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Space Ussr And Vampires

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    The end of the twenty-third century, on the fourth planet of the star Sirius, the pioneer camp "Burevestnik" is located. The USSR became a star empire, and communism was built in it. Humanity is spreading throughout the galaxy. And even more so, the appearance of vampires in the technologically advanced camp of the future is unexpected. Behind this, as it turned out, is a civilization competing with humanity from another galaxy. Valerka, Leva, Slava and Marinka - pioneers of the galactic era of the USSR, become vampires and experience unprecedented, bright and exciting adventures.

  The end of the twenty-third century, on the fourth planet of the star Sirius, the pioneer camp "Burevestnik" is located. The USSR became a star empire, and communism was built in it. Humanity is spreading throughout the galaxy. And even more so, the appearance of vampires in the technologically advanced camp of the future is unexpected. Behind this, as it turned out, is a civilization competing with humanity from another galaxy. Valerka, Leva, Slava and Marinka - pioneers of the galactic era of the USSR, become vampires and experience unprecedented, bright and exciting adventures.
  Valerka Lagunov raced over the orange palm trees and purple ferns that covered the surface of the park located near the Burevestnik. The boy was flying like the legendary Peter Pan. He was wearing only short shorts, sparkling with colored stones, and no flying devices were visible. On the boys bare, muscular neck, a red tie shone with rubies. He smiled with pearly teeth sparkling against the huge violet star Sirius. The torso of the young Leninist was lined with tiles of relief and very beautiful muscles.
  It was very hot by earthly standards. There is such a powerful local Sun here, which gives much more heat, ultraviolet and other radiation. Valerka was tanned black, but his hair, on the contrary, was light, like overripe wheat, as were his eyebrows.
  The boy flew, now making a loop, now circling near trees that looked like a guitar with multi-colored strings sticking out of the ground.
  Then he rushed past a scarlet flower speckled with yellow. This carnivorous representative of the flora snapped its petals, almost grabbing the boy"s bare, round heel.
  The boy made a nose at the man-eating flower and chirped:
  - Heroes are in pursuit! A stranger has broken in and won't catch up!
  Leva appeared nearby. He is also muscular, tanned in short, shiny shorts, but with copper-red hair. A handsome boy, however, by the end of the twenty-third century there were practically no ugly people left in humanity. Leva rushed past a turtle the size of a good tank and a diamond shell. The boy scratched her with his bare soles along the edges of the precious coating and sang:
  - You are not a pathetic insect, but a turtle in diamonds!
  A scarlet tie stood out against her chocolate skin. Only the barefoot boy"s heels were pink and the palms of his hands were pink, but he was almost a Papuan.
  He winked at Valerka and snapped the fingers of his left hand. A hologram of a giant lion-rat hybrid appeared. And a deafening roar followed.
  A flock of local purple and green monkeys with four tails each, as well as a herd of giraffe hybrids with dragonfly wings, rushed, frightened by such, albeit a virtual, monster.
  There was a chuckle. A girl in a short skirt and a thin strip of fabric on her chest shouted:
  - Don't be a bully, guys! Anti-pulsarize terrorize animals.
  A third boy with blue, curly hair appeared.
  Smiling, he said:
  - Everything will be quasar , Marinka! We're just having fun!
  The girl clicked her toes with her bare, small, tanned foot, but with a pink sole. A hologram of a large, sailing battleship with many guns, with a crew of boys in striped uniforms on board, flashed. The young sailors smiled, and their boots sparkled with polish.
  The sails of the cruiser were decorated with magnificent designs, which included flowers, mountains, and beautiful girls. And then, indeed, clattering with her dandy boots, adorned with spurs studded with diamonds, a magnificent girl-captain appeared in a cocked hat with a feather covered with jewels sparkling like stars. She took off her headdress, revealing hair the color of gold leaf. She bowed to the girl and cooed:
  - What do you want, my princess?
  Slavka, that was the name of the boy with blue hair, laughed and answered:
  - Princess! Do you know that in the country of Lenin and victorious communism, any boy in a red tie enjoys greater honor and respect than the most avid tsar and great emperor!
  Marinka giggled, the hologram immediately disappeared, and answered, or rather sang:
  Through the storms the sun of freedom shone for us,
  And the great Lenin illuminated our path...
  He raised the people to a just cause,
  Ilyich inspired the space to take the universe!
  . CHAPTER No. 1
  The USSR did not collapse and did not fall apart. On the contrary, communism has won throughout the world. And the Soviet Union continued to expand until it became the last republic on planet Earth. After which , the era of a divided world ended, and a period of great creation and cosmic expansion began.
  Humanity began to develop and prosper. Wars, famines, epidemics disappeared, medicine became almost omnipotent. It was possible to improve the genetics of people, and the most terrible evil for humanity - aging - was defeated. People became eternally young and beautiful. Material problems were also resolved . Money disappeared and everyone could receive according to their needs.
  People settled throughout the galaxy. There are, however, a lot of stars and planets. Previously unprecedented sources of energy were discovered. Thermoquark fusion is two million times stronger than thermonuclear fusion, and thermopreon fusion is four trillion times stronger than the process of fusion of hydrogen nuclei.
  Computer technology has developed, the Hypernet and virtual ultramatrix . Life has become much better and more fun.
  Women were even spared the need to bear and give birth to children; all this was done by special cybernetic incubators. And as a result, all people became, without exception, ideally beautiful and with magnificent figures. And there are now several times more representatives of the fair sex than strong representatives. And how wonderful and magnificent the world has become, in which the vast majority are forever young and absolutely beautiful girls.
  And this was already a real paradise! And the representatives of the stronger sex are just like Apollo, although individual differences have been preserved. Races and nationalities in the Soviet space empire became more and more mixed, which made people even more beautiful and perfect.
  The paradise of communism and, it seemed, all the significant problems had already been solved.
  While exploring space, people have not yet encountered a single more or less developed civilization in their galaxy. And that might have been for the best.
  Since I didn"t have to fight with anyone. Although there were many planets full of flora and fauna. For example, Sirius had seven planets that had biological life. True, without civilization. And the most developed animals turned out to be centaurs from the fifth planet. But they also did not yet have tools and only picked up sticks and clubs if they had to start a showdown. True, Centaurs had intelligence at the level of chimpanzees and could speak human speech. What monkeys cannot do without genetic modification.
  On the fourth planet, which was very hot, with an average temperature of sixty-five degrees Celsius, the life forms were primitive, although some birds could be taught to speak. Both flora and fauna are rich. Pioneer camps were founded here, and children willingly flew here.
  The third planet was even hotter, but also rich in local life. And the first two are too close to Sirius, all the water evaporated on them, and protein forms could no longer exist. The fifth planet was cooler, but still hotter, than Earth in the twentieth century. And the sixth had an average temperature a couple of degrees lower than on Earth, when the climate on it had not yet been regulated.
  The seventh planet was slightly warmer than Mars, but it also had life, albeit more sparsely. The remaining planets no longer had natural life, except for the simplest bacteria. But there are plenty of minerals and much more.
  Sirius is rich in planets - as many as twelve, and that's great . Other stars are not so generous with this gift. In addition, in the center of the galaxy, where there are too many stars, cataclysms and earthquakes constantly occur on the planets due to the movements of approaching and receding stars.
  True, people have already tried to create planets artificially from stellar particles. So there was no threat of a shortage of habitable territory.
  There were a couple of civilizations at the level of development of Ancient Egypt, and similar people, differing only in the shape of their ears. They were like lynxes. Both civilizations are much more ancient than human ones, but have stopped in their development.
  And what"s interesting is that people of the local flood could live up to five hundred years and practically did not age, and the men did not even grow mustaches and beards, and they remained in appearance as teenagers. The people themselves called these elves. Yes, they are very beautiful, smooth-skinned, cultured, cheerful, frivolous and childish. Typical elves from fairy tales with eternal youth given by unique genetics, but also in the mind in a state of childhood, and technology remained at the level of early antiquity. The elves didn"t even have catapults or ballistas, but the chariot remained the height of perfection.
  At the same time , they loved to build pyramids and believed in the afterlife. By the way, the science of the future has shown that something really comes out of a person after physical death, and this can be personality and memory, and the hyperetheric component. So science now had two main tasks. Create starships capable of flying beyond the galaxy, and learn to resurrect long-dead people. And first of all, Lenin, who in the galactic USSR was like an ever-living God!
  Even a new countdown was opened from the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich! And it was cool.
  People were alarmed by the fact that in the neighboring galaxy there was an obvious, very technologically advanced civilization that had not yet made contact with humanity. But she didn"t show any aggressiveness either.
  And so, people found eternal youth, the cells in the body could divide indefinitely, which means ... Only the sky, only the wind, only joy ahead! And humanity has no time to rush!
  Valerka Lagunov and Leshka with Slavka and Marinka are only twelve years old. So they have no worries or troubles at all. They are now on vacation, which will last six months, and the children only have fun and pleasure during this time.
  Now they are creating holograms by clicking their fingers and toes. And they jump wildly. You might think that the characters are completely alive.
  For example, the King Kong monkey and the Tyrannosaurus rex fought. And combat and aggressive fun went with them. They literally tear each other apart.
  Marinka squeaked and turned it off:
  - No! It's brutal and there's blood. So, you must agree, it"s impossible!
  Leshka shook his red head in agreement:
  - Yes! Indeed, this is too cruel!
  And the boy snapped his bare toes. An image appeared of a beautifully painted cake with roses and other exotic flowers made of cream, as well as pearl swans and golden fish with silver fins. How touching it really looked.
  The boy from the future noted:
  - That"s great , isn"t it?
  Valerka answered with a smile:
  - A little childish, but overall not bad!
  Slavka tweeted:
  Eating cake is not bad, needless to say,
  But even better , drink tea with honey!
  And the boy with blue hair laughed.
  The children were cheerful and wanted new entertainment and sensations.
  Slavka took it and spun around at high speed, cutting loops. Inside the boys were tiny nanobots that allowed them to fly very well. Moreover, the guys were almost naked. But their red ties performed several functions at the same time.
  Including such as providing computer images and maintaining contact with the Hypernet .
  Slavka found himself next to a hybrid of a jellyfish and a python. And he literally spun the poor animal. Even the temperature warmed up even more.
  The flying boy sang:
  How we lived fighting
  And not afraid of death...
  This is how you and I will live from now on,
  And in the heights of the stars,
  And mountain silence...
  Sea wave and fierce fire,
  And furious and furious fire !
  Levka spun around in response, also with incredible speed, and chirped:
  There are many different doors in space,
  Evil hyperplasma raging streams...
  There is a sea of cracks in the black space,
  But now people are strong Gods!
  Valerka frowned and noted:
  - Hyperplasma is power! Many processes rely on it.
  Marinka added furiously:
  - Just like on hypercurrent !
  And the girl took and released the holographic pulsar with her bare toes. And a huge battleship appeared with decks and smoking chimneys
  Levka noted:
  - This is retro - the beginning of the twentieth century!
  Slavka also clicked his toes, and then an armadillo with shiny, gilded armor appeared on his side.
  The boy chirped:
  - Let's fight!
  Valerka also squeaked. But he came up with a much cooler, more modern and sophisticated ship.
  Pioneer Boy noted:
  - If you"re going to fight, then do it with music!
  Levko also reproduced his own dreadnought and spoke out:
  - No, we will fight with hyperquasar music!
  And all four ships opened virtual fire on each other. So much so that it was deafening.
  The children clapped their arms and legs, spun around and sang together with feeling, baring their teeth:
  We are children of the cosmos of a great era,
  Bright communism has already been built...
  People's affairs , believe me, are not bad at all,
  Let's rush up and not for a second down!
  We pioneers spew out hyperplasm,
  A super computer right in our tie...
  And the robots of children are obedient to orders,
  Capable of doing an ultra at this hour!
  We, the pioneers, are very, know, believe me, dashing,
  We flew to the very edges of galaxies...
  And even now our feet are completely bare ,
  They are capable of beating more than just sparrows!
  Everything will be so perfect and quasar ,
  Something that simply cannot be found in the universe...
  We will do it, believe me, so pulsarically ,
  The boys and I are on our way!
  The USSR is now huge, millions
  Includes stars and joyful planets...
  There are legions of communists behind us,
  We do not know suffering and troubles!
  We are capable of creating any miracle,
  And give out a theoplasmic pulsar from your finger...
  In the distant past, all the gods and the evil Judas,
  And now we have God"s gift!
  Let there be pioneers in the new world,
  In a beautiful body, full of love...
  We will build communism on any planet,
  And the nightmare zeros will not work!
  Vladimir Ilyich will give us inspiration,
  And we will sing the nightingale"s song ...
  You seize a happy moment,
  And a person cannot die!
  And believe me, now quasars will be ours,
  Throughout the universe there is red communism...
  at evil and nightmares ,
  Let's show pioneer altruism!
  Here are the starships rushing briskly into the sky,
  They are cooler than nuclear missiles...
  And children, know, plasma-light pilots,
  They can take on parquet with polishing!
  While we are resting on the planet,
  And Sirius is our dear star...
  The USSR will be a bright paradise for everyone,
  And Lenin is radiant forever!
  The children sang with great feeling and enthusiasm. And their voices are so ringing and iridescent, like the ringing of bells.
  And the battleships in the virtual battle continue to shower each other with shells.
  Beautiful girls in striped bikinis rush around the decks. They are tanned and barefoot. And their hair sparkles like gold leaf, platinum, silver, sapphire, ruby, emerald. The girls themselves are very beautiful, when they run under the bronze skin of the warriors, balls of muscles roll.
  Marinka giggled and noted:
  - These girls are just super!
  Valerka noted:
  - Yes, they are developed and curvy. Simply top class!
  The girls actually play with the rolling waves of their abs as they run. These are really cool beauties .
  Levka gives orders. And the girls load gun barrels. And they do this with swift and graceful movements.
  Valerka switches the guns to a forced firing mode. And the side where the shells are being inserted actually lights up.
  The boys squeal with delight and clap their hands and have a lot of fun.
  Slavka giggles and shouts:
  - Hyperpulsar girls!
  The warriors really do squeal like pigs. Here the battle takes place with great special effects. And the shells explode, blazing in the air like fireworks. This is truly the highest class.
  Valerka tweeted with a smile:
  - That"s it, collapse the enemy"s side, shoot in with armor-piercing weapons.
  And indeed , steel and large metal collapsed. And the sides are burning. And the girls" bare heels are licked by red flames. And the warriors scream, they are in pain from the burns.
  Marinka grimaced and purred:
  - This is too cruel. Maybe we can try a soft version?
  Valerka nodded his bright head on his muscular neck:
  - Let's try!
  And from the muzzles of the guns that were being loaded and from which gorgeous girls in bikinis were firing, sweets, chocolates, lollipops and dragees flew.
  Slavka licked his lips and noted:
  - Delicious! I also wanted to eat something.
  Valerka suggested:
  - Let's order ice cream online!
  The children did not argue, but clicked their bare toes together and sent a telepathic order.
  And then crystal tables appeared right in front of them, and on them were golden wine glasses with various types of ice cream. This is instant delivery to any point in the USSR via the Hypernet, and completely free.
  Levka took and scooped up the golden ice cream with designs on it with a spoon and chirped:
  - This is delicious !
  Slavka also took a spoonful of the pink ice cream with raisins and happily popped it into his mouth. He chewed it and the boy sang:
  This is a real cool miracle,
  Ice cream that grows in the USSR ...
  You boys don't need to build a camel,
  So that there are no more stomach problems!
  Valerka scooped up ice cream from different glasses standing nearby. He mixed it and sang:
  Children are supposed to eat this
  Radiant ice cream in the class...
  And we will eat it with pleasure,
  We will defeat the evil creatures in battle!
  Marinka laughed and flashed her teeth. Beautiful girls on holograms of armadillos also began to throw ice cream glasses at each other. And it looked funny. Especially when they stole in a bikini and got dirty in a multi-colored ice cream of all sorts. And it seemed so funny and delightful.
  Slavka tweeted:
  The world should fear pioneers
  The exploits of soldiers are countless...
  Boys always knew how to fight
  We will crush the evil world, believe me, to the ground!
  Levka chuckled and added:
  - And the whole country was watching the pioneers!
  Children began to eat ice cream more energetically. And they did it with great energy. Marinka squealed:
  Do you see an eclipse in the sky?
  A formidable symbol of the surf...
  Armageddon sign,
  Flocks of cosmic howl!
  Valerka began jumping and spinning, growling:
  Avadon, the curse rises,
  Avadon, total death!
  Avadon, and the dead regiments,
  Avadon, the madman leads!
  Marinka noted with a smile, spinning and jumping in the air:
  - Avadon, this is the demon of Satan! Not a good personality, no matter how you look at it.
  Levka giggled and grabbed the golden spoon with his bare toes. He threw the ice cream, knocking down a mixture of kiwi and canary. The wonderful hybrid bird crashed, but immediately jumped up and began licking itself with its unexpectedly long tongue and short silver beak.
  Marinka tweeted:
  - You see, even birds love ice cream!
  Slava nodded and sang:
  Everyone wants to eat
  Both soldier and sailor...
  Everyone wants to sit down
  To hit the nickel!
  Levka noted, also throwing ice cream at a local grasshopper with twelve legs, and forcing him to shake off the multi-colored ice cream with impurities.
  - Yes, insects are our smaller brothers. It used to be that mosquitoes bred on Earth, but now all arthropods have become good and useful!
  Marinka laughed and chirped:
  There are so many good boys
  Left lying on the sand...
  They drop crumbs of quarks,
  At superpulsar altitude!
  The children actually found it all very fun and funny. They love such extremely cheerful and funny performances.
  But now you can see that all four battleships with the girls are blazing and burning. And the fires rise above them, blazing with all the colors of the rainbow.
  Levka tweeted:
  - This is hyperplasmic fire. Even Zeus the Thunderer is unable to reproduce this!
  Marinka giggled and with her bare toes she reproduced the next turn of her huge ship. And he almost even collided with others. There was a foamy and emerald wave that seemed to splash out of a glass of champagne.
  The girl remarked:
  - War is a wonderful entertainment, but at the same time the worst vacation. It"s not very pleasant, especially when it was fought in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and everything shook, and fragments and flaming brands rained down on the fighters.
  Slavka noted:
  - Firebrands are nothing. It is much worse if the war takes place in winter. And the pioneers, boys and girls, fight barefoot and in shorts against the Tigers and Panthers approaching their positions.
  Valerka remarked with a smile:
  - And running barefoot in the snow is even nice. Such sharp and unique sensations arise that it is simply super!
  Levka nodded with a smile, confirming:
  - And the footprints of bare feet in the snow are so beautiful. You can lay out a whole ornament with them. I remember when we were at the south pole, there was a whole ice zone with frosts. And against the background of the eternal summer that is the rest of the planet Earth, it"s just super!
  Marinka nodded and chirped:
  - Yes, this can be reproduced now.
  And the girl clicked her bare toes. And immediately snow flakes fell on the burning armadillos. This is truly some kind of miracle. More recently, a battle in the tropics with barefoot girls in bikinis. And now it"s really snowing. And this, it should be noted, is so cool and unique.
  Frost appeared on the decks where the beautiful sailor girls were fighting. And it literally covered the surface. And the magnificent warriors left their barefoot, graceful footprints on it. And it looked so wonderful and delightful that the pioneer boys groaned.
  Marinka noted with a sweet, childish smile:
  - War on holograms looks funny. But this is already in a bygone era. And now there will be something aggressive...
  Indeed, an atomic bomb exploded and burst into flames with a blinding flash of thousands of photo blitzes . This is where the dismantling of burning works really began. And flaming droplets fly in different directions.
  And it splashes irresistibly and extremely violently. This is truly an incredible fire. And pillars of flame soaring above the chimneys and a match of armadillos.
  Valerka noted, with his sweet and peaceful look:
  - Destruction is a passion, but we have a different power!
  The terminator boy will take and stamp his bare foot.
  And the pioneers clap their hands again.
  And how can the soul of a child not take it and sing? Something so special and really cool. And the pioneers took it and sang:
  There are many different doors in space,
  Evil hyperplasma raging streams!
  Knowledge gave a lot of clues,
  We were people, and now we are gods!
  On starships we rush across the waves,
  Quarks foam in the ether vortices!
  What will I pass on to my descendants?
  Children of another, stormy world!
  A warm vacuum warms hearts,
  The stars around are like the faces of lovers!
  We serve progress, there is no end,
  And on Earth the maples rustle gently!
  Where we step, there Rus' blooms,
  The thunder of battles is the music of life!
  Let us boldly set out on a new campaign,
  Let us sacredly serve the eternal Fatherland!
  Yes, there will be casualties, space is harsh,
  Many different species and races!
  is too vast ,
  A friend in the evening, but a betrayer in the morning!
  But for Russia there are no barriers,
  Anyone knows: the Russian spirit is strength!
  Neither Gehenna nor Hell will frighten you,
  The grave will not imprison you even in death!
  Only flesh can be annihilated,
  Well, the soul serves the Motherland faithfully!
  Troubles and sorrows, overcome everything,
  We need to tighten our belt!
  So we defeated the enemies,
  We, humanity, are the navel of the universe!
  The abomination will thrust itself in, meet the blow,
  Gentleness, sorrow and sobs do not suit us!
  For us, space has become like a courtyard,
  A quick flight between the stars is like a walk!
  Although the heavenly carpet is limitless,
  We can reshape it - no joke!
  Having sung, the guys turned off the holograms with the naval battle. Instead of him, the girls were already fighting with an innumerable army of a more modern era. Somewhere in the early twenty-first century.
  But the warriors used lightning bolts that flew from long, scarlet-painted nails. And the tanks literally melted. The combat kits inside them exploded, and fragments scattered far to the sides.
  But then the tank, having melted, began to sprout into a bright, pink bush. First those cars that melted under the lightning first, and then all the others. And the budding plants bloomed in lush colors. At first they were just pink buds. But then cakes and chocolates began to grow in their place.
  And there was a whole grove of such tanks, which became bushes with tasty things.
  And planes were flying above. But their girls, with waves of magic swords, turned them into all sorts of tasty things. In particular, gingerbreads, custard cakes, chocolate donuts, marshmallows, marmalade and other things are very tasty and appetizing. And when the ice cream began to fall, and of various varieties, it turned out to be just super.
  And numerous children suddenly began to jump out, as if from underground. And they attacked the countless delicacies with rage and enthusiasm .
  The bare, pink heels of boys and girls flashed by.
  An assault bomber tried to fire the gift of annihilation at them with deadly force.
  But the warrior girl clicked her bare toes. And the hefty car crumbled into lollipops, chocolate bars and pieces of cake with cream.
  And several rockets in flight scattered into many bottles with bright labels, stickers and children's drinks.
  This truly was the greatest class of fairy-tale transformations.
  The children grabbed sweet and aromatic drinks and drank straight from their throats. What they did with great appetite.
  Valerka chirped, baring his baby teeth and singing:
  Our children are simply the coolest
  They can break off the horns of mutants...
  We will celebrate, believe me, success,
  Collecting giants of the universe!
  Four aggressive and Divine warriors, as always, on fire. And their proud and formidable names flash above the beauties.
  And so Elena attacks first. Waves his magic swords. And so the Orkish tanks , with dragon heads on the towers, are turned into very tasty, huge fat turkeys with a side dish.
  And then the demiurge girl will hit the planes with pulsars from her scarlet fingernails. And the planes turned into huge sausages with cheese, mushrooms and other fillings, and began to land.
  And then the girl released lightning from her navel and cast spells using her bare toes.
  And the helicopters have already become very tasty saltesons .
  But the daughter of the White God, Zoya, enters the battle. Her swings of her swords turn tanks into delicious cakes covered with chocolate and creams, as well as roses.
  And also the rose used magic plasma on Orsha planes with tiger heads and crimson fingernails. And they began to turn into candies, with a very tasty and aromatic filling. And everything turned out delicious and appetizing. And in huge candies, there is also a magnificent liqueur.
  But when the daughter of the White God used her bare, chiseled legs and special types of lightning from her navel, then the helicopters of the dictator Grobofutin turned into such shiny candies and custard cakes.
  Zoya took it and sang:
  - Girls are supposed to do good things ,
  It's sweeter than even ice cream!
  Victoria also began to transform Orsha tanks into something delicious with the help of swords. In this case, it was huge portions of ice cream in golden glasses. And with pineapples, jam, and something very tasty, including coconuts.
  And when the girl, the daughter of Chernobog, plucked her magic pulsars from the ruby nails of her graceful hands, then the planes of the Trolltish and Orkshi confederations turned into such delicious custard wafers with honey .
  And then the warrior of the Black God used both lightning from the navel and bare toes.
  And again such wonderful culinary products, including chocolate donuts and new types of ice cream.
  And what delicious smells. How well the girls prepared a variety of things.
  Victoria sang:
  - I'm a chocolate bunny
  I'm a gentle bastard ...
  Girl, you know, don't be a schmuck,
  Will destroy you one hundred percent!
  And she winked with her emerald eyes. And she has so much wonderful charm.
  And then Nadezhda used her swords. Here Orkostan and the troll empire had many troops, and they experienced various transformations. And now the tanks were transformed into seafood, in particular, sturgeon with a side dish and selected pistachios.
  And then, from the strawberry nails, she was struck with magical energy. And so it all went. The planes began to turn into squid in sauce, very well stuffed. And with delicious filling.
  And then the bare toes of the graceful feet of the girl, the daughter of Perun, were used, and from the navel, the selected and unique lightning bolts of a supermagic tsunami struck .
  And helicopters and ordinary soldiers flew in the form of fish and smoked meats with the finest gifts from the sea.
  Nadezhda took it and sang:
  - In the blue sea, in the white foam,
  Where the hurricanes rage...
  I was completely gone
  Conquering the countries with breasts!
  And then the girls started whistling, and from their sounds the soldiers of the Orksha army began to turn into beautiful flowers, or into very appetizing candies with a bright wrapper and sweet filling. And it"s so beautiful to turn death machines into something that children love so much.
  And all the troll troops near Grozariupol were turned into something tasty, appetizing, sweet.
  And the warriors move again, ready for a stubborn and brutal fight.
  Although their mood is good.
  So the girls found themselves on the outskirts of Slavavmorga , where fierce battles were taking place. They, these four, are, of course, ready to meet the army of the dictator Grobofutin with an open chest.
  Blots of magical plasma flew out of the scarlet fingernail of Elena"s right hand. They flew through the air and fell on the Orks and Troll tanks. And they began to transform again. They took the form of golden dishes with sumptuous salads, including pineapple and squid.
  Very appetizing dishes.
  And when Zoya fucked from her crimson nipples, the soldiers of the Orcish army turned into candy. And sweets with chocolates and bright wrappers. What delicious treats.
  But Victoria gave in from the ruby nails of her right hand. And magical, magical waves came. And the cool airplanes became very tasty chocolates. And they are covered with cream and condensed milk. As they land, the foil sparkles and the honey glistens.
  Victoria sang:
  - Try it, it"s very tasty.
  These dishes are not cabbage!
  Nadezhda also fights with wild fury. She is a warrior of extremely combative design. And she has a colossal attitude.
  And strawberry marigolds again throw out something very bright and seductive.
  And so the helicopters became large, delicious donuts and cakes. Moreover, custard and chocolate, and with pineapple slices. Such magnificent works of culinary art.
  Nadezhda took it and sang:
  - The virgins are proud of their ancestors,
  Rare confectioners...
  Scarlet nipples are beaten,
  Born for a reason!
  This girl is simply of superb rank. And with their bare toes they reproduce magical blots. The results from this product are very appetizing. Infantry fighting vehicles turn into such luxurious ones with flowers like poppies, cakes, very sweet and bright cockerels and fish.
  And then very beautiful chocolate bars appeared instead of motorcyclists and foot soldiers of the troll army. And they're covered in chocolate bark and honey. And everything is so juicy and tasty. Very wonderful , and with drawings.
  No, you can't resist something like this. These girls are super.
  And they have such muscular legs with inimitable grace.
  And tanned , and the skin shines like bronze. Everything looks great. With an abundance of blood that flows in streams. And the blood turns into cream, condensed milk, liquid chocolate and other delicious things. And everything here is so fragrant, juicy, sweet.
  And the children run, flashing their bare, round, pink heels. They are simply great.
  And they sing, baring their teeth:
  It's fun to walk together
  Across the expanses, across the expanses,
  Across the open spaces!
  And feast successfully,
  Friendly choir, friendly choir!
  And the army of dictator Grobofutin began to turn into something extremely appetizing and painfully tasty. And that's great .
  Elena noted, launching another magic blot with her bare foot:
  - Still, we can feed all the hungry!
  Victoria giggled, launching the gift with her bare heel, and said:
  -Let me become fat, like a barrel,
  Let me not go through the door...
  I am Chernobog, believe me, daughter,
  Let the thread of life not be interrupted!
  Zoya nodded with a smile:
  - This is great!
  One boy climbed into the condensed milk with his bare feet.
  And this is no longer funny. His baby soles were imprinted. And this
  it turned out to be extremely great . The boy took it and sang:
  - Condensed milk, condensed milk, condensed milk,
  May the Fuhrer, the bald devil, die ...
  Girl, girl, girl,
  Punch the orc in the side!
  Yes, it really is extremely fun and cool.
  Nadezhda sang, baring her teeth in a smile, and again with her bare toes, launching fiery and magical whirlwinds.
  Hope said:
  - Turn the bald Fuhrer into darkness,
  Throw that nasty warrior troll into jail ...
  Take the furry ones and the gang to prison,
  We will tear apart pests like a blotter!
  The girls took it and put their bare toes in their mouths and whistled. And the last soldiers and units of Orkish armored vehicles began to turn into exotic culinary products, or into sweet, aromatic ice cream in golden glasses. This is how beautiful it looks and causes an influx of saliva.
  Elena took it and sang:
  You bald Fuhrer, child of Satan,
  And the people of Elfia are the sons of Svarog...
  You evil usurper destroyed the country,
    Yes, take you into the abyss, bald vandal!
  Zoya readily agreed with this:
  - Glory to the Great Elf without the bald Fuhrer!
  Victoria giggled and noted:
  - Yes, that would be cool! It's time to grind the Fuhrer into powder!
  Nadezhda took it and cooed:
  - There will be new centuries,
  There will be a change of generations...
  Kill the fool
  The Russians need Lenin again!
  So the girls moved again, this time to the Solntsefey region. The battles there are very bloody. The dictator launched the Orkshi army on the offensive. And his troops got stuck in a tight defense. The battles are fierce.
  And so the four beauties took off into the air. And she clicked her bare toes together. And again, magical blots fly across the Orcish troops. And formidable tanks with long barrels turn into such luxurious cakes covered in cream, chocolate, and soaked in rum that they are decorated with colorful drawings. That right now throw yourself at them and eat. Everything is just great.
  And the soldiers become donuts covered in powdered sugar.
  Victoria sang:
  - Toy soldiers, toy soldiers, toy soldiers,
  Let's tear our enemies to pieces!
  Zoya released streams of magical plasma from the crimson nails of her right hand and turned the tanks of the Orkshi army into baskets with bagels, cheesecakes, and gingerbread. And it worked out great .
  And the dictator's planes turned into packs of ice cream in multi-colored and very colorful foil. And the pictures sparkled, and everything looked wonderful.
  And this ice cream, it should be noted, is delicious, and there are raisins in it, and nuts, and chocolate. Such delicacies appeared. Everything here is very tasty .
  And helicopters, from the influence of the ruby nails of Victoria, this playful daughter of the Black God, became fatty cutlets, or kebabs on golden skewers with juicy meat.
  You'll agree that this is great .
  Nadezhda even took it and added it from the navel. And now, the troops of Orkostan began to turn into very appetizing, gilded and platinum oysters, and with Faberge eggs.
  All this was extremely tasty with spices and various sauces and seasonings.
  The girls had a great party. And the soldiers of the Orkshi army turned into very tasty candies, including those with cognac and liqueur. And they took very beautiful forms to make them easier to eat.
  Elena winked at her friends and asked:
  - Are we eating well?
  Zoya confirmed:
  - Very good!
  And all four girls will release lightning bolts of magic from their naked, pink, gracefully arched heels. And whole mountains of sweets, lollipops and packs of ice cream appeared.
  great it all turned out. Such feasts can be celebrated.
    The girls, daughters of the Demiurge Gods, turned all the Orcish troops in the Solntsefey and Gnomolun regions into various kinds of fabulous and extremely appetizing, mouth-watering culinary products. Which, I must say, are simply superb.
  the Hobbit region also needs to be cleared of the Troll and Orcish troops . And then the girls are back in action.
  Of course, their scarlet, the color of overripe strawberries, nails of both hands are their number one weapon. And the warriors show their highest aerobatics, releasing magical blots from the girl"s naked palm. And they fly like streams of petals.
  And they turn the troops into either golden glasses of ice cream or juicy roasts. For example, airplanes become fried swans with apples and oranges on the side. And hypersonic missiles turn into waffles with chocolate, coconuts, mango and pineapple pieces. Such amazing tasty things.
  The soldiers of the Trollish and Orcish armies also become lush bushes consisting of heavenly, such magnificent, colorful flowers. Or they turn into candy or ice cream. And always with an excellent filling and pistachios, and other cool outfits .
  And what kind of cakes emerge are cooler than Napoleon. Everything is great and wonderful. And roses are painted with cream, of all colors of the spectrum.
  How magnificent everything has become. And the aromas here really tickle your nostrils. And unique smells.
  There are also transformations of soldiers into chocolate figurines in the shape of various animals . And here there are hares, and wolves, and squirrels, and bears, and other tastiest and best things.
  Victoria sang:
  I was told that she is not the daughter of Chernobog,
  Just my cutie and my bunny...
  People, don't be strict with the girl,
  An invoice has been issued - a penalty has accrued!
  Zoya nodded with a smile, turning the Ork missiles into very tasty and sweet candies again:
  - Thank you White God,
  For such a sweet world...
  So that the bald Fuhrer dies ,
  And we celebrate a feast!
  And the warriors will jump up and twist their luxurious hips.
  Here on land they crushed the Ork army of the dictator. More precisely, they turned the means of destruction into something tasty and beautiful, and it turned out very cool.
  And now the warriors flew to the sea to neutralize the trollemore fleet. They can do everything.
  Victoria even sang with excitement during the flight:
  - Kings can do everything, kings can do everything,
  And sometimes they decide the fate of the whole Earth...
  But don"t say anything, marry for love,
  Not one, not one king can!
  Not one, not one king can!
  The girls are already above the Sea of Chervonotroll . And they hovered in the air. And the bare palms of the beauties' hands in action. And tsunami waves of magical positive energy fly out of the scarlet nails. And the Orkish war cruiser immediately turned into a huge dish in the form of a catfish with a side dish on a gold tray studded with diamonds. And the orc sailors turned into large chocolate candies, or packs of ice cream with pineapples. And Zoya fucked again , and the next cruiser became in the form of a huge perch, and on it were cakes with chocolate and bottles of selected liquor.
  Zoya took it and sang, baring her teeth:
  - Wine is famous for its excellent taste,
  It knocks mighty men off their feet!
  Victoria clicked her bare toes, and another Orkish ship turned into a turtle with a diamond shell. And her meat was mixed with shrimp and biscuit. And the soldiers and sailors became either jelly beans or raisins. How delicious this all is. And there are smells like lamb roasting. Well, for example, Nadezhda turned an Orkish cruiser into a roasted wild boar of colossal size on a platinum tray. And I must say, it"s so delicious. And the gravy with ketchup is excellent.
  . CHAPTER No. 2.
  Marinka, looking at this, laughed and noted:
  - This is war, just super!
  Slavka noted:
  - It sounds too childish. Turn enemy soldiers into treats.
  Levka suggested:
  - Let's do something more serious then!
  The pioneer girl squeaked:
  - And more modern!
  The pioneer children exclaimed in unison:
  - New generation, wind of quarks, give change, with a huge gift!
  Valerka decided to watch a little movie with a space battle and, without thinking twice, turned on the full hologram.
  The guys whistled and stared with their emerald and sapphire eyes at the wondrous spectacle of a science fiction film.
  Tens, hundreds of thousands of starships of gray-breathing arthropods lined up near a transparent, cloudy plane, smoking with a milky-pink fog with multi-colored sparks flashing every now and then.
  Marinka noted, winking with her sapphire eyes:
  - This is truly a real and figurative miracle!
  Slava giggled and remarked:
  - The concept of a miracle is a relative concept. People just haven"t fought in space yet.
  In the movie, the mosquito civilization deployed its armadas.
  Their ships were a country of a slightly bizarre shape, and looked like creepy deep-sea fish, slightly flattened by the thickness of the water and densely studded with spiked cannons and curved steering wheels and antennas of various emitters. They swam in, like predators running towards prey, from different directions, trying to break through the perimeter, consisting of asteroids specially adapted for defense. In addition to the regular parts of Robotamomat , there were mercenary pirates present. Their ships were distinguished by their pretentious shapes, usually frightening, and individual starships looked strange and absurd. However, they were assigned a supporting role. The most formidable weapon was the newly released flagship battleship, the pride and beauty of the mosquito fleet. Resembling a gigantic electric ramp two hundred kilometers long, the submarine of arbitrariness is an eerie impression. Nobody knew yet, it was a secret even for the mosquito generals, that a test of a new superweapon was being prepared. Only Marshal Bloodsucker- Hyper , a rather large specimen of a mosquito, is well aware of the impending experiment. He had an assistant, also an arthropod. The fat caterpillar spread out all its twelve legs. His voice was like the buzz of a swarm.
  - Bugs with brains are just a degenerative branch on the tree of evolution. I command that the accelerating emitters of the hyperplasma be turned on anti-thermoquark reactor. Oh, new weapon, superlaser with anti-thermoquark pumping, you will show the enemy his place in the underworld.
  After which, laughter followed.
  Valerka muttered:
  - How does an anti-thermoquark reaction differ from a simple thermoquark reaction?
  Marinka answered confidently:
  - The direction and polarity of the process, which allows better penetration of the one-and-a-half dimension.
  Levki giggled and pulled his abs in:
  - Brilliant, this is a cool fantasy!
  Meanwhile, it tweeted:
  -Yes, your absolute excellency. We will incinerate the enemy, no matter how strong he is.
    The general barked , stretching his thick body into a string. - It"s just a pity that you can"t eat fukils, they are poisonous.
  -But you can eat anions. They have such tender and wonderful protein. I specifically order canned food from their side branch that grows on Planet Scott.
  The Marshal Count licked his plump lips with his long tongue.
  -We have millions of ships here. And we are stronger than everyone. Our power is capable of pulverizing galaxies. Now we will demonstrate something that has no equal in the universe. - The Marshal fell silent, choked with delight, and through the gravioscanner looked at the entire innumerable flock in which the ships of the invincible armada, which had already managed to sniff the plasma, were huddled together.
  Marinka tweeted, winking at her friends:
  - Isn't it great ! Trivially hyperpulsar ! These are the ships!
  Valerka squeaked:
  - They are definitely quasar !
  Levka squeaked:
  - Even hyperquasar ones !
  On the opposite side stood a three hundred and fifty kilometer asteroid fortress. Built into its belly were powerful hyperplasma cannons, tunnel emitters, ultra-annihilation- pumped lasers, non-intervacuum traps, space-to-space missiles and counter-charges .
  And all this is covered by a stationary, one and a half dimensions, force field. The asteroid was considered an impregnable nail of intergalactic defense. If the line was broken, the enemy armies threatened to go to the rear. This is the strategy of aggressive defense.
  In a small distance, other powerful Fukil starships floated, ready to meet the enemy with hyperplasma and grovititan . This force was commanded by a marshal, the Duke of Fuantabo .
  -A dirty wave of mosquitoes will crash against the hyper-titanium pier of the great race of Fukils.
  The beetle depicted the likeness of a cookie with six flexible fingers, like the tentacles of an octopus. He chose to take refuge in the most protected place - the center of the asteroid.
  Marshal Fonura was in combat mode. The sight of the line of asteroids made all five eyes sparkle wildly. His spaceship was gradually approaching combat distance. Holding the 3D projection in his hands, he made a U-turn. The gigantic flagship spun around its axis as if it had no mass. Smaller vessels repeated the ritual. Only pirate ships did not follow suit. One of them, the largest, rather like a gnarled dead tree, shuddered and hit with ultralaser and hyperplasma volleys, so far harmless due to the great distance to the target.
  Leshka sang:
  -Let there be a goal - forward dynamo!
  Slavka, baring his teeth, added:
  - It will be a very lethal goal!
  And he flashed his blue eyes.
  Valerka squeaked:
  - The enemy awaits defeat and oblivion, and the glory of the USSR is an example to everyone!
  Marinka giggled and screamed at the top of her lungs:
  - Look how these insects are fucking now ! They will feel hypervacuum !
  Nevertheless, the shooting began. Individual starships began to exchange salvos.
  Several dozen Fuquil ships rushed forward, and they began to bombard with hyperphoton- accelerated missiles. Fonura turned his finger and made a request:
  to pulsarize the enemy already ?
  -Yes, commander! - The computer answered dispassionately.
  -Well, then get it. We send a hyperlaser beam with the widest wavelength.
  Ultralight waves emanated from the newest flagship battleship , from a distance it seemed that this was a multiply accelerated filming of a cobblestone falling into the water. How quickly, a hundred times faster than the speed of light, the hyperplasma flashed. About a hundred starships with tens of thousands of soldiers on board suddenly turned into hot gas clouds and whirlwinds of dry cosmic dust.
  Marinka squeaked and slapped her bare, chiseled foot:
  - This is really great!
  Valerka wheezed, winking:
  - Hyperphotons in action!
  Levka tweeted:
  - Graviodoskaya on the fingers!
  Slava laughed and said:
  - Such an anti-black hole arrangement!
  -Checkmate! - Fonura bared his teeth, thin and long, like carnations. - This is called flat hyperlaser . And now we will prepare something hotter and quasar for the enemy . We need to get closer to the asteroid by another thousand sakleys.
  A pleasant female voice was heard:
  -You can hit him from this distance. The superlaser has almost perfect parallelism, which means it does not dissipate.
  Fonura even growled with excitement.
  -Then the hour of reckoning for the Fukols has already arrived. - And he jerked his hands, or rather paws, at the remote control.
  Marinka tweeted:
  - This is an ultraquasar showdown!
  Valerka added:
  - Megaphysical flash!
  Levka, baring his teeth, added:
  - In the darkness of the ultravacuum !
    The hyperreactors were launched, all the rods rose. Around each of the barrels, cobwebs smoking with purple fog began to grow, cutting right through the void.
  In a fraction of a second, shining cracks coming from four sources intersected and gathered on this side of space into a powerful beam, crashed into the vacuum, ramming the black wall like a hyperplasmic sledgehammer. The power of photons accelerated to ultra-speeds immediately broke through nine dimensions. She demolished spatial structures, distorted force and half-spatial fields. The haze blazed brighter than a supernova with a temperature of many quintillions of degrees. Of course, more than one star built by the process of simple thermonuclear fusion cannot glow so hot and bright. The forces involved here are two orders of magnitude more powerful.
  Leshka tweeted:
  - This is hyper-black hole power!
  Slavka found it necessary to add:
  - And anti-pulsar !
  Marinka tweeted:
  - But we could handle it too!
  Valerka confirmed:
  - Of course! He who is cheerful laughs, whoever wants will achieve it!
    The gravitational force field of the fortress asteroid could not withstand the pressure of such wild energy and simply burst like a bubble. Then terrifying streams pierced the center, piercing right through the armored block.
  -Cut it into fractional pieces. - Fonura commanded the computer. - Spray the fortress onto the nanoshards .
  Valerka squeaked:
  - A specific metadictator !
  Marinka giggled about :
  - Down with dictatorship and arbitrariness!
  The super-dense beam continued to shred and burn. And soon, on the site of the impregnable space citadel, only a heap of red-hot debris remained. The remains of the mega-fortress twisted and twisted in spirals. Fifty-five million fuquils and three hundred and fifty-eight million combat robots found their deaths here, usually quick and painless, but no less terrible for that. Marshal-Duke of Fuantabo also died .
  - A black hole in the ass! - Fonura yelled. - We did it, we pulsated it . Transfer the plasma eruption to your neighbors.
  After so much energy was used up, it took some time to reboot. At this moment, countless starships attacked the perimeter, aiming at the breach that had been made with ragged, melted edges. A fierce battle broke out, hundreds of thousands of spaceships merged in the embrace of death. From the abundance of ruptures, the hypervacuum seemed to boil and burst into cracks . The cannons destroyed towers and pierced the hulls of various ships. Individual starships, caught in the crossfire, simply exploded and annihilated; small force fields could not withstand the combined pressure.
  Marinka clapped both the palms of her hands and the bare soles of her tanned and strong feet:
  - This is really just superquasar !
  Valerka tweeted:
  - Well, the natural dimensions are very much respected! The composition of the battle is not vacuum!
  Levka winked at his friends, slapped his bare feet, and squeaked:
  - Hyperplasma will not reach the point of insanity!
  Slavka agreed with this:
  - That's definitely true!
  The stationary fortresses offered serious resistance; each of them had more than one thousand heavy cannons, spitting out pieces of hyperplasm at superluminal speeds and ultra-missiles within superphoton acceleration. These were terrible volleys, mowing down the ranks of the attackers .
  Marinka tweeted again:
  - This is super-perigee !
  Valerka nodded, waving his fists:
  - Tears off the gravirroof from the photon lashes!
  Slavka noted:
  - Hypercoster ultraphotonite !
  Levka roared:
  - Theonuclear charge!
  The death machine began to move again, unleashing a hyperplasma beam on nearby asteroids. The two hundred kilometer block scattered like pieces of ice from the blow of a steel stick. This tactic was very effective; the Fuquils began to panic, and some of their ships scattered in fear, like butterflies flying onto the Olympic torch. The others fought desperately. Moreover, reserves were brought into the battle, and the frenzied battle grew.
  Grand General of the Fukils Firon was calm, he pulled up reserves in advance and was confident that he would be able to repel the onslaught of the mosquitoes and their allies. But the caterpillars that breathe flora are very cunning, and were able to present a surprise. Our own pundits were not up to the task and argued that it was trivially impossible to create a hyperlaser of such power, but in fact it turned out that the enemy was the first to use a dangerous novelty. Now instinct and intuition suggested only two options: either to quickly run away, or to enter into close combat, mixing ranks. In this case, the long whip of the superlaser would risk knocking down its own .
  Valerka noted:
  - Surprise, surprise, long live surprise!
  Marinka corrected:
  - More like a hypersurprise !
  Levka laughed and objected:
  - But Hypertheonuclear weapons are still cooler!
  Slavka disagreed:
  - No, there is no one more cool than the pioneers!
  Firon, which was not often seen among the highest levels of the corrupt command, was brave. And he made a decision - to fight to the death! Several million ships with billions of fighters , both biological organisms and electronic ones, are intertwined in a hellish tangle. It seemed that hyperspace was warped, and the ultra-vacuum was cracked, and innumerable cracks were filled with superplasma . The brightest flashes, releasing an immeasurable amount of energy, resembled gigantic flowers instantly blooming in space, with predatory living petals greedily reaching out to the spaceships. Battleships, grand battleships , cruisers, charkoshes , hyperlaser destroyers, missile carriers, aerobonuses , laser boats, heavy, medium, light fighters and much more. All this was destroyed every second by tens of thousands, scattering into fragments, or hyperplasmic , highly heated magma.
  Marinka chirped, shivering:
  - Afraid! Really, this is ultra-blackhole !
  Firon chose a mobile mega-cruiser for himself. It was easy to command from it, and its high speed and excellent maneuverability made it possible to fight successfully. Anticipating that as the battle progressed, some of the enemy starships would try to land troops on the planets Shito , Mata and Griko, he ordered the surface to be mined with annihilation mines. All the same, they are almost deserted, and the few natives are not to be spared.
  Valerka noted with a carnivorous smile:
  - This is such megacunning !
  Marinka giggled and noted:
  The devil waged an evil war with the pioneers,
  The enemy fought cruelly, treacherously...
  But the pioneer fighter crushed Satan,
  Proving your truth in the battle of forces!
  Levka tweeted:
  - Pioneer, pioneer, communism - you are an example!
  Slavka corrected:
  - More like Octobers.
  One and a half thousand amphibious assault transports, under the cover of several tens of thousands of ships, including " meromat " and "neutron", penetrated to them. The planets were relatively poorly protected. The sector is practically open. Along the route, the squadron only shot at small satellites. In addition, they were lucky; along the way they came across six modules with fuel and ammunition - not all of them were able to be evacuated.
  In addition, the thieving generals had a negative influence; they hid some of the stolen goods in these worlds. Knowing this, the mosquitoes carried out a massive landing. There are three million selected soldiers on each planet; the landing sites are not difficult to predict; as a rule, they are a flat, almost mirror-like desert. As soon as the predatory armadas positioned themselves, they exploded at once. A terrible roar, screams, squeals, twitching limbs of half-burned caterpillars. Annihilation flares, each, depending on the type of matter, are from a thousand to five thousand stronger than thermonuclear ones. The charges are relatively cheap and simple. Here the mosquitoes made a mistake and did not send scanning squads ahead.
  Valerka giggled and chirped:
  - Yes, this is our productive impact!
  Marinka corrected:
  - Some of ours! This is most likely an anti-pulsar movie!
  Levka said with particular logic:
  - War is what happens in adult films!
  Slavka growled:
  - Stop making antipulsar antimonies!
  Grand General Fearon, however, did not see this - far away. All his attention was focused on the flagship battleship . The battle flared up more and more and, as Firon expected, the superlaser temporarily fell silent, having previously destroyed several more stationary citadels. The fleet broke up into numerous separate groups, each of which independently, without the help of high command, chose battle tactics. In these conditions, everything was decided by numerical superiority, and he was on the side of the mosquitoes. The Grand General understood that they could not hold out for long, and set himself the main goal: to destroy the flagship battleship. To do this, he put together a group of shock starships, and came closer and closer. The most important strength of such a gigantic ship is its force field. It can only be broken through or weakened by a consolidated blow to one point.
  Marinka issued:
  Strike straight without hiding,
  There has been no faith in words for a long time...
  Words must shoot like tanks
  And punch the orcs in the teeth!
  Valerka, with a smile that sparkled like pearls, nodded:
  - That's definitely true! But do mosquitoes have teeth?
  Levka tweeted with a smile:
  Forget-me-nots grow somewhere,
  Mom bakes pies...
  The pioneer still has teeth,
  Fangs will grow soon!
  Slavka growled, jokingly and seriously at the same time:
  - So that everyone trembles, so that everyone trembles, so that they respect!
  It seemed that fate was favoring them; another spatial curvature arose in the vacuum, and a stream of meteorites appeared out of nowhere. It was very thick and made it difficult to aim and shoot. In oncoming traffic, the outlandish swarm crashed into the flagship battleship.
  Marinka stamped her bare feet and chirped:
  - Hyperpreon squared!
  Valerka winked at the girl and asked:
  - Why not in a cube?
  The girl growled in response:
  - And about the head of cabbage!
  Slavka squeaked:
  - That's right!
  From the impact, the protective screen trembled, vibrated, and emitted a sparkling haze. Skipping closer, the mega-cruiser fired charges from all its plasma cannons and fired missiles and lasers. The response salvo was much stronger; it even managed to damage the bow and cut off the wing of the unlucky ship.
  Fonura growled:
  -Destroy. Burn this alien. Of all the weapons - fire !
  The next salvo, however, was not so destructive. Comets and meteorites softened the blow.
  But other ships pulled up. The power of the blow this time was stronger. Having crushed the field, already weakened by large blocks, the charges made an impressive hole.
  -Now is the time to throw the thermoquark bomb. - Firon gave the order.
  Valerka tweeted in response:
  - This will be really, really cool!
  Marinka answered with excitement:
  - And really in combat!
  Slavka roared:
  - Hyperstar !
  Levka laughed and remarked:
  - No, it doesn"t get any cooler!
  Usually such a missile is not entirely effective due to counter-missiles , or anti-radiation , but in this case, with part of the flagship battleship's abilities paralyzed, it could work. Of course, meteorites also caused trouble for smaller starships, but they still did not suffer as much as this giant.
  -Radiation to the maximum! - Firon yelled in a loud voice.
  Accelerated by ultraphotons , three missiles immediately flew into the breach. The formidable giant shuddered and managed to accept two "gifts". But then the third charge exploded slightly from the side, only widening the impressive hole.
  Marinka squeaked:
  - This is great - just super!
  Valerka added:
  - Both hyper and super!
  -A hundred quasars down the drain! - Firon roared and threw lightning bolts from frustration. - Fail such an attack. - Then he calmed down, not everything was lost, he commanded into the gravity transmitter . - Attack the flagship with all your might, aim for the hole.
  The order turned out to be practical. The extraordinary attack and onslaught was a great success. And although four starships were destroyed by return fire, the gap was widened.
  After which, one of the thermoquark rockets flew into the hyperreactor . The process of quark fusion is millions of times stronger than thermonuclear fusion. Such a powerful explosion immediately incinerated the structure of the ship, scattering it into hyperplasm. The gravitational wave and photons accelerated to superluminal speed turned it into a rarefied gas. The tentacles of the squid, heated to quintillions of degrees, engulfed pieces of matter, burning nearby ships.
  Valerka noted aggressively, spinning his top:
  - This is really hyperquasar!
  Marinka laughed and replied:
  - What can we say, everything will be extremely cool! Let's take it and forcefully hit it on the chin!
  Levka noted with a sweet smile:
  - Yes! This is truly a debut played out like clockwork!
  Slavka replied wittily:
  - Black hole in the quasar!
  Firon's mega-cruiser barely managed to jump to a relatively safe distance from the terrible resemblance of a supernova. Nevertheless, it melted and turned over several times, throwing it far away and crushing a number of partitions. The guns were badly damaged, most of them were out of action. Having lost most of its combat potential, the starship became easy prey for the enemy. Realizing this, and not wanting to die in vain, courage is not recklessness, Firon ordered a retreat. Maneuvering resourcefully , the mega-cruiser, avoiding traps and pincers, retreated, trying to get under the protection of its ships. And yet he was almost slammed, securely blocked, surrounded like a fox in a hole. The ship's few guns responded sluggishly to the barbaric bombardment. The force field went wrong, more like a torn umbrella than a reliable shield. It"s no wonder that the spaceship soon exploded and fell into fragments.
  Valerka clapped his hands:
  - Great!
  Marinka added:
  - Mega and meta pulsar !
  Firon barely managed to escape on a small boat. This rescue ship was practically invisible, a series of waves created interference in its perception, so that even gravity radars recorded only blurry spots. Courage has its limits, and the grand general wanted to survive. Moreover , the main task has been completed, and with a four-fold, and now, perhaps, five-fold superiority of the enemy, the outcome of the battle is a foregone conclusion, and the best thing that can be done is to withdraw the remaining troops. Already leaving the ship, Firon gave the order to systematically retreat towards the Madoron system in order to receive support for the planetary defense. This allowed us to gain time and bring additional forces to this area.
  Marinka tweeted:
  - The layout before the battle is quasar !
  Valerka giggled and noted:
  - And we"ll actually soak everyone and roll them out!
  Levka noted with a smile:
  - Go and look!
  Slavka took it and added:
  - And take a photo in the fecal annihilator !
  Marshal Fokhoron had already received a signal that large enemy forces could cut down his rear. However, he hesitated for quite a long time, fearing a frontal attack. Be careful not to weaken the line of defense. Moreover , the enemy launched a diversionary attack, destroying several thousand ships. Such a move frightened the already cowardly baron. Fokhoron was corrupt, mired up to his neck in corruption - an immoral type. And he is cunning in his own way , but at the same time he has not yet managed to sell himself wholeheartedly to mosquitoes. But there have already been some progress towards this. Mosquitoes knew how to find traitors, and some of his entourage were hired. In particular, General Hertz regularly produced reports, reporting both the number of troops and the immediate plans of his command. The mosquitoes paid generously; in war, the smart one gets rich, the brave one gets ahead, and the fool gets shot. Traitors, however, are not only smart, but also not distant people. After all, sooner or later they are caught by counterintelligence, or betrayed by their own employers. The reason is that he became unnecessary, or he was demoted, or even shot. However , they tried not to talk about this; on the contrary, they tried to please the paid spies in every possible way.
  Valerka noted:
  - They have intellectual degradation.
  Marinka clarified with a chuckle:
  - Completely photonized .
  Slavka squeaked:
  - Hyperbanzai !
  Levka added:
  -To the ultraphoton coffin of all mosquitoes and beetles!
  The light assault was repulsed, and now there was no longer any excuse for delay. Remembering the Extra-Emperor's order to avoid encirclement at all costs, and having received another Fokhoron gave the order to the gravity dispatch with a request, or rather a plea for help.
  -Let's perform. Long live the Extra Emperor!
  The Armada set out, however, very late; it was already too late. Meanwhile, the superior masses of the enemy continued their endless advance.
  Marinka noted with a chuckle:
  - The horde is rushing at us like an avalanche. There is no middle ground.
  Valerka answered with a smile:
  - Otherwise, all of you will be in oak coffins!
  Fadoron's system was one of the most fortified in the galaxy. The central planet was huge and densely populated - about two hundred billion. All approaches to it were clogged with homing cyber mines , as well as two dozen natural satellites. Each satellite is densely studded with plasma and hyperplasma cannons, as well as missiles. In addition, several more planets were spinning, on which there were settlements and bases. There were serious fights ahead. Firon knew where he was retreating, and the mosquitoes were too carried away to stop. On the contrary, they climbed like tanks, sparing neither themselves nor their lives. Space pirates were especially active, sensing the smell of something fried , evil star filibusters climbed like cockroaches to jam, it was very tempting to plunder densely populated worlds.
  And now the battle, which had begun to fade, flares up with a new incredible fury that it even seems that the stars are shaking.
  Valerka aggressively noted with annoyance:
  - Into the big black hole!
  Grand General Fearon managed to move to a light cruiser. From there he continued to lead the battle. The mosquitoes' initial attempt to break the total defense on the spot was unsuccessful. The massacre was stuck on the outskirts of the planet Codd. The surrounding planets shook from the explosions. One of the satellites received so many terrible hits that it split; from the outside it might seem that it was an ostrich egg bursting, so rapid was its destruction.
  Marinka again took out a diamond ice cream glass from the Hypernet, in three colors of cream, licked it and noted:
  - This is really a quasar, it won"t hurt your nose!
  Fonura managed to survive at the very last moment, leaving the flagship battleship on a rescue module-boat. Now the evil caterpillar exuded threats, especially since its skin was severely scorched by radiation.
  -Take no prisoners. Suffocate everyone, destroy them, burn them, scatter them into photons.
  -It will be fulfilled, your stellar superiority! - Generals of lower rank gave orders. It was very difficult to get through to Codd; for every tiny step you had to pay with thousands, tens of thousands of starships. However, the inexorable avalanche was approaching.
  - Squeeze them like this. Pinch harder, not much more, and the quasar will end! - The Marshal Duke was outrageous. - Do not place too many ships when attacking satellites - strike at a long distance. That's more careful. Oh, the devil's graviomines !
