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Pass The Princess Exam

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  • Аннотация:
    A beautiful student and aspiring film actress, Dominika, dreams of becoming a screen star. And when the nymph came to her, she willingly followed her, ending up in the kingdom of the dragon. Dominica has hidden outstanding abilities, and a strange pestilence has come to the empire and neighboring states, as a result of which almost all males have become petrified. One of the last representatives of the stronger sex, the elf prince Oenomaus, managed to delay his death thanks to the gift of Dominica. And now they have to work together to uncover the mystery of an incomprehensible pestilence and expose the dark forces.

  A beautiful student and aspiring film actress, Dominika, dreams of becoming a screen star. And when the nymph came to her, she willingly followed her, ending up in the kingdom of the dragon. Dominica has hidden outstanding abilities, and a strange pestilence has come to the empire and neighboring states, as a result of which almost all males have become petrified. One of the last representatives of the stronger sex, the elf prince Oenomaus, managed to delay his death thanks to the gift of Dominica. And now they have to work together to uncover the mystery of an incomprehensible pestilence and expose the dark forces.
  Distinguished by her rare, unique beauty, Dominika Delfinova received one of the main roles in the blockbuster "Star Empress". And this is a film with a huge budget and promises huge profits. Before this, Dominica had already starred in a number of films, but received only pennies. Her beauty was stunning, and her hair was a very bright spring dandelion color, and few people believed that she could do without dyes and varnish. But that's how it was. Dominika was a natural, honey blonde with ideal proportions, and also with sculpted muscles and excellent stretch.
  Although the girl did not engage in martial arts, she danced in ballet. And she had speed, grace, and excellent coordination of movements.
  She could, for example, show herself well in action films. Like a girl whose angelic appearance hides a warrior-devil.
  Now she took off her shoes and happily ran through the park, feeling the pleasant tickling from the grass and pebbles of the path with her bare soles. Her legs were so perfect and seductive that they were often photographed barefoot and in close-up, which especially delighted men. Dominica was proud of her beautiful legs, and wore a short skirt until the frost.
  At that moment, a girl suddenly appeared in front of her. Very young, one might say, almost a girl. Dominica was tall, muscular, graceful, and her face, despite the impeccable smoothness and velvety skin, did not seem like the face of a young, naive girl. And this is like a schoolgirl, though she"s dressed quite richly, and she has these little pieces of glass hanging on her and sparkling brightly in the sun.
  Dominica even thought that maybe these were real jewelry.
  The girl stamped her small, bare foot. And bindweed shoots with scarlet and purple buds appeared on the rocky path.
  Dominica whistled:
  - What a trick! Are you also a film actress or a circus performer?
  The girl answered in a whisper:
  - I'm a nymph! There is no time to explain anymore, follow me!
  The girl spread her hands in disbelief:
  - Well, that's... Good joke! What's your name?
  The nymph squeaked:
  - Marquise de Cassandra. And enough talk, every moment of being in your world requires colossal, magical energy!
  And she firmly, with by no means childish strength, grabbed Dominica"s hand, powerfully squeezing her palm.
  The strong and dexterous film actress immediately realized that it was useless to resist such a grip.
  The girl, using the bare toes of her small, graceful foot, turned the stone of the ring on the index finger of her free hand. And at the same moment, Dominika felt as if she was falling into a well. And it was a very pleasant, unique feeling.
  Then everything was filled with a dazzlingly bright light, which seemed to pierce every cell of the body of a strong, athletic, uniquely beautiful girl.
  . CHAPTER No. 1.
  Dominika's bare feet felt the hot surface beneath her, and that was her first impression. There was a flickering before my eyes, as if I had been blinded by powerful flashes, like a blitz in a camera. And the girl was not immediately able to see where she had ended up.
  The gentle voice of the nymph was heard:
  - Don't be afraid! Now it will pass and you will be able to see everything.
  Dominica winced and blinked. Her bare feet began to feel hotter. Under the bare, girlish soles there was something burning, like the sand of the Sahara at noon. Dominika loved to run barefoot. Especially when I got used to it during screen tests.
  When she was a girl, she was offered to play a partisan intelligence officer.
  Of course, during the war, girls walked barefoot in the summer, since shoes should be taken care of, and strangely enough, when you walk for a long time, it"s even easier.
  And in the end they led her to hang her, barefoot in the snow. This is in the style of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, only Dominika is blonde and much more beautiful, and she has natural charm. And when he smiles and bares his white teeth, as if made of natural pearls, he completely removes the roof from its hinges.
  And here the soles burn, and it"s somehow hot. It was warm in Moscow in May, but you couldn"t call it hot.
  And here, it"s like somewhere in Arabia at noon. It's even hotter there. She once filmed a movie in the Emirates, and she had to walk barefoot on the sand. Naturally, in the morning, when the sand had cooled a little during the night, but it was still hot, they even greased her feet with Vaseline to make it easier.
  But local children run around barefoot, at least among the poor, and laugh, showing their small teeth, without experiencing discomfort.
  Indeed, the flickering in her eyes stopped, and Dominica saw that she was in the city square. The cobblestones under the beauty's feet were orange and purple. And the houses around are tall, very beautiful, as if in the center of St. Petersburg, where antiquity has been preserved. Only here the buildings are taller and even more vibrant, colorful, rich, luxurious and elaborate.
  And there is a lot of gold leaf, which is undoubtedly pleasing to the eye. And there are many beautiful girls on the streets. They, flashing barefoot, graceful, tanned, muscular legs, began to surround Dominica and her glamorous marquise-nymph.
  The girls were all, without exception, beautiful, young, barefoot, but wearing jewelry. Some have more jewelry with precious stones, others have less. Several girls were wearing only white, short tunics.
  This is what slaves usually looked like when they made films about ancient times, Dominika noted.
  However , not all girls were human. Some have ears like a lynx, others have eagle noses. Several girls were smaller, like the Marquise de Cassandra, just girls, but they took off and moved without touching the pavement with their small feet.
  A whole kingdom of girls who, not afraid of the hot pavement, flaunt their bare, pink heels.
  And they surrounded Dominica and the marquise with a ring, and smiled, chattering quietly.
  The girls emanated a very pleasant smell of young, muscular bodies
  of the fair sex, mixed with expensive perfumes.
  Some also had weapons in their hands. In particular, bows, elegantly shaped crossbows, swords, sabers, daggers and quivers of arrows.
  It was very reminiscent of extras for the filming of a fantasy film; it"s even surprising that they managed to gather so many flawless, curvy, athletic beauties in one place.
  Most of the girls were almost naked, only their breasts and hips were covered with jewelry made of precious stones.
  About a dozen girls in modest tunics knelt, holding platinum-glittering jugs of drink and golden trays of various foods and fruits.
  Dominika muttered in confusion:
  - What do you want from me? - And she added a little more confidently. "If you have time, I"ll be willing to appear in your extras, just pay me well."
  The nymph marquise answered with a smile:
  - Apparently you think this is a movie? No, this is the Elf- Dragon Empire !
  Dominique giggled and jumped. My heels burned mercilessly. She shook off beads of sweat. Well, it's hot. Just like in the Arabian desert. It"s amazing how the beauties walk barefoot here, and their skin doesn"t peel from the sun.
  Where is she? Obviously not in Russia...
  Dominica glanced at the sky and whistled. The sky was yellow, rare clouds were orange, and there were several lights at once ... No wonder it was so hot. Moreover, the luminaries are so ornate in shape, with curls or horns...
  Dominika felt that she was getting sick. Like, this is how people go crazy. Her pretty face twisted and turned pale.
  She staggered, but two elf girls with ears supported her. The representatives of the fair sex parted, and the beauties in white, translucent tunics brought her vessels with drink on the naked, so beautiful and muscular bodies of the girls. And they poured emerald wine into golden bowls.
  Dominika drank greedily. And she felt that the wine was unusually sweet and tasty; energy, strength, and vigor immediately flowed through her veins.
  And the girl"s already bare feet didn"t burn so much, or rather, they felt a pleasant warmth, and the temperature around became ideal, like in a dream.
  Dominique perked up and shook her gold leaf-colored head, shouting:
  - Hello sleepwalkers!
  Then the girl quickly corrected herself:
  - I"m glad to meet my brothers, or rather, sisters in mind!
  The girls clapped their hands. And they sang in chorus:
  - We wish you happiness,
  You are our hope, believe me...
  Paths to other worlds -
  The door was opened!
  Marquise de Cassandra nodded:
  - Yes, you have to help us. And there will be a huge reward for this.
  Dominica shrugged her muscular shoulders and asked in surprise:
  - And how can I help you?
  The nymph girl wanted to say something, when the sound of a trumpet and the sound of wings was heard. All the numerous representatives of the fair sex knelt down at once and bent in respectful bow.
  The Marquise also nudged Dominique:
  - Bow down too.
  The girl actress asked in surprise:
  - For what?
  The nymph girl squeaked:
  - The Dragon Duchess meets you. Dragons rule our empire. Come on, on one knee!
  Dominica decided not to break her pride. Although she was afraid that the hot pavement would burn her bare knee, tanned to light bronze. But the skin has clearly become stronger and less sensitive. It is clear that people here go barefoot not because of poverty. But for more serious reasons that still need to be clarified.
  Then the dragon duchess herself appeared. A beast with three heads, very brightly colored, like a butterfly. Big, like a good fighter, but not scary at all, or not scary if it's her.
  The heads seemed relatively small, and small but bright crowns sparkled on them.
  When the female dragon flew by, the girls under her wings changed their skin color to lilac, and then to emerald. This has become beautiful.
  Dominica was as if spellbound. This was the first time she had seen a real dragon in reality. Yes, in the movies, of course, they make good dragons using computer graphics. But this dragon is real, very beautiful and graceful.
  The head, the one in the middle, asked, her voice was very pleasant:
  - I am very glad to see you, our guest from planet Earth!
  Dominica smiled and replied:
  - And I"m very glad to see you too!
  The Dragon Duchess nodded and continued, the head on the right already speaking:
  - We invited you because in your veins flows the blood of the very one, I don"t know who, who lives there, I don"t know where!
  Dominika Delfinova rubbed one of her bare, chiseled legs against the other and said in confusion:
  - It"s like, I didn"t understand!
  The head of the dragon duchess on the left answered in a confident tone:
  - And we don"t understand this ourselves. But in any case, we have such a terrible problem that we are like drowning people, clutching at straws!
  Dominica stamped her bare, very seductive foot and sang:
  - Hold me, straw, hold me,
  When there are fifteen points around the storm...
  Tear apart the enemies that the elves have,
  Fate has thrown me like this in life!
  Girls of all stripes clapped their hands together, and it was so lovely and cool.
  The central head spoke again:
  - So, we have a strange pestilence. Representatives of the stronger sex, be it elves, humans, trolls, hobbits, vampires, gnomes and others living in our universe, for unknown reasons began to turn to stone and crumble at once. In our country, apart from orcs and gnomes, there were twelve times fewer males than females, and now they have almost completely disappeared! Of course, this is a tragedy!
  Dominika giggled and blurted out:
  - This is so wonderful! Otherwise there is no way out of these hairy, nasty men! And most importantly, the uglier a man is, with a potbelly and a bald head, wrinkles, the more he clings to you.
  One of the elves objected:
  - There are no pot-bellied, wrinkled and bald elves! They don't even have beards or mustaches.
  Dominica remarked:
  " Moreover, it"s more expensive to get involved with these youngsters!" They don't allow passage either. I'm so tired of these fans. And you, thank God, don"t have these lustful, sweaty, nasty males, and you can rest and relax.
  All three dragon heads thundered at once:
  - A world without males is doomed to die! Compared to the people of planet Earth, we live a very long time, especially dragons. Yes, it"s boring without men, and there is no harmony in the universe without the stronger sex.
  The girls made noises of approval. One muttered:
  - All our men are beautiful! Once upon a time , thousands of years ago, men of the human race had hair, bald spots, wrinkles, bellies, but now they are all young, beautiful, curvy and smell pleasant, like elves!
  Dominika laughed and winked ... Then she answered:
  - OK! Maybe in a couple of months I'll start to miss men. I just don"t understand how I can help you?
  The right head of the dragon duchess replied:
  - To be honest, we don"t know this ourselves. But you have the blood of a creature from another universe, where all the inhabitants have not two sexes, like we have on Earth, but three. And perhaps this will help us get our males back!
  Dominica shook herself and noted:
  - Trisexual creatures? Yes, I read science fiction, this is theoretically possible!
  The nymph girl nodded:
  - Yes! The pestilence did not touch them. But who will guarantee that an infection will not appear that will mow down the fair sex? And it could be even worse! And even without the stronger sex, if an aggressor invades our universe, then we will not have a chance to fight back.
  The girl actress nodded:
  - OK! I sympathize with you. By the way, can this come to Earth?
  The left head of the dragon duchess confirmed:
  - Yes! Quite possibly. So don't think they're asking you for a favor. You have a younger brother, and he also acts in films. Do you want this boy to turn to stone and crumble into dust?
  Dominica angrily stamped her bare foot and said with annoyance:
  - You know a lot about me!
  The nymph girl replied:
  - We sometimes like to watch movies from your planet. It can be downloaded directly from the Internet, which does not require large expenditures of magical energy. That's why we saw you too. And the high fairies felt your unique aura, and they saw your brother, he also has a piece of that, I don"t know who!
  Dominica whistled and cooed:
  - I know for sure that everything that is impossible is possible! However , it would be better for me to study in absentia!
  Marquise de Cassandra noted:
  - Exactly, this is what you have to do. Study, study and study again!
  The student girl muttered displeasedly:
  - What else is this for?
  Immediately, the three heads of the dragon duchess spoke synchronously and harmoniously in their pleasant voices:
  - You don"t know anything about magic and sorcery! And you need to have extensive and fundamental knowledge to help us. Once you graduate from the Imperial Dragon Academy of Dularis , you will have previously unknown powers that will allow you to wear the crown of the sorceress princess. And only in this case will you be able, or rather, will you get at least a small chance to return the representatives of the stronger sex from the underworld.
  Dominic whistled and remarked:
  - Oh, what I don"t like is studying!
  Indeed, she loved to dance, jump, and act in films. I even loved it very much. But her studies were difficult for her. She even enrolled in a paid department so that she could get her diploma with less effort. Indeed, it's easier this way.
  Dominica would not have entered the academy at all if it were not fashionable without a higher education. Moreover, even billionaires will not marry a girl without a diploma.
  But to marry an oligarch, as rich as possible and, at the same time, preferably old, sick and completely senile. Then get rid of it, become a billionaire widow and live for your own pleasure.
  And write film scripts yourself. She even had an idea. And she's in the lead role. Like Emperor Palpatine , or rather, his dark spirit moved into a clone girl and began to create a new empire with conquests.
  Yes, that's great ! However, her leading role was not bad anyway, and it smelled like big money. But ... Now, she has become a hit . And she will have to do what she loves least - study!
  Dominica asked in a trembling voice:
  - What if I refuse?
  The girls around made noise with displeasure. One shouted:
  - Shoot her on her heels!
  The Three Heads of the Dragon Duchess replied:
  - We have no moral right to force you. However, in order to extract you from planet Earth, a lot of expensive magical energy was required. And back, if you want to come back, pay for the journey here, the expensive wine you drank, and the return ticket.
  Dominica squeaked:
  - It"s not fair to charge me for something I didn"t want to do! I was moved against my will!
  The central head of the female dragon replied:
  - You are our, perhaps, one of our last chances! True, you can still try with your brother, but he is still a boy, and nevertheless, a man, and he too can crumble into dust.
  Dominique screamed furiously:
  - Don't touch my brother! It's none of his business!
  The Dragon Duchess asked insinuatingly:
  -Are you willing to study to be a princess? Imagine what opportunities you will have. You will not grow old, you will live several thousand years, and maybe even more if you obtain even more advanced magic and become an immortal god. And you will have subjects and your own kingdom!
  Dominica breathed heavily and said pleadingly:
  - Let me think a little.
  The marquise girl confirmed:
  - Yes, let him think about it. She needs to get to know our world better. Let him adapt and come to his senses. And he will make the right decision.
  The Dragon Duchess nodded affirmatively with all three heads:
  - Let him walk around the city. It's big and gorgeous. Show her out, Cassandra, and you girls give her the way. Don't interfere!
  The fair sex parted. The nymph marquise took something that looked like pizza from the tray and handed it to Dominika:
  - Here, eat! You will become stronger.
  A girl in a tunic poured wine, already pink, into a golden goblet from a platinum jug . Dominika cautiously took a bite of the pizza. It turned out to be extremely tasty, and the girl began to eat, much more confidently, and washed it down with wine, so sweet and aromatic.
  After which, Dominica's mood rose sharply. And she sang:
  Gift of teachers,
  They spent time with me...
  They taught me for nothing...
  And then the student girl did not find a suitable rhyme, and what was flashing in her beautiful head looked very vulgar and inappropriate.
  They headed off together, and the nymph led her by the arm. Although she was more than a head shorter and thinner than the strong and tall and so muscular Dominika.
  Both girls stamped their bare feet and moved with the speed of young gazelles.
  The houses around were very luxurious . No city on Earth has ever been so magnificent. There were also flowers growing here, so huge, bright and fragrant. Everything about this city was beautiful and glamorous.
  And lots of girls. Very luxuriously dressed , or, on the contrary, more modestly, and some girls washed the streets. But everyone is young, fresh, beautiful and barefoot.
  Dominica asked in surprise:
  - Why don"t they wear shoes, or at least flip flops?
  The Marquise de Cassandra answered with a smile:
  - This is the magic of this planet. It helps us maintain eternal youth, cast magic, and our bare toes can also be used in battle!
  The girl artist laughed and remarked:
  - This is wonderful! In general, when I was very little, I was embarrassed to walk barefoot, because I believed that this was a sign of extreme poverty. But then I got used to the movies. Moreover, it was necessary for the soles to be a little rougher when I played Spartacus"s sister in childhood, or various kinds of partisans. I liked it. But if you walk around Moscow barefoot, you will be mistaken for a mentally ill person, and there is too much infection and dirt on the streets!
  The nymph girl nodded:
  - Yes - that"s understandable! Plus, running without shoes is much more agile, since the skin of a warrior is much stronger than the soles of the most expensive boots, and it is elastic, flexible and charged with magic!
  They moved on. You can see how high, like the spire of the Ostankino TV tower, the jets of the fountain rush. So they take off, contrary to the laws of physics. And the jets themselves are multicolored. How beautiful this is.
  And what palaces are there all around? How luxurious everything is here. And the statute sparkles not only with gold, but also with some bright, orange metal unknown on Earth.
  Dominica noted:
  - Your city is like a fairy tale. And the girls are magnificent, like a real paradise, and not an invented one, like ours!
  Cassandra giggled and asked:
  - Why do you think that your paradise is made up?
  The girl artist answered quite logically:
  - Because he has conflicting descriptions. One religion says one thing, another says something else, and a third says the exact opposite!
  The nymph marquise nodded:
  - Yeah, I know! I looked at your Internet. It's easier than traveling to Earth. It"s so simpler that even simple elves, trolls and people can climb into it and watch a movie. With all the splendor of the magical world, we, unfortunately, do not have such advanced technologies as the people of Earth. You are amateurs in magic, but our technology development is frozen!
  Dominica asked in surprise:
  - Why did you freeze technology?
  The nymph, lowering her voice, answered:
  - It's not us. These are dragons. They apparently do not want to undermine their power. Although, of course, they allow us to live normally, and for some even luxuriously, but ... Let "s not talk about that!
  And again there was a pause. The luxury around is, of course, super. Everything is so beautiful, such decorations, statues, houses and temples.
  Yes, temples, of course, are very diverse. Not as usual on Earth in certain similarities. And they are completely different in style, coloring, and shape . And of course, beautiful. Here are the figures, and domes, and polygons, prisms and so on.
  And many temples have domes in the form of buds of the most beautiful flowers.
  Dominica looked at her partner and asked her:
  - You look like a schoolgirl ... But how old are you really?
  Cassandra answered with a smile:
  - People have this saying: it"s not customary to ask a lady about her age!
  The girl artist concluded:
  - Probably a lot.
  The nymph girl nodded:
  - Maybe! But we live longer than elves, trolls, people, and even than gnomes and vampires. Because we have the blood of the gods in us, we are blood relatives with them. The rest have a more indirect connection with immortals .
  Dominica muttered:
  - We are all sons and daughters of God. Somewhat.
  Cassandra clicked her bare toes.
  And then a magic wand appeared in the nymph"s hands. She whispered quietly:
  - It has a dragon vein inside it. This is a very powerful artifact, expensive and rare. But there is also great strength in it. Show you the impact?
  Dominica blurted out:
  - I watched a series about a boy with a magic wand. But there is a skinny boy there , with dark hair and glasses. Not like my brother - handsome, muscular with blond hair. By the way, I also played both a warrior and a wizard!
  Cassandra confirmed:
  - I know your brother. Yes, he is a very handsome, unusual boy. And unlike you, the world champion in karate among children.
  Dominika snorted contemptuously:
  - Although he is a boy, he is a man! But for men, fighting and fighting is a common thing.
  The nymph girl replied:
  - We have twelve times fewer men than women from the main peoples of the empire: people, elves, trolls, hobbits and vampires. So the fair sex also has to fight. On the contrary, among orcs and gnomes there are twelve times more males than females. So it even became somehow easier for us than before. The orcs and I constantly fought, and they climbed like a toad to cramp, now there is almost no one to fight with. Although females and orcs, to be honest, not very much. But the gnomes are better , they look more like female hobbits. The gnomes themselves age, turn gray, grow long beards, but until their death they are fast and agile, and despite the wrinkles, they retain all their teeth. And if a tooth is knocked out, it grows back!
  Dominica nodded:
  - Wow! You are like sharks. But I once asked, if man is created in the image and likeness of God, then why are his teeth so weak. And the priest muttered something like, the flesh is burdened with sin. By the way, when my brother"s tooth was knocked out, it grew back literally within a day. I even wanted to take him to the doctor. And then I changed my mind, they will study the child like a rat in a laboratory!
  Cassandra nodded.
  - It's right! You're smart. But you don"t like to study.
  The girl nodded vigorously:
  - Yes! It's boring. And we also have ... Well , I don"t know, when you sit at your desk your back hurts, and you want to run and jump!
  The nymph girl sang:
  - Yes, girls, know that everyone doesn"t like to cram ,
  I wish I could run barefoot through the dew!
  And the gorgeous couple laughed. Here they go further. Dominica noticed that there are no cars like those on Earth. But there are very beautiful unicorns. Like the ones they draw in anime . And simple horses are just lovely. And when the carriage rushes, it looks like a fairy tale.
  Some girls fly like they are birds. True , it"s rare, here you can see that not all magicians are advanced. There are no beggars' huts. On the contrary, the whole city is like solid palaces, or houses that look like estates with fountains and gardens. And how great it looks.
  Basically, Dominika played a game - builder. There's a lot that can be built there. And indeed, to build a city such that the whole thing is like a fairy tale about paradise. Here the same thing came true.
  Dominica noted:
  - And they say that heaven on Earth is not possible? This is what all the religions of the Earth say!
  Cassandra explained:
  - Except communism. The only religion that promises heaven on Earth. And this is logical. Who needs to believe in heaven, not even after death, but in general, after the end of the world, which in general is madness!
  The girl actress agreed:
  - Yes, I don"t like the doctrine of the end of the world! It"s better to build heaven yourself, and not on bones!
  The nymph marquise chirped:
  - Do not strive for paradise in heaven, but rather live and create your own happiness. And be smart.
  Dominica remarked philosophically:
  - You know, somehow, when there are only girls around, you feel something is missing. Although men are rarely beautiful even in the movies. Also, most of the boys are cute, and by the age of forty, try to find a man without a belly and a double chin.
  Cassandra laughed and replied:
  - You're smart. I have no words. More precisely, not very much ... But not only a beautiful face and a slender figure are important in a male. Women even on Earth value something other than external data in a man!
  Dominica nodded:
  - Well, yes, exactly! And also money. When your wallet is tight, wrinkles, baldness and belly are not so noticeable.
  Nymph noted:
  - We have no problems with the appearance of men. Magic permeates all the air here. And the males became young men with very pretty faces; it"s even unpleasant that even people"s beards and mustaches disappeared. Because of this, their elves can only be distinguished by the shape of their ears. And this ... Well , women are used to it. But a beard also has a certain charm. I don"t agree with those girls who consider a beard an ugliness.
  Dominic giggled and replied:
  - The beard has praise and honor, but the cat has a mustache too!
  Cassandra waved her magic wand ... And in the hands of the beautiful woman , a beautiful cake appeared in the shape of Napoleon"s cocked hat, with roses, poppies and butterflies made of multi-colored cream.
  The nymph marquise chirped in her most tender voice:
  - Try it, it"s very tasty, and it"s free without cabbage!
  Dominica asked, suddenly thinking:
  -What if you still charge me a fee?
  The marquise-nymph sang:
  - You have to pay for everything, believe me,
  So we open the door to success!
  . CHAPTER No. 2.
  And Cassandra waved her wand again, a stream of light flew out of its tip, and two chairs appeared that looked like they were made of crystal, and a small, elegant table.
  The marquise-nymph suggested:
  - Let's eat sitting down, like cultured people! Maybe you'd also like some wine?
  Dominica logically noted:
  - If you drink a lot of wine, you can turn dumb. And I should keep a clear and fresh head!
  Cassandra shook her head negatively.
  - Don't be afraid! There is not a gram of alcohol in our wine. It only brings benefits. And it is one of the reasons why people in our world live up to a thousand years without aging. And with strong and advanced magic you can last much longer.
  The girl actress nodded:
  - Then pour it!
  The nymph released a beam from the tip of her wand, whispering something ... And goblets made of bright orange metal appeared, in which something yellow and with bubbles splashed.
  Dominica noted, taking a slight sip from her goblet:
  - A very pleasant and aromatic wine, it makes your mouth feel so fresh ...And what is it made from?
  Cassandra answered harshly:
  "When you study at the Dragon Emperor Academy, you will find out!"
  The girl asked:
  -Where is the dragon emperor himself?
  The nymph answered with a sigh:
  - He also disappeared. Now Empress Caroline is in his place. Dragons have approximately equal numbers of women and men, just like humans. In this regard, you have similarities.
  Dominica blurted out:
  - Why didn"t the Empress receive me personally?
  Cassandra squeaked:
  - Well, you have a conceit! A duchess is enough. It will be necessary, and the great Caroline herself will accept it.
  The girl sang:
  - People admired the Queen,
  All the boys in the yard fell in love!
  But I was very brave
  I chose a billionaire!
  The nymph marquise answered with a smile:
  - Do you think billions are worth living with an unloved person? What about belly fat, bald spots, wrinkles and bad odor?!
  Dominika growled aggressively:
  spoil the lives of me and other girls ! Or I"ll strangle him with my mane in bed!
  Cassandra giggled and noted:
  - I'll pretend it's a joke. You must become the embodiment of good.
  The girl actress logically remarked:
  - Ideal heroes make the public want to puke !
  The nymph did not answer, but with the help of a platinum spoon she ate the cake and sipped the aromatic wine. Dominika also decided to enjoy the food for now. Moreover, a walk in the fresh air whets your appetite.
  She remembered the shooting. In particular, when they played child partisans. There, for example, at first the boys and girls were quite well-fed before the war. And during the war under occupation they had to grow thin. To do this, it was recommended to run more and eat less. The first one was realized anyway, since many takes were filmed with running children, but the second one is more difficult. Young film actors attacked the stalls, buying food for themselves.
  Then they were forbidden to spend the night in the hotel, and were locked in a separate room with bars, which looked like a large, common cell.
  Dominika didn"t starve, they didn"t want her beauty to suffer from malnutrition, and anyway she"s naturally quite dry, not plump at all, and dancing also keeps her muscles and body in good shape.
  But the guys, of course, suffered because the set was turned into a children's prison. And there were also episodes with prisoners. A couple of the boys even shaved their heads, which may have been unnecessary.
  Yes, the life of a film actor is not easy.
  For example, about the uprising of Spartacus. A whole squad of boys worked barefoot in only loincloths in the quarries. Also, more than one take was required. Try walking with bare soles on the sharp stones of the mines. Here the boys" bare feet began to bleed and their feet began to crack. And they , indeed, were wet with sweat and shaking with fatigue.
  In this film, the main character was even Spartacus , a slave boy, who, by the way, suggested the idea of uprising to the rather successful and rich gladiator who received his freedom.
  Dominica first played the sister of Spartacus in childhood, and she also had to spend time with the boys in the quarries as punishment.
  So she also knew what sharp pebbles and a heavy basket of rubble were.
  And you really drag her up and up. It's very exhausting, but it increases your stamina.
  Dominica starred in various films. Once even in the role of cabin boy Jim in some version of "Treasure Island" that is far from the canon. There, even in the role of cook it was not the one-legged Silver , but a red-haired woman, Morgan's niece.
  This is, of course, cool. Dominica herself was in the role of a boy, for which they even wanted to cut her hair. But then they finally solved the problem with the help of a wig.
  Yes, this role of hers, one might say, was successful from the point of view of the game. But the film itself did not gain popularity beyond the canon. It turned out to be some kind of hellish trash.
  Often classics that are not according to the canon are met with hostility.
  The marquise-nymph interrupted Dominica's memories:
  - You know. We've been sitting here for a while. Isn't it time to hit the road?!
  The girl shrugged and noted:
  - You can go for a walk. I still have a lot of energy.
  Cassandra waved her wand, and the half-eaten cake, and the dishes with wine, etc. disappeared.
  Dominica muttered:
  - Just like in a fairy tale!
  The marquise squeaked:
  - No! This is not a fairy tale, but a magical reality.
  And two representatives of the fair sex splashed along the road. Dominica's mood became completely cheerful ! She smiled widely. And she even sang:
  The road, the road, looks like a friend,
  Chain mail made of faceted steel...
  And the sword is very sharp - the vaunted damask steel,
  Yes, there will be a serious situation in the battle!
  Then Cassandra noticed with a serious look, stopping:
  - You know! Serious entrance exams will await you at the academy. Maybe for hereditary wizards, they will seem easy, but you don"t even have a clue about magic.
  Dominika laughed inappropriately and objected:
  - No! In the movies, I have seen magic work many times. And believe me, I know something!
  The nymph marquise, lowering her voice, whispered:
  - I'll give you my magic wand! She is very strong, with a dragon vein. Try using it, for example, to conjure ... Well, a forget-me-not flower!
  The girl actress looked back. All around, near the houses and on the street itself, there are flower beds with the brightest flowers, like large precious stones. Dazzling buds also grew on the trees. Moreover, some flowers also had leaves of various colors and shades. And there were even strange curls.
  Dominica shrugged her not at all narrow shoulders and answered quite seriously:
  - Why do we need some kind of forget-me-not? There are already a lot of different flowers here, much larger and more beautiful.
  Cassandra smiled ironically:
  - And what do you want?
  The girl actress decisively stated:
  - It"s better to conjure something much more valuable and useful! - Dominica stamped her bare heel, causing the colored tiles to clink like a breaking icicle. The aspiring sorceress added: "For example, it would be much better to create a diamond the size of a coconut!" This is much more useful and practical.
  The Marquise looked at her suspiciously and asked:
  - Do you want to go to Earth? What don't we like?
  Dominica noted ironically:
  - About your world we can say the same thing that Ostap Bender said about the nature of the Caucasus - it"s too beautiful - the imagination of an idiot!
  Cassandra grinned and remarked:
  - And you are smart, but lazy! You don't have enough fanaticism to go towards your goal like a jet bulldozer, without stopping!
  The girl actress made a face, noting:
  - There are no jet bulldozers. At least on Earth!
  The nymph marquise nodded in agreement:
  - You may not have. But there are races that are technologically even more advanced than humanity. However, getting to them is even more difficult than getting to Earth.
  Dominique grimaced as she asked:
  - Yes? Can they fly between the stars?
  Cassandra answered confidently:
  - They can! In principle, we can do this with the help of magic.
  The girl actress sang:
  Of course it's difficult to predict
  What awaits in this wonderful world...
  We will fly in the clouds -
  Boarding a star plane!
  And the girl decisively declared, making a menacing face:
  - Give me the magic wand! And I will make a diamond the size of a good watermelon!
  Cassandra wanted to say something. But the rustling of wings was heard. Another dragon was flying. Most likely, also a female. She almost caught the stream of the fountain, which shot high into the sky from the mouth of the griffin, covered with gold leaf and rubies.
  The three-headed monster was more beautiful than scary.
  The nymph marquise bowed. Dominique just shook her head slightly.
  The female dragon landed in front of them. A very pleasant and clear voice was heard for such a large monster:
  - Are you the hypocrite who is already being called the messiah?
  Dominica answered with an innocent smile:
  - I wouldn"t really like to be a messiah!
  The female dragon was surprised:
  - And why is that?
  The girl actress answered honestly:
  - Because messiahs usually end up being crucified!
  The winged creature shook its wings. She has large ones, similar to those of bats, only in three colors: red, yellow and green. Needless to say, it"s a beautiful combination.
  The female dragon chirped:
  - And you can see from that world where magicians are complete scammers and crooks?
  Dominika laughed and answered, showing her very white, shiny teeth:
  - Maybe that's how it is. Although, there were some prophets. Like Grandma Vanga. Only for some reason her predictions came true, as a rule, retroactively.
  The marquise-nymph noted:
  - Even very high-level sorcerers and magicians see the future extremely vaguely. And even the highest Gods will not give a guarantee of what will happen in a hundred years. And even more so, in a thousand and a million!
  The female dragon flashed a light light and chirped:
  - Yes... so that there are real predictors on this planet. Even your hypernoosphere tension is completely different from ours. Although, maybe that"s why you retained your originality and did not become our slaves!
  Dominica once again laughed cheerfully and noted:
  - To be your slave? It's even funny. Forever young, forever barefoot.
  Cassandra nodded and suggested:
  - Show the dragon countess what you can do. Try, at least with the help of a magic wand, to make at least one drop of water fall.
  The girl actress snorted contemptuously:
  - One drop of water? Yes, this is not serious at all. Maybe it"s better to immediately get a barrel of gold.
  The Dragon Countess suggested:
  - Let him do magic as he wants. Give her a wand and see that she remembers at least one spell correctly.
  Cassandra giggled and squeaked:
  - Yes, it looks great ! Just look. The magic wand is too powerful, and you can cause damage to the city, living beings, and yourself.
  Dominica growled:
  - I'm not as stupid as you think!
  The Dragon Countess suggested:
  - Let's give her something more harmless and less powerful then. Otherwise she will also make a hole in me.
  Cassandra sang:
  To manifest in magic,
  We need talent...
  It's better for you to create
  Large diamonds!
  And the nymph girl clicked her bare toes. A small-looking platinum ring appeared. Cassandra tossed it with her foot, and the magical artifact ended up right next to Dominica"s face.
  The Marquise chirped:
  - You can take this ring. Place it on your index finger. And try to wish something out loud. The magic in it is not strong, but it works simply. It"s not enough for a diamond the size of a coconut, but, for example, the size of a pea is enough!
  The girl actress caught the ring in her hand. But instead of the index finger, she put it on her middle finger and, smiling sarcastically, asked:
  - What if you try like this? What will happen then?
  Cassandra also grinned sarcastically:
  - OK, try!
  Dominica squeaked:
  - Roast the marquise's heels with fire!
  The flame blazed under Dominica's bare feet . The bare sole was severely burned, she screamed and started running. Indeed, the fire is not weak. But we didn"t manage to get far. The girl was wrapped around the long tail of the dragon countess.
  A pleasant, feminine voice was heard from the mighty reptile:
  - Wow! You just came into our world, and you want to cripple a nymph, a relative of the highest Gods? Do you know that for this you will be sent as a slave to a quarry? And you will work there completely naked, in chains and receive whips and sticks, eating bread and water. And you will also have to sleep chained and on stones. And you will know nothing but hard work and whips. Especially now , when male slaves have scattered, a tall and muscular girl like you won"t hurt us in the mines!
  Dominica winced at these words. She once played Cleopatra in a low-budget film. To save money, the painting was titled "Cleopatra in Captivity of Augustus." That is, it is also not canon. Cleopatra did not commit suicide and was captured.
  Well, she was sent to the mines. And there she walked around half naked and barefoot. And walking on sharp stones in a mine with bare soles is quite painful. Well, carry a load too. It was necessary for the slave"s sweat to be real, and her face to be real, not pretended to be exhausted.
  But, of course, it's just a movie, and a pretty cheap one at that. And they beat her with a whip, which was also unreal. But it still hurts . Although the blood, of course, was fake.
  In general, the film was cheap, and apart from quarries with half-naked girls, practically nothing else was shown. The calculation was apparently to attract sexually anxious men. Well, and also, everyone knows the name - Cleopatra! And this could be used to buy
  Dominika took a deep breath, and what kind of feces do movie stars sometimes bathe in?
  The nymph marquise chirped:
  - Don"t be sad, honey, we need you. We won't hand you over to anyone.
  The Dragon Countess roared:
  - Let him try to practice again before the exam. Well, let's try to conjure something!
  Dominica rubbed the ring and said:
  - I want chocolate ice cream!
  The girl took it and froze in tension.
  And a mixture of crushed ice and chocolate plops onto it. As a result, Dominica was dirty from head to toe, and even scratched.
  The dragon countess laughed so hard that the fountain's jets shook and the flowers shook.
  The nymph marquise calmly remarked:
  - It's OK! On the contrary, she has great abilities, she reproduced so much ice cream and chocolate with such an artifact, which is generally not very powerful!
  Dominika licked the chocolate from her cheeks and spat in frustration, whining:
  - He's bitter!
  Cassandra laughed and remarked:
  - And chocolate is bitter. Didn't you know this?!
  The girl actress roared:
  - And here, on Earth and in Russia, it"s sweet !
  The Marquise nodded:
  - I know! We also know how to make sweet chocolate. But for now you will have to be content with what you have. More precisely, you didn"t specify what kind of chocolate you specifically wanted. And in general, it"s good that you only ordered ice cream. If it occurred to you, for example, to take a bath of gold, you would hit the top of your head much harder.
  Dominica wittily noted:
  - Life is in full swing, and everything is over the head!
  The Dragon Countess suggested:
  "Instead of nonsense, which won"t help her when she enters the dragon academy, it"s better to let her try to create a really small diamond." Usually, this is possible for those who have a high innate level of magical abilities.
  Cassandra responded:
  - No! This is too obvious a path. You should act much more subtly.
  Dominika hissed capriciously:
  - I'm wet and dirty, just grilled chicken. Can you fix this?
  The nymph marquise nodded:
  - Of course, our beauty!
  And she made an eight with her magic wand. It flashed with a blue light. And now the girl from Earth became clean and tidy again, and almost all the scratches disappeared. Except one on the right cheek.
  But Domika didn"t see herself, and didn"t pay attention.
  The Dragon Countess hissed:
  - And so, my dear... I see you understand something? So, a beautiful girl from the planet of growing technologies?
  In response, Dominique sang:
  But why,
  It is impossible to live by your mind!
  Why, life doesn"t teach us anything!
  But why! But why!
  And she laughed, because this song, performed by Boyarsky , was appropriate and beautiful. But her angelic voice caused only a fit of laughter.
  Cassandra hissed, eyes flashing:
  - You can't be denied a sense of humor. But are you ever serious?
  Dominica frowned. She remembered how she played a girl who got a bad grade at school. And there was no way she could give her face an upset look. On the contrary, I even wanted to bare my teeth. Well, that's understandable ... She has too much wind in her head. For example, some guys will just bare their teeth in the crowd, and that"s their whole role!
  And Dominica wanted to play... Princesses, of course.
  The Dragon Countess then suggested:
  - Let her dance for us better. You saw that in the movies she dances really well .
  That last one is true. Dominica could dance. They even wanted to take her for the role of Esmeralda. Moreover, according to the canon, it seems that she is not even a gypsy. And why not a dazzling blonde play this role?
  But the film adaptation of classics, and even foreign ones, also gives rise to certain problems. Therefore, she was filmed in a different role, but also dancing.
  Yes, she, of course, loved to dance and knew how to dance. Nevertheless, she took it and blurted out:
  - Gild the handle!
  The marquise nymph squeaked:
  - What more?
  Dominica answered logically:
  - Even gypsies at the market don"t dance for free. So I need a hefty bag of gold. Isn't it clear?
  The Dragon Countess roared:
  - What a cheeky fellow ! In fact, its best place is in the quarries. There she will at the same time develop endurance and get used to obedience. For this, she needs to be brought up in a harsh way!
  Suddenly a girl ran up to them. In appearance, she seemed to be a human child of no more than ten years old. But at the same time, she was wearing precious jewelry, as if in a jewelry store. Bare, small, childish feet looked inappropriate and ridiculous in such luxury.
  The girl checked:
  - I can buy this slave from you. How much do you want for it!?
  Cassandra answered confidently:
  - This girl is not for sale! And while she is not a slave. However, perhaps she will not be free for very long.
  Dominica muttered:
  - How immoral it is when a small child buys slaves for himself!
  The marquise-nymph confidently answered:
  - This is not a child, but a female hobbit! And hobbits look like human children...
  The girl stamped her little foot angrily and chirped:
  - I'm a Baroness! And this means that your slave is obliged to bow to me.
  Dominica squeaked aggressively:
  - Never mind ! I will, I will bow to the child!
  In response, the hobbit baroness jerked her right hand. Lightning flew out and struck the girl actress on her bare legs. In response, the stung Dominic shouted something. And a large cake thickly covered with cream fell on the daring sorceress girl. She was even knocked off her feet, and the little beauty fell on the pavement. But she immediately jumped up, all smeared in biscuit, condensed milk and chocolate paste. The hobbit baroness shook her left, bare, small foot, on two of whose toes rings with precious stones shone.
  And a whole magical tsunami wave flew out. Dominic was thrown twenty meters up. After which, the girl fell down. Fortunately, having been dancing since early childhood and acting in films, she had already fallen from different heights many times and performed acrobatic stunts.
  Therefore, Dominika grouped herself in the fall like a cat and landed quite successfully. Except that the girl"s legs, already scorched by combat magic, experienced severe pain when they came into contact with the colored tiles covering the area. The girl screamed.
  And the dragon countess wrapped her long, pine-like tail around the sorceress baroness and hissed:
  - Stop the fight! Otherwise you'll both go under arrest! If you want to fight, there are special training grounds where magic and other duels are held!
  Dominica tweeted:
  - Yes, exactly a duel! Only without weapons - hands and feet!
  The Hobbit Baroness snorted contemptuously:
  - Fight with the slave! To be honest, this is scary to me ! It would be better to actually send her to the mines. Teaching magic to such a fool is very dangerous.
  The marquise-nymph agreed with a serious tone:
  - I'm starting to think so too. Yes, this girl has some special gift for creating disasters and giving rise to conflicts.
  The girl actress objected:
  - I don"t go to anyone first! As for the rest ... With every failure, know how to fight back, otherwise you will not see success.
  The dragon countess released the naughty girl, who looked like a child, but was really capable of putting an entire regiment of tanks to flight.
  The tail was slightly stained with cream, condensed milk, chocolate spread, and biscuit. The cake was huge and clearly made from the heart. It"s even a pity that they broke it instead of eating it. The dragon countess snapped her fingers and paws, and the crystal stream of the fountain washed over her, washing away the dirt.
  Cassandra nodded.
  - Cleanliness is the key to health! Order first!
  The Hobbit Baroness rubbed one of her small, tanned, graceful legs against the other. For a couple of seconds she lit up like a light bulb. And all the culinary excesses that had heavily smeared the sorceress girl disappeared. And luxurious jewelry shone with renewed vigor. She, in fact, became so much like a princess that Dominika felt tenderness.
  She also had the chance to play a princess girl in one of the fairy tales. There she had to part with luxurious clothes and precious shoes and become a witch's servant. Wear rags and walk in wooden shoes. And in such pads it is much worse than just barefoot. She even began to persuade the director that it might be better to film without shoes at all. After all, the girl"s bare feet in rags would have emphasized poverty and the change in the status of a princess to a de facto slave much more strongly.
  But the director clearly had his own ideas. In the end, while escaping from the tower of death, she finally got rid of the shoes and stocks, and then she was barefoot, feeling true bliss. Now, however, her bare feet were scorched, and even small blisters appeared, which was both painful and disgusting!
  The hobbit baroness extended her small palm, tender and at the same time tanned, to her, shaking Dominica"s hand with childish strength and chirping:
  - Okay, peace! My name is Laska. And don"t think, man, that I"m a harmless girl, orcs, goblins, Koshchei"s spores, they all got a lot out of me !
  Dominica asked in surprise:
  - How old are you, child?
  Weasel smiled and answered:
  - Among representatives of the fair sex it is not customary to ask about age! As far as I look, that's how old you give me.
