Семенов Никита Сергеевич : другие произведения.

Planet of Dreams

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Ранняя лирика, и, причем, не депрессивная.


Let's find a planet,
A planet of dreams,
Where we can live
In freedom and peace.

'T will be the planet
Just for me and you,
It will be the place
Where dreams will come true.

With rivers and oceans,
And fish which swim there.
And whales with dolphins
Live everywhere.

With beautiful mountains,
Incredibly high.
With birds called eagles
In blue crystal sky/

With yellow dry deserts,
Uninhabited lands,
With hump-backed camels
Which travel through sands.

Where forces of nature
Are still not released,
And surface of planet
Is clean like white list.

And there, on that planet
Our children'll grow strong.
And let us all hope
That we did nothing wrong

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