  Valerka agreed with this:
  - Yes, mines, this is really an extremely big problem!
  Marinka added:
  - It"s more logical to say hyperquasar !
  Levka clarified:
  - Not more logical, but funnier!
  Slavka squeaked:
  - Hyperspace collapse !
  The mines actually came out, almost invisible, they emerged from space and rammed starships. Some were destroyed on the spot, others, on the contrary, received only damage. Many explosive devices were equipped with a pulse blaster, capable of burning through force fields, albeit for a very short time , causing terrible damage. The heavy losses had left the Mosquito fleet bled dry, and even the pirates were beginning to show signs of restlessness. If there are such large losses on the approaches, then how much will have to be lost on the planet itself.
  The pioneer girl muttered:
  - Communism is not just a system - quickly kill the mosquito!
  Fonura, however, suddenly stopped raging and spewing sulfur. A good idea occurred to him.
  -What if we use another, more powerful weapon against the Fukils? - The caterpillar giggled. - After all, we have it, it"s also a very effective charge.
  Valerka squeaked in agreement:
  - Of course they have! That you can"t even take your eyes off it!
  What Fonura thought of was nothing more than a " hyperradio bomb ". This newest weapon emitted special superneutrons are a billion times shorter wavelengths than gamma radiation. The explosive power of such a charge is not great, but the hyperradiation is millions of times stronger than normal . And the penetrating power is colossal - gyrido waves, this is not a joke, they are capable of burning through the planet. The main drawback of the device is that it cannot be exploded in outer space. Due to its design features, this embodiment of invisible death was only suitable for use on planets, and even then not on all. But in this case, Codd's world fit. This terrible device destroyed two-thirds of the population of this world. It"s good that the mosquitoes only had one such charge.
  Valerka noted with a smile:
  - Not a nonsense approach?
  Levka muttered:
  - Most likely not a black hole !
  Slavka hissed:
  - But with hyperambition !
  Marinka squeaked:
  - For the pioneers!
  What a very good weapon, you kill manpower, but all the equipment and material assets remain. It's just a pity that it's still too expensive. In order to create gyrido waves, a large amount of garvanic is required , and this is the rarest element in the universe. But they have not yet learned how to synthesize it artificially.
  -Surprise number two! - Fonura was very pleased. - Cleaning the planet with a gyrid comb .
  Marinka squeaked :
  - Fire Princess Plasma !
  In addition to the fucols, fuciants, translucent land mollusks, lived in this heavenly kingdom. They worked for Fucolia and lived quite well. Conquering them was as easy as shelling pears, a couple of volleys, and the Futsians raised their paws to the top. After which, the aborigines were allowed to retain a significant part of their autonomy. Now this race received rights on an equal basis with the Fucols . The radiation turned them blue, dirty purple and red-brown. Many were covered in spots and were writhing in unbearable pain. Those who died immediately can be said to be lucky - they turned black, with their fins glued together, while the agony of others lasted many hours. Numerous robots, both combat and industrial, were also damaged, especially since some of them were not completely disabled, but went crazy, throwing themselves at the few survivors, or grappling with each other. The picture was truly terrifying.
  Even the erudite Valerka roared:
  - Hyper scary ! And it's quasar !
  The paralyzing blow knocked out most of the defense, and the mosquitoes finally seized the initiative. Only a part of the satellites continued the desperate battle; the Fukols sold their lives dearly. However, they only had a maximum of half an hour left.
  -Where is this damned Fokhoron so that he himself can be buried. - Firon swore. "I"ve already asked him for help so many times, but no answer, no greeting." A black hole under his chitin!
    Help was indeed late. On the contrary, additional reinforcements approached the mosquitoes.
  Marinka, splashing her bare feet, squeaked:
  - Don"t slow down on turns, that"s the only way you"ll learn to win!
  Valerka tweeted:
  - This is the highest level of influence on hyperphotons!
  The fan continued to itch, the burns burned mercilessly. After a short thought, he decided to take a healing bath without waiting for the end of the stellar battle. The Duke Marshal ordered it to be filled with a regenerating solution, and plunged headlong into the purple-crimson liquid. It was very pleasant, the lacerations tingled, the pain subsided. The caterpillar wriggled, splashing emerald foam, moving its paws. Then the marshal leaned out and continued to give orders.
  -Come in from the left, one hundred thousand starships to the right flank and to the bottom corner. Like this. Now press him from the rear. Use a spiral bypass. Circular diving . And now we've dispersed.
  Government starships obeyed him unquestioningly, but the pirates acted as best they could . They were primarily interested in the planet Codd. Many of them began landing troops in this long-suffering world. The celestial air smelled of sulfur dioxide, and therefore it was possible to rob only in spacesuits. The ionized atmosphere produced weak radiation that quickly lost its strength, and was practically harmless to living things. But at the same time, there was a bitterness in my mouth, and I wanted to spit. However, the trophy wine, often a liquid incompatible with the body, poured down the throats. Protein types especially valued alcohol, but sulfur-breathing types did not disdain it. Among other things, some wines were seasoned with such exotic " dope " that it distorted the brains, or logical molecules, of those who did not have brains.
  Valerka noted with a chuckle:
  - Yes, and these freaks poison themselves!
  Marinka laughed and replied:
  - Pioneer, if you see someone smoking, treat him as an enemy of the people! Just don't kill with a blaster!
  weaker corsairs fell dead. They were then undressed by their own accomplices, and sometimes quietly cut with hyperlaser blades. That is, chaos reigned in full force. The buildings were largely intact, and therefore looting was rampant. Soon state crews also joined the pogrom. Everyone wanted to grab more. However, it was not over yet. Much late, but the forces of Fokhoron arrived. The ambitious count dug for a long time, but still got his act together.
  And the moment, as it turned out, was successful for him, most of the ships crowded together, ruining Codd. Consequently, Marshal Fukil had surprise and a better position on his side.
  Valerka noted wittily, grinning his teeth, sparkling like the patent leather shoes of a princess:
  - Our team is the strongest, from the taiga to the British seas!
  - And to the end of the universe! - Marinka added.
  Now the cannonade followed a completely different scenario. The mosquitoes were pressed to the surface of the one hundred and twenty-five thousandth kilometer planet. Many pirates had already gotten so worked up that their starships remained standing on the planet, and with their force fields turned off, posing as an easy target. They were shot from orbit. The filibusters responded sluggishly. Only the Fukil government forces offered more serious resistance.
  -Here are the arthropods " fluorics ". They flew into my head. Bring reserves into the slaughter and reorganize. - Fonura pulled the hologram. - Get away from this planet, why are you stuck like worms to feces?
  Marinka noted capriciously:
  - He expresses himself uncivilly!
  At these words, the Marshal Duke developed a terrible appetite. He has not yet had dinner, and the sight of many billions of living individuals dying awakens brutal hunger. Although Fonura was a caterpillar, he was very fond of meat, especially baked with blood.
  -Deliver it to me immediately, I'm hungry. - The Duke tapped on the armrest.
  Valerka noted with a chuckle:
  - And this one wants to eat himself during the battle! Children, don"t take his example!
  As always, ready robots, knowing the master's tastes perfectly, delivered him juicy, steaming pieces of swampy green meat with brown spots, garnished with Vintusian grasshoppers and sprinkled with Suharto's burp sauce. This animal is a mixture of a hippopotamus and a viper, and feeds on giant plants. Everything together was very tasty and literally melted in your mouth. The mosquitoes' four tongues actively helped, and three rows of blue, yellow, and green teeth actively chewed food. Sometimes individual threads got stuck between the teeth, and in order to dissolve them, it was necessary to rinse the mouth with a weak solution of ligusic acid. This was followed by a special acid-base beer with the addition of nitric and sulfuric acid. It is nutritious, healthy and most importantly hits the mosquitoes on the heads.
  Marinka squeaked:
  - Don"t pioneer fall into a black hole!
  While Fonura was having fun, the rest of the generals took control. Now the star battle was taking a different turn. The area around Codd was difficult to recognize; it was filled with debris, fragments and other rubbish. The corsairs and enemas fought back desperately, but not particularly effectively, while the invigorated fucols pressed on. The heavy battleships "Tushat" were especially zealous; they had many hundreds, thousands of guns and lasers. In particular, they managed to easily destroy the cover of cruisers. Now they, like zombies, approached the crippled companions. Traces of projectiles, lightning lasers, smoking pieces of hulls flying in all directions literally overloaded the space. The scales were clearly and increasingly tilted in favor of the Fucols. However, the enemy had not completely exhausted his reserves. And countless hordes of mosquitoes flew into hyperspace again . And a heavy ultra-plasma tornado fell on the arthropod ships. Once in his arms, few managed to survive. Here is a typical one crew of Fukols, armed with the latest technology. Captain Folod put his hands on the gravity steering wheel , the control was very simple, like a children's joystick, and fukols trained since childhood, first at games, then on reputable simulators.
  Marinka squeaked:
  - You"re right, hyperphoton - train !
  And then a howl was also heard:
  -What do you think, Grand? Will we be able to get out of something like this alive? plasma grinders .
  -There is always a chance, Folod. The main thing is to avoid double ticks.
  -These damned plasma battleships, they have good protection and a lot of guns, they are practically invulnerable for our cruiser.
  -If only you get to an extremely close distance and fire a volley at point-blank range.
  -Yes, in this case, we ourselves will be shot. - Grand, the captain"s first mate and part-time commissar, pointed to a cluster of spaceships, destroying the battered Fukil fleet with heavy fire from all their cannons .
  -Maybe we"ll hit where the Vatormorolas bounce in the vacuum .
  Squeak in response:
  -And what will this give?
  -We can destroy a large supply transport. And without them it will be difficult to fight on this planet. By the way, it is mined.
  -That"s what Fold, if this is so, then now is the time to tear it up.
  And indeed, at that moment it exploded. Realizing that it was clear that Codd could not be held back, and that almost all the civilians were dead, the Fuquils detonated deep thermoquark mines. The continents cracked at once and fell into a cascade of fire. The entire surface heaved up, crumbling into extremely hot sand. In short, the end of the world has come.
  Valerka squeaked:
  - Fall into a black hole!
  Several billion pirates, and mosquitoes that had not yet managed to evacuate, were instantly incinerated. Their only consolation was that they died almost painlessly. After all, pain cannot be transmitted faster than the speed of light, and this type of hyperplasm is one hundred and ten times faster.
  - Just like that, as if someone heard us, now this world will not be suitable for use for a long time.
  -What do you want, Grand. We would like to survive ourselves. - Folod cursed with relish.
  -This is the power of a thermoquark rocket. We also have one, so we"ll use it to tear through transport.
  -What about the counter-missile ? This is the weakness of this weapon; it is easy to take over with an oncoming shot.
  -You can use interference and Zet radiation.
  -It doesn"t help much, although it"s better than nothing.
  -Then let's take a risk - fortune favors the brave .
  Valerka, this erudite pioneer boy, considered it necessary to add:
  - And smart, too!
  They continued to maneuver and approached the transport. The cruiser dived like a fish.
  -Distance to target? - Folod asked.
  -Five hundred twenty-six simulations .
  -Engines in metaplasma operating mode. Readiness seven kurankul . - Folod threw back the helmet that was sliding off his head. - The countdown has begun.
  The rapid approach to the ship, loaded to the limit with cargo containers, began.
  - Let's bang!
  -Be careful, there is a launch pad on the right. Possibly several missiles. Oh, they take off towards us.
  -We carry out a standard anti-missile maneuver.
  -Will not work. - Grant managed to whisper.
  However, this time the feather-light cruiser managed to escape, deftly dodging out from under the deadly kiss.
  - That"s it, and you said that we wouldn"t have time. Anything is possible if you are careful. "Folod flicked his partner"s flat nose.
  Marinka noted:
  - Is this funny? It"s a sin to smile here!
  Now they were close. The enemy's guns fired very densely, it seemed as if a hyperplasmic waterfall was pouring. But it is immediately clear that the volleys are not targeted, but barrage in nature.
  -The rocket, in theory, should pass. Unless, of course, there is some unfortunate accident.
  They were slightly caught, the partitions were cracked. At this moment, they reached launch range.
  -May the Almighty help us. - Folod pressed start. The bomb bays opened. And then they swam out, two beauties - the pride of the Fukil war machine.
  Hyperphotic jets dispersed the rockets, and the spaceship itself moved back, adding thrust.
  -If it explodes, then it won"t be good for us either.
  The mosquitoes did not even have time to react before two missiles, having bypassed the force fields and hinged sides, crashed into the hull. The thermoquark flash struck in all directions with unprecedented force, evaporating guns and equipment. In addition, the detonation of primarily annihilation supplies began. So the explosion was serious. The giant scorching tsunami scattered and partially evaporated nearby starships, but the cruiser managed to escape.
  -Like this! Someone said it was impossible! - Folod was delighted.
  -Why are you happy? We all lost the battle. And now, at best, we will be lucky to survive.
  -This is not small, because life is a worthwhile thing.
  Indeed, Fokhoron was cowardly and moderately cautious. Seeing that the battle was losing, and the overwhelming advantage was on the enemy"s side, he ordered a retreat. The fukils retreated in an organized manner, breaking up into separate groups and, at the same time, hopelessly snapping.
  Having suffered significant damage, the mosquitoes did not pursue them actively enough, apparently fearing ambushes. In reality, Fokhoron had nothing, but Firon tried to build several cunning traps. In particular, whether to lure the enemy into a black hole. But the mosquitoes were on the alert and deftly stopped all attempts to bypass. So gradually the distance between the two armadas increased and the skirmishes stopped. It became calm. Fokhoron wrote an urgent dispatch to central headquarters. There he greatly exaggerated the number of the enemy and the losses they suffered. He demanded, or rather, tearfully asked for reinforcements, tried to shift the blame for the defeat onto Firon .
  Marinka squeaked:
  - It will really break off the enemy!
  Firon, in turn, reproached Fokhoron for being late and also begged him to send a strong sicurs. Both commanders hated each other and were ready to drown their partner in a spoonful of water, or soak them in one photon. However, that's their business. In the meantime, the starships settled down for repairs. There was a lot of damage; their ugly, holey hulls were covered on all sides by repair robots. Vacuum welding glowed, lasers trembled, cyborgs with many tentacles brought in spare parts. Having received a slap in the face, the mega-empire licked its wounds. One of the fragments, having been welded, sparked.
  . CHAPTER No. 3
  The film, of course, was magnificent, with special effects, and looked like giant holograms, which can generally be said to be hyper .
  Marinka tweeted:
  - Great, but...
  Valerka nodded:
  - Yes, the signal sounds, it"s time for us to go to the rally point. And you really should hurry up.
  Levka nodded:
  - Yes, you can"t argue with that!
  Slavka tweeted:
  - Let's take off!
  And the four warriors from the future jumped into space in the direction of the Burevestnik camp.
  The pioneer children rushed like a stream of light in a vacuum. And they incarnated, right next to the very abode of the young Leninists. The camp was very beautiful. The buildings resembled luxurious temples, with very elaborate shapes.
  And in the center, a statue of Lenin, decorated with gems, sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow. It is the size of a good mountain. Several boys and girls were spinning in the air.
  Children in red ties were spinning and doing loops. It all looked extremely funny. And there was a reversal and a revolution.
  Marinka noted with a satisfied smile:
  - This is the happy childhood given by Vladimir Ilyich!
  Valerka nodded in agreement:
  - Lenin was a genius; centuries ago he foresaw the phenomenal achievements of communism!
  Levka giggled, twisted in the air and answered:
  - Yes, this is really very cool !
  A huge butterfly with marvelous designs on its wings flew over the statue of Lenin. And it looked damn beautiful.
  Slavka noted with a sweet smile:
  - Yes, it's hyperquasar!
  Marinka clicked her bare toes and chirped:
  - There is heat and snow in the world,
  The world is both poor and rich...
  And now any creator -
  Starships are being lined up!
  Levka confirmed, winking with his eyes, which changed color from purple to orange:
  - Yes , we are building not only starships in a row! The time will come, and we will create universes!
  A robot girl appeared, as if the jack-in-the-box had jumped out. She spun around like a top and chirped:
  On starships we rush across the waves,
  Photons are rushing in different directions...
  Children, I"ll say hello to you,
  The child will be battle-hardened!
  And the girl of wondrous beauty winked at the boys and did a somersault in the air.
  The guys' spirits rose sharply. And they bared their white and sharp teeth, like those of wolf cubs.
  Then more children appeared. Countless cohorts of pioneers jumped out from different directions. They twisted, turned over and giggled. But then the signal sounds. And about five hundred guys lined up in ranks at once. Now there are children hanging in the air. And red ties glow like rubies on everyone"s necks. And even the uniform became the same white-red-white color. And mostly bare feet, covered with blue sandals.
  And the guys stood at attention. The solemn anthem sounds:
  The indestructible union of free republics,
  It was not brute force, but evil fear that brought us together...
  And the good will of enlightened people,
  Peace, friendship, light, reason and courage in dreams!
  Now all the peoples of the planet are united,
  We are earthling brothers and friends forever!
  May Lenin's supreme Name be glorified,
  All nations of the world are a holy family!
  Hail to our free Fatherland,
  Friendship of peoples is a support forever!
  Legal power, people's will,
  Man now rules the universe!
  We have opened the way to space for people all over the world,
  Fascism is destroyed, progress is exalted!
  We walk glorious miles between the stars,
  Under the rule of the Soviets, the human spirit has risen!
  Glory to the Fatherland, our free one,
  Friendship of peoples is a support forever!
  Legal power, people's will,
  Man now rules the universe!
  There is no stronger spirit of the Fatherland in the universe,
  Anyone who is intelligent is a brother after our hearts!
  We serve the Fatherland stronger, or rather
  the hypermat into your fist !
  Glory to the Fatherland, our free one,
  Friendship of peoples is a support forever!
  Legal power, people's will,
  Man now rules the universe!
  They reached Berlin on tanks, shooting,
  At least a lot of beautiful people died!
  The red banner shines, giving freedom,
  And the villain is thrown into the inferno by the power of love!
  Glory to the Fatherland, our free one,
  Friendship of peoples is a support forever!
  Legal power, people's will,
  Man now rules the universe!
  Believe, we will protect and expand the Motherland,
  Let's give an endless ocean of love!
  Under the flag of the endless, great messiah,
  Let my descendants frolic with laughter!
  Glory to the Fatherland, our free one,
  Friendship of peoples is a support forever!
  Legal power, people's will,
  Man now rules the universe!
  To the universe we bring communism of freedom,
  After all, Lenin gave us the mind to create...
  Throughout the universe, peoples will merge,
  Progress illuminated our thoughts in our dreams!
  Glory to the Fatherland, our free one,
  Friendship of peoples is a support forever!
  Legal power, people's will,
  Man now rules the universe!
  After such a song, the pioneers bowed, and a beautiful girl"s face appeared. It was young and extremely charming. She smiled and noted:
  - Chairman of the planet, Svetlana Harpun, greets you, young Leninists!
  After which, one large hologram of the girl"s face was divided into five hundred small ones. And these colored holograms flew up to the guys. Although in the new world there are ten times more representatives of the fair sex than the stronger sex, in this camp there are approximately twice as many boys. And the hologram of the girl kissed them on the forehead and lips. It was pleasant, and the girl smelled of wonderful perfume.
  The boys involuntarily blushed, the girls smiled.
  After which, the five hundred holograms became one again, and the girl chairman said:
  - My younger brothers and sisters! There is peace and order in our universe, but hyperplasm must be kept active. Therefore, I declare military training season for you.
  Various types of games and combat training should keep you on your toes!
  The young pioneers raised their hands in the usual salute and exclaimed:
  - I serve the Soviet Union! Glory to the USSR!
  And they added in unison:
  - Lenin and hyperplasma are with us!
  The girl nodded and continued:
  - In the meantime, eat. Whoever eats eats for Lenin!
  And her hologram disappeared.
  Crystal and diamond tables appeared in the air, laden with various dishes. And the children themselves again became colorful in their clothes. Most of the boys and girls preferred to hang out barefoot. Moreover, their toes are so nimble and bend so deftly.
  That they can grab spoons, forks, and knives.
  Valerka, sitting down, happily scooping up the golden ice cream in the pebbles with a spoon, noted:
  - What do you think, in the nearest galaxy a civilization could attack us?
  Marinka shrugged and answered:
  - Personally, I doubt it. If they are so technologically advanced, then they simply must have a communist system. But communist states do not fight each other.
  Slavka smiled, chewing a mixture of mango, chocolate and a hybrid of grasshoppers with pistachios, and remarked:
  - At one time, I remember, a war almost broke out between the USSR and China. So communism can be different!
  Levka nodded:
  - And Pol Pot called himself a communist. And he himself committed genocide of his own people worse than the Nazis.
  Valerka winked at the guys:
  - Do you want to fight with the Nazis? We can do this in virtual reality. And everything will happen as if in reality! A complete illusion of reality.
  Marinka giggled and noted:
  - An interesting idea, but first, let"s try something more modern. And we will always have time to fight the Nazis!
  Levka nodded in agreement:
  - That's it. Hundreds of years have passed since the Great Patriotic War, and it is already a long history. And everyone flocks to her. Even the pioneer anthem is all about this!
  Slava remarked with a smile:
  - But Vladimir Lenin is even more ancient, and he is glorified as eternally alive!
  Valerka said confidently:
  - Soon they will learn to resurrect the dead. Scientists have already discovered the individual river of time. If you go down it until the moment of death, and remove the body from there, then it will be restored in the future, and the person will live with new, incredible strength!
  Levka giggled and sang:
  Immortality since a long time,
  A man was searching, captivated by a wondrous goal,
  In the religions of the ancients,
  And in the strict sciences of later times...
  Marinka nodded and confirmed:
  - Yes, there is such a thing. That's why Christianity was so attractive? It promised people immortality, and a joyful immortality, in which people were almost equal to Gods. More precisely, without specifics.
  The pioneer boy Valerka nodded:
  - Right! So each person loves his own. Here in Islam they brought more specifics to paradise. They came up with harems and palaces. But the question is: if a man has a harem, then what about a woman? What if a man and one beloved girl are enough?
  Slavka noted:
  - Yes, if you look at it, this is more of a minus than a plus! When there is more specificity, the intrigue is killed . And why does someone who doesn"t know how to kill time need eternal life?
  Levka noted:
  - We are almost immortal. In any case, we don"t grow old. And if so, we still have so many good things ahead of us.
  Valerka tweeted:
  For now we are just children,
  We have to grow, still grow...
  Only the sky, only the wind,
  Only joy lies ahead!
  Only the sky, only the wind,
  Only joy lies ahead!
  Marinka smiled and suggested:
  - Valerka and I will go now and go through the obstacle course.
  The pioneer boy nodded in agreement:
  - Of course! Today is a holiday until the morning - let's break through the fraer !
  The children winked at each other.
  After which the boy and girl took and dived into the virtual reality of the Hypermatrix .
  The pioneer soldiers put on their helmets, and the world around them suddenly changed, monstrous holograms began to move.
  Valerka, although he understood that it was make-believe , felt some timidity. He knew that overcoming an obstacle course was typical for the random training of a more or less serious army.
  Marinka whispered to him:
  - Don't be timid, partner! It's just magical electronics.
  - Where did you get the idea that I was timid? - Valerka Lagunov was brave, but his teeth clanged treacherously.
  And it surprised the boy, in fact, that he hadn"t played such games before, and for goodness sake. And now he"s like a two-year-old boy, and then, probably, small children playing in virtual games are not so afraid.
  - This is a special radiation, it instills fear in us. It"s as if we forgot that we are not green beginners, but seasoned warriors! The partner gently stroked the pioneer boy's muscular chest. The eyes were burning.
  Valerka answered warmly:
  - I didn"t really fight, not even for one day, but I trained all my life!
  He whistled like a nightingale.
  At first, out of all the weapons, they were given only a small, solid laser dagger.
  He didn't even look particularly serious. True, it was light and could be slightly extended. The first enemy resembled a spiny snail, with a beak sticking out of its shell. The initial path was along a slippery, rotating surface in some places. Therefore, Valerka, deviating from the enemy"s attack, almost fell. His friend hit the beetle, cutting it into two parts, and the pieces fell off.
  - Work with the dagger! - Marinka shouted. "They"re not as scary as they want to seem."
  - I noticed it! - Said Valerka. - Although something strange is happening to the body. It"s as if the nerve endings were frozen!
  The pioneer warrior squeaked:
  - You'll see, hit! That's all the " defrosting "!
  Virtual monsters, some human-like, others with many tentacles, attacked them. This time Valerka was on the alert. The counter strike shook the nearest enemy. The next one he killed was a hermaphrodite man. I don"t feel sorry for such a freak at all. But the resemblance of a squid with swords almost blew off its head.
  After being caught by the sword, my body began to ache and ache.
  - It"s disgusting, he hurt me! - Valerka cursed. "I didn"t think I was that clumsy."
  -Have you ever fought with virtual monsters? - Marinka asked.
  - With a pineapple monkey! She chased me and I almost died. Although, there are some eccentrics who say that all monkeys are kind and love people because they are its brothers.
  - Our opponents are neither good nor evil. They are indifferent, like the sea on which pirates sail.
  - More likely even a vacuum. The sea is warm and gentle. - The pioneer boy was struck by a mixture of a banana and a tiger, with rockets instead of fangs, who jumped on him. - I got a black hole on my head on these obstacle courses. True, now something bad is happening to the body.
  The pioneer warrior squeaked:
  - To be honest, I"m also scared and anti-pulsar!
  The boy and girl continued moving. At first the monsters were not particularly fast, which made the task easier. However, Valerka and Marinka were slightly caught by the discharges. It got worse because the monsters started spitting fire. Valerka's stomach burned and he felt real pain.
  - It makes me want to turn my guts! - He said.
  - And it"s not easier for me! - The girl pointed to her right, almost bare breast. Blood was dripping from her. They spat on Valerka again, the pioneer boy was late, his shoulder was hit , clearly breaking his bones. And when the bones of an ordinary person are broken, it hurts so much, you can die from shock. Although the Terminator boy was not an ordinary person, he felt out of place at the moment. He felt special, extremely harmful waves that paralyzed his abilities.
  - I feel bad! - Valerka passed out. The girl rubbed his beautiful, smooth face with a professional movement.
  - Don"t dive into a black hole, my dear knight. Consciousness returned, but along with it pain. Valerka groaned, weakness choked him:
  - I won't go anymore.
  The pioneer squeaked:
  - Don't get soggy! There is a first aid kit here.
  Indeed, the obstacle course was like a computer game. There are additional lives and, importantly, energy that causes instant regeneration. Yes, it was difficult, but the guys learned.
  - The main thing is not to retreat and not to give up! - Marinka said. She, too, was not at ease, every now and then, making mistakes, receiving painful blows. Then the couple got used to it and began to act much more harmoniously. In the next stage, they had to jump on mushrooms floating in the air, dodge flying knives, and crawl over barbed wire. The battle became more and more severe, and the opponents moved faster and faster. True, it became possible to use captured weapons, also virtual, but in their properties quite similar to real carriers of death.
  Valerka, in particular, tried out a multi-barrel vibrothrower ! It created small cracks in space. True, after three shots it crumbled, but mowed down several ranks of opponents.
  "Not bad!" said the boy.
  - Try to get a bubble plasma launcher ! - Marinka advised. - This will be much more effective.
  The warrior boy noted:
  - Well, that"s not a bad idea either. And where he?
  The pioneer girl squeaked:
  - This is such a small pipe that it resembles a pioneer horn. Blow into it and you will see the rapid flight of a hyperplasmic cascade.
  The boy barely dodged the volley, crawled a little along the chipped surface, and picked up the bugle. Shot.
  The bubbles fell along a sinuous line, bouncing carefully. The creatures they hit exploded.
  - What! It's not bad! - Marinka said. - Just hit it lower so that fewer bubbles fly into the sky.
  Pioneer Boy chirped:
  - I try my best!
  The young warrior said:
  - Try and don"t be surprised!
  The pioneer girl also picked up a strong weapon and used it, demonstrating unbending power.
  The battle became more and more interesting. Here they are fighting on a planet where water first pours in a stream under their feet, and then terribly slippery liquid helium flows, and powerful lasers are fired from above and below, annihilation grenades are exploding.
  Valerka fired back with both hands at once and even danced a pretzel.
  He was caught several times, cutting off his left leg. Thanks to my partner, she helped me get to the life-saving first aid kit. The leg has grown.
  - You're cool, Marinka.
  The warrior snorted contemptuously:
  - You"re a weakling, Valerka. Babies endure such savage pain, and you groaned!
  The pioneer boy was not himself, something was bothering him :
  - At the moment, I perceive everything much more acutely!
  Having laid down another row of monsters, Marinka said:
  - Be patient anyway!
  The Leninist boy sighed, it became incredibly difficult to speak:
  - You have to, I"m a man!
  - That's it, man! - For a moment their lips connected. Valerka felt the honeyed sweetness of a young woman"s kiss.
  The pioneer's head began to spin, and he almost lost consciousness, croaking:
  - Goddess!
  - Lucifer! - the maiden answered.
  They then entered an ever-changing atmosphere with strong winds. Either it blows from the front, or, on the contrary, it presses into the back. And the enemies are constantly changing, sometimes they fly like wasps, sometimes, on the contrary, they crawl like poisonous snakes. But you have to constantly fight, jumping from one platform to another, and even grabbing artificial flies and lizards by the legs, flying out of traps with their help. Some specimens, especially butterfly-flower hybrids, are stunningly beautiful. A mixture of dragonfly and tulip, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow with an intoxicating smell. Quasar ! Bared mouths click from behind like electronic mousetraps, meter-long teeth spark with lightning bolts. There are also larger, five-meter and even ten-meter fangs. Valerka managed to slip past them. One of the monsters, a hybrid of a tank and a scorpion, exploded with a roar, scattering scorching candies.
  - We are not being photographed ! Quarks are not caught. - The brave warrior sang.
  Once again the boy receives damage from annihilation flashes. And now the girl is even worse, her leg was torn off again. But she deftly jumps on one limb, without thinking about retreat. However, there is nowhere to go.
  - We have one way, either survive or die! - Marinka said with somewhat banal pathos.
  The young pioneer confirmed:
  - And only together! A black hole is brighter when a pair of burning hearts glow in the icy ether!
  At the cost of incredible efforts, inhuman tension, they managed to get through this, although there was no living space left on their bodies.
  The next stage is the desert, with brutally sucking green sand, it is impossible to stand still for a second, your legs get stuck, and you still have to shoot and stab. Here masked militants, some in armor, fight against them. There are different types of fighters, there are both people and hybrids of a scorpion with a cactus, a bug and a wrench. Graviolet planes are flying , from which you can"t hide, you can"t hide, laser beams will scatter the sand. When it hits the body, there is hellish pain, the insides seem to be squeezed out with a roller and filled with hot oil. The tetralets dive, dropping bombs in the shape of disgusting skulls with many searing eye sockets, and spewing furious rays in their thirst for destruction!
  Valerka, however, is not lost. He performs a kind of dance, passing between the streams.
  Marinka even made a joke:
  - Russian whist, wings soar next to you!
  Valerka picked up:
  - The commander lined up our regiments in a row!
  Together, the boy and the girl struck with scissors, using the "waterfall jet" technique, laying down the enemies in lush bundles. So many different creatures split , crushed, or burst into flames. This is a stunning grotesque, not devoid of comedy, especially when the tetralet in the form of a kite and an ax turned into a falling stream of golden, turquoise-flecked caterpillars when it hit:
  - When you shoot, stand on your toes, your mobility will be greater. - Marinka suggested.
  Valerka automatically noticed:
  - Less stability.
  - How to say, dynamics are always stronger than statics!
  To confirm her words, the girl cut down with a beam a rushing structure resembling a tin can with barrels. It broke into pieces and fell, flying into pieces. Already in flight, the pieces of the defeated target turned into a flock of purple hybrids: bumblebees and chimpanzees. These strange creatures fought with each other, becoming smaller every moment, dissolving in the atmosphere of a virtual battle :
  - Well, how? Quasar ? - Marinka asked, knitting her eyebrows.
  - Very cool, most importantly, decent! - Valerka noticed. - It"s nice to live among lasers and plasma! And hear the planet explode!
  The girl laughed:
  - And experience orgasms in battle with me! And take a walk and frolic to your heart's content! Well, I appreciate such a sense of humor in men.
  Valerka, the pioneer terminator, playfully destroyed the next gift. It resembled a log covered with steel. It did not explode immediately; several more charges were required. In turn, the rays erupting from the clawed hooks broke the young Leninist"s hand.
  - This is the abyss of space ! - He shouted with annoyance. - We need to think of something like this.
  Marinka, as if mockingly, blurted out :
  - What are you talking about?
  - Hit me in the face with a brick. - One hand doesn"t work. - Valerka noted. - Oh, where is my superflesh ?
  bodies soon ."
  As it turned out, she was not mistaken. But the medicine was not enough, the hand recovered, but numerous cuts and pain remained.
  The next time there is a volcanic eruption , you have to rush to the top with incredible speed, shooting at the enemy"s combat cyborgs. And the cyborgs are simply obscenely pretentious: hybrids of ancient Hollywood terminators and modern creations of cosmic evolution, ultra-diactive tankosaurs . Valerka, a young Leninist ( which is usually not typical for him), was already mortally tired, monsters and the surrounding hostile environment flashed before his eyes, and there was no end in sight to all this. Marinka also began to fall and limp:
  - My boy, how hard it is for you!
  The young pioneer, staggering, answered:
  - And you, I see, are sliding into collapse!
  The pioneer said:
  - I haven"t had such training for a long time. In general, we are a peaceful Soviet empire of victorious communism, and we are not going to attack anyone, or rather, we were not going to, but each individual goes through the path of military training. After all, this is not a joke, the war has been going on for more than a thousand years! So you cross yourself, just in case, you never know! Of course, I"m not real, but I spent seven virtual years in a cybernetic game on the surface of a neutron star!
  Valerka exclaimed:
  - Wow, seven years is a lot!
  The girl answered decisively:
  - Well, firstly, we now live almost indefinitely, and secondly, on a neutron star it is quite comfortable, a complete industry of pleasures and entertainment. Most likely, this is a joyful pastime. Gravity is neutralized. Are you quasar boy ?
  - So far there is no special super joy ! - I noticed an exhausted Valerka.
  - They are deliberately pushing you so that you understand at least something about army service. Do you have no training, or are you just weaklings ? - Marinka asked, without ceasing to frantically shoot at the monsters.
  Valerka, shooting back and sometimes hacking ( the latter is even more difficult), barely catching his breath, said:
  - And there was a time in the past when the Russian army was entirely professional. Volunteers serve in it for money, and they were recruited from different countries.
  - That is, mercenaries. - Marinka summed it up. - But they are not reliable and can go over to the side of the one who pays more.
  Valerka, having cut down another ugly soldier in the shape of a warty dragonfly, sighed sadly:
  - Something like this is not excluded. But still, the majority of mercenaries are Russians by citizenship. This means they will not betray their Motherland. And they didn"t betray you!
  The warrior pointed the beam gun with her toes and crushed the cross between a macaque and a kiwi:
  - And in the event of a big war, in the past there were problems with conscription.
  The pioneer boy, brushing off three heads from a hybrid of the snake Gorynych and cactus fly agarics ( they pricked him very painfully in the biceps with stinging needles), blathered?
  - They could and did arise! But the USSR army still won all the wars. NATO was defeated, China was defeated, and even such a monster as the USA was subdued.
  The girl made stupid eyes, shooting from the emitter using the tongue:
  - Do they have a conscript army?
  The boy objected, gutting the hybrid tricycle and squid:
  - No! Also a civilian employee. This is her strength and weakness. However, the enemy troops are well trained, in particular, the United States defeated the one and a half million Iraqi army, losing less than two hundred soldiers. Agree, an impressive success.
  - That's right, not bad! - Marinka put a charge into the fighter, crushing a large bug that swallowed the self-propelled gun. He was blown to pieces. - But we had a ratio of losses in our favor that was much steeper.
  - Well, it depends on the technological level! - The pioneer boy licked a stream of blood flowing from his cut forehead.
  - Of course, it depends! Every discovery in the military sphere brings the moment of victory closer!
  Marinka began to sing, her voice awakening new uncontrollable forces:
  Elfia, you are my native country,
  I will be faithful, devoted always!
  Summer is burning, icy cold ,
  The stream is cool, the water is flowing!
  My chosen one is whiter than snow, chalk,
  She brought wine to her transparent lips!
  And the spirit is strong, but the body is so powerless,
  to suffer from wounds !
  There is no peace in the cosmic ether,
  The battle is roaring, and you can"t make out the words!
  Madness is happening all over the world
  And innocent blood is shed again!
  Temples see us off with sonorous ringing,
  And the wind seemed to freeze, the roar of the crowds died down!
  And the firstborn was born with my groan,
  I will dedicate a timid verse to posterity!
  And the son will serve his fatherland,
  Defeat all enemies with a steel sword!
  And the Elfie flag will not sag limply,
  all adversaries in battle!
  Fatherland and rocks and oak groves,
  And children's laughter, the trill of a nightingale in the forest!
  They fought for the Motherland not for the sake of glory,
  May you and I live in happiness!
  When she finished, a whole army of corpses appeared in front of them. It resembled a crumbled meat salad from the products generated by Picasso's imagination after his brain was flooded by an ocean of hyperplasm. The girl asked, barely catching her breath:
  - Do you agree with me, Valerka?
  The young Leninist answered confidently:
  - I love my Motherland, no less than you. - Trust me, Mirabela.
  The warrior corrected, knocking down a hybrid of a mosquito and a hippopotamus:
  - I"m not Mirabela, but Marinka.
  - Sorry, I misspoke. - Terrible fatigue. - The pioneer boy swayed. - In one series, that was the name of a quasi-goddess who created a dozen huge universes, and then voluntarily renounced all advantages and was sold into slavery!
  - This is radiation pressure. It's actually not that bad. - The pioneer warrior showed two tongues. - Slave and goddess, they rhyme so superstar !
  And this level is left behind. Although a lot of blood was shed.
  And when, at the next stage, virtual stones, roughly hewn in the shape of ancient gods, began to fall on the guy and girl, a couple of heavy hits almost finished them both off. Valerka"s bones lost their former elasticity; they broke, causing unbearable pain. Marinka was also extremely exhausted and held on with extreme effort.
  - You're lying! You cannot break the will of the Russian people!
  Valerka, losing strength, wheezed:
  - Inhuman courage distinguishes our nation from other nations!
  The pioneer boy and the pioneer girl encouraged each other. They didn"t even think about giving up or breaking down.
  - Our will is in our fist! - Valerka cut him off.
  Marinka added:
  - Will, this is the index finger that holds the trigger of the beam thrower - its weakness is suicidal!
  Finally, at the end, a hand-to-hand fight awaited a couple of young fighters, the most terrible monster was prepared for last. The monster can be seen from afar, Marinka whispers.
  "It"s best for us to act in pairs." Parrying together the attacks of this creature of the virtual underworld.
  Valerka agreed:
  - Only then will we have a chance.
  It, this incredible monster, was created from liquid metals mixed with multi-plasma, holding gravionic-nucleon swords in its hands. Each limb is terrifying in its own way: one is covered with warts, another with ulcers, a third with thorns, a fourth with splinters, a fifth with broken diamonds, etc. They, these "working hands," flash with incredible speed, the attack comes simultaneously from the top, the side and the below. And not in three-dimensional space, but in eighteen dimensions at once! This means hundreds of simultaneously opposite and, at the same time, similar planes of attack. You barely have time to fight back, and even if you manage to cut off your hand, a new one immediately grows .
  - Act in pairs!
  The young Leninist shouts:
  - Damn photon !
  A boy and a girl shoot, trying to get into the concentration of all the multi-vector dimensions that control the multiplasma . They succeed by catching the rose of eighteen-dimensional space. You can see the metal spreading in all directions, thousands of mercury-like balls .
  Marinka shouts:
  - Quasar is over-photonized ! Hyperplasma !
  But the monster, like a Phoenix bird, suddenly comes to life and is restored.
  Valerka and Marinka circled around the undying monster. They were already exhausted, and the enemy continued to press on them. Like a hydra: instead of one head being cut off, two grew! Try it, win!
  The boy, having received another cut, with a voice breaking from incredible tension, suggested:
  - There must always be a way to defeat the enemy! That"s why this is an obstacle course, someone is sure to pass it and win laurels!
  The girl answered breathlessly:
  - Of course there is a way to win! What does experience tell you?
  Valerka whispered, dropping drops of blood:
  - This monster is a robot! You need to find his control panel and turn it off! A quasar in hyperfractional dimensions can drown in a thimble.
  Marinka felt hope:
  - And where is he?
  - Not too far, but not in the most obvious place! - Valerka answered, losing his last strength from his wounds!
  Marinka was only a little fresher than him:
  - Let me cover you, and you look for this notorious control panel!
  - I'll try! "The right eye of the young Leninist could no longer see anything, and the left was clouded with pink fog, and the young fighter was guided purely intuitively.
  The virtual monster attacked the girl with incredible force and caused her several cuts. Marinka timidly retreated, an impressive wound gaped in her shoulder. The girl"s legs, or rather the only one that survived, were shaking, but she managed to cut off one of the monster"s limbs!
  - No, you won"t take me that easily! - The pioneer warrior spat out a knocked out tooth, aiming at the rows of eyes of the super-beast .
  The monster purred:
  - The flames of the underworld are waiting for you!
  Marinka parried the blows, but missed a poke in the leg. The boot fell apart, revealing a graceful, muscular leg. The fingers were burned by the hyperplasmic flow.
  - Here's a black hole ! - The girl answered. - That"s what you do to me, my supermonster -antihero! But it"s not easy for me to completely kill the freak , zero, zero, seven!
  The monster's arms lengthened and he tried to reach Valerka. The boy kicked , but was seriously hit in the side. The blood flowed again, leaving stains on the uneven surface. Valerka, overcoming the pain, did a somersault, walked on his hands, then performed another lunge.
  - I"ll show you Kuzka"s mother! Chernodyrnik ! - The boy slashed at the wall, trying to hit higher.
  The monster, continuing to increase in size, launched an offensive on two fronts.
  Marinka spun and jumped, burning her bare legs; the second limb suddenly grew back. The beautiful girl experienced strong, but long-established torment. She jumped and kicked the electronic creature with her bare foot, but was immediately hit back, losing three fingers and injuring her foot.
  Marinka screamed:
  - The horror of the anti-world!
  The monster quipped sarcastically:
  - In the hyper-underworld , you won"t sing like that!
  The girl was forced to retreat. It was getting more and more difficult for her. Valerka also got it, after another attack, the virtual monster cut off the guy"s leg at the knee.
  The pioneer boy groaned:
  - Oh, this is unbearable !
  - Be strong and gather your will! - Marinka advised. The blade of the sword hit the beauty in the chest and cut off her nipple. The girl did a backflip, flashing her bare, bloody heels. After which, she cursed angrily:
  - This is how you caress women!
  The electronic creature replied:
  - I just want to cuddle and hug the ugly girls! I want to break their fingers and tear them into small pieces!
  "I"ll chop you into strips and stretch the goats!" Marinka shouted. The girl got it like a hammer blow. A leg broke and a twitching piece flew off.
  Valerka lost his hand, they simply cut it off using a fan:
  - Here's a fakallioimitator ! - The pioneer boy cursed. - You want to trample me!
  The monster swore fiercely:
  - It will be hard for you, vacuum quarks!
  -You're wrong, you cadaverous bastard!
  It was very difficult for the pioneer boy; his legs gave way. There was no strength to hold on any longer, but Valerka fought. He parried another attack, cut off the enemy"s limb, but it immediately, even difficult to grasp the moment, grew!
  The creature howled:
  - What, does it hurt?
  - So so! - The pioneer boy spat out a handful of teeth, his cheekbone was cut.
  - It will be even worse!
  An attack followed on the girl, she retreated and deftly cut off her opponent. He spat poisonous brown blood, but became even more terrible:
  - What, beauty ? You'll get it in a nickel!
  - You will run into a strong soldier's fist! - The pioneer girl answered with dignity.
  The next blow, and her hand was cut off. Marinka gave way and was thrown back. She was bleeding. Valerka received another "gift"; they cut his knee. The boy groaned and tried to dodge , but the tip pierced the place where ordinary people have their right kidney.
  Valerka hit the limb, he only slightly managed to cut it, the flesh made of liquid metal became much stronger. The pioneer boy retreated and tried to parry, but a dozen blades and daggers flew at him at once. One of them pierced the guy"s heart, Valerka staggered and began to fall over.
  Marinka's desperate effort saved him from immediate death. The boy received new damage, being almost cut in half, and the girl lost her second breast, and her heart was also pierced. Marinka was covered in blood, her beautiful skin was peeling off. The girl hissed:
  - I'm losing my beauty!
  The monster, without hiding its carnivorous emotion, roared:
  - Like an alligator, your skin will be removed!
  The girl, dying, did not lose her humor, immediately answered:
  - With the power of the terminator, the face will be beaten !
  Again a desperate lunge, only one crippled leg remained. How hard it was for the girl.
  Valerka received another blow to the heart. It"s good that he has three of them, otherwise, immediate death. But the loss of two out of three motors causes it to weaken significantly. The pioneer boy's consciousness was clouded; one surviving leg could no longer support his body.
  The monster howled:
  - I'll stab you! - And he rushed at the girl. His obscene mouth said:
  - Do you know how in the old days they crucified vigorous girls like you on crosses?
  - And I don"t want to know! - Marinka fought back with the despair of a fly in a thick web.
  - But you have to!
  Pouncing on the girl, the blade cut the beauty in half. In a final deadly effort, Valerka threw his sword, hitting a dove flickering in the sky; the bird was small and so harmless, but for a moment the pioneer boy thought that an orange sight had appeared in front of him.
  The monster was about to crush the girl"s head, froze and suddenly began to crumble. His monstrous flesh scattered like ping-pong balls. They, becoming smaller and smaller, scattered, bouncing. Marinka, belching blood, shouted:
  - You did it after all!
  - Yes, I did it! - the pioneer boy twitched in convulsions from indescribable pain. ---Final victory awaits us.
  The last phrase was already out of place, but it looked very expressive. The boy and girl joined their bloody hands and crawled. They covered meter after meter, as if with a naked abs on broken glass. With heroic efforts, the barrier was finally overcome. The image flickered and the light went dark. The young man and the girl passed out for a moment, after which they came to their senses, frozen in the biochamber. Outwardly they were quite intact, but they were hanging on a force field.
  . CHAPTER No. 4
  The ten-star officer with two deputies looked with interest at the half-naked, very muscular bodies of the pioneer boy and pioneer girl:
  - You are wonderful fighters! Still, they managed to cope with the last monster, which usually only one in a million managed to do!
  Valerka and Marinka barked :
  "We tried to fulfill our duty to the Sacred Motherland.
  - This is commendable, but usually not enough to overcome all obstacles! Is not it?
  Marinka quickly answered:
  - Yes! Loyalty alone is not enough to serve the country, but its absence cannot be replaced by anything!
  - Yes exactly! How did you, Valenka, guess that it was the pigeon that needed to be shot down? He was so harmless.
  Valerka, wrinkling his forehead, answered:
  - Hard to say. Maybe intuition. It seemed to me that I was seeing a bird through the orange sight, and then my body reacted on its own. Maybe death hypersensitivity.
  The officer and several persons accompanying him suddenly disappeared.
  Valerka, Slavka, Levka, and Marinka ended up together. They were in a field that was quite beautiful to look at. Lush flowers grew, the grass was orange, the air seemed to be saturated with honey.
  The pioneer girl, who was now wearing a luxurious tunic, stamped her bare, tanned foot and squealed:
  - Well, shall we fight?
  Valerka, wearing only shorts and holding swords, asked:
  - And with whom?
  Levka wittily noted:
  - As Porthos said: I fight because I fight!
  Slavka tweeted:
  We will boldly go into battle,
  For the power of the Soviets...
  Let's break it down into quarks,
  In the fight for it!
  Three boys and a girl grinned at each other. And then the clatter of many feet is heard ahead. A large goblin, the size of a good elephant, and fifty orcs rush towards the quartet of young warriors.
  Marinka laughed and pulled the arrow with her bare toes and launched it right into the center of the goblin"s forehead. And the arrow took and pierced with all its depth into the monster"s skull. He received a crushing blow, so that the forehead bone burst and red-brown brains flew out. The goblin brute collapsed. And the orcs howled like dogs. And now the triumvirate is in a fierce battle. The boys rushed at the ugly bears and began to chop them down, as if cutting cutlets. And the murderous destruction began.
  And the killed, shredded orcs fall. These animals try to hit the pioneer boys with clubs or swords, but they fail.
  And Marinka fires using a bow. Moreover, he prefers to pull the string not with his hand, but with his foot. And it works effectively.
  Valerka yelled:
  - In short, banzai !
  Slavka laughed and noted:
  - We are cooler than samurai!
  Levka cut the mill with his swords and remarked:
  - Agree, this is great !
  And the boys took and spun their swords like helicopter blades, cutting down the last orcs.
  Valerka noted with a smile:
  - That's how we won!
  Marinka corrected:
  - This is just one reconnaissance detachment. The main battles are still ahead!
  Slavka giggled and sang:
  Slowly the rockets float away into the distance ,
  Don't expect to meet them anymore...
  And although we feel a little sorry for the past,
  A ninja battle is coming!
  Three boys and a girl splashed their bare feet into the red-brown puddles, splashes flying in different directions.
  After which, the children began to leave small, graceful, beautiful footprints on the bright emerald grass.
  Marinka tweeted:
  This is even very cool,
  We killed a whole cart of orcs...
  Although the enemy looks blankly,
  And I haven"t grown to new distances!
  Valerka suggested with a sweet smile that sparkled like pearls, and it was very dashing:
  - Let's sing! And we will show our highest class!
  And the children took it and sang with enthusiasm:
  Being a child is wonderful in its own way,
  You can run in the field barefoot...
  Although it's a little dangerous for the boy,
  A bully can be caught by force!
  But what is it like for a boy in eternal childhood,
  When you're wearing shorts, you don't grow any further...
  An alien appeared in the neighborhood
  And he sold the man for a copper penny!
  It's not very cool , believe me,
  To be a child forever in shorts...
  Although your heart will be healthy,
  But the warden will hit you hard!
  After all, it"s not the valley of paradise that awaits you,
  The owner is not the Lord, holy Christ...
  No, there is no such thing as half a world,
  When you just take off to the stars!
  Boy, they'll make you work like that,
  That figuratively seven will be driven away later...
  And they don"t have Saturday here,
  They'll soon scald you with boiling water!
  The boys really got the better of them,
  After all, in the new world there are a lot of problems...
  The boy's body ached in fatigue ,
  He is a serf, and not at all a proud sir!
  So dear barefoot boy,
  Work as hard as you should...
  Jump across the field like a frisky bunny,
  And never become a fighter!
  There are women who are beautiful
  But they don"t need boys or children...
  In their own way , the boys are happy,
  Don't believe your hearts people!
  Yes, believe me, slavery will not overcome us,
  And the enemy"s evil whip will not break...
  The children believe they will build their own kingdom,
  The prickly blizzard will clear!
  We are children, I believe that we will all rise up soon,
  We will defeat the alien fanatics...
  The lousy Cain will get it on the horns,
  And let's hit the insect with a club!
  Don't believe me people, there will be no weakness,
  We will make a real paradise soon...
  We will be our own judges, boy,
  Otherwise napalm will rain from the sky!
  Scumbags steal a lot,
  That's why children are in poverty...
  We'll take the wide road
  So that people everywhere have fun!
  Well, my bare lad feet,
  They walk on the sharpest stones of the mountains...
  However, walking along the path,
  We will bring the alien under the ax!
  You know, we will be able to win presents,
  Defeat aliens from outer space...
  The boys' hearts are beating fast,
  The hunter will soon turn into game!
  If necessary, we will defeat the legions,
  Believe me, we can"t afford to retreat...
  Behind us, children, there will be millions,
  With fortune we will be on our way!
  Let's crush the cockroach with our bare heel,
  For us, this is not the limit at all...
  We are not playing hide and seek with this fate,
  Raise your falcon, our children's one has taken off!
  Yes, victory is not given for nothing, you know,
  It's time to cut down the horde from space...
  This is not why our grandfathers fought,
  That the boy could have been beaten by aliens!
  Let's create an empire like this
  IN which will be peace and grace...
  They are leading a barefoot girl to execution,
  But we can punch the executioner in the face !
  No, we are not allowed to break , believe me,
  How strong the spirit of the boys is...
  Although our bodies are just children,
  But I can crush even two adults!
  I believe there will be happiness in the universe,
  Because Almighty God is with us...
  The terrible bad weather will dissipate,
  The devil will break his long steel horn!
  The boy will then find freedom,
  And the titanium will become the strength of muscle...
  It's time to put an end to the stupid round dance,
  Fly into the distance like a heavenly eagle!
  The boys sang well, and the girl sang along.
  And when a mosquito the size of a decent fighter jet appeared, Marinka threw a thin boomerang with her bare toes. He flew along a very broken line. And so the proboscis was cut off. Orange blood sprayed out in fountains.
  Valerka laughed:
  - This is cool ! Hyperpulsar !
  And the boy played with his sculpted abdominal muscles!
  After which, three young Leninists took and launched boomerangs in the form of five-pointed stars with their bare toes.
  And they literally tore this terrible mosquito into small pieces.
  Marinka licked her lips and chirped:
  My law is simple
  I defeat those who are evil...
  Whoever is weak - I will help,
  I can't do it any other way!
  And the girl took it and smiled carnivorously. This is truly a pioneer of the Leninist flood.
  And an airship appeared in the sky. Huge and with a whole battery of guns. From a distance he looked like a cloud. And long trunks stuck out.
  Slavka tweeted:
  Always eat ice cream alone
  It"s not tasty for me, for anyone, for anyone!
  After all, that airship is quite big,
  Quite big!
  After all, that airship is pretty cool,
  Pretty cool!
  And so three boys took it and stomped their bare, round heels on the grass. And a powerful, combat, missile launcher appeared. He looked impressive.
  Marinka ran up to her, twisted the lever and hissed:
  - There will be a plasma princess style attack!
  And the rockets will fly out, leaving jet tails behind them, as if they were the luxurious trains of a bride.
  And so they hit the airship straight. And the blow was powerful, crushing.
  And how it will burn. And then he will take the hydrogen and blast it. And with such destructive and murderous power. And it was literally a hyper-killing blow.
  And just started shining and blazing.
  And the boys and girl were hit by an air wave. And they fell, kicking their bare, tanned feet.
  But then the children jumped up and roared:
  - We are the coolest! And even a small colony will not scare us !
  And the boys sang with great enthusiasm:
  I'm a barefoot pioneer boy
  Although I put on this tie against my will...
  And there should be an example for everyone else,
  So that such a terrible fate does not happen!
  The cops arrested the boy
  And they gave the guy a good beating ...
  They habitually throw antlers,
  To be smashed into pieces by the cops!
  I'm still a child, just a boy ,
  But the devils locked me in a cell...
  And there reigns a boyish frenzy,
  They beat me almost to death during registration!
  Then they cut their hair completely,
  So without leaving the lad even a forelock...
  Hunting, I know, new changes,
  If such a case comes, believe me!
  Here is a photo of the boy in profile, from the front,
  And they took fingerprints too...
  They won"t be stored for an hour,
  We'll see communism again!
  Boy, work only barefoot,
  The teacher urges us on with a whip...
  And if necessary, they will punch you,
  And activists are encouraged with vodka!
  Yes, a children's camp is not a resort,
  There is a lot of work, and studying is going on...
  But I want it to be quite the opposite,
  Here the demons have apparently forgotten God!
  Well, the boy became a pioneer,
  the guy less ...
  Now Comrade Lenin is an ideal,
  We will, I believe, rack up miles!
  If necessary, we will arrange for all enemies,
  Like the pioneers of the world, it"s right to take a bath...
  They built a pedestal with their hands,
  Hard work, getting up early!
  This is the time when we lay the rails,
  Although still just guys...
  And until frost we walk barefoot,
  And in the field there are girls cutting sheaves!
  And only black bread for the lads for lunch,
  They'll add a little bit of onion and lard...
  A neighbor is moaning on the bunk, bleeding, beaten,
  The boy probably didn"t work hard enough!
  Well, this is a camp for children,
  whom the Lord commanded to work...
  And now don"t spill water on us,
  We managed to become very close friends!
  No, the light of communism will not go out,
  Although, we are children, you know, just children...
  The feat of the knights is glorified in poems,
  And there is no sadder place on the planet!
  But the pioneers are marching in formation,
  Under the bugle and cheerful drum...
  The signal sounds - you are a monster,
  And the boy himself will certainly become a gentleman!
  What should we do? Labor is good,
  It hardens, strengthens muscles...
  The Komsomol member squeezes, know, the oar,
  And he famously kills his adversaries !
  We work, and we begin to live better,
  We were given sandals and T-shirts...
  And they started sewing something for themselves too,
  So that there are no AWOLs, believe me!
  The boy still has his whole life ahead of him,
  Why be sad when everything around is beautiful...
  We will be on the same path with communism,
  And everything will turn out, believe me, very cool!
  And just like that the boys sang. And from the airship with orcs and cannons, only fragments remained. And they burned and glowed, and violet, suffocating smoke came out.
  Marinka squeaked:
  - This is great !
  Slavka chuckled and added:
  - Ultraquasar !
  Levka squeaked:
  - There are no more quasars !
  Valerka objected:
  - It will be even more quasar and cooler!
  And the pioneer boys hit their bare heels, and sparks even fell.
  But the orcs appeared ahead again. But there were no longer fifty of them, but a whole army.
  Valerka whistled and sang:
  - And the battle continues again,
  And my heart feels anxious in my chest...
  And Lenin is so young,
  And young October is ahead!
  Slavka chuckled and stamped his bare foot. A multi-barrel hyperlaser machine gun appeared in the hands of the pioneer boy . The young warrior noted:
  - Our strength is great, we will defeat the orcs!
  And the boy took it and, as it hit, the laser beams took it and slammed it into the ranks of advancing, hairy bears. And just then a wild howl was heard. And jets of flaming matter rose into the sky. And how everything caught fire.
  And the masses of orcs began to mow down.
  Levka also acquired a killer machine, only it produced multi-colored hyperplasmic bubbles. How aggressive and sweeping it was. And the orcs were scorched, turned over and forced to smoke, and the meat was torn into pieces.
  The boy roared:
  We will drive the ghouls into the grave,
  And let's build communism...
  There's a vicious fight raging
  Revanchism is coming!
  And Valerka has a hyperpulse machine gun. And he"ll take it and let"s hammer and chop. And the mass of corpses here scatters and turns over. And so many of them were burned and burned and trampled.
  Valerka, as they say, is on a white horse. And the triumvirate of boys destroys these orcs without any problems.
  But the girl, of course, is tough in battle. And she also began to destroy the orcs with the help of tiny, homing missile launchers. And it acts with colossal murderous and inimitable power.
