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En.Beyond the Veil Volume 3(16-27) - megamatt09 - Multifandom.w.txt

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

  Seeds of Crime Part One
  Chapter 16: Seeds of Crime Part One.
  "This has been a long time coming," Harry stated as he sat down across from Jan at a table within private dining room at a high class restaurant they'd reserved for this meeting between the two of them.
  Jan sat there, dressed in a little black dress. It was low cut and showed off an amazing amount of her cleavage, which Harry drank in with his eyes. Her auburn hair flowed freely down to her shoulders, and her dress came up to her knees to show off an amazing hint of her legs, she was wearing high heel shoes to finish off her ensemble.
  "Well, considering how busy our schedules have been....getting together like this....well, coming together like this, it's kind of hard to do, if you know what I mean?" Jan asked Harry and he offered her a smile.
  "Believe me, Jan, I know exactly what you mean," Harry agreed. "I thought about your idea and....well, some of my girls are interested in the proposal you've laid out."
  "I think it's good PR to get their faces out there, and us out there as well, I mean, there are a lot of times where even the Avengers find it hard to get some respect," Jan offered him and he nodded in agreement.
  "Yes, I've noticed that," Harry said. "And like I said, getting their faces and their names out there to a few people....it should work out nicely for us as well."
  "Yes, it would," Jan agreed, pleased to see that Harry was pretty much on the same track that she was. She chewed on the bread stick she'd gotten from a basked on the table, for lack of anything else better to do.
  "One of my girls has expressed an interest in modeling, so she's on her way to join us right about now," Harry told her and Jan's expression brightened a fair bit.
  "Oh, that's great! Is she...."
  "She'll be here any minute," Harry said to her and sure enough, if almost on cue, the woman in question walked in through the door.
  She was a bit nervous as she made her way into the room, but she hid those feelings extremely well by making a bold statement. She had her red hair tied back in a ponytail that fell down between her shoulders and she wore an extremely low cut red dress that showcased her spectacular breasts. The dress was snugly wrapped around her tight ass and it was showed off a great deal of her amazing legs.
  Note: I find it amusing to use the adjectives used for Spider-Man comics to describe female characters from it.
  "MJ, good to see you can make it," Harry told her as he pulled her into a hug. "Mary Jane Watson, this is Janet Van Dyne, she's...."
  "Oh, yes, I figured....it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Van Dyne," Mary Jane said politely. Harry had informed her a while back that Jan, who was a budding fashion designer, was extremely interested in marketing a new fashion line based on female super heroes.
  While, Mary Jane was not a super hero per say, she felt that she could contribute a lot to this fashion line and hopefully she could take a step forwards into her own dream career. She'd dreamed about being a model for years and when Harry offered her the opportunity to get her foot in the door, she jumped on it immediately.
  "So, Harry tells me that you're interested in modeling?" Jan asked Mary Jane, who responded enthusiastically.
  "It's been a dream of mine for years!" Mary Jane cried out in an excited voice. It had been acting for a while, but then MJ discovered that her one true passion in life was modeling.
  "Well, I can definitely hear the passion for it in your voice," Jan said, she paused with a smile before continuing. "Then again, if Harry didn't think so highly of you and thought you were up for it, I doubt that he would have personally recommended you for the job."
  Mary Jane smiled, Harry was really the best thing to ever happen to her, and there was no need to settle for the rest, when one had the best. She wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck.
  "Well, that goes to show you that he has very good taste," Mary Jane said with a slightly smug inflection to her voice and she offered him a long kiss on the cheek.
  "I'm glad you think so highly of it," Harry commented as he pulled Mary Jane into a hug.
  He was also trying to bring Alison's singing career to new heights and not the depths that the previous management was threatening to take it. He shook his head, that was a type of incompetence that made him want to hang his head in disgust.
  "So, this line, it will be marketed around super heroines, and given that I have plenty of girls, with different tastes, we can be quite diverse with it," Harry told Jan and she smiled.
  "Naturally, why bother catering to one party, when you can market to several?" Jan asked and there was no really way to argue with that statement, because there was no reason not to try and diversify. Harry smiled at the thought as he looked her in the eye.
  "You'd just end up being really limited about what you could do," Harry told her.
  "So, do you think that we can seal the deal?" Jan asked him and Harry offered her a smile.
  "I've read over the proposal and it looks rock solid for the most part," Harry told her as he pulled out the proposal that Jan's team had drawn up.
  Mary Jane looked over the papers with a smile on her face. She was not going to pretend that she knew everything about business, but everything looked solid from where she was standing and she couldn't help but nod in approval.
  "This is going to be something that a lot of teenagers will get into and it's going to go a lot deeper than that," Mary Jane concluded, she was optimistic about the success of this line.
  Harry smiled, he had big plans, the fashion lines were just ground work for something later. It was a way for him to test the waters for something much later on.
  "So, signed, sealed, and delivered, well, once I get your signature on it. I'm sure that I'll be able to meet with all of the girls individually in the next few weeks to get their feedback," Jan told Harry and he smiled.
  "Certainly, we'll sort something out that will work best for everyone involved," Harry said, he was sure that his girls, every single one of them, would have some really strong opinions to offer.
  "Right," Jan commented and then she eyed the door to ensure that it was locked.
  Knowing her luck, the fucking Masters of Evil would choose to attack and ruin her night. Perhaps she was being a bit paranoid, but that thought kept going through her mind, over and over like a resounding symphony of terror.
  She hoped not, because she wanted to seal the deal with Harry and she wanted to do it in the most exciting way possible. A smile crossed her face as she thought about how far that she could go.
  "Just let me get those notes," Jan stated as she shifted backwards in her seat.
  They'd rented a private room and Harry smiled, he'd figured that this night was going to end with a bang; after all that was how most of his nights ended involving women. Mary Jane gave him a knowing smile that slowly morph into a grin as she followed his train of thought.
  "So if there's anything, anything at all that's, well, out of place, please don't hesitate to ask," Jan stated as she leaned forward and the material of her dress got even tighter around her.
  She reached forward to show the papers to him, but inadvertently knocked a glass off of the table and onto Harry's pants. She was a bit nervous given that this was such a vital deal and she stood up a bit straighter when that happened, one word popping out of her mouth repeatedly.
  "Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry," she managed as she scrambled forwards after grabbing a napkin and began to dab the offending spill off of Harry's pants. "Let me, let me clean that up."
  She was so red in the face as she kept dabbing him with the napkin, that it looked like she was about to spontaneously combust.
  Mary Jane couldn't resist chiming in then and there. "You know if you wanted to grope Harry, there are far better ways to do it, you could have just asked."
  Jan became even more flushed upon hearing that and she was this close to mumbling a frantic apology, but Harry took hold of her hands firmly as he looked deeply into her eyes. A drying charm was easily done after all, it was really simple magic.
  "See no harm, no foul," Harry offered her and he could see her nipples stiffen behind her dressed. Leaning forwards he lifted her up off the ground and onto his lap, so his crotch was pressing against hers. "But, it seems like I'm not the only one with a damp spot."
  "Harry," Jan breathed out in a pleading whimper, she felt her inhibitions slipping away and he pulled her into a tight embrace in order to plant his lips onto hers in a deep kiss.
  She ended up going wild with lust as the pleasure ran throughout her body, Harry's tongue danced against hers as the kiss between them deepened, and she pushed back against it, battling for dominance.
  She shifted in order to wrap her legs around Harry's waist and to shove her tongue even deeper down his throat. He kissed back and shifting how he was holding her, he moved his hands down to cup her ass through her dress. Jan had a naughty thought go through her mind about using her powers in ways that she never thought they would be used.
  She felt herself growing smaller and smaller. She could choose whether or not her clothes were affected by her shrinking powers and this time she wanted them not to be affected by her powers, for obvious reasons. The clothes fell to the floor, but Jan wasn't in them as she shrank to microscopic size.
  Jan gave a mischievous grin as she dipped into Harry's pants, now shrank to super small size. She went underneath his pants.
  Harry closed his eyes, he felt her run her tiny hands up and down his cock.
  Mary Jane could see her moving around in his pants and perhaps that was just her but that seemed so hot to see a girl literally get into Harry's pants. Her pussy burned with desire as she felt her nipples poke out from the other side of her shirt. She could not believe what was happening. She felt utterly faint as she tried to keep her eyes on everything that was going on.
  "Oh, Jan, fuck," Harry groaned as she felt her small tongue lick his cock while he was in her pants.
  Jan never thought that she would be so daring to use her powers for something like this but given that it was Harry, sometimes it paid to be daring with the use of her powers. At least that was the thought that went through her mind.
  Mary Jane sat on the table and Harry pulled her dress up to reveal a pair of soaked panties. He placed his face between her legs and started to eat her out.
  "Fuck, Harry" MJ moaned as she placed her hands on the back of his head and he started to slurp her juices as it dribbled down onto his tongue. She reared back and enjoyed his attention as his tongue made her feel so good.
  His hands were going to make her feel even better. He reached up towards her, groping her extremely full set of breasts. This caused her to pant even harder and he cupped her, squeezing the supple mound of flesh.
  With another motion, Jan peered her tiny heat from underneath his pants. She pulled herself out and managed to pull his pants down. Her tiny body hugging his cock was the sight.
  It looked even bigger when she was at this tiny size. She hugged it with a greedy look in her eyes and she slowly licked his cock, flittering up and down as she hugged it.
  Harry was too busy eating Mary Jane's hot and molten pussy. The redhead bucked her hips up as she laid back on the table, his tongue probing her insides.
  "Oh fuck me, fuck me hard with your tongue," Mary Jane breathed as she hoped that he would do that hissing thing in her pussy.
  Sure enough, she was not disappointed. Harry's tongue rattled between her legs like a snake, licking up and down. The redhead clutched the back of his head and breathed heavily. She pumped her hips up and his tongue entered her. The walls went against her as his tongue kept ramming into her. She breathed in and out, her eyes flooding with greater pleasure and she started to chew on her lip.
  'This tastes so fucking good,' Harry managed as he licked her and he rattled his tongue in her, hissing in her.
  Jan closed her eyes and she started to grow a little bit. Her petite body grew even larger but she managed to try and focus the majority of the growth to her breasts.
  She had about D-Cup breasts now.
  "I bet you're going to like this," Jan stated, she wasn't going to go Karen Starr size, because that might crush her death.
  It was best to start out with something slow so she could pleasure him. Her breasts slid up and down, working over his flesh pole. He closed his eyes and she rocked down him all the way down his pole.
  "Oh, ah, mmm, ah, oh," Mary Jane moaned, the words not quite forming in her brain and dripping off of her tongue as Harry licked her dripping hot honey pot.
  Harry smiled as he drilled his tongue as far deep into her, between her legs as he could go. Her hot thighs pressed together made him feel so good and he was going to bring his tongue into her as far as he could go. He brought the delicious juices, slurping and munching on her pussy. Mary Jane lifted her hips and felt the pleasure erupt from her loins, from her head all the way to her toes.
  Harry licked her tender walls, his tongue scraping against her and she was losing it as he buried himself deep into her smoldering hot snatch.
  Jan meanwhile delved, her breasts wrapped around him as she gave him a tit fuck. She was trying to show how far she could push the envelope and she felt a magical bolt go between her legs.
  That caused her to soak the carpet from beneath where she was kneeling and she continued to blow Harry.
  Mary Jane's hips spasmed upwards and she soaked Harry's face with her juices.
  "Oh, that looks delicious," Jan cooed the moment that she got up.
  Jan went on one side of Harry and Mary Jane got on the other side of Harry. Both of them started to lick his face. Their tongues scraped against his face as both girls licked him, feeling the tender pleasures of their mouths.
  "Oh, that's...ah," Harry breathed as Mary Jane licked his face, while playing with his balls as Jan kept stroking his cock.
  "I want a turn on his tongue, you take his cock, and then we'll switch," Jan whispered to MJ who nodded eagerly.
  "You do realize...."
  "Yeah, but it will be more fun to build up to that....oh so fucking good!" Jan moaned as she felt Harry's tongue drill into her.
  Mary Jane saw Harry's pole standing at attention and she drooled from both sets of lips. Her heart beat as she rammed herself down onto his pole.
  The redhead woman pushed herself up and she worked her tanned hips down on him again. She rocked herself back and forth onto him, offering a slow pace at first and then she decided that she could not hold back any more.
  Mary Jane practically impaled herself on Harry's cock, riding him until she experienced a kick ass orgasm. Everything flowed through her body and she was so shook up that it was not even funny. She panted heavily as she rode Harry.
  Jan worked her pussy down onto his tongue and it got so tight but he kept licking her. His tongue started to vibrate in her and this caused her to gush onto his face. She was feeling the pleasure and Mary Jane reached forward and squeezed her breasts.
  "Oh, think I'm going to....fucking return the favor," Jan panted.
  Mary Jane felt herself breathing heavily and she slid off, her juices gushing down between her legs. She felt her pussy twitch and the pleasure continued to go.
  Jan got on her hands and knees. Harry saw her delicious ass and he grabbed her from behind. His cock pushed between her legs and her pleasure was about ready to double, perhaps triple as Harry prepared to invade her.
  Her thighs were about ready to clench with the pleasure that she had and Harry entered her.
  Harry grabbed onto her waist and pumped into her. Jan pushed her face down into Mary Jane's dripping hot snatch and the redhead was having the time of her life as she was being licked and slurped into submission.
  "Oh, ah, ah, oh, ah," Mary Jane panted as Jan grabbed her funbags and she closed her eyes. She lifted her hips and allowed the woman to eat her out. Her talented tongue worked between her legs and Jan was really going to town.
  Mary Jane lifted her hips and Harry hung onto Jan's hips, ramming into her over and over again. His throbbing cock went between her legs and slammed into her. She moaned loudly and lustfully, these walls really working him over. Her moaning escalated a little bit more.
  The wizard worked as deep into her as he could, his cock slamming into her, going between her walls.
  "Fuck, oh, yes, more!" Jan shrieked as Harry rammed his stone hard cock between her legs. She closed her eyes, feeling the sensations of his work, as his cock buried even deeper into her. Her walls tightened around him and Harry hung onto her.
  Jan closed her eyes and felt the pleasure, the rush, the excitement, he was between her and he was giving her pleasure that she could not even realize. His balls slapped against her thighs and he worked into her.
  Mary Jane's legs wrapped around her and her tongue poked between her walls. It was so amazing, she could not believe begin to figure out words to describe how much pleasure this was giving her. Her eyes flooded with greater pleasure than ever before and her tongue buried as far deep between her thighs as possible.
  Mary Jane gushed with pleasure and Harry continued to work as far into her as he could.
  His balls tightened and Harry slammed into Jan, the woman's eyes flood with pleasure.
  "Oh cum in me, oh cum, oh yes, please I need your cum in me," she moaned and Harry worked himself as far into her.
  Her walls tightened around him with her orgasm and Harry push between her thighs, pumping into her, until he shot his sticky cum into her.
  Jan saw stars and felt fireworks as he hammered into her, working several thrusts into her as he unloaded the contents of his balls into her waiting and willing womb. He injected her so much.
  Mary Jane blacked out, feeling the pleasure as well.
  Harry wasn't going to lie, with the nude forms of Mary Jane and Jan reclining next to him, he thought that meeting went in an extremely productive direction. He summoned his pants from the plant they'd been thrown into.
  As she worked quietly in her lab Pamela Isley thought about what she went through in her life and all of the trials it took to get here, but she'd finally been given a job with one of the greatest companies in the world and she wasn't about to squander that opportunity.
  She stopped her work suddenly when she heard something, it an echo, a tapping, whatever it was, she could hear it clearly and she frowned, wondering what it was.
  She was working upstairs in her lab, at one of the many newly built RAO Corporation laboratory facilities. This one was closer to home, since it was in New Jersey and therefore, quite close to Gotham City. Although, she did head up to the main office in New York twice a week, to ensure that she got the credits needed for her internship. Harry Potter had given her opportunities she thought that she might not have received normally, if she hadn't signed up for this Internship.
  Right now thought, nerves raced through her body when she took notice of a cracked window.
  'Someone's here," Pam thought as she inhaled and exhaled frantically. This part of the lab was a bit cooler so her glasses fogged up as well. Thinking quickly, she decided to head off and get some help, she felt quite vulnerable being the only person on this level presently.
  She took a nervous step forward and it felt like her knee was about to buckle underneath her as she kept walking. Her heart skipped another beat and then a third, as she made her way down the nearby staircase.
  There was a crash and she stopped on the stairs.
  "HEY!" a gruff voice shouted at her and Pamela paused to look around frantically for the source of the noise. She was about to continue walking down the stairs, but then she saw the thug, the person responsible for the noise, waiting for her. "What are you doing snooping around here?!"
  "I could ask you the same thing! This....this is a restricted area," Pamela replied, trying to sound and act a bit more bravely, than she actually felt, although her voice was cracking big time. No matter what, each step brought her closer down the steps.
  "Is it?" the man asked with a taunting tone to his voice as he watched her with rapt anticipation. "Well, what are you going to do about it sweetheart, call the god damn Batwoman?"
  Mocking and taunting laughter issued forth from the man after asking that question and Pam stood rigid for a few seconds. She tried her hardest to get a good look at this person at the top of the stairs and saw that he looked completely outlandish.
  He was standing there before her, dressed in a yellow and red outfit with black lines crossing diagonally along the yellow sections, making him look like a walking patchwork quilt. He was wearing goggles which covered his eyes and metallic gauntlets covering most of his forearms, and hands. He took a menacing, threatening, step towards her, and glared at the young woman.
  "I'm...there are other people here...."
  "There ain't jack shit here but you sweetheart!" he stated, grabbing her roughly by the upper arms he dragged Pamela back up the stairs and into her lab. Once they reached it he shoved her hard against the nearest wall causing her to stumble to her knees. "And the boss said that you weren't supposed to be here either!"
  "SHUT UP, YOU BIMBO!" he shouted and Pamela tried to get back up to her feet, using his gauntlets, he caused the floor to vibrate underneath her, sending her crashing hard back onto the ground. The plants on the shelves hooked to the wall crashed down to land on either side of her.
  She gripped her head in her hands in pain as a piercing whine seemed to cut right through her brain. When it finally ended, she looked up to see several chemicals fall off of the wall.
  "I'm here! And I'm not going to leave until I get what I want!" the criminal yelled as he took another step forward.
  Without Spider-Man here to mock him, all Shocker had to do was stay underneath the radar. He had been mocked constantly by the web slinger, because of his outfit, his name, both his real name and his codename, amongst other things. Shocker took a step forward, the chemical that Luthor sent him here for, it had to be here.
  He made his way forwards, then stopped suddenly when he heard the footsteps.
  "You tripped the alarm!" Shocker growled, grabbing Pamela by the throat, he hauled her up off the ground and brought her in close to his face, she looked at him with complete and utter fear in her eyes.
  "No, I...I didn't," she whimpered, then she completely froze up. Now she knew what a daisy felt like when it was about to get trampled. She felt herself wilting up as his fingers closed tighter around her throat.
  "Don't move one more step forward! Or she gets buried! Don't try me, you better not fucking try me!" Shocker yelled as he pointed the gauntlet at the back of her head and she whimpered a slight amount. "I'M FUCKING SERIOUS! DON'T YOU DARE TRY!"
  Shocker had his gauntlet pressed tight against the back of her head and Pamela was this close to dropping down to one knee. The guards moved to take a step forward and there was a sense that things were about to get a lot worse, before they got better.
  "I'm....we're coming, just stick your hands up in the air and you won't get hurt!" the guard ordered as he lifted up a baton, but Shockers only response to that was to laugh his ass off.
  "I don't think you get it! I'm the one that's in control, not you jack-offs," Shocker grunted as he lifted his hand up into the air.
  Pamela was able to free herself, by taking advantage of the stand off and slipping away from him. She'd nearly gotten away completely, only to trip over a crack in the floor.
  "Oh, no, you fucking don't!" Shocker bellowed as he lifted up an arm and fired his gauntlet.
  Crack, crack, crack, KABOOM! That was the sound that issued forth as the shelves exploded. The experimental plant mutagens fell off of the shelf and onto Pamela. It was the project she'd been working on, but she didn't have a chance to test it yet, and she had no idea what the side effects would be if a human was exposed to it. She screamed as several poisonous plants fell on her as well and vines shot up from the ground, cracking the concrete around them as they did.
  She gave another shriek of terror as the vines wrapped around her and then sucked her underneath the ground.
  Shocker cracked open a nearby vault and removed a vial with a clear white liquid from it, before he pushed his way out of the door.
  There was a huge tree was growing in the middle of the lab now, seeming to have shot up out of no where and the vines moved threateningly towards the guards whenever they tried to approach it.
  "Um, what's the procedure with trying to fight off a giant tree?" one of the guards asked.
  "We've got to get out of here, that guy is getting away," another guard stated as he tried to push his way through the growth.
  There was a hand, green in color, with vines wrapped around it, trying to push its way free from the ground, but it ended up going limp before it was dragged off into nothingness.
  It was an eerie moment since the vines seemed to sway on their own accord, but when the hand was poking its way out from underneath the pavement, they followed the movement of the fingers flickering from one side to the other as if they were being manipulated by something.
  "So, how is Jen fitting in?" Harry asked with a smile, he was talking to Carol and Natasha over the communication link.
  "Very well," Natasha informed him. "She has the raw power aspect down, she just needs a bit more training on top of that."
  "More than a bit more, I think we're all starting to appreciate how much control Banner truly has, since he need to treat everything like it's made of glass," Carol said calmly. "But, Jen will be fine if she puts some work into it."
  "So She-Hulk will be joining the Avengers soon, then," Harry stated.
  "She-Hulk?' Natasha asked with a raised eyebrow.
  "The savage She-Hulk, that's the code name Jen christened herself with. You think I'm going to argue with the green woman with super strength that I'm sleeping with?" Harry asked her and the two female Avengers smirked at each other upon hearing that.
  "Point well taken," Carol conceded as she took a step back and stretched, before relaxing. Things had been getting rather tense for her and everyone else. "So....what are you up to?"
  "Loads," Harry answered in a cryptic voice. "I'm getting ready to inspect a facility near Gotham City, one of my new labs opened there recently and I have a few promising scientists working there, that I want to check in on."
  "Yes, Miss Isley, we know," Natasha remarked without missing a beat.
  "What doesn't SHIELD know?" Harry asked her and the Russian Spy offered him a wide grin, before she decided to enlighten him on what they currently didn't know.
  "You might be surprised, there is far more we don't know, than what you might think we know," she informed him as she leaned back in her chair and crossed one leg over the other. "We're trying to deal with what we found out at Atlantis. Jessica and Carol have been working together to try and dig up more information about these Skrulls, but so far nothing."
  Harry offered a slight grimace, he knew that there were going to be a lot of problems involving the Skrulls moving forwards. They might have been here for years and had been doing their homework, so that they could blend in as seamlessly as possible. They were getting closer and closer to claiming their perfect home world. The information the Fortress archives had about Skrulls was rather splintered, but there was something about a religious prophecy that drove them to do what they did.
  And if there was one thing that rose Harry's blood pressure, it was any talk about a prophecy. He hated them and he hated the idiots that believed in them.
  "So, same time for lunch as always?" Harry asked the two women on the other end on the link.
  "Always," Carol stated and Natasha nodded quietly in agreement, although one could see her smile from the shadows.
  Given the holographic nature of the communication link, he could kiss both of the girls good bye and so he did. He reached forward and wrapped his arms around each, before given them a thorough snog which dropped them to their knees.
  "Later," Harry concluded, before he left them hanging with a click. He took a step backward and made his way from the room, only to nearly run straight into Kitty who'd been making her way down the hallway.
  "Hi, Harry!" Kitty said cheerfully as she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. Which did amazing things for her perky breasts and it quickly became apparent she wasn't wearing a bra.
  "Hey, Kitty, how are you doing?" Harry asked to her.
  "Well...I've been....I've been thinking over my options for college, since I'm going to graduate this year, and....I think it might be a good idea if I go to ESU," Kitty said.
  "Kara, Donna, Gwen, MJ and Liz are going there, amongst others," Harry told.
  'And what am I, chopped liver?" Chloe asked in a teasing voice.
  "Oh and Chloe, who felt the need to correct me, but seriously, Kitty, any school you go to, you'll excel at, although keeping you all in one location would be nice," Harry stated. He had several degrees already, the ability to split off dupes allowed him to do that easily. As long as the money was good and he showed up on time, the admissions people didn't ask too many questions. Having contacts in SHIELD helped a lot as well.
  "Oh, I know that I will," Kitty said in an excited and gushing tone of voice as she continued bouncing up and down. "Anyways I just finished with a lesson, Dinah's really breaking in the newbies."
  "Well to be fair, I told her to," Harry said.
  "Right, yeah, totally!" Kitty agreed with a nod and Rachel seemingly popped out of nowhere to randomly nail Kitty in the back of the head. "OW!"
  "Hey, Rachel, how are you doing?" Harry asked her. "I haven't seen you that much lately."
  "Busy, although we did have that heated one on one session," Rachel told him as she threw her arms around him in a hug. "I figure since I'm a senior member of the school and the Team....I should lead by example."
  "And it's a great example you're leading with," Harry commented with a smile. Rachel grabbed Kitty by the hand and walked off with her, leaving him free to continue on with his business.
  Harry moving towards the kitchen since he was wanting to grab something to eat, he noticed Betsy sitting there with Dinah.
  "Busy session?" Harry asked the two of them.
  "Very," Dinah commented as she greeted Harry with a hug, allowing it to linger for a few moments, before she slowly and reluctantly pulled away. "But....you know that already."
  "Smashing sparring session in there," Betsy said with a whistle. "Shame you missed it."
  "Things got pretty heated," Dinah said mysterious smile as she offered half of a wink.
  "Well maybe we can have a three way before too long," Harry offered but the banter was cut off.
  "Harry, incoming call, it's Helena, she sounds.....well she says it's urgent," Lana said quickly over the intercom.
  "I'll talk to you two ladies later," Harry told the two of them, just as Jean, Rogue, and Atlee made their way in the room. It was getting close to lunch time, and Harry thanked his lucky stars that he had a huge kitchen, which was stocked with of plenty of food. Because super powered teenage girls did tend to get hungry and they ate a lot.
  He stepped inside of the communication room and saw Helena on the other side of the line.
  "There was an accident in your lab near Gotham City," Helena told him and sure enough, Harry was getting another call just as she said it.
  Harry somehow figured that Batwoman would be the first one to figure out if something went wrong.
  "Was anyone hurt?"
  "An intern was...."
  Harry knew immediately who it was and he didn't need to hear anything more. He felt.....he was going to figure out who was behind this and then he was going to make the person behind it pay. He tore out of there like a bat out of hell, his heart pumping a bit more within his chest.
  'Pamela was caught in the line of fire, but who would be after her and why?'
  The first place Harry arrived was the scene of the crime and the emerald eyes of Harry Potter flared with something, determination, was actually the best way to describe it. The green eyed wizard flashed carefully made his way forwards.
  He saw the vines swaying on their own accord and they seemed to grow hostile when people approached.
  "What exactly were you working on there, anyway?" a female voice questioned him and Harry turned around to see Batwoman standing just at his shoulder.
  Naturally, Harry heard her coming, but he wanted her to think that he couldn't hear her coming. It might seem odd, but he figured that he would give her a chance to sneak up on him, it was a weird form of foreplay between them. The dark haired woman strode forward and looked at the ground.
  "The plant mutagen, it was an interesting project," Batwoman stated as scanned everything using the computer in her cowl. A warning light on her equipment lit up like a Christmas tree once she got the results. The dark haired woman turn to face him with a slight frown. "Although I'm not sure how safe...."
  "It wasn't meant to be utilized without further testing for another six months and even then it would have been diluted, but it would have revitalized the rain forests and other areas that had been destroyed because of humanity," Harry told her, but he paused to consider other implications. "I will admit it could have other unsavory purposes."
  "What do you mean unsavory purposes?" Helena asked and Harry was only too happy to remind her of this.
  "I mean exactly what you think I might mean, nearly anything can be used in some negative way if you find a creative enough person," Harry reminded her.
  Helena listened carefully to his words and she wondered if that was true, considering what she'd seen happen over her life, she really couldn't find it in herself to disagree.
  "And someone stole an unstable mutagen," Harry whispered and Batwoman looked toward him with a raised eyebrow. "Don't worry, I've placed a tracking charm on the vial."
  "Very clever of you," Helena commented, she was impressed. She thought it was a good idea to keep track of anything that might be too dangerous in the wrong hands. She reared her head back and offered a shadow of a smile as a third person joined them.
  Her red hair was tied back into a pony tail as she stepped out of the shadows. She was wearing a dark purple domino mask over her eyes. She wore a sleek armored bodysuit in the same color of her mask that adhered to her body like a second layer of skin. There was a logo that resembled a bird in flight on her chest in yellow with the wings stretching towards each elbow, and the rest of the outfit was trimmed in that color. She had a utility belt as well, although it was not as outlandish or overstocked as Helena's was.
  "Nightwing, did you find anything of interest?" Helena asked.
  "Not a thing," Nightwing said but she stopped and stared at Harry with obvious hunger in her eyes.
  'Nice costume, Barbara,' Harry thought as he ran his eyes up and down her body.
  Barbara was a bit distracted, she knew Pamela Isley very well, they were a couple of years apart in age but they were friends. Therefore, it went without saying that the personal aspect of this mission caused Barbara to become a bit distracted. She was just about to come and pay her a visit to make sure she wasn't over doing it, when news of the accident hit.
  "This is weird," Harry commented, causing Helena to turn her full and undivided attention towards him with a raised eyebrow, a question dancing in her eyes. Harry decided to elaborate on his statement, the wizard tapped his finger against the broken vial that he'd picked up. "None of these mutagens should have lead to anything, but a rather bad headache, that would pass after a day or two."
  "And how do you know this?" Barbara asked and Harry offered her a smile.
  "Scanning charms, magic can do a lot of things," Harry stated and Barbara raised an eyebrow, impressed.
  "Right, right, I should have know that, duh," Barbara muttered shaking her head and Helena offered her a bit of a smile, but it was faint.
  "Yes, you should have, but....you're serious, so when mixed together...."
  "Separately, they aren't that dangerous, mixed together, especially with all of the plant samples that hit the ground with them, it could turn someone into something different, some kind of plant monster," Harry mused and Barbara's eyes widened underneath her mask.
  "Well, wouldn't....you know, wouldn't a plant monster stand out from the rest of the pack a little bit?" Barbara asked and Harry turned to look at her. "It isn't something you can hide, you know."
  "Oh, I know," Harry told her as he continued to scan the mutagens, then the other samples around it. He was attempting to figure out, whether or not they would turn the person into some kind of plant monster or something else.
  The question is what exactly that something else would and what exactly it would mean for them. Harry didn't know and that fact annoyed him.
  'Where did to go, Pam,' Harry thought to himself and he wondered if she'd slipped off into the night.
  There should have been something, a body, even a dried out husk, but there was nothing here. The wizard stepped forward and looked down towards the ground. He looked nervous for a second, then the green eyed wizard shook it off.
  Barbara was silent and she could tell that he was taking this almost as badly as she was. He was doing a lot better job of hiding it, but she could see a flicker of concern in his eyes. She took a step forward and grabbed Harry firmly around the hand.
  "I know," Harry said he squeezed her hand and continued scanning the remaining mutagen.
  "Gordon is trying to suppress this one, but it's going to get out, so...."
  "I know," Harry repeated and he leaned back after having scanned all the samples. He saw one of the vines wiggle on it's own then he used his heat vision to cut it off. Grabbing hold of it, he contained it in a stasis field.
  'Gwen,' Harry thought to her through the bond link.
  'Yes, Harry?' Gwen answered him.
  'Are you at RAO?' He asked her.
  'Yes, I am,' Gwen replied back, she could hear the urgency in his voice. 'What do you need Harry?'
  'I need your help analyzing something, I'll explain when I get there,' Harry informed her.
  'Right, right, see you then,' Gwen commented, just as Harry teleported in right next to her shoulder.
  "Well, that was bloody quick," Gwen stated and then she paused. "God, I've been hanging around you far too often, I'm starting to pick up your bloody speech patterns, guv'ner."
  She said this in a really a horrible British accent and Harry smiled despite himself, before he gave her a brief explanation.
  "What could have the plant mutagen done to her?" Gwen asked.
  "I don't know, but we're going to find out," Harry told her.
  "Right, we will," Gwen told him with a bright smile on her face.
  The two of them got to work, they had a lot to do and the clock was ticking they didn't have much time to accomplish it.
  "Were you seen?"
  Shocker arrived to see his boss standing there in the shadows.
  "A couple of guards, but they didn't follow me back, I made sure of it," Shocker told him.
  "Idiot, you weren't supposed to be seen by anyone, if they trace this back to me...."
  "Relax, Mr. Luthor...."
  "I'm not going to relax, if Potter finds out or if the Bat comes onto my doorstep because of you, I will be very displeased," he said coldly and he took a step forward out of the shadows.
  The man was dressed in a horrible green suit and he had long red hair cut like a lion's mane framing his face. His gaze burned into the Shocker's face and if looks could be killed, then Herman Shultz would be dead. His name was Lex Luthor.
  "You know, Shocker, I thought that someone like you....well, I thought that a low rent thug like yourself would have appreciate a job where you could actually make something of yourself," Lex commented with a smile. "After all, getting trashed by some juvenile delinquent wearing red and blue foot pajamas isn't a career choice that I would recommend to anyone, but perhaps that's just me?"
  Shocker's eyes flared and he clenched his hands into fists as he thought about Spider-Man, which always caused his blood pressure to spike. The Web Head was someone who had humiliated him more than a few times and he was not happy that those unpleasant memories were brought back up.
  "Remember Herman, those upgrades? I gave them to you, I can take them away," Lex stated in his most dangerous tone of voice as he looked towards him. "So, the mutagen, do you have it?"
  "Yeah, I got it....don't know why...."
  "Power, Herman, that's why I want it," Lex said as he reached forward and held the mutagen in his hand. "The only copy of the goblin formula is in my uncle's brain and he's not budging. Even with my father constantly drugging him and keeping him locked in Ravencroft, while paying Hamilton to pump him for information, although I'm not sure if my father is Hamilton's only boss."
  Lex was going to create something far stronger than the original Green Goblin formula and this would prove his worth to his father. He couldn't wait to see what he would do. He twirled the vial between his fingers, his eye flashed from behind the vial and a smile stretched across his face.
  "It's terrible but beautiful," Lex whispered as he looked at the bubbling formula in his hand. He flipped it over a few times and watched it react closely. "The power....it's something that....it's something that you can't understand, being a thug that you are."
  "I'll show you....."
  "What are you going to show him, your awful costume?"
  "No...YOU!" Shocker yelled out as he saw Spider-Man hanging upside down from the ceiling.
  Lex's eyes widened. "You idiot! You lead Spider-Man here."
  "Wait, let me guess, now that I know you're in on this, you can't leave let me leave here alive and all that good stuff," Spider-Man stated in a bland voice and Lex smiled.
  "You're getting the program, well done," Lex said as he dialed up the intercom. "Otis, take care of him."
  A large man walked forward with a club, followed by several other security guards. Spider-Man latched onto the club with a web line then ripped it from his hand, flipping forwards he slammed his knees into the back of the head of one of the thugs.
  "Oh yeah! That's good stuff, that's the real ticket right there!" Spider-Man cheered, he offered a smile as he ducked and dodged their swings as they attempted to take his head off.
  A guard scrambled towards Spider-Man, but he swept the legs out from underneath him, then kicked him in the midsection, and sent him flying into a wall with a crash. Wrapping his web lines around another guard's ankles he sprung up into the air and attached him to the ceiling. Dropping back down he kicked two of the guards in the head, taking them both out in one fell swoop as he drove them into the ground.
  "Too bad, so sad, sorry you're mad!" Spider-Man commented.
  "I'll get him!" Shocker yelled as aimed towards the Web Slinger with his gauntlets.
  "Herman, you couldn't get me on your best day or my....WORRSTTT!"
  That last word was drawn out by a massive plant vine shooting out of the ground to ensnare Spider-Man around the waist, then slam him into the closest wall.
  "You will all pay for your crimes against Mother Nature!" a breathy and seductive voice whispered seeming to issue forth from all around them.
  "Hey, you can't do this to me!" Shocker yelled as he lifted his hands in the air and pointed at her in an attempt to use his gauntlets, but more plant vines shot out and wrapped around him.
  Shocker was yanked hard into the wall and then the vines pulled him into a crucifix position.
  "I'm not going to kill you, you are pathetic, beneath me, even though I should ground you into fertilizer," the voice breathed swiftly.
  Lex stepped forward and he saw a large red flower rise up from underneath the ground. The flower slowly bloomed before his eyes and he saw her standing there, she looked like a nymph. She had shocking red hair that framed her face and fell to her mid back. Her green skin looked sleek to the touch and seemed to glisten in the light. She was wearing a thin red shirt that showed off her spectacular breasts, due to how tight it was stretched around them. The bottom three buttons of her shirt were undone to reveal her flat stomach and she had long legs that seemed to extend forever. She was wearing thong panties that covered what needed to be covered, but it was by a bare minimum.
  "LuthorCorp has committed many crimes against mother nature, you....you are on trial, Alexander Luthor," she informed him in a breathy tone.
  Spider-Man tried to rush forward, but the vines held him firmly in place.
  "You shouldn't intervene, Spider-Man," she commented, flicking one of her hands she brought Lex close to her face using her vines so she could look him in the eyes. "As for who I am, well I suppose it should be who I was, I once was Pamela Isley until you tried to have me murdered."
  "You were in the wrong place at the wrong time," Lex breathed.
  "Just like all of those poor and innocent plants that were snuffed out so your father could put more money in his pocket!" she yelled, her eyes flaring with madness. "You're not going to stop me that easily, I'm going to take you down."
  "That was my father....and Uncle, Norman....you know Norman Osborn," Lex stated and the vines tightened around him, squeezing him to the point it felt like he was going to burst into a shower of gore.
  "Yes, it was them, but one day it could be you, the demented apple does not fall far from the diseased tree," she told him as she wrapped her vines tighter around him. "I will build a new utopia over the diseased empire of LuthorCorp. I have a dream and it doesn't have any Luthor's or Osborn's in it. Your fertilizer has killed more plants than it has helped."
  "Please, have mercy...."
  "That is what a tree says before you cut it down! That's what a daisy says before you stomp on it! That's what a mere weed states before you pull it up! Out of sheer maliciousness!" she snapped as several thorny bushes aimed their thorns. "Not yet my darlings, not yet, you're not going to go down this easily. You're bait for the big fish, you're bait for Lionel Luthor."
  The woman and Lex Luthor disappeared into the ground.
  Harry appeared a minute later, having tracked the plant mutagen down, but he stopped closed upon seeing the overwhelming damage that had been done to his surroundings.
  'Harry, I've completed the analysis, you're not going to believe this,' Gwen told him.
  'Gwen, you should know by now there's very little that I won't believe,' Harry said as he braced himself for the news..
  To Be Continued In Part Two.
  Seeds of Crime Part Two
  Chapter Seventeen: Seeds of Crime Part Two.
  "So, I'd tell you we'd have a problem, if you didn't already know," Gwen concluded and there was a pause where he looked over his shoulder.
  She was there about twenty minutes later to give him the reading in person. Whilst he was standing there, Harry was able to do some work of his own and the green eyes of the young wizard narrowed in frustration. He was trying to figure out what his next move was going to be. Until he had some answers, moving forward was going to be borderline difficult, although he was slowly piecing them together.
  "I'm not going to sugar coat this Gwen, things are going to get tough," Harry told her and he looked at the mutagen trail.
  It had left some kind of residue on Pam and that was something that in theory, he might be able to track. The theory might have sounded sound in some respects but Harry honestly did not know until he went forward. This plant mutagen was unprecedented.
  "The readings indicate....well you know something like this, it's going to be all over the place," Gwen whispered urgently to Harry and she watched him. Her own nerves were trying to tell her that something was on.
  "Just spit it out, please," Harry told her firmly and Gwen knew that when he had a look like that on his face, he was not going to be one that should be trifled with.
  "Well Pamela is not completely human but not completely plant, she was actually blasted with an extremely concentrated dose of the mutagen," Gwen told him and Harry nodded and he muttered underneath his breath.
  "Right, right, and that concentrated dose, well it caused her to twist into....well it twisted her into what she was," Harry rambled, he was a bit distracted and Gwen could tell that he was distracted. She reached forward and gripped his hand.
  He knew that Pamela was still alive down there and there was someone who was there.
  "What are you doing, I was told that my son was kidnapped?"
  Lionel turned up and saw Harry standing there.
  "Mr. Potter....I wonder if you had anything to do with this," Lionel told and there was a lot of accusation dripping from his voice. "I mean there was an accident involving dangerous chemicals at one of your labs and you have your own....well this hideous abomination that turned up and stole my son."
  "I don't like what you might be implying, Mr. Luthor," Harry said calmly and Gwen looked about ready to deck the man but Harry shook his head. This was neither the time nor the place to worry about such things.
  "No, not implying anything, just merely....well we shall see what's happening, shall we," Lionel commented with a smile across his face as he watched the two of them for their reaction but Harry turned away from him.
  Harry was not in the mood to deal with Lionel Luthor, especially after everything that happened. His knuckles were white as they clutched and the green eyes of the young wizard.
  'Don't let Luthor get to you,' Gwen warned him.
  'I'm not,' Harry said sharply, although there was something about the man that could get underneath the skin of anyone.
  Harry paused and he looked over his shoulder. If he thought that Lionel was anything to worry about, well he would be worried about him. However, he was not working about the man. Rather he was he stepping forward and trying to uncover the mystery of what happened to Pamela Isley. If he could figure out what happened, he might be figure out something solid, that would lead him to her.
  Right now, he felt he was grasping at a few straws, more than a few straws. He closed his eyes tightly and gave a long and depressed sigh.
  'Okay, Potter, figure this one out, you're supposed to be smart, actually you're supposed to be smarter than smart,' Harry thought to himself, as he mulled over several scenarios in the back of his head, although only a couple ended up with mildly appeasing actions.
  What was he going to do, that was the question.
  "Are we going to get something out of these readings?" Gwen asked him.
  "I think that if we calibrate them properly, we might be able to track her unique energy signature," Harry said and then there was a loud round of screams that echoed outside of the window.
  "Or we could follow the sound of the shrieks," Gwen informed Harry with a smile and he slumped his shoulders.
  "Or we can do that, yes," Harry conceded and he could see some roots jutting out from where he stood.
  He stepped over and freed Spider-Man.
  "I was wondering when you were going to get around to doing that," the web slinger said, as he winced and dropped down to the ground.
  Shocker tried to let himself free.
  "You shouldn't swear, it isn't nice, Herman," Spider-Man reprimanding like a mother scolding a small child.
  "You know the name Shocker isn't much better," Gwen commented in a faux serious voice, although she looked highly amused at the name and so did Spider-Man and Harry.
  "Oh, that's a bit rude, you know," Harry said to him as he watched Shocker struggle as he much.
  "Yeah, Herman, dear, what's the magic word?" Spider-Man asked and he was about to say something that was completely nasty but the web slinger shot a glop of webbing into his mouth. "Hey, watch the language pal, there might be kids nearby."
  "Actually, I'm pretty sure no kid is watching or reading this and if they were, they should be taken away from their parents and put into foster care immediately," Deadpool commented as he walked into the scene randomly. "And seriously, seventeen fucking chapters, and I don't show up?"
  "What are you doing here?" Harry demanded.
  "Making an entirely epic cameo, duh," Deadpool stated as he turned around and walked off and Harry, Gwen, and Spider-Man were left in his Deadpool dust.
  The three of them exchanged a tense look with each other and they were just going to pretend that Deadpool did not show up because he was gone and it was best for their collective sanity.
  Harry had to find a trail and the green eyes of the young wizard flickered for a second. He was pretty sure that he was on the trail, more or less, less or more.
  The screams indicated that he was going to need to move quickly.
  Lionel Luthor closed his eyes and turned his head around. The man's hands clutched together and he rocked back and forth. He was waiting for the word. He stepped outside of his office, and paced like a caged animal. Sheer madness did not even begin to describe what he was feeling.
  "Make sure to secure this lab, I want it secured yesterday," Lionel snapped. The guards, which he would be sending his pink slips for incompetence, informed them that this woman was after him and Lex was obvious bait for a trap.
  As a wise man once said, everyone had a price, but finding the price for someone like this, this was going to be a channel. Lionel took off the pair of glasses that he was wearing and buffed them on his shirt. He saw vines growing all out of the pavement in Gotham City and he turned around, hearing an echoing in the background.
  "You have committed grievous crimes against Mother Nature and you will be punished for them."
  The devious tone echoed and Lionel waited, watched, and most importantly, he listened.
  "I am talking to you Lionel Luthor, how you have tried to get around environmental laws, but all of your money cannot buy your way out of this situation," she commented in a sensual voice that echoed. "You are not going to escape me. You thought that I was a wallflower that you could push around, that you could stomp on, but I am the embodiment of Gaea, I am Mother Nature."
  "What do you want?" Lionel asked her in a clipped tone, wanting to cut out all of the bullshit and get to the point.
  There was a round of laughter that would have sent hair standing up upon the spine of a lesser individual.
  "Just release my son, I can give you anything that you want," Lionel stated as he looked over his shoulder.
  "You aren't going to be able to give me what I properly want if you aren't willing to sacrifice what I want, Lionel Luthor," Pamela whispered.
  "Miss Isley, you're very sick, I have....you need help," Lionel commented for a few seconds and unknowingly to him, Harry Potter stood in the background, invisible.
  He wondered how Lionel Luthor knew about who she was....he figured that he must have heard over the communication link.
  There was no time to really think about that, as several trees shot out from the ground. There was a few seconds where the large flower bloomed in the middle and several vines shot up.
  The guards backed off and Lionel got behind them.
  "Just calm down, and give me my son," Lionel told them and there was a bit of an unsettling laughter that rattled even the elder Luthor.
  "Your demon seed is perfectly safe but if you don't do what I say, he'll be turned into mulch," Pamela whispered as her eyes glowed as she sat in the flower. Her legs were crossed and she watched him, malicious intention flickering through her eyes. "You are like a weed that no many times I try to exterminate it, it destroys my garden."
  'Gwen, you're getting these readings, right,' Harry thought to her.
  'I'm working on an antidote,' Gwen thought to him desperately. 'I just need....I need more time.'
  'We don't need a full antidote, just something to stabilize her....OH SHIT!' Harry yelled and Gwen was nervous.
  "Harry that's...what....what's happening?" Gwen asked as she started to become extremely frantic.
  Harry felt the vines entangle around his feet, making a completely sticky situation even worse in hindsight.
  "So, it's you now," she commented in a light voice and Pamela slowly surveyed him, with bright and vibrant eyes. A frown spread over her face as she saw Harry dangling there.
  Harry was not going to say that she was not well because that might just set her off. Even though she was pretty sure not well, but he really had to find his way out. There was a way where he needed to get out of here.
  "Harry, you set me up...."
  "I didn't," Harry whispered as he mentally racked his mind for a way out of here. He knew that as long as Lionel Luthor was watching, he could not reveal his powers.
  He hoped that the cavalry would come soon because he was running out of options.
  "Put me down, I'll find you a way...."
  "You won't help me," Pamela stated and her eyes glowed. She allowed her vines to go into the air and she watched him. "You can't help me, I'm beyond help but I will be better, I will be stronger, you cannot hope to...."
  "Don't say that, there is always hope, no matter what," Harry told the redhead firmly and she shook her head. Harry once again tried to escape but found himself trapped without a hope.
  "You would think that, for you are able to get away with more than you should," Pamela told him, ignoring the slight ringing in her head that drove her completely nuts.
  Lionel tried to make his way out of the door but one of the vines wrapped around his ankle, holding him up. The businessman struggled out of the grip, hanging upside down. Pamela watched him with malice flowing through her emerald orbs and the vines contained security, as they were pushed back.
  "Do not think that I've forgotten about you, I will never forget someone like you," Pamela whispered to him as her eyes flared with madness. Your crimes against Mother Nature will be tested and tried.
  Her babies told her that some SHIELD Agents were outside but Pamela turned to the captive guards and smiled before she shot plant pheromones in their face.
  "Take them down and make sure they do not interfere, with my vengeance," Pamela stated to them and the zombfied guards walked out.
  Harry craned his neck and he tried to see that there was someone slipping through the vent and what a someone. He could see Batwoman was in the house.
  While his team did not show up as of yet, he was not about to turn down Batwoman. There was a problem of him trying to escape from his situation.
  A baterang flew through the air, ricocheted off of two of the guards, and knocked Lionel Luthor out cold.
  With Lionel down, that allowed Harry to use his super strength and fly out of the grip of the crushing vines.
  There was a loud scream as Pamela's eyes widened as she saw Harry flying through the air towards her and she was about to lose her mind.
  Outside, Rogue lead the way, and she quickened her steps as she knew that there was urgency.
  "We're nearly there," Rogue told the group and the other girls picked up their pace.
  Laura took another step forward, her claws popped as could smell that something was off . "Be careful, I don't like this."
  "It's like a jungle out here," Zatanna stated as she turned up and Wanda looked over her shoulder. "Yeah, I really can't believe I went there either."
  Lois turned up behind them, it sounded like a dangerous situation, which meant it was a situation that attracted her. When the heir to the Luthor throne got captured, it was really time to step forward and take notice.
  'Okay if I was a vengeful woman that would be able to control plants where....oh something like that, of course!' Lois thought as she saw vines shoot out from underneath the street.
  She took a step back, nervousness flashed through her eyes and her heart hammered against her chest a bit more steadily. The woman held her head up, looking rather bold as she walked forward.
  Lois took another step forward and she saw Gwen rushing down the street. Both females looked at each other, pausing, and there was one statement that came out of both of their mouths at the same exactly instant.
  "What are you doing here?" both asked in unison. "I've asked you first, no I asked you, no I've asked you!"
  "Fine, don't tell me," Lois grumbled as she shook her head but she heard something crack from beneath the pavement. "What the hell is going on?"
  "There was an accident," Gwen said in a light tone of voice, although she tried to keep herself kind of calm.
