed down.
  The kid noted with a smile:
  - You sing well! Although, this is all very cool!
  Carleson added with a smile:
  Ah, what bliss, to know that I am perfect,
  To know that I am perfect! To know that I am ideal!
  The woman shifted from one foot to the other. Finally, Carleson thrust a piece of paper at her, where he had drawn something. The woman looked at the drawing. There was something horrible there - a face with a heel, with ears like an elephant, and horns.
  Her face twisted and she roared:
  - Well, you're something else!
  Carleson sang:
  - Give it! Give it! Give it to our communal people!
  The woman took an umbrella out of her bag and swung it at Carleson. He flew back and hissed:
  - Calm down! Just calm down!
  Malikh said with a smile:
  - But against the backdrop of this surrealism, don"t you look even more beautiful?
  Carleson nodded with a smile:
  - I'm like Salvador Dali! - The fat boy jumped up, turned over and added. - No, more like Picasso!
  The woman also smiled in response and replied:
  - Well, what can you expect from children? Keep this drawing as a keepsake !
  Carleson extended his paw and sang:
  - Gild the handle!
  The baby nodded and chirped:
  Have pity on us, auntie,
  We are complete orphans...
  Our hut has no roof,
  And the floor was gnawed by mice!
  The woman threw away Carleson's childish hand and went up to the Kid. She took a ten-ore coin from her purse, put it in his hand and said:
  - Here, take it ! You're really skinny! And you look like an unhappy child!
  Then a teenager of about fifteen approached Svante and muttered:
  - Do you want to make money?
  The kid nodded:
  - Certainly!
  The boy in the bright jacket nodded:
  - For twenty öre you will dance and sing for me!
  Carleson objected:
  - Too cheap! Not less than a crown!
  The young man muttered:
  - And they don"t ask you, fat man!
  Svante noted:
  - Well, at least fifty öre. At least we can ride the cars on the amusement park.
  The teenage boy nodded:
  - Okay, fifty era! But you'll dance barefoot!
  The kid muttered in confusion:
  - What do you mean barefoot?
  The young man grinned:
  - And so! So you'll look more like a poor boy! And it's like the Middle Ages - a barefoot, poor child dancing for copper pennies!
  Carleson nodded:
  - What about you, Baby? You have new shoes, they'll get knocked down if you dance in them. But the weather is warm, and you won't freeze!
  Svante sighed, sat down on the curb and began to take off his shoes and socks. Of course, a city child in the capital rarely went barefoot, except on the beach. And he felt uncomfortable and ashamed.
  Moreover, it"s already September and the little boy"s bare feet are a bit cold.
  But fifty ore is a big sum for an eight-year-old child. And for this reason it is worth the wait.
  The kid took off his shoes and stood up. The asphalt was slightly warm in the sun. Fortunately, it was not cloudy.
  The young man said harshly:
  - Dance!
  Carleson muttered:
  - Money in advance!
  The boy took a large, silver coin out of his pocket. He threw it to Carleson. He caught it deftly and hid it in his pocket.
  The young man muttered:
  - Now dance and sing!
  The kid started jumping up and down, stamping his bare heels on the asphalt and singing with joy:
  Sweden is a beautiful country,
  There is a sea in it, and the oceans are raging...
  She is given to us by God forever,
  Although sometimes hurricanes rage!
  In it, every boy is a patriot,
  And he wants to create a poem for the country...
  Although sometimes it"s quite the opposite,
  They scare us, changes happen!
  The teenage boy interrupted the Kid:
  - No! I'm tired of patriotism! Maybe you'll sing about love?
  Svante noted:
  - I'm too young to sing about love!
  The boy, quite tall, said logically:
  - Love knows no age! And there are no limits!
  Carleson nodded:
  - Yes, sing about love, my flower!
  The baby sighed and danced with his bare feet as he sang:
  I admire my sweet girl ,
  And a strand of hair flows down her cheek...
  I'm head over heels in love with you, beauty,
  I'll pick a bouquet of fragrant roses!
  And somewhere in the sea, ships are wandering,
  And the clouds rumble, frowning their faces...
  Are we really going to be broke?
  Our Swedish people are glorious and powerful!
  The young man whistled and stamped his foot in his sneaker in displeasure:
  - Patriotism again! How long can we sing pompous hymns about the Motherland! Better dance and as energetically as possible!
  Carleson roared fiercely :
  - Isn't that too much to ask for, for only fifty öre? Give me the crown and then give the order!
  The teenage boy clenched his fists and roared:
  - Yes, I will! Shorty, I will smear you across the wall!
  And he moved towards Carleson.
  He didn't even blink. He took a water pistol out of his backpack and shot the tall young man in the face. He got a stream in his face, screamed wildly and ran away. Only his beautiful, fashionable sneakers flashed like the hooves of a stallion.
  The kid asked in surprise:
  - Why is he screaming like that ? It's just water!
  Carleson said with a grin:
  - Water, that's water, but mixed with mustard solution. And the kid will walk around with a red face for a couple of days!
  The boy laughed. He sat down on the curb and began to pull socks onto his childish feet, reddened from dancing.
  Carleson stopped him and remarked:
  - I had an interesting idea! Don't put your shoes on!
  Svante asked with a trembling voice:
  - What other idea!
  The fat boy answered confidently:
  - You are thin, fair-haired, pale and still barefoot, you look very much like an orphan boy, and you can walk around with me like this and collect big money!
  The kid was surprised:
  - That means I have to...
  Carleson finished for him:
  - Beg for alms!
  Svante shook his fair head:
  - This is so humiliating! I don't want to stoop to the role of a beggar !
  The fat boy with the motor asked:
  - Have you read Mark Twain's book "The Prince and the Pauper"?
  The kid answered honestly:
  - No! I'm still little, so what?
  Carleson answered with a smile and his disproportionately large teeth:
  - There the crown prince of a big country like England dreamed of throwing off his expensive pebble shoes and running barefoot in the mud. And when he had such an opportunity, he changed places with a poor boy named Kenti , who looked very much like him . And both were happy, each got what he wanted. And the prince was happy to feel the prickly London pavement with his bare feet!
  Svante smiled with his small, baby teeth and noted:
  - Well, yes ! There is something in that! Although did he really like the prince of royal blood to beg ? Besides, it's already autumn and I can catch a cold!
  Carleson recalled:
  - In the Middle Ages, shoes were very expensive, and poor children even ran barefoot in the prickly snow in winter. But they didn't catch a cold. Prove that you're a man and aren't afraid of the cold!
  The kid nodded, stamped his bare foot angrily and declared:
  - I'm not afraid of the cold!
  Carleson grinned. And he wrote in block letters on a piece of paper: "Give to a hungry orphan."
  After which the two boys, the plump Carleson and the thin Svante, set off through the streets of Stockholm.
  The sidewalks of the capital of Sweden were clean and the asphalt was smooth. So walking on it was not at all painful or disgusting.
  The kid walked slowly, and Carleson took the cap off his red head and shoved it at passersby.
  And the thin, barefoot boy sang:
  I wandered around the orphanages of my childhood,
  This is the boy's fate...
  Oh, why did I come into this world?
  Oh, why did my mother give birth to me!
  The kid smiled very sweetly. He was barefoot and really did look a bit like a street kid. True, his school uniform was new and neat. And Carleson himself, with his plump face, did not look like a beggar.
  So they didn't serve it very well...
  The baby even sang in despair:
  I am an unfortunate child of Stockholm,
  I wander the roads barefoot...
  I have no family, no home,
  And they will drag you to prison by force!
  . CHAPTER #16.
  Carleson seemed extremely disappointed with the modest harvest the pair were reaping, which at best amounted to small coins.
  Svante was thin, but his school uniform was new and smart. It did not at all match the boy's small, bare, childish and pale feet.
  Carleson noted with a frown:
  - You don't look like a beggar in a smart suit at all!
  The kid nodded with a sigh and replied:
  - True! But I can't even go to school in rags and like a homeless person in tatters!
  Carleson chuckled and replied:
  - Yes, you have a signature suit! Your parents are obviously not poor, since there are fifteen rooms in the apartment! Come on, let me fix that!
  And the fat boy with the motor reached out to the Kid.
  The child jumped back:
  - No need! My parents will have enough infa rkt if they see me barefoot in Stockholm, where there are so many infections! And you still want to wrinkle and stain my uniform. How I'll get in trouble for this!
  Carleson looked at the baby and remarked:
  - That's right! It's even a shame to ruin such a good school suit! Listen, I have an idea!
  The kid asked anxiously:
  - What other idea?
  The boy with the motor answered angrily:
  - It doesn't matter! You better sit on my shoulders, let's fly!
  Svante eagerly jumped onto Carleson's broad back. He thought that he really did resemble a gnome. He once said: his father is a gnome, and his mother is a mummy.
  The boy asked Carleson:
  - And maybe you also remember the Middle Ages?
  The boy with the motor answered, baring his large teeth:
  - I remember Charles XII himself!
  Svante said ironically:
  - Are you whistling?
  Carleson laughed and whistled, shouting:
  - I'll whistle!
  After which both boys soared into the sky at once. Carleson flew very fast, but at the same time other people almost did not see him. The kid felt as if he was being rocked by a swing, and his solar plexus was being sucked. And at the same time, there was a whistle in his ears. How wonderful it was . And like a fairy-tale prince on a unicorn!
  And now Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, once one of the most powerful countries in the world in military terms, is already visible. During the Second World War, the Swedish king had enough sense not to enter the slaughter on anyone's side. Although there was a great desire to take revenge for the defeat of Charles XII by Peter the Great.
  Sweden was a fairly rich country, and there was plenty of everything in the shops. But money was needed.
  And Carleson heads to the nearest dump.
  And he also sings:
  People, please be quiet , be quiet ,
  Or there will be a complete madhouse ...
  And do not storm the roofs and roofs,
  Keep the gnome's sleep sacred!
  The kid, smiling and baring his teeth, noted:
  - Yes, it looks really cool ! Even in a dream, flying is not like this. And somehow you don't remember it!
  Carleson nodded:
  - Yes, in a dream everything is unusual and at the same time vague. That's much better!
  They landed near a garbage dump. Carleson noted:
  - Take off your clothes and fold your uniform! We'll find you some suitable rags!
  The kid was indignant:
  - No way! I don't want to be a scarecrow!
  Carleson made a face and asked:
  - Are you not my friend?
  Svante replied with a smile:
  - Yes, friend!
  Carleson sang:
  - A friend can always help me out, they are inseparable, everyone jokes!
  Someone needs to be there in difficult times,
  This is what a true, loyal friend means!
  The Kid sighed and began to take off his uniform. Carleson had prepared clothes for him, a torn T-shirt with holes in the stomach and patched shorts. This made the Kid look even hungrier and poorer.
  Moreover, Svante began to feel the first signs of hunger in himself.
  Carleson hid the shoes and uniform in his backpack, and again put the Kid on his back and flew away.
  His mood was cheerful. And the Kid was cold in shorts and a torn T-shirt. He was clearly not dressed for the season!
  Carleson sang:
  Ah, to be rich ,
  Ah, to be rich .
  As a boy I dreamed!
  This is the layout,
  This is the layout,
  God didn't give me any money!
  But the barefoot boy gave it to me,
  I'm in for a gold mine...
  And the light of wealth illuminated,
  Let the wing sparkle!
  The kid was surprised:
  - And are you a poet, Carleson?
  The boy with the motor noticed:
  - If you live as long as I do , you will learn everything!
  Svante asked pleadingly:
  - How old are you anyway?
  Instead of answering, Carleson landed. The kid found himself on the street. In shorts and a torn T-shirt, he looked even thinner, more pathetic, more poor than before.
  The boy slapped his bare, childish feet down the street. He was almost naked, his skinny, childish ribs were visible through the holes in his T-shirt. And his neck was as thin as his arms and legs. A pitiful, exhausted look of a child shivering from the cold.
  And next to him is Carleson, who this time chose a heavy top hat from the dump.
  And he was right. The barefoot boy in the torn T-shirt and shorts was served much more.
  The baby walked and sang in a pitiful voice;
  I have never known joy, believe me,
  Hungry, barefoot, half-naked in the cold...
  Even though I know I'm very young ,
  But step with your bare heel into an icy puddle!
  Carleson winked and noted mockingly :
  - Your voice doesn't sound like a boy's at all,
  You sing out of tune with the voice of a girl !
  Svante smiled and noted:
  - We'll see how it goes!
  The fat boy with the motor roared:
  - Sing some more!
  The baby, slapping his bare, childish, little feet, continued to perform the tune:
  Born in agony under an unfortunate star,
  I dreamed of happiness, even for a short moment!
  But instead of this there is a sea of evil, pain and misfortune,
  And relief is only in the darkness of dreams!
  What is God guilty of before you?
  I lived in the dark, not knowing my mother!
  Left fate as an unfortunate orphan,
  Like a prodigal dog, suffering from hunger!
  I know you won"t find it in starry space,
  Love, family, and a welcoming home!
  I am crushed by poverty like a louse,
  I wish you another bright world!
  The soul grieves and at the same time burns,
  And the mind was inflamed, do not be a submissive sheep!
  The rich man with mammon will be beaten hard,
  Let's put an end to this vile, crown power!
  I believe, my precious Ilyich,
  You will be able to break the chain of fascism!
  The people will hear the proletarian cry,
  The era of happiness will come - communism!
  Carleson laughed at the child's last words and remarked:
  - Communism is happiness? And where did you get that from!?
  Svante answered with a childish smile:
  - We are talking about a dream! And here, how can I say it...
  The boy hesitated. Carleson said sternly:
  - Choose your songs more carefully! Or else they'll call the police.
  The barefoot, skinny boy in a torn T-shirt and shorts was indeed given much more. More precisely, Carleson himself collected it in a cap.
  But soon, even from the smooth asphalt, the Baby's feet, unaccustomed to walking barefoot, became chafed and began to hurt. Not only that, blisters even began to form on them. And now it became painful to walk.
  And then the sun hid behind the clouds. Evening began to approach, it became colder.
  A boy of about eight years old, wearing a torn T-shirt and shorts, began to shake from the cold.
  Svante pleaded:
  - Maybe that's enough? Especially since I've already skipped school and my parents are against me for it...
  Carleson said with a grin:
  - What about the parents? Are they going to beat me?
  The boy shook his head:
  - They probably won't beat you , but they'll scold you and deprive you of sweets!
  The fat boy with the motor grinned:
  - Is that all? Although depriving someone of sweets is also a harsh punishment!
  Svante said with a sigh:
  - And I have to come home from school! My parents will worry again .
  Carleson noted:
  - You'll tell them you were with me! Isn't that great !
  The boy muttered:
  - Maybe! But in any case, we've already collected enough money. And it's time for us to know honor!
  The fat boy with the motor remarked:
  - I don"t need money for rides at all!
  The kid, surprised, asked:
  - And for what purpose?
  Carleson replied with a smile:
  - I want to buy a special amulet that will allow me to move between worlds. Then you and I will be able to see something that cannot be told in a fairy tale or described with a pen!
  Svante smiled and asked:
  - Are you serious?
  The fat boy with the motor replied:
  - It couldn't be more serious!
  The kid asked a very natural question:
  - Why do you think that they will sell you such a wonderful amulet? It is better to keep something like this for yourself!
  Carleson nodded in agreement:
  - True! But a person won't be able to use it. And for the gypsy who has it, it's completely useless!
  Svante asked in surprise:
  - Are you not a human?
  The fat boy answered confidently:
  - Of course not! I told you - my father is a dwarf!