  This is a lethal and unique extermination. And the girl is on top.
  And how can she not sing something delightful:
  The girls will soap Morgan's neck,
  And the pirate"s head will be cut off...
  Don"t talk nonsense to your opponent...
  If you end up with a dead body, you'll be completely screwed!
  We girls know how to fight,
  In battle the result will be great...
  And believe me, we can fight bravely
  Hit it hard with your bare foot!
  The enemy will not stop us girls
  Our will surely cannot be broken...
  The pirate girl will bury everyone,
  Write this greeting to her in her notebook!
  For her, fighting is a joy,
  We will grind Morgan into powder...
  An evil old age will not come to the girl,
  It won't silver her temple!
  There are no girls stronger and more beautiful,
  Their fists are like crowbars...
  They will make themselves happier
  The gnomes ran quickly!
  The beauty of the girls is endless,
  And they hit their enemies so hard...
  If necessary, they fight forever,
  And sometimes they drink a lot of wine!
  Girls in battle are giants,
  Their strength is simply overwhelming...
  They undoubtedly receive grants,
  We believe there will be heaven on the planet!
  Believe me, there are no barriers for girls ,
  We must conquer the universe...
  And they will receive brave rewards,
  And we will definitely build a new Rome!
  God, believe me, does not like weaklings ,
  He beats weaklings with a club...
  I believe the girls will have a new world,
  From the abundance of sharp, you know, bayonets!
  The homeland is beautiful, majestic,
  She has many different concerns...
  Pirate glory awaits us,
  At least the cat cried for problems!
  The barefoot girl raises her sword,
  Yes, believe me, she is good...
  Become an eagle, not a parrot,
  This girl speaks , my soul!
  The world will certainly become more beautiful,
  I know we will definitely win in this...
  It"s bad to receive from filibusters,
  And a cherub flies above us!
  What are you for girls, don"t be a fool ,
  Of course we love guys too...
  Come quietly at night, young men,
  We will make new children!
  The machine guns are firing furiously,
  They laid out a whole arsenal...
  No, the powerfully evil Cain will get it,
  We smashed Agdam over the head !
  The brigantine sails are filled,
  We have a very strong feeling...
  We know that the crows will be beaten,
  The double bass will play loudly!
  Girls, what do you want?
  Win, fight and love...
  And you sin more often with guys,
  To live better in this world!
  There is no barrier for us in this battle,
  We will launch the satellite high...
  Don't waste your time in prayer,
  God is very far from stupid !
  We pirates are very bloodthirsty,
  We chop everyone with swords, like a steak...
  Sometimes the forces are not equal at all,
  And they put the girl under arrest!
  So I cut off a soldier's head,
  With your razor-sharp sword...
  We are happy to chop down the enemy,
  If you need to move a brick!
  No, we have no doubts at all,
  In the force of the wind, storm and hurricane,
  The pirates have the genius Lenin in their hearts,
  This will certainly be a gift!
  That's it, the end is near for the enemies of the pirates,
  We've already pinned them to the wall...
  And although we got bumps,
  The Earth has become much cleaner!
  This is how the brave Marinka sang and showed her colossal and unique class as a pioneer, a warrior, and a pirate.
  It"s probably good for a girl to be a pirate. And what does it feel like to be forever young, forever barefoot?
  Valerka with a sweet smile:
  - The warrior class is high.
  And let them destroy the countless army of orcs even more energetically. And beat them with all unimaginable and unique force. And it really turned out to be extremely deadly.
  Slavka, eliminating the orcs en masse, roared:
  - Hyperorbits , new markets!
  Levka readily agreed with this:
  - My honor is not completely forgotten,
  Vladika Lenin will rule!
  And the boys will again take and collide with their bare, round heels.
  And it will sparkle again. And a deadly cascade of sparks will fall.
  Marinka giggled and chirped, knocking out hundreds of orcs and piling up entire mounds of corpses. And the corpses of orcs stink very strongly.
  However, the pioneer girl clicked her bare toes, and the aroma of the most expensive and pleasant perfume spread through the air.
  Marinka laughed and noted:
  - Combat showdown!
  Slava nodded:
  - Hyperquasar!
  Levka remarked with annoyance:
  - The word hyperquasar has already been worn out!
  Valerka giggled and noted:
  - What is not well-worn in our world?
  And the boys stamped their bare feet again.
  And coconuts began to fall on the orcs from above. They literally punched and split the ugly bears' heads. And there was a pitch-black cannonade of annihilation.
  But she was funny. Especially when chocolates started falling on the army of shaggy monsters. And then the condensed milk poured in.
  Marinka noted:
  - And this is great !
  Valerka noted:
  - Pouring condensed milk on your enemies is somehow frivolous. Maybe it's better to unleash napalm?
  The pioneer girl objected:
  - This is too cruel! You have some kind of black soul.
  Slavka giggled and noted:
  - Yes, it's vacuum!
  Levka squeaked:
  -Or even black hole!
  Valerka suggested with a cheerful look:
  - Or maybe you Marinka will sing to make us more fun?
  Slavka added with a smile:
  - Yes exactly. Sing blossoms, don't be ashamed!
  Levka tweeted:
  The song helps us build and live,
  Lenin sings in our hearts like an angel...
  And the one who walks through life singing,
  He will never disappear anywhere!
  Marinka nodded and sang with a huge, quasar expression:
  We are brave, beautiful girls,
  Capable of fighting like a hurricane...
  And the voice of the beauties is very clear,
  Sometimes napalm rains down from the sky!
  We sailed in a pirate brigantine,
  We have a brave Pavel-Captain...
  n't like to live in this sad world,
  In which there is a fierce hurricane of death!
  Girls don't want to lie under evil people ,
  They are ready to defeat the orcs...
  They will fight their enemies very zealously,
  Write this down in your notebook!
  And, believe me, they have no barriers,
  They are capable of defeating the Krauts...
  Formidable rewards await us,
  So that we can consistently get five!
  And we are very brave pirates,
  We will fight like a furious storm...
  If necessary, we will sow the beds,
  The enemy has been crushed by mighty force!
  Our ship is simply impregnable
  Swoops across the waves like an eagle...
  And any business is available to us,
  The enemy will be severely crushed!
  We won"t show weakness in battle, I know,
  After all, for girls there is little choice...
  I don"t care about different types of fatigue,
  We will be drawn to a new world, this face!
  And no one will pinch the girls ,
  We are capable of defeating the enemy...
  Although the clouds are raging very menacingly,
  And there is a terrible snowstorm in the sky!
  Well, how cool we girls are,
  We will surely conquer the Universe...
  The evil Judas will flee,
  And believe me, the whole world is behind us!
  Both at sea and under water,
  We fight everywhere, a glorious fight...
  As in an alliance, women with Satan,
  Forever Fatherland, we are with you!
  And you know, there will be no mercy for the enemies,
  After all, that"s why the girl is an evil pirate...
  We are great judges of the Fatherland,
  Let's assemble a dashing machine gun!
  God will reward the girls with a crown,
  Each will be given an order and a medal...
  The beauties' little voice calls,
  And they, of course, force the king!
  This is what the warriors mow down,
  Like a machine gun of evil ranks...
  And they literally bring the light of the eyes,
  Let it be without any unnecessary nonsense!
  The girl's face glows with a grin,
  And lips sparkle with pearls...
  We can see quite a lot,
  This is our beauty!
  We will not enter any gates,
  Let"s just give the enemy a whirl ...
  The girl is bored for some reason
  And capable of hooking all enemies!
  The girls attack brilliantly
  And the eyes sparkle with lightning...
  Why, because they are jealous,
  The girls' faces are covered with tears!
  Which whirlwinds will we fight for?
  Then a new wave of death rushes...
  Why are the girls' enemies so quiet?
  thick-faced Morgan give you?
  And the fire is full of fires now,
  A fiery whirlwind will sweep by...
  It was not for nothing that we defeated the orcs,
  What the enemy see is stupidly silent!
  Here the archangel is blowing a terrible trumpet,
  She's messing with everyone's heads...
  It's not too late to win,
  The wind can be seen moving the leaves!
  So who, when it gets fierce here,
  Who has a big fist?
  Don't hang out with the fake Malyuta ,
  He's a complete asshole!
  in glory again ,
  Cutting through a stormy wave...
  We girls are united in rage
  I'll tear Morgana to pieces!
  That's why we rush into battle so much,
  In it we will show hurricane storms...
  Black Rogers soared above the stern,
  Showed your great gift!
  Well, Morgan will go into the coffin, of course.
  He will make a stake from aspen...
  We girls win forever,
  And we don"t let out a heavy groan!
  Let's lead the Fatherland to victory,
  We will bravely defeat the orcs and trolls...
  And we will arrive in Eden on ships,
  Let there be a whole world under us!
  Many thousands of orcs were killed . And so many mounds of corpses have piled up, Tamerlane is just resting. But these creatures themselves are so disgusting and ugly, just terrible. And they grin at very disgusting faces.
  Marinka squeaked and roared:
  - Lenin, may he be with us forever. And let his bald head shine like a supernova!
  Valerka laughed and chirped:
  - Yes, hellish changes await us!
  Slavka corrected:
  - Not hellish ones, but rainbow ones! And there will be a huge victory!
  Levka took it and blew, and a fiery flame flew out of the boy"s mouth. It"s like they took a well with sulfuric oil and set it on fire. And it just bursts into flames, like a dragon spewing out a stream of frantic energy.
  Valerka muttered:
  - Well, you and the dragon!
  The young Leninist nodded:
  - I still can"t do that!
  Marinka confirmed:
  - The possibilities of pioneers in virtual reality are almost unlimited. And we can exterminate orcs by the millions here.
  Valerka took it and with his bare, pink heel released a large, deadly force, destructive pulsar.
  It flew by like a fireball and hit a bomber hovering high behind the clouds. An atomic bomb exploded in the belly of a huge machine. And a super bright flash flashed. And then a deadly and unique in its beauty nuclear mushroom appeared.
  Slavka noted with a sweet smile:
  - It's great! Ultrapulsar !
  Levka suggested:
  - Let Marinka sing again! I, and all of us, are in a very positive mood.
  The pioneer girl nodded and sang with passion and feeling:
  We are pirate girls of heavenly beauty,
  And we cut down all our enemies skillfully...
  Believe me, our bodies are crystal clear,
  Here the enemy is attacked, boldly!
  In battles, a cherub sparkles above us,
  Swords, like lightning, strike from steel...
  We are lady filibusters , our impulse is invincible,
  And they gave the Spaniards a hard slap on the horns!
  The girl has a saber and sharp swords in her hands ,
  And with one swing we will demolish the head of cabbage...
  And if we attack with our feet, daggers and swords,
  A hurricane of death is about to sweep through!
  No, beautiful girls , you won"t find us cooler,
  We will fly by like a radiant meteor...
  We look no more than twenty years old,
  And a furious, steep defeat awaits!
  This is our glory, you know, we are no strangers to battles,
  Truly a bloody wolf pirate...
  And somewhere a cruel, evil thief is attacking,
  And sure defeat awaits him!
  In any battle , girls are such fighters,
  That even evil can break its back...
  Believe me, filibusters are essentially great,
  And write this logarithm in your notebook!
  In rage, the attack on the galleon began,
  We are eager, like jellyfish, to fight again...
  After all, an evil pirate has a good soul,
  And at heart, a filibuster is always a cowboy!
  We don"t know the word weakness, we don"t believe in the word coward,
  Corsairs, you know, are not at all comfortable with retreating...
  After all, the crucified Jesus signed for us,
  girls sharpened our fists!
  This is our truth that lives in the hearts of love,
  That a girl is a swan's mighty wing...
  We will open the victories for sure, we have an endless score,
  And let us lean firmly on the oak oar!
  There will be a difference in battles, we are talking about this,
  We will arrange, I believe, a holiday that is so real on the planet...
  Believe me, we have many and abundant different forces,
  Let the adults laugh and the children have fun!
  No, in a fierce battle, this success is not without reason,
  Because we girls are so nice and beautiful...
  Believe me, we have such spiritual beauty,
  That we are completely, without further ado, invincible in battles!
  That's how it turned out, the filibusters are here in battle,
  They go on the attack furiously, with aggressive success...
  And know that I will kill the enemy like a bug,
  Even the girls hit it very hard!
  In bed we are girls of the highest class,
  Capable of giving orders to men...
  If you say it realistically, God willing,
  Let's see the golden mean of the sun!
  Well, you won"t find us more beautiful in the sea,
  girls will really give the enemies a head start...
  We can reach the equator
  Give a nickel to a really evil thief!
  For the glory of our valiant destiny,
  Who stored and gave bread...
  We will answer Morgan to Satan,
  So that this scum does not attack us!
  We will break the vile pirates
  The ridge, who immediately climbs on the filibusters...
  And so that we don't have problems,
  There will be many examples of this!
  Therefore, Morgan will get a lych ,
  will hit him with great force...
  And the military girl don"t whine,
  Enemies will have powerful graves!
  Here you go girls, this is the highest color,
  Beauty, it"s so beautiful here...
  This is how our dawn will be,
  We will be a team with the mighty!
  This is such a great power,
  We are the best girls, the salt of the earth...
  They really stole the crocodile,
  May death come from that hellish family!
  Well, Morgan is that son of a bitch,
  You will get it in the face from me ...
  And a cherub will stab you,
  Well, the enemies don't have long left!
  Girls born in spring
  They are very aggressive even in battle...
  They rush around with endless dreams,
  For a person to be very strong!
  There's already a thunderstorm somewhere,
  And the frost on the skin is very strong...
  Here a woman's tear is shed,
  Man will then become omnipotent!
  The battle goes on until the last blood,
  So cruel , many-sided...
  We opened a winning account here,
  This wild Morgan hog is climbing!
  No, for God, believe me, there are no barriers here,
  Believe me, we will go forward with victory...
  The girls will have many awards,
  And we"ll open with a new shift, apparently!
  Well, pirates, we went ahead,
  Let the girls actively attack...
  I am an eagle, but the enemy is the opposite,
  Morgan, you shabby evil Cain!
  . CHAPTER No. 5.
  Marinka, this pioneer, a very beautiful and, at the same time, muscular and strong girl, sang so beautifully and with feeling. She is simply, I must say, a monster. And at the same time so cute.
  And so the children again decided to do something. Maybe show a more lively and aggressive fight.
  This is truly a sight to behold. What is an alternative history of the Second World War in the Hypernet matrix.
  The Caucasus is already on the verge of a fall, and it is becoming more and more dramatic.
  And the Germans are rampant and use torture. German pioneer girls especially love to torture.
  Here Gerda and Charlotte stripped a boy of about thirteen almost naked. And they began to tickle the pioneer. Seryozhka laughed and purred. Then Gerda brought the lighter to the boy"s bare , round heel. Flame licked the slightly roughened sole of the pioneer. He screamed in pain. Blisters appeared.
  The German girls giggled:
  - It will be very cool !
  And they began to whip the boy with whips. He groaned and began to scream. Especially when the girls began to bring torches with fire to his bare feet. Then a hot iron was applied to the pioneer's bare chest, and the boy lost consciousness.
  Yes, German warriors are at their best. Tormenting a boy is in the order of things.
  Torture, however, is not only of boys, but also of Komsomol members. The girls were stripped and taken to the rack. There they pulled the beauties up, forced them to bend over and literally writhe in pain. And under the bare feet of the girls they lit a brazier, threatening to char their soles.
  How the Komsomol members screamed in wild pain... How cruel it all was. And the fascists inhaled the smell of burning flesh into their nostrils and laughed, slapped each other on the thighs and shouted:
  - Heil Fuhrer! We'll kill everyone!
  And again torture and torture of people. It is especially interesting to torture pioneers. The boys are beaten to death and then salt is poured into their wounds and they are forced to moan. Yes, this is extremely unpleasant.
  And when they also use hot wire. It turns out much more painful.
  And the Nazis have already taken Makhachkala. And they are moving towards the territory of Azerbaijan. And Yerevan was already surrounded and blocked. And they storm Batumi with all despair. And it's aggressive.
  Marshal Rokossovsky himself almost died. It was felt that the Soviet troops were under pressure and were collapsing. The number of surrenders and deserters is growing. And many pilots become depressed.
  Although Anastasia Vedmakova and Akulina Orlova are avoiding defeat for now. The girls fight bravely and desperately.
  Before the fight with three guys, Anastasia secluded herself to gather phenomenal cosmic power.
  And indeed, it was fully charged. And let's desperately knock down the enemies.
  And at the same time, using bare toes.
  And she squealed at the top of her lungs:
  - I am a great world champion!
  And how he presses the lever with his bare heel.
  Akulina Orlova is also a desperate steal in battle. And using his bare toes, he crushes Wehrmacht planes.
  So she shot down the ME-109 K. This machine is probably already outdated, but has survived a series of modifications. And you can fight successfully on it.
  Akulina Orlova, acting with wild fury, sang:
  - Hail great communism! Fascism will be defeated!
  And again with a bare heel and how to press.
  These are the crazy girls here.
  But the forces in the Caucasus are very unequal. Although it is believed that all the men there are eagles. But no one can resist a Russian woman.
  And the warriors are so aggressive and cool. Airplanes are being fired, despite their qualitative superiority.
  Akulina Orlova sang:
  Solar circle...
  And she knocked down the enemy with her bare toes.
  Anastasia Witchakova, pressing the buttons with her scarlet nipples and knocking down the fascists, continued:
  - The Germans are around...
  Akulina squeaked, cutting off another German plane:
  - Hitler went on reconnaissance!
  Anastasia, firing at the fascists, continued:
  - Fell into a hole...
  Akulina, firing accurately, giggled:
  - Broke my leg...
  Vedmakova, firing intensely and accurately, noted:
  - And he said goodbye!
  And the girls roared in unison:
  -Let there always be vodka,
  Sausage and herring...
  Tomatoes cucumbers,
  That's the end of Hitler!
  Akulina again, having sent a gift of death to the Nazis, remarked:
  - Actually, we should sing: - Rommel is finished!
  Vedmakova, pointing a cannon with air shells with her bare fingers , agreed:
  - Of course - Hitler is already a passed stage!
  Where there is no personal influence of Rommel-Hitler, Soviet troops are trying to organize some kind of resistance. But it is extremely difficult. But they still do everything possible and impossible.
  And children, including, fight. And the pioneers go into battle. Which meet the enemy with Molotov cocktails and gun shots.
  Boys and girls, emaciated and scratched, as always in battle. And they fight bravely and extremely desperately.
  How many of their children die and remain torn to pieces.
    German pilots Gertrude and Adala, splashing with their bare feet, climbed into a two-seater XE-328, a jet machine, a monster with ten air cannons.
  It had just rained, and the girls left graceful, very clear traces of their bare feet.
  They were so seductive that the teenagers serving at the airfield greedily devoured the bare footprints with their eyes, and even the boys began to swell with perfection. In general, there were many female pilots - combat operations showed that women, under equal conditions, have twice the survival rate of men. And that means they are effective. And Hitler-Rommel, or rather Field Marshal Fuhrer, is, of course, not the kind of person to feel sorry for anyone.
  In the Third Reich itself, polygamy was officially introduced - the right to four wives. It's quite practical. But it doesn"t fit very well into Christian traditions. No wonder fascism is looking for a new form of religion. The Fuhrer-Field Marshal insists that it is monotheism, but such a special one - with a pantheon of pagan, Ancient German gods. Of course, Hitler-Rommel himself is placed above all others in this pantheon as the messenger and messenger of the Almighty God.
  So the Fuhrer, of course, really likes to cultivate himself.
  Gertrude and Adala launch their multi-role attack aircraft into the sky, which can also play the role of a fighter.
  Warrior girls are very confident in themselves. The Russians do not have jet aircraft, and they are unlikely to be able to withstand the onslaught of the tigresses of the sky.
  Gertrude growled:
  - I am a knight of the burning stream...
  Adala enthusiastically confirmed, baring her teeth:
  - And I"ll checkmate everyone!
  The girls burst out laughing. They pressed their bare heels on the pedals and spun the jet attack aircraft.
  It was still dark, but a light stripe had already appeared a little in the east. The girls whistled... The expanses of Russia were already floating beneath them. The warriors giggled and winked at each other. They are so extra airy and beautiful.
    And barefoot, of course, without burdening themselves with such an unnecessary thing for a girl in war as shoes.
  And the sensitivity on the plane increases many times over.
  Here Soviet cars take off towards them. The propeller-driven Yak-9 is perhaps the most popular vehicle among the latest releases. Not overly armed , but relatively cheap and with little armor. MIG-5, a faster vehicle with machine gun armament. MIG-3 is an earlier model. LAGG-7 is probably the fastest and most armed bird. The latest modification has as many as three 20-mm cannons.
  But these are all propeller-driven machines; no jet aircraft have been created. And the Germans feel very confident.
  Gertrude fires ten air cannons. 30mm and two 37mm guns are firing . They rush through Soviet planes like a fire tornado. However, the red pilots try to evade and get behind them.
  Adala maneuvers at this moment. You can"t take a German car head-on, but going into the rear is fraught with danger. For the USSR troops, the attack is not unexpected. The anti-aircraft guns have already started working. Exploded shells glow in the darkness.
  German women experience a certain nervousness. It seemed that we had already seen so much that nothing would surprise us, but... Soviet pilots are brave and are not afraid of losses. Nothing can scare them. But apparently there is not enough experience. The German plane easily comes out of its dive and shoots down a Soviet car. Blows another one to pieces.
  The power of German weapons is very great. This is a component in which the Krauts have a huge advantage over Russia. But the Nazis also have colossal speed.
  Adala accelerates and breaks forward. And Gertrude fires rockets at the enemy. They get advice in the teeth. Some ammunition is guided by heat or sound.
  Adala whispers:
  - They won't kill us!
  The girls are spinning their car. They try to be cool. And then a Soviet fighter rams a neighboring German jet attack aircraft. And he will begin to tear and split. Both the sky and the air.
  Gertrude whispered:
  - Crazy death!
  The warriors are clearly confused, and they can ram them like that.
  And tanks are moving towards the border. Legendary crew from Gerda , Charlotte, Christina and Magda.
  Four warriors managed to cover themselves with glory, fighting both the British and the Americans. During the hostilities with America, the beauties mastered the Panther-2 tank. Not a bad car, superior to the Shermans both in armament and frontal armor. The later "Pershing" practically did not have time to fight. And he is not a rival for "Panther"-2.
  Then the four girls won legendary fame. Although, in general, their glorious path began back in forty-one. Himmler persuaded the Fuhrer to try women's battalions from specially trained Aryan women in battle.
  The fighting showed that women are not a weak link at all, and they know how to fight well. And at the same time suffer fewer losses than men. The warriors also fought in the infantry, splashing barefoot on the hot sands of the Sahara Desert. And they mastered tanks. Having tested the "Tiger" in battles with Britain.
  However, Soviet girls also fight well on the SU-100.
  Although Russia's situation seems hopeless. But the warriors, together with Elizabeth, fight like eagles.
  Ekaterina presses the lever with her bare toes. Sends a shell that pierces the side of Hitler's E-50 vehicle and roars :
  - For the great red and crimson communism!
  Elena also fired from the cannon, using her bare, graceful leg. It definitely hit the enemy tank.
  The girl chirped:
  - For my beautiful Russia!
    Efrasia remarked aggressively, firing very accurately:
  - Glory to our Fatherland!
  And he also uses bare, chiseled feet.
  The Soviet machine is very strong and combative. And it shoots almost accurately.
  The SU-100 is capable of penetrating an E-50. But the girls even pierce it in the forehead, getting into a trap , or into a joint . And they hit metal right through.
  Elizabeth, using her bare toes, shot at the enemy. And she chirped:
  - From the blue stream...
  Catherine also fired, this time pressing the lever with her scarlet nipple, and cooed:
  - The river begins...
  Elena, grinning and hissing aggressively, said:
  - Well, friendship begins...
  And she also pressed the lever with her bare heel.
    Ephrasia cooed as she fired at the enemy:
  - With a smile!
  The girls work very actively on the SU-100. And they destroy enemy equipment.
  And on the approaches to Baku, the pioneers are digging trenches. There are guys of different nationalities here. In particular, there are a lot of light heads flashing. There are red, black, and fair-haired children.
  One thing unites them: faith in the triumph of communism and bare feet. It is clear that not everyone has shoes during the war, and therefore, as a sign of solidarity, all children show off their bare, round heels. Winter in Transcaucasia is quite mild, and when you move and work with shovels, the cold is not terrible.
  There, of course, are Valerka, Levka, Slavka and Marinka - four brave guys who are ready to break records.
  The children work with enthusiasm and sing:
  The blue nights flutter with bonfires,
  We are pioneers - children of workers...
  The era of bright years is approaching,
  Cry the pioneers - always be ready!
  Cry the pioneers - always be ready!
  And now the alarm sounds again. Boys and girls jump to the bottom of the trench. And shells are already starting to explode from above: enemy artillery is working.
  Valerka asked Marinka:
  - Well, do you think we can resist?
  The girl answered confidently:
  - Let us resist at least once, in the most difficult hour!
  Pioneer Slava logically noted:
  - Our heroism is unshakable.
  The boy tapped his bare soles on the stones. Apparently , the boy got some serious calluses.
  The girl Tamara remarked:
  - We will fight without fear,
  We will fight, not a step back...
  Let the shirt be thickly soaked in blood -
    Turn the knight to hell with more enemies!
  The boy Ruslan, a pioneer with black hair, noted:
  - Centuries pass, an era will come,
  In which there will be no suffering and lies...
  Fight for this until your last breath -
  Serve your Motherland with all your heart!
  The boy Levka, thin and blond, chirped out poetry:
  No, the vigilant one will not fade,
  The look of a falcon, an eagle...
  The voice of the people is clear -
  The whisper will crush the snake!
  Stalin lives in my heart
  So that we don't know sadness,
  The door to space was opened,
  The stars sparkled above us!
  I believe the whole world will wake up,
  There will be an end to fascism...
  And the Sun will shine,
  The path illuminating communism!
  The boys and girls applauded in unison.
  But now jet attack aircraft are flying and dropping bombs. And this is an aggressive approach.
  Levka and Slavka raised their slingshots and launched the gift of death. And the barrel was hit by a Nazi attack aircraft.
  The girl Marinka sang:
  - Komsomol, not only age,
  Komsomol, my destiny!
  Let's conquer, I believe, space,
  We will be alive forever!
  Ahmed, a pioneer boy from Azerbaijan ( a virtual child, of course, but in the Hypermatrix he cannot be distinguished from a real one!) answered with a smile:
  - You are not a Komsomol member yet , Marinka!
  The girl stamped her bare foot angrily and answered in a melodious voice;
  Next to the fathers, with a cheerful song,
  We stand for the Komsomol...
  The era of bright years is approaching,
  The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared!
  The cry of the pioneers is always be prepared!
  Levka also stamped his bare foot and roared:
  Grip the hammer tighter, proletarian,
  From titanium with a hand, crushing the yoke...
  We will sing a thousand arias to our Motherland,
  And light for posterity, good!
  The children are delighted. And in fact, the Germans bombed, and only one girl got a shrapnel in her bare , round, pink heel.
  The pioneer screamed, but immediately bit her lip.
  And so they prepared to repel the attack. And tanks with fascists are already coming. The menacing E-100s are moving. Such powerful and dangerous machines.
  They have such defense that you can"t break through from any angle. You can't get it from just one angle. The only chance is to break the tracks.
  The children are ready for a fight and are waving their bare feet. Here they are on a wire pushing under caterpillars to the Nazis bags with homemade explosives. It goes off and destroys the rollers of the tanks of Rommel"s army.
  And it looks menacing.
  Warbler squeaks:
  - Glory to communism!
  The boy Valerka shoots with Levka from a slingshot and squeals:
  - Glory to the pioneers!
  The boy Ruslan, together with the girl Sufir , drags a mine under the German with wire and shouts:
  - Glory to the USSR!
  Children from Azerbaijan and Russian guys are fighting. Tanned, thin, barefoot pioneers, against a colossal armada of tanks.
  The girl Tamara stamps her graceful, small, bare foot and says:
  - Glory to Russia, glory!
  Pioneer Akhmet confirms, firing at the enemy:
  - We are a friendly family together!
  Boy Ramzan, a red-haired Azerbaijani, confirms, hitting the car:
  - From the word we, one hundred thousand I!
  The children are friendly... So the Armenian girl Azatuhi , also deftly, using a wire, moves the explosive package under the fascist"s caterpillar and squeaks:
  - The USSR is a family of nations!
  Another Armenian girl Agas says:
  - Let"s not bend to fascism:
  And with her bare toes the girl pulled up the wire. Many Azerbaijani and Armenian children have blond hair, and they are indistinguishable from Slavic children, of whom there are also many. Some moved away from the Germans, other Russian families settled in Azerbaijan even under the tsars.
  There are many Slavs in the Caucasus. Lots of mixed couples. And children usually have lighter hair than their parents. And the Slavic guys are so tanned that you can"t tell them apart from the locals. Moreover , children are usually more similar than adults.
    So, an international Soviet battalion of boys and girls is fighting, and they are all united and very similar. Their bare heels flash when they move.
  And again children send gifts of death. Shamil and Seryozhka, both pioneer boys, are pulling the wire. And now the German E-50 stops with a broken track.
  The boys sing in chorus:
  The indestructible union of free republics,
  It wasn't brute force or fear that brought us together...
  And the good will of enlightened people,
  And friendship and intelligence and courage in dreams!
  And the children are delighted. They smile with white, even teeth. And they are happy, although they are threatened with death.
  And the Germans are stubborn. Damaged tanks fire from cannons and machine guns fire.
  Some German vehicles are equipped with grenade launchers and are very dangerous.
  The boy Maksimka and the girl Zara from Azerbaijan, resting their bare feet, pulled a mine under the enemy and knocked out the fascist mastodon.
  And they shouted at the top of their lungs:
  - For the USSR!
  The kids are so funny.
  Pioneers Abbas and Vladimir also use weapons. In this case, a catapult, and the Nazis break the E-75 caterpillar. After which the boys sang:
  - For the greatness of the planet under the cover of communism!
  Valerka and Abdula are also pioneers of different nations, but with one heart, they also launch explosives. They hit the E-100 and sing...
  We opened the planet to the nations,
  The path to space, to unprecedented worlds...
  Heroic deeds are sung -
  To erase the scar of death forever!
  Under the Sacred Banner of Russia,
  In peace, friendship, happiness and love...
  People all over the world will become happier,
  Hellish darkness will dissipate in the distance!
  There are children fighting here...
    Abdurrahman and Svetlana, an Azerbaijani boy and a girl from Belarus, together pulled a wire and knocked out a fascist tank. And they sang:
  - The great name of sacred Russia,
  Shining over the world like a ray of sunshine...
  I believe that in unity we will become happier,
  Let us show all nations the right path!
  Children are very brave. And the Nazis are simply shocked by such stubborn and fierce resistance.
    Abudurrahman , this pioneer, received a shrapnel in his bare sole. It pierced the calloused surface of a child's foot.
  The boy hissed:
  - It hurts me!
  Svetlana was also hit in the round heel and scratched her shoulder. But the girl hissed:
  - Pioneers cannot be broken!
    Azim and Kolka also rammed the German car.
  The boys pointed with a wire and sang:
  The insidious enemy went on the offensive,
  But I believe that the Soviet people will not flinch...
  The enemy awaits defeat and oblivion,
  And the glory of Russia will bloom more powerfully!
  The enemy awaits: defeat and oblivion,
  And the glory of Russia will bloom more powerfully!
  Children are brave and do not give up. And they want to win. And they sing and they fight.
  The Germans are suffering heavy losses. True , mostly their tracks and rollers are broken. And this is not fatal.
  It"s worse for the pioneers who were captured.
  The boy Abdulhamid , when he was captured, was strung up on the rack by the Nazis. They inserted the pioneer's bare feet into the block and began to hang weights on the hooks. And then they lit a fire. And fire licked the boy"s bare heels . And the whip fell on his back. They beat me for a long time. And then the Nazis began to break the ribs with hot tongs.
  The boy, dying under torture, when his ribs, red from the heat, were crushed by iron, sang:
  Berlin is almost under our control,
  Through binoculars we see the damned Reichstag...
  I hope there will be peace and happiness soon;
    Which I will describe in my poems!
  Russia opened communism to the world,
  She became family to everyone.
  But the Wehrmacht thrust a pig's snout at us,
  And blood is now flowing like a fountain from the veins!
  What the Fuhrer forgot with us, by chance,
  I wanted to get landowners and slaves!
  Fascism went on a very long march -
  And here is the nightmare of a real hellish dream!
  A simple boy, a barefoot boy,
  I recently tied a red tie.
  He wanted to build the world himself without God,
  But napalm suddenly erupted from the sky!
  We had to run AWOL to the front,
  Nobody wants to take such youngsters!
  But the boy fighter with the rifle managed it,
  The path of the fathers turned out to be worthy!
  They fought with both cunning and strength,
  And weakness is also bitter, alas ...
  The comrades had to dig graves,
  Plane pine coffins in the cold!
  I'm a pioneer , now I'm used to suffering,
  I went on reconnaissance barefoot, the snowdrift crunched.
  There may be punishment for disbelief,
  That I didn"t want to know Jesus!
  But what are three hours of Calvary?
  More than three years of war have passed!
  In every village widows cry bitterly,
  How the sons of the country perished in the graveyard !
  I survived, was shell-shocked, wounded by a bullet,
  But fortunately he remained on his feet!
  We honestly repaid the debt to Germany,
  There, fascism has been trampled into dust by us!
  I've matured, but I'm still a boy,
  The mustache didn"t break through, but it"s already titanium!
  Yes, an adult, and perhaps even too much,
  After all, the heart has become as hard as metal!
  Hero Star - the highest award -
  Stalin himself, believe me, gave it to me!
  He said: we need to take an example from people like you,
  The soldiers are forging the keys to the doors to Eden!
  But today, brave man, put down your rifle,
  Take your pliers, your hammer and get to work!
  Build a sailboat and a boat from wood,
  And create a plane so that it can fly up like a bird!
  This is truly international. And Valerka, Slavka, Levka and Marinka really formed a strong international team.
  The children, however, were tired of fighting with primitive methods. And now Valerka has a thermoquark-pumped hyperblaster in her hands.
  The boy bared his ivory-colored teeth, large and sharp beyond his age, like a wolf"s, and said:
  - Well, the Nazis, have they arrived?
  And the boy will take it and hit the heavy tanks of the fascists with a thick stream of ultra-photons. And what is "Lion", this monster weighing ninety tons? His armor took over and trivially evaporated.
  Marinka winked at her counterpart and noted:
  - But it"s not fair!
  Slavka, instead of answering, took it and also clicked the toes of his bare feet. And a hyperplasma launcher appeared in the boy"s hands . This is a pretty killer design.
  And the pioneer boy will take and beat the German attack aircraft. This is a truly destructive passage. And the hyperflame launcher hits a wide area. And immediately a dozen stormtroopers also burned out, as if butterflies had fallen under a gas burner.
  Levka whistled:
  - Here you give it! You're acting really cool!
  The pioneer girl Marinka giggled and noted:
  - It's really ultrapulsar! What a cool flow of hyperplasm!
  And the girl clicked her bare toes and acquired deadly weapons. She became a cool pioneer.
  And he will take it and hit you with a murderous stream of hyperenergy . And a stream of aggressive annihilation began!
  Levka also did not waste time on trifles. The boy even chose to wear a combat suit, in the style of robots from Evangelion .
  crazy about the Nazis . And it will throw out an aggressive annihilation surge.
  Well, things got tough for the Nazis. What, they stumbled upon such crazy and technologically advanced children.
  This is truly an extremely deadly effect!
  Valerka, seeing Hitler"s tanks burning, felt inspired and sang:
  Let us reveal our faith: there are heights,
  Science, morality, valor and honor!
  So that all the beauties forever caress the eye,
  May my beloved and I be happy together!
  My girl is sweet, beautiful,
  A bonfire of golden curls in the wind!
  The Creator of the Universe gave such a miracle,
  The Almighty has made a dream come true in you!
  The eyes of love are cut diamonds,
  Their power of passion melts thick ice!
  Remember Christ the Lord's instructions,
  And take flight with your beloved!
  The beauty of the universe is endless,
  We will fly to them, young beauty!
  Let our union be so cordial,
  That the impregnable Ishmael will collapse!
  How tenderly they kissed the girl on the lips,
  A strong hand caressed your cheeks!
  The air was intoxicated with the breath of May,
  There is gold left, ore has come out!
  Yes, the girl's hair is golden,
  There is such beauty in her features!
  The outfits suit you when you are young,
  So that the brow of love is not in tears!
  And so I sing a song to the maiden with the lyre,
  In response, a crystal clear voice!
  You have become for me, my rock idol,
  The ear of bread is filled with juice!
  I believe we will have a child soon,
  A handsome boy - a daring knight!
  For the sake of the Fatherland, let's move mountains together,
  The Great Lord is the Dear Father of all!
  The boys sang so wonderfully and showed their best side.
  And again from their military weapons from the technologies of the twenty-third century, like a beating. And here it certainly won"t seem enough to anyone. Here's some killer fun.
  Valerka tweeted:
  - Fascist from the word fascina - a bunch. And that means a chain!
  Marinka confirmed:
  Unity is welded only by blood,
  The speaker of our days roars desperately...
  And we will try to bind him with love,
  And then we'll see what turns out to be stronger!
  And the pioneer children attacked their enemies with their deadly gifts. These were really both children and terminators rolled into one.
  The barefoot pioneers stamped their heels, and two dozen German tanks flew up and crashed, turning over. You can see how many Germans were injured at once. And the caterpillars were spinning above. And you could see the smoke coming.
  But Slavka suddenly turned on the hologram where a grandiose space battle was taking place. And charming girls fought.
  And the scales shook from side to side. And so much blood was shed.
  Natasha fired a gun at the swallowtails and sang:
  - Even though it seems that life is about to end,
  When trouble blows its black horn...
  Rockets are exploding and blood is flowing like a river,
  And again the ground is disappearing from under our feet!
  But the Earth also has its own guardian,
  And between the stars stretched out to him...
  Invisible, saving threads,
  So that everything doesn"t end in one moment!
  Zoya, a warrior with hair the color of gold leaf, chimed in:
  Winged and nimble,
  The enemy swears again!
  Grind me, grind me into a photon!
  But the angel's feelings
  That everything will be alright
  And it will all end in a joke!
  And it will all end in a joke!
  The girls sang very actively and aggressively. And their voices were full-bodied and shimmering. They were distinguished by their beauty. And when they pressed the buttons with scarlet breast nipples and bare toes of graceful feet, it was very cool !
  Aurora also aimed her gun. Somewhere a grand battleship was smoking. His force field was already broken. And the girl aimed the gun with her seductive girlish legs. And she confidently pressed the button with her ruby nipple. And something extremely destructive happened.
  And it spat out a thermopreon- pumped projectile with a lethal attack.
  Aurora took it and sang:
  We can defeat everyone
  And we will tear the enemy into pieces...
  You are being attacked, girls, by a bear,
  Everything is in our glorious power!
  Svetlana confirmed, aggressively shooting at the enemy:
  - In our glorious power!
  And her eyes sparkled with sapphires.
  And then she again pressed the scarlet nipples of her breasts onto the jet launchers of gravitational missiles. Or maybe hypergravity ones .
  These are the cool girls here...
  One of them took it and issued:
  - A bare foot will most likely put shoes on a man!
  Zoya answered with a sigh:
  - And in our world, where can we get a man?
  Natasha giggled and replied:
  - And these males are always there! Take, for example, even elves!
  Aurora licked her lips and noted:
  - Elves' skin tastes so sweet, like melon in honey!
  Svetlana took it and tweeted:
  -Like an alligator, let"s skin the elf!
  Zoya confirmed with a chuckle:
  - With the power of the terminator, the face will be beaten !
  These are really girls who make jokes and show their aggressive call signs.
  Natasha took it and sang:
  Gloomily sad in the darkness,
  The stars sparkle ominously...
  It seems that on earth
  The truth can no longer be found !
  Zoya echoed enthusiastically, pressing her scarlet nipples on the joystick buttons:
  - It seems that the world has died -
  And the path to the stars is blocked...
  But don"t lose your honor, horseman -
  You can't drown in the sky!
  And the girl sighed heavily. Her mood deteriorated somewhat towards the rum of the elves - one in thirty thousand females, they have no men. Except maybe gigolo robots. And this is little consolation. Although girls without extra nails can use various kinds of vibrators that bring the fair sex to a whole cascade of orgasms.
  Warriors, let's say they are like the devil himself.
  Aurora, firing at the army of swallowtails, which tried to crawl on them and, knocking them out with great efficiency, cooed:
  Glory, glory, glory,
  Girls are brave in battle...
  Glory, glory, fall away,
  I'll kill the Fuhrer-goat!
  Svetlana also threw a vial of hyperplasma with her bare toes. He flew over and hit the keyboard.
  a murderous and destructive ray hit the swallowtail battleship . This is truly power and a bundle of death.
  The girls took it and sang in chorus:
  Space has become like a courtyard for us,
  The stars in the sky are like a walk...
  The vast expanse awaits us,
  And conquering him is no joke!
  These are the girls who are only capable of pacifying intelligent butterflies. But also mosquitoes if they appear.
  These women are really bitches .
  And their legs are so graceful, seductive and barefoot. And even better and more charming are their scarlet breast nipples.
  These are such wonderful steals, capable of kindling the flames of both war and peace throughout the universe!
  Well, how about against such people , at least someone will trample on them?
  Natasha noted, baring her teeth:
  - But sometimes you think, why were men needed at all?
  Zoya shrugged and answered:
  - Don't know! They are not very beautiful. Here are more teenagers who are more or less cute. And adults, especially old people, are disgusting!
  And the girl again pressed the joystick buttons with her bare toes.
  Aurora logically noted:
  - Well, in ancient times, many women were terrible. Especially old women. In general, grandparents are quite nasty. Not like the young ladies. However, young girls in the past were not ideal. Many, for example, are thick or pockmarked. There are also lopsided ones .
  Svetlana hit the enemy with her bare toes and shot down the frigate, saying:
  - It"s so good that we were born now and not earlier. It just jars me to think that we could become hunchbacked and toothless old women! And how disgusting it is!
  And the girl pressed the joystick button with her strawberry nipple.
  Natasha, firing at the swallowtails, remarked:
  - In ancient times, people still believed in God. Moreover, in God the perfect and Almighty!
  Aurora used her ruby nipple to hit the intelligent butterflies and noted :
  - It"s strange to believe that the universe was created by a Perfect and Almighty God when women turn into ugly old ladies. It looks somehow strange, ridiculous and stupid!
  Zoya took it and, pressing the joystick buttons with her bare toes, sang:
  Perhaps this is strange and absurd,
  But all day and night, all day long...
  I dream about amazing things , somewhere
  Know where my guardian angel lives!
  Svetlana, too, pummeling her enemies, with the help of her delicious, rose-shaped nipples, chirped:
  Behind the complex earthly life, without a doubt,
  He watches and no longer remembers himself,
  Which one is he for for my salvation?
  Sometimes the light came to miracles!
  And the whole four, using scarlet breast nipples and bare toes when shooting, chirped:
  The sworn and the ancient,
  The enemy swears again
  Grind me, grind me into powder ,
  But the angel does not sleep,
  And everything will be alright
  And everything will end well!
  And all the swallowtails in the bag!
  And the warriors again took and pressed their scarlet nipples on the joystick buttons.
  These are the girls...
  Another beauty, General Magdalene, also firing at intelligent butterflies attacking people, chirped:
  - Oh, frost, frost,
  Don't freeze me...
  It stings my nose like that -
  The penalty has increased!
  Indeed, the girl-general Magdalena is sheer charm. And her breasts are just a nice, elastic buffalo udder with nipples as scarlet as poppies. And young elves love to lick these scarlet nipples.
  That's how cool this group of female warriors is.
  Girls, of course, love to use their tongues. Although there are not enough elves. Often a girl just has to approach the handsome elves one by one in order to receive her gift on her tongue.
  The girl Maria took it and sang:
  - Take care of the girls and men,
  They are very gentle creatures...
  They often die for no reason
  Causing intense desire!
  The Victoria girls fired at the swallowtails with the help of a scarlet breast nipple and chirped:
  - Take care of women, take care of women,
  It will be very cool! It will be very cool!
  Someone's crazy! Someone's crazy!
  For some reason with a woman! For some reason with a woman!
  Force fields collided. And they literally crackled. Alfmir felt a flash of heat. And sweat flowed down the elf"s smooth, girl-like face.
  Alfmir chirped:
  Bath, bath, bath, bath,
  Oak and birch infusion...
  Bath, bath, bath, bath -
  I dream of a barefoot girl!
  Elf Helga winked at her counterpart:
  - You are a wonderful fighter, boy!
  Alfmir nodded and noted:
  - I'm not really a boy -
  I am already three hundred years old!
  I'm too young, even too young
  Hello girls!
  The girl Margarita also fought her enemies very confidently. And she is a very beautiful girl. Her hair was the color of gold leaf and flowed in radiant waves.
  The girl, it should be noted, is extremely beautiful. And she is very combative and aggressive.
  The girl Margarita took it and tweeted:
  The Fatherland owes us a ray of freedom,
  Endless ocean of love...
  Let the girls unite
  To dispel the darkness on the way!
  To dispel the darkness ahead!
  Girls on starships fight with passion and enthusiasm that bubbles up inside them like a volcano. And so starships climbed from the flanks , like naked daggers. And they emit powerful, graviomagnetic waves. And they destroy the spaceships of the swallowtail fleet.
  Here you can see how supernova explosions occur, which send waves of a wide variety of radiation. And they blaze with extraordinary fury. The fighters of both armadas are trying to act more harmoniously in bursts.
  The girls carry out flanking maneuvers and carry out attacks using targeted attacks and raining down concentrated blows on the enemy.
  Augustine fights on the brigantine. She commands it and carries out impact missile launches. The missiles hit the frigate, causing damage to it.
  The girl sang, giving commands, pressing buttons with her scarlet nipples:
  We are warriors of the high road,
    Capable of tearing swallowtails to pieces...
  And don"t judge strictly, girls,
  When will we pass the exam with an A?
  This is how the girl very deftly transfers her shock missiles to the enemy. And her breasts are so lush and seductive. And she presses the buttons with nipples that are like overripe strawberries.
  Victoria, on the other hand, commands a frigate and also performs aggressive feats and deals crushing blows to the Swallowtail troops. The girl Victoria has hair of four colors - so colorful and sparkling.
  . CHAPTER No. 6.
  The girl fights confidently and uses pressure on her breast nipples, sparkling like rubies. And how amazing her high breasts are - just lovely.
  Victoria purrs as her nipples are licked by the tongue of a beautiful elf, and sings, baring her teeth:
  - Dolbani , dolbani girl for the swallowtail,
    Damn it , fuck it, you can"t avoid defeat!
  If anything happens, if anything happens, I"ll hide the missiles,
  And I can, and I can, give change to my adversary!
  Augustine nodded and squeaked:
  - I am the strongest girl in the world,
  And I"ll drive the elf right up to the nipples...
  adversary 's urine is active in the toilet,
  And I composed a dozen poems at once!
  Marinka turned off the hologram of this movie, clicking her bare toes, and chirped:
  - We should finish off the Nazis! And what's that?
  Instead of the Nazis, orcs and goblins rushed to attack. And they rush in an innumerable avalanche. It"s like a hairy and smelly tsunami is creeping in.
  And these orcs and goblins shake their clubs and sing:
  We love to rob and steal,
  For us there is no conscience, believe me, and no honor...
  And our job is to kill for doubloons,
  So that all the pirates could be together!
  We will slash your dagger at you,
  And we"ll let the girls out without restraining themselves...
  There is no one more evil than us on Earth,
  Avadon himself stands modestly aside!
  Believe me, we will kill and burn everyone,
  We have everything, this was the first thing planned...
  And somewhere a golden-winged cherub is flying,
  And the corsair will cut off his wings a little !
  Believe me, the pirate will not succumb to you,
  Neither the priests, nor others who rush dashingly...
  May there be a very glorious result,
  So that the filibusters do not sit quietly!
  In war, of course, there will be a limit for you,
  In battle, a pirate cannot surrender!
  The enemy has thinned out in battle,
  I showed that our corsair can fight!
  So we pirates besieged a galleon,
  They slaughtered the Spaniards mercilessly...
  We'll kill if necessary, even a million,
  And we will never say , enough guys, okay!
  The frigate is now on fire,
  The flame in it blazes very dashingly...
  We swore , apparently to Satan,
  To spoil everything that was a bright paradise!
  That's how good everything got
  Of course, we love girls too...
  Everyone will receive as a result
  The woman will give him a kiss!
  We will boldly, believe, win,
  Doing everything glamorously and beautifully...
  Donating blood, essay for five,
  And blowing his mouth arrogantly !
  After all, Morgan, the glorious captain, is with us,
  Who burned cities with fires...
  Such a great ataman has been given to us,
  What is trampled by steel boots!
  In short, there is a pirate's way -
  To crush, to choke, without mercy...
  The enemy will not be able to bend us,
  After all, you know, any people are bastards !
  We don't even care about the Duke ,
  We will boldly break off his horns...
  And we'll hit you hard in the face with a brick,
  That he will become just a parrot in the oven!
  Well, and Louis, this king,
  It will just be a nut for the pirates,
  He is not a king, but just a zero,
  Believe me, not even a pathetic black pawn is worth it!
  In short, Morgan will win famously,
  Any army that the enemy sends us...
  We are corsairs, like a monolith,
  ours for battle crusher !
  There will be time for glory, believe me,
  Everyone will receive half of the world...
  A pirate is essentially a beast of prey,
  He will insidiously stab you in the back!
  When we've looted to the navel,
  We will build ourselves luxurious mansions,
  Satan is with us forever,
  And a new planet will enter the world!
  Then the monster children took them and met them with deadly streams of destructive hyperplasm. And she fell with force on an avalanche of hairy orcs. And let's burn them alive, turning them into kebabs. And my hair is on fire, and smoke rises up.
  Valerka noted with a grin:
  - These are streams of annihilation!
  Marinka agreed with this:
  - We mow down our enemies without any ceremony. And this is extremely cool, and there is a stream of supreme death!
  And the girl turned on the hologram again to make it more fun.
  And the girls appeared again.
  The space battle continued with great intensity. The Machaons found themselves in a more difficult position than they had expected, but they gradually succumbed, stubbornly resisting.
  Natasha and Zoya fired with the help of their scarlet, swollen chest buds. And they shot down the swallowtail ships with guns.
  Natasha took it and sang:
  Girls are different -
  White, blue, red!
  But everyone wants the same
  To shoot accurately!
  And the warrior showed her radiant and pearl-sparkling smile.
  Zoya nodded to her partner and chirped:
  We are not simple girls,
  We dashingly chop swallowtails...
  Our little feet are bare,
  You can't avoid defeat!
  And she flashed her sapphire eyes, which are so bright and sparkling.
  Aurora also fires and sings with a squeak:
  - I'm a very cool girl,
  Although barefoot in winter ...
  I"ll kill all the swallowtails ,
  Know that the girl will become a hero!
  Svetlana also fights, and acts extremely energetically. And her shots are accurate and destructive.
  Svetlana, firing with her bare toes, chirped:
  Do you see an eclipse in the sky?
  There's a fire burning there...
  This, you know, is a sign of hell,
  And there's a hurricane!
  Natasha also hit the troops of intelligent butterflies. And again the downed fighters are burning. But the enemy in the boat became the victim of a hit from Zoe pressing the button with a strawberry nipple.
  Zoya sang:
  - Glory to our masters,
  We will show the power of the wind...
  Don't give in to doctors
  The power of the spectrum is with us!
  These girls are fighters of unprecedented strength. And these are space warriors. And moreover, they prefer to fight almost exclusively barefoot and only in panties.
  How can you not be friends with such girls? Although sometimes it seems that they are not on friendly terms.
  And how they press the joystick buttons with their scarlet, strawberry nipples. These are truly beautiful paintings.
  Aurora giggled and kicked the enemy, pressing the button with her ruby nipple.
  And she chirped:
  Consider me vile
  Yes, I can be mean...
  Yes, I can be mean...
  But if only I had enough courage in a brawl!
  But if only I had enough courage in a brawl!
  But if only I had enough courage in a brawl!
  Svetlana snorted contemptuously and noted:
  - What are you, a parrot, repeating the same thing three times ?
  The red-haired warrior logically noted:
  - Repetition is the mother of learning!
  The blonde warrior giggled and noted:
  Shaking my head
  Watch and repeat...
  This is oh , oh, oh,
  This is ah , ah, ah!
  Aurora giggled and noted:
  - Yes, funny! Let's wet the swallowtails!
  banged in rage , pressing the button with her very bright and scarlet breast nipple, and sang:
  - One two three four five,
  Pay in order!
  We will kill all the evil ones,
  And we'll arrange a showdown!
  Aurora jumped up and chirped, baring her teeth:
  - Let the boa constrictor have a long tail,
  Bends like a bridge...
  One two three four -
  Arms higher, legs wider!
  Warriors, of course, show their greatest class in battle. And they fight with great passion.
  And they release rockets of colossal destructive power. And they fly. One falls directly into the swallowtails' space brigantine. And it breaks through ultra-cumulative wave protection. And the brigantine explodes without further ado.
  Aurora took it and sang:
  We see special pictures,
  The brigantine fragments are flying!
  And the red-haired warrior winked at her partners. The girls, of course, got into all kinds of trouble.
  This has really become so cool and quasar .
  The girls laugh... And the swallowtails continue to be pressed. The troops of the cosmic, human empire are carrying out a frontal sweep. And they fight with colossal fury.
  Svetlana logically noted, winking with her sapphire eyes:
  - I only hit once
  And right in the eye...
  Hooligan girl
  Don't scare me with Taganka !
  And she showed her sharp and strong fangs. This is a girl who can be described in one word - super!
  However, the word hyper is quite suitable!
  Aurora giggled and chirped, before again shooting out her nipple, the color of a very ripe and sweet strawberry.
  I'm crazy, I'm crazy
  I need her! I need her!
  Svetlana giggled and chirped, saying:
  I'm a beautiful girl
  So fair...
  I'll jump on the guy
  And I"ll gallop dashingly!
  The red-haired warrior nodded:
  - This is a sound idea!
  And the girl again launched a destructive and murderous gift of death at the enemy, the ruby nipple of her breast.
  And this is a very good blow.
  Another flagship battleship of the Swallowtail Empire received critical damage and burst into flames. And its flames fried many insects at once, making them charred subjects.
  These girls are so aggressively beautiful, it"s just horror and admiration.
  Alice is also fighting. She's in a single-seat fighter. Her weapon is quite strong. There are also hyperlaser guns that pump the quark fusion process. The warrior chirped:
  - You can"t live in the world without God, no,
  But it"s even more difficult without girls, neighbor...
  So you can believe
  But to believe in a girl...
  You can do it yourself, even if you are a boy ,
  But Pasaran !
  Alice is a very beautiful girl. And Angelica, her partner, is also extremely good.
  And both girls fight like that. They work in pairs and use special techniques in the fight against swallowtails.
  Angelica, the red-haired beauty , took it and sang:
  Along the universe the forest is thick,
  With Baba Yagami...
  And at the end of the universe,
  Scaffold with axes!
  Alice winked at her partner and, baring her face, said:
  And neither a church nor a tavern ,
  Nothing is sacred...
  There's nothing wrong with this girl,
  It's all wrong girls!
  And the warrior winked at her partner. And they are such magnificent and radiant stealers.
  But Alfmir makes a face at them through the monitor and sings:
  A mad fire is raging inside me,
  It's probably too late to put it out...
  Put all the power of rage into the blow,
    Shaking the sky, shaking the stars!
  Alice nodded with a smile:
  - It will be great !
  Angelica pressed the trigger with the scarlet nipple of her breast, releasing another portion of destruction, and said:
  My boy, my baby,
  You're not sleeping at this hour...
  And in what unknown country,
  You will only remember about me!
  Alfmir, jokingly, sang, leaving with a decisive maneuver from the homing missile of the swallowtail:
  I won't forget the girl
    Sweet as bread!
  Whoa, whoa , whoa , whoa !
  I won't forget anyone!
  The girl also tweeted in response:
  - Glory to the warriors who fight like foxes!
  Alice chirped with wild aplomb. And pressing the button with a ruby nipple. And she has such tanned breasts, and a very full, perfectly sculpted bust.
  And the warrior"s legs are so good. And they have an extremely graceful heel curve.
  Angelica took it and noted aggressively, baring her pearly teeth.
  She was very red and had emerald eyes.
  The warrior was curvy, with a thin waist and luxurious hips. This is very interesting.
  The girls sing:
  Black swallowtail, black swallowtail,
  A furious destruction awaits the butterflies!
  And the warrior winked with her emerald eyes.
  Alfmir, meanwhile, came into battle with the Swallowtail Ace. He tried to follow the elf. The elf maneuvered deftly. And he turned his fighter around and made jumps from side to side. And his counterpart took it and started getting closer.
  Force fields collided. And they literally crackled. Alfmir felt a flash of heat. And sweat flowed down the elf"s smooth, girl-like face.
  Alfmir chirped:
  Bath, bath, bath, bath,
  Oak and birch infusion...
  Bath, bath, bath, bath -
  I dream of a barefoot girl!
  The hologram was interrupted ... The formidable voice of the pioneer leader was heard:
  - You can"t watch this! Come on, continue your combat training, or go to sleep!
  Valerka winked at his friends and asked:
  - So training, or sleep?
  Slava answered decisively:
  - Let us ride along the waves of the Hypermatrix . And let something from the Second World War be connected, only in a non-standard version.
  Marinka nodded:
  - Great! Only I will no longer be a child, but an adult girl. And we will fight with someone like the Nazis, only much stronger.
  Levki nodded and cackled:
  - And so that the second world war lasts longer.
  Three boys and a girl simultaneously clicked their bare toes and performed a steep transfer.
  March 8, 1947, Women's Day. And the team of boys is commanded by a Komsomol girl, Marinka. A warm wind blew from the south, and the Caspian Sea splashed nearby. It's already twenty degrees in the sun. The boys digging trenches are naked to the waist and are vigorously working with shovels. Light, red and dark heads flash.
  Fresh grass breaks through under the shovels, and it smells of something so special, enchanting. The two hundred and first fighter, Valerka Lagunov, appeared in this detachment. The boy was transferred here by the will of Chernobog - they say, while the older sisters are in other places, fight with the Nazis. And even there the situation in the country of the Soviets is extremely difficult. Look at the rags the soldiers of the children's battalion wear. Everyone is barefoot, despite the beginning of March. And it"s also good that today is such a warm day.
  But pressing your bare sole on the tip of a shovel is not very pleasant.
  A pioneer boy, in this virtual real Hypermatrix , Valerka works energetically. He is a strong and trained guy who has already been through fire, water and copper pipes. Managed to visit many places. In particular , in the universe of the Hypernoosphere, where the "Star Wars" so famous to people burned.