  Even though she could see the chaos that was happening around her and she dodged the plants, grabbing Lois around the waist and pulling her out of the head.
  "What kind of...."
  The plant roots shooting out cut off Lois's question, at least for the moment. She ducked her head, to avoid being molested by plant vines but Gwen shook her head.
  Wanda made her way in and a pair of hex bolts ripped through the vines. She burned through them, firing attack after attack after them but they kept coming. So Wanda was just going to keep fighting.
  'Okay, this isn't going well,' Wanda thought as she slapped her palms down in frustration but managed to keep things cool, for the most part.
  "Okay, we'll get inside, don't worry," Laura grunted as she popped her claws and violently hacked through the vines.
  "Stop it, you are harming them."
  "Doing a pretty decent job in harming us," Laura countered and there were a series of grotesque plant monsters that showed up.
  "Oh, that's....that's...disturbing!" Zatanna cried as she lifted her hands in the air.
  "No, you know what these things are?" Laura asked with a smile as she held her claws in the air and swiped towards them. She stabbed through the green abomination and caused green blood to squirt everywhere like a fountain. "Mulch."
  She empathized this point by stabbing it straight through with her claws. The creature went down as Wanda blasted open the door.
  Harry was going against the plant monsters. Pamela had already fled the building and Lionel had as well, making his way out of the backdoor.
  "So, nice to see you," Harry stated in a light voice as he raised his hands into the air and prepared to smash into his enemies.
  There was a loud explosion that resounded as Harry ran through his enemies. They wilted from the impact.
  "Just stand back, we'll take care of this," Laura said as she raised her claws and like a buzzsaw, she made her way through them.
  "So....this is insane," Zatanna whispered as she raised an eyebrow and Wanda shook her head at the younger magic user.
  "Yes, I think we already established that," Wanda countered lightly as she looked at the other magic user but Zatanna offered a shrug and a smile before she trapped two of the monsters and caused them to attack each other in feral rage.
  "She got away," Harry said to the group.
  "She's lost her mind," Wanda muttered and Harry raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know that I'm not supposed to be the person who should be making claims like that, given that I spent half of my life in an asylum but....."
  "I know," Harry offered her as he casually back handed a plant monster that tried to get him. Gwen showed up, climbing over the vines, most of them were destroyed. "She has an empathic connection to the plants that she controls."
  "Oh, that makes sense," Gwen stated. "When you hurt those plants, when any plant gets hurt, she feels it."
  "No wonder her mind has snapped," Wanda said as the monsters retreated.
  "Yeah, but we got to stop her before she tears everyone apart," Laura commented as she looked up. "But I think that you got a plan to stop her, don't you?"
  "Yes, I do, but we got to hurry, time is running out for her," Harry commented and he turned to Gwen. "Do you have the stabilizer?"
  "Yes, I have it but good luck in getting it to her," Gwen said in a fretful voice and Harry looked at his girlfriend.
  "Luck is not something that we have right now, what we need is skill, patience, and a good strategy," Harry offered as he closed his eyes.
  Lois watched, with a smile on her face but she turned around. It was getting too much like a jungle in here, even for her liking.
  'This city really has gone to seed,' Lois thought but she shook her head at her own bad pun. 'I'll stop whilst I'm ahead.'
  "It will be far more painless to you, than it will be for these plants," Pamela whispered harshly as she had Lex bound with the vines and he looked at her, trying not to show the fear that he felt.
  "Plants, don't have feelings, they can't talk, they can't feel...." Lex stated but he knew immediately that he had said the wrong thing.
  "THEY CAN TALK AND THEY CAN FEEL!" Pamela yelled as she held the chemical that Shocker had. "Once I reverse engineer LuthorCorp's prized possession chemicals, I will create an entire city which will be green. Humans will have a new lease on life, for they will be turned into something like me. They will get a greater understanding of what we feel."
  "We, you seem to think that you are one of them," Lex said as he tried to free himself but he was tied.
  "You on the other hand, will not get that pleasure," Pamela said as she paced back and forth like a caged animal, which was the ultimate irony given what she was. Her eyes flashed with malice and she tilted her head back. "You will not get the pleasure of feeling what we feeling for..."
  There was a pause and Lex tried to free himself but he found out that was an extremely futile venture.
  Batwoman turned up around the vents but she was wrapped around the ankles and tied upside down.
  "Well, the supposed all seeing, all knowing, bat of Gotham City," Pamela stated in a dry voice. "Tell me, why didn't you see that attack on me?"
  "I didn't....no one is as sorry for what happened as I am but what you're doing, this is the wrong way about going on doing this," Helena said roughly as she felt the vine wrap around her mouth.
  "Batwoman, I'm not....no my mind its clearer than ever before, but I should be able to thank you," Pamela said with a bright smile on her face.
  "Well if you're going to kill me then get it over with," Lex said to her in a snide tone.
  "You need to have some patience, rich boy!" Pamela snapped, as she matched his tone and the vines rose up, about ready to shoot some thorns to hurt Lex. "Yes, I know, I know....he's rude, but we got to wait, savor the moment."
  "It ends tonight, Pamela," Harry stated as he appeared at the door.
  "Well, Arcane," Pamela whispered as she watched him with a smile. "You shouldn't have stumbled into my garden, look you've trampled all over the flowers."
  The flowers were about to shoot out but Harry dodged the attack and Laura rushed out and she stabbed the flowers with her claws, violently hacking at them.
  "NO!" Pamela managed as she felt the pain of all her little babies and clutched onto her giant flower, her knuckles growing white as she hold on.
  "Time to get down," Laura said roughly. She was not in the mood to play games, especially with little miss nature queen.
  "Pamela we're here to....." Harry stated but several more vines shot out. He grabbed the vines and tied them together and stood on them and then froze them. "You need help, and you're going to be fine."
  "Help me," Lex demanded as he was dangling over a plant that looked to be a more horrific version of the classic Venus Fly Trap.
  Harry ignored Luthor and he cut Batwoman out of the vines, with Nightwing showing up. Talon lead Rogue, Scarlet Witch, and Zatanna behind them.
  "Just think about it, Pamela, think about all of the good that you wanted to do in the world, I've seen all of the good that you want to do, and I know that somewhere in there, the real you is in there," Harry said.
  "This is the real me!" Pamela yelled as she raised the vines into the air. They were this close to impaling through them all but there was a sense of hesitation.
  "You would have killed us all by now, or at least killed Luthor, if you had it in you," Harry told and she looked at him a distinct mixture of rage and confusion flashed through her eyes.
  Gwen was sneaking in through the doors, careful not to jostle the plants. It took a great deal of acrobatic skills to sneak in past them all but somehow, through hook or by crook, she managed to get behind Pamela.
  She could not even jostle a daisy for it would raised her ire and that was tense. She closed her eyes to calm herself down, normally she would geek out about something like this but there was no time to geek out, it was the time for her to be serious.
  Gwendolyn Marie Stacy had one shot and one shot alone. She had to take it, and she saw Laura stabbing the plants.
  "No, stop it!" Pamela yelled as she lost her mind and the vines hurled Lex because as when she lost control, so did the plants.
  'I wanted a distraction, not that much one of one,' Gwen thought desperately as the vial flew from her hand. She thanked herself for unbreakable charms because if it would have smashed onto the ground, it would have been an entire eight hours work down the toilet.
  She was turned around and the woman watched her.
  "I know who you are....."
  Harry dove out of the way, saving Gwen from the attack. He sent a blast of heat vision off of the mirrors and severed more of the vines.
  With another super powerful punch, he nailed the Venus Fly Trap right in the face, causing it to be knocked out. Harry summoned the antidote into his hand and picked up the gun that Gwen had.
  Pamela ensnared Harry with vines but Harry pulled her in and did the only thing that he could tell to distract her.
  He kissed her fully on the lips, something that he would not recommend to anyone who did not have a combination of Basilisk Venom and Phoenix Tears running through their body. It acted as the ultimate antidote for most poisons, including the one that was coursing through this young woman's lips.
  Pamela closed her eyes, she could not focus on anything that she was doing. She returned the kiss, she was being kissed like she was never kissed before. The plants started to go wild, they had no idea what to do, they were attacking each other because of these sensations that Harry introduced into her.
  Harry grabbed the stabilizer and jabbed her in the arm with it. The redhead wilted like the flower that she was in his arms.
  The vines smashed into the chemicals on the table. They were not meant to mix in such a way and Lex was in the midst of it!
  "Get Pam out, I'll take care of Luthor!" Harry yelled behind his shoulder.
  Talon shook her head, she would have left the whiny bastard to rot but she allowed Harry to do what Harry did.
  He picked up Lex, who was looking at him, half dazed and half out of it. Harry dragged the man out of there, for what it was worth. His hair was about ready to fall out but Harry could not worry himself with such trivial manners as another man's hair.
  Lex, nearly bald, was carried out of the building, and by the time he was out, all of his hair was gone, forever.
  Harry smiled in spite of himself. The green eyes of the wizard thought about today's adventure and weirdness was something that was the perfect descriptive word for it.
  Of course, given that it was such a crisis situation, SHIELD was going to get involved. The young wizard kept his eyes on the situation and he saw them show up. Most of the plants had been retracted. He tapped his foot on the ground and he saw Maria Hill standing there, her arms folded underneath her chest. The two of them looked at each other.
  Harry was glad that Fury was not here because he would overreact to this situation.
  "It was an accident at my place..."
  "And you think that it's a responsibility that you should take," Maria stated calmly. The truth be told, she understood where Harry was coming from with the situation. "That's not the only reason that I need a word with you, although it is a reason."
  "Oh?" Harry asked with a calm voice and he made his way into the miniature transport vehicle. He saw Natasha standing there with him. They smiled at each other but until they were off the clock, they needed to remain mostly professional.
  "We found a potential security leak within SHIELD itself," Maria whispered to Harry and the two of them looked at each other. "It was one of them."
  "Do you know what they've found?" Harry asked to them, there was no need for Maria to find out anything.
  "Nothing, Jessica managed to find them and exposed them," Maria said to him. "SHIELD is a system, if one card is altered, the entire house collapses. And the entire system is....."
  "Is need of repair," Harry said and she nodded in relief. "You don't know who you could trust, if you can trust anyone."
  "And Fury's dropped this problem in my lap," Maria said to him. "I don't know how much he knows, if he knows anything at all."
  Harry figured that Fury knew something, although the fact of the matter was what Fury knew, well the man himself commented.
  "I saw a glimpse of him," Natasha told them and Harry looked at Harry.
  "It was at a SHIELD operation, in Nevada....it was about five days ago and it was only a glimpse," Natasha said to him and he looked back at her. The woman's arms shrugged her shoulder and looked at him. "It could have been a mirage."
  "Maybe," Harry offered grudgingly but he was not completely convinced. If he knew Fury, he would not allow himself to be seen without a reason. "So how is Jessica's investigation going or is it classified?"
  "Actually she wishes to speak with you, to interview you given that you were on the scene when the first Skrull was unmasked," Maria said to him.
  "Oh.....why me then?" Harry asked.
  "Well, that should be obvious, shouldn't it?" Natasha commented and Maria gave her a stern look, which turned Natasha back into stern Black Widow mode.
  "She wishes to meet with you, she gave me more information, SWORD and SHIELD are both interesting in plugging the leaks," Maria told him. "And that is all of the information that I can give you now."
  Harry offered one of his charming Harry Potter smiles. "Is it the information that you're willing to give me or all of the information that you know."
  "I believe you're smart enough to figure out the answer to that question, Mr. Potter," Maria said to him as she filed through the papers. "And Miss Isley....you know that if she commits any further attacks, she's liable, and that goes for your other guest."
  "If you're referring to Raven Darkholme, than I understand all of the risks that she presents and she's in a cell, until she makes her decision whether she wants to work for me or if I just ship her off to the MRD," Harry told the two SHIELD agents.
  "And how much time will you give her to comply?" Natasha asked him.
  Harry smiled. "Well I'm giving her a chance to really think over her options. I'll figure out what to do with her soon enough."
  He paused with a reflective look going through his eyes.
  "Trust me, I know what I'm doing," Harry told them. "Tell Jessica if you see her before I do that I'll see her soon."
  He had some business to take care of, actually the meeting request seemed to be rather perfect all things considered.
  It was a date, of sorts.
  To Be Continued.
  Greatest Sensation
  Chapter 18: The Greatest Sensation.
  Harry had resolved long ago to never to be late for an appointment that he made personally, especially if it was a meeting with a beautiful woman. So with that said, the young wizard moved forwards through the small rather exclusive restaurant to meet with the person in question, and he couldn't help but marvel at the marvelous woman.
  Jessica Drew sat there waiting there waiting for him comfortably in all of her glory. She was wearing a sleek black dress, the picture perfect definition of a little black dress in fact, that one wouldn't expect an active agent of SHIELD or SWORD to wear. Then again, she was incognito so Harry figured that was just as well. Her sleek black hair was tied back into a low pony tail and she had dazzling green eyes, a different shade of his own. The dress was cut low enough to showcase a nice amount of cleavage and the lower half of the dress wrapped nicely around her ass. She finished the look off with sleek stockings that fit her low legs like a glove and fed nicely into her high heels.
  "I'm glad to see that you could make it Harry," she offered with a smile in a rather posh British accent. There was a few seconds pause were she seemed to think about something, before asking him a question. "You don't mind if I call you Harry, do you?"
  Harry smiled back at her from behind a pair of sunglasses that he was wearing, before responding. "Not at all."
  "That's excellent, I wouldn't want to offend someone like you," Jessica stated with a bright smile as she leaned back in her chair.
  "Don't worry about it so much, it takes a fair bit to offend me," Harry told her and she smiled at that as she sipped on her glass of wine.
  "That's good, I'm glad," Jessica commented lightly to him, she took another sip from her glass before asking him another question. "So, have you tried the steak at this place?"
  "I've been here before," Harry offered her with a telling smirk. Truth be told, he was pretty sure that he might actually own the place.
  "Oh, yes, that's right, with one of your harem," Jessica said with a wink and a wry smile on her face.
  "The proper term is collective, you know," Harry corrected her and Jessica's smile got even wider as she took another drink.
  "My mistake, but still, it's hard to deny the fact that several extremely attractive and powerful women have gotten into bed with you," Jessica said to Harry and then she shifted, offering him a hint of her toned leg. "But, we're here for other matters today."
  "Business before pleasure, naturally," Harry said with a soft chuckle as the two of them locked eyes. "So, Maria tells me that you uncovered the Skrull that infiltrated SHIELD?"
  "Well...yes, I did, although I don't know how much damage he caused," Jessica stated after a pause, and you could tell from the tone of her voice the supreme agitation that she was feeling. "The thing about the Skrull race, from what we've been able to uncover, is that they are masters of disguise."
  "Yes, you could be looking one right in the eye, and no one would be the wiser," Harry offered in a dead pan from where he sat across the table from her.
  "Correct, they are that adaptable," Jessica explained to Harry, with a smile on her face. Happy that he seemed to be following her explanation so readily. The last time she had to brief someone on the situation it was a senate subcommittee and that had taken twelve hours.
  "They could have been here for years," Harry stated to her, the tone of his voice conveying the fact he knew most of this information already.
  "Indeed, but I do think you got that information from your remarkable outpost in the Arctic," she told him as she took another sip of her wine. Their steak and soup arrived at that moment as well. "I've heard so much about your wonderful Fortress from Carol and Natasha that I'd love to be able to visit it eventually."
  "It's only accessible to a select few," Harry explained to her and Jessica offered him a smile, before she placed her hands on the table and leaned forwards so that her breasts pressed up against her dress. A brief flirty smile crossed her face for a moment, but then it faded.
  "That's a shame, you know I would do anything to be able to visit your magnificent Fortress."
  Harry could feel her foot brush up against his for a moment, he looked at her back at her with a cool and collected look on his face to show her that it wasn't going to be that easy.
  "I'm sure that most people would," Harry said coolly, then he offered her a wink and a playful grin. "And if you play your cards right you might be able to someday."
  "So does that mean I need to drop to my knees before you?" Jessica asked him playfully, before shifting her weight which caused her dress to hike up half of an inch.
  "...Perhaps," Harry said mysteriously, enjoying this interplay between the two of them and Jessica reached forwards to slowly brush something off of his lip with her thumb.
  "You had barbeque sauce on your lips," Jessica whispered as she looked at Harry, staring back at him with the most adoring eyes, she brought her thumb up to lips and sucked it clean. Things between them were looking to get heated, but how far they would have gone, was a question that was going to have to be answered later.
  The communicator on Jessica's leg chose that moment to vibrate. Reaching downwards she picked up the comm link, brushing her dress up and exposing her thigh to Harry in the process, then flipped it open.
  "Yes, Director Hill," Jessica stated in a business like manner, but there was a sense that she was flustered and a bit nervous as a result. "You....you're kidding?...Of course you're not kidding, this is an extremely serious situation. Yes....I'm with him now....we're having dinner.....no, it's not a date, merely.....he's given me all of the information that he has on the Skrulls. The Fortress....no, I don't think..."
  Harry could only hear snatches of what Maria Hill was saying on the other end of the line.
  "Yes...well, I'll be there in about fifteen minutes...I know...I'll try and make it five, because it's urgent," Jessica said in a rapid fire voice, before she put away the communicator device with a sour look on her face. She tried not to look too down about what happened, although there was a sense that she wasn't really trying too hard.
  "Something come up?" Harry asked her in concern and Jessica nodded.
  "Unfortunately, something has in fact, came up," she agreed as she brushed her hands through her hair and sighed in frustration. "It always has to be something and if it's not one thing, it's another, I swear."
  "Do you now?" Harry asked her and Jessica offered him a slight smile, before she picked up a piece of steak and slowly chewed on it.
  "Yes, I do, at SHIELD the fun never stops, even though we want it to," Jessica stated as she looked towards him. "This might take a while, is next Friday good for you to meet up again?"
  "It's perfect," Harry offered Jessica and smiling she leaned forwards to give him a slight kiss on the cheek.
  Harry grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into another kiss, this time on the lips. This caused her eyes to widen for a moment as his tongue explored her mouth. It was more amazing than anything else she'd ever felt before in her life and she could have sworn that she felt his hands briefly grope her ass.
  The moment she recovered from the kiss, he was gone and Jessica was left in a daze, trying to remember why she was here. Then it hit her, she had a meeting with Maria Hill shortly and she couldn't afford to be late.
  Now if only this Skrull situation would turn out for the best.
  The emerald eyed hero went from one date to another, as Alison had invited Harry to join her backstage before her latest concert. They talked everyday pretty much, Harry liked to keep tabs on the women he was backing in order to make sure they had everything that they needed. He knocked on the door of her dressing room.
  "Come in," Alison called out and Harry took that as his invitation to head inside. Slipping in through the door, he walked inside to see Alison standing there, dressed in nothing but a towel. Her hair still dripping wet after just coming out of the shower. The towel in question fit snugly around her luxurious curves and it adhered tightly to her luscious ass as well. Her long and very dazzling legs were on full display and she looked at Harry with a bright smile. "Harry! It's good to see you!"
  Alison rushed over and she threw her arms around his neck. The only thing holding up the towel at that point was the supreme will of gravity and as Harry noted, it was about to tap out. He returned the embrace, as the tops of her breasts peaked out from behind the towel. He smiled as her hot wet body pressed tightly into his.
  "I take it you were expecting me?" Harry ask her and she offered him one more kiss, before pulling away a bit and smiling brightly at him.
  "Well, you did say that you would be here, although now I wish that I waited to have my shower until you were here, then you could have joined me," Alison commented with a saucy little grin on her face.
  She mentally added. 'But we can get nice and sweaty later and maybe we can take a second one after that.'
  She invited Harry to sit down on the lavish couch that had been set up for her and naturally, Harry wasn't going to turn down such an enticing invitation. She took a seat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around her as she rested back against his chest.
  "I'm not going to lie, this really is the best seat in the house," Alison said with an extremely wide grin on her face as she savored the moment.
  "So, you haven't been having any more problems?" Harry asked as he stroked her hair and she smiled.
  "No more than usual, at least nothing as serious as the first time we met," Alison explained to him and Harry smiled at that. "Which, I think was the epitome of everything wrong that could happen, happening."
  "If that isn't the truth, I don't know what is," Harry told her as he kept stroking his fingers through her hair lovingly.
  "Well...there was a problem with the Kelieber's," Alison admitted and Harry looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "They're calling my music passe and an insult to pop music at that."
  "And yet, somehow his music is brilliant," Harry offered with a shake of his head. "That auto-tuned shit that somehow still sounds like cats dying in a blender despite it being auto-tuned."
  "Yes, that's it exactly," Alison said with a slight giggle at the accurate imagery.
  Harry had the misfortune of listening to that garbage once and once was enough, since it literally made his ears bleed due to his enhanced hearing. It seemed to take three days for them to stop bleeding afterward's, at least from what he remembered. He shook his head to clear it so he could get back on track.
  "There's just no accounting for the tastes of some people," Harry offered the blonde as he continued to stroke her hair lovingly. The two of them enjoying the time they spent in each others company immensely. "Given how they seem to dislike someone brilliant like you."
  "Oh, no, I'm...."
  Harry spun her around, so that she was straddling his lap and facing him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a deep kiss, which she returned eagerly. He could tell that she was stressed out and in need of a little bit of help to unwind.
  He pushed her back onto the couch and the only barrier between the two of them making love was a towel, which was perfect.
  Harry pulled the towel off of her body and smiled. There was a nice pair of breasts that were exposed to him. They were creamy, round, and large and he squeezed them which inspired a moan from her lips.
  "Oh, Harry," Alison moaned loudly as she felt his hands manipulate her breasts. This really felt nice and she allowed herself to succumb to his passions. She reared her head back and Harry squeezed her breasts a few more times, increasing the pleasure of her.
  "Yes, that feels so good, doesn't it?" Harry asked as he trailed his hand towards her pussy and cupped it. He smiled, he could see how aroused his girlfriend was. His fingers scraped her pussy and he tasted the juices.
  "I think....oh I think that you're a bit overdressed," Alison breathed but she was distracted by Harry's fingers pushing in and pulling out of her. It caused her hips to spasm into his hand as he plunged his fingers deeper into her moist womanhood. He yanked his fingers out and licked them completely dry, and then offered her a taste.
  He allowed Alison to suck her own juices off of his fingers and she grabbed onto his belt, pulling it off. She pulled the pants down over her ankles and the blonde grabbed his throbbing penis, stroking it up and down.
  "Oh, I need this," Alison breathed lustfully as she got down on her knees and held her breasts out, wrapping her tits around his cock.
  Harry closed his eyes and her breasts snugly wrapped around his pole. The blonde pushed her breasts up and down him, working his pole in between her tits.
  The wizard leaned back and felt the tits fucking him up and down. His pole was really pleasured by her breasts. He closed his eyes and cupped her nice breasts. He breathed in and out as she continued to fuck him with her tits.
  "Mmm, you like these, don't you?" Alison asked him as she used her breasts to work him up and down. She was gaining even more momentum, working him with her breasts. She closed her eyes and grabbed his balls.
  "Yes," Harry managed, and the tit fucking got even more intense. Harry closed his eyes and felt her breasts continue to work him over.
  Her nice tits squeezed his cock and he worked his hands to her hips, cupping her pussy.
  She pushed him back onto the couch and spread her thighs. Harry took his tongue into her pussy and drove hard into her dripping hot pussy. The blonde's eyes closed and Harry rammed his tongue deep into her. She moaned as she sucked his cock as he ate her pussy, using her tongue to lick and slurp at her tender young mound.
  'Oh fuck, he feels so fucking good,' Alison thought as his tongue worked into her pussy, like a corkscrew motion and caused her to nearly explode with pleasure.
  Alison clutched her thighs around his head and was really feeling the pleasure, his tongue kept going into her. It slurped and licked at her walls, drawing even more pleasure. She was closing her eyes and she rammed his cock all the way down her throat. The blonde's slurping continued.
  Harry clenched her thighs on the other side of his head, there was nothing that was better than this. Her honey rolled onto his face and she came hard on his face. The scent of her caused him to bury himself deeper into her throat and she took him inside it.
  Alison was assaulted with greater pleasures yet. She closed her eyes and felt the rush going between her thighs. Harry thumped his cock into her throat, bouncing his balls up against her chin. The blonde felt her mouth rocked and she kept breathing as Harry continued to work down her throat.
  His cum built up from his balls and sprayed down her throat. She slurped up his juices like she was a hungry woman. The blonde closed her eyes tightly and continued to work it out of him.
  With a popping motion, she turned around, cum dribbling off of her chin. She groped him with a hungry and naughty look dancing through her vibrant blue eyes.
  "So hard still, I need you inside me," Alison breathed as she stroked his big cock and she teased the tip of his cock against her dripping hot slit.
  Harry grabbed her by the hips and his cock slid inside her wet pink box, being stretched out. She felt the rush between her legs as she rode up and down. There was a second where she felt the pleasure.
  "Damn, baby, I missed this pussy," Harry grunted as he cupped her breasts.
  "Missed you, only three days," Alison moaned as his cock slammed deep into her and she hugged him snugly.
  She was dazzled by his cock and how deep it went inside her orfice. She kept riding his cock, gyrating her hips up and down as she squeezed him. She wanted to make it as pleasurable for him as it was for her.
  Harry cupped her breast with his hand and she gave a hungry whimper. His eyes flashed as she pinched the nipple and licked it, sucking it. His mouth introduced tender pleasures into her.
  Alison bounced up and worked her hips around him. She felt here walls expand to accommodate his monster of a member. Her juices dripped down and lubricated the large tool that slid in and out of her. Harry grabbed her ass from behind.
  "A nice ass," Harry grunted as he smacked her.
  Alison moaned as she rode up and down and Alison was smacked up and down on the ass twice and three times. Harry felt her walls clench around him with each smack. The blonde's eyes flash with love and lust as Harry worked his cock into her.
  She felt his huge manhood touch her womb and she felt an eruption of sensations course through her body. His cock worked between her walls and stretched her out. The blonde's walls tightened around him and she milked his thrusts.
  "Ready to take things up for the next level," Harry grunted and he pulled out of her and turned her around.
  He saw her amazing ass and slapped it a few times.
  "HARRY!" Alison moaned as Harry brushed his tip against the edge of her tight ass and he prepared to enter her. Her ass was primed and ready to go. The blonde was feeling pleasure as Harry cupped her breast from behind. The blonde's moaning escalated as Harry brushed the tip of his rod against the puckered hole.
  "You want it, you got it," Harry grunted and he brushed his manhood against her ass.
  Alison closed her eyes in the pleasure as Harry slammed into her tight ass and hammered her. The blonde was being hammered up the ass and she loved it. The blonde's ass snugly hugged him and he grabbed her breasts, causing her to squeal in excitement. Her moaning escalated with Harry pushing between her puckered hole.
  "Oh, ah, oh, ah, fuck!" Alison mewled as he rammed into her and he used his fingers to twist into her pussy.
  "Oh, fuck, baby, want to cum in your ass," Harry grunted as she hung over the couch and he slammed into her. Alison felt her hair get tugged up a little bit and his hands cupped her breasts, playing with them.
  "Oh, please, I'd love that," she moaned.
  Alison's words turned into a series of hot whimpers as she tried to get herself back to life. His cock rammed between her ass and Harry kept working into her. Her pussy was getting manipulated along with her ass.
  A heat erupted through both of their bodies as they went on for quite some time, the joining of their organs escalated. The blonde's tightening ass went around him and Harry kissed the back of her neck, slamming his huge rod deep into her guts.
  Harry felt desire as his balls tightened and he released a heavy load of cum into her delicious ass, pumping into it. His balls tightened as he drained his balls far into her tightening ass. The blonde was being pushed down into the couch and she felt her pleasure. Her ass was being pumped full with so much cum.
  The cum dribbled from her ass as Harry, still hard slid into her vagina and continued to pump into her anew until they got it out of their system several hours later.
  A little bit later, Alison was now dressed in a white sequined top and tight leather pants, which fed nicely into a pair of knee high boots. She looked at Harry with a smile on her face.
  "Remember to come backstage for an encore after the shows over," Alison whispered huskily in his ear as she squeezed his package lovingly, then gave him a nice long kiss, which Harry returned with an equal amount of passion.
  Once again, their tongues dueled, with Harry coming out the winner.
  Alison pulled away, due to thinking that she better stop while she was still ahead. The last thing she needed was to go out there and do a show with her soaked panties riding up. She smiled at Harry as she walked off, swaying her tight ass all of the way.
  Harry did not even walk three steps outside, before he ran into someone that he knew very well.
  Lois Lane stood there in front of him, wearing a stage hand uniform with her hair tied back and a ball cap pulled over it, she also had a pair of glasses on.
  "Hey, Lois, what are you doing here?" Harry questioned her with a smirk on his face, while at the same time placing his hand gently on her shoulder.
  "What....Who....HOW?" Lois asked in disbelief, whirling to face him with a glare, after nearly jumping a foot or two off the ground due to her surprise.
  "Well, Lois, just because you're wearing a pair of glasses, doesn't mean that I can't recognize you," Harry told her with a knowing smile.
  "Oh, YOU, can huh?" Lois asked him with her hands on her hips and a low voice. "Is there anything else you'd like to tell me right about now Harry Potter?"
  Harry smirked back at her knowingly. "That really depends Lois, is there anything that you want to tell me?"
  Lois stared back at him, the two of them having a stubborn mental duel with each other, since neither was willing to give into the other.
  "I think Kieber's crazy ass fans are going to try something, they were saying something on a message board about crashing the show," Lois whispered to Harry, abruptly changing the subject.
  "Now, Lois, you can't believe anything that you read on the Internet," Harry stated. "After all, there are people who have nutcase theories about how I came from another dimension."
  Lois frowned upon hearing that one, since her journalist instincts told her that there might be some truth to it. "Well, maybe not another dimension but...."
  There was a sound behind them and Lois cursed out loud as she nearly jumped out of her skin, again. "I've...I've got to go, Harry, see you later."
  "Bye, Lois!" Harry told her with a cheery wave as she slipped off into the distance. He wondered if that was the closest he was going to get to her admitted it out loud. He walked out of the backstage area and nearly ran right into Chloe and Gwen.
  "The Kelieber's are out in full force," Chloe stated to him with a deadpan and looked disgusted at that fact. "These are the type of people who make those into self-harm look like well-adjusted members of society."
  "Well, given that his music causes ear drum failure, I wouldn't be that surprised," Gwen stated to her, before she looked at Harry. "Nice shades by the way."
  "Thanks, I got some for the two of you as well," Harry told the girls. "Kara and Kitty already have theirs. They're not just for style purposes either."
  "Skrulls," Harry whispered, cutting off Chloe's statement before she could get started and she half opened her mouth in shock, then nodded, she could see things really clearly now. "These glasses should be able to see through their disguise. I tested them earlier today and they've worked like a charm so far."
  "How....where did you run into a Skrull?" Gwen asked him in disbelief and Harry gave her a look that indicated he would inform her of that information later.
  Right now the concert beckoned. Harry stepped forward and saw a very familiar face sitting in the seat next to his.
  "Hello there Dinah, you're the last person I expected to see at a Alison Blaire concert," Harry told her and Dinah jumped up to her feet at the sight of him. She really didn't fit in with the typical Dazzler fans, considering the fact she was wearing a leather jacket, a tight black top, and even tighter leather pants that adhered to her ass like a second skin.
  "Harry! It's good to see you, of course I knew you be here, considering the fact you do have a vested interesting in Alison," Dinah commented, greeting her boss with a tight hug, although there was a sense that she stopped herself just short of going in for more.
  'How many woman are you planning on adding anyways?' Gwen asked to him in amusement.
  'As many as necessary,' Kitty chimed in helpfully with her usual amount of infectious enthusiasm.
  'That would be every attractive female with a pulse,' Kara added with a wide grin.
  "Yeah, I normally don't go in for pop music, but I have to admit, Alison's music grew on me," Dinah admitted with a shrug, Kara, Mary Jane, Liz, and Kitty were sitting in the row below them. "Well that and she sent me a ticket, it's still pretty amazing though."
  "It's pure pop garbage," a snide voice stated from behind them, they turned to see a woman with silvery blonde hair and a pair of stylish glasses standing there. She was also wearing a frumpy white top, loose black pants, white gloves and knee high black leather boots with stiletto heels. "Her music isn't even fit to stand next to the masterful sounds of Dustin Kieber."
  "Well, that's a dead wrong opinion if I've ever heard one," Kitty commented as she got up to her feet.
  "Yeah! If you ask me, that Kieber kid should be deported back to Canada, he's nothing but trouble!" Deadpool said from were he sat in the stands, dressed in a trenchcoat and glasses.
  'You mean like Nick Fury threatened to do to you if you broke into the Helicarrier again anytime soon?' One of the voices in his head questioned him.
  "I tell you Wade! They don't make music like they used to! I mean, can you believe the garbage they put out there now, true believers? Excelsior!" an old man with silver hair and glasses stated, from where he was sitting next to Deadpool.
  "You tell em, Stan the Man!" Deadpool cheered.
  "You have been blinded by the most shameless marketing gimmick in the city," she stated to Kitty, ignoring The Merc With the Mouth and the Man of Cameos sitting above her. "She's nothing but a fraud, soon Dustin Kieber will expose Alison Blaire as the charlatan she is."
  "And who are you...."
  "Margaret Sarrow," she stated with a raised eyebrow, as if she couldn't believe that they didn't recognize her.
  "Oh! I've heard of you! You were writing all of those anti-Dazzler posts on pro-Dazzler message boards...."
  "The snooty little bitch deserved it," Sorrow grumbled and Gwen decided to make a comment of her own.
  "Well you can't be all that smart, given the fact you paid money for a ticket, so congratulations! You really showed her genius," Gwen said dryly.
  Some people pay money for a product, just so they can turn around and complain about it on the Internet. Or worse, they complain about things that they get for free and Gwen had no idea which she found more amusing or perhaps sad, actually sad was the word that best described this.
  Sarrow stormed off with a huff and without another word.
  "Well, I think you hurt her feelings," Chloe whispered to Gwen, who shrugged.
  "Good, she deserved it," Gwen stated, but she wasn't going to let this go on, rather she was going to sit back and enjoy the show.
  Harry waited, call it some kind of sixth sense, a spider sense, or whatever, but he was expecting something beyond heckling from a group of someone else's fans to occur. He would have to sit back and wait for the other shoe to drop.
  For once, Harry's bad luck left him alone, throughout the entire concert period at least. It went on with an hour and Alison played some of her greatest hits, including a song that was inspired by him. Then again, she confided in him that he offered inspiration.
  "Other than those rowdy fans that were asked to leave, I think the show went pretty well, don't you?" Kitty asked as she turned around in the seat.
  Harry saw Lois on the stage, so far she was able to avoid detection. Which was a good thing because if she got caught, Harry might have had to dock her pay and he would have hated to have to do that. Still Lois kept her head above the water and most importantly out of trouble, something that she had gotten much better at as of late.
  There was a hissing sound and Harry stood up straight. So did Kara, Dinah, and Kitty, with Chloe and Gwen looking at each other, nervousness flickering through their eyes.
  'Of course, one night, I just can't be left alone to enjoy one concert, for one fucking night,' Harry thought to himself about ready to crack his knuckles in sheer frustration at the thought. He somehow knew that was going to happen but he hoped against it. He was going to have to ready himself to encounter who burst through that door.
  There was a man who entered the room, looking like an overgrown insect. He took a step forward and malicious intentions flashed through his eyes. There was a second where Harry turned his head and focused on the individual in question. He had golden armor and a mask that resembled a firefly.
  "Alright, fanboys and fangirls, just.....just come along quietly, and you won't get burned," he stated and he set a set of curtains off to the side on fire. There was a moment where he looked like he was positively turned on by the curtains going up in flames and Harry's eyes widened.
  "That's Firefly, he's an arsonist, from Gotham City," Harry whispered to the group.
  "Well knowing who he is, that's great, but how are we going to beat him?" Gwen asked him and Harry smiled at her knowingly. "Yeah, I should have figured, you have a plan, don't you?"
  "You know me all too well, Gwen," Harry stated, he knew Firefly was small time and he would not be pulling of this heist on his own.
  All Harry had to do was wait to see who else would come up. His green eyes flashed for an instant and he heard a thumping tone.
  A woman with short blonde hair that was silvery showed up. She had eerie blue eyes that appeared to stare a hole through all that it she face. She wore a black top that wrapped around her body and she had a black skirt on. Black thigh high boots topped off the outfit. She looked around and her eyes glowed.
  "So much shininess," she whispered in an awed voice, looking at the bright lights almost in awe like Firefly was looking at the fire.
  "And state of the art pryo display, hey, what does it do anyway?" Firefly asked as he took a step forward and made his way to go for the controls.
  Lois moved over and her eyes bugged out in surprise. "I don't think you want to touch that."
  The woman jumped over behind Lois and grabbed her in a sleeperhold. Lois struggled but she had a strong grip.
  "I like your watch," she breathed in Lois's ear as she brushed up against her. "Very shiny...."
  Lois elbowed the woman in the face and did a duck and roll, activating one of the laser arrays, which caused the two criminals to be blinded.
  Harry stepped forward as Kitty and Kara quickly scrambled to get changed. Chloe asked the question that was burning on her mind.
  "Anyone know who the woman with the ADHD is?" Chloe asked her.
  "Don't know, never saw her in her life," Harry told her quickly and her eyes widened as she gave him a surprised look. "What are you looking at me like that for?"
  "No reason," Chloe admitted and Harry slipped off, he was going to take care of business, no matter what. His eyes narrowed as he watched Firefly create a ring of fire around some petrified fans.
  "Now, now, you shouldn't try and run without paying the tab!" Firefly yelled in a crazed tone. "Or you'll pay for your...."
  A fire extinguisher cloud nailed Firefly in the face and also put out the fire. Lois stood against the wall and she offered one word to the fans.
  That was a warning that was heeded by all. Everyone ran out in the other direction and Harry looked at Dazzler and the woman rushed at her.
  "Shiny, oh I like the shiny!" she shouted.
  "MAGPIE FOCUS!" Firefly yelled but he was distracted by a flicker of fire which allowed Kitty to slowly pop in from behind a speaker and trip him up, causing him to go down.
  'Magpie, that's appropriate, with her distractions to all things shiny,' Kitty commented as she shook her head. It was almost sad really or would have been had the circumstances been a bit differently.
  "You, aren't going to take me...."
  Kara hoisted her up by the head and threw her across the stage. She threw a pair of knives at Kara but the blonde melted them expertly with her heat vision.
  "You have a poor taste in clothing and an even poorer taste in music, Miss Sarrow," Kara stated in disgust and Harry turned up beside her.
  "So you figured it out?" Harry asked the blonde and she placed her hands up into the air, as a few goons entered the room.
  "Yeah, didn't you?" Kara asked as she pulled the rug out from underneath the goons and took them down with one expert attack.
  "This job is a bust, get out the backdoor!" Firefly yelled as he shot several flames in the air but Harry and Kara in tandem used their super breath to put out all of the fire.
  Dinah turned up and engaged one of the thugs in hand to hand combat. He tried to attack her with a microphone stand but she dodged the attack. She nailed him with a swift kick to the face with one of her high heel boots and caused him to land with a sickening crack against the stage.
  "Nice shot," Harry told her.
  "Thanks," she stated but there was something else that was going down.
  There were speakers set up and they were blaring in the most annoying music in the world. A young man with dark hair and a smile on his face that made several teenage girls shriek like banshees against their will, turned up on the stage.
  The music had a soothing quality that caused their minds to be relaxed and their muscles to be stiff.
  'Oh come take this journey, take this journey, take this journey, oh you will see baby, if you take this journey to him.'
  'Oh, this is the one where you can see, it will be here, and you will understand why."
  "You cannot stop it, it is, it is, it is your ultimate thrill ride, through the unknown and the mysterious."
  "This will be, you will succumb to the power, it will stop you, like a glove in your mind it will fit."
  "Why would you stop it, why would you play music that is so bland, so why for?"
  "In the end, it will be my grand finale, so says I."
  "You cannot stop it, oh no, oh no, oh no."
  "MYSTERIO!" Harry shouted as he broke the spell from everyone but it was a second too late, as the box office receipts were stolen when they were distracted by hideous pop music.
  "Manufactured by the Illuminati to distract people from their hostile takeover," Deadpool chimed in. "Or so I read on the Internet. Google are the true evil overlords of the world as everyone knows."
  'Okay,' Harry thought to himself. 'That was only round one, of two. I've got to win this one against him....he's toying with me, he's toying with all of us.'
  'How is he able to sneak out of here?' Chloe asked Harry.
  'You know, that's a pretty damn good question,' Harry admitted to the blonde and he was completely confused by the entire situation. The wizard placed his hand on the top of his head and ran through any number of scenarios.
  He would have to admit, each scenario was outlandish at the last.
  "Chloe, I need to borrow your watch," Harry whispered urgently.
  "What....you do realize how much it cost...."
  "I should, I bought it for you," Harry offered her and Chloe's smug expression faded from her face.
  "Fair...enough," Chloe conceded and she wondered what Harry's plan was going to be like. She closed her eyes and she wondered what the young wizard was going to do.
  "So what are you going do?" Gwen asked.
  "Relax, I have a plan," Harry offered and Lois, who had joined the group, had a certain expression of foreboding in her eyes.
  "Why do I not....actually....you know, this looks like a halfway decent plan all things considered," Lois stated, wondering why she doubted Harry and she saw what he was doing. Chloe and Gwen were going to say something.
  "Mysterio's ego is such that he could not resist the temptation to step out into the spotlight," Harry offered with a smile across his face. He looked up into the sky and he saw that there was not a cloud in the sky. "He can't resist taking the center stage, no matter."
  "Yes, his little song lyric was proof of that," Kitty chimed in as she watched everything. "Are you sure...."
  "I'm sure that I'm sure, Kitty," Harry told her and she nodded swiftly.
  "Well if you're sure that you're sure that you're sure," Kitty said as she stood back ready to see what was happening.
  "Trust me, everything will work out."
  Everyone had faith in the situation, given that it was Harry formulating the plan and it would be a doozy.
  He looked over his shoulder to Alison and she smiled as she was about ready to play her role in the scheme.
  "You know, if that's the best that punk Kieber could do, he's really losing his touch, isn't he?" Harry asked her.
  "Well, yeah, even the Trapster has more style than he does," Alison stated.
  "Even the Hypno Hustler has more style than him."
  Harry raised an eyebrow at this name.
  'The Hypno Hustler?" Harry asked Gwen and there was a second where she paused and smiled.
  'Explanations later, trust me, I want to do this story justice,' Gwen told him and after a statement like that, Harry was waiting at the edge of his seat for anything, anything at all.
  Harry could count on Magpie to show up immediately when there was shiny involved. Kitty dodged her frantic attacks to get ahold of the watch that she was dangling from her hand. Chloe watched as she saw the Magpie's frantic attempts to get at the shininess
  'Predictable as always,' Harry thought and he saw Firefly make his way in. Harry flicked his wrist and much to his surprise, there was a villain that was too stupid to find a way to shield his technology against magical assaults.
  Firefly aborted his launch immediately and he dropped down onto both of his feet and he turned around, where Kara rushed over and knocked him back.
  "You know, Beck, after all of the trouble you went through, I figured you'd see that you were walking into a trap," Harry whispered as he saw the nameless faceless goons rush towards him.
  It was almost too easy to take them down with magic, so he decided not too. Of course with his super speed, Harry was not sure how much easier it was on them. His green eyes flashed with a greater malice yet and a small amount of amusement as he peered up.
  "That money you stole, yeah a bigger fake than you," Harry taunted the man and there was a sense where he knew that he had to hit all of the wrong buttons. "Come on Beck, be serious, did you really think...."
  "YOU DARE DECEIVE MYSTERIO!" Beck howled at the top of his lungs as he popped up from out of nowhere and went face to face with Harry.
  "Ah, this plan....well it wasn't your most rousing effort, now was it?" Harry asked him and there was a sense that he was mocking Beck in many ways, but in other ways, it was almost like he pitied him. It was quite the paradox.
  "You do not know true genius," Beck stated as he was seeing red and he turned to face off against Harry. "I don't forget how you humiliated me last time."
  "Well, I wouldn't expect you to forget how I humiliated you this time either," Harry told him.
  "Well the joke's on you, Arcane, this is the end!" Beck shouted at the top of his lungs and there was a second where the two of them stared each other.
  Everyone in Harry's group had ear plugs in and Dinah stood at the edge. She unleashed one huge canary cry that sent everything destroyed. All of Beck's sound equipment that he used to numb the minds of people, it shattered like it was absolutely nothing, several loud explosions resounded for the entire world to see and Beck's howls were like the following.
  Beck's screams were going to get even louder and Magpie, Firefly, and the rest of their little crew were down.
  "Do you realize how much that costs me?" Beck asked.
  "Well this is going to cost you about eight hundred dollars," Harry said.
  Kara flew forward and slammed her fist into the jaw of Beck, causing him to land on the ground. The blonde watched with smug satisfaction.
  "That's for making such shitty music," Kara said as she looked at them, annoyed by what he tried to pass off as music. The blonde was glad that his jaw would be wired shut because it served Beck right.
  And that was the end of Mysterio's latest masterful scheme.
  "So this has been an eventful day, hasn't it?" Lois asked Harry and there was a smile on his face.
  "Eventful day, are we sure that this was an eventful day?" Harry asked her and there was a second where he milked the anticipation as they stood outside of the main office of the Daily Bugle. "You know, for me it was rather routine."
  "So Harry...."
  "If you have something to say, Lois, then spit it out," Harry told her.
  Lois raised an eyebrow and a moment of annoyance crossed her face. "Well you know."
  Harry offered a smile, enjoying winding her up a lot. "I know what Lois, you know I was never good at playing charades, so if you can spell it out for me, it would be nice."
  Lois shook her head as she made her way forwards and there was a second where Betty looked up at her work with a smile.
  "Just walking by to drop a story on Jameson's desk about today's activities, sadly there was no photos, photos of Spider-Man," Lois commented in mock regret and she shook her head. "Of course, it might not have anything to do with him not being there."
  "I'd imagine," Betty stated with a chuckle. "Mr. Jameson isn't in his office, he's out to lunch."
  Lois raised an eyebrow, and with Lois, being Lois, she could not resist making the one statement that came upon the tip of her tongue. "You mean he's more out to lunch than usual, don't you?"
  Betty snickered and shook her head.
  I need to head to my lunch break, so I'll just drop this off on his desk and talk to him when I get back," Lois said and she raised an eyebrow. "Harry's taking me to lunch."
  "Sure," Harry agreed. He was just about to offer, so this statement from Lois was not something that annoyed me all that much.
  Lois walked into the office, now dressed in a purple blouse and a short skirt, along with stockings and high heels. She sat on the edge of Jameson's desk and leaned forward, looking into his eyes with a smile.
  "So," Lois said trying to lead Harry in a certain direction and Harry raised an eyebrow.
  "So what?" Harry asked her and Lois shook her head.
  "You're kidding me, right?" Lois asked him and Harry offered her a slight smile.
  "Not really, I rarely kid people like this," Harry said to her and he placed his hand on her thigh and there was a few seconds where the two of them gazed intently at each other. "So what's on your mind?"
  "You know what's on my mind," Lois said and Harry raised an eyebrow at her. "I don't believe....I figured it out months ago."
  Harry's grin got even wider and smiled. "Figured out what, Lois?"
  Lois was annoyed, although not as much as she would have be, when she figured out that he figured out that she figured it out months ago. As much as that statement made her head spin that was the truth. The woman's eyes closed shut and then they flashed open as an accusatory finger was pointed towards Harry. "You knew!"
  "Knew what?" Harry asked in a sweet tone of voice and Lois shook her head.
  "YOU KNEW!" Lois yelled at him and there was a few seconds where she shook her head. "YOU KNEW!"
  Harry shrugged his shoulders, offering a charming little smile. Silence reigned supreme in the office but only for a few seconds.
  YOU KNEW!" Lois shouted one more time and Harry once again shrugged his shoulders, not saying anything. There was a moment where annoyance flared in her eyes. "You knew that I knew that you were the Star Child!"
  "Hmmm, yes, I did," Harry agreed in an off handed and casual voice, as if Lois was telling him that it would be a partly cloudy day outside.
  "Why didn't you tell me?" Lois demanded of him and Harry offered her a smile and one simple statement that he knew would get under his skin.
  "You didn't ask me."
  Lois's eyes flared for a second and she lifted up her hand, and she decided that it would be worth breaking every single bone in her hand to do this next motion. She slapped Harry across the face.
  Harry stood there with a smile on his face. "Well, I guess that I was asking for that."
  Lois cringed and she held her hand, which was a bit bruised. "Now....yeah I think that I was asking for that."
  "Here, I'll kiss it and make it better," Harry told her with a coy smile and he grabbed Lois's arm and slowly kissed all the way up her hand, to her shoulder and then the side of her neck.
  Lois closed her eyes, enjoying his lips working her magic, and in a flash, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him onto her, with a searing kiss, which he returned.
  Lois laid back on Jameson's desk as Harry unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a dark bra and there was a smile.
  "Don't you dare hesitate," Lois murmured as Harry ran his hands down Lois's body.
  Harry titled Lois back onto the desk and exposed her breasts, causing the cool air of the office to roll over her nipples. Harry kissed her nipples, causing her to close her eyes.
  "Oh Harry, oh fuck," Lois moaned as Harry worked her nipples and started to suck on them, giving them attention with his mouth.
  "Yes, oh fuck, Harry," Harry agreed as he pushed his fingers underneath her skirt and felt her dripping pantie covered mound. "And you're really fucking drenched."
  "Please Harry," Lois moaned as Harry played with her hot and molten lips. She closed her eyes and his fingers worked into her pussy as he pulled her panties down.
  She reached towards his shirt, feverishly with shaking hands unbuttoning it. She revealed more of his muscular chest and abs and Lois ran her hands down them with passion and unbridled desire as her heart kept beating fast against her chest.
  "You want this, you got this," Harry groaned and then with his next movement, he started to lick Lois's pussy.
