Васильев Руслан Юрьевич : другие произведения.

Father Dark

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Today is winter's day, 
Cold blood runs through my vein,
Tomorrow my opponent shall feel pain.

There's no more time to waste,
My horse now has to rest,
Tomorrow I will put it to the test.

The dinner's brought to me 
By my loving wife,
And i've just finished sharpening my knife.

My men are waiting for me 
To mount my black horse,
Tomorrow we will fight without remorse.

			Oh, my ancient father Dark,
			Lend me Thy immortal spirit.
			Make me be as raven fast
			And infill my mind with lyric.

			Show me secrets of Thy forest,
			Give me hauberk made of gold,
			Take my life if Thy emotion
			Approbates opponents work.

			Oh, my ancient Mother North,
			You're the name of my great battle,
			Give me strength of Holy Fire
			And that goat will be Your cattle.

			Load my ships with Thy cold anger,
			Raise the flag of Viking's tribe!
			Open Thee Thy mighty embrace
			And allow us go and fight.

			I will win in Mother's Name!
			Or I'll die with my last prayer.
			Oh, our glowing God Of Moon
			Show me path to Thy wolf's lair.

			I will fight for Father Dark, 
			I will not betray my people.
			Let me finish for today,
			Cause my prayer goes much deeper.

We abandoned our village,
Made our way to Kaupang,
Loaded ships with food and weapons,
Than we settled to port Lund.

Rrains and Storms did try to stop us,
One of ships has sunk in sea.
God of Wind and God of Water
Helped us go through Baltic Sea.

It took us no more than minute
To unload our bags and land.
In deep forest of the winter
We are the most known band.

Camps were set with Full Moon over,
Fires burned in our eyes.
Warriors' prayers were heard over
At the great banks of Dunay.

The Day has come...

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