  And past the cosmic worlds. So nothing will surprise Valera Lagunov , the terminator boy. He learned and comprehended a lot. But for now he shouldn't stand out. Just dig your own ground...
  He looks about thirteen years old, but already has prominent muscles. This makes him stand out from his peers. Its relief is constantly deepening and improving over time. And the skin retains a dark, almost black tan, obtained on a planet with four luminaries. And this is also striking. Especially in March, when the summer tans of the other boys had already faded.
  Digging an anti-tank ditch next to Valera, Slava drew attention to the strong tanned boy waving a shovel.
  The pioneer, about the same age and the same height as Valerka, asked:
  - Sorry, comrade, but where did you manage to tan so well?
    Lagunov Jr. , accustomed after several hours of intensive work that no one paid attention to him, was surprised that his peer had acquired the gift of speech. Therefore, Valerka decided to ignore it, especially since not a single legend came to mind.
  But the boy with reddish hair turned out to be stubborn. He kicked the boy from the future with his bare heel in the butt. The boy staggered and felt a flash of anger. No, something like this, when they dared to kick you, cannot be forgiven.
  And Valerka hit the boy in response , first under the knee, then with the same foot repeatedly in the solar plexus. Slavka collapsed to the bottom of the trench and his eyes bulged. He was choking with pain and rage, unable to utter a word.
  Several boys, having stopped digging, waving their shovels, ran up to Valerka. The pioneer boy clenched his fists and stood in a stance, ready to scatter his opponents like kittens. And he had never fought with such fighters before. There were more serious opponents .
  Suddenly the trill of a police whistle was heard. A slender, bare-legged girl rushed towards them.
  In this virtual reality, Marinka appears to be about eighteen, she has a thin waist, but is athletic, and her bare legs are strong and muscular. Brown hair is braided at the back into a thick braid. She's pretty , although you can't call her a classic beauty, but she's such a hit with guys. Above average height, manly chin and expressive eyes, like a partisan poster.
  And a clear, shrill voice:
  - Leave it alone! What kind of fight?!
  The boys shouted at Valerka in unison:
  - This stranger knocked out our Slavka!
  - Did you knock out Slavka?! - Marinka looked at Lagunov Jr. And her gaze suddenly became kinder. The girl cheerfully remarked:
  -Have you turned off that hooligan Slavka?
  Valerka answered honestly:
  - I would have knocked out the others too if they had interfered!
  The girl nodded and smiled:
  - Lovely! I have never seen anyone with such sculpted abs as you.
  The Terminator boy flexed his muscles and eagerly remarked:
  - Training and proper nutrition help build muscle mass and cut.
  Marinka, as if she was seeing her old friend for the first time ( but in the hypermatrix, you can even make an alternative memory for yourself!), suddenly looked at the boy with suspicion, noticing:
  - But how black you are. Even the Turkmens are paler than you!
  Terminator pioneer Valerka answered not entirely honestly:
  - It's just that the skin is so...
  The girl objected:
  - But you have blond hair. And your face is Slavic, but you resemble a black girl !
  Valerka smiled and answered:
  - I studied various martial arts in the tropics. This is my credo! So... Don't blame me...
  The girl Larisa, who had just ran up to the squad, warned:
  - Be careful! Special officers may come and check. So don't say this is a new person.
  Marinka succinctly ordered:
  - Get Slavka out of the ditch and make peace with him! We don't need a quarrel before the fight!
  Valerka jumped down. He picked up a fairly muscular boy, despite his modest rations, and threw him up. Then he jumped out of the trench and caught the boy in mid-flight. Thus, causing enthusiastic screams from other boys.
  Valerka massaged his unlucky counterpart"s neck. He groaned and came to his senses.
  Slavka looked angrily, but there were notes of respect in his voice:
  - Well, you... You moved me like that... With all your might!
  Terminator boy Valerka shook his head negatively:
  - No! It's still easy! When the Germans approach, you will see what it means to hit with all your might!
  Slavka touched his abs. A surprisingly clear imprint of a bare, graceful boy's foot remained on his stomach and chest. But the bones are, in fact, not broken, so we can get to work.
  And digging with a shovel for more than an hour is not much fun!
  The boy nevertheless carefully asked Valerka the question that had been tormenting the pioneer:
  - Why are you so black?
  The young Leninist Valerka, after thinking for thirty seconds, answered:
  - To be honest, I spent several months in a place where a tan really sets in on my skin, and then doesn"t want to go away!
  Slavka ( whose memory in the hypermatrix has also changed!) muttered doubtfully:
  - In Africa, or what?
  The young Leninist immediately seized on this version:
  - Well, yes! You"ve seen for yourself that blacks live in Moscow for several years, but their tan still doesn"t go away!
  Slavka did not argue and turned the conversation to another, but also relevant topic for himself:
  - Where did you learn to fight so well?
  Valerka answered after a short pause:
  - I had strong mentors and mentors... They taught an excellent school!
  Slavka suggested to his partner:
  - And you challenge Marinka to a fight. She trained in martial arts, and a fight with you will be extremely interesting!
  Valerka Lagunov grinned loudly and remarked:
  - Well, don"t come at me like that! Consider us to be the same age!
  Slava answered seriously:
  - For some reason, you look like a much older person!
  The Terminator boy, baring his teeth, replied:
  - It seems to you because I beat you!
  Slavka tried to hit Valerka in response, but he easily caught his hand on the fly and, laughing, replied:
  - No! Don't do this, otherwise I'll make you measure the bottom of the trench again!
  Slavka corrected:
  - This is, in fact, an anti-tank ditch.
    Lagunov Jr. laughed:
  - You will burn like a lion!
  It was already getting dark , and Marinka, together with Larisa, invited the boys for dinner. Since the Caspian Sea is nearby, there was plenty of fish, as well as salt, but there wasn"t enough bread, and some kind of bread mixed with quinoa.
    The boys chewed vigorously. We ate like a soldier, quickly. Then we worked for some more time, already in the dark, fortunately the sky was clear. Then, covering themselves with sackcloth and huddling together to make it warmer on the cold March night, the tired boys closed their eyes. But I couldn't sleep. Enemy jets appeared in the sky and began vigorously bombing.
    The boys became alarmed and jumped out. Some of them, the most unrestrained, even opened fire on the fascist vultures, which was useless from such a distance. Valerka Lagunov also jumped up. The Terminator boy jumped up to the only large-caliber machine gun in the battalion. He opened fire from it. One of the German vultures began to smoke and began to grow feathers of fire.
    The boys started shouting with respect. You still need to be able to shoot down a jet car from such a distance. And the young Leninist Valerka continued shooting, and another "crow" rolled downhill, smoking with lights.
    The ranger boy sang:
  - You, the vulture, are getting hit in the forehead. I'm a star terminator, not goodbye pop!
  And the third Hitler's winged python was cut off. Valerka could still continue shooting, but Slavka jumped into the showdown, desperately shouting:
  - Give! Let me shoot too!
  Valerka unexpectedly gave in, although he felt that this was not the best idea.
  Slavka began to desperately fire and chatter with his machine gun. Ribbons of bullets fell one after another . When empty, they looked like hungry pythons. But the fire was completely useless. The bullets, even if they hit the jet cars, simply bounced off them from a great distance. Finally, the meager limit of ammunition ran out, and Slava, in frustration, slammed his fist on the breech of the machine gun.
  And then he screamed, the metal was very hot from the shooting. And the hooligan pioneer said ambiguously:
  - But the gun doesn"t fire, but it stinks of shit!
  Valerka very deftly moved his foot along the ground, and Slavka fell without a blow from the shaking of the ground. However, the only person to be angry with was himself. Lagunov felt that this would be the case. And yet, he allowed the red-haired scoundrel to shoot the cartridges.
  However, there was a lull , and the guys went to bed again. Either tomorrow, or at least the day after tomorrow, the Krauts will break through the front and end up here. And here on one side is the flow of the Volga, and on the other the Caspian Sea splashes. So the guys have nowhere to go.
  Valerka Lagunov had dreams that were fanciful and not entirely understandable.
  - Talk again, vacuum-headed ! - The commander bee cut it off. The drones looked larger and thicker, their paws had the bulging biceps of seasoned bodybuilders. But their stigmas were blunt, and their proboscis ended in a square. Well, the commander"s epaulettes are cast in gold, although the stars are not visible, and there is a beautiful pink bud at the tip.
  And the world itself is like a fairy tale, the dog has its mouth open on six legs and plays on a caterpillar laptop in three languages. Here are children walking in red collars. In their eyes, the young Leninist Valerka captured fear and some kind of suffering. These pioneers" clothes are smart, but for some reason their tanned legs are bare and badly bruised, as if they had been forced to tramp for many kilometers along a rocky mountain road.
  Valerka Lagunov felt more and more uncomfortable, but there was no real fear. Somehow everything here is unreal, even there are four suns in the sky, and their shape is completely unearthly. A dream, a typical long dream, which, if you are not really woken up in the morning, can take on the most surreal features, be brighter than an American science fiction blockbuster. It"s just a pity that later you remember almost nothing from such waves of the deity Morpheus.
  But here, somehow, there are quite real sensations, the body has weight, and when one of the drones stepped on his lower limb, the toes on his bare feet responded with real pain. And the forehead that the portrait hit was unpleasantly sore, and the smell from the drones was too real , a mixture of pollen and unwashed pig. It even tickles your nostrils and makes you want to sneeze. No, the dream can still be like this, your arms and elbows ache, and your wrists chafe from the handcuffs.
  True, as is not typical for the city, there is no smell of gasoline or anything carbon monoxide. The breeze every now and then brings rich forest aromas from growing, very lush trees and flower beds. But for a race more developed than earthly civilization, the absence of an internal combustion engine is quite natural.
  The young Leninist Valerka remembered how the great science fiction writer Jules Verne predicted that electric motors would dominate in transport and everyday life. But so far the harmful and unpleasant internal combustion engine has won in the twentieth century.
  Valerka looked around again, where was his friend, this cosmic Marinka? Was she really chickening out too, and what awaits him now?!
  The car of the local " cops " looks like a flying saucer, only oval in shape and with completely human flashing lights . The young Leninist Valerka was very roughly thrown into the fuselage, almost breaking his joints, and the retractable door, as if in a supermarket, slammed shut on its own. In the same way, the motionless chain, like a cobra, rushed to the boy"s bare foot and tightly squeezed the bone.
  Valerka screamed and tried to pull the chain with his hands cuffed in front:
  - It hurts, don't!
  - Better tie up your pants! - A boyish voice told him.
  Valerka Lagunov turned around. Considering that he was wearing shorts, the proposal looked mocking. The mobile camera was illuminated with a greenish light, and it came literally from the entire ceiling. The light was pleasant, and for some reason the boy immediately felt calm. He glanced at the speaker .
  An ordinary boy, blond, like Valerka Lagunov, but with a short crew cut, as if his head had been cut, and his hair had already grown back. Valerka had a half-box haircut, and it hardly changed over time, so there was no need to cut his hair.
  With him is another boy , a little reddish, and a rather tall, thin girl. Quite down-to-earth guys, with a good tan, but not dark. European features of correct and, perhaps, even beautiful and photogenic faces. The clothes are smart: shirts, blouses, summer shorts and a short skirt, painted with flowers in all the colors of the rainbow, but barefoot, with knocked down soles and knees, a carnivorous and quite live snake attached to the right leg.
  Not scary at all, and even seems younger than Valerka Lagunov .
  The terminator boy extended his hand to them and said with visible composure:
  - It's okay. Let's get to know each other.
  The answer was silence and wary glances. Then the young Leninist Valerka continued with timid confidence:
  - I didn"t do anything, but children are not imprisoned for anything?
  A red-haired boy with a long face, very much like the child actor who played Peter Pan in the American blockbuster, extended his hand in response and said in a sad tone:
  - You're not local. And this is enough to accuse him of espionage and illegal border crossing.
  Valerka , perplexed, batted his eyelashes a couple of times and asked:
  - If so, then... Why do you speak Russian so well?
  The blond boy responded to this:
  - Because in hell everyone speaks Russian, and only in heaven do they use Hebrew!
  The boy prodigy and pioneer laughed sadly and muffledly. This reminded me of one of the old Soviet jokes. In general, is this a dream or not a dream? Everything here is too real to dream about. Maybe he slipped again into one of the worlds created by Chernobog . In this case, it is clear why this universe is called hell.
  The chain on Valerka Lagunov"s bare leg illuminated a little and gave off a moderate heat from the radiator. In general, the climate here is warm, the boy shook off the droplets of sweat flowing from his forehead. The girl, whose bare foot was also shackled , touched her chain and asked:
  - Don't push so hard, you'll leave bruises!
  The shackles, as if they were really alive, answered:
  - Are you cunning, do you want to run away?!
  The girl helplessly spread her calloused hands, noting:
  - Where can you go, even if you run away?!
  The red-haired boy confirmed:
  - All food and goods here have an identification code!
  Okovy answered succinctly:
  - We don't give hints. The clamp does not pose a health hazard.
  It looks like they were in no hurry to take them to the local prison. Someone else was being collected. An older girl was pushed in. Beautiful , although here, it seems, all the people look like in Hollywood - not a wrinkle, not a flaw. The drone police took her shoes, and the girl, becoming a prisoner, blushed deeply.
  Valerka, who had forgotten the red-haired boy's last answer from his head, suddenly remembered that this was strange. And again he asked:
  - So how do you know Russian? Yes Hebrew too?
  The prisoner boy did not answer immediately; he also had handcuffs hanging on his wrists. For others, only one of their legs was shackled. The young Leninist Valerka paid special attention to this; maybe this guy is a dangerous criminal?
  There was no answer, only the girl quietly whispered:
  - Every word here... - And she put her finger to her lips.
  Valerka Lagunov realized that they were being bugged. And his mood completely deteriorated. The space journey ended in arrest. Something that I had never experienced before. Although he, of course, watched the movie. I remembered the movie "The Client", when the boy was arrested to extract information from him. Then, however , he got off cheaply, just resting in a spacious solitary confinement room. But there was no such comfort here. They threw two more boys and a girl. The bench, lightly covered with plastic, is already cramped. But it seemed that the winged car began to pick up speed, and then the red-haired man quietly said:
  - We have hell here. Only many people believe that this is order. Stumble, and you are already a criminal requiring re-education!
  The little white boy nodded in agreement:
  - Everything here is a trifle, except Adolf. And he nodded at the redhead .
  The older girl sighed heavily:
  "I was out of step again." Now I will be forced to stomp barefoot through the desert, and the laser will fire for the slightest mistake.
  The boys who were detained also howled:
  - We just slightly mixed up the road sign. Moreover, the images are constantly changing!
  The young Leninist Valerka batted his eyes and remarked:
  - Are people enslaved by bees?
    The redhead carefully shook his fist:
  - Not for too long!
  The handcuffs on the boy clanked quietly, and suddenly his face contorted in pain. Sparks ran through my hands, apparently a shock discharge was applied. The boy staggered, and a large girl held him and whispered in his ear:
  - Don't tease them. We can't defeat the system, so it's better to obey it!
  The redhead shook his head negatively, his tanned face turned pale, but he didn"t say anything. Maybe not even so much out of fear.
  Valerka was also outraged by this: everyone is forced to walk in formation and in step. It's like North Korea or something worse. And then hit with a laser.
  But the most annoying thing is that these worlds seem to be ruled by muscular and large bees, and behind them someone who looks a lot like an anti-hero from Star Wars. Even the name is similar: Fjabba , really, Corpse. Wow, that's a name for a dictator.
  And the armored hearse flew into the prison yard. It stopped smoothly, they were hardly even shaken. Here Valery was burned by the fear that he might be imprisoned, and meeting with seasoned criminals on the bunk. The boy tried to convince himself that he would have to sit with his peers, and the boys would somehow get along with each other. But my legs still trembled. Intelligent, or maybe with cybernetics inside, the chains themselves freed the legs, and Valerka"s broken soles hobbled after the rubber spikes of the guards . Then, the bare but clean heels of the remaining detainees flashed.
  There were several bees in the yard, as well as a dozen more people arrested. The newcomers here were lined up according to height in a common column, and the bees and the boss barked:
  - Stand still!
  The prisoners stood at attention like soldiers in front . You must stand still, without moving your arm or leg! On the left hand next to Valerka stood a girl wearing only an almost transparent shirt, through which her braless breasts were visible, and a short skirt. The boy devoured the beauty with his eyes, especially her flawless bare legs with an even tan and clear bronze skin, luxurious hips, and, of course, translucent scarlet rosettes of the nipples.
  Suddenly the bee waved its baton, and the electric discharge that flew out hit Valerka Lagunov in the forehead. It was as if someone had struck him with a heavy baton , sparks fell from his eyes, and the captive boy did not fall only because a couple of police drones grabbed him by the arms and put him in his place. And a menacing shout:
  - I told you, calm down!
  The young Leninist Valerka stood unsteadily on his feet, there was a sparkle before his eyes, but with an effort of will he tried not to stagger. A thought flashed through my head: how painful it must be for soldiers to be on guard duty. But they are unfortunate and endure the cold. And it"s warm here, a little over thirty degrees. No sweltering heat.
  Valerka Lagunov, in order to somehow distract himself, tried to look at the prison yard without turning his head. In general, there is nothing special, there are high walls around, though without barbed wire, but at the top there is some kind of background flickering alternately pink and blue. Maybe it"s, like in science fiction, a force field, or shields made of HF, the boy thought. And it has become even more miserable, the society here is highly developed, better than the earthly one . These drones have watches on their hands, from which holograms are displayed. Wow, kind of like the evolution of the cell phone with local internet connectivity. However, even in the twenty-third century this is not surprising. The difference here is that instead of a monitor, a three-dimensional, color projection rises from the bracelet. But they can do this on Earth too. And a club that delivers electric shock from a distance of several meters is also not uncommon.
  There are also stun guns . Let them usually plant at a shorter distance. But people probably have long-range, albeit expensive, cutting clubs. Crews flying without propellers and launch jets are another matter . This is truly progress. The boy moved his spine a little to make it more comfortable to stand, and continued his reasoning. Moreover , another drop-shaped, slightly terrifying flying funnel landed in the yard. The boy noticed that during the flight the air became lighter for a split second. This means that the prison car was passing through some kind of field. This did not set me up for a major tone. The technology is here ...
  Oh, if he had ended up on a technically backward planet in the Middle Ages, how would he have turned out then? With his not very outstanding marks, he would show everyone how smokeless gunpowder is produced or machine guns are made. And when the Uragan multiple launch rocket systems were installed, the empire of the pioneer Tsar Valery the Great would have occupied the entire globe. And then, the greatest of the emperors will raise his gaze to the heavens, and the conquest of space will begin!
  The boy gave free rein to his own imagination. Here is the first target - the Moon, where the three-legged people described by Baron Munchausen live. They use special grenade launchers as weapons that fire poppy heads. And then such a jet is thrown back, and earthlings on flying saucers, greeted by the fire of alpha lasers ... And the impact power of the radiation forces the three-legged...
  The appearance of three more individuals, two taller and slimmer drones and a richly dressed bee, increases the tension. The formation stretched even further into the front , and Valerka Lagunov"s back began to ache. These are still new types!
  The killer bees looked around the deployed line of prisoners. More than fifty different ages of captive representatives of the human race had already gathered here, but no one looked older than sixteen years old. In prison uniform, when forced to wear shorts and deprived of shoes. But it was the young Leninist Valerka who could not help but draw attention with his non-standard appearance. No, he is also barefoot and wearing shorts, but he is wearing a bright cap.
  The main bee, walking casually, suddenly stopped near the young messenger of the earth and stared at the boy. She has three eyes that look like ragged holes: a green background with pimples and a gap into blackness. This is truly scary, it seems that you are about to be dragged into this failure.
  The young Leninist Valerka involuntarily closed his eyes and stepped back. The guard immediately stuck a club between his shoulder blades, and the general bee said in a cold tone:
  - The boy is not dressed according to his uniform!
  The drone answered in a low voice:
  - This is an alien chosen Fjabboy ...
  The general bee shouted:
  - Then he should be transferred to the cold section of the prison!
  The drone shook its paw, a piercing squeak was heard, and the elusive lasso tightly wrapped itself around the neck of the muscular Leninist Valerka. The boy was shaken, and the general bee harshly ordered:
  - Take him! Let them take him apart like a newbie, piece by piece.
  And the noose pulled the boy into a white building with blue stripes. The armored doors moved apart in different directions, like doors in an elevator - music squeaked softly. So they entered the room, from where, after the heat of the street, there was a breath of coolness. And in general, it seemed that gravity had changed - it turned out to be a different world and an underworld . True, there remained a slight resemblance to police stations from Hollywood films.
  A tall drone guard grabbed the boy by the ear, twisted it, and another one disconnected the collar.
  Then they pushed him hard with a rifle butt.
  Valerka howled again, it seemed as if his ear was being torn off. He was led first along the steps of the stairs, then along the corridor. The sharp smell of bleach filled my nostrils. Next came doors made of transparent armor. He was led into a room with mirrors on the walls, a strong blow fell between the shoulder blades, and the boy's head flew, almost breaking it on the floor. Cotton, and sparks sparkle before your eyes. Two thick, tall, hippopotamus-like bees, striped and pot-bellied with plastic, or rather rubber gloves on their paws, were already waiting for him.
  -He's yours, you can castrate him! - The drone guards laughed.
  -Take off your clothes! Hurry up, puppy! - The " gorilla-like " bee divas lifted him by the hair.
  -It looks like the boy is not himself! Come on, let's help him. - And they began to roughly tear off their clothes. The stunned young Leninist Valerka only weakly resisted, but when they tried to pull off his panties, he jerked free and rushed to run. Several guards rushed to cut him off, and the boy ducked and slipped between his legs. Afterwards he increased his agility, but he couldn"t get far; a large grinning pig-bulldog jumped out to meet him. The muscular Leninist Valerka could not stand it and turned back. It was then that a pack of guards flew at him. They began to beat the imprisoned boy with plastic, steel -shanked batons. Perhaps they would have killed him if a menacing shout had not stopped him:
  -This bug may still be useful for the investigation, stop it!
  They lifted the boy, splashed cold water on his face, then turned him around and threw him on his stomach. The drone roared:
  -On his heels, don"t run, just don"t hurt him!
  The child prisoner was hit on the bare heels several times with a guy rope. Valerka Lagunov screamed and whined, tears flowing down his cheeks.
  Instead of sympathy, a poisonous hiss:
  - These are just flowers, and when the investigator interrogates you, you won"t start singing like that yet.
  The boy was picked up and subjected to a humiliating and meticulous search. They pressed their finger on the navel, which caused convulsive spasms in the stomach. They looked into the mouth, ears, nostrils, searched from head to toe, roughly feeling even the private parts. At the same time , the lights were still turned on, although four bright spotlights were shining from different places.
  The young Leninist Valerka, of course, was ashamed and scared, and when they poked around in her body, inserting probes and hoses, it was disgusting and very painful. You involuntarily squeak in this prison hell.
  He was no longer considered a person; everything said that he was a prisoner, a person without rights. He was thrown into heat and cold, his face turned pale, like a dead man"s, and immediately filled with cherry color. Then they took him naked to the hairdresser. Several barefoot girls in striped robes and light shackles giggled, seeing how the boy blushed and tried to cover his shame, but a living wire held his hands behind him. Wrists go numb from tension.
  And the obligatory portraits of Fzhabba Corpse, a sickening freak , a really wart-covered toad, on every corner. The hairdressing salon itself, with mirrors and spotlights, resembles a search hall, and the chair is like a doctor"s, and even has clamps.
  A humanoid bee in a black suit and sticky wings roughly pressed down its head, like shearing a sheep with a dull clipper, it hurt, the blade touched a fresh lump. It seemed to the boy that with every clump of blond hair he cut off, his soul and a piece of his own individuality flew away. And the rude sadistic hairdresser unceremoniously tramples them, as if they were alive. When they finished, the drone overseer hit his freshly shaved head with his club.
  -Take it, bald!
  . CHAPTER No. 7
  Valery Lagunov almost lost consciousness, his legs gave way. Grabbing him by the long-suffering ears, they lifted him up and dragged him into the shower. There they placed him in the center of the cabin and locked him, after pouring bleach on his face and shoulders. The boy froze, expecting another dirty trick , and listened anxiously . It buzzed and a stream of scalding hot water fell on him. Steam came out, the skin turned red, there was hellish pain, it seemed like you were burning.
  -Help! - The captive boy yelled .
  In response, the boiling water stopped and cold water fell. Its flow made my teeth ache. Valerka Lagunov began to freeze and shake, when suddenly searing waves hit him again. Then icy cold. The boy, who ended up in hell, became hysterical, but the water torture stopped. Red as a lobster, he came out of the cabin; he had to step on his toes, his heels turned blue from the lashing clubs.
  Now he was taken to another room. There they photographed him naked from different points, measured him, weighed him, and took blood from a vein. They copied signs and moles, looked for scars and burns. Then came a chuckle.
  -Now let's play the piano.
  This was the taking of fingerprints, and they took them not only from the hands, but also from the feet, carefully smearing the broken feet with black paint. Then they smeared my lips, it was very disgusting, my head was roughly pressed against a white leaf. The boy tried to spit, but he was punched in the face. His head jerked and his teeth chattered. They did an X-ray and photographed the internal organs. Then they took me to the mirror. Valerka Lagunov looked at himself, dumbfounded. A shrunken bald boy with a black eye, swollen black lips, several bumps on his head, bruises and marks from batons on his naked muscular body.
  -Well, baby, do you understand what it means to oppose the legitimate government?
  The wart-covered bee-head of the department shouted menacingly.
  -And now you should be marked. You will wear this sign forever.
  A humanoid drone wearing a mask and a green robe came out from behind the mirrors. He took out a tube with something like a seal.
  - Now we"ll make you a punch . These numbers are your number - 1313131314. You will pass under it like a prisoner. Give me your hand here.
  The frightened Valerka Lagunov, looking at the red-hot iron, on the contrary, hid it behind his back. Then two big drones forcibly twisted the limb and handed it to the executioner. He dropped alcohol on his hand and then burned it. The boy screamed and twitched, but he was held in an iron vice. Finally, the flaming steel was taken away, and he went limp, almost passing out from the pain.
  - Let him go under the ice shower, let him go away.
  Valerka Lagunov was rinsed with ice water. It got so bad that my teeth began to beat like drums, but I didn"t feel much freer. The seemingly endless registration procedures have come to an end.
  The bee in the white coat promised:
  -Now you will be given government clothes.
  The boy sighed with relief; it was unpleasant to walk around naked all the time, especially in the presence of female bees, and he was shaking from the cold.
  Here people in black uniforms brought a package, roughly throwing his robe to him. Short, above the knees, dirty white pants with blue stripes, or rather shorts, belted with a rope, and the same, typical for movie convicts, striped shirt with bicep-length sleeves. And such torn vestments, perhaps even taken from a corpse, with buttons torn out.
  The young Leninist Valerka had the courage to ask:
  -And it's all?
  A massive bee in a white coat giggled disgustingly:
  -Of course everything! And a juvenile offender is not entitled to more.
  Valery Lagunov nervously rubbed his friend itchy, pink heels:
  -And the boots? Am I going to be barefoot?
  The bee explained condescendingly:
  -You are a criminal, and you must repent, and according to the law, all juvenile offenders are required to go barefoot , regardless of the time of year. - And the insect winked. - And on this planet , all of you people remain minors forever and ever!
  The teenage boy"s feet had already begun to get cold, the climate here was already different, and he asked with alarm:
  -What if I catch a cold?
  -The baton will cure! - And the drone guard again hit him on the bare bottom with a quickdraw. - Get dressed quickly, shket .
  Valery Lagunov twitched, groaning, his skin was raw, dressed somehow, and tightened his belt. The boy was handcuffed and then taken to a waiting room. There, the young Leninist Valerka was placed on his knees, his arms were pulled back, his wrists were attached to his ankles. So he sat in an uncomfortable position, waiting for the final decision on his fate. My knees hurt, the concrete floor made my half-naked legs numb. Now he was quietly sobbing, he was sad and disgusted, everything said that he was a prisoner, a man lost for a normal life. He will never return to Earth and escape from the crazy world. That's right, the red-haired lad said: this is hell! Now there"s no way, a hopeless dead end! His entire personality was dissolved and destroyed in the meticulous procedures of the prison. Finally, the head of the department, a bee with silver shoulder straps, got to his folder and said:
  -To the children's department, group 19, cell fifteen.
  Lagunov"s handcuffs were removed from his almost childlike, straight-fingered hands and they were fastened to a guard"s hand. Pushing with batons, the boy was led away. The boy again became afraid of how other prisoners would greet him. They told a lot of terrifying things about prisons, because there are not just children there, but criminals.
  So they went out into the yard, sharp pebbles dug into their bare feet, the newly minted prisoner walked on his toes, and he was in especially pain. It was raining, damp and cold. At the entrance to the neighboring room, enclosed by a high fence, bulldog boars are roaring and mounting . The corridors are gloomy with many bars, even the openings on the floors are filled with them, and the walls are painted black and gray. This puts terrible pressure on the child"s psyche, and the child"s heart begins to beat faster again, he painfully hit his bare fingers on the slippery concrete step, slowed down slightly, and the guard hit him in the back with the butt of his gun.
  - Don't sleep, new guy !
  The boy buried his head in a puddle of diluted blood, someone had already been interrogated, and he was roughly lifted by his swollen ear. Finally, the young Leninist Valerka was led to a massive door, the drone guards grinned vilely . Itchy roars were heard:
  -Here we are, but first, registration in the cell.
  -How is that? - The boy asked stupidly.
  The drones explained condescendingly:
  -And since you are still small, we will feel sorry for you. Ten blows with a baton on a soft spot, and that"s it.
  Valerka Lagunov wanted to whine, but he realized from the wolf"s eyes that it would be even worse. And so, maybe it will work out. They turned him around, pulled down his pants and hit him as hard as he could. The boy groaned, then bit his lip. "Be a man," the thought flashed. The next blows were even more painful. Valery Lagunov moaned quietly, but managed to hold back his loud screams. Finally, the executioners finished, removed the handcuffs and opened the cell door. Then came a strong kick, and the boy flew into her with a flourish. The sleepers woke up, rubbing their eyes. Looking at them, Valerka calmed down.
  These were children from ten to fourteen years old, the older and younger ones were kept separately. They were thin, ragged, all barefoot, with bruises and abrasions from whips and clubs. But at the same time, they are not like the terrible criminals that the imagination depicted. The faces are thin, tanned, but with the smiles of people who have not lost their human appearance. There were more than eighty guys, they were lying on wooden bunks without blankets, mattresses or pillows. Each was held, some by the right leg and some by the left, by a long cobra chain, similar to those used by the drone police in the van. But the hot tropical city, alas , is a thing of the past. Now it was cool; a cold wind rushed through the window, thick with crooked thorns.
  The young Leninist Valerka was confused. He is, in general, a very cool kid , but he did not imagine how he would behave once behind bars. No, of course, the corefans told stories, often quite the opposite, about the juvenile prison. Either portraying this place as like a monstrous inferno, where terrible chaos reigns , or, conversely, as a children's sanatorium, where there are real raspberries and much more interesting and freer than in a boring school. But here it definitely doesn"t look like a sanatorium and, apparently, is worse than a real prison . The young Leninist Valerka, annoyed with himself that he did not bother to find out how to greet someone when entering the cell, blurted out not entirely successfully:
  -Hello guys! I come with good things.
  The eldest in the cell, the tallest and largest boy, stood up to meet. A long chain trailed behind him, clanking on the marble tiles, and the godfather himself was about the same height as Valerka Lagunov , or rather, a couple of centimeters taller and noticeably thinner. Apart from his camp number, he had no tattoos, which made him look like a robber. So Valerka, having balanced his strength, calmed down. And he asked cheerfully:
  great for you Kent ! What are you for?
  -Don't know! - Valerka Lagunov answered sincerely, although he guessed that he was most likely mistaken for a spy. And this fraer that dragged him at superluminal speed to the dungeon planet. Just get him!
    The person watching the camera condescendingly remarked:
  - Almost everyone doesn"t know what they"re in prison for. Our conditions are harsh, we must live together, without informing or betraying each other. Remember, informers die.
  -And I"ve never been a six! - Valerka Lagunov answered truthfully.
  -That's right, remember some rules.
  The boy took a step back and began to list.
  -Don"t relieve yourself in a bucket. - He pointed his finger at the trough. - There is a special pit for this.
  -Where? - The young Leninist Valerka looked around.
  -When we are sent to work, and this will be at dawn and until late in the evening, we will build dachas for the generals. There, along the way near the prison, there is a pit with soft burdocks. You can relieve yourself there. But here you shouldn"t spoil the air. Secondly, if there are food transfers, they are formally prohibited, but for a bribe we can do anything, you can share it with everyone.
  Third, don"t shirk work , and don"t fight without serious reasons. Otherwise everyone will get screwed. - The slave boy continued to bend his fingers. -
  And finally, fourthly, don't try to escape. For this, the entire cell will be severely punished. If your parents are not arrested, let them give a bribe, then maybe they will ease the conditions of detention and give us blankets.
  -How much should I pay? - Valerka Lagunov thought that it wouldn"t come from Earth anyway.
  The godfather said vaguely:
  -A lot, the police are greedy!
  Having a false memory in a dream, and having forgotten that he lives in the era of communism, Valerka trembled, his parents are not billionaires, so they will not pay off forever. However, maybe his father has already been exiled , and then there will be enough money for a lot.
  "Yes, I see you"re completely chilled, it"s because you"re nervous."
    The elder boy looked more closely at the young Leninist Valerka. I noticed the bruises and bumps, the skin red from the steam.
  -That's how they punished you. Apparently, you are political if they mock you like that. Okay, lie down with us, tomorrow you will have a hard day, and get some sleep. The young "godfather" stepped back slightly, making an inviting gesture.
  - Let"s get acquainted, my name is Joseph.
  -And I"m Valerka.
  -Good name. - He drew attention to the sculpted biceps. - Doing sports?
  Here the terminator boy decided to hide his skills and downplay his capabilities:
  -Culturalism and wushu wrestling.
    The elder boy agreed:
  -Wushu wrestling is not bad for a fight.
  Valerka Lagunov very modestly remarked:
  -I haven't mastered it perfectly yet. And our style is more like gymnastics!
  Joseph smiled condescendingly:
  -Nothing, everyone here is mediocre fighters! But if anything happens, we will together punish the lawless people and those who offend the little ones.
  - It's covered! "The young Leninist Valerka completely agreed with this idea.
  The boys shook hands. Then the young Leninist Valerka climbed onto the bunk, the boys pressed their shoulders together and huddled together. Since it became warmer, Valerka Lagunov chose a comfortable position and, tucking his cold legs, tried to sleep. Although the shaved head ached from anxiety, and the bones ached from beatings, and the burnt mark itched, the healthy child"s body turned out to be stronger.
  And when you fall asleep, matrices are superimposed in your sleep, and you again slip into visions of space.
  And in front of you, like a science fiction film;
   The goddess looked tenderly at Valerka and nodded:
  - Do you want to take a walk around the galactic capital?
  A pioneer boy and former prisoner in the insect empire, Valerka Lagunov replied:
  - I would be happy to see the sights of your capital. When I myself become a god, I will build myself something even more magnificent.
  Affaraya ( that was the name of the Goddess in the hypermatrix !) nodded in agreement:
  - Okay, my boy!
  And she opened her beautiful mouth and... Suddenly a fountain of magoplasm blazed, and the pioneer boy Valerka was engulfed in witchcraft fire.
  The space is filled with iridescent flames that change colors every second.
  Hellfire, flaring up and consuming all the insides, crushing the flesh. A volcano that burns out everything that is alive inside. How familiar this all is! But this time, maybe hell is real?! Patience, and the pain subsides. Valerka Lagunov opened his eyelids.
  It seemed to him that he saw the starry sky. He closed his eyes in surprise, and then forced them open again. Yes, indeed, he sees a strange carpet of stars. Of unearthly origin, extremely densely strewn with precious garlands of the luminaries of the sky. Tens of thousands of the brightest stars dazzle and amaze the imagination. The body itself seemed to float in a vacuum, feeling no support. The unprecedented sight shocked the pioneer boy so much that he lost consciousness, disconnected from reality.
  When the ability to think returned to him again, he could already control his emotions. There was solid ground under him again, and he struggled to his feet.
  The sight before him was not for the faint of heart. At first, the pioneer boy thought he was going crazy. The majestic city, the capital of the galaxy of the elven empire, one of the greatest cities in the Fabochazar cluster, appeared in all its wildest glory.
  Luxurious multi-kilometer skyscrapers, gigantic temples, unimaginably gigantic statues, cascades of gardens and fountains, luminous devices, colossal billboards that could fit fifty Olympic stadiums and much more. If we add millions of different types of colorful and extravagant aircraft, then for a twelve-year-old Leninist pioneer boy of the early twenty-third century ( however, in a dream and in virtual reality, memory sometimes fails, and you seem to be representatives of a much more archaic era!) This was already beyond any limit.
  And yet the young Leninist Valerka did not feel fear. There was extreme excitement, and even indescribable delight at the sight of such unimaginably colorful splendor created by the hands of intelligent beings. Everything in this metropolis was grandiose and enchanting.
  Several stars were shining in the sky. The brightest pink-yellow star, two green, one blue and two almost invisible cherry-sapphire, which is natural in such intense lighting. However, despite the strong light, it didn"t hurt my eyes and it wasn"t hot. The temperature is very pleasant, with a slight cool breeze blowing.
  The pioneer boy, now a jester, walked along the seven-colored sidewalk, framed by flowers, statues, multicolor flashing lights , and crystal polished tiles. Bare, childish soles felt very smooth, even, perhaps, slippery, like ice, giving luminescence, but fortunately not too hot surface.
  Everything in this futuristic metropolis was mirror-sparkling and dazzlingly magnificent, even the garbage disposals were made in the shape of exotic animals and birds. They opened their mouths and politely thanked them when garbage was thrown at them. When the elf threw off his melted and warped shoe, a scavenger bird jumped out of the sidewalk, as if it were a surface of water.
  It turned out to have the head of an eagle, but a disproportionately large beak, and the body of a striped eggplant, framed by three orders of lush petals. Each row differed in the color and shape of the shoots, and the wings even had a movable coloring, like a video.
  The feathered and at the same time flowery scavenger swallowed the shoes that had become unwearable, melodiously chirping:
  "We have no reason to torment ourselves with doubts." There are no more desperate guys in the entire universe. Real men throw trash - kill someone else's bull elf! Elf-bull kill someone else!
  The pioneer boy Valerka waved his hand at the "diva scavenger" in confusion and said:
  - The most amazing thing about a person is that he is not surprised by the enchanting, but is amazed by the banal!
  However, it is strange that the heavy-duty military shoes melted, and he himself did not receive even minor burns. However, the clothes did not seem to be too damaged, although the luxurious overalls were lost. But something has been preserved, and he is not so ashamed to walk around the city in a smart T-shirt and shorts, normal clothes for a boy in hot weather.
  Although he had become a boy, and had slightly lost part of his memory, not quite conscious of himself, Valerka was embarrassed by his bare feet, which were extremely inappropriate in the capital, where every statue, car, fountain, composition, this or that structure shone with deafening flashy luxury. Like a ragged beggar in the government quarter of the richest New York, you involuntarily blush when anyone approaches you.
  There are few pedestrians on the streets at the moment, mostly children. Since this is one of the central sectors of the metropolis, famous elves and elves settled here. There was just a period when mini-soldiers and elves were given short holidays in order to experience at least a little life without grueling drill, to let them feel the joys of childhood.
  In addition, this short vacation period compared to the barracks period was a kind of encouragement for success in studies and combat training.
  Having at least a little opportunity to manage your time as you wish is happiness! That is precisely why the sight of harmless laughing children, many of whom, while joyfully playing, even flew into the air, did somersaults, spun like a top, releasing kaleidoscopic holograms, gave the magical city a wonderful idyllic look.
  The curious pioneer Valerka wanted to approach them and ask a couple of questions, but he was afraid. I was afraid that the peaceful, beautiful, elf-like boys and girls in their sparkling costumes might not be as peaceful as they seem at first glance. Moreover , it is not usually typical for people, even girls played clearly war games.
  True, it seems that fairy-tale and anime -fantasy types were unfolding, and not man-made battles. The individual holographic projections were large and so bright that they faithfully reproduced the details. What seemed, and in fact, suddenly fairy-tale castles, fortresses and houses appeared from somewhere in the air, and then disappeared.
  Stunned by what he saw, his bare heels sparkling, he walked and walked, continuing to examine the city. What stunning trees and gigantic flowers, tens and hundreds of meters long, with fountains and flying animals, hanging on crystal balconies, shimmering in the sun with a multi-fairy-tale palette.
  On the petals of flowers, various moving pictures appear, constantly changing, most often martial arts of various aliens , or battles in a retro style.
  "Maybe these are force fields!" thought the pioneer boy Valerka, rubbing his temples, his brain was ready to boil from the abundance of impressions. "There are several luminaries, such a play of light and colors cannot be reproduced on our planet! What strange forms do their mind"s creations take!" "
  Here one of the spherical buildings hung on seven legs, edged with leaves framed with precious stones, painted in the color of the flag of the elves of Luciferostan . Another structure was made in the shape of a seven-pointed star, and slowly rotated around its axis. Other buildings resembled New Year trees, cakes with fiery torches and stormy multi-colored waterfalls, giant streams going into the stratosphere. Some gigantic fountains in the form of various extragalactic monsters in precious stones spewed out molten metal and strange gases, illuminated by laser beams.
  The lower floors of the luxury buildings were full of colorful entrances and exits with names flashed on screens. And what"s strange is that all the names are absolutely clear: restaurants, shops, entertainment centers of all levels and types, various services. It was reminiscent of Washington's greatly enlarged and incomparably more luxurious Central Presidential Avenue.
  When he first saw it ( there were some problems with his memory in virtual reality, it became partially not his!) he was then still very small, he remembered how he was shocked to the depths of his soul and now he literally devoured the dazzling imperial splendor with his eyes. Of course, many things here had no analogues on Earth.
  Well, what kind of human designer would place head-down spiers, domes and pools with colorful creatures and indescribably formidable monsters. It"s even scary to watch, it seems that everything is about to collapse on your head.
  One of the elf girls flew over him, lightly touching him with a shiny shoe. The pioneer Valerka swayed slightly, he was already tired, he had walked several miles.
  "You probably haven"t eaten for a long time, star warrior," the little angel girl rang like a silver bell.
  If there were any moving tracks, they were obviously turned off. Apparently, in the ultra-metropolis of the distant future, they were overly concerned about physical fitness. The surface became rougher and my bare feet began to feel raw and itchy. Valerka really really wanted to eat, because it felt like he had been hungry for several days, except that...
  But who can know how much time he spent communicating with the goddess, who practically did not feed him, but only entertained him. True, the excited Valerka didn"t even want to eat.
  The street is full of colorful machines calling: "It"s time to refresh yourself!"
  Rationally thinking Valerka decides:
  - Two deaths cannot happen, and with an empty belly there is no life!
  As soon as you approached the machine, a three-dimensional projection of a beautiful seven-colored girl with wings immediately appeared. In a language that seemed to be English, the wondrous nymph said:
  - What does the small but brave conqueror of the Universe want?
  - Eat! - Valerka said honestly, a hungry sparkle was visible in the blue eyes of the pioneer boy.
  - A set of one hundred and fifteen million products at your service. - The fairy fairy chirped, adding size to the wings.
  - Then White House ice cream, lemonade, juice, cake and chocolate. - The delighted tomboy pioneer babbled.
  - What types? Specify your order! - There were two girls, and they grinned unnaturally large.
  - It doesn"t matter, as long as it"s tasty. - Valerka muttered in confusion, spreading his hands helplessly.
  - Is it as tasty as possible? In accordance with the most popular standard? - Apparently the cybernetic servant has had to deal more than once with clients who don"t understand what they want.
  - Yes! - Valerka blurted out with relief.
  - Raise your hands, look straight. Or take out your personal identification card, mini-soldier. - The holographic nymphets said in chorus.
  The pioneer boy raised both hands. A dim yellow light flashed, apparently it had been scanned.
  - Your identity does not appear in the card index, you do not have a personal military card, so you cannot be served. - The girls squealed and immediately turned crimson, crossed their arms in a prohibitive gesture of cool elves.
  The young Leninist Valerka hastily walked away from the machine gun, his bare, childish heels were literally burning. This seems to be technotronic identification communism. Valerka sat down on the elaborate curb, frozen, hunched over heavily and resting his chin on his palms. I was thinking... The future was depicted in the darkest colors. He is completely alone in another galaxy, surrounded by otherworldly creatures , creatures that are worse than the most predatory, wild animals.
  And no saving idea can come to mind. Oliver Twist was better off in London, at least there were people there like the homeless fugitive himself. Now, where will he go? Should he surrender himself, counting on mercy in prison? There they will at least feed you, albeit in such a humiliating way, through a hose.
  - Why are you depressed, photon? What, I see you licking your lips. It seems you want to drive princeps -plasma into the stomach?
  An unfamiliar boy in sparkling clothes extended his hand, smiling. How human it is! The little elf's face is round, childlike, not at all evil, he should appear in advertising on proper nutrition, but he squeezes his palm too hard. High forehead, blond hair, wide-set blue eyes. True, a tanned, sinewy hand, as if made of steel, capable of breaking a bone. Valerka could hardly restrain himself, not showing that he was in great pain, the child"s hand was clenched as if in a torture vice.
  He just honestly said:
  - Yes, I'm hungry!
  - You are apparently from distant colonies, you were badly burned, and you look ragged and strange. - The young elf said with a bit of sympathy in his voice.
  Valerka cast a confused glance at himself. The clothes, in fact , had already begun to smolder in places, and the skin was red and peeling. Either from local radiation, or a delayed reaction to the explosion. He felt an icy chill inside his stomach, and said in a trembling voice.
  - I guessed it, I was at the epicenter of a thermal magnetic charge .
  - I"ll take the food at top speed, then you"ll tell me. - The boy ran, as if in accelerated filming, without touching the skillfully crafted surface of the avenue with his boots.
  Why Valerka felt trust in this cub of ferocious elves is difficult to explain. Maybe my youth and stress took their toll. Back, new his friend threw him several pink buds that smelled deliciously delicious . The former pioneer of the USSR began to tell his story, without hiding anything, he was boiling, he wanted to pour out his soul.
  The elf boy listened carefully. He was as tall as Valerka, and he was probably even younger. During the conversation, a pure smile always played on his handsome face. True, the teeth of a child of the warrior race are already very large, whiter than snow, and the rays of several luminaries were reflected from them like sunbeams. The food taken from the vending machine turned out to be overly tasty; it overstimulated the receptors and, instead of satiating, whetted the appetite.
  When Valerka fell silent after speaking, the young elf said judiciously:
  - Yes, it looks like a miracle, but you won"t survive here. You will be quickly identified, especially since every day a computer check of all personalities takes place. A couple of days ago, very close, there was such a " plasma grinder "; starships exploded like super fireworks . Even from the surface one could see how the torn ships colored the sky. It"s good that the main " sweater " went over the line.
  The elf child pointed to the central star Vithimura .
  - Now everything has become much stricter, a total verification regime. Even before, control was serious. Surely, even this machine, like others, is connected with the Department of Love and Justice.
  - So your secret police are called? - Valerka grimaced with a smile, how funny the concept of love sounded in a nation against which the fascists were kindergarten naughty girls.
  - Yes, yes, there are several departments, and everyone talks about love. - The boy brought his eyebrows together, and his gaze became stern. - It's like a mockery of common sense. Even my father, a fourth-rank economic general, is afraid of these departments. Come on, leave quickly . I'll take you there.
  - Late! Here you are, my dears! - The voices rumbled like the roar of a pack of hyenas.
  Several armored figures, already familiar bear druids, materialized in the air like ghosts.
  - On your knees and hands up!
  The young Leninist Valerka twitched and was immediately charged with a magic paralyzer . Consciousness turned off.
  When the boy came to his senses, he was standing in the center of the giant Colosseum. Knowing history well and loving to watch films, Valerka felt an association here with Ancient Rome. Only it was not people who sat on the seats, but all sorts of unimaginable creatures. Valerk 's boyish vision became very sharp. And he saw in the stands bee-like individuals with elephant proboscis, and grasshopper-like creatures with jellyfish heads.
  The elves themselves sat on separate luxurious chairs, and every now and then they jumped up, not wanting to sit still quietly. Sitting quietly with them were short, stocky men with faces covered in thick beards.
  "Dwarves," Valerka guessed. This must be cool! And the boy, a former pioneer of the USSR, or rather, why a former one, said wittily:
  - Elf guys, this is an elf. No matter how offensive! Well, if the dwarf stands up, the elf is not visible!
  Valerka felt a surge of energy. The sad mood disappeared from him at once. He is young and strong. How good it is to return to distant childhood again and become a boy.
  Meanwhile, a bare-legged elf ran into the arena of the gigantic Colosseum and announced:
  - And now Julius Caesar will announce a rival for this young man!
  Valerka sat up and muttered:
  - ABOUT Caesar , Caesar, who littered you with dead bones!
  Then a hologram of a man appeared ( and it really was a man, not an elf) with a golden wreath on his head. Unlike the eternally young elves, Caesar was already aged and thin, with an aquiline nose and piercing eyes.
  Apparently, he heard what the pioneer boy said , and sternly, with his eyebrows twisted, he growled:
  - What are you talking about, plebeian?
  Valerka, a young Leninist, was offended:
  - What kind of plebeian am I to you! I am a patrician of the tenth generation!
  Julius Caesar suddenly became kinder, answering:
  - Once you defeat the enemy, then you can call yourself a patrician!
  Valerka giggled and rubbed a trickle of blood with his bare boyish foot and barked :
  - Is it too difficult for you to fight me?
  Julius Caesar replied angrily:
  - And you haven"t grown up to me yet!
  Valerka chuckled into his fist and remarked:
  - Not everyone thinks so!
  Julius suddenly softened:
  - Our radiant elves say that you were an earthly ruler. There you and I will fight!
  Valerka, pouting like a turkey, said:
  - Let it be so!
  The stands were noisy. The motley horde began to babble. But Julius Caesar said sternly:
  - But you still have to earn a fight with me! First you will fight the monster. Valerka frowned and muttered:
  - Aren"t you a monster yourself?
  Caesar felt funny at these words, and he ordered:
  - And since you are still too small, I will ask the Goddess to make you a little bigger .
  Valerka did not have time to answer. He really grew up, turning from a boy of eleven or twelve into a beautiful young man.
  Valerka Lagunov felt a surge of wild strength within himself and clenched his strong fists with padded knuckles. Here he will be ready for a fight.
  The monster flew out suddenly. The former Soviet pioneer did not even have time to take a good look at him. It was something like a gigantic toad. Two masses: large and small collided together. What followed was something like an explosion.
  The prostrate body of one of them, spattered with blood, shudders helplessly...
  There was a cannonade in your head, it was as if you were covered by a blast wave that split your flesh into molecules that continued to tear, burning like miniature atomic bombs with flashes. An effort of will, a desperate attempt to pull yourself together, and now the crimson veil seems to be slowly settling, but does not stop spinning before your eyes. The haze, as if with tentacles, clings to the surrounding space. It hurts, there is torment in every cell of the torn body.
  - Seven eight...
  The voice of an impassive computer is heard muffled, as if through a thick curtain.
  - Nine ten...
  You have to get up quickly, rise sharply, otherwise the end will come. But the body is paralyzed. Through the thick red-smoky haze the enemy is dimly visible. This huge three-legged monster is a paraloroid . He had already raised his thick and long crest, preparing to bring down the blade of a living guillotine with colossal force.
  Two huge claws on the sides opened predatorily, the third limb, long, spiky , looking like a scorpion"s tail, being behind, impatiently scratched the arena covering. Yellow , stinking saliva dripped from the nasty, lumpy muzzle covered in green warts , hissing and smoking in the air. A disgusting monster loomed over a muscular, bloody human body.
  - Eleven twelve...
  Now the words become painfully deafening, like hammer blows on the eardrums. The computer calculates a little slower than standard earthly time measures. Thirteen is already a knockout.
  The decision was born in a split second. Suddenly, sharply straightening his right leg and using his left as a spring, in a frenzied rage, twisting like a leopard, the young Leninist Valerka jumped up and delivered a powerful low kick right at the nerve center of the alien monster - a silicon-magnesium hybrid of a crab and a toad. The blow was strong, sharp and accurate, and also coincided with the oncoming movement of the beast . The monster of sub -space (an intermediate habitat capable of traveling between stars, replenishing itself with the energy of electromagnetic waves, but in inhabited worlds a predator that does not disdain devouring organic matter of all kinds) sank slightly, but did not fall. This type of paraloroid has several nerve centers, which greatly distinguishes them from other creatures. The blow to the largest of them caused only partial paralysis.
  The monster"s opponent, despite his broad shoulders and prominent muscles, was very young, almost a boy. The features of the ruddy face are subtle, but expressive. If they are not distorted by pain and rage, they seem naive and gentle. When he appeared in the arena, there was even a rumble of disappointment in the stands at how peaceful and harmless the human gladiator Valerka Lagunov looked. Although now, this is no longer a boy, but an enraged little animal, his eyes spew out such frenzied hatred that it seemed that they would incinerate him no worse than an ultralaser . The guy almost broke his leg from the blow, but he continued to move with the speed of a cat, although he limped a little.
  Pain cannot break a cheetah, it only mobilizes all the hidden reserves of the young body, putting it in a kind of trance!
  In the head of the boy and former space pioneer of the USSR, it"s as if thousands of drums are beating, indomitable energy flows through the veins and tendons. A series of powerful accented blows followed on the mastodon"s body. In response, the monster swung sharp claws weighing half a centner. Usually these animals have the reaction of a juggler, but a precise hit to a nerve node slowed it down.
  The young fighter, doing a somersault, walked away from the terrible ridge and found himself behind the monster. Substituting his knee and passing his paw with a claw, the young man struck it with his elbow, investing all his weight, and made a sharp turn of the body. The crunch of a broken limb was heard. Finding itself at the wrong angle, the claw crushed and stinking, toad-colored blood sprayed out in a small fountain.
  Although the touch of the liquid erupting from the creature lasted only a moment, the young gladiator felt a strong burn, and pale purple blisters instantly swelled on his chest and right arm. I had to jump back and break the distance. The beast let out a cry of pain - a mixture of the roar of a lion, the croaking of a frog and the hiss of a viper. In a furious rage, the monster rushed forward. The young man, covered in a mixture of blood and sweat, made a cascade of somersaults and flew towards the armored mesh. Taking a running start, putting all its weight into it, the monster struck with its crest, trying to pierce the enemy's chest.
  The young man Valerka avoided the blow, and a thick comb pierced right through the metal mesh. Continuing to move by inertia, the creature of the cosmic underworld thrust its limb into the next network with a powerful charge of current. Sparks flew from the fence, discharges ran through the mastodon's body, and there was a smell of burning metal and unimaginably vile burning organic matter. Any earthly animal would be dead, but this representative of the fauna is immediately clear that it has a completely different bodily structure.
  The monster could not immediately pull out its trunk, and a series of rapid blows followed, like the rotation of propeller blades. However, the electrostatic charge, with a slight delay, overcoming the resistance of the alien flesh, hurt the young fighter painfully. Jumping back, holding back a cry, from the tearing pain piercing every vein and bone, the gladiator Valerka froze and, crossing his arms over his scratched chest, began to meditate while standing. His immobility against the backdrop of the mounting beast and the public raging like a storm seemed unusual, like that of a little god who found himself in hell.
  Valerka was calm, like the surface of a frozen ocean, he knew... Only one technique could knock out such a monster. A very powerful blow.
  Having torn the comb into shreds of bloody meat, the monster jumped with its entire mass onto the insolent hairless monkey. Is it really possible to allow some small primate to defeat you? Gathering his will, concentrating all the chakras and energy into a single beam, the young man delivered a powerful jumping blow. This ancient technique of Fafara-Marada , accessible to few, is capable of killing the one who inflicts it. The blow fell on the already defeated nervous core of the giant fighter. His own weight and speed increased the strength of the kinetic energy, and, this time, the nerve bundle was not only shattered , several major nerve stems were severed from the concussion. The crystal -metal giant was completely paralyzed.
  The carcass flew in one direction, the young man in the other.
  The cybernetic judge counted down in a low voice:
  - One two Three...
  He counted in the language of the dark elves.
  Both fighters lay motionless, with the last blow the young man crushed the monster, but broke his leg. However, consciousness did not have time to completely leave the gladiator, and the athletic young man, overcoming the pain, stood up, raising his crossed hands clenched into fists (a sign of victory in the sign language of the Empire of Luciferostan ).
  - Twelve!.. Thirteen!.. The fighter, a native of planet Earth, Valerka Lagunov, won. His age is 12 native years or 15 standard. This is a debutant in the fighting arena. The champion of the galactic sector Ezihand-16 according to the SSK version of fights without rules, a participant with a rating of 199: 1: 2, lost to him - Askezam verd Asoneta , whose age is 2977 standard years.
  A perky song of the filibusters sounded in Valerka"s head:
  I chose the path of a tough pirate for myself,
  I wanted to find my destiny in the seas...
  Although they say that the pirate will face retribution,
  If they hang you, the worm will only carve the corpse!
  But it"s hateful to bow to a master,
  And as a boy I ran away from the estate...
  Even though it was cold on the road barefoot,
  After all, they didn"t let the lad on the doorstep!
  I reached the port, wearing only rags,
  Climbed onto the ship at one o'clock at night...
  They caught the guy and let's flog him - I;
  Wow, I thought my soul was in hell with Satan!
  But after the flogging they gave me a cap -
  They said you'll be a cabin boy for now!
  And even the cook poured, imagine, a bottle,
  Let the mash be bitter, there is no cognac!
  Of course , it"s a difficult matter at sea,
  Now the torment of thirst, now a dangerous storm,
  But fortitude is a gain,
  And if you have a head , then away with the ax!
  The corsairs caught us like a kitten,
  There was a boarding and there was blood in three streams!
  But my character is not that of a child -
  No wonder the boatswain beat me while teaching!
  Everyone had a board, but I distinguished myself,
  And the pirate captain said this:
  - This cabin boy fought bravely,
  He bravely showed the spirit of a corsair!
  Accepted into the maritime fraternity - that's luck,
  A dream come true almost from birth!
  Now you can hit back at anyone
  And the merchant is rushing , overtake and smash!
  There was money - generous booty,
  They lowered a lot, also without any fuss...
  Happened with luck, know, cash,
  But gold will flutter like a sparrow...
  The death was not a happy one;
  The stern executioner brought the scaffold.
  Share the luxury of renewal somewhere,
  My stomach was dying from hunger in the dungeon!
  In the crowd of pirates they curse loudly,
  Bits, bones, shoes are flying!
  We are the servants of hell - the mob certainly knows,
  You can"t see the sea yourself!
  The noose, alas , is a shameful death,
    Is my life really over...