  Lois closed her eyes and felt the pleasure of his warm tongue licking and scraping her pussy. This was amazing, this actually was beyond amazing and her nipples hardened beneath her shirt as Harry worked her over. His tongue kept working her over and she panted with desire and Harry continued to work her over and he sped up the motions, using his tongue to work into her body.
  Harry enjoyed the tastes of the sopping wet pussy of Lois Lane and there was a few seconds where there was a second where he paused.
  "Don't fucking slow down," Lois moaned as Harry kept licking her and Harry paused and then he began to rattle his tongue in an uneven into her pussy. "FUCK!"
  'Yes indeed,' Harry thought to himself as he kept hissing and pleasuring her pussy. It was a tasty treat and Harry would lie if he was getting enough of her.
  Harry came up form Lois after a few moments of eating her out and her pussy juices clung to his face.
  She reached forward and Lois grabbed his belt, pulling his pants half off.
  "This cock, I need it in me, NOW!" Lois yelled as she wrapped her hand around all twelve inches and pumped it a few times as a tease.
  She situated herself on her hands and knees, her face looking at the door. Harry got up from behind Lois.
  "Ready?" Harry asked her and Lois bit down on her lip.
  "Born that fucking way," Lois said as lust burned through her eyes. "And stick it in me before I decided to do something drastic."
  Her juices dripped all over Jameson's desk and Harry decided to plug the leak the old fashion way by ramming his hardened phallus between her legs. Lois screamed in pleasure as Harry hammered into her from behind, working her into the desk.
  "FUCK ME, FUCK ME!" Lois chanted as Harry rammed his hard cock into her over and over from behind.
  "God, you're fucking noisy," Harry moaned as he felt her warm cunt hug his cock and rammed into her over and over from behind.
  "Well why don't you gag....."
  Lois's screams became muffled and Harry slid in and out of him, as a ballgag was put in her mouth. He escalated his thrusts as he worked into her. He rammed into her about as hard as he could into a normal woman without ripping her in half.
  Lois felt his cock enter her and exit her as his balls slapped against her thighs from behind. She really hoped that he left his mark on her. The woman's walls wrapped around him and Harry pumped his shaft into her. She closed her eyes and felt the rush through her. She was closing her eyes.
  "Fuck Harry," Lois moaned. "HAMMER ME, MAKE ME YOUR WHORE!"
  Harry was glad for sound proofing charms, because he was sure that a few people in Jersey might not have told Lois. He allowed himself to be indulged with her soft and snug twat.
  "YES, OH YES!" Lois screamed as she felt a spectacular orgasm that erupted through her loins. Harry rammed into her from behind and the wizard's throbbing phallus rammed into her. The woman's closed as he cupped her breasts from behind, channeling energy through her.
  As he channeled his cock through her pussy and she closed her eyes, with the woman's walls hugged him.
  Outside of the office, Betty wondered why Lois and Harry took so much time in the office. She knew that there was something regarding Jameson's office lock where he had not fixed it. It wouldn't unlock for him from the inside.
  She opened the door and Betty stopped on the side of the office and her eyes widened, as her mouth hung open halfway.
  "Oh my...."
  Betty saw Lois screaming and Harry slam into her from behind.
  "CUM IN ME, CUM IN ME!" Lois yelled as she grabbed onto the side of the desk as Harry plowed her onto Jameson's desk and there was a second where Betty watched, sitting down in the chair because she felt faint at the sight before her.
  Subconsciously, she started to play with herself, running her fingers over her slit which was becoming extremely aroused.
  Harry hammered into Lois from behind and her pussy clenched him, with Harry working into her. Her eyes closed shut and Harry kept working into her, her pussy tightening around his tool as he kept sliding in and out of her. She closed her eyes and her walls snugly wrapped around him.
  "Oh, mm, ah, mm, ah, fuck!" Harry hammered into her from behind and his balls tightened.
  He spurted his seed into her body and Lois's pussy twitched as she felt his seed inject into her, filling her up so much. She wrapped around his tool and his essence spilled into her.
  "Fuck," Betty moaned as she pulled her panties off to the side and plunged her fingers deep into them at the erotic sight of Harry ramming into Lois on Jameson's desk.
  "Oh, hi, Betty," Harry stated casually, as he saw her pussy bared with her skirt hiked up, her nipples coming out from the other side of the shirt, and the scent of her arousal.
  "Harry," Betty yelped as she saw Harry's cock standing at attention as he turned to face her. She eyed it and she saw him, all twelve inches of it, thick.
  "I think I know what she wants, Harry," Lois whispered as she stroked Harry's cock and lifted up her finger, to beckon Betty over.
  With a dazed tone, Betty walked over and Lois scooped some of Harry's cum out of her pussy, and made Betty taste it. The brunette's eyes widened as Lois made her taste the creamy goodness.
  As she was indulging herself in that sensation, Harry was stripping off her skirt, to expose her pussy. She was wearing nothing but a pair of thigh high stockings as Lois pulled her blouse off to reveal her perky young breasts.
  "No bra," Lois remarked calmly and she squeezed Betty's breasts. "Dirty girl."
  "I think you want Harry's cock, so go get it," Lois told Betty and Harry's huge prick stood at attention, beckoning for her.
  Betty walked over, her eyes flaring towards Harry and her hands went on his hips as she pushed herself up.
  "DAMN FUCK YOU'RE TIGHT!" Harry yelled as Betty's snug pussy wrapped around him and she pushed herself up and down on him, riding him like a prize.
  "Yes, for you, fuck me!" Betty moaned as she rocked her hips up and down him as she continued to ride him.
  "That's it, harder, fuck him hard, bitch," Lois commented as she played with herself and watched Betty Brant rotating her hips slowly around his throbbing member.
  "Oh, Harry, oh fuck!" Betty mewled as Harry's hands went to her breasts and he groped them, causing her to moan loudly as she bounced up and down upon him.
  "FUCK!" Harry groaned.
  Betty's walls hugged him extremely tightly and she had good muscle control. His cock was milked over and over again as she rocked her hips up and down on him.
  She felt the pleasure of his cock spearing her walls apart as her nipples got even harder. The woman was about to come undone and her orgasm rocked over him.
  Betty moaned again as her hips rocked around him and she rode him, she was going to ride him to an orgasm.
  The sensation of groins pushing together was an amazing thing for sure and Betty lost her sense and Harry leaned forward, with squeezing her breast. The woman's eye closed and Harry groped her as she moaned working her hips around him.
  "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
  Those words were punctuated by Harry's balls tightening and him unleashing an explosion of cum into Betty's waiting chambers. Her pussy milked him dry all of the way before she collapsed on him, her breasts pressing against his face.
  On a far distant planet, there was a woman with the brightest of red hair who waited, sinking herself down upon a regal and elegant looking throne.
  "Another suitor, another disappointed," she whispered looking positively bored.
  She had long red hair that was burning hot. Her green eyes were extremely bright and vibrant and her lips were red and rosy, juicy as well. Many men would like to kiss them but many men would not also survive the experience. The top of her was green and wrapped around a massive set of breasts that were about ready to strain and break through the material. It was offset by a flat stomach and there was a red skirt that wrapped tightly around her body. A pair of thigh high green boots offset everything. She had legs to die for and she was over six feet tall with half of her body seemingly legs.
  "No one in the universe can stand up to me long enough to mate," she stated in agitation as she saw another broken and busted suitor carted away like he was nothing. He had made a decent enough effort to amuse her for a few seconds.
  He then broke like the rest of her would be suitors.
  "My lady, we have tracked something to the third planet from the sun in the Milky Way Galaxy," one of her hand maidens said.
  The woman's nose crunched up. "What would be of worth to me on that petulant backwater?"
  There was a second where the hand maiden brought up the image on the screen. Several members of her royal court stepped over and watched.
  "Amazing," one of them said in awe and the redhead queen's eyes turned towards them, surveying them and they all bowed their heads down. "My apologies, my queen."
  "Do not allow it to happen again," she warned them in her most haughty tone of voice as she peered up towards the screen. "Yes, he will be strong, as will our children."
  "My queen?"
  She had her eyes fixated upon the screen, she saw him, his vibrant green eyes, his messy dark hair, his chiseled physique. He radiated power and he offered her something that she had not seen, not from any of the pathetic sacks of flesh that arrived on her planet.
  He offered her a challenge and she would take that challenge one hundred percent of the way. She closed her eyes and allowed her energy to rush through her. There was a second where she considered her options.
  "We will set a course for Earth and I will personally test him," she stated. She saw him fight powerful enemies but naturally there was no warrior fiercer than she was.
  "Yes, of course, Queen Maxima, it will be done."
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter "Warrior Queen."
  Warrior Queen
  Chapter Nineteen: Warrior Queen.
  "Arcane, Arcane, go away, come again another day, little Johnny wants to play."
  Rachel's eyes widened, and her eyes looked at the toy soldiers, which almost looked cute upon first glance, if they did not have glowing green eyes that was.
  "What are these things, who is that nutcase anyway?" Rachel asked.
  "I don't know, but I wish we hadn't met," Rogue groaned as she smashed one of the toy robots with super strength.
  "Yeah, that guy, kind of creepy," Kitty offered as she managed to trick two of the toy soldiers into shooting each other.
  There was standing up there, surrounded by a force field that Harry had not been able to break through as of yet. He had rosy red cheeks and a boyish complexion, dressed in a suit with a cute little bow tie. However, one should not allow that to fool them into not thinking that this individual was anything but dangerous and potentially a touch demented.
  "Kind of creepy, kind of very creepy," Harry stated to them and Kitty nodded feverishly in agreement.
  "Yes, he is, but he's got that school bus of children," Kara chimed in as she tried to find a way around. "No go on getting around."
  "Arcane, I want some time alone with my little playmates, is that too much to ask?" Toyman asked as he peered at them. "I think that we'll be very special friends, won't you?"
  Harry shuddered once more, there was some serious vibes about this guy....well some serious vibes that caused his skin to crawl. Regardless he looked at this creepy man and wondered what his game was. The game was not going to be a fun one that much was for sure.
  "Come on Arcane, I still want to play....but you don't play fair."
  Jean and Rachel used telekinetic attacks to smash the toy soldiers into smithereens.
  "That's why I don't play with girls, they always break my toys!" Toyman yelled as he threw an extremely childish tantrum. "I might have to break one of my little playmates."
  "Oh, boy, we got to get through there, before it's too late," Harry said urgently as the rest of the Team nodded in agreement.
  "I'm almost through," Kara told him firmly as she clapped her hands and caused everything to come undone. Glass shattered and Toyman cringed as he tried to keep himself steady on his pod. No matter what, he could not stand up straight.
  "No, no, I'm not done playing!" Toyman yelled.
  The helicopters appeared, and they were playing "Ride of the Valkeries" in a loop and began to fire at the heroes and civilians. The heroes were able to dodge, but there was a problem with trying to keep the civilians out of the line of fire.
  "Keep it up, don't stop!" Harry called over his shoulder and he heard a series of explosions went off The young wizard's eyes widened with furious intentions and he was going to ring this Toyman's neck once he got his hands on the little creeper. His eyes flared with anger as he blew up several of the helicopters.
  'Harry, I think I found the force field generator,' Kitty thought as she placed her hands through it. The force field blew up around them and released Toyman's little security blanket.
  "I have not run out of tricks!" Toyman yelled as he activated a remote, which caused a bus of children to careen over an unfinished bridge.
  Harry had one thought that resounded through the back of his head with the most picture perfect clarity that he could manage.
  'That son of a bitch,' Harry thought to himself as he wanted to facepalm himself. Those were children, pretty innocent in the most pure sense of the word and they had not done anything at all.
  The bus driver was slumped against the wheel, handcuffed and helpless, nothing she could do to help the children.
  Jean mentally latched onto the bumper and Kara grabbed onto the bus, using her heat vision to open the door. She ripped it open and then snapped the handcuffs of the bus driver.
  "Thank you," she stammered in a grateful voice.
  "No problem," Kara stated firmly. "Everyone out, get out, hurry!"
  Toyman was back into the scene, riding on the back of a large purple dinosaur.
  'Just for that, he deserves an ass kicking,' Rogue thought to herself in thinly veiled disgust as she saw this abomination that Toyman was riding.
  'Oh, there will be an ass getting kicked, mark my words,' Harry told her and there was a pause before Rogue said one thing.
  'Good,' Rogue replied firmly.
  Kara, Jean, and Rachel made sure all of the girls were off of the bus and Toyman stood there, with Harry waiting there, as he punched the purple dinosaur right in the face, the force knocking him off.
  "Playtime's over," Harry growled, as he hurled Toyman into the wall with a force that shattered several of his ribs and every bone in both of his arms and most in his legs.
  He would survive, but life would be hell for him. Perhaps that'd make him think twice about attacking children and putting them in danger. The only solace that Harry took was that there were none of the children that were permanently harmed. When he confirmed that there was no injuries, he was a bit more at ease.
  "Everyone okay?" Harry asked the children and they all nodded, a bit nervously.
  Toyman tried to get to his feet but a little girl ran up to him and kicked him in the shin, forcing him back down.
  "That was for trying to hurt us, you big bully!" she shouted.
  Harry shook his head as he led the girl away and there was a second where the group stood there. They would give themselves pats on a back at a job well done, but they had to scan to ensure that there were not any little surprises that Toyman left behind but it was quite fortunate that he did not leave any, at all.
  Harry had a meeting that he wanted to keep at the Church and it was not a good idea to leave these particular ladies waiting. The young wizard looked up, he had a sense that he was being observed.
  Just because someone says that you might paranoid, it did not mean that you did not have something to be worried about and Harry felt the worry course through his body. His eyes flared and there was one statement that escaped his mouth.
  "Weird," he whispered.
  "What?" Jean asked.
  "Nothing, you girls have done well, hit the showers, I'll be back before dinner," Harry suggested as he sped off at the other direction towards the Church.
  "There's something happening, although I'm not sure what," Tess admitted as she walked up to the Church with Harry. She was actually showing up because Selene wanted one of those all hands on deck situation.
  "Well if Selene says it's urgent, I don't think that we....I don't think that we should argue with her," Harry told her.
  Tess smiled at Harry and shook her head. "Given that you'd have a better chance of winning an argument with Selene than most, I would have to say that you're perhaps wise with not sticking your head in that den of snakes."
  "Very true," Harry conceded her as the two of them walked up to the Church, where Emma was waiting.
  "It's excellent to see you once more, Har-Rell," Emma stated as she leaned towards him and offered a kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a strong kiss, the two of them indulged themselves with the lips with each other. Her ample breasts pressed against his chest and Harry held her from behind.
  "Hello, Emma, likewise," Harry said as he placed his arm around her.
  "You've had a very productive morning, "Emma commented in a light tone and there was no question about what happened this morning, it was an intense battle.
  The two of them made their way down to the lobby and Harry heard an obnoxious woman over the radio. Her voice was worse than a cat in a hail storm, nails on a chalkboard, whatever.
  "And I say that Church who worships the Star Child, come on, you don't think that he's really that great. I mean, what has he done for me lately? And what has he done for you? I'm sure that you might say that he saved a bunch of school children but big whoop. Someone like Norman Osborn, a maverick who was put down, he's worthy of your respect. He was poisoned and twisted into the goblin because he is afraid of Norman Osborn. Why is he afraid of Norman Osborn, because he knows, oh he knows he will be taken down upon him. We must rise against that alien menace!"
  Harry paused as he listened to that voice, cringing. "You know, this chick almost makes me long for Godfrey."
  "Wow, she must get under your skin," Tess told him and Harry smiled at her.
  "Well lets just put in this way, a cat in a hailstorm is more tolerable than this woman," Harry stated and Emma smiled at the apt analogy.
  "Well to appreciate quality, we must hear things are not less so, and thankfully there are quality people on this station, so this is just a reminder of the dregs that they place upon the station," Emma commented lightly and she placed her hands on the wall as she leaned forward.
  "This is Leslie Willis, and you're listening to forty straight minutes worth of music on 94.4, LiveWire," the host said over the radio.
  "Well, that's the best forty minutes in the lives of many," Tess concluded and she shook her head. "My father....he got into it with Willis, she took a shot at him."
  "Yet, she's an Osborn fangirl through and through," Harry stated, he was trying to wrap his head around that but he had other things to focus on. He saw Selene standing there, waiting for him.
  "My beloved, I welcome you, and thank you for being able to attend this meeting on short notice," Selene commented. She was dressed in a modest, especially for her, black top, a black jacket, and a black skirt that wrapped snugly around her body. She allowed Harry's strong arms to wrap around her and Harry offered her a passionate kiss, which she returned, closing her eyes tightly.
  "Anything for you, my love," Harry told her and he was about to ask why he had been asked here. As it turned out, it was not needed.
  "I've actually called this meeting, because I've picked up something, something that you might be interested in," Karen stated as she joined up, followed by Kory, who was helping her at the Church. The two exchanged a smile.
  Harry smiled back and he offered a thoughtful expression as he looked at Karen. "So what's on your mind?"
  "Well, we picked up something on the satellite," Karen informed him and Harry raised an eyebrow before she decided to continue to tell him. "There was a portal opened up and she has arrived."
  "Is this a good type of she or a bad type of she?" Harry asked her and Karen corked her eyebrow before she offered a calm statement.
  "It depends on your perspective on the matter," Karen concluded but before she could offer much more information, there was a loud explosion that distracted them.
  "Wow that's kind of repetitive," Harry stated as he saw the pod on the outside of the city, and he saw the Mad Thinker sitting in a pod, which she shot missiles at the city.
  'Yeah, she's off her nut or maybe off her meds,' Harry thought as Karen slipped off to change into her clothing.
  "You can stop hiding, for I am here and this Frightful Four wants a piece of you after you humiliated us the last time," The Mad Thinker remarked, as her eyes flashed with determination and malice.
  "Oh, you really....for the love of...."
  Harry saw Shocker rush forward but Harry dodged the sonic pulses of his attack. "Oh, hey Herman."
  "The name is Shocker!" Shocker yelled as he blasted at Harry but the wizard dodged the attacks and flicked his hand.
  The gauntlets exploded and caused Shocker to fly backwards. He did not have the budget for magic protection and that proved it, as he was sent up into the air and forced to crash down onto the ground. He landed hard onto the ground with a thunderous explosion.
  Shocker rolled over, his ribs were bruised and his head was busted. He was trying to get back up to his feet but he dropped down to the ground.
  Another man showed up, dressed in a red bodysuit and a helmet. He had greying hair and sinister looking eyes. Harry recognized him as Klaw, someone from the archives of the Fantastic Four and he fired an explosive sonic attack. Harry dodged the attack, his eyes narrowed as he tried to avoid each sonic attack. His sonic attacks were more accurate than Shocker's.
  "I'll take you down," the man known as Klaw stated.
  A silent figure, dressed in a silvery armor, with a face shaped like a Beetle, dropped down. There were a few blasts of laser energy from this armor and Harry held his hand up into the ground. The young wizard flipped his hand over and caused the armored figure to flip over.
  "Beware my newest find, the Beetle!" The Mad Thinker cheered as the armor reflected the magical attacks as the person underneath the armor hoisted up Harry in the air but the wizard kicked off and nailed the Beetle in the back of the head, sending the villain down onto the ground.
  The lumbering figure showed up but Harry dodged the attack. His eyes squinted and he fired a blast of heat vision towards it but it went forward.
  "You know who I am, I know you are, given that you humiliated me!" he growled. "I'm the Juggernaut, B..."
  There was a loud crash that interrupted that attack and a blonde blur showed up, causing the Juggernaut to slide backwards. He staggered a bit back, head over heels and he swatted at the air.
  Karen showed up in the air. Her short blonde hair flipped into her face. There was a pair of luscious lips that pursed. The white material that was her outfit wrapped snug around her body and had a large window in the middle to show her cleavage of her boulder sized breasts. Her taunt stomach was seen on the other side of the nearly transparent material and the material wrapped around her firm ass. Her long legs flowed freely, with the right mixture of being muscular and being sensual.
  "Don't look at her cleavage, attack her!" the Mad Thinker yelled to her Frightful Four.
  Klaw lifted his hand into the air, but Kory blasted him in the face with a Star Bolt. There was a loud explosion as he crumpled to the ground like an ugly house of cards.
  "I'll take care of the Thinker, you take care of the Goons," Harry told them and both girls nodded.
  "Right, right, it's going to be done," Karen said as her eyes glowed and it shot two of the robots that the Mad Thinker brought out with heat vision.
  The battle was now winding down, with Harry flying back down onto the ground, with a huge crack. The wizard rolled over, as the Juggernaut rushed towards him. The wizard blocked his bulky punch, did a forward roll, and rammed him into the legs.
  Karen and Kory did a double team assault to take down Klaw, and then one to take down Shocker. Needless to say the double team punches from these two super powerful females were no match for them.
  "Mad Thinker's robots, they're set to explode," Harry grunted as he jumped into the air and super charged a pair of spheres. They landed onto the ground and the explosive charge of the super heightened magically created EMP pulse erupted through them.
  The robots dropped down to the ground and Harry smiled as he saw them drop to the ground like pins. The wizard watched as everything turned out for the best and the screams of the Mad Thinker, they were music to his ears and there was a huge shriek of discontent in her eyes.
  "NO, NO, NO!" she shrieked at the top of her lungs and she slammed her hands against the console.
  "She better not be a robot again," Harry whispered to Karen, who grinned. With people like the Mad Thinker, it was always a robot. Except for those times where it was a robot of a robot, but that was something that happened extremely rare.
  Okay, it happened far more often than Harry cared to remember but the fact of the matter was that it did happen. The various members of the Frightful Four were done, although with the Juggernaut, Harry supposed that it would technically be the Frightful Five. Or maybe it was the Frightful Four guest starring the Juggernaut.
  He really wish that the Juggernaut did not drench his best shirt and he was soaking wet, with his hair clinging to his face. He had a few bruises, the Juggernaut was one of the forces that could really stand up to him. Harry shook his hand, feeling the bumps and the bruises as he tried to get back to his feet.
  "So, they're going to be secured, that's a good thing," Karen commented to Harry and Harry looked over his shoulder towards her.
  "Yes, a really good thing," Harry admitted as he watched the blonde behind him. There was a sense where he was completely nervous and there was a sense that he had a sense that there was something else happening.
  Karen looked at Harry and she noticed the scrunched up look on his face. "You look like you're really deep in concentration about something...."
  "I know there's someone here and this could have been the warning that you've tried to give me before this lot showed up," Harry said, twisting his thumb to point out the Frightful Four and the Juggernaut.
  "Yeah, but you can't think...."
  "Greetings Har-Rell."
  Harry looked at Karen and the blonde threw her arms up into the air as she shrugged her shoulders. She knew that this might not be what it seemed but the blonde saw this woman approach him.
  "Who are you?" Harry asked. He was not trying to be confrontation but he was not in the mood for trouble when he was banged up and dripping wet. He tried not to be rude and he brushed his hand across his face, brushing the cut underneath his eye. A little healing magic set him mostly right but some things had to heal naturally.
  The woman looked at him quite haughtily or so Harry saw through mostly blurred vision. "My name is Queen Maxima, I am the queen of the Planet Almerac, and I have come here to fight for the hand of my one true soulmate."
  Harry looked up and down her body. The flowing red hair was a visual treat, he had to admit. The green eyes, vibrant and shining, they were there was well. The luscious red lips made him think of all of the things that they could do. Her green top wrapped around a pair of ripe breasts and the woman's nipples almost poked through the wet fabric, from the fire hydrant that got upturned from the battle. Her smooth stomach was a treat with a trickle of moisture. Her skirt could barely be classified as such, a belt seemed like a better classification system. Regardless, she stepped forward, with sheer determination and glowing eyes as she made her way towards him.
  "I have observed you."
  "You know, on this planet, we classify such observation as stalking," Emma commented crisply as she turned up, skidding to the stop on the puddle of blood and water. She kept walking without missing a beat and commented lightly. "You know, I never quite liked these boots."
  "This is an honor that many men have died for," Maxima stated in a high voice.
  "And she means that quite literally, for if she is not defeated, the men, the potential suitors she goes up again, they do perish," Karen told Harry and Harry smiled.
  "Really....well they haven't.....they must have not been good enough," Harry said to her as he stood up as tall in the air. His green eyes flashed as he looked at her. "So are you challenging me in this rite of combat?"
  "Yes, I am," Maxima said in a bold and determined voice. She looked back at him, her eyes next to him. Both of them looked at each other amazingly, their eyes flashing towards each other.
  "So....we battle then do we?" Harry asked, trying to get information out of her.
  "Yes, and there is no time like the present," Maxima whispered, she saw his shirt ripped open, this powerful young man was dripping wet. Sure there was some blood on him but it added to the allure and she rushed forward.
  Karen dodged Maxima and Harry caught her arm. She was strong, it was a struggle to hold her back.
  Maxima felt her arm caught, no one had blocked that initial attack. The wizard's knee about buckled as the woman hoisted him into the air, deciding to have some fun and show her strength.
  Harry managed to adjust his velocity, bouncing back onto the ground and flying forward towards her.
  She caught him around the waist, with great strength. Her arms were extremely strong and Harry was pushed back.
  "You're amazing," Maxima stated as she grabbed Harry and pinned him to the wall, running her hands down his body, feeling his hard muscles underneath her hands and positively drooling in every sense of the world as she felt him up.
  "Sorry, but I lead this dance," Harry whispered as he slid between her legs, getting a nice view as he did so.
  Maxima turned around, pretty surprised but she saw Harry on the other side of her immediately. A smile crossed her face at that moment and the two of them stared each other down, neither backing down and both showing a slight amount of respect towards the other, inclining their heads.
  "We may have a slight disagreement," she stated.
  With another swift movement, she ambled forward but Harry was able to who dodge a kick. Another attack, she grabbed him around the waist. He was pushed against the wall and he had to admit, that she was strong, fierce, and determined, not to mention stubborn.
  Karen watched the battle intensely, with Kory. Both of them were following this little back and forth like it was a tennis match. The Tamaranian Princess slowly turned to Karen and she offered one quick statement.
  "So, do you think that we should get involved?" she wondered and Karen looked at the redhead, with a shrug of her shoulders.
  "Depends on what you consider getting involved," Karen said back to her but another fire hydrant ruptured, making things wetter and hotter.
  Karen got the worst of the blast, water drenching her from head to toe. The water covered her body, adhering to it, much like a second layer of skin. She looked up, the skin tight material wrapping around her flesh quite nicely. The blonde would have been highly amused by the situation as her breasts stood out, with her looking like a contestant in a wet t-shirt contest. A contest, she would have to say with utter confidence, that she would win by a landslide.
  Any sort of amusement went out the window when Maxima drilled her with a punch to the face and sent her flying down. She landed on her ass which caused a crater in the ground.
  "No one will get in my way."
  "Oh, that's it, you've asked for it," Karen said, as she was fully intent to have Maxima taught a lesson. She would bend the Warrior Queen over her knee and spank her if need be.
  Maxima blocked the attack from Karen and tore her material off. The upper half of the material ripped off cleanly in Maxima's hands.
  "You do not fight fair!" Kory yelled.
  She was angered that this woman did not embody the spirit of the true warrior and in addition, she was supposed to be going out on a date with Harry. If they did not make that meeting, the Princess would be mad.
  Two red head members of royalty circled each other, both ready to unleash heavy bolts of energy upon the other. Both fists raised in the air and smashed against the other. Two more times, they connected with each other and caused a loud crack to resound around them.
  "You might be a fierce warrior...." Maxima whispered but Kory used a move that Kara had taught her.
  She grabbed Maxima by the hair and threw her across the ground. She skidded to the ground, landing with a thud.
  "YOU DON'T DARE TOUCH ME!" Maxima shrieked at the top of her lungs, getting completely indignant by the fact.
  "You shouldn't try and intrude on the lives of other people," Kory retorted fiercely and she rushed forward, causing Maxima to fly into the mud with a splatter as she punched her.
  Harry watched this, wondering if he should get involved or just make popcorn. Kory flew at Maxima with a savage glare in her eyes and knocked the woman right down to the mud once again. She was dripping wet already, not to mention mad. There was a resounding explosion that echoed around and Harry watched. There was one word that echoed through his mind and that was in the mind of Karen as well. The two of them exchanged an awed look.
  Maxima grabbed Kory and ripped off what little clothes that she had but Kory blasted her in the face with a Star Bolt. The two of them slammed into a sign and then landed in a sprinkler system. It did have the intended side effect of washing the mud off of them and it also kept both girls soaking wet, which was a good thing.
  "You will...."
  "I'm sorry, I didn't quite here you over the sound of me kicking your ass," Kory stated as she kicked Maxima in the face and then put her in a full nelson but Maxima powered out thanks to the fact that Kory did not properly have the fingers locked.
  Maxima grabbed Kory and slammed her face down into the concrete. Kory dodged the attacks and there were a group of people watching, mostly horny males, who were taking pictures of the entire scene.
  Harry shook his head, he had mostly recovered from having a close and personal encounter with the Juggernaut and he looked at Karen. Karen seemed to be coming underneath the same conclusion that he did and Harry eyed her.
  "Let's break this up before there's a problem," Harry told her and Karen joined Harry in flying across the sky.
  Harry grabbed Maxima around the waist and Karen took Kory. They were going to fly them halfway across the town and with their super speed, both of them could cover a lot of ground. All any outside would see was two blurs shooting over the sky like a shooting star.
  Maxima, however, did not seem to want to be carried off at her own will. Yet she saw that Harry's pants had gotten ripped open and he had not a chance to repair them. Therefore, it left him very open for certain activities.
  Being an intelligent woman, Maxima managed to seize her opportunity, whilst them were still flying in mid air.
  "Oh, yes, you are worthy."
  Maxima groped his huge prick and started to stroke him up and down. She eyed it as she had Harry in mid-air and she was about ready to sink onto him. She was wet and ready, and she had been waiting for this for a long time.
  "Oh, you're ready," Maxima cooed as she looked at his package and she prepared to sink herself down onto his hard rod.
  Harry grabbed her by the hips, reminding who was leading this dance. He pulled back, briefly denying her the treat that she so eagerly desired. He could sense her arousal and he heightened it, squeezing her breasts, and he did so extremely hard.
  "Oh, yes, I feel this!" Maxima moaned as Harry reared back. He squeezed her breasts a few more times and it was done firmly. "YES, YES, MAKE ME FEEL MORE!"
  Harry brushed his cock against her entrance and prepared to invade her. There was a sense where she waited in anticipation and Harry grabbed her around the shoulders and slammed her down onto a deserted island several hundred miles away from the city.
  Maxima screamed as she was slammed on the island and his cock entered her wet mound. Harry rammed into her body, hanging onto her hips. The redhead clenched his invading rod, causing her even more pleasure. Harry hammered into her hard, working his throbbing member as far into her inviting walls as he could.
  "More!" Maxima moaned as she wrapped her lovely long legs around him.
  Karen watched, this was so hot and Kory immediately went between her legs and started to eat her pussy.
  "Great, fucking, Rao," Karen moaned, both at the actions of the Tamarian beneath her thighs and also Harry spearing his mighty spear into the tight center of the Queen on the ground. This caused her to heat up with pleasure as her pussy oozed with her juices.
  The leggy red head was driven further into the crater with each thrust. She hung onto him, her legs tightened around his body. His throbbing prick worked as far into her as he could go. His cock was a marvel and she could not get enough of it going into her. She clenched him and Harry sped up his thrusts, going into her as deeply as he could manage.
  "That's what you deserve, you bitch," Harry grunted as he pounded her into the ground.
  "Yes, I'm that, I'm yours....take my breasts, oh my ass!" Maxima shrieked as she sank her long red finger nails into Harry's back with a strength that tore many of her suitors apart, although none of them got this deep.
  His long cock pummeled her into the ground and her eyes widened as Harry grabbed her and forced his prick between her wet walls. She squeezed him so hard it was like being inside a furnace. His balls slapped against her thighs and Harry hammered into her. He passed between her walls, drilling into her like a mad man. He breathed heavily as her tightening cunt worked him over.
  Maxima summoned all of the power towards her vaginal muscles. She wanted to test his worth, but so far, he was passing everything.
  Harry grabbed her around the waist and pulled her up into the air.
  Maxima closed her eyes as he flew around the world, thrusting his cock into her at super powerful speed. She felt her pussy being rippled and worked over. His balls slapped against her thighs and she closed her arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him as he hammered into her. His cock slid between her lubricated walls.
  "YES!" the woman shrieked and Harry kept hammering her over and over again.
  Kory was grabbed behind by a left behind Harry duplicate as she was eating Karen's tender pussy.
  Karen saw the hotness of Harry ramming into her sweet Tamaran ass from behind. The wizard grabbed his hands around her and slammed as hard into her tightness as he could manage. She could take it, so he was going to give it to her. The woman's walls contracted around him as she felt the rush of him into her. Her loins were being worked over something fierce by Harry's invading cock.
  'Oh, ah, ah, yes,' Kory mentally moaned as she felt her lover's huge prick enter her chambers and slip into her with the greatest of ease.
  Maxima was now in space and the two of them were shielded just enough. Harry slammed her back first into a meteor, causing it to crack.
  The space rock broke apart as Harry worked her over hard. He could see the pleasure burning through her eyes and the two of them kissed each other hungrily. The two of them worked against each other.
  Her walls collapsed around his invading prick and she milked him.
  "I must have your seed," she mewled as she scratched his back and Harry smiled as he kept working her pussy over.
  "In a moment, my love," Harry grunted as he worked into her.
  Her pussy was being hammered by him. He could tell that she desired to be truly dominated, that was just the way that her culture went. He roughly handled her breasts and slapped her ass and this caused her to moan as her cunt tightened around him.
  Her tightening walls milked him, as he was nearly buried into her womb.
  "Oh....fuck yes," Maxima moaned and Harry grabbed her breast around with his hand, squeezing it in his hand.
  Kory was lost in the pleasure and she was about ready to be fucked into submission. And it was quite the way to go if she might say so herself. Her super hot cunt clenched Harry's invading rod as it entered her.
  He filled her up so much that she was about to come undone because of all of the pleasure.
  Her mouth was away from Karen's snatch and another Harry slipped inside.
  Karen gave a sigh of contentment as she felt his hard rod fill her body. The blonde sunk her nails into his back as he buried his cock into her. Each thrust brought fresh sensations of fulfillment into her mind The blonde's pussy was being hammered, filled and emptied with his amazing thrusts. She clenched him and tightened her legs around him.
  "Oh, Harry, oh fuck this Kryptonian cunt!" Karen shrieked and Harry grabbed her around the waist, flying her across the city.
  Their organs meant at super powerful speed in mid air. There were huge cracks that might have resounded had it not been for the sound proofing spells. Harry swayed back and forth.
  The huge breeze that erupted all over New York was the only hint of the activities that both of them shared, although the shell shocked population put it up as a quirk of the level. The blonde's walls wrapped around his throbbing cock and sunk down onto it.
  She wrapped her walls around him and slammed against him. She felt his cock go completely into her and the blonde was riding him at super speed. The swaying in the air was the second best thing, when stacked up to the fact that he grabbed her chest and fondled her luscious globes in midair.
  "Oh fuck me, fuck me," Karen mewled as she scratched his back.
  "Damn, you're so fucking horny," Harry grunted as he hammered into her.
  Maxima was on her hands and knees on the moon and Harry hammered into her. His cock speared itself so far deep into her burning wet center and his hands cupped her breasts.
  "I COMMAND YOU TO CUM IN ME!" Maxima yelled as he felt her breasts and her orgasm was extremely powerful.
  "Patience, my queen," Harry whispered hotly in her ear as he rammed into her even further. His cock hammered into her from behind.
  The redhead closed her eyes and Harry pinched her nipples. The redhead felt her walls collapse around him, milking his prick.
  With another movement, he turned her around, her legs locked around him. His meat teased her opening as he turned his body and took her all the way back down to Earth.
  Harry plunged between her legs as he was taking Maxima all the way back down. He slid between her waiting thighs with ease and Harry worked himself into her.
  They landed on the roof of the Daily Planet, where the other two Harry's, Kory, and Karen also joined them.
  Had Jameson looked out his office window, he might have had a heart attack at the orgy that was going on right above his head. Yet, Harry's sound proofing spells held up quite magnificificentally.
  Harry speared into Maxima a few more times and he cupped her breasts. The two of them saw stars as they reached their mutual climax, with Harry battering her tight warrior queen pussy and claiming her for his own.
  Maxima laid on the roof, drool coming out of her mouth and her lover's thick cum leaking from pussy.
  Maxima slumped over the rooftop of the Daily Bugle, out like a light. Kory had a content smile on her face, as she had gotten some powerful love. She had never had a chance to have sex whilst in mid air.
  "So, that was amazing," Karen concluded, as Harry rested his head on her bare breasts, as Karen traced his abs with her fingers, drumming her fingers down it.
  "Just like you," Harry offered, although that was a lot of amazing and really intense mid-air sex. It was a shame that no one could to see it thanks to his privacy charms but it was quite the show.
  A dark underground bunker was the scene, it was in an isolated city and a man dropped down from the ceiling.
  "Finally, some screen time," the man muttered as he made his way closer to the bunker. He took a couple of steady steps.
  'Yeah, it's about bloody time we got some screen time,' one of the voices stated in his head with absolute and total glee.
  'Since when did we become British?' one of the voices inquired.
  'Rule of funny,' the first voice concluded. 'So how would you like a spot of tea, governor?'
  'Okay, knock it off,' Deadpool stated and then he paused. 'Oh sure, blow the fact that it's me.'
  'Well, it's kind of obvious,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head stated as he shook his head. 'I mean you'd have to be a five year old not to know that it is the completely and totally awesome Merc with the Mouth, now wouldn't you?'
  'Well, some people just need to have things spelled out for them I guess,' Deadpool commented as he shrugged his shoulder.
  'Man, this is going to be....ah crap, this guy,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head commented.
  Logan stood there in all of his glory, all of his ugly, clawed glory.
  "What are you doing here, Wilson?" Logan demanded.
  "You were the one who sent for me, are you sure this is the address?" Deadpool asked Logan and Logan took a step forward.
  "Listen pal, I'm not in the mood for your shit, so either you step away and let me go to this meeting or I make you regret the day you're ever born," Logan told Deadpool.
  "Hey, that wasn't my problem that my parents couldn't afford proper condoms," Deadpool argued as he shook his head. "And that...."
  "Quiet," Logan growled. The feral mutant tensed up as he heard someone coming.
  'Ewww,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head said.
  'Not in that way, you idiot,' another voice in Deadpool's head said.
  "This way, I've been expecting you."
  "Oh, she's been expecting us," Deadpool whispered as he peered into the shadows.
  'Hey, hey, don't get ahead of ourselves, the author doesn't want to write an utterly perverted description of a female yet,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head commented lightly. 'It will be her time soon enough.'
  'Yeah and that Potter kid will likely be boinking her within about eight chapters anyway,' another voice offered sagely and Deadpool snapped his fingers and sighed.
  'Why must you be logical?' Deadpool asked with a prominent sigh as he shook his head.
  "So, this is what.....who are you working for, kid?" Logan asked.
  "Just because you've been around for a couple hundred years, that doesn't classify me as a kid," she stated in a harsh voice.
  "As for whose authority she's speaking on, that would be mine."
  An imposing woman stepped out of the shadows, dressed in a black business suit. She was quite sizeable but not enough to be classified as morbidly obese. Still she was large enough to make most men and women back down in a fury.
  'Nice pun given who she's married to,' Deadpool concluded and one of the voices in Deadpool's head seemed to be jumping up and down, providing that was possible for a voice.
  'Oh, oh, I know who this is,' one of the voices commented and then with another action, it grew suddenly extremely serious. 'Although, you know ,she should be a bit heftier....or the fan boys are going to rage.'
  'It's fan boys on the Internet, they'd rage if someone's ears were off model from panel to panel," another voice on Deadpool's head said grimly.
  'Ah, touch?,' the voice commented and he chuckled.
  Deadpool found himself face to face, with the one, the only, Amanda Waller-Fury, or as one would call her, the Wall. She was as stubborn as one and also she was hard to break down, which made that name to be rather formidable.
  "Hey, Mandy....."
  "Don't, Wilson, I only sent for you, because I know that you're not one of them, because it would take too long to get your unique personality down," Waller said as she looked at Wade.
  'Who is she referring to?' Deadpool asked quietly.
  'She's referring to the Skrulls, you dumb ass, you know this entire secret invasion thing, it's kind of the background plot,' one of the voices of Deadpool's head said.
  'Oh yeah....well I kind of zone out when I'm not being involved,' Deadpool offered with a shrug of his shoulders.
  "So, I suppose that you know where Fury is," Logan stated in a gruff voice and Waller's eyes snapped towards the mutant who was the best in the world at he did and what he did was not very nice.
  "That's on a need to know basis," Waller commented in a brisk voice.
  Logan's face cracked into one of those grins. "Isn't it always?"
  "So, they're here, aren't they?"
  Wade's eyes widened as he saw who walked into the room. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, NO, FUCK NO! There is no way in hell that I'm working with this cheap, low rent....no actually no rent version of me. He's a hack!"
  "What are you babbling on about?" the man in the shadows asked.
  "I'll tell you what I'm babbling on about, it's you, you son of a bitch, why couldn't you....why couldn't you just not come into my universe, I was here first, there is only one mercenary...."
  A man with silvery hair cropped up, with an eye patch. He was dressed in a black and orange suit, with a sword over his back. He needed no introduction.
  'But naturally you're going to give this low rent hack one anyway,' Deadpool sniffled. 'I hate you, you're a son of a bitch.'
  He was Slade Wilson better known as Deathstroke the Terminator.
  'Forget it, I'm not speaking to you, I'm going to pull an X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and not even speak for the rest of this book,' Deadpool thought as he crossed his arms and made a pouty face.
  Deadpool remained silent and Logan could have sworn that he heard a choir of angels singing at this development. The mutant smiled.
  "You've met Slade Wilson," Waller said.
  "Yeah, we've run into each other," Logan said as he eyed the man with a tense expression.
  "Simply business, Logan," Slade commented as he saw Deadpool pouting in the corner. "Nothing more."
  "Sure it was," Logan said in disbelief but he decided that if he was called here by Waller, who he had been on a few missions with along with Fury and some others back in the day.
  "It's time to introduce you to the rest of the team," Waller told Logan and Logan nodded. "We have a problem which you will be briefed on when I'm sure that you're in."
  "Right," Logan said.
  "This is Dora Black, she's better known as Agent Mimic, she's been infected by the meteors during the last meteor shower, it's given her the ability to change shapes," Waller stated to the girl with short brown hair and violet eyes that stood in the shadows. She nearly tripped over her feet, in an attempt to greet Logan.
  "A pleasure to meet you," Logan replied in a gruff voice, although there was a sense that he was approaching on the sense of caution.
  "This is Daisy Johnson, or Quake," Waller said to Logan.
  A woman with chocolate brown hair stepped over. She had a silver body suit that adhered to every curve that she had. It wrapped around her sizeable breasts and nice round ass, as she looked at Logan.
  "Yes, we've worked together on a mission in the past," Daisy stated as she stared down Logan.
  "And this is Rose Wilson...."
  "Daughter of a poser," Deadpool grumbled.
  'Well you not talking lasted all of six paragraphs,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head chimed in.
  'SILENCE, I KEEL YOU!' Deadpool snapped.
  'Wouldn't that be a form of suicide?' one of the voices in Deadpool's head replied.
  The girl stepped forward, she had silvery hair just like her father, but she had other assets of her own. The black tank top she wore covered a pair of amazing D-Cup breasts. Her stomach was taut and toned, and she had a pair of legs to die for. Her ass was fit and firm as well.
  "This is Plastique, she ran into a spot of trouble," Waller commented
  "And now she works for you," Logan said.
  Logan caught his eyes on the redhead. She had short hair that framed her face, blazing green eyes. She wore a red top that wrapped around her breasts which looked about ready to press out. She had a flat and smooth stomach without a blemish on her skin. Her legs were crossed as she had thigh high boots in addition to the skirt that she wore.
  "Demolitions expert," she commented as she looked at Logan.
  "And my daughter, Miranda," Waller concluded.
  The woman stepped forward, with chocolate skin and she wore a sleek black body suit. She had amazing assets that was wrapped in her suit. She had large DD Cup breasts, a flat stomach, a curved ass, and long legs that seemed to take up half of her body. Which was quite the feat given that she was tall.
  'Oh, hello Nurse,' Deadpool stated.
  'You do realize that's Nick Fury's daughter you're oogling,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head replied.
  "Welcome to the revolution," Waller stated.
  'And wait for it,' one of the voices said.
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.
  As Time Turns
  Chapter Twenty: As Time Turns.
  "So, how did you avoid getting caught and thrown into the Hudson with cement boots on?" Harry asked Lois as the two of them walked down the corridors of the Daily Bugle.
  Lois stopped and put her hands on her hips as she looked at Harry with narrowed eyes. "Give me some credit, Harry; I was smart enough to get out of there, while the getting out of there was good."
  "Right, I'm not arguing any differently," Harry commented as he kept his emerald green eyes firmly on Lois's striking violet eyes, but then he shook his head. "But...."
  "Yes, well, I thought that Silvermane's crew....I mean the guy just got out of prison last week. I got this lead that said he was after something big, I don't know what exactly, but it must be huge if a guy like Silvermane is after it," Lois stated as she leaned against the water cooler, which had the effect of showing a bit of her taut stomach seeing as how her shirt rode up, an effect that Harry appreciated greatly. "The guy's not exactly a spring chicken either, he's someone who....well, he's been around a long damn time when factor in how old he is."
  "Some might say old, others might say classic, Lois," Harry offered back to her in a tense voice. "And the guy's been around the block more than a few times, so he knows what he's doing...."
  "Popped off a few reporters in his day as well," Lois said as she brushed her hand through her hair and offered a smile back towards him. "But, anyways, one of his female 'companions' managed to slip me out the backdoor. I got the impression that she didn't think what they were doing was right."
  'Sooo...are you going to tell her that said female companion was really the god damn Batwoman in disguise?' Gwen chimed in through the bond link.
  'No, that would be spoiling the surprise, besides that would blow the cover identity she's using to infiltrate Silvermane's gang, even though I think she has all of the information that she needs,' Harry confirmed.
  "Silverman's obsessed with making himself young again," Harry informed Lois, Helena had been keeping him in the loop in regards to what her investigation had turned up and he had sources of his own in place.
  Lois shook her head. "You'd think.....well, he is at the end of his life, got to be pushing about eighty five or so....still a nasty bastard from what I've heard."
  "A very nasty bastard," Harry confirmed as Iris made her way out of the nearby stairway, looking quite wind swept. "You look like you've been put through the ringer."
  Iris shook her head in exasperation and looked at Harry. "Long story, going to have to tell you about it later."
  "Looking forward to it," Harry said, the Crimson Blur as the Bugle was calling it was showing up fairly often. Interestingly enough, Iris was the one getting all of the exclusives of her.
  Jameson wanted pictures, pictures of her, almost more than he wanted pictures, pictures of Spider-Man, along with pictures, pictures of the Star Child and those better not be blurred out crap either. Harry must have heard it a million times, but then again, one didn't need super hearing to hear the dulcet tones of J. Jonah Jameson from across town. The young wizard closed his eyes and took a drink of water, soaking in the atmosphere.
  "Well, she does get all of those exclusives about that new hero, although I'm sure we could come up with a better name than the Crimson Blur if we tried," Lois commented with amusement dripping from her voice.
  Harry raised an eyebrow at her.
  "I wasn't going to think of one, at least not yet, but I'm sure the door is open for one," Lois offered in amusement as she raised an eyebrow back towards him. "Although I don't think...."
  "Well, as long as she isn't wearing a pair of glasses, you should be able to figure out who the Crimson Blur secretly is," Harry teased her, he'd been able to figure it out easily enough, but then again he was observant. "Did you hear about the Gotham gang war spilling over here?"
  "Yeah, Black Mask, now he's a real nasty SOB," Lois replied seriously. "I wouldn't normally be worried by something like that, but at the same time, I'm kind of worried."
  "Don't be, Lois," Harry offered to her, which caused her to look at him questioningly in response. "There are people who are working to end this gang war, but the problem is tracking down the person in the middle of it."
  "Are you referring to the Kingpin or are you referring to the so called Master Planner?" Lois asked Harry and there was a second where he paused to consider it.
  "Both would actually fit who I'm thinking of, very much so, in fact," Harry admitted with a thoughtful look in his eyes.
  "Well if anyone could figure out what's going on, it's you," Lois prodded him, fishing for more information from her boyfriend she could possibly use in for a story.
  "I can't be.....well, actually I can be everywhere at once, but you know what I mean," Harry said to her. The ability to split off duplicate's really did work wonders.
  "Which is really rather handy, for many different reasons," Chloe offered as she turned up to see what they were up to. "So, any luck on our delinquent Hitler wannabe?"
  "If you mean Creed? No, the bastard's gone underground, Banner's dropped off the radar as well after those events," Harry explained to her.
  "Methinks, perhaps, a Hulk smashing doth be in Mr. Creed's future," Chloe said trying to do an imitation of Thor, all be it a bad one, as she sipped from her bottle of water. "With Mystique's testimony, the information checks out, so I'm posting the full information on Creed's history on the Torch...."
  "Hey! I thought..."
  " You snooze you lose Lois! Besides, we can go for a two pronged attack this way, through both the Internet and the print media," Chloe said with a smile. "The blog is racking up the hits and also death threats, a lot of death threats. Even though it seems like anti-mutant hysteria is waning a little bit thanks to your efforts, there are still people who will cling to their prejudices."
  Chloe sighed at the thought of such blatant racism as she took another drink of water.
  "Such is the nature of fanatics...."
  "Isn't that the truth?" Harry asked and then he did a double take when someone he knew in a previous life walked out of the nearby elevator.
  "Well, there's someone that you don't see out in public that often," Lois offered. "Luna Lovegood....the author of the Bugle's Relationship Column, Good Loving with Lovegood."
  Harry shook his head in amusement at that, just how funny that joke actually was, that was something lost on the two girls beside him.
  "There's a rumor going around that she's in a relationship with some guy named Wilson," Chloe said lightly.
  Harry did a double take and his blood ran cold, surely not?
  The universe would implode.
  "Do you ever have the feeling that something really weird is going to happen?" Kitty asked as she walked beside Harry around the grounds of the school.
