Тимофеев Вячеслав Владимирович : другие произведения.

Aron Stepanyan 312

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Failed conversation with Mefisto
I asked for a talk with Mefisto and got dragged into his world. Around me was sulfur
and giant stalactites. I came to the river of mercury and got to the other bank by
boulders. I made my way through acid smoke and found myself at a giant well. There
was no water in it. I had walked about a quarter of a mile, Mefisto got a sight of me
and gestured with a point finger.
I woke up lying next to a machine in laboratory. A table stood nearby, on it there were
a glass of hot water from titan, a jar of mustard and an open vial with alcohol.
I got into a corridor and took the temperature. It was fine. I went one floor down the
stairs and lit a cigarette. The work hours were over and I went away.
Valdemar was a hearse driver, I was his freight forwarder. The car was a blue GAZ
with a black trailer. The morgue that owned a garage was in our regional center. We
were working carelessly, there always was moonshine and a lot of free time.
Valdemar had fishing rods in the trailer. When carrying a corpse from a nearby
village he sometimes stopped to fish, and I was waiting for him in the car, listening to
a transistor radio. When we came back from work to the garage in the evenings, an
old guard with a Berdan rifle closed the gates behind us. Valdemar took out his
pocket watch and set the time right.

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