Alan Price : другие произведения.

Poor People

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    from ALAN PRICE: Shilok - You are a LUCKY WOMAN, and your Man is a LUCKY MAN and together you are POOR PEOPLE... MP3 file:

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   Poor people are poor people -
And they don't understand
A man's got to make whatever he wants-
And take it with his own hands.

Poor people stay poor people -
And they never get to see
Someone's got to win in the human race-
If it isn't you, then it has to be me.

So smile while you're makin' it-
Laugh while you're takin' it-
Even though you're fakin' it-
Nobody's gonna know.
Nobody's gonna know.

It's no use mumbling.
It's no use grumbling.
Life just isn't fair-
There's no easy days
There's no easy ways
Just get out there and do it!

And sing and they'll sing your song-
Laugh while you're getting on-
Smile and they'll string along-
And nobody's gonna know.
Nobody's gonna know.
Nobody's gonna know.
And nobody's gonna know.
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