Татаринова Дарина Юрьевна : другие произведения.

Red on red

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Undress me
Like fire is hot and blood thicker than water
Red butterfly brushed past my neck like the ghost of a touch
I get withdrawals from not touching you for an hour already
It could be anyone but he knows how to handle me best
Impromptu love nest
What's rare is that this affair doesn't feel apocalyptic 
And the view from this room doesn't feel Tour de Nesle
My thoughts carousel keeps on spinning and spinning
Am I losing or winning
I'm melting on his tongue
But she's on my mind
Runaway from your poisonous galaxy but oh boy what she does to me
Am I still your plaything when I'm out of your reach
Amongst his hot kisses I miss your bite I'm not alright
She wants to know if he's my only distraction or is there any more
She wants to even out the score
Well I don't kiss and tell
She might be quite odd fruit but he's the real prince for sure
So perfect and genuine make me feel guilty for playing him
Getting him into this mess
Why the cheapest tricks work best
Red on red
Beating pulse against the restraints
Red on red

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