Смышленная Мария Сергеевна : другие произведения.

What I've done

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I closed the door when you have gone
I don't understand what i've done
I dress meself in something black
And make up my eyes into the dark

I kill all memoirs of our date
You were the part of my sorrowful fate
I cut your words from my skarlet heart
And you never see me sad...

My days with you it's a read book
Where every page a real look
At your behavior,defects and life
Where i was your unwanted sigh

I am glad that hapened it
At last, i get the soul's peace
I tear away last poison kiss
Get out of my life i won't miss 

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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