  The girl actress laughed and remarked:
  - You are ten years old! No more!
  The Dragon Countess roared:
  - Yes, she"s already over three hundred. Which, however, doesn"t matter. In our world, all females are young and beautiful. Stay with us girl, you will be our queen!
  Dominica responded with a famous couplet:
  If the holy army says,
  Throw away Rus', live in paradise...
  I will say: "There is no need for heaven,"
  Give me my homeland!
  . CHAPTER No. 3.
  The Marquise and the Baroness clapped their hands and exclaimed in unison:
  - Bravo! Did you make this up yourself?!
  Dominica shook her golden head negatively:
  - No. Not me. Someone else, I don"t remember the author!
  Cassandra grimaced:
  - Strange, you have an excellent memory!
  The girl actress answered honestly:
  - I think too much about myself than about others. It"s better to let them know more about me than I do about others. I also sometimes compose, and no worse than Pushkin.
  The dragon countess bared her bright, sparkling teeth like diamonds in her wide mouth and said seriously:
  - Maybe you can sing something of your own composition?
  Dominica said pleadingly, rubbing her scorched feet:
  - No question! Just give me at least one gold coin. And I"ll perform a whole hit song for you. And sing for nothing? Unrespectable! And trivially, unprofitable!
  The marquise-nymph frowned, and her magic wand flashed menacingly in her hand, she was determined to punish the impudent girl who dared to contradict the dragon.
  The dragon countess hissed conciliatoryly:
  - Give her a silver coin. Let him sing from the heart.
  Dominica smiled, her teeth, so perfect, sparkled like icy mountain peaks in the bright sun at noon. And she squeaked:
  - Money up front!
  The weasel tossed her a coin and cooed:
  - Here, catch it!
  The girl threw her leg up and managed to catch a silver round piece with her bare fingers. Then she transferred it to her palm. I looked at the coin. It was nothing, the silver was completely new, on one side there was a dragon with seven heads, and in its paws it held a scepter and a mace. And on the other hand , a beautiful girl with very lush curly hair. And it's lovely.
  Dominika could not resist the temptation to try the coin and answered with a smile:
  - This is lovely. Cool stuff.
  The weasel hissed:
  - Now, sing! Let's see what you can do!
  The Dragon Countess added:
  - And you must sing loudly, and perform a more or less long ballad, since we paid!
  The girl actress nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, I understand that! You can't sing like...
  And then the association did not occur to her. Well, to say a nightingale is not entirely correct or appropriate. But something else, not really that!
  The nymph girl stamped her bare foot:
  - Let's start!
  Dominica began to sing in her clear and gentle voice;
  I was a famous actress
  Filming, swearing, music, balls...
  She started dancing furiously and wildly,
  Like the embodiment of Satan!
  My legs are so strong
  They fought off the furious hopak...
  We are such cool girls
  Let's move the sneaky one right away!
  But I found myself in a world, you know, special,
  Where dragons rule like kings...
  The order there is very new,
  At least tear your shirt!
  I had to become a barefoot slave
  Getting a whip on the back...
  The clouds above us are blue,
  The place is unpleasant on Earth!
  Here a stern dwarf comes up to me,
  And he clutches a whip in his hands...
  A white-headed boy ran by -
  The slave is barefoot, the owner is apparently stingy!
  The gnome laughs, touches his teeth with his paw,
  Like a girl with an article, a stallion...
  So that the bear gnaws it with a clubfoot -
  This will be the end of the dwarf's baldness!
  But they sold me to the mines,
  There were no visible places in the harem...
  And they gave me a strong whip in pursuit,
  Because the girl eats a lot!
  Here the gnome is leading me on a rope,
  The girl's charms are absolutely amazing ...
  The slave's voice is very clear,
  But in the end there are only zeros!
  I'm almost naked and barefoot
  I work in the mines like that donkey...
  Mom, I say, my dear,
  How stupid it turned out!
  I was a capable girl
  I multiplied fractions in my head...
  And now in one, consider it, a skirt,
  I am in wild bondage!
  For a long, long time I endured the gnome,
  I received a whip on the back...
  They beat me for business and not for business,
  They promised to feed me later!
  But the barefoot slaves rebelled,
  Crowbars in action, hammers,
  And now, consider it your element ,
  To a gnome with baldness I'm dead !
  Well, those evil ones were killed,
  We had terrible casualties...
  But, believe me, we freed ourselves -
  The girls showed top class!
  And now we have a large army,
  The guys are also going into battle with us...
  We break shields like boards,
  The evil rulers will be kaput!
  And then the slavery of hell will disappear,
  The man straightens his shoulders...
  And we will put an end to the lordship, fed up with enemies,
  There will be a century of happiness and progress!
  And then there will be peace throughout the world,
  Man, great star...
  We will fly in the starry air, you know,
  Let people's dreams come true!
  The girl ended on a high note, with her voice shimmering like silver bells.
  The nymph girl clapped her hands. Several elves and trolls and a couple of people also listened to Dominica's song. And they threw her coins: both silver and bronze.
  The girl actress bowed. And she picked them up from the tiles. She took some of the coins with her hands, and some with her bare toes. And it was a lovely sight.
  Yes, she has such seductive and chiseled legs. And how beautiful and impressive she is in herself. Well, where are other prima donnas compared to her? Will they dare to perform on stage barefoot? Or in a short skirt?
  The Dragon Countess noted:
  - This is the singer! No, she belongs in the academy. And only at the academy, in the faculty that she herself chooses.
  Dominic giggled and sang:
  We girls will be our own judges,
  And if you have to choose, and the choice is difficult...
  We choose wooden suits,
  Because our people have only honor!
  The weasel tweeted:
  - You have a voice... Just a high-level angel!
  Dominica smiled and tossed one of the coins higher with her bare foot, and then bent down and caught it with her tongue. And then he started screaming. From contact with saliva, the orange metal instantly heated up and burned the beauty"s mouth.
  The girl began to spit and groan. And her desire to sing suddenly evaporated.
  The nymph girl shook her ring, and the heat in Dominica"s mouth immediately went away. The girl cooed:
  - Wow! Now I understand what it's like to be a fire-breathing dragon!
  Weasel remarked with a smile:
  - Better late than never,
  The girl has some great years ahead!
  The Dragon Countess noted:
  "We have a different structure of the mouth and throat than humans, and the flame does not burn at all. So don't worry about us.
  The audience that had gathered around was still making noise and demanding, clapping their hands:
  - Do something else, you are welcome!
  Dominica tweeted:
  - If you scribble coins, I"ll do it!
  In response, noise and assurances:
  - Yes, of course! Welcome.
  And under the girl"s bare, muscular, tanned and graceful legs, which she fingered with inimitable grace, gold, silver, orange, bronze, and platinum coins flew.
  Dominika became cheerful from this, felt enthusiasm, and began to sing with fervor;
  Storms and hurricanes are no barrier to our couple,
  Daughters of the Fatherland, who bloom like rose bushes.
  He who has not known war has not eaten millet porridge,
  God the Savior Jesus leads us into battle!
  We are used to fighting even in a stormy ocean,
  Every person is like a chip overboard.
  I believe we will tear the monsters of the Horde to pieces in battle,
  Our honor cannot be knocked out with a sledgehammer and a hammer!
  The sword was heated in the forge, in the very hot inferno,
  Sharpened blades are very tough bellows!
  Be a fearless soldier; with a strong, tempered heart,
  If there is death, then stand still, don"t run!
  Yes , war, of course, is not a feast with sweet honey,
  After all, there are tears on it, and blood flows thickly.
  The wolf howls protractedly and the bear with a ferocious roar,
  And let the blow in return be in the eye, not the eyebrow!
  There is a spear that can pierce chain mail,
  There are shields that cannot be penetrated by a pile!
  But don"t be a coward, don"t let the devils make faces ,
  So as not to become like the game in the nets!
  Believe me, a radiant solution will come,
  For everyone there is a reward that cannot be found higher!
  For a criminal thought, I believe, vengeance will come,
  There is no other valor than the difficult path!
  So Dominica sang, and the motley crowd applauded her with great enthusiasm. Even if they are all females, there are no men in this world. Or, almost without the stronger sex.
  After which, the dragon countess shook her tail and noted:
  - Well, I have to go! I'm getting out of the way!
  The nymph picked up the coin with her bare foot and suggested:
  - Let's check. I'll throw, and you say - heads or tails ! Guess what, the coin is yours, no, you give me a coin back!
  The Dragon Countess roared with laughter and answered:
  - I know your tricks! So it"s better not to waste your time or your head!
  Dominika grinned and noted:
  - The head is not ears, you can tear it off the hat, you can"t sew it back on!
  The weasel chirped and sang:
  -The ears on the top of the head are ears!
  Ears on the top of the head - a patient in a mental hospital !
  The Dragon Countess flew into the air. And she did not comment on what the nymph girl sang. And this, it should be noted, is extremely cool.
  Dominica began hastily collecting coins with her hands and bare feet. And she did it at a fast pace.
  Weasel remarked, scratching her hair with a magic wand:
  - Money, of course, is important. But even more important are spells, artifacts, talismans, medallions, amulets, etc. Otherwise, you won"t be able to live a luxurious and luxurious life !
  Dominica agreed:
  - Money can"t buy health, believe me,
  Money can't buy love and honor...
  So don't squabble like an animal
  Know that you will not sell your homeland for profit!
  And the girl, with her bare sole, slaps a purple coin. And then her bare leg suddenly turned, in the blink of an eye, into a duck's foot.
  Dominique screamed in fear:
  - What the hell is this!
  The nymph marquise answered with a smile:
  - This is a special magical metal, only it works when it comes into contact with the skin of someone who has Olympian gods in their family!
  And Laska exclaimed joyfully:
  - Wow! You have that kind of blood in you. So we were not mistaken.
  Dominica muttered:
  - But this is ugliness! If you can, remove your paw. And give me a normal leg again.
  The nymph shook her head:
  - No! You should already do this yourself.
  The trapped girl squeaked:
  - How is this possible?
  Weasel suggested:
  - Imagine in your mind what you would like your leg to look like, click the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, and you should succeed!
  Dominic took it and introduced it. Then came the click.
  And instead of a crow's foot, a foot appeared in a felt boot and with a ski. And it became even more uncomfortable when the ski clattered on the cobblestones.
  The nymph grinned and sang:
  - Free teachers,
  Wasted time with you...
  I suffered for nothing with the girl,
  The most skillful magician!
  Dominica was offended:
  - I'm not a sorceress. And I'm still just learning. But the path to knowledge is never too easy ... Yes, to the movies!
  Weasel nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, in the cinema, perhaps even more so. And this, of course, is our big problem.
  The audience began to gather around again: it was a funny sight. More precisely, there are all kinds of girls here. And thanks for that. The girl actress tried to think again and transform her foot. But this time something appeared on tracks and with a radar, albeit small.
  Dominica sang without losing her optimism:
  I ask you not to be surprised
  If magic happens...
  If it happens, if it happens,
  If magic happens!
  The nymph smiled back and noted:
  - Yes, to go with your voice, you should also have the ability to use magic!
  Then a hobbit girl ran up to them and suggested, twirling her magic wand:
  - Let's do it better! And know, I have half a thousand years of practice!
  Weasel objected:
  - No! Let her do it herself!
  Dominica tweeted:
  I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind,
  I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself!
  And the girl again whispered something approving. And then her leg, in the form of a tank with a radar, finally regained its graceful, former shape. And it turned out to be as if it was made to order.
  Dominica stood up and moved her fingers. Her mood became cheerful, and she sang:
  We girls are the strongest in the world,
  And, believe me, you won"t find cooler beauties...
  We will really soak our enemies in the toilet ,
  And he will forever look twenty years old!
  After which, the beauty, she will laugh and laugh, showing her large and shiny teeth.
  Dominika began to dance, her bare legs raised high in the air. And she sang:
  I'm a very cool sorceress
  If I stamp my foot, there will be a collapse...
  I loved jumping barefoot
  Consider it a real ideal!
  This is her song - just great and cool!
  Although, on the other hand, it is extremely simple and uncomplicated. Yes, the girl is such that you won"t get bored.
  The hobbit girl noted:
  - Learns very quickly!
  And she shook her legs, which were decorated at the ankles with bracelets studded with precious stones, and on each finger with a ring.
  She looks like a child, but judging by the number of stones, especially on her lower limbs, she is a high-ranking sorceress.
  Weasel nodded to the girl:
  - I saw you somewhere. Are you, by any chance, Princess Alsou ?
  The female hobbit nodded:
  - Yes , that"s how it is! But you know, Marquis, with this girl from planet Earth, you won"t have any trouble!
  Weasel agreed:
  - Right! But it"s impossible otherwise. Alas, this is such a world that it cannot do without problems and adventures.
  Dominic hastened to add:
  -Life without adventures and exploits is too boring. It's like soup without pepper!
  Princess Alsou agreed:
  - Yes, that's right! That's what villains are for. One of them unleashed a plague that kills the stronger sex.
  Dominica sang with a sigh:
  You can"t live without women, that"s true,
  But without men, there is also no joy...
  It turned out that way, it was very bad,
  If there is no strong owner!
  Weasel agreed:
  - Maybe! But here, as they say, it"s a double-edged sword. On the one hand there is no stronger sex, but on the other...
  The female hobbit quickly objected:
  - No! Bad from all sides. So there is no need to talk nonsense. Males are also needed.
  Dominica responded:
  - Males in animals. For intelligent individuals, something is different.
  Weasel laughed and answered:
  - Yes, for men, of course. And I couldn"t find anything to say.
  Several pigeons, with orange feathers and gilded beaks, flew past them. The birds were very interesting. Simply lovely on one hand. But on the other hand , there was also some lack of taste in them.
  Dominica replaced:
  - Why gild the beaks of pigeons?
  Weasel explained:
  - Nobody gilded! This is because they pecked strawberries with topaz.
  The girl actress muttered:
  - What? With topaz?
  The hobbit girl nodded:
  - Yes, there are such strawberries! What, you didn"t know?
  Weasel remarked:
  - How would she know? She is in our world quite recently.
  The three representatives of the fair sex quickened their pace. And their bare, pink heels flashed.
  Houses appeared around , tall, resembling pink, purple, emerald drills going up. And it looked extremely futuristic. There were even some aircraft in the sky. More precisely, a carriage made of gold and studded with diamonds, drawn by six winged, snow-white horses, rushed past.
  All three girls gave a slight bow. But apparently, the noble person had no time for beauties, and the triumvirate followed further.
  There was a hippodrome ahead, it looked like a huge stadium. It was clearly the site of horse racing.
  The marquise-nymph suggested:
  - We need to check whether our pupil has the gift of clairvoyance. Therefore, we will attend the races.
  Around the hippodrome there was a tall mesh fence made of silver and orange metal, studded with pearls and some blue and purple stones, as well as glass reminiscent of Czech glass . And it looked very beautiful.
  And at the entrance there were two fountains on the sides, which threw out multi-colored jets from gilded beautiful couples: - an elf who was hugging an elf boy.
  Yes, everything looked very beautiful. And at the entrance there is a guard of girls. Also very beautiful and in light, silver armor.
  Everything looks so wonderful. There are so many representatives of the fair sex around.
  Dominika remembered the film about the Gulag Archipelago and the women's camp. All the women there were, as if by choice, young, beautiful, and wore robes that left their magnificent legs completely exposed. Well, since the summer in Siberia is warm and even, perhaps, hot, the girls were barefoot. Which made the film very popular among men. And Dominica played a rebel Komsomol member who organized an entire uprising of girls. And the beauties even seized weapons, and took on a whole NKVD regiment in battle, and were able to win it.
  The film, of course, turned out cool. And the barefoot, glamorous, beautiful warriors looked simply super.
  Dominika, by the way, was originally supposed to play the role of Fandera"s cousin, who organized a prisoner riot, but such a film could have been banned. And she was simply made an excellent student and a Komsomol member.
  Dominica bowed to the girl from the guard. Suddenly, right from under the Earth, like a jack out of a snuff box, a dragon jumped out. Small , slightly larger than an albatross, with three heads.
  He or she flew up to the girls, and a voice rang:
  - Give me back my brother!
  The nymph marquise answered with a sigh:
  - This is impossible, Belka.
  In response, the dragon girl, whose scales shimmered in the three suns with all the colors of the rainbow, and whose wings were so beautiful that they rippled in the eyes, began to roar.
  - I want a brother! I want a brother! Where is he!
  The hobbit girl cooed:
  - Yes, we ourselves are busy thinking about how to return our men to us. And there is no need to be capricious.
  The dragon girl, what can you take from a cub, calmed down and chirped, jumping up to Dominica:
  - I know you can! You are the chosen one!
  The hit girl grinned and sang in response:
  - Everything impossible, believe me, is possible,
  But approaching this problem is very difficult...
  However, if you strain your brain while playing,
  I can become a beautiful Jedi girl !
  The dragon girl cheered up and chirped in response:
  Your mind is not the size of a finger,
  Genius, you know, on Earth...
  And a beautiful boy is waiting for me,
  On a winding horse!
  Dominika felt funny and giggled:
  - A dragon on a horse? This is what it looks like!
  The Marquise remarked:
  - What, you don"t know the concept of allegory!?
  The girl actress laughed and noted:
  We can die anywhere
  Even in the sunset of amber...
  In general, we live freely,
  Yes, free!
  Figuratively speaking!
  The dragon girl released lights from her mouth, it resembled a lighter, and squeaked:
  - This is a lovely song. However , I want the beautiful guest from an unknown Earth to perform something else interesting.
  Dominica shrugged and noted:
  - I know that my voice knocks down coins no worse than nunchucks knocking out sheaves of grain. However, I have to strain my voice again! And for what? Where to spend money here?
  The marquise objected:
  - Firstly, you will bet your money on one of the horses at the hippodrome and try to increase your capital. And secondly, this girl is not just a little female dragon, but also a princess. She will give you her ring, which contains colossal magical power. And for this , believe me, it"s worth trying and singing properly!
  Dominica nodded her bright head on her strong neck and remarked:
  - In this case, I see there is something to try for! Moreover, how can you refuse a child!
  The dragon girl chirped:
  - I'm not a child at all. I'm a princess and I can do this! I'll fly to your planet. And I will burn your capital.
  Dominica snorted menacingly:
  - And we have air defense for people like you! What do you say to this, savage?
  The dragon girl muttered:
  - You will be sent to the quarries. You will work naked and in chains under the blows of the whips of the orc overseers.
  The hobbit girl nodded:
  - Yes, she can do it! Moreover, you are human. And our people... They are considered to be of a lower level, for many reasons.
  The weasel squeaked:
  - So you better sing! The public has already gathered here, and we"ll also earn money.
  In fact, a noise arose in the crowd of various representatives of the fair sex, and clapping and exclamations were heard:
  - Sing, little flower, don"t be ashamed!
  Well, man, let's play music!
  We want to listen to the trill of the bird of paradise!
  Dominica sighed heavily and began to sing;
  The shore on Elfa is spacious , steep,
  The waves splash with a glazed shine...
  Elfia became my native homeland,
  The nightingale's trill sings to us a wonderful song!
  In a wide boat, my dear and I are sailing,
  Zlata Val let down her braids.
  How good it is for me and my beloved to be together,
  It's a pity not to catch a crocodile with a fishing rod.
  No, not water, rustling astern,
  It is nature that gives us champagne.
  This land is like a dear mother to me,
  The generosity of the earth in royal attire!
  Drops like pearls under the moonbeam
  Splashes like a swarm of bees with a silver wing...
  Virgo, you are like an angel with a dream to me,
  With the face of innocence - the most pure Madonna!
  The smell is honey, and the hair is silk,
  The lips parted like satin.
  I believe the long-awaited moment has come,
  Fairy tales will become real!
  Our lips touched in ecstasy,
  The sweetness is such that there are no more words .
  Believe me, you are unearthly beauty,
  The lot will decide, throw the coin higher!
  Here are the kisses one after another,
  Sighs and laughter of our stormy joy.
  The holiness of the soul will be preserved by the cherub,
  The chosen one will throw the list of sins into the urn.
  No, know, there is more beautiful than you on Earth,
  Passion burns like a bright fire in my heart!
  We will live in the best country,
  Let's open the windows and door into space!
  This is how the beauty sang a magnificent song. And girls of all stripes clapped their hands for her. And at the same time they threw coins, including gold ones. And that's great .
  The hobbit girl shook her magic wand, and the money began to form a separate pile on its own. And a whole column of multi-colored coins grew.
  The dragon girl also clapped her hands, and then released bright flames from her three heads. After which she said capriciously:
  - This is, of course, good, but not enough! I need you to sing for me too!
  Dominica frowned and asked:
  - Isn't that too much?
  The Marquise shushed her:
  - Do you want to get such a valuable ring for just one song? Well, you are impudent ! Have a conscience, because the artifact is valuable.
  The hobbit girl chirped:
  - Each item has its own price. And usually, for a valuable artifact, you need to fulfill three wishes, or provide three services. These are the rules. And you yourself understand why!
  The audience of assorted girls clapped their hands and stamped their bare feet, and very rarely with shoes:
  Come on, sing some more!
  We want songs!
  It will be very cool !
  Perform the romance!
  We'll pay you well!
  Weasel nodded to Dominika:
  - Well, don't break down! Come on, sing!
  And the beautiful beauty shook her bright, bright mane. She stamped her bare, muscular legs and sang, with great feeling and expression;
  Our truth, our truth
  Consists of carrying faith!
  And not tomorrow, and not tomorrow,
  And today save the Fatherland!
  We respect our Elf ,
  After all, she is the whole world, know the world!
  Our scarlet banner of the Motherland,
  And there is no brighter red!
  The pioneer salutes not the bust,
  His sign is the flag of the Motherland!
  We fought the adversary skillfully,
  Glorifying accomplishments in verse!
  Know that there is only one faith on the planet,
  Faith in dear , holy elfinism!
  So that happy children laugh,
  Orcism may be erupted into the abyss !
  Each knight was just a child,
  On the grass and streams barefoot...
  But now he has a winch in his hands,
  Dashingly flattens metal with a hammer!
  Someone sharpens a machine gun with machines,
  Well, someone is shooting from the shoulder!
  The scarlet banner flies like a red flag,
  We beat evil enemies without joking!
  Our ancestors boldly took Orklin ,
  Well, what about us? We are on our way to Mars!
  We are people, not macaques on a branch,
  The adversary's fist hits him right in the eye!
  But we also know how to have fun,
  Beat the drum, play the trumpets!
  Very cute children's faces,
  And ratings of four and five!
  The most difficult battle exam -
  Not going through this is like dying!
  But in death we have a banner with a torch,
  The elven copper forge cannot fall!
  The girl sang so beautifully and skillfully and, at the same time, danced, and her legs were so seductive. It"s just a pity that there were no men around to appreciate her beauty. And the girl has it at a colossal level, and the warrior shows her colossal pressure and ambiance.
  And several hundred girls have already gathered, and they are making noise. They throw money, and they have very strong smells of young, fresh, female bodies and expensive perfumes and perfumes. There's a lot to make your head spin here.
  Some of the coins were ceramic, and there were even a couple of wooden coins , which was great. But the usual paper money for planet Earth is somehow not visible. And this is somehow unusual for Dominica. Sometimes thoughts flash through your mind about how savages they are here. What about electronic cards for payments? Well, this is absolutely fantastic for this level of development.
  So someone threw a half-eaten cake with cream under the bare feet of a girl singer.
  The hobbit girl struck the cake with lightning from her wand. And it instantly fell apart.
  The small beauty noted:
  - Don't do that again! Only money!
  The weasel sang:
  - Make money! Make money!
  Forgetting about boredom, laziness...
  Make money! Make money!
  If necessary, at least the whole day!
  The dragon girl shook her wings and chirped:
  - Well, this is the second service! But to get an artifact ring , you also need a third one!
  Dominica puffed out her cheeks and said in a confident tone:
  - If you want, I"ll be happy to sing for you again! To be honest, I love singing.
  The audience of about a thousand women, representatives of the fair sex, roared and stamped almost entirely their bare, graceful, girlish feet:
  - Sing again! Sing again!
  Bravo, encore! Bravo, encore!
  The dragon girl objected, raising her voice:
  - No! Give away such a ring just for songs! Here she needs to do something more valuable and, at the same time, difficult.
  There was a tense pause. More than a thousand girls of different races froze in anticipation.
  Suddenly a boy appeared. The only representative of the stronger sex among them. He was of the human race, wearing only shorts, muscular and with a slave brand on his shoulder, he looked about twelve years old and had clearly been beaten more than once. Running up, his dusty, childish heels flashing towards the dragon girl, he fell to his knees and whined:
  - Let them set me free! Give me back my position!
  The dragon girl nodded and confirmed:
  - That's it! The boy will be free if you can turn him into an elf!
  Dominica spread her hands:
  - But this is impossible!
  The marquise-nymph suggested:
  - This slave child was recently the crown prince of a huge empire, named Oenomaus. And now, he became a boy of the human race and a slave to avoid the devil's pestilence. Make him an elf prince again, and then maybe we can grab the thread of the whole tangle!
  . CHAPTER No. 4.
  The hobbit princess confirmed:
  - This is your chance, Dominic. And ours too. The males almost all disappeared. And this one, although not petrified, lost his title and position, and even his body, becoming a human slave.
  The boy nodded his light, cropped head:
  - They beat me every day so that I don"t turn to stone! For some reason, it is the slaves who are flogged who are most resistant to the epidemic!
  Dominica spread her hands and answered:
  - Yes, I have no idea how to disenchant him! And that the prince was also a child?
  The slave boy shook his head.
  - No, I was quite an adult! But when it began to turn to stone, the weasel nymph used special magic. I became a young slave and was whipped. This gave me several months, albeit painful, but life. But sooner or later, this will end. Moreover, they have to beat me hard, and every day I have to, or carry heavy stones, or spin a wheel!
  The nymph girl nodded:
  - Yes! This is the only way to somehow delay the effect of the stone pestilence. There are still slave boys of the human race in the mines who have not yet petrified and are working. But these are the only representatives of the stronger sex that remain. And then some of them also turn into stone and then crumble into dust.
  Dominica whistled:
  - This is terrible! Universal catastrophe! And in order to live and become a slave!
  The boy, wearing the black short shorts that made up all of his clothes, and wiry, with lean muscles under skin that seemed thin due to the lack of fat, sang:
  - Yes, I am a prince, and only a slave, but what,
  Let the nobles call me that...
  How far, far away they are from me,
  A boy with a broken leg chain!
  The dragon girl chirped with a wink:
  - So make him an elf prince again, and then you can get this valuable ring of dragon magic!
  Dominica spread her hands:
  - Well, you damn it, I don"t have a basic understanding of magic, and you demand this! Which, perhaps, you yourself won"t do!
  The nymph marquise remarked with a sigh:
  - Perhaps we can"t do this either ... What do you say?
  The dragon girl said:
  "She"s been on her feet for a long time." And the dragon academy will close soon. So, let him first pass the intoxicating exams, and then try to disenchant the boy prince.
  Dominica nodded in agreement.
  - Well, this is how, in principle, you can...
  The nymph marquise picked up her talisman hanging around her neck. And she rubbed it with her palms and began to mutter something, like a spell. The dragon girl chirped, showing her teeth:
  - This is a serious test for her ... Can she move without much damage if she uses an ultra spell!
  Dominica wanted to get clarification on what the ultra spell means, but the nymph-marquise stamped her bare foot, decorated with rings, and the girl was caught in a whirlwind. It was as if some giant took her in his hand and carried her.
  The girl actress muttered:
  - What a leap!
  And so they, together with the nymph-marquise, found themselves at the entrance to the palace. It was reminiscent of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, only it was higher, thirty floors with a high ceiling. And also, more lush and beautiful than the famous Winter.
  Dominica spread her legs, propped up her sides with her fists and exclaimed:
  - Wow !
  The nymph confirmed with a smile:
  - Yes, this is a beautiful building of the Dragon Academy.
  In front of the entrance, a fountain in the form of a seven-headed dragon sparkled with gold and some bright orange metal unknown on earth. And from each mouth a stream of water rushed into the sky, sparkling like diamonds in the rays of several ornate luminaries.
  Dominica noted:
  - It"s wonderful how high the jets fly!
  The marquise-nymph answered laconically:
  - Technomagic!
  Each dragon head had eyes made of precious stones, and of different colors. It looked extremely healthy , rich and tasteful.
  There are also neat alleys with magnificent flowers, distinguished by a variety of shapes and types of buds. The bare feet of the girls walked along the smooth, brightly patterned tiles of the paths with indescribable elegance and grace. They were of different ages, but all were beautiful, many wore precious jewelry.
  There were mostly elves here, but there were also human girls, female trolls and hobbits. The last girls cannot be distinguished from human ones. As, by the way, are nymphs and dryads. Is it because they wear rings on the bare toes of their small and graceful feet?
  But human girls can do this too.
  Dominika, a fairly tall student, looked too big and mature compared to the female students. And this embarrassed her greatly.
  The girl asked the nymph:
  - I look like a museum exhibit here!
  The marquise asked with a smile:
  -Have you seen the film about Harry Potter?
  Dominic giggled and replied:
  - Yes, of course, I watched it. And they even tried to make a remake of this film. Well, so what?
  The nymph remarked:
  - There were boys and girls there. And here, as you see, there are no boys, and this disrupts the harmony!
  Dominica noted:
  - Harry Potter was also a child, and it was easier for him. But to be an adult among children. It's worse than staying a second year!
  The marquise wanted to say something when a barefoot girl, but with a diamond brooch in her hair, ran up to them. She smiled very sweetly and cooed:
  - Are you the chosen one?
  Dominica smiled and replied:
  The girl laughed and noted:
  - But you probably don"t know how to do much! For example, can you make an invisibility potion?
  The girl actress answered with a sigh:
  - Unfortunately no. How does it work?
  The girl with a diamond brooch and purple and orange-flecked hair nodded her head. And she took a bottle out of her dress pocket. I turned the plug. She took a sip and... disappeared.
  Dominica blinked her sapphire eyes in confusion. And then I felt a light pinch on my nose. Then they pulled her hair. Dominica"s keen vision saw the invisible girl"s bare feet step on multi-colored tiles and raise tiny specks of dust and fluff from trees and flowers. The girl jerked very deftly and, with her bare foot, grabbed the young naughty girl by the ear.
  She screamed. And Dominica was able to see her. The girl became transparent, like a ghost or a hologram. And he screamed in a frightened voice:
  - Hurt! Let me go, aunt!
  The marquise-nymph exclaimed:
  - Cleverly, yes! I already thought you couldn"t do anything!
  Dominica sang in response:
  If you get sick, I'll come
  I will spread the pain with my hands...
  I can do everything, I can do everything,
  My heart is not a stone!
  The girls who approached them laughed. Despite the decorations, it was clear that their dresses were quite strict and of a uniform, albeit luxurious, style. Although in other respects there was a sense of diversity. Some girls had earrings in their ears, while others did not. And some, especially hobbit girls, threaded gold rings with stones into their noses.
  They did this, in particular, to differentiate themselves from human children, who were too similar. Dryads also loved rings in their noses and ears. A beautiful kingdom of girls, from seven to teenagers. However, among elves, adulthood and adolescence are practically no different in appearance, just like among hobbits, trolls, nymphs, and dryads. But Dominica looks like an adult and a very beautiful girl, with the expressive face of a real princess. Maybe too tanned.
  Yes, they even lightened her skin when she played one of the noble ladies of the Middle Ages. Back then, a tanned face was considered a sign of low birth.
  By the way, not only was the skin on her face lightened, but also on her legs. There was an episode when she was led barefoot and in rags to the scaffold.
  There was even a song:
  The time for redemption is almost here
  The queen is led barefoot to the scaffold!
  Instead of jewelry, she's wearing rags,
  The swan's neck is a victim of the executioners!
  Yes, it looked extremely funny and even, in its own way, somehow creepy . After lightening, she had to act in the role of Queen Semiramis. And in these filmings, she was practically not filmed barefoot. Yes, it was an interesting role. But apparently the director didn"t like her. Too beautiful and honey blonde. And for the role of Semiramis they preferred an older woman with black hair. And Dominica had to become a slave. And she was even branded with a hot iron. And they groped me, quite roughly, by men.
  Yes, and there was a scene on the rack. Of course, the whip was made of foam, and when they whip you with it it doesn"t hurt. But all the same, when you are hanging and being whipped , it is unpleasant.
  The girl students huddled together. Then the dryad teacher appeared. She was wearing a scarlet dress and a different style.
  She walked up to Dominica and cooed:
  -Are you new?
  The child actress shrugged:
  - I wouldn't say that!
  The teacher shook her head. In her nose was a ring made of orange metal and with a striped stone. She also looks like a teenage girl and is barefoot. Moreover, there is a ring on each bare toe. And this is already a fairly high level of sorcery.
  The nymph marquise noted:
  - She is a capable student, and she has talent!
  The dryad teacher threw a small pebble onto the colored tile and ordered:
  - Make a new one so that it will fly into your palm!
  Dominica blurted out:
  - Telekinesis, or what?
  In response, the girls laughed. The teacher shouted:
  - Disperse! Why are they crowded together!
  There was a dissatisfied grunt and noise. But the girls did not argue, but began to slowly disperse. But at the same time, looking towards the new girl.
  The teacher muttered:
  - Well, come on, order the stone to fly into your palm!
  Dominika, feeling like a complete fool , exclaimed:
  - Fly into my palm!
  The stone did not move. Then the girl screamed with rage:
  - Fly to me, quickly!
  And then a pebble fell and, like a meteorite, struck the girl in the forehead. The blow was good, a decent lump immediately swelled, and Dominika herself fell unconscious.
  Several girls who did not have time to leave, and those others who turned around, burst out laughing at once. And this laughter was reminiscent of the ringing of hundreds of silver bells.
  The nymph marquise spread her arms and noted:
  - There are abilities, and what other ones! In simple words, lift a stone without spells. Not even every novice nymph or dryad can do this.
  The teacher agreed:
  - Yes, she is capable! But also dangerous. This one is quite capable of not only returning the men to us, but also killing the females. This is wild power!
  The Marquise remarked:
  - This girl is a diamond in need of polishing!
  Dominika stood up and jumped to her feet. Her head was cracking and there was a swelling on her forehead.
  The girl yelled:
  - And who should I kill now?
  The teacher answered furiously:
  - Myself! You could very well blow your brains out. It"s a good thing I didn"t tell you to blow up the rock!
  Dominica laughed and replied:
  - Yes, in this case there would be a real Hiroshima!
  The dryad mentor asked in surprise:
  -What is Hiroshima?
  The girl actress shrugged her shoulders, which were not weak, and answered confidently:
  - This is the city on which an atomic bomb was dropped, as a result of which fifty thousand people died and one hundred thousand were injured!
  The teacher whistled:
  - Wow! Wow bomb!
  One of the girl students squeaked:
  - This aunt is flooding!
  And another added:
  - Turns violets into your ears!
  The nymph marquise objected:
  - I"ve been to Earth more than once, and climbed their Internet many times, and I know Hiroshima - it"s true. And this is terrible, and even more people died there and died from radiation.
  One of the girls squeaked:
  - What is radiation?
  Dominika muttered, hastily answering:
  - When an electron cloud breaks off from the nucleus of an atom and it becomes ionized, radiation occurs. The bare nucleus of an atom destroys intermolecular bonds, and these breaks cause severe damage to the body, both of a human and, I think, of an elf.
  The girls squeaked in fear in response. One of the smaller ones chirped:
  - Mom, I'm afraid of radiation!
  The nymph-marquise, aka Laska, laughed and answered:
  - Don't be afraid! She won't get you here !
  Dominica wittily noted:
  - We were attacked by radiation,
  And where to find shelter now...
  And here you have an organization -
  Look, they're hitting me on the neck!
  After which the girl took it and started dancing. And the other girls began to dance.
  The teacher snapped her fingers . A whistle appeared in her mouth. And how the nightingale trill will flow. The other girls took it at once and froze . Another mentor appeared in a strict black dress and gave the command:
  - Step by step!
  The girls instantly lined up in height. And they began to march, measuring their steps and stretching the soles of their bare feet, like soldiers. And they did it as if marching was familiar to them, like the presidential guard.
  The teacher in a black dress, decorated with sapphires, emeralds and some cold-colored stones still unknown on planet Earth, commanded:
  - Now, sing!
  The girls, stamping their bare, tanned, small and graceful legs, asked in unison:
  - What to sing about?!
  The mentor answered in cold tones:
  - About what the boys would sing about if they had not been struck by a hellish pestilence!
  And the girls-students sang in chorus and with great expression;
  The stars twinkle in the darkness of the night,
  And the shine of the silver moon!
  The beauty frowns her cute eyes,
  We are engaged to her forever!
  The crimson sunset was gloomy,
  But a bright dawn will break out!
  And the wind became cheerful, noisy,
  The ship's sail has swollen!
  My soul is a heavy stone,
  The fighter's tests await!
  And let the banner fly above the head,
  Let's go all the way to the end!
  The heart will not be overgrown with moss ,
  Swift flight of an eaglet!
  Even though the blood boils, with a dashing flight,
  I'll take flight like an arrow!
  The willows bowed to me,
  The Almighty God turned his gaze!
  Even though you are completely unpretentious,
  I will add strength to you in the battle!
  After all, you honestly serve the Fatherland,
  But the flesh is weak, the spirit is sick!
  You won't regret it, I know life
  Don't let me turn into a ram's horn!
  I will wash away the sins of days gone by,
  Let what happened in the past go away!
  You see, pears are ripening in the garden,
  The sketch will outline the plane!
  Serve the Fatherland with all your might,
  Forget that there is peace in the world!
  So as not to set fire to the groves,
  May everyone live well with you!
  To this I simply replied:
  Lord, I will dig the earth!
  So that children laugh in happiness,
  So that you don"t have to reconcile your own people!
  After all, good depends on us,
  Everyone decides - the choice is their own!
  And from you the Almighty threads,
  You hold the universe in your fist!
  We will also hold on to you,
  After all, the Motherland cannot be found holier!
  While shooting, my fingers became very numb,
  And we"re not even twenty yet!
  Victory is an unattainable fruit;
  For those who are weak, cowardly, or stupid!
  But the soldiers can handle all the peaks,
  We will take this excessive weight on the navel!
  Afterwards they disappeared into the luxurious palace of the dragon academy.
  And the mentor in black looked carefully at Dominica and noticed:
  - You are very beautiful. Especially for the imperfect human race. It is amazing!
  Dominica sang enthusiastically in response:
  I am perfection itself
  I am perfection itself
  From a smile to a gesture,
  Above all praise!
  Oh, what bliss
  Know that I'm perfect
  Know that I'm perfect
  Know that I am ideal!
  The teacher in a black dress looked sternly at the girl and noted:
  - She has amazing modesty! What a darling!
  The weasel nymph suggested:
  - Maybe we should tickle her heels with sticks?
  The teacher shrugged her shoulders and answered not too confidently:
  - Not bad idea! But it"s better to take her to the dragon master. Let's see if she can pass the entrance exam!?
  The Marquise noted with a smile:
  - Entrance exams? This is not the dumbest idea, but it can be adopted in the very first course, where it will be trivially simple!
  The teacher objected in stern tones:
  - And put this big guy with seven-year-old girls? Yes, they will tease her and pinch her. Yes, and she herself can take someone and kill them. No, this is not a business approach at all! Older girls need her, and for this she must show a high level of talent!
  Weasel nodded:
  - Sounds logical!
  Dominica shook her head, which looked like a May dandelion:
  - Don't bother me with little girls.
  The teacher nodded:
  "Then take the exams with Lady Dragon Master." In this case, you will be admitted to an elite course. You will even live in a separate, nice room, with a silver saucer and a pouring apple.
  The girl actress asked in surprise:
  - How is it, with a silver saucer?
  The mentor explained:
  - It's like you have television on Earth. Only there may be fewer programs for now. So what? You have technology, we have magic. But here you can see through a saucer, if you have real magical skill, what is going on.
  Dominica asked insinuatingly:
  -Can you see the Earth?
  The teacher nodded in agreement:
  - And the Earth can be ... Unless, of course, you are a very advanced magician. I, too, surfed the Internet - a cool human invention. And I must say, you really know how to shoot. And they came up with an interesting network. It"s even surprising that simple electricity without any magic is capable of this!
  Dominica shrugged and replied:
  - Yes, this surprises me myself! Why don't you do this for yourself?
  Then the nymph marquise answered:
  - Scientific progress is a dangerous thing. If our bombs start exploding again, and not simple ones, but nuclear ones ! This way, no one will be left alive, and magical radiation is worse than normal radiation!
  Dominica whistled:
  - Here they are ! It happens.
  The girl students shouted:
  - We don"t need someone like that , she"s an evil aunt!
  The mentor in icy tones ordered:
  - Follow me!
  And she moved. She had special sandals on her feet that left her toes open in front and allowed her to cast spells with rings. The mentor herself also looks young - not a single wrinkle, a flawless face. But her structure is visible, not the soft emerging lines of a teenager, but an adult woman with classic and, one might even say, aristocratic features. And the look is so hard.
  Dominika thought she had some kind of title. And perhaps not small.
  She followed her, and the marquise-nymph jumped up next to her and chirped, baring her teeth:
  - You are such a magnificent queen. But the bump on your forehead has already healed, you are recovering quickly!
  Dominika noted with a chuckle:
  Strength expander and dumbbells,
  A healthy mind in a healthy body!
  So they passed by a fountain and seven jets erupting a good hundred meters into the air , marveling at the wondrous beauty. Next is the gate, at the entrance of a female archer, and gilded armor.
  They greeted the new girl with nods and the stamping of their bare, chiseled feet.
  Dominica noted:
  -Girls have three good qualities. One, that they are beautiful, and the second, that they...
  And then the answer didn"t come to mind. And here they are inside the dragon academy building. There is such luxury here, you can"t even compare it with Peterhof. In addition to gold and platinum, there are still a lot of different metals that have no analogues on planet Earth. And also, numerous precious stones of the most complex and beautiful patterns, lined with ornaments, graceful, iridescent flower buds. There are also many different portraits on the walls. Mostly elves and elves. But there are other creatures. But almost all the faces and figures are young and prominent. Young men often pose bare-chested. And they are very similar to the statues of ancient Greece and Rome. There are a lot of things here ... And there are also fountains coming out from around the corners, which also looks beautiful and tasteful.
  Mirrors with orange and gold frames, framed with diamonds and topazes, are also visible. Which in itself looks pretty decent and is also pleasing to the eye.
  Dominika was pleased to note that her stone bump had practically disappeared. And she is again beautiful and golden-haired . And such a girl...
  Her hair is so bright that few people believe that she is not dyed. But this is her natural color. And it suits her very well against the bronze tan of her young face.
  She is a girl of noble blood, and jumps up from time to time like a monkey.
  And the academy itself is cooler than the Palace of Versailles. So try to get close to her.
  Dominica took it and sang:
  The vaults of palaces are tempting for us,
  Freedom will never be replaced!
  Freedom will never be replaced!
  And her bare toes picked up a diamond pebble from the floor and threw it higher. It flew by, but the nymph snapped her fingers, and the diamond ended up in her open palm.
  Dominica noted:
  - You did it cleverly!
  The weasel chirped:
  More agile than a macaque
  Hardier than an ox...
  And the sense of smell is like that of a dog,
  And the eye is like an eagle's!
  The mentor noted in stern tones:
  - Now we"ll go downstairs .
  Dominica stammered:
  - Or maybe it"s better, on the contrary, to rise?
  She shook her head:
  - There is an underground stadium below. There you will show your skills if you want to get into the elite!
  The girl actress timidly asked:
  - What if I don"t pass the exams?
  The teacher said sternly:
  - And then you will become a slave. You've played slaves in movies and you know what it is?
  Dominica laughed and replied:
  - Today the girl is a naked slave,
  And tomorrow is just a cool goddess!
  And she, in fact, began to have fun and without any difficulties.
  And so they began to go down the marble steps. And it was like a descent into hell.
  Dominica remembered how she played a witch in the movies. She was lifted on a chain, with her hands tied behind her to the ceiling. And it really hurt. And it tightens the veins. The girl's tanned, muscular body is covered with sweat from pain and tension. And then the chain is released. And she feels relief for a moment and rushes down. And there is tension right there on the floor.
  And Dominica screams from hellish pain in her joints and shoulders. Yes, you need to feel it.
  The nymph, seeing that the girl"s face was grimacing , noted:
  - You don't have to be a slave. You may well become a student in the junior group.
  Dominika giggled and noted, singing, mocking herself, a grown-up girl, and an actress at that:
  First grader, first grader,
  Today is your holiday...
  It's a wonderful and fun time,
  First meeting with school!
  Laska noted:
  - Not funny! You people never dreamed of our capabilities in magic!