  "Define weird?" Harry asked as he looked towards her, with a barely suppressed grin crossing his face. There were so many things about their lives that could be considered weird by most normal peoples standards, that the mundane might as well be considered weird by them.
  "Okay, I guess you got me there," Kitty said to Harry as she shrugged her shoulders. The brunette mutant lifted her head up and looked towards the ceiling before letting out a drawn out sigh.
  Atlee was training in the other room and Harry stepped behind her to observe, although this time she didn't jump up into the air.
  "I saw you coming this time," Atlee looked over her shoulder to inform him, her violet eyes looking onto his.
  "And I'm glad for that," Harry informed the younger girl and a radiant smile crossed her face. "Do you need me for anything?"
  "No....not entirely....well, not yet," Atlee admitted as she closed her eyes to focus. There were a few things that she might want from Harry, but she hadn't quite worked the nerve up for something like that. "I'd like to thank you, however, for helping me, I've got a lot better control over my powers than I did before."
  "That's very good, I'm glad," Harry said as she threw her arms around his waist and pulled him into a tight hug. Her breasts pressed tightly against his chest and her groin pressed against his. She had quite the body, in fact it rivaled Karen's, although she had an innocence to her that didn't match it. "So if there is anything...."
  "No, Harry, not right now," Atlee said trying to keep herself calm so didn't make the ground rock with excitement. There was this dream that she had about Harry.....that got her so excited she'd woken up to find everything knocked off of the shelves in her room. Thankfully, she didn't keep anything breakable on the shelves and she had good enough control of her powers to prevent sinking the entire room into the ground.
  Harry offered her one of those smiles. "Are you sure?"
  "...Yeah...I'm sure," Atlee argued faintly as she tried not to get thrown off by Harry, even though he was very easy to get thrown off by. Leaning in, he kissed her on the forehead and left her to her training. More or less running smack dab into Jean and Kitty, who were waiting out in the hallway for him.
  "Soooo...she's about ready to be put underneath your thumb any day now," Jean offered with a wicked glint in her eyes and Kitty smiled widely at the thought of it.
  "Well, she's going to have to make her move then, but I think that sooner or later, she will," Harry offered. He didn't want the younger girls to think that he was pressuring them into anything. Of course, given the corrupting influence of some of his older girls, it might not be too long of a wait.
  Kitty threw her arm around his waist as Kara joined them. She frowned at something and that was noticed by Jean, Kitty, and Rachel, who'd turned up with Kara.
  "What's up?" Rachel asked, she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.
  Harry did a double take as a hex bolt flew from Wanda's room, but somehow disappeared in mid air. She exited the room, dressed in a black tank top and cut off jean shorts, with no shoes on. It looked like she was in the process of getting dressed after a shower. Her hair still being wet was a pretty obvious sign of that fact.
  "Harry, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but...."
  "We have a gremlin in the house," Harry stated with a sigh and Kara used her X-Ray vision to see what was up. She groaned when she realized who it was.
  "Yes, and it's a rather obnoxious little troll," Lara said over the intercom.
  Harry thought that his mother was more than right about that fact. It was an obnoxious little troll, who had a high pitched shrill voice that sounded like someone scratching their nails down a chalkboard, which was the nice way of describing it.
  His appearance was not much better. He had a goofy expression on his face with a long nose and a purple top hat. He topped it off with a blue suit with a multicolored bow tie and spats.
  "Who in the hell are you?" Kitty asked as she saw this floating two foot tall abomination in front of her.
  "The name is Mxyzptlk! Mister Mxyzptlk to you, I've come here to liven your lives up a little bit more!" Mxy yelled as he snapped his fingers.
  Jean, Rachel, Kitty, Wanda, and Kara were all dressed as school girls now. They had really tight tops on and really short skirts that showed that they weren't wearing anything on underneath them. Normally, Harry would appreciate a sight like this, but given the circumstances, he wasn't too appreciative of what this floating horror did.
  "You....you....you....." Harry managed, before stopping to calm himself down in order to properly say the words that were conducive to speaking.
  "Me....me....me...." Mxy mocked.
  "Look here, Mister Mixel-Spittle! Like, what do you want?" Kitty asked, her frustration obvious in her tone. She would have stomped her feet on the ground, but she didn't want to give this awful little troll any more of a show.
  "Hey! Valley girl who is from Chicago! My name is Mxyzptlk!" he yelled. "And I'm going to move here for the long haul."
  'Har-Rell, you must trick him into speaking his name or spelling it backwards, it will banish the pest back to it's home dimension,' Peve said with a shudder. She'd encountered it before in the past and it was none too pleasant.
  "Oh really? You're going to move here for a long haul," Harry asked him, he closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them and offering a wide smile. "Well, in that case! You're going to need to stay in the guest suite."
  "Oh really, the guest suite? Well, that's really awesome, isn't it," the fifth dimensional imp asked as he swayed back and forth in the air.
  "Yes, it's really great," Harry explained to him as he stepped forward to guide him towards his room. "It even has your name written on the door and everything."
  Mxy floated over to look at the name plate and he couldn't help but scoff. "You must be an illiterate boob then! That's not my name! It says Kltpzyxm!...Wait a minute...."
  Mxy faded into nothingness with a huge pop and cursed all of the way as he was dragged back into the fifth dimension.
  Harry waved him off as he disappeared into the ether. The girls reverted back to their normal attire and quite frankly, Harry was pretty sad to see that happen. Shrugging his shoulders, Harry turned back to them like nothing had happened at all in the past couple of minutes to ask them a question. "So, how was your day?"
  Jean offered him a smile as Kitty and Kara looked like they were both about to break out into laughter. Now that the situation was behind them, it was pretty easy to laugh about.
  "Just getting ready to head off to college in a few weeks," Jean explained to him. "My course load is decent enough to keep me pretty busy."
  "Of course it is," Harry replied to her with a smile and Jean shook her head in amusement.
  "Some of the girls are coming over here to start their summer internship's, I see," Harry stated to Selene as the two of them made their rounds through the Church. Their meeting yesterday, obviously, getting cut a little short.
  "Yes, Regan and Monet seemed eager to worship at the altar of the Star Child and Emma's daughters are always happy for a piece of the action," Selene informed him and Harry really didn't need to hear any more than that. The two of them made their way off into a side office. "Jean is really coming into her role nicely, although I think that girl works herself a bit too hard."
  "Well, I've known teenage girls that worked themselves a lot harder than Jean does," Harry offered, as his memories flickered back to a time that seemed like an eternity ago now.
  "So have you....have you figured out what to do regarding the situation?" Selene questioned him, obviously she had her own thoughts on the situation, but she would as always follow along with what her Lord Husband suggested and advice him as necessary.
  "...With the Skrulls?" Harry questioned her and Selene offered a smile towards him seeing as how she knew he'd catch on quickly.
  "Yes, the Skrulls, they're an extremely tricky situation but...."
  "I was wondering the same thing," Lillandra said as she entered the office with Tess trailing behind her. There was another woman with them Harry hadn't met before that caught his immediate interest.
  She had striking coal black hair with startling blue eyes, her pursed together lips had a delicate and sensual quality to them. She was wearing a white top that showcased her modest breasts and flat stomach. She had a black skirt on and Harry could see that she had quite the nice rear as well, but then again, with these women, they generally had more than a few nice qualities to them. She had a nice set of striking legs as well, sensual and curved.
  "Whitney Frost, we haven't had the pleasure to meet yet Harry....you don't mind if I call you Harry, do you?" Whitney asked, she wasn't related to Emma. Who did have two sisters, but she didn't speak of them in the most favorable tones, the few times that Harry got to talk to her about them at all.
  "Not at all, Whitney," Harry stated as he took her hand and planted a kiss on the top of it.
  She looked quite pleased with that.
  "I'm just showing her the ropes, she's a recent recruit to the church, then again there are quite a few of them lately," Tess said to Harry with a smile, she paused to think about something, then raised an inquiring eyebrow towards him. "So what happened with our Warrior Queen?"
  "She's at the Stronghold right now, we've got it set up so that she can go back and forth to her planet at will, although she's hinted that there's a few more members of her race who might want a piece of me," Harry commented.
  Selene smiled at that thought, throughout their long history together, the statement about woman wanting a piece of him rang true each time. "Naturally, beloved, naturally."
  Selene figured that Maxima would be an ideal addition to the Church in due time, it was just a matter of ensuring that she showed the proper respect to the other members of the Church. Of course, there were certain members who were more then adept enough to train a Warrior Queen. The woman took a half of a step forwards towards him, a smile etched on her face.
  "I'm very pleased to see what has happened with the Church so far, you should be proud of yourself," Harry said with a smile.
  "Believe me, we are," Selene said, she wouldn't have done some of the things that she did and neither would Lillandra or anyone else, if they didn't think that they would receive Har-Rell's complete approval. He was everything to them and he deserved to be satisfied beyond all measure.
  Speaking of Lillandra, she was standing there beside Harry.
  "Hello, Har-Rell, I trust that your day's been going well so far?" Lillandra questioned as she threw her arms around him to give him a passionate kiss, which Harry returned. The two of them closed their eyes to enjoy the tender passions that they experienced with each other.
  "So, what of Ms. Darkholme?" Selene asked, randomly and seemingly out of the blue, so much so, that it took Harry aback.
  "She may be able to rejoin society if she learns that she cannot play certain games with me," Harry stated.
  "Well, her rage is a way to mask the fact that she wants to play other games with you," Tess offered as she rejoined the group, but she had Regan and Monet with her now, both of whom were eying Harry hungerly.
  "Har-Rell, don't forget that we have ways of training women like Raven Darkholme," Selene said to him. "She shouldn't have forsaken you in the first place by joining up with Magneto, she didn't believe that you were coming back, she didn't exhibit the necessary patience."
  "So she was part of the Church?" Harry questioned, he was wondering that fact, seeing as how Mystique acted as if there seemed to be some bad blood between them.
  "Yes, and now she must be punished for not being a true believer," Selene said as she snapped the whip that normally rested on her hip and a wide grin crossed her face.
  Tess watched Harry, she could see him watching Selene's actions closely and it was obvious he was eagerly anticipating what was to come. She anticipated it as well and hoped that she would get a front row seat for any punishments that the Black Queen chose to oversee.
  "So, she'll be brought back into the fold," Lillandra continued.
  "Yes, she will, and we have two new members who wish to join us properly," Selene said as she turned towards Monet and Regan. "And I'm sure that Tess would like to show them the ropes and ensure that they are properly devoted to the Star Child. It just so happens that the chance to show their proper devotion is here."
  Selene paused as something else struck her.
  "Har-Rell may even be inclined to reward you for your devotion to the Church and its cause," Selene added as an afterthought.
  Harry smiled as he looked at the woman before, with her sleek red hair, gorgeous green eyes, beautiful face, magnificent breasts, that looked high and firm on her chest, flat stomach, shapely ass, and gorgeous legs. She was a complete package of loveliness.
  "There's a chamber off to the side, I'm sure that the initiation of these two will occur there nicely," Harry stated as he put his arm around Tess's waist and guided her into the next room.
  Tess smiled as Regan and Monet followed behind them, once they were inside the doors shut behind them.
  "You two have had pretty bad attitudes as of late, don't think I've forgotten that fact," Harry said to them with narrowed eyes and then he offered them a wicked grin. "Sophie, Celeste, Esme, Mindee, and Phoebe all have been punished, now it's your turn."
  Tess smiled at the thought; she was wet at the thought of Harry taking such a strong hand with these girls.
  "Yes, master, punish us," Regan said eagerly as she drank in his body with a hungry gaze.
  Tess straddle Harry's lap and started to kiss him, as two more copies of Harry's split off, preparing to punish these young girls properly.
  Regan felt her skirt pulled up and a pair of thong panties being revealed, with Harry's strong hand being prepped for her.
  "That's going to be amazing, this nice ass," Harry said as he rubbed her hand down her creamy ass and she closed her eyes. He teased her nicely and caused her to whimper as he played with her tasty rear.
  Monet was draped over his lap as well, her pants pulled down and her shirt pulled off. Her large chocolate breasts spilled out of her top and her ass as perfectly shape.
  "Let's see if I can leave some marks on that nice...."
  Harry smacked Monet which caused her to yelp in a mixture of immense pleasure. Her pussy dripped with pleasure. Harry raised his hand and prepared to ram it into her supple rear once again.
  Harry smacked her hard in the ass once again and caused her to moan. His smacks grew with increasingly frequency and caused her eyes to flood over with untamed lust.
  Harry spanked her even harder and Harry squeezed her tight cheeks which caused her to squeal with pleasure.
  Tess straddled Harry and her shirt was pulled off. She had a thin black bra on and Harry squeezed her tits through her breasts. She grinded her crotch down upon him and Harry grabbed her ass from behind, causing her to moan even louder.
  "Oh, this is....oh fuck," Tess whimpered and Harry pulled down her skirt and pulled her panties back, working her fingers down into her dripping wet hot cunt.
  Tess leaned back and he worked his fingers deep down into her. There was a sense where she was feeling a multitude of emotions go into her. His fingers probed into her tightening pussy and Harry worked into her.
  "Yes, master, I'm your slut!" Regan yelled as Harry tanned her hide with a spanking.
  "You dirty girl, you're making me so fucking hard," Harry grunted and Regan slid off, her cheeks reddened, but she had a burning and horny desire that must be filled.
  "I'll fix that," Regan said with a pleased coo as she dropped down to her knees and prepared to whip out the duplicate's cock to go to town on it.
  She pushed her breasts between his cock and started to fuck him up and down with her massive tits. The young girl looked at him with wide eyed lust.
  Tess was pushed back against the mattress that had been conjured and Harry pulled back her panties. He started to lick her walls and she put her hands on the back of his head.
  "Oh, fuck, so good," Tess moaned, her god's talents, they were just as amazing as she imagined.
  Things got even more intense when Harry worked his tongue in and out of her. Then he started to rattle his tongue into her like a super sonic fury. His tongue kept rattling into her and the hissing got even more intense.
  Her juices gushed out of her pussy with Harry licking her walls and she closed her eyes. Harry kept licking her molten pussy and Harry kept going into her, his tongue working into her.
  Monet was done with her spanking and Harry grabbed her around the hips and prepared to spear himself into her tight ass from behind.
  "Please, Harry, please master!" Monet yelled.
  "Never been touched, good," Harry said as he brushed his fingers against both of her eyes.
  "Like I'd allow anyone but you to touch me," Monet said as Harry speared into her ass while another Harry was in front of her.
  "You have such a good mouth, you know what to do," Harry told her and Monet grabbed him around the hips and greedily slurped down his cock.
  Harry grabbed onto her hips and speared his massive length deep into her ass. She clenched him as Harry hammered her from behind, working into him. Her tight ass snugly wrapped around him and Harry closed his eyes.
  Tess was now on his cock and bouncing up and down on it. Harry grabbed her breasts and squeezed them. This caused her walls to clamp down upon him.
  "Oh, so good, so good," Tess moaned as Harry cupped her breasts and he rammed up into her. She had spent years mentally building this up in her mind and he exceeded pretty much every single expectation that was imaginable.
  Harry felt her pussy grip him like a vice grip as she slid up and down him, riding.
  "Cum on my tits Harry, oh come on!" Regan cooed as she felt his fingers work into her dripping cunt and she imagined his cock inside her.
  She was not about to be denied for long, his balls slapped around her chest and Harry worked into her, working his hard dick between her amazing cleavage.
  "Oh, fuck, oh yes," Regan moaned and his balls tightened and exploded into a shower of cum, coating her tits.
  "On your hands and knees like the bitch you are," Harry demanded, seeing his cum dripping from her chest and cheeks. Harry smiled as the girl obeyed, her ass pretty much presented to him. The blonde's pussy was parted for him.
  He slapped her ass and she squeezed. Harry pushed his fingers into her pussy and brushed it up against her cunt. She closed her eyes and Harry aimed towards her. His cock brushed against his dripping entrance and Harry rammed into her from behind really hard.
  Harry rammed into her from behind and worked into her sopping wet pussy.
  "Oh yes baby, ride me, oh fuck," Harry grunted as he worked his cock deep into Tess's dripping hole.
  Tess worked her hips around him and worked up and down him, rocking her hips around him. The redhead's walls clenched him and worked her hips around his large tool. It felt so good to be inside her molten hot pussy.
  "Fuck me, oh fuck me!" Tess screamed out loud as she rammed her walls onto him.
  "Keep it up, you know you need me to be inside you," Harry growled and he cupped her breasts, with her hips working into her.
  "Fuck, oh...
  Monet's ass was being speared from behind and she grabbed around his hips. His cock was worked deep down into her throat and she kept sucking him down. Her lips wrapped around him and Harry hammered into her mouth from the front.
  Monet's mouth was being hammered along with her ass and both sides caused her so much pleasure. Two cocks, one up her ass, one in her mouth, and another was added into her pussy.
  Harry felt her super tight body, it was built for strength and it was built for someone like him. He grabbed her breasts and gave them a hearty squeeze with Harry working into her sopping hot cunt from behind. She was closing her eyes and she felt him go all the way into her.
  Monet's whining escalated as Harry worked into her and Harry slammed into her ass as deep as he could go.
  Harry battered Regan's pussy and sucked on the back of her neck as he increased the frequency and speed of his strokes.
  "My lord, please, cum inside me," Regan begged him.
  "In a minute," Harry grunted.
  His thrusts got even more rapid fire into her and she was getting closer to clenching him as hard as he could. Her pussy was sore but it was worth it, it was more than worth it. His cock went as far into her as Harry went into her.
  His cock battered her over and over again and that was the way she loved it.
  There was a lot of moaning and heavy breathing as all three girls were being pleasured and Harry's balls tightened when he injected them with several blasts of cum, filling up their nubile young bodies.
  There was still many more inductions to go.
  "So, we're dealing with these weird fluctuations in time and space, normally I wouldn't be so concerned about it, but I think that it's worth our time to take a closer look," Karen said as she walked next to Harry.
  Harry raised his eyebrow at that and it was Faora's turn to chime in with a few words of her own.
  "At first, they were happening every day for only a split second," Faora admitted, from were she walked next to him. "STARR was barely picking them up, so they might have been happening a lot longer than we've been monitoring them. Regardless, they increased in strength and this is what we have so far."
  "Right," Harry said as the trio of Kryptonians walked into a lab, then they moved up at least three flights of stairs.
  The equipment in question needed to be built at one of the higher points in the city. Any other location and it wouldn't have worked as well as it should, or at least that's the assumption that Harry was working under. Regardless, they were almost there and his green eyes widened, impressed by what he saw in front of him.
  It was a pretty close to accurate reproduction of the equipment within the Fortress, or at least accurate enough for it to work. He saw the swirls of energy moving around it and Harry couldn't help but offer a smile at how amazing it looked.
  Karen frowned as she looked at Harry and she opened her mouth to say something. "I know it's not the most sophisticated thing in the world, but....."
  "In a pinch, it will do," Harry told her and a wide smile crossed the blonde's face as she lead him on through. "So, you're saying that you started to pick up these weird fluxes of energy, about ten days ago."
  "Nearly eleven days now," Karen admitted and Harry nodded at that. He motioned for her to continue and Karen jumped in to do so. She took a breath, collected her thoughts, and prepared to explain things properly. "There have been these flares in space, we do know there's an infinite number of dimensions and during some rare occasions they align, but it happens for less than a second."
  "And these have been happening for slightly longer than a second," Harry said, pinching the bridge of his nose after slipping off his glasses and Karen nodded.
  "Yes, right in one," Karen said as she checked the readings. So far, all seemed calm on the western front.
  "It's not another invading force from Krypton's past, is it?"
  Faora shook her head and turned towards Harry to alleviate his fears. "Doubtful, Har-Rell, it's extremely doubtful, the energy signatures don't match any Kryptonian vessel that I've ever seen in my life. Or anything that has ever been on Krypton as a matter of a fact, it makes me think that whatever out there might not be from any world that we've seen so far."
  Harry was hit by one thought and he shuddered to even consider it, but never the less, it was staring back at him with damning intensity.
  "So we're dealing with the supernatural."
  "Yes, we are," Faora agreed with a groan and she hated that fact, because science, it was easily explained through facts and figures, there was a rational explanation for anything in regards to science. This on the other hand, couldn't be explained by anything rational, so it was just staring back at them, and that was more insanity here than her mind could handle right now.
  Harry briefly wondered if this had anything to do with the Skrulls or worse yet, the Kree. Ronan hadn't returned from the journey into mystery that Harry had sent him on and he was thankful for that fact.
  He was making preparations if Ronan or any of his pals made a fresh attempt at Earth. They'd underestimated what that they had to go up against last time, Harry doubted that would happen this time.
  He took a closer look at the readings, it wasn't the Skrull, it wasn't the Kree, Harry had no idea what in the hell it was. It wasn't alien science, therefore he had only one explanation, if one could call it an explanation, that being the supernatural.
  Of course, there were some who called magic, science that people couldn't properly explain yet since they didn't have the proper data about it.
  Harry considered those people to be fools. Magic was magic, what made it magic was the fact that it couldn't be explained by any rational means, at all. He was almost insulted when people tried to fit theory onto what couldn't be explained.
  Then again, he was strange like that.
  Karen was unnerved by Harry's sudden silence and she jumped in with a few words of her own. "So what do you think?"
  "What do I think? Well that's a loaded question as any," Harry offered the blonde and she blinked for a second as she watched Harry. She was about to call him out on his vagueness, but he cut her off. "Actually, I don't know what to think and that's what scares me. I'll bring these readings to the Council at the Fortress and see what they're able to put together. Also SHIELD might want a heads up because whatever's out there? It's not unlike anything I've ever seen before."
  Harry would like to say that he had a great understanding of magic, but there were those who had a greater understanding. The Sorcerer Supreme was currently off in dimensions unknown for months and months at a time, fighting some grand evil, so naturally, Harry was pretty much on his own but he was used to having to hash out explanations on his own.
  "I'll figure out what's causing this," Harry told both of the Kryptonians and they smiled.
  "Spoken like a true Kryptonian," Faora said with a great deal of pleasure and approval in her tone.
  From her, Harry was going to take that as one of the highest compliments that one could get.
  'Mother, I'm sending something to the Fortress, you might want to take a look at this, although I wonder if we can even classify this,' Harry thought to Lara back at the Fortress.
  "SHIELD's picked up similar spikes," Natasha informed Harry as the two of them made their way towards a meeting with Director Hill.
  "Good to see that you're on the ball," Harry said to her and the redhead offered him a brief smile.
  "Yes, well, we're not too far on the ball, given we haven't figured out what's going on," the redhead spy said to him. She paused and then decided to smile. "I don't suppose...."
  "What do you think?" Harry asked her and Natasha offered him a brief teasing smile as she nodded. "If I'd figured it out, I wouldn't likely have gone to SHIELD this soon, although I'd like to have more information."
  "Don't suppose it's anything regarding the current problem, do you think?" Natasha asked him and there was no question that it was a present danger on the forefront of her mind.
  Carol turned up to join the two of them. "I just checked in with SWORD, they're pretty sure it's not the Skrulls this time."
  "Oh, that's only a small comfort, isn't it?" Natasha asked him and the redhead's mind went wild with a series of theories, all of them more outlandish than the last.
  "We'll get to the bottom of this, trust me," Harry said to the two of them.
  They trusted Harry, because if they couldn't trust him, then it was really hard to trust anyone, at least that's was the thought in both their minds. The redhead walked beside Harry, with the blonde following behind them, as they made their way to meet the dark haired Director of SHIELD.
  "Mr. Potter," Maria said in a diplomatic voice, knowing it was time to get down to business.
  "Director Hill, I understand you have found out about the same things that I have," Harry said to Maria.
  "Yes, SHIELD satellites have picked up a mysterious influx of energy," Maria said, realizing full well how vague that statement was. Despite the vagueness of the statement, she needed to push forwards, so the dark haired Director of SHIELD continued. "I've had our best scientists cross reference them."
  "And I've had my best scientists do likewise," Harry stated to her and Maria offered him a nod.
  "So between the pair of us, we're not really able to determine what is causing this problem, these weird....fluxes," Maria said as she struggled to find the right word.
  Carol was visited with a potential theory. "Do you think it's another.....arrival like yours?"
  "Well that's a possibility," Harry said to the blonde woman, he shook his head as he tried to figure out what exactly was happening. The green eyes of Harry Potter were once again filled with so many emotions, that it was hard to figure out what precisely any of them could mean.
  "But, you're not certain," Maria said to him, it was more of a statement than a question.
  "I'm not going to state any theories until I have proof," Harry told the woman and she nodded at him.
  "Very well," Maria said to Harry and she watched him for a few seconds as the two of them locked eyes with each other. The two of them had their own way of doing things.
  "So have you heard anything regarding Fury?" Harry asked her.
  Maria shook her head. "I was hoping that you would have found something by now."
  Harry thought that there was a chance that Fury was taking a long overdue vacation. But, there were a lot of things that pointed to the fact that he was up to something. What exactly was he was doing? Harry couldn't really say.
  He was more than capable of finding out though.
  "These are all of the readings I've been able to collect so far, I'm not sure how much they would collaborate with yours," Harry told Maria and she nodded, a smile crossing her face.
  "It's all Greek to me....actually now that I think about it, I've learned foreign languages that weren't this complicated," Maria admitted as she flipped through the portable computer in her hand. "The good news is that SHIELD has some of the best scientists in the world working for them, and if that doesn't work we'll hit up Dr. Richards and Tony Stark."
  "I'm glad that you do, because we're going to need to put our heads together to figure this out," Harry said and Maria nodded in agreement.
  "Don't worry, we're going to figure this out, we want to succeed as much as you do," Maria said and she closed her eyes as she thought about it.
  There were times where she thought of the age old question of what would Nick Fury do and then she realized that Fury had his own problems. There were rumors in the organization that he finally cracked, faked his own death and was living in some kind of backwoods town under an assumed name. She didn't put much stock in those rumors, although it was really interesting to think about. She shook her head and her heart skipped a couple of beats.
  "I'm glad you want this to succeed," Harry told her. "I'm leaving this in the extremely capable hands of SHIELD."
  Harry hoped that he wasn't mistaken about something like this, although there have been many times where he was. He just hoped that this was one of those times where he was right.
  Maria turned around and she heard an echoing bang followed by a squealing hum.
  Harry heard it as well.
  Could this be a vital clue or something that...?
  "Greetings! SHIELD and Arcane! It'ss your criminal mastermind the Riddler here! All the way from Gotham City!" the man cackled over the communication line. "I've been waiting for a long time to match my wits with someone new! When Batman died, it was a tragic, tragic, day! A worthy opponent had left me. Sure his brat is running around the cowl now! But! With you Arcane! Oh with you! I have someone who might in fact be worthy of the game!"
  "Isolate that frequency!" Maria yelled and her SHIELD scientists moved over.
  "Don't bother, I am bouncing this frequency between many more relay points then you can even fathom!" The Riddler crowed form the other end of the frequency and there was a loud humming that resounded from around them. "What shape is forever?"
  There was a pause as the Riddler laughed.
  "Answer the question and you will find the first hostage! The first of many in fact! Fail to find it within five minutes.....and the life of our hostage will be lost!"
  Harry knew the answer after thinking it over and prepared to head to the first location.
  To Be Continued.
  It Must Be Sweeps Month
  Chapter Twenty One: It Must Be Sweeps Month.
  Harry blast through the sky at super sonic speed with more then a few thoughts going through his mind, one thing stood out though, the answer of the riddle seemed to be too obvious. The narrowed green eyes of the young magical Kryptonian was focused forwards onto his destination.
  'The answer is obviously diamonds, 'Diamonds are Forever' and in this particular case we have a baseball diamond right across from a jewelry store that specializes in them,' Harry thought to himself as he swooped downwards to land on the ground.
  His green eyes burned with razor sharp focus as he used his X-Ray vision to find the hostage trapped at the very center of the baseball diamond in question.
  "Hold up! It's not so much that you have to simply find the hostage! You also have to get past these guys!" the Riddler's voice resounded from the loud speaker and he quickly followed up that proclamation up with a round of loud cackling laughter.
  These guys obviously referred to several large metal androids that burst up from the ground around him. They thumped towards him and Harry mentally calculated a plan to deal with them in a split second, then he nailed them with an overpowered blasting charm.
  Much to his glee, magic actually seemed to work on these things, which meant that someone didn't do their homework about him. He hated when that happened, because it bored him to death to use magic to come up with a solution to the problem at hand, it just seemed like so much of a cheap cheat code to him.
  Suddenly, the scattered debris of the androids melted into pools of liquid metal that streamed together, before beginning to bubble and the robots rose from up from the depths of the pools looking good as new. Harry narrowed his eyes at the sight of them; apparently they were a bit more durable than he first thought. He smiled at that fact, then he tried heat vision on them but they quickly dodged out of the way.
  A few ice pellets were hurled onto the ground from above to trap the robots into place. Harry watched, waited, and prepared for what happened next, the source of the attack was quickly revealed.
  Nightwing rushed forwards towards one of the robot, only to do an acrobatic flip over one of their heads at the last second. Twisting agilely in mid-air she nailed her enemy in the back of the head with a drop kick. It crashed hard onto the ground, while she landed on her feet in a low crouch.
  "We'll keep these guys off your back," Nightwing said to Arcane with a cocky little smirk on her face.
  Harry couldn't help but smile at her excitement, it went without saying that he was going to make good use of this distraction. He saw Helena crash down hard from above onto two of the robots sending them into the ground. She was wearing a pair of electrified brass knuckles on her hands which she drilled the two robots with, frying their circuitry.
  "Hey! Hey! Hey! I don't want to deal with you! You're not even the real Batman, you're just some little girl playing dress up in her daddy's clothes!" Nygma whined plaintively over the loud speaker.
  "So, are we going to shut him up?" Barbara asked Helena in a low voice.
  "Stay focused on these enemies first, we'll deal with that nuisance later."
  Harry pulled back the metal gate and made quick work of the bomb. He scooped up the politician, who was a typical balding old man with a wart on the end of his nose. With a quick movement, Harry shot up, up and away and then landed outside of the baseball diamond, where he deposited the hostage.
  That said and done with, Harry returned to fight. He flew forwards towards his enemies twisting like a cork screw, dare he say it, he flew into them faster than a speeding bullet by slamming his shoulder straight through one of the robots. Continuing forwards, his green eyes flashed red and then he ramped up the heat vision, using it to cut through another.
  "There's no way the Riddler created these things," Batwoman said, skepticism ringing through her voice.
  "Come on now, give me some credit," Riddler stated, but he decided that not even he could keep a straight face at that one. "Actually I had help, in fact my ultimate humbling of Arcane and now the fabled Batwoman will be broadcast on a galactic scale!"
  Nightwing paused for a moment to consider that, only have to duck suddenly as one of the robots took a swing at her head, she managed to regain her wits long enough to take her opponent out.
  'On a galactic scale?' Harry thought to himself, there were a number of questions going through his mind, not to mention theories. But then it all came to him as he managed to come to a conclusion.
  'Surely not.' Harry shook his head in disbelief and then a cackling echo outwards from above. Whirling around, he focused on the source of that obnoxious voice.
  "Yes, that's right Arcane! You should have known that I'd be back! You should have known that I would get ratings out of you yet!"
  Harry's eyes widened as he heard the malicious producer of inter-dimensional television programming himself, the one and only Mojo pop up pretty much out of the blue. Harry raised an eyebrow at the sight of him, it was a holographic image and he really wished that he wouldn't have bothered, because the sound of his voice was bad enough.
  "Arcane, Arcane, it's been too long, too long indeed," Mojo commented as he watched Arcane continue to fight his robots. "How do you like my Reevers?"
  "So, these are yours, I should have known," Harry said as he whipped out his arm and conjured electrified whips that managed to short circuit them. Magic did work on them, although he had to use more creative maneuvers to make it sure that it stuck.
  Harry did not really mind being creative, in fact, he thrived on creativity.
  The Reavers dropped down to the ground as he whipped it real good. He slashed them with sparks of energy as they all exploded one by one.
  "Very good, you have been able to defeat a few enemies with help," Riddler commented in a mocking voice. "True you are an extremely exceptional person."
  "Yes, I know that, so I'm sure you're going to fire off another riddle so...."
  "Two trains are arriving at the same speed after leaving at the same time, yet one reaches their destination, whilst the other does not," Riddler recited. "What is the cause of this?"
  Harry blinked, he'd have to think about that. There was a few seconds pause where he had to consider it, then he rushed off. He needed to catch a train, before it took off with the hostage on it.
  "So did you get that one?" Nightwing asked Batwoman.
  Batwoman paused, her face looking extremely stoic as she turned to look at her prot?g? closely. "Didn't you?"
  "That didn't answer my question you know," Barbara protested, but she did in fact figure out the answer to the riddle. It was obvious that Arcane did as well seeing as how he'd already moved off.
  "If you have to ask, you'll never really know, will you?" Batwoman asked and Nightwing was exasperated at how evasive she was being, but she figured it was just as well.
  Just another day in the office at Gotham City for her.
  A young female dressed in a skin tight green outfit that adhered tightly to her curves stood up and stretched. She had red hair that was pulled back into a pony tail, shimmering blue eyes and question mark face paint. The suit clung to every single curve of her body, in fact, she looked far better in this suit than her father ever did, case in point being proven, when she turned around to see that several members of the crew had stopped to stare at her ass.
  "And we're here with Engima, my dear, what are your thoughts on today's events so far?"
  She offered a slight giggle as a smile crossed her face. "Well, it's most certainly been a spectacle, although no one really expected Batwoman and Nightwing to show up."
  The Riddler's laughter echoed outwards and he paused. "Then you still have a lot to learn, my dear, the bat of my day, he was always running around meddling where he wasn't wanted. Then again, he was one of the few that were worthy of matching wits with myself,"
  Engima rolled her eyes at her father's melodramatic mannerisms; she remembered that during her childhood, she had to answer riddles to find her Christmas presents and Easter eggs. It was a rather bothersome thing to say the very least and it made her want to slam her head onto her desk over and over again. The redhead sighed prominently.
  "Yes, Dad, sure, Dad, whatever you say Dad," Enigma grumbled, as any eighteen year old girl would do when their parents started carrying on and then she rolled her eyes.
  "Come on people! Look alive here, we've got a deadline to meet!"
  A woman with silver hair turned up at this point. She was dressed in a skin tight silver bodysuit that wrapped snugly around every inch of her body. She had six arms, two of which appeared to have been replaced by cybernetics, each hand holding more than a few weapons, knives for the most part. She had rather impressive assets as well and a sinisterly beautiful look to her face, but that wouldn't fool anyone into thinking that she wasn't dangerous.
  "I know! I know! It's exciting! I should be excited! I am excited, but he's just being melodramatic," Enigma said as she rolled her eyes.
  "You want to deal with melodramatic people, try working for him every day," the woman muttered to Enigma as she shook her head in thinly veiled disgust at the sight of her corpulent boss.
  Her tone was dry as she looked at the younger girl with a twitch in her eyes. "I think that pretty accurately makes my case."
  "I see your point," Enigma dead panned, then let out a very tense sigh. She looked towards one of the screens, where she saw that sure enough, Arcane had found the next riddle. The redhead's eyes followed his progress closely.
  He found the unfinished train and the politicians about to hurdle into it.
  "Oh! He's not going to make it!" Enigma yelled out.
  "I know, my dear, it's going to be glorious! Politicians on a train, about to crash to their demise!" Riddler cackled. "Riddle me this, how many politicians does it take to make an omelet? All of them, because they'll be scrambled!"
  The Riddler's laughter resounded like a particularly demented hyena and Enigma couldn't help but face palm with a groan. That didn't really make any sense at all, she shook her head and offered another prominent sigh.
  They saw Arcane on the screens in front of them as quickly he disabled the machines with a speed and intensity that they had never seen before. She found herself watching him with wide eyes and she felt her heart beat faster in her chest.
  "HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR!....You shouldn't have stopped that train!" Riddler yelled in disbelief, sounding much like a spoiled child who'd had their favorite toy taking away from them would.
  "Next." Arcane stated, as he waved his hand in the air, looking positively bored. He was waiting for the next riddle and everyone present could see that he was a bit agitated by the situation at hand. His green eyes narrowed as an image of the Riddler flashed into existence before him.
  "FINE!" Riddler yelled at the top of his lungs, he might not be as quick as he was in his young age, but he was still quite devious. "What word begins and ends with the same letter, but only contains one?"
  "Yes, well, that's an easy one," Harry stated and he heard something off in the distance, almost like an eerie humming.
  "Yeah, well, they can't all be winners and while it might be easy one, you've got to get there in ninety seconds, in order to do that, you've got to fight through these guys," Riddler said as he released several robots, these ones much better equipped than the first sets that Harry defeated earlier.
  "Oh, for the love of....I don't have time for this shit," Harry stated as he tried to fly away, but one of the robots was fast enough to grab him around the ankle. He kicked hard against it's chest with his other leg in order to break free, which sent it flying and the hero landed on his feet. He closed his eyes for a moment, then shot off two duplicates. The green eyes of Harry flickered for a second as he focused, then he raised his arms.
  The spell he used caused the two dupes to grow to about four times his normal height, meaning that they now towered over the robots. They smashed their hands down upon them with an extreme amount of force in a hammer blow, causing them to crack under the impact.
  "HEY! THAT WASN'T IN THE SCRIPT!" Mojo howled from the producer's booth.
  "And you're about to be canceled," Harry stated as he made his way towards the next hostage, which he figured was at a post office of some sort. His super speed allowed him to move quite quickly when he needed to, so he closed his eyes and focused.
  'Gwen, are you tracking this signal?' Harry asked her, she'd been running mission support for him with Chloe from Stronghold.
  'Yes, but they're bouncing it all over the board, whoever is sending it out, doesn't want to be found,' She relayed back to him.
  "You have thirty seconds left Arcane, you're not going to make it," Riddler said with a cackle. "What happens when a rooster blocks your entry to the hen house?"
  "You get cock blocked," Harry grumbled to himself as he saw the energy field in front of him, and he nearly triggered an explosion by passing through it, he was moving so quickly.
  Using his X-Ray vision, he saw that the field didn't extend underneath the ground, so he burst through the streets into the basement below the building.
  "Ten, nine, eight."
  Harry cut the wire, without missing a beat or breaking a sweat.
  "Seven, six, five, four, three, two....oh...you stopped it, HOW DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS?" Riddler shouted in anger. He was blocking all transmissions, so he was certain that there was no one helping him in that way.
  "Guess I'm smarter than you," Harry said to the Prince of Puzzles and that was a statement that really set him off.
  "With the way things are going, he's going to blow before we reach the end game," Batwoman whispered to Harry as she joined him with Nightwing.
  "Yes, I know," Harry relayed back to her as he quickened his pace. He had done his homework on the Riddler and all of these riddles, they were all singular clues that pointed to a much larger puzzle that they would need to solve. "The real problem is how many traps can he set along the way?"
  "Loads, knowing him," Barbara said as she adjusted her mask with a sigh. She had heard stories of the Riddler's glory days from her Father and Helena and like it or not, he had come out of semi-retirement for one more round with them.
  Of course, she wondered just what this round wound entail. The original Batman had some insane battles with him, the stories of which were things of urban legend in Gotham City. He once held the entire city hostage during one of his crimes, so something like this caused Barbara a slight amount of pause.
  "Remember the plan," Harry told them as he checked in with his mission support. The one line of communication that the Riddler couldn't block was the bond link within his mind, it would take as act of several gods to break that one.
  'Gwen, I hope you're ready for this next one,' Harry thought to her. 'Do you have anything for me, anything at all?'
  'With each riddle that you solve,Chloe and I are getting closer and closer to tracing the signal,' Gwen commented to him mentally. The girl's eyes closed for a moment, then she poured over the computer in front of her, trying to figure out what she had to do to locate the transmission point. 'Like I mentioned before, he's quite good.'
  Harry smiled and he offered one statement in response. 'Well, that makes two of us, you know the two of us might get along great, we do have matching egos.'
  'Well, self awareness is often the first step on the journey of self discovery,' Gwen said, but then she snickered. 'So, I'll do what I need to do and you can do what you need to do.'
  Harry allowed Helena to hack into the lock with a portable computer. She remained calm, cool and collected, although her internal frustration was about ready to bubble over.
  "It's not responding," she whispered and Harry looked it over. They were rapidly running out of time so he decided to step up the time table.
  "The less subtle approach wouldn't work, its pressure sensitive and it will trigger an explosion if a certain amount of force is applied," Harry informed her and Helena nodded her head in agreement. "And that amount of force is just enough to open the door on my end."
  "So back to square one," Barbara offered in a hopeless voice.
  Before Harry could answer her, the voice of the Riddler chimed in.
  "Forty five seconds, this is your final warning, otherwise the politician in there might lose his head, along with a few other parts of his body," Riddler said with a snicker. "Although, if he lost his head it wouldn't really matter, because he doesn't use anything up there."
  The Riddler's laughter became even more insidious, to the point where Harry was doing whatever he could to block it out. The green eyes of the young man flashed with intensity as he wondered how the original Batman didn't bust his jaw repeatedly, because it was extremely tempting to do so.
  "No pressure, huh?" Nightwing said to him.
  "No, no pressure at all, just got to....I've got to figure this out," Harry grumbled as he used his X-Ray vision. After carefully scanning everything in front of him, he closed his eyes and mentally ran a simulation through his head, although he had to do it quickly.
  He moved forwards towards the door and slipped right on through it, having become intangible by replicating Shadowcat's power set.
  "Not in the script, I know," Harry interrupted blandly as he took a few steps forward as he heard ticking around him. That mysterious ticking noise, Snape Snape Severus Snape, it was really getting on his nerves, but he found it and who he found there made him want to gag.
  One of the last people in the world that he ever wanted to save was down there, naturally, it was Senator Robert Kelly. He was giving muffled groans from behind a piece of duct tape, which had been placed over his mouth.
  "Remember this Kelly, it was a mutants that saved your miserable life today," Harry said as he disabled the bomb at the last possible second, which made Kelly sweat.
  The green eyes of Harry locked onto Kelly's face as he hauled him up off of the ground. The man was functionally dead weight at this point in time, but he was able to lift him up out of their quite easily. He tried to stand up onto his feet, but the man thumped back to the ground like an oversized sack of potatoes.
  'Come on, don't dead weight me....oh forget it!' Harry yelled mentally and grabbing the Senator again he hauled him back up to his feet, the man wobbled on jelly legs, but this time he remained standing.
  "So, what about the next riddle?" Barbara asked.
  "I didn't hear one, did you?" Helena asked Harry, who shook his head.
  Barbara looked really nervous at that fact, she didn't think that someone like the Riddler would give up that easily. "Oh, then it's over....isn't it?"
  "No, it's not that easy, it's never that easy," Harry said as he waited for the other shoe to drop.
  'Well, pessimistic as you might be, you're actually right, I hate it when you're right about something like this, you know,' Gwen said and normally Harry would take great glee in being right, but this time he was silent.
  'Thanks, I do try,' Harry fired back finally after a moment of waiting, but so far, nothing happened as of yet.
  'You know where the first riddle lead you to?' Gwen asked Harry and his eyes widened, everything clicking into place for him at that moment.
  He never thought that things would be that easy, but in fact, things were going to be that easy, well, slightly. They had to hurry, because time might be running out, although how and why, they weren't saying.
  "Way to go, Nygma, I thought....YOU'RE GOING TO LEAD THEM RIGHT HERE!" Mojo howled from the production booth.
  "I don't....I don't understand, there's no way they should have found us," The Riddler said as he paced up and down. The middle aged man shook his head as he looked up towards the ceiling, there was a sudden moment of clarity, but it was drowned in a sea of insanity. He felt that he was running out of time, but he could salvage this, oh yes he could.
  "And you didn't think to take any hostages either, so the ratings are falling through the floor, and this is all your fault," Mojo grunted.
  Riddler got indignant at that statement and started to shake his fist as he got red in the face. "My fault? MY FAULT! This was your overhyped ratings stunt! Not mine! SO IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"
  The Riddler continued pacing back and forth, his eyes wide as he moved around like a caged animal. He closed his eyes as he rocked up and down, then back and forth. He was trying not to lose his mind, but he was going around in circles.
  "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, don't worry, I can fix this, I can really fix this," Riddler said, looking to be on the edge of true madness.
  Enigma closed her eyes to avoid having to look at the ugly spectacle that was about to go down. She could tell when he was about to lose it, he started to lose that cocky demeanor that he was so well known for and became a nervous wreck.
  "I always have another plan," Riddler said to the room at large after having a eureka moment, but before he could reveal what that plan may or may not be, something pounded against the door.
  Mojo's eyes flashed with agitation for a second and he spun to face him. "Your plan....your plan better work, because if they get inside....THEY COULD RUIN EVERYTHING!"
  Riddler shook his head and stated in a voice that was eerily calm, almost scarily so. "Don't worry, they won't get in, trust me."
  Riddler walked over to the console and gently placed his hands upon it. There was a few seconds where he looked like he was mulling over certain options in his mind. Then he narrowed his eyes at it and dialed something up, while this was happening, Mojo hovered over towards him in all of his grotesque glory.
  "What are you doing?" Mojo questioned him, leaning over his shoulder in order to see the console.
  Riddler's insane laughter echoed outwards for all to hear and then he started rambling. "What am I doing, what are you doing?"
  The Riddler's words didn't make any sense to him and Mojo wondered if he had placed his bet on the wrong person. The Clown was a shell of his former self, so he went with this joker and he was a bit too unpredictable, even for the likes of a network television executive.
  Mojo's eyes widened as Riddler started to press a few buttons, activating the protocols on the equipment.
  "Oh yes! It's coming! Oh yes! I must! It's coming! I must! I must! I must!" he babbled and then he started to giggle like a hyena in heat. His eyes flashed wider as he held his head up. "Release the Reavers and they will be stomped!"
  "HEY, HEY, HEY!" Mojo snapped out in a tone that indicated the great amount of agitation that he was feeling. "I give the orders around here, Nygma."
  "Oh you want to give the orders? Well, be my guest," Riddler commented to him lightly and he held his hand up, waving for Mojo to do so.
  "DESTROY THEM!" Mojo snarled as he saw Batwoman, Nightwing, and Arcane swoop in.
  Harry shook his head; there was something that told him that he would have to save the worst for last. Things normally went that way, but he didn't have any more time to think, since he needed to dodge out of the way, if didn't want a laser blast to go through his head. He waved his hands and several razor sharp spikes flew forwards to punch right through several Reavers.
  Batwoman had repelled up into the rafters at the start of the fight and she took advantage of this fact, by smashing down onto her enemies from above.
  "Nightwing! See if you can hack into their computer system," Batwoman ordered her, while throwing several batarangs towards a nearby group of foes.
  The red haired heroine rushed forward and slid underneath an incoming attack. Arcane was covered her closely and if there was anyone who she'd like to have covering her backside, there were few better options than him.
  "This isn't going as planned...SPIRAL DEFEND ME!" Mojo yelled out and Spiral rushed forwards towards Harry.
  Harry dodged several of her attacks smoothly until she swung a brutal axe at his head, but he sidestepped the blow and punched her in the elbow, causing it to clang to the ground. Harry waved his hands and her metallic arms rusted from the spell. The rust weighed her down a little bit, but the alien metal that her arms were made of quickly shook off it off.
  "Did you really think it would be that easy?" Spiral taunted him as she rushed towards him swinging her blades in a whirling dervish of steel.
  "That was my intention, believe me," Harry grunted as he dodged her assault.
  Batwoman shot a grapnel which wrapped around her, but Spiral grabbed hold of it with her robotic arms and then pulled her forward into a clothes line from hell. The World's Greatest Detective flew head over heels to smash into the ground.
  Harry took advantage of that distraction to grab her around the head and flip her to the ground. When magic failed, which was far more often than not, Harry had to admit, one had to get back to basics.
  "You know what? You're not worth my time right," Spiral stated licking her lips as she opened up a portal. "One day though...."
  "Did you come to that conclusion before or after I knocked you around a little bit?" Harry asked with a smile. "But yes, I know one day."
  "We're all well aware that she has a vagina, but right we need to focus on shutting these things down," Batwoman said to him dryly and Harry couldn't help but grin at what she said.
  "Do you really think that sex is what I think of all of the time?"
  There was no pause or hesitation in Helena's curt response. "Yes."
  Harry smiled as turned around to crush the heads of two of the reavers together would been advancing on him from behind, but as it turned out, he didn't need to do much more, as Nightwing had finishing working her magic.
  Harry grabbed hold of Mojo and opened up a portal.
  "Where are you sending me....NO! NOT THAT! NOT! THE FRIDAY NIGHT DEATH SLOT!"
  Mojo was hurled into the portal and Harry paused, wishing that would be the last he saw the last of him, but he doubted it. Someone annoying like that, he would be back, someone that annoying always came back, Deadpool was proof of that fact, so there was really no question about it as much as Harry hated to admit it.
  Riddler looked up from the console which he'd been glued to, only for Batwoman knock him the fuck out with one punch, breaking his jaw in the process. He flopped to the ground, twitching, and groaning. She didn't hit him really hard, but she did hit him hard enough that the message was made.
  Barbara whistled, she didn't want to be on Helena's bad side for obvious reasons. She moved over towards Enigma, who was leaning against a nearby staring at Harry with her arms crossed under chest in order to push up her breasts.
  "You know this might be the worst take your daughter to work day ever," Enigma said in a bored voice as she held her hands out for the Bat-cuffs and Barbara snapped them on.
  Harry watched the cleanup crew, Mojo was sent off to parts unknown, but he would probably be back. Bad television programs always had the ability to return, no matter how many times they were canceled, where as quality television often faded off into nothingness after one season, never to be seen again, although sometimes they made a movie. The green eyes of Harry Potter narrowed as he heard Batwoman sneak up behind him.
  "He is about as annoying as I remember, but I suppose that it comes with the territory," Batwoman stated to him, she'd dealt with most of her Father's old rogue's gallery once or twice, while acting as Robin alongside the second Batman.
  Harry paused for a moment to consider that fact and there was a smile on his face as he made the next statement. "You just punched an old man in the face."
  "Not hard and he was asking for it," she defended herself tensely. If he didn't have such an obnoxious voice, she wouldn't have broken his jaw to shut him up, that was the story she was sticking to anyway.
