Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

About A Book

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  Short Preface
  At some point, the author realized that at his disposal there are several miniatures devoted to books, devoted to creating, publishing books. Naturally there was an intention: to make the collection. How to name such collection? "A book"? ""A book and nearby with a book"? "A book: writing, publishing, reading"? On May 24, 2018, the author continued to translate into English the miniature "The Monologue about the Petya's Father is Good at Arithmetic". Is there a regulatory translation of the word 'офеня' ("ofen")? On the Internet links the author "released" on narratives D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak under the title "About a book". Unwittingly, the author was distracted from the process of translation and read these not long stories. A nice, light, "flying" things. There is probably nothing in them about the gold, nor the entrepreneurs, nor the ruin, nor of the deaths. They are describing a good people, a wonderful childhood. They depict an unusual, amazing picture of the Russian provincial society of the second half of the 19th century - and on the border of the 19th and 20th centuries, a society far from alcoholism, ignorance, primitivism and cruelty, a society overcome by the thirst for knowledge, a society loving books. The author decided to use this name. Even if in the miniatures intended for inclusion in the collection, the theme of "a book " is set out, in general, in a different context. There was no special desire to be engaged in compilation of the collection on May 24. But, as was reported by the media, May 24 is celebrated as the day of the Slavic writing. Cyril and Methodius were the first translators of liturgical books from Greek into Slavic. Perhaps the themes of "book" and "writing" are interrelated. And the author made a collection of miniatures"About a book".
  1. The tale about cafe-library of Maxim Gorky.
  2. The Tale of the Conversation of Maxim Gorky and Jack London.
  3. The tale about not-sent letter. Of Maxim Gorky to Ivan Bunin.
  4. The dialogue about Peter the Great.
  5. The Tale about William Gladstone and about an exhibition.
  6. Dialogue about Lack of Preliminary Censorship.
  7. The Christmas story.
  8. The Sketch about the Literary Dispute.
  9. The Short Story about the Bottom.
  10. Dialogue of colleagues.
  11. The Short Story about Progress in Fishing.
  12. Dialogue of Stop Down - Start Up.
  13. The Monologue about Knowledge.
  14. The Fairy Tale about Pushkin on Easter Island.
  15. The Fairy Tale, devoted March 8, about Lermontov.
  16. The Fairy Tale about the Library on the Seacoast.
  17. The Story about the Young man.
  18. The Short Story about ventilators and about Hegel.
  19. Sketch about Modern Realities.
  20. The Short Story about Dramaturgy.
  21. Dialogue about an adventure literature.
  22. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary.
  23. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary. Series 2.
  24. The Fairy Tale about the creative activity.
  25. The Fairy Tale about Mark Twain, the publisher.
  26. The Story about Navahrudak (Novogrudok).
  27. Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account.
  28. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses.
  29. The Sketch about the Literary Prikaz.
  30. The Sketch about a Timekeeping.
  31. The Monologue about the Petya's Father is Good at Arithmetic.
  32. The Fairy Tale of How Nikolai Gogol became the Great Dramaturge.
  33. The Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale monologue about a "military prose".
  1. The tale about cafe-library of Maxim Gorky
  Florenty Pavlenkov entered not locked door.
  His eyes opened a large hall, divided into two parts.
  In one semi-hall there were tables of library's type, chairs, racks with books, acounter for the librarian. For many tables sat the readers.
  In the other half, there were several tables "like in a cafe" with chairs. And next to several tables for a free approach with the exhibited unpretentious food: sliced bread, sauerkraut, simple salads, portions of mashed potatoes, something else simple and cheap.
  It was possible to pass freely from one half of the hall into another. Having inspected the space, Florenty Pavlenkov walked toward the place of librarian.
  There he was met with a smile by Maxim Gorky (Alexei Maximovich Peshkov).
  - Please, please, Florenty Fyodorovich. Chairs - beside readers' desks. And behind the counter I'm - like Henry Schliemann behind the bureau. I work standing. If you wish, then you pass to the hall, sit down.
  The chairs are beside the tables of readers. And behind the counter I'm - like Henry Schliemann behind the bureau.
  - No, Alexei Maximovich! Data on your cafe-library reached, that you are a benefactor to youth, talents. I decided to come. to Look, to communicate, to talk.
  - "I am a benefactor" - loudly sounds, Florenty Fyodorovich. I got used to communicate. A habit to communicate. Having arrived home, I decided to give the to a habit a way of realization. Here's the Cafй library. In library readers borrow books, read. Free of charge, naturally.
  In cafe it is possible to drink coffee - free of charge. Also bread and sauerkraut are free. Other products aren't expensive. Cash or coupons payment.
  If you read in day of 500 pages, then you receive in your hands coupons, which provides such reader with the simplest a breakfast, a lunch and a dinner.
  There is also an innovation. If which of readers wishes that I got acquainted with its literary work or any creative project, then I get acquainted and I inform such reader about my opinion. Here, Florenty Fyodorovich, my "good deeds".
  - And what? How do public accept your cafe-library? Are the persons coming? - Pavlenkov asked.
  - As you can see. There isn't a lot of places. But the majority of places is taken.
  - Probably, pupils? - again Pavlenkov took an interest.
  - Now at library there is one famous designer of equipment. He is engaged in missile and space launches. Reads article about Czeslaw Boyarski. That was a talented engineer, the inventor. He Got a lot of patents. As the case something went wrong.
  As a result Czeslaw Boyarski has organized illegal production of false banknotes of one European country. All were surprised. Printing of banknotes - the " business" demanding use of the non-standard equipment, involvement of many narrow experts - is a very complex.
  And he - alone. With high quality. So the engineering talent, technical genius were "realized". Production of false banknotes has come to the end with trial, in a court.
  - Curious, - Pavlenkov exclaimed. - Do the writers come in?
  - Yes, they come in. People are different. Who writes about the village, and who - about the city. Who about heroism, and who - about life. Not so that everyone, but many have got new apartments in houses for writers, dachas in settlements for writers...
  One of the famous representatives of a literary profession has come yesterday and has taken to read Ron Hubbard's biography. Ron Hubbard is science fiction writer, the author more than 600 literary works, published in 30 languages of the world.
  At the lecture in 1949 Hubbard has expressed such idea: "It is ridiculous to write, receiving a penny for a word. If someone really wants to make one million dollars, then the best way - to base own religion". Hubbard became the founder of church of a sayentologiya. Both the founder, and his church were pursued in a number of the countries. He was forced into hiding. Such, here, unenviable result.
  The writer - by the way - read the book about Ron Hubbard attentively.
  - So too... - Pavlenkov has thoughtfully said.
  - Two days ago one of readers has come. He was among heads of construction of large hydroelectric power station, from among created according to the GOELRO plan. Have constructed this station in five years. Boss read about Nikolay Maksimovich Pavlenko.
  Pavlenko by his intellect and by personal organizational efforts "has created" a rigged military-building unit, which enriched the swindler Pavlenko and his accomplices.
  Reviews of quality of the works performed by Pavlenko's organization - it seems, positive. Claims weren't. activity of the rigged military-building unit Has ended with trial and executions.
  - What you tell...-Pavlenkov has indefinitely reacted.
  - Also politicians come, - Gorky answered. - For example, one my old acquaintance. Specializes in a peasant theme. They say, very spectacular: this politician comes to a reception, and there - bearded peasants with the cares. He will bypass all of them, will listen, will write down requests. Whether everything will solve problems? I can't tell. But the procedure of a bypass of applicants and conversations with them looks very solidly. Popular belief that he is the representative of the peasantry in the Highest Management Staff. This my acquaintance politician orders books about Grigori Rasputin. Reads with interest.
  Alexei Maximovich made a pause. And continued.
  - I consider you, Florenty Fyodorovich, our reader! Which books should I prepare to your next visit?
  - Perhaps, books by the Kamensky Andrey Vasilyevich? Heroes of his biographic essays or from the sphere scientific and technical (James Watt, Thomas Edison, Samuel Morse), or social and political (Abraham Lincoln, William Gladstone, Robert Owen); Daniel Defoe - the English writer and the publicist.
  - Yes, Florenty Fyodorovich. Kamensky's books are read often.
  - Don't you object, Alexey Maksimovich if I - as the reader of your cafe-library - drink a cup of coffee?
  - To your health, Florenty Fyodorovich! Taste what you fancy.
  Florenty Pavlenkov thanked, said goodbye. He left because of the librarian's counter,He approached one of tables in cafe, He took a pinch of sauerkraut from a plate and he tasted. Then he chewed and he swallowed a bread piece. He drank a cup of coffee. Judging by a look, claims to quality didn't arise. He went outside.
  Alexei Maximovich came back to the librarian's duties. Giving the book to one of readers, he asked him:
  - How many did you pages read today? 300? Not badly, not badly...
  He made an entry in his logbook.
  30 April, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: 04 Nov 2017 - 05 Nov 2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о кафе-библиотеке А. М. Горького'.
  2. The Tale of the Conversation of Maxim Gorky and Jack London
  Сказка о беседе Максима Горького и Джека Лондона
  The Tale of the Conversation of Maxim Gorky and Jack London
  В кафе-библиотеку вошел Джек Лондон и направился к Максиму Горькому.
  Jack London had entered the cafe library and headed to Maxim Gorky.
  Тот вышел из-за стойки библиотекаря.
  Gorky came out from behind the counter of the librarian.
  Они дружески пожали друг другу руки.
  They have shaken hands each other with friendly mood.
  - Джек! Наконец мы встретились!
  - Jack! At last we have met!
  - Алексей! Мечтал о нашей встрече.
  - Alexei! I dreamed of our meeting.
  - Джек! В нашем кафе-библиотеке принято в свободное от чтения время пить кофе. Пойдем, присядем за столик, выпьем по чашечке.
  - Jack! In our cafe-library it is accepted to have coffee in free time. Come on, sit down at the table. We will drink of coffee.
  - С удовольствием, Алексей! Раз уж возникла возможность поговорить... Я часто размышляю о совпадениях и различиях в наших с тобой, Алексей, судьбах. Любопытно было бы узнать твое мнение по этому поводу.
  - With pleasure, Alexei! We have an opportunity to talk... I am often reflecting on the similarities and differences between destinies - my fate and your's life route, Alexei. It would be interesting to know your opinion on this matter.
  - Отлично, Джек! Сравнения и сопоставления помогают лучше понять и оценить самого себя. Для стандартного любителя мировой литературы вполне естественным может стать вопрос: почему в общем здоровый Джек Лондон прожил 40 лет, а Максим Горький - с больными легкими - 68 лет? Я родился в 1868 году, а ты, Джек, - в 1876. В принципе, можно считать нас ровесниками.
  - Ok, Jack! Comparisons help better understand and appreciate yourself. For the standard fan of the world literature it may be a well natural the question: why in General a healthy Jack London had lived near 40 years, and Maxim Gorky - with sick lungs, - 68 years? I was born in 1868, and you, Jack, - in 1876. In principle, it is possible to consider us age-mates.
  - И у тебя, Алексей, и у меня жизнь началась в материально стесненных обстоятельствах.
  - And at you, Alexei, and at me a life began in a financially constrained circumstances.
  - Твоя мать, Джек, настояла на твоем участии в литературном конкурсе, в ходе которого ты получил первое место, получил премию, поверил в свои силы, в свой писательский талант.
  - Your mother, Jack, insisted of your participation in a literary competition, in a course of which you received the first place, received a prize, believed in your forces, in your writer's talent.
  - Твоя мать, вся твоя семья, Алексей, была далеки от традиционной художественной литературы. Но твоя мать научила тебя грамоте. Твоя бабушка была знатоком народного творчества. Твой дед по Библии выучил тебя церковнославянскому языку. Прежде чем стать приверженцем социализма, ты получил от одного из знакомых "титул" "псалтырника" - то есть, в некотором смысле, знатока Библии.
  - Your mother, all your family, Alexei, were far from traditional literature. But your mother taught you to read and write. Your grandmother was a master of a folk song art. Your grandfather by the Bible has taught you to Church Slavonic language. Before becoming the adherent of socialism, you received from one of your acquaintances a "title", "name" "psaltyrnik" ("a man with a deep knowledge of Psalter") - that is, in a some sense, a connoisseur of the Bible.
  - Да, Джек. Библию надо знать. Всегда был убежден в этом... И я, и ты, Джек, росли без отцов. В какие-то моменты в наших жизнях появились отчимы.
  - Yes, Jack. it necessary to know the Bible. I always was convinced of it... Both I, and you, Jack, grew without own fathers. At some moments in our lives stepfathers have appeared.
  - И я, и ты, Алексей, в какие-то моменты почувствовали склонность к самоубийству. Выкарабкались из этого психологического состояния. Вели вольную жизнь. Путешествовали, бродяжничали. Много ходили пешком, сплавлялись по рекам.
  - Both I, and you, Alexey, at some moments have felt tendency to a suicide. Have got out of this psychological state. We conducted a free life. Traveling, wandering. Went on foot much, were alloyings along the rivers.
  - Ты, Джек, много плавал по морям-океанам... И еще: даже вдали от своих родных мест ты оставался семейным человеком. Тебя ждали дома мать, сестры... Я же в какой-то момент лишился всех близких родственников...
  - You, Jack, floated by the seas, by the oceans much... And even away from your native places you remained a family man. You were waited for the house by mother, sisters... I have at some point lost all my close relatives...
  - И ты, Алексей, и я много работали, что бы прожить-прокормиться в периоды наших бродяжьих путешествий.
  - And you, Alexei, and I worked a lot to survive - to feed themselves during periods of traveling journeys.
  - И ты, Джек, и я не смогли получить формальное высшее образование. Занимались самообразованием. Очень много читали. Были постоянными посетителями библиотек. И ты, и я, начали писать. В одной из школ, Джек, директор освободил тебя от утреннего пения, но с условием, что ты должен писать сочинения каждое утро в течение той четверти часа, когда другие поют.
  - And you, Jack, and I couldn't get a formal higher education. Were engaged in a self-education. We were reading a much. We were regular visitors to the libraries. Both you, and I, have begun attempts of a literature work. At one of the schools, Jack, the principal freed you from a morning singing, but on condition of your writing of essays every morning for a quarter of an hour when the others were singing.
  - Тебя, Алексей, в начале жизни никто в литературной карьере не поддерживал. Но ты много путешествовал, много читал. Самостоятельно делал качественные скачки. Будучи мальчиком, читая вслух какое-то произведение в мастерской, среди взрослых людей, ты вдруг ощутил, что повидал и узнал больше каждого из слушателей. Если я мог без особого труда опубликовать свои рассказы в университетском издании - я проучился в университете несколько месяцев, но на учебу не хватило денег, - то тебе пришлось дойти пешком от Волги и Дона до Одессы и от Одессы до Тифлиса. Там в 1892 году в лояльной правительству газете при поддержке журналистов, достаточно индифферентных политически, ты, Алексей, опубликовал первое произведение. Оно - сказочно-романтического содержания. "...Окружавшая нас мгла осенней ночи вздрагивала и, пугливо отодвигаясь, открывала на миг слева - безграничную степь, справа - бесконечное море...".
  - Your aspirations to a literary career, Alexey, weren't supported anybody at the beginning of your life . But you traveled much, read much. Independently you did qualitative jumps. Being a boy, reading aloud some book in a workshop, among adults, you have suddenly felt that up to that moment you have managed to see and to learn more than each of listeners. I had a possibility to publish without special efforts the stories in the university edition - I have studied at the university several months, but for the learning there wasn't enough money, - to you was necessary to reach on foot from Volga and Don toward Odessa and from Odessa to Tiflis. There in 1892 in the newspaper, loyal to the government, with assistance of journalists, enough indifferent politically, you, Alexei, has published the your first work. It's work - with a fantastic and romantic contents. "...Around us, the darkness of the autumn night. The darkness is trembling, fearful of a light. The dusk is going away for a moment. We see on the left the endless steppe, on the right - the infinite sea...".
  - Как-то не получилось, Джек, ни у тебя, ни у меня, остаться вдалеке от политики. И ты, Джек, и я стали приверженцами социализма.