  Dominica responded aggressively:
  - Have you ever dreamed of our technological achievements? One hydrogen bomb will shut down all your magic.
  The mentor in black noted:
  - There is no need to brag . This is not appropriate!
  Dominica responded:
  - This is not bragging, but a statement of facts. A hydrogen bomb with a power of one hundred megatons is capable of destroying all life within a radius of one hundred kilometers. Can you imagine what this is?
  Nymph confirmed:
  - She's not lying! People actually have such fantastically destructive weapons. And most importantly, there are also missiles capable of delivering it to the target.
  The teacher muttered through her teeth:
  - It"s a pity that the pestilence on men did not affect the Earth. Aggressive males like yours do not deserve to live!
  Dominica did not argue, nodding:
  - Sometimes I also think that it is so.
  Nymph noted:
  - People are different too. Don't think that they are all bad. Although, which people are more numerous, bad or good, you can"t tell right at first glance!
  Dominica noted with a smile that looked very sad:
  - If you watch central television, then, perhaps, there are more bad ones . Or even very bad ones!
  Nymph confirmed:
  - This is xenophobia! When hatred is intensified towards everything that is not like you. But this should not be taken as an example.
  Dominica noted:
  - Okay, let's not talk about politics. My goal is to save all representatives of the stronger sex on the planet ... That is, in your universe. And this is more than a planet!
  Weasel politely replied:
  - This is not a planet, even a large one, but it"s not quite a universe either. It is something between a very large planet and the universe. But I"d rather not get into the weeds...
  The mentor shook her characteristic ears, which came out from under her hair, and said:
  - In any case, not only us, but there are other academies of dragons and non-dragons who are looking for ways to save the males, and if possible, return them.
  Dominica squeaked:
  - A drowning man clutches at straws! And it"s really a brick...
  The nymph marquise suggested:
  - Maybe you should sing better, the descent is quite long!
  The girl actress nodded:
  - Yes, I agree , it"s even cooler than in the subway!
  And Dominica nodded her head, which sparkled with gold leaf, and sang:
  There is no age or height in war,
  She makes girls and boys equal!
  Those who do not want bliss in silence,
  Who wants to fly even higher!
  We chop, shoot and slash,
  For us there is faith - service to the Motherland!
  Of course, it is better to serve as a sword,
  To win the battle decisively!
  What else is more important for our wives?
  Of course, take it not only on the bed!
  You are an eagle husband, not a pitiful sparrow,
  Strive to keep our houses from burning!
  This is a fierce battle, we see it"s coming,
  The horde is sailing, the masses cannot be counted!
  But the blacksmiths forged a strong shield,
  The roar and evil peals will not frighten us!
  And we rallied together, legion,
  The spears are held tightly in the hands of the mighty!
  Be the enemy at least a champion in destruction,
  Graves await, not medals at the navel!
  We collided , but the girls stink,
  Swords in hands sparkle like lightning!
  Such strong girls, tough look,
  To the envy of even the stars Jedi !
  , the kings think ?
  But now the "bears" are running!
  We are the sacred warriors of Rus',
  Any fighter, girl, or guy!
  We drive them away and take no prisoners,
  Free people should not produce unhappy slaves!
  We dealt with the shaggy crow,
  The interests of the fatherland are higher than private ones!
  Yes, the song is not weak and the warrior"s voice is wonderful.
  The descent was completed, and now three girls of different species: an elf mentor, a marquise nymph and a human drop-in, found themselves in the territory of a large underground stadium, not inferior in size to Luzhniki, and maybe even superior.
  It had a lot of all sorts of devices, a high ceiling and stands for hundreds of thousands of spectators, and chairs embroidered with velvet, pearls, gold, or even for the most expensive guests with diamonds and other stones.
  At the same time , it was almost empty. True, in the center was the Grand Master herself and the head of the academy, the Dragon Duchess de Montserrat.
  A very beautiful female with seven heads, painted in all the colors of the rainbow. And it looks so beautiful, simply amazing, especially if you see it in reality and not in a movie.
  Dominica sang out of place:
  High sky, distant distances,
  Listen to the song about the brave Akmale ...
  He is an evil dragon, he delivered the earth,
  And this knight left the light of the sky!
  Songs are sung again...
  Here the Dragon Duchess de Montserrat interrupted with a menacing voice, like the trumpets of Jericho:
  - You , I see, are a very impudent girl, with a tongue that could easily curl into a long loop around your human neck.
  Dominica answered with an innocent smile:
  - I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that I really love to sing. And Akmal is just a fairy-tale boy, a movie character from a children's film. Don't take it too seriously!
  Seven-headed female dragon, about the size of a good two-seater attack aircraft, laughed and noted, with all seven of her heads speaking at the same time, as if they formed a single whole, despite their different brains:
  - And you are witty and brave, and at the same time, resourceful. Can you at least do something in magic?
  Dominica sang a comic song in response:
  Gift of teachers,
  They spent time with me...
  He suffered with me for nothing -
  The most skillful magician!
  Wise teachers
  I listened inattentively...
  Everything that was not asked to me
  I did it somehow!
  . CHAPTER No. 5.
  The slave boy and former prince Oenomaus was again assigned to turn the heavy wheel. A child, about eleven or twelve years old, overpowering fatigue and resting his bare feet on sharp stones, was grinding grain. Two elf girls struck, at approximately equal intervals, on the boy's bare, muscular back. Somehow, this slave existence provided a reprieve from turning to stone. But young slave boys should not be allowed to rest and should be struck harshly and quite forcefully.
  And so on until the slave boy, completely exhausted, falls asleep. And after that, they raise him again, feed him so that he does not die of hunger and has the strength to work. And they harness again.
  This gives life, but only a very painful one. Like, like hell during life, except that the body is young and healthy and the thoughts are in the head and the consciousness is clear. But this makes it even more humiliating and painful. To take his mind off the pain and fatigue a little, the former prince and now slave boy Oenomaus used his imagination;
  A crew of pirates on battle dragons scours the clouds in search of prey. A handsome, muscular young elf Oenomaus in a smart suit, boots that sparkle with scarlet varnish, and with diamond spurs controls his three-headed monster. And the rest of the team consists of amazing girls. They are muscular, tanned, barefoot, and all their clothes are necklaces of precious stones on their chests and hips. And everyone, of course, is just fashion models with bright hair. They mounted dragons that were slightly smaller and had only one head.
  Well, of course, he is a man, the stronger sex, and his team is made up of representatives of the fair sex. And he doesn't need other men.
  So only the male captain has shoes, and his delightful subordinates can do things with their bare, graceful feet in battle that cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen! The beauties are capable of throwing explosives with lethal force, and throwing a dagger, boomerang, or poisonous needle.
  Oenomaus, the young prince, sang with delight and joy:
  The rich man, of course, will laugh,
  Shake your mammon, your full belly!
  And our fate is to die with pain,
  Death is watching over everyone, an old woman with a scythe!
  And we want to run on the grass,
  After all, we are still, essentially, just children!
  But the boy will feel doubly slavery,
  There is no freedom in any prison on the planet!
  We must fight, this is fate,
  Kill a comrade if you have to kill a brother!
  There is no point in praying to the Almighty,
  For whose sins do slaves bear retribution?
  There is blood in the arena and dirt in the dungeon,
  The rats bit my bare feet!
  The greedy prince teases with his bull's foot,
  He should be sent away himself!
  To survive, you have to kill,
  You suffer both in soul and in mortal body!
  The nobles feast on the corpses of poverty,
  The stink died, all that remained was a chalk stroke!
  But all the same, the spirit of will cannot be broken,
  The Fatherland is alive in the boy"s thoughts!
  An army will come to the Elves eternal with abuse,
  We will throw down the rich for their deeds !
  Then the moneybag will be shaking ,
   Who squeezed the juices out of the Fatherland!
  To win, we need a bright mind,
  And if you are a coward, even the Gods are powerless!
  Here's a swing of the sword, the head flew off,
  The executioner suddenly turned into a victim!
  How the devil suddenly escaped from the cauldron,
  So anger is expelled from a big heart!
  No need to think, the elves of light are weak,
  Our people have not bowed down to anyone!
  the newcomer from hell ,
  And we are kind enough to drink tea from the saucer!
  A beautiful song, and his team of dragons is magnificent. So hovering on the right hand, an elf girl with copper-red hair that fluttered in the wind like a proletarian banner exclaimed:
  - It's time to get serious, oh prince of air pirates!
  Enomai nodded with a smile:
  - Certainly! This is what we were born for!
  The girls sang in chorus, in unison, bouncing and playing with their strong bodies, sculpted from developed muscles:
  We are poor, we are poor pirates,
  We are very, very sorry...
  We put jars in the sky for the caravels,
  But because they didn"t instill morality in us!
  And the warriors sang with even greater gaiety and excitement, and their voices were like full-bodied nightingale trills:
  Pirates don't need science
  And it's clear why...
  We have legs and arms,
  But we don"t need our heads!
  At this moment, a girl with yellow-violet hair whistled shrilly:
  - Prey ahead! There's a whole air galleon on the right heading!
  The girls sang in chorus:
  Eh ma , over the ocean, eh ma , dragons in check,
  Eh ma , look over the fabulous wealth...
  We don"t care about the laws, we are building a new order,
  To die weak and stupid under swords!
  Prince Oenomaus ordered:
  - Well, girls, if we are destined to rob, then we will rob!
  And then a whole flock of dragons rushed to attack. They rushed towards their goal.
  The galleon was a large and beautiful ship. Despite the heavy weight and laden with various goods, thanks to magic, it floated smoothly in the atmosphere. And the wind blew the sails of this galleon.
  Enomai noted that the vessel"s sails had very bright and beautiful patterns. And this, let"s say, is very cool . Especially when the rising sun appeared.
  From the galleon they noticed a flock of pirates controlling trained dragons. And the team began to fuss about it. In it, too, the majority are beautiful girls in tunics and slave boys. They were only in swimming trunks, only a couple of young slaves had gold and silver bracelets sparkling on their ankles and wrists.
  The warrior girls were decorated more lavishly. But also barefoot, like boys of twelve to fourteen years old, muscular, beautiful, but with slave brands on their chests and shoulders.
  Only one warrior girl had elegant boots on her feet. Apparently she is the most important one here and the captain. Such a beautiful blonde with hair that looked like it was sprinkled with golden powder.
  And what a cute face she has. And the body is covered with armor that is cast in platinum, sapphires, emeralds, topazes, rubies, agates and diamonds. Moreover, the precious stones are arranged in a wonderful ornament of the most beautiful colors. There are roses, tulips, cornflowers, forget-me-nots, mimosas, peonies and many others.
  On her luxurious armor, all the flowers are different, and not one is repeated.
  The pirate prince Oenomaus felt a surge of bright feelings within himself and cooed:
  - Well, is it really possible to cripple and kill such beauty! I cannot bear such a sin on my soul.
  The fiery red-haired partner remarked:
  - But that"s why we"re pirates! After all...it is impossible to pirate without sin.
  Another remarked with a smile:
  Yes, it"s hard to truly kill loved ones,
  After all, an elf , believe me, was born for happiness...
  But if you're a pirate, the blade is the mother,
  Without blood, rain and eternal bad weather!
  The redhead also noted:
  - These are beautiful girls and boys, of course, but they are not our breed of elves, but from the race of people! Look, great one , at the shape of their ears.
  Oenomaus was surprised:
  - Are people so beautiful and young?
  The fire warrior nodded:
  - That's it! With the help of magic they received eternal youth. And now these boys are stuck in their early teenage years.
  They will now always be young and submissive.
  The young prince sang:
  All the elves, people on the planet,
  Should always be friends...
  Children should always laugh.
  And live in a peaceful world!
  Children should laugh
  Children should laugh
  Children should laugh -
  And live in a peaceful world!
  The blonde elf suggested:
  - There is an option! The best fighter from their side and the best or best from our side will fight. In case of victory, they share the spoils with us, and in case of defeat, the losing warrior becomes . either a slave or a corpse!
  Oenomaus noted:
  - This is logical! I'm ready to fight!
  Girls on dragons surrounded the galleon. They are faster; a massive ship simply could not escape the agile flock.
  But the galleon had guns. And they began to direct them, and the wicks even began to smoke.
  Oenomaus said in a thunderous voice:
  - I propose a duel! According to the custom of air pirates. One fighter from your side, and one from ours. You will give half of your cargo to the winner. And in case of defeat , do what you want with the loser. We won't bother you.
  The girl captain in precious armor with flowers replied:
  - Great! We accept this challenge! I will fight! And you nominate whoever you want!
  Elf Prince Oenomaus stated decisively:
  - I am the only representative of the stronger sex among you. So I have to fight!
  The red-haired assistant said aggressively:
  - I"m no worse a fighter! I want to fight!
  And she shook her barefoot, elegant, very nimble leg, which is mobile, like the body of a cobra.
  The young warrior objected:
  - We are captains, we will fight!
  The girl in precious armor nodded and said with a smile:
  - Marquise de Diana, at your service!
  The young elf answered confidently:
  - Prince Oenomaus! Ready for battle!
  And very deftly the young warrior jumped onto the deck and drew his long, thin sword.
  Lady de Diana also drew her blade and asked with a smile:
  - Why did the prince suddenly become a bloodthirsty pirate?
  Oenomaus answered this decisively:
  - It's a long story. But I am not a bloodthirsty pirate, but a noble one! And that makes a difference.
  The marquise answered with a smile:
  - I will not kill you, you will be my personal slave and prisoner. I will make you lick the bare soles of my feet with your tongue and thereby give me pleasure!
  Oenomaus laughed and replied:
  won"t kill you either ! And it"s even nice to tickle such feet with your tongue. But even though you are a serious warrior, you won"t wait for my defeat!
  Diana smiled wider , with her large teeth, and answered:
  - Let's see! Not only me, but also other girls will ride you captive. And we will torture you and beat you to death. Let's see how you smile in this case!
  The pirate prince sang in response:
  Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up
  In the battle with the nightmare monster, do not be timid...
  Smile, smile, smile -
  Know that everything looks great and okay !
  The Marquise nodded with a very pleased look:
  - You are a cheerful young man! You would make a great jester. Maybe I'll even give you to the queen. And it will be funny!
  Oenomaus replied angrily:
  - Enough idle chatter. Let's fight!
  The girl in armor jumped off the battery floor and attacked her counterpart. Oenomaus met her, parried the blows, and even responded, almost cutting off the beauty"s ear. She jumped back and noted with a panther smile:
  - And you"re not bad. I thought you were a prince like I was a nun!
  The girl, however, is not an elf, she has a human ear. But Oenomaus is an elf. People and elves have common children - half-breeds . But they are usually called bastards . And they don"t really like both of them.
  The marquise girl attacked again. She carried out complex combinations with swords. And her blade flickered, skipped, and spun again, like the wings of a mill in a hurricane. And she attacked.
  The prince, who was not without reason the heir to a huge empire, dealt a strong blow to her chest. And he pierced the armor. Blood even spattered. And it was clear that the girl was wounded.
  She stepped back and hissed:
  - Dangerous monster boy!
  Edmond replied with a condescending smile:
  "I may be a monster, but I"m far from a boy!"
  Diana laughed and attacked again. Although scarlet blood was dripping from her. And she spread across the deck.
  The red-haired queen noted:
  - I would have cut off her head right away! I wouldn't pull the bagpipes.
  The Marquise-Captain hissed:
  - And I can give you such an opportunity!
  Oenomaus responded by striking the warrior under the hand with his sword and cutting her tendon. She dropped the weapon from her right hand, but immediately picked it up in her left. And she grinned carnivorously, as if she were the mistress of the situation in this showdown.
  The young man noted:
  - You are a courageous girl! But then you get hurt. Better give up!
  Diana exclaimed:
  - We will die, but we will not give up!
  The red-haired pirate warrior chirped:
  You must respect us, fear us,
  The exploits of female pirates are endless...
  The elves of light always knew how to fight,
  And the planet is crazy about us!
  And laughter in response, so iridescent and ringing. Everything looked so cool and with feeling.
  And Diana attacked again. She acted with her left hand no worse than with her right. And it was quite beautiful, such graceful movements. In addition, the marquise-captain took off her boots, and her small, graceful feet became bare. And this added to her dexterity.
  Oenomaus noted:
  - And barefoot suits you, dear beauty!
  Diana hissed:
  - You will kiss my bare heels!
  The fight was very aggressive. The Marquise attacked with wild fury and brandished her weapon as if it were a lady's fan. And this turned out to be extremely beautiful. And then the tip scratched Oenomaus along the elf"s smooth, hairless, rosy cheek.
  The young man noted:
  - You're good!
  Diana nodded:
  - Yes, I'm cool! And again the swing and twist.
  The red-haired pirate yelled:
  - Hit her! Kill her!
  Oenomaus answered with a smile:
  - What about the commandment of the Almighty - do not kill?
  The fire girl replied:
  - Literally - do not commit evil murder!
  The pirate prince muttered:
  - So, it"s possible to commit a good murder?
  The red-haired girl confirmed:
  - It"s not even possible, but it"s necessary!
  Meanwhile, the wounded girl captain tried to attack again, and acted very well. And she scratched Oenomaia on the arm and shoulder.
  Diana roared:
  - You will feel bad! I'll kill you, puppy!
  Oenomaus sang in response, parrying the attacks;
  We know immortal glory in battles,
  Knowing no fear, chop bravely!
  May the sword help us in great achievements,
  Defeat the enemy - nothing else matters!
  We sail on the sea, without knowing any doubts,
  A pirate and a storm, a hurricane is no barrier!
  The memory will remain in the hearts of generations,
  The enemy is defeated - that"s the whole reward!
  The beauty will give you love passionately,
  And tomorrow the executioner awaits the scaffold!
  Connecting your life with a filibuster is dangerous,
  Fortune throws the dice in a whimsical way!
  And at the last word, the pirate prince slashed at the hand of the marquise girl with his sword, and the weapon fell from her pale hand.
  Diana smiled and jumped, aiming her bare heel at Oenomai"s chin. And the girl walked around casually. The young man picked her up and then threw her down. Diana crashed onto the deck and was stunned. She really tried to jump up, but the tip of the toe of the boot hit her in the chin, and the girl completely passed out from the powerful blow.
  Oenomaus raised his hands up and exclaimed:
  - Victory!
  A rumble went through the crew of girls and barefoot boys. And the warriors with their slave boys defiantly knelt down.
  The red-haired warrior noted:
  - Somehow it turned out very easy! I thought it would be more difficult.
  Oenomaus muttered:
  - The turkey thought and ended up in the soup!
  The girl laughed and noted with a chuckle:
  Don't think down on elves
  The time will come, you will understand for yourself...
  They whistle like bullets at your temple,
  And the girl runs into battle completely barefoot !
  The redhead suggested:
  - Let's beat slave boys on their bare heels with sticks. I think they'll love it!
  Oenomaus winked and remarked:
  - Do you think they'll like it? Although the rough soles of boys are probably not so sensitive to the pain from a stick.
  The red-haired pirate noted:
  - The main thing is that we like it! Robbers like us find it very pleasant to torture beautiful boys!
  A beautiful girl in a smart tunic and jewelry on her wrists and ankles cooed:
  - I am ready, as the marquise"s assistant, to continue the fight! And deliver the other half of the spoils!
  The fire pirate growled:
  - She is mine! I will fight with her! This is clear.
  Enomai nodded in agreement:
  - Logical! It"s not all for me to take away alone. Even if I am the most important one for you.
  The red-haired warrior objected:
  - There are no chief among equals. And I propose to fight without weapons.
  The warrior in a tunic noted:
  - Without weapons? Aren't you afraid, elf?
  The fire pirate answered decisively:
  - Don"t go into the forest to be afraid of wolves!
  The girl in the tunic, this delightful honey blonde, asked in a gentle tone:
  - Let the charming young man sing for us. I think something lyrical, and other girls will support me.
  The beauties on both sides chirped in unison:
  - Welcome! We want your songs at the top of our lungs!
  Oenomaus sang with a smile:
  I remember how now, the radiantly bright face,
  The look pierced my heart like a dagger!
  I burned in the streams of fiery wind,
  You just remained silent in response!
  Your voice, how beautiful and pure it is,
  I believe in the endless waterfall of your caresses!
  I don"t need a hateful life without you,
  And now an eternal ray will illuminate me!
  You are the goddess of boundless love,
  An ocean full of wondrous light!
  Break the ice shackles, jokingly,
  I won"t see the dawn without you!
  Your face shines like the sun above,
  There are no more beautiful figures in the universe!
  The feeling of passion covers like a hurricane,
  Being with you forever is happiness!
  The pain in my soul is raging like a storm,
  And the fire in my chest burns mercilessly!
  I love you, you look proudly in return,
  Ice into shards breaks your heart!
  Between the lights in the boundless starry ocean,
  You and I soared in the skies like eagles!
  And your lips, sparkling with rubies,
  something tenderly and passionately!
  And the applause is such that the beauties simply choke with delight. But at that moment one of the girls shouted:
  - Two combat frigates are coming here!
  Oenomaus noted with a sad grin:
  - Well, is this exactly what you wanted? Did you need an interesting fight? So you will get it!
  The redhead remarked angrily:
  - They called them! Cruisers with soldiers. And now you won"t get away with just blows on your bare heels!
  The girl who was looking through binoculars noted:
  - There are orcs on the ships. And this means a serious test awaits us.
  Oenomaus logically noted:
  - But we can kill our enemies without any damage to our conscience. When you touch beautiful warriors, your heart literally bleeds!
  The girl with green hair remarked:
  - Our dragons are faster than frigates. We may well have time to leave!
  The pirate prince said decisively:
  - In our dictionary there is no such word as escape!
  And the pirate girls sang with rage, ready for a life-or-death battle;
  We live in a world full of separation, sadness...
  What should a soldier do when he's lonely ?
  The Gods, rightly, cruelly decided for us -
  This guy is turning his temples gray!
  The universe is so cruel to love,
  Tears of separation flowed in a cascade...
  Compassion disappeared without a trace, like a dream,
  And life became like a stone without softness!
  It's freezing in the desert, and the ice is burning with heat,
  How a rusty chain envelops my heart!
  And the rain of separation beats like fractions on the roof -
  Pockets are empty, only copper remains!
  But faith in a fighter"s feat inspires,
  The Almighty God, you know, has made a firm vow!
  And it will be like leaves in warm May for us,
  When we sprout, we meet the dawn!
  Do you want to make the planet happier?
  So that each of us sings gloriously like a nightingale?
  Then the sweetest honey became a harvest from the linden tree -
  In the soul of giants, let"s put an end to lies !
  There is no need to deceive God, believe me,
  He sees right through which of us is a coward and a boor !
  Give the meaning of the Lord to the sacrifice,
  No wonder it says, I will repay you people!
  caught us online ,
  Nobody knows where the killings end.
  Judas hangs on a rotten aspen -
  And for those who believed - a laurel crown!
  Any person can become better
  Our choice is conscious - striving for Christ.
  But sometimes there are puddles of blood,
  At least there is a promise - I will come soon!
  Oh world, how much violence you have,
  As if we can"t live peacefully !
  The wife wailed over the soldier's coffin,
  How thin is life's fragile thread!
  Shedding blood is not our calling -
  I want to love, to give the Fatherland paradise!
  Why is this punishment for all of us?
  Answer: give all your wealth to the poor!
  It is impossible to buy salvation for money,
  Because there is no price for gold for God!
  And in church you bow on Sunday,
  To become winged like eagles!
  And the time will come - God's Kingdom will come,
  The evil and predatory darkness will end!
  The spiritual will perish, damned slavery,
  And the country will become in Greatness of Happiness!
  After such an inspiring song, the girls-pirates on dragons took and went to storm large frigates, which were full of orcs - smelly and hairy bears.
  There were fewer girls than the nasty creatures, but they were much more agile and dexterous.
  And then the girls who were on the merchant ship also entered the battle on the side of the pirates. And also the slave boys rushed to disassemble the weapons. This is such a touching unity of people and elves against their eternal historical enemies - the orcs.
  Oenomaus also joined the battle. The young man swung two swords at once, running the mill, cutting off the heads of the orcs. He fought with the fury of a lion.
  And next to him is the redhead . The girl's bare heel hit the orc in the chin and broke his jaw. And then the orc fell down, and his horns hit him in the stomach. And it was a hard-fought battle.
  Oenomaus fights bravely. Here he wields a butterfly with his swords, like a fan, and cuts off heads that roll like cabbages.
  The young prince sang with enthusiasm, showing the wonders of heroism:
  If your fist is strong -
  This means that you will be the first in life!
  And then the comrade is not a poor man,
  He has a heart of gold and nerves of steel!
  But more importantly, believe it, it's a strong mind,
  Because an elf fighter is cooler than an animal .
  If you are gloomy in life,
  Then a cheerful laugh will make you loved!
  Automatic supplement, know, strength to fist,
  Because it is full of knowledge, Know-How!
  But try giving the power into the hands of a fool ,
  Then you will only get pain as a reward!
  There was a time when they went hunting with a club,
  A bow, a quiver of arrows against thick skin...
  But they made chervonets where pennies went,
  And it"s very easy to jump into the galaxy!
  Although education is good -
  But it"s also interesting to take courage...
  And equal to a bayonet, it will become a chisel,
  And we serve the Mother Fatherland very honestly.
  But evil violence is a heavy cross,
  Our battlefield is filled with blood...
  Why did the Almighty God rise again after suffering?
  So that the military gathering of soldiers can be strengthened!
  The maiden's tears are falling - her beloved friend has fallen,
  The mother prays with a groan, screaming at the top of her lungs...
  It's freezing outside the windows, and the fireplace has gone out,
  Here is a handsome young man buried underground!
  Oh, cruel fate, what an evil fate,
  Virgin Mary , where is your good nature?
  The man wanted to become sooner betrothed,
  And now the wind is blowing dust under the pines!
  Life will come happy - it will be good,
  Apple pie will become honey poppy seed...
  The monster adversary turns into dust and powder,
  Let true luck cross the threshold!
  Everything is done on Elf, and the throw is on Fars,
  Let's gather a garland full of stars into a fist!
  And hello guys, just top class,
  And a terrible ghoul was thrown into the fire !
  The machine gun has already become familiar - the bullets are pouring in a stream,
  And the enemy was exhausted, what he wanted was zero!
  If you win, you will become rich,
  Whoever started the fire will end up in poverty!
  This is a song and a big fight, with swings of very sharp and agile swords. And the blows follow on the heads, as if on asphalt. And a lot of orcs have already been killed. And slave boys in battle. None of them look older than fourteen, but they are all muscular. The lean bodies of the slave boys are hardened by hard work. And the rough, calloused heels continually hit the chins of the orcs, breaking their jaws.
  The girl captain came to her senses. And she sat down. Both of her arms were seriously injured - the tendons were cut. Well, this is not fatal; with the help of magic and witchcraft potions, the damage can be restored. But this will take at least a couple of hours. In the meantime, she can't fight.
  And there is no one to help - all the girls and boys are in battle, and they fight with wild fury. This is such a brutal fight.
  Diana moved, fortunately her feet were bare and relatively intact. And with nimble fingers like a monkey"s, the girl captain began to look for the first aid kit. There is a potion that heals wounds, and very severe ones, and a universal balm. Besides, why not join the battle after wrapping the limbs and lubricating them with balm and potion?
  With bare feet you can throw very powerful and poisonous objects. And that would be so cool and destructive.
  Diana acted confidently. And her feet are so bare and nimble. She wore boots reluctantly, only to emphasize her status. In a world where there are several luminaries and eternal summer, shoes are not needed so that your feet do not feel cold, but for beauty, and to emphasize that you are neither a slave nor a slave. And this is logical...
  Here one of the boys, also barefoot, threw a sharp needle into the orc"s nose. And he, having received a portion of poison, froze and instantly died.
  The slave boy sang enthusiastically, and the other slave boys joined in, they were human and sang like humans:
  Now, if there are problems in the universe,
  It doesn"t happen at any cost...
  You don't want change anymore
  The man doesn"t know what he wants!
  And there is Chernobog with mighty power,
  The Great One has universal power ...
  He gives it to a man right on the forehead,
  So that the human race does not become completely wild!
  Yes, the Almighty Race created Him,
  So that people have a reason to develop...
  So that a person wants everything at once,
  And people learned to fight hard!
  As a warrior conquers evil,
  That Rod created for the benefit of man...
  And he poured out goodness for souls and bodies,
  It's never too late to learn to fight!
  What does Almighty God want?
  So that they don"t dare bring the Elf to her knees...
  So that evil fate does not rule,
  So that hundreds of generations develop!
  Yes, Chernobog is an incentive for people,
  So that there is no laziness, no stagnation...
  May you be an orkshista break into smithereens,
  Walk around Orklin in friendly formation!
  So don't get lost if it's hard,
  If troubles befall the Fatherland...
  Rod will do it beautifully and easily,
  Just to make people move!
  And Chernobog is just your older brother,
  Although he is strict , he loves you endlessly...
  You'll hit the greatest score
  When you will serve the Elf forever!
  The orcs suffered huge losses, they were cut down by both girls and boys. And even Diana, with her hands wrapped, entered the battle. And their bare toes threw razor blades that hit the orcs' necks and cut their arteries. And all sorts of throats and stuff. And it looked extremely impressive.
  And then Diana"s bare foot threw a pea with pressed tear-grass. And immediately a dozen orcs, led by the general, were thrown up and flew over the side of the frigate. This is truly colossal destruction and death of brown and ugly bears.
  Oenomaus said with a smile:
  - We are of the same blood: you and me! Right?
  Diana answered with a friendly smile:
  - When we are united, we are invincible! Man and elf are power, and it sounds very proud!
  The girls increased their pressure. The surviving orcs, using crude parachutes, began to jump down, gliding from winged frigates. Some of the parachutes, due to their heavy weight, tore, and large bears fell down like stones, but unlike the cobblestones, they screamed and cursed very dirty!
  Diana tweeted:
  It's not easy to be a good woman,
  Kindness does not depend on height!
  Oenomaus carried out another mill with his sharp and long swords, and cut off the head of a huge bear captain. She rolled across the deck like a barrel, spattering blood. And the young prince sang:
  Blood flowed again like a river,
  Your opponent is quite tough...
  But don't be afraid of Satan,
  And return the monster to the darkness!
  . CHAPTER No. 6.
  The seven-headed dragon duchess and, at the same time, the Grand Master of the Academy of Magic, hissed and asked:
  - Can you rise to the height of an adult man and hang in the air for at least a minute?
  Dominica laughed and replied:
  I can, but I can do it differently
  Run barefoot through the dew...
  The girl jumps like a frog -
  This means something different than everyone else!
  The dragon duchess's mouth opened, and fire blazed out of it. The flame passed through and burned the beautiful girl very painfully on her bare, pink, soles of her feet with a graceful curve of the heel.
  And Dominic screamed, but immediately clenched her jaw tightly. And her chest heaved heavily. It hit well, even the blisters immediately swelled. It was as if the ancient inquisitors had tortured her.
  The girl growled:
  Lancelot and King Arthur for you !
  The Dragon Duchess roared:
  Who else is this that you dare to threaten me with?
  The nymph marquise replied:
  - These are heroes from human folklore. They are absolutely safe for you, Your Grace!
  The female dragon roared:
  - OK! Now you have a practical task, heal your burned feet. This is very useful in practice, and will come in handy more than once in life.
  Dominica, smiling forcefully, sang:
  - And one, and two, and three, and five!
  I won"t tire of repeating...
  Saying the same thing
  That's enough to muddy the waters for you!
  Grand Master Dragon noted:
  - And she's a cheeky girl. Maybe not only fry her heels, but also break her toes?
  The nymph marquise remarked:
  - We need to be patient, oh duchess. Perhaps this girl is our only chance to save the stronger sex. And bring back the men!
  The female dragon roared:
  - This is silly! A drowning man grabs a straw, and you grab the bare heel of a human girl . She showed no special abilities.
  The nymph marquise objected:
  "She was able to lift a stone with her order without any magic or spells, and that"s worth a lot!"
  The Duchess of Montserrat laughed and replied:
  - Yes, she famously hurt her forehead. True, now there is no trace. And this is not typical for people.
  Weasel confirmed:
  - It"s immediately obvious that she is special and chosen! And it requires a special, sincere and subtle approach.
  The Dragon Duchess nodded with seven heads at once:
  - Yes, a sincere and special approach... Maybe I should lick her heels with my tongue, as a sign of great respect!
  Dominica winced and answered confidently:
  - No, better not use your tongue! - And she added, unexpectedly making her face much sweeter. - Although the tongue is undoubtedly the strongest part of the body. He is capable of moving millions of armies!
  The nymph marquise suggested:
  - Give her a simple task. For example, let her make the cat come up to her and purr, and then go back!
  Here, the previously silent female troll in a purple dress, with a magic wand in her hands, objected:
  - No! We won't let her torture the kitten. It's better to fight me with magic wands. This will be a really serious exam and an effective test!
  And she stamped the heel of her sandals, studded with sapphires and purple and lilac diamonds.
  The Dragon Duchess retorted:
  "It"s too difficult for a novice girl to fight with the master of the Dragon Academy." It was difficult to fight with you, even this highly experienced and seasoned Laska!
  The female troll laughed and noted:
  - Especially! After this, even Koschey the Immortal will not be afraid of her!
  Then Dominika blurted out:
  - What, do you have Koschey the Immortal?
  The Dragon Duchess nodded:
  - Of course, there is, however, he is far from distant lands in the distant kingdom. But there is this vile dirty trick !
  The hit girl noted with a smile:
  - Or maybe he caused a pestilence? To kill off all the males and capture your females!
  The Dragon Duchess retorted:
  - Hardly! We have ten times more females than males. And among the orcs and goblins that make up the army of Koshchei the Immortal, on the contrary, there are ten times more males than females, and they are much larger and stronger. Why should he destroy his own subjects and army!
  Dominica noted:
  - But the pestilence does not affect Koshchei himself?
  The female troll nodded:
  - Yes, not a single combat magic works on him. Doesn't take any weapons. Even your hydrogen bomb cannot destroy it. Such is the essence!
  The hit girl noted:
  - But he probably has death in his egg, on the tip of a needle!
  The Dragon Duchess answered in a thunderous voice:
  - It's not that simple! If it were so easy to find Koshchei"s death, then he would not have been alive a long time ago. And so, it is so many centuries old that...
  The nymph marquise answered for her:
  - You people were still jumping in trees, but he already had his own power and sat on the throne. Think what kind of entity this is!
  Dominica took it and sang:
  Monkeys make faces
  And they sit on a branch...
  Still frivolous
  There were our ancestors!
  The female troll remarked:
  - Koshchei, of course, is also suspected. And when the pestilence began, he was, of course, the first to be suspected. This is, in a way, the head of the axis of evil. Like the hundred-headed male dragon, the greatest of dragons, the emperor of emperors and the evil one. But this monster also petrified and crumbled. But Koschey would at least give a damn! Moreover, they also suspected the king of the Jinn, Iblis... Jinn are spirits, and they cannot petrify.
  But the genies somehow hid. And it was as if they had disappeared!
  Dominica sang in response:
  The genie blurted out, no, believe me, girls have strength,
  And disappeared...
  And then the dragon objected to the beauty ,
  Run, please!
  The Marquise de Lasca remarked:
  - There are both good and evil genies. They are strong, but their capabilities are limited. But theoretically, if one of the males or females asked the jinn emperor Iblis to destroy the male race, and was able to find a ring of omnipotence that would give power over this greatest force in our universe, then he could cause this!
  Dominica nodded:
  - This is already something! We need to find the Ring of Omnipotence. And then we will fix everything.
  The female dragon laughed, and her voice was like thunder. And then she answered:
  - The One Ring is very difficult to find. Since it gives power over a territory comparable to the entire galaxy. Moreover, if in your universe the galaxy is almost empty due to the rare arrangement of stars, then here it is a territory inhabited by trillions of intelligent beings and many kingdoms. And apparently, no one has found him yet, since there was no emperor of our fairy-tale universe!
  Dominika giggled and asked:
  - Do you have a God?
  The Marquise-nymph answered:
  - Whether there is such a Supreme God, a Creator in all Universes, or whether He does not exist, no one really knows to this day. Even Koschey the Immortal. But there are gods of lower rank. But they are such that they are of little use, and it is better to stay away. In general, the word God has a lot of meanings. So the highest genies are quite equal in strength to the gods.
  The female troll remarked:
  - We also have religions, but they are of little use. As is yours, by the way. Now, when there was a coronavirus , the churches were really empty, and prayers helped someone, or incense protected them from viruses. Why are you people so gullible, thinking that by kneeling and bowing you can beg for something in return!
  Dominica responded aggressively:
  - But I don"t believe in God or gods at all! And I don't care about that. But I didn"t believe in elves before, and considered them a fairy tale and a human invention. - The girl slapped her bare sole on the stone slab and continued. - And now I see that there are elves, dragons, trolls, nymphs, so why not believe in God and angels? Moreover, many billions of people believe in the Almighty, and almost exclusively small children, and not all of them, seriously believe in dragons and elves.
  Marquise Laska laughed:
  - I know! This girl, when she was little, watched a cartoon about Dunno and, in fact, began to look for a magic wand in the yard. And she checked every twig. And the other children laughed at her. In fact, even at an early age most people understand that magic wands are fairy tales!
  Dominica noted:
  - But in your world there are magic wands!
  The female troll nodded:
  - Of course there is! And in order to survive, you will have to learn how to use them !
  The female dragon roared:
  - Right now! Give her a magic wand, we'll see what this girl, very sharp and bold-tongued, is capable of!
  Dominica sang:
  I ask you not to be surprised
  If magic happens!
  If it happens, if magic happens!
  Laska noted:
  - Well, isn't she lovely? Such a sorceress!
  The female troll took her magic wand more firmly in her right hand and waved it. And lightning struck Dominica. But the girl-actress managed to jump off at the last moment, and the blow missed. The marble tile behind me melted and began to smoke.
  The Dragon Duchess exclaimed:
  - Be careful, Cobra! You'll damage the entire coating!
  Weasel laughed and noted:
  - This is the magic wand method!
  The female troll Cobra sang in response:
  - Evil mother, my method is simple,
  I don't like pulling the cat's tail!
  Dominica growled in response:
  There's a nightmare in my pupils,
  One jump - one hit!
  The Dragon Duchess interrupted:
  -Look, her blisters are already gone! In people, damage does not go away so quickly. What a girl !
  The nymph marquise confirmed:
  - That's it! I wasn't wrong about it. Regeneration is rare in strength, even for sorceresses, and it was not treated with magic.
  Dominika winked and demonstratively stood on her hands. And her bare feet flashed in the air like propeller blades. And the girl took it and sang enthusiastically, in her silver voice:
  We tempered our will in battles,
  Brother, they fought for the Fatherland.
  Looked like elfinism from afar,
  An Elf soldier has entered Orklin!
  Our ancestors forged swords,
  And then the guns went into action...
  Birch trees open their branches,
  The girls are baking pies!
  is successful in any battle ,
  She knows how to take things with her mind.
  Sometimes pure hell burns.
  But we will defeat the adversary !
  Elf protects the Earth,
  Gives shelter to those who are barefoot and naked.
  We finished the battle in May,
  A furious defeat awaited Orkmacht!
  And after construction and sowing,
  The fields are blooming and the rye is in stacks.
  You are heroes, girls, grandfathers,
  There was freezing and snow in the trenches!
  From our valiant Fatherland,
  Take a deep bow.
  The banners of elfinism fly,
  And the Fuhrer's banners are for scrapping!
  Centuries will pass under us Stars,
  Empire is a galaxy swarm.
  It's never too late to be born
  And bury the enemy in space!
  But I believe the mind will be peaceful,
  And a person is like a mother to everyone,
  Here the ancient family is thriving,
  Radiance of Glory - Grace!
  And the girl sings very beautifully, she is such a wonderful world-class singer. Or quasi-worldly - which is even funnier.
  The Dragon Duchess roared:
  -Fabulous! Or maybe just take it and do it...
  The female troll Cobra croaked:
  - It's time to have a fight with magic wands! And without any blunt nails! We will fight the enemy to the end!
  The nymph marquise squeaked:
  - Don't be stupid! What an enemy she is to you. This may be our last chance to save and return the stronger sex!
  Dominica muttered with rage:
  - Give me a magic wand and I will knock the mixture off my opponent. I'm Harry Potter in a skirt, and not some Dunno!
  The Dragon Duchess muttered:
  - What kind of gang is this?
  Weasel explained:
  - Characters from human fairy tales and folklore Harry Potter is a boy who studied at a magic academy, and Dunno is a comic cartoon .
  Cobra grinned and shook her wand. A pulsar flew out and hit where the girl movie actress was standing. And she, Dominika, jumped back very deftly, flashing her pink heels, which were practically free of dust. And the flames took her sole and lightly licked it.
  The girl shouted:
  - Oh , you pervert !
  And she waved her hand. And suddenly the magic wand that the nymph was holding in her hands rushed into her palm with terrible force.
  And Dominic grabbed her tightly, like an agile monkey. After which, she fired a pulsar in response.
  The girl actress did not whisper any spells, did not coo, she simply waved a magical artifact. And the fiery clot flew towards Cobra. She did not expect this and was knocked down. Her sandals, a half-shoe style that covered only the heel, shook upward. And it was clear that the female troll was seriously injured. And she moaned protractedly. And she began to fire back from her magic wand.
  And the pulsars scattered as if hailstones were falling from the sky. There really was an exchange of blows.
  More precisely, one hard hit and a series of slanting blows missed the target.
  The pulsar also hit the dragon duchess. She responded by taking it and snarling with fire from her mouth. And her light was not harmless, it even caught the marquise nymph.
  She also shook her magic wand and roared:
  - Enough children! You have truly already crossed all limits.
  But both girls did not even think about calming down. Dominika, feeling the demonic power in herself, struck with her magic wand and threw one pulsar after another. And her balls hit the feet of the female troll master and burned her sandals.
  She screamed with rage:
  - Human chicken!
  The nymph marquise objected:
  - No! It's most likely a lady hawk, or at least a kite!
  Dominica hit again , and this time the tsunami wave of her frantic fire really struck like a club made of flame.
  And the female troll Cobra will roar and release magic without restrictions. But as soon as the column of fire throws her up, it literally scorches her dress and hits her across the chest.
  The female troll's breath caught. And Dominica took it further and added a killer pulsar to the head. And it was like a sledgehammer hit my brain.
  The cobra roared and finally passed out. Her bare feet were burned and blistered. The girl with the aquiline nose was singed and beaten.
  The Dragon Duchess exclaimed joyfully:
  - Wow! You exceeded all expectations! Frankly, I didn"t think that you could do such a thing - knock out the Cobra itself!
  The nymph marquise nodded:
  - She is our main and almost only hope! And he may well be justified. Look what this painted beauty is doing!
  Indeed, Dominika took it and shook her bare, graceful foot, and the morocco-upholstered "goat" suddenly bleated and galloped around. It was as if he had become truly alive and mobile. And let's really jump up and flirt.
  The Dragon Duchess burst into laughter, shaking her seven heads and remarked:
  - Wow! How does she do it?
  Dominica shrugged and chirped:
  To be honest, I don't know
  Everything mixed up in the midday heat...
  I almost never read spells.
  I don"t play with the wind spirit at all!
  Instead, I always miss you, Sir,
  Take the girl with you!
  The dragon duchess roared:
  - Dominica accepted! And in view of his special talent, he enrolls in the elite department of the Dragon Academy. Where she not only won"t have to pay for her studies, but, on the contrary, will be paid an increased scholarship!
  Dominica jumped higher, spun around and sang:
  There is no better Dominica
  She is the color of the Earth...
  The sun rises over the planet,
  And all around there are zeros!
  The nymph marquise asked with a sweet smile:
  - What will I get for this?
  There was a pause... Dominica blurted out :
  - You need to find a handsome boy!
  The Dragon Duchess laughed and replied:
  - However , the new student was clearly dizzy from strong pride! Therefore, I impose a penance - to pronounce a hundred winged aphorisms. And do it immediately!
  Dominica nodded with a smile:
  - Please! It"s not for nothing that I acted in films, and I have an excellent memory!
  The Dragon Duchess muttered:
  - Come quickly! I also have a limit on time!
  Dominika took a deep breath and scribbled at machine-gun speed:
  No one needs the ears of a dead donkey, but the hearing of a living fox is a gift for those who do not need donkeys to achieve their goals!
  Once you put shoes on your mind, you will remain a barefoot forever!
  War is air for the lungs, but only mixed with binary gas!
  If the enemy doesn"t want to give up and doesn"t know how to lose, we"ll force him to take off his clothes and teach him how to win!
  Bad people love black magic, good non-humans love white magic!
  Killing in war is difficult in the process, disgusting in the perception, but how great it is in the end! This means that war brings health to the soul, hardening to the body, and cleansing the wallet!
