Azaryonok before flying to Kazakhstan: "Belarusians will know what the chaos of the color revolution is." A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
Bicentenary of the birth of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Illustration for a new history textbook edited by the ex-minister of culture. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
Cuba (our happiness is constant: eat coconuts, chew bananas). Куба (наше счастье постоянно: ешь кокосы, жуй бананы). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
Cultural Observers of Kosti-NF and "How Young We Were". Культурные обозреватели Кости-NF и "как молоды мы были". A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
MMMCCCXСVI. Derzhavin, Schliemann, Tolstoy (Igor Bogdanov and an advance copy of the book "A tutorial of a writer's success. Part I. Heinrich Schliemann and his lessons."). A culturological essay. - November 18, 2023.
ESTOL ELECTRA - a model of an electric silent aircraft using the roofs of skyscrapers. (From a high-altitude UAVs towards the urban mobility optimization). The note.
Eugen Sänger, Werhner von Braun. Reflections on some chronological comparisons concerning events in the biography of Sergei Korolev (1945). A biographical note.
evilwaveevilwaveev. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art. October 14, 2021 11:59. { 2454. evilwaveevilwaveev. Интернет-картина. MMСCCСXXIV. evilwaveevilwaveev. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art. }
Exhibition SAHA EXPO Hybrid 2021 in Turkey. ASISGUARD's SONGAR armed drone system. A drone with a video camera, sight, machine gun and grenade launcher. The note.
Experimental and educational fields, botanical gardens; out off the 20th century into the 21st century. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art. October 15, 2021 20:39. { 2457. Опытные и учебные поля, ботанические сады, из 20-го века в 21 век. Интернет-картина. MMСCCСXXVII. ...
Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. From a 500 Days Program to a 5000 Days Program. The effective Turkish drone Bayraktar and the Russial nuclear power plant in Turkey. An essay on an effective economic program.
MMMCCCLVII. Generator of Ideas. (Golden Digital Ruble and Profitable Texts from Artificial Intelligence). A story about Seryozha for children and adults. - September 8, 2023.
I am putting up for sale a document on the return from evacuation in 1944 of the defenders of Rostov-on-Don (who participated in the defense of the city in November 1941). A semi-antique note.
In honor of Victory Day. The exhibition of photographs and postal documents of participants in the battle in Rostov-on-Don on November 20, 1941. A culturological essay.
Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Indians know about Russian roulette and are able to crack the glass ceiling. A note.
It's better to be wrong with everyone, than to be right alone. About the book by Giovanni Della Casa "Galateo or, The Rules of Polite Behavior" (1551-1554). The note.
Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Kalashnikov, Mauser, the designer of an effective Turkish drone? A biographical note.
Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Khonzhenkovo, Khanzhonkovka and Khanzhonkov. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
Lenya Bobrov admires the Sea of Azov and reflects on the Beijing Declaration of the BRICS countries and on the plan of António Guterres on a transport out a grain. A story.
Lenya Bobrov begins to read the Anatoly Kalinin's novel about the construction of the Volga-Don Canal and goes to the "Scarlet Sails" holiday - to the places that remember Alexander Grin. A story.