Связов Евгений Борисович : другие произведения.

Wind and sand

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Wind and Sand.

At first he was a small wind, which flied forth and back and did not worry about anything, as could fly far away from all. Then, when he has grown up a bit, he has learned, that if he will fly long way in one side, eventually he will hit against Wall, fly over what he cannot. Then, when he had grown, terrible happened. The walls, that was so far and imperceptible, began to press on him from all sides, and all what he was escaping from, has grown with him, and there were no place to depart.

He rushed from wall to wall and was beating against black monolith, but the walls were unshakeable.

When power almost ended, he was lowered downwards, and slowly flied above the ground. He searched for something that will rescue him. He has found only Sand there.

The sand was for a long time. He lay, and occasionally flew slightly, but did not like to move. And more he lay, more became Stone. He knew it and only therefore moved sometimes. And here Wind has flied.

" Movement. Sand has thought. I do not like to move, but if I shall not move, I will become a stone "

Pair of hands of sand has flied upwards from top of a hill and was carried away with a Wind.

" What is it? Wind has thought this prevents me from move, and if I shall not move, I will be dead. It should not be in me... "

And grain of sand one behind other start to fall downwards on ground, because not up to them was to decide where to move they only flied, picked up by a Wind, and it was he who decided - whether to carry them or to throw. And the grains of sand fell.

But before all sand grains had fallen, the Wind has reached Wall and slightly hit it. Scratches have appeared on. The wall has given in!

Having picked up Sand, the Wind has flied up, speeded up and has hit in a Wall. Again and again ...

Soon Wind had strike through Wall and flied away. Now he again could fly as wanted.

The Sand, grinded in a dust, remained to lie at Wall. Now he could lie, and not become Stone.

And he knew that sometime, when the Wind will grow more, and will find others, the larger, Walls, he will return.

Will return or will die.

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