  Sometimes war greatly fills wallets, and in direct proportion to the fullness of the blood shed, and the emptiness of the corrupt heart!
  Debt to the Fatherland is rewarded by selfless devotion!
  War tests the smart, toughens the strong, entertains the fools ! -
  Being a laughing stock is not fun, making others cry is not boring!
  A good ruler , like sweet honey, will first be licked, then spit out !
  And the evil ruler, like wormwood, will first be flattened and then trampled on!
  Yes, gold is soft, but it can easily be used to forge an impenetrable shield!
  Quality always surpasses quantity - even an ocean of pearl barley porridge is no obstacle to an axe!
  Evil is full of strength when good is weakened by fear!
  A joke is good, a spoon is good for dinner, and help in need!
  You can get lucky once or twice - without skill, luck disappears!
  Anyone who is not Leo Tolstoy is a literary tramp!
  You don't have to be born Tolstoy to be a sucker for literature!
  Let's drink to having more wives than reasons to blush at a divorce!
  Lust has destroyed more men than the compassion of women!
  Accurate eye, slanting hands, the enemy is not a miss - myopic!
  Philosophy does not prolong life, but it makes it ornate, stretching out the fragments!
  A commander wins with skill, a butcher with numbers, a genius with art, a pretender with deceit!
  So let's drink so that hope does not die, and only those who do not live up to it die!
  Hope dies last ... And the first are those who do not justify it!
  In war, logic is a relative concept, like chocolate; before you even have time to admire the bars, they are already in your mouth; before you have time to swallow them, they come out sideways!
  Success sometimes stinks, achievement smells like a corpse, but happiness cannot stink!
  God is on the surface of every thing, and the Devil is in its details!
  Being beaten is unpleasant even for a masochist!
  What God doesn"t know is just a question that he couldn"t answer!
  A monkey is better than a human in that it can only be an animal literally!
  A sermon that does not lead to good is like a path that leads to an ax!
  Building any doctrines on the texts of the Gospel is the same as studying quantum mechanics from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm!
  It is difficult to be God, but remaining a devil is completely unbearable!
  The mind quadruples strength even if the number of enemies doubles!
  Life is a complete compromise, not with people, but with nature!
  The forehead is bell-shaped , which means the syllable is cool!
  for fools , laws of nature are not prescribed for geniuses!
  Language is given to the smart to hide thoughts about stupid and meaningless things!
  He who sees the funny in the sad will tragically go blind from serious joy!
  - Hurry without haste - hurry without haste! Get an A from the lesson by solving a complex action!
  The winners are not judged ... Although, sometimes they are judged!
  - Human stupidity is an ally of gods hostile to people!
  A man in a barn is a man, but a pig even in a palace will not rise higher than a boar!
  There are two infinite things: the universe and human ingenuity, however, the first is relative, and the second is absolute!
  What Russian doesn"t like fast driving, and damn fast flight!
  - Everyone doesn"t want to go to hell, but only a few can taste the desire for the devil"s opportunity!
  But without watering with tears, you cannot reap the harvest of joy, and without irrigation, then the laurels of success will not grow!
  God is in every thing, or on its surface, and the Devil is in the absence of things, or in the depths of material shortage!
  Whoever takes the time to be careful will save eternity on his funeral!
  Silence is golden, the word is silver, but so much is poured out of a woman"s mouth that even diamonds become dull!
  Silence is golden and the long storage of eloquent streams will not rust!
  And gold loses its value if it is silently buried in the ground!
  Sometimes, by remaining silent, you will fill your wallet with more gold than by loudly begging for a handout!
  War is never boring, it can be routine, but only until the first shot!
  Peacetime tends to be repetitive, and only a battle is always individual!
  In war, as in chess, you cannot blunder, but the difference is in the constant time pressure!
  War is an eternal time trouble even before the first move!
  In chess, moves are made in turns, but in war, they take turns!
  War is like chess, only without rules and in real time!
  In war there is an eternal lack of time, when peace reigns, there is a shortage of fun!
  The most interesting thing in war is that everything is always serious, and it"s only for show that it"s capitulation!
  You can give up feignedly, but, alas , you can only give up for real!
  The hard work of training pays off with the ease of combat! He who is not lazy will become a hero!
  It's never too late to learn, unless you're dead!
  Even a dead man has a chance for revenge, unless he is an atheist!
  Becoming an atheist means ceasing to be immortal!
  They think with their heads, but act with their stomachs!
  Evil lives not in hearts, but in stomachs!
  The heart is selfish only from time to time, but the stomach is always!
  The stomach is the most terrible part of the body, but it is what motivates us to work!
  Without a heart there is no man, without a stomach there is no human greed!
  They comfort the heart and soothe the stomach!
  I don"t care how much a car costs, the main thing is that the prestige of the Motherland has no price!
  If Jesus lives in the heart, then Satan lives in the stomach!
  An empty stomach encourages you to fill your wallet!
  An empty head empties your wallet!
  A big belly is not a sign of a great person, but it does indicate little willpower!
  An empty stomach fills the soul with bitterness!
  The heaviest belly is the one whose emptiness comes from a head without a brain!
  A woman is fed by her feet like a wolf, only in high heels!
  In the future, many promise mountains of gold, but happiness is still just around the corner!
  Life is not like cards, you must always give your all for success !
  A goal is like a beacon, you strive for it, but when you reach it, you see that problems have only increased!
  The cigarette is the most effective killer , especially against the customer! A cigarette is like a silent rifle, but it is deadly even in the hands of an amateur!
  The cigarette is the most reliable sniper, it always kills!
  The cigarette tastes bitter, but it attracts more than candy!
  A cigarette is like a bad girl , but parting with it is much more painful!
  A cigarette, unlike a grenade, when thrown, prolongs life!
  In war, the shortest path to the goal is a roundabout maneuver, and the pure truth is a vile deception!
  A roundabout maneuver is the surest way to shorten the path to your goal!
  Life is red, but it leaves with scarlet blood!
  In war, life loses its value, but acquires meaning!
  War , like a groom, is susceptible to betrayal, but does not allow it to linger!
  War is a lustful woman devouring men's bodies!
  All ages are subject to war, like love, but it"s not a pleasant pastime !
  War, like a courtesan, is expensive and changeable, but it always leaves a heroic memory!
  War is not like a dream; you cannot do without strong emotions!
  The world is boring and relaxing, war is interesting and exciting!
  War, this blood and sweat, fertilizes the seedlings that give birth to courage!
  No matter how interesting the process of war is, everyone wants the end!
  War is not a book, you can"t slam it shut, you can"t hide it under your pillow, you can just get it dirty too!
  War is a religion: it requires fanaticism, discipline, unquestioning obedience, but its gods are always mortal!
  In war, as in a casino, the risk is high, but the winnings are short-lived!
  The soldier is mortal, glory is forgotten, trophies wear out, and only the reasons to start a new massacre are irremovable!
  We despise a murderer unless he is a soldier at the front; we despise a thief if he is a marauder on the battlefield, doubly so!
  Soldier, this is a knight whose armor has courage and honor! General Baron, whose crown is prudence and intelligence!
  The soldier sounds proud, the private sounds derogatory!
  The first one in the attack may die, but the last one will not remain in memory!
  It's better to be first in sharing the spoils than in attacking!
  War, like a woman, only lays down men without breaking!
  A woman, unlike a war, is in no hurry to put a man to death!
  War, unlike women, is never satisfied with the number of men assigned!
  War is the most insatiable female, she can never get enough men, and she won"t refuse a woman!
  Women don't like to fight, but the urge to kill a man is not much worse than a bullet!
  Even a small bullet can kill a man, a woman with a big heart can make him happy!
  A big heart often leads to little self-interest!
  War does not have a woman's face, but it bleeds men better than a wife!
  War does not bring joy, but it satisfies aggressive instincts!
  Joy in war, the corpses of enemies are only in price!
  War is the plowing of a field: it is fertilized with corpses, watered with blood, but it emerges in victory!
  Victory is nurtured on corpses and blood , but it bears fruit with glory!
  War is like a man-eating flower, bright, carnivorous and with a bad smell!
  War is the mother of progress and the stepmother of laziness!
  And in war, the life of a soldier is not valuable, and the generals are even a loss!
  If you want peace, instill fear; if you want war, instill laughter!
  Laughter is not a sin if you are not a laughing stock in military affairs!
  War is like a circus, only the winner has the last laugh!
  In war, as in the circus, only the sneaky, serious killer!
  Unity under a hard regime is better than chaos and sloppiness under a soft one!
  Death is a convention, ignominy is absolute !
  No matter how great the king is, he will go to the grave, just like the huntsman!
  A politician always lies, only he dies for real!
  Immortality is real, but death is illusory!
  Kings can do everything, but not one, not one king can escape from the grave into the earth!
  Everyone wants to live beautifully, but only a few die with dignity!
  Death promises trouble, unless it sparkles with the rays of achievement!
  Life without entertainment is love without hobbies!
  It's good when there is love, worse when there is bloodshed!
  Sex is like a torch, but refills cost more!
  You can live without sex, but you cannot reproduce!
  The hotter the love, the stronger the blood flows!
  People want love, animals want sex, and geniuses want revelations!
  Even pigs mate, aesthetes love it!
  Sex also requires moderation, the more the better!
  There are no limits in love, in sex words are enough!
  It's easier under fire if there's a flame in your heart!
  It is better to burn in flames than to become the soul of Cain!
  War is group sex: a lot of moaning and screaming, but there won"t be that much blood even from a thousand virgins!
  Sex is like war, but not as long and routine!
  Fighting is like making love, but moaning is not encouraged!
  Sex is good, of course, but coughing up blood is bad!
  War is hard, but humiliation weighs more heavily than any military burden!
  If you want to live, learn to fight, if you want to survive, learn to win!
  In war, all means are good, except chickening out!
  Everyone can fight, but only the worthy can win!
  War is not a place for thinking, it is full of great madness!
  It is better to fight than to trade the Fatherland!
  War is not candy, but it fills you with joy when you swallow it!
  The battle never ends, only the roar of the cannonade subsides!
  The cannonade may subside, the barrel may burst, but the fight will never stop!
  In war, the most interesting thing is the unpredictability, the fight for real!
  Why did prices go down under Stalin because the enemies of the people were put to death!
  It"s better to be undressed for money than to be shod for nothing!
  It's literally nicer to be barefoot than figuratively to have shoes on!
  War is like a circus, only instead of laughter there are tears, and the arena is the size of a planet!
  I want peace, it turns out to be war, I want war, it turns out to be capitulation!
  War, to some extent, is a mother, gives birth to real brotherhood!
  War is evil, but it gives birth to good comrades!
  Long arms are good if the mind is not short-circuited!
  Strength wins, and only the practical mind awards the gifts of victory!
  Strength and intelligence, like husband and wife, give birth to victory only in pairs!
  A person, unlike a pyramid, has a non-flat support in endurance!
  The pyramid has four corners, but the flat surface gives it stability!
  A good death is better than a crappy life!
  It"s good to be God in the wild, but it"s bad to be a devil in the zone!
  The sun sets in half a day, but the glory remains for centuries!
  Fame is short-lived, except for everything else!
  Live forever, learn forever, but don"t relearn!
  Glory can be very bright, brighter than gold, but fades more over time!
  Glory is like the sun, but it doesn"t set at night!
  It is not easy to become famous, even with effort, but laziness easily leads to disgrace!
  Fame is like fire, pleasing to the eye, but to get it, you have to burn someone!
  It"s good to be in glory, it"s bad to be surrounded by flies that cling to fame!
  . CHAPTER No. 7.
  After awakening, the boy prince Oenomaus is again chained to the wheel. Before this, he was allowed to wash himself in a cool stream and brush his teeth. And then have a modest breakfast.
  And continue to move in constant movement and a child"s body, so that you are not shackled by the stone pestilence. Such is the difficult fate of the august person and heir to the great elven empire.
  The only way to survive is to be a young slave and work hard. This provides temporary protection from petrification. There are some opportunities here to prolong your existence, but it is quite uncomfortable and painful.
  However, the boy, spinning the wheel, uses his rich imagination to immerse himself in an imaginary world and brighten up his joyless existence in voluntary-compulsory captivity.
  A cabin boy flies on a small, three-headed dragon. He wants to find in an unknown country, not yet knowing what, but what he can bring back to the stronger sex and stop the extinction and petrification of men.
  The dragon is also still a child, and the boy is not many years old, and he is wearing only shorts and a backpack with a combat arsenal, and a bow, two swords and a pair of daggers in his belt.
  Oenomaus flies on his horse. And next to her sits the girl Margarita on a small dragon. She is wearing only a tunic, tanned, and on her bare toes are rings with magic. She represents the fighting a hit from the human world.
  The girl is not simple. On Earth, she was a partisan and intelligence officer during the Great Patriotic War. And after her death, she moved into the world of magic and magic. And he has been in it for more than ninety-three years. She graduated from the Dragon Academy and mastered powerful witchcraft. But she looks the same as she did when the Germans hanged her. For some reason it"s not growing, and this upsets Margarita. How long can you be an eternal child?
  True, Oenomaus says that he himself was an adult elf prince, but became a slave boy. And also, that"s why he"s upset about it. Although no, being a child is not so bad, but when you are also a slave...
  But now he is already in another world, he is not spinning a slave wheel, but is flying on a dragon. And with him was the partisan girl Margarita, who was led barefoot through the snow to her execution. And before that they also tortured me. They slashed her back with barbed wire and roasted the soles of the young heroine over a fire.
  They are covered in blisters, and when you step on the cold snow, it is almost pleasant, as the painful itching in your scorched feet subsides. And on the pioneer"s neck there was a plaque - "I am a partisan." When they hang, it hardly hurts, it"s just disgusting to look at the happy faces of the Krauts and policemen. Well, fear, what if hell awaits her, like a pioneer and an ardent atheist? Where they will fry not only your heels, but your whole body, forever.
  Although, why does she believe in such nonsense? Although, it"s a pity to die and go into oblivion, having lived so little.
  But when the noose on her delicate neck tightened, the girl woke up on a dragon. And next to her was a nymph as beautiful as an angel. And Margarita thought that heaven still exists. Such a special paradise for pioneer heroes and atheists.
  But in fact, in the magical world there is good and evil, and its problems. She was quickly healed of her cuts and burns using magic. And the girl entered the Dragon Academy, in the youngest class. But she was talented, capable and a quick learner.
  And she mastered strong magical skills. Therefore, despite her childish appearance, she went with Prince Oenomaus on a special mission - to find something that would help save the stronger sex. After all, a world without men is devoid of harmony and interest. And the fair sex is bored and uncomfortable in it.
  Margarita, while flying, remarked:
  - Sometimes I think, the men will return, and then what? Who needs a little girl? How I wish I could grow up and become an adult!
  Oenomaus answered in a confident tone:
  - If magic can bring life back to men, then it"s possible for it to make you an adult. Just don"t forget that elves and nymphs and dryads do not age, and this is their natural property. But human women, no. Strong magic is needed to prevent them from turning into ugly, nasty and hunchbacked old women. And being an ugly old woman is much worse than being a beautiful girl. Not to mention the diseases of old age that attack people. You don"t have any serious magic on Earth, and you"ve probably seen for yourself how disgusting and disgusting old age is, especially for women.
  Margarita shook her head negatively:
  - No, I don"t want to be an old woman! Better to be a young slave than an old queen!
  The boy prince chuckled and noted:
  - You will be forever young, forever barefoot!
  The girl laughed and remarked:
  - I was a city girl before the war. In Leningrad, it was somehow indecent to walk barefoot, and the climate there was not very warm. Therefore, in the village I was somehow embarrassed to be tramping . Only during the occupation, when the children"s sandals were torn and it was very difficult to get small-sized shoes, did I learn to do something like this. And you know, in the first days it"s painful and cold, especially if you don"t move, but then you get used to it and it"s even pleasant. Moreover, in Ukraine the summer is very warm and gentle.
  The boy prince nodded:
  - Yes! I understand. But look who's flying!
  Indeed , a lady in a gilded stupa appeared in front of them. No, not Baba Yaga, but a spectacular blonde beauty, albeit with too much makeup. And sparkles with pearly teeth. And instead of a broom, she has a completely modern electric vacuum cleaner. Yes, this is an entertaining story.
  She blew a kiss to the children and sang:
  Full of chanterelles, squirrels,
  I"ll save some jam...
  After all, boys and girls
  After all, boys and girls...
  I really, really, really love it!
  Margarita nodded in response and noted:
  - Yes, this is modernity. An old stupa in a new way!
  The blonde with the vacuum cleaner apparently heard this and, turning around, roared in frustration:
  - Where did you get the idea that the stupa is old? Yes, you yourself, if you stayed on your Earth, would already be an old woman! And very ugly , if not in a coffin!
  Margarita agreed with a sigh:
  - Yes, that's right! Probably the bones would have floated in the grave, or she would have become so ugly that it was disgusting to look at.
  Oenomaus remarked:
  - People are creatures deprived of God. They are deprived of what the elves have - eternal youth! And the stronger sex also has to shave their beard. The boys say that it is very painful and unpleasant!
  The blonde with the vacuum cleaner took it and shook it. And multi-colored bubbles flew towards the children who were sitting on the young dragons.
  In response, the guys blew from their dragons, and the bubbles flew back, in response the blonde shook her wand. And everything started spinning.
  The bubbles began to spin in a round dance, as if wound up. And it was great .
  The girl noted:
  - You"re not Baba Yaga - a bone leg,
  And a cool blonde is half of happiness!
  The warrior with the vacuum cleaner remarked with rage:
  Children are as stupid as traffic jams
  You are being pulled into the net...
  I'll load you into the cauldron,
  I'll light a fire for you!
  And in response there is such a cheerful and joyful laugh. This is truly a woman - with great cool.
  The children spun on their dragons and jumped up to Baba Yaga. The girl took a slingshot from her backpack and cooed:
  - Do you want to receive it?
  The blonde laughed and hit the pioneer sorceress with her pulsar. She dodged on her dragon. And in response he will also make the sign of the cross with a slingshot, and how he will kick you .
  And a fiery web entangled the young Baba Yaga. So she found herself tied up in it.
  The boy Oenomai noted:
  - Well, admit it, which of the children did you kidnap?
  The partisan girl nodded:
  - Right! We know you have a cannon-like snout!
  Blonde Yaga growled, spinning:
  - Yes, I"ll take you for it and...
  Without speaking, the beauty shook and tried to break the net. But the pioneer heroine crossed the slingshot and shot at Yagina with the energy of magic and omens. How the blonde began to shake and writhe. And the girl sang:
  We were inspired in difficult times,
  Having made the will stronger than steel...
  Delivered the world from the plague -
  Dear Comrade Stalin!
  In many images I measured,
  In an endless universe...
  You opened the right path for us,
  Probably indicating it!
  I used a shock
  Magic from Solcenism...
  Here's the schedule:
  That the yoke of fascism will fall!
  The elf boy noted:
  - Apparently he was a cool guy, Stalin! But he, probably, like all people on Earth, was also aging.
  The girl also shot at Baba Yaga in the young modification and chirped:
  Lenin lives in my heart,
  So that we do not know sadness...
  The door to space was opened -
  The stars sparkled above us!
  Blonde Yaga begged:
  - Enough! Let me go, demand it, I"ll do anything!
  Margarita tweeted:
  - Release the captured children! Then maybe we'll forgive you. How many of them have you sucked into your vacuum cleaner?
  The blonde muttered:
  - I'll let you out! Just don't cast the magic of the cross on me!
  The girl turned around. The fiery web with the fashionable madam slept. And she spun around . Margarita warned:
  - Let all the children go, without deception!
  The blonde solemnly assured:
  - I give my word!
  And turned on the vacuum cleaner. Pale shadows of children began to jump out of it. Translucent, like ghosts. But Margarita waved her magic wand, and these shadows turned into boys and girls. There were three times more of the latter. But all the same , Oenomai was happy:
  - In this world at least there is a stronger sex. And almost all our men have died out!
  Margarita remarked with a radiant smile:
  - It didn"t arrive! And thank the gods!
  One of the boys, barefoot, but in a luxurious, albeit torn, camisole, flew up to Oenomaia and introduced himself:
  - Viscount de Lafer! Wow, how disgusting it is to be inside a vacuum cleaner. And this bitch also pulled off my boots made of genuine dragon leather.
  Margarita muttered with a grin:
  - Come on, return what was stolen to the Viscount !
  Blonde Yaga hummed:
  - I can not!
  Oenomaus also took out his magic wand and, shaking it, roared:
  - And why is that?
  The pretty witch gurgled :
  - I sold them! They were very prestigious. One prince paid half a sack of gold for them!
  Margarita muttered:
  - Well, white ... For this we will take your boots from you. They are also made from dragon skin, and even tiger skin.
  Blonde Yaga remarked:
  - They will be too big for the boy. And it would be shameful for a witch of my rank to appear barefoot.
  Margarita laughed and answered:
  "I"m also not a weak witch, but I"m barefoot all the time, even in cold worlds." And you are such a lady. And I"ll adjust the boy"s size!
  Prince Oenomaus roared:
  - And swear an oath that you will not kidnap children. Otherwise we will take you to the court of the Gods.
  Young Baba Yaga stammered:
  - I don't do anything bad to them. It"s just the energy of children that allows me to remain young and beautiful forever. And so, they are alive.
  Margarita growled fiercely:
  - You will find another way to rejuvenate. Actually, it's time to teach you a lesson.
  And the girl muttered a spell. And how she released streams of pulsar energy from her bare toes and from the tip of her magic wand.
  And they hit the blonde. It suddenly shriveled and decreased in size. Now in front of them, instead of a tall girl, there was a frightened girl no older than ten years old, with pigtails and bare feet. She whispered:
  - No need! I'll be good! Don't spank me!
  Margarita had boots in her hands. She waved her palm, and they floated towards the barefoot boy Viscount, who, together with the other freed children, walked as if weightless through the air.
  A boy from a noble family put on his boots and sang:
  There are many dangers around the boy,
  Sometimes the world shimmers like a cold stone...
  However, our boy got up from the sofa,
  Because he is a noble fighter, believe me!
  The Yaga girl calmed down and muttered:
  - Aren"t you going to whip me?
  Margarita said sternly:
  - If you don"t act outrageously, then why should you be flogged?
  The blonde girl chirped, and a tear ran down her pink cheek:
  "I"m a child now, and other witches won"t respect me!"
  One of the released girls stated:
  - We are children too, and we don"t cry about it!
  The boys and girls laughed.
  Margarita noted:
  - You must be hungry! Maybe we can go downstairs and eat something there?
  The children made noise. The Viscount looked down and remarked:
  - Below us is the giant"s castle, and he is no better than Baba Yaga. So...
  Oenomaus exclaimed:
  - And the giant also has children in captivity. We must help them out.
  Margarita smiled and suggested to the girl Yaga:
  - Maybe we can take the children together and save them from the giant? Do a good deed, and you will be accepted to study at the fairy academy. There you will learn to do good deeds!
  The witch girl sang:
  Who helps people
  He's wasting his time...
  Good deeds -
  You can't become famous!
  Margarita objected:
  The petal of a flower is fragile,
  If it was torn off a long time ago...
  Although the world around is cruel,
  I want to do good!
  Do good to people
  Do good deeds...
  And they will bloom like flowers,
  Blue flowers in the light!
  The boy prince noted in a more serious tone:
  - And you try to do good and fight evil, and I believe you will like it!
  The girl Yaga clenched her fists and said:
  - Well, I'll try. All the same, there is no way back to evil witches - they will laugh and pinch you ! I'll retrain as a good fairy!
  Margarita smiled and sang:
  Everyone who has intelligence in the world,
  Must always be friends...
  So that it doesn"t happen like in a shooting gallery -
  The intelligent game did not become!
  The boy prince chirped:
  - Well, let's go down to the giant!
  A horde of children, almost entirely barefoot and ragged, thin and pale, but energetic and excited, rushed out of the sky.
  Margarita and Oenomai descended on dragons, and Yaga, who became a girl, on the mortar. And the vacuum cleaner remained with her, although it seemed too big for children"s hands.
  This is the team that descended to the ground. There is nothing to the giant's huge castle with towers with large skulls sticking out of them . But the entrance is controlled by skeletons, plus a whole squad of orcs.
  The children have landed. They were ready to fight. The Yaga girl pressed the button of the vacuum cleaner and sabers, swords, spears, daggers and even a couple of machine guns fell out of it. Seeing the confused look of the children, she explained:
  - I grabbed it with my vacuum cleaner. It's much better than a broom. And a whole collection of weapons in it.
  Margarita shook her magic wand and her bare feet, but decorated with magic rings, and cooed:
  - Now I will cast a spell that will give your weapon a special, miraculous power.
  And the sorceress girl said:
  - Abra , kabra , codabra ! - And streams of energy flew out of her magic wand and magic rings. And the weapon that Baba Yaga gave to the children began to glow.
  Oenomai, as a more experienced fighter, picked up a short, light machine gun that fired thin needles. The boy licked his juicy lips and sang:
  - Good should be with a machine gun,
  Strike like furious steel...
  That blood did not flow like a waterfall,
  And paradise reigned in the universe!
  The children exclaimed in unison, raising their guns:
  The executioner is cunning and cruel,
  The people have been put up against the wall...
  But I believe, our stormy sprout,
  But I believe, the solar stream -
  Dispel the darkness of the prison dungeon!
  And so a detachment of children, armed with a magical arsenal, rushed to attack. The small, bare heels of boys and even more numerous girls flashed. They were not afraid of monsters, although an entire regiment of furry, smelly , disgusting orcs was approaching them .
  Oenomai, flying on a dragon, opened fire on the enemy from a machine gun. Small needles pierced the hairy bodies of the orcs, and then a miracle happened: they turned into large chocolate bars and honey buns.
  Margarita also kicked the enemy, using her bare toes and magic rings on them. And so the orcs with swords, who came under attack, immediately turned into all sorts of delicious things, including candies covered in chocolate and with bird's milk inside. This is truly delicious. And cheesecakes, and donuts with poppy seeds and cinnamon.
  And the partisan girl"s magic wand waves and creates fabulous things.
  And so the children entered into battle with the orcs. First of all, Viscount. His clothes, after the boy put on his boots, became brand new, as if brand new. And he fought not only with a sword in his right hand, but also held a sword in his left.
  And from the touch of the blade, fabulous transformations took place. Now, instead of an orc, an impressively sized pie with raisins appeared. And from the blow of the sword a chocolate cheesecake appeared. And other guys in battle.
  One girl, apparently from a more developed country, rested her bare feet on the grass and scribbled from a machine gun. What gives rise to various kinds of fairy-tale transformations. And out of the orc came a large, stuffed sausage, and then a turkey with gravy. And what other tasty treats didn"t appear.
  And the fragrant coconut cupcakes that arose from the touch of blades. And great ice cream too.
  The partisan girl Margarita began to sing in battle ecstasy;
  We are pioneers, children of communism,
  Who want to raise the country...
  Hitler will answer fiercely for his anger,
  We will crush, believe me, Satan!
  We took an oath before God,
  And Lenin gave his heart to the young ...
  Oh, don"t judge the pioneers harshly,
  The Almighty gave them more strength!
  We went to the front barefoot guys,
  They wanted to fight, preserving their homeland...
  Both the boys and the girls with scythes are for us,
  And our loyalty is strong armor!
  Battles raged near Moscow,
  Tanks were burning, asphalt was melting...
  We will see communism, I believe, we have given,
  And you can take out a fascist with a broadsword!
  Don't believe me, people, Hitler is not omnipotent,
  Although the Fuhrer"s idea lives on...
  And we hit the fascists hard,
  Let's go on our great journey!
  We will not fear the enemies of Rus',
  We love our native USSR...
  You are not a knight with the soul of a clown,
  Let us set an example for the kingdom of God!
  Hitler doesn"t know, he will be badly beaten,
  Even though the power of hell is raging within him...
  And the parasitic Krauts are coming,
  Which will fill the peace with fire!
  The greatness of Russians is to win by playing,
  Although there is a colossal amount of work behind this...
  Victory will come, I believe, in lush May,
  And the Fuhrer will be completely kaput!
  This is our faith, the power of communism,
  Let the USSR prosper forever ...
  We will crush, you know, the yoke of fascism,
  This is how Russia has become an army!
  At Stalingrad the Fritz were beaten,
  They recognized our strong fist...
  And we gave out cool presents,
  And they gave the dictator a nickel!
  My country, beautiful Russia,
  In it, in the Arctic, apple trees bloom...
  Svarog and Stalin are, you know, the Messiah,
  The Nazis are fleeing from the Russian fighters!
  That's how beautiful the universe is,
  When communism shines above him...
  And the trials will be for edification,
  Flight only up and not a second down!
  We took Winter with a wild red cry,
  They broke the backbone of the White Guard...
  The enemies of Russia of communism are beaten,
  We still have the trophies for lunch!
  We held Stalin very tightly,
  Girls barefoot in any frost...
  You have become, believe me, a strong person,
  And the pioneer has grown to become a knight!
  No, Russia will never break,
  Immortal Lenin shows the way...
  We are not afraid of glossy flames,
  And the Russians cannot turn away from communism!
  In the name of our Mother Russia,
  Let's combine hearts into one wreath...
  Hurray, the girls shouted loudly,
  A great dream will come true!
  Yes, our faith is to always be with our fathers,
  And if you can surpass your ancestors...
  We will forever be bravely well done,
  Although he looks no more than twenty!
  Believe me, we love our Motherland,
  We want happiness forever...
  Lucifer, believe me, will not destroy us,
  Summer will come - the cold will disappear!
  Everything will bloom very magnificently in Russia,
  It"s as if trouble has disappeared from the world...
  The era, I believe, of communism will come,
  Wealth and joy will be forever!
  Science will resurrect those killed in battles,
  People will have youth forever...
  And man is like the Almighty,
  The villain will disappear, I know, into eternity!
  In short, happiness shines for everyone in the universe,
  All the people of the world are like one family...
  Children laugh and play in heaven,
  You will love me with a song!
  So she sang, and the children turned the orcs into something unusually tasty and appetizing with magical weapons. But even when the witch girl released energy from the vacuum cleaner, glasses with fish, side dishes and swans with a delicious crust began to appear , into which the merciless orcs turned. And it was very beautiful.
  Here the goblin orc commander, having come under the blow of good magic, turned into a lush fragrant cake, covered with roses, cream cornflowers and candied fruits.
  And so many different tasty things gave birth to magical weapons in the hands of innocent children.
  But the skeletons also entered the battle after the orcs. Huge and scary. They moved like wood. The children attacked them with swords and sabers and threw daggers. And Oenomai from the dragon and the girl on foot fired machine-gun bursts at the skeletons.
  Margarita also used magic and showed her pearly teeth. And she did concrete miracles. And her magic turned skeletons into golden wine glasses full of colorful ice cream and richly decorated cakes.
  And from the blows of the swords of the boys, including the Viscount de Lafer, all sorts of tasty and appetizing things arose. And such an aroma spread throughout the castle. Just a miracle of miracles.
  From one of the huge skeletons a whole mountain of cakes emerged. And these cakes sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow from various creams.
  Yes, there were such tasty, very appetizing things here. Some menacing black skeletons became colossal-sized lollipops.
  And the hungry children couldn"t resist trying the tasty treats. Margarita blew the gong and shouted:
  Stomachs are our main enemies,
  They throw us, believe me, into evil actions...
  When a boy sees pies,
  He is being pushed to vilely steal stomachs!
  So baby don't rush
  The time will come, and you will still eat...
  And don"t sin before God, dear one,
  Otherwise you will turn into firebrands!
  Oenomaus explained to the children:
  - Until the cannibal giant is defeated, eating food is dangerous. The main villain must be put down!
  A loud stomp was heard, and at first a gigantic shadow appeared, covering half of the field, filled with all sorts of cakes and dishes. And then the horned giant himself. It had the mouth of a sperm whale and clawed feet. And so tall that it"s taller than the already huge castle with towers and skeletons.
  The children squealed in fear, and the cannibal thug immediately grew in size.
  Margarita said with a smile:
  - Do not be afraid! He is big only when you are afraid of him!
  Oenomaus exclaimed with rage:
  You guy may not be a coward, but you are a fool, and we have seen the sights!
  The witch girl Yaga chirped:
  - Dear, dear ogre,
  Do you want delicious sweets...
  Or the magic of a blow,
  You'll get it for free again!
  Margarita yelled:
  - Children, shout in unison: we are not afraid of you! Well, let's get together.
  But it was difficult for the guys to gather themselves in front of such a scarecrow . The girl began to run away, her small round heels. The more courageous Viscount de Lafer and a couple of boys began to hold them back. It was clear that the guys were pale with fear. And then Margarita sang, to give courage, a fighting song from the war;
  We are girls from the country of the USSR,
  Which is a torch for the whole world...
  Let us show, you know, an example of greatness,
  Here are the heroic deeds sung!
  Girls were born under the red flag ,
  And barefoot they rush through the frost...
  Daughters and sons fight for Rus',
  Sometimes the bride gives the guy a rose!
  There will be a red flag over the universe,
  Shine so brightly, like a torch-flame...
  After all, you know, heroic, we have a swing,
  And our banner sparkles like red!
  Don"t believe it, the damned fascist will not pass,
  And the Russian spirit will never fade away...
  Victories will open an endless account,
  Let's say hello and hello to anyone!
  Russia is a wonderful country,
  You gave communism to the peoples...
  Forever given by God generously ,
  For the Motherland, for happiness and freedom!
  The enemy will not be able to defeat the Fatherland,
  And no matter how cruel and insidious he was...
  Our invincible Russian bear,
  The Russian soldier is so glorious for his victory!
  Beautiful Soviet country,
  The girls in it are proud that they are beautiful...
  She was given to us by birth forever,
  And let us Komsomol members be fair!
  We are fighting on the outskirts of Moscow,
  Blizzard, snowdrifts, and the girls are barefoot...
  We will not give up our Fatherland to Satan,
  even our scythes shoot accurately!
  So in rage the girls are eager to fight,
  And with the naked heel they throw an explosion-package ...
  A fascist, he just looks cool,
  In fact, just evil Cain!
  Enemies cannot defeat girls,
  They were born under such a star...
  Our invincible monster is the bear,
  Who made the Motherland his wife!
  We Russian girls are good,
  We are not afraid of torture and frost...
  And we will repel, believe me, the onslaught of the evil horde,
  The enemy will go crazy from the dose!
  They were able to push the enemy away from Moscow,
  Although he is full of enormous power...
  We girls are so proud of ourselves,
  Opponents will all disappear into their graves!
  Don"t believe it, enemies can"t defeat Rus',
  Since every knight comes from diapers...
  The hunter has apparently turned into game,
  And the adversary is still just a child!
  But the Russian spirit, great, believe the spirit,
  You know, there are hidden powers in it ...
  The enemy will be completely crushed,
  After all, knights are invincible in battle!
  Cast aside your doubts , girls ,
  We are the bravest, you know, in the world...
  Let us cast Satan's hordes into the inferno,
  Let's soak all the adversaries in the toilet!
  The holy war will end
  Peace and morning will come over the planet...
  She is forever with the sun, you know, given,
  May summer blaze forever!
  And communism eternal in glory,
  And Lenin and the great Stalin are with us...
  In bloody cinema only now is fascism,
  And our will, believe me, is stronger than steel!
  My Russia rules for centuries,
  And gave happiness to the whole universe...
  You need the strength of a steel fist,
  And daring, but in a reasonable way!
  At first, Margarita alone sang, but then Enomai, the girl Yaga, Viscount de Lafer and other children took up the song. And this was already a strong, full-voiced choir, from which everything shook. And the huge, real giant began to decrease in size. He no longer looked so cool and menacing. And the horns became smaller, and the claws became smaller. Wow...
  The girl Yaga sang with a laugh:
  Well done, well done, you can be proud of him -
  Seven are not afraid of one!
  The children exclaimed in unison, stamping their bare feet:
  We are not afraid of you ogre,
  You will be trampled under a child's foot...
  Even though we are not old enough warriors,
  We were once under Baba Yaga !
  These are children, so beautiful in both soul and face. And they fight like giants. Although now the cannibal giant should be finished off morally. And the children started dancing.
  And the girl Yaga took the vacuum cleaner and pointed it at the thug, and began to mutter something.
  One of the boys licked a large lollipop in the shape of a cockerel , which turned into a skeleton, and the girl took a bite of ice cream.
  The children threatened the giant:
  - It will happen to you too!
  And he literally shook. He shrank even more. And the golden glasses with ice cream in all the colors of the rainbow began to sparkle even brighter and more beautiful.
  The pioneer heroine Margarita again sang with rage, a patriotic song from the war, and the rest of the children chorused:
  I joined the Komsomol while playing,
  Girl of a beautiful dream...
  I thought the world would be eternal May,
  Every day is the birth of spring!
  But for some reason it didn"t work out,
  Somehow, I can"t fall in love ...
  Well, tell me, guys, at my mercy,
  Life is a very strong oar!
  Suddenly the war suddenly thundered,
  And a hurricane of death rushed...
  And my girls have a strong body,
  You can put yourself under attack at once!
  Believe me, I don't want to give up,
  Fight for the Fatherland to the end...
  We carry grenades in a strong backpack,
  Stalin replaced his father in the hearts!
  Great warriors of Russia.
  We can protect peace and order...
  The stars of the sky watered the velvet,
  And the hunter turned into game!
  I, a barefoot girl, fight
  Full of temptation and love...
  There will be, I know, a place in this paradise,
  You can't build happiness on blood!
  Great warriors of the Fatherland,
  We will fight firmly near Moscow...
  And then the dream under communism,
  Against the underworld with Satan!
  Brave Russian guys,
  That they fight honestly to the end...
  shooting with a machine gun,
  If you need a crown of gold!
  Not even a bullet can stop us
  Jesus the great God has risen...
  The days of the predatory dragon are over,
  It became even brighter from the skies!
  I love you, dear Lada,
  The highest God Svarog will be in glory...
  We need to fight for Russia,
  The best White God is with us!
  Don't bring the Russians to their knees,
  Our flesh, believe me, cannot be curbed...
  Stalin and the great Lenin are with us,
  You must pass this exam too!
  The pain of the Fatherland is also in our hearts,
  We believe in her greatness...
  We quickly open the door to space,
  It will be a very sweet life!
  We are barefoot beautiful girls ,
  We run so briskly through the snowdrifts...
  We don't need this bitter vodka,
  The cherub spreads its wings!
  We girls will stand up for the Fatherland,
  And we will answer the evil Krauts, no,
  Hellish Cain will be destroyed,
  And hello to Christ the Savior!
  There will be an era - it couldn"t be better,
  The dead will rise forever...
  The universe will become a real paradise,
  Everyone's dream will come true!
  Margarita felt a little sad - she is already more than a hundred years old, and she is still a girl. And perhaps he will forever remain a child.
  But the rest of the children rejoiced and were delighted with this song.
  And the formidable cannibal giant became even smaller in stature, and looked more like a frightened goblin than a monster.
  Pieces of ice cream and cake flew at him. The children laughed and stuck out their tongues. This looked very comical. And the cheerful guys continued to make faces.
  The girl Yaga smacked her lips and chirped:
  Children should laugh
  Children should laugh -
  And how heroes live!
  And how heroes live!
  And Baba Yaga pointed the vacuum cleaner at other orcs and goblins who were jumping out of the castle. And Enomai and the girl started shooting at them with machine guns. And they did it great . And again there were glasses with bright ice cream, raisin rolls, cream cakes, corn flakes, cotton candy and more . Everything smelled so good and looked extremely appetizing.
  And the warrior children laughed and showed their sharp, white teeth, like those of wolf cubs.
  How amazing and unique this action looked.
  And Margarita hit the orcs and skeletons with lightning, continuing their wonderful transformation.
  After which, the pioneer girl again sang a patriotic and sublime song, and the rest of the children in chorus picked up her perky and cheerful song:
  Satan will not defeat us
  My homeland, the most beautiful in the world,
  The beautiful country is famous...
  Adults and children will be happy in it!
  Let the lilies of the valley bloom magnificently in it,
  And the cherubs play a decent hymn...
  The Fuhrer will be kaput,
  Russians are invincible in battles!
  Komsomol members run barefoot,
  They stomp on the snow with their bare heels...
  Hitler you look just cool
  I'll run you over with a tank!
  Can we defeat the Nazis?
  As always, we are barefoot, girls...
  Our most formidable knight is the bear,
  He will kill everyone with a machine gun!
  No, we girls are already very cool,
  We literally tear all enemies apart...
  Our claws, teeth, fists...
  We will build a place in a wonderful paradise!
  I believe there will be cool communism,
  The country of advice, believe me, is blooming in it...
  And woeful Nazism will disappear,
  I believe that your deeds will be glorified!
  The region will bloom wildly, I believe,
  From victory we are back to victory...
  Nikolai defeated the Japanese,
  The samurai will answer for meanness!
  We will not allow ourselves to be tilted,
  Let's crush our enemies with one blow...
  Let the hunter turn into game,
  It was not for nothing that we crushed the Wehrmacht!
  Believe me, it"s not easy for us to give up,
  Russians have always known how to fight...
  sharpened our bayonets with steel,
  The Fuhrer will become the image of a clown!
  This is what my homeland is like,
  The Russian accordion plays in it...
  All nations are a friendly family,
  Abel triumphs, not Cain!
  Soon the USSR will be in glory,
  Even though our enemy is cruel and treacherous...
  We will set an example for valor,
  The Russian spirit will be glorified in battles!
  At the last phrase, the pioneer girl took and released lightning from her magic wand, and pulsars from her bare toes with magic rings and stones. They finally covered the giant who had shrunk like a snail. That one was completely covered by the fiery glow. Then it flashed again. Orcs and skeletons have finally transformed into all sorts of wonderful delicacies. So delicious and fried, from different types of hams, stuffed fish and geese, to cakes, pastries, caramels and ice cream glasses.
  The children rejoiced and jumped up and down. They looked very pleased and joyful.
  Here, in the place of the formidable and tough cannibal giant, the light dissipated. A thin, fair-haired boy in shorts, about seven years old, appeared. Such a harmless and sweet child instead of a formidable monster. He blinked his eyes and whined:
  - Don't hit me!
  Margarita shouted:
  - Don't be afraid! We won't touch you. Now you can start your life from scratch and go to school!
  The boy and former cannibal whined:
  What kind of school life is this?
  the test every day ...
  Addition, division,
  Multiplication table!
  The castle of the cannibal giant was transformed right before our eyes. Instead of skulls, flowers of fabulous beauty bloomed on the domes. And the domes themselves sparkled with gold. And everything became so magnificent, sparkling, dazzling, the walls of the castle were covered with flowers. And instead of blood, the fountains began to flow with diamond streams, and the clouds dissipated, and four suns shone at once.
  And the freed children began to run out of the castle with joyful laughter. Emaciated, ragged, barefoot, they were nevertheless happy.
  Boys and girls pounced on the delicious treats, and barrels of cocktails and juice appeared right from under the grass.
  The girl Yaga flew up to the former cannibal giant on a mortar and handed the boy ice cream. He swallowed it and broke into a smile:
  - Tasty!
  And he added fearfully:
  - Forgive me, children! I'm ashamed that I ate you. How disgusting this is!
  More and more children ran out. Including those eaten earlier by the cannibal. The harmless boy batted his eyes and even sang;
  Well, isn't it a miracle, isn't it a fairy tale,
  Everything has become so, believe me, wonderful!
  No, it"s better to do good for us -
  And evil will disappear into timelessness!
  Yes , it was a victory. True, one of the boys, with a very muscular torso and in shorts, looked at the reflective surface and whined:
  - Where did my heroic height go?
  Oenomaus asked:
  - And who are you?
  The boy with very defined muscles replied:
  - Nikitich.
  And his childish face darkened, and he muttered:
  - I was a great hero, and now I"m just a barefoot boy in shorts, who needs me like that.
  The former cannibal blurted out:
  - Let's go to school together!
  Dobrynya roared in anger, kicking his bare boyish foot so hard that the stone split:
  - Well, to hell with school! I thought I was exhausted !
  Margarita answered with a sigh:
  - I understand it!
  The boy Dobrynya roared:
  - What do you understand! Now my wife will leave me! Who needs me such a sniveling child !
  Oenomaus answered with a smile:
  - The most important thing in life is the soul. Size doesn't matter!
  Dobrynya objected:
  - No! You don't know my wife. Once she moved her heel so hard that she knocked out the nightingale robber"s whistling tooth! She is strict, and why does she need a mustacheless boy ! - And the boy again struck with his barefoot, childish, but strong foot, like a sledgehammer, so that the cobblestone shattered into small fragments. And the young hero yelled. - Make me an adult soon!
  Oenomaus answered with a sigh:
  - Unfortunately, we can"t do this, right?