  In the shackles there was sadness and sadness,
  I have long forgotten my fugitive relatives!
  But I didn"t want to hang around in a noose,
  He took it and kicked it in the gut - the executioner fell!
  After all, the Russians always knew how to fight,
  And if it"s a corsair, then fight and don"t cry!
  The last battle is, of course, the most difficult,
  In the hands of the ax that the executioner wore!
  When you are angry, the pressure is not small,
  There is no fear, as if mowing nettles!
  Other guys rushed into the fray,
  Where did the goners come from?
  Probably from the father of Rus', a soldier,
    Whom the authorities decided to betray!
  And the mob suddenly changed their minds,
  Now the corsairs are well done -
  The whole square was already seething with riots,
  The soldiers went on the attack from the street!
  Something happened that is rare, but does happen;
  Off the hook, back on the horse!
  What about the rich man, he torments the poor -
  Not knowing what a war would be for this!
  The ship is recaptured, and again Black Roger,
  We are together again, the sea astern!
  Yes, I'm a killer, only a very kind one,
  And for me a poor man is like a brother!
  So we will sing while the loop is free,
  Share with the beggar and live happily!
  The corsair wants to become noble in soul,
  It"s not to your liking when you"re a game animal in a cage!
  Somewhere above, a multi-colored play of light flashed, dissolving into the incredible kaleidoscopic shades of the rainbow, incorporating the entire infinite gamut of space.
  The hologram showing the battle grew to seven thousand kilometers above the dome of the former ancient theater. The young man Valerka was an entertaining sight. Face covered in blood. The broken jaw was swollen, the nose was flattened. The torso is covered in bruises, burns and scratches, purple blood flows down with sweat. The chest sways from tension, every breath is given off by the intense pain of broken ribs. The knuckles of the hands are broken and swollen, one leg is broken, the thumb of the other is knocked out. Looks like you've been put through a meat grinder. The bulging muscles that are beyond his age play like balls of mercury. They still lack mass, but the magnificent relief and deep drawing catch the eye. Handsome - you can't say anything. Apollo after the battle of the titans!
  There is a deafening roar of hundreds of millions of throats, mostly humanoid creatures with wings, trunks and others. They produce countless sounds, from low-frequency to ultrasonic ranges. The hellish cacophony is suddenly interrupted by measured thunderous sounds. The anthem of the greatest Empire of the Elves of Luciferostan sounds . The music is deep, expressive, menacing. Although Lev did not like the occupation anthem, the music simulated by the hyperplasmic computer and played on thousands of musical instruments was amazing.
  A whole pool of fetid, poisonous green blood flowed out of the defeated, limitedly intelligent animal. Spider-like scavenger robots smoothly jumped off the khaki-colored moving walkway, scraping up the broken protoplasm. Apparently, now the monster was only suitable for recycling.
  . CHAPTER No. 8
  Four huge druid bears in battle suits ran up to the exhausted young man. They resembled huge hedgehogs with rockets and muzzles instead of needles (they had such an impressive arsenal).
  Emperor Julius Caesar cowardly hid behind their wide backs. He was obviously confused; he did not expect that the "invincible" local champion would be beaten by some earthly person. His thin hands shook with excitement as he presented a chain with a medal in the shape of a monster reminiscent of a fairy-tale three-headed dragon. The Emperor of the Ancient World, even in order not to touch a representative of an insignificant race of primates, used gloves with thin retractable tentacles when presenting the award, never emerging from the cover of the immense carcasses of the guards.
  And then Julius Caesar quickly retreated, jumping into a winged tank, taking off with the swiftness of an artillery shell thrown from a long-range cannon.
  Pointing laser guns, the formidable elf warriors demanded to leave the arena of the starry Colosseum. Staggering, the young man left the battlefield . Mangled bare feet left bloody footprints on the hyperplastic surface of the ring. Each step, as if walking on hot coals, explodes with pain, the ligaments are stretched, all the bones and veins ache painfully. Valerka whispered quietly:
  - Life is the concentration of suffering, death is deliverance from it, but whoever finds pleasure in the torment of struggle will deserve immortality!
  Trying to stay upright, he walked along a long corridor lined with shells, and numerous females, similar to earthly girls, threw colored balls and multi-colored luminescent flowers at his feet. Women of the elf race, as a rule, are very beautiful, tall, curvy, with fashionable hairstyles, decorated with hairpins in the form of various alien creatures, studded with precious stones.
  Some of them made playful compliments, made dirty jokes and even tore off their clothes, brazenly flirting and showing off seductive parts of their bodies. Without any embarrassment, performing openly inviting body movements, or releasing frightening-looking holograms from computer bracelets, or earrings equipped with electronics. Shameless tigresses, completely devoid of moral principles, children of an extremely corrupt civilization.
  The young Leninist Valerka frowns, as if he is in a menagerie, not a single human glance. He didn"t even flinch when virtual creatures attacked him, and several rows of pseudo-real fangs closed on his torso or neck. The holograms give off ozone, and only slightly hit with a weak electric discharge. The males and females of Luciferostan were annoyed that man did not pay attention to the terrible projections, and they used threats and insults. They were only kept from attacking the proud young man by a strong barrier that ensured the safety of the public. Only one blond girl simply smiled, waving her hand welcomingly.
  The young Leninist Valerka was surprised to see something human in the alien child"s gaze; his soul became warmer.
  And here comes the goddess Affaraya, meeting her jester. She really liked Valerka"s combat class, even in a new body donated by the demiurge. The Elf Deity said:
  - And you are brave, jester!
  The young Leninist Valerka sang to this:
  - Yes, I'm a joke! A pioneer of the USSR and a warrior, after all! But the nobles called the evil elves a jester... I moved the monster off my feet, I won"t give you my hand!
  The indescribable beauty Affaraya pulled the handsome young man to her and began showering him with kisses and singing along.
  - Oh, Valerka is a pioneer, my dear jester, I foresee our stormy romance... You are very much a boy - I hate those who are against us!
  Affaraya felt the passion of love within herself, although over a couple of million years of life she had already tried almost everything that could be imagined and even experienced something that was impossible to imagine. But Valerka Lagunov amazed her with his spontaneity and playful playfulness.
  And now he sings:
  -I am Valerka, brave... Sex symbol!
  You won't find anyone cooler than me!
  I'm a skilled fucker ... Even if I'm not twenty years old!
  What a cutie . And it"s so nice to be with him. Affara flew up, lifting her lover above the stars. She is a deity endowed with strong magic. So they rushed through the worlds, ending up on the planet Riddle, consisting of only red and orange pyramids. Affara split into several forms and began to make love with the pyramids. And the main hypostasis enveloped Valerka. The goddess emitted magic plasma butterflies from herself in pleasure .
  She was magnificent and literally radiated with screaming eroticism. Indeed, whatever the Deity is, that is the deity...
  And when she got bored with sex, she again threw Valerka away from her and rushed off into space.
  Valerka remained on the pyramidal planet. All alone, in the form of a tall, muscular, but still beardless young man.
  Valerka suddenly felt offended:
  - I washed it and threw it away! These are the women! You can't please them!
  And the young man splashed on the hot surface. The wounds healed without a trace, and he found himself in a new place. There was practically no vegetation around, except for clipped lichens. True, along the way Valerka also came across mushrooms similar to boletus mushrooms.
  Valerka bent down and devoured one of them. It tasted like boiled shrimp, not bad for a hungry stomach.
  Valerka remarked philosophically:
  - If you come across a good goddess, you will be happy, if I am bad , you will become a philosopher president. Or better yet, just a president, or even an emperor of the universe.
  Then Valerka felt funny, and he laughed at the top of his lungs. And it seemed to him that someone had picked up his laugh. The young Leninist quickened his pace. He became curious.
  One of the pyramids was different from the others , being tetrahedral. Valerka resolutely went to her. He started running. The young, strong body required movement. Oh, how good and fun it is to rush like this, outrunning the wind.
  And the boy again, with the feeling and energy of a fighting robot from a science-fiction film, sang:
  and I are going out of the thicket,
  Hiding unearthly sadness!
  And the cold is burning, freezing,
  The broken motive pierced!
  Bare feet in the snow,
  The girls are going white!
  The angry blizzards roar like wolves,
  Disrupting flocks of birds!
  But the girl knows no fear
  She is a fighter of mighty forces!
  The shirt barely covered the flesh,
  We will definitely win!
  Our warrior is the most seasoned,
  You can't bend it with a sledgehammer!
  Here the maples are moving gently,
  Snowflakes are falling on your chest!
  It"s not our custom to be afraid,
  Don't you dare shiver from the cold!
  The opponent is fat with a bull's neck,
  It's sticky, nasty, like glue!
  The people have such strength
  What did the holy rite accomplish!
  For us both faith and nature,
  The result will be victorious!
  Christ inspires the Fatherland,
  Tells us to fight to the end!
  So that the planet becomes a paradise,
  All hearts will be brave!
  People will soon be happy
  Let life be a heavy cross at times!
  Bullets are brutally deadly
  But the one who fell has already risen!
  Science gives us immortality,
  And the minds of the fallen will be returned to duty!
  But if we chicken out, believe me,
  The enemy will immediately screw up the score!
  Therefore, at least pray to God,
  No need to make mistakes, be lazy!
  Judge Almighty is very strict,
  At least it can help sometimes!
  The Motherland is dearest to me,
  Holy, wise country!
  Our leader, hold the reins tighter,
  The Fatherland is born to bloom!
  At the entrance to the pyramid, Valerka saw a strange creature. It seems to be similar to a person, but with a long nose, clawed paws and fangs. In general, he turned out to be a disgusting type, especially compared to the handsome elves with flawless skin.
  However, Valerka was already tired of loneliness, and he resolutely headed towards this monster. Moreover, the subject looked more disgusting than scary. Valerka was pleased with his appearance. Not a boy, but a tall and very handsome young man. Eh, the goddess turned him into Apollo. And what does he mean to her with his wrinkles and belly, if he, of course, had them, would he bore her?
  The subject greeted Valerka in an unfamiliar dialect, but the former Soviet pioneer understood everything, as if they were speaking to him in English. Apparently, the goddess Affaraya instilled in him a similar ability.
  - Hello young wanderer. Where are you going?
  Valerka answered judiciously:
  - My legs are moving, but my head is passed out . What kind of world is this? How does he live? Where should I direct my feet?
  The unpleasant person replied:
  - Judging by your appearance , you are human. And completely naked , which speaks of your low status. This planet has big mysteries and cunning traps. Better become my servant, and live in fullness and safety!
  Valerka shook his head negatively:
  - I don"t want to, I"d rather fly!
  Aggressive roar in response:
  - Why is this still happening?
  Valerka answered honestly:
  - You are creepy and not affectionate!
  The answer was an extremely unpleasant laugh, then the answer:
  - Yes, we trolls all look unpleasant. And all races hate us, consider us the embodiment of evil!
  Valerka became wary and asked:
  - Aren"t you evil?
  The troll replied ambiguously:
  - No! We are just the dark side of the force!
  Valerka remembered how the elves turned people into jewelry and flowers and noted doubtfully:
  - What about the rest, light ones?
  The troll grinned and remarked:
  - The division into the dark and light side of the force is conditional. There is one power, but it can be used in different ways. If you have the desire, you can master the elements of destruction!
  Valerka liked this idea:
  - Why not! Take and destroy the elf empire - Luciferostan ! They destroyed the Earth!
  The troll grinned carnivorously, answering:
  - Great! I see that our goals and desires coincide. But remember, the path of dark power is very cruel and difficult! You will have to go through inhuman trials and suffering.
  The young Leninist Valerka decisively declared:
  - I'm ready!
  The troll said dryly:
  - Follow me to the pyramid of the last great king of the dark.
  When the door slammed behind the young Leninist Valerka, the young man felt a burning cold. There is prickly ice under your bare feet, all around is not darkness, but a nightmarish kingdom of shadows. The troll ordered:
  - Follow me and don"t be afraid of anything!
  Every step for the heroic boy Valerka was painful. They went lower and lower. Some terribly ugly shadows, pale ghosts with crooked fangs, some rats with wings, and even covered with ulcers, were flying around. It was getting colder, and even Valerka"s strong, resilient body began to shake. The thought arose whether they were descending into the underworld. To the kingdom of darkness, where sinful souls go.
  One of the winged rats touched Valerka with its wing, and the young man felt a painful burn.
  Then the troll spoke, and his unpleasant and even sepulchral voice somehow made it less scary.
  - The dark side of power contains little pleasant things, but it gives colossal power! In it you will experience the elements of destruction and decay. And you will become a great man of black magic.
  Valerka, hesitating, asked:
  - Do I have the ability to do this?
  The troll grinned unkindly and replied:
  - But we"ll check this now. How old are you young man?
  Valerka answered without hesitation, deciding to lie to test how omniscient this magical character is:
  - Soon two hundred seventy nine!
  The troll grinned:
  - And you weren"t always a slave!
  Valerka declared decisively, lying again:
  - For most of my life, I was a patrician, and even became the head of state!
  The troll chuckled thinly and remarked:
  - This is what we will experience now. Let's see if you can become a wise ruler if the dark side of the force gives you power.
  And the dark sorcerer stopped and turned to Valerka. A scarlet helmet appeared in the troll"s hands. And the lord of darkness whispered, putting it on the head of the former president:
  - Let's check how you will react in emergency situations.
  The helmet burned Valerka"s beautiful head. It seemed as if invisible, but red-hot drills were drilling into the skull and the brain itself. Which made the perception unbearable.
  But then Valerka was able to feel relief. He moved into a different reality and began to perceive the universe differently .
  This is America's past. The turning point year of 1942, the famous Battle of Midway . Japan had every chance of winning, but lost. And here, on the contrary, happiness smiled on the samurai. Four American aircraft carriers were sunk, killing many pilots. The initiative in the Pacific Ocean was finally captured by the Land of the Rising Sun.
  The Japanese, building on their success, captured Pearl Harbor and the Hawaiian archipelago.
  Their ground army then opened a second front in the Soviet Far East. A very difficult situation has arisen. The Germans captured Stalingrad at the cost of huge losses, and the Red Army did not have enough strength for Operation Ring. True, winter came, and the Nazis, exhausted from the battles, could not move on.
  But the Third Reich declared total war, and, having replenished its forces, could already advance using heavy tanks. There was a threat of defeat of the USSR and the closure of the second front. In Africa, after the initial success of Montgomery's army group, the Germans stabilized the front by sending in additional reinforcements.
  Moreover, the Japanese, with the support of the local population, entered India and captured Delhi. Now the British did not have enough strength to save their position. And Rommel"s new offensive began in Egypt. At that time , there was no way to drive the Japanese out of the Hawaiian archipelago. The samurai occupied an all too convenient configuration. Thus, in March-April 1943, a critical situation arose in Egypt and the Pacific Ocean. And on the eastern front a German offensive was being prepared. On April 20, Alexandria fell, and the situation for the British in Egypt became almost hopeless.
  And the new German Tiger tank showed its overwhelming power. The English machines were powerless against him. American experts believed that the Soviet defense would not be able to withstand the massive influx of Tigers and Panthers. And then Stalin will not hold the Caucasus.
  In the future, this is fraught with the loss of the anti-fascist coalition in the Middle East, and the unification of the forces of the Axis countries in Iran. The prospect, needless to say, is terrible!
  The main direction of the Nazis' attack was south of Stalingrad along the Volga, in order to then reach Baku along the coast of the Caspian Sea. This was what Soviet intelligence was able to figure out and build a defense in depth in advance.
  However, the Nazis have heavy tanks and self-propelled guns. Including "Lion", which in real history was not put into production. But here the Nazis have much more resources, and they were enough for this monster. And the "Lion" is better protected from the sides, up to one hundred millimeters thick at an angle, and in the forehead. This tank weighs ninety tons, but thanks to the engine of a thousand horsepower, its speed is approximately the same as the Tiger.
  In any case, colossal power.
  And Valerka, Levka, Slavka and Marinka were on the front line. And together with other pioneers they dig trenches. An entire children's battalion stands in the way of the Nazis.
  It"s the end of May, and it"s already very warm in the south of the Volga region. The boys have completely taken off their shirts and are working in only shorts. The torsos had already become covered with an even, chocolate tan.
  The boys are thin, but wiry.
  Valerka, pressing his bare foot on the steel handle of the shovel, noted:
  - It"s somehow scary here without blasters !
  Marinka giggled and answered:
  - More like anti-pulsar!
  Levka tweeted with a smile:
  - Well , it"s okay, we"ll have a holiday too! And so, without a hyperlaser it"s even more interesting!
  Slava nodded and noted:
  - With a hyperblaster , a first-grader can destroy fascists. And you try this, honestly !
  One of the boys who was digging with them, dark with tan and fair-haired, sang:
  In the vastness of our wonderful homeland,
  Tempered in battles and labor...
  We composed a joyful song,
  About a great friend and leader!
  Stalin is a fighting glory,
  Stalin is the flight of our youth...
  With songs, fighting and winning,
  Our people are following Stalin!
  Marinka frowned and interrupted:
  - Stalin missed the Nazi attack in 1941, so don"t praise him too much! And he tormented a lot of people with repressions, famine, collectivization - how much in vain!
  Valerka confirmed:
  - He shot so many military men, so that there was even no one to command in 1941. Marshal Tukhachevsky alone is worth something!
  Levka nodded and said:
  - Exactly, Marshal Tukhachevsky proposed using large formations of tanks and aircraft in battles. And create tank and aviation armies!
  Slavka tweeted:
  - So we will have victories!
  Both the half-naked pioneer boys and the girls, barely covered with light cotton dresses, energetically worked with shovels.
  All the children were barefoot, tanned, and thin.
  Valerka and his team were darker tanned and their bodies were more muscular and well-fed. However, the muscles are very prominent and deeply defined.
  The guys were digging. A warm, gentle wind blew from the Volga. Marinka, whose hair turned copper-red in this virtual reality, resembled the living embodiment of the revolution.
  Valerka, full of enthusiasm, sang:
  Country of love, my USSR,
  Beautiful , blooms with ruby, rose...
  Let's set an example for humanity
  No one can destroy children!
  We are pioneers, sons of Lenin,
  Which serve as eagles to the light...
  Children are born to rule the universe,
  In the meantime, they are running barefoot through puddles!
  We are warriors of our dear Ilyich,
  Who showed the very right path...
  You don"t cut down knights from the shoulder,
  Otherwise it will be very bad!
  So Hitler threw the shelves in a rage,
  The guys had to fight the evil horde...
  But the pioneers cannot be cowardly,
  We were born like lions to fight the unclean!
  Comrade Stalin is also a glorious leader,
  Although I messed up a lot in the abuse ...
  But he just makes his enemies tremble,
  Capable of hitting full change!
  We fought barefoot near Moscow,
  The snowdrifts bit my bare heels...
  But Hitler turned out to be a fool
  The pioneers gave him a lot!
  Both boys and girls in battle,
  Believe me, they showed their highest class...
  The lost are now blooming in paradise,
  And they see , believe me, they have given communism!
  Boys are not afraid of frosts,
  They jump bravely in only shorts...
  Their feet are bare all year round,
  The guys are strong in hand-to-hand combat!
  Here's a boy throwing a bomb at a formidable tank,
  The powerful "Tiger" is burning like a fire, blazing...
  Stalingrad became a nightmare for the Krauts,
  It's like hell, a game of hell!
  Well done pioneer in attack,
  He steps barefoot onto the fire...
  Now Comrade Stalin, like a father,
  May the evil Cain be destroyed!
  very cool children , proud,
  Believe me, we will not surrender to our enemies...
  And we will repel the streams of the evil horde,
  Although Adolf, like a tattered dog, went mad!
  A pioneer fights for his homeland,
  The boy simply has no doubts...
  He will set an example for the October people,
  And he attacks furiously!
  For us, Vladimir Lenin is a glorious God,
  Which creates reality boldly...
  And so that the disgusting Fuhrer with baldness dies ,
  We will beat our enemies for good reason!
  Oh girl, you are my friend,
  We are just children barefoot in the bitter cold...
  But I believe there will be a strong family,
  We will see blue expanses!
  Summer has replaced the burning winter,
  The damned fascist is advancing again...
  We fought hard in the previous spring,
  In space, the enemy is a little virtual!
  Well, why is the Panther rushing towards me?
  The boy bravely threw a grenade at her...
  There's already a penalty for the Krauts,
  And the fascist tank threw off the caterpillar!
  A child is a giant warrior,
  And wears a poppy red tie...
  Our people in the Fatherland are one,
  And the stars of communism will not go out!
  We will fight in the summer, as always,
  The grass is more pleasant for children's feet...
  A great dream will come true
  When the boy rattles steel hard!
  I believe that we will all enter Berlin,
  And we will live with the girl until victory...
  We will conquer the vastness of the universe,
  So that the grandfathers are proud of the pioneer!
  But you need to strain your children"s strength,
  And fight so that people are not ashamed...
  Exams, passing everything with an A,
  I believe we will soon be in communism!
  Don't believe the fairy tales that priests weave,
  It"s as if the devils are roasting atheists...
  In fact, they are doomed
  That sacrifices are not made to communism!
  And we will soon conquer the planet,
  The entire Soviet universe will be...
  Our starship is stronger than a cherub,
  We are the kings and judges of the universe!
  Then science will resurrect the dead,
  All the pioneers, the grandfathers of glory are alive...
  Fatherland forged a sword and shield,
  After all, the mind is with us, and we are invincible!
  This is how these wonderful pioneers sang. And with feeling, and energy, and strength.
  And they stamped with their bare, tanned feet.
  But these are young warriors.
  German attack aircraft appeared in the sky. First of all, of course, the Focke-Wulfs, which replaced the older but very effective Yu-87, the Germans also have the XE-128, a very good attack aircraft, and the double multi-purpose XE-322, which has eight air cannons, and also jet missiles.
  The commander of the pioneer battalion, Natasha, a beautiful Komsomol girl, jumping with her bare, tanned, strong, muscular, graceful and seductive legs, exclaimed:
  - Young pioneers - heads made of cast iron, themselves made of tin - hide , you damned ones!
  Valerka responded by picking up an explosive package of coal dust with his bare toes. And how the boy takes it and throws it with great force.
  The homemade bomb flew in a high arc and crashed into the buzzing XE-322.
  And the German car was torn apart.
  Valerka tweeted:
  Space Valley -
  Death's veil...
  Black swamp -
  I sucked it greedily!
  Is it really an honor?
  Can't be found in the sky...
  The heart yearns for revenge
  Wants to save the world!
  Leshka, Slavka, and Marinka also began to pick up explosive packages with their bare toes and throw them at Nazi planes.
  In general, it"s a brilliant idea to make explosives from coal dust. And if such a thing explodes, it will really blow everything into small fragments.
   And the children from the future twenty-third century took up the striker. This is how enemy planes are destroyed.
  Leshka tweeted with wit:
  - In war, it is better to be a barefoot ordinary boy than a legless old general!
  Marinka also threw a killer grenade and said:
  - He who is young in soul, striving to be the first to fight, will be the last to fall into dust in body!
  Slavka, fighting like a giant and throwing grenades with his small, barefoot, but agile, monkey-like feet, noted:
  - The surest path to victory will be trodden by a barefoot boy, if he is not smart enough!
  Valerka also threw it at the enemy very lethally and said:
  - Don"t be ashamed, boy, of your bare feet, you"d better be ashamed of being a bast shoe!
  Leshka, throwing the products of annihilation at his enemies, squeaked:
  - A boy without shoes is more likely to kill an adult if he is full of boots!
  Marinka, continuing to peck at the advancing opponents, said:
  - Better a barefoot childhood than being an adult with bast shoes!
  Slavka also threw a powerful explosive package of coal, and it penetrated and smashed the Focke-Wulf.
  After which the boy said:
  - Young years are not a reason not to trust important matters, mature ages are not a reason for gullible idleness!
  Valerka chirped, hitting the enemy with a killer present:
  - With his bare heels sparkling, the young warrior would rather rush to the goal than hobble through a mud-stained adult boot!
  Leshka giggled, added his bare heel and threw a pea, and smashed the stormtrooper, and squeaked:
  - A barefoot child is better than an adult boot and an elderly bast shoe !
  Other pioneers roared in admiration, and also threw explosive packages, or shot from guns and slingshots.
  Slavka noted:
  - Why is barefoot childhood under the sun a happy time? Because the time of the old bast shoe is like the moon!
  Marinka took it and tweeted, releasing the gift of death from the slingshot:
  - It"s good to be a boy only in the literal sense, but an old man, on the contrary, in the figurative sense!
  Valerka giggled and, hitting the Fritzes, squeaked:
  - When is two better than three? If you are young on two legs, than an old man with a stick on three!
  Levka hit with lethal force and noted:
  - Any child can become a ruler in the future, but an elderly tyrant has only a grave ahead of him!
  Marinka squeaked and answered with a smile:
  - The fox changes its skin twice a year, the politician changes his mask at every meeting with voters!
  Slavka, fucking enemies, noted:
  - A barefoot boy is much more dexterous than an elderly bast shoe, and brings more benefits than an adult boot!
  Valerka laughed and, having fucked up , noted:
  - Becoming younger in soul does not mean falling into childhood in mind!
  Levka slashed at the Nazis and chirped:
  - It"s better to be a child and laugh at death than an old man and be afraid to die!
  Marinka growled with the fury of a cobra:
  - Not all children smile happily, but they all laugh carefree!
  Slavka, who cares about airplanes, noted:
  - You can"t spread it on bread, but it also contains salt!
  Valerka grinned and noted, throwing an explosive package with his bare toes:
  - If the voter wants to have bread on the table, choose a politician with the salt of truth in his speeches!
  Levka also threw something murderous and destructive and muttered:
  - The bread of labor is bitter, without the salt of justice!
  Marinka wittily noted:
  - If the eloquence of a politician flows like a fountain, then it will definitely turn into a stream of blood!
  Slavka tweeted:
  - The ruler also needs eloquence, but so that red blood does not flow!
  The aircraft attack subsided. And there was a temporary pause, and the boys and girls sang:
  The pioneers are nice guys,
  They were the first to create a collective farm...
  We were taught to shoot with a machine gun,
  So that children do not shed tears in vain!
  We went to the collective farm to make hay,
  The work there was hot...
  Walked barefoot for miles,
  The boys now have a string!
  God doesn't help the pioneers
  They have Lenin and the Almighty...
  Somewhere the carnivorous Cain howls,
  The nightmare bear roared like thunder!
  Boys and girls walk
  On the grass, they reaped rye with sickles...
  It's nice on a collective farm in hot May,
  And there is no need to tell us lies!
  Let us admire the dew, boys,
  What is hitting our heels...
  With a beautiful girl, barefoot,
  Let's take flight, young men!
  We can do a lot,
  Lenin inspired us to heroism...
  The road is wide for boys,
  Warsaw and Berlin are ahead!
  Yes, the vile Fuhrer suddenly attacked,
  It"s like the hellish devil has come upon us...
  But the bald bastard will get a blow,
  It"s not for nothing that Stalin is also a devil!
  For the guys, all tanks are not an obstacle,
  They fight like those eagles...
  A glorious reward awaits,
  Lenin's great sons!
  The Fuhrer's dashing tanks are rushing,
  And believe me, their barrel is smoking...
  Komsomol members beat their enemies barefoot,
  Hitler awaits defeat!
  The battle is already raging near Moscow,
  The adversary is insidious and cruel...
  Prayer to Ilyich will help us,
  If necessary, the deadline will also run out!
  Pioneers: boys, girls -
  They rush through the snowdrifts barefoot...
  There will be a harsh retribution for the Krauts,
  If the young man moves his fist!
  Believe me, snowdrifts don"t scare us,
  Believe me, bare heels are not afraid of snow...
  Pioneer feet flash
  Children start running fast!
  And now boys and girls,
  They are attacking the Fritz with a wave...
  The voice of the pioneers is clear,
  They will clearly deal with Satan!
  The fascists will not understand who is killing them,
  The angular Tiger caught fire...
  Boys have a lot of power
  The torn policeman has fallen silent!
  Here the boy threw up his bare heel,
  A very destructive present...
  We don't play hide and seek with death,
  The feat will be glorified by the knights!
  The barefoot girl is rushing to attack,
  The heel became a rose in the snow...
  We want a very strong fight,
  If you"re weak, I"ll help you!
  We fought off the fascists from Moscow,
  And they drove like a broom...
  Miles have been added to communism,
  The brightest and most holy dream!
  Nice fighting girls
  That they fight against death in spite of ...
  The voice of the beauties is very clear,
  They'll bake pies while playing!
  And the boy to this expanse,
  I"m very happy, you know, believe me...
  Saluting this underground,
  Bravely defended Stalingrad!
  What do we need this very powerful "Tiger"?
  This tank is certainly gigantic...
  The pioneers are singing the lyre,
  We will have a new master!
  There is no other knight, believe me,
  The boy tied a red tie...
  Yes, for years we are just children,
  Napalm is raining down from the sky!
  Stalingrad fights very nicely,
  The pioneers are like fighting lions in it...
  After all, for us the example is the most important,
  So that grandfathers and fathers are proud!
  We can do everything in this battle,
  Defeat the evil fascists by joking...
  Singing great advice
  It's like you're a child of the Lord!
  The boy saw a nimble "Panther"
  This tank is not weak, boy know...
  Sometimes we write off-topic,
  It doesn't matter, but it will be paradise!
  God created people for eternal glory,
  So that Lenin's strength would be...
  For the sake of the new red-colored power,
  A sharp needle stitches!
  The boy ran through the snowdrifts,
  And he bravely threw a grenade at the Tiger...
  He will have a bazooka in his backpack,
  So that the possessed Fuhrer blows away!
  You can also solve the riddle,
  How much is just two times two...
  Let's defeat the fascists carefully,
  After all, we are smart enough!
  The snow is falling and burning the boy's heels,
  He is still a child, although he is a hero...
  The boy does not play hide and seek with death,
  This Fuhrer is a vile hemorrhoid!
  Here the "Panther" was firmly received,
  Strongly angular smokes...
  He hit the fascist in the snout with his bare heel,
  The enemy will be like broken glass!
  There are no impossible goals
  The brave pioneer proved...
  Defeating the enemy horde is not difficult,
  This is a brave boy!
  That's why we fought for the Fatherland,
  Every pioneer knows this...
  We will not regret in the battle of life,
  Glory to the saint of the USSR!
  The barefoot boy is not afraid,
  Even the most severe frost...
  And the icons sparkle, I see faces,
  And Lada and Christ are for us!
  Lenin invites us to a new world,
  Where is the free bagel, cream cake...
  Abel wins, not Cain,
  Don't look the loudmouth in the mouth!
  There are already battles going on near Kursk,
  Even though the enemy is as cruel as a wolf...
  Boys and girls strike bravely,
  They hit you right in the cast steel forehead!
  Well, the enemy is retreating,
  And in the attack there is a barefoot pioneer...
  He believes in victory in glorious May,
  And will set an example for the soldiers!
  Somewhere the Krauts beat a Komsomol member,
  They burned the heels with a poker...
  damned girl was tormented
  They put him on the coals barefoot !
  She didn't tell them anything
  I just laughed in the monsters" faces...
  What bastards , the torment is not enough for you,
  We'll hang you up in a ring!
  The Komsomol member was shot by the Krauts,
  And then they threw me into a noose...
  And for this the pioneers gave,
  Because I love girls!
  What the Krauts wanted they got
  Hitler was clearly dragged into a coffin...
  adversaries hard,
  They hit the forehead with the power of a shell!
  Yes, for us boys, it's simple,
  Defeat the evil fascists in battle...
  Even though we look small,
  But study, only five!
  We have already entered Berlin in formation,
  Wearing boots for the first time...
  The boy was a child, became a hero,
  Showed literally top class!
  We do not mourn for those who fell in battle,
  I know their science will resurrect...
  And they will see communism in the distance,
  Because light will conquer death!
  And Jesus is not our Lord,
  Radiant Lenin...
  His will is not forgotten by us,
  Eternal cherub above the planet!
  We will achieve, I know, victory,
  If there is a war in space...
  The Vedas told our ancestors,
  Satan will take over a third of the worlds!
  But we will free them, believe me,
  Let's do this - it's a fairy tale, you know...
  In the joy of bliss, like children,
  And let's build a paradise in the universe!
  There is no death - you people know,
  Life, believe me, is good...
  And people give happiness to the descendants,
  To heaven with the Almighty for centuries!
  That's when the world will be communism,
  The entire universe, the universe is darkness...
  Eternally endless, light of life,
  Full of great minds!
  And Lenin will, I know, rule,
  Glorious also, Stalin is the leader of the fighters...
  We can fix everything in the future,
  Our fellows are like titans!
  USSR beyond the distant universe,
  There are no boundaries above the very edges...
  And in the name of great creations,
  Glorious pages of this history!
  Pioneers were, are and will be,
  In our happiness, paradise forever...
  Know that your strength will never wane,
  Dream of endless joy!
  . CHAPTER No. 9
  Yes, here you can be surprised how the children composed such a strong and powerful poem right on the fly, which even Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin would envy.
  In any case, they showed that not only do they have muscles and fighting skills, but they also have poetic talent.
  Valerka licked his lips and noted:
  - What, ultrapulsar?
  Marinka giggled and answered:
  - More like hyperquasar!
  Levka, this boy who looked about twelve years old, took it and deftly caught the wasp with his bare toes. And then he threw her with great force. It flew by like a bullet and hit the crawling German scout right in the crowbar. It struck and proved fatal.
  Slavka noted:
  - At this speed, even a wasp is a deadly gift of annihilation!
  Valerka giggled and remarked:
  - Yes, we are super level fighters! But this is how pioneers should be. And if we have to fight not in a virtual environment, but in real life, then we will not make a mistake!
  Marinka nodded her head in agreement:
  - I'm sure we won't make a mistake!
  Levka sarcastically remarked:
  - Your super confidence is your weakness!
  The girl logically remarked:
  - Sometimes overestimating an enemy is much more dangerous than underestimating him! This is how uncertainty breeds defeat!
  Slavka laughed and said:
  - Such a triumph is like defeat, and the meaning of victory is ridiculously simple, the whole point is to complete the movement and hit the pioneer in the nose with a flourish!
  The warrior boys took it and sneezed in unison. A couple of hundred crows hovering over the field were stunned. And they crashed down, punching the crawling Nazi special forces with their beaks. And they were literally bleeding.
  Levka giggled and sang:
  Dili, dili Parsley came,
  Dili, dili scared the crows!
  Those guys are not a toy,
  And total destruction!
  other events take place elsewhere in the Hypermatrix .
  Anna Witchakova experienced a not very pleasant farewell ceremony with her faithful flying horse. The fighter that became the mother of the Mig-4, which shot down so many German planes, simply burned down during the air strikes of the Japanese armada, as did a fair number of other vehicles and ships. After the vultures from the Land of the Rising Sun pecked the city, Vladivostok presented a sad sight. However, the funeral of the dead took place in a military manner, modestly and quite quickly. The pilot Vedmakova set her feet on fire, the girl"s feet were covered in blisters, and so she walked barefoot, carefully stepping on her toes. The Japanese have not yet repeated the raids; they have concentrated their efforts on supporting the advancing fronts. Vedmakova walked around the rubble, it was being energetically cleared, and among the workers there were a large number of children. Thin, barefoot, with faces reddened in the fresh spring sun, they raked up broken tiles, raised fallen telegraph poles, and simply swept the streets.
  The elder above the boys, in a pioneer tie, but without a shirt ( it hung separately, apparently the boys took care of their clothes), ran up to the pilot.
  - We are working at an accelerated pace, Comrade Major, everything will be ready soon! We'll sweep the street clean, it will be as smooth as before the war!
  Witcher smiled and threw him some candy:
  - Here, take it! This is our Soviet made from natural chocolate, not American poison .
  The boy winked cheerfully:
  - And we give the Americans a new they came up with a nickname . Since now they are together with Hitler and Hirohito, then they are not Yankees, but Pindos!
  The girl major bowed before the boy:
  - Who did you say they are?
  The young pioneer repeated:
  - Pindos! So now we call the Yankees who betrayed us!
  Witcherova stroked the boy"s head, then her large, strong hand walked over the boy"s thin, veiny shoulders. The boy smiled back, his teeth white, and extended his calloused palm. The major shook the boy's hand and replied:
  - We need to remember the name. But we are not yet at war with America, which means it is premature to come up with nicknames.
  The boy objected:
  - Americans are worse than the Japanese and Germans, because they prefer to fight with someone else"s hands. No matter how cruel the fighters of the Empire of the Rising Sun are, their bravery is known to everyone!
  Witcher interrupted:
  - I will kill these brave men! And as quickly as possible!
  The new acting garrison Krotov unexpectedly signed a not entirely logical order and sent the warrior pilot with a group of sailors to Khabarovsk. The order came immediately; it was necessary to repel the advance of Japanese units. Witcherova, of course, expected that they would give her a fighter, but... The front had no free planes at its disposal, and reinforcements from their center had not yet arrived. The trip from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk took little time, and the major was literally thrown off the rails into a seething battle.
  The Japanese tried to bypass the well-fortified city and encircle it. The warrior barely had time to jump into the trench with her machine gun when the attack began.
  Sinitsin, who was lying down next to her :
  - So this means that the enemy is planning the tactics of Frederick, or, more precisely, General Nogi, to bypass the fortifications and drive us into the rear.
  The captain muttered gloomily:
  - Let him try to set fire to the Russian horse"s tail. He 'll be hit with his hooves so hard that it won't seem like much!
  The ace pilot joked:
  - The horse"s hooves are probably not made of Krupp steel , but our Soviet ones!
  Her words were interrupted by the howl of shells. Here she lies in a long-dug trench, there is generally a notable line of fortifications around Khabarovsk, the threat of a Japanese invasion has existed for several years. Shells are exploding in front and behind the trenches, and they make a lot of noise. In general, the famous Japanese shimosa creates a lot of noise and smoke. The warrior looks without fear, even with some indifference. Explosions of shells generate dirty fountains, one of them caused shaking of the soil. This means that a gun with a cannon of a caliber of a good three hundred millimeters is firing. The groans of the wounded are heard. Through the cannonade they seem like light vapors that not every ear can detect. Here the warrior pilot was covered with earth. The girl, however, sneezed and shook the dust from her red braids:
  - It"s always like this, if you lie down you get dirty! And if you get up, give me one or two left hands!
  The artillery preparation turned out to be short, perhaps the Japanese did not have so many shells. The attack has begun. Several Japanese tanks were driving ahead. Small, with a slightly rounded body of the machine. The most popular tank of the Empire of the Rising Sun: Chichikha . Witcher remembered his characteristics. Frontal armor 30 mm , gun 47 mm, diesel engine 320 horsepower. Apart from the driving performance, in which this machine is not inferior to the T-34, then it is even worse than the German T-3 of the 1943 model. Even in the Far East they call him sneeze! But by the way, the queen of the fields is not the tank, but the infantry. Try it, approach the minefields. As it is sung: Where an armored train cannot pass, a soldier with a rifle will crawl.
  The Japanese rifles were copied from the German Mauser. The submachine guns were ripped off from the Schmeister , famous since the First World War . In general, narrow-eyed people have a desire to copy the best from the other side. Surely, Japanese designers are already working on creating a hybrid of the Panther and T-34!
  There are no more than a dozen Japanese tanks, and the Soviet artillery is in no hurry to meet them. The infantry runs after them at a jog, in a traditional thick chain. The soldiers of the Land of the Rising Sun themselves are dressed in uniforms that are slightly yellow, matching the color of the khaki steppe. Witcher looks at them, quickly assessing the number of attackers. To the eye there are five to six thousand of them, and there are at most a thousand Russians sitting in the trenches, covering this section of the front. And the weapons.... The Far Eastern army is equipped according to the residual principle, and only officers have submachine guns . Well, she is a major, though without a position, reduced to the level of a private.
  Captain Sinitsin (still a very young guy) asked Witcher :
  - Did you fight with the Germans?
  The girl replied:
  - No! I kissed them!
  The captain, suddenly turning pale, remarked:
  - Do you remember your first corpse?
  Witcher, smiling, shook her head:
  "I"m a pilot, and whoever I shot down, I killed him, I have no concept of corpses!" By the way, during the entire Great Patriotic War, my plane was never shot down!
  The captain whistled somewhat awkwardly:
  - You're just an ace ! And how many smeared Germans do you have!
  Witcher smiled even wider:
  - After the twenty-fifth, they awarded the hero star! And only twenty-eight.
    Sinitsin exclaimed:
  - Uh-uh ! You are simply a master of your craft!
  The girl modestly replied:
  - There is no need to make a hero of someone who simply honestly fulfills his duty. Now the infantry will come closer, and we will meet them.
  The captain pulled the bolt of a heavy submachine gun, weighing a good ten kilograms. I touched the dog, the launch is very tight, the butt has recoil. It"s not a very convenient machine, but it hits ... True, according to rumors, the Germans already have a more powerful machine gun, but who knows, whether Soviet designers will come up with something better. Sinitsin could not resist asking:
  - Why were you such a great pilot transferred to the infantry?
  Vedmakova answered half-jokingly, also clicking the shutter of her submachine gun :
  -And I just wanted to know what it was like to sit under fire! That would be cool.
  - And you must have lost your boots if you were in such a hurry to get to the front line!
  Vedmakova, in fact, trying to make the blisters go away faster, walked around like a barefoot girl. Although during the war, most women and children showed off their bare heels in the summer, this was not accepted among officers, especially in public places. But Witcher even liked to single her out like that. She answered Sinitsin simply:
  - In order to save money, virtually the entire capitalist world is against us. After all, boots wear out, and this is the work of many people!
  The captain agreed with a playful wink:
  -You have very beautiful legs! Can I pet them?
  Witcher shook her finger:
  - Not now! Then, if you survive, I will warm you at night.
    Sinitsin widened his eyes:
  - Wow, you're fast! Women usually take a long time to break down.
  Vedmakova wanted to answer, but an explosion was heard, a Japanese tank walking ahead hit a mine. The girl sang:
  - Hitler was driving a car, the bastard was blown up by a mine! It shattered into fragments - but it was of little use!
  Another Japanese tank exploded, stopped, turned its muzzle and opened fire on the Soviet trenches. The third one rushed after him. The Japanese, however, did not even think about stopping. The narrow-eyed ones snapped, their machine guns, placed on semicircular, movable towers, began to work.
  The captain muttered:
  - This is great ! It's like they're walking in a parade! This is an army!
  Vedmakova picked up a rifle, fortunately the distance to the infantry allowed, and shot at the Japanese officer. Narrow-Eyed fell over, throwing his rifle away with such force that it was fumbling with its bayonet in the spring grass. The other Japanese continued to run, only slightly tilting their bodies, apparently hoping to avoid defeat, or rather to reduce its likelihood. Vedmakova remembered that this is how soldiers in the Kwantung Army are trained; those who do not bend down in time are hit on the head with a bamboo stick. It seems that Tsar-Father Herod was given a good shake. This is him, however, about Nicholas II. Now they are fighting Japan again, and not on one, but on several fronts. However, this also has its advantages. The girl sang:
  He is coming, Verma kht has been thrown into dust ,
  Napoleon is defeated, invincible!
  The enemy will not be able to trample on the Soviet flag,
  When the people and the party are united !
  One after another, the destroyed Japanese tanks stopped, but the infantry bristling with bayonets began to run even faster. The positions of the Soviet troops bristled with flashes, rifles clapped, occasionally interspersed with machine gun fire. Witcher also opened fire. The Japanese, reloading on the move, fired from rifles. They shouted at the top of their lungs:
  - Banzai! Rus give up!
  The bullets pierced their carcasses like a ramrod into mannequins. Bone dust mixed with blood fell. However, most of the bullets, as happens in battle, missed. The Japanese crossed the minefield, the little soldiers were too light for their running to detonate the gifts prepared for the tanks.
  Witcherova felt the cruel recoil of the machine gun on her shoulder, while the fighters of the Land of the Rising Sun seemed like real monsters. Their hysterical screams became stronger and closer, their yellow disgusting faces glistening with sweat. Witcher tries to kill as many enemy soldiers as possible at once. The girl is hot as always and shoots like a nest. One clip ran out, inserted another. The magazine is too large, round, and not easy to wedge into the chamber. And again the fire, the Japs fly upside down.
  Vedmakova shot the second round of ammunition, leaving her without any ammunition. And the narrow- eyed ones are already attacking with grenades. They respond with throws, now there are much more screams and groans, the Soviet soldiers also fall. The fragment cut off a tiny strand of hair on Witcher's head . The girl"s nerves can"t stand it, and she jumps up and screams at the top of her lungs:
  - For motherland for Stalin!
  Following her, the rest of the fighters scream, jumping out of cover and shaking their bayonets. Soviet soldiers run to meet the Japanese, engaging in bayonet fighting.
  Witcher's swift blow cuts the stomach of the nearest "samurai". He screams, tries to answer and falls over like a slaughtered boar. The girl exclaims with pleasure:
  - Russian football: Russia - Japan, two-zero !
  And indeed, another Japanese fell with his throat cut by a bayonet . Well, the warrior pilot kicked the third one in the groin. The narrow-eyed man stretched out, and the girl, moving by inertia, plunged the point into the adversary"s eye!
  -Get it Japanese! Why stand at the barriers!
  The retaliatory blow of the bayonet tore the major"s tunic, blood came out, but this not only did not bother the girl, but also gave her additional fury.
  - Death of Hirohito! - The girl barked, her shin crashed into the narrow-eyed temple, and the girl moved with such speed, as if she were the propellers of a new fighter.
  The Japanese retreated and even backed away, and the inspired girl went on the attack, her machine gun was spinning like a club in the hands of a giant. Then came a hard blow to the back of the head with the butt of an overzealous officer. Anna exhaled:
  - Here's shahen-khash for you !
  But overall, the Russians had a hard time. The narrow-eyed have a five-fold advantage on their side, and the Japanese have a good level of physical fitness; in addition, they are far from being fought against by the best soldiers of the USSR. Naturally, during such a difficult war, conscripts of the third category, with worse characteristics, or soldiers who were seriously injured in the battle with the Nazis were sent to the Far East. The soldiers fell, sometimes a dozen bayonets were driven into one Russian, they were literally bleeding collectively, but they fought like heroes, and no one asked for mercy.
    Sinitsin stabbed a Japanese officer with a bayonet, but was also hit in the side with the tip. The young man knocked down the attacking Japanese with a blow to the chest with the butt of his gun, but the blood flowed from the side too abundantly. And four samurai rushed at the guy at once.
    The brave Vedmakova rushed to the rescue, stabbing an officer with a bayonet up to the shoulder blade, and knocking another Jap under the knee with a kick.
  - Hold on Petrukha! - She shouted.
  He, having immediately reflected two bayonets aimed at the chest, replied:
  - I"m not Peter, but Arkady!
  The girl, who had killed another Japanese , growled:
  - In war, every name is like the click of a cocked gun; you shouldn"t cock it without firing a shot!
  Arkady retreated slightly, and the merciless bayonet tore his cheek. The young man whimpered from unbearable pain:
  - Mother of God!
  Witcher objected:
  - Maybe I"m a mother, but not God"s! In general, there is no God, and there never was!
  Arkady, retreating with his back to Anna, muttered indistinctly:
  - And what, after death, oblivion awaits us ?
  The girl shook her head negatively:
  - No! Communist science will resurrect the dead. And those who died in battles for their homeland will be the first to be returned to a new life.
    Sinitsin shook his head:
  - God forbid!
  Witcher, having killed another Japanese, squealed:
  - There is no god! If there is one, then we must admit that the supposed creator of the universe is a sadist! And he likes to torture creation!
  At that moment, Arkady was cut open in the thigh with a bayonet, and in order not to fall, he leaned on the red-haired warrior:
  - How I suffer! Simply unimaginable!
    The five to six times superiority of the soldiers of the rising sun took its toll. Fifty samurai rushed against them, waving their bayonets like an army of porcupines. Arkady received a couple of blows to the stomach with a bayonet, and then his eye was knocked out. When the young man fell, they injected him twenty times, making him quiet forever. I wonder what his soul felt as it flew away: surprise, or fear, or maybe incredible relief, having left the prison of the body.
  The Witcher was as if under a spell. Of course, her tunic crumbled into shreds, slashed by bayonets. The warrior turned out to be completely naked, covered with many scratches, but the samurai could not inflict a single serious injury on her! She fought, and her naked breasts with scarlet nipples shook like buoys in the sea. And bare ankles just flashed by. The girl was truly the embodiment of animal and erotic power. Her bare soles became red with blood, which created an association with the great goddess of destruction and evil a- Kali! Almost all the Soviet soldiers had already been stabbed to death, the battle was over, and only in its sparkling beauty of Aphrodite, from time to time it struck the insolent narrow-eyed.
  The Japanese General Nugi looked at this miracle with surprise. Then a thought flashed through his head. An order followed, given in the thin voice of an underfed mosquito :
    - Throw a net over her, take her alive!
  The thrifty Japanese also had networks. What if we need to take one of the Russians alive? And the network is ideal for this. Immediately a dozen catchers threw fetters on the girl
  Witcher fought back as best she could, she tried her best to free herself. But it was all in vain; the conscientious Japanese made the net with the expectation that it would support an elephant. The girl, thoroughly swaddled, was dragged in her arms. Apparently, tactical success was achieved, especially since this direction was not covered by either artillery or machine guns.
  The girl recalled the clean-shaven face of her beloved Arkady, and her catchphrase:
  - In war, every name is like the click of a cocked gun; you shouldn"t cock it without firing a shot!
  An alarming and disgusting thought arose, whether she had jinxed him! After all, this often happens: you just fell in love with a person, and he died!
  The Japanese, apparently, occupied poorly covered trenches in this place, continuing to bypass the positions of Soviet troops around Khabarovsk. And her Vedmakova is being taken prisoner, but even though she"s not, she"s already being taken, loaded into a stained armored car to be taken to the rear. The machine is antediluvian , probably from the First World War, so imperceptibly he minced behind the infantry. The speed is approximately 12 kilometers per hour. Brr! The world's first tank, Prokhorov's all-terrain vehicle, weighed no less, but had a speed of 40 kilometers per hour on the highway and 25 on the highway. Well, on the one hand, the USSR is attacking all of Europe, and on the other, a significant part of Asia. The girl turned on her side, apparently there was a threat to lie on her back. How dark it is in this part of the armored car, apparently it houses the landing section, or the transportation of soldiers. It would be nice, of course, to escape, first by getting rid of the rods and strong ropes. And how to do it? The girl, of course, has skills, although she will have to tinker, at the same time pulling off the handcuffs and sawing through the chain to which she was tied by the leg. But ropes can also be quite suitable here. The work is tedious, but if they take her to the territory of Manchuria, she will have time. The girl removed the ropes from the wet skin, sawed the chain, and at the same time, thought. Hmm , it"s not a joke coalition that has formed against Soviet Russia: Moreover, the most serious monster is Germany. A country with advanced technology, strong troops. For example, she heard about the new ME-309 fighter. It seems like these are already flying. She does not have exact data on weapons , but according to rumors this aircraft has as many as seven firing points. This is a very serious weapon, considering that YAK =9 there are only two of them, and there is no vehicle on Soviet fighters that had more than three points. Try to defeat such monsters! Well, the Focke-Wulf is a very serious machine, superior in armament to Soviet aircraft, and even capable of carrying almost two tons of bombs. Already at the end of 1942, he was armed with two 20 mm cannons and 4 13 mm machine guns. But it seems that a new type of fighter-attack aircraft and bomber with two 30-mm and four 20-mm cannons has already appeared. It was already a monster, a monster to all monsters! And according to rumors, an aircraft fighter with eight 30-mm guns has already been put into production! Try this ghoul and defeat him! How do Soviet designers want to respond to this? Vitchakova heard that work was underway on the Yak-3. A curator from Beria"s department told her about this. It seems that the main highlight of the aircraft will be the lighter weight of the structure, without additional engines and weapons. Maneuverability is, of course, good, but I would like an increase in armament! After all, in boxing, of course, a light athlete in the weight of a feather is more maneuverable than a heavyweight , but he will still almost certainly lose to him. It"s not for nothing that there are weight categories, and among professional boxers, striking power is most valued. It is necessary to strengthen the armament of Soviet aircraft, and only then will the Wehrmacht be beaten on an equal footing. From the second half of 1942, the superiority of the Luftwaffe in the air began to evaporate, even by March 1943 the USSR had an advantage, but... The betrayal of the Allies changed the balance of power. Wow, Hitler was killed on March 13, and now it"s only the end of April, and how seriously the balance of forces has changed. So quickly from a strategically advantageous position to a strategically almost losing one . Almost, because there is still hope that Germany will be defeated before it achieves strategic and technological superiority over the USSR. In particular, the Allies can supply the Nazis with large quantities of aircraft, but German pilots will need time to learn how to fly them . Still, there is a difference in technology and instrument panels. Tanks also require trained crews, and in addition, the Chevron's performance in the Russian winter is not particularly good. Automatic rifle M-18... Not a bad thing, but the rate of fire is inferior to the best Soviet models, although it is superior in accuracy! In short, the problem is the problem! There are also, however, the famous Churchills with powerful armor and good driving performance. Of course, it looks like we'll have to fight them too. And the longer the war lasts , the more equipment the Nazis will receive. This means that the conclusion is simple: we must inflict a crushing defeat on Germany in the summer. As for Japan, it is best to limit yourself to active defense and launch counterattacks using qualitative superiority in tanks. But again, saving energy as much as possible. Without getting drawn into protracted battles, and building defenses on previously prepared lines. There is still a chance to use the Chinese Red Army, but the Chiang Kai-shek regime attacked it with all its might. So for now you can rely on your own strength. When to attack? The best time is at the end of May, when the roads are completely dry and reinforcements arrive for the troops. Vedmakova herself would have delivered her first blow in the Oryol direction, and then in the Kharkov region, in order to drive the Germans out of the industrial Donbass, and then with a forced march across Ukraine, immediately crossing the Dnieper, and further to Romania. However, you can turn north, liberate Belarus, and go behind the rear of the central group. The idea as a whole is good, however, there are also shortcomings, the offensive in the Oryol direction is the most obvious, and the fascists will be waiting for it there. The fortifications will have to be hacked.
  Here, of course, both guns and Katyushas will come in handy. The latter system produces a strong, especially moral effect. In any case, you need a lot of guns and Katyusha rockets to bombard enemy defenses with shells. In general, the experience of the First World War showed that it is easier to defend than to attack, and if the Kaiser"s Germany had not exhausted its forces with the spring offensive of 1918, the war could have lasted for several more years. But the Second World War proved the superiority of offensive tactics over defensive ones. For example, the rapid defeat of Poland and, especially, the amazing defeat of the powerful Western coalition of allies. The Nazis defeated superior forces in a month and a half, simply bypassing the impregnable Maginot Line. Fighting in Africa, where at first the superior forces of Italy were defeated by a decisive blow from the British. And then Rommel defeated the much stronger British troops during a rapid offensive. But of course, the most striking example is the USSR in 1941, the great catastrophe of a mighty army. And retaliatory offensive operations that knock out German units. So the main thing is to strike yourself, without waiting for the pressure of new German tanks. A protracted war of attrition is becoming almost hopeless, unless, of course, Soviet scientists create a miracle weapon! The latter is, in principle, possible; for example, she heard that it was theoretically possible to create a bomb capable of destroying a city. Moreover, such a bomb will weigh three to four tons. Looks like a fairy tale, but... We were born to make a fairy tale come true.
  An even more attractive way is the laser weapon described in the Hyperboloid of engineer Garin. Such a thing is quite capable of destroying an entire army of tanks, planes, and ships. Of course, create such a weapon, and not only the Third Reich, but also the traitors Pindos, the entire capitalist world will end. And the bright banner of communism will shine over the planet. But for some reason such weapons have not been created. Mirrors are not the best way to collect combustion energy into a single stream. And it takes a lot more energy to cut ships. Although, if it is concentrated to a micron fineness, then it is quite possible to cut both airplanes and battleships. A miracle weapon that will help save the USSR. And here is the laser effect, in a different form. Finally, the chain has given way and it is almost free, and pieces of rope are lying around.
  Witcherova expressed:
  - Patience and work, if with you, you are not a corpse!
  The girl stood up and tapped her bare foot on the covering. No reaction. She knocked harder. In response, there was swearing in Japanese, but no reaction. Then Witcher began to sing in frustration. And she sang at the top of her voice, like a prima donna at an anniversary party:
  The Wehrmacht hordes are going wild
  The roar of guns and the clash of swords!
  Smoke rises for up to a month,
  Distortion of rays from heaven!
  For centuries, the fatherland is famous,
  I will give my flesh for Russia!
  I love you, beautiful Rus',
  The Lord of all kings is with us!
  Oh, you curly groves of the country,
  The sound of golden aspens rustles!
  Orthodox falcon brothers,
  God inspired the army to heroic deeds!
  On cold or warm days,
  Maybe the cloud will bring in some darkness!
  We are fascist pigs, like brooms,
  To shake the abomination from your face!
  Our party's cause is just,
  Fight for the Soviet people!
  We sing a brave song,
  The thought soared upward like an eagle!
  Stalin is wise, the ideal of a ruler,
  We are being led into a formidable mortal battle!
  Banner of the Motherland, pestle of the winner,
  I'm ready to argue with Pallas-fate!
  Lenin's cause will be eternal,
  We will build holy communism!
  Believe, human teaching,
  Fascism will be crushed into the abyss of darkness!
  The whole planet is like a free bird,
  Let's fly to the distant stars, to the worlds!
  Something bright and noble
  We, like sculptors, will create!
  And Russia under the red banner,
  It"s like heavenly Eden will bloom!
  Lenin's cause, Stalin's will,
  Lead us forward to achievements!
  Well, okay, you never know what happens in the Ultramatrix of the Hypernet.
  German tanks are now attacking the young pioneers. And the first to go were the mighty and well-protected Lev tanks. They are almost impenetrable, not only in the front, but even on the side only very few guns can take them. The forehead of the hull of the Lev tank is 150 millimeters thick, at an angle of forty-five degrees. That is, not a single Soviet cannon will penetrate. And the forehead of the tower is 240 millimeters, and also at slopes. And this is anti-pulsar - they also don"t take Soviet guns.
  Unless you hit it with a very large caliber, but you still have to be able to hit it with it. But this is not easy to do against a moving target.
  Next came the German Tigers. It was a Tiger-1 model with an almost square turret and hull. But the armor of the sides is quite thick - 82 millimeters, and it can only be penetrated from a 76 mm cannon from a short distance, and even then, not for sure.
  The later Tiger-2 with sloped armor plates has not yet been put into production. The Panther, although the fastest of the German tanks, lags behind, as it is weakly armored on the sides. Next are other even lighter and older tanks.
  There is even a T-3, with a short high-explosive cannon, a tank that is about to be discontinued. But in 1941 it was the most widespread. And the T-4 with a modernized gun, even superior in armor-piercing power to the T-34-76. Such a menagerie appeared here. And a couple of Ferdinands. In this case, the self-propelled gun is not mass-produced; instead, the more practical, lighter and more effective Jagdpanther self-propelled gun was developed . In short, impressive power.