  The boy grinned and remarked:
  - Then such an amulet is worth buying! It will give wonderful opportunities!
  Carleson stated confidently:
  - The gypsy won't sell it for cheap! So before it gets dark, we have to collect more!
  Svante sighed and began to sing again, in a tearful tone:
  Along the cold path,
  Barefoot boys' feet...
  He is hungry, completely tired,
  And we have plenty of problems!
  Give us at least a penny, people,
  I'm such a lad, I 've lost so much weight...
  And for this he will give, God knows,
  Why did you help a poor boy ?
  Sometimes fate has its own penalty,
  But fortune awaits me!
  The boy's voice was full of suffering, and very shrill. And the Kid was shaking from the cold. And hunger was already felt. And his appearance was so poor and pitiful. People began to give even more friendly and willingly.
  Carleson noted:
  - You have a natural talent for being a beggar!
  Svante sang:
  We are great talents, but clear and simple,
  We are singers and musicians, acrobats and jesters!
  Carleson began to jump and spin. And he sang too, flirting with the audience:
  - We are the poorest in the world,
  It's a shame to sing on air!
  And again spinning on the spot, and shoving the cap. There was already quite a bit of money, but mostly in small change. The whole bag was already stuffed with coins. The little boy limped on both of his bruised, childish legs. And every step was painful for him.
  Carleson noticed, looking at the boy's sour face:
  - Don't worry! I'll use the amulet to transport you to a time when most boys your age walked barefoot , from frost to frost. And they jumped up and down and smiled.
  And the fat boy took it and sang with a smile:
  - Oh, boys, you are raiders,
  And there were even pilots among you!
  He spun around a bit more. But then he took on a serious and even sour look. It was hard for the kid. He was already getting tired physically. His bare, tender soles, unaccustomed to walking without shoes, were covered with blisters and abrasions, and began to crack. What was nothing for a village boy, was torture for a city boy. Plus, there was hunger, and the lack of habit of walking long distances.
  Finally it got completely dark, and the autumn became cold, a piercing breeze blew.
  Svante began to chatter his teeth and whine:
  - That's it, Carleson, I can't take it anymore!
  The fat boy with the motor buzzed:
  - Calm down! Just calm down!
  The boy staggered and replied:
  - My legs are burning! I'm just a child, it's like being tortured on coals!
  Carleson said with a sigh:
  - I'm not sure, but maybe it's enough! Especially since the gypsy said that she would prefer that I pay in small coins. They'll come in handy for various fortune telling and tricks.
  Svante sat down on the bench, but Carleson shouted:
  - Come on my back! I'll get you there in no time! It just opens in the evening.
  Svante shuddered and remarked:
  - I'll get it from my parents! Especially since they might notice my bloody feet!
  Carleson nodded:
  - Maybe! But this amulet will allow you to travel in time. And maybe I'll return you to the moment when you were going to school. And then you won't even skip classes. And while we're traveling through other worlds, your bruised legs will heal like a dog's!
  The kid perked up:
  - I hope so!
  And he sat down on the fat kid's back. Carleson easily tore himself away from the asphalt, noting:
  - It's good that you're not plump! Although your parents are not poor, if you have fifteen rooms!
  Svante nodded and sang:
  Yes, I want to become rich,
  And bathe in luxury...
  How can happiness in life give,
  Carleson remarked with a grin:
  - Usually at your age people don"t dream about wealth!
  The kid noticed:
  - At my age, boys want to get treasure, or become pirates. That means getting rich! And they're already starting to think about a girlfriend!
  Carleson grinned and remarked:
  - About a girlfriend? No, it's too early to think about that! To be honest, I'm already at that age that people simply don't live to see! And you're still such a little child to me...
  They rushed past the house, racing towards the outskirts of Stockholm.
  The kid asked:
  - Why do you behave like a little child? Adults are much more respectable.
  Carleson answered honestly:
  - Because for a gnome, I"m really still young, and secondly, I really want to fool around!
  Svante nodded and chirped:
  -Doing something you're not supposed to do is even sweeter than ice cream!
  The boy with the motor nodded:
  - Basically, it's true! When you grow up, you'll understand! And you'll miss your childhood!
  And he shouted:
  - Everyone has arrived!
  They landed already on the very outskirts of the city, when one-story, though beautiful, brick and well-kept houses appeared.
  One of them was tall, made of stone, with narrow windows, indicating that it was an old building.
  Carleson noted:
  - There's a gypsy living here!
  The kid asked with a smile:
  - Can she tell fortunes?
  The boy with the propeller sang:
  - Well, what can I say! Well, what can I say! That's just the way people are!
  They want to know, they want to know! They want to know what will happen!
  Svante climbed down from his back. He was so curious that he no longer paid attention to the cold. Carleson rang the bell three times.
  The doors, which were massive, opened. And a fat boy with a motor walked inside . Behind him, the Kid stepped silently. Suddenly, the boy screamed, stepped on a stone with his bruised, exhausted foot.
  Carleson whispered to him:
  - Calm! And don't make any noise!
  Svante bit his lip. There they were, entering the room. The carpets were soft, tickling the child's bruised feet pleasantly, and the Kid smiled.
  A gypsy woman was waiting for them inside. Quite young , no more than thirty in appearance, and beautiful in jewelry.
  She looked at Carleson and asked in a languid voice:
  - Did you bring what you promised?!
  He answered with a smile:
  - I have a whole bag of different Swedish and not only Swedish coins!
  The gypsy smiled skeptically:
  - A pile of change, for a priceless amulet, they give the gift of moving through time and between worlds!
  Carleson noted:
  - But you know, a human can't use it! And not even a dwarf! And only I whose mother is the Queen of the Lotus.
  The gypsy nodded:
  - Yes, I would never sell you such a priceless amulet if I could use it myself! But money alone is not enough for me! Too little for such value!
  Carleson asked with a grin:
  - What else do you want!
  The beautiful gypsy answered, pointing her fingers at the Kid:
  - Give me this boy as a slave!
  The boy with the motor shook his head:
  - I have no right! He doesn't belong to me, he's a free child!
  The gypsy nodded, noting:
  - I know it! Well, fine, then let it serve me! And then the priceless amulet will be yours!
  Carleson replied:
  - Let him decide for himself!
  The woman with black hair asked:
  - Well, will you serve me, boy?!
  Svante asked with an innocent smile:
  - How much time and in what?
  The gypsy woman said with a smile in response:
  - Not forever, that's for sure! Just traveling through different worlds, you will deliver gifts to me from these lands from time to time. Still, I have the right to a share of the wonderful gift!
  Carleson nodded:
  - That's right, Baby! Agree! Just please don't abuse this right!
  The young woman nodded:
  - Don't be afraid! I'll give the boy a ring and he'll change color from green to red, which will be a signal that it's time for me to bring him a present! Understood, Carleson?
  The boy with the motor confirmed:
  - That's acceptable! Just remember, not forever, and not too often!
  The gypsy replied:
  - Well, cracker, I have a conscience too. But I hope you'll bring me some living water? Or some rejuvenating apples?
  Carleson nodded:
  - I understand! You want to be forever young and beautiful. I am proud of the fact that, unlike people, death from old age will come to the son of Queen Lotus, perhaps when the Sun goes out, like all the stars in the sky!
  The kid whistled:
  - Wow! But billions of years must pass for this to happen!
  The gypsy woman noted:
  - Traveling through different worlds, you can find a lot of valuable things. Look at your feet, they're so worn out, you must have been walking barefoot down the street for a long time, you sissy!
  Svante blurted out:
  - I had to collect money!
  The young woman remarked:
  - The amulet should be given to him!
  Carleson objected:
  - He's a human! He won't work for him!
  The gypsy woman smiled and remarked:
  - And you, Carleson, are an exploiter! Okay then! Give me the money!
  The bag handed over by the boy with the motor was quite large and weighed no less than a pood. And the gypsy, having quickly counted the coins, was pleased.
  After which she noted, picking up the bag and heading to the safe:
  - And this barefoot boy collected all this in one day?
  Carleson corrected:
  - We collected this! Together!
  The gypsy objected:
  - No one will give anything to a fat man like you! So don't brag!
  The boy with the motor noted:
  - We give you money, and you give us an amulet!
  The young woman remarked:
  - First, let the boy put on the ring. And this will be his new service!
  And the gypsy woman took out of her drawer a small ring, with a small emerald and made of silver. She went up to the child and carefully put it on, saying:
  - I repeat, as soon as the emerald turns red, it means I need a gift!
  Svante asked with a smile:
  - What kind of gift exactly?
  The gypsy woman answered with a smile:
  - You can guess that yourself! First of all, of course, I'm interested in living water, rejuvenating apples, and everything that gives youth!
  Carleson noted:
  - That's the kind of women you are!
  The kid touched the ring and noticed:
  - It's warm!
  The gypsy nodded and noted:
  - Now I will give the amulet to Carleson. But I must warn you, you shouldn't use it too often, the magical energy of movement may be depleted and you will have to recharge it.
  Carleson said with a smile:
  - I know that! But the amulet has power that will last for a long time, especially little energy is spent when moving in time within the planet Earth! But in fairy-tale worlds, you need more!
  The young woman noted with a smile:
  - You know a thing or two about this!
  And she went to another safe. She deftly dialed the combination and opened it. She took out a magical device. The amulet was very small, on a chain made of an unknown metal. And its shape resembled a butterfly.
  Carleson took it from the sorceress's hands and put it around his neck.
  The gypsy asked him:
  - You know how to control it!
  The fat boy replied:
  - I read it! So I know!
  The young woman warned:
  - When you take the Baby by the hand while moving, make sure that he says before doing so: you and I are one!
  Carleson nodded and remarked:
  - We understand!
  The gypsy woman smiled and patted Carleson on the shoulder, asking:
  - Do you want to visit other worlds right now?
  The mischievous boy and half-gnome nodded:
  - Certainly!
  The young woman suggested:
  - You have a school uniform and a boy's shoes in your backpack. Maybe you could leave them with me?
  Carleson looked questioningly and asked:
  - And what is this for?
  The gypsy replied:
  - If the boy gets into trouble, his clothes can help me to help!
  Svante muttered in confusion:
  - Am I going to travel to other worlds, barefoot and in shorts?
  Carleson stated confidently:
  - I'll get poisoned in the summer time! So don't be afraid! And other clothes, it's not a problem to find them in the worlds!
  The gypsy nodded her head, with its black mane:
  - Bon voyage!
  Svante said with a trembling voice:
  - You and I are one!
  And he extended his hand to Carleson. He grabbed the boy's palm tightly and squeezed it with unexpected force, which even became painful. The kid groaned.
  And Carleson said:
  - In 1700, in the summer, the same city, Arabella and transfer!
  Then he stamped his heel. Everything around them began to spin and whirl. And a moment later the landscape changed.
  . CHAPTER #17.
  Instead of night, it was day, and the bright summer sun was shining. Svante even squinted. And took a couple of steps. And winced. The already bruised child's feet were no longer on the smooth asphalt of Stockholm, but on a rough cobblestone pavement. The only thing that was warm and pleasant.
  The kid looked around. There were old houses all around, it smelled of manure. A horse-drawn carriage was riding in the distance. Several barefoot, ragged boys were running along the street. And a couple of girls in bonnets and wooden shoes. There were also women and grown men. They were also dressed somewhat baggily.
  There were buildings around made of stone - quite beautiful - and wooden huts.
  This was a city from the era of Charles XII, when the Middle Ages had already ended and a new era was just beginning - capitalism.
  The people looked pretty poor. The men were either wearing boots or wooden shoes. The children were mostly barefoot, but sometimes they wore shoes. More often girls than boys, by the way. Maybe they were just looking after their feet.
  In fact, walking on cobblestones or large gravel that had not yet had time to become rough was torture for children's feet, already blistered and bruised .
  Svante took a few steps and prayed:
  - It hurts! It's like fire! Get some shoes!
  Carleson noted:
  - Look how the other boys run!
  The kid nodded:
  - I run in like that too! I'll just have to get used to it a bit!
  The fat boy grinned and remarked:
  - This is not Rio de Janeiro !
  The kid stood up somehow, so as not to hurt, and froze. A boy ran up to them. He noticed the shorts, which were not typical for that time in Sweden, and asked:
  - Why are your pants so short?
  The kid blurted out:
  - It's fashion!
  The boy, he was a couple of years older than Svante and a little higher, laughed, noting:
  - Fashion? You might be a nobleman's son! And who's with you?
  Carleson replied with an important air:
  - I am Count de Ward ! Got it, plebeian!
  Boys of different ages surrounded the couple. They were dressed rather poorly and torn, dusty. The children's bare feet were tanned with black heels from dirt. True, they themselves were not thin, healthy and cheerful. And as usual, the boys grinned and jumped up.
  Carleson was dressed unusually for Sweden at that time, but his sneakers were bright, and his clothes were new and patterned. So he didn't look poor at all. And he could be mistaken for both a boy and an adult dwarf at the same time.
  The kid looked poor, thin, already hungry, a little tanned from the summer. In shorts, and a torn T-shirt, a typical beggar. Only the local boys rolled up their pants, and he had shorts.
  And his bare feet are bruised and scratched.
  The largest boy, about fourteen years old and broad-shouldered, remarked:
  - Is this your squire de Ward ?
  Carleson nodded:
  - Something like that!
  The boy grinned and noted:
  - You don't feed him well!
  The fat boy sang:
  A full belly is silent in work,
  You need to eat less - salute!
  The boys laughed. The eldest of them said:
  - Come with us! I'll introduce you to the son of another count and you'll be interested!
  And the barefoot team of children moved. The little boy went with them. Every step exploded with pain, but the boy held on with pride and unwillingness to show his weakness in front of the other children.
  Carleson chatted along the way:
  - You know, I've had to fight! I've been everywhere. And if I fire, the whole platoon is mowed down at once!
  The teenage boy shook his blond hair and remarked:
  - You're pouring it on!
  Carleson laughed and sang:
  Well, to be honest,
  I defeat everyone without exception!
  The boys hissed in unison:
  - It can't be, it can't be!
  Carleson muttered:
  - Baby, tell me?
  The boy answered with a forced smile:
  - Yes, of course!
  A crowd of guys approached a fairly large, three-story stone house.
  A guard in a cuirass stood at the gate. He looked at the boys and muttered through his mustache:
  - Where are we going, rabble ?
  The teenage boy muttered:
  - To Viscount Eric!
  The guard replied angrily:
  - I won't let you into the house! Get lost!
  Carleson said harshly:
  - Tell him that Count de Ward has come to see him !
  The guard looked at the fat boy, dressed quite well, although unusually, and asked doubtfully:
  - Are you a foreigner!?
  Carleson grinned and replied:
  - You can consider me a Frenchman!
  The brute nodded:
  - Okay! I'll let you in to Eric, but only you! And the rest of you, let them wash their feet first!
  Carleson nodded and pointed at the Kid:
  - The squire is with me!
  The guard remarked with a grin:
  - He looks pathetic!
  The boy with the motor muttered:
  - He who judges by appearance is wrong!
  The bully noted:
  - Come in!
  A girl appeared with a wreath on her head and dressed smartly, in elegant shoes. She saw off two guests.
  Inside, the furnishings were quite luxurious, if a bit rough. There were skins hanging on the walls, and some daub . A couple of statues. And at the entrance, a suit of knightly armor with polished cuirass.
  Both boys approached the spacious office. Viscount Eric was waiting for them there. The boy was dressed in expensive clothes and shiny boots. A little older and taller than Svante.
  He shook hands with Carleson and then with the Kid, and remarked:
  - You may sit down, dear guests! I see you are foreigners!