  Margarita replied:
  - For now, it"s true, we can"t, but if you go traveling with us for a great purpose, then perhaps we"ll come up with something!
  The boy Dobrynya asked menacingly:
  - What is your goal?
  Oenomaus answered confidently:
  - To save the stronger sex on a universe scale from death. There is a pestilence in our universe, and it can reach you too!
  Margarita nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, Dobrynya, join us. You still have your heroic strength, and you will be very useful to us!
  The titan boy, although in appearance he was not older or taller than Oenomai, a boy of about twelve years old , but he had colossal physical strength. So he squeezed the pebble with his bare fingers and literally took it and crushed it, after which he remarked with a smile:
  - And I"m still okay! Okay, I'll go with you. It will be scary to return to my wife until I grow up !
  Margarita, with a smile that was like a fairy"s, answered:
  - A very wise decision!
  And she clicked her bare toes. A third, adorable baby dragon appeared.
  The girl explained:
  - You shouldn"t walk like a beggar with a bag!
  . CHAPTER No. 8.
  Dominika was very exhausted during the transition and passing the exams. Therefore, her beautiful maidens were washed in a golden bath and shower. And then they put her in a soft, warm bed in a separate, luxurious room for elite students and female students. Dominica fell into a strange dream, her last wish was to be with Prince Oenomaus , for whom she felt great sympathy and sympathy.
  And just as soon as she was embraced by the god Morpheus, she
  Dominica suddenly felt that the wind was blowing in her face, and she was sitting on a slippery, scaly back. And clouds flash around.
  And the girl turned and saw a handsome, muscular boy, whom she recognized immediately. Yes, it was Prince Oenomaus, who became a young slave. And now he is riding on a small, three-headed dragon. A girl is flying to his right. She is also very beautiful and sweet, with golden- red hair. She looks no older than Oenomaus. And on the left side is a boy. Also fair-haired , handsome and very muscular, with an expressive face. Such a group of children with backpacks and weapons. And the girl also has rings on her toes and hands too.
  The dragon felt the extra weight and began to flap its wings more often in order not to collapse.
  The girl Margarita shook her magic wand and roared:
  - Who are you? Where did it come from?
  Oenomaus, however, recognized Dominica and said in a confident tone:
  - This is a chosen one from planet Earth. She must save the stronger sex in our universe, according to prophecy.
  The girl Margarita grinned:
  - From planet Earth? Did you experience the Great Patriotic War?
  Dominica confidently confirmed:
  - Yes, it was!
  The pioneer heroine asked insinuatingly:
  - And when did it pass?
  The hit girl, no less confidently, answered:
  - From the twenty-second of June forty-one to the ninth of May forty-five, well, of course, we won!
  Margarita answered with a smile:
  - I know that we won! Otherwise we wouldn't be talking to you. So that means we are fellow countrymen, just scattered over time. How nice it is to meet someone from your home planet, and even more so from your country!
  Dominica replied with a sigh:
  - When the Great Patriotic War ended, my grandfather was not yet born. This is a long story for us!
  Margarita also remarked with a sigh:
  - And I didn"t live to see its completion. I was hanged in January '44. But I believed in our victory. Kiev had already been liberated, and Stalingrad and the Kursk Bulge thundered. What a pity to die when you are only twelve , without joining the Komsomol.
  Dominica was surprised:
  - If you died so long ago, then why is it still a girl?
  Margarita shrugged:
  - I do not know that. Almost a hundred years have passed since my death, and I remain a child. But there is also a plus: I"m not aging at all, and there"s not a single filling in my teeth!
  Dominic giggled and noted:
  - Yes, old age is very bad, simply disgusting!
  And the beautiful film actress began to sing;
  Humanity is in great sorrow,
  Probably everyone thinks about him!
  Tears were shed over this sea,
  A person's fear burns with fire!
  Years crawl after year in a caravan,
  Grandma rubs henna on her cheeks!
  And something happened to the maiden"s slender figure,
  I don"t understand where the wrinkles come from!
  Why is the crown of nature bright?
  The creator of machines must suddenly wither!
  The one who harnessed the power of the wind to the cart,
  He can"t cope with the evil of aging!
  A beauty becomes a freak
  And the hero is withering away before our eyes!
  Any nasty weather now,
  And at night I am tormented by wild fear!
  But I don"t believe that there is no salvation,
  A person can argue with God!
  So that a friendly family becomes eternal,
  So that the road goes uphill with ease and steeply!
  Old women will no longer have wrinkles,
  Let's make old age retreat in shame!
  And man, progress's powerful son,
  He looks at the pinnacle of life with bright eyes!
  And there will be endless beauty
  The days will flow like a full-flowing river!
  Human kindness will appear
  After all, the heart will become pure and noble!
  Believe, new pleasure will come,
  Over the years, wisdom will increase!
  After all, ice does not settle in a young body,
  Like a schoolboy eager to study for five!
  The mark is higher, come on, look for it,
  You will retake the exam at least a hundred times!
  And you can eat Easter cakes with honey,
  Well, become an old girl now!
  How beautifully Dominika sang, a real prima donna. And her songs were full-bodied and iridescent, like the trill of a nightingale.
  Enomai nodded in agreement:
  - You can"t argue against this !
  Boy Dobrynya remarked:
  - Old age is bad. But I got rejuvenating apples for myself and my wife . If you eat a little of them, you won"t grow old and you won"t turn into a child. And then one stupid witch gorged herself on such apples. She was an old woman, but she ended up on the potty. So you should know moderation in everything, and remember that all ages are submissive to love.
  Enomai suddenly noted:
  - My dragon is breathing heavily! It"s hard for him to carry two people, especially since Dominica is not a child, but a very large and muscular girl. She needs a new flyer!
  Margarita said confidently, clicking her bare toes:
  - There will be a flyer!
  A small three-headed dragon first appeared in the air. But the partisan girl sent a ray of energy into him, and this dragon began to grow.
  Dominica was surprised:
  - This is magic in action. This is my first time seeing dragons being raised.
  Margarita answered with a smile:
  - Dragons are not people, it"s easier to raise them!
  The beast grew to a size slightly larger than the other three dragons. And another snap of the fingers, this time of the hands, and Dominika found herself in a comfortable saddle!
  The pioneer girl nodded:
  - You see how simple it is! Now you have your own dragon. Rejoice in this!
  The hit girl remarked with a chuckle:
  - This, of course, is great , but what"s the point of climbing the wall with joy?
  Margarita laughed and answered:
  - Haven"t you dreamed of your own dragon?
  Dominica muttered honestly:
  - I dreamed of my own helicopter. But she didn"t have time to earn money for him. So there is nothing to be particularly happy about!
  Enomai noted with a smile:
  - But I dreamed of a personal dragon.
  Dobrynya confirmed:
  - Personal dragon is cool! However, my heroic horse could also fly up if I used magic. But for special spells, sorcerers need to be paid in gold. And the dragon is free.
  Margarita added:
  - The dragon is also good because it can feed on water alone. Well, add a little weed to it, and it will be great. He will breathe fire.
  Dominica asked, curious:
  - Did you really fight the Germans?
  Margarita answered honestly:
  - I didn"t really fight. I worked more in intelligence and communications. I walked through villages and between forests. Well, anyone with a beggar's bag and barefoot from winter to winter will suspect. True, she planted explosives on the Nazis a couple of times. Well, she only shot when they took me. She fired back until the last bullet. She was captured. Well, they tortured me, albeit hurriedly, and they were in a hurry to hang me, since the Red Army was just then advancing in that direction. Otherwise they could have tormented him longer.
  One time I made two more policemen sleepy and handed them over to the partisans. Well, I won"t make things up, but of course there were plenty of adventures.
  Dominica asked with a smile:
  - Did you have any orders?
  Margarita answered with a sigh:
  - No! Only the medal "For Courage", I was considered too small to be awarded anything serious. Well, I don"t know if they were awarded posthumously and how...
  Oenomaus remarked:
  - At twelve years old, it"s already not bad for a girl to have a military award! Tell me, how is it with you?
  The pioneer girl nodded:
  - Well, yes, tell me, communism has been built and wars are over?
  Dominica sighed and answered confidently:
  - No! It got even worse in terms of wars. But I don't want to talk about it. But people have become even worse.
  The boy Dobrynya suggested:
  - Let's better talk about magical feats. Otherwise you will now start talking about tanks...
  Margarita frowned:
  - What do you know about tanks?
  Dobrynya replied:
  - I was in a more developed world, and there were these metal monsters. They shoot loudly and are very dangerous. It"s disgusting to remember them.
  The partisan girl grinned and remarked:
  - I poured sand into the gas tank of the Tiger tank. And he stalled. It was so. And she used an awl to pierce the wheels of the Nazis" cars. I'm a little girl, and it was easier for me to do this.
  Dominic giggled and noted:
  - Well done! You are a pioneer heroine. We need to make films about you and write books about you.
  Margarita nodded:
  - I know, there are some - "Red Devils", for example. In general, I not only didn"t believe in God, but sometimes I did things that now I"m ashamed of!
  Enomai remarked with a smile:
  - Happens. Sometimes the gods don't behave very well. But in any case, you are now a very talented sorceress, and you should...
  He didn't finish. A flock of flying monkeys appeared in front of them. They were far away, but the keen vision of the elf boy and the sorceress girl saw that these winged primates were dragging at least a dozen children in the net. Both the unfortunate boys and girls suffocate and suffer greatly in flight, when they are thrown up, and the children's bodies are cut by the steel meshes of the net.
  Dominica saw this too and shouted:
  - We need to free the guys!
  Dobrynya nodded and drew his sword with a cry:
  - We will boldly go into battle,
  For Holy Rus' -
  We fight with a sword,
  I'm not selling!
  Dominica noted, baring her teeth:
  - It is, of course, very interesting to help children. But do we have enough strength? I read a fairy tale about flying monkeys, and they seem to be very strong!
  Margarita nodded in agreement and sang:
  The warriors of darkness are surely strong,
  Evil rules the world without knowing the number...
  But to you, sons of Satan -
  Do not break the power of Christ!
  Dobrynya remarked:
  - We had different opponents. And the fact that they are strong, as a rule, did not stop us!
  And the quartet with dragons rushed after the flying monkeys. There were just a damn dozen of them - thirteen of them. And about the same number of captive children. And this is the harsh truth of the battle.
  Margarita rushed forward and, approaching the flying monkeys, yelled:
  - Let the children go, you monsters!
  The leader of the monkeys hissed:
  - Go away, girl, otherwise we will swaddle you too.
  Margarita answered bravely:
  - No! You let them go, or you'll have to fight us!
  The monkeys howled, baring their fanged teeth:
  - Never!
  Four of them remained to hold the net with the children, and the rest rushed towards the small detachment of young rescuers.
  Dominica shook her fists and a saber appeared in her hand.
  Margarita asked:
  - Do you know how to fence?
  Dominica answered confidently:
  - There is a concept! She acted in films.
  The partisan girl cooed:
  - This will be useful to you.
  The girl actress sang:
  It's time for you to swing your sword,
  It's time to hurry up...
  It's time for you to wave your sword -
  What if it comes in handy!
  Write it down in your notebook -
  On every page!
  It's time for you to swing your sword,
  It's time for you to swing your sword,
  It's time for you to swing your sword!
  After which the four laughed. And the flying monkeys tried to attack. They moved like kites attacking sparrows.
  Margarita hit the leader of the flying monkeys with a magic wand and magic rings on her bare feet. And it hit very hard.
  The leader received a shock, and his head immediately turned into a very tasty coconut cake. And the flying monkey"s paws twitched hysterically. The other flying monkeys whistled in fear.
  One of them rushed towards the four, but the boy Dobrynya hit her forehead with his bare heel, so that the monkey, having received a strong blow, turned over.
  Dominica swung her sword and cut the flying monkey's horn, after which she sang:
  We are in the jungle in the land of wild monkeys,
  We fight with the winged ones in the sky...
  Hunting to gobble up ripe banana -
  Hang whoever steals children from a tree!
  Oenomaus also hit the monkey, this time on the wing, and hissed:
  I am a knight of light, on your knees savages,
  I will sweep away the enemies of the Fatherland from the face of the earth!
  And he made a figure eight with swords. After which, the boy deftly dodged the wounded primate. And when the dragon burst into flames, the blinded monkey screamed. At the same time there was a smell of burning.
  The four fighters went on the offensive. The monkeys tried to counterattack. The dragons hit them with jets of fire that literally set the wings of the primates on fire. And it smelled fried.
  The girl Margarita took and released streams of magic. And the next monkey had a chocolate donut instead of a head.
  Dobrynya grabbed one monkey by the wing with his bare toes and threw it at the other bird. And then there was a collision with sparks.
  The Titan Boy sang:
  -You know, I have radiant strength,
  Being friends with her is like playing with a crocodile!
  And then Dominic"s girl slashed the monkey"s wing with her sword. She tilted and released a fountain of purple blood. After which, she crashed into her partner.
  Dominica kicked one of the winged creatures in the jaw with her bare heel and chirped:
  Well, okay, the creature fell asleep in the sawdust,
  Okay, they kicked me in the jaw...
  Okay, they dragged me on a stretcher -
  Say thank you for being alive !
  And the girl hit another monkey on the head with a sword. After which, the creatures began to run away. At the same time, four winged primates tried to take away the captives, children entangled in a net.
  Margarita fired a magic beam at them, the monkey turned entirely into a cinnamon pie with frosting.
  The rest ran away screaming, releasing the net. And the captive children began to fall.
  Margarita shouted:
  - Hold the net, come on, stronger.
  And she swooped down on the dragon. Three other fighters rushed after her.
  The boy Dobrynya sang:
  Oh, childhood, childhood, where are you flying?
  Oh, childhood, childhood, where are you in a hurry...
  Full of furry monkeys, I know,
  They are catching you from different countries!
  And the boy-hero picked up the net with his bare toes. Still, being a guy in shorts has its advantages. It is indecent for an adult to walk without boots, but for a boy it is natural, and he can use his strong legs in action.
  All four slowed down the falling net and began to descend smoothly.
  Dominica noted with a smile:
  - I don"t wish you an orphan"s share,
  I don"t wish you hard days...
  Let the planet become a bright paradise,
  May the holy Lord protect the children!
  The guys were scratched and tattered, almost all barefoot, except for one girl in an elegant and, perhaps, luxurious dress and shoes embroidered with emeralds and rubies.
  The girl chirped:
  - Be careful, the rescue team is my father, the Duke, and I already bear the title of Baroness!
  Dominica replied with a chuckle:
  Kings can do anything
  Kings can do anything...
  But often broke
  Sometimes they sit!
  Marry for love
  Marry for love...
  Weak for you, anyone
  You are not God, king!
  Any one is weak for you -
  You are not God, king!
  The team carefully landed the children. And she unraveled the web. Children - boys and girls - felt freedom. And their round heels flashed when they tried to run.
  But Margarita stopped them with a menacing shout:
  -Where are you guys going? How about saying thank you?
  The children stopped. The baroness girl nodded:
  - That's right, you saved me from captivity. Deliver me to my father, and a high reward will await you. And let the rest get there themselves - they are beggars and barefoot.
  A boy from among the prisoners objected:
  - My father is the count! And I'm barefoot because I was captured during a training run!
  Margarita asked: "Why did they capture you?"
  The Viscount boy shrugged his shoulders; he had a bare, muscular torso, tanned, wiry, and only his expressive, albeit childish, face betrayed his breed.
  The baroness girl replied:
  -They wanted to take us to Skelenton . This is a powerful wizard who is distantly related to Koshchei the Immortal!
  Margarita smacked her lips and remarked:
  - Skelenton , an evil wizard and master of the elements, has a black tiger artifact. Perhaps this will help save the stronger sex.
  The boy prince Oenomaus noted:
  - In addition, it is necessary to free other captive children who are being held captive by the nightmare sorcerer. Otherwise there will be a great harm to the universe.
  Dominica asked, not too confidently:
  - Won't this distract us from the main goal?
  Margarita objected:
  - Vice versa! If you collect all twelve artifacts, you can obtain the power of Almighty God. And this will make it possible to save not only the stronger sex, but to create many other good things.
  The boy Dobrynya exclaimed:
  - This is amazing! Then we will be able to do something that other heroes have never dreamed of!
  Dominika sang in delight:
  Our world is merciless, cruel, treacherous,
  The blood of people flows like a stormy stream...
  But the man is smart, famous for his progress -
  Overcome obstacles while playing!
  Countless nightmarish threats
  Fate is cruel, sad and funny...
  We shed strange tears in doubt -
  Look at the sky with unearthly melancholy !
  And let it be necessary to shed
  In a furious battle, human blood...
  Break the thread of life with a sword, an arrow,
  We will not betray love forever!
  Margarita nodded her golden head:
  - You sing Dominic well, and the sensible words touch the soul! But this is not enough...
  The girl actress sang:
  It became very light
  I saved the Fatherland...
  I was really lucky -
  Only this is not enough!
  Only, only, only -
  This is not enough!
  The Viscount boy stamped his bare foot so hard that the dewdrops flew off the orange grass and growled:
  - Stop singing! Let's go to Skelentom and we'll tear him to pieces!
  Margarita remarked with a sigh:
  - It's too long to walk. You need to either fly on dragons, or be transported using a medallion!
  Oenomaus asked with a smile:
  - Do you have a medallion? So carry us over!
  The partisan girl answered with a sigh:
  - It needs to be recharged in order to transport the entire team. Let's eat for now. The children are probably hungry.
  The baroness girl nodded her head, her diamond earrings jingled:
  - Yes, this is exactly what should be done. There's a fire in my stomach!
  The boy viscount noted:
  - A full belly is deaf in battle!
  The rest of the children, mostly girls, squealed in unison:
  We want to eat
  Open the doors wider
  Otherwise we"ll eat the cook...
  The cooks will have a snack,
  And let's drink to the duty officers,
  We'll destroy the entire dining room
  And we'll break the dishes!
  Margarita shook her magic wand. And a table appeared with several dishes and a cake on it.
  The girl sang with delight:
  The children have collected for you,
  We are not scraps at all -
  And cool treats,
  Not just porridge with millet!
  Dominica nodded and noted:
  - But wash your hands first!
  The children rushed to the stream. Only the baroness girl remained standing. The girl actress roared:
  - Do you need a special invitation?
  The young baroness muttered:
  - And I"m tired of getting my hands and feet wet with the plebeians!
  Dominica answered sternly:
  - Then I won"t allow you to the table!
  The dignitary girl said:
  - Are you going to show me, barefoot girl ? Yes, I will order you to be flogged.
  Dominika stood up and clenched her fists:
  - And who will you order?
  The Baroness looked back. Dominica was tall and muscular, and the fabric only covered her breasts and thighs. And it was clear that balls of muscles were rolling under the tanned skin, and there were tiles of abs on the stomach. Such a heroic girl can hit you.
  However, Margarita said in a conciliatory tone:
  - Let's all wash our hands already. And if you, Dominica, are an adult, then you should set an example for us. So let's all wash together.
  And she headed towards the stream. And with her is the Baroness girl and Dominica. The water was heated by the four suns, gentle and warm, so washing was a pleasure. The children even swam in the stream. And they began to splash water on each other.
  Dominika also splashed around like a little girl and sang:
  Water, water, cold water,
  It was not without reason that it spilled from the bucket!
  And there was such wonderful nature around. Luxurious flowers of various shapes grew on lush trees. And the petals of these flowers have different colors and shades. Just imagine buds sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow and shimmering in the rays of four suns.
  This is truly a wonderful beauty. And butterflies the size of albatrosses fly, and their wings have moving patterns, like the splashing of sea waves. And a wonderful movement occurs.
  Dominica sang:
  The wings of that butterfly
  They were so good...
  The boy lost his peace,
  And he said from the heart...
  The young viscount, splashing, remarked:
  - Yes, it"s beautiful all around...
  In fact, many of the trees looked like the jeweled tails of peacocks. And above them, in addition to butterflies, platinum dragonflies also moved their wings. And in the forest the trills of magnificent birds were heard. They are so amazing and wonderful with their voices that you are simply amazed.
  Dominica tweeted:
  you heard the blackbirds singing?
  Nightingales and orioles are dashing...
  And sometimes donkeys, donkeys bray like that,
  The girls are running barefoot!
  Yes, indeed, this looked very funny.
  After bathing, the children headed to the table. And their mood became major, and they sang in joy;
  The good fairy gave us
  A lot of toys, of different kinds...
  We were born by a huge force,
  Like birds and animals!
  Children play in the light of a smile,
  Great joy has come to the world...
  We can get there on the first try -
  Even in the yoke that went mad, the donkey!
  We rush barefoot through the dewdrops,
  There are so many wonderful ideas in the world...
  Children drop pearly tears,
  Believe me, your soul will become more cheerful!
  The evil Koshchei are attacking us,
  Baba Yaga is rushing in a mortar...
  They viciously whip a barefoot girl with a whip,
  And the river floods the banks!
  But we will not flinch, boys and girls,
  We will fight like a titan...
  And our voice will be so clear,
  Like a pioneer bugle, drum!
  Well, the orcs are not an obstacle to us,
  A mad troll won't scare you...
  There will be a great reward for bravery,
  If the child is not zero in abuse!
  What is the snake Gorynych for brave boys,
  There is no obstacle for us, we are eager to fight evil...
  We give him a bunch of bumps,
  And we lock him straight into the barn!
  If an evil goblin fires from a cannon,
  Then we will answer him with buckshot...
  Stop smearing your snot guys ,
  Let's defeat Satan once!
  To the bloody battle, holy and right,
  Bravely girls, boys run...
  We will rule the sacred power,
  Let's kaput the evil dragon!
  There are no happier shores for our dear ones,
  Let's catch a whole pond of fish...
  For the sake of the great, glamorous Elfia,
  The boy will prove that he is very cool!
  Let's make the world so beautiful
  So that flowers from paradise grow in it...
  Even though we sometimes fight dangerously,
  After all, dreams will come true in the light!
  No, we will never be under enemies,
  Let's say girls, boys go ahead...
  We will trample the infidel army under our feet,
  We'll issue an invoice for the winner!
  Believe me, there will be eternal summer in the world,
  Our childhood will never pass...
  The exploits of the knights are truly sung,
  And go on a victorious campaign!
  Well, when we defeat all the Orks,
  The battle will end with a glorious victory...
  It will be wonderful in my pure soul,
  We raise the sword, the strong shield!
  The children sang a mischievous song and sat down at the table. They began to enjoy eating fried ducks, roasts, and fish with side dishes.
  Dominica joined them. She cut a slice with a knife and noted:
  - Excellent meat!
  Margarita nodded:
  - Well, how do I do magic? Agree, it"s indistinguishable from the real thing!
  The Baroness girl noted:
  - Yes , excellent meat, but what about the fish?
  And I tried a piece. Indeed, the food was wonderful. The children ate and noted with delight:
  - What kind of dishes, what kind of dishes,
  I wish I could take everything with me...
  It"s a pity that the table is not like this often -
  They are simply fed for slaughter!
  One of the barefoot , beggar girls asked:
  - Can I have some chocolate candies?
  Margarita laughed and waved her wand. Hanging on a tree as large as a peacock's tail, the cones immediately rushed to the table and were transformed into beautiful, animal and fish-shaped bars, covered with chocolate and with a wonderful filling.
  The children chirped contentedly:
  - How great this is , and also, we want ice cream!
  At that moment, several large rats with scarlet fur jumped out from under the orange grass and tried to attack the children. They squealed in fear, each rat the size of a good wolf. Margarita struck them with lightning from her magic wand and the magic rings of her bare feet. And Dominica also used her magic wand to release a pulsar.
  Golden wine glasses appeared with rich, lush ice cream placed in the shape of wondrous flowers. Moreover, with strawberries, figs, wild strawberries and other magnificent berries.
  Dominika muttered and noted, pointing to the largest wine glass, which turned out to be not only gold, but studded with diamonds. And the ice cream in it looked like a marvelous ornament, laid out in all the colors of the rainbow. And how beautiful it looked.
  Margarita noted:
  -You have a magic wand made from the heart vein of a dragon - this is very rare. Where did you get it?
  Dominica answered honestly:
  - In battle! And this is true and brave!
  Oenomaus sang with delight:
  Woe to him who fights,
  With a beautiful maiden in battle...
  If the enemy is furious -
  I 'll kill the bastard! I 'll kill the bastard!
  The boy Dobrynya growled:
  - What are you, girl , why are you singing like that? We must sing: with a strong boy in battle! More precisely, even with a powerful man in battle. We are only boys in appearance, but for years we have been men!
  Oenomaus laughed and noted:
  We remain children forever,
  Only the years change!
  Dominika laughed and remarked:
  - Here we will have a fairy-tale world and transformation.
  After which, she began to eat her conjured ice cream. It tasted just great. This is how magnificent it turned out to be. And the sweet, gentle taste of ice cream spread across the girl"s tongue.
  The boy Dobrynya, after the fish and meat, also gladly paid tribute to the ice cream. This is really a thing, yummy .
  The children tried to eat in a way that looked civilized and not to slurp. Yes, carnivorous rat ice cream is a wonderful thing.
  Dominica noted with a radiant smile:
  How good it is to be able to cast magic,
  And turn the evil rat into ice cream...
  We get a solid five -
  Doing something that is not at all supposed to be done!
  And again children's giggles in response. And a satisfied squeak...
  There was a noise in the sky. Somewhere from the edge a huge dragon was flying. From a distance he seemed small and not scary, despite his seven heads. And it was kind of a monster in a harmless way.
  The children laughed and began to wink at each other. This is really fun. And they clap palm on palm.
  That there is a ringing.
  Dominika took it and threw the boomerang with her bare toes. He flew over and cut off the bump, and during the fall the beauty hit it with energy from a magic wand. A large cake appeared in the shape of Napoleon's cocked hat, studded with poppies, roses and cornflowers.
  The children were already well-fed and greeted the gift with moderate enthusiasm.
  The boy viscount said:
  -Cakes are very good, but you should still observe moderation...
  Dominika giggled and noted, singing:
  A cook for my birthday,
  I wrote congratulations on the cake...
  And the inscription colored from cream -
  It's time to go to the city of San Remo!
  After which, the girl took it and launched the boomerang again. And he flew over, lunged, and spun. And the girl caught him again with her bare foot and sang:
  Don't look down on the cake
  The time will come when you too will die ...
  The gingerbread whistles like a bullet at the temple,
  With the diet you will really screw yourself!
  The baroness girl swallowed with difficulty a piece of cake with a cocked hat, licked her lips and noted:
  - Delicious! But it doesn"t fit anymore.
  The boy viscount noted:
  - It won"t take long to get fat.
  Dominica sang with a smile and jokingly:
  For mommy's spoon, for daddy's spoon,
  And for grandma a ladle ...
  And on the side of the bed!
  The children, indeed, became heavy after eating and fell on the soft, orange grass, sniffling with their noses. Luckily there were no predatory mosquitoes or insects here. Those that flew were large and did not bite, and there were practically no problems with them.
  Dominica asked Margarita, the pioneer girl also yawned and quickly covered her mouth with her palm:
  -Are you going to sleep or?
  The partisan heroine replied:
  What, the girl can"t sleep in the abuse and anxiety?
  Somewhere the betrothed is wandering along a forest road...
  He wanders through the mint grass and knows nothing,
  And damned fate jokes and plays!
  The heroic boy Dobrynya was already sniffling through his nose.
  Yes, the children have had many adventures.
  Dominika sang jokingly:
  We fall asleep without difficulty,
  It's true, yes...
  But then, with what difficulty,
  We wake up later!
  . CHAPTER No. 9.
  Dominica woke up and came out of a magical dream that took her to a parallel world. After which, the girl washed herself and took a shower using a golden device. I brushed my teeth and went to breakfast.
  There she was met by other girls and girls from the elite class. They shook hands and looked polite. There were also elves, female trolls, female hobbits who looked like girls, nymphs, dryads, human girls, although there were few of them. A beautiful company gathered.
  The girls were in elegant dresses and jewelry, but barefoot, so that it would be more convenient to use their feet during witchcraft. And in the elite class, the education was somewhat different - they listened to lectures delivered by an owl in rapid-fire fashion, and performed various kinds of tasks. It was believed that the girl already knew the basics.
  Dominica completed several tasks here. She shot from a magic wand and made transformations. And then she whispered spells. Several complex combinations of words were read to her, and Dominika repeated them.
  Being a film actress, the girl had a phenomenal memory, since on set she needed to pronounce a lot of dialogues.
  And I remembered everything perfectly. But these are all flowers; the main thing, of course, is the search for artifacts in order to save the stronger sex.
  And so Dominika sat down in the lotus position, joining her strong, muscular legs and straightening her back. And again she plunged into a parallel universe, where their team was looking for a way to save the stronger sex.
  And just in time. Because it was there that the goblin and the robber nightingale were creeping up on tiptoe. These two villains have already spread a magic net to cover the sleeping barefoot team.
  Margarita also slept, and she dreamed...
  The girl received the task of blowing up the bridge. So she went barefoot, in a torn cotton dress and with a beggarly bag, on reconnaissance. It's autumn and the weather is not very good. There was frost at night, and the grass was covered with frost, on which the girl"s bare feet left small, graceful footprints. It was very damp and cold, with rain mixed with snow.
  The little toes of the barefoot partisan turned blue from the cold and dampness. But she courageously walked forward, even picking up speed.
  And at the same time she sang;
  The rain scattered star fragments across the sky,
  They have prepared a sharpened stake for fascism!
  The Tiger tanks are just rubbish - a dirty flea market ,
  The Wehrmacht awaits a furious defeat!
  The Wehrmacht awaits a furious defeat!
  Our comrade Stalin, the leader, is the strength of millions,
  He has a granite fist, a machine gun in his hand!
  We will be able to defeat the army from Sodom,
  Our strength is a monolith, fortunately on Earth!
  Our strength is a monolith, fortunately on Earth!
  Our party has nothing more important to do,
  How to save the people, the good of the Motherland!
  Goebbels possessed, to hell with nonsense,
  And there will be victory, believe me, in spite of all the devils!
  And there will be victory, believe me, in spite of all the devils!
  The Russian beauty, you know, is famous for her power,
  She has a heavy brown braid!
  And in battles with the fascists the youth will become famous,
  The Light Country will come to life, rising up!
  The Light Country will come to life, rising up!
  Don't let Hitler poke his nose into the Russians,
  The mustachioed guy thinks he"s a cool God!
  We'll march along a Berlin street,
  No, the one who is pure in soul will not become a slave!
  No, the one who is pure in soul will not become a slave!
  Our banner is red, the color of furious blood,
  The sun is already shining on the Reichstag!
  There is no more generous gift for our dear children,
  If the heart is brave and fear is crushed!
  If the heart is brave and fear is crushed!
  So Margarita ran up, the cold biting her bare heels, to the bridge. There is barbed wire all around and there are machine gun towers.
  The Germans drink moonshine and smoke fires. Margarita ran up to them. The poor, blond little girl does not seem scary to the Krauts. Moreover, in such dampness and cold, hardly anyone, except the last beggars, would dare to go barefoot.
  And the girl began to sing them a harmless and cheerful song:
  I'm a poor little orphan
  I run barefoot through the snow in the cold...
  But the girl's voice is very clear,
  She will drive out the frost as if by force!
  The war took my mother with a bomb,
  Father, of course, was called to the front...
  Curly-haired brother is frozen from the cold,
  The older sister is on the scaffold!
  Hungry, I gnaw a crust of bread,
  And my little feet are red from the frost...
  I'm where the tramp dog dined
  Although the girl is cute and beautiful!
  I can tell everyone boldly and courageously,
  That, of course, war be damned...
  It doesn't matter what we're fighting for,
  The monster Satan is to blame for this!
  Oh, the girl"s legs are suffering,
  And they ache a lot in this cold...
  I wish there would soon be dawn in warm May,
  May the radiant falcon fly!
  We want to make our homeland more beautiful,
  But hunger, cold, blizzards and blizzards...
  Where are you going, unfortunate Russia?
  Such a difficult fate!
  I'm a girl, just a child,
  I managed to experience a lot...
  I worked almost from the cradle,
  I only studied for four or five!
  Why did this grief come to me?
  The cruel fate of broken hearts...
  Believe me, such evil has fallen,
  What seems like just a little bit and that"s the end!
  But the girl under the yoke did not break,
  She managed to get ready and is walking...
  She is a child, far from old,
  And she enjoys stomping barefoot!
  The little girl's footprints are graceful,
  Raphael made drawings on them ...
  And I believe that the little one will be happy,
  The Lord will see his children, believe me!
  That's why I sing the song
  To the glory of God the Lord Christ...
  I believe that the planet will become a paradise
  And I will meet my father, believe me!
  Then the time will come and they will rise again,
  Who died, who died and who was sick...
  And there will be happiness in old age and childhood,
  Because Jesus wanted it!
  Yes, I will kneel before God,
  I will fulfill this psalm in the happiness of light...
  In the name of all future generations,
  The criminal monsters will be defeated!
  Then the girl will be in eternal happiness,
  And all the peoples of Mother Earth...
  The utter bad weather will dissipate,
  Our people will not be broke!
  She crossed herself, got down on her knees,
  Kissed the silver cross...
  She has done little for God, apparently
  Jesus came down from heaven for us!
  We will soon all be with the Almighty,
  In his beautiful, loving hand...
  Let our thoughts fly higher
  And strength lies in a childish, strong fist!
  And now I read the prayer,
  She said, My God, forgive me...
  Now we are on the pedestal with him,
  And Christ and I, believe me, are on our way!
  And we will go arm in arm with Him to heaven,
  And golden rain will fall there...
  The Lord will show his generous character,
  And it will send the adversary straight into trembling!
  Finally, there is happiness in the world,
  We have waited for the appearance of Christ...
  We fly like angels to a feast on the air,
  The love of the Lord is bright and pure!
  After such a song, the Nazis became emotional and let the unfortunate girl in to warm up and gave her hot tea. Margarita planned to quietly plant an explosive disguised as a loaf of bread in her bag under the rail, but did not have time - she woke up.
  The nightingale the robber and the goblin were very close. The goblin had a bump instead of a nose, a rather nasty face and long fangs. He is also quite tall, about three meters. No wonder he dragged the net. And Nightingale was a fat, ruddy man with hamster cheeks, protruding front teeth and in a luxurious uniform with medals. Well, plus a mustache, typical of Prussians.
  Seeing that the surprise attack did not work out, the Nightingale the Robber put two fingers in his mouth and tried to whistle.
  Dominika gave him a roundhouse kick with her bare heel. And the robber roars in pain. And he even spat out blood.
  The goblin swung his club. The hero boy Dobrynya jumped up and grabbed the goblin by the hair, fell on his back and threw him over himself. The goblin crashed onto a plant like a cactus with flowers and howled deafeningly. And his roar was like that of a wild donkey.
  Margarita grinned. Nightingale tried to whistle again when Dominika hit him in the chin with her knee. And he wheezed.
  The heroic boy Dobrynya sang:
  The goblin asked us,
  You camo are you coming ?
  Headed to the city -
  We have things to do!
  The goblin tried to attack again with the club. The hero boy dodged the blow and again threw the big man over himself, because Dobrynya does not have the strength of a child. And everything seems to be working out.
  The goblin stretched out again. And he rose more slowly. The children woke up and began throwing golden cones at the swamp devil. They hit him and made him roar. And twitch.
  Margarita shook her magic wand. And the cones began to turn into cakes, and they literally smeared the goblin with cream, causing him to twitch like a loach in a frying pan.
  And Dobrynya Nikitich lifted the Nightingale the Robber into his outstretched arms and threw him onto a heavy pine tree with silver cones. From the blow, the Nightingale will crash and shake, forcing him to give up the ghost, or rather, spit out blood.
  The boy Dobrynya sang:
  - Nightingale the Robber, you are a villain,
  And hit you in the face harder...
  You're dead now, you scoundrel ,
  Kill you too, the whistler!
  And then he takes it and hits it with his fist as hard as he can on the head. The Nightingale the Robber has a ringing in his ears. And Dominica pointed her index wand at the goblin, and how she cast a complex spell for transformation. And it will make it a lethal force in which there are cascades of energy.
  And then ... There was a tall three-meter hairy guy, and now in his place there was a table laden with all sorts of very rich foods and wonderful sweets. And such aromas wafted from this marvelous kitchen.
  Dominica tweeted:
  - These are transformations and miracles of miracles,
  We see simply paradise in everything heavenly...
  Such radiant beauty everywhere ,
  May the Lord Almighty rise again!
  In fact, on the table lay golden and orange, marvelous, sparkling metal trays with cakes, with creams of dozens of different colors and shades, as well as other very wonderful foods, and aromatic overflows, all the most delicious.
  And how magnificent the donuts were, strewn with wonderful powder. There is no more adding or subtracting here. And glasses splashed with cocktails from a variety of juices, with wonderful fillings that shocked with aromas and sweet designs with glaze. And what kind of buds were there?
  Margarita smiled in confusion and exclaimed in surprise:
  -You turned the devil! Well, nevermind ! You have to be able to do something like this!
  Dominica, perplexed, asked:
  - Is it difficult?
  The partisan girl replied:
  - Yes, almost impossible! And you were able to do something like this.
  Meanwhile, the robber nightingale tried to whistle again. And he puffed out his wide, hamster-like cheeks. But the boy-hero, as soon as he takes it, will charge it with his childish, but lethal, like a sledgehammer, fist. And the whistler, by the way, knocks out more than once, it looks like a knocked out, cast gold tooth.
  And he flew upside down. He plopped down and stretched out as if he had been knocked out. But then he jumped up, put his fingers in his mouth again and blew. But instead of a whistle, all that came out was a pathetic hiss. And it's very funny. The children laughed. The Nightingale the Robber croaked:
  "I"ll swallow you up in an instant, I"ll swallow you up, I"ll swallow you up, I won"t have mercy!"
  In response, Dobrynya, this heroic boy, kicked the Nightingale"s chin with his bare heel. And the teeth flew again. Throwing his arms out, the chief robber leaned back.
  Dobrynya roared:
  And who will we find in battle, and who will we find in battle,
  We won"t joke with that, we"ll kill a gadfly!
  We'll kill you like a gadfly!
  Dominica pointed her magic wand at the defeated Nightingale the Robber. Margarita noted:
  - Do you want to transform him too?
  The girl actress nodded:
  - Let there be at least something useful!
  The partisan girl sang:
  The boy was shackled by an iron schedule,
  And I ate only one healthy thing...
  Due to the heavy load, an attack suddenly occurred,
  And it turned out to be a cyber genius of colossal power!
  And then Dominica spun, making an intricate figure eight with her magic wand.
  And now, in place of the Robber Nightingale, a whole mountain of sweets, dragees and portions of ice cream appeared.
  A cheerful laugh was heard, and children began to jump out of the grass. They were cute, but thin, ragged, and traditionally barefoot. And with great greed they pounced on the treat, into which the Robber Nightingale and the Swamp Goblin turned. Margarita whistled with her fingers and shouted:
  - Stop, guys and girls! I understand you, you are hungry after being captured by these villains, but wash your hands first.
  And how he will release lightning from a magic wand. The boys had to run to the stream, their blue heels flashing. In fact, it is rude to eat food with dirty hands.
  Dominica asked:
  - What are these, prisoners and captives of the Nightingale and the Goblin?
  Margarita nodded her bright head:
  - Yes exactly! We freed them. More precisely, it was you who freed me. And this is very cool .
  There were more than a hundred children, boys and girls. As usual, there are three times more representatives of the fair sex than the stronger sex.
  Dominica asked in surprise:
  - Here they all look no more than twelve years old. What, these robbers didn"t kill adults?
  Margarita explained:
  - No, of course, they kill adults too. Only after liberation do adults receive children's bodies. As it was, for example, with Dobrynya Nikitich. And with me too, I still looked like a girl.
  The girl actress noted:
  - Eternal childhood, like in a fairy tale, is great ! And you can even say - cool!
  Margarita chirped, baring her teeth:
  - Yes, these are wonderful worlds in which everything is very cool . But there are a lot of dangers here. In particular, there are people who are much more dangerous than the goblin and the Nightingale the Robber.
  Dominica asked in a whisper:
  - Who, for example?
  The partisan girl said quietly:
  - Old woman Shapoklyak!
  The girl actress tweeted:
  Well done, well done, grandma is the ringleader!
  Being friends with her is like playing with a crocodile!
  And the girl took it and threw the cone with her bare toes. It hit a dragonfly. The insect exploded, scattering into confetti.
  Margarita noted, shaking her head with golden curls:
  - It's not good to kill living beings!
  Dominica noted:
  - But it's just an insect!
  Margarita sang in response:
  - You spit your saliva into the wind,
  Don"t crush a bug or an ant...
  Don"t even break a branch in the forest -
  All life on Earth is one family!
  The girl actress chirped, baring her teeth:
  - I, you, he, she - together the whole country,
  Together a friendly family!
  In the word we, one hundred thousand I!
  The children washed themselves in the stream. And now they ran to the food, joyful and shiny.
  Dominica and Margarita whispered a spell together, and the table became longer. Now there was enough space for everyone to sit down.
  The children, twitching their bare feet, sat down and sang in chorus in their clear voices:
  The tablecloth spreads like snow
  And the goodies were placed...
  The children will all be successful,
  And roast from Cheburashka!
  After which, they began to eat. There are so many beautiful children here, even if they are exhausted by hunger and deprivation.
  Dominica and Margarita, since they were well-fed, without thinking twice, started dancing. And let's stomp your bare, chiseled, tanned feet.
  The girls sang with their radiant voices;
  I was born in a space country
  Where all the girls are very fighting...
  Satan cannot defeat the Fatherland,
  To the glory of our mother Russia!
  We will be able to defend holy Rus',
  And no matter how cruel and insidious the enemy is...
  We will beat our opponents hard,
  And the Russian spirit with the sword will be glorified!
  Russia, this is my Motherland,
  Holy and cosmically earthly...
  All nations are one family,
  And the girl is forever young!
  We will defend our Motherland in battles,
  Not a single chance for the evil adversary ...
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub.
  Let's give a gift to a Russian soldier!
  In Russia everything is fine, good,
  And our will will be stronger than steel...
  The boy has a strong oar in his hands,
  And Comrade Stalin rules there!
  People love my Motherland,
  We will make it more beautiful forever...
  The Fatherland will not be stolen for a ruble,
  And God Svarog is the great messiah!
  May my Motherland be glorified,
  the adversary in battle ...
  Lada Mother of God is dear to me,
  Let the enemies of Russia get their comeuppance!
  If necessary, we can shed the blood of the enemy,
  Russia cannot be brought to its knees...
  The hunter will soon turn into game,
  And the great leader, Lenin, will be with us!
  We will conquer the vastness of space,
  We will give happiness, joy to the whole universe...
  Moscow is even higher than Rome itself,
  With its unchanging power in battle!
  When the war comes to our bright land,
  We will show the Fuhrer our powerful character...
  The Russian will receive a generous fee,
  We are higher than the sun and more beautiful than the trees!
  Believe me, Rus' will not be in ruins,
  The Horde will not bring us to our knees...
  Fight for your Motherland and don"t be afraid,
  The Russian does not know weakness and laziness!
  Our dear country will rise again,
  Will show the whole universe his strength...
  And Satan will be destroyed
  The enemy of the Fatherland will collapse into the grave!
  That's how the girls, jumping with their bare feet and spinning like devils, began to roar and jump in double somersaults.
  These are the beautiful and aggressive girls here . And how they squeal, jumping up.
  Well, okay, the children eat and also sing something of their own. And they do it in a very positive way. These are their songs. And they spin around like a spinning top.
  Top class girls.
  But then a very large butterfly appeared in the sky, like a real dragon. And her wings were so huge that they sparkled like gold studded with precious stones. And it looked so amazing and beautiful. These were indeed, frankly speaking, butterflies that were so huge, like dinosaurs.
  Dominica noted with a smile:
  - You won"t see any miracles here. Amazing!
  Margarita laughed and answered:
  - Yes, these are indeed arthropods that amaze. But this is not the most surprising thing. There are a lot of other very cool things.
  Dominica sang:
  But neither a book nor a museum,
  They will not replace our friends!
  And the girl from the magic wand will release a beam. And new cocktail glasses appeared. And the children attacked them.
  That's how great everything turned out . And just some kind of music plays in my head.
  And how can Dominic and Margarita not sing;
  Beauties attack barefoot,
  They're running, such nice girls...
  If you need to hit the Fritz with your fist,
  Or they will slash him with a machine gun!
  Girls can't afford to doubt
  They will bury the Nazis dead...
  And they will kick him hard off his feet,
  And somewhere wolves howl carnivorously!
  Russia, this is a word for soldiers,
  When, believe me, it doesn"t get any cooler...
  Although sometimes the situation is bleak,
  Where the evil black Cain triumphs!