  - Somehow it hasn't turned out, Jack, neither at you, nor at me, to remain in the distance from a policy. And you, Jack, and I became adherents of socialism.
  - Все же мне до тебя, Алексей, далеко. Ты смог лично увидеть Витте, председателя Комитата министров, разговаривал с ним. Ленина ты называл другом. Был в хороших отношениях и со Сталиным. Судя по твоему творчеству, ты был лично знаком с Керенским.
  - Nevertheless, you, Alexei, have advantages. You personally could see Sergei Witte, the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, you talked to him. You called Lenin "the friend". You was in good relations and with Stalin. Judging by your creativity, you was personally familiar with Kerensky.
  - Ты, Джек, знал "генерала" Келлли, руководителя так называемой Рабочей армии Келли. Ты знал деятелей Социалистической партии. Все они имели бы шанс получить власть при условии отсутствия демократических методов формирования органов власти, при нерешенности "аграрного вопроса", при отсутствии возможности появления таких инноваторов как, например, Томас Эдисон. В реальности вожди безработных и социалистов не имели шанса получить власть. Зачем нужно государство, проводящее электрификацию, когда Томас Эдисон и другие предприниматели осуществляют упомянутую электрификацию своими силами и на свои средства?
  - You, Jack, knew the "general" Charles T. Kelly, the head of so-called the Kelly's Army of Working people. You knew figures of the Socialist party. All of them would have chance to receive the power on condition of lack of democratic methods of formation of authorities, at not solving of "agrarian question", in the absence of a possibility of appearance of such innovators as, for example, Thomas Edison. In reality the leaders of the unemployed and socialists had no chance to receive the power. For what purposes the state which is carrying out electrification is necessary? - When Thomas Edison and other businessmen carry out the mentioned electrification by own efforts and using own means?
  Ни у "генерала" Келли, ни у деятелей Социалистической партии, ни у тебя, человека с ними знакомого, оказаться во власти шансов не было.
  Neither at "general" Kelly, nor at figures of the Socialist party, nor at you, the person with them familiar, there were no chances to appear in a system of a state power.
  Но из работ твоих биографов, Джек, следует, что твои книги на политические и социально-экономические темы оказали влияние на общественное сознание, способствовали постепенному смягчению общественных противоречий.
  But through reading works of your biographers, Jack, follows that your books have exerted impact on public consciousness, on political and social and economic subjects, promoted gradual mitigation of public contradictions.
  В России Томаса Эдисона не было фактически. Он не ожидался в ближайшем будущем. А электрификация была необходима срочно, безотлагательно. Пришлось вспомнить профессию бурлака. Кто-то должен был тянуть Россию...
  In Russia Thomas Edison wasn't actually. He wasn't expected in the near future. And electrification was necessary urgently. It was necessary to remember a profession of the "Burlak" ("barge hauler") . Someone had to pull the Russia forward ...
  Для тебя, Джек, понятна разница между понятиями "бурлак" и "революционер".
  For you, Jack, the difference between the notions "Burlak" ("barge hauler") (a person who hauled barges and other vessels upstream) and "revolutionary" is clear.
  В России не было действительно демократических методов формирования органов власти, существовал "аграрный вопрос". В итоге - революция, названная социалистической. Может быть, для России была бы полезнее конституционная монархия. Но такой вариант был вне моей персональной компетенции. Если меня называют конституционалистом, то я не ощущаю протеста и не выражаю возражений.
  In Russia there were no really democratic methods of formation of authorities, the "agrarian question" existed. As a result - the revolution, called "socialist". Perhaps, a constitutional monarchy would be more useful to Russia. But such option was out of my personal competence. If I am called the constitutionalist, then I don't feel a protest and I don't express objections.
  "Мой" "социализм" открывал для меня перспективы интенсивной полезной культурной и филантропической деятельности. "Твой" "социализм", Джек, был и остался лишь словами, пустышкой; была ли от него хоть какая-то для тебя польза ... или только затраты времени... разочарования... полезный, но не отделяемый, не выделяемый вклад в общую политическую культуру...
  "My" "socialism" offered for me the prospects of intensive useful cultural and philanthropic activity. "Your" "socialism", Jack, was and remained only words, a baby's dummy; whether was from him though some advantage for you... or only time expenses... disappointments... the useful, but not a concrete, not allocated contribution to the general political culture...
  - И ты, Алексей, и я женились достаточно рано. Насколько я понимаю, твои биографы, Алексей, насчитывают у тебя одну официальную жену, с которой ты официально не развелся, и две гражданских. Причем можно предполагать, что они могли встречаться в твоем доме одновременно. Ясно, что предшествующие личные (интимные) отношения выдыхались при возникновении новых, но сохранялись взаимное уважение, поддержка, взаимная забота. И ты, и твои жены могли бесконфликтно встречаться и, даже, в какие-то периоды жить под одной крышей.
  - And you, Alexei, and I married quite early. As far as I understand, your biographies, Alexei, count you have one official wife, with whom you have not officially divorced, and two wifes "civil". And it can be assumed that they could meet at your house at the same time. It is clear that the previous personal (intimate) relations were exhaled at emergence of a new. But mutual respect, support, mutual care remained. And you, and your wives could meet without conflict and, even, at some periods to live under one roof.
  - Твоя первая жена, Джек, родила тебе двух детей. Насколько я понимаю, она не поддерживала после развода с тобой особых отношений. Хотя ты и старался несколько раз в месяц встречаться с детьми. Вмести с тем, стоит заметить, что твоя первая жена непоколебимо верила всю свою жизнь (и после замужества, и после развода), что ты будешь одним из крупнейших писателей в мире.
  - Your first wife, Jack, has given birth to you to two children. As far as I understand, she didn't maintain after the divorce the special relations with you. Though you tried to meet children several times a month. Together with that, it's worth noting that your first wife was a staunch believer during of all period of her life (both after marriage and after divorce) that you would be the one of the biggest writers in the world.
  Вторая жена, как я понимаю, отличалась готовностью к любым приключениям, к помощи в вычитывании и распечатывании рукописей. Помогала в написании писем под диктовку.
  The second wife, as I understand, differed in readiness for any adventures, for the help in proofreading and printing of manuscripts. She helped with writing of letters under dictation.
  Второй брак внес в отношения бывших подруг - первая и вторая твои жены были в определенный период подругами - естественную напряженность, и, наверное, они старались после второго твоего брака не встречаться. Тем более, о каком-то сотрудничестве трудно было вести речь.
  Your second marriage has brought in the relations of the former girlfriends - your first and second wives were during a certain period girlfriends - natural tension, and, probably, they tried not to meet after your second marriage. Moreover, it was difficult to talk about some kind of cooperation.
  - Конечно, Алексей, когда я размышляю - в отчасти предположительном ключе - о твоей уникальной семье... О взаимном сотрудничестве и взаимной поддержке, характерных для тебя и твоих трех жен... Я, с одной стороны, испытываю удивление... С другой стороны, я начинаю понимать, почему при хороших доходах и одинаково легком отношении к деньгам - и у тебя, и у меня, - ты, Алексей, все же никогда после "вхождения" в литературу не испытывал реального недостатка в деньгах... Наверное, и ты, и твои материальные дела ощущали заботу одновременно со стороны различных членов твоей семьи...
  - Of course, Alexei. when I reflect - partly in style of supposes - about your unique family... About the mutual cooperation and mutual support characteristic of you and your three wives... I, on the one hand, experience a surprise... On the other hand, I begin to understand why at good income and equally easy relation to money - both at you, and at me, - you, Alexei, nevertheless never after "entry" into literature tested a real lack of money... Probably, and you, and your material affairs felt care at the same time from various members of your family...
  - Все члены моей семьи чувствовали заботу со стороны остальных. На меня повлиял период моих одиноких бродяжьих скитаний. Не забудь, Джек, и Библию: нехорошо быть человеку одному.
  - All members of my family felt care from the others ones. I was influenced by a period of my lonely wanderings. Don't forget, Jack, and the Bible: it's not good for a human to be alone.
  Меня, Джек, поразил один из финансовых эпизодов твоей биографии. Тебе срочно понадобились 300 долларов. Сумма не очень большая; мальчиком ты занял 300 долларов у своей няни, афро-американки. Ты, Джек, написал письма с просьбой вернуть долг сотням мужчин и женщин. Суммарно они были должны тебе более пятидесяти тысяч долларов. Когда занимали, обещали вернуть долг. До последнего цента. В ответ на свои просьбы ты получил всего пятьдесят долларов.
  Me, Jack, was struck by one of the financial episodes of your biography. You urgently needed 300 dollars. The sum is not really big; you borrowed $ 300 from your nanny, African-American, as a boy. You, Jack, wrote letters to hundreds of men and women with a requests to repay a debt. In total, they were owe you more than fifty thousand dollars. When occupied, promised to repay the debt. Up to every last cent. In response to your requests, you got only fifty dollars.
  Однако, финансы финансами, а поэзия поэзией. В литературе, Джек, твой рассказ "Белое безмолвие" называют произведением поэта. Позволь мне вслух процитировать несколько строк: "У природы в запасе немало уловок, чтобы доказать человеку его ничтожество - приливы и отливы, без устали сменяющие друг друга, свирепые бури, могучие землетрясения. Но нет ничего страшнее Белого безмолвия с его леденящим оцепенением. Всякое движение замирает; над головой - ни облака; медным блеском отливают небеса. Чуть слышный шепот, звук собственного голоса пугает, оскорбляет слух. В призрачных просторах мертвого мира движется одинокая песчинка. Это человек. Ему жутко от собственной дерзости. Разве не ясно, что его жизнь ничтожнее, чем жизнь червя? Странные, непрошеные мысли приходят в голову: вот вот ему откроется тайна бытия". Восхищаюсь! Звучит!
  However, finance is finance, and a poetry is a poetry. In the literature, Jack, your story "The White Silence" is called a work of the poet. Let me quote a few lines aloud: "Nature has many tricks wherewith she convinces man of his finity, -- the ceaseless flow of the tides, the fury of the storm, the shock of the earthquake, the long roll of heaven's artillery, -- but the most tremendous, the most stupefying of all, is the passive phase of the White Silence. All movement ceases, the sky clears, the heavens are as brass; the slightest whisper seems sacrilege, and man becomes timid, affrighted at the sound of his own voice. Sole speck of life journeying across the ghostly wastes of a dead world, he trembles at his audacity, realizes that his is a maggot's life, nothing more. Strange thoughts arise unsummoned, and the mystery of all things strives for utterance". I admire! It sounds!
  - Благодарю! Но все же верну нашу беседу от поэзии к прозе. Мое внимание, Алексей, привлекло то, что ты - обеспеченный всемирно популярный писатель - практически постоянно жил в съемном жилье: на съемных виллах, дачах, в съемных домах. Похоже, ты не имел недвижимости в собственности. Твой капитал - твои литературные произведения, твоя репутация, твои связи.
  - I thank! But nevertheless I will return our conversation from poetry to a prose. My attention, Alexei, has attracted that you - the wealthy world-wide popular writer - almost constantly lived in rental housing: in rented villas, cottages, in rented houses. It seems that you didn't own by the real estate. Your capital - your literary works, your reputation, your communications, social links.
  - Да, Джек, у тебя так же был аналогичный капитал: твои литературные произведения, твоя репутация, твои связи.
  - Yes, Jack, you also had a similar capital: your literary works, your reputation, your communications.
  Твои попытки конвертации этого капитала в недвижимое и движимое имущество - попытка постройки великолепного дома, приобретение ранчо, лошадей, строительство яхты и прочие приобретения - эти попытки и их результаты могут стать поводами для размышлений.
  Your attempts to convert this capital into real estate and movable property - the attempt to build a magnificent house, the purchase of a ranch, horses, the construction of a yacht and the other acquisitions - these attempts and their results can be reasons for thinking.
  - Предполагаю, Алексей, что читатели, сопоставляя наши биографии, увидят много сходного, похожего.
  - I assume, Alexei, that readers, comparing our biographies, will see a lot of similar.
  В первой половине жизни и ты, Алексей, и я жили в условиях материальных затруднений. Важную роль в нашем воспитании и обучении сыграли ближайшие родственники. Мы не получили формального высшего образования.
  In the first half of life and you, Alexei, and I lived in conditions of material hardship. Close relatives played an important role in our upbringing and education. We have not received a formal higher education.
  Много читали, занимались самообразованием. Были частыми посетителями библиотек.
  Read much, were engaged in self-education. Were frequenters of libraries.
  Много путешествовали: пешком, сплавлялись по рекам. Много работали.
  We many traveled: on foot, made raftings along the rivers. We worked a lot.
  Жили трудно. Наперекор трудностям направились в литературу. Занимались журналистикой, работали корреспондентами. Увлеклись социализмом. Философские и политические тезисы мы перевели на общепонятный язык художественных образов.
  Lived difficult. In spite of the difficulties, we went into the literature. We were engaged in journalism, worked as correspondents. We carried away by socialism. We have translated philosophical and political theses into easily understood language of artistic images.
  Пришло время, и мы стали получать хорошие, очень хорошие доходы. Мы легко относились к деньгам. Легко тратили. Нас как писателей узнали во всем мире. В определенные моменты мы стали самыми известными писателями.
  It is time, and we began to gain a good, very good income. We treated money easily. We were investing them easily. We were recognized as writers all over the world. At certain moments we became the most famous writers.
  Ты - в России (Лев Толстой стоит особняком). Я - в Америке. Одна из общих тем наших произведений - судьбы бродяг, любителей путешествий. Были и другие сходные темы литературного творчества...
  You - in Russia (Leo Tolstoy is an independent cultural phenomenon). I'm in America. One of the common themes of our works - the fate of vagrants, travel lovers. There were other similar, nearby, common themes of literary creativity...
  Можно прийти к выводу, Алексей, что мы с тобой - духовно, культурно, ментально, в сопоставлении наших биографий - напоминаем творческих братьев. И если не близнецов, если не двоюродных, то - троюродных. Волею обстоятельств родившихся на разных континентах.
  It is possible to come to a conclusion, Alexei, that you and I - spiritually, culturally, mentally, taking in comparison of our biographies - remind creative brothers. And if not twins, if not cousins, then - second cousins. By the will of circumstances born at different continents.
  Джек Лондон улыбнулся и шутливо добавил:
  Jack London smiled and jokingly added:
  - Может быть, своевременно побеседовав с тобой, братом-"псалтырником", о жизни, о законах писательского успеха я бы дожил не до 1916-го, а до 1946-го года?
  - Perhaps, having in due time a talk with you, the brother - "psaltyrnik", about life, about laws of literary success I would live not up to the 1916th, but till 1946th year?
  В 1906 году, когда ты приехал в США, такая беседа у нас вряд ли бы получилась, хотя и была бы для меня очень нужной, своевременной.
  In 1906, when you came to the United States, we would hardly could to carry such a conversation, although such a talk would have been a very necessary and timely for me.
  - Ты знаешь, Джек, что я слегка сентиментален. Мои биографы пишут, что я частенько пускал слезу. Когда я выдаю книги читателям, и когда они у меня просят произведения Джека Лондона, я слегка умиляюсь. Полагаю, твои произведения трогают сердца читателей нашей библиотеки.
  - You know, Jack, that I'm a sentimental a little. My biographers write, that I often shed a tear. When I hand out books to readers of the library and when they ask works by Jack London, my heart begins to work quicker. I suppose, your books touch hearts of readers of our library.
  - Понял, Алексей. Считай меня читателем твоей библиотеки. И прошу приготовить к моему следующему визиту рассказ "Мой спутник".
  - I have understood, Alexei. Consider me the reader of your library. Also I ask to prepare the story "My Satellite" for my next visit.
  Писатели поднялись и дружески пожали друг другу руки. Попрощавшись, Джек Лондон направился к выходу.
  Writers have risen and have shaken hands each other with friendly mood. Having said goodbye, Jack London has gone to an exit.
  Алексей Максимович возвратился к обязанностям библиотекаря. Выдав книгу одному из читателей, спросил у него:
  Alexei Maksimovich has come back to the librarian's duties. Having transferring the book to one of readers, he have interested:
  - Сколько Вы сегодня страниц прочитали? Четыреста? Не плохо, не плохо...
