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Трамп Дональд
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Table of Contents
Front Cover
Half-Title Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Foreword by Stephen K. Bannon
Chapter One: Get Tough
Chapter Two: Take the Oil
Chapter Three: Tax China to Save American Jobs
Chapter Four: It’s Your Money—You Should Keep More of It
Chapter Five: A Government We Can Afford
Chapter Six: Strengthen American Muscle
Chapter Seven: A Safety Net, Not a Hammock
Chapter Eight: Repeal Obamacare
Chapter Nine: It’s Called Illegal Immigration for a Reason
Chapter Ten: The America Our Children Deserve
Afterword: The Press and the Presidency
Copyright (C) 2011, 2015, 2024 by Donald J. Trump
Foreword copyright (C) 2024 by Stephen K. Bannon
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the express
written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles. All
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file.
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-64821-083-9
eBook ISBN: 978-1-64821-084-6
Cover design by Brian Peterson
Printed in the United States of America
Foreword by Stephen K. Bannon
Get Tough
Take the Oil
Tax China to Save American Jobs
It’s Your Money—You Should Keep More of It
A Government We Can Afford
Strengthen American Muscle
A Safety Net, Not a Hammock
Repeal Obamacare
It’s Called Illegal Immigration for a Reason
The America Our Children Deserve
The Press and the Presidency
by Stephen K. Bannon
Imagine that you wrote a book more than thirteen years ago, in 2011,
laying out your vision of a prosperous, vibrant America. Imagine that
book laid out specific plans and proposals on national policies
concerning immigration, economics, health care, the US tax system,
international relations, and war. How do you think your opinions and policy
proposals would stand up, more than a decade later? And what was
American life like in 2011, under President Obama and Vice President
On April 27, 2011, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke told
reporters the US was weaker than he thought it would be.
On May 13, 2011, the Federal government predicted that the
Medicare hospital fund would run out by 2024.
On June 13, 2011, Chinese hackers broke into US Senate
Also in June, Chinese hackers attacked the accounts of several
US officials.
On August 6, 2011, thirty Americans, including twenty-two
Navy Seals, were killed in Afghanistan.
Shall I go on?
Donald J. Trump wrote this book because he knew that America was in
deep trouble. He was a wildly successful New York City businessman back
then, and he hoped that his book would sound an alarm to the Washington
DC political class that was exploiting and destroying America. He saw that
oil cost $85 a barrel when it should cost $40 to $50 a barrel … “if not $20.”
He sounded the alarm that China was “stealing our technology,” and was “a
major aggressor in the field of cyber espionage and cyber warfare.”
He decried what he called “Pretty Please Diplomacy,” where a
weakened America begged for what it needed to prosper, and a nation
where 1 in 7 citizens were on food stamps.
In an earlier book called The America We Deserve, written in 1999,
Donald J. Trump had predicted that terrorism would hit the United States,
and he even included Osama Bin Laden by name.
The book you are reading was written as a policy-specific “call to arms”
by Donald Trump in 2011. And of course, it was ignored by President
Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. But it was also ignored by
establishment Republicans, often led by former Congressman Paul Ryan
and especially by President George W. Bush. Citizen Trump blasted both
Presidents Bush and Obama for profligate spending that put America, and
American families, deeper in debt.
Donald J. Trump considered running for President in 2012, but
ultimately decided against it. But by 2016, he knew he had to at least try to
save this country. And despite ridicule and disparagement from the elite …
he declared his candidacy.
He ran against, arguably, what was then the most powerful brand name
in American politics … Clinton. On election night in November 2016, in
campaign headquarters in Trump Towers, the televisions showed an array of
talking heads, anchors, and reporters in despair, unable to conceal utter
shock, as the votes were counted.
Donald Trump had won the presidency.
The next four years were economically prosperous … for working
American people and families. Taxes were cut. There were no new wars.
While American citizens prospered, the economic overlords and corrupt
establishment players plotted to ensure Trump could not be re-elected
regardless of how many votes he got. Hence, the 2020 stolen election.
So here we are in 2024, and Donald J. Trump is again the Republican
nominee for President of the United States. Any naivete or expectation we
had that his opponents would “play fair” is gone.
Today, more than ever, even more than in 2011 or even 2016 … it is
“Time to Get Tough.”
Next Tuesday all of you will go to the polls, will stand there in the polling
place and make a decision. I think when you make that decision, it might be
well if you would ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years
—Ronald Reagan
I’ve written this book because the country I love is a total economic
disaster right now.
When I first wrote this book, our debt was $15 trillion. It has soared
past $18 trillion and will soon cross $20 trillion. Let me help you wrap your
mind around that number. If by some miracle the so-called leaders in
Washington could find a way to save one billion dollars of your tax dollars
every single day, it would still take thirty-eight years to pay off the debt.
And that’s not even taking into account the interest.
We don’t have thirty-eight years to turn this thing around. The way I see
it, we have four, maybe eight years tops.
Every day in business I see America getting ripped off and abused. We
have become a laughingstock, the world’s whipping boy, blamed for
everything, credited for nothing, given no respect. You see and feel it all
around you, and so do I.