  Don"t believe it, Komsomol members don"t run away,
  And if they run, then only to attack...
  And all the Nazis will be killed at once,
  And the Fuhrer will be raised to the chopping block!
  Russia, this is my Motherland,
  She is radiant, simply beautiful...
  Whoever is a coward is not worth even a ruble,
  And, you know, arguing with a warrior is dangerous!
  But know that we will defeat the fascists,
  Evil will not reign on the throne...
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
  And God Svarog with greatness in the crown!
  Whoever is a coward, believe me, is a weak slave,
  His destiny is one - to endure insults...
  Today you are a mechanic, tomorrow you are a foreman,
  And you yourself can beat other people's backs!
  Girls have strength, simply a volcano,
  Sometimes she powerfully demolishes mountains...
  The war is raging with an evil hurricane,
  And death frankly mows down the human race!
  I"ll tell you honestly, knights,
  We are strong when we Russians are united...
  Need a snack to go with your fork and knife,
  We are knights invincible in battles!
  What is our faith, in the Lord Christ,
  Although we also respect Lada...
  Comrade Stalin is like our father,
  And there will be a place of paradise communism!
  The one who was once dead will be resurrected
  And we will become more beautiful and wiser...
  And the man, of course, is very proud,
  Although sometimes he talks nonsense!
  In love, our Fatherland is like a star,
  Believe me, it will never go out...
  A great dream will come true
  There will be peace and happiness throughout the universe!
  I love Maria, I honor Lada sacredly,
  Svarog is beautiful and Perun is great...
  I love Jesus and Stalin,
  Holy faces of icons are dear to me!
  When will there be real paradise?
  Believe me, all your hopes will come true in it...
  Give your heart to your Motherland,
  Everything will be fine, stronger than before!
  After which, finally, the freed children ate. They were then formed into a detachment. More than a hundred boys and girls.
  And they set out on a march. Dobrynya noted with a sweet smile:
  - They will fight, I'm sure!
  And the hero boy jumped on the dragon.
  Oenomaus noted:
  - Such a detachment will move too slowly. We move much faster on dragons. And here you should also know when to stop.
  The children were built. Only one baroness was decently and even luxuriously dressed. The rest looked like beggars, young ragamuffins . However, it is much more dexterous to move barefoot.
  Dominica noted:
  - If the baroness girl walks, then her precious shoes will be demolished and fall apart. Maybe you should be barefoot like everyone else?
  The Baroness replied:
  - You can"t wait! Better send me to my father, the Duke, he will give you a reward and won"t hurt you!
  Margarita nodded to Dominica:
  -You have such magical natural power. So come on, let's take it together and send radiant charges, and throw the girl into her father's castle!
  The girl actress remarked:
  - What about the reward?
  Margarita laughed and remarked:
  - Well, they"ll give you a purse of gold, so is that really a lot? Moreover, I can conjure gold from ordinary trees and cones, and so can you!
  Dominica whistled:
  - Wow! So we can buy ourselves a dukedom!
  The partisan girl objected:
  - It is forbidden! Magic gold is prohibited from being put into circulation, otherwise there would be more of it than iron. You understand, inflation of the precious coin!
  Dominica noted:
  - Is this like in engineer Garin"s hyperboloid?
  Margarita nodded:
  - Something like that. I read this book when I was little. Yes, then the gold standard collapsed, and it was scary .
  Enomai noted with a smile:
  - But still, maybe raise a baroness? So that she wouldn't be so disgusting!
  Dobrynya nodded with a smile:
  - Yes, we will do this at once,
  Let's give her something cool!
  The Baroness stamped her heel on the grass again and roared:
  - Take me to my father! Or I will have you all executed!
  The kids laughed in unison.
  Suddenly, a gnome in a hat appeared from under the grass. He was clearly still very young, without a beard. But with a magic wand in hand.
  A small voice said:
  - Then I hear the voice of a capricious girl. Maybe it's time to educate her?
  The Baroness roared:
  - Just try it, sucker !
  And she tried to move the gnome with her shoeed foot. He shook his magic wand. The capricious girl and boy from the ancient people disappeared.
  Dominica exclaimed:
  - Wow!
  Margarita nodded:
  - This is a dwarf boy. A special type of gnome gifted with magic. Now he took the capricious girl to be raised. And the baroness will apparently have to learn culture, politeness and work conscientiously.
  Enomai remarked with a smile:
  - And I wanted to spank her! And so, the burden is off your shoulders.
  Dobrynya suggested:
  -Are you going to Skeleton? So maybe it's time to hit the road.
  Margarita noted:
  - A little closer there is the castle of the evil sorceress Bastinda, who owns another artifact out of twelve - a yellow rat. This is what we should have captured.
  Moreover, we already have a small army, more than a hundred guys. Among them is the hero Phoenix Falcon. He is also a boy, but with great strength.
  Dobrynya noted:
  - I know Phoenix. Just how was he captured?
  The partisan girl replied:
  - By cunning, just like you. But now we have an army, and we will storm Bastinda"s palace!
  Dominika played with her abs on her stomach. Then she took it and crushed a nut lying on the grass with her bare toes. She tossed its kernel, caught it in her mouth, chewed it with her strong teeth and cooed:
  - Go for an assault? Well, I like this idea. Although, the name Bastinda reminds me of a children's fairy tale. Isn't that the one who never washes herself?
  Margarita shook her head:
  - I know this fairy tale too. No, this is a slightly different witch. She has a whole army of rats. Well, and also mercenary orcs. Artefa CT with a rat gives enormous power over rodents, so...
  The partisan girl ordered:
  - Children! Break out the needles from the nearby silver spruces, you will soon see them when we enter the grove. This can make a decent weapon.
  The guys replied:
  - We will do everything, our savior!
  And the team marched. Although there were three times more girls than boys, they also knew how to march. And they pulled up the toes of their feet. At the same time, music was playing.
  The detachment moved on the march. Here, after eating, some of the guys yawned heavily, but the girls began to beat homemade drums made of peacock leaves, and the mood became more cheerful.
  The children tramped in formation. Dominica thought it was like in the film about Malchish-Kibalchish . There were also guys marching barefoot. But for some reason there were no girls in the Soviet film. And this is even strange, since under the Red regime they constantly insisted on equality of the sexes.
  And there are so many girls here, and they are like natural-born warriors on the march - partly people, partly from the elf family, as can be seen from their lynx ears. Well, a kind of matriarchy.
  The children marched, and at the same time, they began to sing, as if without this:
  Elfia is our wise country,
  Under the rule of the Messiah King...
  It was given to us forever by God,
  To make our lives happier!
  May good Oenomaus be in glory,
  Who defeated the enemies of the Fatherland...
  You fight for her and dare,
  And we will soon begin to live under Solcenism !
  Barefoot girls run
  They want to fight the enemy...
  And this Orkler is not so cool,
  Rather, he"s just an image of a clown!
  Great endless country
  In which the will, you know, of generations...
  Even though the servants of Satan are plotting,
  But the fiery genius will be with us!
  I believe that our pressure cannot be contained,
  Of course, we will raze our enemies to the ground...
  You write it down in your notebook, little boy,
  How wonderful it is for people to live under Oenomaus !
  We will make the Fatherland more beautiful than anyone else,
  Heaven will come in this lifetime...
  Let's celebrate our wild success
  And soon we will live under elfinism!
  No, believe me, we Orkishists cannot be broken,
  Although the enemy is strong and very cunning...
  But we will pass the exams with an A,
  May it be good under Oenomaus !
  The Tsar's glorious greatness, believe me,
  With your crown full of diamonds...
  And, you know, the fierce beast will be crushed,
  The plague will also recede, believe me, leprosy!
  No, for Elfia you also need Elfrog ,
  Friends, do not betray your Gods...
  Great and glorious is the almighty Family,
  Don't show your weaknesses!
  Beautiful Lada is the forge of the gods,
  Believe me, she gave birth to love...
  Don't waste people just unnecessary words,
  Opened up boundless greatness!
  You cannot hold back Elfrog's arrow ,
  She will pierce any adversary ...
  Just don't wish for stupid things,
  The shield of the elven soldier will cover!
  Elfia, this is without a doubt power,
  She can move mountains...
  Although sometimes the flesh suffers greatly,
  We can reject all obstacles!
  of elves will soon arise ,
  Which tramples the universe...
  God's cherub will spread its wings,
  And there will be a thing, believe me, of Creation...
  Goddess Lada is glorious, believe me,
  She gave love to all her sons...
  And now he will be a strong knight,
  And let's hit the adversary hard in the snout!
  You are Fiev , like the capital for the elves ,
  The mother of, believe me, glorious Drussian cities...
  Let's strike at the adversary ,
  We are knights, believe me, we are not cowards!
  For my sacred homeland,
  We will fight very hard...
  Elf will not be robbed of a ruble,
  After all, the light elves always knew how to fight!
  There are beautiful girls, believe me,
  That they rush very dashingly in the cold...
  The Fuhrer, a wild beast, will be torn apart,
  We will grow a beautiful, you know, rose!
  No, we will never put up with anger,
  Let us raise up the sunlit Elf...
  A great dream will come true
  Under this sky is radiantly blue!
  Elfrog will come and raise the dead,
  But we need to revive it for life cool...
  We will conquer the vastness of the universe,
  Christ is immortal, and Judas is in hell!
  Serve Oenomai faithfully,
  And please don"t rebel against kings...
  May the sons of the elves be in glory,
  Elfia, this is not a spot on the map!
  We will soon conquer the universe,
  Let there be power over life and death...
  Anyone living will become a cherub,
  That man is like God, believe it!
  . CHAPTER No. 10.
  Dominica returned to her academy classroom, ending her session in the lotus position. Now she again began to study various kinds of spells, of various forms and types. And she did this with great willingness.
  After which, I went to dinner. Next to her was the girl Fiesta. They ate squid in sauce together and washed it down with a mixture of milk and tomato juice. After that, everything became major.
  After dinner, Dominica fenced with Fiesta using magic wands. And she threw a big cake with cream on her , smearing her from head to toe.
  She admitted defeat and gave her a ring from each of her bare feet. And now Dominica is armed even stronger and more lethally .
  After which, both girls took a shower and went to their rooms.
  In the room, Dominica sat down on the bed, folded her legs in the shape of a lotus, and again moved her physical and spiritual essence to another level of the mental world.
  Now they are soaring on dragons, and a squad of children is marching below them.
  Led by two boys: the Viscount and the hero Phoenix Falcon. Both boys are handsome boys with very prominent muscles, and in only shorts. Strong, let's say, guys. And they march, overtaking the column.
  Children try to move as quickly as possible, and every now and then they start running. And it looks like an army of angels with bright, cute heads. And they are still unarmed, except for homemade batons.
  But then they entered the pine grove. Several wolves growled, but Phoenix threw a heavy cone at them with his bare foot, and it literally broke the predator"s skull.
  He fell over, and the other wolves began to run away. And the children began to sort out the cones and twigs.
  Margarita noted:
  "I remember once a whole detachment of partisan children staged a serious battle. And the German battalion fled. And the children ran after them and hit them with slingshots .
  Dominica agreed:
  - Slingshot, this is lethal force!
  Children warriors, in fact, began to build slingshots. And make something like bows.
  Margarita took it and noted with a smile:
  - Our weapon will be the most perfect if it is driven away with magic.
  Dominika chirped, baring her teeth:
  - Especially if I add it!
  After the children armed themselves, both strong sorceresses picked up their wands.
  Margarita cooed:
  - We conjure in unison!
  Dominica confirmed:
  - Exactly!
  Both girls collected the energy of their magic wands and launched it with their colossal power. And then the beauties took and launched streams of energy from their bare toes through the group of children. And then a miracle happened, and thousands of photoblitzes , or, like a miniature supernova, burst into flames.
  Margarita and Dominica began to read spells and chant:
  We are girls, entering the pantheon,
  They swore an oath to be faithful to the Fatherland...
  So that a furious defeat awaits the Orkishists,
  Well, how about the Elves live under sunshine !
  Nymphin is with us , like metal,
  Made of bronze, which is stronger than any steel...
  I dreamed of turning worlds upside down,
  As the great genius Gralin bequeathed!
  We will make the Fatherland cooler,
  And we will raise the Fatherland above the stars...
  May there be success with the elf-girls ,
  Even though our little feet are completely bare !
  Orkshist attacked my homeland,
  Samurai trolls are coming from the east...
  I love Solcesus and Gralin ,
  And , I believe, we will tear the adversary to pieces !
  Elfrog is with us ,
  Which Solcenism , jokingly, will build...
  Strongest of all in the universe is the glorious Family,
  It will add consciousness and will to us!
  I believe we will never give up,
  The Fatherland cannot be brought to its knees...
  Comrade Gralin is a bright star,
  And our teacher is the wise genius Drenin !
  We will make our Fatherland,
  More beautiful and radiant on the planet...
  And you know, there will be a killer gun,
  Let adults and children have fun!
  Burn Elfrog , don"t burn in your heart,
  You are the patron of all Elf swords...
  We will build soon, I believe, a strong paradise,
  Solcesus will come, holy mission!
  Don't trust the Orkler gang , friends,
  That she will win easily and menacingly...
  We are all one family -
  And believe me, it"s not too late to love your Motherland!
  The Lord Almighty protects us all,
  Will raise a seven-color flag over the ground...
  And the evil predator will turn into game,
  We can cope with Satan too!
  I love the Great Fatherland,
  In the whole universe there is no more beautiful you,
  We won"t sell Elfia for a ruble,
  Let's build peace and happiness in the universe!
  In the name of our Motherland, a dream,
  The great Elf will rise...
  Everything else is just vanity
  And a new messiah will be with us!
  Oh Lada, my almighty,
  You will give love and peace to the light elves ...
  I turn to you, begging you,
  And if necessary, strike with lightning!
  Ælfria , Our Lady of Heaven,
  Gave Solcesus to the Universe ...
  For your sake the great God has risen,
  People haven't really lost their taste!
  Please note, elves are like this,
  The Elven gods are highly respected...
  We are great sons of the Motherland,
  And daughters always win the world!
  Friends, we need to pray to the Motherland,
  Perun, Yarilo and Elfrog mighty ...
  We will be very strong husbands,
  And we will blow away even the clouds in the sky!
  Now the enemy has already been driven back from Elfskva ,
  You hurt the environmentalists a lot...
  We are faithful to Solcesus and Gralin ,
  And there will be plenty of tanks with guns!
  No, the enemy will not be able to curb the elves,
  Since our warriors are omnipotent...
  Passing exams, only a five,
  So that every boy would be very strong!
  Soltsegrad will be glorious ,
  And we will keep him from the onslaught...
  The victorious alignment of the knights will come,
  Even though blood flows in an uncontrollable stream!
  Girls barefoot in the cold,
  They run, their heels flashing...
  And they"ll hit the Orks with their fists,
  The unsociable Cain will be flattened!
  Everything will be okay, people know,
  We will discover constellations in space...
  After all, it is a sin to doubt valor,
  And there will be a man on God's throne!
  We will soon resurrect the dead with science,
  We can become younger and more beautiful...
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
  To my beautiful Elf mother!
  So the girls sang, and the entire army of children found themselves in shining armor and with strong, even cold, weapons.
  After which, the rearmament of the boys and girls was completed. And they were ready for a serious fight.
  Dominica and Margarita emitted rays of power that led to large-scale transformations. And now the children's army was ready.
  And so she set out on a battle march.
  Dobrynya noted with a very pleased look:
  - We are going to win again! And this is our essence.
  A turtle the size of a good German Tiger tank crawled ahead. She had a diamond shell, or rather, sparkling as if covered with precious stones. A very cute animal.
  Margarita wittily noted:
  - With such a shell, the turtle itself risks becoming a victim of an ambitious hunter!
  Dominica nodded and sang:
  Shards are good
  Against a machine gun, alas , nothing!
  But her song turned out to be not very reasonable, and out of place.
  The warrior children walked around the turtle. One of the boys wanted to shoot at her, but the girl soldier put her hand on the boy"s shoulder and squeaked:
  - No need!
  Another girl remarked:
  - That's what the team is for!
  These are truly fighting children who are eager to fight.
  Dominika noted with a chuckle:
  And on the left is our army, and on the right is our army,
  It's good to punch me in the face with too much drinking !
  The warriors were in a very good mood . And it looks like they are ready to embark on a very long journey. And their mood really will not fade.
  Margarita remarked with a smile:
  - Yes, I must say that we are still lucky.
  Dominica asked with a smile:
  - How lucky?
  The partisan girl confidently answered:
  - The fact that the Great Patriotic War lasted less than four years. In reality, the Germans could have resisted much longer on their powerful defensive lines!
  The girl actress nodded:
  - I agree with this. There are even some alternative stories on this topic. But in any case, we are capable of creating a miracle. As for the Germans, having realized that the war was already lost, they did not want to resist at all. And thus they acted in their own pragmatic way!
  Margarita noted:
  - Here is one not very successful vehicle - this is the Tiger, too heavy, and with a poorly protected joint between the turret and the hull. This tank, you must admit, is not particularly good. Too heavy and outdated, even the armor is not located at rational slopes. And placing the transmission separately from the engine is a big mistake.
  Dominica nodded in agreement.
  - You can"t argue against this ! Of course it's a mistake! But on the other hand, only the dead do not make mistakes, and only if they are from another life. And I think that she is. At least for you!
  Margarita nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, there is definitely an afterlife! And I was personally convinced of this. And if in this universe I am destined to perish, then in another, something will continue!
  The girl actress nodded:
  - Like an endless computer game with an innumerable number of different levels!
  The partisan girl confirmed:
  - Well, yes! Something like that, and this, I must say, is very cool ! And here you can rejoice more than once or twice.
  The hero boy Dobrynya sang:
  - It's time, it's time, let's rejoice,
  In my lifetime...
  To the beauty and the cup, the lucky blade.
  Bye, bye, swaying, feathers on helmets,
  We will whisper to fate more than once!
  We will whisper to fate more than once!
  I'll tear the enemy apart! I'll tear the enemy apart! I'll tear the enemy apart!
  And the sonorous laughter of the children was heard. A large dinosaur appeared in front of the small army . True, he did not look too menacing, but he was big. And his body is large, but his head, on the contrary, is small, plus a long tail. And on top there are also knuckle fins.
  Dominica exclaimed:
  - This is a beast - great !
  Margarita nodded in agreement:
  - Hefty animal! But don't worry. If we don't touch it, it won't touch us!
  And the partisan girl ordered:
  - Young warriors - don"t shoot and don"t make noise!
  The children became quiet. And they tried to walk with their bare feet without making noise.
  Dominica noted:
  - What if the dinosaur is deaf?
  Margarita smiled and wanted to say something. Suddenly there was a roar and the cracking of breaking branches. An animal the size of a seven-story building appeared, with a huge mouth, like an elongated sperm whale. This is truly a big brute. And the fangs are about five meters long.
  The dinosaur, who stood still and looked curiously at the group of children, saw a terrible monster and rushed to run away. And it was as if, in fact, he was spurred on. It's more expensive to fight a giant like this saber-toothed tyrannosaurus.
  Dominica and Margarita raised their magic wands. The partisan girl fired first. And from the tip of her stick, a murderous pulsar will fly out. And he'll hit the monster's mouth. And he will be pretty scorched. But in response there was an even more terrible and deafening roar.
  Dominica took it and in response , she hit it with all her might, acting with power, as if pounding a murderous pile and, chirping:
  Dinosaurs, maybe you are here, and not in Africa,
  Maybe you chew hay for breakfast,
  And the girl sent her portion of magic to the giant. And they took his fang teeth, and when they were hit, they turned into beautiful, pink buds.
  Dominica sang:
  I wanted to make an iron
  The elephant suddenly appeared...
  Wings like a bee -
  Flowers instead of ears!
  Margarita burst out laughing and, again, she would hit her with a destructive and destructive pulsar. But the children's army began to shower the monster with arrows. And his scale-armor began to bubble .
  Dominika took and released magic from both her bare feet and her wand. And it worked well here.
  It was as if something magical had taken it and charged itself with colossal destructive power.
  Margarita took it and chirped, winking with her sapphire eyes:
  - Wow!
  The Tyrannosaurus collapsed, and in its place appeared a huge and wide table, thickly laden with food. And here it was already so luxurious and unprecedented, unique. And such dazzling delicacies.
  Dominica sang:
  This turned out delicious
  And the aroma is much sweeter than honey...
  We will not win from scratch,
  And our nature will flourish!
  Margarita confirmed with a smile, baring her teeth:
  - Yes, it will flourish! And that's great!
  After which, the partisan girl added:
  - And you know how to cast magic. This , I must say, is amazing! Turn such a large size into a tasty treat . These are not orcs or goblins - it"s easier with them!
  Dominica nodded and sang:
  - Everything impossible is possible, I know for sure,
  And learn to cast magic, quite in absentia!
  And kick your foot on very strong steel,
  And slash the monster with a sharp sharpener!
  Margarita giggled and noted with a smile that she sparkled with pearls:
  - Yes, you sing so touchingly that you won"t find fault! Super!
  Dominica agreed:
  - I am a great super - a fighter cooler than the world!
  And how he will take and roll with his eyes that they are so sapphire and like stars.
  The table with food beckoned the child warriors, and some of them began to approach it and take donuts and cakes, dipped in chocolate and various kinds of creams. Better yet, grab some ice cream. This is absolutely superb.
  Margarita blew her horn and roared:
  - You guys don"t need to eat too much ,
  There"s no need for you all to rush into the bourgeoisie...
  And write yourself a notebook,
  Mobility will still come in handy!
  Dominica noted with a sweet smile:
  - Yes, it really turned out great!
  And she winked with her cornflower blue eyes.
  Margarita noted:
  - Dinosaurs" meat is not very tasty, and even less so for carnivorous creatures. But to eat the horse...
  Dobrynya roared:
  - I won"t let you eat the horse!
  And the boy-hero sang:
  Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka,
  Stand before me
  Like a leaf before the grass!
  Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka,
  Very, very necessary
  Meet you!
  Oenomaus took it and jumped off the dragon. He really wanted to try what kind of food the dinosaur had turned into. Most likely, it is something charming. And the boy-prince took the cake with chocolate and threw it into his mouth.
  And he began to chew vigorously, it was creamy and sweet. It's so delicious.
  The children whined in unison:
  - Well, let me try! Don't be evil aunts!
  Margarita smiled innocently:
  - My name is Auntie? It's funny!
  And the partisan girl yelled:
  - I'll give you ten minutes to eat! You can eat, but in moderation!
  Dominica asked with a smile:
  -Did you have to go hungry during the war?
  Margarita nodded her golden head, the color of a spring dandelion:
  - Yes, how! And it was extremely exhausting!
  The girl began to sing in her clear voice to emphasize the tragedy of the situation.
  While singing, the girl even jumped off the dragon. And she began to dance on the orange grass with her bare feet.
  And her voice was so iridescent and radiant:
  We are Komsomol members, dream girls,
  About the future of the people of this beautiful country...
  When we are faithful to the Earth and planet,
  And we win this dangerous battle!
  Any business is argued then,
  A fire burns violently in a young heart...
  Girls, this is just beautiful
  Let's open the door to the vastness of space!
  Anyone who is a man is a giant
  Science, I know, will give him power...
  Believe me, our call is always the same,
  So that Abel rules, and Cain is in captivity!
  I want a bountiful harvest to ripen,
  For the planet to flourish...
  So that a beautiful, wonderful paradise may come,
  And friendship was stronger than metal!
  We will conquer outer space,
  Girls run barefoot through puddles...
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub,
  Blizzard and cold will not scare us!
  Believe me, our enemies cannot defeat us,
  Nerves of steel and a flame in the heart...
  And the strength of spirit, like you are a bear,
  We will raise the banner, I know!
  Who loves the most radiant girls,
  He is beautiful in both soul and image...
  Prepare a mighty machine gun,
  Although your opponent is dangerous!
  I know we will definitely win,
  We will forever be united with our Motherland...
  After all, there is a whole starry world before us,
  Let man become a strong creature!
  The light of the Fatherland without its majestic boundaries -
  Ruby stars fire overhead.
  Rus' covered itself with immortal glory -
  The mighty hero, the drayman, beats!
  Rowan ruby in emerald leaves -
  Sapphire sparkles in the field , cornflower...
  I send my thoughts to you, Russia -
  A double-headed eagle takes flight with songs!
  In dewdrops pearls are snowflake diamonds,
  Everything is good in the great Motherland!
  The earth is fat, it has veins like feathers,
  The snowdrifts have been swept away by the fresh wind!
  In one region of Russia there are ice, seals,
  IN friend , camels are the gold of the desert.
  It's warm here when the snowstorms roar,
  Because we keep God in our hearts!
  Watermelons, melons and bananas grow,
  And somewhere in the summer you are racing on skates...
  Well, where can you find such countries in the world?
  Where peoples are so strong in their fists!
  In Russia, the feat of arms is exalted,
  In it, man is the Creator of his own destiny!
  We can fight just fine ,
  So that a flood of trouble does not come to Rus'!
  Our women are beautiful, everyone knows
  And there are no stronger men with courage!
  Fatherland, you are the embodiment of paradise -
  One sovereign God is the Master of the Family!
  Orthodox icons will be approved,
  The campaign that a soldier sets off...
  We'll come home with generous spoils,
  Without missing a beat, the archers strike down their enemies!
  Let's give peace and happiness to the whole universe,
  And together with God we will raise the dead!
  For the glory of our incorruptible Motherland -
  We will certainly win, I know!
  Dominika also picked up her songs. And they danced it all together, and their naked, tanned, strong legs were in motion and dancing.
  Then Margarita blew the horn:
  - Lights out! That's it, meal time is over.
  The warrior children reluctantly left the table. In fact, how can you not gobble it up ? When there are literally dozens of different types of cream. And it's extremely delicious. And the smells of these ice creams, pastries, cakes, pretzels, and other delicious and appetizing things are so exciting and attractive.
  Dominica barked :
  - Don't overeat ! Practice moderation!
  Margarita tweeted:
  - Know everyone that a person is not a pig! And you need to eat very wisely.
  The heroic boy Dobrynya, who himself had just eaten a dozen cakes and smeared himself with multi-colored cream, muttered:
  - This is all amazing! But you need to know when to stop. Eating is good, but overeating is bad.
  The boy prince Oenomaus agreed:
  - Your main enemy is your stomach. But when they say - give your dinner to the enemy, this does not mean to take it literally!
  Dobrynya remarked with a smile:
  - But after a hard day, or battles, or training, you should eat well! Otherwise there will be no strength.
  Dominica nodded with a smile and said:
  - I personally prefer to dissolve the protein in milk for dinner and drink it. It"s satisfying, and at night the muscles grow and don"t burn. Well, cottage cheese with fish for dinner is very healthy. The body of athletes needs proteins.
  The child warriors were built somehow. And they again began to march to the castle of the evil sorceress Bastinda. The landscape around continued to be lush. However , the further the small, young army, flaunting its bare, dusty heels, went, the more nature withered right before our eyes.
  They were approaching the kingdom of rats, and these are very ruinous owners.
  To cheer themselves up, the children-warriors began to sing and began to stomp their feet more energetically:
  Elfia blooms like a bush under kings,
  It is endless and more beautiful than the universe...
  Victory opened a limitless account,
  Our faith will be resurrected in Rodnovery !
  The greatness of the Fatherland, believe it, is
  May her dear heart rise higher...
  So that the happiness of the universe lies in
  To have Elfia with a strong roof!
  Notice that our Elf flies forward,
  And cuts the waves with his chest...
  But we must, we will come the other way around,
  And there will be others, believe me, judges!
  Our Motherland will have a great world,
  Which blazes with bright light...
  And above all Elfrog is the idol of the soul,
  Which turns winter into summer!
  Yes, I know, it"s hard for us guys,
  But you serve Oenomai faithfully ...
  The boat was hit, the oar broke,
  And somewhere a ferocious dog barks menacingly!
  No, we won"t give Elf to the adversary ,
  Our swords are bladed, believe me, sharper...
  We will stand and win again
  And don"t talk nonsense, demons!
  Here we are getting together for the parade,
  There is no more beautiful holy country in the universe...
  Believe me, we will send our enemies together to hell,
  And we"ll build a paradise ourselves, you know, even!
  No one can stop us
  We are the great knights of the Elves...
  Such power, an invincible army,
  And let's make the whole planet happier!
  Let's show ourselves to the world in beauty,
  Let's raise the seven-color flag over the planet...
  And we will be happy, believe me, everywhere,
  After all, heroic deeds are sung!
  Please note that elf peace is at a premium everywhere,
  And it will expand continuously...
  And people will be happy on Earth,
  Because there is no shame for the Fatherland!
  When the great Solcesus comes ,
  There will be no darkness in our universe...
  And if man and elf are not cowards,
  His destiny is sunrise and creation!
  This is a song that touches the soul! A delightful and magnificent song.
  Although the landscape around has become much worse - rutted trees, chopped grass, everything is crushed and covered in traces of rat paws.
  Margarita noted:
  - Yeah, don"t expect any good from these rats! And all around there are zeros.
  With a smile so radiant and fresh, Dominica remarked, baring her teeth:
  - This, of course, was to be expected! Everything has become too nonsensical . But what can you take from a rat - except fertilizer from feces!
  And both girls burst out laughing. After which the entire children's squad increased their barefoot step. Two warrior boys rushed forward and swung their swords like windmills.
  And so the first rat, the size of a good bulldog, was chopped up by the heroic boys on both sides. This was a serious battle brewing.
  The children increased their pace even more and literally started running. And then a large troop of rats appeared ahead. The eldest of them was the size of a good bull. The girl actress Dominika rode into battle on a dragon. And she was ready to fight, but her first blow from the magic wand hit the older rat.
  And it lit up and turned into a large circle of selected cheese with holes. And such an appetizing smell emanated from him that the rats were distracted from the attack on the children's battalion and attacked their former leader, who had become so appetizing with the aroma of the most exquisite delicacy for mice.
  This turned out to be a surprise.
  Margarita noted:
  - Your abilities are growing every hour! And this, I must say, is extremely cool !
  Dominica nodded her golden head:
  - I can do a lot! And this is my great credo! And if I get started, then nothing will stop me.
  And the girl took it and hit another squad with magic lightning. And additional transformations took place.
  Several dozen rats became large, striped watermelons that looked very appetizing.
  The warrior children sang in chorus:
  Melons, watermelons, wheat buns,
  A generous, prosperous land...
  And sits on the throne in Elfiburg -
  Father King Oenomai!
  And so the children-warriors finally fought with the rats, and let"s chop them down without interruption. And the warriors swing their swords energetically . And the girls began to shoot from bows. Some of them were elves, and they were very skilled in shooting. This really was a real fight.
  And several more rat squads go into battle. They flow like a deep river.
  Dominica noted:
  - When we talk about something bad and evil, there is a feeling that there is no limit!
  Margarita sang with a smile, which, however , was sad:
  Warriors of darkness are truly strong,
  Evil rules the world without knowing the number...
  But you are the sons of Satan,
  Do not break the power of Christ!
  Dobrynya, jumping from the dragon, began to chop down the rats. He did this with two swords at once, and because of the boy"s rapid movements, it seemed as if a coffee grinder was working. This is where extermination began.
  Oenomaus also joined the battle. The boy grabbed one rat by the tail with his toes and threw it at the other, breaking bones. Then he sang:
  - My great strength is great,
  And I will never surrender to my enemies...
  From the blow of the boy's fist,
  The evil rat will fly to shame!
  Indeed, the boy prince shows himself to be a very tough fighter in battle.
  Dobrynya is also powerful, muscular, although he used boyish legs and, not forgetting about swords . And he began to show an outstanding level of abuse. How tough and bloody it all was.
  The boy turned out to be very aggressive and combative, as were the other fighters of the young army.
  And the boy"s bare heel pierces the rats" skulls right through.
  This is killer and, at the same time, there is a smile on the boy"s lips .
  Dominica uses her magical power for the next transformations. And he is extremely active.
  The warrior jumps up and spins around. And now a stream of energy flies from her magic wand again. And hits the orc.
  A shaggy, brown bear immediately turns into a chocolate marshmallow. How great is this ?
  Margarita asked with a smile:
  -Can you make halva?
  Dominica nodded her golden head:
  - Of course I can! And it will be wonderful!
  And the girl released magical charges both from her hands and from her bare toes. Flames hit the squad of orcs. And a whole river of honey flowed... The honey was yellow-orange and splashed like a surf.
  Margarita answered with a chuckle:
  - You know, this is not quite what you need!
  Dominica nodded in agreement.
  - True, not quite halva, but also quite sweet!
  The partisan girl noted:
  - Halva was a rarity before the war. But they ate honey even during the occupation.
  kicked again , this time at the rats, and sang:
  The best gift, of course, is honey,
  The boy, of course, will understand this...
  Even a little bit - a teaspoon,
  This is already good, well, let alone a whole pot!
  Margarita also kicked, first with a magic wand, and then with her bare toes, continuing:
  But honey, this is a very strange thing,
  Every thing either exists or does not...
  But honey, I just don"t understand what the secret is,
  If it exists, then it is immediately gone!
  But if you eat it, then there will be no more troubles!
  Dominica took it and spun around on the dragon. Her smile became so sinister, and at the same time, joyful. The girl felt colossal strength within herself. And then a wave came out of her magic wand. And at once a couple of thousand rats turned into delicious chops in sauce. And one more wave of the magic wand, and the rats turned into fish dishes.
  Moreover, their side dish was luxurious, with bananas, pineapples, and other very delicious fruits. And everything is so amazingly tasty and wonderful.
  Dominica sang:
  The side dishes are wonderful
  The girls are charming...
  And four luminaries shine,
  Punch the orc in the snout!
  Margarita wittily noted:
  - A good cook makes chops from orcs and rats, and edible ones at that!
  The boy Dobrynya took and threw a heavy cobblestone at the goblin"s forehead. He pierced his skull right through and sang:
  -If you're such a freak ,
  I'll kick you...
  Well, what if you're a blockhead,
  Then an active plan is ready!
  . CHAPTER No. 11.
  Dominika Dolfinova's brother changed his name. And now he called himself very cool - Caligula. Either in honor of the infamous emperor, or imitating the name of one of the donkeys in the cartoon about Dunno.
  And now the fighting boy Caligula Dolphins decided that he needed to go in search of his sister. But where to look for her missing person?
  And the boy turned to one famous book on magic. He, of course, did not trust all sorts of psychics and sorcerers.
  But why not try to go into trance yourself. Moreover, his father is not human, and he may have his own magical abilities, and of a completely extraordinary level.
  The boy Caligula took the Dolphins and sat down on the sofa in the lotus position. And tried to concentrate. The young film actor crossed his legs and straightened his back. And so the boy plunged into something completely crazy and colorful, trying to find Dominica.
  The magnificence of the theatrical performance is difficult to describe. When, in particular, elves, orcs, goblins fought... A costume show with many girls of all nationalities and varying degrees of nudity. The spectacle is beautiful and impressive in its originality, especially when the girls splash their bare feet either on the hot sand or on the snowdrifts.
  They attack by striking with swords and spears at the armor of various forms of tanks. And the metal monsters respond with jets of hot flamethrowers. The temperature of the flame is low and the girls, screaming, are only slightly burned, and scream heart-rendingly. And the orcs roar even louder, and their foreheads bang , bang, bang - multi-colored confetti crumbles from the blows.
  And decorated biplanes rush from above, leaving behind garlands of fancy trains with various cascades of beauty.
  The craziest thing, and this can even blow the roof off its hinges, is that the fantasy world is mixed with real, historical figures, albeit from the distant past.
  Stalin, on this occasion, unexpectedly, abandoning unnecessary secrecy, remarked:
  - The Luftwaffe has reached the most advanced heights in aviation. Even if not
  If you count discos , the TA-700 bomber, capable of carrying up to fifty tons of bombs, made a serious impression.
  Hitler quipped:
  - But the " Super Monster " with a 3200-mm caliber gun, two hundred tons of rocket charges, is still an unsurpassed work of military art.
  Stalin then proposed a toast:
  - So let"s drink to the fact that the mouth requires any art except military art!
  The great leader of all times and peoples savored with pleasure the wine sealed before the birth of Jesus Christ, and the world Fuhrer drank juice from ninety-ten fruits. Both dictators looked at how the trail of a rocket flying upward clearly cut across the sky on the monitor. How to hear the cheerful voice of a Russian girl:
  - The entry into orbit was successful.
  And thunderous applause from all the stands - it"s done! Man is finally in space, and this was done by representatives of the greatest races on Earth - the Russians and the Germans.
  The entire sky from horizon to horizon was painted with flashes of thousands of fireworks of all colors of the rainbow and millions of shades, when, it seemed, a fabulous napalm spread across the ink of the night space. At the same time , individual blazing supernovae turned into clear inscriptions - slogans. Like: "Motherland and Space", "Forward to the Stars", "Union of the Peoples of the Earth"!
  This is truly some kind of madness. It was as if a super-cosmic and fantastic performance arose. Some kind of alternative history, where there was no war between the Third Reich and the USSR, and it turned out to be very cool . But now this doesn"t look very good, to put it mildly.
  He must find his older sister. And this is the main task of the boy, who had already starred in a series of films, and was very handsome and muscular, with tile-like muscle relief.
  And the new name Caligula should have attracted a lot of attention.
  The boy continued his meditation. And suddenly I saw a girl, beautiful as an angel, and with curly hair the color of gold leaf. She extended her hand to the boy and said with a smile:
  - We have a number of important missions to complete with you!
  The boy Caligula asked with a smile:
  - And then I can find my sister, who disappeared somewhere unknown?
  The girl shook her golden hair and answered confidently:
  - Yes, it's possible. But your sister is now fulfilling a difficult messiah - to save all representatives of the stronger sex, over whom the threat of destruction hangs. And it's so difficult.
  Caligula Dolphins asked:
  - What"s your name, and who are you?
  The girl answered with a sweet smile:
  - I am Margarita Korshunova, a partisan girl hanged by the Nazis, and now resurrected in a new world. And this is my destiny, to serve goodness and save people.
  The boy actor nodded:
  - I understand you very much. So, are we in for some fun missions? Kind of like in the movies, but for real?
  Margarita nodded:
  - Yes, as if for real! But we have such opportunities that we shouldn"t be afraid.
  Caligula of the Dolphins and the pioneer partisan Margarita did not have time to discuss and accept the fabulous spectacle, and really entered the new world, and in a state of combat trance!
  Margarita noted:
  - We now have a whole army. And you understand what responsibility you and I have!
  Caligula answered confidently:
  - Of course I understand! And I hope to turn out to be a worthy commander.
  And the boy twirled his sharp sword.
  We quickly had a snack and rushed to build troops. They should have gone to Italy as soon as possible and set the feathers of the papacy on fire.
  The army set out from Vienna to the beat of drums and the playing of large trumpets. The infantry had not yet had time to approach and the cavalry was scurrying around. Many horsemen from various countries that entered the Tsarist Russian Empire. This made it possible to trample the foothills with tens of thousands of hooves. Dashing Cossacks and light Tatar cavalry rush forward. Next move richly decorated detachments of the Polish gentry. Well, the elegant gentlemen looked like they were gathered for a royal parade. Moreover, everyone wants to outdo the other in the splendor of their attire, from helmet to harness. There are also Teutonic knights in armor. The armor is polished to a shine, gilded or silver. There are also Swedes with a special uniform, and Finns. Mounted Janissaries and Spagi, Arab cavalry.
  And many banners and flagpoles of peoples from the equator to the Arctic Ocean. And how many trophies ... These are the conquered powers.
  And here come the Austrians , and with them the Germans. We volunteered for the hike. Also, the idea of plundering Italy is a great temptation. Nature is generous there and there is a lot of money! Like other good things that can be collected with shovels.
  Caligula the Tomboy sang:
  Our army is strong
  She protects the world...
  Well, what if there is a war,
  It's not on our side!
  And the boy stamped his bare foot in the puddle. Of course, he was wearing only shorts, since he was moving so quickly in a state of combat trance that his clothes would only get in the way and would tear.
  Margarita asked her friend and fellow annihilator:
  - Or maybe you"ll actually sing? Moreover, it"s exactly yours!
  The boy actor nodded with a smile that was like a wolf cub:
  - What do you think, I can"t?
  And Caligula of the Dolphins began to sing;
  Oh, this world, you are so sad,
  Just a sea of tears - an ocean...
  Where is the midday astral path of the soul,
  The dead howl dreamed of getting to Eden!
  It contains the ice of hearts, frozen crusts,
  And the burning heat of envious passions.
  How callous, who is even young in flesh,
  The sad nightingale plays in mourning!
  Like the mucus of a woodlice, the spirit of routine,
  And the decay of the grave from worries.
  But we can if we are united
  Get the people out of the quagmire!
  Dispel the meanness of the universe,
  Erase curses is a terrible sign ..
  We cannot bear the reins of suffering,
  Let the Devil turn to dust!
  The planet will quickly throw off its chains,
  However, it will not leave orbit.
  TO Let's treat each other honestly
  Then the people will rise!
  You can rise without fear,
  Don't push other people...
  So that the bastard does not swim with fat,
  So that our mother does not grow old!
  We'll drink a little for that,
  Wine that is sweeter than bees' honey!
  Let there be troubles in reality ,
  But the hour of reckoning has not come!
  Then we will build a heavenly paradise,
  All children will enjoy forever.
  We fly like an arrow into heavenly flight,
  A bright dream come true!
  The song ended and, with it, the fighting couple moved from the landscape of the Italian Alps to ...
  Shells were exploding, and much more modern guns were firing. Here it is Port Arthur, the legendary city. It was his fall that marked the decline of the Romanov dynasty and the entire Autocracy as a whole. If this fortress had stood, there would not have been such a large-scale revolution. At most they would make a little noise and lay down their hammers and sickles. But it was the defeat here that led to the chain of events that caused the Great October Revolution.
  Is this good or bad? The event is expensive. Millions of victims and emigrants, but later, the country significantly accelerated its development.
  Even if at a very high cost, the population of Russia decreased by one hundred million people.
  As they say, bloodletting cured the patient.
  But now there is a chance, having recaptured Port Arthur, to turn back history and follow a unique line. When, for example, the Romanovs retain power, and even in the autocratic version. This is, of course, science fiction, but interesting. So, really, what awaits Russia if the version of tsarism is preserved?? Stagnation, or vice versa, victory?? Will the system of absolute monarchy become more effective than Western democracies? The latter has already become fashionable. Indeed, relations between twenty-first century Russia and the West have deteriorated significantly. After which, it became fashionable to look for ways alternative to Western parliamentarism. The concept appeared: managed democracy. This is when formally there are free elections, but in reality their results are predetermined in advance. But this form of government is unstable, and the party in power, in order to maintain its position, is already curtailing democracy through legislation. And then everything goes towards dictatorship, the opposition already loses representation in parliament.
  And then the mechanism of repression and terror is launched, or, on the contrary, a revolution occurs, either from above, as under Gorbachev, or from below, which also happened more than once.
  In Russia during the Autocracy, everything is simpler. The king has absolute power: to execute, to pardon, to command. He has the highest judicial, executive and legislative powers. There is a State Council of persons appointed by the monarch, who only advise him, and there are officials who carry out the will of the king.
  The State Duma limited the monarchy of absolutism, depriving the emperor of the right to make laws, and, in part, taking control of the budget. But most importantly, it was the Duma that became a breeding ground and viper for various conspiracies. This is its negative!
  In any case, even the partisan girl was not against helping the king. Margarita asked Caligula the bully:
  - So the choice is clear, let's attack!
  Terminator boy replied:
  - There is no other choice! Of course we attack!
  And the cutting chaos began. Having accelerated with the help of magical abilities at six hundred kilometers per hour, the cherub boys, almost not paying attention to the explosions of shells and machine-gun shots, burst into the ranks of the enemy. Fortunately, the weather was also unlucky, rain and darkness. Kuropatkin has not yet sent people on the offensive. And he carried out artillery preparation. Contrary to popular belief, the general and former defense minister was no fool. Kuropatkin tried to take care of the soldiers and fight scientifically. This was what let him down. Indecision, slowness, the desire to strike for sure, action according to a template - deprived the success of the battle with the brave Japanese. Therefore, there was no need to expect Suvorov"s daring attacks to capture Port Arthur on the move. Alas, Kuropatkin won only because after the death of Nogi"s corps, the Japanese, also without changing formation , climbed ahead, attacking head-on. And as a result, they knocked out their ranks and rolled back.
  But now Kuropatkin has both captured shells and his own.
  This means that you can conduct artillery shelling even for several days, calculating what if the Japanese break down. And this despite the fact that Emperor Nicholas gave a categorical order to immediately storm the fortress and end the war, which was ruinous for the treasury.
  Here, of course, Kuropatkin is between a rock and a hard place. But Port Arthur is a powerful fortress, and now that the Japanese have settled in it - try it, take it!