  Valerka whistled:
  - Wow! How to deal with this?
  Leshka shrugged his shoulders and answered:
  - We need blasters! And even better are hyperblasters !
  Slavka giggled and chirped:
  - With a hyperblaster , any fool can destroy twentieth-century technology and spray it into quarks. So try it wisely!
  Marinka nodded with a smile:
  - We have such effective weapons as explosive packages made of coal. These are the ones that should be used!
  Valerka giggled and sang:
  Blackened like a coal
  There was a cornflower flower...
  The lilies of the valley will bloom,
  At dawn until five!
  Levka shook her head:
  - Can you hit a monster like "Lion" with an explosive package? His armor is very thick.
  Slava nodded and noted:
  - Lev, it's a battering ram!
  The pioneer boy clicked his bare toes and looked at his hands. But the hyperblaster, or any weapon from the future, did not appear.
  Marinka laughed and replied:
  - We'll have to use what we have! Here, as they say, everything is fair!
  Valerka frowned, winked at her friend and noted:
  - It seems I came up with something!
  Levka fervently barked :
  - The turkey thought and ended up in the soup!
  Ignoring his young partner"s taunt, Valerka picked up the bag of explosive coal with his bare toes. And coal dust can explode more powerfully than RDX.
  And the young terminator took and forcefully threw the murderous gift of annihilation. And the package, flying in an arc, crashed into the right track of the German Lion tank. He , having received damage, took it and turned to the right. And two steel mastodons, weighing ninety tons each, took it and collided. The armor of the mighty machines crumpled.
  And explosions thundered, and the combat kit began to detonate.
  And the turrets fell off the tanks. And how they thundered.
  Marinka exclaimed joyfully:
  - Ultrapulsar!
  Levka added, grinning his face:
  - Hyperstar !
  Slava also picked up the explosive package with his bare toes and slammed it into the fascist car.
  And he also fell into the caterpillar. And again two Lev tanks collided with a roar, and again the combat kit detonated, and explosions occurred. And the shells, having fired, tear off the tower.
  Valerka noted, stamping his bare, round heel on the grass:
  - You see, you can do without hyperblasters ! The main thing is not the destructive madness of the weapon, but the intelligence of the one who uses it!
  Marinka also threw an explosive and destructive package of coal with her bare toes. The track was broken on one side. And again the tanks of the Third Reich collided.
  And again explosions, destruction and detonation.
  A pioneer girl and a terminator in a short skirt noted:
  - A strong fool can kill a weak genius, but he cannot truly subdue even a trivial idiot!
  Levka also threw a gift of death, tearing the track and forcing the car to turn, pushing the steel monsters sideways. And they explode from wild detonation.
  The warrior boy said:
  - A good commander is a lion when he is at least a little fox, with a wolf"s grip and intelligence, and not a ram!
  Valerka nodded, again threw the killer gift of annihilation, wrapping the tank and pushing it against each other, noting:
  - A soldier can become a general, but a ram can never become a lion, if he has the mind of a sheep, he cannot avoid being sent to a barbecue by a fox!
  Slavka, throwing a grenade with his bare heel, said:
  - It"s bad to be a sheep that is sheared by foxes, but it"s even worse to become a pig that even sheep let in for barbecue!
  After which , the four pioneers with their bare feet began to throw explosives from coal at the tanks, pushing them together much more energetically. So the Tigers and the Panthers were sent to slaughter.
  At the same time , the young pioneer terminators began to sing, composing a whole poem as they went, and a heroic one at that:
  What is the meaning of the pioneer of dreams,
  Move forward towards communism...
  The greatness of youthful desires,
  Go on an endless hike!
  We are children of the beautiful Fatherland,
  And Lenin illuminated the way for us...
  Although this world is dangerous,
  Inspired us to great deeds!
  We go to the fields to work,
  Blades of grass tickle the soles...
  Why do our boys need bots?
  The bugler plays on the cover!
  How beautiful it is in the Soviet world,
  Daisies, water lilies, diamond...
  We walk as a united team,
  We hit the bourgeoisie in the eye!
  If we need to milk a cow,
  And cut the grass with a scythe...
  And Stalin and Lenin, two of them,
  I will keep the fire in my heart!
  In the name of the Soviet Fatherland,
  Ready to go behind the plow...
  We are barefoot in childish rage,
  Let's beat adults about twenty years old!
  Here is Hitler's power coming,
  An evil horde is invading...
  And fascism is attacking hell Cain,
  And a big snowstorm is blowing!
  But we pioneers will not waver,
  Know our great USSR...
  Let's throw a grenade with our bare foot,
  Let's show courage by example!
  We love our Fatherland,
  Where is Stalin's ideal of love...
  And there are no more beautiful girls of ours,
  No wonder the poet composed!
  Let there be this flag of communism,
  To shine above our Motherland...
  We must not fall under the yoke of fascism,
  Passing the exam with an A!
  Pioneers fought near Moscow,
  Where the evil Hitler climbs with the horde...
  But we are proud peers,
  Let the boy and girl be barefoot!
  Well, we are giant fighters,
  So you have to know how to fight...
  united with the Fatherland ,
  Know that the Russian bear is furious!
  In the snow, guys, girls,
  Like birds running barefoot...
  They shoot from a machine gun,
  And they catch you with a lasso, by force!
  The boy bent over the map,
  And the tie burns like a flame...
  He is a wise strategist - even too much,
  And the power of the soul is monolithic!
  Here the girl took a grenade,
  Sneaking like a cat through the snow...
  The fascist gets his comeuppance
  And the bullet hits the enemy on the run!
  Well , we are cool kids,
  We scribble like hail on our enemies...
  The frost is very strong - barefoot ,
  Out of spite, know that we are in the cold!
  Well, what's a pomegranate for a boy?
  He throws them to overtake...
  And the Fuhrer will have to pay back,
  Don't squeeze out a moan from the monster!
  Here's a girl firing a bazooka,
  She knocked out the wedge heel...
  Her very dexterous hands
  Fights like Satan!
  Yes, Hitler will be in trouble ,
  I ran into a strong fist...
  After all, with our steel team,
  He will definitely get it in a nickel!
  We pioneers are only outwardly children,
  In fact, a wild demon is boiling inside me...
  And the Fuhrer will answer for violence,
  We have a sharp sword and shield!
  But the enemy will offer an answer,
  He freezes in the snow even in boots...
  And we are barefoot both in winter and in summer,
  And we see Hitler"s army in coffins!
  They showed such strength in battle,
  That even Satan himself is shaking...
  The guys will even tear a crocodile in battle,
  Our country is so powerful!
  Know that no one can destroy us,
  Beware of the boy, the predatory bastard...
  the face so hard near Moscow ,
  And then Stalingrad awaits!
  Here the pioneers fired a slingshot,
  They accurately shot down this formidable Tiger...
  And my heels flashed in the cold,
  No time for idle games!
  These are the children, these are warriors from the cradle,
  Capable of showing high class...
  And the girl"s little voice is ringing,
  Why would even a thief be afraid?
  Girls have stars in their hearts,
  They know that the fair sex...
  It's not too late to go fight,
  May the treacherous enemy be crushed!
  The Nazis even have orcs,
  Among the allies, believe me...
  But the voice of the pioneers is clear,
  Will open the door to the glorious elves!
  And our knights, you know, will not flinch,
  They will show the greatest class...
  Here they were swaying by the wind, I see pine trees,
  The crow was shot right in the eye!
  We fought bravely at Stalingrad,
  Yes, Lenin"s pioneers are sons...
  The barefoot children walk quietly,
  From White Russia all the way to Kolyma!
  And Stalin, a leader of great appearance,
  He is also a furious executioner for the Germans...
  Let this vile viper perish,
  A child's bitter cry will not wake us up!
  The formidable arc on Kursk bent,
  "Panther" tank is as agile as a fox...
  But with us, the pioneers, there will be youth,
  The girls are absolutely beautiful!
  So let's not give up, pioneers, to the Tigers,
  The powerful Ferdinand rushes into battle...
  The boy is composing, we see the lyre,
  And the machine loads deftly!
  Well, the guy boldly threw a grenade,
  And he hit the caterpillar furiously...
  Here is a girl combing her braids,
  We are not afraid of bombs and napalm!
  The battle is now raging on the Dnieper,
  And a lot of blood is shed - the battle is harsh...
  I will ask the Motherland for forgiveness,
  What if I"m not healthy in battle!
  For a pioneer there is no word for weakness,
  He is such a great fighter, a warrior...
  will not overcome the young , you know,
  The girls will always look fresh!
  Well, the girls' heads drooped,
  Yes, the boy fell, taking a bullet...
  But know that the soul is immortal - it will not perish,
  Stalin himself awarded the order posthumously!
  We believe that science is omnipotent,
  All the dead will rise for rewards...
  And death for pioneers, you know, is powerless,
  Let's take a machine gun with us to the world of paradise!
  May the universe be in communism,
  Which is the bright and sacred path...
  They did not spare their lives for the victory,
  And we will not turn away from the Soviet path!
  In Berlin the pioneers are marching,
  Smiles, the roar of the orchestra and flowers...
  And the children draw a red flag with the sun,
  Great, most radiant dream!
  . CHAPTER No. 9.
  Meanwhile , in other places in the virtual reality of the Ultramatrix of the Hypernet, other, very interesting and intriguing events took place. Although, at the same time, they are both nightmarish and simply hellish.
  On January 30, 1946, the entire Third Reich solemnly celebrated the Nazis' coming to power. Indeed, in thirteen years the achievements of the Nazis are simply fantastic! The country, which is in a severe crisis, has taken control of the territory of most of the world. The latest types of weapons have been created, the economy has developed, the Third Reich has become a truly global empire, whose possessions cover the entire globe!
  The Fuhrer himself, who did not like winter, celebrated his anniversary in Cyprus. His permanent residence was located there, gradually turning into the new capital of the Third Reich.
  First, Hitler was shown a new technique. Combat disc planes capable of moving in any direction and flying to a height of fifty kilometers. A-15 missiles, which could fly from one continent to another and be controlled by radio. Moreover, to carry a charge of explosives or gas weighing up to twelve tons to the target. These are the latest weapons systems. Several satellites have also already been launched into low-Earth orbit.
  One of the developments was the demonstration of underground tanks capable of reaching speeds in the ground of up to seventeen kilometers per hour and with a power reserve of up to five hundred kilometers.
  They also demonstrated the E-500, a supertank weighing about eight hundred tons. Armament: two bomb launchers, three 88-mm cannons with a barrel length of 100 EL, and a dozen multi-purpose anti-aircraft guns. This vehicle, however, is too heavy for transportation by rail and is more suitable as a souvenir than for actual combat use. Perhaps if you deliver it by barge to Leningrad.
  They also showed Hitler the improved MP-54 assault rifle, capable of firing from around a corner and doubling bullets when fired. In addition, a cartridge with a uranium core and a rifle capable of aimed shooting at five kilometers, penetrating up to fifty millimeters of armor, were tested. A feather bullet was used here. The latest achievements of Hitler's technology. All the best...
  But the most interesting example was the appearance of the first pyramidal tank embodied in metal. This was of particular interest to Hitler. The shape of the tank is flattened, slightly elongated pyramid. Indeed, such a machine has no weak sectors. And there is no tray - small rollers cover the entire lower surface of the machine. When fired from any angle, the shells ricochet. The Fritz carried out tests, firing from a 105-mm cannon. Really impressive. Cemented armor reflects German gun shells, except feather shells. The first pyramidal tank is not yet completely perfect, and weighs seventy tons, with frontal armor of 250 mm and rear armor of 200 mm. It will, of course, continue to be improved and improved.
  But a start has been made. And the new car has already been named AG - in honor of Hitler. The Fuhrer, in any case, was pleased. The sides of the tank and, most importantly, its top are reliably protected, including from the formidable Soviet attack aircraft with small, cumulative bombs. And from the impacts of American cars, which, however, is no longer relevant, since America has capitulated.
  The pyramidal tank was named AG-70, based on the weight of the vehicle. The gun is the same 105 mm, with a slightly higher rate of fire of twelve rounds per minute and a replaceable barrel. But this is not the limit. This is how the development of a more advanced high-pressure gun is underway, but not with such a long barrel. However , it is the high pressure in the breech of the gun that will give an even higher initial velocity to the projectile. And it will increase the range, accuracy and penetrating power of shooting.
  But the new high-pressure gun is not ready yet. However, it is not relevant yet. The USSR still has the main tank T-34-85, which German guns penetrate like a hot needle through a blotter. The Isov family is not widely known, except for the outdated IS-2, the IS-3 tank is too expensive and labor-intensive to produce. But the IS-4 has not yet gone into production.
  For now, the Germans maintain an unconditional qualitative advantage. And, perhaps, quantitative. They have a lot of tankers, they could even put Americans at the helm.
  The demonstration of the ME-362, with a speed of one and a half thousand kilometers per hour, and other aircraft is impressive. However, jet aircraft, of course, cannot be compared with diskettes either in speed or efficiency. "Flying saucers" have a much higher level. They already accelerate to eight sound speeds. And they ram everyone.
  Also interesting are rifles with infrared sights, grenade launchers, bazookas, and an improved modification of the Faustpatron, capable of hitting an entire kilometer, piercing the IS-2 in the forehead with a shaped charge. Luftfausts , capable of reaching up to five kilometers. The newest surface-to-air missile that reacts to sound.
  Disc-shaped multi-role helicopters designed by Kurt Tank. It is also a practical weapon, especially in the fight against partisans, and many other things .
  The helicopter is somewhat more vulnerable to fire from the surface, but it hovers more effectively in the air. One of the ideas was the use of porous, lighter and ricochet-producing armor.
  The Fuhrer was shown this armor, which could become a massive and promising development in the future.
  The designer explained:
  - The main thing is to increase the elasticity of the metal, and then everything will be in perfect surroundings. Oh my Fuhrer, porous metal is a revolution in armor!
  Hitler, how he cackles :
  - I am a great warrior, better than Genghis Khan! And believe me, we have too little land!
  You can still see many different inventions, including pens that shoot explosive bullets, and bombs the size of a pea, but very lethal . However, there is time for business, and time for fun.
  And Hitler happily indulged in his favorite pastime: gladiatorial combat.
  The Colosseum was built to seat a million people. Soldiers and officers, both men and women, who had come on leave, gathered there. They watched with pleasure the magnificent spectacle. Was there going to be a fight? So it will happen!
  Hitler and his retinue watched the battlefield. On the right hand of the Fuhrer sat the eternal boy Friedrich and his wife Helga. The pilot had already become pregnant and dreamed of having a son.
  There were also other figures. In particular, Speer, Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions. Now there was a major restructuring of the world economy to suit the new order. Quite a lot was built. But the Fuhrer needed the occupation of the entire territory of the USSR. To build a railway line from Arkhangelsk to Chukotka, and further to Alaska and the central regions of the USA.
  It would also be nice to have a Burley - Moscow-Delhi railway line to Beijing. Such are the large-scale plans of the Fuhrer.
  Hitler's decision: - We must unwaveringly conquer all of Russia, and then we'll see!
  In the meantime, the members of the menagerie are entertained by the spectacle. A girl ran into the arena wearing only panties and white hair. She had a sword in her hands. The warrior bowed to the Fuhrer and his retinue. It"s very aesthetic when girls fight almost naked . And bare feet splash on the gravel with inimitable grace.
  One girl is blonde, the herald announced her name Astarata . The second is red-haired, nicknamed Lightning and with a saber.
  Both girls stood against each other. The beauties are very aesthetic, almost naked, only thin panties, the blonde's are scarlet, and the redhead's are white.
  Hitler, looking at them, sighed heavily and remarked:
  - They are very beautiful. And to destroy such beauty, let"s just say, it"s a pity!
  Borman suggested with a smile:
  - Do you want them both to remain alive, my Fuhrer?
  Hitler nodded in agreement:
  - Alive and not maimed. Well , maybe they"ll scratch themselves a little! We are for aesthetics!
  Borman nodded with the smile of a prudent businessman:
  - Let's do everything right, oh greatest one !
  The Fuhrer smiled contentedly and began to chew American gum. Well, this is interesting. Americans have taste buds and everything seems so fresh and appealing. Especially chewing gum. At the same time, the Fuhrer had a mixture of pineapples, bananas and oranges with chocolate in a golden plate studded with diamonds.
  Hitler did not like meat, but loved chocolate with citrus fruits and ice cream.
  He also loved looking at naked women"s bodies. In general, many films with nudity were shot in the Third Reich . Even teenagers were taught lessons of Eros in schools.
  The slogan was: - Have more children. Officially, it was allowed to have four wives, while homosexuality was prohibited. Young people were taught that girls should love boys, and boys should love girls, and sex is good! And there is nothing wrong with having sex on the side, and if your lover is better than your husband, then it is better to give birth to your lover.
  The girls in the arena fenced very gracefully and skillfully. It was clear that the girls were well trained. The movements of naked, muscular bodies are very swift and pleasing to the eye. On the big screen, the girls are shown close-up and in color. The audience is delighted.
  The Fuhrer looks at the girls through binoculars. And whispers:
  - Coals under their bare feet!
  Coals are scattered under the bare soles of the girls. One of Hitler's favorite tortures was to fry the heels of beautiful girls. Burning the nipples of the breast is also very pleasant.
  The Fuhrer loved torturing women and pretty boys. The love of torture was clearly noticed in the Marquis de Sade. However, Hitler did not like it when beautiful women died, and tried to torture them moderately, not to death.
  But how can you not torture a girl? Another of the number one entertainments of the fascist was torturing pioneers. It's really so interesting. You torture the boy, but he resists. A whole competition: whether you split it or not. Otherwise, the pioneer would die under torture.
  And the Fuhrer was annoyed that the torture was not skillful enough.
  Now the red-haired girl has lost her saber. And the blonde warrior hissed venomously:
  - Beg for mercy!
  The redhead addressed the audience:
  - Spare me, please!
  The Fuhrer chuckled and ordered:
  - Okay, I give you a thumbs up! But burn the loser's heel with a hot iron!
  One of the servants thrust a hot rod to the girl"s bare sole. She involuntarily screamed and screamed, twitching her burned bare foot. Then she got up with difficulty and walked limping.
  Hitler shouted:
  - Cauterize her second heel for symmetry.
  The huge Moor poked a red-hot rod towards the girl"s bare, slightly roughened sole. She screamed and fell to her knees. Crawled...
  The Fuhrer looked at this and licked his lips carnivorously.
  Then, smacking his lips, he said:
  - War, of course it"s disgusting, but you can torture girls!
  The retinue grunted carnivorously.
  The Fuhrer said harshly:
  - And now it's time to kill! Let's go with the corpses!
  The boys were driven into the arena. The Fuhrer usually did not spare them, but Hitler liked to look at half-naked boys. Let them die, more women will give birth to such people!
  It was a dozen Chinese fighting against a dozen blacks. The boys were armed with both swords and daggers, apparently so that more blood would be shed.
  Hitler even smacked his lips and hissed:
  - Oh sea, sea, sea, sea Orion!
  The boys collided and began to chop and stab each other. The boys , about thirteen or fourteen years old, were literally squabbling and biting.
  The Fuhrer did not like the yellow and black races. And he liked to see murder from both sides. Although , of course, when Russians fight, fair-haired boys are much more aesthetically pleasing . The Fuhrer was a beast, and on the one hand he did not know pity, but on the other he liked fair-haired children. But he preferred to torture them without killing them. Except maybe the pioneers.
  It"s even a pity that now there is no war with Russia, and partisan attacks have died down.
  Stalin gave instructions not to carry out sabotage or military operations behind enemy lines. The partisans and underground fighters were almost frozen. The partisans were either local nationalists or too fanatical communists. To whom Stalin did not decree, but there are few of them. There were also people's avengers who were against both fascists and communists. So not everyone recognized the truce. And there was enough supply of human meat.
  Can be prepared for gladiator fights.
  The Fuhrer ate some ice cream and looked at the bloody spectacle with half an eye, without even making a bet.
  When the last boy in the arena was stabbed in the back, the corpses were divided with hooks and dragged.
  Hitler laughed and said:
  - We've done a cleanup!
  Then a new fight. Yellow girls fought against black girls. Moreover, the warriors were driven into the ring completely naked and with swords. They began to push them with spears and swords.
  cackled with pleasure :
  - I am a man of death! More precisely, a superman!
  The girls hacked and scratched each other for the amusement of the Nazi menagerie. One of the yellow warriors had her breast cut off and was bleeding. Others fell and were raised by holding torches to their hair, or to the bosom of Venus. Some people got it even worse. Cruel people, cruel morals.
  And the Fuhrer looked at this with great greed.
  When an executioner sets a woman's pubic hair on fire, it is very painful, and sadistic men are aroused by this. Hitler liked to subject women to terrible torture. And here they also died in agony.
  The Fuhrer sang with pleasure:
  - The crowns of the former kings are in the hands of their executioners, by decision of the crowd! And don't throw away the punts!
  And the animal, who imagined himself to be a superman, and even God, laughed like a violent madman.
  In general, it is difficult to believe how a man below average height, who does not even have a completed secondary education, managed to rise to the occasion. Become the greatest conqueror on planet Earth. And what happened to the universe, that the Fuhrer, as it were, even flew off the chain. And an extremely lucky monster appeared.
  Hitler took a sip of orange juice and hissed:
  - Law of the jungle!
  The girls died, and so the boys were driven to take their place. And yellow, and black, and white. They were also forced to fight with each other, but without any system: who knows what . They say, fight, and nothing reasonable will happen to you.
  A literally crazy fight began. And a mass of corpses, killed warriors. Boys die, fall, lose arms and legs.
  The corpses barely have time to be dragged out of the arena. And there is more and more blood.
  The Fuhrer roars at the top of his lungs:
  -Let rivers of blood flow across the earth! Let them groan in pain - there are fires everywhere!
  Yes, and such a monster is the most influential and terrible politician in the world. Granted, he is not the only head of state yet, but he is the coolest and most terrible.
  It is difficult to imagine such a mixture of genius and madness, when a politician is simultaneously a monster, a clown, and the emperor of half the world!
  Hitler watched the women fall bleeding, and muttered under his breath:
  - I am a cannibal! I am a cannibal!
  Speer remarked with a certain amount of contempt in his voice:
  - Germany is a country of the greatest culture and phenomenal technological achievements, my Fuhrer.
  Hitler chuckled and remarked:
  - I liked the pyramid tank. It's just too heavy!
  Speer solemnly promised:
  - There will be a better one, my Fuhrer! Everything will improve, including technology!
  The Fuhrer chuckled and remarked:
  - Where did we start? Do you remember? What tanks made it possible to capture Europe in a month and a half? T-3 and T-4, helpless against the Matildas and French mastodons. "The monster jabbed his fists into his sides and straightened up like a colossus, gurgling. - How small we started! And how our tanks have developed now! No other history of the world has ever known this! To start with a hundred thousand soldiers, and rule over most of the world!
  Speer, this time without mockery , said smoothly:
  - And no one since the beginning of the world has seen such a feast!
  Hitler took a golden fork in his hand and pierced a piece of pineapple with it. I devoured it for my dear soul. Then he dug into the glass of black caviar with his fork. Not the best idea. While trying to eat, the Fuhrer smeared himself in fish eggs. True, two girls in bikinis stood guard and immediately wiped the jacket of the main fascist.
  Hitler mumbled:
  - Caviar, this is the food of the gods!
  The servant girls answered in unison:
  - You are the God of gods!
  The Fuhrer smacked his lips and remarked:
  - Between me and the Almighty God, there is only one difference!
  The girls asked in unison:
  - Which one, oh greatest one?
  The Fuhrer, standing up , said:
  - God is merciful, but I am not!
  The girls disagreed and objected:
  - You are just a well of kindness!
  The Fuhrer growled in response:
  - I am not a well, but an ocean! And a raging tornado with lambs!
  And how this piece of lamb grunts. Or maybe a chop...
  And blood is still shed in the arena. Instead of girls, boys fight and die. They break their bones and splash blood.
  Hitler recalls how he himself was beaten in the gymnasium. They humiliated me and even took off my pants, whipping my ass with nettles. How humiliating this is. The Fuhrer remembered his offenders and vowed to take revenge on them. And he kept his oath. Even if it took many years. The Fuhrer's former classmates were tortured in SS basements. And then they were sent to death camps to die slowly.
  Hitler dealt cruelly with all his enemies. Both real and imaginary. Now the Fuhrer is already close to his final goal: world domination.
  One of the exciting problems is the question of religion. Hitler is inclined to think that such a new faith could be monotheism in an Aryan wrapper.
  Pagan constructions are not suitable for such a highly developed empire as the Third Reich. We need monotheism, but in what form. At first, the Fuhrer was inclined to move closer to Islam. Like, there is no God but the Almighty, and Adolf Hitler is His prophet.
  But then the Fuhrer was captivated by the idea of becoming a member of the Trinity himself, like God incarnate? Like Hitler, it"s like Almighty God the Son. Or even God the Father? The Fuhrer had many ideas. And so it is possible, and so. Or even create not a Trinity, but a kind of dualism?
  Ideas, of course, may be different. The external form of the new religion with swastikas instead of crosses has been approved. The domes of the new churches will be round and gilded. Of course, with a new iconostasis of the leaders of the Third Reich and war heroes. That is, all former saints are abolished. But candles, for example, and the enclosure of icons in a gilded frame remain. All priests dress in military uniform with shoulder straps. Women serve at the temples. There is even temple prostitution. This is already closer to paganism.
  In addition to candles, torches are also lit. There is a lot of red in the church itself, and the altars are red. Chandeliers in the shape of swastikas are also used. The music is also special. There are also organs and more modern instruments. In particular, Hitler loved hard rock with its rhythm. When everything kicks out and metal sounds.
  So service can be different. Calm , to the sounds of an organ, or deafening.
  The Fuhrer remembered that today the Krauts also demonstrated a new gas launcher. Something quite powerful, on a tracked vehicle. Capable of burning down fifty hectares of forest at once.
  Hitler imagined naked, burnt girls running away, the fire burning their bare soles. It's so cool and sexy.
  In Russia, the Germans encountered perhaps the most stubborn resistance. And the Fuhrer loved to torture a Russian woman.
  Hitler whistled and shouted:
  - Well, fight more energetically. Shoot the boys with torches.
  The Fuhrer remembered a childhood pastime. Like them, the village children played war and took a couple of boys prisoner. Well, they began to torture. Moreover, not for fun , but for real. They put newspaper sheets between their fingers and set them on fire. How the blond village boy screamed and desperately tried to break the ropes with which he was tied to the table.
  Yes, it was torture. It smelled salty , like they were roasting a lamb on a skewer. This even made Hitler laugh. And he lashed the boy's blistered feet with the twig.
  Well, the Fuhrer is a monster. A real inhumane bastard . And then they set fire between the fingers of the second boy. Nice boy
  tortured. Thus, for the first time, Hitler discovered the pleasure of torture. For him it became a kind of second entertainment. And replaced sex
  with women. The Fuhrer, of course, became angry. Apparently , in order to become a superman, you have to become a boner in the end.
  No, that episode with the torture of the boys did not go unpunished for the Fuhrer . They tore him out ... Fortunately , there were no serious consequences, the boys only received small blisters. But apparently they have suffered through fear for the rest of their lives.
  The Fuhrer had the opportunity, albeit carefully, to torture prisoners during the First World War. So he did not make a career, but he gained the necessary experience. Four orders and only the rank of corporal, and Adolf Hitler himself almost went blind ( unfortunately for many millions of people, just barely!), so he did not have very rosy memories.
  In the summer of 1918, when only forty miles remained to Paris, and before that Russia, engulfed in the Bolshevik rebellion, and Romania had capitulated. It was this summer that it was thought that the war was about to end in victory for Germany. And then Hitler came under a gas attack. How painful it is both physically and mentally.
  Maybe that's why the Fuhrer firmly adhered to the rule not to use chemical weapons. The course of the war, on the whole, was favorable for the Wehrmacht, and technology was constantly improving, and it was possible to do without potent means.
  The only people for whom the Fuhrer made an exception were the Jews. They were also poisoned with gas. True, recently Jewish scientists have been forced to work in prisons, and others at construction sites and factories. Now the Krauts have launched grandiose construction projects all over the world.
  Hitler, jumping up like a loach in a frying pan, roared:
  - And now the lions!
  Several hungry animals were lowered into the hangar. They attacked the boys and began to torment them. The boys desperately fought back with swords and spears.
  The Fuhrer hissed:
  - Let's! Fry them!
  And let's jump madly. And boys of different nationalities, but almost naked, had coals poured under their bare feet. They were scattered with the help of special muzzles so that the young gladiators were burned. And the groans and smells of burning meat became more and more numerous.
  Hitler, jumping up, roared:
  - Burn, crush, torment! I'm not Grandfather Mazai !
  The Fuhrer is indeed not a grandfather yet, but he has many children obtained by artificial insemination , already several hundred. They are kept in a dozen secret camps. A whole harem of carriers of Hitler's sperm was formed in the womb. And, of course, this creates a problem with determining a single heir.
  Hitler himself believes that a man should succeed him, but the best of the best will be determined by a competition.
  The thought of death worries the tyrant. True, it seems that the Fuhrer is still healthy and feels great. In addition to vegetarian food, Hitler swims in the sea every day and works out in exercise equipment. The Fuhrer is afraid to die. Moreover, while the heirs have not grown up, and there are no reliable successors in sight. Hermann Goering is clearly not suited to the role of the Fuhrer: the scale of his personality is not the same, although he is not such a fool. But Goering was also addicted to drugs, and he could not be Fuhrer with such an addiction.
  Goebbels is energetic, a really strong propagandist, quite intelligent, and fanatically loyal to the Fuhrer. However, he is short, lame, and even smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Although, of course, he is better than Goering. Maybe he should be appointed as a successor?
  Himmler ... Perhaps really the second person in the state and the head of the secret police. Despite his intelligent appearance, he is a ruthless executioner. Not a sadist, but cold-blooded. He did a lot for the development of science in the Third Reich. One of the achievements: zombie soldiers. Warriors who have no fear, submissive, like puppets, who do not feel pain, but are stupid. However , the Fuhrer understood that it was dangerous to officially declare Himmler his successor. It was not for nothing that Hitler removed his personal guards from the SS system, as did the Abwehr.
  Himmler could be a dictator with more justification than the rest. But the Fuhrer understood that this was a leader without charisma, who would be feared but not loved. Although, if the propaganda works, then part of the sensitive population will love the executioner!
  Well, Bormann, in general, is more of a six in life and an intriguer than a ruler. And a criminal too. As a secretary he is useful, but as the head of a worldwide empire?
  Speer? This member of the Nazi team is the most talented and capable. His merits in the production of weapons and the supply of high-quality equipment to the army are very great. Speer is still relatively young, educated, and impressive. It has both hardness and flexibility. But the Fuhrer was wary of personal loyalty. Speer is too smart to transfer power to one of the Fuhrer's children, and could become a dictator himself.
  Mainstein and Rommel? Two of the best commanders of the Third Reich. They are , of course, smart in their own way , but making martinets rulers ? And is it safe to transfer power to professional military men? This is how the Nazi Party could fall apart.
  There is only one conclusion: the Fuhrer has to live for a very long time until the children grow up, and the only one , unique and capable is selected from them. Then a dynasty will be founded.
  The fact that the Fuhrer bred so many descendants through artificial insemination is bad. A serious power struggle may break out among them. And this can tear apart an empire. Hitler shrugged. He has Stalin's son Yakov in the camp. He was captured and sent under guard to a quiet place. Then, when there was the first truce, the Fuhrer offered to exchange Stalin"s son for several SS officers, but was refused.
  Then the officers were returned anyway, but Yakov remained in captivity. He was treated well. Moreover, one of the young and pretty guards started an affair and became pregnant. The Fuhrer, who had some sympathy for Stalin personally, allowed Yakov to marry and live in a separate house, but under the protection of the SS.
  So they have Stalin's eldest son at gunpoint. The Fuhrer even thought about appointing his descendant Joseph as governor in Russia after its final conquest. This idea seemed logical .
  In the arena, the lions, having received many cuts from the boys" swords and spears, began to slow down.
  And the boys stabbed and chopped them. Too many boys were released. Bormann, seeing that the Fuhrer was not very happy with this continuation of the battle, ordered the crocodiles to be lowered.
  The toothy creatures entered the battle, opening their huge jaws. And they pounced on the boys and literally chewed them up. Swallowing like a deer.
  The boys squealed and squirmed. Their jaws squeezed their limbs and broke their bones. Scarlet, fresh blood splashed. And the coals burned on the boys" bare heels. Poor children, doomed to death.
  The Fuhrer drank a glass of chocolate cocktail with drops of human blood and said:
  - May my reign be eternal!
  Maxim Ogarev was still having his third dreams when there was a loud knock on their house. He immediately woke up and began to get dressed. A rough German voice shouted in broken Russian.
  - Get up, you inferior cattle! - And a strong blow with a machine gun on the door.
  The mother hurried to open it. Five SS men with machine guns and angry dogs burst into the hut.
  - Pioneer Maxim lives here. - Howled a tall fascist with the shoulder straps of a chief lieutenant.
  - Yes, here he is, but he"s not guilty of anything. - The mother began to voice.
  - We"ll figure it out later, but for now, puppy, get in the car.
  Without allowing him to dress properly, they grabbed him under the arms and dragged him into a truck covered with a tarpaulin. Several boys and girls were already sitting there, mostly pioneers from their school. The children were half naked and trembling; the boys, however, tried to act courageously.
  - We are most likely being taken to a camp, or to donate blood, that"s okay. - said his classmate Igor.
  - Donate blood, last time they pumped so much out of me that I couldn"t get up for a week.
  - Me too, but still better than death.
  "Several of our peers died after that." - Maxim sighed heavily.
  The Nazis went around several more houses and, having collected fifteen pioneers: ten boys and five girls, took them to an unknown direction. Motorcyclists rode in front and behind, and a wedge heel trailed at the very tail.
  - No, it doesn"t look like we"re being taken to test the juices of life, there"s too much escort, and the hospital is on the other side. - Maxim began.
  - The partisans could have destroyed this viper . - Igor answered. " I heard that the last time a train with fuel was blown up, how the Germans went berserk after that."
  - They burned the neighboring village, shot and hanged more than three hundred people. Worse than animals.
  - Well, it"s okay, my parents listen to the radio underground. Our people are advancing near Moscow, soon the fascists will be in trouble.
  - If we stay alive, we will go to the partisans, I could be a scout.
  - And I can bandage wounds. - The girl interjected. - We were trained in courses.
  Maxim said with a breath.
  I believe the whole world will wake up
  There will be an end to fascism
  The sun will shine brightly
  The path illuminating communism!
  - Soon we will be free. - Maxim raised his hand in the pioneer salute. - Long live the party and Stalin!
  The children joined in unanimously.
  - Long live Lenin, long live Stalin!
  The truck stopped, and the angry face of an SS man appeared.
  - Russian kinder pigs. Don't make any noise! - And he fired a burst into the air.
  Looking at his eyes blazing with anger, the guys fell silent. Then we drove in silence, in the dark and nothing was visible behind the tarpaulin. Finally, the car finally stopped, and screams were heard.
  - Kinder on the way out!
  The children went down and found themselves in the courtyard of a rather large luxurious mansion. They were brought into the hallway and ordered to take off their clothes.
  -You are too dirty pioneers! You need to be polished. A woman with Hauptmann's shoulder straps shouted .
  The boys and girls were taken to the showers, leaving them with towels and soap.
  - You must be as clean as glass, piglets.
  Although the guys didn"t know why this was necessary, they happily washed themselves with warm water from the shower. True, the girls were embarrassed and ran into a separate bath. When the boys tried to peek, they began to squeal and throw a basin filled with water.
  - Okay, that's enough! Maxim shouted: "You are already adults and there is no need for you to frolic like that."
  At the exit, another surprise awaited the children: their previous clothes had disappeared, and on the chairs lay a smoothly ironed pioneer summer uniform with bright ties.
  - Wow, this looks like a performance. - Maxim was surprised.
  -Maybe the Germans want to see how we accept fireworks? - One of the boys suggested.
  - It"s unlikely, but we"ll see. Let's not lose honor to the flag.
  A fascist officer appeared in front of them.
  - Kinder Pioneer , which of you knows how to beat a drum?
  -I! - Igor took a step towards the meeting.
  - Take the instrument. - A large SS man's hem is still a new drum, clearly requisitioned from the pioneers.
  - When you go out into the street you will beat me. "Then the fascist came up with a trick. - Do you love your homeland and people?
  - Yes, and we are ready to give our lives for her! - The pioneers barked bravely .
  - And you will have such an opportunity. Now on the way out.
  - How? - Maxim was surprised. - We are almost naked and barefoot.
  - And since you are savages, go, or we will kill you on the spot.
  A dozen SS men raised their machine guns; it was clear that the Nazis were not joking.
  - Let's go guys, pioneers are not afraid of snow. - Said Maxim, who was the class commander.
  The children headed towards the exit, and when the stinging snow touched their bare feet, the girls squealed. The boys walked silently, mechanically trying to keep their feet in line. Although the December snowdrift bit Maxim on the heels, the boy smiled, trying to show that he was having fun. He often hardened himself by running barefoot in the snow, so he was not so scared.
  But for those who didn"t try it, it was terrible, the frost stung. The guys involuntarily increased their pace, especially since the Germans were shouting - schnel , schnel !
  Having led them to a flattering edge, the senior fascist in the uniform of an SS Standartenführer spoke through an interpreter.
  - So, pioneers, know that a grand hunt will begin for you. We'll give you a twenty minute head start. Whoever manages to hide will live, but the rest will face a painful death.
  The SS men standing in the cordon began to laugh.
  - Run!
  The children froze and did not move. Then the Nazis fired machine guns. Boys and girls took off, running as fast as they could. You could see the bare heels, flushed in the cold, flashing by.
  - Faster, our salvation is in speed.
  However, the girls gradually fell behind, and Maxim and Igor, as active athletes, even went out of town to play in football matches, took the lead. The frost was a first-class stimulus, it was easy and comfortable to run in shorts, but the cold grabbed you like pincers. In addition, the snowdrift is not deep yet, which also makes running easier.
  - Don't run like a flock of sheep. - Maxim screamed at the top of his lungs. - Let"s run to the sides, it"s harder to catch us !
  - Save your breath. - Igor added. - Don"t give it your all, your full limit, the distance will be long.
  The children did not disperse immediately; dawn had just begun to rise, and it was still quite dark and scary.
  Running warmed Maxim up and he felt much more energetic. But for the girls, who were not accustomed to such harsh hardening, it was painful, it seemed as if their feet were burning with fire.
  Some girls stop and try to clumsily rub their feet with snow, but it doesn"t help them much.
  From behind you can hear the reckless barking of dogs - the hunt has begun. Killer dogs specially trained to catch people overtake them. With the last of their strength, the girls and boys accelerate. Here the first predatory mouth of the shepherd catches up with its victim: the fangs close on the leg. The girl falls and the dog jumps on top, biting her hand right through.
  Natasha, as the unfortunate woman who fell into the monster"s fangs was called, twitches and screams. The evil dog drags her, continuing to torment her as he goes, but in no hurry to sink his fangs into her throat. Several noble Krauts ride on horses, including SS General Stoffen . He leans down from his horse and plunges a bayonet into the girl"s stomach, then lifts her top. German speech sounds.
  - I"ll make such a chop from Russian pigs, you"ll swallow your tongue.
  - If you want, we will prepare you a kebab from this carrion - you will lick your fingers. - The general"s cook is "joking."
  Finally, the girl calms down, and the high-ranking sadist looks for another victim.
  The next object of torture is a boy, after the dog chewed off his leg, the boy was hooked by the ribs and dragged through the snow. Other Germans whipped the victim with their feet, laughing merrily as they did so.
  They simply hung another boy by his ribs, dragged him onto a branch, and then swung him around and beat him with rifle butts. The boy asked to finish him off, and one deft blow turned off his consciousness.
  Another girl was also hung up, burned with fire, her dress and long hair were burned. Oksana turned into a living torch, dying from a monstrous painful shock.
  Another blond-haired and blue-eyed boy was almost unharmed by the dogs; he was lifted up, his hands tied behind his back. Then the general spoke in Russian.
  - Poor child, how cold your feet seem to be, now we"ll warm them up. "The SS man brought a torch to him, the flame predatorily licked the child"s red heel. The boy roared until the flames rose higher and he lost consciousness.
  - I don"t like it when they switch off, the victims have to tremble and twitch. The next one, I hope, will be stronger.
  The next girl who ended up in hell was scalped alive by the Nazis and then set on fire. One might say, they took pity on the next boy, Rostislav, by simply hanging him, although they strangled him very slowly. Another boy was cut into pieces with daggers, skinned and sprinkled with salt. You can describe for a long time what these barbarians, outwardly civilized, but in fact terrible savages, did. Many books have been written about the atrocities of the Nazis and a large number of films have been made, but what the Nazis actually did is beyond my unbridled imagination. The general, Kaltenbrunner's closest ally , licked the blood from the dagger; he pathologically hated the Slavs, especially children.
  - It is necessary to completely exterminate the Slavic tribe, we do not need such rebellious slaves! - The animal in uniform squealed. - Today I will burn another village and a couple of churches.
  While the general was getting on , Maxim and Igor managed to noticeably break away. They were the only ones who survived sadistic meat grinder. It seemed that the threat hanging over the boys had passed, when a huge shepherd dog rushing along the trail overtook them.
  -Run Maxim, I"ll detain her! - Igor shouted.
  - I won't leave you. - Maxim tore off a heavy branch and rushed at the shepherd.
  The dog, apparently, did not expect such insolence and retreated. The blow hit her right in the face .
  The dog squealed and rushed forward, he was very large, a monster, fattened on corpses. Having swooped down on Igor, he sank his fangs into the boy"s stomach. The boy screamed and fell, his guts came out, and blood gushed out thickly. Then Maxim, in despair, shined a stick in the monster"s eye.
  The blow blew out his eye, the shock of pain forced him to unclench his teeth and the shepherd dog began to run away, whining. Maxim threw the stick, hitting him on the back again, and the dog picked up speed.
  - Go to your occupiers, chew their boots. - The boy lifted his friend.
  - Igor, are you alive?
  mortally wounded lad could hardly open his eyelids.
  - Oh, it"s you Maxim. Leave me, I'm no longer a tenant . "Igor gurgled in a weak voice, blood flowing from his lungs.
  - No! I won"t abandon you, but I will bring you to the partisans. There you will be put on your feet.
  - Better finish me, it hurts me a lot. - Igor coughed, blood gushed from his throat.
  - No, my comrade and brother, I will carry you.
  Somehow, having bandaged the wound with his shirt and shouldering his unconscious comrade, Maxim wandered along the road. It was not easy for a twelve-year-old boy to carry his peer, who, it is true, had become thin under the occupation, but was still strong and wiry.
  So he walked, it was already dawn, but the winter sun practically did not warm him. Maxim quickened his pace, since the Nazis could appear at any moment. His naked torso was blown by the cold wind, his skin was covered with pimples.
  All around stood trees thickly shrouded in frost and snow, the snowdrift underfoot was prickly and , like a shell, covered with an ice crust. He was no longer so cold, as he was straining, dragging a heavy load. His comrade fell silent and no longer moved, having lost consciousness, and maybe even giving up, but Maxim continued to drag. So he went out into the swamp and began to fall knee-deep into dirty water. With great difficulty, he stretched out his numb legs, scratched by the sharp breaking ice, and continued to wander.
  The boy was scared; as soon as you stopped for a moment, you were sucked into the inexorable abyss. Maxim was jumping up and down, the rays of the sun were invigorating. However, the weather in December is capricious, clouds rolled in, the frost began to get stronger, and thin snow began to fall. The boy was choking with tension, but held Igor tightly.
  - I"d rather die, but I won"t leave you.
  A raven flew over him, almost touching him with its wing, then several more creatures, Maxim drove them away with a desperate cry. Finally, after a seemingly endless time, the swamp ended, it became easier to walk, but the frost tormented the child"s wet feet too much. The boy , to cheer himself up, sang a revolutionary song.
  Hostile whirlwinds soar above us
  March, march forward, working people!
  We will boldly enter the battle with enemies
  March, march forward, working people!
  This, oddly enough, gave me strength. The boy bent down and, scooping up a handful of snow, put it in his mouth, moistening his dry throat. He felt better, but as soon as he stopped, he began to feel chills. The momentary relief caused additional suffering. To top it all off, he began to suffer from hunger. Under the Germans, they ate very little, and they burned a lot of calories in the cold. Suddenly Igor came to his senses, stirred and muttered:
  - Drink!
  - You can"t, your stomach is cut. When we arrive in the village, I think I recognize these places, it"s not far away, they will help you.
  Igor muttered indistinctly in response, and then lost consciousness again.
  - So much the better, my friend suffers less this way.
  The shoulder hurt and lay down, the boy carefully shifted his comrade. He was already very tired, but living without his father, he was accustomed to hard work from a very early age, and sports only helped with this. Finally, he smelled fresh burning, the smoke tickled his nose pleasantly, and he even smelled of fried meat.
  - Well , I said, salvation is nearby.
  The inspired boy quickened his pace. It even became easier to breathe; after walking a few hundred meters, he came to the edge of the forest. Suddenly a terrible picture opened before him: burnt huts, charred boards and ashes. Trembling with fear, the boy came closer; burnt corpses were visible, most of them children and women. The boy approached the ashes and stepped on them with his bare feet. It had not yet had time to cool down, and Maxim felt pleased. Then he walked barefoot on the hot surface, his feet, blue from the cold, turned red , and blood flowed through his veins. Even when he stood barefoot on the coals, at first it did not hurt him; only after standing, he felt the burn and, groaning, hastily jumped off them.
  - Damn fascists. You killed our women and children, but still we will kill you with dogs, and our soldiers will march in victorious formation through Berlin. I will volunteer for the army and personally punch Hitler in the face , and then the Fuhrer will be hanged. The boy stepped onto the snow again, the blisters calmed down.
  Suddenly he heard someone faintly crying. The boy looked around and noticed a slight movement.
  Maxim approached, and the corpse of a torn, half-naked woman, riddled with machine gun fire, lay lying there. A baby was fussing nearby, looking no more than a year old; it was a girl, wrapped in swaddling clothes and covered with snow. Her hot breath melted the snowflakes, while giving off heat, the baby was clearly freezing.
  Maxim bent over, the diapers were torn and wet, they did not warm him. The boy himself was already half naked; there was nothing else to take off.
  - At least something has to survive.
  Having picked up the girl, he vigorously rubbed her limbs, warming her with his breath. Then he began to examine the sad reality surrounding him. The Germans burned down almost all the houses and drove the people into the barn. Those who tried to escape were shot on the spot and their corpses were robbed. And yet he was lucky. One of the murdered women kept a warm scarf, felt boots and a jacket. Maxim, asking out loud for forgiveness from the deceased, took off her scarf and wrapped the girl. Then he put the felt boots on Igor"s numb feet, despite the fact that he rubbed them from time to time. He left nothing for himself, so half naked and barefoot, with a now double burden, he wandered through the cold, the nearest village was fifteen kilometers away and he still had to be found. And this child accomplished a feat comparable to the actions of Alexander the Great, if you compare the efforts spent on it.
  The transition was terrifying, a blizzard began, a hellish cold blew over the naked, and even wet, body. The skin turned blue-violet, the fingers did not bend, icicles hung from the hair. Maxim understood that if he stopped, fell, and in a few minutes he would turn into ice. His strength became less and less, but the understanding that not only his own life, but also the existence of his comrade, as well as this little moving lump, depended on his efforts, inspired him, turning the child into a titan.
  . CHAPTER No. 11.
  About four hours have passed since the end of the hunt. The Nazis, having driven two more boars and three foxes, feasted, pouring expensive French wines and cognacs into their greedy throats, mixing it with nasty schnapps. The general was pleased, the hunt went well, but they hid from him that the two boys managed to escape. SS Gruppenführer Stoffen , however, devoured the meat in large pieces, like a savage; at his personal request, they prepared a roast for him from the murdered boy and girl.
  "I"ve been wanting to try human meat for a long time, but the kids were good, not fat."
  Two drunken colonels supported the impulse of their boss; the "snack" goes well with "Bordeaux" and vodka.
  - I think girls still taste better, their meat is much more tender. - Said the fascist officer, smacking his lips.
  - Girls are fatter, boys are meatier. - Answered another "cannibal colonel" Klein. - I prefer boys.
  - Yes, you seem blue. - Suddenly the general became furious. - It's time to send you to the racial department. I'll call Himler now .
  - No need! - Clay yelled. The alcohol-addled mind was looking for a way out. - Here he is! - pointed a finger at his colleague. - More to blame than me.
  - Why do you ask? - The general hatched the zenki.
  - And he hid that two boys ran away from you.
  - What?! "The general hit the black, expensive sandalwood table so hard that several bottles flew off.
  - You deceived us! You cheated! Well, look, you goat, you will have a tribunal.
  - Sorry, Your Excellency, half an hour and they will be caught.
  - And brought here alive or dead! Look, colonel , I"ll skin you alive!
  The brave warrior ran out from behind the table and began hastily gathering a team. He still had a chance to pick up the trail with the help of dogs.
  The Nazis were in a hurry to carry out the orders of their superiors, they could have gotten into trouble, the worst punishment for obese SS men was being sent to the front. It"s one thing to mock a defenseless population, and another thing to find yourself in the thick of war.
  Despite the wind and a light blizzard, the tracks were not completely covered yet. The shepherd dogs took the trail, and an SS unit on horseback rushed after them.
  By this time, Maxim was completely exhausted, his legs were tangled, and he wandered, no longer making out the road, his eyes clouded with fatigue. True, the blizzard subsided, but this made it even worse, and from behind we heard the choking barking of dogs.
  -The Nazis are coming for me! - the boy whispered barely audibly . The boy began to quicken his pace, but his legs could not support him and, giving way, the child fell. Shepherd dogs that looked like wolves surrounded him; they would have torn the boy and those he was carrying if the SS men had not restrained them.
  - Alive, it"s best to take these Russian Kinder alive . Then we'll have fun with them.
  The Colonel leaned over and flicked the ash off his cigarette.
  - Yes, there is a baby with them. I wonder what it tastes like. - Said the drunken sadist, rubbing his hands contentedly.
  - Maybe we can hang them on a hook? - Suggested by an elderly SS man.
  - No, the general will kill us if we deprive him of the pleasure of personally frying these kinders .
  Having thrown their burden onto their horses, the Nazis were about to follow into the layer camp, when an almost invisible ribbon of light passed through their ranks. Judging by the screams and squeals, the Nazis had a hard time. They were killed, cut into pieces right with their horses, falling under a merciless scalpel, the Nazis rushed to flee, because they were brave only against defenseless women and children. Only the shepherd dogs showed extraordinary courage, huddling together in a pack and trying to attack the unknown attackers. However, an unenviable fate awaited them too, once a ray of light cut off the mad pack. In general, as a military weapon, the laser is very effective, especially against troops not covered by a force field. The Nazis failed to escape: they were cut to pieces and burned to death, every single one of them .
  The barefoot, half-frozen pioneer Maxim blinked his eyes in surprise. Four tanned, barefoot, wearing only panties and a belt, girls came out to meet them.
  They are somehow strange, they have fancy pistols in their hands, their arms and legs are very strong with prominent muscles.
  The blonde girl walking first said:
  - We are not glitches... We are from another world, but we have very little time, let's examine your partner.
  The second girl , a fiery redhead, took a bottle from her belt and cooed:
  - Living water will help us!
  The girl, energetically stepping with her bare feet in the snow, approached Igor. She carefully dropped a drop onto his stomach, chirping:
  - Let there be life!
  And she lightly rubbed the exhausted boy over the cut and burns. And right before our eyes, the wound began to heal and the scars began to fade. Igor opened his eyes and whispered:
  - Holy Mary...
  The redhead shook her head negatively and cooed:
  - I'm Angelica, not Maria!
  The boy smacked his lips and tried to sit up. He staggered and almost fell on the snow.
  Angelica stroked the boy"s light head and said:
  - Calm down! Get some sleep and your strength will return!
  Maxim looked at the girls gratefully and said:
  -Are you angels?
  Natasha shook her head negatively:
  - No! We are Komsomol girls!
  The pioneer muttered with hidden hope:
  - So ours have such powerful weapons?
  Natasha replied:
  - Unfortunately, no ... Yes , and we only have half an hour left here. We were sent only for an hour to the place where we most wanted to be!
  And the warrior ordered:
  "Let"s take the boy and girl to the village, and at the same time we"ll mow down the Germans!"
  Zoya put the sleeping Igor on her back, Svetlana took the girl in her arms. Maxim ran on lightly. So much easier. During the occupation, the boy got used to running around from frost to frost, and even in winter, therefore, he was not too afraid of frostbitten limbs.
  The girls hurried to jog, and Maxim could barely keep up with them. The boy had to run as fast as he could. And he is already tired, even if now he is relieved of a heavy burden.
  Girls who have grown strong on elven grub are, of course, very strong and fast. They try to hold back the run so that Maxim doesn"t fall behind. But the boy is not a superman, and his bare feet, red as the feet of a goose, are braided from fatigue. Finally, Natasha picked up the boy on her back and rushed with him.
  Afterwards, the girls sharply increased their pace and galloped off like horses. There were Germans in the village. There was already a morally obsolete "Panther"-2, and completely new "E"-50.
  The girls stopped running and began to look at the tanks.
  Natasha noted:
  - These are completely different, the trunks are so long, and especially the second one is squat.
  Zoya said angrily:
  - We should exterminate them! And not to admire.
  And the warriors hit the German tanks with rays of magoblasters . Blinding jets hit the German car. And in the blink of an eye the metal was melted. It was as if fire scissors cut the tank and began to tear, detonating the shells.
  Natasha, shooting, growled:
  - The motto of our matches: - Don"t be sorry, smash, give good hockey to the elves!
  The Germans and their foreign lackeys ran out of their houses and fell under the magic laser beams of half-naked girls. It all looked like a fairytale dream.
  Maxim hissed:
  - What a miracle!
  Natasha winked at the boy and said:
  - Not "Zaporozhets", just a miracle of miracles. We have a Soviet electronic Mercedes!
  Angelica fired another beam at the third tank, in this case it was a Goering-5, and piped up:
  - The Nazis can"t reach me!
  The delighted Maxim sang:
  I am a pioneer, Stalin's own son,
  I went barefoot to fight this pack...
  Drifts of burning gray snow,
  But there is a call - defeat the fascist!
  simple guy , my name is Maxim,
  I shoot from a machine gun like a rook...
  The middle of the tank was blown up,
  It feels like crying!
  We thresh the Krauts bravely, pioneers,
  We can safely knock you out...
  We are knights and new examples,
  We pass the exams with a solid A!
  The boy is the son of great giants,
  Knows how to fight, straight from the nursery...
  When the people and the army are united ,
  We are not afraid of the desperate villain!
  We will defeat the fascists, I believe,
  The executioner will receive a quick score...
  Let's defeat all the filthy revenge-seekers,
  And the army of Russia will save everyone in battles!
  There is no happier and more beautiful homeland,
  But only inside of her is a hurricane raging...
  in power on the planet ,
  And a furious blow to the Nazis!
  Yes, it"s hard for boys and girls,
  In unequal battles, where the fascist is king...
  But a ringing pioneer voice is heard,
  Don"t touch my fatherland, don"t you touch it!
  You could waste years all in vain,
  But believe me, the pioneer is ready for anything...
  Under a banner turned red by blood,
  We will crush the villains and thieves!
  This is a very cruel matrix in which different things happen.
  Valerka, Leshka, Slavka and Marinka unexpectedly received an alarm.
  And the children flew out of the Hypernet and virtual realities. And finding themselves in real space on the fourth planet of the star Sirius, the pioneers gasped in surprise.
  The tan faded from them, and they became very pale, and fangs appeared in the mouths of the boys and girls. And they were literally stunned.
  Several beautiful girls in combat costumes were next to the children. Their eyes literally bulged out.
  There were also a couple of medical robots standing there. They also raised their antennas.
  Valerka said in fear:
  - What happened to us?
  Marinka squeaked in fear:
  - Why are we so pale?
  Levka chirped, shaking his head:
  -And why do we have fangs in our mouths?
  Slavka ran his finger over his teeth and exclaimed in fear:
  - I pricked myself about them!
  The children, who had become deathly pale as a sheet, looked frightened and confused.
  The robot doctor noted:
  - They need to be thoroughly scanned. Apparently they were infected with some kind of virus unknown to science!
  A Komsomol girl flew up higher and suggested:
  - Well, we will conduct the most thorough research of them, even deliver them to the computer center through the transfer portal!
  Slavka sniffled and wheezed:
  - Doesn"t it hurt?
  The girl, who was apparently in charge here, answered:
  - No! You will be put into artificial sleep during the scan. So with the most careful examination, even down to the quarks, you will feel absolutely nothing.
  Marinka exclaimed:
  - Wow !
  Valerka grumbled reluctantly:
  - Yes, it's quasar !
  Levka giggled and squeaked:
  - Hyperpulsar !
  A device flew into the room, looking like a highly sophisticated tank with many flexible barrels.
  The children exclaimed in unison:
  - Ultrastar !
  The senior pioneer leader, a very beautiful girl in a white robe, announced:
  - Well, now you will not only be examined, but also treated. At this time you will see cool and unique dreams.
  Valerka noted with a smile of a capricious child:
  - Well, this is very cool ! We will be extremely satisfied until the end of the day!
  Marinka twitched her bare foot and wanted to say something else, when a bright stream of light, shining with all the colors of the rainbow, fell on the children, and the girl was covered, enlightened through and through. And the whole four of them swam across the waves and found themselves in some kind of wild dream.
  The Fuhrer of the Third Reich himself looked towards America and thought about freeing his hands in the east. But the warm season had come , the Krauts were finally going to seize some Soviet lands before the "straw peace" was concluded. Since the Fritzes were afraid to attack the well-fortified Moscow , the attack was launched in the direction of Kuibyshev - right along the Volga. The lands here are quite rich. Another thing that the Krauts opened their mouths to: Uzbekistan. Also rich lands, reserves of raw materials and gas. Plus the opportunity to connect with Japan.
  Not to mention the cotton plantations. Hitler, by and large, could have completed his conquests in Russia. Capturing the Urals is cold, and Moscow is surrounded by seven rings of defense. Which are difficult for even "Mouse" and "E"-100 to penetrate.
  At the same time, the Third Reich began intensive construction of ships and transports in order to be able to land in Canada. In addition, Argentina and Brazil promised to become major bases. Hitler decided that by maximally straining the Third Reich and using the free labor of the colonies, it was possible to simultaneously increase the tank and aviation fleet and build a colossal fleet.
  For now, the Krauts needed time. So the eastern front did not close. And the battle continued.
  The USSR, which lost a lot of territory, has its own problems. In particular, the T-34-85 tank could not yet replace the less powerful T-34-76. So we had to use an obsolete machine. But Soviet Russia had many different weapons. This made it possible to hold back the pressure of the Nazis.