  Carleson nodded:
  - I am generally a cosmopolitan person!
  Eric asked in surprise:
  - Is that like a cosmopolitan?
  The boy with the motor replied:
  - A citizen of all countries of the world and the universe at the same time!
  The Viscount nodded:
  - This is lovely! Let's get some food out of the way! And... - he nodded towards the Kid. - Wash his feet!
  A girl appeared. She was fair-haired, bare-headed, and wearing a simple white dress. Her bare, little feet walked silently.
  The girl brought a silver basin with warm water.
  Svante dipped his bruised, childish feet into it. The girl took out a washcloth, a piece of rough soap and began to carefully rub the boy's bruised, cut and blistered soles.
  The baby cried out in pain. But he bit his lip and began to breathe heavily.
  Eric noted:
  - How badly he's bled his feet. Did he become poor so recently that his feet haven't had time to become calloused!
  Carleson clarified:
  - He became my squire recently! And a poor man? Blessed , as Jesus said, are the poor in spirit!
  The Viscount nodded:
  - You're smart! You're obviously older than you look!
  Carleson nodded:
  - It could very well be! What?
  Eric noted:
  - The Russian Tsar Peter besieged Narva, Denmark invaded, and Riga is besieged by the Poles and Germans. I want to go to war so much, but I'm only ten years old and my father won't take me!
  Carleson nodded with a smile:
  - Yes, I understand! Sometimes I also feel uneasy when people mistake me for a child. Although sometimes it's funny! But my friend, appreciate what you have!
  The kid noticed:
  - Childhood is a shortcoming that passes with time!
  Eric nodded and asked in a whisper:
  - And I'm wondering if I should run away to war? Right now, Charles XII has just gathered an army and is preparing to strike Denmark!
  Carleson grinned and replied:
  - Do you want us to help you get to the front?!
  The young Viscount nodded:
  - Of course! That would be great !
  The boy with the motor noticed:
  - I can take you to the front! Just when Charles XII will fight the Danish king. But you have to pay for everything!
  The kid nodded with a sigh:
  - Of course we must!
  Eric nodded with a smile:
  - If you mean gold, then I have it! And I will pay you generously!
  Carleson grinned and remarked:
  - Gold? It's heavy to carry! A diamond ring would be better! And I'll deliver you to the Swedish army in the blink of an eye!
  The Viscount was surprised:
  - How will you deliver it?
  The boy with the motor stamped his foot with a sneaker:
  - And so! Count de Ward , he doesn't throw words around!
  Eric nodded:
  - Wait! I'll bring you the ring!
  And the young Viscount left. The servant girl was still kneeling. She had already washed Svante's feet and was about to dry them with a fluffy towel.
  Carleson asked her:
  - Who are you?
  The girl replied:
  - Maid!
  The boy with the motor nodded:
  - I can see that you are not a lady! And what can you say about Erica?
  The girl answered with a smile:
  - He is kind!
  Carleson laughed and remarked:
  - Good! But you walk barefoot!
  The girl answered with a smile:
  - It's more comfortable this way, especially since it's warm in the house. And your servant has hurt his feet, and he's clearly not used to it!
  Carleson muttered:
  - He'll get used to it! And you ... Wipe his feet and take the basin away!
  The girl obeyed. The little boy thought that he was like a noble gentleman, his feet were being washed. And such beautiful maids, too.
  The girl wiped the little boy's feet very carefully and tenderly, without causing any pain.
  Then she noted:
  - We need to lubricate it with balm! Eric has a balm from Palestine that speeds up the healing of wounds!
  Carleson nodded:
  - Take it and grease it! He'll have to walk a lot more!
  The girl left with a basin and a towel.
  Eric appeared. He was holding a crocodile skin box. The young Viscount nodded:
  - The ring is here! But while we can, let's eat!
  The baby exclaimed:
  - Yes! I'm just dying of hunger!
  Carleson nodded in agreement:
  - I'm hungry too!
  Eric ordered:
  - The best for my guests!
  The maidservants appeared - four beauties. They brought roasted roe deer with dessert on golden trays, and a couple of ducklings in apples. The girls were young, practically girls. Three of them were barefoot, and one was in soft slippers.
  They bowed to the boys and sang:
  May you be happy in the light of love.
  Let the blood flow wildly!
  Eric noted:
  - I have good servants!
  A servant girl appeared. She brought a bottle of balm and cooed:
  - Now I'll smear all your wounds!
  The boy viscount noted:
  - The balm is expensive and rare! And you took it without asking! For this, the stick will walk on your bare heels!
  The girl bowed:
  - I am ready to bear punishment, if it is your will, sir!
  The kid objected:
  - Don't hit the girl! On the contrary, she wanted to do something kind and good!
  Carleson, on the contrary, puffed out his cheeks and said:
  - No! The impudent maid must be punished, and we will see at the same time!
  Eric nodded:
  - Since this is the count"s wish, the girl will be punished!
  The boy muttered angrily:
  - If you want to punish her unfairly, then beat me too. After all, I did it for a stranger .
  The young Viscount nodded:
  - Not a bad idea, we'll teach the impudent boy a lesson at the same time !
  Carleson objected:
  - He's still walking, and I want to show him a lot. And there's no need to hit the girl too hard. Let them teach her a little lesson!
  Eric confirmed:
  - Good! - And the dignified child exclaimed. - Servants here!
  Three teenagers of about fifteen years old in soft boots ran in. They bowed to their master.
  Eric ordered:
  - Go to the next room and give that impudent maid ten blows with a stick on her bare heels. And hit her hard, but don't cripple her!
  The young servants nodded, grabbed the girl and dragged her. The girl did not resist and even screamed:
  - I'll go myself!
  They put her on her feet. Carleson nodded to Svante:
  - Let's go and see! After all, in your peaceful city you've never seen how obstinate girls are punished.
  The kid shook his head:
  - Don't want!
  Carleson grinned and headed into the corridor with Eric. Svante followed him, curiosity getting the better of him.
  The boy stamped his feet on the floor and felt that his worn-out soles had almost stopped stinging and hurting.
  The boys took the girl to a special room, where there were many devices for punishment. They laid her on her back, and secured her bare feet in a special machine with clamps. Then a large boy took an alder stick in his right hand. It was quite thin and flexible. It inflicted painful blows, but did not cripple the children's bare feet.
  The boy servant waved his stick through the air and it whistled.
  The young Viscount said with a smile:
  - Hit with half your strength!
  The boy hit.
  The girl gasped. A red stripe appeared on the child's bare sole.
  The young but tall servant struck again. The girl twisted her face and bit her lip.
  Eric noted:
  - I'm not evil, but there must be discipline! And there's no point in transferring goodness to unfamiliar boys!
  The teenage servant beat. The stick whistled. The girl was silent, although it hurt. And then the blows stopped. The soles of the young servant girl turned red from the blows and even swelled slightly.
  But overall, nothing terrible. The girl was released. Tears were shining in her eyes and her tender, childish face was upset. It was a bit painful to step on them and the girl, standing on her feet, oykuna . And she stood on her tiptoes, it was a little easier that way.
  Eric nodded with a smile like a young devil:
  - Well, how did you learn your lesson?
  The girl made a slight bow and chirped:
  - Thanks for the lesson!
  Carleson laughed and remarked:
  - There are even harsher methods ! When bare heels are burned with a hot iron!
  Eric nodded:
  - Yes! They do that, but only if the crime is serious and you need to find out important information!
  Svante remarked with a sigh:
  - Burning children's heels with a hot iron is too cruel!
  Carleson confirmed:
  - Yes, it is cruel! But the times are so harsh. So they can burn a child's heels. So don't complain that you are being taught to walk barefoot, and it is only difficult at first, and then pleasant!
  Eric noted:
  - Well, you've eaten at my place, maybe you'd like some wine?
  Carleson objected:
  - I'm young enough to drink, but Baby is still a child, and he'll get drunk. Especially since your wine is strong?
  The young Viscount nodded:
  - Of course it's strong! More than a hundred years of aging!
  The fat boy with the motor laughed and replied:
  - Wine is famous for its mighty power,
  It knocks mighty men off their feet!
  Eric nodded:
  - Let's go outside then. We'll play in the yard. We're still kids, and we should play. In particular, we can fence with wooden swords!
  And Eric headed for the exit. Carleson and the Kid followed him. The girl, also on tiptoes, walked carefully after them. The children were cheerful and wanted to stretch their legs.
  Svante noted:
  - It's summer here after all ... And in summer the mood is different than in autumn. Warm and pleasant.
  Indeed, the little boy's bare feet almost stopped hurting, and when he walked, they only stung slightly, and the cuts and blisters healed right before his eyes.
  Eric noted:
  - My ancestor took part in a children's expedition to the holy lands. He was about twelve years old then. And he walked barefoot with other children for hundreds of miles. So that's just the tip of the iceberg. And now four countries are fighting against Sweden, including Russia, which is so big that...
  The boy threw up his hands, unable to find an example for comparison.
  They went out into the yard. It was warm, sunny, smelled of summer, grass, and a little bit of manure.
  There were several wooden scarecrows, poles and something like a swing in the yard.
  Two boy servants appeared. They were barefoot and shirtless, tanned and muscular. They brought weapons - swords, spears, shields, maces and so on.
  They put it on the table.
  After which they bowed.
  Eric nodded and ordered:
  - Stay here, let's fence!
  Carleson noted:
  - Interesting idea. You know, I have some experience with a rapier, or even swords. But Svante has never held a sword in his hands. Should he fight?
  The Viscount logically noted:
  - We should learn! And in the meantime, let him watch, I'm fencing with this one!
  And he pointed to the barefoot servant boy.
  Then he took off his boots, waistcoat and shirt. He exposed his torso, which was quite muscular in the boy. It is clear that Eric trains a lot.
  And both boys began to hack and slash with wooden swords. It was obvious that the young servant had also been practicing a lot and had mastered the technique. And it was a fight on equal terms.
  The boys stepped barefoot, raising dust. Gradually their muscular bodies began to be covered with beads of sweat and glisten.
  Carleson noted:
  - Just like gladiators! This is cool!
  Svante was surprised:
  - Have you been to Ancient Rome and seen gladiators?
  Carleson clarified:
  - I saw gladiators, and they are not only in Rome!
  The boys continued to fight with great enthusiasm. And the fat boy with the motor began to sing:
  We are peaceful people, but our armored train,
  I managed to figure it out before I got to Mars...
  We will fight for a brighter tomorrow -
  Let me fight in battle!
  It really did look funny. The boys sweated even more.
  And another boy went to the well and got a bucket of cold water from it. He took it and poured it on the fighting fighters, after which he sang:
  - Water, water, cold water,
  It was not in vain that it spilled from the bucket!
  The boys refreshed themselves. And Viscount Eric, smiling, suggested to the Kid:
  - Maybe you'll try with us!
  Svante spread his hands:
  - To be honest, I don"t know how!
  Carleson growled:
  - If you don"t know how, we"ll teach you; if you don"t want to, we"ll make you!
  Eric pointed to his partner, handing the sword to the Kid:
  - Come on, teach him. Just take it easy , see how small and skinny he is!
  He nodded with a smile:
  - I understand!
  A duel began between them. The little boy swung his wooden sword clumsily. His vis-à-vis easily parried the blows, but did not attack. Then both boys got down and grappled. Eric's larger servant knocked Svante down.
  And he laid him on his shoulder blades.
  Carleson noted:
  - The Kid turned out to be a bit weak! And to be honest, it's dangerous to travel with him.
  Eric objected:
  - Why? He won't beat you!
  The fat boy with the motor remarked:
  - But it won"t protect!
  The boy viscount answered in a menacing tone:
  - You must protect yourself!
  Carleson nodded:
  - It's true that you protect yourself! But you also have to protect him!
  Svante squeaked in frustration:
  - I'm only eight years old ... I have my whole life ahead of me!
  The fat boy laughed and noted:
  - I see you are a great optimist!
  The Viscount nodded and noted:
  - Maybe we'll take a walk around Stockholm? While the weather is nice and the sun hasn't set yet!
  Carleson nodded in agreement:
  - It will be good for all of us!
  And the boy of a mysterious age and the four boys moved towards the exit from the yard.
  The baby chirped:
  - Let the servant girl walk with us too! I think it would be fair!
  Carleson nodded:
  - In this case, I agree! And it's even more interesting as a girl!
  The Viscount confirmed:
  - Come with us! Remember the mercy of your master!
  Four boys and a girl slapped their bare soles on the rocky road. Carleson stomped in his boots, apparently at an age that was embarrassing to even name, he considered it humiliating to walk barefoot.
  Svante, whose bruised legs had not yet healed, winced and groaned from the prickly, rocky road of the medieval or almost medieval capital of Sweden.
  The girl was also in pain, her heels were beaten with sticks, but she walked on her toes and also endured it.
  The young servants slapped barefoot with pleasure; they were still children and it was much more pleasant for them, and they had already gotten calluses, and what did these pebbles matter to them?
  But the Viscount felt a little uncomfortable. It was somehow scary for a noble boy to walk barefoot - as if you were a poor man. Although he ran and walked, albeit not constantly.
  Eric even started singing to cheer himself up:
  -I am a descendant of formidable kings,
  Able to compare with an angel...
  But barefoot like a fool ,
  It's probably time to get married!
  Carleson burst out laughing. Svante looked around Stockholm with all his eyes. The city was not without charm - an abundance of stone houses, albeit with small windows, and castles were visible, and statues. There were, of course, beggarly huts.
  Almost all the children were barefoot and ragged. Only the most distinguished ones wore boots. Many women were barefoot too - especially the young ones. One of them ran up to Eric, who was wearing only short pants, and offered him a drink of milk from a jug.
  The Viscount shook his head:
  - Give it to the youngest of us! And he pointed at the Kid.
  The woman handed him the jug. Svante took a few sips and gasped, his bare, childish heel stepping on the sharp edge of the stone.
  The young woman, who was barefoot herself, said sympathetically:
  - Poor child! I see your skin hasn't had time to harden yet!
  Carleson answered confidently:
  - He will become even more coarse! He will become even more hardened!
  The woman remarked with a sigh:
  - Shoes are expensive. But I heard that you can weave bast shoes. They are quite warm in winter.
  The Viscount replied:
  - I have no problems with money! I am without shoes because I like it! And not because I am poor!
  Svante blurted out something irrelevant:
  - Blessed are the poor in spirit!
  Eric wagged his finger.
  - Not a word about religion! It would be a shame to spoil such a good walk with scholasticism and antimony!
  The maid girl sang:
  - Jesus was omnipotent,
  And the eternal king of the universe...
  From the beginning God is the being -
  Praise Him in prayer!
  The Viscount replied angrily:
  - For that, another twenty blows with sticks on the heels ... Although no, it would be better if you stood on your knees for two hours, and on dry peas at that.
  Svante was indignant and clenched his fists:
  - You can't do that! You're not a gentleman!
  Eric exclaimed:
  - What? Maybe you want to fight me!
  The kid, although smaller in stature and not as trained as the Viscount, said decisively:
  - Yes! I challenge you!
  . CHAPTER #18.
  Oleg Rybachenko, this boy-commander, also did not waste time. And he began to write something with great energy, composing while his army was resting and restoring order in Ethiopia and Sudan:
  Count de Montecristo left twenty million francs to Maximilian from his fortune of one hundred million francs. He owed too much to his father. And at the same time he returned his fiancee Valentina to him. Montecristo is already quite old, but he is in excellent, athletic shape. And he does not intend to die.
  Although he managed to take revenge, and to do so is terrible!