  - How many pages you have read today? Four hundred? Not badly, not badly...
  Сделал отметку в своем журнале.
  He have made a mark in the log.
  8 мая 2017 года - 10 мая 2017 года.
  May 8, 2017 - on May 10, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 1, 2018 17:44. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation). Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о беседе Максима Горького и Джека Лондона'.
  3. The tale about not-sent letter. Of Maxim Gorky to Ivan Bunin
  M. Gorky decided to re-read the text of the letter. Here what in it was written:
  "Dear Ivan Alekseyevich!
  Often I think of You. About us.
  Yesterday, I had a conversation with Jack London at my Cafй-Library.
  Today I write You the letter. About what?
  Yes not so it and is important.
  Smiling and joking, I will tell: "About everything!"
  There was a desire to talk with You, albeit in absentia. Do You remember our acquaintance in 1899, cooperation in publishing company "Znanie"?
  I hope, I did not do any harm to You.
  I hope, that You can not reproach in anything "Znanie" - headed by me. It was a good time!
  But by adhering to epistolary discipline, I'll clarify.
  This my letter - about literary creativity, about creative cooperation, about literary success, about a theme: "to write and work or refrain from action and from writing".
  Remember, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, one of episodes of training of Nikolai Gogol in the Nizhyn Lyceum. Nikolai Vasilievich at one of lessons submitted to the teacher Nikolsky the poem by Pushkin "Prophet". Nikolsky was from the clergy. Was writer. He knew works by many poets, writers, but he treated Pushkin's creativity mistrustfully, did not read the works by Pushkin. Nikolsky read...Then he frowned and began to make the change in the text.
  Having returned verses to the imaginary author, Gogol, Nikolsky reproached him for insufficient diligence. Here Nikolai Vasilievich confessed that the author of this work - Pushkin and that he, Nikolai, decided to play a trick on Partheni Ivanovich, to whom you will not please in any way.
  Professor was the teacher of the highest pedagogical qualification. He kindly exclaimed: "Well what you understand! Yes unless Pushkin with gross mistakes cannot write? Here to you explicit proof... Recognize, by whom better is written...".
  Young Nikolai Gogol gets a lesson of problem-based learning. Perhaps one of the most important literary creative lessons in the Nizhyn gymnasium.
  But you will agree, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, that the situation, favorably resolved due to the pedagogical genius of the teacher Nikolsky and the luck of Nikolai Gogol, was very ambiguous. There were words about dishonesty, disrespect, plagiarism could be mentioned. Of course, if these words sounded, they would be pronounced without special aggressiveness, with exhortation. But still it would be unpleasant if they were uttered.
  Both the teacher and the pupil came out of the situation easily, gallantly, at ease.
  Some optimism felt Nikolai from Nikolsky, and from his kindly look.
  I write this letter, dear dear Ivan Alekseyevich, and in process of its writing I reflect over its subject. Here's another option: "Tireless creative energy. To act or not to act? To work or not to work?".
  I mentioned about yesterday's my conversation with Jack London above.
  London got acquainted in January, 1906 with the correspondent of one of local American newspapers Sinclair Lewis. Lewis came to take from him, London, an interview. At that time London actively agitated for "socialism". Not to me to you, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to tell about 1905! The world raged.
  Acquaintance between London and Lewis took place, but several years did not develop.
  Judging by subsequent events, Lewis was full of ebullient creative energy. The energy, that is actively seeking a way out.
  1913 comes. It's a year of finishing the construction of Jack London's extraordinary house. Year when the amount of monthly debts of London fluctuated approximately in borders from 25000 to 50000 dollars.
  Jack London was widely known figure. And certainly the correspondent Sinclair Lewis was to some extent aware of the affairs of London.
  The unusual charming mirage vision appeared before readers of the American newspapers.
  Great writer. Builder of the great house. The person, burdened with great debts.
  The person who is paying out the salary of numerous workers from the small leather pouches, intended for transporting gold, from the leather pouches, brought from the Klondike.
  By some estimates his(Jack London) annual earnings from literary activity made seventy five thousand dollars, and annual amount of expenses was hundred thousand dollars. Everything, than he owned, was mortgaged and remortgaged. For Russian literature familiar economic model?
  This great writer was forced to write as much as possible. Literary royalties were directing to payments on current expenses, to pay debts.
  Sinclair Lewis also knew about Jack London's adherence to "socialism", and London's desire to do good, to be a patron, a philanthropist.
  It is even clear logically, that prolonged overloads are reflected on creativity in the form of fatigue, overwork, reduced activity.
  In 1913, before the completion of the construction of the famous house, Lewis sends a letter to Jack London. In the letter - a few story sketches (projects) and an offer to buy them. The cost of one plot outline ranged around seven and a half dollars. At this time, Jack London's publishers were paying him for one story 500-750 dollars.
  Having learned about acquisition, Lewis at once informs London on use of these 15 dollars for purchase of the detail of a coat intended for Lewis's protection against cold wind.
  After a short period of time Lewis Sinclair sends Jack London additionally more than ten sketches, and a price list.
  In the cover letter reports that he, Lewis, hopes that London will widely use projects and it eventually will give to Lewis the chance to throw servitude and to return to free creativity.
  Jack London chooses some sketches and sends Lewis a check for fifty-two dollars and fifty cents. Lewis immediately tells London that his (Lewis) the party-membership card of the member of socialist party - in a complete order.
  Approaching the completion of the construction of the famous house, conceived by London. Anyway, but no further correspondence between Lewis and London - seems like - is revealed.
  From biographic data it is possible to draw a conclusion that at least one of Lewis's sketches was used by London: London wrote the work and published it. The publication took place in 1913, even before completion of construction of the famous house.
  You may Agree, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, what with the aforementioned literature projects, the situation is ambiguous. On the one hand, Jack London - writer, who gained international fame. On the other hand, one of the thousands (tens of thousands) of journalists.
  Risky situation.
  Positive reaction of Jack London to Lewis Sinclair's proposals became part of history of the American literature.
  But London's reaction and negative was could to be.
  Hypothetical negative reaction would also become the part of the history of American literature.
  Even if we take into account the special conditions of 1913 for Jack London, the risk of a negative reaction was still quite real.
  Why were Lewis Sinclair's proposals accepted?.. Moment? Has everything "coincided"?
  The matter is not in 15 and is not in 52 dollars.
  Sharing creative concepts, ideas, thoughts - is a normal thing.
  History of literature knows, for example, about the perception Nikolai Gogol of certain creative ideas from Alexander Pushkin. Remember the Arzamas ("Арзамас") literary society: communication for an exchange of creative ideas, plans.
  I note that at one time the subject of discussion was the role of A. Dumas's creative assistants.
  Your humble servant, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, was one of the initiators of the Central House of Writers, Moscow club of writers. I also endeavoured about the establishment of the Literature Institute.
  Any form of communication, the interaction of creative people, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, presupposes creative exchange.
  But sometimes not only the environment is needed, but also a personal volitional effort, tactical action, perseverance, initiative. Intrigue. Breakthrough. Jump. Rapid maneuver. Knight's move to "made"-Fate.
  And so, I will continue a thought. The matter is not in 15 and is not in 52 dollars.
  Permit, I will distract further from the specific relations of Jack London with Sinclair Lewis.
  I will talk about abstract "the great writer", "journalist", "coauthor", "sub-coauthor".
  If the great writer purchases sketches, were been created the journalist (one the journalist among the thousands, tens of thousands journalists), uses sketches or a sketch at least in one published work, then someone may feel appearance of concepts such as "coauthor" or "sub-coauthor".
  For the great writer who wrote tens of volumes of world famous works, the significance of use of one or several (stranger, were made by other author) sketches is equal to zero.
  For an (ordinary) journalist, the importance of using one or more of his (journalist's) sketches in creativity of a great writer is infinitely great.
  Yet, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, how powerful is the creative flow, the flow of creative energy! How diverse this mastery!
  How diverse are the ways of coming, entering the literature!
  For example, someone enters the literature through wanderings, pilgrimages, travels, various kinds of trials, through the formation of a person's reputation with a "bitter" fate.
  Someone passes through participation in military operations and through their description.
  Someone gradually increases creative potential, aims to develop capabilities.
  Probably, cooperation with publishing company "Znanie" also was for someone the road to literature...
  But if - hypothetically imagine - a person who firmly decided to become a writer, without any organizational or governmental support, without the support of patrons or relatives, became a co-author or a sub-coauthor of a great writer, - then this resolute and persistent person - becoming a co-author - entered the literature.
  He does not become "friend", "drinking companion", "bootlicker", "footman"... He, I will add, does not try to become permanent "speechwriter" ("writer of literary sketches"). What for? He resolved to become a writer. He uses the force the mind. He makes subject sketches and writes letters.
  He waits! Waits, waits and waits.
  He uses organizational opportunities of the post service. And he - is a coauthor (sub-coauthor) of the great writer. He confidently entered the literature.
  I am surprised to variety of this world and those ways which creative energy is opening for itself.
  I switch, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to other reflections on the of Jack London's literary career.
  Let's move on, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to a higher level of generalizations. Kindness. Kind person. His defenselessness. His fate. Bitterness. Anger.
  One of heads of construction of the extraordinary house so remembered about Jack London: "Jack was the best of people. I have not met anyone more humane. He was kind with all, you will never see him without smile. He was a real democrat, noble person, gentleman; he loved family, he respected the workers". The same approximately estimates in memoirs of other people.
  The kind person approximately in 1913, apparently, in a minute of psychological depression, at the moment of exasperation writes in one of letters to one of addressees: "Will burst a thunder, and then you'll have to beg not one day a forgiveness and to bow before the whole world; and when you will become ashes, echoes of this thunderstorm will reach those who are not now born, and you will make the coup - into your coffins".
  Is it possible for me , dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to ask you what you think of kindness, of defenselessness, and of the fate of an abstract kind man, what you think of bitterness, anger ... These questions may be sound as naпve: eternal themes. Nevertheless, if there is a mood, write me about them...
  I returning, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to one of formulations of subjects of my letter: "to write and work and to act or refrain from writing and working and action?".
  There will be time, write Your answer, expound Your reflections.
  Your Maxim Gorky (Alexei Peshkov)."
  After reading the text of the letter, Gorky meditated some moments.
  - Eternal themes! - he said.
  Having sighed, he wrote on a top margin of the first page of the letter: "The drafts!".
  Gorky returned to giving out the books to readers of the Cafй-Library.
  - What author, what book are interesting for you ? Again Jack London? We have in the catalog a section "American Literature". You can choose to yourself more authors.
  He clarified the words, been heard from the reader:
  - A little later? Do you plan then - Dreiser? And now you want to - Jack London? But yet after reading, look the catalog ...
  May 13, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: 28 October 2017 - 29 October 2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о не отправленном письме М. Горького И.А. Бунину'.
  4. The dialogue about Peter the Great
  - Mr. Ivanov! - Florenty Fyodorovich Pavlenkov (Florence F. Pavlenkov) invited writer to talk.- In the series "Life of remarkable people" is scheduled for publication the biographies of statesmen.
  Reader's interest and the reader's demand is currently such that the biographies of Russian writers - are the maximally popular.
  Author, invited to talk, nodded, agreeing.
  Pavlenkov continued:
  - Now that the nineteenth century is coming to an end, in Russia is difficult to reach agreement on the issues about the evaluation of those or other Russian historical figures.
  - Yes, - Ivanov reacted.
  - But readers relate to our series with confidence. Paying heed to their trust, their desire to obtain basic knowledge of history of Russia, Russian state figures, we have to publish a biography of Peter the Great.
  Ivanov nodded again, agreeing.
  - How do you think Mr. Ivanov, is it correct to see in the biography of Peter the Great two biographies: his personal biography, characterizing his life's path, and the biography of the Russian Empire? - Pavlenkov asked.
  - In 1721 Peter I declared the Russia as an Empire, - Ivanov reacted. - There are scientific definitions of the concept of "Empire". The empire is defined as a vast state that includes the territories of other peoples and states. Discussions are held about the content of the scientific definition.
  In the ordinary consciousness - an Empire is a powerful, "brilliant" state.
  The fates of Peter the Great and the Russian Empire are interrelated.
  The processes that led to the emergence of the Russian Empire, began long before Peter I.
  There are challenges, that facing any government. For example, state must to ensure the independence, security, development, trade and cultural relations with other countries.
  The solution to these "standard" tasks in the specific conditions of Russia led to the emergence of the Russian Empire.
  Pavlenkov looked at Ivanov with interest. Ivanov continued:
  - Victory in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 - one of the most important events in the process of gaining independence by Russia. But this victory was the result of the summing of different factors. For example, a significant role was played by the internecine wars in the Golden Horde. Troops of the Golden Horde were repeatedly defeated by the army of Tamerlane. The Great Stand on the Ugra river in 1480 completed the acquisition of Russia's almost complete political independence.
  However, safety was far away. One example is the existence of so-called Qasim Khanate or Kingdom of Qasim within Russia since 1445 in 1681.
  Before Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan the Terrible) were the tasks: and centralization, and security.
  Ivan IV Vasilyevich was born in 1530; Grand Prince from 1533, the first Russian Tzar since 1547. He died in 1584.
  Peter the Great was born in 1672; Russian Tsar from 1682, Emperor of Russia since 1721.
  About one hundred and fifty years were between the periods of activity of Ivan IV Vasilyevich and Peter the Great.
  There are surnames and place-names that "connect" the period of the reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich and Peter I the Great.
  In 1558, the Stroganov Grigory receives an official document from Ivan IV on ownership of desert land on both sides of the Kama river, from the mouth of the Lysva to the Chusovaya River.
  In 1568 to the possessions of Stroganov by an official document from Ivan IV were attached the lands on the 20 miles up of the Chusovaya River .
  In 1574 Ivan IV attaches lands along the Tobol River to the possessions of Stroganov.
  Stroganovs received the right to populate the earth with people, judge them during 20 years old, not to pay government taxes and duties. Stroganovs had the right to build cities, to have military men, produce cannons.
  On acquired lands Stroganovs develops salt, fish, ores extraction, cultivates arable farming.
  The Stroganovs owned vast lands and received a large income from the salt and trade furs. They were not subject to Royal governors and, subject only to the personal Royal court.
  In 1581 the Stroganovs recruited, equipped, armed, sent a detachment of Cossacks under command of ataman Yermak Timofeyevich.
  In 1582 Ermak breaks the troops of Kuchum Khan and enters into the capital of the Siberian Kingdom (Khanate of Sibir) Isker (Qashliq).
  In 1584 completed the period of the reign of Ivan IV but the Stroganovs continue to be active in Russian history.
  Stroganovs had a significant monetary and military assistance to the Second Volunteer Army..
  In the first years of the reign of Michael I of Russia, the first Russian Tsar of the house of Romanov, when the Treasury was depleted, and often lacked the funds for the maintenance of military men, the Stroganovs had major cash and food aid to the state.
  During the Great Northern War (1700-21), the Stroganovs rendered great financial aid to Peter I.
  - Perhaps, - Ivanov stared at Pavlenkova, - we get the first group of concepts that characterize the history of the Empire:
  Initiative commercial, industrial, and free people.
  Pavlenkov thoughtfully looked at Ivanova.
  Ivanov continued:
  - The desire to develop trade and cultural relations with Europe was one of the motives of the beginning of Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Livonian War (1558-1583).
  Successful start of the Livonian war showed the importance of positive reform of the army and the state apparatus.
  However, there has been a "problem of coalition". Russia had to wage war simultaneously against Lithuania, Poland, Denmark and Sweden. Many forces were distracted by raids of Devlet I Giray, a khan of the Crimean Khanate, on the southern margin of the state. Despite this, Ivan IV rejected the truce in 1566 and continued the fight against the bloc of States in the absence of allies.
  In the late 70's-beginning 80-ies the Russian troops were forced to leave all the conquered territory. The Livonian war ended inconclusively. In the end of the Livonian war ended badly for Russia, and Russia's access to the Baltic sea was carried out only in the early 18th century. Under the leadership of Peter the Great. The result of the Great Northern War of 1700-1721.