  A momentary sigh escaped her mouth and Harry took her gently by the hand, but she retracted it quickly.
  "No one was harmed, so I don't know about you, but I'll call this a good day," Harry said.
  Batwoman shook her head. "And you are too optimistic."
  'Wait, wait, wait, whoa, time out!' Kitty chimed in through the bond link and she was not the only one who did so.
  'Someone....called....you....too....optimistic,' Megan thought, her mind shutting down as the Welsh Girl tried to process such a thing, but Rogue was the one that spoke for all of them.
  'That's just a bit too far fetched,' Rogue concluded and there was a second where the entire group present at the school exchanged looks.
  'You girls are a riot sometimes,' Harry said and there was a pause, before all of them howled with laughter.
  'Thanks, we try our best,' Gwen replied as she placed her hands on the top of her head and brushed her hair back. She couldn't help but smile as she shook her head, the blonde was having a lot of fun at his expense.
  "Comments from the peanut gallery?" Helena asked him quietly.
  Harry was about to ask how she knew, but then he thought better of it, of course she knew, she was the god damned Batwoman after all.
  "I feel like today was a good day, even thought I didn't do as much as I would have liked," Barbara said as she leaned against one of the walls. The Reavers did knock her around a little bit so perhaps she could use a break.
  "What a day," Barbara concluded as she tried to keep her knees from buckling underneath her weight. Although it was extremely difficult to do so, the redhead held her head up regardless of the set back.
  "Will you be okay?" Harry asked her, she obviously knew that he knew, who she was under the mask, even though it wasn't going to be something that she was going to say out loud.
  "I'm fine, I've been through much worse," Barbara replied, waving him off with a shake of her head.
  "So, I'll be seeing you two around," Harry said to them.
  "Yes, I'm sure there will be another attack that mandates our attention and we'll be there, alongside you," Helena said as she looked closely at him.
  "Farewell," Harry said and there was a second where he almost swore that she almost said something else as he made his way towards the door.
  His green eyes were burning bright as the sky on that night or rather early evening. He thought that today had been a long day already and it was time to go home.
  'Harry, you're not going to believe this,' Karen said carefully through the link between the two of them.
  Harry paused for a moment. 'Karen, there are very few things that I wouldn't believe, you should know that by now, shouldn't you?'
  'Well, yeah I know that,' Karen agreed as she shook her head. 'However, one of those energy pulses....you know the ones that we found...'
  'I know what you're talking about Karen,' Harry offered her.
  The wizard's smile became even more strained and he didn't need any reason beyond the fact a humming could be heard.
  He swiveled his head in the direction it seemed to come from as he took another half of a step forward. Before he leapt up into the air and flew towards it at the speed of light.
  He quickly landed on the ground outside of the diamond exchange where the sound seemed to be emanating from. A pulsing light seemed to be flashing from a point in front of him and Harry examined it closely.
  Then there was a sudden flash and he seemingly disappeared into the ether.
  'Harry, Harry, HARRY!' Karen screamed frantically, but there was no answer, not even a whisper.
  To Be Continued in the next arc, Lost in Limbo.
  Lost in Limbo Part One
  Chapter 22: Lost in Limbo Part One.
  Harry dropped down to the ground in a low crouch and after shaking off a moments disorientation, he began to scan his surroundings, taking careful note of everything going on around him. He wished that he knew where he was, but he had a good idea that he very well might be somewhere where that he shouldn't be. There were a few humming sounds that echoed around him seemingly from out of nowhere and the green eyes of the wizard narrowed at that. They were whispers, whispers of strangled tongues in a language that Harry couldn't even being to make out.
  'Well, I guess I'm not in Kansas any more,' Harry thought to himself making light of his current situation. He lifted his head up to take in the sight of the rather eerie sky above. 'Then again, something tells me that I might not be any place on Earth.'
  Harry took note of something on the branches of a gnarled and rotted tree nearby. There was a flock of ravens resting upon it, all of them giving him a macabre "caw, caw, caw" and they kept getting louder as he moved forward.
  The whistle in the wind made it difficult for him to concentrate but yet, Harry had to do so. He had to push forward, no matter what. His green eyes were locked forward on the path ahead and he had to walk down it.
  'Ignore all distractions, focus on the objective, namely finding a way out of here,' Harry thought to himself as he kept up his swift strides, he remembered the lessons that he taught his students. As he was remembering that, there was one thought that went through his mind, a tormented and twisted thought, yes, but there were a few seconds where it resounded clearly.
  What if there was no way out?
  Harry shook his head to clear it; he couldn't afford to think along those lines. Yet, as he continued walking forwards, he was reminded of the Phantom Zone, which was a place where he had felt a similar air of overwhelming hopelessness. His green eyes were locked onto something glowing that lay ahead of him, he continued walking forwards toward it, knowing that his next step could be his last action.
  'Easy does it, that's the trick,' Harry thought to himself, his green eyes were swimming with his intense thoughts as he kept moving forwards, closer and closer to where he wanted to go, where he had to go. He felt that...well, it didn't matter how he felt.
  There was another whistling that seemed to come out of nowhere, causing Harry to stand up on edge. He listened closely and looked around his surroundings with narrowed eyes, trying to determine what exactly was it that he heard.
  Were they demons nearby? He got the answer to that question quickly enough, as several strange beings stalked out of the shadows towards him.
  Harry shook his head at the sight of them; whatever they were, they were certainly ugly enough to be considered demons. They didn't attack him right away, instead they slowly circled around him.
  'At the moment of truth, prepare to strike,' he thought to himself, he could hear these creatures rounding upon him, getting ready to strike him from behind. Harry knew what he had to do, after using his X-Ray vision to make sure that these weren't overly elaborate illusions, he fired his heat vision at them in a wide arc, knocking them backwards.
  He wasn't that fussed about the fact he hurt these things, he could feel the darkness and horrific emotions rolling off of them. So much so in fact, that it was making his head hurt, his green eyes widened in shock and then shut tightly in pain, he tried to hold his head up as he dropped to one knee.
  'Well, fuck! This didn't work out as I planned,' Harry thought to himself as he conjured two energy weapons. His magic was acting rather wonky in this realm, although he could still perform it, it just took a bit more effort and he didn't quite know what was possible with it. That said, the sorcerer felt like he'd be drained of energy much faster than normal if he wasn't careful.
  Doing a tuck and roll, the emerald eyed magic user hurled the energy daggers at his enemies, they flew through the air with a whoosh, another whoosh, a third whoosh, and then a sickening crack, followed up those whooshes. Harry staggered back half of a step back and looked up to the sky, checking to see if his adversaries were rounding upon him.
  There was someone else approaching and Harry wasn't certain it was the welcome wagon. Never the less, the Emerald eyed enchanter kept careful watch on them and he couldn't help but notice, that whoever it was, it was female. Harry always thought that was a good thing, although perhaps not in this case, as his big brain decided to give his little brain the swift kick that it thought he needed to focus on the situation at hand.
  Never the less, she was attacking his enemies so it seemed like she might be on his side, either that or she wanted him for herself. They went down so fast that Harry couldn't even make out what was happening. Then again, given the chaotic nature of this realm, Harry wondered if he could see everything clearly, even with his powers.
  'Okay, so far, so good,' Harry thought to himself as he half held his head up, before shaking it as he closed his eyes. 'Actually not really good...but at the same time, really good.'
  It was quite the paradox and Harry found himself focusing on the woman, as she dropped down into a crouching position before him. She gathered energy into her hands, then she fired, wrapping up the creatures in glowing silver chains of energy. He took advantage of that fact to offer his own input and with a vault forwards, the green eyed magicalalien propelled himself up, up, and away, then down onto the back of the head of a very dangerous adversary.
  "Do not let up even for a moment! Given who they work for, they will not let up on you!"
  Sound advice, Harry thought to himself, although he really didn't need to hear the blatantly obvious, still, he supposed it was the thought that counted. The individual rushed forward, knocking down her enemies with fury and precision. There was a hood up over her face.
  "They have even helped the dark one displace my uncle," she said in a lower voice. Now that he could hear her clearly, Harry recognized her voice immediately. He know now, that he was in the Dark Dimension and he knew exactly who he was talking to.
  Their enemies fled, much to Harry's surprise, to be perfectly honest, he wasn't going to be fussed by the fact they retreated, although he was very curious as to why.
  Slowly, he turned back to face the hooded woman and he smiled at her before speaking. "Hello, Clea."
  "Greetings, Har-Rell, it has been too long, but I can already tell from my observations that the student has surpassed the master tenfold," Clea said, choosing to keep her hood up for the time being.
  Harry could tell from the way she was talking that their previous meeting was one that he hadn't experienced yet, although he had heard tales of this woman. Regardless, he would live that encounter when he lived it, such was the nature of time and space.
  "I would like to apologize for might have happened."
  Harry raised an eyebrow as he walked down the beaten path with Clea. The fact that they hadn't run into anything yet, meant very little to Harry, as there was always this sense that there was something about to pop around the corner.
  "And your apologizing, why?"
  "My mother sometimes decides to bring powerful beings to her realm in order to test them for her own amusement," Clea informed him from beneath her hood, having decided to keep it up for now. Given that she was hated by many in this place, it would be unwise to show her face until she got to a safe house, the less trouble that she attracted, the better everything would be. The young sorceress kept walking next to Harry and for a moment she paused. "She really does need to get laid sometimes."
  Harry didn't really know how exactly to respond to that, although it did sound like it could lead toward something tantalizing in the future, so he decided to change the subject. "So how are..."
  "....Yes, I'm sure that you're wondering about things between Stephen and myself...it was nothing more than a passing fancy. A way to pass the time because I was bored on that weekend and it didn't get too far past some casual conversation," Clea said as she continued to lead the way forward. "The man is married to his work as the Sorcerer Supreme, a title that he only holds onto by the merest technicality. Then again, those who are far more worthy of it, wouldn't be able to focus upon it as much as he does, due to the fact that they have other responsibilities."
  Harry smiled at that, he understood the implications of what she was saying and he was intrigued by the fact that she thought so highly of him. He was also interested in the details of the past meeting between the two of them might have had, but that was something they would have to explore at a future time.
  "We are almost there, I just ask you have a bit more patience," Clea said, as she looked over her shoulder towards him. After some time had passed, she paused suddenly and held up her hand motioning for him to stop. Harry looked up to see another figure flying in the air above them, Clea watched its progress alongside him for a while.
  "Merely a raven," Clea stated with a fairly dismissive tone, then she resumed walking forward, quickening her pace towards their destination. Eventually, the woman made her way towards a door and she opened it.
  She pulled the hood of her cloak down slowly, as she spoke for the first once they were inside. "Welcome home...although from your perspective, I suspect you're being welcomed here for the first time."
  Harry caught a good look at the vision of beauty standing right in front of him. Naturally, he always thought Strange was a bit eccentric, but her beauty proved just how eccentric that he was, if willingly passed someone like this. Then again, as Clea mentioned, the man was very much married to his work.
  Her white blonde hair flowed freely down her shoulders and she had simmering blue eyes that stared at him with so much passion that it was rather erotic, her tasty looking lips were pursed together nicely in a rather alluring smile.
  He took a long look at her amazing body, she'd taken off the cloak that she was wearing to reveal the tight purple shirt she had on underneath. Her nice breasts, that must have been a good D Cup at the very least, strained firmly against it and Harry could have sworn that he saw her stiff nipples on the other side of the fabric. She had an extremely flat stomach without an ounce of fat on it. Her ass was wide and delicious and she had long legs that stretched down for miles. Her body was a treat with how much the suit clung to it and she put most models to shame.
  "So, what do you think?" Clea asked as she bent over against a nearby table, giving him a nice look at her delicious ass.
  "It's wonderful," Harry said to her and there was a second where he paused to truly appreciate the view she was offering him. Clea smiled widely at that, this was a place that they would share, or rather they did share depending on whose perspective you looked at it from, some of their most intimate evenings together.
  "So your uncle..."
  "....Hasn't been seen since you humiliated him, although with someone like the Dread Dormammu, you would be wise to never quite count him out."
  Given the archaic designs and handsomely carved interior, Harry thought that it was pretty solid looking, although he did want to get a better look around later.
  Harry smiled, that was something that went without saying, someone like that would always be around causing problems, until the day came that they were dead and buried.
  Turning from her, the emerald green eyes of Harry Potter examined the building around him. Given the archaic designs and handsomely carved interior, he thought that it was pretty solid looking, although he did want to get a better look.
  Before he could really get a good look around the house though, another voice, a bit more sultry than Clea's, broke it's way into his consciousness. "Clea, I didn't know that you'd brought company."
  Harry spun around to face a woman standing in the shadows before him, and she was quite the woman indeed. He wasn't even going to try and deny that fact, she had dark hair and wore a tight black outfit that wrapped around her body snugly. She had supple breasts and outfit offered him a glimpse of her cleavage. It wrapped just as tightly around her snug ass and her long legs seemed to go one for miles.
  She took a few steps forward towards him and the tight body suit flexed with her movements, she circled around him much like a predator would with a wry smile on her face. She reached forward to placed her hand on Harry's chest.
  "And quite the company that you have brought us, oh yes, indeed," she purred lustfully, as she recalled their previous encounters, although by his perspective, she remembered this was their first time meeting.
  "So, you must be Clea's mother?" Harry questioned her, he'd heard about Umar before from Strange, who'd mentioned in passing that she was Dormammu's younger sister.
  "Yes, I'm Umar, and you're Har-Rell, how magnificent it is to see you again," Umar said as she ran her hands down Harry's chest as if she was trying to figure out whether or not that the younger model passed the inspection when compared to his older form. When she found out that he did, her smile widened even more turning into a full blown smirk.
  "Mother...a word, if you please," Clea said from behind her and turning to look towards her, Umar could see the urgent look on her daughter's face.
  "Can't this wait..."
  "....No! It can't," Clea said and there was a note of urgency in her voice. "Did you drag him into the Dark Dimension..."
  "....Are you perhaps implying that I dragged Har-Rell into the Dark Dimension, just so I could get a booty call?" Umar asked and her daughter's mouth hung open as she blinked. After collecting herself with a sigh, Clea slowly nodded up and down.
  Umar offered her a cheeky grin as she continued to trail her hand up and down Harry's chest. "Well...as enticing as the thought might be, that wasn't the purpose in bringing Har-Rell here...in fact, I didn't bring him here personally, but I have a good idea as to who might have done the deed."
  Now, Harry was even more intrigued then he had been previously, but before he could try and fish for more information, there was a strangled whimper and a series of whines. He frowned as he heard a weak voice in his head, one that didn't belong to any of his girls..
  'Help me, help me, help me.'
  Then it went dead quiet and he shook his head, the Dark Dimension may have very well messed with his mind; it was always a possibility that it might have happened and it did in fact happen during his previous visit.
  "We have a problem, although simply calling it a problem, might be an understatement," Umar said to Harry as the trio sat around the sitting room, it had a nice and homey feel to it. Although, given that Harry suspected that the Dark Dimension was all about deception, he was going to keep his head up and his eyes forward.
  "What kind of problem?" Harry asked the two women and it was Clea who answered him.
  "I managed to take over the Dark Dimension after my uncle disappeared, but there are still a group of demons that want my head. Not because they are loyal to him, but because they want power for themselves," Clea informed Harry and he took a sip of the tea he'd been offered as he listened to her speak, he done all kinds of scanning spells on it to make sure it passed muster, before he did so. "They defied him as well, although less prominently than they have me."
  "Tell me more," Harry commented as he took another sip from the cup of tea, it really was quite good.
  "They aren't doing this without help, there are other realms, other creatures that are far more dangerous than my uncle was, including this so called Arch Demon," Clea said to Harry and there was a sense that there was something dark and dismal outside.
  Umar jumped in to continue tale, giving her daughter a chance to catch her breath. "And I've heard rumors that he wishes to earn the loyalties of those in the Dark Dimension as a way to gain enough power to conquer your realm. Once that is done, it will allow him to conquer each subsequent world."
  "There is another rumor that there is a portal located on Earth, although what it is, and where it is, I have no idea," Clea continued, picking up from were her mother left off.
  Harry thought about that fact, the fact he didn't much more than they did disturbed him, he rested his chin between the pointer finger and thumb of his right hand, then stroked it slowly.
  "And you don't know either," Umar stated, she was rather interested in the situation at hand. She also wanted to get a good feel for how this version of Har-Rell acted and what he had to offer.
  "Well if I did know, I would tell you," Harry offered her and a wide smile crossed Umar's face, the light catching her rosy red lips in such a way that they glistened wetly.
  "True, although you are the type of person that plays hard to get," Umar said as she placed her hand on Harry's thigh.
  Harry closed his eyes for a brief second at her rather intimate touch and then he snapped them back open. He focused them on the woman before him as he smirked slightly at her. "Well, it might seem that I'm playing hard to get, but you're not really approaching things using the right tactics."
  "You know what? Your right I should...try...harder," Umar stated placing particular emphasis on that one word, but then there was a knock on the door that interrupted their conversation.
  "Duty calls," Clea said with a sigh as she got up to her feet and walked over to the door. Whether it was done purposefully or not, Harry could see her ass swaying as she made her way towards it, she grabbed hold of the handle, clicking the door open.
  A hunched figure looked at her, with a glare in his eyes. Clea could sense the hostility from him, but this one knew far better than to try and do anything to her.
  "He's making his move towards you, my lady," the demon informed her with a low bow. "Yes...he's moving...very closely towards you."
  "You've done well," Clea said and Harry raised an eyebrow at that, but said nothing. Harry didn't bother to ask the question because he knew that Clea would answer him soon enough. Surely enough, she walked back towards them and she had a frantic gleam in her eyes.
  "So?" Umar prompted her as to a way to keep her from going into shock, things were much too important for her daughter to become panicked by the situation.
  "He's...he's found a way to breach the barriers," Clea stated to her mother and she knew that she better clarify. "He found someone who had the proper harmonic vibrations, finally."
  "I thought you managed to send him back?" Umar questioned as she crossed her arms underneath her chest, then she turned to face Harry. "She's referring to that vile demon known as Belasco."
  "Belasco?" Harry asked her with a raised eyebrow. He had heard the name before, during his lessons with the MIA Sorcerer Supreme.
  "Yes, I trust that Stephen has told you the stories about him, he never misses the chance to tell tales of his past battles, although these conquests may not be of the most satisfactory type," Umar said and there was a second where Clea smiled, before she jumped in with a further explanation.
  "Yes, he's been trying to take control of the Dark Dimension, but he never has had the ambition to actually do so before now," Clea said and she looked extremely thoughtful.
  A thought hit Harry hard at that exact moment as he remembered something that had been mentioned to him earlier by the two women standing before him.
  "What about that arch demon that you talked about earlier?" Harry questioned them and they locked eyes with each other.
  "Belasco is not one to follow, he's the type who uses others to do his dirty work for him," Clea commented with a smile, before pausing for a moment to consider something before speaking once more. "Then again, perhaps he thinks that he's using this demon to do his dirty work."
  "He'd be barking up the wrong tree if that was the case," Umar said seriously. "Then again, considering the fact we're dealing with someone who has the ego the size of a small country..."
  "....Say no more," Harry replied in a crisp and cool voice as he looked outside through a nearby widow.
  "There's something to the North of here," Clea stated as she held up an amulet that had been resting around her neck. Harry hadn't really noticed it until now, which surprised him given that it was nestled right up against her cleavage.
  There was a second where the amulet remained stationary and then it lifted into the air, before turning red, then blue, then green, and then red again.
  "Different threats coming," Clea muttered underneath her breath and she took a half of a step forward, only for a thump to startle all three of them. It was rather sudden because of the silence that preceded it.
  Harry grabbed her around the waist and then frowned as he tried to get a lock on the sounds, but there was a very pressing whimpering noise in his head once more.
  "Be careful," Harry breathed into her ear and Clea nodded her head in understanding. She allowed him to slip on past her, then she followed him closely from behind.
  "Yes, I know, thank you," Clea told Harry and there was a seconds calm.
  This seconds calm was in fact the calm before the storm as Harry saw the creature approaching. The two women had followed him outside of the house.
  "Come and face me Sorceress!" the being before them, bellowed at the top of his lungs. "You will not stop the master from claiming his rightful throne!"
  "Your master isn't equipped for much, but then again, he's the type that is always overcompensating for something, if your size is any clue to his preference," Clea said to him and there was a flash of malice that went through her eyes as she sauntered forward.
  Harry could hear another whimper for help, but he was the one who might need help, seeing as how this massive creature with a flaming ax took another step towards him.
  "We'll see what happens now!" the creature grumbled as he charged forwards with his axe lifted high over his head.
  Clea hurled an energy ring like a discus towards it, it spun through the air making a whistling sound and wrapped tightly around this large creature as it made contact. He gave a howl of discontent as he staggered back, but then he broke through her most powerful spell and stepped forwards to smack her down to the ground with a thunderous crack of his fist.
  Clea shook off the attack and she tried to get to her feet, but it felt like her knees were about to collapse out from under her, in fact one could say that it felt like she was standing on a foundation made of quick sand. She couldn't help but feel like she was heavily outmatched considering her current situation.
  "How can you hope to defeat the master? If you cannot defeat me!" the menace crowed at the top of his lungs. Harry took advantage of the creatures lack of attention to pop up out the shadows and nail him with a huge rocket buster of a punch to the back of the head.
  "I guess I'm going to have to do something like that," Harry stated to him dryly.
  The beast crashed down to the ground and a loud thump resounded outwards from the point of impact. Pushing himself onto his hands and knees, the beast lifted his head up into the air and howled his outrage, as he tried to scramble back up to his feet. Harry held his hand up and made the international sign for the beast to bring it.
  Needless to say, the beast brought it, although bringing it in this case involved him opening his mouth wide and spitting fire directly at Harry. The emerald eyed sorcerer conjured his best shield to block the flames, while he dodged out of the way, he figured that if it was going to block it, it would block it, if not? At least he got his ass out of the way.
  The green eyes of Harry Potter locked onto the creature as Umar nailed him in the back of the legs with a spell, which caused the creature to sink into the ground.
  "We have more trouble upon the horizon!" she said and one the demons grabbed her from behind. She tried to shrug them off, but they succeeding in dragging her off.
  Clea tried to move forwards to help her, but black vines ensnared her, Harry released her from them easily enough with a burst of heat vision, alongside a few well-placed cutting spells. Exactly what did, he wasn't certain and he wasn't too interested in finding out. The emerald eyes of the wizard burned bright as he took another couple of steps forward to help Umar.
  "Do not...worry about me...protect...ah...ah...NO!" she shrieked out as she tried break the hold her two enemies hand upon her with little success, only for them to go flying into the air a moment later.
  "I've got you," Harry muttered, catching hold of her after dispatching them and Umar shook her head in relief as he kept his eyes upon her.
  "There's something coming from due North!" Clea yelled out to them after she took note of something approaching rapidly from that direction.
  Surely enough, she was right, it was an extremely ugly demon, at first Harry thought were three of them, but it turned out to be one massive demon with three heads stampeding forwards towards them. His green eyes locked onto the beast and Harry wondered if it was going to be an even bigger problem than the one from before.
  He flew forwards towards it and dodged a clumsy attempt by one of the heads to snatch him out of midair with a snap of it's jaws.
  "Must crush you!"
  "Hardly," Clea said as she conjured a magical spear and then launched it into the chest of the Demon.
  That slowed the creature down, long enough for Harry to conjure a pair of brass knuckles, which he then slammed repeatedly into the chest of the creature. It staggered back a few inches as Harry poured on the attacks. The green eyed wizard raised his hands then clapped them together launching a sonic attack that caused it to fly backwards.
  Roaring in angry, it grabbed Harry by the arms and tried to rip him apart like a wishbone.
  Harry's strength was far greater and he slammed his feet into the creatures chest, before he kicked off hard, breaking the grip of the Demon and causing the creature to stagger back once more. It was nearly off of its feet and Harry vowed to bring it down, he swung his elbow like a baseball bat to crack against the skull of his enemy.
  The enemy gave a pained howl as he dropped down to the ground. Harry reared his hand back and then rocked him with shot after shot. He then trapped in a block of conjured rock, leaving on his middle face fee. If Harry recalled correctly, for this particular breed of demon, the center face was the one that did the planning.
  "Who sent you?" Harry asked it, demanding an as answer as his eyes glowed red.
  "Star Child, you should never have come to this realm," he growled. "He still hates you for your past transgressions against him."
  'Bloody time travel,' Harry thought, wondering what he did in the past this time.
  "The Terrible One and his puppet Balasco will destroy you! You know that, don't you? YOU WILL BE CRUSHED!" the three headed demon growled out as he looked up towards Harry with malice.
  "So that fool sent you, well, he is no closer to defeating me than anyone else who has tried," Clea stated and this caused a round of laughter to issue forth from the demon. There was a moment's pause and then the laughter got even louder.
  "He has someone to help him now, she has certain qualities that will allow him to use her to accomplish his goals," the demon commented as he looked up at him. "Do not!...Do not think that even though the portal to Earth hides, he doesn't have a back up plan! This realm and the Star Child's adopted home world are doomed!"
  "Yeah, heard that, been there, done that," Harry replied in a bored voice and then he broke the demon's neck, turning he left the body within the block of stone to suffocate. He had very little sympathy for most demon's after all.
  Clea's eyes flashed for a brief second and she shook her head. "We might have a bit of a situation here."
  Harry knew that there was more she was willingly to tell him and he was more then willing to learn.
  "We have...we have a bit of a problem here," Clea concluded with a grimace.
  "Yes, you established that already," Harry told her and she shook her head.
  "The portal...we know what it is now, we know now it's a person, but can we find it in time?" Clea asked him and Umar chimed in with a few words of her own.
  "Even if we find the portal...it doesn't mean that we're going to be able to protect it from the Terrible One," Umar said.
  "Who is this Terrible One?" Harry asked him.
  "He has many names, all you need to know is that he is an extremely powerful Arch Demon," Clea said and Harry understood that it was not a subject that was spoken of too often. Based upon the look of apprehension in the eyes of both women that this was a situation that was beyond anything that any of them had to deal with. "But we know that he has a plan and now he has a pawn that will allow him to get to the portal."
  "Does he?" Harry asked tensely.
  He heard another faint cry for help in his head, but at this point, he was trying not to focus on them too much. The fact that they happened at such odd times, meant that he couldn't even begin to pinpoint the person's location. Even though it sounded like someone's soul screaming out for him in pain, he had to keep calm.
  "Is there a problem?" Umar asked him.
  Harry decided to be honest. "I keep hearing someone cry out for help."
  Clea put her hand on her chin and looked extremely thoughtful at that statement. There was a sense that she was looking into Harry's very soul as she looked into his eyes. "Well I most certainly don't hear anything, but that doesn't mean anything. As you well know, there are many within this Dimension who may wish to trick or fool you for whatever reason."
  Harry smiled, he got that message loud and clear a very long time ago.
  Clea was not done and she amended her statement further. "However...it doesn't mean that it's not worth taking a closer look at. These cries for help...how often are they? Are they faint?"
  "Faint and at random times, I haven't been able to pinpoint the source," Harry told her and Clea nodded calmly.
  "Then, there really isn't anything that you could do about it at this point in time," Clea told him as she placed her hand gently upon his. "I knew that you would come back."
  She switched tracks so abruptly that it was almost jarring to him.
  "Even though it's technically the second time you've come here and the first time we've met...I must admit that I was a bit surprised when you were taken on as an apprentice for the Sorcerer Supreme. Given that your power and your potential outstrips his, although perhaps I was looking towards the older version of yourself, now that will be something truly amazing."
  She placed one leg over his and then shifted so she was straddling him. She leaned towards him and Harry was given quite the view of her cleavage, before she leaned against him. Her body felt warm pressed up against his.
  "Stephen's...attraction...to me was quaint, but it was merely a way for me to pass my time, not that it would have ever gotten that far," Clea whispered into his ear with a smile and then turned to her mother watching her closely. She paused for a moment, but Umar offered a smile and a few words of encouragement.
  "Oh no, please don't stop on my account," Umar said as she waved them on.
  "Don't worry, I won't," Clea said with a bright smile that got even brighter, she placed her arms around Harry's neck. "I have watched you and saw what you've done from afar...with many other women of different races, ages, you've given them unmistakable pleasure and rest assure, Har-Rell, you will only get stronger from this point out."
  Harry smiled, of course he was going to get stronger. For someone like him, the sky was the limit and then he would go even beyond the sky. His green eyes stared back at Clea's and he pulled the woman in towards him, both of them taking a nice long look at each other as they stared the other down.
  Her lips looked so moist, so juicy, he needed to take a taste of them and he would indulge himself upon them in due time.
  Her mouth parted, and Harry pushed his tongue in between her lips and they exchanged an extremely powerful kiss as the Ruler of the Dark Dimension writhed on his lap. He pulled her into his chest and felt her body.
  Clea saw his attentive actions; his hands were everywhere, on her shoulders, her back, her breasts, her ass, every single location that he could reach. His fingers brushed against her and she ground up against him as Harry had his fun with her.
  Umar leaned back and watched him relieve Clea of her clothes with a smile and his shirt was now completely off. He was drool worthy.
  She would allow her daughter to get her turn for she would be taking a ride with the Star Child soon enough.
  Clea smiled with an extremely wide grin on her face, it was almost cat like the quality. She unbuttoned her soon to be lover's shirt immediately and her hand slowly slipped down his pants and then went inside his shorts. A triumphant smile spread over her face and a hungry look continued to escalate as she prepared to watch him, a smile working over her face.
  "Mmm, I think I'm going to enjoy this," she purred as she licked the inside of her lips and there was a bit of drool coming out from them.
  The drool got even more prominent as she pulled his huge cock out from the other side of his pants. She watched it and saw it. It was twelve inches long and extremely thick. She held the iron hard member in her hand and slowly but surely, she worked her hand up and down on him, stroking him.
  "Oh, so fucking good," Harry grunted as he felt her hand stroke him up and down. His green eyes closed as he felt her soft hand and he reached over, slipping her robes down to expose even more of her body. He enjoyed the visual buffet of flesh that presented itself before him. He saw her gorgeous and round breasts with rosy red nipples that beckoned him and he knew that he would be able to put his mouth on them, to suck on the tender buds.
  "Don't just stare, darling, indulge me," Clea moaned and his hand reached down and pushed a few fingers inside her honey pot whilst his mouth went on her breast. Clea used her free hand to place on the back of her head and Harry closed his eyes as he began to suck on her tits. They tasted extremely good as well and his cock was getting immensely hard.
  She stroked him and then went down. His face was filled with frustration as her breasts left it but she quickly popped his phallus in between her lips. The taste and the texture of this monster organ was not something that she was going to take lightly as she hungrily slurped his manhood down her throat.
  Her lips tightened around him and she fondled his balls, squeezing them lustfully. There was a few seconds where she worked him over. The blonde woman kept working her mouth up and down his pole, allowing more of his member to enter her throat.
  Umar watched her daughter go down on this man, no this god, her eyes were widened and her lips went around him. The older woman pushed her fingers into her own sopping cunt and pushed back and forth, riding her fingers. She offered a panting moan.
  Her daughter wrapped her tit flesh around Har-Rell's pole, pumping him up and down, as she kissed the tip of his cock and sucked on it.
  "Fuck, I want to taste that sweet pussy of yours," Harry grunted.
  "Soon, love, soon," she moaned as she kept pushing back and forth on his pole, ensuring that it would go between her breasts with ease and she captured the tip of his head with a nice kiss, licking and slurping his massive dick. There was a few seconds where Harry had to really close his eyes and feel the pleasure. Her hand wrapped around his balls and then she slid her way up towards his cock to firmly grasp it.
  "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," Harry groaned as she decided to push him back on the couch.
  Harry grabbed two hearty hands full of her ass and forced her hot pussy down upon his mouth. He became to munch on her sopping hot cunt and his tongue buried deep into her. She tasted sweet with a huge hint of sin.
  Clea went down on his cock as hard as she could and Umar furiously masturbated herself raw to her daughter's actions.
  "You know, there is something more pleasurable than your finger than you could use."
  A second Harry was standing in front of her and Umar smiled as she wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and pushed him back onto the bed.
  "I forgot how versatile you were, my love," she said as she groped his balls and prepared her entrance so he could enter her. It had been a long time since she took this monster cock inside of her.
  "OH FUCK!" Harry yelled as her tight pussy wrapped around his python with a crushing grip. He felt her sink down onto him, her walls lubricating his surface and she pushed up.
  "Like that, good, I would hate for you to be mad at me, lover," Umar purred as she rocked her hips down onto them and Harry lifted his hands up, groping her breasts.
  His cock went into her pussy and Harry felt her clench against him, rocking her hips back and forth against him. No matter what she was able to do, Harry was feeling the pleasure and his loins felt like they were on fire. This was the the best, this goddess riding him and Harry cupped her breasts, feeling every single inch of her glorious tit flesh as she worked around the base of his cock.
  "Oh, ah, oh, ah, yes," Harry grunted as she worked her juice box around his large prick. She squeezed him, milking him as she had an extremely powerful orgasm.
  The way that Harry manhandled her tits was turning the woman on.
  Not to be out done, Clea was on her hands and knees, waving her juicy ass in front of Harry's face. Harry grabbed her around the hips and prepared to enter her from behind. Her dripping slit was prepared for him and Harry brushed his cock head against her hot walls. The green eyes of Harry Potter flowed with amazing desire as he prepared to enter her.
  With one thrust, Clea felt her walls stretch and he pummeled into her.
  "You wanted that, didn't you?" Harry growled at her.
  "Yes, you have a big cock, a really big cock, you are the fucking Sorcerer Supreme!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as Harry sawed into her from behind, his huge dick pummeling her walls.
  Harry felt her walls tighten around him and she orgasmed as heavily. His dupe was being ridden like there was no tomorrow by Umar, her hips wrapped around his cock.
  "Oh, yes, ah, yes!" Harry growled as she slammed her tightening hips around him.
  "Feel this, oh feel this, fuck your cock is so fucking huge!" Umar yelled as she rocked her shapely backside against his balls. They were nice and large, with her rocking back against him.
  "FUCK!" Clea shouted at the top of her lungs as his long cock pushed all the way into her and he cupped her D Cup breasts as he continued to saw into her from behind.
  Harry enjoyed hanging onto Clea's waist and spearing his huge cock into her. Her moans got even more intense as he kept rocking into her, back and forth. Her whines got louder.
  She loved it, loving how this monster cock was ripping her apart. Her pussy moistened as she was dominated and she yelped in pleasure as Harry slapped her ass.
  "Bet you're nothing but a slut that loves to be dominated be me!" Harry yelled and the state of her told him everything that he needed to know. He worked his cock between her legs, spearing in and out of her. Her breasts were his to mold and play with as he saw fit. Her blue eyes flashed as he ran her hand down her stomach and then cupped her breasts. "I think I'll take this ass for me too."
  "Please...oh...please," Clea moaned as she got wet at the thought of Harry being balls deep in her ass.
  "Yes, fuck my daughter's ass, split her in half," Umar demanded as she looked like a wanton slut as she kept riding Harry up and down, feeling his cock press into her body and into her womb. It was so deep into her.
  Harry was not going to turn down a request from a lady and she was on her hands and knees. Harry brushed his fingers against the edge of her ass and slammed into her. She closed her eyes, feeling her ass stretch to accommodate his massive rod as it went all the way into her.
  "FUCK!" she yelled as Harry took her hole for his own and he grabbed onto her, ramming into her like she was a prize that he one.
  Umar rocked her hips back, she was preparing herself for Harry's explosion, although she was struggling to keep up with him. She stubbornly stayed the course, although she would be sore in the morning. Her daughter getting buggered in her bum caused her to feel even more pleasure. His massive prick slammed in and out of her inner chambers and she closed her eyes.
  "Need your cum, so bad," Clea moaned as she could have sworn that she had two different cocks filling each of her holes although her mind was a blur. All she knew was that she was getting her brains fucked out and she loved every single minute of it.
  "Slut, you're going to get so much cum that you're going to be drowning in it," Harry growled and she felt both her pussy and her ass get pummeled from either side.
  "Yes, I'm your cum whore, I want to drown in it," she agreed as she worked her hips and ass at the same time. She channeled power to her vagina and squeezed him as he pushed into her.
  Harry's balls tightened and he sent a rocketing flurry of cum, pumping his huge load into her cunt. Clea pushed back against him, rocking back and forth with her hips.
  Umar slammed down onto his huge prick and her walls wrapped around him as she moaned loudly. She allowed Harry's cum to shoot into her womb as well. She was pumped up into more cum that she can handle.
  Both mother and daughter felt pleased but in some ways, they were getting warmed up.
  Harry smiled as he saw both of them passed out on the bed, with bright smiles on his face. He felt rather relaxed and recharged as he did every time he had sex and quite the sex that was. There was one thought that went through Harry's head and that was that the student had outstripped the teacher.
  He took a few moments to listen rather closely for the sound of the cries for help but he heard nothing at all.
  For now at least.
  To Be Continued in Part Two.
  Lost in Limbo Part Two
  Chapter Twenty Three: Trapped in Limbo Part Two.
  Despite the fact that Harry enjoyed the company and the atmosphere of this Dark Dimension he had to shake his head and realize that it was kind of time to leave. His green eyes burned brightly as he focused on what was happening around him. He turned on his heal.
  "Leaving so soon," Clea whispered tiredly, as she was reclining on the bed after their fun last night and not wearing a damn stitch of clothing. She bit back on her lip as she relaxed and looked at Harry. Her mother was in a similar state of undress.
  "Duty calls, I have to find out the exact reason whilst I'm here," Harry breathed as he took a few seconds to lift his head up.
  "Yes, I understand," Clea answered back and she rose to her feet, throwing her arms around her lover's waist. Harry had not gotten around to putting a shirt back on, so he sat naked from the waist up and it was an enticing look. She pressed her lips against his and her breasts up against his chest, both with a searing kiss and embrace.
  Along with a promise, a promise of something more for the future that would be coming soon enough.
  "Do you wish to leave from this realm?" Clea asked suddenly.
  "If I could, I would have by now," Harry told her and Clea raised an eyebrow. "I don't think that there is a way out of here."
  "Yes, well there must have been a reason why you were sent here," Clea admitted and she waited for Harry to nod.
  "I'm certain there was," Harry stated as he walked into the night, head held up high with bold determination flashing through his eyes.
  He paused, his skin prickling, he had goosebumps on the back of his arms and then he heard the voice, cryptic as it might have been, whispering for him, calling for him. He could barely make out anything other than its strangled quality.
  "Help me, help me."
  The voice kept whispering and Harry moved towards the source of the disturbance. He was watching the events going on around him and he sped up the pace, hastening his arrival.
  He was there at a bone yard and he stopped, skidding. He saw a girl who was down on the ground. Her body had the decay and the stench of death and this cause Harry' to freak out. He saw a hint of brunette hair and he saw her, rolling her over.
  Her eyes were sunken in and he saw her.
  'Kitty,' Harry said as he was numb in shock at the sight he saw but he shook his head. It could not be, could it?
  He saw more bodies, he could barely mentally function. Jean, Rogue, Kara, Gwen, Chloe, Lois, Rachel, M'Gann, all of them were down on the ground and that was just the tip of the iceberg. He could not believe it. He could not even.....no he could not lift his head up. This was not happening, they were alive. Did they all come and find him?
  Then Harry's eyes widened as he saw a final corpse. He rolled the body over and saw it, the gaunt face, the decaying flash. He held a mop of messy dark hair and he closed his eyes.
  He looked down and saw his own dead body. Now he wondered what the hell was going on.
  "Not your universe, at least not the one that you know."
  Funnily enough, Harry figured that out when he was holding his own corpse in his arms. Slowly, he turned around and saw the hovering figure in the shadows. She was dressed in a purple cloak and her face was obstructed.
  He could tell that she was a she because of her voice and he could get a hint of a feminine form underneath the cloak.
  "Who are you?" Harry asked her.
  "That's irrelevant right now, you were brought here as one last hope, because that image that you saw, was from a universe precisely like this one that runs at a far faster rate than the one that you know," she told him and Harry raised an eyebrow as she continued to speak. "I won't mince words, you are our last hope."
  "Last hope for what?" Harry asked, he was not happy that he was getting very few answers. His green eyes were locked onto the face of this girl or at least where her face would have been.
  "There is a force that is far more dangerous than anything that you've ever fought...."
  "I'll be the judge of that," Harry offered swiftly. While he was taking this situation seriously, it did go without saying that he fought some extremely dangerous forces in his day. He did not mean to be so abrupt but he did not like playing games.
  "Will you?" she asked in a stoic voice. "You know you should not underestimate this at all because...."
  "What makes you think I'm underestimating anything?" Harry asked her and there was no response to this. She remained crisp and silent as he did. The two powerful beings locked eyes upon each other, neither saying anything. Harry figured that he would be more adept in breaking that degree of silence that existed. "So how grave of a threat are we talking of?"
  The girl threw her head back and gave a mournful sigh. "We are looking at the end of all realms, especially if the pawn is fully converted. Her energies are strong. She will either need to be bound to a more powerful being or be destroyed before the conversion. Before it is too late."
  Harry knew that he would regret asking this question but his inquisitive nature meant that he had to ask it anyone. "When is too late?"
  "You'll know for it will be the end," she said cryptically and she pointed down the path.
  Harry heard the whispers and followed her, although he was prepared to defend himself at the moment's notice. For all he knew, this mysterious girl in the robes could have been part of all of this.
  "I am part of all of this in a way," she admitted as she stopped at the top of the path. "I am the portal, but I must face what is to come for an innocent will perish along with countless others if I don't face my destiny."
  "Destiny?" Harry asked and that was a word that he loathed on sheer principle.
  She offered a sardonic smile even though Harry could not properly see it. "There was a prophecy."
  There were never words that filled Harry with more disgust than the statement she just gave.
  That was never a statement that ended well. Thanks the knowledge that he received from Voldemort, he knew all about the prophecy and the ties that bound him that way. He didn't have to like it but it was out there. He had fulfilled it by defeating Voldemort.
  The prophecy was unclear about how he was to accomplish this so he was glad that he was able to be creative with the situation. The green eyes of the young wizard followed the cloaked figure.
  "You know, we've been walking for a long time....."
  She turned over her shoulder and once again, Harry could have sworn that she gave him a smile, although given the fact that a hood was pulled over her face, it was really hard to tell. Never the less, she offered an extremely stoic statement back to him. "You know, you would be among one of the last people that I would expect to be the impatient type."
  "Not being impatient, just curious that's all," Harry corrected and she stopped and turned around. Harry figured he better qualify this statement a little bit more. "I don't even know your name and you're leading me into parts unknown."
  "So, you are as paranoid as people think that you are," she muttered but she paused and offered him a smile. "Good, being paranoid would serve you well in here, although it's one of your more bothersome qualities that you display."
  "Thank you....I think," Harry said tentatively and there was a sense where a rare burst of impatient was about to burst from him. He managed to hold himself back and saw the cloaked girl stop shortly as her shoulders slowly slumped. Harry did not even need to see her face, her body language told the story about how much she was out of it.
  "We're very close," she breathed as the girl held the pendent in her hand. It swayed from side to side and Harry knew that it resembled a bird of some sort. "He's near...."
  "If you were created to be this portal, then you might have some kind of connection to him," Harry said and there was silence between both of them.
  "That was extremely perceptive of you and also very true," the girl remarked as she stood on her toes and allowed her to soak in the nature of what was happening.
  So far, so good, but things could turn pear shaped in a hurry.
  "I don't need to tell you to stay alert," she muttered under her breath and Harry shook his head as he kept walking beside her.
  "No, that's not necessary," Harry remarked and he heard the creatures one again. They were far more ominous than anything he encountered before.
  "They won't attack unless you give them a reason to," his guide told him.
  Harry saw their beady eyes looking at him and wondered if his presence was going to be enough call for them to attack him. He wondered if he could win a fight. He felt entirely sluggish in this realm and his guide blandly chimed in.
  "Magic doesn't work in this realm as it does in your world, each spell takes more effort, more exertion," she remarked crisply.
  "Okay, fair enough," Harry stated as he inclined his head ever so slightly.
  The demonic birds hovering over his head gave a sinister caw and once again, he felt that he should make no sudden movements.
  'Reminds me of that one Hitchcock movie, something about birds, forgot what it was called,' Harry thought to himself as he saw the sinister birds hovering.
  Once again, he found himself trying to piece together something that he could not figure out and he hated having more questions than he had answers in the back of his mind.
  'Damn it, I want....fuck, I need answers.'
  The girl cringed, she could feel the negative emotions and she turned towards him.
  "Do not be anything but calm, you'll rile them up," she whispered as the birds stirred up above their heads.
  "Yes....well I'm finding it very hard to be calm," Harry said tensely. It had been a long time since he had lost sense of all of his emotions but he closed his eyes and hovered a few inches off of the ground.
  "Just try harder," she told him and she could sense that he was about to come undone. He wanted answers and she was finding difficult to give them to her.
  "It's her, it's her, it's her," one of the birds cawed.
  "It's him, the dreaded one, the accursed one," another bird cawed.
  Harry paused and he held his head up in the air and closed his eyes.
  'Accursed one, oh boy, that fucking can't be good at all,' Harry thought as he shook his head and cleared the cobwebs.
  "I see your reputation precedes yourself," the girl commented blandly.
  "One could say that," Harry replied dryly and his tension continued to rise as he placed his eyes firmly on the birds. They were going to....well he had no idea what they were going to do.
  He conjured a magical set of brass knuckles and loaded up, preparing for a fight.
  "I think we're well past the point of inciting them," Harry said tensely and she shrugged her shoulders as the birds started to dive bomb Harry.
  Harry nailed them in the face one at a time. A rapid fire flurry knocked them in the fact, taking them all down in a heap. His green eyes focused on the creatures as he knocked them out one at a time.
  Eventually they were put down and Harry rooted on the spot, looking at the robed girl off to the side.
  "You know, I think that you know far more about what's going on then you're letting on," Harry stated as he looked over his shoulder towards her and she offered a slight shrug of her shoulders.
  "Well yes....perhaps I might know something..."
  Harry took out the remaining demonic bird creatures, they flew back and he turned slowly, rooting on the spot as he stared this girl down.
  "I want answers, and I'd like them now," Harry told her.
  "Yes, with that display, I figure that there's a few explanations in order," she said with a mournful sigh.
  "Tell him now, before he ends up getting killed," said another figure in a brighter voice, dressed in a yellow robe.
  "Oh, of course we could tell him, I mean he's amazing," another girl, this time dressed in a pink robe that obscured her face, stated in a giggling voice.
  "It's quite elementary, actually," one of robed figures in a bright blue robe stated as she walked towards them. She had a hint of a more sophisticated accent. "You are inside the mind of the portal, that being Rachel Roth, the girl known as Raven."
  A final figure, the one in white, who looked to be the most powerful of all of the girls stated. "Yes, and we all represent different aspects of Lady Roth's personality."
  Harry thought this might not have been the strangest thing that had ever happened to him but then again, he might not be thinking hard enough.
  "So, I'm inside this girl's mind?" Harry asked.
  "She is not the one that needs your help," the sophisticated woman stated as her hood did not stay down and she did not slacken her stance.
  "Yes, she is merely trying to protect another but her father is trying to....well our father, it's rather confusing," the first version of the girl commented.
  "Who is the person that your father kidnapped?"
  "Our father and his puppet, Belasco, they lured a young girl here, she was only seven years old when she was captured but as it turned out, a version of you and your team from an alternate universe followed a version of her from the same universe into that realm."
  Harry was getting very annoyed right now. "I thought you said that I was in your mind."
  "You are but at the same time you aren't," the girl in light blue told him as she sighed. "It's quite the puzzle."
  "No, it's really elementary," the girl in dark blue corrected in a sophisticated voice. "This world, your world, is not like that world. She has been shielded, but her time is running rapidly out."
  That did not really seem elementary at all. Harry paused and he decided to ask what he thought might have been the most vital question of this interview. "Does this girl, does she have a name?"
  "Yes, she does," the hooded figure in white stated but there was another thundering sound.
  "What in the bloody hell is that?" Harry asked.
  The girl in light blue commented in a solemn tone. "The demons of my mind."
  All of Harry's guides disappeared in a puff of smoke.
  'MOTHER FUCKING HELL, GREAT!' Harry shouted, although given the nature of these dimensions, he wondered if any of them were there in the first place.
  Well he was on his own again.
  His team would not find him in there, in fact seconds might have only passed on the outside world if he had been in here for days or maybe weeks.
  Harry hated the nature of time and space and he really hated thinking about it but at the same time, he really had to think about it. Especially when he was going up against the demon to end all demons and his guide appeared to have vanished.
  Harry crunched his fists up, now was not the time to think about what might not happen, now was the time for decisive action, really decision action as it turned out. He braced himself for the worst because that's what often occurred in situations like this.
  He saw the creature above him and he eyed it, finding a weakness. It seemed to cross its hands over its chest at random intervals, almost as if he was protective of that. Most people thought that might be a weak spot but Har-Rell was not most people. He had to focus on one thing and it was obvious what to do with something that was bigger than he was.
  'Take out the legs,' Harry thought to himself.
  The bigger they are, the harder they fell or that was what the saying went. Never the less, Harry knew that he had to focus and more importantly he had to do.
  He flew into the legs of his enemy, taking them down from underneath him with a cracking crunch. He knew that would not take it completely out of the fight but somehow that one blow should stun the enemy like nothing.
  'Okay, now I've made him mad, always fun,' Harry thought as the creature roared, practically spitting acid at him.
  "You need to surrender."
  One of the robed figures returned and Harry looked over his shoulder, his eyes widened, unable to believe that he just heard the words that passed from between her lips.
  "I need to do what?"
  The girl spoke up, her voice was calm as she repeated her words. "You do really need to surrender."
  "I'd prefer if I didn't," Harry grumbled as he crouched down to dodge a flaming axe that threatened to part his hair.
  "It would be far more conductive to your.....long term living prospects."
  Harry had just nailed the creature and caused it to howl. The green eyes burned with intensity and he made the demon taste his own blood. His body flowed with even more power and the hooded figures watched one by one, seeing him take down a dangerous and chaotic force like it was a simple street thug.