  Even the conscience sometimes tormented the Count. But in order to drown it out, he had to distract himself with something . One of the ways was to play on the stock exchange. Being very well informed about world news, Edmond Dantes could actually earn colossal capital on the growth rates, stocks and falls.
  For starters, he made money by buying and selling shares related to railways in France. He already had experience in this.
  Further and more... The Count quickly recouped the expenses for Marcel and became the richest man in Europe.
  He gained land in Italy and Austria. He could have expanded his holdings and acquired the title of Duke. The Pope helped here. Duke of Montecristo - sounds cool!
  However, Edmond got bored in Europe. Mercedes went to a monastery and did not want to return. Her place was taken by Haidee . The Greek woman, however, could not get pregnant by the Duke of Montecristo. And this became a problem.
  Edmond was very keen on an heir to his fortune, the largest in Europe and one that was constantly growing due to speculation and playing on the stock exchange.
  But it didn't work out. And the years go by...
  And in order to find a way to restore his natural strength, the Duke of Montecristo sent out searchers throughout Asia and Africa. And he was told that there was a way to restore lost male strength.
  And at the same time, look younger.
  There is such a remedy, it is owned by sorcerers, that returns youth and strength to a person. But, of course, not to everyone and not just like that. The African god - will demand something in return. And that even kings cannot use this power.
  But the Duke of Montecristo was ready for anything.
  And even personally make a trip to Africa and pay at least a whole caravan of gold.
  And the Duke set off from here into the wilds of the Black Continent. With him was Princess Heide . It promised to be a great trip.
  Meanwhile, Benedetto was released from the penal servitude prison on parole. He had spent four years in the penal servitude prison and not in the worst place. What an impression his story made on the judges. So he managed to get out early.
  Benedetto was cheerful and fresh. He did not particularly want to return to the criminal trade. But he needed money. On the way, he took a wallet from a gentleman's pocket. But it would not last long.
  Paris has hardly changed in four and a half years. A constitutional monarchy rules, but the people are still poor, although there are many rich people.
  The Count of Montecristo was no longer in Paris. A boy in rags ran up to Benedetto, his bare, dusty heels flashing, and whispered:
  - Give me a franc and I'll tell you where the Duke of Montecristo is!
  Benedetto whistled:
  - Wow! Already a duke! Uncle is growing up!
  The boy nodded:
  - Yes! He is the richest man in the world! And now he... Well, give me a franc!
  The former convict stated decisively:
  - Twenty Su is enough! And he threw a copper coin!
  The boy picked it up and chirped:
  - He's in Africa, heading into the jungle!
  Benedetto growled:
  -Or more precisely?
  The rascal grinned and replied:
  - Nobody knows this.
  And his bare heels, cinnamon-colored from the Parisian dust, flashed like the paws of a bunny.
  The introduction of a Parisian street child did not give much: Africa is very big. But it said that there was nothing to count on the Count, and already at the same time the Duke de Montecristo.
  Benedetto decided that he could count on some part of his father's inheritance - the royal prosecutor. And not only his, but the whole family's. After all, he was his son, albeit an illegitimate one. He really needed to get money to conduct the trial.
  But in the castle of the Duke of Montecristo there is a faithful steward Bertucho . The castle was ancient and large. It is not difficult to find - all of Paris talks about it.
  Maybe the manager will lend him some? After all, the family's fortune is three hundred thousand francs a year. And the closest relative: he is Benedetto.
  The prosecutor is still alive, but is in a mental institution. And his inheritance is with his guardians. So Benedetto can count on his considerable share.
  Moreover, everyone sympathizes with him. They haven't forgotten how his father buried him alive. And it's cruel. But it made Benedetto a hero.
    Bertucho received the young man. Benedetto was deeply tanned, but his hair had become even lighter. He looked good, and still handsome. And decently dressed.
    Bertucho had grown a little fat. The manager of Count Montercrest , he was all about business. Including industry now. The Duke's fortune had reached half a billion gold francs. And all of this had to be managed.
  So the conversation was short. Bertucho agreed to lend on receipt. And he said that the Count of Montecristo forgives him. And he also recommended a very effective lawyer.
  And that's where it ends - there's no time.
  Benedetto, however, was pleased. Now he had what he wanted, and the inheritance would not slip away from him.
  So you can leave the ancient Parisian castle and go for a lawyer.
  Along the way, Benedetto remembered his childhood. The Mediterranean, lush vegetation, warm climate, mild winters. Back then, he ran barefoot almost all year round, maybe only putting on shoes for church, or if it got really cold for a short time.
  Childhood was well-fed, not too burdened with work and happy. And why was he drawn to crime? Already at thirteen he was spanked for the first time for theft. And at fourteen he was flogged in public. And how shameful it was when you were paraded naked in front of women, men and children.
  And they cut the skin so much that blood flowed.
  But Benedetto's was all overgrown and almost without a trace. And the old was forgotten. And so he was not yet sixteen years old when he ended up in hard labor. And this is unpleasant.
  His barefoot boy was forced to put on rough wooden shoes and work like a donkey until he was exhausted.
  The worst thing is the convicts themselves. They, of course, not having women, were looking at the pretty teenager. And we must say a big thank you to Kadrus who protected him and raised him. Otherwise, he would have to stop being a man.
  Besides Cadrus, Benedetto was also helped by one of the guards - he had a small affair with her. She was much older, and not very beautiful, but kind.
  And for a hungry boy this is joy.
  But now the hard labor is behind us. And there is a chance to inherit the title of Marquis from his father and his relatives and a huge fortune.
  Considering that Benedetto sinned a lot, heaven was merciful to him.
  He was ashamed that he had killed Kadrus . But there was probably no other way out . He would undoubtedly have continued the blackmail. But on the other hand, Kadrus had actually saved him from the other convicts who were looking at him with a carnivorous expression. a pretty boy. And you could have left him alone. And live like a prince and marry the richest heiress.
  But never mind, he'll get his due.
  But the Count of Montecristo has a much more difficult task. Do you want to regain your youth and virility? Can you count on it?
  The year is 1843 ... The industrial era and science is developing. The Count of Montecristo has already managed to take a photo. And he allocated money so that the next photo would be in color and would be taken faster.
  In Africa, the Duke and Count of Montecristo are not very happy: their skin is white, and the sun's rays are quite painful for it. The Duke will soon be fifty years old. This is not old yet, if you are in good athletic shape, but it is no longer youth.
  The most important thing is to have children, and then you can consider your life a success. Until you have a son, you cannot feel complete.
  And then for whom should one save and increase a fortune?
  The Duke rode an elephant. He was accompanied by his servant Ali, and another fighter taken from Japan. He was a ninja who wielded a blade better than Montecristo himself, and a phenomenal swordsman - cutting wasps in flight. And also throwing small stars with incredible speed, wielding a bow and explosives.
  Such a bodyguard is worth a whole detachment. So the Duke was calm, and several camels with bags of gold were riding behind him. And guards with modern guns, and some semblance of a machine gun.
  Montecristo was rather gloomy. He felt that he had met and African god, it would not be easy.
  In principle, who is a pagan god? It is a product of spiritual evolution. And evolution is a cruel thing. And therefore, pagan gods are cruel.
  And the Duke of Montecristo has five harems. And beautiful girls from different countries and nations dance before him. They gradually undress during the dance. Very beautiful... But the richest man in the world is powerless to do anything to him, as a man should.
  And what legs the girls have. And what waists and hips. How many of them he has. They are charming. One, for example, was a blonde with natural hair like gold leaf, tall and shapely. Just lovely. And when her legs kicked off their shoes and sparkled with an elegant curve of the heel of the sole. And her full breasts with nipples barely covered by a pearl thread were shaking, then it was super!
  The Count and Duke of Montecristo loved women very much, but his male power disappeared after prison. And he turned out to be absolutely incompetent as a male, which prevented him from feeling absolutely happy. Although happiness is a relative thing. For example, after long years of loneliness, both meeting with the abbot, and conversations, lessons with him brought joy.
  The Duke of Montecristo did not know that he had a son, a mature man at that. Even if he was illegitimate, conceived before his imprisonment in the Chateau d'If .
  So the game of the young man and the port girl ended in pregnancy. And she gave birth to a son. Not a particularly happy one, though. A wonderful, fair-haired boy, like his mother , ran barefoot and in rags begging for alms along the streets of Lisbon. His mother was a blonde, but lived in Portugal and made her living as a lovemaker.
  Her son, named Edmond after his father, wandered around in company with other boys. The mild climate of Lisbon allowed him to go without shoes almost all year round, and the boy to wander around half naked . He climbed into gardens, stole small things. And eventually got caught. Several times he was simply flogged. But then they sent him to the quarries. He was only twelve years old then. But this way it was even better, it was easier to climb the adits.
  The child carried heavy baskets, his bare soles were calloused by the sharp stones, and his knees and elbows were covered with bumps.
  And the overseers had only to slow down a little and they would beat you with a whip. The convict boys worked like crazy and slept literally on the rocks. And they got whips, worked in chains, and a meager ration, which was barely enough to keep from dying of hunger.
  True, Edmond was strong and resilient beyond his years and did one and a half times the norm, for which he was given one and a half times more food than others.
  The boy spent eight years in prison. He grew into a mighty young hero. Then he was taken into the army as a soldier. This was often done: the strongest boys from prison were taken into the Portuguese army. He participated in several campaigns and became an officer.
  He knew about his father - that his name was Edmond Dantes, and that he was the captain's mate.
  You had heard about the Duke of Montecristo - he was the richest man in Europe and the world, and had possessions, including in Portugal. But very few knew that the Duke of Montecristo and Edmond Dantes were one and the same person. There, Edmond Jr. was more unlike his father. He had white hair, like his mother, but his face, on the contrary, was dark and tanned.
  So he remained in ignorance of his father. And the Duke of Montecristo had no idea at all about his son.
  The boy, however, was also in prison. But at least he worked in the fresh air and socialized with boys like himself. Even if they shaved his blond head and sent him to the quarries. And they burned his childish shoulder with a hot iron, branding him with the mark of a convict.
  But it is not known what is worse. The boy in prison did nothing but work like hell and sleep. Before his imprisonment, his priest taught him only to write and read. So he had a limited education. But he was a brave soldier, taller and bigger than his father, and extremely strong. He was awarded for his exploits more than once, and became an officer.
  You could say that life has taken a turn for the better. He also has a son and a wife. Two sons, to be exact. They are also fair-haired, tanned boys in shorts. They are still too young to go to school. His wife is due to give birth to another one soon. It is unclear whether it is a son or a daughter.
  Edmond is still young, only thirty years old, and dreams of becoming a general, and maybe even a marshal.
  He is generally happy: heroic health, several mistresses, live and be happy. Really - what else could you dream of?!
  Here his father dreams of having offspring and he will soon be fifty and he should hurry.
  Maximilian is happily married to Valentina. They already have a son and a daughter. Count Montecristo gave him twenty million francs. And that's a million in income a year in the bank. That is, you can live and be happy. When there is enough for all your whims. Maximilian, however, continued his father's business and founded a company, slowly increasing his capital.
  And he is also happier than the Duke of Montecristo. Indeed, he has everything and can enjoy life.
  But then a noble and rich duke arrived in the lands of the pagan god.
  It was a rock in the middle of the jungle. Huge and seemingly impenetrable.
    The shaman accompanying the Duke of Montecristo made an intricate, magical sign.
  the entrance opened as if into a cave. Around was a corridor, with sparkling garlands and stalactites.
  The Duke walked slowly. With them were Ali and the ninja Saigo. Yes, skilled fighters. And Montecristo himself took with him the latest revolvers, which could fire ten shots with a drum without reloading . So this was serious.
  Montecristo sang:
  - Our future is foggy,
  In our past there was hell and then heaven...
  Our money doesn't go into our pockets -
  It's morning, get up!
  The anthill lives,
  Someone broke a paw, it doesn't count,
  Well, what if he dies?
  Then we'll write it down as an expense!
  The ninja Saigo, who unlike Ali was not mute, picked up :
  - I don't like it when people lie to me,
  But the truth is, I'm tired of it too...
  I tried to find shelter,
  It turned out that I was looking in the wrong place...
  I don't know what percentage,
  I will be credited for this treasure...
  Will I get even a cent?
  But the most important thing is the result!
  Here they entered a very tall hall, as if paved with diamonds. And there they really saw a huge, angel-like, winged local God, as if woven from wisps of smoke.
  Involuntarily, the Duke of Montecristo shuddered and fell on one knee. Both his companions fell prostrate.
  A thunderous voice asked the richest man in the world:
  - What has this mortal come for?
  The Duke of Montecristo replied:
  - To regain my youth and masculine strength!
  A mocking laugh was heard, and the pagan god remarked:
  - Many people want this! But not everyone can pay for it!
  Edmond Dantes answered confidently:
  - I have gold, a lot of gold!
  The pagan deity laughed:
  - Gold? You can find a whole mountain of it in Africa. If I only needed gold, I would be the happiest of immortals !
  The Duke asked with a smile:
  - And what do you need, oh greatest one ?
  The God of the pagans answered:
  - Get me the sword of Archangel Michael, and I will give you eternal youth and inexhaustible male strength!
  Edmond Dantes asked in surprise:
  - How will I do this?
  The pagan god answered in a decisive tone:
  - How? The sword of Archangel Michael is hidden on the island of Happiness. No demon, no pagan god, no person with an unclean conscience and dirty deeds can set foot there!
  The Duke of Montecristo sighed and replied:
  - Alas, my conscience is not entirely clear. For the sake of revenge, I sometimes crossed the line, and sometimes with women...
  The pagan god nodded:
  - I know that! But there is a way to clear your conscience and wash away all your sins!
  Edmond Dantes was surprised:
  -And how to do this?
  The pagan god replied:
  - Are you ready to give up your title, position in society, and wealth for the sake of eternal life?!
  The Duke of Montecristo declared decisively:
  - Yes, I'm ready!
  The pagan god nodded:
  - If so, then... I will make you become innocent and sinless!
  Edmond de Dantes bowed and said with a smile:
  - That would be great !
  The deity roared:
  - Stand up, then form a pentagram!
  The Duke of Montecristo, his boots creaking, reached the five-pointed star. And stood in its very center. It lit him up... The Duke looked to be about forty years old . And he was very pale. There were noticeable wrinkles on his forehead, though they were almost invisible around his eyes . Fencing and dieting made his figure slim, without even a hint of a belly. He looked youthful, not yet having lost his strength. You wouldn't say he was nearly fifty, but you could tell he was not a young man either.
  For a man who spent fourteen years in a stone bag, Edmond Dantes still has good health. It seems he can still live a long time.
  But what good is strength and agility, and extraordinary skill in shooting and fencing, if you have absolutely no male strength?!
  For this, you can do anything. But... The pagan god does not look like a good angel. Rather the opposite - outwardly - he is an evil demon, and maybe even Satan himself.
  And here, of course, you can screw up. But Edmond preferred to take the risk. Especially since over fifteen years he had already had his fill of various pleasures. And now he would not mind being subjected to severe tests.
  Edmond raised his head. The pagan god said:
  - And now say three times: into your hands, master, I give my soul and body for eternal use!
  The Duke of Montecristo muttered:
  - So that's it? These are the conditions?!
  The pagan god nodded:
  - That's exactly it and nothing else!
  Then Count and Duke Edmond sang:
    Can you imagine what the situation is like?
  Everything that will come true is known to us in advance,
  And then why the doubts, the worries?
  The schedule will provide for everything in the world!
  And we challenge the storms,
  Why and because...
  To live in a world without surprises,
  Impossible for anyone!