  So, thinking about the Livonian war, we come to another group of concepts, describing the history of the Empire:
  - coalition,
  - reform of the army (Peter the Great added the task of creating a fleet),
  - positive government reform (creation of a professional army by Peter the Great demanded changes in the tax system, improved budgetary process).
  - Concisely! - appreciated Pavlenkov. - But - in general - corresponds to the generally accepted historical concepts.
  The activities of Peter the Great is a positive and practical development of concepts, describing the history of the Empire, - continued Ivanov.
  - First, ensuring state independence, security, the trend for centralization,
  Second, the development of the Urals and Siberia, the development of industry in these regions
  Third, the coalition. Peter the Great actively sought to act in a "Holy League"of 1684, uniting the Papal States, the Holy Roman Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Venetian Republic, the Tsardom of Russia. "Holy League" against the Ottoman Empire.
  Peter the Great contributed to the creation of anti-Swedish coalition (the so-called Northern Alliance). In different periods of the Northern Alliance was composed of Russia, Denmark, Saxony, Poland, Hanover and Prussia.
  Peter I managed to achieve a rapprochement with France and sign the Treaty of Amsterdam 1717 of Alliance and friendship between Russia, France and Prussia.
  Russia was among the great European powers.
  Fourth, the reform of the army and the Navy, a positive reform of the state apparatus belong to the generally recognized achievements of Peter the Great.
  Fifth, the reform of the tax system, improve the budget process, has provided funding for the army, Navy and other government spending.
  There is an opinion that excessive growth of expenditure for military needs, and the severity of taxation - these are the main features of the state economy under Peter the Great.
  The state budget reached at the end of the reign of Peter to 8 and a half million. The new tax replaced the old taxes, and gave significant against the previous surplus (2.8 million). 3/4 of state funds spent on the maintenance of the military Department: the land forces (4.6 million) and Navy (1.4 million). From the rest covered the cost of diplomacy, administration, court, public buildings and so on. It should be noted that the poll tax was established when state-owned costs have increased; all the available funds of Central and local offices were allocated to cover the maintenance of the army and Navy, and the old ways of increasing state revenue were invalid before the formidable fact of the exhaustion of means of payment and reduction of the indigenous population of Russia.
  Peter the Great said that the money, collected from people, he must use for the government. He must give an account about this usage to God himself.
  Positive changes gave the result: changed the status of the state.
  Improvement and professionalization of the state apparatus, creating the new army, the appearance of the fleet, the construction of ports on the Baltic sea, changing the position of the Russian state in the international arena, other progressive phenomenon allowed to declare Russia an Empire. Peter I the Great became the first Russian Emperor.
  Ivanov paused and separately added:
  Development of initiative of businessmen, industrial and free people, which was manifested in the activities of the Stroganov, Yermak Timofeyevich and other active personalities, it seems, was "to fade". On the contrary, the bureaucracy has come to dominate, to prevail. Clearly positive effects from the domination of the bureaucracy should not wait.
  - It's hard to argue with You, Mr. Ivanov, - has responded Pavlenkov. - You know that the books of our series "Life of remarkable people" is designed for a wide range of readers. Each book is approximately 100 pages. It is clear: the brevity and compactness will be necessary.
  - Of course, Mr. Pavlenkov, - stated Ivanov, - a wide circle of readers is not planning to purchase scientific historical monographs. To buy and read "thick" books, many readers are not enough funds, not enough time. This series has its own reputation and its own reader. The book of series "Life of remarkable people" will have to balance information about the details of the personal life of Peter the Great and information on the history of the Empire.
  Reading compact 100 page book about Peter the Great, the reader should get an idea not only about the history of the Empire, but about his, Peter the Great's, personality, about his biography.
  There is an opinion that Peter consciously imitated Ivan IV, whose authority he honored highly.
  Probably every Russian reader it is useful to know that Peter eventually acquired the selfeducation is comprehensive and encyclopedic.
  With the "art" he is acquainted practically.
  He was the master of the fourteen crafts.
  Peter became a great military leader, who wanted to, could and was able to do everything himself.
  For example, a whole month Peter kept himself on the soldier's rations, performing all the duties of the soldier. A personal experience gave him reliable data to determine the strength and endurance of his army. Training the newly formed regiments is always performed under his direct supervision.
  Peter waged war, as a practical sage. He is clearly aware the goals of the war, the necessary forces and means, and he never attempted to achieve the impossible.
  Before the decisive moment during the battle of Poltava, the Russian Emperor addressed his soldiers with the words:
  "Soldiers! Here the hour has come which will decide the fate of the Fatherland. And so you shouldn't think that you fight for Peter, but for the state, entrusted to Peter, for the country... You also should not confuse the glory of the enemy. Think about your victories over him.
  As for Peter, know that his life is not dear to him. His purpose is only to Russia lived in happiness and glory for our well-being".
  During the battle of Poltava the Swedish army adopted the linear order of battle, and at 9 a.m. went on the attack. In a fierce melee the Swedes managed to press the Russian centre, but in this moment, Peter I personally led the counter-attack by the second battalion of the Novgorod regiment and restored the situation. During this fight one Swedish bullet pierced his hat, another one stuck in the saddle, and the third flattened Golden crucifix on the chest.
  Practical mindset of Peter the Great combined with philosophical generalizations. For some time before the death of Peter, among unbearable suffering, he spoke ironically: "I know what the poor animal is man!"
  The influence of the reforms of Peter the Great was so significant and lasting that in spite of turmoil in Russia, its political power has not been shaken.
  Quite aptly and eloquently described the diverse transforming activity of Peter the Great, the famous Russian historian Pogodin:
  "We Wake up. What is now the day? January 1, 1841. Peter the Great ordered to count years from the birth of Christ, Peter the Great commanded to count the months from Jan. (...) Catches the eye of the book - Peter the Great introduced the use of this font, and he carved the letters. (...) Brought Newspapers - Peter the Great started them. You need to buy different things - all, from the neck of a silk shawl to a shoe sole, will remind you of Peter the Great: he prescribed, introduced them into use... (...) Lunch from salt herrings to wine, all meals will tell you about Peter the Great. (...) Meet the ladies admitted into the company of men at the request of Peter the Great. Go to University - the first secular school was established under Peter the Great, etc."
  In conversation with You, Mr. Pavlenkov, the publisher, I cannot fail to note, - Ivanov tapped fingers lying beside the newspaper. - Learned some foreign languages, Peter found time to read books of historical and technical. After dinner he usually read the Dutch Newspapers, making marks with a pencil on "St. Petersburg Vedomosti". Peter was actively engaged in the selection of books for translation; he edited textbooks, managed the compilation of the maps and descriptions of various localities, took part in printing and publishing. Decrees and legislation of the era of transformation - for the most part the works of Peter himself, or prepared under his direct supervision.
  Peter I was the author and editor of a number of statutes, military-theoretical and historical works. Among them - "The Book of military regulations", "The Book of the marine regulations", "Regulations concerning the administration of Admiralty and the shipyard...", "Book of Mars or military Affairs..."
  Essays "History of the Swedish war" and "Reflections on the causes of the Northern war" were prepared with close cooperation of Peter.
  He was proportionally complex, his figure was not overwhelmed by its size. Full, dark, precisely sculpted face exuded calm and deep awareness. Quick, shrewd, slightly contemptuous glance, large and massive forehead...
  As if summing up the reflections on the contents of a compact 100 page book about Peter the Great, Ivanov has formulated the wish:
  - However, we will not lose hope that the General reader will - over time - to buy and read "thick" books with a lot of detail, figures, thinking, versions, and interpretations ...
  - Financial conditions of cooperation of the authors with our series "Life of remarkable people" are no secret, - continued Pavlenkov.
  - Yes, - responded Ivanov.
  - Are you ready to start writing a biographical sketch of the life and public activities of Peter the Great for the series "Life of remarkable people"? The approximate volume of the book - 100 pages? - said Pavlenko.
  - Yes, - said Ivanov.
  - In that case, - I propose to begin! - summed up the negotiations Pavlenkov.
  27 may 2017.
  Translation from Russian language into English language: 04.09.2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог о Петре Великом".
  5. The Tale about William Gladstone and about an exhibition
  November, 1877. Science Museum, London. Exhibition of archeological finds.
  William Gladstone approached one of the twenty-four showcases with ancient artifacts.
  A lot of time, efforts he has expended, promoting opening of this exhibition.
  Numerous visitors gave the opportunity to come near the display case.
  All became silent.
  All were waiting for opinion of the connoisseur of Homer, the author of books on theological and church questions.
  Suddenly the British officer has spoken, which also was standing next to a showcase. He in appearance already had combat experience.
  - Or - victories, or - the fate of archaeological finds, - the officer has formulated the thought briefly - as in an army.
  Visitors of an exhibition with amazement have translated views to the officer.
  William Gladstone looked at the officer with interest.
  The officer, encouraged by general amazement, has continued:
  - Archeologists are useful. Asia. Egypt and Arabia. Diaries. Topography. Exploring the terrain. Knowledge of languages and history. Magnificent exhibition! Britain again ahead!
  The officer has kindly looked at William Gladston, has slightly inclined the head. Then for a second he was before William Gladstone on standing at attention.
  "How many efforts were required to cancel practice of sale of officer patents, but tried not in vain", - William Gladstone has thought.
  Aloud he has spoken:
  - The commitment of the people, the common people to the throne and Britain is more valuable than the Army and Navy, gold and silver. It is honor and glory of the country. This exhibition, the first in the history the public exposition of unusual archaeological finds, exhibition, which can be visited by any Briton and guest of our state, makes honor to our country and serves the benefit of science!
  In 1883 in the second premiership of William Gladstone the officer has been attached to the Egyptian army, held important posts. And in 1892 (this year W. Gladstone became a prime minister for the fourth time) the officer has held a position of "sirdar", that is the Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian army.
  In the winter of 1888, two European scientists with research goals swam on a hired yacht up the Nile.
  Suddenly their yacht has been shooted from the coast. There was a danger of capture and the yacht, and crew, and scientists.
  At a critical moment, like magic, appeared the gunboat with the British crew, which forced the attackers to retreat.
  The shot from the ship cannon could be reviewed and as a way of the help, and as a cannon's salute.
  One of scientists, been talking in half an hour with the the British lieutenant, commander of the gunboat, has said:
  -Your face is familiar to me, Mr. Lieutenant. It seems to me You - at that time still the young man - were ten years ago among visitors at an exhibition of ancient treasures in the Science Museum, London.
  - Yes, sir, - the Lieutenant has answered, - at that time I still studied. But at the first opportunity I have visited this remarkable exposition. And the Governor of Provinces - and all of us - remember the impression, was made by treasures. We try to get acquainted with new archaeological achievements and new book publications.
  - The science moves forward! - the scientist has noted, having politely inclined the head.
  The assistant to the commander of the gunboat joined the conversation with the scientist:
  - I will note, sir, that we under a big impression both of discoveries, and of books, and of intensive development of archeology. Your example of maintaining diaries is very interesting to us. And we prepare our diaries for the publication. Perhaps, they will be interesting both to public, and to outstanding scientists. Indicative names: "The Diary of the Navy officer" and "The Sudanese diary".
  - I believe that the publication of the book "Battles on the River" - an event of the close future, - the commander of the gunboat has added.
  Having discussed plans of safe return of the yacht toward the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the scientist has added: "The archaeological collection is replenished. I hope for the common meeting in the updated museum halls with an expanded exposition of ancient values!".
  February 02, 2017 - March 03, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: January 19, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об Уильяме Гладстоне и о выставке'.
  6. Dialogue about Lack of Preliminary Censorship
  The Reader and the Readeress went along the park pathway, discussing the books were read in M. Gorky's cafe-library.
  - Somewhere I have found a question: and whether were published in France at the time of Napolйon I of the book about invasion of the Swedish troops of Karl XII into Russia. Strange question, - the Readeress admitted. - It is well-known that Napolйon I was one of the most knowing, competent rulers.
  The Reader has smiled:
  - Napoleon hasn't established for newspapers of preliminary censorship.
  - Blossoming of the press! - the Readeress has smiled in reply. - After destruction of the French Directory and coming to power of the general Bonaparte he has destroyed all Parisian political newspapers, except thirteen (60 of 73).According to the order of the minister Joseph Fouche in each editorial office of more widespread newspapers has been appointed editor-censor who was receiving a salary from means of the newspaper at a rate of 2/12 income of the newspaper.
  - And what about books about the Swedish troops invasion? - the Reader has demanded conclusions. - Censorship was extended over books?
   - In February, 1811 censorship has forbidden French translation of some Psalms of David because "malicious" could see in David's words a hint on oppression of the Pope by Napoleon I. "... Sometimes there was a subject to confiscation even King Solomon with his Parables...", - the Readeress has reminded. - E.V. Tarle wrote about Napoleon I that "he has absolutely taken out all domestic and all foreign policy off the sphere of discussion and considered as great grace the permission for the rare bodies of the press to publish only of most short information notes of "political character", i.e. simply notes about news, short messages about the facts".
  "I don't attach any significance to disputes of these fools", - Napoleon said...
  The general line in management of "the sphere of the press" has been directed to reduction of number of discussions, debates, emotional subjects, to reduction of number of newspapers...
  "When each person will have rather common sense to be concentrate onto the sphere of own the duties?" - the French ruler who has come to the power tried to understand.
  What was the subjects of trade of French book traders at that time? Old editions with pictures, jokes, stories about beautiful women,the lists and the images of beautiful women...
  - "Naked asses"? - the Reader alarmed.
  - In a privileged position there were scientific, professional publications, though and they were under "pressure", - the Readeress has tried to neutralize the alert.
  - And protection of the law? - the Reader was indignant. - Principles of the French revolution? To the law and the principles have turned by a bare back (a lower part)?
  The Readeress has sighed:
  - The minister of police of France Joseph Fouche concerning legality joked: "My dear, the constitution is a beautiful woman on whom it is allowed, passing by, to throw an admiration look, but she doesn't belong to public".
  The police watched and printing houses, and authors of publications, and buyers of printing editions.
  The bookstores were under constant, close observation of the authorities.
  But it is necessary to mention also examples of the loyal attitude of the power towards writers.
  During an era of a marriage of Napoleon I on the Austrian princess a large number of authors were glorifying this event, have composed verses. For their remuneration the sum of 88 400 francs has been spent from treasury. From marriage of the emperor the child who has received a title of the Roman king was born. In honor of the birth of the Roman king a number of works has been written; for remuneration of authors 30 thousand francs have been spent.
  - If any structure can provide itself with work, then the such a situation for such structure is comfortable, - the Reader has assumed. - I will give an example of effectiveness. The minister of police of France, to the greatest indignation, has learned that the censorship subordinated to the Minister of Internal Affairs will confiscate even books which he (the minister of police) writes out from England. That is, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has found out that the minister of police receives and reads "undesirable" books. What result, what benefits of such information? But - all are busy with (important) affairs.
  And here England printed and read all books (and continues to do it), adheres - it seems, - the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of information - and, probably, doesn't suffer.
  In principle, it is possible to make subject to control thesightseeing of architectural sights. The look of tourist falls on others windows. And what things and events tourist there sees? To what opinions does come? To what actions the tourist is induced? Big necessary information and analytic business. To collect information, to generalize, take measures...
  The majority spoke and are speaking about the Enlightened mode of the individual power of Napoleon I. But someone could speak risk of approach of "the kingdom of ignorance".
  - There were also positive phenomena, - the Reader tried to keep objectivity. - The retired cavalry captain Marten has intended to publish in Bordeaux "Journal des dames" devoted specially "to ladies, love, beauty and Graces".
  Permission has followed. Though were needed the personal information on the captain, correspondence, solemn permission from the minister of police.
  - But there is not only an advantage, but also harm of freedom of speech. Statements meet, for example, in the sense that the press "disorients", "confuses", "excites", "involves", "do black", "pits", "offends", "provokes", "creates undesirable moods"... - the Readeress has noticed.