  "You say this is based off of your mind, well now I'm going to take you inside my mind, which might be a horrifying place to some," Harry muttered.
  The girls watched as the scenes shifted.
  "This is my mind," Harry said as he closed his eyes. He was not going to be at the whim of someone's mind.
  "How do you do this?" the creature growled.
  "Mind over matter," Harry said to him in a matter of fact voice. "Hope you don't mind, because in here, you sure as hell don't matter."
  One last punch caused the creature to fold up like a piece of paper and there was a flash of light that enveloped around Harry.
  He had no idea what was happening now but the emerald eyed youth figured that for whatever reason, he was not going to like what happened.
  "So, where am I now?"
  There was no answer, something that Harry was not too happy about. He slowly turned around, looking over his shoulder.
  The girl behind him slumped her shoulders and offered a sigh. She was dressed in pure white robes.
  "You're getting too close to him, it's time for you face him but you can still turn back if you choose, this isn't your destiny....I had hoped this day would never come but it has."
  Harry looked at the girl and looked her straight in the eye. "Let me make one thing perfectly clear, no one has a destiny, no one has a floor plan that they have follow step by step."
  "No, I don't want to hear anything of the sort," Harry said tensely as he raised his hand in the air and looked this girl dead on in the eye. Things became extremely uncomfortable and slightly awkward for a moment. She went silent and her shoulders slump. Harry's voice became calm but only a slight bit more as he spoke. "Destiny....is a word that is tossed around by those who think that we do not have a choice. There are always choices and there are always options."
  "Not for me...." she protested, this close to saying that he would not understand but then again if there was anyone who was more than capable of understanding the plight that she went through, it was him.
  "You have a choice....Rachel," Harry told her gently.
  "Yes....well the girl that got kidnapped and turned into this weapon, she did not, she had her entire life ahead of her, and she was tainted, corrupted," Rachel retorted as there was a sense of hopelessness dripping from her voice.
  "Yes," Harry replied. "Who is it, who is the girl?"
  The half demon paused, it was obvious that she feared that she would put the girl in more mortal danger if she revealed what was going on. Harry placed a hand gently upon her shoulder and his smile grew fairly wide.
  "It's fine, you can tell me," Harry said gently.
  She knew that she could tell him but knowing and actually doing, that was two really different things. She raised her eyebrow and she struggled to keep her head up. Yet, no matter how hard it was, she had to try and tell him.
  "Right....her name....she was a girl by the name of Illyana Rasputin."
  Harry thought about this and he knew that Colossus, Piotr Rasputin, a member of the Acolytes, had a sister named Illyana who was extremely ill. However, why would....actually that was something that Harry would figure out in due time, after he rescued the girl in question.
  Then again, she was a seven year old girl, so how hard could this be?
  Harry shook his head, the last thing he needed to do was get ahead of himself and that meant that he could not under any circumstances be arrogant or he would be taken down rather quickly.
  "This won't be easy, what you fought in there, it will only be a preview...."
  Harry held up his head. "Don't tell me what I already know, Rachel."
  The half demon offered him a half smile although her face was still mostly hidden. "I'm merely reinforcing what you already should know."
  "Yes, be that as it may, this isn't my first rodeo," Harry argued as he stepped forward and his eyes started to glow as he leaned his neck a half of an inch, properly craning it up as he held his head up.
  So far there was nothing, not even a hint of what was going to happen. Harry was not surprised, he really was not. So far, he was not going to run into any trouble.
  "You need to turn back or you will be destroyed."
  Harry stood and then he hovered a few inches off of the ground. He could hear the strangled voice, it was female and there was a slight Russian accent to it now that he heard it.
  "Help me," she managed in a strangled and rather creepy whisper. "SOMEONE...."
  Harry shook his head, he needed to keep up with the voice, this time he could track it. The fact that he was being lead into a trap was something that he was reminded up by that nagging voice in the back of his head. Yet, he kept flying forward and his eyes glowed as he pressed forward, he was nearly towards his destination.
  'Hang on,' Harry thought, although he was pretty sure that the girl in question could not pick up his thoughts.
  In fact, thanks to his mental shielding, no one could pick up his thoughts, unless they were locked in the loop. Still he took a second to mentally reinforce that fact before he pressed forward. He was not about to not count his chickens before they hatched.
  Harry slowly turned around to look to see if Rachel was standing there, to ask her if there was anything that he needed to know but he blinked as he saw her or rather did not see her.
  She was gone in a flash of light and Harry came to the realization that he was in fact on his own. No matter what, he was standing there in the dust, his thumb pretty much up his ass for lack of a better term.
  He was on his own which was not necessarily a good thing. At least the screams for help were getting a little more frequent and then he was able to walk there with calmness.
  He could almost swear he heard a whisper to be careful but when he turned around, there was nothing there, not even a hint of a voice.
  'Don't lose it,' Harry reminded himself.
  He was no longer in the Dark Dimension but where he was, it did not really settle his nerves.
  "I had assumed that my daughter would be lured here when another was put in danger but it seems like she is more like me than I had assumed and less like her mother," the voice of the powerful Arch Demon stated as six red eyes glowed in the looming darkness.
  "You do remember our deal, do you not, Trigon?"
  There was a second where the creature's eyes flared up from the other side of the portal. "Belasco, I thank you not to disrespect me. The consequences will be quite grave for you if you anger me."
  Both demons stared at each other, both thinking that they were the other's pawn but as it turned out, Trigon was more right.
  Harry stood, in the shadows. He slowly slipped around the demon sentries, taking them out one by one, and dragging them into the shadows. He needed to find the girl and figure out what he did to you.
  "Our deal is...."
  "I AM AWARE THAT WE MADE A DEAL BUT IT'S USELESS WITHOUT MY SCION!" Trigon bellowed with his voice thundering as he did. "And you know...."
  "Yes, I know," Belasco stated as he imagined Trigon getting on his knees before him, it was such a beautiful sight to have such a powerful demon submissive for him. The girl would sate his dark desires for now but she was becoming resistant to the transformation.
  She would become a nice toy, although he would have preferred her a little younger. If it was not for that alternate Star Child and his team, he would have defeated them.
  "I do not care of this Star Child, he is your problem...."
  "Trust me when I say, he will become your problem, because that's the sort of thing that he does," Belasco grumbled through gritted teeth.
  "Not my problem!" the Terrible One howled.
  "Actually, I think that I am....."
  "The Star Child, eliminate him!" Belasco howled at the top of his lungs.
  Harry wondered how many people he pissed off during any time traveling misadventures because the list kept piling up.
  Never the less, there were a group of a gruesome demons that rushed forward to in fact eliminate him. Harry dodged their attacks.
  Two demons rushed Harry in a frantic fury. The green eyes of the hero burned bright as he caught one of their arms which had a twisted blade in it.
  With a primal roar, Harry caught the blade and turned it around. He jammed it into the throat of the demon with a white hot fury.
  "You are failing to defeat a child!" Trigon howled as the winged creatures went after Harry.
  "A child, hardly," Harry said as he nailed the demons with heat vision, cutting them in half with the white hot fury.
  They were falling one by one but he was getting no closer to finding his subject. In fact, the real person that this Trigon was after, she vanished, providing she was even here in the first place.
  Once again, Harry was not going to really focus on that point, he was going to lock his eyes up and beyond as he saw the creatures surrounding him.
  He could almost hear Western music playing in his head but he paused, as one of the demons hurled flaming daggers but Harry caught it in his bare hand and hurled it back at his enemy at super powerful speed, to the point where it nearly ripped through the sound barrier.
  It impaled the creature and it gave a loud pained howl in response to what happened to it. Harry's smile went over his face, it was barely restrained and he could barely keep his head up as he watched the creature stagger back a little bit.
  "Come on, do any others want any part of this?" Harry asked and there was a second where the demons paused.
  Belasco was not too happy about the fact that they refused to go forward and fight him. "Do not just stand there you fools, destroy him!"
  "Really, are we breaking out all of the clich?s, you fools, destroy them, will I not be leaving here alive either?" Harry mocked.
  "I am not one of your silly little criminals, boy," the demon said to him and Harry's lips curled into a brief smile.
  "Really, you could have really fooled me?"
  "Allow me to crush him if you don't..."
  "No, he's mine to destroy!"
  Harry raised an eyebrow and he had another thought. 'Demons, fighting over who wants to kill me, wonderful, I'm not sure if I should feel extremely flattered because of that fact or if I should feel extremely annoyed. Oh the lovely, lovely, conflict.'
  Harry needed to focus on the girl right now but then again that's where his mind often went. Although for a more dire purpose. He kept walking and he heard something behind him.
  "Hello?" Harry called as he heard the light hissing behind him. A couple of goose bumps rose on the back of his neck.
  He was not going to lie, he did not really like this, at all. His green eyes swam with frustration as he threw a glance over his shoulder.
  He saw her standing there and there was one thing for sure, she was most certainly no longer seven years old.
  She stood in front of him, she had shiny blonde hair. Her blue eyes were looking at him with that unmistakable look of lust in her eyes. Her red lips pursed together with each other and she watched him. She was wearing a very scant amount of clothing. The silver top wrapped around her D-Cup sized breasts that looked fit to burst out. Her stomach was flat and free of any blemishes. The small white belt just barely covered her woman hood and as she stood, Harry could get a glimpse that she was shaven except for a small strip of blonde hair beneath her waist. Her legs stretched for miles and her rear was extremely juicy.
  "Illyana?" Harry asked, seeing that she had the appearance of a fifteen or sixteen year old girl, which meant she was either aged quickly or had been here in the long time.
  Harry was willing to bet on the latter.
  "Yes, Harry," she breathed hungrily in a sexy Russian accent as she stepped towards him. "I'm here, and you're mine."
  She rushed forward and Harry was not sure whether she was going to kill him or fuck his brains out. The dark magic radiating off of her was chaotic and hard to pinpoint her precise intentions.
  Harry prepared himself either way.
  To Be Continued.
  Lost in Limbo Part Three
  Chapter 24: Lost in Limbo Part Three.
  She charged him at that point, but Harry could see a lot of different things flowing through her eyes. It was really hard to make out everything and the dark magic that flowed within her was very intoxicating, it was hard to really focus all that much.
  "You! I must have you!"
  Again, Harry wasn't sure what she might have meant by that statement, it could have meant any number of things and she rushed him, but Harry dodged her attack. The glowing sword that was in her hand clung against a nearby pedestal as Harry ducked under her follow up attack. He felt his adrenaline rush throughout his body as he continued to avoid her blows.
  "Illyana, you're not yourself," Harry said, then he took a drastic action, grabbing the girl around the shoulders. It took a lot of concentration to hold onto the scantily clad, smoking hot, blonde Russian female, but Harry felt that he was doing as well as could be expected.
  "I am myself and...YOU! YOU'RE GOING TO BE MINE!" she shrieked at the top of her lungs as she pushed Harry off her with a blast of light that issued outwards from her body, the force of the blast slamming him hard against a nearby wall.
  Harry found himself pinned by Illyana against it, which wasn't a position that he relished being in. Although the fact the blonde was straddling him, made this almost acceptable to him. If he could be certain with picture perfect clarity what she would do next.
  "I'm going to enjoy this! You're going to be the perfect consort for me...."
  Harry wasn't unhappy about the sex part, but the part where she implied that he was going to be submissive to her? That he had a huge issue with. Her hands were now on his shoulders and she was digging her nails into them roughly.
  There was a blast of red light that knocked the girl off him, causing Illyana to whip around to see a figure dressed in purple.
  "I bet you thought that I abandoned you," Rachel commented to him in a dry stoic voice.
  "I thought I was handling it quite well on my own actually," Harry said as he heard the pitter patter of approaching demoniac feet. "Your father knows that you're here."
  "Yes, I know," Rachel admitted, turning she noticed Illyana's eyes widen with tormented rage. "You're being used as a pawn girl."
  "We have a very different opinion on who is using who as a pawn. That fool isn't fit to lick my toes clean," Illyana stated in a low dangerous voice. "And I wish to have the Star Child!"
  "There's a pretty long line already formed for that privilege," Raven said dryly as she lifted her hand and tried to blast her, but the blonde blocked the attack with a flick of her Soul Sword.
  Belasco had waited patiently for this moment knowing exactly what he was going to do when the time came, the plan was devious and he was going to implement it now. Slowly he turned to Illyana.
  "Destroy the portal, my pawn!" Belsaco ordered Illyana harshly and there was a sense that Trigon nearly flew off the handle at his words. "I have what I want from that fool! He should have known better to defy me when he did...."
  Harry was busy fighting demons, but he got the impression things were going to get even nastier than they already were, pretty quickly. He watched the fight between Rachel and Illyana with rapt attention, although it was so chaotic that it almost gave him an headache to do so.
  That was easier said than done, but if anyone could do it, Harry Potter could, he seemed to thrive on doing the impossible after all. He clicked his heels together and tried to fly into the air, but as he lifted up into the air, he was grabbed hard around the ankles.
  "FORGET IT! YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" the demon howled as he hurled Harry onto the ground so hard that it cratered beneath him. Growling under his breath, he retaliated by kicking the demon in the chin, snapping it's hard backwards from the force and breaking the creature's jaw.
  Harry figured that his attempts to get to the girls would be met by resistance, so he did the one thing that the demons never would have expected from the Star Child. He ran in the opposite direction and there was a few seconds where even Belasco was caught completely off guard.
  "He's...he's fled my lord...."
  "No, you fools! He wouldn't have left like this, he's trying to fool you, find him! He's going to stop me from destroying the portal...."
  Harry popped up behind Belasco after he sent his minions scurrying off in the other direction on a wild goose chase. This left him free to attack the menace from behind, knocking him down onto his hands and knees with a huge rocket buster punch to the back of his head.
  'Three, two, one,' Harry thought blandly to himself and sure enough, the demon wasn't one to disappoint him.
  "I do," Harry admitted with a smug smile on his face, they were always so very predictable. He looked over his shoulder to see the battle continuing up above between Rachel and Illyana. He'd have to take down the master before he even worried about the slave, but he was certain that he could break Belasco's control over her.
  Belasco charged Harry and he ducked his attack, he responded by flinging a shield towards the Lord of Limbo, but Belasco caught it.
  "What is this...."
  Harry hit a huge leaping dropkick that he super charged with magic, against the shield, knocking it hard into the face of his enemy. There was a huge clang as the shield cracked against the monster's face breaking his nose, the distraction allowing Harry to sweep his legs out from underneath him, sending him crashing hard down onto his ass.
  "Demons attack, destroy them, destroy them all!" Belasco stated with a snarl.
  "It seems like you're losing control," Trigon heckled him, while his six eyes tracked the pawn from the other side of the pillar.
  "...And that was mature," Rachel commented blandly after she'd teleported to Harry's side. "We have a problem."
  "Did you graduate from the academy of understatement?" Harry asked her with an raised eyebrow.
  Rachel didn't bother to answer, seeing as how she was bracing herself for the challenge yet to come.
  Harry found himself fighting these demons once more, creatures that were going to rip him apart if he wasn't careful. It was the type of the pressure that he thrived on, his green eyes burned brightly and there was another voice that resounded for all to hear.
  'Hey, it's the second verse, same as the first,' Harry thought to himself as he shook his head. He wasn't about to be distracted by anything, although he knew that he could be pushed up against the wall.
  'This won't end well,' Rachel thought to Harry and the sorcerer stated what he thought was obvious.
  'Which means it's just like most of my battles up until this point,' Harry offered back to her and the girl raised an eyebrow. 'It should really be quite fun.'
  'If you say so,' she commented back dryly, then she closed her eyes and allowed her power to flow through her. She was in a bit of a jam; as if she took down these demons, she would in turn be allowing her father a victory. If she in turn was taken down.....well, it would end quite messily for her.
  It was one of those no win situations and Rachel mentally calculated what she had to do. Yet, she was distracted from what she had to do by what the Star Child did next, she couldn't help but notice the power that flowed from him.
  The demons surrounding them were cut in half by a blistering white hot beam of heat vision. She marveled at his power and in fact, this caused emotions within her that she shouldn't....no she couldn't focus on such things, not right now, now was not the time.
  "YOU!....You're standing in my way of my prize!" Illyana yelled as she rushed Rachel and tried to stab her through the chest with a flaming dagger. The half demon blocked it and there was a second where Rachel recognized the look in her eyes, it was that of a rather scared female trying to shake off possession.
  Har-Rell got the message loud of clear, he had to break the curse. He couldn't worry about the pawns, he had to take out the chessmaster with one fell swoop.
  "You're going to release her!" Harry said as he grabbed Belasco by the throat and started to choke him with strength that was unlike anything that the demon ever felt.
  "My spells!...You shouldn't...."
  "I do a lot of things that I shouldn't, fancy that," Harry growled without blinking as he increased the pressure on the demon's throat trying to squeeze the life out of him. There was a few seconds where he almost dropped to one knee.
  "No! I shouldn't....no....no....AH!"
  Harry lifted him up off of his feet and slammed him back against the closest pillar, causing it to crack from the force.
  "Perhaps I didn't make my point perfectly clear, or plain enough for you," Harry said, his eyes starting to glow red. He slammed his enemy back into the cracked wall again to emphasize his point, this time nearly sending him all the way through it.
  "Forget it! There's no way that I'm going to release her...."
  "...I could release your head from your body, that might be the proper incentive you need," Harry offered as his eyes glowing so brightly his heat vision started to burn into the side of Belasco's neck, causing him to scream out in agony.
  "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!" Belasco gave out a blood curdling shriek, but then Illyana pushed Harry away from him. For a moment, Belasco thought that his pawn was firmly on his side.
  "That's it my pet...."
  She stabbed him through his throat with her Soul Sword, she held it there for a moment before pulling it free, which sent his demonic blood splashing to the ground and he followed it shortly after. She then stabbed him once again in a very private area, before flicking her wrist and cutting it free.
  "I'm not your pet! You knew that I had the potential to be more powerful than you, but there is only one man who could sate my desires!" she said as she looked down at Belasco with narrowed eyes, full of her hatred for him, and then she turned over to face Harry. "We could rule all of this, Har-Rell! Everything! Just think, no woman would be able to say no to you!"
  Harry smiled, in spite of himself; there was a lot of women flocking to him already, without him really trying, but he wouldn't say no to more.
  "You know he's done something to you,"Harry told her and she offered him a smile. The demons dropped to their knees around them, unable to move.
  "You will leave me, the pathetic wretch you worshiped is dead!" Illyana stated spitting on Belasco dead body. She wrapped her arms around Harry neck and he looked deeply into her eyes. "I rule this dimension now and all of the others!"
  Rachel screamed out suddenly as she dropped to her knees clenching her head within her hands.
  "Not quite," Trigon rumbled, using his daughter as a puppet and projecting his voice from her mouth. He lifted her body up off of the ground to float a few feet in the air. "That pathetic wretch actually thought that he had more power than me, but now I'm going to fulfill my daughter's purpose!"
  "So, you think that she's your tool, do you?" Harry raised his hand into the air and tried to blast the girl, but she blocked it as Trigon's evil laughter echoed from all around them.
  "I know that you won't willingly harm a female Har-Rell! So this is the perfect vessel to fight you with, at least until I ensure your destruction!"
  Rachel tried to take advantage of her father's monologue to throw herself upon some spears, but he put the breaks on. There was a second where she stood there locked in place, unable to move.
  "Did you really think that it would be that easy, my dear daughter?" Trigon asked, taunting his half demon daughter. "Your mother had similar spirit, she tried to defy me, but I bent her to my will as well."
  "Yes, I know," Rachel said, her disgust obvious in her voice. Her fingers twitched as she tried to break his hold over her once more.
  "You know, you are very much like her, would you like to see what I can do to you?"
  Harry watched this exchange between them with narrowed eyes, this was getting into rather creepy territory and he had been desensitized to many things.
  'Harry....I...don't....let,' Rachel managed and Harry braced himself for one last ditch effort to break her free from Trigon's control.
  'Out of the frying pan and into the fire,' Harry thought to himself, it was just another day of the week for Harry Potter.
  There was a moment where Harry paused, he didn't want to hurt Rachel, but at the same time, he knew there were times where the ultimate sacrifice needed to be made, that didn't mean he had to like or was going to do so. Trigon needed a vessel and he was going to have to think quickly.
  "You know, there might be only one way...."
  Harry shook his head at Illyana and offered to her rather plainly. "Even though it seems like the most obvious path to take, I'm not going to do it. I never really gave up on you, even though some might have said that you were beyond hope, I'm not about to give up on Rachel."
  She nodded. "Well....demonic possession, it's hard to break, you somehow did it and...."
  "...And I'll do it again," Harry said firmly, there was no hesitation in his voice. He had no time for hesitation and it was time to rock.
  He blocked Rachel's hand as she tried to punch him in the face and exerted the willpower that he needed to do what was going to come next.
  "You think that you can just override my will," Trigon taunted Harry, who responded by grabbing hold of Rachel.
  'This will hurt,' Harry thought to her, although her consciousness was getting more and more weighed down by Trigon's.
  Trigon was thrown for a loop as Rachel's body cracked hard against one of the pillars after Harry threw her into it.
  "You didn't put all of your heart into that, here allow me to demonstrate how!" Trigon stated as he forced Rachel's hand to raise up and shoot a binding spell towards Harry.
  Rachel managed to exert enough of her free will to allow Harry time to dodge out of the way. Causing the spell to crack against the pillar uselessly.
  "Not too bad, but you missed me, what don't you try that again," Harry taunted Trigon and several blasts of light cut through the air at a blistering pace towards him, but the green eyed wizard dodged every single attack.
  Letting out a growl of anger, a flash of light that erupted from Trigon and Harry could tell that things were going to get intense.
  Illyana rushed towards Rachel, she wasn't going to allow her, whether she was in control of her body or not, to attack Har-Rell. Her eyes burned with determination as she slammed Rachel back against the pedestal, far harder than Harry threw her earlier.
  "I like it when they play rough," Trigon whispered, his evil knowing no bounds.
  "Please....help...." Rachel managed and Illyana tried to bind her, but she fired off a spell before she could and chains wrapped around her. Her scantily clad body was bound fast and she fell to the ground with a huge thump.
  Illyana struggled to break free and Harry stepped in to help her, cutting her free of her bindings with a wave of his hand. She offered him a smile and a word of thanks, but there really was no time for either of them to do anything, but stand up and get back into the fight.
  "Okay, he likes it when they play rough, does he?" Harry questioned Illyana and his emerald eyes narrowed dangerously as he thought of something.
  'Don't hold back on my account,' Rachel reassured them in a tense voice. She'd tried to break free from Trigon's powerful hold on her mind, but if his real form managed to slip through the gates thanks to the power he was leeching off of her, it would be the end of anything. 'There is only one way to break the seal, Harry, both of us know that fact, although neither of us like admitting it.'
  'I don't like that....'
  'I don't like it either! But it's my life! My choice! You told me that life was all about choices, not about destiny, well I'm making a choice and asking you to do the ultimate favor for me, please! Please! do it!' Rachel said, pleading with him and Harry....well, Harry had no idea what he was going to do.
  '...I'll do it,' Harry thought to her after a moment of consideration, but there was a second of hesitation in his voice. He would be doing it on his terms.
  "You're....." Illyana said, but then she paused and she had that one moment of realization that many people had. She wasn't foolish enough to voice it out loud however, but she understood.
  "Yes, I know exactly what I have to do."
  Harry said this statement with supreme conviction and he knew that things were about to get nasty, but one had to do what they had to do. His green eyes flowed with power as he motioned for Rachel to attack him.
  Rachel had a moment of clarity in a sea of insanity and she couldn't help but wondered if Harry lost it, or if he was saner than she ever thought he was. She went straight for him and Trigon relished the opportunity to take down someone who was feared because of their power.
  Harry stood there unflinching and unblinking, the moment of truth was at hand. He lifted his hand up into the air blocking Rachel's attack, He wrapped his hand around hers, holding it in place and there was a long pause where the two of them stared each other down with narrowed eyes that glowed with power.
  Time stood still for a moment, and then Harry flipped her hard onto her back. It was going to be either the most brilliant thing that he ever did or the most desperate. He placed his hand on Rachel's head and with super strength gave it a squeeze.
  It was a fine line that he was walking, he wanted just enough energy to flow through his hands so that he could take her down, but not enough where it would kill her. He wanted to break the hold Trigon had upon her.
  Seconds turned into minutes, then with a flash of the light the demon was launched free from her body. Harry conjured a pair of swords and he swiped them into Trigon's astral form.
  "YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" Trigon howled as Rachel dropped to the ground with a thump.
  Harry's words came crisp and cool. "Just watch me."
  He reared his glowing hand back and then plowed it his adversary sending him hurtling backwards towards his dimensional plane on origin. There was a loud shriek as Trigon was sent hurling back. Harry dropped to his knees, the energy flowing from his hands dissipating.
  "Rachel?" Harry asked in a tentative voice, there was a huge part of him that feared what might have happened to her. There was this sense, that he couldn't shake, that she had been rattled more than a little bit.
  The girl lifted her head wearily up off of the ground and looked at Harry through bleary eyes. She paused for a brief second and then she gave her assessment of the situation. "Nearly dying is something that I would like to avoid in the future."
  Rachel scrambled to her feet after a moment to clear the cobwebs from her head.
  "You banished him, at least for a short time," she muttered and there was a hint of a smile underneath her hood. Once again, thanks to the nature of the charms upon it, Harry couldn't get a clear look at her face. He had been too busy trying to fight for his life.
  "I think I better go home, although when I do, I have an uncomfortable explanation to give," Illyana stated and Harry smiled, that much was the truth, given that the girl had aged a great deal.
  As it turned out, Rachel was able to send them back home. She declined the invitation to accompany Harry back to Earth, saying that she needed to find herself first, before she found a place to live. Cryptic as that statement might have been, Harry was going to let her go. He understood that he was only going to see her when the time was right and not a second before then.
  "What a day," Harry mused as he made his way towards the Xavier Institutes front entrance. He decided that he would check in, because if Colossus's was going to report that she was missing, Xavier's might be the most likely place to go given that it was more accessible to males of the species.
  Of course Harry had eyes and ears everywhere, so news would have reached him quickly if something happened.
  "Less than a day has passed in the real world since you got dragged through," Illyana commented with half of a smile on her face from where she was following behind him, although she couldn't really manage much more than that. She had been put through the ringer and that had taken a lot of her.
  Harry took a step back to allow her the room to knock on the door. A young man answered it and Harry stared him down for half a moment.
  "Scott," Harry offered in a cordial voice, there were times where they didn't see eye to eye and there were many times where Scott was in fact an even bigger jerk than Harry could be.
  And that was saying something.
  "Harry, it's good to see you," Scott commented in a jovial tone and Harry blinked at the politeness in his voice. He continued blinking to the point that Illyana looked at him with a curious smile, which snapped him out of it.
  "I've found the missing Miss Rasputin, I understand that her brother has filed a missing person's report, although as you see, she's changed a lot," Harry said and Scott raised an eyebrow before he nodded.
  "Oh thank heavens....Illyana....what the devil happened to you?"
  Piotr showed up to see his little sister wasn't so very little any more.
  "Devil, that's an interesting choice of words. Well you see, I was taken from my bed in the middle of the night by a demon, who tempted me with a shiny object, and given that my own brother was running around with a bunch of idiotic thugs, I was inclined to follow him," she said dryly.
  "Illyana, I...."
  "...I know, I know," she said with a sigh as Harry made his way into the Mansion, leaving the two to talk in private.
  "So....it's been a long time since you visited us here," Ororo said as she greeted Harry. She threw her arms around the waist of her lover and greeted him with a deep kiss. The two of them nearly getting lost in the moment.
  Harry cleared his throat and she broke away with a smile.
  "Scott really has stepped things up as of late," Ororo reported, and there was a momentary pause, before Harry offered a simple comment.
  "Good for him." Harry wasn't going to lie, he was kind of suspicious about the sudden change in personality, but he wasn't going to let the fact that he was paranoid ruin the moment.
  "Seriously, how have you been?" Harry asked her and Ororo jumped in to answer his question eagerly.
  "I've been well, far better now that you're here," Ororo told him. "I've been thinking over my options...oh, hello Theresa."
  Harry turned around and smiled at the sight in front of him, she had flowing red hair that fell down her lower back, nearly brushing her ass, bright blue eyes and creamy white skin. She wore a tight green top that wrapped around her ample breasts showing off an immense amount of her cleavage, and even tighter green pants that fit snugly around her ample ass. He'd only met her a handful of times, a mistake that he endeavored to correct in the future
  "Good afternoon, Ororo," Theresa stated to her and then she turned to Harry with a smile etched on her face. "Hello Harry, how are you doing this fine morning?"
  "I'm doing well, Theresa, thank you for asking," Harry responded and she got on her tip toes to look him in the eye.
  "You've been busy as of late so we haven't had the chance to meet up," Theresa commented as she placed her hands on his chest to balance herself. She gave her hips a slight little sway, which was quite the sexy little performence. The woman had a certain musical quality to her voice that would have most men eating out of the palm of her hands, but she knew that with Harry, she would have to work extra hard to get his attention, after all he had so many woman vying his time and attention already.
  That made him an alluring challenge to say the very least.
  "Well you know me....I've been doing a few things here and there," Harry commented as he looked at her. "You know, if you want to come by the Stronghold, you're more than welcome."
  "Oh, I know I would be," she agreed as she placed her hands on her hips and leaned against the nearby wall. Which did a wonderful job of emphasizing her cleavage and Harry smiled as he placed a hand on her shoulder, then he teased going a bit further down.
  "I'm looking forward to showing you around and getting to know you in much, more intimate detail," Harry breathed into her ear.
  Theresa offered a slight shudder in spite of herself. She felt her body warm up at the thought of what could happen and with Harry's hand placed on her shoulder, teasing to go elsewhere, it didn't....it didn't exactly help.
  "Right....I'll stop by," Theresa commented. Karen had been talking up Harry to her, listing all of his attributes and he had some very big attributes.
  "I'd love to have you," Harry reminded her and there was a few seconds where the two of them stared into each other's eyes. The redhead grinned at Harry after a moment.
  "I know you would," she stated as she placed a hand up and lightly touched the side of Harry's face, his messy hair and alluring green eyes intoxicating her. "I've....got to get to the Danger Room, I'll see you later."
  Harry smiled watching her leave, then turned to face Ororo was standing there smirking at him in the shadows.
  "You know, there are sometimes where I wonder if you even have to try any more," she said to him.
  Harry's grin was wide. "Well, there are a few challenges out there, you know that."
  Ororo nodded, she did in fact know that.
  "So, I managed to convince my brother that I'll be the safest with you," Illyana said as she made her way down the front steps of the Stronghold. "My parents....well, he'll have fun explaining this to them."
  "I'm sure you had a lot of joy being the one to leave him holding the bag," Harry said and the Russian girl smiled.
  "Yes, just a tiny bit," Illyana stated as she held her thumb and forefinger apart. She giggled at the thought of it.
  "You might still be a bit twisted from the demonic possession," Harry warned her and she placed a hand on her hip then glared at him.
  She was wearing a tight black tank top now and short jean shorts now, a bit less revealing that she was wearing before, seeing as how it was typical teenage girl attire. The top was rather low cut and her smooth and sexy midriff was revealed, leaving the taunt muscles present there on display. Her long and lust inducing legs were also a treat that couldn't have been beat.
  "So, what do you think happened to Rachel?" Illyana asked and Harry watched her a smile, then shrugged.
  "Well, she could be anywhere, she did help us escape and she was a bit.....well, there are things that she has to do. I'm sure that she'll show up when she feels the time is right," Harry suggested, he was quite certain he would see Rachel again soon enough, it was just a question of when.
  Kitty threw herself again Harry, wrapping her arms around his neck and he held her up against him as she planted a deep kiss onto his lips. The two of them battled for dominance, as Rogue, Jean, Kara, and M'gann all turned up to join them.
  Kara voiced the one thing that all of them had been wanting to ask. "What in the name of RAO happened?"
  Harry smiled at his bond mate and grabbed her around the hand. "Well, you see....there was a blast of light, a battle with a bunch of demons....and Colossus's, you know Colossus right?"
  "That quiet metal Russian communist that's a member of the Acolytes?" Rogue offered and Illyana snickered at the description. Quiet metal Russian communist was a very good description for her brother if there ever was one.
  Harry was amused by her description as well, he cleared his throat before responding. "Yes...."
  "...So, what happened?" Jean asked interrupting him, she was getting impatient at being left in suspense.
  Harry could sense his mate's impatience so he decided to step up his story telling a tad. "Well....there were these demons...."
  Harry told them the entire story, although he had to condense some of the details. He wasn't completely sure that he could give everything the proper amount of detail that it deserved, at least that's what he thought. His green eyes never the less were flashing with excitement.
  M'Gann was the one that voiced what they were all thinking. "Well.....that was an amazing adventure, shame we had to miss."
  Kitty couldn't help herself from asking the most important question, at least in her mind. "So....you did laid during your time there right?"
  "Yes," Harry confirmed to her without missing a beat, this was Kitty after all she was basically a sex crazed nymphomaniac after all and he knew his girlfriend very well by this point.
  "Good," Kitty said as she watched Harry. "So who was it?...an army of succubi or something...."
  "No, nothing like that, as enticing as that possibility might be," Harry offered Kitty as he pulled her into her. "You know Clea...."
  "...I thought she was with....oh, Harry that's so....."
  "...Amazing," Jean said with a smile on her face.
  Harry decided to clarify things. "Well....she isn't with Strange, in fact she was with me first....technically."
  "Sooo...time travel?" Kara said, picking up on it right away.
  "Yes, Kara, time travel," Harry confirmed as he pulled her into his other side, Illyana had placed herself firmly onto his lap and was currently snuggled into his chest. She looked to be undressing him with her eyes and Harry knew that there was one thing that she had on her mind, her dark and carnal desires were about to overtake her.
  "So how many bitches did you tap through your adventures in time anyways?" Rogue asked Harry.
  Kitty was the one who chimed in with a cheerful answer. "Hopefully all of them and hopefully often."
  She personally thought along with Kara and Jean agreed with them, once they had worked on her, that any girl that was not getting fucked on a regular basis by Harry was suffering badly.
  "I need to show Illyana to her room, because she'll be staying here for a long time," Harry offered to her and there was a smile on their faces.
  "Right, got your message loud and cheer, Sugah," Rogue said with a smile, allowing Harry to take care of the business.
  "Lead the way Harry," Illyana stated to him eagerly. While she wouldn't mind an audience and someone joining them, for her first time she would like to indulge herself in Harry one on one.
  "Well, looks like Harry will be eating Russian tonight," Kara whispered and Kitty nodded, before bouncing up and down hyperactively.
  Illyana smiled the moment that door was closed, she would have her way with him or perhaps he would have his way with her. She didn't really care as long as she ended up being ravished, because her pussy ached be filled and there was only one force in the Earth that could fill it.
  "Finally, I was getting sick of holding back,' Illyana said as she pushed Harry against the wall with a surprising amount of strength and her lips found his in an amazing kiss.
  Her lips tasted like fire and that was an amazing sensation to say the very least. He cupped her tight little ass with his hands and he felt her legs drape over his hips as she grinded up against him.
  "Want you so bad," she moaned as she tore open his shirt, to reveal his muscular chest and abs. She traced the muscles with her hands.
  "Believe me, the feeling is mutual," Harry said, the lust was contagious but they would soon see who leads this dance.
  She used a handy magical spell to undo the bindings of his pants, ripping the threads to shreds and the only piece of clothing was his boxer shorts and she smiled as she brushed her fingers down the waist band as she saw the growing bulge.
  "And you've been waiting for this one, for a very long time," she said with a lustful smile on her face as she slowly pulled down the fabric of his boxer shorts.
  Illyana revealed his cock and what a cock it was. It beckoned towards her and she placed her finger on the tip, examining it. It was throbbing with veins as far as the eye could see and she clutched her lithe hand around it.
  Harry groaned as he felt her soft hand go up and down his cock while her other hand aggressively fondled his balls.
  "Enjoying that, lover," Illyana purred hungrily. There was hungry desire that danced through her eyes.
  "Fuck, yes," Harry grunted as the blonde pushed her hand up and down his huge phallus, rubbing him. His cock throbbed in her hand as she continued to work her over.
  He was on the bed now and Illyana was giving him an extremely aggressive handjob and he was enjoying every moment of it.
  "I bet you're going to love this as well," Illyana said as her juicy lips puckered and she slowly teased Harry's cock all the way down her throat. It hit the back of her throat and she took him extremely deep into her mouth, making a nice suction sound. She channeled magical energy through his cock and balls, giving him an even greater thrill.
  "Fuck," Harry groaned and he ripped her top open to reveal her tantalizing teenage tits. They were nice and firm and he had to just squeeze them in his hand. Thanks to her transformation, she had a body made for sin and Harry was going to commit many of them with this Russian temptress. He squeezed her breasts.
  This caused her continue her suction of his thick rod, causing vibrations down his cock. Harry felt flooded pleasure as she was determined to suck him dry. He played with her tits and her eyes looking up at him with his cock in her mouth, it made him want to blow several loads down her young throat.
  She grabbed his balls firmly and gave them a squeeze.
  "Oh fuck, Illyana, so hot," Harry groaned as he worked his fingers down her shorts and found her heated mound, pressing on it to give her stimulation as well.
  Illyana looked up at Harry with burning "fuck me" eyes and that caused him to slam his cock into her mouth. His balls tightened and his cum spurted down her throat in a rocket.
  The Russian temptress took all of his cum down her throat, swallowing every single last drop of it. His balls drained down her throat and she wrapped her lips around him sucking every single last drop out of his balls. She managed to push him away and jerk him off a little bit, sending a second load firing onto her face.
  "Oh, that's refreshing," she moaned in a husky, lustful manner.
  Harry looked at her cum soaked face, she looked so fucking hot with her face and lips completely dripping with his cum.
  "Time to return the favor," Harry said as he scooped up the Russian babe and threw her back onto the bed. "I'm going to taste you."
  "Please," she moaned and Harry's finger brushed against her dripping hot slit and the his tongue replaced it, digging into her.
  It was Illyana's turn to succumb to the oral efforts of someone and they were some amazing efforts. His tongue was really good at picking the spots that hit the right buttons for her. His strong hands firmly placed upon her tits were just icing on the cake as far as he was concerned.
  Harry buried his face, her nectar was so sweet. Her mound was delicious and he kept sucking up her pussy juices. Her moans caused his cock to re-harden and he could not wait to stick it inside her. First he wanted to make her cum all over his face and he knew the trick.
  Illyana cursed in Russian as Harry's tongue rattled in her pussy. His oral efforts were amazing, then again, what else could she expect from a serpent tongue?
  That was the only word in English that she could voice but never the less, it allowed Harry to assault her with his tongue. He was determined to drive her to a whimpering, mewling wreck but she was not going down until she had his cock inside her tight young body.
  Her juices exploded in Harry's face, gushing and covering his face. She pumped her hips up and continued to splatter him.
  Harry's face was completely soaked in her cum and her hips released a heavy torrent onto him.
  "I think I better clean that up," she cooed as she pushed her naked body onto his. Harry held her in close, feeling her nice curves press against his chest, her cunt was a few inches away from his large cock and it was about ready to enter her.
  She slowly used her tongue, it was a bit longer than a normal female's, to lick Harry. He placed his hands on her ass and squeezed it which caused her to squeal with burning lust.
  "Oh, play with my ass, I love it when you handle it roughly," she moaned and Harry felt her slit rub down him. "Do it lover boy, fuck my brains out."
  Illyana pushed her hips down onto him, squeezing his cock with immense pleasure and he had been in some tight pussies before but this one seemed to take the cake.
  "Fuck, so fucking tight," Harry grunted as he cupped her tits. She nearly pulled all the way off of him and slammed her hips down onto his.
  "That's right baby, for you, only for you," she said as she pushed him back on the bed, kissing him madly. The taste of his own cum disappeared from her face and it was now the taste of the sweetest sin. Her hips were wrapping around his cock, exchanging energy with each other.
  A mortal man might have broken a long time ago by the way she was fucking him with her tight pussy but Harry was the furthest thing from a mortal man that she could experience. Her tight cunt got even tighter around his massive tool as she kept riding him.
  Harry was in heaven, there were no question about it and her tightening snatch working around his massive pole, that was amazing. The woman was rocking back and forth on his cock, pressing her walls around him.
  "About to cum?" Illyana cooed as she summoned all of the power that she could towards her cunt muscles and squeezed his cock.
  Harry groaned as he worked up against her, stretching her tightening walls out. His hands roamed her fresh freely, grabbing breasts, stomach, ass, everything that he could as he slammed between her nice walls. His cock buried all the way into her hot snatch.
  "You're going to have to earn it, my dear," Harry said and he flipped her over.
  Illyana's pussy gushed with excitement, now Harry was on top of her and he could do pretty much anything that he wanted to her. The thought excited her and what he wanted to do to her was to slam his cock into her over and over again at super speed. Her walls snaked around his rod and pushed all the way into her body.
  The blonde's snatch tightened around his cock and worked him over. His cock was being squeezed by her walls.
  "Fuck me, oh fuck me," Illyana mewled as Harry speared into her from above. Her legs wrapped around him and she sunk her nails into his back. She only drew a small amount of blood but it was enough to make the situation erotic.
  Harry spent up and their organs became a blur.
  "Yes, so good, feels so good," Harry breathed as he buried his face into Illyana's sweaty chest and feasted on the hot Russian Blonde's breasts. Her pussy clenched each time his tongue touched her, milking his cock as he went into her and out of her, his balls slapping against her thighs.
  "Cum for me, oh cum for me," she panted as she was going wild at the way he was lavishing her breasts, worshipping them.
  Harry was going to ensure that she got the most out of this coupling and she was driven to mind numbing orgasm after mind numbing orgasm. He could tell that she got more desperate, more wanton for his cum and he sped up his thrusts and then slowed him down.
  "No, please...don't," Illyana moaned as she used her inner muscles to squeeze his cock, to encourage him to finish inside of her. "Cum inside me, it'd feel so good."
  Harry grabbed her hips as he looked at her sweaty face, bright lips. Her encouragement to fuck her in a sultry Russian accent and her blonde hair framing her face caused him to nearly lose himself but he managed to hold him. His balls worked against her thighs and the green eyes of Harry Potter were focused on her bright eyes.
  He squeezed her tasty young tit and his balls about throbbed as he longed to finish inside her. She clenched him.
  He saw stars as did she. Illyana's walls clutched him and milked him. He spurted inside her, the first of many times that he would do so night. His cum was like her lifeblood and she would milk as much out of it as she could.
  "We're not done yet, lover," Illyana said as she stroked his cock up to full mast and prepared for another round.
  Many more rounds for many more days, which were only a couple of hours on the outside thanks to the time dilation fields.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  To Be Continued.
  Grandest Conspiracy
  Chapter Twenty Five: The Grandest Conspiracy.
  Harry had spent months inside limbo, although it had only been a few weeks. He decided to visit the Church, it had been a couple of days since he had the chance.
  "Good afternoon Harry," Tess whispered as she showed up to greet Harry. She greeted her lover with a kiss, their lips pressing together. She forced her tongue into Harry's mouth and their tongues clashed together for the ultimate domination.
  The two of them broke apart, a flushed expression on their faces.
  "So, how are you doing?" Harry asked her and Tess offered him a bright grin.
  "Really good, thanks for asking," Tess said to Harry as the two of them walked together. "So, I understand that you've had a trip that is pretty productive...."
  "Yes, and rather tense as well," Harry said to the woman.
  "Well, I'm sure it's a story that you'll be telling for a long time," Tess said as she sighed and lead Harry into a side office. "Selene and Emma send their regrets but business calls for both of them."
  "Completely understandable," Harry said waving off this thought. Tess sat on the chair and invited Harry to take the seat across from her.
  "So, how is business for you as of late?" Tess asked. She had heard the RAO's stock going through the roof but she wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth.
  "It's amazing," Harry told her as he thought about it. "RAO is becoming far bigger than I thought it was."
  "I noticed," Tess said to him. "And LuthorCorp...."
  "So how is Lex?" Harry asked.
  "He's taking baldness....quite badly," Tess stated, half amused, with the other half of her expression diverting rather seriously.
  Harry frowned, he wondered about the potential consequences and complications about what happened to Lex.
  "It was an accident that could not have been avoided," Tess commented and she dropped her voice to half of a whisper. "So....how is....Miss Isley....."
  "She's recovering from the treatments very nicely," Harry replied and the redhead nodded, it was a potential concern.
  "That's nice, hopefully she'll be of use to you," Tess said.
  Harry raised an eyebrow but he was also smiling. "Hot redhead, there's really very few ways where she could not be of use to me. I mean, her potential is so great, and when you factor in her intelligence, we just got to make sure she doesn't go off the deep end."
  "Very true," Tess agreed as she poured herself a drink. She kicked back in the chair and sipped her drink calmly.
  "So, I don't think that we've scratched the surface between the two of us," Harry stated.
  Tess offered him a wide grin, she could not really help herself from saying this next thing. "Well, I think that we scratched plenty of surfaces the last time."
  She moved out from behind the desk and propped her feet up on Harry's lap, offering him champagne which Harry took and sipped slowly.
  "So, I don't think that you've mentioned how you got involved in the Church," Harry commented and Tess smiled back at him, as she continued to drink the whine and took it to his lips. She was sipping on the wine and she paused for a few seconds, mostly to add to the drama more than anything.
  "No, I don't think that the story has come up," Tess stated, casually kicking off the shoes to reveal her stocking clad feed. This was a gesture that did not go unnoticed to Harry. "I went to Harvard at the age where most girls were simpering over what boy would invite them to the big dance."
  "And you were doing something more constructive with your life," Harry told her and Tess smiled at him as she brushed her foot against his lap.
  "Yes, very much more constructive," Tess said as she took a sip of the champagne. "Emma....she found me at the college and word had reached her that I was interested about certain things, broadening my knowledge you know."
  "I have a good idea," Harry replied as he placed his hand on her soft foot.
  "Yes, well....where was I, oh yes," Tess commented to Harry as she felt him lightly massage her foot. She closed her eyes. "I wasn't much younger than most of the girls that you got together with when Emma found me. She mentored me and showed me the ropes."
  Tess leaned forward and Harry saw her shirt dip down, showcasing her cleavage. The red blouse she was wearing wrapped around her breasts and showed her cleavage.
  Harry smiled the thought of Emma showing Tess the ropes in any sense of the word, well that was quite the alluring one to say the least. He kept rubbing the bottom of her stocking clad foot and he saw her eyes filled with pleasure.
  "Anyway....she filled me with tales of the Star Child....the same one's that Selene must have educated her on," Tess whispered as her eyes flooded over with pleasure and she bit on her lip. Harry was stroking the bottom of her foot now and the hungry look that was etched in her eye did not leave it any time soon.
  "Yes, it was amazing, wasn't it?" Harry asked her as he kept rubbing her foot and he could see the pleasure that continued to flicker through her eyes. His hand moved up and down her foot and he grabbed onto her toes, playing with them. He could sense the pleasurable whimper that left her mouth and he continued to work her foot up and down. The redhead's eyes closed shut and Harry was really giving her foot a working over.
  "Yes, amazing," Tess breathed hungrily as she felt him slowly work her stocking off, exposing her bare leg. The cool air of the office blew all around them.
  "Just like you," Harry suggested as he slowly rubbed Tess's pair foot, moving all the way up her leg.
  Tess's other stocking was worked off and her foot was working over his crotch. She felt something grow between him.
  "And I think it's time to get a taste of these amazing attributes," she commented with a purr as she used her foot to stroke him through the fabric of his shorts.
  "Yes," Harry said as he helped her remove his pants and Tess reached behind her back to remove a jar from her desk.
  Tess smiled brightly, a hungry look in her eyes. Truly this was all going according to plan, all she had to do is sit back, relax and allow Harry to work his magic and magic was the perfect word. He was rubbing her feet with his hands as she placed the oil upon it.
  "Oh, this is going to be so good," Harry grunted as he rubbed her all ready smooth feet, giving them proper lubrication for their fun.
  "You're not kidding," Tess whispered as she placed her foot on the side of his cock and slowly rubbed up and down, touching his head with her big toe, rubbing it. The redhead was working him over and a bit of pleasure appeared in her mouth. She was rubbing him up and down.
  Harry allowed his cock to become wedged between her oily feet as she rubbed him up and down. His balls throbbed as Tess leaned back, allowing her skirt to ride up and showcase what she had underneath for Harry.
  Harry saw a flash of her panties and his dick hardened as she used her feet to rub him up and down. His cock grew even harder as the sexy redhead continued to work him over with her oiled up feet.
  "Oh, I bet you fucking love this," Tess moaned as she used her feet to bring Harry amazing pleasure and there was really no answer for that one, she knew how much he loved this.
  Harry ran his hands down her oiled up legs and her feet rubbed down his dick to give him pleasure. His balls were fit to blow with the efforts that she was giving. The redhead rubbed her feet up and down his cock, about to give an entirely different kind of lubrication to coat her soles. She moaned at the top of her lungs as she kept working his large prick over with her feet.
  "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!" Tess moaned at the top of her lungs and she unbuttoned her top.
  Harry grabbed her delicious breasts which were bared. One hand alternated between her breasts and her feet were rubbing his cock.
  The redhead was rocking up and down against him, digging her heels into his balls and rubbing his cock with her soles and toes. His balls tightened and the green eyed wizard closed his eyes and felt the rush of his cum explode from his balls.
  There were several rocket launches of cum that shot up and splattered her feet. Tess's feet and ankles were completely soaked with so much cum that she could not even believe it. The redhead moaned as he continued to spurt his cum onto her.
  She smiled and slowly lifted up one foot to suck her lover's cum off of her toes. Harry watched her feast his cum off of her own feet and slowly slip her panties off.
  In another movement, Tess got on her desk, situated on her hands and knees. Her hips swayed from one side to the other.
  "Come and get it, lover," Tess said as she swayed her ass and Harry came and got it. He placed his hands on either side of her hips.
  His bulging cock brushed against her slit and he entered her, his cock slamming into her pussy as he cupped her now uncovered breasts. His cock slid in and out of her, her walls tightened around him. Harry felt the rush.