  All successes are failures,
  And zigzags - up and down,
  Only this way, and not otherwise,
  Only this way, and not otherwise,
  Long live surprise!
  Surprise! Surprise!
  Long live surprise!
  The pagan god nodded:
  - Well, are you going to talk!?
  The Duke of Montecristo bowed and said:
  - I give my soul and body into your hands, lord, for eternal use!
  Then he repeated this two more times.
  At the last phrase, lightning struck the Duke, and he felt as if he was being torn into a thousand pieces.
  And everything started spinning very quickly...
  Meanwhile, Benedetto had already arranged with a lawyer. It turned out to be a very attractive red-haired aristocrat named Josephine. She is simply a delight. And you won't get bored with her.
  To begin with, she suggested that Benedetto play strip cards. And this is very cool with such a charming woman .
  Then they drank champagne. Josephine noted that it was entirely possible to win this case. And it could be done before the next court session. And get the lion's share of the inheritance.
  Benedetto was very pleased.
  Josephine took off her shoes and began to dance. Her legs were strong, nimble and graceful.
  Gradually one got naked, dancing down to her panties and bra. What a figure she has.
  And the hair is thick, long, copper-red and it looks like a torch with which the Spartans go into attack.
  The girl's legs are muscular, and you can see the balls of muscle rolling under her tanned skin.
  Josephine, dancing, spoke:
  - I was a robber in a gang of a young Italian. He was very gallant. And I, for example, lured rich young men. Although for this I had to dye my hair.
  Benedetto asked with a smile:
  - Why paint?
  Josephine answered honestly:
  - Because many men consider red hair a sign of cunning. But blondes seem stupid and harmless!
  Benedetto sang:
  - The butcher fell in love with the blonde,
  The butcher fell in love with a blonde...
  Says the beautiful brisket,
  Says the beautiful brisket!
  After spending two hours with her,
  After spending two hours with her!
  He tried the fillet with his teeth!
  He tried the fillet with his teeth!
  The red-haired girl was laughing and dancing. She's damn hot. And she's full of energy.
  Then they sat down. The girl took the champagne glass by the stem with her bare toes and sang:
  -Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne or Provence,
  And there is fire in your veins too...
  But clever Fortune, by God, has no time for you...
  While the red-haired girl,
  While the red-haired girl,
  While the red-haired girls' blood flows!
  Benedetto noted:
  - Your blood is probably ruby red?!
  The red-haired female lawyer giggled and replied:
  - Possibly! But definitely not cold!
  The young man sang:
  There is no such thing as fake love,
  The stars in the sky sparkle like rubies...
  Break the shackles of shame -
  Be feelings: deep, strong!
  Josephine remarked:
  - Not very smooth! Maybe we should try it differently?
  Benedetto asked:
  - Do you personally like Byron?
  The female lawyer answered honestly:
  - Not really! Neither did Walter Scott. I would prefer something more modern, or rather, even if they wrote about the future!
  The young man shrugged and replied:
  - And what is the future like?
  Josephine replied:
  - There will be devices that will be able to fly through the air and transport many people. And some will be small and will carry individual people!
  Benedetto sang:
  Alluring starry heights,
  They draw you into endless distances...
  And there was no happier thought,
  Dreams of a soaring Icarus!
  Your gaze is fixed on the sky,
  It's hard to believe something like this...
  From the first screws of Archimedes,
  They were planed long and tediously!
  Josephine continued with delight:
  The French invented gunpowder,
  sending a rocket into space ...
  The child raised gunpowder in the cradle,
    Pointing at the comet with a pestle !
  Benedetto, a former convict and criminal, exclaimed:
  - Great! That's wonderful! Maybe we'll fly to the stars someday!
  Josephine chirped, baring her pearly teeth, which still sparkled like a mirror on which the sun's rays fell:
  -Bright, sad in the darkness,
  The stars twinkle ominously...
  It seems that on Earth,
  The truth is nowhere to be found !
  It seemed like the world was going to its grave,
  And the Milky Way is blocked...
  But don't lose your honor, Viscount,
  You can't drown in the sky!
  And the girl took and threw a glass of champagne with her bare foot. It flew up. The girl caught it with her bare sole and noted:
  - I would have made a wonderful circus performer!
  Benedetto replied:
  -I think you're a better lawyer!
  Josephine laughed and replied:
  - We will win the case! And you will be my friend!
  The man noted:
  - Doesn't it bother you that I'm a former convict?
  The red-haired girl replied:
  - And I am a former bandit and I killed people. In particular, guards. The only one I was afraid of was the Count of Montecristo. He was some kind of special person!
  Benedetto replied with a sigh:
  - Yes, he is a person! He saved me from big trouble!
  Josephine whispered:
  - I would marry him!
  The young man nodded:
  - This is what all women in the world dream about!
  The red-haired robber sang:
  - Oh my God, what a man,
  I want a son from him...
  And strong and rich,
  Doesn't live on a salary!
  Has a high title,
  It's an incentive to love him!
  He made a tower out of gold,
  I want to have a field with him!
  Benedetto sang in response:
  Bird of happiness of tomorrow,
  She flew in with her wings ringing...
  Choose me, choose me,
  Bird of happiness of tomorrow!
  . CHAPTER #19.
  The Duke of Montecristo felt as if he was being thrown from side to side. Then he fell somewhere. Then he felt motionlessness, and some lightness in his body. For a couple more minutes he seemed to be floating on water ... And now his back was on a hard surface. It pricked his bare skin a little.
  Edmond decided to open his eyes. It was semi-dark. His skin felt damp. And the semi-darkness was somehow familiar and unpleasant. And his nostrils caught the smells of unwashed bodies.
  De Montecristo jumped up and tried to get to his feet. But the collar on his neck tightened and he fell. He had to get on all fours.
  I heard a loud voice:
  - Edya , don't move, you'll break your neck!
  Edmond got down on all fours and looked around. It was a real prison cell, and a rather dirty and stinking one at that . The prisoners were chained up: half-naked boys from ten to fourteen years old. They were tanned, thin, with visible veins, and many had whip-slashed backs, sides, arms, legs. A couple of the boys had even been branded on the forehead.
  It was obvious that these unfortunate children had been severely abused, and they were all chained to the wall like dogs by the neck. There were about fifty boys , and they were either lying or sitting on rotten straw.
  Edmond wondered why he was sitting with the children. After all, he was already about fifty. But when he glanced at himself, he saw the tanned, sinewy body of a boy no older than twelve or eleven years old. True, he was not as emaciated and beaten as the other children in this cell. But still, his hands felt several swollen stripes on his muscular back from fresh blows with a whip. The only clothing he had was some kind of swimming trunks. The boy's feet were bare, and it was obvious that the soles were rough, calloused, and accustomed to a hard surface.
  Edmond looked at his arms and legs. Despite the semi-darkness of the cell, he could see very well in the darkness, better than a cat, and noticed his muscles were defined and that his body looked trained and healthy. All the children had brands burned into their bodies. Either on the chest or on the shoulder. And those who had them on the forehead had two.
  Edmond guessed that they were slaves or juvenile delinquents. And they were branded. And those on the forehead, they probably wanted to run away, or something else.
  Looking at himself, the boy did not find any brand on his shoulders or his muscular, shield-like chest. And this reassured Dantes. Perhaps everything would work out and he would not be a slave or a convict.
  Returning to childhood did not particularly frighten him. In any case, the magic worked, and the sorceress was not a fraud. True, now even this did not please him, his money was crying. They would not believe that a half-naked, barefoot boy was the owner of the largest fortune in Europe.
  But on the other hand, you are young and you have some adventures coming up!
  A boy of about thirteen with a shaved head, a brand on his chest, and numerous traces of beatings muttered:
  - Why are you looking at yourself? Are you admiring yourself?
  Edmond replied calmly:
  - Check to see if I have a brand on me!
  The boy answered confidently:
  - It will be soon! You were captured, which means they will shave your head and brand you, and then put you up for auction. Either one or all of you in bulk!
  Dantes asked:
  - And you were captured too!
  The boy stamped his bare foot angrily, and his thin, but sinewy, and obviously hardened by hard work body shook:
  - No! I am the son and grandson of slaves! You told us this, the son of a noble patrician count! Well, now what, are you going to carry heavy baskets of stones and work with a pick under the overseer's whip. Until you grow old and die. Or die even earlier!
  Edmond noted:
  - I'm an educated guy ! I can be more useful than carrying baskets and working as a donkey in the quarries!
  The slave boy muttered:
  - Tell that to the Grimlins ! And they'll roast your bare heels in no time! Or maybe even hang you by the ribs from a hook! You're now a slave just like us. And not for long. This is just a place where we rest before we 're sold again!
  Edmond logically noted:
  - If I am the count's son, then they can pay a ransom for me!
  Another boy, a little smaller and with a brand on his forehead, squeaked:
  - It is a custom among the Grimms not to return prisoners! So don't get your hopes up. The food here is bad, but tomorrow there will be a slave auction. And after the sale they will chain us up and drive us barefoot over sharp stones. And then the mines, or at best, plantations.
  The slave boy nodded:
  - Plantations are better! But girls usually work there! Boys are waiting for the quarries. Moreover, when we are small in stature, it is much easier for us to crawl along adits and corridors!
  Dantes remarked harshly:
  - Slavery is the shame of humanity!
  The boys began to buzz in fear. The largest and oldest of them, who looked to be about fourteen, said quietly:
  - Shut up! Or you will be crucified on the cross, and before that your bare heels will be burned with a hot iron and a star will be burned on your chest!
  An oppressive silence fell. Edmond lay down on the thin straw. The cell was damp and stuffy. The climate here was apparently warm, and even naked it was too hot. It smelled of boyish sweat and something much more foul, it was clear there was no time for hygiene in the cell.
  Here Dantes suddenly began to remember who he was now in his new life, and who he was before he was captured. And these are interesting memories.
  He is indeed the son of a noble patrician count. He is trained from an early age to fight and wield weapons. Here he is fencing with his father. Of course, the latter plays with the child. Only from time to time the father's sword delivers harmless but painful blows if the boy is slightly distracted.
  Yes, the upbringing here is strict. And in the sky shines a double sun. Clearly unearthly, some kind of greenish. The climate is hot , like in Africa. Nevertheless , only women and children are barefoot, and men in boots or sandals.
  However, sometimes both boys and girls wear shoes for special occasions or parades.
  And they don't let you into the temples barefoot. Slaves, if they pray, do it outside. The world here is somewhat similar to Ancient Egypt. Maybe just a little more developed . But without gunpowder and they fight with swords. And this is not Earth. And there are also neighboring states where you can meet elves and trolls and other creatures. Although, of course, people are the overwhelming majority, and they rule here.
  In general, this planet is unusual - flat, like a coin or a throwing disc, and very, very big. And if you move for a long time, you can get to countries where people are a minority, and there are many other creatures, including nymphs and dragons.
  And if you move further away, to colossal distances, then there are civilizations that are more technologically advanced. And there are various, scary and interesting rumors about them!
  Well, that's half the adventure. And now Edmond is jogging with the other boys. The children's bare feet slap the hot sand, and their bare torsos are blown by the wind and scorched by the sun. The young warriors also carry a heavy load on their heads. So they are sweaty, wet, dead tired. But they keep running. Because even though they are children, they are little men, and they must be seasoned fighters. And fight, even if the enemy is superior in numbers, strength, skill, and, of course, age.
  And the boys who are running barefoot through the desert are only seven or eight years old. And they are literally tearing themselves to pieces from the strain.
  And behind them, two more huge, shaggy orcs are riding on bull-wolf hybrids. They are whipping the young warriors. And they are roaring something aggressive and angry.
  roughened from constant walking barefoot. But even through the calluses, the sand, hot as a frying pan, burns. And it really is very painful. And the children suffer. And so blisters can appear on the feet of the little, exhausted boys.
  Yes, how painful and cruel it is for boys who are not yet strong to run barefoot through the desert.
  But this is Spartan education and a school of courage. Which makes the boys stronger, more resilient and brave fighters.
  And Edmond understands this. Yes, they make boys into a really strong sex, capable of fighting heroically and with inspiration. And these boys , of course, will not kneel.
  And children's bare feet, accustomed to the hot sand of the desert, will not fail, even if strips of red-hot iron are applied to them!
  Edmond in the memory, and the Duke of Montecristo and a boy from a noble family. In him, as it were, several elements. Although the bare heels are burned by the sand of the hot desert of another world for real. And it must be said that it is truly simply unbearable. However, the boy shows courage. Even if the fierce orcs from time to time inflict, fierce and very painful blows with whips.
  No, Edmond will not break. On the contrary, the boy warrior, in spite of everything, begins to sing;
  The clatter of furious hooves,
  And the breathing of hell can be heard!
  The faithful warrior is beaten,
  Retribution for sins has come!
  The chains are thrown at the feet,
  The shadow of the unfortunate, believe me!
  Raise your eyes to the sky,
  Open the door to salvation!
  A horseman is not afraid of a fight,
  To accept death for Allah!
  It means God's shield,
  Raise it above your head!
  Even though there are countless enemies;
  The sword became dull and cracked!
  And fate did not take pity on me.
  In the fight, everyone had to fall!
  Here the boy warrior sang, and the other boys, who were also half naked and barefoot under the scorching double sun of the hot planet, picked up. And it was a song of courage.
  Why did Edmond mention Allah? He was already more of an Eastern man than a European. And he didn't even have three harems. But why would a man with impotence need a harem? More precisely, three harems with hundreds of the most beautiful girls?
  The Duke answered himself: "For prestige." And besides, girls are so nice to touch and caress. Or when they touch and caress you. And you can give pleasure to a beautiful woman in many ways. Here the little boy running through the desert suddenly caught himself in a split. Who is he - a Duke of about fifty, or a child, half-naked, barefoot and almost a slave. No, he is not a slave yet, but he was sent to a school for education, where it is probably worse than a slave on a plantation. But you will be a real fighter, and you will develop into a real hero!
  The boy warrior puffed out his sun-tanned cheeks. His hair was white from the sun, and the boy himself looked like a negative and still a bit dry.
  The boys were driven for several hours. Then they did squats, presses, and pull-ups with weights.
  They were trained by several muscular girls. They trained them without making allowances for age or fatigue.
  To make it easier to bear the extreme loads, Edmond sang again in his clear voice:
  Nasty, vile misers
  They hide bags underground!
  Well, and the forest wanderers
  They are being beaten out of debts!
  Prince in the possession of the neighboring
  Taxes are collected from subjects!
  The poor beggar groans in chains
  He who is under the yoke is wretched!
  We don't want to be slaves
  Bend your back before the master!
  Truth, reasonable is with us
  And lights our way!
  We are not evil robbers,
  And we don"t want to kill!
  But the barefoot children cry,
  They need to be given something to eat too!
  For justice and honesty,
  So that everyone can live in equality!
  You can dare to be bold,
  kill the enemy !
  As a man who had friends who were smugglers, and even tough bandits, this topic was close to him. After all, isn't the Duke a bandit?
  And now he is just a barefoot, skinny boy. Who, however, does not lose his sense of self-worth.
  Well, and humor too. Now that's great and cool!
  Girls train boys. This is, of course, symbolic. In this world, there are ten times fewer males than females. There is a very acute shortage of men. And boys are considered a valuable commodity. And they are trained by very strong and athletic girls.
  Even after a tough and very grueling training session, Edmond found the strength to perform a short romance for one of the girls, the blonde warriors;
  The noise of wondrous passion on the banks,
  Rivers where blood flows in a stormy stream!
  A shaft of stars will fall in the clouds,
  Spark with a miraculous sign!