  In the second half of May, fierce battles broke out in Orenburg.
  The battalion of girls, thinned out during the battles for Stalingrad, entered the battle with the Nazis in this city, better known for the famous siege of Emelyan Pugachev.
  Alenka, the battalion commander, took her place in the trench. The captain girl is very beautiful. According to tradition, the girls in this battalion fight barefoot in just a bikini. So they use earth magic, which gives special protection. And indeed, the girls suffer much less losses than the other units.
  Not everyone can survive six months in Stalingrad.
  Next to her is curvy Maria with golden hair. It also went through fire, water and copper pipes. A tough test awaited the girls in the very heat of the Stalingrad hell. They fought to the end and survived. And the magic of their native land helped them.
  Apparently, when you fight almost naked, bullets and shrapnel practically don"t hurt you.
  Maria shoots at the Nazis. Ahead, the Germans, in order to save Aryan blood, traditionally abandon blacks, Arabs, Hindus and other foreigners. The number of foreigners in the Wehrmacht is constantly growing, and they are thrown into the thick of things without pity.
  Here the African killed by Maria falls. The girl blows him a kiss and says:
  - I feel sorry for you. You don't die because you want to.
  And again the girl hits the Arab with a rifle. Colonial Wehrmacht troops break through. Already warm and comfortable. The fascists are trying to catch the time of year when everything is in bloom and sunny. Stormtroopers roar in the sky. Both the newest jets, their number is constantly increasing, and the TA-152, which replaced the outdated Focke-Wulfs. However, the latter are still fighting.
  Golden-haired Maria pushed away a piece of ceramic with her bare, graceful foot and chirped:
  - My land is torn apart by groaning, the fields are soaked in blood. It"s a pity, there is no place for the fallen in heaven, only the poplars circle in the ashes.
  And again the Indian fell from her shot. Yes, you have to kill foreigners who have been rounded up like cannon fodder. How else? Otherwise, they will kill you.
  Red Alla. A fiery girl with long copper-red hair that flutters like a proletarian military banner. The girl performs not only in a bikini, but even without a bra. She's like, she's cool. And it also shoots surprisingly accurately. Every now and then soldiers fall from her shots with their heads pierced.
  Then Alla throws a grenade with her bare toes. The gift flies along a broken trajectory and ends up in a crowd of Arabs. An explosion is heard ... Several mutilated bodies are thrown into the air!
  Alla shouts at the top of her lungs:
  - I wanted to make an iron - suddenly it turned out to be an elephant!
  Anyuta, a charming blonde, tanned and very slender, curvy, of average height, but perfectly built, also fired. She hit the infidel on the bridge of his nose and sang:
  - Wings like a bee, flowers instead of ears!
  The girls fire very accurately and are constantly moving.
  Large and fleshy Matryona gained a little weight after Stalingrad. She is also a beautiful girl, with wide hips, but a relatively narrow waist. She went through this hell and lost Seryozhka. A brave pioneer who invents traps for the Germans was captured. Yes, it didn't work out too well.
  But then Matryona failed the mechanism, and a mine slid under the German tank. Panther 2 was damaged and stopped, having been seriously stung.
  "Mouses" still take part in battles. This tank is distinguished by its heavy weight and survivability. But "E"-100 also appeared. These machines are no less protected, more nimble. Lev-2 is also fighting, also a machine, well protected and lighter than its predecessors. For the Lev, the Germans often use a 150-mm cannon, which is more convenient for storming cities. Some "Lions" are also equipped with bomb launchers.
  But the Germans advance the tanks carefully and throw the infantry forward.
  Colonial soldiers move forward. Crazy music is playing!
  Alla fires a burst from a machine gun. The soldiers fall and blood splashes, as if from a watermelon broken with a shovel.
  The redhead says:
  - For the Motherland, for Stalin, there is no stronger army! We fight fiercely for happiness for people! And our Leader has falcon wings... He gives light to hope! The blow of the steel hammer brought dawn to us!
  Alla sings and shoots. She is truly beautiful. She has tanned, golden-olive breasts, with ripe strawberry nipples. How delicious this girl is! It's hard to imagine something more impressive and attractive. Guys look at this Amazon in only thin panties.
  The red-haired girl knocked down five Indians and sang:
  - There will be time, astronautics will develop. And for us, war is high romance!
  And the girl laughed again. And again she opened her surprisingly and amazingly accurate fire.
  Having encountered strong defenses, the Germans again throw attack aircraft and bombers into battle. The infantry has withdrawn, and shells and bombs are raining down on the girls' positions.
  And tanks work from a distance. Alena gives the order:
  - Everyone hide in the dugouts!
  And she herself remains to observe on the surface. The Nazis' artillery preparation is powerful. And even more dangerous bombs. Some of them are dropped by such monsters as the Yu-488 and the newest TA-400. Bombs weighing nine tons fall and are capable of destroying dugouts and fortifications. Alenka was thrown up by the blast wave, and her bare heels hit a pile of stones painfully.
  My soles were burned. But otherwise, the girl captain was not injured. And they dropped a very powerful bomb, even the roar of it hurt my ears. No, there"s nothing that can happen in the world.
  But girls, indeed, are distinguished by their enviable survival rate. While men are dying and dying!
  Alenka remembered how the young man Julius caressed her. How he kissed her stomach, legs, knees, thighs and chest. How pleasant it is to be pawed by a young and handsome man who has just recently begun to develop a mustache. But then Julius died in the dugout, crushed by a direct hit from a bomb. And there wasn"t even a wet spot left from it.
  The young man went to ... where? To heaven, to hell, to oblivion? But the main thing is that he is not on earth now. And Alenka is very bitter about this.
  If only she could take this Hitler's head on a tree stump. Soon the war has been going on for three years. The Nazis are already storming Orenburg. Their pincers broke through far away.
  Alenka was distinguished by her great amorousness and temperament. She usually preferred younger and even young soldiers. And at the first opportunity she started an affair. Alena loved when her strong, trained body was caressed and touched by handsome men. During the war, morals became simpler, and no one looked particularly askance at the fact that a Red Army officer was making out with men.
  Alenka, like a cat, loved stroking and affection. And for her this is the highest pleasure.
  But how many of her lovers have already passed into the next world! What an insidious and evil thing war is. Although the men stuck to Alenka. Of course, such a beauty came out with all her face, figure, and voice.
  And in general, when a woman is young, she is most often beautiful. Here are five of them, howling almost from the beginning of the war - very nice. Four girls are blonde and one is red. Like a five-pointed star. They've been through a lot of hell, but they've never been seriously injured. Unless there were scratches.
  Usually everything healed on Alenka, like on a dog, and there were no scars left.
  And now, bombs are falling, shells are exploding, but she doesn"t care! So everything is extremely funny.
  Although no ... War is no time for fun. And sometimes girls in her battalion also die. Even bare feet for a girl are not a guarantee of immortality. And in Stalingrad , in the men's battalions, literally everyone was often killed.
  The city on the Volga covered itself with glory. For six months they held back the onslaught of Hitler's hordes. The Germans and their satellites lost about a million killed and wounded in the battles for Stalingrad. True, most of the dead were foreigners!
  The Fuhrer brought troops from all over the Earth to Rus'. There were even American mercenaries, mostly of German origin. Lots of Indians. India is a densely populated country, and the Fuhrer ordered more active use of men as cannon fodder. And take Indian women into harems. In fact, it was allowed to have several wives in the Third Reich. The Pope gave permission for this at gunpoint. And other churches approved. The Fuhrer himself revised his views on Aryan blood. The Germans were allowed, after additional selection, to have Slavic, European, Arab, and Indian wives, provided that they had no physical defects and were absolutely healthy. Marriages with black women were prohibited, but it was not forbidden to use African women in brothels, but only with contraception. After selection, marriages with Japanese, Thai, and Korean women were allowed.
  But again, the requirements were for beauty, external data, health, and the absence of physical defects. Now the role of pedigree was declining. There are many more foreign divisions in the SS than there are German ones. And the Wehrmacht was replenished with foreigners. The colonial troops consisted entirely of natives, but they were commanded by the Germans.
  The Fuhrer took over the organization of troops from Genghis Khan, mixing peoples and forming a motley army.
  Of course, in such conditions, the USSR gradually lost the war of attrition. This strategic doom forced us to be especially inventive. But there was an unexpected chance: the United States, where it had already managed to suppress the rebellion of Africans and representatives of Latin nationality, intensified work on the atomic bomb. And if we hold out for some more time, a truce with the Third Reich is possible while the war with the United States continues.
  And there maybe the Nazis will fight to such an extent that they no longer want to fight. And then Soviet Russia will survive.
  The bombing and massive artillery shelling ended. And the assault begins again. The city has already been turned into ruins; not a single intact house remains. Alas, the enemy is very cruel and strong.
  The girls get to the surface and meet the oncoming infantrymen with fire. Tanks are creeping in...
  Alena, having shot the Indian, whispered:
  - May God grant the blind to open their eyes and straighten the backs of the hunchbacked!
  After which, the beauty clicked the shutter. She took aim again and nailed . She hit the Arab and flashed her sapphire eyes. She ran her barefoot, curved, dusty sole over the gravel. The girl felt a little ticklish. She laughed. It became more fun. The beauty shot again .
  Alena fired and smiled. And she got there. Forcing the enemy to stop and freeze. The enemy returned fire. He threw grenades and roared.
  Then the stormtroopers appeared again. There were few of them, but there were jet cars flying that threw out rockets. The Nazis threw grenades at the girls" positions. But bare, feminine legs seemed to protect from defeat. And the warriors, immersed in shelling, survived the fire.
  The movement of the enemy infantry stopped. The Nazis tried to smoke out the Reds by throwing rockets.
  Alena hid in the gap and chirped:
  - But from the taiga to the British seas... The Red Army is the strongest of all!
  Red-haired Alla also squeezed into the gap and avoided being hit by fragments. The beautiful girl remembered how she, while still an angular teenager, was arrested following a denunciation.
  I remember the search. They forced the young arrested woman to undress. Two women wearing gloves carefully felt the girl"s nose, ears, mouth, and looked into her private parts. How humiliating, embarrassing, scary , terrifying it was. When they brought her to the cell, Alla was very afraid of being in the company of other criminals. But in the cell there were girls just like her, almost all children of repressed people. And the worst thing did not come true.
  But it was hard to sit in the cell: it was cramped, and guards often barged in. They beat me for the slightest reason and for no reason. The guards especially liked to hit the girls' heels with batons. Despite the cold in the cells, the girls were kept barefoot, and their feet were swollen from constant blows.
  Searches became another misfortune. They were carried out several times a day and it was very painful, unpleasant and humiliating.
  They fed me sparsely and whipped me on walks. Alla spent six months behind bars in constant humiliation, bullying, beatings, and humiliating searches. And then, under Beria, she was sent to a children"s labor colony. Even without a trial.
  Alla worked there from five in the morning until late in the evening with other girls. Until the war started. And the red-haired grown-up girl ran to the front. I managed to do this with a dozen other girls.
  Her military routine began. But during the war, the red-haired devil felt much better than in the labor colony. A prison sentence and punishment for escape still hung over her. But Alla, who had already been awarded two orders, was not touched.
  The girl experienced a lot in the colony. Including love. The boys lived in a neighboring barracks and, despite the formal prohibition, made their way to the girls. And they, in turn, wanted to know the forbidden . Alla, in any case, immediately liked it. The hot red-haired girl felt sinful pleasure.
  However, she was also unlucky in the war. Always, after having sex, a man or young man died in battle. It was as if there was some kind of curse on the redhead. Moreover, without any exceptions. Therefore, despite her beauty, a bad reputation spread about Alla, and men began to avoid her.
  The red-haired devil suffered from a lack of male attention. And she found delight in killing men. And she again fired at the enemy, and grinned like a tigress.
  Alla shot the black man and mentally imagined him in captivity. It was interesting to have fun with such a tall and handsome man. In general, it is common for a redhead to play an active role with a man . She is a strong and determined woman. What about the fact that the man will be killed later? So what, she loves variety!
  In peacetime, Komsomol girls would have been severely punished for promiscuity, but during the war, morals became much more free. This is apparently a consequence of the proximity of death, when the special department turns a blind eye to debauchery.
  Sometimes Alla felt ashamed of her promiscuity. When she doesn"t even pointedly wear a bra and shakes her bare breasts. I remembered Mary, the religious girl who was still a virgin. Although, she is probably the most feminine and sexy of the five. More precisely, she is attractive with her angelic innocence.
  However, Maria is very accurate, maybe even phenomenal in her shooting. This is how she accurately hit two Arabs with one bullet. And smiling innocently, he says:
  - Lord forgive me, but I serve my Motherland!
  Maria is very beautiful. She's a little embarrassed that she has to fight in just a bikini. But it protects against defeat. This has been proven by practice. Maria started the war while still a girl. She has grown up in three years, but she still seems slender, virginal, and of normal height for a girl. The rest of the four are taller and more muscular, and Matryona is a cow, albeit a very strong one.
  Maria shoots and remembers Seryozhka. Poor boy. I was captured. And this is worse than death. So first he faced torture, then execution. And it is unknown how others will react to this.
  Maria fired, got up on her knees, and fired. The murdered Hindu stretched out and released a puddle of blood. The golden-haired beauty says:
  - Eh ... you have many gods, but no heaven!
  Maria nailed again , hit and sang:
  - Thank you for the lost paradise. Not for us, not for our children, not for our grandchildren. But they will just get used to the deceptive sounds!
  Maria fired, killing the advancing Nazi accomplices, and sang:
  - We drove, drove, drove - for a long time we... The path from trouble to trouble, from war to war! We drove, drove, drove - for a long time we ... The streams of the horde, the bloody war, are flowing! Bloody war!
  And the girl presses herself tighter into the ground. And the Lions are already creeping ahead. German tanks roar and their barrels shake.
  Maria cried and remarked:
  - Here it is, death is moving!
  A girl with golden hair fired at a soldier who was crawling towards the positions of the Red Army with a rifle to which an optical sight was attached.
  I watched as a fountain of blood sprayed from the head of the mortally wounded enemy.
  Maria tweeted:
  - Sniper... You're wrong!
  Alla said loudly:
  -Don"t judge by your clothes if you don"t want to stretch your legs!
  Maria shook her graceful, bare, tanned legs. I imagined that the young man with the face of an elf was running his palm along the sole. How nice that would probably be.
  But then she snorted angrily:
  - I will defeat everyone!
  Alla, who herself was an unbeliever and dissolute, mockingly said:
  - And without God's help?
  Maria , having fired, answered squeaky:
  - No, with God's help!
  Alla flashed her pearly teeth and remarked:
  - But your God taught: - If you hit your right cheek, turn your left !
  Maria did not answer immediately. She fired a couple more shots, cutting down the fascist puppets. And she said quietly:
  - But what to do after you have been hit on the left cheek - God Jesus does not say. And the Nazis dealt many blows to our people!
  Alla threw a grenade with her bare foot, raising a whole column of dust, and roared:
  - Berlin is almost in our power ... Through binoculars we see the damned Reichstag! There will be peace and happiness on the entire planet ... I"ll tell you about this in my poems!
  And the redhead gave a burst, cutting off a whole line of Nazis. Then she kicked the grenade again.
  She's a strong girl . In the camp she was forced to move stones from dawn to dusk, and Alla became a real superman. She threw the grenade much further with her feet than with her hands.
  The redhead loved to run her bare soles over the coals or over the snow. She enjoyed it...
  Allah took it and broke through:
  - But I have a different passion ... This is power, only power!
  The red-haired devil fired a burst, shooting the Krauts and their henchmen , and roared:
  - No need for gold and money! And it is necessary that in front of me ... People were on their knees, people were on their knees, all over the surface of the earth!
  The enemy infantry stopped. The tanks moved further. Heavy vehicles "Lev", "Mouse", "E"-100, "Tiger"-2 fired shells. Panther 2 was also rampant. The positions burned and crumbled, snakes of smoke rose into the sky.
  One of the girls had her legs singed. She screamed and opened fire in long bursts. Another beauty had her bra cut off by a piece of shrapnel. The warrior's breasts were exposed and she blushed. The girl's face turned scarlet.
  The Maus, the heaviest German tank, was pounding from its guns. And he destroyed everything in his path.
  But the warriors jumped back in time. They are so agile. Alla threw a grenade at Mouse. Silenced one of the German machine guns.
  The redhead took it and sang fervently:
  - Let the armored tanks run clumsily through the puddles...
  After which, the girl again threw a grenade with her bare foot and hit another Mouse machine gun, breaking its barrel. After which, Allah screams:
  - I am the goddess of death, whom Hitler fears!
  The German tank stopped. Along with the losses of machine guns, the tankers lost the lion's share of confidence. And the "Mouse" began to shoot from a short barrel and began to process the ruins. One of the fragments hit Alla on the heel, burning the graceful curve of the girl"s sole.
  The beauty took it and sang:
  - The executioner is burning my heels, and crying is heard!
  With a well-aimed shot, Maria broke the optical sight of the Mouse. And the massive tank trotted away and began to turn around. It is clear where almost two hundred tons of steel will be trampled blindly. Only back to escape more trouble.
  Then "Lev"-2 came into play. A more advanced machine is trying to knock out the entire space in front of itself with the fire of a 150-mm cannon. The girls turn their noses up at the fascist in response.
  Maria throws a grenade with her chiseled foot. The present does not reach the tank, but it knocks out the infantry. One African even had his head torn off. She spun around in her helmet and crashed straight onto the brick.
  golden-haired girl said:
  - Everything is according to the will of God ... Even mistakes!
  Alla sang enthusiastically in response:
  - Everything that exists in the world depends on the heights of heaven. But the accuracy of the eyes, but the accuracy of the eyes, depends on us alone!
  Maria fired again. She broke the optical sight of "Lev" and rationally remarked:
  - And God gives accuracy!
  Alla bared her teeth and slapped her bare foot on the broken glass. I felt how pleasant it was when something sharp pierced my bare sole. And she roared:
  - In everything you need dexterity, hardening, training - otherwise there will be no grace!
  Maria fired at the fascist with the degenerate face in the stomach and sang:
  - And for the Krauts, grace is to rip the skin off the skull! And chew, chew, chew, wash it down with warm pus!
  Alla made a face, fired ... She shook her head and whispered:
  - What an unpious speech you have!
  Maria's face turned pale and whispered:
  - God, forgive me, a sinner!
  Alla laughed. She was a cynical girl. And in the children's labor colony she beat those who were weaker than her. Why , the redhead is shameless . And Alla wanted to pull Maria by her golden hair. And not with hands, feet.
  And Alla extended her bare limb to the leafy hair of the Christian girl, and as soon as she grabbed the strands with her fingers, she pulled.
  Maria screams and, turning, says:
  -Are you crazy?
  Alla mockingly said:
  - So God endured and commanded you!
  Maria shook her fist:
  - Don't blaspheme, bitch !
  Alla answered and sang:
  - And God is again torn by laughter, what do I care about everyone, and what do you care about me!
  Maria shook her head and remarked:
  - You take risks every day. And at the same time, a minute later, having the opportunity to go to hell, you are insolent and utter bad speeches!
  The redhead grimaced. She grabbed a piece of glass with her bare toes and threw it into her mouth. I caught it with my tongue. She chewed the glass, and without thinking twice took a sip, saying:
  - Hell won't catch us!
  Maria, rolling her eyes fiercely, growled:
  - You won"t go anywhere! Fire louse!
  Alla only flashed her emerald eyes in response. And she threw a grenade at the Nazis, saying:
  - While the war is going on, let's forget about our differences!
  Maria said out of place:
  - God "s is God"s , and Caesar"s is Caesar"s!
  Alla gave a long turn and added:
  - And Hitler is diabolical !
  Maria opened fire, knocked down several more people and thought. How can one reach such a decline in morals as Hitler reached? What kind of beast is in human form? That bloody tyrant whom humanity has not known since the time of Adam and Eve. And at the same time, extremely lucky . Maybe even the luckiest and most successful conqueror in the entire history of mankind.
  But Russia turned out to be a tough nut to crack for fascism. The war in the east will soon enter its fourth year. Yes, the Nazis are advancing. Not too fast, but confident. Only in winter was the Red Army able to squeeze the Krauts a little. And now the enemy is attacking again.
  The girl shot accurately . Having lost its optical sights, the Lev tank turned around again and began to leave. And "Panther"-2... A tank with a long and thick barrel and a relatively small turret.
  An efficient machine. Which knocked out almost any mastodon. Here Alla distinguished herself by throwing grenades with her seductive legs and damaged the barrel.
  The red-haired devil flashed her eyes the color of the sea and hissed:
  - I break their noses!
  The German with the broken muzzle turns around. The tracks are shaking like a nimble machine. Yes, girls invented convenient and effective tactics. Hit the barrels, breaking the barrel with grenades when the armor is inaccessible.
  And the well-aimed Maria shoots accurately, as if she really was the great-granddaughter of Robin Hood. And the golden-haired beauty exclaims:
  - Under the pretext of the goals of humanism,
  To build heaven on Earth...
  Hitler switched to the path of fascism -
  The temple was erected by the scumbag Satan!
  And she shoots like a true saint of extermination. Her bare, chiseled leg throws a shard of glass, hitting the Arab right in the center of his forehead. And the son of the desert, reflexively pulling the trigger of the machine gun, cuts off a dozen of his accomplices.
  Alla remarked approvingly:
  - And you learn quickly! And you progress right before your eyes!
  The red-haired warrior also threw a piece of glass with her bare fingers and hit the African in the eye. It exploded, falling on a bunch of grenades. And a dozen other fighters flew to the sky, or to hell, as the matter decided!
  Alla tweeted:
  - Hell will be an evil place for those who have torn off the cover. And the sacred maiden sword cut down the enemies!
  And the red-haired devil gave a turn again and hissed:
  - There will be a coffin for you, only made of ashes, and music in mourning!
  Maria immediately threw a grenade with both feet, crippling the barrel of the formidable E-100 tank, ringing:
  - For the glory of the Lord Christ!
  The war continued. The Nazis were looking for new ways of destruction and enslavement. The Soviet Union is too strong, and it is not so easy to take over the world. However, having many different kinds of scientists, including slaves, the fascists, possessing a unique organization, created new, terrible weapons. Something that was previously unseen.
  One of them is discos with unique flight characteristics, moving rapidly and, at the same time, invulnerable.
  The best scientists in the world modeled a unique weapon. Something that should give power over the world, and in the future open the way for the conquest of galaxies.
  And now a discussion has developed.
  But the pundits continued the conversation. Schauberger began to explain some interesting details of the device:
  - The concept of electricity itself is much broader than just the ordered movement of electrons. But here it is, when the field is directed in a spiral motion, it is capable of tearing off clouds of electrons and colliding nuclei deprived of the electron shell with enormous speed. That is, if the current flows along a tiny spiral, but with colossal acceleration, ionization occurs by itself.
  And just like when nuclei collide at wild speed, the process of their fusion occurs. Or even simpler, the nucleus detonates with the formation of countless free electrons, which, in turn, generate electricity.
  That is, a small battery with a special type of eddy current, or current similar to miniature ball lightning, generates, thanks to controlled thermonuclear fusion using water, a huge amount of special electricity and a stream of photons.
  That is, such an engine can become an eternal power plant. The battery supplies the current of miniature ball lightning, and is itself recharged with electricity obtained from controlled thermonuclear fusion in water. Like a perpetual motion machine, although the energy in it is obtained by converting the internal impulse of the nuclei into something more practical, tangible for people.
  Belonzi frowned and knitted his eyebrows:
  - Energy extracted by electricity like microscopic ball lightning? Sounds nice. But reality is not always fabulous. You've probably heard that they seem to be building nuclear fusion reactors. They also want to obtain energy from the fission of uranium nuclei. It is believed that if intra-atomic bonds are broken, protons and neutrons will scatter in all directions faster than a bomb explosion. Maybe so, but for some reason they can"t make the reactor and the bomb itself. And you think that this is how you took hydrogen with spherical electricity, like scooping peas with a fork, and then putting it in your mouth. Moreover, something completely different is possible. Why will specifically directed electrons appear, or will the collision of nuclei in general cause fusion? Lots of optimism, but little justification.
  Schauberger responded:
  - About the justification? If there are no electron shells, then nothing prevents the nuclei from colliding when they are compacted. And the collapse of the field condenses such movement, and it also gives direction to the extracted energy.
  If the process of fusion of hydrogen nuclei itself is possible, and we see this in the example of our Sun, then something similar, only on a smaller scale, happens here too.
  Moreover, on the Sun this process is also controllable, but, unfortunately, we cannot change the parameters there yet.
  And here, on the water, there is a small Sun, providing electrical energy. Moreover, it can be immediately transformed into an electron and a photon during a nuclear reaction. There is almost no difference between them. And what we want to get as a result of this - an engine or a bomb - depends only on our imagination. Moreover, perhaps we"ll come up with something cooler over time.
  Belonzi asked:
  - Well, let"s say these are all just projects and even plans for now. In particular, try to reproduce a large, natural ball lightning, and not just a million of these small ones.
  Schauberger agreed:
  - Yes, we have a problem with this. But it is not as unsolvable as it seems at first glance . And secondly, there are some other alternative ways, not so promising, but also promising. We follow them.
  Belonzi nodded, and the Italian began to speak himself:
  - Since ancient times, aerodynamicists of the Third Reich took seriously the implementation of the Coanda effect in order to create the lifting force of the device. In Germany there were luminaries of aerodynamics, and there were outstanding mathematicians. The point is different. This effect is not the effect of a lifting force, but the effect of a jet sticking to its streamlined surface. You won't take off directly with this. Need traction (or wing). In addition, if the surface is curved (to deflect the jet down and get thrust), the effect only works in the case of a laminar jet. The jet of a gas turbine engine is not suitable for this. It needs to be laminated . These are huge energy losses.
  Schauberger , having made a sketch on the diagram, logically corrected:
  - Not that huge. If , for example , lamination is not so primitive. It may even, on the contrary, increase the efficiency of traction significantly.
  Belonzi quite logically noted:
  - It depends on what you apply the force vector to, and how it will affect the resistance of the environment. And in some cases, a vacuum actually forms in front of the flying saucer.
  Schauberger noted with a sigh:
  - But we are not the only ones working on these projects.
  Belonzi hastened to show his knowledge:
  Yes, there were them, Schriever - Habermol disks ( Schriever , Habermol )
  This device is considered the world's first vertical take-off aircraft. The first prototype, a "wheel with a wing," was tested near Prague back in February 1941 . It had piston engines and a Walther liquid rocket engine.
  Generalissimo from the designers Schauberger , hastily, as if fearing that he would be interrupted, added:
  - The design resembled a bicycle wheel. A wide ring rotated around the cabin, the role of spokes of which was played by adjustable blades. They could be installed in the required positions for both horizontal and vertical flight. The pilot was positioned as in a regular plane, then his position was changed to almost recumbent. The main disadvantage of the device was significant vibration caused by rotor imbalance. An attempt to make the outer rim heavier did not produce the desired results, and the concept was abandoned in favor of the "vertical aircraft ," or V-7 (V-7), being developed as part of the "Weapons of Vengeance" program, VergeltungsWaffen .
  And Belonzi also did not miss the opportunity to show himself as a know-it-all:
  - There is also the so-called "Flying Pancake" by Zimmerman .
  Tested in 1942-43 at the Peenemünde training ground . It had Jumo-004B gas turbine engines. It developed a horizontal speed of about 750 km/h and showed good regulation, landing speed of 60 km/h.
  . CHAPTER No. 12.
   Schauberger said somewhat sourly:
  - I know that. I have already seen such a miracle. The device, as I can tell you, looked like a basin turned upside down, with a diameter of 5-6 m. It was round around the perimeter and had a teardrop-shaped transparent cabin in the center. On the ground he rested on small rubber wheels. For takeoff and horizontal flight, most likely, he used controlled nozzles. Due to the impossibility of accurately regulating the thrust of gas turbine engines , or for some other reasons, it was extremely unstable in flight.
  Belonzi snapped and slammed his fist on the table:
  - All these devices, like corrupt girls , are unstable.
   Schauberger muttered playfully:
  - And if only morally!
  Belonzi noted with a smile:
  - But we still have something. In general, it is even surprising that during the war there is not enough money for so many projects . And they also say that National Socialism has gone bankrupt.
  Schauberger logically noted:
  - Maybe this means figuratively, or morally bankrupt. But they talked about this after Stalingrad, and not now, when we are taking convincing revenge from the Russians for the city on the Volga!
  Belonzi , unable to resist, chuckled:
  - Well, that's for sure. It"s true that the Russians will be able to resist so many forces gathered from all over the world, neither I nor you can believe it, right?
  Schauberger shook his shaggy head negatively:
  - And I can"t believe it, but... We are not generals here to talk about tactics and estimate the enemy"s chances. Better yet, tell us what other projects you know about this class of devices. This is interesting.
  Belonzi replied slyly:
  - Yes, very different. This is simply wonderful - Disc "Omega" by Andreas Epp ( Andreas Epp ) Disc-shaped helicopter with 8 star-shaped piston and 2 ramjet engines. Under development this year, 1943. Well, this will be a problem for him, I mean, engines of this kind. The developer himself, Abel Epp , suspended from work back in 1942, fell into demonic captivity.
  Belonzi himself laughed at the last not very appropriate and tactful joke.
  After which, having drawn and corrected the diagram, he continued:
  - The device was a combination of "fan-fan" technology with a freely rotating rotor driven by Focke-Wulf " Triebflugel " pulsating jet engines and increased lift due to the "flotation effect".
  It seems that Belonzi has recently studied such documents very carefully. Because he told it very smoothly, as if reading from what had been written.
  - The aircraft, also a disk-shaped device, consisted of a circular cabin with a diameter of 4 meters, surrounded by a disk-fuselage with a diameter of 19 meters. The fuselage contained eight four-blade fans in annular fairings connected to eight Argus Ar 8A radial engines with an axial thrust of 80 horsepower. The latest monsters were installed inside eight conical pipes with a diameter of 3 m.
  The main rotor was fixed to the axis of the disk. The rotor had two blades with a Pabst-designed ramjet at the ends and a rotation diameter of 22 m.
  Belonzi , while listing various characteristics of German technology, became increasingly incensed. Apparently, he was filled with pride for a foreign, even allied, country. And in the voice one could feel the heat of the tone with which the pioneers pronounce the oath:
  - When the pitch of the blades in the auxiliary engines changed, the rotor accelerated, throwing out a strong stream of air. The jet engines were started at 220 rpm, and the pilot varied the pitch of the auxiliary engines and main rotor by 3 degrees. This was enough to get us up.
  Belonzi twirled his arms above his head, apparently imagining himself as a helicopter:
  -The main propeller was of the autorotating type and did not create any torque. Unlike helicopters, it was not fixed in hinges, but was mounted rigidly, like the propeller of the most ordinary aircraft. However, the device is not ordinary!
  The additional acceleration of the auxiliary engines tilted the car in the desired direction. This deflected the lift of the main rotor and therefore changed the direction of flight.
  Schauberger remarked with some jealousy:
  - And we should have surpassed this.
  Belonzi readily agreed:
  - Of course, it should have been, but there are too many competitors. Even Kurt Tank was involved in this endeavor.
  The Austrian genius whistled in surprise, like a street urchin:
  - Even him? But he is already overloaded with work. It seems to be developing a new, improved version of the Focke-Wulf fighter-bomber. It seems to be called TA-152. He wants to create a vehicle with powerful weapons and capable of performing multi-purpose functions, with excellent maneuverability.
  Belonzi was also full of skepticism:
  - Of course, he can"t handle so many projects, but Tank won"t work alone. He has a whole team of assistants who work on various projects. But one of his closest assistants proposed a design for a fundamentally new aircraft.
  Schauberger pricked up his ears:
  - If possible, please give more details.
  Belonzi began to explain:
  disc-shaped helicopter designed by Kurt Tank, one of the last models of a new type of aircraft developed in the Third Reich, was never tested. The high, armored cockpit housed the rotating blades of a large turboprop engine. The flying wing-type body contained two air intakes in the upper and lower forward parts of the fuselage. The disc plane , according to calculations, could fly like a regular airplane, or, like a helicopter, move in any direction and hover in the air.
   Schauberger , with some justifiable skepticism, remarked:
  - One of the weak points of these types of disc-shaped devices is their armament.
   Belonzi said with some enthusiasm:
  - Yes, there are some pretty good weapons there. Don"t think that Kurt Tank is such a simpleton and will miss his chance.
  Schauberger replied ironically:
  - Who would doubt it!
  The Italian said seriously:
  - So, it was planned to use as many as six or even eight Maiaeg MS-213 cannons (20 mm, rate of fire 1200 rounds per minute) and four 8-inch K100V8 air-to-air fragmentation incendiary missiles as weapons on the Lightningball '. Alternative weapon options were also being developed, or rather, considered: 30 mm guns, 37 mm guns and even the 75 mm RA-40 in an assault modification. Like the one installed on the HE-129.
   The disc plane is naturally conceived as a multi-purpose aircraft: an interceptor, a tank destroyer, a reconnaissance aircraft, taking off from positions in the forest, fields, and even from the deck of an aircraft carrier. 'Ball Lightning' should be included in the series. That is, mass-produced since the beginning of 1944. And maybe even earlier, if they can.
  Schauberger said quite seriously:
  - In any case, the war will not end before winter, even if we manage to take Moscow. But our project, in theory, should become such a weapon that we can really call it a miracle.
  Belonzi , squinting his right eye, remarked:
  - Good flight characteristics of the disc plane , this is, of course, a class, but ... Without weapons and strong armor, they are of little use.
  Schauberger exclaimed joyfully:
  - That's it! Therefore, I have come up with ideal protection from all shells and missiles that the enemy can fire at us.
  Belonzi said in a whisper:
  - A laminar jet, with a very high speed, an order of magnitude higher than sound speed, flowing around an aircraft. This is the thought that blows away both the shells themselves and the blast wave.
  Schauberger said:
  - Not only laminar flow, but also this. Something that will make a flying saucer invulnerable, like in a fairy tale, and at the same time armed, something stronger than aircraft guns and rockets.
  Belonzi clapped his hands:
  - Really! Miracle weapon! Invulnerable flying saucers and a super remedy!
  In the meantime, warriors are fighting with more prosaic, but no less effective weapons. In particular, four girls rode their newest self-propelled gun E-50, a modification of a tank destroyer. The vehicle had powerful armor and an 88-mm cannon with a barrel length of 100 EL.
  The girls wanted this particular model with a lot of ammunition and good protection. Sloping armor of 180 mm provided forehead protection from any anti-tank weapons. The sides are well closed, 120 mm at an angle, and 50 mm are also side screens, and an engine of 1200 horsepower.
  This is how the newest model appeared, reminiscent of an enlarged E-10 machine. And she was moved in the direction of the Soviet military position.
  The girls, during the assault on the Red Army position, had shot their combat kit, and were now talking judiciously while the serving boys replenished the ammunition.
  Gerda remarked in annoyance:
  - The Russians are trying to camouflage their tanks rather than launching murderous counterattacks.
  Charlotte grinned and snorted contemptuously:
  - They"re getting smarter ... They"ve been fighting for so many years. But we still knock them out. And we win.
  Magda sighed and, crossing herself, remarked:
  - Everything is according to the will of God ... But victories are difficult for us!
  Christina chuckled and remarked:
  - But if we win, then God is on our side! After all, Germany, having started small, already holds at least half of the world. And with Russia, our victory is only a matter of time.
  Gerda readily confirmed:
  - Yes! We act very carefully. First we throw bombs, and iron them with artillery. Then we send tanks forward and break into positions. We try to incur fewer losses. And it succeeds. So we will also have a victory on Red Square.
  Magda shrugged and ran her bare soles across the rugged grass, muttering:
  - Yes, there will be victory! By the will of God!
  Christina smiled ironically and remarked:
  - The gods do not help the weak . And for those who are not confident in themselves!
  Magda responded:
  - The Lord helps the brokenhearted!
  Christina objected harshly:
  - No, God helps those who break hearts!
  The girls got up from the grass and ran across the lawn. They were, as usual, in bikinis, barefoot, curvy, fit, tanned. Very beautiful... An exemplary standard of Aryan beauty. Celestials and, at the same time, bringers of death. What makes enemies tremble and admirers admire. The legendary four!
  What can a poet write about them? This is a radiant stream of a mountain stream and the sun. And at the same time hot doe. With bodies breathing strength and health. It"s summer, and it"s very pleasant for beautiful girls to run barefoot; the velvety grass tickles their bare soles. Good for the beauties. High, elastic breasts rise and shake. And narrow waists set off the girls" strong and luxurious hips.
  Gerda asked Magda as she ran:
  - Do you think the Lord loves us?
  The honey blonde stated decisively:
  - God loves us, but he tests us! However , I believe in our final victory!
  Christina smiled and growled:
  - We will stomp around the Kremlin with our graceful, bare feet!
  Charlotte giggled and tossed the lump with her lower limb. It hit the young Arab in the nose. He ran away in fear. He no longer wanted to look at the heavenly beauty of the girls.
  And the evil Terminator girls had fun. The beauties, looking at the fears of men, wanted to force them to kiss their feet.
  Gerda stopped and shouted menacingly to an officer from a tank brigade:
  - On knees!
  He obediently collapsed and smiled flatteringly:
  - Oh my goddess...
  Gerda extended her very beautiful leg, from which came the delicious smell of a fresh girl"s body. The officer began to kiss without waiting for a command. A girl of wondrous beauty, almost naked and curvy, felt arousal from the man"s touches and began to breathe heavily. Desire awoke in the rest of her friends. They also began to shout at the German officers and force them to their knees.
  Even Magda couldn't resist. And how the girls wanted to make love. The beauties were so excited by the touches of men and boys. The feeling of lust and the call of the flesh is intoxicating. The girls take off the remnants of their clothes and rush at the men. Passions fly away into the ocean, and voluptuous sighs and cries are heard.
  Making love turned the girls on. After this they felt very cheerful and fresh. The very fact that the girls had sex with unfamiliar men, and with several at once, rather aroused them and plunged them into delight, this fact of extreme shamelessness .
  Only one religious Magda was upset and whined:
  - What are we doing, girls? You can not do it this way! Are we animals to mate with the first bunch of people we meet? "The girl crossed herself and, burning with belated shame, whispered. "Lord forgive us for such a vile sin."
  Christina snorted contemptuously:
  - We have our own God! And he tells us the only sin is cowardice and betrayal of the Motherland!
  Gerda, licking her lips, remarked:
  - But you also had orgasms with us! So don't take it to heart!
  Fiery Charlotte remarked:
  - It seems that Magda has just enough faith and understanding of the Word of God to poison her entire earthly existence and deprive herself of the joys of life. Unhappy girl!
  Magda sighed heavily and agreed:
  - Yes , I'm really unhappy. So what can you do about it? Alas, you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of the devil at the same time!
  Gerda answered seriously:
  - Don"t believe it. Soon the Third Reich will establish another religion, different from Christianity. And you won"t have to suffer through outdated, bourgeois morality!
  Charlotte waved her fist through the air and remarked:
  - Yes, morality, from the word dirty ... I hate all conventions! I wanted love, and I got it!
  Magda said harshly:
  - This is not love, but animal mating. And in general, I myself don"t know what came over me. It was as if a wave had rolled in and a tremendous lust was overwhelming.
  Gerda shook her head and ran her hand through her hair:
  - Let's not talk about this. Let's fight better!
  And their fighter again moved into the fight. The girls examined the IS-2 through the scope. A Soviet tank with a powerful cannon began firing from a long distance and, surprisingly, hit the self-propelled gun. True, the blow hit the frontal armor and ricocheted, but the girls felt a shaking.
  Gerda noted:
  - And the Russians shoot accurately!
  Magda whistled:
  - We hit from five and a half kilometers away. Well, well, I"ll answer him!
  And the blonde terminator fired back. It hit the forehead of the tower, but due to the long distance it did not penetrate the armor. But the Russian monster also felt the blow of 88 mm, with a barrel length of 100 EL. And his tank stopped.
  Charlotte suggested:
  - Let's get closer. He is still beyond our penetrating power!
  Magda noted:
  - From four kilometers we will hit this tank head-on! But he won"t ram us point-blank! Perfect reservation with our machine.
  Christina clarified:
  - The frontal armor, thanks to the slope of the armor at forty degrees, is ideal, but the side armor is not very good, although the IS-2 will not penetrate us in the upper part.
  Magda fired at the T-34-76, penetrating the front armor of the hull from a long distance. The muzzle flew off and the combat kit began to tear. A Soviet tank broke down.
  The German vehicle continued to approach. The IS-2 fired again and hit again, but the projectile went into another ricochet. Gerda whistled:
  - This is a real tank ace. Hit from such a distance for the second time in a row. It"s even a pity to kill such a guy!
  Magda remarked with a smile:
  - Are you talking about a guy? Or maybe it's a girl!
  Gerda sighed heavily and remarked:
  - And the girl is even heavier! - And then the blonde terminator knitted her eyebrows. - But the enemy is the enemy, and he must be destroyed!
  Magda also pointed her weapon with a sigh and hissed:
  - Everything impossible is possible in our world! But still don"t forget about God!
  Christina took the hook with the toes of her bare foot and, scratching a figure eight on the armor, hissed:
  - So I created infinity!
  Gerda seriously remarked:
  - We should get some men. A whole harem, or better yet three harems!
  Christina imagined this and purred contentedly. And Magda hit another thirty-four. A well-aimed devil. A real killer under an angelic appearance.
  Charlotte put it wittily:
  - You don"t need a husband, you need a harem!
  Gerda stuck out her tongue:
  - I will torture men to death! I will nail their ears!
  The German tank was again hit by a shell from the IS-2. Indeed, this is some kind of amazing ace. The projectile slipped very close to the muzzle. And Christina said in fear:
  - They can take our gun off! Magdochka, take away their gun.
  The fair-haired girl, as if covered in gold powder, growled:
  - I will do it! And then we will try to take this crew alive!
  And the beauty crossed herself. Then she aimed the gun with her graceful, bare feet. This is more accurate than using your hands. The girl grabbed the belt with her teeth and pressed the button with her fingers.
  The gun thundered, and a large, armor-piercing shell, flying several kilometers, hit the barrel of a Soviet vehicle. Yes, this woman Magda is apt. She hit me exactly right, as if she punched her in the nose.
  Gerda whistled:
  - Well, you have accuracy! Yes sir!
  The girl, honey blonde, confidently answered:
  - By the will of God, this is all!
  a fig with her movable toes :
  "You won"t achieve anything without your own dexterity." And our training, and excellent genetics, and combat practice!
  Charlotte sang enthusiastically:
  - You know very well Mag, the world is filled with miracles. These are the only miracles people can do themselves!
  Magda giggled and fired at the SU-76. She rammed a shell into a car and chirped:
  - We have special news. We girls are simply top class! And then hear songs about love being sung until dawn!
  The Soviet vehicle exploded and shells detonated. The German long-barreled gun brought death and destruction to everyone.
  Magda sighed heavily and sang:
  - Forgive me of my sins, father. I know, I have a lot of them! Listen, please and help! I want to repent before God!
  Gerda and Charlotte grimaced with contempt. They already knew about the projects for a new church, where the cross would be replaced by a swastika. So far, however, there was a problem with the pantheon. On the one hand, Hitler wanted a simple and understandable monotheism. But on the other hand, the top of the Third Reich had a desire to include the ancient German gods in the pantheon. And this eroded monotheism.
  The Fuhrer was inclined to the idea that in the beginning there was only one God. Then he created other gods who unquestioningly obey the Almighty Supergod. It was both simpler and clearer for the Germans. That is, Nadbog is one, like the Fuhrer, and the rest are like the boyars under the tsar.
  So, in fact, it"s simpler and clearer. The Germans were considered a nation chosen by Almighty God to rule the universe. All others are just slaves. It was planned to replace the cross with a swastika , and repaint the churches in black, white and red colors. And naturally, change the saints. By hanging Hitler, his menagerie, and some German gods on icons.
  Candles remained in front of the icons, but torches were also lit. The prayers also changed. The chairs were taken away, and it was planned to perform the service only standing and kneeling. Externally, the new temples would have to have an eight-pointed dome of red and white.
  In addition, the Nazis planned to revive human sacrifices and revive ancient temple prostitution. The result was such a terrible mixture of paganism and monotheism, moreover, of a barbaric form.
  It is not without reason that the formation of the new religion proceeded relatively slowly, so as not to cause a split in the warring society.
  In addition, the Nazis believed more in new types of superweapons than in occult forces.
  Here, for example, is the newest gun, and in fact, the most practical in destroying tanks. Just like her newest scope.
  Magda fired, hit the SU-122, and stammered:
  - Oh, how evil I am!
  Gerda grinned ominously and cooed:
  - The time will come, and the Name of Christ will be forgotten throughout the world! And the swastika will absorb everything and everyone!
  Valerka clenched his fists in rage and exclaimed:
  - No, the hammer and sickle will rule the world!
  And a hyperblaster appeared in the boy"s hands.
  Levka also noted with aplomb:
  - We fought, and we will fight!
  And in the hands of the pioneer boy, an annihilation attitude arose. And he shook it and angrily stamped his bare foot, crushing the cockroach.
  Marinka also acquired an impressive arsenal, and hissed:
  - Lenin, the party, the Komsomol - defeat awaits you!
  Slavka held the pulsed ultrasonic emitter in his hands, shook it decisively and said:
  - I saw the Fuhrer and his horde in the coffin!
  Three boys and a girl shook their weapons and, without thinking twice, opened murderous fire on the approaching Nazis, spewing hyperplasm. And she literally crushed her enemies. And the soldiers of the Third Reich literally turned into delicious kebabs before our eyes.
  And the tanks literally melted and turned into rivers of liquid, sparkling steel.
  And it flowed like scarlet streams. Marinka stepped on one of these streams with her bare foot . She burned her bare, childish sole and screamed:
  - Ultra-blackhole !
  Valerka nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, we need to take care of our legs, we are still children!
  Slavka, continuing to spew streams of aggressive hyperplasm at the Nazis, and burning both enemy soldiers and equipment, both tanks and aircraft.
  And so the pioneer terminator suggested:
  - Maybe we can sing?
  Levka confirmed with an energetic nod:
  - That"s exactly what we"ll sing! And it will be hyperphotonic !
  Valerka coughed and sang with feeling and energy:
  I"m a modern boy, like a computer,
  And it"s easier to say , a young prodigy ...
  And it turned out very cool -
  That Hitler will be a possessed bit!
  The boy is barefoot through the snowdrifts, walking under fascist gunpoints... His legs are as scarlet as a goose,
  and a sad reckoning awaits him!
  But the pioneer straightened his shoulders boldly
  , smile  steps to be shot...
  The Fuhrer sends someone to the ovens,
  Someone was hit by a fascist with arrows!
  A boy prodigy from our era, took a blaster and rushed boldly into battle ...
  Fascist chimeras will dissolve,
  and God Almighty will be with you forever!
  A smart boy hit the Krauts with a beam, And mowed down a whole row of monsters ...
  In the distance from the steel closer to communism,
  He hit the fascists with all his might!
  The boy prodigy shoots a beam, After all, he has a very powerful blaster... He melts the "Panther" in one gulp, After all, it"s simple , you know, schmuck!
  We will wipe out the fascists without anything, And we will simply exterminate the adversaries ...
  Our blaster hit with all its might,
  Here the cherub spreads its wings !
  I destroy them, without a gleam of metal, This powerful "Tiger" caught fire...
  What are the Krauts, don"t you know enough land?
  You want more bloody games!
  Russia is a big empire,
  Stretching from the sea to the deserts...
  I see a girl running barefoot,
  And a barefoot boy - get lost!
  The damned fascist briskly moved the tank, With a steel ram he drove sharply into Russia ...
  But we"ll put jars of blood for Hitler,
  We"ll smash the Nazis into small pieces of turf!
  Fatherland , you are dearest to me,
  Boundless from the mountains and darkness of the taiga... There is no need for soldiers to rest on their beds - Boots
  sparkle in the gallant march!
  I became a great pioneer at the front, I won the Hero"s Star at once ...
  For others without borders I will set an example,
  Comrade Stalin is simply an ideal!
  We can win, I know for sure, Although the plot of history is different ...
  And the attack of the evil feces fighters comes,
  And the Fuhrer has become something really cool!
  There is little hope for the USA, They float without any pranks... The Fuhrer is capable of overthrowing from the pedestal, Terrible capitalists, just dregs!
  What to do if the boy found himself
  in captivity, stripped and driven out into the cold...
  The teenager desperately fought with the Fritz , But
  suffered for us and with him! Then he will have to endure torture, When they burn you with a red iron ...
  When , having broken bottles on your head,
  They pressed a red-hot rod to your heels!
  You"d better be silent, boy, clench your teeth, And endure torture like a titan of Russia...
  Let them burn your lips with a lighter, But Jesus can save the fighter!
  You will go through any kind of torment as a boy, But you will endure it without bowing under the lash ...
  Let the rack greedily tear out your hands,
  The executioner is now both a king and a black prince!
  Someday the torment will end, You will find yourself in God's beautiful paradise ...
  And there will be time for new adventures,
  We will enter Berlin when May sparkles!
  Well, so what if they strung up a child,
  the Fascist will be thrown into hell for this ... A clear voice is heard
  in Eden,
  The boy is resurrected - joy is the result!
  So you don"t need to be afraid of death, Let there be heroism for the Motherland ...
  After all, the Russians always knew how to fight,
  Know that evil fascism will be destroyed!
  We will walk like an arrow through the bushes of paradise,
  With a girl who is barefoot in the snow ...
  Below us is a garden, seething and blooming,
  I am a pioneer running through the grass!
  In heaven we will be forever happy children, We are wonderful there, very good ...
  And there is no more beautiful place on the planet,
  Know that it will never get hard!
  The children in this part of the dream were heroes, and in the other part very significant events also took place.
   After swimming in the Volga, the girls lay on the beach. While the Wehrmacht was in no hurry to move further north. The Nazis made up for the damage, most of the losses were in foreign divisions, and pressed the Soviet troops with airstrikes.
  It seems that Hitler was somewhat disappointed. The Russians fought stubbornly, and the strength of resistance did not fall. Or fascist number one had other considerations. But, in any case, the Nazis hesitated. And we haven't moved on yet.
  The girls could not lie quietly on the beach; they twisted and turned like a spinning top.
  And Magda suddenly began to cry. Gerda, seeing that the girl with golden hair was roaring, snorted contemptuously:
  - Well, again our saint will talk about morality...
  Magda nodded in agreement:
  - Of course, we committed such a sin...
  Charlotte burst out laughing.
  - She herself moaned and roared with us from orgasms, and now she"s blowing snot !
  Gerda jumped up. She was tall, tanned, wearing only thin panties. The warrior hissed:
  - Enough! Remember, the Bible is a Jewish book. It is not for Aryans!
  Christina added:
  - And don"t disgrace us! In the Third Reich there was not and is not , and there will never be Christianity again! We will create our own monotheism, that monotheism of Aryanism ... And there will be no other religion except the religion of Nazism!
  The red-haired devil, saying this, even began to yell and stomp her bare, chiseled feet.
  Magda shook her head negatively:
  - No, you still don"t understand anything...
  Gerda growled angrily:
  - What should we understand? That you are poisoned by the poison of the Jewish religion. And there is the best and Aryan. You must finally become ours and end Abraaism in your soul!
  Christina bared her teeth and giggled:
  - Only an evil religion, maybe Nazi... Evil, and at the same time, constructive. What good is a religion that forbids even looking at women and admiring them?
  Magda angrily slapped her graceful foot on the warm sand and replied:
  - The essence of any religion is not its external attractiveness, but its authenticity!
  Gerda giggled and , sincerely surprised , asked:
  - What are the criteria for authenticity? Prove that the Bible is the word of God and the revelation of the Almighty !
  Magda said not too confidently:
  - Well, for example, biblical prophecies...
  Gerda, looking with her sapphire eyes, asked with an expression in her voice:
  - Is there a prophecy about the Third Reich and that Germany will take over the whole world?
  Magda helplessly spread her arms, and, running the toe of her bare foot, barely audibly said:
  - No! It's not there!
  Gerda made a decisive conclusion:
  - So these prophecies are worth nothing! Even eggs without yolk.
  Magda shook her head and, silently, sat down in the lotus position. There was an obvious struggle going on inside her. Between the desire to be a true Aryan and to remain in Christ.
  Magda herself didn"t know what to choose. She really wanted to shake off Christianity and become a real beast. But on the other hand, the desire to plunge into vice was held back by something. Sometimes Magda passed out, feeling orgasms when she was groped and fucked by young and handsome men. And now her conscience was tormenting her.
  Christina, thinking out loud, remarked:
  - For me, from the very beginning, what caused rejection in the Bible was precisely the fact that Jews are the people of God. - The girl stamped her bare heel on the sand, raised dust and continued. - Jews, are there the people of God? Well, what could be more absurd? I can't stomach this at all. How idiotic this sounds. Well, who could believe it?
  Gerda shrugged her shoulders and said:
  - There is a lot in the Bible that cannot be understood with the mind. We fascists are called executioners because we destroy inferior individuals of humanity. But God in the Bible flooded the entire world, killing millions of people and many innocent animals. Leaving only eight people. - The girl lay down on the sand and, doing push-ups on her fists, continued her reasoning. - Think about how much cruelty there is in this Jewish book. And the Jews themselves behaved barbarously in wars of conquest .
  Charlotte confirmed:
  - That's it! And what kind of conceit they had. They wanted to kill Paul when he announced that the Lord intended to save the pagans too. Like pompous turkeys who consider other nations not worthy of life!
  Magda raised her head and clarified:
  - Eternal life!
  Charlotte sat down in a horizontal split and, giggling, remarked:
  - And even so. The Fuhrer did not promise heaven after death. He promised to exalt the Third Reich within the lifetime of this generation. And it happened! Not even twelve years have passed since we are the masters of half the world!
  The red-haired devil winked at her friends and added:
  - And the Bible promises heaven only after death.
  Gerda corrected the fiery Charlotte:
  - Not after death. - The blonde terminator shook her finger. - Not even after death, but only after the second coming of Christ and the end of the world. So the righteous have a very long wait for heaven!
  Christina did a somersault and roared:
  - And we are already enjoying paradise on Earth! Or, at least, active immortality!
  Gerda readily confirmed:
  - That's it! And what do we need? A lot, and at the same time, we already have almost everything!
  Magda remarked angrily:
  - Exactly, it"s already there... or... for now!
  Gerda opened her sapphire eyes:
  - Didn't understand?
  Magda readily explained:
  - It"s good to live on Earth when you are young and beautiful. But try to imagine for yourself that you are an old woman. And no one needs it yet !
  Gerda contorted her young, fresh face:
  - Wow, what is this for?
  Magda said heatedly:
  - And besides that. If you become decrepit and lonely, sick and injured, then your only consolation will be Christ.
  Gerda stamped her bare foot angrily and answered:
  - Well, I do not! I will turn to Thor at the last hour!
  Christina, making a charming smile, remarked:
  - What makes you think that we will become old?
  Magda shrugged her shoulders and remarked:
  - We are people. And all people get old!
  Christina giggled and remarked:
  - What if Aryan science defeats old age?
  Magda smiled, flashing her pearly teeth:
  - In this case , I will be very happy!
  Christina cooed:
  - Everything impossible is possible in our world. The Aryan God discovered that two and two are four!
  Charlotte grinned and twirled her hips and said:
  -There is nothing more terrible than old age. This is a very terrible state!
  Gerda nodded and noted:
  - A young dog is better than an old lion. Eh, if only I could find a cure for immortality!
  Charlotte sang with pleasure:
  - Forever young, forever barefoot!
  Gerda nodded her head in agreement:
  - We walk around without shoes all the time , and therefore, we will preserve our youth forever!
  Magda giggled in response and remarked:
  - Blacks are also barefoot all the time, but they didn"t become immortal!
  Gerda recalled:
  - My namesake loved to run barefoot through the snow or autumn mud. And immortalized her name! So go ahead and shine your bare, girlish heels!
  Charlotte spun on the sand, did a longitudinal split, and chirped:
  - Oh, old age, damned old age. I won"t part with a billion - I"ll be forever young!
  Gerda shrugged and noted:
  - Our four have both money and estates in Africa and Russia. And what do we want?
  Christina said with enthusiasm:
  - A whole harem of men! It would be so great to have a seraglio of males!
  Charlotte readily agreed:
  - Yes, that would be cool. I love diversity in men!
  Magda wanted to blurt out about the soul, but changed her mind. Only the face became even sadder. This is how life goes. This is not to say that it is fruitless. It would be a sin for the four of them to complain. They have achieved a lot. There are also awards, somewhat worse with ranks. And great glory. And material acquisitions.
  Consider them, by earthly standards, very lucky, and were never seriously wounded during the entire war.
  And at the same time, they cannot be called completely happy. What is the advantage of Christians? They are content with little in life. And therefore , in any case, it seems to them that they are happy. Even if Christ did not promise harems and palaces.
  Magda sometimes felt simply unhappy. Especially when I thought about Christ. Well, okay murder. Both Samson and David killed. There were many thugs among the saints. But sexual lust? Her hot blood! Magda wanted love, including physical love. She was born with heightened sexuality. Just like the rest of the girls.
  And how will God forgive her for this?
  And even if Christianity is not the true religion, then what is the truth?
  Magda asked her friends a question:
  - Why should we believe, if not Christ?
  Gerda answered angrily:
  - What, is the Fuhrer not enough for you?
  Magda, rolling her eyes, replied:
  - Yes, the Fuhrer is great. But can he give immortality?
  Charlotte rationally remarked:
  - In any case, Christianity does not suit us. We cannot help but sin. We don't need a God who will do away with sin completely!
  Magda spread her hands, sadly noting:
  - So the alternative is eternity in hell?
  Charlotte giggled and suggested:
  - Maybe it's not so bad there.
  Gerda angrily stamped her round heel, hitting a flat pebble, and barked :
  - There will be no hell for Aryans! The true God grants victory! We are winning, and this is the most convincing thing. We don't have a Bible. We have Mine Cafe. And nothing more than the works of the Fuhrer!
  Christina suggested to the girls:
  - Let's go for a run!
  The girls took this opportunity to stretch their legs with enthusiasm. In general, while there is calm, you can rest.
  Magda ran and thought. Yes, the most precious thing a person has is youth and health. When this is not the case, then capital does not bring joy. What about sex? This rejuvenates the body. And therefore, it is useful for physical fitness, especially for women. And abstinence is extremely harmful.
  But Christian morality says otherwise. And in general, the world is unfair. What gives you the most joy is harmful. A for example , I really want chocolate. However, they don"t get fat, as they are constantly on the move.
  What can you say about heaven? Wouldn't it be too boring without sin?
  Magda also thought about Satan. The question is almost eternal. Why did God create the Son of the Dawn, knowing that he would sin and carry away billions of intelligent beings with him? An interesting version was expressed by the prophetess Elena: God did not need robots. And the Almighty decided, even in such a cruel way, to show the universe the destructiveness of sin and the value of Divine love and grace.