  But Margarita and Caligula of the Dolphins, chopping with swords and throwing their bare toes with their children"s legs, but as nimble as propeller blades, moved along the bastions, clearing them of soldiers. First of all, you need to know the dominant heights and then it will be possible to open the way for the assaulting troops.
  While chopping samurai, Margarita wittily remarked:
  - Usually they fight for the sake of progress, but we, it turns out, seem to be fighting for the sake of regression!
  Caligula the boy grinned:
  - Do you mean that the recapture of this fortress will strengthen the position of the Autocracy?
  And he carried out a whole series of techniques with swords. This is how his swords were carried.
  And the boy"s bare feet dealt blows that broke heads, necks, and bones.
  Margarita, licking the blood from her lips that scattered abundantly from her swift blows with her hands and feet, confirmed:
  - At least even like that! After all, it is clear that a monarch who wins wars becomes popular. At least for a while. Then the victory is forgotten, and the average person, or common people, is drawn into a banal work routine. - The partisan girl with one kick , having knocked down six Japanese at once, and two were pierced by their own bayonet from a strong push, she added. - Maybe this is just a temporary reprieve!
  And again she moved her bare heel, defeating five warriors of the land of the rising sun, including three officers.
  A barefoot boy in shorts, chopping the Japanese like cabbage, Caligula logically remarked:
  - After the victory, rapid economic growth will begin in Russia. This means that people will live better, and revolutionary sentiments will decline.
  The young warrior kicked the cannon in such a way that a dozen samurai soldiers flew upside down . Terminator boy added. - People usually riot because of hunger!
  Margarita, spitting out a bone from a severed skull from her mouth, the spit hitting three Japanese soldiers, only partly agreed:
  - Actually this is not true! Yes, revolutions and riots are usually spurred on by a worsening economic situation, but ... After all, the Decembrists did not go to action because of their own poverty.
  The warrior boy Caligula, having performed a butterfly move and cut off a dozen Japanese heads, then agreed:
  - That's right, not because of poverty! - The young warrior cut down a whole handful of gunners and added. - It is not always useful to think with your stomach!
  Margarita corrected, continuing to brutally chop, so that the limbs of the Japanese scattered:
  - More precisely, thinking with your stomach is never useful!
  Caligula the tomboy here agreed, chopping up the samurai and throwing their helmeted heads in different directions, and with great eagerness:
  - You are one hundred percent right! There is nothing to object!
  A warrior and a real pioneer partisan, and moreover, the most serene princess, having received this title for her services in one of the magical worlds, growled:
  - And we will remove the fat from ourselves! So be it - banzai !
  Without pity or stopping, Caligula, chopping with swords and breaking Japanese with his feet , even sang:
  It was not in vain that I was sent to Rus',
  Bring you grace!
  In short! In short!
  In short - keep quiet!
  And after such words the blood flowed even more violently. Of course, it's a pity for the Japanese. The nation is hardworking and admirable, but it has fallen under the millstone and is now grinding to a halt. Just what will happen - flour or flour, a question of questions!
  The barefoot partisan girl Margarita, delivering dozens of blows in a second and dashingly climbing, scattering crumpled corpses, onto the next bastion, declared, moving her foot to the next samurai in the jaw, and with a surprisingly apt aphorism:
  -War is a base thing, committed with lofty thoughts!
  Caligula, the boy actor who moved even a little faster than his girlfriend and from whose naked torso with tiles of muscles, the rain washed away blood and bone fragments, continued:
  - War exhausts the body, but encourages the spirit!
  Margarita created a cascade of somersaults, cutting through the Japanese, and sang a phrase from a hit song of the seventies of the twentieth century:
  - Cheerfulness, grace and plasticity! General , strengthening, vigorously encouraging, get out of bed and do gymnastics!
  Caligula Dolphins, with a blow from his muscular leg to the groin, forced the Japanese colonel to fly through the air and immediately knock down two machine guns standing on the tower. Mechanical monsters spitting lead, by inertia, falling, beat their own , mowing down the ranks. The Terminator boy bowed:
  - Sorry, narrow-eyed , but I wanted to be first! And not only did I want to, but I will!
  Margarita, knocking down another tower with machine guns made in the USA with her bare foot while jumping, logically remarked:
  - It"s not bad to be first, to be sure, but they shouldn"t cook the balls from behind!
  The boy-actor Caligula, throwing a projectile with his bare fingers, the high-explosive shimosa exploded, scattering the samurai, said:
  - The one who boils the balls night and day will not allow himself to be eaten alive!
  Margarita giggled and jumped and slammed her bare foot into the metal of the machine gun tower. The stainless steel springs back, and the Japanese officers fly upside down, their booted limbs flailing. Really, they looked like insects.
  Margarita spoke out here too:
  - A tramp can even put on a "boot" with a heel!
  Caligula the hooligan, also knocking out a gun in a jump and causing everyone to fly away, remarked:
  - "Boots" don"t put shoes on someone who doesn"t have the brains to polish shoes!
  Margarita responded by turning around again and cutting down an entire platoon of Japanese. The Terminator girl shone here too:
  - Oddly enough, there are a lot of honest people at the top, but there are few among them who can do without deceitful cunning in their career growth!
  Caligula spun like a wound up top, knocking down and cutting down the Japanese, and reasonably assured:
  - A politician plays fair as often as a miner goes down into a mine in a white coat, and the motive is the same: to extract subsidies to wash a tarnished reputation!
  Margarita responded to this, shaking blood from her hair:
  -A politician, he is a liar in life and a hypocrite in deeds, but death is fair even with this rogue!
  The Terminator boy smashed a Japanese gun, breaking the bones of two dozen soldiers of the Empire of the Rising Sun, and responded:
  - Death is honest in that it always comes, but it is arbitrary in choosing the time of its visit!
  Port Arthur is a large city, and it has many defensive lines. So, unfortunately and fortunately, the fighters have enough time to fight.
  The boy fighter Caligula, chopping the fighters with swords, even throwing a pea of annihilation with his bare foot, tearing apart the samurai, sang:
  - How I didn"t try, how I didn"t strive! It doesn"t matter if someone was there to fight!
  Margarita, cutting off another brood of soldiers who were dying under the blows of a partisan girl who flashed like lightning, remarked:
  - And to some extent, we ourselves are asking for a fight. After all, admit it, Caligula, did you want to go to Port Arthur?
  The young terminator said honestly:
  - Naturally! This was my most passionate desire.
  Margarita, the partisan girl, again cutting off the Japanese like a razor blade, giggled:
  - Well, yes! Save Russia from the most offensive defeat in the entire thousand-year history of our country"s wars!
  Boy Caligula cut down two dozen Japanese with a couple of swings, corrected his partner:
  - The most offensive defeat, perhaps, was during the first war with Chechnya.
  Margarita nodded in agreement to this, even speeding up the chopping process:
  - Undoubtedly! The opponent we lost to is too weak! There was so much of that Chechnya, and even half of them fought for us.
  Caligula the tomboy chuckled, trying to get ahead of his partner in the process of extermination:
  - How Moska barks at an elephant!
  Margarita sensibly remarked on this, again shaking off bone and bloody crumbs from her hair the color of snow with a scattering of gold, continuing to exterminate the brave Japanese who did not want to surrender, with increasing intensity, with hands and feet:
  - When the army and the people do not want to fight, then such miracles occur. And in the first Chechen war, and in the Russian-Japanese war.
  Caligula of the Dolphins is forced, while exterminating the samurai, to agree:
  - You're right! The people of Russia, unfortunately, do not want to fight the Japanese. - And the young fighter, leaving an entire samurai company with their heads cut off, added:
  - But in our person a miraculous factor has appeared, which will allow us to win the unpopular war. It"s even symbolic that in a war without a king in the head, cherubim help!
  Margarita, spitting blood from her lips and throwing poisonous needles with her bare soles, piercing the Japanese to death, remarked:
  - And yet a third intervention on our part is necessary!
  Caligula the boy, having left another row of corpses cut into fragments, without particularly doubting it, nevertheless asked:
  -Are you sure about this?
  The young warrior, completing the extermination of the Japanese in Port Arthur, confirmed with a sigh:
  - At sea, Togo is too strong. And what kind of commander, or more precisely naval commander Rozhdestvensky, is unfortunately all too well known. Children are probably even better at nautical strategies!
  Caligula, who slashes the samurai without mercy, is forced to agree with the obvious :
  - Of course, with such a person as Rozhdestvensky, even having received seven additional battle cruisers built in Argentina, and having repaired the ships of the first Pacific squadron raised from the bottom, one cannot count on victory. Especially if you remember that fifty-one Russian ships fought in Tsushima, and only one Japanese destroyer was sunk!
  Margarita, in excitement, broke the barrel of the gun, and with another swing of the sword of four Japanese, and with a sharp needle of three more, added:
  - And it"s also significant that the brave admiral"s squadron may well be intercepted before arriving at the base by the elusive and carnivorous Togo . In this regard, the position of the Rozhdestvensky fleet is extremely difficult.
  Caligula the tomboy, launching with his legs as nimble as a monkey"s, another shell that killed the Japanese like a landmine, quipped:
  Like a Swede near Poltava,
  Rozhdestvensky got into trouble...
  He looks brave
  In fact, it's the opposite!
  The partisan girl, continuing to shred the enemy with redoubled force, and leaving a mass of corpses, logically and with calculation, noted:
  - If you don"t defeat Japan at sea, then the stubborn samurai will fight for a long time, and the treasury of the Russian crown is already empty, and the people are on edge. We need to quickly end the battle with a resounding victory. Otherwise, there will be a revolution and the emergence of a possibly unnecessary and even harmful parliament for Russia!
  Caligula, the actor-boy, elbowed the Japanese general and made him fly into the heights, and at the same time knocked down three masked guys unsuccessfully trying to deploy a primitive bomb launcher. Terminator boy said:
  - If there is enough time, where will they go?
  Margarita, chopping the Japanese into splinters and a bloody mess, noted with noticeable alarm:
  - There's a problem here. Now we are moving like this from fort to fort. What about the sea?
  Tomboy Caligula chuckled and released a spark from his eyes that hit the ammunition depot. There was an explosion that threw an entire battalion of Japanese soldiers into the air.
  The boy actor shouted over the roar:
  - Nothing special! With our data, we swim well, we won"t drown with swords. He will swim from battleship to battleship, clearing the decks!
  Margarita, whose swords, like a sharp razor, cut off numerous, brave, but senselessly dying soldiers, smiled in response with even more brightly sharp teeth:
  - You are definitely a giant of thought!
  Caligula of the Dolphins, slashing at the Japanese as if it were a computer game, answered honestly:
  - If we take the speed of thinking, then we, in fact, have no equal !
  The Terminator girl agreed with this, and to be convincing, she walked through an entire battalion of samurai.
  And she left behind a bloody trail with traces of the girl"s bare, chiseled feet.
  At the same time she stated:
  - And the speed of the bodies, which is much more significant!
  Together, and rushing at such speed, you need to be able to maintain balance and not fall over. Caligula the hooligan more or less succeeds. In general, speaking theoretically, an autocracy without a constitution should not exist in Russia forever. The example of Western countries with their parliaments is too contagious. Not to mention the fact that the oligarchs want to exercise their power not only in the economic, but also in the political aspect. For now they are more or less friendly with the autocracy, and a likely victory in the Pacific Ocean and the subsequent expansion into China will strengthen this friendship for a long time. By the way, the Russian-Japanese war is also very important from a long-term perspective. The creation of Yellow Russia and the inclusion of not only Manchuria, but also other Chinese regions, could lead to the final division of the Celestial Empire. This means that the mighty Chinese colossus in the twenty-first century, which claims to be a Superpower and global hegemony, will not be able to exist as a state.
  And most likely, without the October Revolution, the collapse of the global colonial system will not occur. The world will be more rational and safer than in the twenty-first century, when there are more than two hundred states on a small planet. Instead, several empires will arise, perhaps even the Russian one will become the most powerful, or at least the most extensive.
  It is not so difficult to foresee what will happen in the event of a victory over Japan. Most likely , Germany, for which the Russian army will become a great authority, will not risk declaring war on Russia. But perhaps he will want a war on one front, hitting Belgium and France.
  However, Tsar Nicholas is such that he may well attack , as happened in real history, to the rear. Well, at least so that the aggressive Germans could not become too strong.
  Then the First World War again. Russia may have Chinese divisions and a powerful Pacific Fleet at the front, which will be a plus, but ... In real history, Japan fought on the side of the Entente, in the same alternative, the Land of the Rising Sun may show a desire for revenge. And then we will get a second front in the east. And this is not very great .
  In addition, one cannot expect a significant strengthening of the Russian army, compared to Real History. Although, of course, a rapid economic recovery could begin earlier, not in 1909, but in 1906, and be even steeper. After all, Russia"s victory could strengthen the faith of both foreign and domestic investors in the ruling regime, and the influx of capital would be greater than in reality.
  This in turn will increase funding for the army. Unless, of course, the tsarist government turns out to be too self-confident. When, in particular, it seems that we will defeat everyone and roll them into asphalt. In principle, the outcome of the First World War, in this case, is not at all obvious. And maybe then, in order for everything to be resolved well, we will have to intervene a fourth time.
  Although the possibility that there will be no First World War at all is not excluded in principle. In this case ... It is already difficult to say how further events will develop. How long will Tsar Nicholas II rule, and who will succeed him? Tsarevich Alexei is in doubt; he may not live to adulthood. Brother Mikhail and his children? Both this and other options are possible.
  How long can Nicholas II live? There were no long-livers among the Romanovs, but, in general, a tsar who drank little and did not smoke could live quite a long time. And although he was credited with gentleness and kindness of heart, he was not a liberal. So it is unlikely that the emperor will grant a constitution without extreme pressure. However, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable. Everything can happen the way least expected. And the wolf turns into a lamb, and the lamb into a wolf!
  And now they are outwardly such beautiful and cute children - a boy and a girl, of a rather tender age, clearing fort after fort and bastion after bastion. Here, for example, is the main mountain with the simple name Vysoka. From here you can see the entire harbor with the Russian ships of the first Pacific squadron being repaired, as well as other squares and approaches to the city.
  Margarita, confidently chopping down numerous and bleeding Japanese, commands:
  - Well, shall we clean it up too?
  The boy fighter Caligula, finishing off the last samurai with his swords, answered sarcastically:
  - Of course, we will clean and re-clean!
  And the couple rushed to the heights at the speed of a fighter jet. We have to hurry. In the month of March, the nights are not so long, and during the day, even with their speed, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid hits from numerous muskets, that is, rifles and, most importantly, machine guns.
  It's good that there are no automatic machines. And somehow calmer. The rising sun is in no hurry to dispel the darkness from the rain and the milky fog that fills everything.
  It"s frosty in the morning, and the ice crust crunches under the calloused feet of the Terminator guys, who, even if they wanted to, wouldn"t put on their shoes - they would tear. And their legs are also weapons no worse than the most agile hands. The crust of ice crunches, but does not interfere at all with flying up to the top and continuing the destruction there, including the service of the eleven-inch guns.
  What's the use of such trunks? But you can"t hit targets like them with big guns, but it"s very easy to clean out the guards. Margarita, having thrown a dozen Japanese into the abyss with one turntable, they howled terribly as they fell, said:
  - So the showdown is going on in a cool way ...
  The terminator boy Caligula chuckled, threw a dozen brave Japanese warriors into the abyss and remarked with relish:
  - It"s even getting boring...
  Margarita waved it off, throwing her severed head in an arc at her partner:
  - It's okay. It's even more effective. Or would you like a duel with sorcerers?
  superpowers he now had, chewed iron beans like a snake and answered:
  - I wouldn"t refuse , but in the twentieth century there is little chance of stumbling upon them !
  Margarita, chopping down another dozen Japanese for torn meat, giggled:
  - But look, ninja!
  Indeed, two dozen masked fighters in black robes rushed to attack the warrior. And they are armed with swords, two in each hand. For humans, ninjas moved well. One could feel the extraordinary preparation and savage training from early childhood. But in reality, what can be opposed to cherubs? The difference in speed between immortals, children pumped up with the help of magic, and humans is too great. And ninjas, although well-trained fighters, are still people.
  Margarita cut down two of them at once with a swift windmill, and so charged the third with her bare, girlish, elegant, but deadly foot in the groin that he flew more than fifty meters up and tore the flagpole from the tower. Margarita fought off the stars thrown at her and, continuing to move, cut down three more, and killed the fourth by throwing three daggers with her toes. The ninja got away from two, but the third, flying along a broken trajectory, landed right in the heart.
  The tomboyish Caligula also entered the fray. He cut the purple-rimmed ninja in half and unleashed an even faster attack that knocked off the heads of the masked men trying to attack his pairs.
  The black invisible men did not give up, but they were too slow in speed compared to the boy and cherub girl who attacked them. They didn't have a chance at all.
  Margarita, in the irresistible movement of a swift ghost, even sang:
  - You will soon forget me, you will go to Sheol like wet rain! Other angels serve us, and you will go into the coffin with Dracula!
  The ninja fell, cut to pieces, splashing blood like ripe watermelons under the cleaver. And they did not stop attacking. But ... All twenty-three great fighters fell in battle. After which, the magnificent couple switched to finishing off the surviving servants at the guns...
  The fog had already begun to dissipate, and the Sun began to shine stronger. And the brave warriors moved to another line of defense. The assault had not yet begun, and we had to fight ourselves. However, the fighters did not yet feel seriously tired, but simply wanted to eat. Well, we started eating raw horse meat again. Well, there are not people, after all.
  Terminator boy Caligula, throwing a needle with his bare foot, piercing several Japanese with it, spoke out:
  - The hardest slavery is to be a slave of the stomach - the master is merciless, regardless of emptiness or fullness!
  Margarita agreed with this, continuing to chop down the samurai who were still crawling, like countless locusts, who were percolating in waves. Among the Japanese there were very young guys, about sixteen or seventeen years old, and it was so unpleasant to kill them. Apparently the authorities of the Land of the Rising Sun have scraped up all their reserves for warfare. But Kuropatkin, whom everyone spat on and spat on, still took care of the soldiers, and lost much less than the Japanese. And for this he should be given credit. And gradually the Japanese units fought out better, and fresh, well-trained forces arrived from the European part of Russia. Including guards regiments.
  The partisan girl thought that something similar happened in the Second World War. The formidable Germans advanced and achieved success until their elite units were completely, or almost completely, knocked out. After which, they were unable to contain the Red Army.
  True, it must be said that the personnel units of the Red Army were also knocked out. And this, indeed, turned out to be a problem.
  Margarita rushed into battle with the words:
  - God will not give you up, the pig will not eat you, and the evil dragons will be under arrest!
  . CHAPTER No. 12.
  Dominica returned to the Dragon Academy only for a while. She again quickly learned several dozen spells, and some complex words.
  Then three girls: an elf, a hobbit and a female troll, played with her in throwing magic stones higher.
  Dominica beat them. And the stones themselves glowed very brightly and shimmered, like drops of dew in the rays of the four luminaries.
  After which, the girl sorceresses gave her two rings with stones from each foot, so that the warrior could strengthen her spells for the sake of a great goal: saving the stronger sex.
  Now almost all the toes of the actress girl"s bare feet, except the little finger, had magic rings. And she became even more powerful in magic than she was before. This is, in fact, a girl capable of destroying a city and building a palace.
  And so she quickly learned a hundred more spells, and instead of resting, she sat down on the fur rug. She plunged into the lotus position, and almost immediately her mental essence and soul, and her body double, found themselves in a parallel universe, along with a fighting team, albeit outwardly young.
  An army of children, led by a quartet of fighters, continued to fight hordes of rats in the country of the evil sorceress Bastinda.
  The first groups of carnivorous rodents were killed or experienced transformations.
  Then the fields appeared where the unfortunate child slaves worked. They were watched by large rat overseers the size of decent boars. They held whips in their paws and whipped half-naked boys and girls.
  Dominica was indignant:
  - How bad it is when children suffer!
  And in anger she fired several lightning bolts at once at the rats, and they turned into large, chocolate-covered grannies.
  The child slaves squealed in surprise, and then rushed to such an appetizing and fragrant-smelling food. And let's tear pieces off of it.
  Dominica waved her magic wand again, and again made transformations, turning the vile rats into delicious dishes, cooing:
  Children, these are the stars in the sky,
  Flowers are growing in the meadows...
  There will be joy on the planet,
  Beautiful dreams will blossom!
  Margarita, who was also involved in transformations, logically noted:
  - You have great inner warmth and kindness!
  Suddenly, like a jack-in-the-box, a huge dinosaur-like rat appeared. She opened her mouth and screamed something deafening.
  Both girls are sorceresses, how they will release lightning and pulsars at her, and from magic wands, and from rings on their bare feet. And the connected stream of energy hit a huge monster, twenty-five meters tall. He collapsed, and immediately turned around to see the many different, rich and varied dishes on the long table. And here, among other things, there were golden wine glasses with a wide variety of ice cream.
  Slave children began to quit work all around the perimeter and attack the hated rats, and chop them with sickles, hoes, and other agricultural objects.
  And there was so much rage in them. The rebel boys even began to sing enthusiastically;
  Whoever is in the darkness of slavery, take the sword in your hands,
  And don"t tolerate humiliated shame...
  Your enemy will not build a foundation on blood,
  You will pass an unhappy sentence on him!
  The boy is beaten by an evil whip,
  An executioner is tormenting him with an evil rat...
  But the evil tormentor will turn into a corpse,
  Don't hear any more girls crying!
  Don't be a slave, humiliated in the dust,
  Raise your head quickly...
  And there will be elfinism in the distance,
  I love Solntsus and Spartak!
  May there be a bright world in the universe,
  In which happiness will last forever for people...
  And the children will have a merry feast there,
  That kingdom is not of blood, of fists!
  There will be, we believe, paradise in the entire universe,
  We will master the space...
  About this, warrior boy, dare,
  So that there is no nightmare and evil shame here!
  Yes, we are slaves, groaning in chains under oppression,
  And a burning whip whips us in the ribs...
  But I believe that we will kill all the orc-rats,
  Because the leader of the rebels is very cool!
  At this hour the boys have all rebelled,
  The girls are also with them for the same thing ...
  And I believe that they will give solcenism,
  We will throw off the hated yoke!
  Then, you know, the horn of victory will sound,
  And the children will flourish in glory...
  Changes await us in happiness,
  Exams, passing everything with perfect marks!
  We will achieve such a miracle, I believe,
  That there will be a real paradise of light...
  At least somewhere a witch is a vile Judas,
  What drives the boys into the barn!
  There is no place for us slaves in the underworld,
  We can drive the devils out of the cracks...
  In the name of paradise, which is holy of the Lord,
  For all free joyful people!
  May there be peace throughout the sublunary world,
  May there be happiness and sacred sunshine ...
  We shoot at enemies like in a shooting gallery,
  So that only up and not a second down!
  Yes, believe me, our power will not dry up,
  She will be the path of heaven to the universe...
  And the army of the rebels will bark loudly ,
  To drown the hostile rats!
  This is how joyful, happy,
  The grass grows like roses all around...
  Our boys team
  The look is definitely that of a mountain eagle!
  Victory will be certain,
  Let's build, I believe, honestly we are Eden...
  All the happiness, joy on any planet,
  And you are not a redneck , but a respectable sir!
  This is, indeed, the anthem of the awakened slaves who crush rats and orcs.
  Meanwhile, Dominica and Margarita on dragons, ahead of the army, fly up to the castle.
  Two sorceresses, swift and sparkling with magic wands and rings with talismans on their bare feet. With which they carry out fabulous transformations. And there"s nothing wrong with the fact that now other, more dangerous winged rats are trying to attack them.
  Rodent aviation is no joke. But the girls hit them with their magical powers and cast spells. And instead of monsters, cotton candy appears. So sweet and fragrant.
  In addition, some of the winged monkeys turn into strawberries. Which is so ripe and shimmers with rubies and topaz.
  And some more monkeys with wings became balloons.
  Oenomai and Dobrynya also entered the battle on dragons. They began to cut down their counterparts with swords, which is relatively simple and straightforward. Well, and the dragons themselves, when they take it and blaze with fire. And they will scorch the winged ones without any regrets or doubts.
  Oenomaus noted, cutting down the enemy:
  - This, you see, will be very funny and cool!
  Dobrynya noted with a smile:
  - Yes, this cannot be put into words!
  And the hero boy launched a very sharp and lethal needle at the enemy. It hit the rat right in the eye, and it collided with another rodent. This is where the chaos started.
  Oenomaus sang:
  Rats are very cool
  They can even gnaw an oak...
  Your brain is hard to see,
  And the convolutions are like a thread!
  Dobrynya agreed with this:
  - Yes, rats gnaw all sorts of nasty things!
  Margarita winked. She remembered how the partisan boy Andreika was captured. And he was locked in a cold basement full of rats. And the rodents bit the boy"s bare feet, numb from the cold. Andreika fought off rats all night and did not sleep. And in the morning he was taken for interrogation, and first they sprinkled salt on the wounds on boy A"s legs. It was very painful, and Andreika began to scream . And they also lashed him with barbed wire.
  But the partisan boy lost consciousness from pain shock, but did not say anything.
  Margarita was able to arrange Andreika"s escape. And this was her feat. The boy was able to overcome the pain and leave on crippled, bitten legs. And for that, kudos to him.
  The partisan girl beat the rats and sang with great enthusiasm:
  My gun is like an older brother
  Shoots very accurately, accurately...
  After all, a girl has a machine gun in her gut,
  Although sometimes life is like a cage!
  I am a girl who is no stronger
  Wolf and tigress in one test...
  But the word is not a sparrow,
  When I am with my beloved, I believe, together!
  I already took which pass,
  Iran stormed the mountains...
  She conquered many different countries,
  No, I can"t sit peacefully by the sofa!
  You probably won't understand this,
  What does it mean to fight with fanatics...
  Write it down in your notebook,
  And learn to fight decently, guy!
  There is no Motherland of mine, believe me, braver,
  She sparkles like a bright ruby...
  Even though there are millions of devils twigs,
  We will still achieve a place in heaven!
  May the Lord protect me
  great knight, the Almighty...
  The girl has powerful flesh,
  She knocks down the cherry with a precise volley!
  Nobody can defeat me
  I am the girl whose name is legions!
  The bear also bows at my feet,
  And the maples will soon give you gold!
  Frost, running barefoot through the snow,
  Snowdrifts, you know, don"t scare a girl...
  I'll give my adversary a dashing haircut,
  They recognize me like a greyhound!
  I was born in early spring,
  So red, as if it were a banner...
  The character is very greyhound , groovy,
  And a hot flame burns in my heart!
  Yes, you couldn"t find a more beautiful girl,
  She will give everyone love abundantly...
  doesn't even look twenty,
  But she even hits very hard!
  Therefore, bow to the girl,
  And kiss her bare feet...
  The knight will rush upward like an arrow,
  It won"t be difficult for us to solve the problem!
  The partisan girl sang very soulfully. All the flying rats have changed. Some in cotton candy, some in popcorn, some in oatmeal, or soap bubbles. And some of the hero boys were trivially hacked to death, or the dragons burned them with fire. These were indeed muffins and roasts of nice, meaty chops.
  Dobrynya took and launched the needle with his toes, and it pierced the winged cockroach, pinning it to the stone wall. And it turned out to be so cool and cool.
  The cockroach suddenly lit up and an impressive diamond necklace appeared in its place.
  Dobrynya sang:
  And when I saw the barbel,
  Ay, ay , ay!
  The boys gave a run for their money,
  Do not snooze!
  The boy Enomai replied:
  - Wow! How well it turned out. This is a gem.
  Dobrynya grunted and roared:
  - We can do it all, gentlemen, we"ve been sowing for a long time, where?
  Dominica chirped in response, and also turned a dozen winged cockroaches that fluttered out of the ominous tower of the castle into entire constellations of jewels. And how it sparkles and shimmers wonderfully, like icicles on the four luminaries sending out sunbeams.
  Margarita noted with a chuckle:
  - I believe that good triumphs over evil!
  Enomai noted with a smile:
  - Good and evil are relative concepts. Here is a rat, it is also alive, and we chop it up!
  Dobrynya remarked:
  - And the plants? The same vegetables and fruits are also alive, and they are also eaten, and it"s a pity!
  Dominica tweeted:
  - That's how it happens, that's how it happens,
  Each one devours the other at once!
  The girl-actress with a roar took it and released magic from her bare feet. And the tower with the rat skull was transformed. It became gilded, and a rose sparkled with rubies on top.
  Margarita noted wittily, baring her teeth and sending cascades of murderous and destructive rays from her bare toes. And the magic worked. And thrashed murderous and destructive, which immediately turned into creative and flourishing.
  Orcs and goblins poured out of the castle again . And they climbed in a real horde . Some of the shaggy bears were wearing steel armor. And these are very shiny armor, with spears and axes.
  Dominica noted aggressively, baring her teeth:
  - Now this is a creepy horde already climbing in . Well, shall we meet them with something lethal?
  Margarita noted with a malicious smile:
  - Yes, of course we can do this!
  And the sorceress girls took and launched their magical pulsars at the orcs and goblins.
  Boy Dobrynya noted:
  - This is not bad, but we must give child warriors the opportunity to fight.
  And, indeed, thousands of rebel children ran up to the castle from different directions. Many of them, especially the boys, were wearing chains. Some of the guys worked, erecting monuments and sculptures to the witch Bastinda . Some statues grew up to a hundred meters in height, and only the giant castle towered above them.
  The two strongest, although not the largest boys, the Viscount and Phoenix, fought ahead of the rest, putting down the rodents.
  The orcs, in turn, also began to shoot from bows. But the sorceresses hit them hard. If it was relatively easy to kill rats, even though they were fat and large, this affected their mobility. Then the orcs will be stronger fighters, and the goblins are simply giants.
  Phoenix noted:
  - I fought with Kartaus . So his fighters were more agile!
  The viscount fighter sang:
  I love war terribly
  Fighting like a rooster...
  And in hand-to-hand combat,
  I'm fighting for two monsters!
  Phoenix noted with a smile:
  - Yes, to be honest, this is great ! But we are used to killing monsters by the thousands.
  And so the hero boys killed the goblin. And the rest of the monsters had already been partially transformed into various kinds of food and sweets. But one of the goblins produced such ice cream in a wine glass carved from emerald.
  And on top there are heaps of multi-colored ice cream, pieces of chocolate, candied fruits, strawberries, pistachios and so on, very appetizing.
  The warrior children will scream with delight. Yes, it really turned out extremely tasty and mesmerizes the eyes.
  The girl-sorceress Margarita, having released another wave of destruction and annihilation, made an aggressive carte blanche in the matter of transforming the ugly into an appetizing one , and issued:
  - In some ways, magic is better than the natural process, right?
  Dominica agreed:
  - Yes, without any doubt, we are creating something beautiful and tasty. But why are there thousands of slaves here, and they are all children, and there are no adults in sight?
  Margarita answered with a smile:
  - The influence of local magic. It's pretty strong. And indeed, it turns out that there are only toddlers in this world. But don"t worry, the local air alone won"t turn you into a little girl.
  Dominica asked in surprise:
  - And why?
  The partisan girl replied:
  - And about the head of cabbage!
  The onslaught of evil orcs and goblins began to weaken. Some of them were killed by child warriors, and most were transformed by the strong magic of a beautiful couple. This is truly magic, eclipsing the wand that Dunno had.
  Dominica noted, grinning sweetly:
  The time of reckoning has come,
  We hit the orc in the eye...
  In response, he became like a pie,
  And he asked for a tooth!
  And indeed, in All sorts of tasty treats are transformed into orcs and goblins.
  And the child warriors are delighted with this. And rats are exterminated without any problems. But from their blows, delicious dishes began to appear again. And other delicious and incredible things.
  And the rats are quickly transformed into something useful and capable of being eaten.
  The partisan girl Margarita exclaimed:
  - Maybe now we"ll go into the castle itself!?
  The girl actress remarked:
  "And an ambush may await us there." However, we are ready for this!
  Margarita grinned and answered:
  - I"m a pioneer, which means I"m always ready!
  Now the child slaves have broken into the castle. Their bare feet stomped on the black marble. Inside they fought with orcs, goblins, and rats. And they chopped them down as if they had cutters instead of swords. This is where the cutting started.
  The boys fought with swords especially fiercely. And the girls preferred to shoot with bows. Fortunately, Margarita could convert sickles and hoes into real bows. And they shoot whole packs of arrows, piercing the rats.
  Dominica wittily noted:
  - Sharp arrows of a killer path, be cool, my children.
  Suddenly the witch Bastinda herself flew out of the tower. She looked like a woman of about thirty-five, and spun around like a top. Her hair is black, curly, and she herself holds two magic wands in her gloved hands.
  The witch was flying on a motorcycle, and on her feet were boots with spurs.
  Bastinda took it and roared:
  - I respect the strong
  And I offend the weak...
  I'm a big evil
  And what about you, barefoot?
  Dominica tweeted in response:
  My law is simple
  I defeat those who are evil...
  Whoever is weak, I will help,
  I can't do it any other way!
  Bastinda took from the magic wands, as if she were hitting Dominica with pulsars. So she whistled in response. And the pulsars immediately turned into cakes and fell on the girl-actress, thoroughly smearing her.
  In response, Dominica, in a rage, released a huge pulsar from her wand and from her bare toes.
  It flew by, but Bastinda was able to escape and was hit by a discharge in the castle. It almost instantly lit up and began to transform. And in place of the ominous castle, a most luxurious palace arose - entirely and immediately.
  Bastinda glanced at him, blinked her eyes and ran away. More precisely, fly away. And a fiery tail remained behind her.
  Dominica and Margarita rushed after her. Both sorceresses were clearly lagging behind in speed.
  Still, a flying motorcycle is much faster than dragons.
  The sorceress girls began to shoot at Bastinda . But every now and then she evaded or put up a defense. Moreover, the motorcycle very quickly increased the distance, taking him out of the firing range with magic.
  Dominica noted:
  - She lost her country, subjects and power. So, we don"t really need it now!
  Margarita noted:
  "If she stole and took away the yellow rat artifact, then our victory will be worthless!"
  The girl actress, snapping the toes of her bare, tanned legs, confidently declared:
  - But thousands of children gained freedom! This is also worth something!
  The partisan girl agreed:
  - Right! No wonder we worked.
  Indeed, the rats were finally transformed and killed, as were the orcs and goblins. Thus a major victory was won.
  Many thousands of children - boys and girls - gathered in the square and chanted, stamping their bare feet:
  -Glory to the heroes! Glory to the liberators! Down with slavery!
  This was the greatest victory in the country of rats. And there is so much fabulous and airy stuff here.
  Margarita spoke first. She, dancing , would take it and sing, and her song was the song of a partisan girl:
  We, children of poverty and the caress of summer,
  Born in a shack in the rain...
  Let the girl"s dream be sung,
  When will we go into a hot battle again!
  I ended up in Elfxik by accident,
  And my Motherland, Holy Rus'...
  With my fate, completely extraordinary,
  I fight for the happiness and love of the country!
  And there is no more beautiful Motherland of Russia,
  Are you for fight it , and don"t be afraid...
  And there is no happier country in the universe,
  You are the torch of light of the universe, Rus'!
  I will go through fire and water for you,
  The pioneers are used to winning...
  We will always be pleasing to the people,
  Because the strength of the army is limitless!
  Let's go on the attack for the Motherland,
  Under the cry of a powerful, furious hurray...
  Hitler will get his payback to the end,
  We will drive the Nazis out of the yard!
  My Fatherland is full of heroes,
  And Stalin is a great giant...
  The pioneers march in formation,
  The Almighty Family, our Lord, O one!
  In the name of light and good life,
  We will fight bravely, children...
  After all, a generation will live under communism,
  Believe me, hope cannot be taken away from us!
  We love our Motherland, guys,
  We want to raise you above the clouds...
  Fascism will receive a strong retribution,
  From the pioneers, the valiant eagles!
  We will achieve it, I believe, we will soon win,
  Although fascism is insidious and cruel...
  Grandfathers will be proud of us,
  And Svarog will lead you into battle!
  For the glory of our valiant Fatherland,
  The Lord Almighty himself ascended to the cross...
  We will not regret our lives for Russia,
  Let a loud voice be heard from heaven!
  Fight for the glory of our Motherland,
  Loyal fighters love her...
  You are wolf cubs, not cowardly hares,
  Even the knights are very proud!
  are able to get the moon from the vault,
  Catch a pike, a large catfish...
  The great Lenin rose for freedom,
  We will bring the building to life!
  In the Name of the Family, build pyramids,
  And the ships that will tear up the vault of heaven...
  And Hitler , jokingly, kill the fighters ,
  The Almighty died and rose again for us!
  You are dear, mischievous Lada,
  The great White God was born by you...
  And we must fight bravely for you,
  May the Almighty help you live forever!
  Love, honor God Jesus,
  He is a Russian guy, with us forever...
  It's time to embroider the ornament skillfully,
  May the years be filled with joy forever!
  The greatness of my holy Russia,
  Capable of defeating adversaries ...
  Even though the women cried out in fear,
  We can break the dragon!
  For the glory of the holy Motherland, believe me,
  In the Name of the Russian God Christ...
  We will build big churches soon,
  Let's walk our way to the very end!
  Love, believe me, does not know unnecessary words,
  There is no more unnecessary boredom to be seen in it...
  Let Cain perish in the underworld,
  And Abel will sing his song again!
  Here we are stomping around Berlin with a bugle,
  The trumpet sounds like a bell...
  You better be a warrior very modest,
  Blow the Nazis' head off with an axe!
  The family will resurrect, believe me, the dead soon,
  White God will give you each love
  And we decided very clearly,
  What will be an eternity of bright changes!
  danced, stamping her bare feet, cheerfully and enthusiastically . And other children, former slaves, sang and danced, trying to rise, or rather, jump higher.
  Dobrynya, being a strong boy , took a stone and threw it higher. It flew up and exploded, scattering like fireworks into thousands of multi-colored fragments.
  The boy viscount bellowed:
  - This is truly fantastic!
  Dobrynya objected to this by throwing the stone again, and Margarita struck it with lightning, causing it to scatter into a great many multi-colored and dazzlingly sparkling fragments:
  - No! This is such a reality. And there is nothing higher than this reality!
  The hero boy Phoenix furiously, stamping his bare feet so that the grass began to smoke, shouted:
  - Our locomotive fly forward - it stops in the commune!
  We have no other way - a mighty rifle!
  And the girl next to them, too, will just jump up and down.
  Their mood was positive, and joy was in full swing.
  Dominica also decided to show off her wit a little.
  And let"s scribble out whole streams of your excellent, well-practiced aphorisms;
  A slave can become free, a fool can become smart, a poor person can become rich, but if you have the stubbornness of a donkey, you will always be a donkey!
  Poor is not the one who has no money, but the one whose head is full of sawdust!
  Don't aspire to be king if you have no brains!
  Even the Shah will be as crazy as a donkey!
  The king is, of course, a lion, but not without fox-like resourcefulness, and lions are skinned!
  Don"t growl, but rather remain silent if you are not yet in the place of the lion, and the fox has not given his suit!
  A politician is like the fox in Krylov"s fable, but don"t be a crow as a voter!
  If you are like a stump, then they will remove the shavings from you to the roots!
  In order for the country not to be harnessed to a yoke, it must be strong, like a bull!
  Aviation is needed to make the country fly!
  The politician is ready to promise the moon, just not to go down the drain!
  He who has not drunk his health is forever young!
  Oak arguments are acting on the stump!
  A politician will willingly take the shavings off you if you are a stump!
  But man has one advantage over monkeys: sometimes he is at least a little bit of a real fox!
  The politician has the ambitions of a lion, the cunning of a fox, but his methods are completely swinish!
  If a politician is too much of a fox, then he becomes a complete pig!
  A politician with a fox's cunning and a wolf's grip will make kebab out of voters!
  And luck requires effort, only with the hard work of a horse can you throw off the collar of submission!
  Believe in success if you outwit everyone!
  A politician can outwit even a fox, but he cannot fool time forever!
  A voter often flies like a bee to a politician"s honeyed speech, but often he himself gets stung!
  A politician swallows voters like a python swallows rabbits, attracts flies like vodka and sweet Velcro!
  A wolf cannot live without meat, and a politician cannot live without deception!
  The fastest horse will obey the one who is well savvy!
  It is easier for a politician to turn himself inside out than to promise something that can be done!
  For whomever you vote for, you will honor the result with a minute of silence!
  Be at least a little resourceful fox if you don"t want to become a hackneyed donkey!
  Don"t trust politicians, for voters they are just sandpaper stripping chips from oak trees!
  Whoever is not a complete fool will turn a penny into a weighty penny!
  There are no relatives in politics, but there will be those who want to share what you have as brothers!
  There are many nasty things in life, but the worst thing is when life comes to an end!
  If you want to get closer to God, nail the monkey in your soul to the cross!
  Man originated, if not from a monkey, then, in any case, ceased to be a monkey!
  If you have the mind of a monkey, then the fox will swallow you like a predatory boa constrictor!
  Nothing is infinite except the time it takes for politicians to deliver what they promise!
  If you bark a lot , you will whine like a beaten dog!
  Don't trust someone who speaks loudly, and red fire can burn you!
  Even God cannot out-argue a woman and raise a monkey to the level of human culture!
  Without love there is no smile, unless it is the predatory grin of a politician!
  Having been in the clouds for too long, the wingless politician flies down the drain!
  A small soul always has the ambitions of a giant!
  A small soul has a gigantic conceit!
  A politician is a thief who writes laws for himself and considers the country a zone territory!
  The politician has seven Fridays a week, but when it is necessary to fulfill the promise , the Jewish Saturday comes!
  Unity is good, as long as it's not mating with a politician!
  A politician is such a creature that wants to make a sheep out of you using swinish methods!
  The swinish methods of politicians turn voters into a chop!
  Under a pig ruler, life is never fat!
  Making a pig president is too fatty!
  If you want to become president, seize your chances!
  A ruler who considers voters to be sheep is a typical pig!
  God, this is not only omnipotence, but also the willingness to go to the cross for the sake of your neighbor!
  A ruler who sits on the throne for a long time causes the state to sag!
  A young leader is like a fresh horse, an old one is like a mare with broken hooves!
  In the means of achieving Divine heights, Satan himself is a politician!
  A politician is God in only one thing, in coming up with excuses why his election promises were so devilishly failed!
  Politician, like beer, is only good cold and on the table!
  The politician is sweet with his speeches, but the bitter aftertaste from them is not at all like beer!
  The only time the truth comes out of a politician's mouth is when he misinterprets himself!
  A politician, in order to become at least a little Divine, crucifies the voter to the fullest !
  Even a bear's strength will not save you if your mind is a deck!
  A fox is such an animal that it will take three skins off a lion!
  A politician is strongest when his voter is weak in mind!
  That"s why a politician comes out with honey so that the voter doesn"t spit at all!
  The one with sawdust in his head will get hit hard with a baton!
  The oak is the king of trees, the oak head turns any stump into a subject!
  Oak is resistant to rot, the oak head is full of dust!
  If you are a stump, then at least you have a stake on your head !
  The unknown is scary, but the known sometimes makes you simply afraid!
  Knowledge creates confidence even when it is difficult, ignorance , confusion even when it is easy!
  A coward is not one who is afraid, but one who is lazy to cultivate the courage!
  Fear is weakness, courage is strength, but beware of the moron in yourself !
  Anyone who allows himself to be led by the nose risks getting lost among the three pines!
  Endless stupidity makes you walk in circles, with your ingenuity nullified!
  It doesn"t matter if the milk on your lips hasn"t dried, it"s worse if there"s callousness in your hearts!
  Stale bread of alms, bitter salt of repentance!
  Honey from the lips of a politician attracts those whose lips have not dried milk!
  A politician is not a thief in law, he is a thief who makes laws!
  The politician promises a sweet life, pours honey from his lips, but his paws are sticky, like a fly!
  An eloquent politician is leeching into the voter's wallet!
  Why is silence golden because it is paid for!
  What's the biggest thing in the world? A mountain of promises made by a politician!
  The politician wants money and power, he is ready to tear anyone to pieces!
  A politician is, first of all, a fox, not always bright in appearance, but always wagging his tail!
  The politician is happy to fill your wallet with just empty promises!
  A politician is only honest about one thing when he says - we, since he no longer has his own self!
  What are more than atoms in the universe? Faces and masks of politicians!
  What a politician does most willingly is pick out the pockets of voters!
  A politician has seven Fridays a week, but listening to voters is always his day off!
  Who came first? Politicians, because they created chaos!
  Don"t believe in the coolness of rooster politicians, they always sing from someone else"s voice, a fox!
  If a politician pours out his words like a nightingale, it means that a fox made his phonogram!
  It"s more likely that a cancer will whistle on the mountain than a politician will fulfill his promise without blushing!
