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Love Story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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When I was in day care, 
I liked a girl. 
When she would look at me, 
I couldn't say a word. 
And when I would go home, 
I hoped that next day, 
I would say out loud, 
At least her name; 
But the next day, 
It was the same story. 
She was so cute - 
I felt shy and sorry. 
When the day care was over 
I went to school. 
It was sad and boring, 
Since she went to some other school; 

During summer break 
It was even worse. 
I would sit on the bench 
And look at the rose. 
I would fantasize, 
How she plays outside 
How she lives in her apartment 
And rides a bike; 
I had box of gifts 
With candies, toys and bark 
In case if accidentally 
I meet her in the park. 
When summer break was over 
I felt like a fool 
She enrolled in our school 
From some other school; 
It was a big surprise 
When I saw her eyes; 
But she did not miss me I realized. 
And I felt so stupid and little bit sorry. 
And this was the end of my love story.

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