Томская Вера : другие произведения.

They met

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
 Ваша оценка:

They met, it was a magnetic spark
First it was light. Then it was dark.

Two hearts were turning to the whole,
They had to stop, they hit the wall.

They made mistakes, they were mad...
They fell apart... It wasn't the end.

They both moved on and they believed
They'll find another love indeed.

She felt relieved once he was gone
She thought a new journey has begun.

Time's going on, not changing things -
They have each other in their dreams.

They seek for love. This desperation
Brings sadness, anger, and frustration.

He thinks that something's going wrong,
And flying a plane will make him strong.

The deeper thoughts, the higher flight.                                                 
But the source of love is not on sky.

He could find love, it's in the heart,
But he's scared and that's what hurts. 

Of course, someday, when the time is right,
Two hearts will finally unite.
Pain will dissolve when time released,  
That brings Forgiveness, Love, and Peace.

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