  - Action gives rise to counteraction...- the Reader spoke. - Whether are connected planning of invasion of Napoleon to Russia in 1812 and the subsequent death of Great army with lack of publications, discussions, books about invasion into Russia of troops of the Swedish king Karl XII? - the Reader has continued reasonings. - About Russia, about its climate? About history of Russia? I find it difficult to draw a conclusion.
  - Gloomy picture... "Crush" of readers, writers, publishers, typographers, book dealers on the historical bridge between the French revolution and mature state system... Berezina... - the Readeress has expressed opinion.
  - You shouldn't exaggerate, - the Reader has made the amendment. - France is known for the outstanding literature, including, works on military subject.
  - It is possible to remember the expressive description of E.V. Tarle of process of adoption of the decision on the beginning of unlimited submarine war, pernicious, self-destructive for the German Empire, - the Readeress has remembered. - "Leaders of a Reichstag" "discussed" an issue; but they had no appropriate information. The account of submarines went on tens, at such quantity the underwater fleet of Germany of cardinal counteraction to the opponent couldn't render. However the exact number of submarines wasn't known; it was secret. After the decision of leaders of the German Empire - in the conditions of deficiency of information - about the beginning of unlimited submarine war was followed not a victory, but declaration of war by America and "automatic" defeat of Germany in 1918. It was necessary "to know only a little", not to know "superfluous", to have "rather common sense to be concentrate onto the sphere of own the duties"!
  - In E.V. Tarle's works I haven't met detailed estimates of a condition of freedom of speech in England, - the Reader developed a thought. - However, the short description of E.V. Tarle by management of the war in England may be compared with slightly ironic description of making decision on the beginning of unlimited submarine war. The tonality of this laconic description in itself is curious: ". . The War Cabinet was resolving in final instance all issues - military, diplomatic, economic, financial, questions of supply and food, - a word, all problems connected with warfare; the ministries were only the tools executing his orders. The War Cabinet was meeting twice a day, daily during the all the time of the existence... Executive body of a War Cabinet, the enormous secretariat, created along with an Cabinet, (at first 36, then 98 and at last 136 people), not only transferring to the ministries, armies and the fleet orders of a War Cabinet, but actively monitoring their exact and fast performance". "The head of a War Cabinet Lloyd George has addressed Holland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden with a persistent request to give to England their merchant fleet "for temporary use" ...". "The most favorable guarantees and material compensations were given. (...) On it finally all calculations of the German military supreme commanders have failed, calculations, however, and without this emergency measure couldn't be fulfilled".
  I will mention that by 1914 - when has begun World War I - the politician and the parliamentarian Winston Churchill has written a number of books. He had experience of the officer and war correspondent. In these books military operations with participation of the English troops (some kind of "local wars") during before World War I were described, in particular. Anyone could read these books, they were popular.
  - Well, many Russian generals who were involved in World War I had literary talents, - the Readeress has noticed. - Many generals of different armies have written memoirs.
  - In memoirs of Walter Schellenberg, one of heads of intelligence agencies, - the Readeress began to remember again, - there is a story about how he has submitted to leaders of Hitlerite Germany at the beginning of 1942 the report on the potential of war industry of America and on opportunities of the U.S. Air Force. Heydrich has been struck with contents of the report; especially he was amazed by data on production of steel. Goering called the report "nonsense". Hitler was very angry and has said that he doesn't trust to a word. After the end of war Goering has told Schellenberg: "Yes, it has turned out that you told not nonsense".
  -In Hitler's Germany were negative about freedom of information, to freedom of speech,-phlegmatically said the Reader.
  - Comparison of the Napoleonic, Kaiser's and Hitlerite regimes as it seems to me, - isn't right. Even - it is incorrect, - the Readeress admitted.
  - Not political regimes, but level, quality of decisions in the conditions of deficiency of information, in the conditions of absence or limitation of freedom of speech, freedom of information are compared, - the Reader has directed attention. - Someone could and can freely read ANY books by ANY authors, and someone - freely to admire "naked asses".
  - If to go deep into history, then it is possible to remember that by the Imperial Manifesto of Nicholas II on October 17, 1905 the population of Russia has been granted, in particular, freedom of speech, - the Readeress has added.
  - And this freedom was real, - the Reader didn't begin to object. - V.N. Kokovtsov remembered how, being in the head of the government of Russia from 1911 to 1914, he repeatedly counteracted initiatives "to restraint the press". The same V.N. Kokovtsov wrote about "remarkable" economic blossoming of Russia in a decade between 1904 and 1914. Casual coincidence?
  - The citizen living in the educated and progressive society, in the humane, benevolent environment, - the Readeress has spoken, - as a rule, keen on the positive purposes of this society, is involved in it's (society) progressive processes. He doesn't need the bans of "harmful" books. He (citizen) or won't (will not have time) to read them, or they will leave him indifferent, or will generate at him bewilderment or rejection... Are the "naked asses" an element of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of information? Of freedom of creativity, at last?
  - "Naked asses" don't contradict freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of information, freedom of (scientific) creativity: public anatomic atlases demonstrate it, - the Reader has assumed.
  - What kind the "content of message ", which the creators of "naked asses" are sending? - the Readeress insisted.
  The Reader and the Readeress have sat down on a park bench. After whiffs of wind the heat was felt. Then again the coolness came.
  August 05, 2017 - August 12, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: January 21, 2018 - January 23, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог об отсутствии предварительной цензуры'.
  7. The Christmas story
  One of readers of cafe-library has approached Gorky:
  - Alexey Maksimovich! To you, - as I heard, - it is possible to address concerning literary initiatives, to hear your opinion.
  - Please.
  - I have written "The Christmas story". It is interesting what you will tell.
  Gorky has begun to read:
  "Today I have gone outside from the house and have begun to feed with grain crumbs of birds.
  One of the birds sat next to me on the branch and began to chirp.
  At first I thought of some themes, but then have switched to a chirping of a bird.
  My mood improved.
  I have come back home and have written "The Christmas story"".
  Gorky has read up the text, has thought.
  He have returned a sheet of paper, and, smiling, have said:
  - Continue to listen to birds.
  The reader has thanked Gorky and has gone to a table where his books lay.
  - Wait a minute!.-Gorky has said. - Having read your story, I would like to remember words from the Bible: "Behold the fowls of the air...".
  - We will listen to birds, to read the Bible, to read books, - the reader has answered.
  - And to write stories, - Gorky has joked.
  January 01, 2018 18:05
  Translation from Russian into English: January 1, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рождественский рассказ'.
  8. The Sketch about the Literary Dispute
  - You see, ...classics ... So ...
  - It is clear. ... Interest of readers. And not only at the airports and at stations before boarding on the airplane or on the train.
  - ... order ... And before him - hundred days.
  - You must think on a more substantial scale. Hundred years before the order. And a grant - yours.
  - In the morning a grant, after hundred years - chairs.
  - Be a realist. Twice two - four.
  - Full privacy of deposit!
  - Send oranges by packets!
  - Daladye is the head!
  - On the battery there are no shells any more.
  - It is necessary quicker on a bend.
  - Sail! Have torn a sail!
  - I repent! I repent, repent!
  January 7, 2018 23:44
  Translation from Russian into English: January 7, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о литературном диспуте'.
  9. The Short Story about the Bottom
  The religious protagonist in a pit sits. Together with the wife. It's damp, cold, heavy.
  He have decided to distract. He have turned on the laptop. Have gone out in Internet.
  Browse: news. The fight. The incident. The razborka. "u-u-Yes...". The Molotov cocktail ... "Is what cocktail, the wife? To which in long dresses come?" What to answer the wife? She jokes in reply: "In clothes black ...".
  The religious protagonist looks further: website of newspaper. On the first page even the writer - classic is represented. Russian-Soviet. The protagonist has remembered: "At the bottom". He have sighed. He have gained strength, He have begun to read.
  "We, such-those, support!..."
  The wife has approached, has looked because of a back onto the screen: "How long, father?"
  From surprise the religious protagonist has lost the speech. The question was left without answer.
  January 19, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: January 19, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о дне'.
  10. Dialogue of colleagues
  Диалог коллег
  Dialogue of colleagues
  После неприятной истории с Радищевым Екатерина II выделила деньги из государственного бюджета на поддержку литературного творчества.
  After a unpleasant story with Alexander Radishchev Catherine II has allocated money from the state budget for support of literary creativity.
  Составили смету. Устроили очередную книжную выставку.
  Have calculated the estimate. Have organized the once more book exhibition.
  Люди все уважаемые. Рядом оказались за соседними столами бывший пресс-секретарь одной из организационных структур в звании генерала со своей книгой о резонансных, всем известных, громких преступлениях и новационный журналист со своей книгой 'Все тайны петербургской бани'.
  People - all the respected. At the nearby tables are sit the former press secretary of one of the organisation structures in the general's rank with the book about resonant, all the known, loud crimes and the innovative journalist with the book "All Mysteries of the St. Petersburg Bathhouse".
  Экс-пресс-секретарь смотрел вокруг, иногда бросая взгляды на соседа.
  The ex-press secretary looked around, sometimes darting glances at the neighbor.
  А тот сосредоточился на своей книге, на экс-пресс-секретаря как-то совсем не смотрел.
  The neighbor has focused on the book, somehow didn't watch absolutely at the ex-press secretary.
  Мероприятие было недолгим. Стали все подниматься. Волей-неволей журналист бросил взгляд на экс-пресс-секретаря, кивнул ему и что-то буркнул.
  The action was short. All began to stand up. Willy-nilly the journalist has darted a glance at the ex-press secretary, has nodded to him and has muttered something.
  'Так было нужно, коллега' - послышалось экс-пресс-секретарю.
  "It was so necessary, the colleague", - the ex-press secretary seemed, that he heard.
  Журналист направился к выходу.
  The journalist has gone to an exit.
  'Нужны новые подходы, новые пыжи в писательской обойме, новые литературные величины.' - мудро подумал генерал.
  "The new approaches, the new corks in the writers community's clip, the new literary organisms are necessary." - the general has wisely thought.
  1 февраля 2018 г. 15:05
  February 1, 2018 15:05
  Translation from Russian into English: February 1, 2018 15:10. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог коллег'.
  11. The Short Story about Progress in Fishing
  - Can I speak to Monsieur Maupassant, please?
  - Hello. Maupassant speaking.
  - This is the Head of Cultural Panel calling. Let me inform You about the cultural overturn. In the past, men used to write about women. Today, now, versa, women are writing about men. ... Your congratulations? You - as the old yacht seaman - are wishing a progress in a yachting and in a fishing ? Thank you! Good-by.
  - Bye-bye.
  February 16, 2018.
  12. Dialogue of Stop Down - Start Up
  - Make the list of the forbidden books!
  - Develop new model of a space rocket!
  - Develop the system of blocking of the websites!
  - Design new satellites and space satellite groups!
  - Complicate the books edition and the book trade!
  - Launch the new developments for space branch!
  - Approve the extrajudicial blocking of the websites!
  - Put into operation the public high-speed uncensored Internet!
  - ...!
  February 24, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: February 24, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог Stop Down - Start Up'.
  13. The Monologue about Knowledge
  Yury Trifonov was finishing the story "Time and Place": "In the fall of 1979 my daughter Katya did not pass the second year in a row exams for admission to the university. She got sick with a severe nervous disease. And she was put in the first city hospital, in the psychosomatic department." "When last year Katya has failed exams, it was clear: Vasenka, her son, takes away many forces. But now have found the nanny, the child lived in the summer in Desna, Katya exhausted herself with memorization and vigils. I haven't seen people, weakened himself to such an extent. I couldn't help, the mathematics wasn't necessary to her, and in other objects I have lagged behind. But, seeing as she is engaged, I was for some reason sure: such infernal efforts can't go to waste! And here she has made a call me to institute and by a false, cheerful voice has told I shouldn't worry, - she hasn't gained half a point, has again failed. - And let them all go further on. I felt cold in fear and shouted: "What are you going to do now?" - "I'll go to cinema!""
  He wrote and reflected on abstract subjects: "Millions of people - tens, hundreds of millions of people? - possess diplomas of institutes ... And how many people can tell that they are children, descendants of outstanding writers? A few people? Tens?.."
  "She was silent, after that has told: "There were girls who haven't gained half a point too, and they have told that everything was pre-determined. And nothing can be made. It is the truth?" - "I don't know - I have answered. - It may be so". - "Then why to live? If everything is defined?""
  "Being the daughter of an outstanding writer - it's an unnoticeable place in life?" - he continued to think of something.
  Memory made the tooltip: "Whether the writer knows that such human heart?"
  "You don't suit for our galaxy."
  "...something the stired up, warm, old, expensive, that disappeared without a trace..."
  "1980. December"
  He has opened the encyclopedia: "August 28, 1925 - March 28, 1981 (aged 55)"
  February 25, 2018 7:20
  Translation from Russian into English: February 25, 2018 17:54.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о знании'.
  14. The Fairy Tale about Pushkin on Easter Island
  Сказка о Пушкине на острове Пасхи
  The Fairy tale about Pushkin on Easter Island
  Александр Пушкин решил стать журналистом. Как только он ощутил это желание, он оказался на острове Пасхи.
  Alexander Pushkin has decided to become a journalist. As soon as he has felt this desire, he has found himself of Easter Island.
  Пушкин не падал духом. Он направился в прогулку по острову, декламируя вслух произведения Лермонтова.
  Pushkin didn't lose courage. He has gone to walk on the island, reciting aloud works by Lermontov.
  - Не вы ль сперва так злобно гнали
  Его свободный, смелый дар
  И для потехи раздували
  Чуть затаившийся пожар?
  - Did not you, at first so viciously pushed aside
  His free, daring gift
  And for fun were fanning
  A little hidden fire?
  Пушкин посмотрел вокруг, прислушался. Ответа не было. Он решил переключиться на Лермонтовскую прозу.
  Pushkin has looked around, has listened. The answer wasn't. He has decided to switch to Lermontovsky prose.
  - Здесь нечисто! Я встретил сегодня черноморского урядника, он мне знаком - был прошлого года в отряде, как я ему сказал, где мы остановились, а он мне: 'Здесь, брат, нечисто, люди недобрые!..'
  -Here the place is uncleanly! I have met the officer of the the Black Sea Cossacks' Host today, he is familiar to me - was last year in the squad, as I have told him where we have stopped, and he to me: "Here, brother, is dirty place, the people bad!."
  Пушкину показалось, что на него откуда-то сверху смотрят с иронией и превосходством.
  It seemed to Pushkin that on him from where from above look with irony and superiority.
  Может, быть, его надежды скрыты в море? Но, увы, парус одинокой не белел в тумане моря голубом!..
  Perhaps to be, his hopes are hidden in the sea? But, alas, the lonely white sail didn't grow in sea fog blue!.
  Нет паруса! 'Пришел невод с одною рыбкой,
  С непростою рыбкой, - золотою.' 'Это - из Пушкина' - подумал Пушкин. - 'Откуплюсь чем только пожелаешь.' 'Не садися не в свои сани!'
  There is no sail! "Came seine with one fish,
  With the uneasy small fish, - the gold. " "It - from Pushkin" - Pushkin has thought. - "I will pay off using the such kind of payment, what only you will wish." "Don't sit in other people's sleds!"
  Появились сомнения:
  There were doubts:
  - Быть может, за стеной Кавказа
  Укроюсь от твоих пашей...
  - Perhaps, behind a wall of the Caucasus
  I will can to hiding from your bashaws...
  Как по волшебству опустилась южная ночь.
  The southern night has as if by magic fallen up the earth.
  Пушкину на память пришли строки из 'Макара Чудры' М. Горького:
  To Pushkin's memory was come the lines from "Makar Chudra" of M. Gorky:
  - С моря дул влажный, холодный ветер, разнося по степи задумчивую мелодию плеска набегавшей на берег волны и шелеста прибрежных кустов. Изредка его порывы приносили с собой сморщенные, желтые листья и бросали их в костер, раздувая пламя; окружавшая нас мгла осенней ночи вздрагивала и, пугливо отодвигаясь...