  You are like a goddess to me,
  With a soul burning in the darkness!
  Loving you more than life,
  I illuminated my world with a dream!
  There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
  Universal ideal!
  I will die in battle in the prime of life,
  I have met my destiny!
  The unquenchable light of love,
  And the sparkle in your eyes!
  Come say hello, beauty,
  I can't sleep at night because of tears!
  And the boys and girls applauded Edmond. And it was a stormy applause.
  Yes, there were military training sessions here. Boys, of course, fenced a lot. Usually with each other or with warrior girls. They were also barefoot and barely covered by bikinis.
  And at the same time, the girls' muscles are not too voluminous. But dry and defined. And at the same time beautiful . And here they are, for example, very skillfully working with wooden swords. And it is difficult for boys to fight against them. Especially since they are still just children. But young souls are used to difficulties.
  Edmond sang with enthusiasm:
  Even though we have difficulties, don"t be shy,
  Willingly lend a shoulder to your comrade...
  The homeland is far away and the villain is advancing ,
  But the warriors of damask steel are noble!
  Well, of course, Edmond is both a duke, which is almost equal to a king, and at the same time a boy who suffers hardships, but is tempered in battles and work. Both, at the same time. And his will is like steel. And his arms and legs are filled.
  And the bare soles became so strong that the boy runs on hot coals. And other kids with him. And the kids don't feel any pain and they laugh.
  Edmond even began to sing with feeling and expression;
  The city, crowned with fires, is ablaze,
  Satan is ruling the ball in his native land!
  The path is strewn not with roses, but with thorns,
  A terrible fate has prepared a path for me!
  The sands of the destroyed valley are dusty,
  The plane was hit by a rock ledge and crashed!
  The high peaks became a grave for the soldiers,
  But I believe that peace will come to this mountainous region too!
  Elfia with her breast the earthly sphere,
  She protected and saved the people from troubles!
  But hell rose up - awakening in bloody turbidity,
  Someone was really irritated by our light of victories!
  Let us unite warriors in a sublime struggle,
  Let the banner of holy Elfia fly!
  Even though the trials of fate are hard,
  But I know that the Lord is with us forever!
  Here he sang, the great duke in the body of a boy in a loincloth, jumping on hot coals.
  Well, that says a lot. And the children are obviously being trained in earnest. From constantly running on the stones, the children's bare feet become so hard and calloused, stronger than boots made of genuine leather. To give the young warriors more fortitude, they are also beaten with sticks on their bare heels. And they are beaten with all their might. But the children not only do not groan - no, they also sing with relish:
  We look like falcons,
  We soar like eagles...
  We don't drown in water,
  We don't burn in fire!
  Well, of course, the heels of little boys become stronger from this. And they do not forget to sing at least a little something more cheerful .
  Well, not only training, but also competitions in games of intelligence. And here there is some semblance of chess. Count de Montecristo himself played chess in his past life, of course. But he was not a fanatic of this game, although he knew it and studied it well. And now he spent years, as a child, playing local chess.
  Which have more figures and a board of two hundred squares. But this, of course, is great . But it makes the game more difficult. If in ordinary chess most figures both move and capture, except for pawns, then here there are plenty of them . For example, the jester - it is good as a queen, but captures like a knight. Or a general who moves like a bishop, but captures like a king. And the marshal moves like a rook, but captures like a bishop. And the cardinal moves like a queen, but also captures like a king. There are also archers, who, unlike ordinary pawns, capture on the sides for three squares, and slingers that capture diagonally for two squares. And a chariot, which moves like a knight, but captures like a bishop. And the imperial chariot, which also moves like a bishop, but captures like a queen. And a howitzer, which moves like a bishop, but captures like a rook. And a unicorn, which moves like a rook, but captures like a knight. These figures are paired on each side. So it's a serious team and the game is not weak. The rest of the figures are like in regular chess.
  Well, of course, it's interesting to play this, even if it's difficult for a child. But he's not just a boy, he's also the Duke of Montecristo. And, of course, the new game, for all its complexity, still seems super. Especially when the figures jump and rush like crazy. And there's maneuvering and combinations.
  And just like in regular chess, the game ends with checkmate for the opponent's king. And that's great .
  Not like in other games, until complete destruction. Like, for example, in the game Go . The Duke of Montecristo also played it very well. And he liked it more than chess. However, in Europe, chess was just gaining popularity and momentum.
  The duke, who has become a boy, first of all strives to capture the center. And here there is also the doctrine of the great chess master Philidor, who was significantly ahead of his time. And there is a certain sense in this. But in this super chess , unlike classical chess , the pawn center is not so stable, and it is much easier to undermine it. And the calculation of the variation is very complex. But children for the most part do not count, but simply move the pieces. And they are very eager to move three or four pieces at once. And according to the rules, you can only move in turn. And if you grab a piece - move, but if you tear off your hand - the move has already been made!
  The boy, the former Duke, played with passion. The figures were spinning on the board, exchanges were taking place and, at the same time, the stubborn struggle continued. So literally until the victorious end.
  But children are not distinguished by their perseverance, and so a fight breaks out between the boys, which does not go without bruises. That's how beautiful and aggressive everything looks.
  The figures flew off the board, and the boys tangled into a ball, and even used their teeth. It looked extremely combative and dangerous.
  Then the girls who were the teachers started using the whips, and the boys started to disperse from the blows, and some even started crying. Montecristo also got hit on the back and ribs. And then the blow landed on the boy's bare heels.
  And he, jumping back with fury, sang:
  He sets traps for sinners,
  A sharp knife gleams white under the cloak...
  Whoever falls for his deceptions,
  He will immediately receive a copper penny!
  And this is a very lively song ... After which the boys were ordered to fight each other with sticks. It is interesting, but also painful. Montecristo broke his visa's nose with a stick, and the soup started flowing. The child-duke, however, felt the excitement.
  And he dipped his bare, childish foot into the blood, and left a graceful, small, very beautiful trace on the white tile. And then several more traces, scarlet and fading.
  Montecristo got hit too, and there were a few small bruises on his muscular chest. He fought a total of four boys. And two of them were older and bigger.
  And in the end he got hit on the nose too. And it broke too.
  Montecristo sang:
  - You will be a fighter boy.
  That is of course questionable...
  But you won"t become a daredevil -
  Then you might end up with nothing!
  Yes, their everyday life is cruel. But you become stronger. Even if you are a child. And you squat. And a friend sits on your shoulders. Well, that is not so scary. It is much harder if a large and fleshy young woman-teacher sits on you. That is much harder. You may not even get up with such a weight. And then how your legs ache painfully, and your knees hurt. There is also lifting your toes with weight. So that your calves are muscular, strong, and sculpted. Well, how could it be without that.
  A very painful exercise is stretching. It seems that you are about to tear. But children's bodies are flexible, mobile, plastic, and the teachers are very experienced and everything works out well. And the stretching increases.
  And they run a lot on sharp rocks. The bare soles of children get rough very quickly, and become stronger and harder than the leather on military boots. And it doesn't hurt at all.
  But then you're running on hot coals. And if you hesitate, you risk getting blisters and burns. Your baby soles may be rough, but they're still alive. And you have to be as nimble as a monkey. Maybe even quicker than a monkey.
  And for greater strength, they hit you on your bare heels with bamboo sticks. And this is not so much a punishment as a training.
  Sometimes children are taken out to the square and beaten with sticks on their bare heels, by professional executioners, with all their might. And boys and even girls must not only refrain from shouting at this time, but even sing.
  Montecristo also sang:
  There is no pain for the soldier of Argonat ,
  Under torture, know that you should not cry or scream,
  We will be able to do this automatically.
  Let not the executioners triumph in battle!
  You won't utter a groan, boys, believe me,
  You will even sing like a beautiful nightingale...
  And Argo's enemies cannot avoid defeat,
  Be nimble boy, strong as a bear!
  . CHAPTER #20.
  The preliminary hearings were quite successful. The red-haired lawyer girl was irresistible. The fortune was very large, from her father and relatives on both sides. Plus the title of marquis, above which only a duke.
  Benedetto himself spoke, and with a very aggressive fervor. And he showed natural charm and a well-spoken speech. He finished with a very clever aphorism:
  - Not every child can have worthy parents and a happy childhood, but anyone who wants to will have a worthy upbringing if he has matured in mind and hardened in body!
  And this was met with thunderous applause. So Benedetto's affairs were going well, and he could well count on both the title and a lot of money. Somewhere he could get at least ten million francs.
  However, that was not all. The Duke of Montecristo, who had increased his fortune even more in a few years. Including by playing on the stock exchange, and having become the richest man in the world, disappeared without a trace. And Benedetto could really get five hundred thousand francs if the Duke was declared dead. And if the devil does not joke, try to sue for this fortune too?
  After all, there is no official will. And the Duke of Montecristo has no legitimate children. So, why not take a risk? In any case, there will be more, not less.
  The courtroom was luxurious, the chandeliers were gilded, and the former convict became more and more heated.
  Benedetto doesn't look like a villain . On the contrary, his light hair, clean-shaven, young, fresh, tanned face, mouth with all its white teeth, in a sweet smile. Yes, he is a handsome, pleasant young man, who hasn't given up at all in hard labor, and he, of course, didn't drag a cannonball around with him, and didn't work like a donkey like others. He even had women there.
  Very handsome , and outwardly young, fresh Benedetto was already eyeing a certain duchess.
  She was very rich, and quite young and attractive. Of course, there is a lot of competition for such a beauty, and it is not so easy to get her hand and heart. A fortune of one hundred million francs, the title of Duke, and a rather attractive appearance made her a very desirable prey for many.
  But without a title, you can't even bother her. A duchess with such a fortune can't marry a man from the street. But a marquis. And even more so a duke, if you get a title from Montecristo.
  Now he has received a preliminary positive conclusion from the court. But there will still be hearings, and then the final registration of both the title and the inheritance.
  Valentina, it is true, is alive, but she was officially declared dead, and she did not claim rights and did not show up. Moreover, she left France with Maximilian, and they even returned twenty million francs in gold and stones to Monte Cristo. And they set off on a journey, around the world. And where they are now, in France, few knew. In any case, the official conclusion that Valentina is dead has not been cancelled, and the fortune from the hands of a former convict and murderer should not slip away!
  After the trial, Benedetto went to the hotel. There, two nice girls gave him a massage. Then a red-haired girl appeared. She danced again, with great feeling and expression.
  And she sang joyfully, something perky and beautiful. With feeling and expression.
  And at this time, two beautiful girls walked barefoot on the muscular back of a young, shapely man.
  Benedetto was very pleased...
  The red-haired girl also took off her shoes and danced barefoot. She was the epitome of charm.
  It was obvious that she really wanted to please the master or even get married.
  But Benedetto has his own plans. And if he gets the money and the title, he will have so many girls that he can shovel them in. He even remembered the penal servitude, when he had an affair with the warden. Yes, she was temperamental and exhausted the young prisoner. However, here he is his own master and lord.
  Benedetto even sang:
  If you are on your own,
  If you are on your own,
  If you are your own master,
  So you're not such a good guy,
  If you are your own master,
  So, you will be famous for money too!
  After which, having drunk some expensive wine and eaten a good meal, Benedetto fell asleep.
  He dreamed of something really crazy...
  It was as if Napoleon Bonaparte's army was preparing for the decisive battle at Waterloo. Benedetto, in the body of a simple boy of about twelve, received a task from the command - to delay the arrival of the Prussian cavalry led by Blucher.
  It's not that simple. But the boy had to tell this marshal the following: the bridge is mined and they need to move around. In fact, the bridge is well guarded by the Dutch and it is not so easy to get to it.
  But Napoleon has the necessary seal, and Blucher must believe the message of the boy messenger. Who , by the way, speaks English very well and has blond hair. And his young age inspires even more trust. So there is a stereotype that children are not taken into serious spies.
  And if Blucher believes and sends the cavalry around, then time will be gained and the British will be defeated.
  Benedetto rides to Blucher on a small pony with an important message. The boy, of course, is dressed as a messenger. But in time, while galloping, he throws off his hated dandy boots, and prefers to ride barefoot on horseback, which is much more pleasant.
  And of course he is having fun and in a good mood. But he has to make it to Blucher and the boy is beating the pony on the sides. And the horse, though small, is agile.
  Benedetto sang with fury:
  We all look to Napoleons,
  We want unimaginable victories...
  So that millions of us fight,
  And so that children do not know troubles!
  So that Waterloo doesn't thunder,
  So that the leaves don"t bleed...
  And so that there is no defeat,
  Success of the correct number!
  Now he's just a boy,
  And soon I will become an officer...
  I jump across the field like a bunny,
  Let's show an example of courage!
  I will deliver what the lord ordered,
  Although there is a considerable risk in this...
  And Satan with a thousand faces,
  Capable of bringing us down!
  Sometimes they would hit me on the heels,
  And the strong stick whistles...
  We played hide and seek with fate,
  With the strength of a monolith!
  We cannot be brought to our knees,
  And you can"t bend it with a hard whip...
  In the name of bright generations,
  We will show you the way to success!
  The Lord is not often merciful,
  We all have to suffer...
  Unhappy and rich, poor,
  Let there be time for change!
  I believe that peace will come to Europe,
  Napoleon is monarch forever...
  We will all have a good fate,
  And the person will become happy!
  After such a song it became more cheerful. The boy-messenger caught a gadfly with his bare toes. And then deftly threw it, and slightly crushed it. It flew and crashed on a burdock.
  And some bird swallowed it in one fell swoop. Now that's really funny.
  Benedetto sang:
  Burdock grows under the fence,
  There's a rooster sitting on the fence!
  And it became even funnier and more cheerful ... And the boy again kicked the pony's rump with his bare heels and whipped her.
  Napoleon is a great personality. Indeed, he was almost a genius, although lucky, but only for a time. The commander Alexander Suvorov lived sixty-nine years and won until the end of his life. But if he had lived, say, seventy-five years and fought Napoleon in battle. Let's say at Austerlitz or even earlier? Who would Napoleon have been then! Or, on the contrary, if Napoleon had been invincible for many years. What would have awaited the world?
  On the one hand, it would be good, of course, to have a united empire, instead of the squabbling of small countries and peoples. But on the other hand, all these numerous relatives of Napoleon would have created a lot of problems, and it could have been crap anyway . Especially if sooner or later this great monarch would have died. And anyway, there have always been and will be problems.
  If Napoleon had come up with a more perfect system of a unified empire.
  Take, for example, Tsarist Russia: there, too, the emperor has a family, but the empire is unitary, unified, and it is not divided into different kingdoms. And there is no stupid competition here.
  The boy smiled and chopped off a pine cone with his saber while galloping.
  But the Romanovs with their magnificent genetics from Rurik are one thing, and the Bonapartes, this plebeian blood, are another. And there is a difference. Of course, Benedetto did not know what the future held for Russia and the Romanov dynasty, and in general, what business does a Frenchman have with a foreign country?
  I'd like to sort this out for myself...
  The boy even began to sing with delight a famous folk romance, which he had sung at one time together with the Count of Monte Cristo, whom he considered his own father at that time.
  And the romance, I must say, is very bright and interesting;
  In Gascony the word "coward" is not known,
  I do not know how to handle a sword, if you are wrong. We, Gascons, have the best taste in the world - Nothing is to our taste except glory!
  High cheekbones, a special presence - Here is the Gascon appearance of a young man of the world. Believe me, sir, you will not have to wait long -
  Paris will still know Paris will still know
  Paris will still know Benedetto!
  Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne or Provence, And there is fire in your veins too, But clever fortune, by God, has no time for you, While in the white world
  While in the white world
  While in the white world There is Gascony.
  Without glory I can not live in Paris, My whole life is gone - it's time to take up fate. So how old are you, my child? Oh, old, sir, old - well over twenty! Is
  your hand firm? - Firm! -
  That is the true trait Of a Gascon with a very pure soul .
  And I was just as bold when Paris recognized the Gascon
  Paris recognized the Gascon
  Paris recognized the Gascon Monte Cristo!
  In Gascon the word "coward" is not known,
  I will not know the sword, if you are wrong. We, Gascons, have the best taste in the world - Nothing is to our taste except glory.
  High cheekbones, a special bearing - Here you have the Gascon appearance with greetings. Believe me, sir, you will not have to wait long -
  Paris will still recognize Paris, will still recognize Paris will still recognize Benedetto!
  Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne or Provence, And there is fire in your veins too, But clever fortune, by God, has no time for you, Until in this world
  Until in this world
  Until in this world there is Gascony!
  Although Benedetto is not exactly a Gascon, but rather a Parisian. But Montecristo seems to be truly Gascon.
  Well, the goal is already close. The mounted patrols of Field Marshal Blucher's troops are visible.
  The boy shook the bag in front of his nose and showed his pass. And of course they let him in. The young warrior was full of strength and energy. And the fact that he looked like a boy even inspired more trust. After all, children are the flowers of life and it is generally accepted that they are more trusting than adults.
  And the boy spy was invited to the table. He was given a piece of mutton and good green wine. Benedetto only sipped the latter, fearing that it would loosen his tongue.
  The boy passed on the information, and they almost forgot about him. Well, you can enjoy your vacation. And maybe sing something patriotic?
  And the boy began to sing with feeling and expression;
  My Britain is sleeping
  Hidden, secret
  This is given to you and me
  Into the long dawn!
  Strange names
  Streets, buildings
  Soon this knowledge
  Check, here's yours
  Ticket, sew it into the sleeve that was not red
  So that you hate this color
  The plot of your game is obviously dangerous:
  Magic, war, love, sixteen years
  Only he who extinguished the despair in his eyes
  He won't be able to retreat, he won't sleep forever
  The century will certainly deceive everyone
  Sleep, my Britain.
  Sleep, my Britain,
  Given to me by fate
  Happiness and suffering -
  You are alone
  Sleep, war Britain
  Early, early
  The sword of your choice
  Raised from the lake
  bottom and like any steel sings about blood,
  drinks mine and washes with love
  to the royal country under the fragile starry roof,
  where autumn and spring remained to rule
  There are crowns, not churches , - a berth for angels,
  The crown was accidentally broken by some dwarf
  But, as the late Charlie bequeathed, in our dreams
  His dragons are flying
  Sleep my Britain
  Meetings without farewells
  You are not you, I am not me
  Speeches for piano
  In two hands
  Executions without forgiveness
  I am not you. Who am I?
  Only the current knows
  Ancient underground river
  And this shaky bridge leads under the arch
  He who walked on water without drowning
  Reliable blue velvet spreads on the waves
  Walk boldly along it while the whole world is asleep
  And your enemies sleep, clutching their hearts,
  Friends are sleeping, having entrusted their fate to the golden lion
  Even the one who, they say, trampled the baby
  He sleeps, hugging the beautiful widow!
  Sleep my Britain
  Sleep my Britain
  Hidden, secret
  The rhythm of your breathing -
  My Breguet
  Death but name
  There is nothing to exchange
  My pure star
  Back in the house England
  Sleep in the dawn flame
  Sleep, my love.
  You are my Britain.
  Although it is disgusting for a Frenchman to sing something like that. But he is in the uniform of an English boy.
  And so Blucher's army set out on a false route. And Benedetto left him, racing ahead. He was a boy and should not sit still. Just before leaving, he managed to win ten gold louis d'ors. And he was very pleased with this. And now he galloped back to Napoleon on horseback and anticipated a considerable reward for himself. After all, he had managed to pull it all off so brilliantly. As if he himself were Genghis Khan. Yes, if Napoleon, like Genghis Khan, had lived seventy-two years without knowing defeat, the world would have been different. And harmony and happiness might have reigned in it. But as it is, Europe is divided, and tsarist Russia has snatched the Kingdom of Poland for itself. What is logical? If you are weak, then why shouldn't they snatch pieces from you?
  Benedetto sang as he rode on his white horse;
  The country of the French is the holy homeland,
  In which everyone is equal and great.
  Stretched from edge to edge,
  With a roll of thunder, wide steps!
  It has mountains - golden peaks,
  And the rivers sparkle with pure silver...
  In winter, snow is like lush gray hair,
  In spring, the stream behind the strong bank!
  But then the boy fell silent, he sensed danger. And the thoroughbred stallion neighed in fear. Benedetto looked back - wolves were trotting after him. And this was serious. There was already a whole pack of them.
  The boy kicked his horse's croup with his bare heels and set it galloping. At the same time, the boy thought. What a nasty beast the wolf is. For example, he ate Little Red Riding Hood. Is that a decent thing to do? What can you say about a wolf?
  Benedetto sang a humorous song about these grey predators with irony;
  I'm straining myself - and all my tendons,
  But today - again like yesterday: They surrounded me, surrounded me - They're driving me merrily to the numbers!
  From behind the fir trees, double-barreled guns are bustling about -
  There, hunters are hiding in the shadows, - Wolves are tumbling in the snow, Having turned into a living target.
  The hunt for wolves is on,
  The hunt is on - For gray predators, Seasoned and puppies! The beaters are shouting, and the dogs are barking until they vomit, Blood on the snow - and red spots of flags.
  do not play on equal terms with the wolves
  , but their hand does not tremble:
  Having fenced off our freedom with flags,
  they strike confidently, for sure.
  A wolf cannot break traditions -
  Apparently, in childhood, blind puppies, We, wolf cubs, sucked the she-wolf
  And sucked: you can"t go beyond the flags!
  And here it is - a wolf hunt,
  A hunt is underway - For the grey predators, Seasoned and puppies! The beaters are shouting, and the dogs are barking until they vomit, Blood on the snow - and red spots of flags.
  Our legs and jaws are fast -
  Why then - leader, give an answer - We rush, hunted, towards the shot
  And do not try through the ban?!
  The wolf cannot, must not do otherwise.
  Here my time is ending: The one for whom I am destined, Smiled and raised his gun.
  The hunt for wolves is on,
  The hunt is on - For gray predators, Seasoned and puppies! The beaters are shouting, and the dogs are barking until they vomit, Blood on the snow - and red spots of flags.
  I went out of obedience:
  Beyond the flags - the thirst for life is stronger! Only - from behind I joyfully heard the surprised cries of people.
  I'm straining myself - and all my tendons,
  But today is not like yesterday: They surrounded me, surrounded me - But the huntsmen were left with nothing!
  The hunt for wolves is on,
  The hunt is on - For gray predators, Seasoned and puppies! The beaters are shouting, and the dogs are barking until they vomit, Blood on the snow - and red spots of flags.
  After which the wolves actually went and left. If a barefoot boy sings, it means he's really cool and it's better not to mess with him.
  And Benedetto took great pleasure in crushing the mosquito with his bare toes. And he noted:
  - I changed the course of history!
  And indeed, everything changed. Blucher did not arrive in time, and Napoleon won at Waterloo. Then it was the turn of the Germans. The great commander won several more victories. Including over the Russian army. But the people of France were too tired of protracted wars. And too many men were killed.
  And Napoleon Bonaparte agreed to peace. France retained northern Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and part of Germany, as well as northern Spain.
  After which there was no war in Europe for some time. True, the French climbed into Africa and captured Algeria and Morocco. Then Tunisia was conquered, and then Libya and Egypt. The war for North Africa ended successfully for France. And then on to Sudan.
  Napoleon ruled until March 1842, living for seventy-two years, just like Genghis Khan. He was succeeded by his son, Napoleon II. Who soon became the Emperor of the Austrian Empire. But that's another story. Napoleon became a great legend. And his dynasty is a glorious dynasty. And Bonaparte's reign is truly legendary.
  There was even a song written about it:
  There was a stormy age, a wondrous age:
  Loud, majestic; There was a huge man, A squanderer of glory.
  It was the age of heroes!
  But the checkers got mixed up, And gnats and bugs crawled out of the cracks.
  Every mama's boy,
  every rip-off, a fool of fashionable nonsense, pretends to be a liberal.
  adversary of despotism ,
  the orator of equality, is swollen, blind and bearded, the proud registrar.
  the volumes of Thiers and Rabaud
  by heart
  and , like the ardent Mirabeau ,
  glorifies Liberty.
  And look: our Mirabeau
  of Old Gavrilo,
  with his crumpled frill,
  lashes his mustache and snout.
  And look: our Lafayette
  Brutus or Fabricius
  puts the peasants under the press
  together with the beets.
  . CHAPTER #21.
  Natasha Sokolova, having also worked hard in the cold with a shovel, decided to indulge in some writing, and why not?
  And the girl also took and wrote, using her bare toes on the typewriter, drumming on the keyboard:
  Moscow, the nineties of the twentieth century. The already familiar and even legendary Begemot and Koroviev stomp along the streets. They look like completely normal people. Koroviev, however, has swapped his checkered suit for a red jacket, and instead of a broken penny, he has put mirrored glasses on his face. Begemot also wears dark glasses that cover half of his face, in which skulls are reflected.
  And a leather jacket... This is the kind of couple that roams Moscow.
  Korolev noted:
  - And the number of goods in the stores has increased!
  Behemoth noted:
  - And all of them are imported! Cool!
  A boy of about twelve years old ran up to them and croaked, trying to make his voice sound like an adult:
  - Uncle, please give me a cigarette!
  The king responded harshly:
  - Smoking is harmful for children!
  The boy squeaked:
  - Bore ! - He ran, flashing his sneakers, and turning around, stuck out his tongue.
  The hippopotamus snapped his fingers. And a cake fell on the boy's head . He howled wildly and started running.
  Korolev noted:
  - Isn't it too much to drop "Napoleon" on the head of a scoundrel ?
  The cat and the jester Satan giggled:
  - I stole it from a Chechen stall, so it"s completely free!
  Azazello appeared like a jack-in-the-box. He was wearing a top hat, broad-shouldered, and a black and red leather suit. In his hands he was holding a weighty seventeen-round American "Colt".
  He roared, baring his teeth:
  - Having fun! And in the next block, bandits want to rape a girl!
  The hippopotamus chuckled:
  - Then shoot them!
  Azazello objected:
  - The boss forbade us to kill! At least without his sanction!
  Korolev nodded:
  -I see! Well, let's figure it out?!
  And the two servants of hell rushed.
  Indeed, four bald-headed guys with brass knuckles had already torn off the girl's blouse and exposed her breasts with seductively shining nipples.
  The hippopotamus squeaked:
  - What breasts!
  Korolev noted ironically:
  - Suck on such a breast and forget about the cow!
  The bandits turned to them and flashed their brass knuckles:
  - What are you looking at, perverts!
  Behemoth giggled and pulled a parabellum out of his pocket. His eyes flashed.
  The bandits also mechanically pulled out their guns. Satan's Jester fired.
  Air bubbles flew out of the barrel. They fell on the hooligans. They dropped the gun and began to choke with fits of laughter.
  Korolev snapped his fingers, and streams of chocolate cream splattered the bandits. It seemed harmless, but the chocolate was mixed with pepper and burned like acid. And all sorts of scoundrels began to run away, howling like animals.
  And the rapists' leather clothes began to smoke and peel off.
  Behemoth said:
  - It'll be like skinning an alligator!
  The king cooed:
  - By the power of the terminator - your face will be beaten !
  And both demons burst out laughing. Then they jumped up and helped put on the girl's bra.
  The hippopotamus handed her a pack of chocolate ice cream and said:
  - Sorry for ruining such a wonderful adventure!
  The girl replied:
  - Merci Boku!
    It seemed that she was not at all frightened by this adventure. And she kissed both demons on the cheeks. Then she asked:
  - And for moral damages!?
  Behemoth nodded and thrust a wad of dollars into the girl"s hand:
  - It's from these crooks!
  The girl nodded and said:
  - Well, you guys are great. What do you want in return?
  Korolev suggested:
  - Sing something for us!
  The girl propped her hips with her hands and sang:
  There was an era, Hey, hey ,
  There was a period, bless you...
  Union of false leaders,
  And real thieves!
  And now Engels and Mars,
  They look at us with delight...
  And it's clear to them that they like it,
  What's going on anyway!
  The hippopotamus chuckled and replied:
  - Not bad! Not bad at all!
  The king exclaimed:
  - Great!
  The cat, Satan's servant, sang:
  Well, we don't have that in our department store...
  I am not the Supreme Demiurge, this has nothing to do with it !
  And you get yourself a ticket to Copenhagen,
  Live there and you'll find out for yourself what things cost!
  The girl said with a smile:
  - Are you foreigners?
  Korolev replied:
  - Almost!
  The girl was surprised:
  - What do you mean almost?!
  The hippopotamus replied with a grin:
  - We are cosmopolitans!
  The girl exclaimed:
  - That's very cool! And you are not Zhirinovsky's falcons!
  Korolev, frowning , said:
  - No! Our master is cooler !
  The girl's eyes widened:
  - Yes! I would like to meet him!
  The hippopotamus chuckled:
  - No problem! Just let me warn you, our owner is such that if you get involved with him, then... It won't be boring either!
  The girl nodded:
  - I'm a natural blonde and that says it all!
  The king asked with a smile:
  - And what is your name?
  The blonde girl replied:
  - Margarita!
  The hippopotamus whistled:
  - Margarita! I love you, the window is open!
  Korolev noted:
  - Your features and face are familiar to me. Was your great-grandmother by any chance Margarita?!
  The girl muttered:
  - I don't know my great-grandmother's name! She went missing when my grandmother was very little. There were rumors that she was kidnapped by demons!
  The hippopotamus smiled sweetly :
  - Is this good or bad?
  Margarita answered with a smile:
  - How can I say... I haven't tried it yet!
  Korolev nodded:
  - If you haven't changed your mind yet, we can go to the Mercier !
  And as if on command, the imposing Azazello appeared in a red and black leather jacket with a white tie, a top hat and mirrored glasses with an image of a nuclear mushroom.
  He nodded and suggested:
  - Would you like to take a ride, madam?
  Margarita nodded:
  - Merci! But my mother warned me not to get into a car with strange men!
  The demon in the top hat growled:
  - I am Azazello!
  The girl replied:
  - Margarita!
  Azazello nodded:
  - So we've met! And now we can go for a ride!
  Margarita nodded:
  - Now you can!
  The girl jumped into a luxurious, gilded car, of a rather ornate shape. And behind her was Korolev with Behemoth.
  And they took off.
  The demon cat sang:
  - They kept us in chains for a long time,
  For a long time we were starving...
  The dark days are over -
  The hour of redemption has struck!
  The girl looked around. The car was racing at incredible speed. She asked in surprise:
  - Is your owner a big boss?
  Korolev answered honestly:
  - Just huge! What?
  Margarita noted:
  - I feel enormous. fool !
  The hippopotamus laughed and replied:
  - It's your first time working as a night fairy. Last week a client gave you three hundred dollars for one blowjob. How much would you have to work as a broom for that kind of money?
  The girl flushed and shouted:
  - How do you know?!
  Korolev confidently stated:
  - We know everything about people, or almost everything! And these bandits wouldn't have gotten away with just rape. They wanted to sell you to an Asian brothel because you were constantly underpaying the mafia!
