Татаринова Дарина Юрьевна : другие произведения.

Once I bite you, I'm twice shy

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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One word softly spoken by you
And I'm between fainting and bleeding from my nose
Don't come close
My thoughts and my bloodstream go south
I wanna crash into you like a wave
Till you make that sweet sound again and again and again,
Hold you in my arms in the afterglow
Be mine, be mine, be mine
And make me yours
My left hand to pin both of yours above your head
My right hand can not decide to go up your shirt 
Or go lower
It'll go everywhere I can reach
Bitten peach falls on the floor rolling
Going crazy with him is a happy thing
Teeth, tongue, lips know that	
All sweetest things
Have a bit of salt
Call out my name
Or don't if you want me to last longer
End of the world'll go unnoticed
If you're breathing in my ear

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