  - From the sea damp, cold wind blew, carrying on the steppe a thoughtful melody of splash of the wave running on the coast and a rustle of coastal bushes. Occasionally his rushes brought with the themselves wrinkled, yellow leaves and threw them into a fire, inflating a flame; the haze of autumn night surrounding us was shuddering, timidly being going off away ...
  В наступившей темноте Пушкин внезапно осознал, что он снова находится в России. Пушкин почувствовал интерес к личности Петра I и решил сосредоточиться на написании поэмы 'Полтава'.
  In the come darkness Pushkin suddenly has realized that he is in Russia again. Pushkin has felt interest in Peter I's identity and has decided to focus on writing of the poem "Poltava".
  02 марта 2018 г.
  March 02, 2018
  Translation from Russian into English: March 02, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Пушкине на острове Пасхи'.
  15. The Fairy Tale, devoted March 8, about Lermontov
  After departure from the small town of Taman my soul became the restless. My thoughts continuously came back to the my water nymph, to my undine.
  Труды, заботы ночь и днем,
  Все, размышлению мешая,
  Приводит в первобытный вид
  Больную душу: сердце спит,
  Простора нет воображенью...
  И нет работы голове...
  Зато лежишь в густой траве
  И дремлешь под широкой тенью
  Чинар иль виноградных лоз...
  (The works, the cares in the solar days and hours of the nights,
  Everything, hampering the thoughts,
  Leads to primitive kind of
  The sick soul: the heart is asleep,
  There is no scope for imagination...
  And no the head work...
  But lying in the thick grass
  you'll sleep under a wide shade
  of a sycamore trees or grapevines ...)
  У медных пушек спит прислуга.
  Едва дымятся фитили;
  Попарно цепь стоит вдали;
  Штыки горят под солнцем юга.
  (Near a copper cannons the arms servants sleep.
  Barely a wicks smoke;
  In pairs the chain costs in the distance;
  Bayonets burn under the sun of the South.)
  In battles I have been seriously wounded, captured by the opponents. I fled from captivity with got at my disposal documents of a Cossack officer. And again I have appeared in the small town of Taman.
  My wound justified my rest in Taman.
  I have found the lodge on the seashore where I have for the first time got acquainted with my mermaid.
  My days have been devoted to the recovery of my strength and my health.
  I swam more and more, further and further. The familiar fisherman has a little taught me to steer the sailing vessel.
  Every morning I did a little journey by horse.
  Somehow in the sea we together with the fisherman have met the foreign ship. It has appeared, the captain spoke French. We have drunk a little French wine in his cabin.
  I have read several poems and have given as keepsake to the captain a beautiful silver military flask.
  He has in reply presented me several books in foreign languages. I had the some knowledge since the childhood. Books have given me the chance to refresh the childish knowledge.
  So the days and has been going. Horseback riding, swimming in the sea, sailing, learning foreign languages.
  After some time, I was already able to the independently sailing.
  Somehow, being in the Crimea, I went along the coast. In one place the flow of rainwater has exposed the stone, the edge of which was trimmed in the shape of a semicircle. Hoping to find something interesting, I have a little cleaned the earth with a knife.
  Hope did not deceive me. Densely to each other vessels of the most various form, from five to eleven centimeters high, stood and lay. Two vessels are painted with a beautiful ornament, palmettes, meanders and some figures. There were also a crooked knife, fragments of the sword, the twisted bronze decoration and a clay figure of the goddess with two flutes, the gold coins and jewelry.
  I have transported all found objects toward the my little house.
  Thus began my fascination with archaeology.
  The little house, I lived in, was on the edge of a cliff. And I often admired the sea.
  'Я долгие часы просиживал один,
  И память их жива поныне
  Под бурей тягостных сомнений и страстей,
  Как свежий островок безвредно средь морей
  Цветет на влажной их пустыне.'
  ("I spent long hours alone,
  And their memory is still alive
  Under the storm of painful doubts and passions, -
  As a fresh island harmlessly among the seas
  Blossoms on their damp desert.")
  One stormy day I saw the flashing between waves white sail.
  My heart was beating faster.
  The sail was approaching, but at some point the sail has disappeared.
  I rushed to the beach.
  It seemed to me that among the waves I see a human. I rushed into the raging sea and swam. The drowning human was already unconscious, and his body at times was hidden under the surface of the water.
  It was that eighteen-year-old girl with whom I have got acquainted in Taman earlier. To see her I came back to the Taman.
  I have pulled out her body on the coast and have made artificial respiration. She has begun to breathe. I have carried her in a house and cared for her health.
  Her surprise knew no bounds. I explained that I had returned to Taman due to the military wound and that my health requested a long rest.
  Next day we have found fragments of the sailing vessel which has sunk during a storm on which she floated, and bodies of his drowned passengers. Among the drowned persons there was also her comrade.
  Since then, during horseback riding, swimming in the sea, sailing, learning foreign languages, I was not alone. With me was my songbird.
  Soon we were married.
  Once, swimming in one of the bays, I decided to dive to the bottom. The water was clear. I found the wreckage of the sunken ship.
  Among fragments something has sparkled! It turned out that the ship was carrying several boxes of gold coins.
  I was more and more interested in archeology. We moved to Europe.
  During this period in Paris real estate prices fell, and I have bought several houses at once.
  In one of the houses we settled down with my Undine. Here was my Parisian library. Other houses gave the income necessary for my archaeological excavations.
  I added to the knowledge gained at the Moscow University - listened to several cycles of lectures at the Paris and Neapolitan universities.
  I was drawn to Greece, and in this country we spent the most part of time with my beauty woman.
  I drew attention to the low prices of land lots in Athens. Gradually acquired several plots. Soon the prices rose, I sold the plots profitably, and on the money I built our house in the Greek capital.
  The house was decorated with frescoes on modern and archaeological themes.
  On one of the frescoes depicts a young girl in a striped dress with loose braids - a real mermaid.
  I have published several books with my travel diaries and descriptions of my archaeological excavations. On the basis of several books to me degree of the doctor of philosophy has been awarded.
  Our archaeological studies were quite successful.
  We found huge gold treasures and opened several of the ancient palaces.
  My Undine and I made presentations at a joint meeting of several archaeological societies in one of the European capitals.
  The treasures we found are housed in European museums.
  We made a trip around the world. We visited Scotland, the places where my ancestors lived.
  И арфы шотландской струну бы задел,
  И по сводам бы звук полетел...
  (And I would touch a strings of Scottish harps,
  And the sounds would fly through the arches ...)
  However, my beauty woman dedicated more and more her time to the our Athenian house and to our numerous children.
  At some point, my earthly journey was over. It happened almost-that on the site of the antique city, where I came as a tourist
  That's what happened after the end of the earthly path.
  I met Louis Antoine de Bougainville. Among the roses he watched the flight of the snowflakes. The wind carried them to a flight around the globe. We greeted each other. De Bougainville was so kind as to quote my poem 'Парус' ("The Sail"):
  Под ним струя светлей лазури,
  Над ним луч солнца золотой...
  А он, мятежный, просит бури,
  Как будто в бурях есть покой!
  ("A stream of light azure in the depths,
  Ray of the Sun Golden in the heights...
  And he, the man of freedom, asks for a storm,
  As if in the storms there is a rest!")
  I have explained that I was inspired for the writing of this poem by his global cruise and his gallant act in relation to the women - by the ship of his expedition the woman has for the first time made a round-the-world trip.
  De Bougainville has invited me to the port to be present at a greeting of the next super-catamaran which has set up the next record of speed during the global cruise under a sail.
  Since then I sometimes walks with him for meetings of the super-catamarans.
  My hope is - to meet my undine in the following life.
  Than to complete my story? Probably, those the words, what I have begun with. Taman - the finest the small town from all seaside cities of Russia. I there slightly haven't died from hunger. Moreover in additives I was wanted to be drowned. But there I have found the happiness.
  March 5, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: March 6, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка к 8 Марта о Лермонтове'.
  16. The Fairy Tale about the Library on the Seacoast
  Confucius and Jefferson were reading the books in the library on the Seacoast.
  Confucius was reading the book by the one of the ancient wise men.
  Jefferson was reading the book by the one of the Enlightenment philosophers.
  Simultaneously they heard the ringing signals of their mobile telephones and went toward verandah to converse at a fresh air.
  They put their books on the table near the entrance to verandah.
  Returning into the library after the talks, Confucius took the book of the Enlightenment times, Jefferson took the ancient book.
  They looked through the books.
  "The man of knowledge" - they expressed their opinions.
  March 9, 2018.
  17. The Story about the Young man
  - Come in, please, Alexander Sergeyevich! Would you like to sit down? Would you like a glass of orange juice?
  We are reading about your words to the Emperor Nicholas I. The words, wich were told just before end of your terrestrial way: "Tell the Emperor, I regret losing my life. Because I can't express to him my gratitude. I would be totally of his!"
  Pushkin remained silent. A bit later he said:
  - The boy will go toward outstanding success.
  - Orphan, difficult the private life, not simple situation in the family. He was brought up by the grandmother ... It seems, these are your words: 'It's impossible to break an axe into two parts with a lash?'
  - "The poet - or the no one!" - Alexander Pushkin has quoted a line from the poem.
  The group of excursionists entered the hall where the portraits were arranged. Among others there was a self-portrait of Lermontov.
  The guide told:
  - Pushkin's death has terribly struck Lermontov. Lermontov revered the Pushkin's genius ...
  Under influence of a true grief, fresh still, and the indignation excited in him by this scary murder, Lermontov in a short period, almost immediately, wrote a few stanzas, which were extended out widely in two days around the city. Since then, all who cherish the Russian word, learned the name of Lermontov.
  - I read these verses to the count von Benckendorff, and we haven't found in them anything reprehensible, - Alexander Nikolaevich Mordvinov, the managing director of the Third Section of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery has quietly commented on a situation from the portrait.
  - Business was so, - V.P. Burnashev, one of participants of an excursion, has noticed, - Lermontov has written the poem, known to almost all Russia, on the death of Pushkin, the poem which has put suddenly him, our schoolmate, almost level with poet, he in the magnificent verses mourned now.
  A people said to us that Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky appreciated these verses with special pleasure and he recognized in them not only rudiments, but all manifestation of mighty talent. The charm and musicality of versification have been recognized by experts as the phenomenon remarkable.
  Whether the truth whether isn't present, I don't know, - it not that other as repetition of opinion, that the Emperor has read verses with attention. and he told: "This person, - who knows, - will replace Pushkin in the Russia!"
  They said, - before accident with the additional verses, - that his highness the grand duke Michael Pavlovich has spoken of Lermontov so: "This unripe poet will give in the future a rich harvest of fruits". And then, laughing, he have added: "I will send him in a guardroom if he in head of a military unit will command in verses!".
  Lermontov, always such a respectful to the grandmother, two times hardly constrained himself when the old woman said to him that the late Alexander Sergeyevich has sat not in his own (and not suitable) sledge, and, having sat down in them, wasn't able to operate dexterously the capricious horses rushing his up to that snowdrift, from which one road was only into a precipice.
  Lermontov, of course, didn't argue with our old woman. He was only bitting his fingernails and left the house for the whole days.
  The grandmother has noticed it, and, without a wishing to sadden the Mischa, didn't tell a word to him about secular rumors any more. And these rumors have influenced on Lermontov so strongly that he has got sick even.
  The grandmother was frightened. The doctor recognized disorder of nerves and has advised to accept a good dose of the Valerian extract . The friend of all St. Petersburg, the kindest Nikolay Fedorovich Arendt has arrived. He, without prescribing any medicine, has quite calmed our whimsical patient with the conversation. Arendt told him all sad epic of those two with a half days from January 27 to January 29, during which Pushkin, wounded, felt a great pain. He everything, everything, everything that only occurred these days, hour an hour, on the dot, has told out for Lermontov, having respoken the words of Pushkin. Our friend has even more loved the idol after this frank message ofNikolay Fedorovich, the message, which has poured out from the kind soul not able to constrain the words.
  Lermontov was under this impression when ours the relative N. A. S., a diplomat, serving under the superiors of Count Nesselrode, appeared to us. This relative was one of the representatives and members of our highest circle, and a gentleman in all the meaning of the word.
  Having learned from the grandmother, - she was with the guests, - about Michel's disease, he has hurried to visit about him and has entered unexpectedly his room, minutes ten after Nikolay Fedorovich Arendt's departure. S. highly appreciated Lermontov's verses on the death of Pushkin. But only he said that in vain Michel, extolling the poet, has attached too strong significance to involuntary murderer. He as any noble person, after the fact that was between them, couldn't but to participate in a duel and but to shoot. "The honor obliges"!
  Lermontov didn't want to hear it. He, grasping a sheet of paper, something quickly on it scrabbled by a pencil, breaking pencils one after another and and having damaged so with a half-dozen. The anger of him didn't know limits. He has angrily looked at S. and has thrown to him: "You, the sir, Pushkin's antipode, and I am not responsible for anything if you now don't leave from here". S. haven't forced itself to invite to an exit twice. And he left quickly, having told only: "But he just mad".
  A quarter of hour later, Lermontov who has damaged so many pencils in time when here was S., and then was writing absolutely quietly clean off, have read me those verses with the first words: "And you, haughty descendants!" ['And you, the offspring arrogant'], - the verses in which there were such a lot of force.
  And two or three days later almost all St. Petersburg read and knew "addition" to Lermontov's verses on the death of Pushkin. When the old woman the grandmother has learned about these verses, she tried in every way somehow as if it were false bank notes to withdraw them from the public circulation; but it was resolutely impossible: they extended with speed, and soon they were read already by all the Moscow where old men and old women, mainly in the Tverskaya street, declared them purely revolutionary and dangerous. Also the count von Benckendorff has read them ...
  - Though we, the youth, didn't know properly, and there was nobody to explain: about whom it was talked in the stanza: "And you, by greedy crowd standing near a throne", etc., but after all we worried, came in a deep indignation ( - in relation to someone), we flared heartily, filled with heroic enthusiasm, ready, perhaps, on anything, - so the force of the Lermontov's verses raised us. The heat burning in these verses was so infectious. Hardly sometime in Russia verses made such enormous and universal impression. Unless 20 years earlier the "Woe from Wit", - V.V. Stasov, one of participants of excursion group, has spoken.
  - To these verses it was necessary to treat as a poetic flash. I have told the chief of staff of the Corps of Gendarmes, general Dubelt: "The best not to pay any attention to similar thoughtless tricks: and their glory will fade soon. if we will begin to prosecution and their prohibition, will be nothing of good, and we will only inflate a flame of passions", - the portrait of the count Alexander von Benckendorff, the Chief of Gendarmes and Director of the Third Section has spoken.
  - These verses, - V.P. Burnashev continued, - even the grand duke Michael Pavlovich read and have only told laughing: "Eh, as he accelerated! Who will think that he doesn't belong to the highest noble childbirth?"
  Even we were reached by rumors, that the grand duke, at a meeting with von Benckendorff, has whispered to him, that this "nonsense" (as he has said), hasn't to reach attention of the sovereign of the emperor.
  In a word, these verses, rewritten and learned by all everywhere, in the highest spheres were considered as childish flash, and in public, though isn't loud, but admitted for the ingenious literary work. The sovereign knew nothing about them, because the count von Benckendorff didn't attach significance to those verses.
  - Perhaps, the Emperor Nicholas I also didn't wish to excess a noise? - someone from participants of an excursion has expressed doubts. - On January 27, 1837, O.S. the duel on the Chernaya River has taken place. On January 29, 1837, O.S. Pushkin has died. On February 3, 1837 , O.S. the coffin with Pushkin's body has been sent to Pskov. On February 6, 1837, O.S. Pushkin's body has been buried.
  Lermontov has written "The first part" of the well-known poem on January 28, 1837, O.S.
  "Addition" has been written after the visit of the physician Nikolay Fedorovich Arendt, after January 29, 1837, O.S. . therefore, "the first part", at least, of the well-known poem has been written even before burial of a body of Pushkin.