  Margarita muttered:
  - The mafia takes half of the income! And that's too much!
  Behemoth added:
  - And the police are also about thirty percent. And that's also too much!
  Azazello added:
  - And the police want to use it for free. At least the bandits pay for their services!
  The girl squeaked:
  - Are you from the FSB?
  The hippopotamus laughed and replied:
  - No! Aim higher, sister!
  Korolev nodded in agreement:
  - You'll soon figure out where we're from! And here we are!
  A whole palace was in front of Margarita. Very luxurious indeed. A real Devil's lair - it must make an impression. There was security at the entrance: girls of heroic build in suits that did not hide their figures and even larger and more muscular young men. And all with machine guns and in mirrored glasses. And trained leopards instead of dogs.
  Margarita whistled:
  - Wow! I see your boss is cool!
  Behemoth corrected:
  - Not cool! But there is nothing cooler!
  The girl looked, there were several fountains around the palace with gilded statues and jets of sparkling sun droplets flying high into the sky like diamonds. One of the statues was Samson tearing open the mouth of a lion. It was very similar to the fountain in Peterhof. But only three times larger. And the fountain was a good hundred meters high. Which is completely incredible according to the laws of physics.
  Margarita whistled:
  - Awesome! Your boss is a billionaire!
  Azazello snorted contemptuously:
  - To ours No billionaire can hold a candle to Messire !
  The blonde girl with her hair slightly sprinkled with gold smiled. She was very beautiful. No wonder she was so appreciated by the clients on the street. Her figure and face - everything was perfect, and her hair, so slightly curly, thick, and brightly shiny, and a natural color, without hairspray.
  Behemoth thought that she was much more beautiful than her great-grandmother, and perhaps looked more impressive. Although the cream made Margarita look younger. And made her hair curly.
  And this girl is about twenty years old, still so fresh and beautiful. Azazello smiled and remarked:
  - You are lovely!
  The triumvirate of demons and the natural, honey blonde got out of the car. They walked past the white columns with gold leaf curls. Everything was so beautiful here.
  And inside the palace, when we walked along the corridors, there were many mirrors, statues, paintings. And paintings with very bright colors, oil on canvas, and in frames strewn with precious stones. And on them were different kinds of landscapes. And portraits, and works of different masters.
  Behemoth noted:
  - There are paintings by great artists here. Very impressive!
  Margarita asked in surprise:
  - How are these really originals?
  Azazello confirmed:
  - They are indeed originals. And ours Messire is a real collection, painted by the hands of the best masters. And everything in the museums of the world is just copies!
  The blonde girl and night fairy at the same time cooed:
  - Wow ! And you're not pouring it on!
  Azazello replied angrily:
  - You know, sometimes I had to rip off the skin of beauties like you! So watch your talk, whore !
  Margarita smiled back very sweetly.
  She was wearing high heels and was walking on the colored marble floor. It looked beautiful.
  The palace was lovely. It was as big as the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, but taller: seven floors. And in the center was a very tall dome , like a cathedral.
  Margarita noted:
  - Your patron is truly an emperor!
  Korolev replied with a smile:
  - All emperors are given into his power! And this is still a modest local residence. He has palaces a thousand times larger than this and more magnificent!
  The girl, modestly lowering her eyes, asked:
  - Excuse me! What is your Boss's name?!
  Azazello smiled and replied:
  - His name is Woland! But you can just call him Messire!
  Margarita shuddered and remarked:
  - I expected something like this! That means it's the Devil himself!
  Azazello showed his fist:
  - Don't you dare call Messire the Devil! He and we really don't like it!
  The blonde girl asked timidly:
  - But why?
  Korolev replied with a smile:
  - The word Devil is translated from ancient Greek as slanderer. And who wants to be called that. You can, at worst, say: Satan or Lucifer! But better Mercer , or if you like it modern Boss!
  Margarita giggled and noted:
  - Father of evil!
  Behemoth clarified:
  - More like a sin!
  The blonde girl asked with surprise:
  - What's the difference?
  Korolev answered confidently:
  - Yes! Evil symbolizes destruction first and foremost, and sin - freedom!
  Margarita nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, that's right! For example, I am absolutely free to choose my clients. I won't lie down if I don't want to! But what can I do when I want to give men joy? They simply blossom with me. And their faces shine with joy when I compliment them! So I do the oldest craft because I like it!
  The hippopotamus nodded in agreement:
  - We know that! There are many men who like it with different women, and you are a woman who likes it with many men!
  Azazello added:
  - And she likes it with women too. She loves to cuddle with them!
  The king sang, baring his teeth:
  It is impossible to live in this world without women, no,
  Men blossom, forgetting about the counting of years!
  Let them not find the words, but we will fall in love again,
  Every time, even for an hour!
  Margarita noted with a smile:
  - I like young men more, but in the movie Woland looked so old...
  The hippopotamus burst out laughing:
  - I've seen this movie! Ten episodes were filmed well. But our Messire is not a man, but an almost absolutely Almighty Spirit. And he can take any form. Including the most handsome and young man in the universe!
  The blonde girl laughed and replied:
  - This is super!
  And so they finally entered the throne room, passing numerous statues and paintings, as well as painted vases. It was all strewn with precious stones of all the colors of the rainbow. And it was magnificent. Around stood gorgeous girls covered only with beads of jewelry, and barefoot, but with bracelets with gems on their wrists and ankles. In addition to the girls, there were also huge, muscular, bronze-skinned young men. They were naked to the waist, and their muscles were so monstrously developed that the world champion in bodybuilding would hang himself from envy.
  The men were wearing wide trousers and scarlet boots; there were about three times fewer of them than girls.
  And here is the throne itself: it sparkles as if it were made of multi-colored stars. Such magnificence.
  And on it sits Messire Woland, or Satan Himself - the second Person after God in the Universe and the God of This Age. In this case, he took the form of a black-skinned hero, with the muscles of Hercules, as the Greeks sculpted him.
  All four of them: three demons and the girl bowed to such greatness.
    The black-skinned Voland said in a thunderous voice:
  - Hello my friends. And this is you, Margarita Petrovna.
  The blonde girl bowed:
  - I obey you, Messire - I am ready to surrender myself to you!
  Hercules-Satan answered with a smile:
  - I have billions of girls and not only - of this world. Although you are a beauty, and maybe I give you - this fabulous pleasure. But remember, with me women and men experience such strong pleasure that with others sex becomes uninteresting!
  Margarita nodded:
  - I believe you, great one! But how with men...
  Woland grinned. And in the blink of an eye he turned into a magnificent, tall red-haired girl. She was almost naked, and only her breasts and hips were barely covered by threads of jewelry that sparkled with marvelous and bright gems. The Satan girl was very beautiful, and her facial features were so expressive and regal - it was clear that she really was the ruler of the universe.
  The girl Margarita looked at her with devouring eyes. What a body : what muscles, and how deep the relief in them. And the skin shines very strongly, like polished bronze. And the smile, such large pearl teeth the girl-Satan has. And the hair: copper-red, the wind blew, and they looked like a banner crowning the "Aurora", fluttering.
  The hippopotamus said with a smile:
  - She admires you!
  The red-haired Lucifer girl nodded:
  - I see how her eyes are burning... But it's not time yet! I warn her once again: after sex with me, you will no longer want any other women or men!
  Margarita nodded and replied:
  - I love the figures of bodybuilders. Both male and female. Muscles turn me on!
  Azazello threw off his suit, revealing his well-defined muscles, and quite large ones:
  - And how do you like me?
  The blonde girl replied, licking her lips:
  - Lovely! Super!
  The red demon chuckled and replied:
  - Well, what will an old man client give you?
  A ring for your birthday...
  And I will give you a moment of bliss,
  And I will give you a moment of bliss!
  And a sea of pleasure!
  The Satan Girl shouted:
  - Then Azazello!
  The hippopotamus started singing, baring teeth that looked more like a tiger than a cat:
  - Because, because, because we are pilots,
  The sky is ours, the sky is our home!
  First things first, first things first, planes,
  Well, and the girls! Well, and the girls later!
  The Woland girl clicked her bare toes and a bouquet of scarlet buds appeared in Margarita"s hands.
  The Satan girl took and sang:
  - I'm not a master, of course, but I'm waiting for Margarita,
  Let her smile in the midst of the hustle and bustle...
  But there are only daisies,
  But they, unfortunately, are just flowers!
  Only flowers!
  Margarita sniffed and answered:
  - These are beautiful flowers, O Light-Bearer !
  The Lucifer girl nodded and sang:
  I adore beauty,
  I surround the throne with flowers...
    I love sinful girls ,
  I catch them in the net of hell!
    Behemoth , smiling and baring his teeth, began to sing, and all the other servants of Satan picked it up:
  Our king is a messenger from heaven,
  Our king is like a ghostly demon...
  Our king is the chosen one of destiny,
  Our king is only you!
  Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!
  The Satan girl changed her hair color from red to black, became a raven, without losing her true beauty, and answered:
  - Good and evil are relative concepts, everyone understands that!
  Behemoth clarified:
  - All the people who were lucky enough to go to hell!
  Margarita was surprised:
  - What's good in hell?!
  The hippopotamus nodded:
  - It couldn't be better. At least compared to boring heaven. There, the righteous march like pioneers all the time, only not to the sound of a drum, but to the sounds of a harp and an organ. And they also sing songs praising the Lord God. They aren't even allowed to watch TV! And here! Plus eighteen movies are shown 24 hours a day without any restrictions!
  Azazello nodded with a smile and added:
  - And any kind of sex: including sado and maso ! What do you prefer, Margarita?!
  The blonde girl answered honestly:
  - I love humiliating men! And women too!
  The red-haired demon smiled carnivorously:
  - Sadist! They love those!
  Voland-girl changed her hairstyle again, the heads became blue and the color of the waves. Satan-warrior sang:
  - I am the great Lucifer,
  Shedding light...
  And the sacred sword of war,
  The secret has been revealed!
  And then he changed his tone to a more stern one:
  - And what will he do with Borka?
  Azazello sang:
  - And all around it"s like a parade,
  The whole country is heading to hell...
  With a wide gait!
  Behemoth answered quite logically:
  - Nothing! If we interfere in human affairs, it's purely on a whim! And so...
  Korolev noted:
  - After Borka, a KGB officer will come! And it will be even weirder!
  Azazello roared, baring his teeth and waving his fists:
  - Thank you, Mr. President,
  For stupid, empty eyes...
  Because everything is possible -
  But it"s impossible to live!
  Lucifer girl noted:
  - But you live as if you were in God's bosom !
  The hippopotamus nodded:
  - Our God is You!
  The Satan-girl suddenly changed. And turned into a boy of about eleven years old. The boy was fair-haired, wearing shorts and barefoot. He found himself next to Margarita and began to jump up and down and sing:
  - Who is stronger and cooler than the boy,
  You're a stupid whore, tell me ...
  I get bumps in my rage,
  And I crush all enemies with all my heart!
  , I don"t want to be an adult .
  It's good to be a boy forever...
  To make life seem like paradise to us,
  May our dream come true!
  And the boy flew up into the air. He looked like Peter Pan . A cute boy-Lucifer.
  And he beckoned to Margarita with his finger. And the girl flew up after him. And she howled from the wondrous sensations of flight.
  Satan Boy asked:
  - Like?!
  Margarita responded with delight:
  - Very!
  The Young Devil remarked:
  - I fly every day and even between the stars. And it's so great ! My power is great. Do you want to see Moscow from above?
  And the boy-Satan took the girl by the hand and jerked her upward. She involuntarily closed her eyes when she flew up to the vault. But they passed through it as if they were ghosts.
  And now they are already above the palace, and its golden domes are visible.
  The boy Voland sang:
  Golden domes,
  Golden domes...
  Tattooed on the chest,
  Only they are blue, and not a gram of gold!
  Margarita remarked, amazed by the view of Moscow from a bird's eye view:
  - How magnificent this is! I've never seen anything like it!
  Satan Boy nodded:
  - If it weren't for the fall, you wouldn't even build a house. And you wouldn't have schools or academies.
  Margarita, hovering over Moscow with Lucifer, who had taken the form of a child. And seeing at the same time the Kremlin, and the Ostankino TV tower, and all the magnificence of the capital, began to sing:
  -If there were no schools,
  If there were no schools...
  What would a person go to?
  What has man come to?
  I would turn into a savage again!
  Boy Voland nodded:
  - And in a hundred years you will be even better! You will reach that level.
  Centuries will pass and people will be cooler than angels and demons!
  Margarita muttered:
  - Honestly, honestly?
  The Young Prince of Darkness replied in a low voice:
  - If the Almighty Lord does not destroy you!
  Stalin-Putin was now celebrating the new year of 1950. This is a special year of the Tiger. And perhaps the dictator-time traveler was counting on changes for the better. In any case, while peace reigned. And Hitler was behaving quietly. The invasion of Finland was postponed until warmer times. But it was clear that the Third Reich had decided to include all its satellites in its composition. Latin America was captured, Spain and Portugal too, and also Turkey and Italy. Now the Finns remained. Well, maybe also Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Croatia. And then only the USSR would remain as one independent country.
  It is clear that there is little time before the attack of the Third Reich. What is Finland for the Wehrmacht? It is a fun week, two at most. Well, the other countries will be easily crushed. So the Fuhrer can invade if not in 1950, then almost certainly in 1951. Unless, of course, he has other considerations. But there is little hope of avoiding war. Hitler himself is only sixty years old, he does not smoke and does not drink alcohol, so the chances of his death are small. Stalin himself is in poor health. And Putin dreams that this body may kick the bucket and his spirit will migrate to someone younger. Moreover, the USSR has practically no chance against the Wehrmacht. The atomic bomb still needs to be developed. And a couple of atomic bombs will not protect the USSR. And it will be difficult to deliver them to Berlin . The Germans have very strong aviation, and long-range ballistic missiles still need a long time to be worked on. And most importantly, Hitler forbids the USSR to develop nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. And he can strike at any moment.
  Moscow is a frontline city, surrounded on almost all sides, with only a corridor. And there is a thin corridor to Leningrad. How can you resist in case of war? The Germans will immediately cut this narrow strip, and the capital will be surrounded.
  Stalin-Putin sighed heavily. Two beautiful girls in short skirts and high-heeled shoes brought the commander-in-chief some red wine with spices. Stalin-Putin sighed and sipped the drink. And thought...
  In the field of tank building, the best so far are the T-54 and IS-7. Everything else is either too big or too expensive. Well, they are developing the T-55, also a decent tank, more powerful than the T-55.
  Well, the MIG-15 is also a pretty decent fighter. And there is also the Yak-23. But there are very few of them so far. And in the event of an attack, the sky will be covered by planes. Well, they are trying to create air defense, of course. Even something like the S-400. But it is not easy to do. It also requires a different, higher level of technology. And so it is like making an atomic bomb in the Stone Age. Maybe we should also try laser weapons?
  But it is not very effective even in the twenty-first century. And Vladimir Putin himself is superficially familiar with weapons. He is not an expert. But the Germans' pyramid tanks are a formidable force.
  And there are such tanks - one meter high, weight seven tons, one crew member, and a small one at that. And try to penetrate it with a cannon. Only the IS-7 can take it. But in real history, even after winning the war, they couldn"t mass-produce the IS-7. And here, they actually lost the war, lost a lot of land, and try to launch it into series production, even if it"s not bad, it"s expensive and difficult to produce.
  Stalin-Putin expressed himself in the words of Mikhail Botvinnik, the world chess champion:
  - In a bad position, all moves are bad! So let's drink to not getting into bad positions!
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