  Tess felt her lover really work his magic into her cunt. The redhead grabbed onto the side of the desk and moaned. His strokes were extremely slow at first but he sped up a little bit. The wizard's hands roamed her body and Harry squeezed her breasts. Her cunt tightened around his tool as she pushed herself down onto him, riding him like a stallion.
  She moaned as she milked his thrusts with her hot cunt. Harry felt the warmth around her, she manipulated her cunt muscles just right around his cock. It was all about giving him pleasure.
  "You belong to me," Harry breathed in her ear as he ran his hand all over her body.
  Tess shivered as she felt his strong hands work over every last inch of his body. His cock pushed deep inside her and she clenched him as he rode into her from behind. The redhead rocked back, hanging onto his cock and milked it.
  She accepted this ownership that Harry received from her, in fact, she got off on it. Her snatch tightened around him as another shuddering cum escaped her body.
  Harry was going to take every bit of her and he grabbed her around the hips, slamming into her tight young body. The redhead pushed back against him, using her cunt to milk his throbbing cock.
  Tess felt another orgasm rock her body, they were getting closer together and more intense. Harry's hands traced her curves and worshipped them like she expected them. She knew time passed by but he was not slowing down, rather he was giving her more pleasure than she could ever hope for.
  His cock slammed her pussy hard and Harry kissed the back of her neck a few times and licked her behind the ear. His hands roamed her body, exploring every tasty curve of her.
  "Fuck me hard," Tess demanded.
  Harry was not about to turn down a simple request, so he rammed his cock into her as fast as he could be allowed without hurting her.
  Tess felt him go deep inside her and her pussy started to gush, this was amazing. She closed her eyes, feeling the lustful moans escape her lips. The wizard's tool pressed between her inner chambers and she started to milk him. The redhead worked his rod over and over into her gushing cunt.
  Harry fucked Tess long and hard for a very long time and her juicy pussy wrapped around him. He went all the way down, and eventually his balls tightened.
  Both lovers saw stars as Harry unleashed his essence into her tight young cunt. His balls slapped against her and he pounded her into a state of submission.
  Tess rested on the desk, a bright smile etched on her face, as she felt the burn with what happened. She rolled over and never felt anything like this in her life. Then again, much like many women, she was saving herself for the Star Child and he did deliver.
  "Wonderful," Tess concluded, lust still burning through her eyes.
  "I do try," Harry offered her as he grabbed her shoulders and kissed her hard upon the desk, causing her eyes to flicker. "If you need anything, you know where to find me. You're welcome in the Stronghold."
  "And no doubt your inner most chambers, but that always goes for many attractive females, I suppose," Tess whispered and Harry smiled.
  Theresa smiled as Harry showed up to the restaurant where they agreed to meet. "Well, you're on time."
  "I'm always on time, except when I'm late," Harry said which earned the young wizard a musical giggle as she watched him with an adoring smile. "You look gorgeous tonight."
  It was true; her long red hair was tied back in a ponytail which left her cute little freckles in even greater prominence. Her bright lips looked even rosier on this evening and looked like an amazing tree. Her green dress was low cut to show enough of her cleavage but not too much. Her dress allowed a hint of her creamy things and her delicious legs.
  "Thanks," Theresa said as she looked at him, drinking in his muscular frame as they took their seats. "You don't look too bad yourself."
  Theresa decided to smile. "Things are....things are getting a bit weird with Scott."
  "Even weird for Scott?"
  Theresa laughed at him. "Yes, even weird for Scott....actually he's stepping up as leader a lot more and actually trying to learn about your tactics."
  "Hmmm," Harry stated and the Irish mutant could not resist chiming in response to that extremely cryptic statement.
  "Is that a good type of hmmm, or a bad type of hmmm," she wondered as she eyed Harry but Harry said nothing. He just stared straight forward at her.
  "It's just not like the Scott Summers I know, I'd watch your back, but I've told Ororo this already, but it wouldn't hurt to have an extra set of eyes," Harry told her and he leaned forward in greater prominence to whisper to her. "I know you're reporting what happens back to Karen as well, anything odd."
  Theresa nodded, she should have known. It was a good thing that Harry did not know about certain dreams that she was having about him although it should be stated that she was in extremely good company.
  "Well, you're on top of things as always," she stated with a smile on her face as she trailed her tongue down her lip and locked her eyes with Harry.
  "As if I'd be anything else," Harry whispered to her and Theresa smiled as she looked at Harry. "So tell me a bit about yourself?"
  "Well...I guess with my father, I always knew that I would be a part of this," Theresa said and he could not help but be captivated with her smile. That smile was something that could light up a room as far as she was concerned but she needed to focus on everything. "You know....Sean Cassady...."
  "The Banshee, one of the members of Xavier's original X-Men team," Harry confirmed, he did in fact know.
  "Pleased that you've done your homework," Theresa said although there was a sigh that went with that statement. The redhead's smile got wider. "Yeah, he was part of that original team but whatever happened....he decided to retire, settle down. Xavier's tried to call him back a few times but....I think he enjoys the quiet life."
  "And you...."
  "Very different," Theresa said as she crossed her legs. "He didn't know I existed until I was about twelve, so he didn't have any part with my upbringing. Kind of a shocking for him when I turned up at his door with a note from my mother, who was dying."
  "I'm sorry..."
  "It was a long time ago," Theresa stated. She was nineteen years old, when she was twelve; it seemed like a long time ago. "But, never mind, I was recruited by Xavier and I finally caved in when Karen came to me, about the time where you disappeared although I didn't make my arrangements to get to the school until after you left."
  "And you've done well since you've come there," Harry said.
  "Yes, I'm the leader of the New Mutants, when Iceman doesn't seem to want to be mature enough to take on the responsibility," Theresa said.
  "Wait, are you inferring that Bobby Drake might lack maturity?" Harry asked her and he smiled. "Get out of here!"
  "I know, it's shocking," she said laughing, but then she turned around, nervously.
  "What's the matter?" Harry asked her.
  Theresa answered him, nervously looking around. "There's something....there's something that's lurking in the bushes."
  Harry stepped over and he saw the person in the bushes. It was about the last person that he wanted to see.
  Deadpool's head popped out of the bushes and looked around wildly. "Be very, very quiet, I'm hunting for wabbits."
  He did the Elmer Fudd laugh and Harry snatched him out of the bushes.
  "You have no sense of humor, you douche," Deadpool said and he looked at Theresa. "Hey, how are you doing...."
  "You know him?" Harry asked which caused the redhead to groan.
  "Unfortunately," she commented to him as she shook her head.
  "Ah, don't mind her, she's playing hard to get," Deadpool said with a leering grin.
  "He was watching me when I was asleep!" Theresa snapped in a hostile voice and she got up to her feet but Harry grabbed her around the wrist.
  "Hey, that's supposed to be romantic," Deadpool protested. "As any fan of teenage vampire romance novels will tell you, stalking a girl in their sleep is supposed to be true love."
  "You're cracked in the head," Harry said to him.
  "Thanks, didn't know you cared so much," Deadpool replied with a cheeky grin which was a feat given that he had a mask on.
  "No seriously, you're cracked in the head, she doesn't want anything to do with you," Harry offered Deadpool and this caused Deadpool to go completely off the deepened.
  "What, are you trying to add....you know what, you're selfish you know that, you're stealing the girl that I'm st....courting, just like you've stolen girls from everyone else, how many fucking women do you need?" Deadpool asked as he looked at him. The two of them locked eyes with each other.
  "I don't need to steal women when they come to me eagerly," Harry offered him.
  'And he's got a good point there,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head stated.
  'SILENCE, I KILL YOU!' Deadpool shouted to him mentally.
  'Wouldn't that mean that you'd be killing yourself,' another voice chimed in with a serious tone of voice.
  "What the hell are you doing here; you were supposed to scout for that alien signature....."
  The female voice paused as she stopped and looked at Harry. Harry got a good look at her and liked precisely what he saw. Her silvery hair framed rather nicely around her face, along with the tight body suit that hugged around her curves.
  "Yes, and you're Rose Wilson, daughter of the legendary mercenary Deathstroke the Terminator," Harry replied in a business like voice. "So, what brings you here?"
  "I drew the short straw, so I've gotten babysitting duties," Rose grumbled. The good news was that Wade had a healing factor which meant she could be creative on how she hurt him.
  'Sadist,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head stated.
  "My sympathies," Harry said as he shook his head. "Fury must be desperate to hire someone like him."
  Rose paused. "Well....who said anything about Fury?"
  "Fury disappeared, and I'm sure he recruited a ragtag group of misfits to deal with the incoming Invasion but given that they could be anywhere, it's not prudent to speak about them in public," Harry replied and Rose shook her head.
  "No, it isn't, security breach and everything," she whispered to him and she looked over her shoulder.
  "You know, first you steal my girlfriend...."
  "NO!" Theresa yelled, potentially horrified at being with anyone but Harry but especially Deadpool.
  "And then you are hitting on my illegitimate little sister," Deadpool continued without skipping a beat.
  "For the last fucking time, I'm not your bastard sister!" Rose shouted as she thought about stabbing Deadpool in the eye, even though it would grow back, it would relieve some stress.
  "Are too!" Deadpool stated, acting like a child, which really was not that far of a stretch for the Merc with a Mouth. "Slade.....he never came to any of my baseball games, none of my band performances, none of my cub scout meetings, he's nothing but a big smelly douchebag. He dropped me at an Orphanage with a bunch of nuns and we all know nuns are evil. Not as evil as catholic priests who d...."
  'Hey, hey, we don't want to offend anyone who might be reading this!' one of the voices interjected.
  'Although you are likely going to hell for reading fan fiction,' another voice chimed in.
  'Don't some people say that you're going to hell by just breathing oxygen?' another Deadpool commented.
  'Well if you believed the nuns, I was always up for eternal damnation but that could be because I super glued Tommy Smith's face to the toilet seat,' Deadpool commented lightly to himself. 'And the fact that I fap to reruns of the Golden Girls. But never mind that.'
  "As, I was saying before the voices in my head rudely interrupted me, Slade is nothing but a deadbeat father and he rips off my entire act as well. He's the second most evil person in this universe behind Howard the Duck but that's another story for another time."
  "I'd imagine," Harry commented dryly. "Are you here for any reason other than stalking...."
  "Courting!" Deadpool corrected him.
  "What the fuck ever!" Harry snapped in a course voice as he glared at Deadpool. He was weighing the benefits of slicing out his vocal cords with his heat vision. They would heal back but Harry would get some peace and quiet for about a minute and that was the thing that was important to him.
  "Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Deadpool asked Harry. "Or did you not...."
  "The reason why we're here is....there was intelligence that the invaders have invaded this business district," Rose told Harry, deciding to get to the point before Harry did something drastic to Deadpool.
  Granted, she would not fault him at the very least but they did in fact have a job to do.
  "We have a bigger problem," Harry said. He recognized the sound of the engine.
  'Oooh, an alien invasion, we haven't had one of those in a few chapters,' one of the voices commented in an excited voice.
  'Yeah, this should be joyous fun!' another voice in Deadpool's head cheered.
  If Deadpool was talking, Harry most certainly blocked him out, rather he turned around to check out everything.
  "People of Earth, you will surrender the Skrulls that you are inhabitation, or you will have your world reduced to ashes to eliminate this parasite!"
  'Hey, they're not after you for once,' Kitty chimed after afar.
  "Also, the Star Child must surrender to us and we may spare your planet," the voice of Ronan the Accuser chimed in.
  'Well fuck,' Harry thought, figuring that shot that in the ass.
  "So much for a nice day out," Theresa said and Rose prepared to radio headquarters, although she knew that they would already have found out because Fury was on the ball with everything.
  Harry prepared himself to deal with this latest headache, although with the Skrull already here and preparing to make their move, Harry did not really need the Kree on top of that. He saw the shadow on the street and he walked out.
  'Prepare to back me up, although civilians are first priority,' Harry thought to his girls and there were mutterings of agreement. He had no idea how many members of the Team would be able to back him up.
  He remembered how tough the Kree Warship was the last time out and was trying to formulate a plan accordingly.
  "Surrender the Skrulls and you will live, surrender the Star Child, and you will live!" he shouted.
  'So what is he after?' Harry thought to himself as he shook his head. He needed to remain focused on the task at hand because if he faltered for any reason, he was going to be in a lot of trouble.
  'You know, your guess is as good as mine, although I'm trying,' Gwen stated.
  "SHIELD communication satellites, they're trying to hack into them," Rose said as she walked side by side with Harry. "They're trying to figure out how the aliens have been communicating....obviously SHIELD's not picking anything up, although Fury has tried that trick."
  "Yes, but....there's vital information that the Kree could use to cripple us as well...."
  Jessica showed up, with Carol and several other agents of SWORD. Harry looked at the two of them and Jessica was all business despite the way that their last attack had ended.
  "We've got to take the Kree out now before they get their hands on Earth," Jessica said as her eyes flashed up. Only Harry saw the hatred that burned thorugh her eyes.
  "Don't worry, Harry beat the Kree once, he could beat them again," Carol said and Harry smiled.
  "Thanks for the warm words of praise, I'll be sure to try and live up to them the best I can," Harry offered and he lifted his head up as he looked at the hovering ship. He knew that Ronan was up there.
  Kara turned up, dressed in a black jacket, a white top, and a black jean skirt, with thigh high boots. She stepped towards him and offered a frown. Kitty, Jean, Rogue, and Wanda joined as well.
  "Kree again, didn't we just deal with these jokers a while back?" Kitty asked.
  "They're trying to hack into the satellite array network," Karen said as she dropped down. She was dressed in a skin tight white suit that wrapped around her body. There was a hole to show her amazing cleavage where her massive breasts were about to spill out. The material adhered tightly to her body, emphasizing every curve. Her tight ass was on display along with her long legs. She was wearing a red cape, along with blue gloves and blue boots.
  "Well, you know how to keep all of the eyes on you," Harry offered her.
  "Yeah, well I wish this was a social visit but.....STARR got something in, they're bringing something through, it's nearly masked, even SHIELD can't pick it up...."
  "Neither could SWORD," Jessica added.
  "I'm sure that you'd be....very interested by it," Jean muttered lightly.
  "Well this is a matter of security for this planet," Jessica said as she looked up and Carol nodded in agreement. Rose stood there, pressing buttons frantically and trying to tap into the communication where she could.
  "They've jammed my communication, damn it," Rose growled. She could not call in for the rest of the team.
  Deadpool showed up, he had not spoken in a while, which was a new record for him.
  'Are you trying to say that I never shut up?' the Merc with a mouth asked.
  'Well, that's not really breaking any new ground,' Deadpool's serious voice said to him.
  'So when are we going to find the alien redshirts and make with the....'
  'When the time is right,' Deadpool commented as he shook his head.
  'And just think, this started out as a routine stalking session....'
  'COURTING!' Deadpool argued with himself as he folded his arms but Rose grabbed him by the ear and pulled him out into the ground.
  "Oh, abusing your...."
  Rose cracked him head first into the stone wall and the Merc with a Mouth crumpled down like a house of cards.
  "So, I'm pretty sure you've got a plan," Rose said as she waited for an answer. Harry smiled his smile and Rose was caught a bit off guard, with butterflies flapping in her stomach that she ignored.
  'Fuck, another one, Jesus Christ, isn't this getting excessive?' Deadpool asked .
  'Well we still have more dead nuns in our basement than he does women,' one of the Deadpool voices said knowingly.
  'True that,' Deadpool commented. He was proud of the dead nun collection, almost as much as the extensive stash of Golden Girls slash fiction.
  Deadpool missed what Harry's plan was but he was sure that it was going to take at least a scene, maybe two, to fully execute.
  "You know, that's good, that just might work," Rose said as she positioned herself for an attack.
  Kara smiled. "It really does have to work."
  "Yes, it really will work," Jean concluded, as if there was any doubt in her mind that this plan that Harry described in full detail. There was no need to hear it again, because everyone got it described to them in full detail.
  'Lazy bastard, using that trick on everyone,' Deadpool protested. He could not speak on the account of having his jaw mysteriously wired shut and it was by magical means. 'They just X-Men Orgins: Wolverined me, didn't they?'
  Ronan waited for his moment, he had been stewing for months and months after what happened when he went up against the Star Child. That arrogant brat thought that he had the better of him but Ronan would show him. He could taste the victory.
  "The Skrulls are here....but the Supreme Intelligence also wishes for your progress report on secure our outpost in the Arctic," one of the Kree warriors stated, she got to her knee, her face covered by a helmet.
  "It will be secured," he offered her coldly. He was going to get his pound of flesh from the unworthy Skrulls and also from the Star Child. It was going to be a glorious event. "You can assure the Supreme Intelligence that there is no way that we will lose this battle."
  "Of course," she replied swiftly and respectfully. "Surely the Skrulls are...."
  "Do not concern yourself with these Skrulls," Ronan said sharply. "They will be flushed out like nothing, for they are nothing, they are merely cockroaches."
  "Of course," she agreed and Ronan kept his attention on the woman in question.
  "Mar-Vell, return to your position, we need all hands on deck if the Star Child releases one of his doom weapons," one of the commanders stated.
  "Doom weapons?" the female asked as she raised an eyebrow and placed her hand upon her hip and she shook her head. "What do you...."
  "It's nothing that we have to worry about," Ronan stated with callous dismissive tone. "You do not need to think about that too much, keep your eyes out for the Skrull...."
  "An Earth bound vehicle has found its way here, Supreme Accuser," a man stated as he walked forward and dropped down to one knee.
  "Make sure to take it down, we're not going to take any chances...." Ronan commented and he saw a package being brought in by two warriors.
  "This was left outside of the hull," one of the Kree Warriors whispered as he stepped forward and Ronan's eyes flashed towards the crate. He studied it with an extreme amount....well he was going to be really careful with breaking it open. He reached towards the edge of the crate and was about to open it.
  "Stand back," the accuser told them roughly and they stood back, taking a half of a step backward. He looked at the crate and he pried the side of the crate open.
  Ronan looked at the paper.
  "Look up," Ronan muttered in a gruff voice and he turned glance over his shoulder and there was a long pause.
  He wondered what that would mean but suddenly, someone came down from a stack of crates from the left of him. He was sent crashing and the troops tried to rush forward to arm their guns and fire at their opponents.
  However a telekinetic attack knocked the guns out of their hands and a second one clanked their heads together. They fell to the ground like they were nothing. The redhead moved in, her hair framing her face. The redhead kept moving, getting closer and closer to the situation.
  Rogue nailed one of her enemies with an uppercut punch as two more enemies were pulled into the air lock and then passed out from the abrupt lack of breathable air.
  "Show yourself," Mar-Vell ordered and she looked from behind her helmet, her eyes glowing. She looked around but she could not find the source of the intrusion for the Kree War Ship.
  "I'm showing myself, now."
  "So, it's you," Mar-Vell stated as she kept her face covered. The legends did not do him justice but that was beside the point. She came face to face with the infamous Star Child.
  "Yes, it's me," Harry said as he dodged her attack and Rose nailed her with an uppercut punch and shot a tranq dart in the side of her neck.
  "Not sure if that's going to be enough, but that should slow her down enough...."
  Ronan grabbed Rose and threw her down to the ground with a sickening force. If it was not for her enhancements, she would be severely injured.
  "I was after the Skrulls, but I would appreciate this opportunity to take you down," Ronan grunted as he charged forward to cave Harry's skull with his hammer but he caught it in his hand, pushing him back. "You were lucky last time...."
  "You know, you're looking at our last battle through really rose-tinted shades if you think that you could have beaten me that easily last time," Harry said as he kept dodging Ronan's attacks.
  He left him open for Jean to hurl him against the wall with a telekinetic shove.
  Mar-Vell rushed in, but Kara popped in and nailed her in the face with a swinging uppercut punch.
  "Traquilizer didn't work, time to try one of my of my own," Kara said with a frown. The Kree were fairly barbaric and they were not the peaceful people that many Kryptonians were. Even though they descended from the same group, they were not the same.
  Kara was hurled off to the side but Carol jumped in and blasted Mar-Vell in the face with an energy blast. The two women squared off with each other, with Mar-Vell having more questions than answers.
  "Those powers, they're Kree, how did you get them?" Mar-Vell asked as she grabbed Carol around the arm but Carol knocked her back.
  "From a ship that I found...."
  "A ship....you...." Mar-Vell said as she blinked and was caught off guard.
  "Take them out, now!" Jessica stated to the SWORD officers and the explosives were rigged to split the Kree Ship apart.
  Ronan's eyes fixed on Jessica, watching her movements and then his eyes narrowed.
  "Oh, no you don't you filthy....."
  Ronan was knocked out by Harry before he could properly confront Jessica. He threw Ronan hard against the air lock and shot him out into space.
  "So, does anyone want to try me?" Harry asked as he turned around and the Kree backed off.
  "Filthy Kryptonian, you'll pay for th...."
  Kara took him down and there was an angry glare in her eyes. Mar-Vell gulped and she knew what she had to do.
  "I surrender, but you should know what you've brought down upon this planet," she muttered, shame filling her eyes and terror.
  "You might start with an explanation," Harry commented.
  "You don't want to trust her, Har-Rell," Jessica said to Harry as she looked about ready to attack Mar-Vell but Carol held her back.
  "Easy there, Cowgirl, you can trust Harry, he knows what he's doing," Carol whispered to Jessica but the dark haired woman looked at Mar-Vell with mistrust.
  "The Supreme Intelligence will not leave this planet go after you defeated the Kree not one but twice," Mar-Vell told him.
  Harry was ready for an explanation, as SWORD lead off the Kree males, with Harry taking the sole female for a little one on one, chit-chat.
  "The Kree are coming," Harry concluded to Lara as he stood in the Fortress with her.
  "Is your captive talking?" Lara asked him.
  Peve was the one who jumped in. She was the one that had the best idea what happened between the Kree and Krypton. In fact, she was the only one who was in fact alive during the split, when several Kryptonians left the planet and evolved into the Kree a couple of centuries later. "She may be talking but is what she is saying true?"
  "Jessica does not seem to think so," Harry replied to the Council and Lily smiled knowingly.
  He thought that two alien invasions, well that was going to test his best laid plans. He was gaining as much information on the Skrulls that he could, although it was extremely slow going at best. There were a million thoughts going through his mind. He held his head up and moved towards the scans of the Kree equipment that he borrowed.
  "This Supreme Intelligence...."
  "He's the worst of the worst," Alura chimed in darkly.
  "Yes, the Kree are very proud to say the very least, some would call them fanatical, what they cannot take, they will break, and they find everything who is not pure Kree, to be completely worthy of their destruction," Lara warned him.
  "I know, I read the files," Harry said in a tense voice.
  "Just ensuring that you understand what's going on," Lara said seriously.
  "I understand," Harry said and he turned around to leave the Fortress, knowing what he had to do.
  Harry popped out and he saw Carol waiting in the sitting room in the lounge, along with Rose, Karen, and Theresa.
  "Fury's going to want some information on what's happening," Rose informed Harry. "Deadpool tried to enter and well...."
  "You had to be here to see it," Theresa said with mirth dancing in her voice. "I guess, that our date got cut kind of short."
  "Many of them do," Harry said as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into a kiss, shamelessly and unable to resist.
  Her eyes widened and the redhead wrapped her arms around him, tightening the grip.
  "It's....it's a start," she managed as she looked at Harry. "I've got to get back, training exercise, but...."
  "I'm sure you'll be able to make up for it in your own way," Karen said as Theresa slipped Karen the information. "The Institute still has not gotten the best security in the world, has it?"
  "Beast has tried," Theresa said with a grin as she retreated hastily.
  "So, the prisoner, are you going to interrogate her any more?" Carol asked and before Harry could answer, she had a determined look on her face. "Because I've got a few questions of my own to ask her."
  "I do as well," Rose said. Even though the Skrulls were her mission, the Kree were tied to the Skrulls and also a problem.
  Carol, Rose, Karen, and Harry made their way down the hallway. They stopped at the cell the cell where Mar-Vell was. She was more human than most of the Kree and he could tell that if any of them knew, she would be a misfit. She had not evolved into full Kree. She had long blonde hair that flowed down her back. Her skin was a nice healthy shade of pink, perhaps a bit darker than normal. She had striking purple eyes, and her battle armor wrapped around her body, to display an ample set of breasts, a flat stomach, and nice ass.
  "Who are...."
  "My name is Mar-Vell, I was named after my father of the same name," she commented as she looked at him as she kept her eyes locked onto Carol's. "You found my ship and I think that you were very lucky not to get vaporized."
  "Was I?" Carol asked in a calm voice.
  "What do you know about the Skrulls?" Rose demanded as she fingered the gun on her belt but Harry grabbed her by the arm. Any other man would have tried that; she would have broken his arm. Yet, since it was Harry, she was able to relax. The two of them locked eyes with each other.
  "Well, they're here and infiltrated everywhere, and they think that this planet is going to be yours, if the Kree would have taken over this planet, you might have had a chance," Mar-Vell said as she stared down Harry. "Now that you've humiliated them again, kept several of their warriors prisoner, you have no chance."
  "Sounds like pretty good odds to me," Harry replied without missing a beat.
  "You don't...."
  "I think it's obvious which of us two don't understand," Harry said to her. "I know you're only part of this army out of obligation but don't think that the Kree are innocent. They were the ones who contributed to the destruction of my home."
  "They....The Skrull....Zod....you wouldn't...."
  "They wouldn't understand that they can't just conquer everything, that's why they were exiled from Krypton and they evolved badly, although some might not be beyond hope," Harry said. "After their slave trading operations, they don't have a chance for the moral high ground."
  Mar-Vell blinked, the slave trading operations were news to her.
  "And this drive, should hopefully help me against the Kree and the Skrulls, providing I can crack it," Harry told them. "Of course, there's a pretty good chance that both races could destroy each other along with several innocents, leaving nothing but carnage. Unless someone who knows information that could help."
  Mar-Vell said nothing but she had conflict on his mind. Help him, and she would be a traitor. Not help him, and she would enable destruction on a mass level.
  It was not a decision that she could afford to take lightly.
  "So, do you think that she'll help us?" Carol asked as she sat on the couch in one of the rooms. She had reported to SWORD and got all of the information that she had at this present time. The blonde sat on one side of Harry, with Karen sitting on Harry's other side. Karen did quite a good job at running interference on the outside, even though she did not participate in the original battle.
  Karen was wearing a tight white top that strained around her breasts and a jean skirt that emphasized her legs. Carol was wearing a top black top and black shorts that did much of the same. Harry had an arm around both blondes, holding them in close.
  "I think that I gave her something to think about, but I can't wait around for her to hem and haw about this," Harry offered and the two blondes smiled.
  "Yes, the invasion is on, and there's....we can't really know who to trust," Karen said, although she was pretty sure that after a sweep, there were no Skrulls that infiltrated STARR. Other key companies around the city, she could not say.
  'As long as we have Harry, there's no problem,' Kara said in a bright voice.
  'I'd sign on for that,' Rogue commented with a grin.
  'Yes, totally...OW RACHEL!' Kitty shrieked through the bond link.
  'Sorry, couldn't resist,' Rachel replied dryly.
  'Anyway, we're getting closer, we've got information.....damn it, the blasted thing....it's highly encrypted,' Gwen said as she shook her head.
  'We're helping you work on it, but even with help from the Fortress, we can't really....we can't make that much head way,' Chloe reported.
  'Yeah, but we'll get it,' Kitty said as she nodded her head up and down.
  'You should,' Emma chimed in. 'No one inside the Church has been replaced, or any of our businesses, although if they were females, they would be welcomed.'
  'Well, I'm sure that they existed, from what I've found out, the Skrulls are most male, and the few females are the intelligent ones, given that it was the male Skrulls who caused mass destruction on their original homeworld,' Harry thought to them.
  'Makes sense, most males that aren't you are idiots,' Selene replied with a smile on her face.
  'Well, that seems to be true in any species,' Mary Jane chimed in with a chuckle.
  'That's something that goes without saying,' Jean commented.
  'We're going to help you get this done, I swear, Harry,' Gwen said as she shook her head. She was taking it as a personal insult to her abilities. 'Maybe we should get Barbara in on this...'
  'Hey, the more heads that we can put together, the better,' Harry concluded.
  Harry sighed.
  "It's been a long day," Harry whispered to the two blondes.
  "Yes, it's a shame that you don't have a set of hot blondes that can help you unwind," Karen said as she placed her hand on Harry's leg. "Oh wait...."
  "You have the sort of thing right here, and we need to unwind as well," Carol said as she slowly rubbed Harry's shoulders.
  Karen gave up all pretext and straddled Harry's hips. Her breasts pressed against his muscular chest and kissed him quite madly. The blonde drove her tongue into his move and Harry returned the favor, as she grinded against his crotch. Harry grabbed Karen's ass and the blonde whimpered as Harry bit down on her lip, and she cooed.
  Carol pressed her breasts against his back and started to kiss the back of his neck. The blonde ran her fingers through his hair and kept working him over. She wrapped her legs around him from behind and continued to kiss him, working him over. The blonde kept stroking his neck and other parts of his body.
  "Oh, I think he's ready for this," Carol cooed as she squeezed his package quite shamelessly and Karen slid down his body.
  The two blondes removed Harry's pants and they were getting ready to give their man some pleasure.
  Karen wrapped her hand around Harry's lengthened prick, rubbing it up and down. The blonde's eyes closed as she kissed the tip of his head. Carol worked her hand around his balls and squeezed them.
  "Oh, fuck," Harry growled as Karen worked her mouth around his prick as Carol went down between his thighs and licked his balls. He reached forward and played with their tits, their stiffening nipples going out from behind their shirts as they worked him over.
  Karen smiled, she was going to get Harry warmed up for the real attraction. She could see Carol licking his balls and she also worked a hand underneath Karen's skirt. Her panties were parted and Carol stuck a few fingers inside Karen's cunt, manipulating her inner walls with her fingers.
  Karen whined, that felt so good, not as good as Harry but it would do in a pinch. The blonde worked her pussy against Carol's probing fingers. The blonde was making her feel so good and it was increasing the amount of pleasure that she felt. She scraped her fingers up against Karen's dripping cunt and she worked her finger up and down the pink slit.
  Harry caused Karen's shirt to tear off of her body allowing her breasts to be exposed to the work.
  "Damn, nice and erect for me," Harry growled.
  "I think you just like a nice tit fuck," Karen said as she released the blow job.
  "With those tits....who wouldn't...."
  "There's only one man with a cock that could be right for these puppies,' Karen mewled as she wrapped her breasts around his large cock. The blonde worked her breasts around his cock, forcing her breasts up and down, using them to stimulate his cock.
  The blonde licked his head, swirling her tongue around the side. Carol took a taste as she and Karen fingered each other's hot young pussies.
  Harry grunted, having two hot blondes on their knees, pleasuring him in every way, it was amazing. He played with Carol's nice tits and then reached around to cup her ass, using a charm to elongate his arm so he could properly reach and work his finger inside her delicious ass hole.
  "Oh, Harry, you naughty...naughty...oh don't stop," Carol managed as her eyes flickered over in thinly veiled pleasure.
  Harry kept manipulating her ass hole and Karen was working over his cock with her massive tits, rubbing him up and down.
  "Oh, that's fucking...ah, oh yes, FUCK YES!" Harry groaned.
  "I know you love these tits, and they love you," Karen moaned as she really worked his pole with her breasts. She felt his thick prick work in between her massive breasts and she leaned towards him, offering a brief kiss to the tip of him. The blonde's lips were meeting him and Harry decided to cup her ass, squeezing it as well.
  Harry was playing with both of their perfect pussies next and eventually Karen worked over his cock, enveloping it within her breasts.
  His balls tightened and his loins exploded, coating Karen's breasts and face with a thick amount of his spunk. The blonde cooed and Carol moved in to get blasted in the face herself. Harry looked at both of them on their knees, their faces and breasts saturated with his cum as he unleashed a load on both of them. His cock went off like a fire hose, blowing through them.
  Karen and Carol spun around to each other, their arms wrapped around each other and they embraced with a heated kiss which caused Harry's member to stand at attention once again. The two of them sucked and licked the cum from each other's faces.
  "My turn," Carol whispered as she grabbed Harry's cock and pushed herself up, hovering over him, teasing him. "Ready, stud?"
  Harry grabbed her hips and forced her pussy down on his cock, impaling the Kree empowered blonde onto his cock. Her hips smacked against his thighs as the blonde reared her head back and moaned. Harry cupped her tits.
  Karen watched the other blonde ride Harry's cock. Her eyes hungrily followed the process of his cock sliding completely out before Carol impaled herself all the way back on. She rubbed her clit, trying to get some satisfaction.
  Harry was building up the moment but right now, he enjoyed Carol riding him. The blonde's curvy hips worked a delicious motion all the way down the base of his prick. His hands freely roamed his body.
  "Damn, fuck, oh cum that's it," Harry encouraged her as he worked his cock up into her. Her clear juices lubricated his pole which allowed Harry to slide deep pinto her. "I'm going to fuck you into the night."
  "Please...take me...any way, you want to," Carol moaned as she kept rotating her hips around his massive tool. The blonde's walls wrapped around his thick member and worked him up and down.
  Karen fingered herself at this but she found her pussy soon filled by something much larger than any of her fingers.
  "YES, YES, FUCK ME INTO THE FLOOR!" Karen shrieked as she tightened her legs around Harry's body.
  He obliged her, his cock hammered into her like a heat seating missile. Her walls tightened around him like a clamp and milked him as her nails duck into his shoulder.
  "Damn, are you trying to draw blood, woman?" Harry growled and Karen smiled as he worked down her legs, scratching them in turn.
  "Fucking feels good," Karen moaned as she lifted her hips up to meet his thrusts. She clenched him tightly with her cunt.
  Carol meanwhile rode Harry on the couch, his cock entering her pussy nicely. She felt him fill her up so much, it felt good.
  "I think I'm going to take your ass," Harry informed her and that was not a request.
  Carol did not mind as he pulled out of her and she was on her hands and knees and wiggled her tight ass at him.
  "If you think you can handle it, big boy," Carol said with seduction burning through her eyes.
  He grabbed her ample breasts and brushed his cock head against her puckered anal hole. "Believe me, I know I can handle it, all of it."
  Carol felt his cock push into her ass and the blonde lost her mind as Harry pushed all the way into her ass. His cock felt so good going inside her ass that she thought that she was going to lose her mind. It split her cheeks apart and Harry pulled all the way out.
  "OH SHIT!" Carol shrieked as her pussy oozed cum as Harry hammered her ass from behind. All twelve inches were wedged between her firm, healthy buns.
  Harry scooped her cum off of the bed and held it out for her to lick off of his fingers, which Carol happily did.
  "Dirty girl, eating your own cum off of my fingers," Harry grunted as he worked his cock into her ass. Her cheeks squeezed him. The blonde really worked him over and Harry pounded her from behind, taking her tight ass for his own.
  "Yes...my ass....belongs to you, now fuck it!" Carol screamed at the top of her lungs.
  Karen was having a ball as Harry fucked her into the floor. Her hips raised halfway off of the ground and clenched his cock. She really was trying hard not to come undone even though it might as well be the easiest thing in the world with how well and how hard Harry fucked her. The blonde's walls went even tighter around his cock.
  "Give it to me," Karen growled as she scratched his back.
  Harry's cock was a blur as he punished her pussy. The blonde's walls kept going even tighter around him and Karen kept working against him. Her walls continued to milk his cock and his balls slapped against her.
  "Well fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Karen moaned as Harry jack hammered her pussy. She looked up and saw Carol bent over the couch as Harry plowed into her ass over and over again.
  Needless to say, this caused Karen to cum really hard, her pussy spasmed to send more juices onto Harry's prick.
  Harry rattled her walls with him and her legs tightened around him. Her foot brushed his ass as she used her legs to lock him into place.
  "Never.....stop....fucking me," Karen whimpered as Harry slammed his cock into her, as her walls wrapped around his thick phallus. She hugged and squeezed him, trying to milk him into an extremely powerful orgasm.
  "Don't...intend...to," Harry growled as he cupped her nice ass and buried his face into her breasts, which caused her to arch her back. His cock slammed even further into her.
  Karen cooed with pleasure he touched places that she did not know could be touched. Her nerve endings were on fire. The blonde was plowed with his massive member and her walls kept hugging him, working him over.
  "Yes, yes, fuck, yes!" Karen screamed at the top of her lungs. No matter what, she could not....she would not....the blonde was losing her mind.
  Carol's ass was pummeled and Harry switched back to her pussy. She was not too fussed about what hole was filled, as long as Harry's cock filled something. The blonde's walls tightened around him and Harry hammered her from behind.
  The first volley of cum was blown into both girls but Harry was far from finished. They were going to explore this arrangement from many more angles with many more positions, before the night was over.
  Harry laid back, both girls were soaked from their activities. He had Carol and Karen buried into his side, the blondes resting against him.
  "Amazing, a great fuck as always," Carol managed as Harry moved his hand around and cupped her back.
  "We need to take five, but we'll be ready for more," Karen said as she ran her hand down his abs and reached for his crotch. The blonde smiled at the look of lust in Harry's eyes.
  "Yes, I'm sure that you'll be ready," Harry grunted and Karen smiled as she tightened her grip around him and prepared for the next round.
  She could never have Harry enough times, neither of them could.
  "We're here," Rose said to Deadpool who jumped up and prepared to exit the plane.
  "Oh good....YOU SON OF A QUESADA!"
  Deadpool fell out of the plane and landed with a thud. Mud splattered everywhere, adding insult to injury.
  "Did you think that was funny?" Deadpool managed as he waited for his broken neck, his broken ribs, and his broken everything else to heal.
  "A little bit, although I never once said that the plane landed," Rose commented.
  'She's got you there,' a voice in his head said.
  Deadpool scrambled up to his feet.
  'You know, this is about the third time that she tried to severely injure you this chapter, so I'm pretty sure that you'll be shipped together before too long by someone,' one of the voices said widely.
  'Please, all people need to have in common is the fact that they breath oxygen and some loon will ship them together,' another voice in Deadpool's head quipped.
  'Even less than that,' another voice commented lightly.
  'Fans on the Internet are scary,' Deadpool said as he shuddered.
  'True that,' another voice agreed with the Merc.
  "Wilson, you're a disgrace."
  "Yeah, I stepped out of a plane while it was in midair and nearly died, so how are you doing...."
  Miranda was not in a pleasant mood. The only reason why her father was allowed Wade on the team was that his brand of causing havoc might actually frustrate the Skrulls.
  Also he contributed a practice dummy that he lovingly referred to as "Albus." It was good for target practice, although for some reason, Miranda could have sworn that she heard muffled cries come from it every so often during a brutal hit.
  "So, you have news?" Miranda asked.
  "I'd rather inform the rest of the team, but Harry Potter knows about our little resistance movement, so we got to move quickly, because I think I know who the Skrull in SHIELD is," Rose said as she stepped forward with Miranda.
  "Does Potter...."
  "Yes, he does, but he's playing a far more complex game than either the Skrulls or the Kree are right now," Rose said as she dragged Deadpool's limp body in by the ankle, dragging it over some jagged rocks which caused the Merc With a Mouth to yelp in pain.
  "So what do you think of him?" Miranda asked.
  Rose had her cheeks tinge a brief red. "I don't think that is relevant to this mission."
  "I'd still like to meet him someday....."
  "Are we going through that phrase of liking what Daddy isn't particularly fond of?" Rose teased her.
  Miranda shook her head. "No...like you have room to talk....watch the pole there."
  Rose redirected Deadpool's body so she could crotch him on the pole.
  Deadpool screamed as he was dragged over the nails which dug into his back.
  "Anyway, your father might not be too fond of Harry either," Miranda said.
  "I'm only working with that bastard because I owe him a favor, and don't forget that," Rose said through gritted teeth.
  "Well, you have a great relationship," Miranda said and the doors opened and stopped, closing on Deadpool's head, crushing his skull in the process.
  'Ow,' Deadpool groaned as he waited for his crushed head to inflate.
  To Be Continued.
  First Wave Part One
  Chapter Twenty Six: The First Wave Part One.
  Harry calmly chewed an apple as he was perched on a bench. Several of his girls, including Kara, Rogue, Betsy, Atlee, and Lorna sat next to him. Even though he had not done the deed with them yet, all of them were his girls. There was one thought that they all agreed on.
  'This will be good.'
  Kara leaned forward in rapt anticipation and she nudged Harry "So who do you think is going to win....."
  Harry held up one finger which caused her to grow silent. "Just wait and see, just wait and see."
  The blonde protested much to the amusement of the rest of the group. "But....but....I want to know!"
  Harry continued to smirk but said nothing as the girls laughed.
  "Pretty please, with sugar on top....and sprinkles and those little gummy bears...."
  "Oh Kitty is now going to zonk you for copyright infringement for that one," Rogue said with a grin. "Just relax, Sugah."
  "Yes, this is going to be cool," Atlee said with rapt anticipation in her eyes.
  "Just wait, you are in for a treat," Harry said and Betsy smirked at them.
  "I might have to fight the winner," Betsy suggested and Harry reached over to grab her hand.
  "That would be something."
  Dinah Lance was the first occupant in the arena. One would expect that she would be nervous, given that this was her first hand to hand combat with an Amazon. And she was a bit intimidated but at the same time, she was pretty excited. It was a learning experience and as a fighter, Dinah appreciated those.
  "So are you ready?"
  Diana turned up, dressed to fight.
  "I've been ready for this for a long time," Dinah said as she stared down Diana. "I mean....I'm ready to fight someone like you, the best of the best, better than the rest."
  "Well, I can't take any higher praise than that," Diana answered as she braced herself for battle. "So are you ready?"
  Dinah nodded as the two women jockeyed for position. Lorna leaned over to talk to Harry. "Seriously, who do you think is going to win?"
  "Take notes," Harry told them as he wanted his full attention on the battle. "Observation is just as valuable as practice."
  Diana rushed Dinah with a punch but she crouched down to dodge it. The Amazon's momentum was thrown off but Dinah knew that it would not be for more than a few seconds. She also had to compensate for the height disadvantage.
  And the best way to do that is to flip Diana onto her back. She crashed with a thud, impacting the ground, everyone was the same size on their back.
  Then Diana was up, her attack not having worked as well as she previously thought. Dinah would have to wear her down.
  She aimed a kick but Diana caught it. Dinah tried to take out Diana's legs on the back swing but Diana averted that again. Using her immense strength, Diana hoisted Dinah up into a fireman's carry position and hurled her onto the black mats, hard.
  Nothing was injured, only Dinah's pride. "Okay, come on!"
  Dinah was not one to deny a direct challenge. Both stared each other down as once again Dinah tried to take out the legs.
  The only problem was that she was caught. Dinah was pinned face first down onto the ground, her blonde curls flopping against her face.
  Diana twisted her arm behind her back in a hammerlock and cranked on it. Dinah winched hard as Diana poured it on.
  Dinah could tell that Diana was at half strength and she wanted to grab a handle. The most obvious one was the Amazon's hair.
  "Oh that's a good one," Rogue cheered as the blonde fighter flipped the raven haired Amazon onto her back by the hair.
  "It is," Harry agreed as the two watched closely what was shaping up to be a pretty damn good fight.
  "Sooo...will we be able to fight like that?" Atlee asked and Kara grinned.
  "Someday, we're getting closer," Kara said and much like Harry suggested, she was taking notes.
  "And now I'm suddenly having second thoughts," Betsy muttered as she could see the fight kick up in intensity.
  "Don't really blame you but it would be a good learning experience," Harry told her and the British-Asian Mutant agreed, there was no question about that.
  Both Dinah and Diana had determination beyond all measure but something, anything had to give. Dinah slid underneath, trying for a rolling ankle hold but Diana muscled her up and hurled her to the ground.
  "I think that I won," Diana whispered as she kneeled on Dinah's back.
  "No....kidding," Dinah said as she got up and Diana helped her up.
  "It was a valiant fight and I'm looking for another," Diana said and Dinah shook hands with her to show that there were no hard feelings.
  "And I'll be back for more," Dinah said, thinking that she gained some respect. Although she was driven to victory even more.
  "Yeah, I'm ready," Betsy said as she geared herself up for the fight and she wondered what she got herself into.
  "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," Diana said and there Betsy was standing there, not knowing whether to feel insulted or gracious or both.
  It was time for her to test her mettle like it had been never been tested before and the Queen of the Amazons waited for her. She tried to learn from what Diana did against Dinah and try to find a weakness.
  When people had nothing to do but think that was the last thing that they wanted to do. Yet, they had no choice.
  "So did you make your decision? Did you think about your options?"
  Mar-Vell lifted her head up to face Harry. Harry could see conflict in her eyes and he understood what she was going through. In fact, he figured that she thought that she might have betrayed the Kree just by being captured and locked up.
  "You have big shoes to fill with your father. In fact, didn't you die in the service of the Kree?"
  Mar-Vel looked completely annoyed and she was only too willing to tell him why.
  "I lost my father thanks to General Zod," Mar-Vell said chillingly. Although there was no emotion in her voice, her eyes told a different story.
  "I extend my apologies," Harry said sympathetically. "Zod caused way too many deaths on Krypton. The man was obsessed with power. However, the Kree did not have the most squeaky clean record."
  Mar-Vell's eyes flashed with annoyance but Harry just hit his stride.
  "The Kree took females, teenagers, and slid them at a profit."
  She protested immediately, outrage filling her voice. "The Kree would never...."
  "Yes they would!"
  They all turned around and saw Kory standing in the hallway, dressed in a tight purple top where her breasts nearly spilled out of there and a purple skirt that emphasized her legs. "They captured me and I spent the best years of my life in darkness, until they decided to sell me off."
  "My father would never....he would never approve of such a thing."
  "Your father was not one in charge, Mar," Harry said and she flushed but remained defiant in her gaze at him. "In fact, he was only following orders if he had anything to do with it. Just like you."
  Harry hit his stride and continued with his rant.
  "People died far too often in the name of following orders. Human history is chalked full of them. The Kree aren't that different from them, for all of their talk of being the master race."
  Mar-Vell protested this thought although she was not sure why she was protested. Her talk lacked conviction. "Not all of us think like that. You don't...."
  "We need to take care of the Skrull but your people are getting in the way," Harry told her. He knew fully well that the Kree would return in immense numbers. "Earth is off limits."
  "You know that they would kill you for what happened?" Harry asked her gently and she gulped.
  "I know but....."
  "You need not be afraid, if you stand up to those who try and push you around," Harry whispered to her and Mar nodded up and down. He reached through the transparent wall of the cell to squeeze her hand. "Will you help us....will you help us save innocent lives?"
  She considered it, and it was obvious that she wrestled with the fear that she experienced. "I....I will."
  Kory looked at Harry, she was anxious but at the same time, trying to keep an open mind about it. Still, it was the Kree and that made her nervous. Harry sensed her urgency and grabbed her hand.
  'It'll be alright,' Harry whispered to her.
  "Where is it...the disc drive?' Mar-Vell asked Harry and Harry smiled at her. She had to wait a few minutes before he let her in on that information.
  "Right through this door," Harry told the Kree Warrior. "A few of my people have been trying to work on it but no luck."
  As much as Harry hated to admit it, he had some of the best minds in the world working on it. The fact that Karen and Faora could not crack the code along with the Council proved how well protected this thing was. And this was a problem.
  "I'll....I'll do what I can to help you," Mar-Vell said and Harry once again squeezed her hand. The piercing glint in his eyes caused her to be surprisingly tranquil.
  She knew that she was aligning herself with the very best, perhaps the only person that could save Earth from being overtaken by the Kree. To prevent them from doing what they vowed to do, for the mere crime that the Star Child was on the planet.
  Faora popped up but skipped to a stop and looked at Mar-Vell. The two looked at each other and Harry could feel the chill.
  "My father met yours, my name is Mar-Vell," the Kree Warrior told her and Faora glanced back at the daughter of Mar-Vell with thinly veiled contempt.
  "Zod isn't my father, he was merely a sperm donor," Faora spat back acidly. "And I know your father, puppet of the Kree he was....."
  Faora fell back into line but Mar-Vell was already angered.
  "My father was a noble man who served the Kree....."
  "They said the same thing about my father, but it never turned out to be true," Faora said hotly. "He was a psychotic butcher who lead to countless lives."
  Karen turned up and she whistled at the tension. Harry was annoyed and they all knew it.
  "Okay, you can work out any sexual tension that you two have later, right now, we've got work to do," Karen said, very annoyed herself. She was beneficiary to all of Faora's ranting about how Har-Rell left a filthy Kree to live.
  Both girls stared daggers at each other, if looks could kill, they would be dead. Harry decided to clear his throat and the both relaxed.
  Lara would be amused if the situation had not been so dire.
  "So what....what do you have for give me....any good news?" Harry asked as he kept half of his attention on the Kree and the Kryptonian who were this close to killing each other.
  "We're pretty close to cracking it," Lara said. "Give us six more months of work and we might get the initial programming sequence."
  "The problem is we don't have six months," Lily said with frustration in her eyes.
  "I'll see what I can do," Mar-Vell said as Harry released her.
  No sooner did she said that, they triggered a hidden transmission. Ronan and a mysterious figure in the shadows spoke at each other.
  "The Empress is obsessed with getting in bed with the Star Child....."
  "What do you expect from a woman?" Ronan asked with scorn. "The Kree will help you secure the Earth, and you shall have it. The Empress will have a nice little accident, which will leave the throne free for you."
  "I should have always been in line for the throne," the Skrull in the shadows said. "They need a real man to lead them and not some lovestruck bitch."
  The Skrull paused as part of the transmission was corrupted but they got the next part.
  "I'm currently posing as the human known as Donald Menken at OsCorp if you need to remain in touch."
  Harry smiled, that theory was true. Jessica Drew would be interested in this information and intended to bring it to her attention, along with the rest of SWORD.
  "And you are extremely hard to get in touch with, during the best of times."
  Jessica gave Harry a bright smile, with Harry returning fire to him.
  "Well, with all of the projects that I'm working on, you can see how I've got my plate full," Harry said. "I've got my fingers into a lot....."
  "Amongst other body parts," Jessica muttered with a grin, an extremely intense gaze being shared by the two. She ignored the unbridled passion that she was feeling for a moment and shook her head. "So....so...any luck with the Kree."