  Although, on the other hand, somehow writing off trillions of angels and unsaved people in advance for disposal, or, moreover, for eternal damnation, looks like SS experiments on the universe. Something like this inoculation against sin, and in fact from the idea of living independently from God, looks fanatical, and puts the Creator himself in a bad light. On the other hand, if obedience to the creation is so important to God, then wouldn"t it be easier to initially create biorobots that, in principle, are not capable of sin!
  But a priest or theologian will object: robots are not capable of sincere love! Only a living creature that can sin can truly, and not according to a programmed program, love!
  Lucifer agrees with this. To some extent, demons have become a brotherhood with principles of mutual respect. But if beings capable of sinning can love, will love be real when the ability to go against the will of God is lost? And if it is not lost, then what is the point of the savage torture of trillions of sinners, both people and angels? Or even their annihilation?
  Lucifer thought about this, and the logic of Satan suggested the most beloved option for the soul of the Son of the Dawn: since God needs eternal love, and love is impossible without sin, that is, without actions outside the will of the Almighty, then sin must be eternal. This means that bearers of sin or opposition to the rule of the Almighty are also subject to perpetuation. Then Lucifer does not risk ending up in eternal hellfire, or being erased without a trace, like a chalk drawing with a rag. And Satan himself, and his angels, and sinful people will be able to take a different path. Can he create his own civilization and create other real universes?
  Hell, for example, has developed greatly, and with the help of many dimensions, expanded and colored into the real universe. And people shape the underworld landscape in many ways. Including, partly, a person"s faith shows the inferno as he expects his own posthumous existence. But only in part, because Lucifer also needs justice and development even of an individual who has died in the flesh.
  The first modification of hell was not very rich and comfortable - perhaps it gave rise to myths about the gloomy Tartarus and the fear of death among people. But the Champs Elysees appeared - quite comparable to the vision of paradise among the first Christians. Viry among the pagan Slavs, and Vahlak among the Vikings. New sinners appeared - the underworld was settling in, but Lucifer had the power to do practically everything in hell. But the limiter is your own imagination. And people became its breeding ground, which made it possible to create a very diverse universe, and not at all an underground kingdom with cauldrons and horned devils throwing logs under them.
  Maybe even the very idea of going against the Creator, or, more precisely, in opposition to him arose due to some sense of routine. The common man doesn't understand this. But he, Lucifer, thinks, counts and perceives everything in such a way that even the most powerful human computers cannot comprehend this.
  Being Creation number one in power, in this patterned, regulated universe, where everything is obedient to the Almighty God, he, more than anyone else, felt the routine and even predictability of events.
  Although Satan does not see the future as such, his hyperintelligence is capable of predicting and calculating using many parameters. And Lucifer saw that such and such would happen in this world! They will build something, nothing will be destroyed, and if this is so, then there is no point in tearing your belly button at a construction site. The stars revolve at a measured speed, the worlds of people are small in number and develop slowly. Angels have almost nothing to do at all.
  Yes, it was the routine and boredom of the correct, and therefore largely stationary, universe that pushed Lucifer to revolt. He wanted to gain the power to create himself, so that there would be no stars in the form of just flaming balls. So that everything would not be as predictable and little changeable as in a sinless universe. When, strictly speaking, there is no need to work hard, and there is nowhere to run.
  And what could Lucifer want: he is already above all creation, but at the same time, he cannot use power for anything noticeable. Even, for example, line up stars, or stamp your little animals . A sharp mind and quick thinking gave rise to routine. And confrontation with the Creator is an opportunity to come to life and finally obtain for yourself a difficult, dangerous, but desirable goal: either to defeat the Creator, or to prove that He was wrong! In any case, the outcome of the controversy is not predictable, and rather, many even believed that the creation cannot be stronger than the Creator , and he will lose, Satan"s choice to enter into opposition is doomed and hopeless. But at least this struggle brought the ardent and ardent nature of the most perfect and powerful angel out of a state of sleepy and routine subordination. And only when he truly encountered the Creator did Lucifer feel real life and intense struggle. Even if it was a fight where Satan"s analytical abilities gave almost zero chances of success. Although ... There are some subtleties here that, fortunately, people do not know everything about yet.
  Magda was so carried away by her daydream that she did not notice how she crashed into a self-propelled gun. It flew by inertia. And no wonder. On the way, the girls met the E-5 self-propelled gun, the first experimental model. An interesting car, with only one crew member in a prone position. So small and narrow, armed with a 75-mm cannon and a coaxial machine gun.
  In general, this self-propelled gun was intended for landings rather than combat operations. But it"s light , and can be dropped from parachutes or on modules. Despite its low weight - only seven tons, the thickness of the frontal armor of the E-5 reached 80 millimeters at a large rational angle of inclination.
  So this tank without a turret could hit Soviet thirty-fours while remaining impenetrable from the front. And on the sides the self-propelled gun was protected by rollers. The height of the tank could be reduced to just a meter, and only one, usually small, soldier was in a prone position. Or maybe even a girl or a teenager.
  The girls surrounded the first model of the newest car. In many ways it resembled an even smaller E-10. With a light weight, the Germans and forced slave designers were able to fit a fairly strong gun, capable of piercing thirty-fours in the forehead with its sub-caliber projectile from a distance of one and a half kilometers, or even more. And at a distance of a kilometer - the lower part of the hull and the forehead of the IS-2 turret. Moreover, even such a powerful Soviet tank did not necessarily have to penetrate the armor of a light self-propelled gun. Cemented armor should make the projectile ricochet.
  Gerda wittily remarked:
  - You can"t divide by zero, but they deprive you to zero!
  Charlotte elaborated:
  - We win, which means we can deprive everyone and build!
  Christina sang enthusiastically:
  - Don"t all of you lie on the beds, the Fuhrer can form a line! Listen to the Fuhrer!
  Magda tweeted back:
  - We will wipe away many tears. Rejoice people - Christ is born!
  The rest of the girls hissed aggressively and began waving their hands:
  - Enough! You're just a church mouse!
  The girl jumped up in response and moved her bare foot along the steel armor of the tank, chirping:
  - And you become stronger in soul! When your hand is firm and your goals are humane, you can crush the steel of violence!
  And the four sang in response, simultaneously jumping up and down:
  - Violence sharpens steel, but evil"s power does not last forever. And you become stronger in soul! When your hand is firm and your goals are humane, you can crush the steel of violence!
  Well, how sexy these devils are with their naked legs tanned like golden chocolate. And how energetically they dance and jump. Real savages. And these are the cool girls who wriggle like snakes. The beauties danced and rushed to run again, their round, pink heels flashing.
  Gerda growled enthusiastically:
  - I don"t need Kai, I want a whole harem!
  Charlotte sang back:
  - No!! Better than two harems!
  The fiery Christina will roar:
  - Oh no! Better three or four!
  Gerda took it and sang melodiously:
  - But love for men does not go away, no.
  Magda screams:
  - Well, what vulgarity! You can not do it this way!
  Gerda giggled in response and reminded:
  - But you, too, literally purred with pleasure!
  The honey blonde blushed and answered in a downcast voice:
  - If only you knew how ashamed this makes me!
  Gerda will sing in response:
  - I still have no shame! If the job was done cleanly! And the bandit can be an artist! Respect talent, respect talent!
  Respect talent - gentlemen!
  Charlotte chirped enthusiastically:
  - It's hot! Heat! The fried sun of big cities!
  Christina took it and mumbled:
  - I'm a happy girl! Beautiful from all sides ! Beautiful from all sides !
  From all sides!
  Gerda just slams her head into the armor of the squat self-propelled gun and barks :
  - I'm SS, I'm SS, but not really! And please respect the barrier. We're in the toilet for everyone
  the bastards ! As Hitler taught - the arrogant prime minister!
  Magda squealed in response, jumping up and down:
  - A person in unbelief is unhappy. You cannot live in sinful lust. Because,
  That God's wrath is terrible! Because God is a strict judge!
  Charlotte winked at the blonde beauty and chirped:
  - The flesh in hell languishes from the heat. And it"s time for all of us to understand long ago. Anyone who does not know faith in the Lord will fall under the yoke of hell!
  Magda shook her fist at the red devil and hissed:
  - A sinful man will get his. It will be like a spider burning in fire. Demons will torment you in the underworld. Those who worshiped Satan.
  Christina, rotating her strong hips, sang:
  - A cry of retribution over swords - a battle is being fought. And black eyes under your eyes, and a bloody surf!
  There are already four girls when they roar:
  - North wind, board. Devil, know that angelic fear is eternal!
  And stamping their bare feet, the girls chanted:
  - This is Hitler's sword! This is the Fuhrer's sword! Cut all the madmen!
  And the girls will giggle.
  Gerda took it and sang loudly:
  - Fatal year, you don"t have to believe me. But nine legions will come with Hitler! Our devil Adolf with golden horns will turn the sky upside down!
  And the girls will take it and scream:
  - We are warriors of hellish light!
  And how all four of them collided with their bare soles, and sparks of all colors of the rainbow rained down thickly. Well, women...
  Then, of course, the warriors took part in the torture. The pioneer was flogged with white-hot wire, then they began to pour salt and finely chopped pepper onto the wounds. The pain turned out to be hellish, and the boy screamed like a siren, or a hare in a trap.
  Gerda remarked mockingly :
  - A bear, caught in a fire, roars like a bull, There is no stronger pain in the entire universe. And my friend has a machine gun, he will cross out any nonsense!
  The boy lost consciousness several times, but he was brought to his senses and tortured again. At the same time, practically without asking questions. And what could the prisoner know? The sadistic fascists simply enjoyed the boy"s pain.
  The pioneer was tortured for a long time, until, finally, the boy completely lost consciousness, falling into a coma from painful shock. Gerda remarked with regret in her voice:
  - Not a bad torture, but not enough! Who else would you like to torture?
  Magda whispered angrily:
  -You are monsters! God will not forgive this!
  Gerda sang in response:
  - Don"t make a mistake, fish, God wants torture, and not on the first try!
  Christina tweeted deafeningly:
  - Oh, these tortures! Especially when they burn a woman"s heels with a hot iron, how nice it is!
  Charlotte hissed in a muffled voice:
  - We will torture Stalin, tear him into pieces!
  Red-haired Christina will babble:
  - And I am Baba Yaga, the girl has bare feet!
  And the warrior stepped on a hot rod. The rough sole felt a pleasant warmth and tickling. The red-haired devil cooed:
  - What a thrill !
  The other girls couldn't resist the temptation to run barefoot across the coals. And the warriors" legs are so beautiful and distinguished by the harmony of their lines. And Gerda even exposed her breasts and put a red-hot iron to the scarlet nipple. And she moaned voluptuously from the pleasure that the pain caused her.
  Magda followed suit, remarking:
  - In hell they will apply hot iron to our naked girls" breasts! So we have a chance to see what it is like in advance!
  Gerda giggled and licked the hot metal with her tongue and chirped:
  - We are not afraid even of hell! Even hell! Eternally engulfed in flames ! Yes, embraced!
  Charlotte took it and tweeted:
  - What pain, what pain!
  Christina jumped barefoot over the hot coals and laughed. Well, the girls" feet are always barefoot, the soles are strong, like the calluses of a camel. And in general, these are warriors of the highest class!
  Then the girls swam in the river again. Stormtroopers flew across the sky. And at high altitudes the formidable TA-400s. They flew to bomb Soviet cities beyond the Urals. The tactics of constant, exhausting bombing, using napalm bombs, led to the exhaustion of Russia. So the factories gradually went underground, the Germans bombed workers' neighborhoods to kill as many people as possible. They used incendiary bombs and heavy radio-controlled bombs. What did the Nazis invent? For example, small eggs with cumulative explosives.
  The TA-400 even carried the heaviest bomb in the world, weighing fifteen tons. She was dropped on Ulyanovsk. Half the block was demolished. So the fascists constantly fought .
  But it seems that the Third Reich was faced with a force against which napalm was powerless.
  And the V -missiles are not at all something that could provide at least some kind of turning point in the war of attrition.
  Dan fought in a trench near Leningrad. A tall boy, large and muscular beyond his years, thought more about girls than about fighting. The Germans shelled the city, the Russians responded. Of course, the Nazis had more guns, and the calibers were considerable.
  Dan was shooting with a sniper - a long, automatic rifle. The bullets were special, with a uranium core. Quite expensive and recommended to be used sparingly.
  The boy recalled how he made love last night with the Russian girl Alenka. She is also a tall and large woman, very temperamental. Dan is very handsome and a figure skater, so the girl willingly slept with him. But this, of course, was not true love. But Dan knew how to please a girl. However, where would Alenka go? You can't argue with an elite SS man.
  But near Leningrad, in general, the Germans were somehow unlucky.
  If Stalingrad, where the Russians showed tenacity and fought for almost six months, became the talk of the town, then what can we say about Leningrad?
  In the end, the Germans also took Orenburg, but the losses, especially of the foreign hordes, were colossal. The fascists, in general, despite their racial prejudices, were involuntarily forced to admit: their enemy was strong, courageous and completely full-fledged.
  Dan thought that if Alenka got pregnant, he would even be happy. I wanted to extend my family line, you never know what could happen in a war.
  I also thought, why did they come to the Russian lands? Maybe it was not worth trying to take Moscow after London? Don't the Germans have enough land anyway?
  Russia turned out to be an elastic country, where every step forward was very difficult.
  Dan hit some boy in the head with a well-aimed shot. Maybe even the same age. Boys were increasingly fighting on the Russian side. Apparently, Stalin began to understand that teenagers were more useful on the front line than in the rear. Indeed , the guy at the machine is just a low-skilled worker. And in battle on equal terms with adults!
  Dan made another sharpening on the stock. Mentally said:
  - Son of a bitch Friedrich! You are still luckier than me!
  And he added out loud:
  - Oh, I wish I could become a pilot!
  And the boy showed off his biceps! Quite large and sinewy. The boy athlete began to do gymnastics. A girl crawled up behind him. It was not the beautiful Alenka, but someone else, freckled , red-haired, tall and thin. The girl admired Dan. It's hard to believe that he is still a boy who is not sixteen. Above average height, with muscles of cast steel, the tanned young man was doing somersaults. Dan is wearing only swimming trunks, and his skin is smooth, as if made of bronze, and he has a thin waist like a glass. Freckled Svetka was not considered a beauty - she was angular, skinny from a forced diet, her hands and soles of her feet were covered in calluses. True, her eyes are green and beautiful, and her facial features are regular and even, like a girl"s. But she is far from the curvy, golden-haired Alenka.
  Svetka wants to approach the athletic boy, but is afraid. Dan"s face is still almost childlike, with that unique charm of a teenager of adolescence, when the childhood swelling disappears, but the beard that spoils the blush of fresh skin has not yet emerged. If it were not for his short haircut, then pretty Dan"s head could be mistaken for a girl"s, with a manly chin - how handsome he is.
  Svetka understood that she was hopelessly inferior compared to him, especially because of the freckle. Oh, I wish I could get this nasty thing out of my face. What hasn't she tried?
  Dan felt someone else's gaze on him and sharply twisted around. He did a cascade of somersaults, ending up next to Svetka.
  The barefoot girl in rags screamed. Dan put his hand over her mouth and asked:
  - Well, who are you, a spy?
  The girl said with a groan:
  -I'm Svetka, have mercy!
  Dan, who understood Russian well, purred:
  - OK then! Since you were watching me, you have to pay money to watch me!
  Svetka moaned in fear:
  - I have no! I'm a beggar!
  Dan pressed the girl to him and hissed:
  - You will pay in kind! We are Aryans and the universe belongs to us!
  The children came out of artificial sleep. And first of all, they felt vigor and a surge of strength in their muscular bodies. Their muscles were already prominent, but now they have become much sharper, deeply defined, and scary. And the skin of the body became dark again, almost black.
  Marinka whistled:
  - Wow! Looks like we're cured!
  Valerka answered with a smile:
  - And they even became better.
  Slavka shook his wire-like muscles and sang:
  This means living beautifully
  This means living with dignity...
  Our heroic strength,
  Strength of spirit and willpower!
  Levka snapped the bare toes of his well-muscled legs and noted:
  - We are just guys of steel!
  Valerka corrected:
  - More likely, even titanium!
  Next to the senior pioneer leader stood a man wearing dark glasses covering half of his face. And he said in a low voice:
  - Yes, guys. Now you are not like everyone else. No, now you are perhaps even better than the rest!
  Marinka squeaked and chirped:
  - We are the best in the world,
  Our song is on the air...
  The Fatherland does not believe in tears,
  And we'll give the evil aliens their brains!
  Slavka exclaimed:
  - We were vampires, and now we"re normal again?
  The man in dark glasses and epaulets replied:
  - Not really! You really were vampires, and you still are, only now you are not afraid of the sun, and are deprived of all the weaknesses of bloodsuckers.
  - That"s right, it"s even quasar ! - Valerka exclaimed!
  Marinka asked with a smile:
  - So what?
  The man in epaulets replied:
  - In conditions where the enemy from a neighboring galaxy is actively building combat starships, and is clearly preparing a huge fleet for invasion , this will certainly matter!
  Slavka noted with delight:
  - Children's special forces! This, you see, is very cool !
  Levka corrected, flexing his muscles:
  - More likely not even for children, but for pioneers. We are almost adults already.
  The man in dark glasses replied:
  - You still have a lot to learn, Valerka. Don't relax too much.
  Marinka tweeted:
  - As Lenin said: - Study, study and study again!
  Slavka sang jokingly:
  What kind of school life is this?
  the test every day ...
  Addition, division,
  Multiplication table!
  The girl in the white coat announced:
  - And now you will plunge into the Hypermatrix. And your superpowers will be tested .
  Valerka asked with a smile:
  - Or maybe before that, we"ll go and sing?
  The man in dark glasses and epaulets nodded in agreement:
  - Of course you can, sing!
  And the children began to sing in chorus, something perky and militant:
  Boundless universe with a burning star,
  My heart is beating anxiously in my chest!
  How good and joyful it is to do good with you,
  We will open the door between the worlds!
  boy will fly into space very soon,
  Even though he"s just rushing through the grass...
  And we will gnaw on science, without a doubt, the monolith -
  Let the Sun shine over the universe!
  The tomboy drew a picture of an astronaut in his notebook,
  His sketch is timid, inept...
  But we will translate the universal ideal into dreams -
  Let the very brave warrior win!
  Beautiful world, even if the Creator is harsh -
  It contains black and red colors mixed...
  It's much better to do without doctors,
  To live forever, to make the planet a paradise!
  The boy will graduate from school and shoot like an arrow to Mars,
  And maybe Sirius will become closer to us...
  We will create this, it will be simply top class -
  Let's build a house in New York and Paris!
  In other worlds, where the ice rings with sparkling silver,
  Where there are a lot of sweet dates, bananas,
  Let us pose the question proudly, with our sharpest edge,
  Don't turn people into sheep!
  The greatness of the Fatherland, know, lies in this,
  To reach the edges of all galaxies...
  In the hands of a strong child there is a wide oar,
  And there are many bright practices on the stars!
  So pioneer, you hold on to the great compass
  What did the ruler of generations indicate...
  Let's build free communism in the universe,
  Let there be what Lenin bequeathed to us!
  The man in dark glasses and epaulets nodded in agreement:
  - What you write is wonderful. This indicates your increased intellectual abilities.
  The girl in the white coat noted:
  - These children have grown up significantly. They are, indeed, capable of very much, and now they have such abilities...
  Valerka giggled and remarked:
  Yes, we can now...
  Levka took it and interrupted:
  With my skillful hand I can
  Reach the moon from the sky...
  I'll make an elephant out of a molehill,
  And I won"t blink an eye!
  The head nurse suggested:
  - Let's show them a film, one from the alternative history of the matrix. So that they are not too self-confident and understand who they will have to fight with!
  The man in dark glasses nodded his head confidently:
  - Turn it on! It will be interesting.
  And immediately a three-dimensional image appeared in color:
  There was thunder on the fronts of the Second World War. The hordes of the Third Reich not only fought, but also raged. The pioneer Vitya was stripped and nailed naked by his hands and feet to a pole. They hung it in the sun. Before this, the boy was severely tortured; the whole tanned, sinewy body of the pioneer was covered with burns and traces of wire and whips.
  The boy was dying painfully. Other adventures took place elsewhere.
  The girl Daria and the boy Vaska are walking quickly along a flattering path. The little boy Vaska is very lively and active, every now and then he overtakes his girlfriend, runs around her, his bare heels flash. So the little devil made a face and walked around on his hands. The bright spring sun is shining. Daria smiles, the forest needles pleasantly tickle the girl"s tired, bare feet, it"s easy to walk, you walk, filling your soul with cheerfulness, despite the basket in your hands. Vaska, like all ten-year-old boys, wants to wag his tongue, he asks, in particular:
  - How is it in Moscow? What kind of cars are there?
  Daria answers evasively:
  - Different, both big and small!
  Vaska does not calm down:
  - And which ones specifically, are there any of them the size of a house?
  The girl readily answers:
  - There are such KAMAZ trucks, they are capable of transporting up to two hundred tons. Huge giant machines. What, Vaska, do you probably dream of riding one of these ? How's the baby raccoon?
  The boy was offended:
  - Although I am only ten years old, unlike some, I killed Germans. He shot at them and didn"t miss. And you"re a girl, I suppose , and you haven"t even sniffed gunpowder.
  Daria pretended not to be offended:
  - In war, sniffing gunpowder is like plucking clover in the field! Besides, you know, I have not just bread hidden in my basket, but an explosive in the loaf. The commander said, if possible, use it for its intended purpose, just don"t put yourself at risk. And you're teasing.
  Vaska did a somersault, picked up a pine cone with his feet, threw it high and whistled as a joke:
  - Stars and bones fell in a row, the tram ran over a squad of October students! - then, without changing tone. - I know that! I was already told about this, and the commander asked me to plant the explosives myself. It is best to do this at the railway station in Zhitomir, placing it under a fuel tank. Or, what"s more difficult, under a car with a general. The charge is not powerful enough to destroy the tank. So, about a kilogram of TNT in a loaf. They protect you, they are afraid that they will catch you. But you can"t stand the torture, you"re such a sissy.
  The girl was offended:
  - Well, where did you get the idea?
  The boy, jumping up and down, explained:
  - You"ve lost a little weight now, but before that you were fat. However, compared to most girls, you are now chubby. You can arouse suspicion among the Germans, and then you will be tortured. Do you know what the Nazis do to little girls? For example, electric shock...
  Daria made an unsuccessful attempt to grab the playful boy by the ear, he jumped back and made a face:
  - And how clumsy you are, you don"t look like a partisan at all. A young scout must be as agile as an acrobat. We will also teach you, including how to climb trees.
  The girl shook her finger:
  - If I become dexterous, I"ll rip your ears off the top of your head!
  The boy said philosophically:
  - In war, strength without dexterity is like a machine gun without bullets! So learn, girl! Otherwise you will find out what a fascist whip is.
  Daria was tired of talking with the active and smart boy. She fell silent, admiring the spring Ukrainian nature, breathing in the clean forest air, feeling Mother Earth with her bare girlish feet. A squirrel flashed along the branches, it waved its tail and knocked down a cone. It looked lyrical and beautiful. Fresh leaves appeared on bare branches. Each tree seemed alive, with its own special pattern, the fullness of colors and natural strength of which even Leonardo could not describe. The girl touched the leaf with her palm and said:
  - You know, I somehow didn"t notice natural beauty before.
  Vaska snorted contemptuously:
  - City... Whatever you take! Although , you know, one professor quite rightly said that the best poem about snow was written by a Papuan.
  Daria grinned:
  - It"s very possible. Seeing snow for the first time, the black poet was able to fully, with all his heart, feel its beauty. We trample the snow with our feet, but the Papuan accepted it with his soul.
  The boy, defiantly bowing to the ground, asked:
  - Now, maybe you can sing, dear. You have such a voice. Well, just a miracle, not a voice. I heard you sing, a true siren. Is it unpleasant for you to feel nature on your skin?
  Daria said with enthusiasm:
  - Yes, very nice! I never thought that you could experience such pleasure simply by walking through the forest barefoot and breathing in the honey-filled air. Previously, I was blind and did not notice such beauty! Now I have received my sight, and it"s as if I"m flying on wings. How good and pure your soul is.
  Vaska nodded:
  - And I"m very happy. So maybe you"ll sing something sublime about nature. So I'm tired of listening to bravura marches.
  The girl nodded with her blonde curls:
  - Of course, I"ll sing!
  Vaska jumped up, knocked down a bump, and squealed:
  - Come on, put the Germans into a trance, prima donna!
  Daria sang in her full-voiced voice, like a church organ:
  Precious stones appear between the branches,
  At least a beggar's knapsack is on my shoulder!
  I walk poor in the light of the pale moon,
  Glory to Mother Nature in glorious September!
  Believe me, the country is great, famous for its strength,
  Even though my flesh is exhausted by a long journey!
  Homespun dress, barefoot beauty,
  There are pebbles under my feet, prick my feet!
  But the trees are golden, lush, curly,
  Like copper pennies, a halo of aspens!
  I'm a young girl, throwing away the old into dust ,
  I splash along the road, the rain has watered the path!
  The night is already cold, the days are warm,
  has creeped in!
  The janitors are angry, waving their brooms after me,
  The wind is also brutal, it wants to turn off the light!
  I wander like this for weeks, my legs are already bleeding,
  Hunger is terribly tormenting, there is a fire in my stomach!
  There is no shelter for the page, all the knights perished,
  A hurricane is rushing across the Fatherland-Motherland!
  The blades of silver grass are dotted with frost,
  Pearls with patterns, poplar branches!
  And my white body trembles from the cold,
  Star Aquarius winked with sympathy!
  And where do I go, where do I find refuge,
  Under your bare feet, the ice crunches with glaze!
  Is there really only peace waiting for me in the cemetery,
  Under the ground in the dampness, hide from the storms!
  No, I told myself, I can"t be dead,
  Not a temptation, but a scarecrow, a well-fed Garden of Eden!
  Along the path again, having eaten a cherry,
  I was watching the sunset!
  And to the Kyiv Lavra, through the snowdrifts,
  I arrived from Mother Siberia barefoot!
  There the beggar prayed furiously in front of the icon,
  For the sake of God, I parted with my braid!
  Times are changing, there is a revolution in the world,
  A crimson, red dawn has risen!
  And I also want to see a better life,
  The girl left right from the altar!
  A former novice became a Komsomol member,
  The warrior has more than a single corpse on his account!
  She"s even surprised that she disobeyed the Lord,
  But her bravest is not afraid!
  So the fierce girl became a commissar,
  And she burned the Russian church in rage!
  Although she went through the military path and remained intact,
  But in my soul the fire burned everything to the ground!
  The girl sang and sang. Vaska sang along and jumped up and down. So they came out onto the asphalt road. It became more difficult to walk along it, the small pebbles along the edges painfully pricked the girl"s feet, which had not yet had time to harden. Daria asked the boy:
  - Do you think that without the help of the West, the mighty Britain and the USA, we will be able to defeat fascism?
  Vaska whistled and ran his big toe across the sand:
  - Of course, we will win, because truth and justice are on our side! And this is a huge power! Evil cannot win!
  Daria objected:
  - War is not a fairy tale! This is more than a harsh reality. And in general, our life is not honey, look at our world, boy. Does good always win in him?
  Vaska showed prudence unusual for his age:
  - Of course, good does not reign in the world, but it always wins! Why? The good is not always rewarded, but the evil is always punished!
  The boy even sang:
  There are two hundred million of us Slavs,
  We have always been able to fight.
  The King of Blood is cast into the hell of Sodom,
  Let's kick Hitler's sides too!
  Daria smiled:
  - So it will be! Fascism will not pass, but ... All of Europe is working for the Third Reich. In addition, now former allies will help the Wehrmacht. After all, you can"t be half a friend ; in politics and war you are either a friend or an enemy! Fighting against the whole world is scary!
  Vaska objected:
  - The Allies will never risk entering into an open war against the USSR, and we can cope with the Germans alone, even if the Japs enter the war. In our country, every Soviet citizen can pick up a machine gun. So the battle will be steep, difficult, but victorious!
  Daria sighed:
  - Unfortunately, it"s not only the Germans who are against us. And there are too many Japanese, so it will be difficult to fight.
  The boy interrupted Daria:
  - Enough chatting, let's walk faster, or even better, run.
  The guys quickened their pace, when the noise of engines was heard, they jumped into the bushes. The trees along the strip were cut down, only stumps sticking out. A column of equipment passed by. The boy quickly added:
  - Fifty-seven vehicles and six tankettes. Not so little. The opponents have passed, come on, let"s push some more.
  They came running to the town late in the evening, Daria thought she was about to collapse from fatigue, suffocate from running, but ... A second wind appeared, then a third, and the girl ran. And her young partner didn"t even break a sweat. The town was indeed swarming with fascists: Germans and Italians. Vaska identified the latter by the special shape of the pasta bowls and the way they spoke quickly. The boy already knew German well, and Daria, as a representative of the intellectual elite, also spoke several languages. Italian is not one of the main languages in Europe, but the girl watched several programs in this language with sign language translation and remembered something. Well, the girl studied English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese and Latin from infancy with foreign tutors. So Daria could navigate by fragments of the soldiers" conversation. In fact, the Germans did not arouse fear in the girl, but rather curiosity. What is it like to see up close the first one, your own fascist. The guards at the entrance look neatly trim, their boots are polished and shiny, their young faces are clean-shaven. Vaska even managed to shoot a cigarette from them and defiantly took a drag. Daria shook her finger:
  - You know, tobacco contains thirty-eight toxic substances, and it provokes cancer. And children who smoke grow up much worse!
  Vaska objected:
  - Why, Stalin is worse than you, and he also smokes!
  With unexpected dexterity, the girl snatched the boy"s cigarette and said reproachfully:
  - Stalin, this is the Sun, but there are spots on the Sun too! Better ask for chocolate.
  The boy shook his head:
  - Convinced! But I must say, German chocolate is worse than Soviet chocolate.
  Daria agreed:
  - Of course it"s worse. Ours is natural from cocoa beans, and the German one is ersatz. Until recently, they could only import cocoa beans by submarine. Now, however, the fascists can take advantage of the fact that the blockade has been lifted. So you can try shooting a chocolate bar.
  Vaska showed his childish fist with sharp knuckles:
  - I"d rather shoot them with a machine gun! - the boy twisted and sang. - Don"t throw your word to the wind, extinguish the Germans, and save Russia!
  Daria put her finger to her lips:
  - Hush, people are already looking at us.
  Vaska stated:
  - That's right, the most inconspicuous spy creates the most noise. For example, a fly is buzzing, but it would make an excellent scout. I even tried to build such a flying machine, but how is that possible when you have a hammer and a screwdriver in your hands?
  The girl shook her finger at the boy:
  - Well, you are a dreamer! Do you really think that you could build something that no one could do even in my time! Although I heard...
  Vaska was surprised and interrupted the girl:
  - What time?
  The girl blushed, embarrassed:
  - Like in which one, ours!
  The boy narrowed his eyes slyly:
  - You are clearly hiding something, some secret!
  Daria whispered:
  - The time will come and I will tell you everything. If we live!
  Vaska whistled:
  - A real person is immortal, communist science will resurrect the dead, and whoever is a creature is already dead!
  The child scouts fell silent, and there were more and more fascists around. There were indeed a lot of Italians, most with long guns, or outdated Schmeisters . Cardboard helmets on their heads, boots with sharp forged toes, faces darker than those of the Germans. In general, the Germans themselves are distinguished from the Slavs more by their language and shape than by their faces . In addition, there is something mechanical in the movements of the Krauts, as if they were robots. This is where the difference between Russians exists.
  Several tanks are visible. Daria, being an almost typical girl, was not particularly keen on weapons, but Vaska is an expert in this. He suggested:
  - This is a T-4, you see, the frontal armor is sloping, copied from the T-34, and the gun is 75 mm.
  The girl remarked:
  - A rather tall machine. It is difficult to climb.
  The boy objected:
  - So there is a ladder for this. Don't be afraid, the Germans have provided for this. It can be seen that the tank is a new model, the number of hatches has been reduced, and the gas tank has been hidden under the armor. PTV won't take him now.
  The young scouts made funny faces at the fascists, Vaska even walked on his hands, dancing in front of them. Daria also performed a dance; after losing weight, she was able to move much better. True, the girl"s legs ached greatly from the long journey and fast running, and her tender feet were literally burning. Daria wanted to sing, but decided that the Nazis had too much honor.
  There was a curfew, but people work late during the war, and it was not strictly enforced. Vaska, meanwhile, had already managed to count the barracks, and trucks, and self-propelled guns with tanks. He explained to the girl:
  - This is the self-propelled gun that I saw near the commandant"s office, the famous German self-propelled gun "Okhotnik". It is lightweight, made on the basis of the Czech t -38 chassis. One of the best in panzval .
  Daria was surprised:
  - What is panzvale ?
  The boy explained:
  - Well, for example, the Nazis call aviation the Luftwaffe, and the tank armadas Panzvale . In the same way, the T-4 and T-3 tanks are also called panzers . The Germans number their tanks simply, the lightest T-1, which has now actually been discontinued, weighed from 5 to 10 tons depending on the modification. Moreover, each modification in accordance with the release date has a letter numbering. The car is small, bulletproof, but has three machine guns. Speed on the highway is 57 kilometers per hour, engine is 100 horsepower. The next model is T-2, a little heavier and more powerful. In later modifications, the thickness of the frontal armor was increased to 20 millimeters and installed at an angle. The armament is two machine guns and a 20-mm cannon, of course not enough, but it is automatic. The engine power, depending on the modification, is from 100 to 220 horsepower, there are also floating models, the speed on the highway is from 40 to 65 kilometers per hour. At the moment, this tank is more often used as a reconnaissance tank, less often as a command tank.
  Daria interrupted:
  - Do you think I want to listen to lectures on tanks now? Besides, I"m terribly tired, I need to find a house and spend the night.
  The boy whistled and jumped again:
  - It will be useful for you to hear about tanks! After all, we still have to fight and fight with the Germans. And the scouted enemy is half defeated. And we have a hut, the underground knows me well, but it would be nice to run to the airfield. True, this town has only plywood flyers , but Zhitomir has something better . But it wouldn"t hurt to check there, too.
  It was dark, but the boy and girl deftly avoided the sentries standing along the streets and intersections. The boy continued to tell the girl in a whisper, teaching the basics of war. This, in turn, helped Daria cope with her fear; the occupied city, almost devoid of lights, seemed very ominous.
  - The most popular tank at the time of the invasion of the USSR was the T-3. This model appeared in 1937. In the first model, this tank had only 20 millimeters of frontal armor. The speed is only 40 kilometers per hour. Then the car gradually became heavier. The gun had a caliber of 37 millimeters, light, rapid-fire. Shortly before the attack on the USSR, or rather , starting in July 1940, a tank with 50-mm guns began to be produced. This was due to the fact that 37 mm is too small, even against the French and English. For example, the French sis -35 had 56 mm armor and a 47 mm caliber gun.
  Daria interrupted:
  - How do you know about French tanks?
  Vaska explained:
  - These zizas also fought on the Soviet-German front. The Germans produced them in limited quantities at factories in occupied France. And Panzer - 3, the most popular tank, which almost entered Moscow in 1941. A dangerous machine, with three machine guns, you can"t really get close to it. But the T-34 is, of course, stronger, but in optics it"s inferior to the fascist bastard . Unfortunately, German technology does not stand still, and today I saw a T-3 with a 75 mm gun. Yes, these bastards are also learning, their wedges have grown. It will be necessary to inform the command that not only the T-4, but also the T-3 poses a serious danger to our tanks. Oh, fascist freaks , God knows what breed.
  The guys got out of the city and ran closer to the airfield. Vaska warned:
  - We will move so that the wind blows in our direction. Then they won't catch our scent! There are dogs running around here.
  Daria sighed:
  - Dogs! Yes, I love them. After all, could there be anything more beautiful than a dog?
  Vaska chuckled:
  - Yes, I loved them too, until they broke the guts of a girl about a couple of years younger than you. So this beauty is worse than a tattered cat !
  The girl fell silent. They approached the airfield, whose outlines were visible in the semi-darkness. Two searchlights were on; it was quite a distance from the front line, and the USSR had little long-range aviation. In general, Stalin did not rely on strategic bombing, counting on his allies. The spotlights caused the impressionable girl to associate them with the eyes of Count Dracula. Indeed, it was a very creepy monster, although not as big as the airfield. The trees, as one would expect, were cut down, and barbed wire hung. The boy warned:
  - There may be anti-personnel mines here. Make a slight mistake and your legs will be torn off. So you need to move carefully. Where the mines are buried, the ground is freshly plowed, and I can see better at night than during the day.
  The girl was surprised:
  - Why is night better than day?
  Vaska said half-jokingly:
  -Trees bother me during the day. And you, follow me exactly, step left, step right, shot on the spot. So?
  Daria objected:
  - The lady needs to be let in first!
  Vaska, raising his tone, said:
  - How a minefield differs from a tram is that they don"t let a lady go ahead! So don't be a greyhound !
  The boy crawled, three machine-gun towers and barbed wire could be seen in the darkness. The towers looked somewhat like diving boards, and the light fence with barbed wire looked like a cobweb. Daria even wondered if they were flies flying into the trap themselves. Or they are wasps that are capable of painfully stinging a fascist carcass. However, do corpses feel pain, but the Nazis are already corpses - morally dead! The girl felt her knee hit a sharp stone and gasped. Vaska warned in a whisper:
  - Don't make noise, dogs have very sensitive ears.
  Daria replied:
  - It looks like my knee is going to swell!
  The boy threatened:
  - If you make noise, your head will explode. From a well-aimed shot, first yours , and then mine!
  The girl remained silent further. The guys crawled to the barbed wire itself. The boy whispered in Daria"s ear:
  - It's buzzing! That means it's energized. In addition, this time there are not only plywood models. It looks like the Nazis are up to something bad. For example, Yu-188 perched.
  This is not good.
  Daria whispered almost silently in response:
  - Why not good? Will the Nazis really bomb the forests?
  Vaska shook his head and pressed his dry, hard lips closer to the girl"s ear:
  - Don't think! Too expensive, this is most likely a stopover before being transferred to the Soviet front. We are too small a target for such a powerful weapon. So our plans need to be adjusted, namely, I will plant explosives in the Junkers gas tank. The explosion, if you're lucky, will burn out several vehicles, and if you're unlucky, then one such vehicle costs more than three T-4 tanks. So the game is worth the candle.
  Daria whispered:
  -Come on, I"ll crawl with you?
  The boy resolutely rejected:
  - This is exactly what you shouldn"t do. There are sentries walking between the planes, and one experienced boy has a much better chance than an inexperienced girl. Sit, wait, if you want, pray.
  Vaska, using a stick, began to bend the barbed wire. He did it slowly, like a jeweler cutting a diamond. Indeed, the slightest mistake will start to crackle and sparkle. Finally, the boy left the stick and whispered to Daria;
  - Hold me while I slip through.
  Before the girl had time to grab it, the boy slipped into the gap, like a mouse running away from a cat.
  Well, these children were lucky, there was no torture. At least for now.
  But Daria has to get used to her new life. Walking barefoot, which is unusual for her.
  The boy was dying on a stake, exhausted and subjected to severe torture.
  And what the Nazis did was to hang them on the rack, twist their joints, and pour boiling water on them.
  And how did the boy have the strength to remain silent and not split? Don't betray anyone, and don't even admit your own guilt. And now die on a stake after torture.
  What kind of courage and heroism it takes to endure something like this.
  A German Royal Lion tank drove by. This is one of the modifications of the E series. The vehicle is armed with a 210 mm intermediate-caliber cannon, and 300 mm armor on the front, 250 on the side. Such a unique machine weighing one hundred tons, and with a gas turbine engine of 2000 horsepower. It may not be the most successful model, but it is well protected and can penetrate Soviet tanks from a distance.
  The four girls driving this car got out and headed towards the boy. They looked at the naked, tortured body of the dying pioneer. Then the crew commander fired a pistol at the head, saying:
  - In the name of mercy!
  The boy, who had been moaning quietly in agony, fell silent . The girl dipped the blood with her bare foot and left several scarlet, pale marks.
  The warriors climbed into the tank, and their mood was not the best.
  The crew commander noted:
  - These Russians are very stubborn. Even children endure such torture. I don"t understand their frantic fanaticism!
  Her assistant replied:
  "Maybe it"s because of a lack of understanding of how wonderful life is." And that living, in any case, is much better than dying!
  The girl commander remarked:
  - The war has been going on for many years. We are all dead tired of her. And, of course, we want change! And also peace. Can he promise the Russians autonomy?
  The tank gunner suggested:
  - We need to commit less atrocities. Then everything will be different. We are kind to them, and they are kind to us...
  And the girls said in chorus:
  The petal of a flower is fragile,
  If it was torn off a long time ago...
  Although the world around is cruel -
  I want to do good!
  Thoughts are crystal clear,
  Bring the light to mind...
  We are like pure children
  into evil!
  And the tank started moving. Despite the enormous weight, the 2000 horsepower engine accelerated the car very quickly. And the tank, turning its muzzle, moved. And the gun"s barrel is both long and wide, like a pine trunk! It turned out to be a powerful wedge heel. More precisely, a mastodon. Another type of thing that was going to kill and maim Russian people
  The movie paused, and the head nurse with a sweet smile turned to the vampire children:
  - Now you have seen the atrocities of the Nazis on the fields of the Second World War! Are you ready to take revenge on them?
  Levka clenched his fists tightly and answered decisively:
  - Of course, we are ready!
  Slavka noted in annoyance:
  - I"m even tired of the Second World War going on all the time. As if there were no other wars in history!
  The head nurse answered confidently:
  - This is the largest war in human history. Fortunately, World War III was avoided, and communism was victorious throughout the world.
  Marinka nodded with a smile:
  "We understand all this, and we are ready to fight for a brighter tomorrow."
  The man in dark glasses nodded and said in a menacing voice:
  - Now start fulfilling the messiahs. Let's see how much your abilities have grown.
  And the four pioneer children plunged into the Hypermatrix of the Hypernet.
  And Valerka Lagunov had her own adventures. And first, on the ship of the Japanese armada, she kidnapped the chief admiral. And the barefoot boy did it quite noisily. And they reproached him so that next time he would act much more carefully and subtly.
  The boy even sang in annoyance:
  The wing of the empire hovered over the universe,
  All the stars shook at once in wild fear!
  And the sword covered itself with incorruptible glory,
  The power has won, flourished - its enemies are in the dust!
  We have risen from the depths of the star whirlpool ,
  Rise higher, domes of the universe!
  Spaces that have conquered the gates -
  In great glory, in constant battle!
  Achieved the goal, whirlwinds of insects,
  But once upon a time they only collected pollen...
  Now, you know, there are plenty of new starships,
  After all, we are beetles, believe me, not parrots!
  Falling in love with the planet is happiness
  Erasing enemies, clearing space...
  Even the highest spirit has no power over us,
  And you know, it"s not too late to create worlds!
  Full of primates and ferocious tigers,
  What beetles think is not the navel of the universe.
  And they start a rough game in battle,
  Let their house turn into burning hay!
  Our bodies are winged from birth,
  Any baby soars high...
  And the adversary will not receive forgiveness,
  Kat in the underworld will not see heaven!
  And the vacuum is not emptiness and cold,
  The hope of light warms us beetles in it...
  May the old warrior be forever young,
  And our friendship of knights is sung!
  When we reach the edges of the universe,
  Let's go to other, you know, hypostases...
  We are not just God's creation ,
  And the embodiment of limitless power!
  After Valerka Lagunov captured Senior Admiral Yamato , he led the Japanese Naturo Armada . By the way, a relative of the emperor. But now the time has come for him, the admiral of the imperial fleet, to go feed the fish.
  The six, having grabbed weapons and already separated as usual, set off to swim to their potential victims.
    The four Terminator girls couldn"t bear any kind of cold, but the boys, who even though they were changing their physical structure, had to freeze. And in November the water became colder , and the Japanese squadron stayed away from the shore.
  The samurai fired from a long distance in a high arc, hoping to reach the citadel city without much accuracy. Just to punish the Russians at least a little.
  So, to keep warm, I had to row much more energetically and try to keep up with my partners.
  Night sabotage was no longer new, and the plan was generally similar. Although not quite, after a short squabble, they decided to split up - every man for himself and, quietly making his way to the largest ships, blowing up the ammunition.
  This had its own logic, since it would be more difficult to push the battleships head-on again; the Japanese would simply try to leave quickly . And the night wasn't too dark. Moon, and you should be extremely careful.
  So now each boy has his own goal, and they know what to do.
  If you blow up a warehouse with combat equipment, which is hidden in such a way that it would be extremely difficult to reach with a shell, then the ship will split and sink.
  The Japanese had recently updated their ammunition, and fired only from twelve-inch caliber guns , and even then not often, as if they were afraid of getting hit. So there were quite enough targets for detonation. Samurai must understand that approaching the Russian shores is very dangerous.
  The battleship purchased from the Americans looks quite impressive and streamlined. A formidable vessel, perhaps even scary. It has a pair of guns and 16-inch caliber. And this cannot fail to impress.
  Valerka Lagunov remembered that the era of battleships ended after the Second World War. They turned out to be too vulnerable to attacks from bombers located on aircraft carriers. And many of them, especially Japanese ones, were sunk.
  And one battleship costs as much as three to four thousand medium tanks. So there is a lot to think about when it comes to naval warfare.
  The boy climbed up the steel surface using his very tenacious fingers and toes. I didn't even bother putting on the suction cups. There is no need, although the metal is new, it is a little studded with spikes in one place.
  So you climb like an agile monkey. And then, very deftly, moving your bare heel, you send the Japanese sentry overboard.
  With the roar of explosions, this can be done both unnoticed and inaudibly. And then you run on tiptoe to the cruise chamber. There are quite a lot of Japanese, but this does not bother us at all. They don't really pay attention to what's going on under their feet.
  Moreover, some boy looks more like a slave than a saboteur.
  Yes, and the sailors here are of a new conscription, and the half-naked cabin boy carrying a backpack with a worried look seems natural. Although the weather is not conducive to walking in swimming trunks, but... This is Japan, where the attitude towards children is usually harsh. This means that the cabin boy was punished, and his hair, dyed black, was braided in a special braid.
  One of the sailors tried to grab the boy's bare foot. The young Leninist Valerka turned off the libertine with a light snap of his finger. Yes, they have some that use the services of boys. These are the rules they have, great tolerance for the sin of Sodom. No, maybe it would be better to put on a Japanese uniform?
    One of the local boys asked Valerka in Japanese:
  -Who are you?
  The young Leninist Valerka answered harshly:
  - For a gift for the captain, puppy!
  He retreated, and Valerka, without any ceremony, opened the entrance to the cruise chamber with a master key. He wasn"t embarrassed by anything, and he was already speaking decently in Japanese.
  Next, you simply go down the spiral staircase to the hold area, securely covered with armor. Here everything turns out somehow simple, not in a Hollywood way.
  But no, and it"s not easy. Someone made a noise from the Japanese. Maybe even this boy from the cabin. If for adult Japanese on a ship with two and a half thousand crew members, a dozen and a half teenagers look alike, they don"t look closely at them, then the cabin boys know each other more or less, and they feel the newcomer with every fiber of their soul.
  And Valerka"s muscles are too prominent, not quite human- like .
  So what if they raised the alarm there? There is enough time to open the next door and install the detonator.
  Well, then it"s even more interesting, we"ll break through with a fight! It's not Hollywood at all.
  The first Japanese who wanted to go down to the Kruyt Chamber were killed by throwing discs. The boy sniper threw four with his hands, and four very deftly with his feet. In total, a damn dozen Japanese were killed , and a detonator was installed. The boy set it for ten minutes, hoping that he would be able to get out.
  Now it's time to do some shooting!
  If the crew had been more sophisticated, they might have chosen a different tactic. But the Japanese shouted and howled a lot. But, of course, they didn"t throw grenades, and the battleship for which such huge money was paid would explode.
  But one of the samurai, still ahead of the team, threw a bomb. So dangerous, with the pin pulled out.
  The young Leninist Valerka perceived the movements of the Japanese as swimmers in jelly. Of course, his reaction and speed are much higher than human ones . The warrior has another four to five seconds after the pin is pulled out.
  So you calmly accept the gift on your bare foot, and then, gradually picking up speed, throw it up. Let him fly and announce tar-tarars to everyone !
  The Terminator boy growled:
  - This is for Tsushima!
  And it thundered, scattering the Japanese in different directions. The bomb weighed twelve kilograms. And of course, the one who threw it, an idiot, could have sent the entire ammunition load flying to hell! And then it would turn out that the samurai committed hara-kiri to themselves.
  Since the young Leninist Valerka thought and understood much faster than an ordinary person, he realized that they could try to block him in this warehouse, and therefore he rose up before the Japanese recovered from the explosion. And, of course, he unsheathed magic swords, which also had such a wonderful property as folding like a television antenna or a telescopic pipe.
  Yes, there was a time when antennas were used for communication. No wonder the futurists changed the means of communication.
  The boy sniper began to cut down the samurai, and from time to time jumping up and twisting his legs:
  - A sword, it's a sword! He will whip you! And you are not given the opportunity to save your life !
  The girls and Slava also worked according to the scheme. Well, the mutant girls naturally decided to wave their swords a little too. Why don't the beauties have some fun?
  In fact, how long can you sit like a goddess made of stone? Or rather, act with the pinpoint precision of a ninja and, at least a little bit, not play by the rules of Hollywood?
  Only the boy and former Leninist pioneer of the Soviet Empire, Slava, did everything quietly and carefully. He quietly opened the hook chamber, went down the stairs on his tiptoes and planted the detonator.
  Moreover, Slavka changed into a Japanese cabin boy, but did not put on his shoes. However, cabin boys usually went barefoot, and wore shoes only at parades, or when it was too cold. And now, on the frostiest days of the winter that has come at the end of autumn, it"s a little cold here too. Even if it"s not the same as in Siberia, or on land.
  But why is Petropavlovsk valuable? Unlike Vladivostok, miracles happen there that don"t even happen in reality!
  The young Leninist Slavka planted the detonator, went back and carefully closed the armored door. A drunken sailor saw the boy and roared:
  - What were you doing there?
  Slavka automatically replied:
  - I brought out Russian cognac for the admiral!
  Slavka had not yet learned Japanese and responded in English. However, the question was asked in British language.
  This did not surprise the pioneer boy, but when the drunken snout wanted to taste the cognac, he received a poke in the neck with his index finger. After which, Vyacheslav helped the English mercenary to gently sit on the armor.
  However, that was all the use of violence on the part of the young warrior was limited to.
  But the girl rangers frolicked at full speed. They, of course, wanted to stretch their muscles, stronger than titanium, and get into mischief. Well, at least a little.
  The young Leninist Valerka also got too carried away and went beyond reasonable limits. And this, unfortunately, happens very often.
  There was a rumble inside, exploding at the exact moment when the pioneer boy was still on the ship.
  Maybe everything would have worked out well, but the boy , as if on purpose, was thrown straight into the fire-blazing chimney during the shaking. By inertia, the boy flew over, his phenomenal reaction this time for some reason did not work, and the boy ranger ended up on fire.
  For his strong and elastic skin, this flame is not so scary, he can jump out.
  The enraged boy strained all his muscles with all his might, braced himself and pulled furiously.
  And the sea night gave way to a summer day, the young warrior flew not onto the deck, but onto the rugged fortress wall.
  And moreover, everything happened instantly, the tough Leninist Valerka did not even have time to be surprised when he collided head-on with a large German knight in armor. The collision turned out to be literal, and the boy"s forehead cracked, but nevertheless it turned out to be stronger than the visor, and the thug flew down with a wild scream.
  Ranger Boy looked around him and realized. There is a fierce assault on the ancient city, apparently from the late Middle Ages. The weapons are full of armor, armor, spears, but there are also cannons and even squeaks. Even if the latter are still primitive.
  The young Leninist Valerka was well versed in weapons, and realized that this was the end of the sixteenth century. Maybe even the last years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
  And judging by the clothes and swearing, the rather large city is being attacked by German mercenaries, Polish and Lithuanian lords. And the Russian army, together with the local militia, repels the attack.
  Wow, that's the city's coat of arms. Yes, this is Polotsk! Wow, it looks like the army of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth king Stefan Batory is storming a Russian city.
  More precisely, the army of Ivan the Terrible, under the personal command of the Tsar himself, besieged and took Polotsk in 1563. And now Stefan Batory wants to repel this hail back. Moreover, in real history he succeeded.
  After which , a threat was created to Russian possessions in Livonia. By this time, Tsarist Russia under Tsar John had conquered almost all the cities and fortresses of Livonia, except for Riga and Revel, and several towns in Courland.
  With the fall of Polotsk, the course of the war took on a very difficult character for Russia. The second front, in particular, was opened by Sweden - then a much more extensive and powerful power than it is now. But for now it is Polotsk that is the key defensive point.
  The Poles are also tired of the protracted war with Russia, and the Swedes have not moved away from the brutal battles with Denmark; if they beat off the onslaught, then maybe the gentry will not want to continue fighting with the strong Russia and things will come to peace.
  At one time, Batory was stopped only during the siege of Polotsk, allowing the Russian lands to be greatly devastated. But now there is a chance to end the war faster and with a more favorable result for Russia.
  The young Leninist Valerka, waving his swords, rushes at the Germans and Poles with wild fury. He just happened to be at the most dangerous part of the assault, where Stefan Batory threw his elite guards, and his mercenaries had already climbed the walls.
    The ranger boy very deftly threw fragments of broken stone cannonballs with his bare fingers. A couple of dozen nobles and knights fell down, killed by the throwing shells of the young terminator.
  The pioneer boy Valerka, slashing masses of Germans and Poles with swords, and with colossal elation, shouted:
  - For the Tsar and Patronymic, forward!
  Of course, then people in the sixteenth century were a little lighter and smaller than they are now, and a muscular boy of about twelve was no longer considered a child. But still, when a guy in scarlet swimming trunks and with wire-like muscles cuts down a dozen knights in two swings with a mill, you can"t help but feel the wildest horror.
  Horror, of course, comes from the enemy, but the valiant Russian army and local militia, on the contrary, will be inspired. And he will also respond with shouts of cheers and kind blows.
  The young Leninist Valerka had never fought as fiercely and fiercely as he did now. It was as if he felt that he was not in this world for long, and wanted to throw out all his energy and inflict the maximum possible damage on the enemy.
  And bare fingers threw fragments of daggers, swords, cannonballs, disks and helmets. And with his hands the boy ranger chopped everyone up like a coffee grinder. Not the slightest stop or pause. On the contrary, maximizing the pressure.
  And the Russian army, seeing his example, shouted:
  - An angel is with us! We will win!
  Stepan Batory's right hand, Hetman Khodkevich, personally led the breakthrough in the most vulnerable area. Just about, and the Poles with mercenaries burst into the city, had already straddled the walls, but then a barefoot boy appeared who exterminates the best warriors a hundred per minute, or even faster. How can you not freak out and lose your head?
  Khodkevich with a hundred of the best warriors tried to climb the title tower. But he didn"t even have to cross swords with the pioneer ranger Valerka; a piece of the tip of a spear hit the hetman right in the eye, which the dashing teenager so deftly launched with his foot.
  The death of the hetman seriously slowed down and brought the rest of the mercenaries and Poles into a cowardly state. If it were not for the defensive detachments of Tatar archers and infantry from the city of Genoa, the horde would have retreated immediately.
  And so the signal sounded, and Stefan Batory threw fresh reserves into battle. He did not want to hesitate or give in. The city of Polotsk is full of riches, and paying salaries to these greedy and numerous mercenaries is very expensive.
  It is also impossible to prolong the siege because Russia is not yet completely exhausted in the war and can collect and send reinforcements to Polotsk. In particular, a new, rather talented governor, Skopin-Shuisky, appeared, who is capable of defeating the Polish-German troops exhausted in the assaults.
  No, we should quickly take the city by storm!
  At the same time they opened fire with muskets. Of course, from such a distance, targeted shooting is out of the question. Most of the lead bullets, as large as walnuts, hit their own crowds rushing to attack.
  Several ranks were killed at once, and Valerka Lagunov performed the "dragon fan" technique, sending Baron Magellar to the next world . And one French count who became a mercenary, to boot.
  The rest of the Russian soldiers began to press even more fiercely. Sometimes miracles happen to people - faith, hope, love. And then they forget their fears and overthrow entire armies of adversaries with swords, spears and scythes .
  Local militias are fighting. Many of them are armed with clubs, axes and scythes. Neighboring villages gathered to support the Russian army and peasantry. Many children and women are fighting.
  Boys usually shoot from light bows, or use short sabers or daggers. Some use an ancient slingshot. But the peasant girls , what a delight, adapted a harp for a sling. Valerka, having cut off the fat man's head , encouraged the barefoot girls:
  - Here's to the enemy! Throw harder!
  Adult defenders fight, as a rule, in boots or bast shoes, while children and women are exclusively barefoot. Moreover, not only because of poverty. One of the barefoot boys, about fourteen years old, is chopping in rather expensive, silver armor and has a saber with a gilded hilt.
  Apparently, this is the mentality of the Middle Ages - kids are being toughened up. Moreover, the weather is really warm, and there is no reason to tear sandals or boots. However, grown men do not want to be tramps, and those who grow a beard must wear boots.
  The young Leninist Valerka, however, is not embarrassed by the fact that he looks too much like a tramp, or even a slave. On the contrary, the Poles, considering him something supernatural, are even more afraid of him.
  And although Stefan Batory threw all his reserves into battle, tens of thousands of knights and nobles cannot crush Russian soldiers and Belarusian militias, even though there are five times more of them ( and this is if you count the defenders along with child soldiers!). An army of one hundred thousand was brought by the Polish king and a mercenary of the Turkish Sultan. And she melts right before our eyes.
  To cheer up the numerically inferior Russian warriors, the young pioneer Valerka sang loudly:
  Falcon of the Great Fatherland -
  Fly higher than the mountains and skies!
  May the Orthodox faces-
  They will exclaim - the Almighty has risen!
  The sun of Great Russia,
  Lighten our path more powerfully!
  You are the most beautiful in the universe
  You will never be cuter!
  My heart goes to Jesus
  It will explode like a boiling volcano!
  There is no place for a coward in heaven -
  Let's go on a hike, folks!
  There will be a Fatherland in the world,
  Shine like an immortal quasar!
  But dispassionate judges -
  Give you all grace!
    Serve the country faithfully -
  The one that is like a star...
  Motherland, God Russia is sacred -
  Love will remain unchanged!
  I'm turning to you -
  I turn to myself-
    Serve the great country faithfully -
  In space, in the depths, water and everywhere!
  Then there will be Jesus
  There will be Maria then...
  And the temptation will not bite...
  And Satan will not come!
  My Fatherland will become
  Russians are all light family...
  And then we will ascend,
  Above the constellations is your home!
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