  - However, - V.P. Burnashev kept logic, - these days the reception from the count F. has taken place, where there was also a count von Benckendorff among guests. Suddenly the famous St. Petersburg talker and, what is her names the "Leprosy of society", the street vendor of news and lampoons on all city, approaches to him,and this intolerable the source of news suddenly says:
  "And you, truly, know, the count, new verses on all of us and in which the best representatives of the nobility are negatively characterized?"
  - "About what verses you speak, the madam?" - the count von Benckendorff asks. - "Yes about those which were written by the hussar Lermontov and which began with the words "And you, haughty descendants!". - it is clear that it the words about all of us, all Russian aristocracy". von Benckendorff has dexterously channelized a conversation immediately to another direction and tried to evade from the interlocutor ...
  However after this conversation, count von Benckendorff for next day, before the departure with the report to the sovereign to the emperor, has told Dubelt: "Well, Leonti Vasilyevich, what will be, it will be. And after the fact that H[itrova] knows about verses of this boy Lermontov, I may do nothing else as now to report on them to the sovereign".
  - I came to the Emperor and began to talk about these verses in the soothing tone, - count Alexander von Benckendorffspoke from a portrait, - the Emperor showed me a copy of them, delivered by city mail, with a vile inscription: "The Appeal to the revolution".
  - They did additional actions for reliability! - the comment from group of visitors of an exhibition was heard. - Svyatoslav Rayevsky's explanation has dated On February 21, 1837, O.S. . At this time Lermontov was under the house arrest. Between date of death of Pushkin and the beginning of "The administrative case concerning the unsuitable verses written by Lermontov and the distribution of this verses by Rayevsky" there have passed about three weeks.
  In general, the interesting impression arises: there is no clarity with exact dating of many events.
  The "official" version looks as follows: On February 7, 1837 Lermontov has written final 16 verses ("And you, haughty descendants..."). On February 18, 1837 Lermontov has been arrested and placed in one of rooms of the top floor of General staff.
  However to archival documents P.E. Shchegolev had access. In his work 'Книга о Лермонтове' ("The Book about Lermontov") dates look less definitely:
  1837. January 27. A.S. Pushkin is mortally wounded on a duel with d'Anthes.
  1837. January 28. Lermontov writes the poem about the Pushkin's death ("The death of the poet"). [?]
  1837. January 30. V.P. Burnashev in "Wolf's candy store" writes off the S.N. Glinka's the copy of the poem by Lermontov on the death of Pushkin.
  1837. February 21. S.A. Rayevsky's testimony on the case of "the inadmissible verses written by a cornet hussar Lermontov".
  1837. February. Lermontov's explanation on the same matter.
  1837. February 27. The royal order on the displacement a cornet Lermontov in the Nizhny Novgorod dragoon regiment as the ensign.
  Quite natural question: why Pavel E. Shchegolev, who had access to archives, has evaded from the indication of exact dates?
  Intense there was time! Here and Pushkin, here and Lermontov ... And in general, how not to be involved in all these events?..
  However, dates are important, but dates - not the main thing ...
  - Many were that opinion that it is work of the "leprosy of society". She, dissatisfied with my the noncommittal on a reception, early in the morning has sent the copy to the highest name to the Winter Palace, - the count von Benckendorff has specified from a portrait. - Anyway, the sovereign has been angered, has accepted a situation more seriously, than I represented, and ordered the grand duke Michael Pavlovich to send immediately to Tsarskoye Selo the chief of staff of guard Pyotr Fedorovich Veymarn for the work of a search in the apartment of a cornet of Lermontov.
  - At first he didn't speak to them about me, - Rayevsky, Lermontov's friend, who was in group of visitors has added, - about my participation in distribution of verses . But then began to interrogate FROM (on behalf of) the SOVEREIGN: have told that to me, Rayevsky, nothing will be, and that if he doesn't admit, then "he will be given off" in a soldiers (he will be reduced to the rank of a soldier) ... He has remembered the grandmother... he couldn't resist ...
  - The sovereign Imperator has deigned to enjoin: CornetLermontov, for the composition of the known verses, to send with the same rank, in the Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon regiment; and the Provincial Secretary of Rayevsky, for distribution of these verses, and in particular, for intention to secretly deliver data to the Cornet Lermontov about the testimony made by him, to keep in custody within one month - and then to send to the Olonets Province, for the use to service - at the discretion of the local Civil Governor, - the tour guide has commented.
  - I have almost recovered... There was a heavy minute, but has passed, - Lermontov has spoken from a self-portrait.
  - The grandmother was in despair; - continued the story V.P. Burnashev, - she by all means thought that her Michel will be arrested that in fortress will seat; however everything was even without arrest, only he was told from the chief of staff to live in Tsarskoye Selo, being engaged by diligently imperial service, but not "mad verses".
  - The testimony were done... He isn't dangerous ... - someone from number of participants of an excursion has expressed opinion.
  - With the Caucasian uniform of Lermontov there was a very amusing and quite ridiculous. - V.P. Burnashev has added. - Lermontov went on the affairs around the city and has run into a trouble near the English shop where he bought something.
  Lermontov met the grand duke Michael Pavlovich, who has stopped him and, brandishing by his finger from side to side, has told: "You have no right to active in this leyb-hussar form, when you ought to be dressed the Caucasian form: about you long ago there was an order".
  - "Not Iam guilty, your highness, but that tailor, who deceives me. On urgent affairs, it was necessary for me to went out from my house", there was Lermontov's answer. - "Look, your tailor must hasten properly " - the grand duke has noticed: - "he is so careless. May be because he, like you, the varmint, is scribbling some poem or the ode? If something like that, I will reach him. But in any case, I will not must see you again in this not your form". - "I listen, your highness" - Lermontov reported: - "today I will seem as the Caucasian in the city". - "Today? so means the uniformis ready?", - the grand duke has asked. - "I will try, in execution of will of your highness, from impossible to make a possible," - Lermontov said, and his highness happy with the valiant answer have left away ...
  - I was linked, was burdened a care concerning my brother-participant of revolt in December, 1825, released - by great Mercy - the Emperor to Paris. My brother lived in Paris, but received means from estates from Russia. The visits to Russia - I did them. The Emperor has charged to me to accompany Pushkin's body to the place of a funeral, - A.I. Turgenev has remembered from a portrait. - In my memory there my feelings. This burdensome mourning way ... I on February 2 and 12, 1827, O.S. have written down in the diary: "Lermontov's verses fine". "(Pr[ince] Gol[itsyn]) interrogated me about pension, about a buckle, about the list of state service's merits. [I] Have let know that I want only - freedom and Paris."
  - Here, Alexander Sergeyevich! The young man, the orphan who was brought up by the grandmother, the person with literary abilities, has written verses outstanding. He "has almost recovered"... What's further?
  - What in the following hall of art gallery? - Pushkin has taken an interest.
  The group of visitors has passed into the following hall.
  Visitors of an exhibition have approached Vasily Vereshchagin's picture 'Парламентеры. 'Сдавайся' - 'Убирайся к чёрту!'' ("The Parlimentaires. "Give up" - "Clean up to hell!"").
  Pushkin, slightly smiling, silently drank orange juice.
  March 13, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: March 14, 2018 - March 15, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о молодом человеке'.
  18. The Short Story about ventilators and about Hegel
  Рассказ о вентиляторах и о Гегеле
  The Short Story about ventilators and about Hegel
  Писателю предстояли ночные чтения его произведений на радиостанции.
  The writer was to be held the nightly reading of his works on the radio station.
  Он по привычке взглянул: 'Какие новости?'
  He on a habit has looked: "What news?"
  Так... Есть и вентиляторы, и то, что на вентиляторы бросают...
  So ... There are also a ventilators, and a those a things that are to be thrown on ventilators ...
  Но! Кто именно бросает?! И на чьи именно вентиляторы?!
  But! Who exactly does throw?! And onto above whose exactly the ventilators?!
  Для любого варианта ответа есть свои 'за' и свои 'против'... С одной стороны... С другой стороны...
  For any possible answer there are the pro and the contra ... On the one hand ... On the other hand ...
  Писатель решил позвонить по телефону. Но пришлось вынуть платок и зажать нос.
  The writer has decided to call by phone. But it was necessary to take out a scarf and to close a nose.
  'Крутятся!' - подумал писатель. - 'Диалектика! Но я же не Гегель... Как об этом написать...'
  "They are rotating... They are turning!" - the writer has thought. - "Dialectics! But I am not Hegel ... As about it to write ..."
  25 марта 2018 г.
  March 25, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: March 25, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о вентиляторах и о Гегеле'.
  19. Sketch about Modern Realities
  Скетч о современных реалиях
  Sketch about Modern Realities
  Утром на электронную почту одного из сотрудников Культурной Панели пришел E-mail:
  In the morning a e-letter has come to e-mail of one of employees of the Cultural Panel:
  'Уважаемый Председатель Культурной панели!
  "Dear Chairman of the Cultural panel!
  Пишет Вам простой читатель из провинции. Вчера читал статью Льва Толстого 'Бессмысленные мечтания'. И вот что подумал.
  The ordinary reader from the province writes you. Yesterday I read Leo Tolstoy's article "Senseless aspirations". And here that has thought.
  В традициях мировой литературы осуществлять художественное переосмысление происходящего.
  In traditions of the world literature to fulfill an art reconsideration of the current events.
  Посмотрите сколько вокруг нас событий! И то происходит. И это. И пятое и десятое. И сто тридцать пятое.
  Look how many events around us! And that occurs. And this. And the fifth and tenth. And the hundred thirty fifth.
  Поскольку Вы - явный титан культурной и литературной мысли, вознесенный, можно сказать, на Олимп, то прошу Вас: напишите о происходящем.
  As you are the obvious titan of a cultural and literary thought uplifted, one may say, on Olympe, I ask you: write about the current events.
  Заранее благодарен.
  Thanks in advance.
  Рядовой читатель.'
  The Ordinary Reader."
  Весть о поступившем письме пронеслась по коридорам, офисам и подсобным помещениям Культурной Панели. В воздухе повисло осторожное молчание.
  The message about the arrived letter has rushed along corridors, offices and utility rooms of the Cultural Panel. Careful silence has hung in mid-air.
  Председатель Культурной Панели прибыл в середине дня в офис и нашел у себя на столе распечатку электронного письма. Он побыл на своем рабочем месте полчаса и уехал. Секретарь нашла у него на столе распечатанное электронное письмо без каких-либо пометок.
  The chairman of the Cultural Panel has arrived in the middle of the day to office and has found at himself on a table the listing of the e-mail. He has stayed in the workplace half an hour and has left. The secretary has found on the chairman's table the printed-out e-mail without any marks.
  Вскоре по Культурной Панели пронеслась весть. К Председателю вызывали врачей. Он серьезно болен. Требуется отдых и длительное лечение на хороших западно-европейских курортах.
  Soon along the Cultural Panel the news has flown. To the Chairman called doctors. He is seriously sick. Rest and long-term treatment in good Western European resorts is required.
  Тем временем Председатель Культурной панели писал:
  Meanwhile the Chairman of the Cultural panel was writing:
  'Уважаемый Министр цивилизационного развития!
  "Dear Minister of a Civilization Development!
  Информирую Вас, что Выданный Вами грант в размере ста миллионов биткойнов эффективно использован. (Сами понимаете).
  I inform you that the grant given by you of hundred million bitcoins is effectively used. (You understand).
  Мною, в соответствии с планом, написан значительный литературный труд 'Десять лет до приказа'. Однако, в процессе работы выяснялась целесообразность переработки и темы, и творческого плана.
  I, according to the plan of the personal creative activity, have written the considerable literary work "The Ten Years before the instruction". However, in the course of work the expediency of the correcting and a theme, and the creative plan was opened.
  Тема упомянутого литературного труда должна с учетом современных реалий звучать по-иному: 'Сто лет до приказа'. Целесообразность такой формулировки подтверждается служебными записками Экспертных советов ?? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (копии служебных записок прилагаются). Обращаю Ваше внимание, что в состав названных экспертных советов входят десять тысяч лиц с учеными степенями и тысяча лиц, награжденных орденом Почетного Центуриона.
  The subject of the mentioned literary work has to taking into account modern realities sound otherwise: "The Hundred years before the instruction". The expediency of such formulation is confirmed by service records of Advisory councils NN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (copies of service records are attached). I pay your attention that ten thousand persons with academic degrees and one thousand persons who are awarded the order the Honourable Centurion are a part of the called Advisory councils.
  С учетом изложенного прошу Вас рассмотреть и положительно решить вопрос о выделении дополнительного гранта в сумме один миллиард биткойнов на подготовку литературного труда 'Сто лет до приказа' (обновленное название, обновленный творческий план), а также на проведение дополнительных цивилизационных мероприятий.
  Taking into account stated I ask you to consider and to positively resolve an issue of allocation of an additional grant in the sum of one billion bitcoins on preparation of the literary work "The Hundred years before the instruction" (the updated name, the updated creative plan) and also on holding the additional civilization actions.
  Считаю целесообразным отметить эффективное использование некоторой части ранее выделенного гранта на проведение дополнительных цивилизационных мероприятий. В частности, на проведение семидневного Приморского фестиваля творчества с самым широким кругом творческих проектов. Позволю привести Ваши слова, сказанные Вами в завершающий день фестиваля: 'Так держать!'.
  I consider it expedient to note effective use of some part of earlier allocated grant on holding additional civilization actions. In particular, to the holding a seven-day Seaside festival of creativity with the most wide range of creative projects. I will allow to cite your words told by you in the finishing day of a festival: "Keep it Up!".
  С учетом изложенного заверяю Вас о направленности на культурное сотрудничество (примерный процент времени, затрачиваемого на такое сотрудничество, остается без изменений).
  Taking into account stated I assure you about orientation on cultural cooperation (the approximate percent of time spent for such cooperation remains without changes).
  Прошу безотлагательно рассмотреть и положительно решить вопрос о выделении гранта в сумме 1000000000 (один миллиард) биткойнов.
  I ask to consider urgently and to positively resolve an issue of allocation of a grant in the sum of 1000000000 (one billion) bitcoins.
  Искренне Ваш, Председатель Культурной Панели.'
  Sincerely yours, Chairman of the Cultural Panel."
  Министр цивилизационного развития прочитал поступившее обращение и написал резолюцию: 'Председателю Культурно Панели. Рассмотреть вопрос о выделении гранта в сумме 1 миллиард биткойнов. Подготовить проект решения на коллегию министерства.
  The Minister of a civilization development has read the arrived address and has written the resolution: "To the Chairman of the Cultural Panel. To consider a question of allocation of a grant in the sum of 1 billion bitcoins. To prepare the draft decision on board of the ministry.
  Начальнику финансового управления. Зарезервировать 1 миллиард биткойнов для мер поддержки.
  To the chief of financial management. To reserve 1 billion bitcoins for support measures.
  Руководителю Секретариата. Ознакомить членов коллегии с письмом из Культурной Панели и с резолюциями.
  To the Head of the Secretariat. To inform members of board of the letter from the Cultural Panel and of the resolutions.
  Вспомнился Приморский фестиваль творчества. Вспомнилось, как он оставил несколько мелких купюр перед отъездом на столе и записку с пожеланием купить в дорогу местных фруктов. Приятно было трогаться в путь с хорошей новой полной сумкой. Прощальная суета не позволила ее открыть до самого прибытия.
  The Seaside festival of creativity was remembered up. It was remembered how he left several small bank notes before departure on a table and a note with a wish to buy of local fruit - for a road. It was pleasant to start a way, having a good new full bag. Farewell vanity hasn't allowed to open her before the arrival.
  Настроение улучшилось. Лицо его осветилось блаженной улыбкой.
  The mood has improved. His face was lit with a blissful smile.
  27 марта 2018 г.
  March 27, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: March 27, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о современных реалиях'.
  20. The Short Story about Dramaturgy
  Рассказ о драматургии
  The Short Story about Dramaturgy
  1853 год. Январь. Александр Пушкин, Александр Николаевич Островский и Вильям Шекспир направились на первое представление комедии 'Не в свои сани не садись'.