To take one example, China is bilking us for hundreds of billions of
dollars by manipulating and devaluing its currency. Despite all the happy
talk in Washington, the Chinese leaders are not our friends. I’ve been
criticized for calling them our enemy. But what else do you call the people
who are destroying your children’s and grandchildren’s future? What name
would you prefer me to use for the people who are hell bent on bankrupting
our nation, stealing our jobs, who spy on us to steal our technology, who are
undermining our currency, and who are ruining our way of life? To my
mind, that’s an enemy. If we’re going to make America number one again,
we’ve got to have a president who knows how to get tough with China, how
to out-negotiate the Chinese, and how to keep them from screwing us at
every turn.
Then there’s the oil crisis. The idea of $85 a barrel for oil used to be
unthinkable. Now OPEC yawns at that figure and jacks the price higher,
laughing all the way to the bank. The result: you and your family are paying
$3 a gallon, $4 a gallon, $5 a gallon, and soaring. Excuse me, but OPEC—
these twelve guys sitting around a table—wouldn’t even be in existence if it
weren’t for the United States saving and protecting those Middle Eastern
countries! Where is our president in all this? Where’s the accountability?
What is the point of executive leadership if our executive is weak and
doesn’t lead? What excuse is there for a president whose answer to the oil
crisis is not to get tough with OPEC, not to free our own domestic oil
companies to do their job and drill, but to release our strategic reserve?
That’s not leadership, that’s an abdication of leadership.
Whether we like it or not, oil is the axis on which the world’s economies
spin. It just is. When the price of oil goes up, so does the price of just about
everything else. Think about it. You buy a loaf of bread. How did it get to
the store? What powered the bread truck? What equipment did the farmer
use to harvest the grain? Equipment and vehicles don’t fuel themselves.
They need oil. And when a producer’s prices go up, they pass the cost along
to you in the form of higher prices. I was privileged to be educated at the
finest business school in the world, the Wharton School of Business. But it
doesn’t take some prestigious business diploma to realize what’s going on
here. It’s basic math.
And yet, with China beating us like a punching bag daily, OPEC
vacuuming our wallets clean, and jobs nowhere in sight, what does
President Obama do? He makes his NCAA basketball picks. He hosts lavish
parties at the White House. Now look, I like basketball and lavish parties
like the next person. But when you’re the president of the United States and
your country is burning to the ground right before your eyes, your first
instinct should not be to party. It’s no wonder America is flat broke.
Did you know that one in seven Americans is now on food stamps?1
Think of it. In the United States, the most prosperous nation in the history
of human civilization, our people are going hungry. In March 2011, we saw
the steepest spike in food prices in almost four decades. 2 Combine that with
skyrocketing energy costs, double-digit unemployment, Obama’s massively
wasteful spending spree, the federal government’s annexation of the health-
care system, and the outcome is painfully clear—we’re headed for
economic disaster. If we keep on this path, if we reelect Barack Obama, the
America we leave our kids and grandkids won’t look like the America we
were blessed to grow up in. The American Dream will be in hock. The
shining city on the hill will start to look like an inner-city wreck. It won’t be
morning in America, as President Reagan put it. We’ll be mourning for
America, an America that was lost on Obama’s watch. The dollar will fall
as the world’s international currency. Our economy will collapse again
(something I believe is a very real danger and risk: a double dip recession
that could turn into a depression). And China will replace America as the
world’s number one economic power.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. If we get tough and make the hard
choices, we can make America a rich nation—and respected—once again.
The right president can actually make America money by brokering big
deals. We don’t always think of our presidents as jobs and business
negotiators, but they are. Presidents are our dealmakers in chief. But the
outcome of a deal is only as effective as the person brokering it.
Constitutionally, a president is the commander in chief, appoints judges,
and can veto or sign bills. What’s his job the rest of the time? Well, I can
tell you one important job: he serves as America’s chief negotiator and
dealmaker. He is supposed to broker deals that protect and benefit us with
other nations. The president’s duty is to create an environment where free
and fair markets can flourish, private sector jobs can be created, and our
economy can boom. If they are strong negotiators and make the right deals,
America wins. If they wimp out and make the wrong deals, you and your
children pay the price.
Now consider the embarrassing and anemic deals Obama has pulled off.
I’m for free and fair trade. After all, I do business all over the world. But
look at the deal Obama cut with South Korea. It was so bad, so
embarrassing, that you can hardly believe anyone would sign such a thing.
In theory, the agreement was supposed to boost American exports to South
Korea. In reality, the agreement Obama signed will do next to nothing to
even out the trade imbalance, will further erode American manufacturing
and kill more American jobs, and will wipe away the tariffs South Korea
presently pays us to sell their stuff in our country. Why would Obama agree
to these terms, especially when we hold all the cards? The South Koreans
like our military defending them against North Korea. But they don’t need
us to do their dirty work—South Korea’s armed forces number between
600,000 and 700,000. And yet we still have 28,500 American troops in