  Harry could pick up the distaste in her voice although only one with a strong ear would be able to hear it.
  "And we've found some interesting information that SWORD might find useful," Harry said to her and she raised her eyebrow. Harry pushed forward now that the iron was hot. "Perhaps you could use it in your Skrll investigation as well."
  "Well anything you uncover, will no doubt be beneficial for the fate of Earth," Jessica said as she nearly closed the gap between her and Harry. Neither of them were stepping forward to close it. "So about the prisoner...."
  "She helped us decode it and find the information on it," Harry informed her and Jessica nodded. "It would be a good indicator of what the Kree is up to."
  Jessica was impressed and she smiled. "Well you've gone above and beyond your duty. I'm sure Earth will thank you in the end."
  Harry said nothing but the woman was not quite done with him and she stepped closer to him, this time the gap was pretty much all but closed.
  "Now, onto more personal matters," Jessica whispered in his ear. "We had a meeting a couple weeks ago that ended prematurely."
  "Well, you're going to have to remind me what happened," Harry told her and Jessica grinned. She could tell that Harry was feigning ignorance and that made the hunt that much greater.
  "Well, it went something like this," Jessica said as she wrapped her arms around him and forced her mouth onto his with a nice kiss.
  The kiss was firm and on his lips and Harry did not have to do anything but reciprocate her actions and that's what he did. Both battered each other with their tongues.
  Harry's hands roamed all the way down her body, ending at her ample ass and hips and she leaned back, whispering at him hotly.
  "I want you, Har-Rell, I want you badly."
  She gave into her base instincts and started to slowly unbutton his skirt. She ran her hands down his muscular chest, feeling every inch of his hard body.
  Harry scooped her into his arms bridal style and marched her up to the bedroom. Super speed allowed them to get from one point to the other rather quickly. And it would allow him to take her in all of his glory.
  Harry yanked down the top of her outfit, with her nice breasts, ready to play with. And play with them he did, he placed his hands on her breasts and ran them all over her body. He continued to strip her, exposing her pussy. It showed her arousal for him.
  "I think you're overdressed a little bit?" Jessica breathed as she appreciated Harry's sculpted muscles. She liked what she saw.
  He dipped her fingers into her hot pussy to distract her from the fact that he was dressed from the waist up.
  "FUCK!" she moaned as his fingers dove in and out of her, capturing more juices into her. The woman panted as she lifted her hips up.
  Harry could feel the moist tightness and he could see her with dazed eyes trying to lift her hands up, as she fumbled with his pants.
  Jessica's heart almost started as she revealed his manhood to the world and saw what was hanging between Harry's legs. It was quite delicious all this considered. It was hard to concentration but she had to.
  "Go ahead, take it in your mouth."
  Take it in her mouth was what Jessica did as she wrapped her hot mouth around his thick organ. She began to give him an amazing blowjob, slurping on his prick as she brought him up and down. She almost gagged on him but to her credit.
  "Oh that's the fucking best," Harry grunted as he allowed her to keep sucking his dick. He held onto her head as she looked at him with burning lustful eyes and he pumped deep into her mouth. Jessica's tight mouth continued to go around him.
  He tasted her pussy juices and that got her even hotter as she was determined to take her down.
  'Mmm, mmm, ah,' the woman on her knees thought as she gave his cock a working over. He grabbed her ass and that gave her the necessary encouragement that she needed to go further down onto her.
  She kept blowing him, with her eyes closed and then they snapped over. Needles to say, this beauty's mouth wrapped around his cock got Harry's motor running as she pumped up and down.
  After some time, his balls throbbed, and he sent a gushing flood of cum deep into her mouth. The seed injected into her mouth, piping hot load after piping hot load flooding down her throat.
  "And it's time to return the favor."
  Jessica looked up at Harry with a flushed face and he dove between her legs, eating her out with renewed fury.
  "Oooh...oooh yes, fuck me with your tongue, Har-Rell," Jessica mewled as her legs clamped around him, as she rubbed her own clit to stimulate it.
  Her hips bucked as Harry dove between her legs and continued to slurp up the molten hot juices.
  "Harder, oh harder," Jessica whimpered but that was a mistake as he drove his tongue so far into her that she thought that she was going to explode.
  Harry could feel her pussy heating up and he could not wait to be inside her. Right now, he was going to indulge himself in her and kept munching on her.
  She came immediately and Harry pulled back. She felt a rush from the erotic sight as her honey rolled down his face.
  "So, ready for the main event?" Harry asked her and he could sense that Jessica's pussy was about ready to drip with arousal.
  She slid onto his lap, about ready to mount him and ride him into submission. "As if you needed to ask."
  She pushed herself down onto him and closed her eyes, about ready to feel all of him inside her. The woman rode him immediately.
  Her pussy was a perfect fit and he was a good size in her. Then again, it was not the cock that mattered but rather it was the person who it was attached to. And Harry caused her walls to clamp around her.
  Her pussy enveloped around his thick pole as she kept riding him into submission. She was having the time of her life and Harry was inclined to lay back and allow her to enjoy the ride to its fullest.
  "Oh you're mine?" Jessica moaned as she clamped down onto his massive member. "How do you like that...stud."
  Abruptly, Harry flipped her over and reversed positions. He pulled out of her and she whined from the loss. She tried to push him back into her, but he held back.
  "We have a different opinion on who belongs to who!"
  Jessica shivered as she felt herself put in a vulnerable position, she had never felt anything like this. Her pussy burned with hunger and it dripped with desire.
  "Don't think....just do!"
  Harry did in fact, he plunged himself deep into her pussy, stretching out her walls. The woman tightened herself around him and Harry plowed into her from up above. The woman tightened around him as he kept going hard into her. The dark haired woman felt her tightness go around him as he rocked up and down into her.
  "You belong to me, and don't you forget that," Harry growled and she nodded furiously.
  "YES!" she screamed in the heat of the moment. Her arms were pinned down and he fucked her silly.
  His cock plowed into her and her mind was brought to the higher heights of orgasmic fury. The woman whimpered as she tightened around him.
  He grabbed onto her hips and kept plunging himself into her pussy. His member explored her most inner regions and she returned fire, squeezing him. She tried to milk every single last drop out of his balls.
  The joining of their sexual organs was a magnificent feeling and his balls was loaded with cum. He launched his full load into her and injected drop after drop of the juices into him.
  Jessica was put through the paces, it was only through the sheer force of will that she was able to hold it together. Not that she wanted to hold it together. Not when she was fucked so well. She drifted off.
  Harry summoned his closed, his eyes locked on Jessica with a sleepy and smoldering grin on her face. The sedative potion that he slipped her should allow her to sleep without any consequence.
  The emerald eyed Kryptonian rummaged through her bag and smiled as he found it. It did not take too much time. Perhaps she thought that there was no chance or perhaps she subconsciously aided him out of demented loyalty. Harry did not know.
  'Jackpot,' Harry said as he hooked up the flash drive and downloaded the information to the Stronghold. He returned it back to Jessica's bag, treating it like it had not been disturbed.
  He parked himself right next to her and smiled.
  "So it was amazing," Jessica concluded as she snuggled into him. In her mind, no time had passed.
  'As good as I always assumed, he'll be perfect to have, and I could have an encore later.'
  Harry's grin was wide as she was about ready to drift off again.
  'Sweet dreams Empress.'
  "Really I don't know how you do half of the things that you do, sometimes," Dinah said as she sat outside of Harry. Sun was shining, birds were singing, the breeze was blowing, it's a perfect day, almost too perfect.
  Which meant that Harry was expecting the sky to open up right about now but that went without saying.
  "I scare myself sometimes," Harry said and Dinah grinned as she crossed her legs. The black top and black shorts she wore allowed her beautiful legs to be exposed freely.
  "It is something," Dinah agreed and Harry smiled. "So what is Diana doing inside there anyway?"
  "There were some artifacts that were discovered," Harry informed Dinah and Dinah looked interested. "Diana wants to determine whether or not that were some kind of lost Amazon artifacts."
  "She did mention something about that," Dinah said as she winced at something. "Sorry, I'm a bit sore, she handed my ass to me the other day."
  "I wouldn't quite go that far," Harry said but Dinah held up her hand to stop him.
  "You saw it," Dinah told him as the blonde surveyed the green eyed wizard. "You know, I got my ass kicked, she mopped the floor with me, I'm woman enough to admit it."
  She paused and added on, almost as an afterthought.
  "You know, you mop the floor with me half of the time. The other half of the time....I think you're really holding back to give yourself more of a challenge so you don't get lazy."
  Harry sipped the coffee slowly and gave his honest assessment. "We have our good days and bad days."
  She nodded in agreement and thought she heard something. Was it Diana? A closer inspection indicated that there was nothing there. All she was there was in the sole company of Harry, which was not a bad thing.
  Diana returned immediately, an apologetic look dancing her eyes. She gave Harry a quick kiss and took the seat on Harry's other side. "Sorry, took me so long, there's nothing of ours."
  Dinah, Diana, and Harry's conversation stopped before it even started. The Raven haired Amazon leaned her head as she saw an air craft off in the distance.
  "Not again," Harry grumbled as he noticed the air craft around and the women looked fairly amused.
  "What do you mean not again?" Dinah asked as she was bemused.
  "Aliens," Harry said although with a closer look, it was something new. Whether it was friendly, that was not something that Harry knew. There seemed to be a new group of aliens showing up every day, many of them having a grudge against him for things that were not in his control.
  'Another day at the office,' Harry said tensely.
  'Well, maybe it's friendly?' Kitty asked and Laura popped up.
  'Optimistic thoughts have no place in this group,' Laura chimed in but Harry was already in position.
  Harry swooped down in front of the vessel and analyzed it. One thing that he could figure it out was that it was not a warship. So the ship was not dangerous on itself but that did not say anything about the person onboard.
  He tapped the side of the ship but there was nothing. He kept tapping again and then he came rapping as Dinah and Diana stood behind him. Jean, Kara, Kitty, Betsy showed up, along with Laura.
  "Something's about to happen," Betsy whispered but so far there was nothing.
  "Yeah, I got that same vibe too," Kitty said as she followed the progress of the vessel.
  "I say they should bring it, we'll give them it," Laura said as she turned her arms over.
  "Stand down and be calm," Harry said as he waited for the vessel to pop open slowly. Harry was surrounded with hot tempered females.
  'Whoever is on this ship, she's leaving us in suspense,' Kara interjected and Diana raised an eyebrow.
  'How do you know that it's a she?' Diana asked.
  Kara shrugged as she gave a cheesy little smirk to the rest of the group. 'Wishful thinking?'
  'On your toes ladies,' Harry warned the girls and they stood on the toes, ready for action. They wondered when the ship would open completely.
  The doors shifted open and sure enough, it was a she who stepped out of the ship. The blonde Kryptonian cast eyes at the raven haired Amazon. Harry's warning glare caused them to stand straight up and not get into it.
  She walked out, the outfit started off with a war helmet over her face to cover it but Harry could see that she had long vibrant red hair that flowed down past her shoulder. Despite the yellow and black battle armor Harry saw upon her, he could see the nice curves on her. She had a fairly healthy bust and a tight ass, along with long legs. The most striking part of her was the wings, well unless one counted the big honking mace that she had in her hand.
  "My name is Shayera Hol," she told them without missing a beat. "I've come to Earth to offer you a message, the Kree is coming and they will stop at nothing to get what they want."
  Thinly veiled rage went through her eyes.
  "Thanagar," Harry whispered and Kara nodded feverishly, recognizing the type as well.
  The Thanagarians had been another victim of the war between the Skrull and the Kree and there were rumors of their survivors. This was proof that they existed.
  "Then we have to talk," Harry said to the redhead and she stood up in surprise. "My name is Har-Rell, I am one of the survivors of Krypton."
  The House of Rell was one of the most decorated houses in the planet so naturally she heard about it.
  "Well it looks like we have much to discuss," the winged warrior woman said. She had an inkling that Har-Rell and his mates had an idea of what was to come. Any information would be a boon to them however.
  "We do," Harry agreed as he invited her to join them.
  The group made their way to a neutral meeting place. It was not the Stronghold but it was pretty close. It had a lot of the comforts of it never the less.
  "You've come a long way."
  Shayera nodded as she said down next to him and she would have to agree, it had been a long journey.
  "An extremely long way, although I'm sure that it was worth it," the redhead said, as she was pleased to meet a survivor of Krypton. However, much like her people, she was extremely adaptable.
  There was more guests that were going to make their way in and they were all people who Harry valued the opinions of immensely. Carol, Susan, Faora, Mar-Vell, and Karen turned up. Shayera tensed up when she saw Mar-Vell there and being hot tempered as she was, she was going to have to call him out on it.
  "You brought a Kree here?" Shayera asked as her temper threatened to bubble up to the surface.
  "So you're a Thanagarian? Mar-Vell asked and her own tension began to rise. Their two races did clash a lot, and sometimes they were reluctant allies. Yet, their partnership was fleeting. The hawk people were a war like race and did not appreciate losing. It was a pride thing.
  "Yes," Shayera said tensely. She was not about to be pushed around and she would attack if she was not sure that Har-Rell would push her down hard. That being said, she was not about to back dow to the Kree. "What's it to you?"
  Harry decided to nip that problem in the bud immediately.
  "You all have your issues....."
  "Putting things kind of mildly," Carol said as they could cut the tension with a knife. She then paused, they might need a machete to cut that tension.
  "So what's the problem?" Susan asked curiously and more turned up as she asked this question. Gwen lead the path, with Kitty, Rogue, Kara, M'Gann, Jean, and Betsy following. Sue was not the only one who was curious.
  "Well the problem is something like this," Harry said as he shared what he learned with his group. "The Kree and the Skrull formed a pact with each other."
  "That won't last," Shayera said and there was some agreement but Karen felt it was necessary to remind them of a certain point.
  "If it lasts long enough, that could spell doom for all of us, another world caught in the crossfire of their never ending war,' Karen said tensely and Harry gripped her hand in comfort. She was glad that he did for this put the blonde's mind at ease.
  "It's time for action and not reaction," Harry said tensely. "We're going to head straight to the heart of the problem and pluck it out."
  Mar-Vell's reaction was that of horror as she realized exactly what Harry was saying and realized the suicidal implications of what he was doing. She only had one thing to say about that.
  "Are you insane?"
  Harry, being Harry, answered with blunt honesty. "Likely, why?"
  Mar-Vell through her arms up in a crazed manner. She could not believe it but at the same time, she could almost believe it. It was weird like that but at the same time, it was beyond all feasible comprehension.
  "We're going to have to fight a war on two fronts," Carol said as her tactical mind was getting things in order.
  "We all know that and we're all ready," Jean said and she spoke for a lot of the group.
  "And who knows what the Kree and the Skrull will do to each other with Earth in the middle and....we won't let it become like Krypton," Faora said as she took a personal insult to what they did.
  "You'll have a chance to do something that will prevent that from happening," Harry said as he looked at the girl. "Unless you're....."
  "I'm in, I'm in so deep," Faora said with bold determination on her face.
  "You will relish the chance, I know that much," Harry replied and the look on Faora's face told the story.
  "You know me all too well," Faora said as she could not help but grin widely.
  Mar-Vell glanced at the two of them and the rage that flowed through her eyes was not unnoticed by many. Karen was the one that picked up on it immediately. She proceeded to nudge the Kree Warrior in the side.
  "So which one are you jealous of per say?" Karen asked with a grin. This got Mar-Vell's dander up and she turned to Karen, with agitation burning through her eyes.
  "I'm not...how....how dare you?" Mar-Vell demanded as she was frustrated as she looked at both of them.
  This little interlude would have to be put on the back burner for the moment.
  "It could be open season on Earth if it is left upguarded...."
  "Whilst I'm sure some of the other heroes on this planet have their own contingencies, I'm not leaving things completely unguarded," Harry said. He had something ready at the Fortress that would give Fury a stroke if he found out about it. It was several shades less deadly then some of Krypton's weapons. "I got a plan."
  Carol whistled at that statement and the grin formed on the blonde's face. "So....should I feel worried or a little optimistic?"
  Gwen made herself heard with her blunt honesty. "I feel a little bit of both myself."
  Mar-Vell thought that this defied all comprehension and made herself heard. He was going to the Kree Homeworld which would be suicide. "I could have sworn that the humans were familiar with the term home field advantage."
  She was not going to lie, she was unsettled by Harry's grin, for more than one reason this time.
  "The worst the odds are, the better chance I personally have for winning,' Harry said swiftly.
  Shayera was caught off guard, it was logic, in some twisted way. The few rumors that she heard was verified. "I wasn't quite expecting someone being this prepared...."
  "That's Harry for you," Karen said and she nodded, she was beginning to see the light.
  Kara had a question and she voiced it. "So are you coming along?"
  She voiced that question at Shayera who grinned. "Miss a chance to thank the Kree for what they did to my people? Do you even need to ask?
  Harry prepared to do what he needed to do to set up this mission and enact the counter measures. It was his duty to make the Kree pay for their crimes and pay they shall.
  To Be Continued.
  First Wave Part Two
  Chapter Twenty Seven: First Wave Part Two.
  "Don't worry Carol, yes you can fly it," Harry commented, looking so amused how she looked like a kid on Christmas morning when he had given her that permission. "It's very easy to fly."
  "Yes Carol you can fly it," Harry said and Carol looked like a kid like Christmas morning as she looked over his high tech ship with eager eyes. "And it might look high tech, but it's actually very easy to fly.
  "Don't worry Harry, I enjoy a challenge," Carol replied as she looked over her shoulder with a wide grin on her face.
  Mar-Vell stepped forward although she was extremely uncomfortable with Faora walking next to her. Her eyes never left her. The group of Rogue, Jean, Betsy, Laura, Wanda, Kara, and Karen followed. Harry thought that this girls brought a number of talents to the table so they would serve the mission well.
  "So will the weapons system work on this thing?" Kara asked and Carol frowned.
  "Why would....."
  "All ships are going to have developmental problems, it has only been prepared to go for at least a year," Harry said. With help of the time dilation spells he had been working on it for close to five years with the generous help of Kara, Karen, and Faora. It was a side project but he never thought that he would use it any time soon.
  "The Kree Military is some of the best in the world," Mar-Vell said, her stomach turning as she had serious misgivings about what she was about to do.
  "Yes, we know that you're in love with the Kree government, there's no need to keep bringing it up," Faora commented crossly but Harry gave her the evil eye. She clammed up immediately.
  "The Kree is good," Lara chimed in as she made sure that the defenses on the ground were good to go. Harry did leave a fair chunk of the team behind and they were sure that Kitty would do a good job in running the show. Wasp, She Hulk, and Black Widow, along with the rest of the Avengers would be perfect, and Susan would fill in the Fantastic Four so they would be ready to tackle anything. "But I think that this ship, outfitted with technology from the future, will give them a few nasty surprises."
  "Yes, they left Krypton, but not before trying to overthrow the government," Karen grumbled as Gwen and Shayera joined them, making the group complete.
  "Chloe will be pissed that she didn't have a chance to join on in this trip," Gwen said with an ear to ear grin and sure enough the woman in question chimed in.
  'You're damn right I'm pissed,' Chloe stated in mock rage.
  'Chloe, I need you to help monitor the computer networks for any activity that might indicate that the Skrull or the Kree are trying something, when we're away,' Harry thought to her. 'Do....you think that you can handle that?'
  'Harry, do you forget who you're talking to?' Chloe asked, almost insulted that he had any doubts about her abilities.
  'Well, I can help, too,' Kitty chimed in.
  'Keep in contact with me as long as you can, I don't know how much of a range that the bond link offers,' Harry thought as he prepared for takeoff.
  "We're leaving Earth's atmosphere," Carol informed him as she punched up some commands on the computer. "The blast shields are at full power."
  "Right, we're going to have to hit this one, the Kree is on the other side of the galaxy," Harry informed Carol and she nodded. "The trip would normally take seven years."
  "Well good thing we packed a lunch," Gwen said lightly, trying to keep the mood casual.
  "With the ship's warp drive, tested and it works by the way, it should take only seven minutes to get there, the Kree could not prepare for us in that time," Harry said, hoping that he was right.
  "Unless they're more paranoid than you," Jean chimed in, even though that was possible, she did not go. After giving her a brief glare, Harry turned to Carol to help her configure the Warp Drive.
  Kara was trying to reconcile all of this. She heard about how savage the Kree was but thankfully Mar-Vell was one of the decent ones. Although she was still pretty nervous with what was happening.
  Faora on the other hand was ready to attack her if she tried something. And the woman fully expected that she would do something.
  "Now, you do realize that the Kree Homeworld has a red sun," Mar-Vell reminded them.
  "Yes, but that won't slow us down, well it won't slow me down," Faora said.
  Kara and Karen exchanged smirks, their training should allow them to not have a problem underneath the pull of the red sun as well. And they knew that Harry could handle herself.
  'So is all quiet on Earth?' Harry asked to his contacts back on Eath.
  'Yes, all's quiet on Earth as well, although Scott is acting....more strange than he ever has before,' Ororo said as she chimed in. She need not elaborate what she found out to Harry, for he already knew.
  'The Nova-Roman Army are ready if they try anything,' Amara checked in.
  'As are the Amazons,' Diana offered with a smile.
  And they both knew that no Skrulls were able to infiltrate their respective kingdoms thanks to the glasses Harry gave them. So they were at ease and their attention was focused on Kree involvement.
  "Everyone hold onto their underwear, this might be rough!" Carol yelled as the ship prepared to punch through the worm hole. Harry punched the coordinates of the Kree Homeworld in and away they went!
  No one spoke for seven minutes as they blasted on through and run smack down into the middle of the Kree Fleet.
  "Well that's about our luck," Rogue grumbled. "We done smacked ourselves right in the middle of a fucking war zone."
  Faora gave Mar-Vell an accusatory look which she promptly took extremely great offense to.
  "Don't look at me!" the girl shouted as she cast a nasty gaze at Faora. "I wasn't the one that brought us right in the middle of....this place."
  "Trying to cast blame isn't going to solve anything," Harry said tensely as he could see that there were more war ships than he ever had to deal with surrounding him.
  "Well you wanted to test the weapons," Carol said as she prepared to fire on them.
  "Yeah, but unfortunately, they have weapons as well," Harry said as he got a full scope of what was happening. It was not like the ships that Kree brought to Earth. It was an entire fleet and more massive.
  An entire fleet that blasted at them with a rapid fire flurry, but thankfully, by some miracle, the ship's shields managed to hold. Harry was not going to count on them to hold forever.
  'Jean, see if you can use your telekinetic shields to give us an extra level of protection,' Harry thought to the redhead.
  She smiled and nodded, really there was nothing more than needed to be said other than that. A splitting headache caused her to be rattled and there was something screwing with her powers.
  "Okay Jean, pull out, I didn't..."
  "It's fine," Jean commented as the Phoenix bubbled with anger inside her.
  Faora watched the ships and she decided to take control of one of the weapons systems. Now was not the time to play nice. She ripped through a ship with the closest missile, blowing it into smithereens.
  "If we get past the fleet, we might have a chance," Carol stated as she piloted the ship, doing some deadly dodging.
  "We need to turn back, we might be able to avoid this," Mar-Vell suggested frantically.
  "Turn back, that's a Kree thing to do, isn't it?" Faora asked and there was a second where everyone realized that Harry was not there. "And what's he doing?"
  "Something entirely reckless, no doubt," Kara said, she wanted to put her face in her hands in frustration.
  "Well, it's better than nothing because I'm not sure how long these shields are going to hold," Carol commented in frustration. A loud thump startled them and a second loud thump collided into the side of the ship.
  Several glowing green orbs shot through the air and impacted the ship to try and knock it out of orbit. The shields were holding up but the steering of the ship was jerky despite Carol's best efforts to change that.
  "I think that we might have a better chance of flying without....the ship," Karen said as she hung on for dear life.
  "Well that's a really good thing except some of us cannot fly," Gwen said as she clutched her head. "Carol, do you think that you can get me close enough that ship...."
  "I'll do the best that I can," Carol muttered; she knew that Gwen had a plan and it was better than nothing.
  Shayera hoped for some more action that sitting in a ship behind a shield. She was getting stir crazy in there.
  Harry meanwhile was out of the ship, flying through the vacuum of space. If he could get to the Kree Homeworld, he would be having a word with the Supreme Intelligence about targeting Earth.
  The Kree ships were now on him, firing on him. Harry dodged, not once breaking his momentum.
  It was Harry Potter against a hundred Kree Ships, on his own, without a ship, only with his wits, because magic did not translate well to the vacuum of space.
  Harry had to think of something quickly and he knew what he had to do. He flew right at the ships, instead of retreating.
  Jean's eyes widened as she saw the black haired girl, the only thing that could be visible in space, make its way through the ships. Her jaw practically dropped as she offered one statement, pretty much in a pained gasp.
  "Yes," Kara stated as she saw Harry's heat vision penetrate the cannons of the ship, dismantling them.
  "Now's the time," Faora stated as she launched a field and sliced three of the ships in half, the people aboard them just made it to the life pods. Well some of them did. She was not too fussed about spilling Kree Blood.
  Carol cursed as she saw glowing red lights go off, bathing the ship.
  "I'm going to hazard a guess and say that's not good!" Carol shouted as a worm hole punched open in front of the ship.
  "Yep," Karen grumbled grimly as she waited to see what would happen now.
  "The Kree is trying to drag the ship onto their world," Mar-Vell said as she looked extremely anxious and the young Kree woman wondered if they would even be left alive.
  Harry grabbed onto the edge of the ship, trying to prevent it from behind sucked in, although his strength was no match of the hyper gravity.
  'Gwen, any luck trying to hack into the ships guidance system?' Harry asked her.
  'No more luck than you trying to fight the stupid things head on,' Gwen fired back tensely, her temper extremely sort. 'I think I got a blip but they have security....no I won't go down, not without a fight.'
  The ship went through the portal. It crashed and the doors flung open.
  "Hands in the air where we can see you!"
  The Kree stepped forward, there must have been hundreds of them, all of them preparing to shoot at the slightest excuse. .
  "See, my hand is in the air," Shayera commented and she was about to nail them with the mace.
  "Allow them to come to me, I wish to impress upon them the folly of their actions in fighting the superior Kree race."
  There was no mistaking that smug tone. The Supreme Intelligence was summoning them and he was not one to be denied.
  "So, you are the last son of Krypton, but yet I see three other survivors of the weaker race," The Supreme Intelligence said dully.
  He was a shapeless blue glowing face that looked at them. He was everywhere, he was everything, the Kree worshipped him, and if they kept up with what he said, he showed them mercy. Some might say that mercy was for the weak and that was an interesting debate that he was not going to get into.
  "Well that's your opinion, Krypton never saw it fit to bully people into submission," Kara said with a glare. They did not attack, at least not right away.
  "We left you for Krypton's ideals were too weak and history vindicated us when their planet was destroyed but some just cheat the inevitable. Something that we will finish on this day, for the last tainted reminders of the weak race will be eliminated, and only the master Kree Race will survive."
  Wanda spoke up. "Yeah, people on Earth talk about a Master Race before, but considering yourself to be far and beyond every single other person shows how weak you are."
  "You are unfit to speak, so hold your tongue, child," the Supreme Intelligence commented and he noticed Mar-Vell looking at him. "And I am most disappointed with you, child of Vell. Your father was devoted but you betrayed us...."
  "Is it betrayal when the Kree made a pact with the Skrull?" Mar-Vell asked the entire group. "Is it not or are you okay with that?"
  The Supreme Intelligence paused. "I authorized no pact...."
  Ronan turned up, unfortunately surviving his last battle. "This traitor has obviously been seduced by the Star Child, if you wish, I will eliminate her now."
  "No, allow her to speak, due process is always allowed amongst the superior race, although her fate has been sealed, I wish to ensure that there are no further traitors," the Supreme Intelligence commanded and Harry could see that Ronan was pretty much sweating like a pig in a suit. "If she lies, then you have nothing to fear."
  "Of course, Supreme One," Ronan stated, as he bowed. The jig was up, there was no way that he could justify his unholy pact with the Skrulls.
  "Earth, however, is beyond hope, for it has been tainted by the Kryptonian and Skrull influence, the latter of which still lingers, the only course is utter annihilation," the Supreme Intelligence concluded.
  "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Kara yelled, she was about to freak out as only a seventeen year old girl could. She had already lost one home, she was not going to lose another.
  "Do not tell me what I can and cannot do, filthy child of Krypton," The Supreme Intelligence commented as a huge weapon was deployed. It was bigger than most countries and primed to fire. It had many miniature power cores, glowing reen.
  Lara chimed in with a grim statement. 'That is a Neutron Bomb, it is capable of wiping out entire sectors, and he's going to send it to cleanse everything in sector 2814.'
  'Well fuck, that's not good,' Harry thought to himself as he prepared to move.
  Meanwhile, Mar-Vell presented the evidence and the Supreme Intelligence saw Ronan's pact with the Skrulls.
  "This must be a trick!" Ronan yelled but Harry smiled at him. "YOU!"
  Ronan swung his huge hammer and smacked Harry in the face causing him to slump down onto the ground. This action caused Kara to see red, snapping the chains that she was held in.
  Ronan realized that he made a mistake, as Kara attacked him with ballistic fury, knocking him into a glass wall and using her heat vision to fry him. His skin cooked as she did not let up on him, rage burning through her body.
  Jean made her move, or rather the Phoenix did. The Kree guards thumped to the ground and Wanda tried to use her hex bolt powers but the Supreme Intelligence was well protected, even against the powers of altering probability.
  "Even if you escape here, Earth will be destroyed," The Supreme Intelligence stated dryly.
  Carol flung several of the Kree Guards to the ground as Betsy used energy knives to cut through their armor. It was a mad scramble to get free.
  "Now what?"
  "We have to stop the Neutron bomb," Harry said as he was not quite sure who said that question. His eyes were on the Bomb as everyone fought the Kree behind him. All details of this battle having been lost to him.
  'Mother, how long?' Harry asked.
  Lara gave Harry the grim statement. 'It takes eighteen hours to deactivate a Neutron Bomb and....'
  'I don't even have eighteen minutes,' Harry thought as he could not activate the time dilation spells for there was an active battle going on for it could cause severe brain damage.
  The Kree rushed Harry but Harry dodged them. He flung a cart into them, smashing them down. Those bastards were going to pay for what they did.
  'The only way to stop it, is to stop the Supreme Intelligence,' Lily chimed in helpfully.
  'Which is easier said than done, it's the collective will of the entire Kree...'
  "You will not...."
  Shayera tried to nail the Supreme Intelligence but her mace was repelled back. It nearly smacked her in the face on the rebound. She decided to smash several Kree soldiers in the face. The power of the Nth Metal Mace dropped them down onto the ground.
  Harry was burst by a sudden insane inspiration, as Gwen picked up one of the plasma blasters and began to fire like a madwoman, as she dodged the attacks from the Kree.
  'Gwen?' Harry thought to her.
  'Yes, Harry,' she thought back to him as she blasted another enemy with force from the plasma blaster she picked up.
  Mar-Vell was fighting against the Kree, but the Kree was attacking her more fiercely. They saw her as a traitor, therefore she was deserving of death. Carol managed to save her, by hurling the Kree out of the tower, causing them to take a nasty fall. The woman's eyes were grateful, even though she thought that she may have deserved to die.
  "You know....I likely deserved that," Mar-Vell commented in a shaky voice.
  Carol said nothing, she let her fists do the talking and talk they did, smashing into three of the Kree soldiers. They all went down, falling down to the ground.
  'Not to be a downer, but there's a Neutron bomb around us that is going to wipe out Earth,' Karen thought as she flew through the Kree and toppled them like dominoes.
  'Use Extremis,' Harry told Gwen.
  'You want me to deactivate that thing with Extremis?' Gwen asked.
  'No, merely stall it, I've got an idea, the rest of you, keep the Kree off of me, I'm going for the Supreme Intelligence,' Harry thought but Ronan got up to his feet, staggering. He was badly burned but still breathing.
  "You want to get through the Supreme Intelligence, you go through me!" Ronan bellowed as he held up his hammer.
  "Really, you're still protecting the thing that wants to kill you for working with the Skrull?" Harry asked him, the logic flaw not quite resounding with him.
  "I did it for the greater good of the Kree empire!" Ronan shouted in rage as he went to take Harry's head off with the hammer but he dodged it.
  For some reason, Harry wanted to shove his own hammer down his throat for uttering the words "greater good" although he had no idea why.
  Harry dodged the shot from Ronan and then grabbed him by the throat. He clenched him hard, his eyes glowing with rage and the Supreme Accuser was going to get fried for a second time. And he would have, if he did not conserve his strength.
  He punched him up into the air and through the top of the roof. Where Ronan landed, Harry did not care, as long as it was out of his way.
  Harry Potter was so sick of thinking about how he did not buckle underneath pressure but it was true and went without saying.
  "I don't know why you continue to fight....."
  Harry cut off the Supreme Intelligence, smashing two Kree men back and he faced him "I continue to fight because someone has to. I continue to fight because someone needs to do so, even when all hope is lost. That's something that the Kree has lost. Something that makes you weak compared to me. Every person that you are superior to, it's a joke, you've done so through bullying. It does not make you strong, no far from it. In fact it makes you extremely weak."
  Kara dropped down beside Harry, and the two stood shoulder to shoulder, staring the Supreme Intelligence down.
  'Any luck,' she thought to Harry.
  'No, no luck at all,' Harry mentally stated to himself as he levitated some equipment out of the way. 'How about you, Gwen?'
  'I don't feel lucky right now, I'm close to disabling this thing, but I think that it's going to take time that I don't have,' Gwen stated as she ignored everything that happened around her. She just needed to focus on the bomb.
  "You're going to stop the Neutron Bomb," Harry told him firmly.
  "You dare...."
  "If you don't stop it, then every last Kree on this planet will perish," Harry said suddenly and Faora stopped for a second, wondering what Harry was doing.
  "What are you...."
  "I have a Nova Javelin locked and aimed for this planet," Harry warned the Supreme Intelligence without blinking. "You remember, the doomsday weapon of Jax-Ur, that once destroyed a moon and killed millions of people."
  "You don't....you can't...."
  "Destroy millions of people?" Harry asked without any sympathy in his voice. "You don't seem to have a problem with doing so, why should I?"
  Even the Kree stopped, fearing what this Kryptonian could to them.
  "Anyone makes a move, and the Nova Javelin is launched right into the heart of the planet and I'll finish the work my ancestors stopping in wiping out the unworthy Kree," Harry said, pleased at the paranoia that he was causing with the Kree.
  Faora marveled at the plan but she wondered if it would work.
  "You wouldn't dare launch such a weapon," The Supreme Intelligence stated but doubt was even in his voice.
  Harry smiled as he pointed at a dark shape that was hovering above the sky. The weapon, it was no mistaking what that was.
  "You have two minutes, better disable the Neutron Bomb, because it goes off in five, much longer than it takes to deploy a Nova Javelin," Harry told them with a smile on his face.
  Mar-Vell could not believe this, he would.....he would destroy a planet just to save his and the Nova Javelin would stop the Neutron Bomb from ever launching, along with each and every Kree.
  "You would never survive....."
  "It's worth the risk of making sure that the Kree never subrogates another person ever again," Harry said with a dangerous glint in his eye.
  Gwen could feel the Neutron Bomb disable it. Wanda opened the portal and Kara, Karen, and Faora made sure to throw the weapon into the depths of space where it would not harm anyone.
  Mar-Vell looked up and saw that there was no Nova Javelin there. She realized what happened and she was not lying, she was impressed.
  "For something called the Supreme Intelligence, you aren't very bright at all," Harry concluded. The full gravity of what he did weighed on them all.
  "We'll just....."
  Harry smiled as he managed to negate the last defense around the Supreme Intelligence, which he had been hacking away at when he had him distracted with the threat of a Nova Javelin.
  "No, you won't, I've won, Gwen, you're on," he said, inviting his girlfriend to work her magic.
  Now with every single bit of his defenses practically negated, the Supreme Intelligence was open for their ultimate weapon, it was called Extremis and it was chipping away at his defenses one at a time. He was not able to resist what was happening to him.
  The Supreme Intelligence felt thousands of years of Kree knowledge disappear as it regressed. Harry downloaded the data for safe keeping.
  Gwen smiled as she deleted the Supreme Intelligence from existence, corrupting him. He was trapped behind a wall of data which he would never escape.
  "I've defeated you," Harry concluded as the shell shocked Kree looked at him, unable to function properly.
  "So, do you wish us to kneel before you like that vermin, Zod?" one of the Kree piped up.
  "No, not today," Harry said. There was no mistaking that he was not one to fuck with. "But, here's a friendly warning, Earth is off limits."
  Mar-Vell looked at Harry, her mouth wide open. He managed to win this battle without shedding much blood at all. It was all about tactics and he took down the Supreme Intelligence for the win.
  "I think the Kree is shocked that you shut down the Supreme Intelligence," Mar-Vell concluded as the repairs of the ship were finished up.
  "Krypton may be to blame for this Kree-Skrull conflict, but it's going to end sooner or later," Harry concluded, he was going to finish this war that lasted for thousands of years.
  "How do you figure you're to blame?"
  "Historical records state that the Kryptonian council all of those years ago exiled what would soon be known as the Kree into Skrull territory," Harry informed her and her mouth hung open. "Naturally, that might have been the flashpoint to a roll that is never ending, non stopping, and thousands of lives on both sides have been lost."
  "The Kree hating the Skrull and vice versa seems just as natural as life itself," Mar-Vell added as she looked at Harry. "That was a calculated risk coming here but...."
  "If the Kree gives us any more trouble, there is the Phantom Zone, which Ronan's chilling in currently," Harry told them. Then again, there was not that much left of Ronan, as he figured that he would perish soon enough.
  "Given tails of what it's like in the Phantom Zone is well known, you're not going to see too many Kree who are going to be willing to chance a trip to that particular dimension," she said. She shuddered at the very thought of it herself.
  "I'd imagine not," Harry replied as he looked into her eyes and she stared back into his in kind. "And you do realize that if I did not intervene...."
  "The Supreme Intelligence would have killed me for my treason," Mar-Vell said, hanging her head. "I know."
  "Your father....I'm sure that he fought bravely, but....in the end, the Kree used him as a tool, " Harry concluded. "To the Supreme Intelligence, you are nothing but tools."
  "Yes, I can see that," Mar-Vell stated as she peered into Harry's eyes. It was almost like she peered into his very soul. "I believe that I'm within your debt now."
  "Well, one could say that, from a certain perspective, you owe me," Harry said with a smile and Faora showed up at this moment behind Mar-Vell.
  "So, you saw what the Kree amounted to back there, barbarians who were going to destroy an entire planet just because it existed?" Faora asked and she turned towards Harry, before offering him a few words. "The Ship is about repaired. The Kree did a number on it, but Karen is working on everything and Carol and the others are pitching in. It should be done before too long."
  "Yes, that's great," Harry said, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her in closely.
  "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything," Faora stated as she looked at Mar-Vell. She thought that sometimes Har-Rell had strange tastes, a Kree of all things. But she supposed that she was fairly attractive, unlike many of the other Kree. Then again, that's why she was an outcast compared to most of the Kree.
  "No, you won't interrupting anything, that I'm sure that you'll be embarrassed by seeing," Mar-Vell stated and she threw her arms around Harry and pushed her tongue down his throat.
  The passionate kiss was returned, with his hands combing around her body. He hoisted her up with ease and pushed her against the wall.
  Mar-Vell leaned back and allowed herself to be lost to the sensations he gave her body as he explored each inch of her clothed form. Shivers went down her spine.
  "Har-Rell, please, I need you," Mar-Vell stated as she felt warmth spread between her thighs and Harry explored every last inch of her.
  "Yes, Har-Rell, she is in your debt, so take her," Faora encouraged him with a smile on her face.
  Jean showed up to give a report on the repairs but she was caught by the erotic sight before her.
  Faora grabbed her from behind and spun her around. The two females were face to face with each other, as Faora drank in Jean's form like she was divine.
  "I wonder what the Phoenix would taste like," Faora commented as she pressed her lips onto Jean's and Jean's eyes popped open, returning the kiss with an equal amount of fire.
  Faora's lips tasted of the sweetest sin and her hands skillfully roamed Jean's body, exploring her clothed curves. Anyone who was watching would have gotten quite the show as lust radiated from their bodies.
  Harry slowly removed Mar-Vell's outfit, exposing more and more of her glorious flesh, which he cupped. Her exposed breasts were a treat with the cool air rolling over her. Her eyes shut as she felt the rush of unmistakable pleasure go through her body.
  Harry drank in her form, her curly blonde hair, her vibrant blue eyes, bright pink skin, along with her slender body, smooth shoulders and skin without a blemish. Her breasts were extremely perky, high and firm with dark nipples and she had a flat stomach with a delicious belly button.
  He was not done yet, the bottom half was just as delicious as the top half. Her shaved pink pussy glistened with arousal, with her legs being extremely muscular, and sensual as well. Her perfectly shaped ass caught Harry's eyes and the entire body was topped off with her smooth, elegant arches.
  Harry was momentarily distracted by Faora slurping and sucking on Jean's pussy and Jean moaning, lifting her hips for the incoming probes of her lover's tongue. The redhead clutched Faora across the back of the head. Faora's face pushed into Jean's snatch as she dug her tongue deep into her body.
  "You're beautiful," Harry whispered with a smile on his face.
  Mar looked at Harry and decided that she would strip him of his clothes. She threw her legs around him and gave him an extremely hungry kiss. She hotly tore the clothes from his body. She revealed his sculpted abs, running her fingers all the way down her body and tracing his erection in her hand.
  All twelve inches beckoned to her and she just had to accept it.
  There was only one thought that went through her mind, she had to have it in her mouth and down her throat immediately to feel the rush.
  Mar's lips wrapped around her first cock and she pushed her mouth down his cock. She gave him a masterful blow job, her mouth coming up and down upon him, as she looked up at him. Glowing eyes locked onto his as she continued to deep throat him.
  The look of his cock in her mouth as she looked up at him with those eyes, to Harry, that was extremely sexy and she used her hand to fondle his balls as she continued to worship his huge member as she sucked it in her mouth.
  Jean was moaning with passions and Faora's dripping snatch was now over her face. She returned the favor that the Kryptonian offered her from earlier; both women were resting now in a sexually charged and amazing sixty nine position. Their tongues swirled deep into their cunts, capturing and lapping juices from it. Both of them sucked and moaned, feeling the pleasure within each other as they continued to work each other over.
  Rogue walked over but Harry had the presence of mind to fire off a dupe.
  "Rogue, it's a party, join the fun," Harry whispered hotly as he slipped her clothes off to reveal her magnificent breasts.
  Rogue wrapped her arms around Harry, pushing his face into her breasts and she moaned. "You don't have to ask me twice, Sugah."
  Jean managed to use her telekinetic powers to probe all of Faora's pleasure spots at once. This caused the Kryptonian female to go extremely wild with passion and glee. She was being pleasured and probed one spot at a time and her hips bucked up, feeling the pleasure. There was a few seconds where she moaned as pussy juices leaked from her juicy center.
  Faora thought that the Phoenix would bring her to pleasure but this was only second only to Har-Rell. Their pussies rubbed together causing delightful friction as Jean worshipped her breasts and her ass.
  "Oh, you two ladies are warmed up for me, lovely."
  Mar-Vell was now on Harry's lap and she prepared to sink her pussy down onto his prick.
  She wondered what would happen and what happened was magnificence beyond all words, her walls stretched out to accommodate Harry's extremely thick and large cock. She was feeling the pleasure as it buried its way deeper inside her.
  Mar pushed herself all the way up and once again sank down onto him, using her walls to envelope him even more. She squeezed his massive member, pumping him up and down, with lust rolling over her body.
  Rogue was now pinned against the wall and Harry fucked her with hard strokes. Her legs wrapped around him as his hands explored her body, giving her the touches that she craved for all time. Harry's hands grabbed her nice ass and ran down, as he pummeled her pussy.
  One Harry was behind Jean and about to slip inside her. Another Harry was behind Faora and about to slip inside her. Both girls were face to face and they snogged madly as both Harry's went inside her, stretching their perfect pussies.
  Jean closed her eyes as she felt the pulsing of Harry's massive member stretch her out as he entered her. Her pussy was being ravaged by him and she loved it. It made her so hot and horny, as this god pushed his member into her. She saw the look of lust in Faora's eyes as the two sexy women kissed and pressed each other's breasts together as Harry ravished them.
  Betsy showed up but Harry grabbed her from behind, slapping her on the ass which caused her to squeal.
  "I'm going to take that sweet ass of yours," Harry breathed as he cupped the British bombshell's ass and she gave him a cheeky grin in response.
  "I'd be insulted if you didn't," Betsy breathed as Harry stripped her clothes off to reveal her magnificent body for the entire world to see. He ran his hands all the way down her, playing with her curves and feeling her nice nipples pulse out. The woman was really the pinnacle of sex and Harry could not wait to enter her nice ass.
  Harry had her bent over against the table and he played with her pussy and licked her ass, lubricating the anus.
  "Harry, please, love, inside me," Betsy moaned as she prepared to accept his cock straight in her bum.
  Harry grabbed her from behind and he rammed his cock in between Betsy's tight cheeks. She moaned as she trained her ass to squeeze him.
  "Fuck, fuck, fuck," Rogue moaned as Harry's member entered and exited her. She clenched him tightly with her dripping hot cunt as she sunk her nails into his shoulder. His hands were all over her body and she closed her eyes tightly. "Oh, I feel you."
  Harry's cock was about to bring her body to its climax in brand new and inventive ways that she could not have believed possible. He held her against the wall and started to kiss her on the side of the neck. There was a few seconds where Rogue clenched her cunt around Harry's cock and he slammed into her. The wizard was working against her, her hips working against his
  Mar was rocking herself up and down, riding Harry's massive member. Her hips came down all the way onto him and she clenched him, moaning as she threw her head back and offered another moan. Harry kept working her pussy apart.
  She had never thought that she would feel something this amazing in her life and his strong cock pushed her apart, pulsing deep inside her. His meat was like a missile seeking her heat and every time he entered her, she felt straws as their bodies merged in a sweaty dance of passion.
  Faora and Jean also were having a ball as Harry pleasured their holes from behind. They never stopped their erotic make out session, each determined to make the other lose themselves as Harry hammered their bodies from behind. His balls slapped against their thighs and Harry continued to work himself as deep into Jean's hot cunt as he could be allowed.
  His balls were about to build up with his cum and he continued to hang onto her waist and her walls wrapped around him.
  "More, more, fuck me, more, HARDER!" Betsy demanded as Harry hung onto her long purple hair as Harry hammered into her.
  Her ass squeezed his mighty rod as he hammered her into the table, causing her moans to escalate in intensity and frequency. The moans got up to another level, a level that Harry did not think that any women would be capable of performing.
  The actions of all of them were getting intense as they all saw stars from the first round of many orgasms but the good thing about Harry is that he could get hard and ready once again, extremely quickly and his performance could not be denied.
  Mar-Vell, Jean, Betsy, Rogue, and Faora all were ravished by their man and loving every moment of it. Mar-Vell looked out of it, although Harry smiled.
  Kara was standing there watching from the distance and she beamed with pride.
  "Just to let you know, the ship is repaired, we're going to be able to go back home," Kara said to Harry. Actually the ship was repaired for an hour but Kara was getting too much enjoyment watching Har-Rell fucking several woman silly to really break up the moment.
  "I'm sure, we can have some fun on the way back to Earth," Harry stated as he grabbed Kara in his arms and tipped her back, giving her a hot and lingering kiss. He pulled back briefly.
  "You last a hell of a lot longer than seven minutes, you know," Kara told him him and Harry grabbed her and started kissing her on the side of the neck, which caused shivers to go down her spine.
  "Then maybe one before we hit the road."
  "I can't believe.....I envy you!"
  That was one of the voices as Jessica Drew walked in a Secret Containment facility deep in space. She took strides as another woman followed her, closely behind her.
  "It is what needed to be done to gain his confidence and get inside his inner circle," Jessica protested, shrugging her shoulders.
  She saw one of the prisoners, Scott Summers, in the cell. He was Cyclops of the X-Men and she would have shot him out into space to perish if she did not need him to execute the plan.
  She moved down the cell rows once again and saw Senator Robert Kelly, a very valuable tool in trusting that the plan would go well. Another one she would shoot out into the vacuum of space if given the chance.
  Then there was G. Gordon Godfrey, another man who had been kidnapped and replaced. Soon his radio show would serve as another tool of their agenda.
  Donald Menken was next down the row, a trusted member of the OsCorp, now LuthorCorp family, but a pawn of them none the same.
  Pepper Potts was now in the cell, peacefully resting. Tony Stark was very trusting and given that his personal assistant at unrestricted access to Stark Industries, that allowed them to get the information that they needed about any plans that he might have had. Given that many of Earth's defenses were contracted through Stark, she was a valuable tool to have.
  Clint Barton better known as Hawkeye was next in the cell, again that was there in for information on SHIELD and also the Avengers.
  Barton Hamilton was stirring in a cell as well. They had been unsuccessfully trying to get the Goblin formula once Menken could not get access. Osborn was far craftier, to the point where they almost expected that he expected something and had a good idea what was going on.
  Richard Fisk, the son of the famed Wilson Fisk, was in the next cell and given Fisk created many key technological defenses for Earth under the guise of false benevolence, he was another valuable tool.
  Then there was the master of magnetism himself, Magneto, who had been replaced even before the Zod Invasion and the coming of Apocalypse. Jessica gritted her teeth as she thought about the one that replaced him, how he nearly blew their cover too early getting himself knocked out by Osborn. Thankfully they were too busy worrying about other matters to care.
  There were other people in the cells but they were of lesser importance, although she had Skrulls in most governments on Earth and most criminal organizations, including AIM.
  Then Jessica stopped at the final cell, this one hit the closest to home for her.
  Jessica Drew was chained up in the cell.
  "Now is time to act but first, bring me the traitor posing as Donald Menken, I wish to properly punish him due to his actions," she commented with a smile etching over her face. "Then the Prophecy will be fulfilled and the Skrull will once have a word to call their own. And I shall have my rightful king and all of our consorts."
  To Be Continued In the Final Three Part Arc.
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