  A politician is similar to a night fairy, only he usually rips off clients during the daytime!
  How is a politician similar to a dog? When he breaks a lot, he is definitely tame and has an owner!
  Those for whom they vote with their hearts often end up in the livers of voters!
  A politician is like vodka, the voter will feel with his liver that it is scorched!
  A politician turns your brain out, like vodka, only unlike her it"s full of dregs!
  The politician loves to create fog with the transparent goal of getting rich!
  A politician has many promises, but even more excuses if they are not kept!
  A politician is a fox, but more often of a gray color!
  The politician removes shavings from the oak trees and knocks down acorns like a pig!
  If a politician is talkative like a saw, then he will definitely make a stump out of a voter!
  The politician loves to talk about God because he himself is Satan!
  A politician is as cunning as the devil, but an angel in distributing promises !
  The politician loves to cross himself, but his hands always reach for his wallet!
  By giving your vote to an eloquent politician, you risk coughing up blood!
  Usually people choose between cats in a poke, wolves in sheep's clothing, and a fox with rotten cheese!
  If a politician has fulfilled his promise, look at the mountain to see if a cancer is whistling on it!
  It"s easier to hang a kolobok than to force a politician to fulfill his promise !
  The politician is consistent in only one thing - in search of benefits for his own pocket!
  A politician changes his associates like gloves, only this makes his hands even dirtier!
  A politician is an animal that makes a deer out of a voter!
  Politician, if not a wolf in sheep's clothing, then a typical ram!
  A politician who is not a fox is a ram or a deer!
  A politician can promise mountains, but after that you only clear away the rubble!
  Don"t rush to vote for the rooster, he"ll peck you dead!
  Dictator, this is a fox on a lion throne surrounded by rams!
  If you don"t want to turn out to be a deer, be at least a little fox yourself!
  The one who doesn"t count crows for nothing wins the election!
  You can vote with your heart, but the winner will win with your brains!
  A politician is a fox who prefers green cheese, like the color of the dollar, from those who count crows!
  A wife is not a mitten, as soon as you change gloves, you will definitely turn into a scumbag from sultry adventures!
  Genius boys make far more discoveries than mediocre old men of instructions!
  In youth there is fire in the heart, discovery in the head, and the result is victory!
  The path to success is not always straight, but it does not tolerate a back bent in submission!
  The politician bends over to raise his nose higher!
  The politician bows to then bend over the voter!
  The politician is ready to dig his nose into the ground in order to bury his responsibility to voters!
  Everything impossible is possible in our world, and believe me, living is very difficult, as if in a shooting gallery!
  A donkey with a bag of gold is better able to break through a fortress wall than a mammoth with a steel ram!
  A politician with a golden mouth turns voters into donkeys with golden bags of offerings!
  Who is the strongest beast? Of course, a donkey loaded with a bag of gold! The fox loves the yellow color of treason and gold coins of offerings!
  Politicians often wave red flags for the sake of the yellow color of the coins that they take from the pockets of voters without blushing!
  The eloquent speeches of mellifluous politicians shed bitter tears of mothers whose sons perished in the bloody slaughter!
  Whoever promises mountains of gold is not worth a broken copper penny!
  . CHAPTER No. 13.
  Caligula Delfinov has his own mission. You need to find your older sister at any cost. And you yourself, meanwhile, were transported to a parallel world, where you created your own unique and, at the same time, very cool and unique missions.
  Margarita and Caligula touched their bare, round heels and roared:
  -Tail by tail,
  Eye for an eye!
  Not Barbos -
  Fantomas !
  Now the guys dispersed in different directions in order to quickly complete the grinding of the ranks covering the approaches to Port Arthur, the army of the Land of the Rising Sun. The Terminator children moved like electric scythes through soft grass, mercilessly exterminating the Japanese.
  Kuropatkin still hesitated with the order to begin the assault, although on Mount High the fighting couple installed the Tricolor tricolor , the child warriors simply painted large cardboard, and it is now clearly visible during the day. But the former defense minister was still hesitant. Although , at the same time, Kuropatkin was not a coward. During the war of 1877-1878 he showed extraordinary courage.
  Yes, and to improve the life of ordinary soldiers, as Minister of Defense he did a lot, and was not caught in theft. Although the combat effectiveness of the army did not increase much under him. But he did not have Suvorov"s determination, or even adventurism. Alexander Suvorov fought very boldly, constantly balancing on the brink of complete defeat. However, the intuition given by nature and phenomenal luck made it possible to predict the enemy"s retaliatory steps, his reaction and win victories. This is in the style of Tal, who made incorrect sacrifices, risking defeat, but in most cases won ... But the best chess players in the world saw through Tal.
  The first one who gave him a meat grinder and defeat was Mikhail Botvinnik. This champion knew how to program and mark the enemy's weak points.
  And the star of the genius Tal dimmed.
  Probably, Suvorov, if he had lived longer and if he had happened to fight with Napoleon, would have been beaten. But the Turkish army, with which Alexander Vasilyevich fought, was too backward from all points of view, and the commanders were not appointed according to their leadership qualities.
  And during the war with the French, the paddling pools had too young a command and an excessive underestimation of the army of the Russian bear.
  Kuropatkin, on the other hand, was generally afraid to attack, preferring to sit on the defensive. Calculating it is clear that the enemy will crush himself against the redoubts. It was with such a commander that the war was lost.
  And the girl Margarita and Caligula Dolphins came under fire... They were saved , however, by speed, when the immortal warriors burst into the bastions and were already grinding everyone inside, almost impenetrable skin and , of course, the ability to recover almost instantly.
  Dolfinov Jr. , cutting down another Japanese general, roared a phrase from "Highlander," while throwing poisonous needles with his bare feet and spitting out blood:
  - There should only be one left!
  And his swords, like lightning, carry out a murderous, unique mill. More precisely, a hundred grinding techniques with cutting down enemies in a minute of a couple of battalions.
  The samurai fell from the blows, and the bare feet of the terminator boy left behind a whole pattern of jumping and winding tracks.
  The beautiful partisan girl Margarita, while clearing another reinforced concrete fort, blew up the ammunition, causing thousands of powerful guns to fly into the air. Following his friend, the boy artist Caligula repeated a similar maneuver.
  Margarita, throwing a grenade with her bare, girlish foot a long distance, approved:
  - You're doing great, boy !
  The invincible warrior, also throwing the murderous gift of annihilation with great acceleration, cutting down the samurai, replied:
  - It"s better to learn than to relearn!
  Powerful explosions of the bastions did not go unnoticed in the ranks of the Russian army. Lieutenant General Zeleny reported to Adjutant General Kuropatkin:
  - Your Excellency. According to our data, the battle has been raging in the enemy citadel for a long time, and even, for sure, several bastions have exploded!
  Kuropatkin replied sluggishly:
  - Calm, just calm!
  Well, just like Carleson, whose roof was blown off its hinges. Although the situation just requires drastic measures. General Zeleny and Kondratenko insist:
  - We need to strike immediately!
  Kuropatkin looked through his glasses at both generals. Green is still young, but looks even younger than his years, fast, impetuous. Kondratenko is the brother of the hero of Port Arthur, also from the younger generation of capable leaders. Of course, such falcons are eager to fight. Moreover, there is a categorical order from the Emperor and Sovereign of All Rus', Nicholas II, to immediately storm the citadel city. And it"s a no brainer that the royal treasury will not be able to withstand the burden of such a difficult war for long.
  However, if you don"t know the ford, don"t go into the water! We need to figure out what"s what and where who"s attacking.
  Kuropatkin asked Kondratenko:
  - Which Japanese units did the shooting?
  The general clearly stated:
  - The scouts report that angels have appeared - a beautiful young man and a girl with golden hair, who move with incredible speed, and when they are cut down they cannot be seen.
  Kuropatkin crossed himself three times at a frantic pace and muttered:
  - So it turns out that these are angels again?
  General Zeleny stamped his heel on the floor:
  - Yes exactly! Heavenly hundred!
  Kuropatkin even whistled:
  - Wow! The Lord does not abandon Russia!
  Kondratenko said instructively:
  - We must attack the enemy immediately, Field Marshal! Or we ourselves will go on the offensive!
  Kuropatkin said languidly:
  - No, gentlemen. I give the orders. Since God decided to help us, then it"s a sin to put soldiers into a meat grinder!
  Kondratenko logically noted:
  - Even in Israel, the Almighty God demanded that the Jews also fight, and not receive everything for nothing and without a fight.
  The field marshal from the swamp, a strategist of wait-and-see tactics, responded to this:
  - But the Apostle Paul said that serving God does not require human hands!
  Already General Zeleny flared up:
  - Why then do you, Your Excellency, constantly cross yourself, especially when shells are exploding nearby!
  Kuropatkin was already starting to get angry:
  - But because everything happens according to the will of God. So let's do a prayer service first. If you are insolent, you will both be arrested!
  Overall, the idea of holding a prayer service looked interesting. Let the cherubs take the rap for everyone.
  Caligula the tomboy and the partisan girl Margarita are already a little tired, and most of the work has already been completed. So why not freshen up in the sea, and thoroughly sand Togo "s squadron. After all, she can also open fire, including from twelve-inch guns. And this is a caliber of 306 millimeters, which can cause significant losses to the attacking troops.
  True, the Japanese, in this case, will have to fire almost blindly, across the ridge. And they will be able to hit with direct fire only when the battle moves into the city limits.
  The main target is four battleships with twelve-inch guns on board.
  The partisan girl, cutting down the Japanese with her murderous swords and shaking off the stuck bone chips, suggested:
  - Maybe we can even out our chances a little? T. has superiority in gun combat over Rozhdestvensky's squadron, approximately 1.8 to 1. This way we will slightly equalize the balance of forces.
  Caligula of the Dolphins, cutting down the last samurai, asked the warrior Margarita:
  - Shall we start with the flagship?
  The partisan girl , throwing a shell with her bare toes and tearing apart a dozen more Japanese, leaving only torn shreds, objected:
  - They don"t start with the most delicious! Fortunately, there is no need to look for a squadron. Let's click through the first two armadillos.
  Caligula the tomboy chuckled, threw a grenade with his bare heel, pointed his bloody sword at the Nutili ship , cheerfully exclaiming:
  - And this one is mine!
  Margarita, having again fatally slashed the Japanese, suggested to her partner:
  - But let's lie in the water for half an hour to recover.
  Indeed, rest will not hurt. But Caligula Dolphins did not waste any time during the brief pause. In particular, we were able to consider something interesting.
  The conspirators gathered in the basement. An electric lamp under the ceiling casts ominous shadows. The famous bald head of Lenin shines dimly, next to the shaggy Koba , better known to the world as Stalin, then a naval officer in a neat uniform, while the little-known Lieutenant Schmit, with a dandy beard, Bukharin.
  Trotsky is not enough for the full meeting, but for now he and Lenin are at loggerheads. And so, the most influential Bolsheviks gathered, ready to stage a revolution, or a coup, whatever, just to gain power.
  Lenin took the floor first:
  - It is extremely important , comrades, to prevent the victory of the Autocracy in its unjust imperialist war with Japan at any cost. The cause of the revolution demands this!
  Timid spanks in response.
  Bukharin, clapping his palms and shaking the black beard adorning his still young face, confirmed:
  - Yes, we must not give the autocracy the slightest chance. This may smell like treason, but I will say, Mikado is the best and main ally of the Bolsheviks and world communism!
  Koba Joseph muttered angrily:
  - Well said! Although this does not smell like treason, it is already treason itself!
  Lenin, who then went by the pseudonym Karpov, remarked with a grin:
  - For the sake of the global revolution, sometimes you have to make sacrifices. Including sacrificing part of your conscience and your own soul. - Ulyanov uncorked, unscrewing the head, a bottle of German beer. For eloquence, you should refresh your throat. He took a couple sips and continued. - Do you think I myself am pleased to wish evil and defeat to my own country. However, I will be frank, revolution is possible only if the regime of the Autocracy is seriously weakened. And what could weaken the Autocracy more than defeat in war?
  Koba nodded in agreement:
  - Nothing... Sometimes the highest goal requires sacrifices, and considerable sacrifices!
  Lenin continued his philosophy:
  - So, we will not discuss the morality and philosophy of atheism. This is not the main thing. It is clear that the work we are undertaking will lead to the liberation of workers and slaves of all countries and the whole world. And the fact that all the losses of our state and other peoples will be compensated a hundredfold. - Ulyanov paused and added in a different tone. - And what concrete steps can we take to defeat the Autocracy that is hated by the people and us?
  Here Lieutenant Schmid spoke in a thin voice:
  - I think, for starters, to blow up the Trans-Siberian Railway in several places at once. This would have a fatal impact on the supply of the tsarist troops in Manchuria.
  Koba grinned like a fox:
  - Bravo , the boy is making progress! And I thought about robbing several banks in order to undermine the gold standard of the Tsar"s ruble.
  Ulyanov sternly shook his index finger at the "wonderful Georgian":
  - Don't be naughty! A very interesting proposal. You can pretty much spoil Kuropatkina.
  Schmid continued:
  - In general, my plan involves raising an uprising on all ships of the Black Sea Fleet. Then the army will go over to the side of the working people, and the Autocracy will collapse at once!
  Koba chuckled ironically:
  - Yes, the cancer will whistle on the mountain!
  - Koba , stop! - Lenin barked and added. - It is, indeed, necessary to prepare and carry out an uprising in the Black Sea. And when the beaten Kuropatkin flees from Port Arthur , the mutiny throughout the army will become real!
  Schmid lost his temper:
  - Yes, we will do it in spirit!
  Bukharin took the floor:
  - Our most numerous ally on Earth is the peasants; when they rise up, they will be able to fetter all the forces of the Autocracy. We need to send our agitators to the villages, demanding that the peasants be given not only land, but also estates, everything that belongs to the landowners!
  Koba interrupted ironically:
  - Including their wives and daughters!
  Bukharin chuckled:
  - And this too! It"s as simple as Emelyan Pugachev did - the head will be chopped off, the bar will be hung, and their goods will be taken for yourself and divided equally! And the wives and daughters of the landowners are your slaves!
  Ulyanov approved this call:
  - Right! We'll hang them all! All the way to the North Pole!
  Koba suggested:
  - We need to actively use the robber element as much as possible. In particular , the strongest and most successful revolutionaries emerge from criminals. For example, Kotovsky is not a hero? Hero! And Father Makhno is no worse!
  Bukharin nodded vigorously:
  - That's it! We will crush them all with criminality !
  Ulyanov slammed his fist on the table:
  - Terror, terror and once again revolutionary terror!
  It was not possible to observe the further conversation of the "magnificent four". Having woken up, it was necessary to move to the practical level of implementing a winning strategy. In particular, clear the battleships from the teams.
  Caligula quickly swam to his goal, and Margarita to hers. The guys, using their fingers and toes, instantly climbed onto their victim ships.
  Caligula the tomboy no longer felt the brakes, as he began to chop everyone in a row. It is not difficult to board a ship, essentially a battleship class. Unless, of course, you are more than human. So, run and cut. And with such supernatural speed, no one has a chance to resist you.
  Well, with your children"s bare fingers, but faster than the paws of a cheetah"s legs, throw poisonous needles. And this will also completely shock the Japanese.
  The fighters of the Land of the Rising Sun are again lying cut down , and the plan of the pair of terminators is simple. Get to the ammunition compartment, then detonate the ammunition in such a way that the boilers are also covered. After which, the damaged ship will have no choice but to go to the bottom.
  Caligula of the Dolphins, cutting and nailing with his sword, broke through to the ammunition supply. Well, what are individual bullets for him, which the boy shoots down on the fly, or even throws back at the enemy. It"s especially good if, with your bare foot, you immediately smash a handful of cartridges into the enemy with frantic and lethal, lethal and irresistible force.
  So that the samurai's path to the royal empire of Nicholas II was blocked.
  It is also not difficult to transfer the ammunition into the hold so that the bottom of the battleship is blown up, also with his physical strength.
  The steel deck, heated in the March sun, pleasantly tickles the bare elastic soles of the terminator boy. And hefty high-explosive shells filled with shimosa pull down the shoulders. You jump down, ignoring the spiral staircase, and now you are in the right place. Now the partitions will be smashed and the boilers will explode, making such holes that even this huge thing will not survive.
  This interesting thing is the Japanese armadillo. The ship is spacious and wide, with a large thickness of armor that covers the decks. And the long and thick cannon barrels, capable of hitting a couple of tens of kilometers, or even more ... True, it was not built by the Japanese, but by the British. But the royal fleet is almost entirely of its own production, which has its pros and cons. So the British made a battleship - a noble machine. It's a pity, but we have to send him to the bottom...
  There was an explosion, and the metal of the breaking deck struck the boy's bare, muscular legs, throwing him high above the surface. After which, the boy plopped into the water and vigorously swam, trying to get away from the whirlpool. Such a colossus is sinking.
  And Margarita"s battleship split: cleanly worked and synchronously. Now it"s time to sink the surviving two armored battle cruisers.
  Let Togo , who caused so much trouble for the Russian fleet, also go to the bottom. This will become a lesson to all those who come to the land of your Motherland with weapons in their hands.
  Caligula of the Dolphins vigorously rake the ocean water with his hands and feet and whistles:
  - You will be defeated by the Japanese! This is not a madhouse game !
  Just like last time, almost without touching the metal and armor you fly up onto the deck. There you begin to chop such slow samurai into cabbage. Probably, even a spider stuck in resin is a hundred times more agile than these insects from the Land of the Rising Sun. So you rush through and cut off arms, legs, heads ... And they just settle. At best, one of them manages to say:
  - Banzai!
  Tomboy Caligula giggles and thumbs his nose at them:
  - Banzai, don"t dare!
  And with his bare toes he throws the cartridges, piercing the samurai"s foreheads, mouths, and throats.
  Next, repeat the previous combination. However, for a change, the magnificent Caligula quickly aimed the already loaded twelve-inch gun and fired a charge into the nearest battle cruiser. The hit turned out to be accurate, and a high-explosive Japanese charge caused a large fire on the deck.
  The young warrior noticed that indeed, when a product of industry in the Land of the Rising Sun enters, a lot of fire and smoke comes out. Which, of course, makes shooting easier . Considering that the samurai have been at war with Russia for a long time, their combat squadron indeed has a qualitative superiority.
  True, how much can the Japanese achieve if they lose all their large ships?
  Togo 's flagship belatedly signals departure. But this is really not a useful solution . The huge battleship explodes, and two seconds later the ship carrying Caligula of the Dolphins also explodes. He finally kicked an officer of the Japanese Empire with his heel. And again both brave warriors were thrown out by the shock wave...
  A fighting girl partisan, having blown off the head of a captain of the first rank, screams at the top of her lungs:
  - Sea hockey match: Russia vs. Japan - score four to zero!
  Indeed, now Japan does not have a single battleship in service. True, there are still as many as eight battle-class cruisers. And there is a choice: to drown them or not to drown them?
  Caligula, having slashed the shark rushing towards him with his sword, decided logically:
  - Strike while the iron is hot! That is, we drown them!
  Margarita, having cut another sea predator, agreed with this decision:
  - Why waste time on trifles? There may not be a next time for us!
  Caligula the tomboy, throwing the cartridge case with his foot, right into the shark"s eye, logically objected:
  - I think it will! God loves trinity!
  But he swam anyway. They can return to the citadel fortress at night. This won't get them anywhere. And if Kuropatkin takes the stronghold without their participation, then so much the better. Indeed, they can"t do everything alone. It"s even interesting what descendants will say about this strange war with Japan? They will consider it a glorious deed, or, on the contrary, they will boo it as won solely by supernatural forces!
  But Caligula easily overtook his next victim - the battle cruiser. Externally, they are somewhat different from armadillos. In particular, there is a little less armor, and instead of twelve-inch guns there are ten-inch ones, but the performance is much better. But these are also vessels of the linear class. And then there are medium and light cruisers.
  The young warrior here changed his tactics a little and cut down the samurai sailors and nailed some with cartridges that he threw with his bare boyish feet. Then, he took and detonated the ammunition so that the battle cruiser buried its nose in the water and thus went to the bottom not immediately, but gradually turning over.
  Perhaps the boy actor Caligula wanted to save at least part of the crew from death in this way. Indeed, where could he put so many explosives... Margarita, having killed a large mass of samurai sailors, tilted her cruiser on board.
  The girl proudly celebrated her success, and her partner too:
  - Score: six - zero!
  Caligula the tomboy, in rage and joy, from great success, sang:
  - And the samurai flew to the ground, under the pressure of steel and fire!
  New sea victims ... Yes , it seems that the Japanese who set off on this campaign were born under an unlucky star. And even the eight million gods in their Shinto religion do not help them.
  To the tomboyish Caligula, a battle cruiser seems like a piece of cardboard that needs to be sunk. He even decided to try a slightly different tactic, namely, by penetrating into the hold and cutting the bottom there with swords. After all, he has a magical metal captured from ninjas and sorcerers. This means an operation must take place.
  And so ... It turns out that the linear iron is bursting... It is necessary to flood three compartments to ensure that. The Terminator boy says with a grin:
  - Here we are on that ship...
  To sink a battle cruiser with blows of a sword, you really need to have superhuman strength and extraordinary imagination.
  Margarita prefers a much simpler approach, arguing that repetition is the mother of learning. And if so, then the enemy will be flooded by the explosion.
  The warrior goddess and partisan girl raises her thumb up and says:
  - It"s already eight o"clock!
  Boy Caligula, without ceremony, cutting down numerous samurai, and throwing lethal cartridges with his feet, exclaims:
  - But this is simply delightful!
  There are four more victims left... They need to be drowned somehow so that this does not become too ordinary. Come up with something special, unique. And the guys, without saying a word, act as follows. Namely, they seize the control rudders ... Fortunately, the ships are already at full speed, which means that it is not so difficult to cope with them. And so, you grab the control rudders and go to ram... Battlecruisers, the ships are new, but there are many obsolete vessels in the Japanese fleet that have no chance of escaping from a straight-line ram.
  What if ships, and even those made of metal, collide at high speed in the sea?
  Then the following happens: a terrible roar, the grinding of armor, the steel sheets of both vessels burst. Tens and hundreds of sailors, with distorted yellow faces, rush along the broken decks, their narrow eyes bulge out of their foreheads, and streams of blood fly out of their mouths with knocked out teeth.
  And the Japanese fighters fall overboard, fall into foaming streams that devour them at once. And the ships begin to sink quickly, dragging many lives into the depths.
  Margarita, continuing to exterminate the sailors without pity or ceremony, declared with a smile:
  "It"s also good that the Japanese don"t take women and children on board."
  Caligula, dissecting the shark that climbed on him, readily agreed with this:
  - Yes, the cult of the Amazons did not take root among the samurai. True, they seem to have female ninjas!
  The young warrior-goddess and, at the same time, partisan girl summed up:
  - Twelve zero in our favor ... But there are still two last daylilies left. What to do with them?
  Caligula the tomboy cut another shark into pieces and simply suggested:
  - Let's take them to the Dalniy port. It is now under Russian control, and two magnificent, state-of-the-art cruisers will greatly enhance our fleet!
  Margarita, crushing the predators of the seas with swords, readily agreed with this:
  - Yes, and this is the best solution!
  Although the Japanese have a reputation for being unbending fighters, the moral effect of the furious blows of the two super angels exceeded our wildest expectations. Indeed, if you have to fight not with people, but with creatures similar to the most real gods, and maybe even demiurges, then even the fighters of the Land of the Rising Sun may lack courage.
  Therefore, after Margarita on one cruiser, and Caligula on the other, cut off the most zealous officers, and kicked some of them, other sailors and mechanics considered it best to submit to these super- beings . And both battlecruisers headed to the port of Dalniy, which the Japanese gave up, after their recent defeat, without a fight to the Russian army.
  Caligula Dolfinov thought that, after all, the authority of striking force is authority. For example, during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, how many Japanese were captured by the formidable Soviet army? According to Soviet data, 476 people, according to other later calculations, about 200, and as a result of mutual exchange, only 88 were returned to the Japanese, that is, so few returned to their homeland.
  That is, the samurai showed firmness. Having lost, according to Soviet data, about twenty thousand people killed.
  For comparison, the Soviet army lost almost as many killed ( not counting those who died in captivity) during the Second World War as prisoners.
  And this despite the fact that the NKVD brutally dealt with the families of those who surrendered.
  So the resilience of Japanese soldiers is not exaggerated. During the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese lost a hundred times fewer soldiers as prisoners of war than the Russians!
  But, however, this is partly due to the fact that the Russian army did not win a single major battle. And without victories there are no prisoners.
  However, it happens that the advancing army also has many soldiers captured.
  The warrior boy Caligula said to Margarita through a primitive walkie-talkie:
  - Maybe we"ll raise the white flag after all, otherwise they"ll drown us?
  Margarita objected:
  "It"s a disgrace to sail under a white flag." Better give the tricolor Russian over your head!
  The young warrior launched the needle into the boy-terminator's barefoot, nimble foot, and having pierced the next samurai in the forehead, he remarked:
  - And in my opinion, Andreevsky with a cross will be more successful!
  With the score fourteen to zero, the naval masts with Japan are completed and now you can not only take the captured ships to yourself, but also sing. Caligula of the Dolphins sang his victory song at the top of his lungs:
  Large expanses of seas, oceans -
  We plowed them under the tricolor flag!
  The soldiers conquered towering mountains,
  The eagles roared in victory!
  Russian warriors were recognized by the planet,
  We hit the enemies with swords and bayonets!
  We were able to throw off the yoke of fascism from half the world,
  We finished our march with victory in Berlin!
  arrived on humpbacked tanks,
  They are threatening to destroy all Russian fields!
  But they thrash the damned freaks hard ,
  So that our children can live happily without a yoke!
  We are the children of the Fatherland, which is higher than everyone else in the world,
  We were born, kneading calico with our bare feet!
  interceded for us, sending us to battle ,
  And God brought May to bloom in joy!
  There is no share of a fighter and a loftier heart,
  What gives a dream and rebirth!
  Open the glorious door to immortality,
  But if you are sitting in ambush, be quiet !
  There are wolves and sheep, but you are the shepherds of the universe,
  And it is your share to convey the order to posterity!
  To carry the matter to the end of creation,
  So that the eternal fire in your heart of love does not go out!
  Who knows where an enemy bullet will stop a soldier,
  But still, in battle, death is better than rotten diseases!
  And if you die, then your friend will crush the adversary ,
  He won"t tolerate it, because barefoot girls are being driven into captivity!
  Oh, the Russian fate, war and fire after war,
  For those who want to go on vacation, there is no place for them, you know, in paradise!
  Here the hellish Sam entered into a conspiracy with Satan,
  Threatens: - I will bring down the atom and break the hail!
  But there will also be protection against missiles,
  And a nuclear bomb cannot destroy Moscow...
  We can use tanks to get the parasite,
  And boring songs about the fallen make you sad!
  Sell for a penny, not a Russian share,
  After all, each of us is a great warrior!
  Don't believe that God has already placed us in the role,
  In fact, you decide how cool the howl is!
  There were failures, there were defeats,
  It happened like hares retreating from terrible wolves!
  But if war starts, we will be there again,
  Smash the brutal army of monsters in a hellish rhythm!
  Believe me, we are not playing for the sake of war,
  We have no other calling than to be nice friends!
  We are brotherly people, not Abel and Cain,
  For us, a bird is a song, and not a fat game!
  After Dominica flashed her wit, the children screamed and clapped their hands for a long time. Yes, it"s great , you can say she succeeded - sprinkling aphorisms and humming to herself.
  After which, Margarita and Dominica announced a feast for the whole world, so that there would be fun and joy in the soul.
  They waved their magic wands, and luxurious tables appeared, thickly laden with food . Everything here was luxurious and very rich.
  Such wonderful dishes and a lot of cakes, custard pies, donuts, pretzels, muffins and richly decorated cakes. It"s impossible to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe it with a pen.
  And everything is so appetizing and aromatic that it is literally unique in its sophistication and beauty.
  Margarita tweeted:
  All the best, the best for children,
  On our cheerful planet...
  Long live the sun and wind,
  Consider the fairies responsible for everything!
  And she started dancing. And Dominica followed her, and several other girls with them. It went great .
  Margarita logically noted:
  - Everything will be fine, everything will be fine if we don"t mess up !
  And the partisan girl took and released another firework from her magic wand. And it was like a fountain of diamonds flowing in a very stormy stream.
  Dominica noted:
  - Beauty, beauty.
  It shoots out like a fountain from a whale!
  Afterwards it was time for entertainment. Several of the largest boys, about fourteen years old and very muscular, put soft gloves on their hands and began to fight with each other.
  They struck with their hands and bare feet, while smiling and laughing.
  Dobrynya noted with a grin:
  - After all, they have collective farm equipment!
  Prince Oenomaus nodded:
  - They are not trained in martial arts !
  The boy Dobrynya hissed, jumping into the makeshift ring:
  - Let me go!
  And two fighting muscular teenagers collided with each other. The boys burst out laughing and attacked Dobrynya. There was disassembly and waving of arms and legs.
  Dobrynya deftly scattered and pushed them aside. Then he grabbed one of the boys by the nose with his bare toes . He howled in wild pain. And the hero boy again, without any ceremony, threw him and forced him to turn over.
  The children around laughed and clapped their hands. And Dobrynya pushed four boys together at once and deftly wrapped them in a tablecloth.
  After which, the laughter became completely deafening. Just like the children's applause. Indeed, it looked very cool .
  Dobrynya wittily remarked:
  - He who dared ate it!
  Dominika also entered the ring. She also did martial arts. After all, acting in films is no joke. She showed herself as a Supergirl and fought with a supervillain . Both girls then pounded each other for a dozen takes. And that's great . Even their bruises were real.
  Now a strong, muscular teenager of about fourteen in swimming trunks came up against Dominica. And he tried to attack the girl. Dominica responded with a precise blow from her bare heel to the solar plexus, and the boy fell and began to writhe.
  Dominica tweeted:
  -You are not a boy , you are not a boy,
  Not real...
  You are not a boy , you are not a boy -
  Rotten box!
  hit Dominica on the muscular back with all his might . The girl screamed and kicked him back. He dodged and rushed at Dominika and tried to fight her. The teenager was strong and hardened by hard work on a construction site. And Dominika had to strain all her strength not to fall. But she slipped out and then threw the strong boy over her. He fell, crashing into a dish with sturgeon. And the boy got very dirty.
  And the rest of the children laughed wildly and made faces. This really looked great .
  The boy jumped up, but received a hard kick
  actress girls in the chin, he was hit with his shin in the oncoming movement, and the muscular boy fell over.
  Dominic sang aggressively:
  He is insidiously waiting for a victim in the mine,
  Pointing a radar into the sky...
  One mistake - an accidental takeoff,
  And a blow is inevitable!
  This is, indeed, a karate girl. So she turned around and kicked another boy in the nose with her bare heel. He fell and released a fountain of blood from his sniffer . But he immediately jumped up. And again into battle. And Dominika trips him, forcing him to fall. This is really a woman.
  Dobrynya nodded approvingly:
  - Keep it up! Well, you are a cool girl !
  Here is another strong boy who flew away from Dominica"s blow.
  This is where the showdown began. The girl threw another teenager over her and chirped:
  Girls from high society,
  I really want to beat the guy up!
  After which, the girl again pushed the boys together, giving them bruises and bumps. And it looked extremely funny and funny.
  the boys down :
  - You are our girl ! Very hot and combative!
  Dominica nodded and chirped:
  The girl fighter has hot blood,
  The blind horde is attacking us!
  She whispered spells, and a real rain of cream, condensed milk and honey poured down on the boys from above.
  And again the joyful laughter of children. Everything is spinning and happening so cool and aggressively. And there are funny moments in this aggression.
  The boy prince Oenomaus is, of course, also in the game. How can anyone manage without it? And the young warrior very deftly throws over himself a boy who looks older and larger. And again enthusiastic exclamations. Yes, this is really a fight that is needed.
  Enomai waved his hand, and the boy fell onto a pile of cream-covered cakes. And they burst and scattered so funny and with gusto. And such were the aromas of the magical kitchen.
  Dobrynya noted with a sigh:
  - It"s a shame to waste such food!
  Dominic giggled and replied:
  - That is OK! I'll do more magic!
  The Phoenix boy sang:
  Somewhere in the forest there are sorcerers,
  They sew a caftan for Satan...
  Boulders were thrown around,
  Our fabulous country!
  After which, he became friends with Dobrynya. The two heroic boys first began to wave their fists, trying to hit each other in the face . They loaded it casually a couple of times, and bruises appeared. Then the boys-fighters took it and bumped their foreheads. So sparks started flying from my eyes.
  They pushed each other, butted heads and then began to fight. And the fight was very stubborn. The knight boys grappled, crushing each other and squeezing each other.
  Then they started butting heads again, which looked more stupid than cool and menacing. And this acted in such a way that it brought the children-spectators into deafening laughter.
  Dominica took the feather in her hands and began to tickle the boys' bare heels. Dobrynya and Phoenix began to laugh, it really is so ticklish and cool that you won"t be able to stop laughing.
  Margarita noted with a prima donna smile:
  - Yes, you're a cool girl. Just a master entertainer. What else can you do?
  Dominica growled:
  - Yes, in general, I can do absolutely everything. And you will see this more than once!
  Dobrynya and Phoenix separated. They were sweating and their sculpted torsos glistened as if they had been drizzled with olive oil.
  Margarita remarked with a sigh:
  - We have victory, but we are no closer to the goal of saving the stronger sex. The yellow rat belongs to our enemy Bastinda, who disappeared to no one knows where. And we spilled the beans. Well, not in vain, but still without the result that we were counting on!
  Dominica sang in response:
  Life isn't easy
  And the paths do not lead straight...
  Everything comes too late
  It's all gone too soon!
  Gradually, the mood of the freed children became calmer. And the fights, even humorous ones, died down, and the music became less loud.
  And then suddenly a noise was heard. The alarm horn sounded.
  The boys and girls immediately jumped out of their seats and bristled with swords and spears. They were ready for a fight.
  Dragons appeared in the sky. They were three-headed, seven-headed, and twelve-headed . And there were quite a lot of them, and large-sized reptiles. Naturally, the more heads, the larger the size. And among them was the familiar witch Bastinda, who seemed small against the background of the dragons.
  Dominic whistled and noted:
  - Wow! Looks like it's not over yet!
  Margarita sang in response:
  I fall with my chest, grabbing lead,
  The earth is full of holes, like bast...
  But I know that this is not the end yet -
  The end is just the beginning!
  There were about fifty thousand children of warriors - this is a whole army, there were no more than two hundred dragons. Therefore, the young warriors did not run away. They were ready to fight and give their lives dearly, and maybe even win!
  Both sides are combative and determined.
  The largest twelve-headed dragon thundered:
  - Do not be afraid! We will not fight with children! We are for peace and justice!
  Dominica yelled:
  - So why did you come here?
  Here Bastinda roared, grinning aggressively:
  - I know that your main goal was to obtain the Yellow Rat artifact, and not to free the child slaves!
  Margarita objected:
  - It does not interfere! In any case, we didn"t want to leave our children and we never will!
  All twelve heads of the dragon said at once:
  "We appreciate your nobility!" But Bastinda invites you to play a game. If you win, he will give you the yellow rat, if he does, then your four will become its slaves forever.
  The sorceress Bastinda nodded:
  - Yes! That's it! Well, children, there is too much fuss with them. Your four will be much more useful in slavery!
  Dominica noted with a smile:
  - We can play a game. Just let, in case of loss, the witch Bastinda not only give us her Yellow Rat artifact, but also become our slave.
  Margarita confirmed, stamping her bare foot:
  - That's it! This is exactly what we need! It would be fair if Bastinda also risked her freedom!
  The Twelve-Headed One said:
  - Let it be so! The artifact and the freedom of the witch, against the freedom of four significant individuals - fair!
  The sorceress Bastinda nodded her head with black hair:
  - Okay, so be it! I always win this game anyway. And even knowledge of magic will not help them!
  The twelve-headed dragon roared:
  - Do you promise that you will fulfill your promises in case of defeat?
  All five exclaimed in unison:
  - We give!
  The sorceress Bastinda took a board with squares from her backpack and said:
  - Then let's start!
  And she unfolded the board; figures immediately appeared on it. It was somewhat reminiscent of traditional chess, only the squares were not two, but three colors: white, black and gray. And we had a lot more figures. There is a jester, archers and an officer, a general, a marshal, a ballista, a chariot and something else.
  Dominica muttered:
  - Yes, I don"t even know how they walk! This is unfair!
  The sorceress Bastinda answered with a smile:
  - You have already given your word and there is nowhere to retreat. Refusal to play is tantamount to defeat!
  Margarita nodded:
  - I know this game! And how the figures walk in it too! So let's play!
  The sorceress Bastinda nodded:
  - Well then! The main figure here is the king and we will play until checkmate!
  The child warriors clapped their hands. Margarita shook her magic wand, and an image of a huge board with three types of cells appeared in front of them. And now thousands of former slaves could see her at once.
  Margarita noted:
  - Before the war, I won a game of chess against Botvinnik himself, though not in person, but in a simultaneous game. But at eight years old, beating the USSR champion is cool!
  The sorceress Bastinda muttered:
  - This is a completely different game! Chess wasn't even close to her!
  The partisan girl nodded:
  - I know! It's more complicated and there are more pieces, but I can play it! So don't think it will be easy for you!
  The witch with black hair nodded:
  - My pieces are red - they start first!
  And she moved the slinger forward . Margarita responded by moving the archer. Such a leisurely game began. There were a hundred figures on each side, and all three, except the kings. There are one of them, and the game ends with mate. Well, this is beautiful and logical.
  Bastinda played and grinned. The first exchanges followed. Then the maneuvers of fast jesters. Dominica noted that the jester moves like a queen in traditional chess, but hits like a knight.
  Yes, it is interesting. The officer looks like a bishop, but hits like a king. And the general moves like a rook, but hits like a knight. The marshal moves like a queen, but only hits like a rook. Of course, the most powerful figures are the grand viziers, they move like a queen and like a knight, and also hit. There are, of course, queens, and they are just like in ordinary chess. Archers move like pawns, but they shoot diagonally three squares forward, and slingers only two. It seems that ordinary infantrymen are the weakest, but they can, upon reaching the last line, turn into any piece except the king.
  The chariot walks like a horse, but hits like an elephant. Yes, it"s interesting how it turns out. There is also a ballista - it moves like a rook, but hits like a queen. Rooks, knights and bishops, as in ordinary chess. But there is also a unicorn. He walks like a king, but hits like a queen. And a royal unicorn. He walks like an elephant, but hits like a grand vizier, that is, like a queen and a knight. Yes, this is not a joke game. And there are three figures each. And try something without yawning. And now, it seems that Bastinda has already captured more territory and gained a material advantage.
  It"s clear, she"s much more experienced than Margarita.
  Dominica confidently, or rather ironically, tweeted:
  - Walk the horse! Horse!
  Margarita waved her off:
  - Don't interfere! What needs to be done, I do!
  And the partisan girl decisively moved her figure. Bastinda continued to attack. The battle was very stubborn and merciless.
  Margarita, in order to regain a little confidence and composure and generate inspiration in the game, began to sing;
  It foams upward, raising the steep slopes,
  The wave, the shackles of ice destroyed the ocean!
  The beam cut, the clouds were filled with lead,
  And a fresh wind crushed the fog!
  I'm with you on a coastal cliff,
  The swell of the sea tickles your ear!
  The fighter hugged her neck with a gentle hand,
  The holy Lord has risen in my soul!
  The tops of the snow mountains are gilded,
  And pearl butterflies on the chest!
  In the distance, ships roamed under sail,
  You can"t give up on your dream and fall asleep!
  I was pointing at you, beloved,
  Your radiant eyes from tears!
  After all, without you, even the world is not enough for me,
  Storms and thunderstorms are roaring in the heart!
  Together with you we will taste a lot of glory,
  And poison penetrates ambition!
  Draw your sword in the name of that power,
  to serve !
  Margarita sang perfectly and, cheered up, launched a decisive attack. The partisan girl did not hesitate to sacrifice, and at some point the material balance of forces seemed catastrophic for her. But here are a few more strong tactical strikes and...
  Margarita said with an innocent smile:
  - Checkmate, Mrs. Bastinda!
  She blinked wildly and looked around, glancing sideways at the largest, twelve-headed dragon. It was the size of a grand-class airliner , the span of each wing was a good two hundred meters - this is a monster. Perhaps even the phenomenal magic of the chosen girl-actress Dominica could not overcome such a giant.
  The huge dragon leader roared with twelve heads simultaneously:
  -You lost to Bastind. So give your winnings to the Yellow Rat - a valuable artifact, and go into slavery to your new masters!
  Bastinda sighed and took an artifact out of her backpack. Unexpectedly, it was only the size of a coconut, but it glowed with a bright, yellow light.
  The witch held it out and noted:
  - He's yours. Like everything that"s mine, it"s now yours!
  Margarita took the artifact into her hands and then hid it in her backpack. And she noted:
  - This is good! Well, what should you and I do, Bastinda?
  Outwardly, a still quite young and attractive black woman answered:
  - I can do a lot of things. I am already more than a thousand years old. And what if I can teach you unknown magic techniques. Well, and also be the manager of the kingdom. I have a lot of experience in this, and not just managing children.
  Margarita shrugged and noted:
  "I think maybe I"ll let you go, having first taken an oath to do only good deeds."
  Dominica muttered:
  - What if she lies? We have people, you know. Even the Koran says that oaths can be broken in some cases.
  And the girl actress sang:
  Believe me, your servants will dry themselves off,
  You will be betrayed, you will be betrayed...
  And those who swear in love like this,
  Just look, they'll kill you!
  Margarita objected:
  "It is customary for our sorcerers to keep both their words and their oaths." To become an oathbreaker means to incur eternal damnation and contempt from everyone. So Bastinda will either keep her oath or refuse to take it. So she has a choice between slavery and giving up evil deeds forever!
  Witch with black hair shrugged:
  - There is something to think about here. Never do evil, this is also very difficult, and not always pleasant!
  Dominica was indignant:
  - Why are you deciding for us, Margot? I"m thinking, it"s better that she be our slave. A magical and ageless servant will be quite useful in the household. She should not be your slave, but our common one!
  The heroic boy Dobrynya confirmed:
  - Yes, that's right! All four of us risked our freedom. And you want to command her alone.
  The boy prince Oenomaus opined:
  "I also think it"s better to let her go, taking an oath to do only good deeds." Why, while collecting eleven more artifacts, drag a slave along with you? She's just a burden!
  Dobrynya and Dominica said in unison:
  - No, she is our slave! And we won't let her go!
  The dragon leader remarked:
  - You have a split: two against two! I suggest tossing a coin. If it"s heads, we"ll do as Margarita wants, if it"s tails , we"ll do as Dominica wants!
  The warrior children shouted in unison:
  - Right! Right! Right! The lot will decide!
  Dominica muttered angrily:
  -Who will toss the coin?
  The dragon thundered:
  - I!
  And then his tail threw a silvery circle that flew through the air and fell on the rocky pavement. The coin hit and ... It landed on its edge...
  The giant dragon laughed and replied:
  - If so, then I take Bastinda as my maid. And you are left with her artifact, the yellow rat, as a trophy. Just as you wanted, by the way!
  Dominica muttered:
  - And a motorcycle. I want a flyer like this.
  The giant dragon hissed:
  - Sing a song! And we dragons will appreciate it. If you like it, the magical flying motorcycle will be yours. And if not, then ... You too will become our slave!
  Dominica was indignant:
  - So you can say that you don"t like any of my songs!
  The head dragon announced:
  - Not only we will judge, but also the public, including children and former slaves!
  Dominica nodded with a sigh.
  - Then I agree!
  And the girl began to sing with feeling and expression;
   Dressed to be the envy of all kings,
  Crimson, gold, leaves in rubies!
  Like evening butterflies soar,
  And the voice of the winds is the organs of cherubs!
  The most luxurious peace is spacious in autumn,
  Trees, domes of sacred churches!
  Any twig with chiseled carvings,
  Dewdrop pearls and priceless stones!
  The puddle was covered with thin silver,
  Sparks sparkle from under the horse's hooves!
  You treat each other kindly,
  May you live happily under a clear sky!
  In the bright sun, with my dress loose,
  Birches and poplars dance the waltz of love!
  We are sad about the days that have sunk into the abyss,
  Keep the memories of meetings with me!
  Winter will come, youth in it is eternal,
  Not gray hair, diamonds in hair!
  We will gather all our friends for the holiday,
  And let's express the dream in dashing verses!
  Stormy applause and shouts of "Bravo! Encore!", tens of thousands of throats flooded the entire square. This would be a glorious hour, an hour of triumph for Dominica, who discovered her talent as a prima donna!
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