  1853. January. Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky and William Shakespeare have gone for the premiere of the comedy 'Не в свои сани не садись' ("Stay in Your Own Sled" ("Don't bite off more than you can chew")).
  Первое действие закончилось. Вроде бы, провала нет. Были и аплодисменты, и вызовы исполнителей.
  The first action has ended., It seems, there is no failure. There were both applause, and admiration.
  В антракте играл оркестр. Было что-то праздничное в настроении публики, толпящейся в буфете, обсуждавшей игру актеров.
  An orchestra played In an entr'acte. There was something festive in mood of the public crowding in buffet, discussing acting.
  Спектакль подходил к своей вершине. В разговоре с Русаковым, спрашивающим, отчего он, Иванушка, не весел, Бородкин отвечает, что ему почему-то стало грустно.
  The performance approached the top. In a conversation with Rusakov asking why he, Ivanushka, isn't cheerful Borodkin answers that to him it became for some reason sad.
  Эти выразительные слова стали откровением для публики и произвели на зрителей ошеломляющее впечатление.
  These expressive words became a revelation for public and have made the stunning impression on the audience.
  Спектакль подходил к концу.
  The performance came to an end.
  Со сцены слышался диалог:
  The dialogue was heard from a scene :
  - Как же нам, господа, порадеть о развитии русской литературы?
  - How to us, misters, to take care about development of the Russian literature?
  - Нужны разнообразные меры: широкое развитие литературных фабрик с наращиванием производства литературного продукта, сокращение числа издательств и книжных магазинов, форматирование оставшихся издательств, развитие практики фестивалей литературного творчества с широкой организацией 'открытых' столов с напитками...
  - Various measures are necessary: broad development of literary factories with an increasing in production of a literary product, reduction of number of publishing houses and bookstores, formatting of the remained publishing houses, development of practice of festivals of literary creativity with the wide organization of "open" tables with a drinks ...
  - Действовать будем последовательно. Подготовьте проект программы. Подайте заявку на финансирование. Мы поддержим...
  - We will consistently act. Prepare the draft of the program. Submit the application for financing. We will support ...
  Занавес опустился. Восторженные крики, аплодисменты. Вызовы автора.
  The curtain has fallen. An enthusiastic shouts, applause. The invitations of the author to scene.
  Пушкин пожал Островскому руку: 'Это сильнее 'Маленьких трагедий'!'
  Pushkin has shaken hands with Ostrovsky: "This comedy is stronger than "The Little Tragedies"!"
  'Быть или не быть - вот в чем вопрос!' - философски отозвался Шекспир.
  "To be, or not to be, that is the question!" - Shakespeare has philosophically spoken out.
  'Завтра начинаю писать драму 'Гроза'!' - решил Островский.
  "Tomorrow I begin to write the drama "The Storm"!" - Ostrovsky has solved.
  Наконец аплодисменты затихли. Публика направилась к выходу.
  At last an applause has calmed down. The public has gone to an exit.
  Пушкин поехал в Болдино, Шекспир - в Лондон.
  Pushkin has gone to Boldino, Shakespeare - to London.
  Островский поехал домой писать драму 'Гроза'.
  Ostrovsky has gone home to write the drama "The Storm".
  29 марта 2018 г.
  March 29, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: March 30, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о драматургии'.
  21. Dialogue about an adventure literature
  Диалог о приключенческой литературе
  Dialogue about an adventure literature
  - Господин Ульянов? Здравствуйте. Это Ллойд Джордж. Прошел 95-летний юбилей Генуэзской конференции. Я решил позвонить Вам сейчас.
  - Mister Ulyanov? Hello. This is Lloyd George. There has passed the 95-year anniversary of the Genoa Conference. I have decided to call you now.
  - Здравствуйте, господин Ллойд Джордж. О Генуэзской конференции я размышлял после перевода Вашего высказывания о мире и при подготовки мною Апрельских тезисов. Написал их буквально за несколько часов. Если считать с правкой и литературной обработкой - то за несколько дней. Сейчас, конечно, - литературные фабрики...
  - Hello, mister Lloyd George. About the Genoa Conference I reflected after the translation of your statement on the peace and at preparation of April theses by me. I have written them in several hours. If to consider with editing and literary processing - that for several days. Now, of course, - a literary factories ...
  - Старые добрые времена, господин Ульянов... Недавно я прочитал книгу о Шерлоке Холмсе. Возникла мысль - Вам послать экземпляр.
  - Good old times, mister Ulyanov ... Recently I have read the book about Sherlock Holmes. There is a thought - to send you a copy.
  - Спасибо, господин Ллойд Джордж! Мы с удовольствием читали об уважаемом Шерлоке Холмсе. Но не только о нем. В романе Владимира Богомолова 'В августе сорок четвертого...' ( 'Момент истины') один из сотрудников контрразведки размышляет как 'перевернулась' ситуация. Если в обычных условиях сотрудники уголовного розыска, оснащенные знаниями, оборудованием, сведениями из архивов, ведут поиск преступников, которых обучали их (преступников) старшие 'товарищи', то в ситуации военных действий контрразведчики, оснащенные головой, ногами и личным оружием, вели поиски на громадных территориях агентов, подготовленных и экипированных передовым государством. Роман документальный. Высококвалифицированную и подготовленную группу опытных гитлеровских разведчиков, действовавшую на громадной территории, в тылу нескольких фронтов, нашли, раскрыли и 'подготовили' к сотрудничеству примерно за сутки. Как Вы помните, Великобритания и СССР во второй мировой войне были союзниками.
  - Thanks, mister Lloyd George! We with pleasure read about dear Sherlock Holmes. But not only about him. In the novel by Vladimir Bogomolov "In August of the forty fourth ..." ("The Moment of Truth") one of the staff of counterintelligence reflects as the situation "has turned over". If in usual conditions the staff of criminal investigation department equipped with knowledge, the equipment, data from archives conducts search of criminals whom (criminals) senior "companions" trained, then in a situation of military operations the counterspies equipped with the head, legs and an individual weapon conducted search in enormous territories of the agents trained and equipped with the advanced state. Documentary novel. The highly skilled and trained group of competent Hitlerite intelligence agents acting in the enormous territory in the rear of several fronts, was found, opened and "prepared" for cooperation approximately per day. As you remember, Great Britain and the USSR in World War II were allies.
  Присланную Вами книгу о Шерлоке Холмсе я передам литераторам. Может быть, примут в качестве образца.
  I will transfer the book sent by you about Sherlock Holmes to writers. Perhaps, they will accept as an example.
  - Я рад, господин Ульянов, что британская литература вызывает у Вас интерес по-прежнему. Интересно было услышать Ваше мнение.
  - I am glad, mister Ulyanov, that the British literature attracts interest of you still. It was interesting to hear your opinion.
  - Вспоминаю библиотеку Британского музея! Вспоминая о ней, я организовал быструю подготовку и принятие Декрета о библиотечном деле. Надеюсь, очередной юбилей Генуэзской конференции даст повод для нашей очередной беседы.
  - I am remembering the Library of the British museum! Remembering her, I have organized fast preparation and adoption of the Decree about library science. I hope, another anniversary of the Genoa Conference will give a reason for our another conversation.
  - До свидания, господин Ульянов!
  - Good-bye, mister Ulyanov!
  - До свидания, господин Ллойд Джордж!
  - Good-bye, mister Lloyd George!
  30 марта 2018 г.
  March 30, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: March 30, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о приключенческой литературе'.
  22. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary
  Скетч о праздновании 150-летия
  Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary
  Медиа-босс пришел на работу в плохом настроении. Что-то шло 'не так'. Он зашел в кабинет. На столе лежали распечатки из Интернета. 'Теперь понятно' - понял босс. - 'Он толкнулся туда-сюда, никто его печатать не стал...
  The media boss has come to work in bad mood. Something went "not so". He has come into an office. On a table listings from the Internet lay. "Now it is clear" - the boss has understood. - "He attempted there and here, nobody began to print him ...
  Правда, выдернул все же свои нетленки из издательств... Переработать и издать их под своими фамилиями не удалось...
  However, he have pulled out nevertheless the his the so-called 'masterpieces' from publishing houses ... It wasn't succeeded to process and publish them under the ours surnames ...
  А он - 16 очерков о знаменитых... А мы - 2500 рассказов о великих... Во-первых, идею позаимствовали, что полезно для 'тренировки'... Во-вторых, пусть ощущает, что он - неразличимая величина...'
  And he - 16 essays about well-known ... And we - 2500 stories about the greats ... First, the idea was borrowed that is useful for the "exercise" ... Secondly, let feels that he - of indiscernible value ..."
  Босс стал внимательнее читать бумаги, лежащие на столе. Раздражение не унималось: 'Должен давно понять, что его никто не назначал... Никто его не печатает... Немного 'покачали' его личную ситуацию... Пытается 'уворачиваться'... Все пишет и пишет...'
  The boss became more attentive to read the papers lying on a table. The irritation wasn't appeased: "Has to understand long ago that nobody appointed him ... Nobody prints him ... ..."have a little shaken" ... his personal situation ... Tries "to turn aside" ... Everything writes and writes ..."
  Раздражение росло: '150-летие со дня рождения Максима Горького!? Кому он нужен этот Горький?! Зачем нам нужно население, состоящее из интеллектуалов?..'
  The irritation grew: "the 150 anniversary since the birth of Maxim Gorky!? To whom is he necessary this Gorky?! Why do we need the population consisting of intellectuals?."
  Босс задумался: 'Но, все-таки, 150-летие! Как ни посмотри, а Горький - писатель всемирно известный.
  The boss has thought: "But, after all, the 150 anniversary! Look, nor look but Gorky is a writer world famous.
  Во-первых полезно 'потренироваться', идею, так сказать, переработать...
  Firstly, it is useful "to be trained", the idea, so to speak, to transform...
  Во-вторых, он никем не назначен, и почему он пишет что-то к 150-летию Горького? За границу пересылает для публикации... Следовательно, полезно дать понять, что он - неразличимая величина...
  Secondly, he is appointed nobody and why he writes something to Gorky's 150 anniversary? Abroad sends for the publication ... Therefore, it is useful to let know that he - of indiscernible value ...
  В-третьих, если правильно понимать не будет, еще раз 'качнем' личную ситуацию - пусть уворачивается, проявляет чудеса ловкости...'
  Thirdly, if he will not understand correctly, once again we will "rock" a personal situation - let he turns and jumps aside, shows dexterity miracles ..."
  'Так, а какой литературный продукт выдать?... Конечно, рассказов о великих мы 'выдали' аж 2500, но, во-первых, они подготовлены литературной фабрикой, качество все же невысокое, во-вторых, о Горьком там маловато... То есть, вообще ничего пригодного к публикации...'
  "So, and what literary product to give?... Of course, stories about great we "have given out" even 2500, but, first, they are prepared by literary factory, the quality nevertheless low, secondly, about Gorky isn't enough there ... That is, in general anything suitable for the publication ..."
  Босс поднял трубку: 'Предупредите о совещании...'
  The boss picked up the phone: "Warn about the business meeting ..."
  Что-то шло по-прежнему 'не так'.
  Something was going still "not so".
  'Соберутся, поговорим, предложат... А писать?.. Писать-то никто не станет... Опять кидать задание литературной фабрике?... Но для этого не требуется собирать совещание...Итак - фабрика... '25 тысяч рассказов о Максиме Горьком'... А почему нет... Закатим шарики в лузы за одну попытку...'
  "Will gather, we will talk, they will offer ... And to write?. Nobody will begin to write ... Again to throw a task to literary factory?... But for this purpose it isn't required to organize a meeting ... So - factory ... "25 thousand stories about Maxim Gorky" ... And why not ... We will direct balls in billiard pockets for one attempt ..."
  Вдруг пришла мысль...
  The thought has suddenly come ...
  'Вот она, цепь, точнее звено, точнее журналистка, за которую нужно тянуть, что бы вытащить всю цепь, то есть, вытащить ситуацию...
  "Here she, the chain, more precisely the chain's link-unit, more precisely the journalistess for whom it is necessary to pull to pull out all chain, that is, to pull out a situation ...
  Она растягивала знамя там... где восходит Солнце... Тьфу... Лучше об этом не вспоминать...
  She stretched a flag there ... where there ascends the Sun ... Fie ... Better not to remember it ...
  Так или иначе, ее нужно направить в Италию... Сто пятьдесят интервью о Максиме Горьком: с современниками Горького или их потомками - владельцами вилл, рыбаками, официантками, водителями, то есть, извозчиками, всеми-всеми...
  Anyway, she needs to be sent to Italy ... Hundred fifty interviews about Maxim Gorky: with Gorky's contemporaries or their descendants - owners of country houses, fishermen, waitresses, drivers, that is, carriers, with all, the all ...
  'Тысяча пятьсот интервью об итальянских тайнах Максима Горького'! 'К 150-летию со дня рождения великого писателя'! И пусть привезет хорошего итальянского сыра! И хорошего итальянского вина! И юбилей отметим, и сыр съедим'.
  "Thousand five hundred interviews about the Italian secrets of Maxim Gorky"! "To the 150 anniversary since the birth of the great writer"! And let will bring good Italian cheese! And good Italian wine! And as we will celebrate anniversary, and so we will eat cheese".
  Босс поднял трубку: 'Совещание отменяется...'
  The boss picked up the phone: "The meeting is cancelled ..."
  Он набрал другой номер: 'Слушай, оставь там этих несчастных... Во всяком случае, пока... Посмотри на фотографии... Как на тебя полицейские смотрят... Поезжай в Италию... 150 лет Горькому! Мы, естественно, интеллектуальные лидеры... Возьми интервью со всеми-всеми... Там на месте сообразишь... Срочно... 'Тысяча пятьсот интервью об итальянских тайнах и любовных приключениях Максима Горького'! Ну... Ты не первый день в журналистике... Знамя на Капри растягивать не обязательно... Шутка... Давай, жду!'
  He has dialed other number: "Listen, leave these unfortunate there ... In any case, so for a time ... Look at photos ... As police officers look at you ... Go to Italy ... 150 years to Gorky! We are, naturally, intellectual leaders ... Interview with all-all ... There on the place you will think ... Urgently ... "Thousand five hundred interviews about the Italian secrets and love affairs of Maxim Gorky"! Well ... You are not the first day in journalism ... It isn't obligatory to stretch a flag on Capri ... Joke ... operate, I wait!"
  Настроение улучшилось. 'Все путем!..'
  The mood has improved. 'Everything is Ok!.."
  1 апреля 2018 г. 08:02
  April 1, 2018 08:02
  Translation from Russian into English: April 1, 2018 09:07. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о праздновании 150-летия'.
  23. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary. Series 2
  Скетч о праздновании 150-летия. Серия 2
  Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary. Series 2
  Александр Пушкин зашел в кафе-библиотеку и поприветствовал Максима Горького.
  Alexander Pushkin has come into cafe library and has welcomed Maxim Gorky.
  - Поздравляю! Празднование 150-летия со дня Вашего рождения проходит с размахом!
  - I congratulate! The celebration of the 150 anniversary of your birth takes place in a big way!
  - Спасибо, - внимательно глядя на Пушкина, произнес Горький.
  - Thanks, - attentively looking at Pushkin, Gorky has said.
  - Вы поймите, Алексей Максимович! Празднование это - оно государственного масштаба. Указ, постановление, госбюджет, смета и все такое прочее...
  - You must to understand, Alexey Maksimovich! This celebration - of the state scale. Decree, Order, state budget, estimation-calculation and so on and so forth...
  - Да, - согласился Горький.
  - Yes, - Gorky has agreed.
  - "30 марта 2018, 11:40 В читальном зале Центральной городской библиотеки им. М. Горького к 150-летию Алексея Максимовича Горького, при поддержке Ленинского местного отделения партии 'Единая Россия', администрации Ленинского района, состоялась литературная гостиная 'Горький - писатель и человек'. (...) Мероприятие было открыто видеороликом 'Горьковская топонимика в Ростове-на-Дону', подготовленного сотрудниками читального зала. (...)"
  - "On March 30, 2018, 11:40 In the reading room of the Central city library of M. Gorky to Alexey Maksimovich Gorky's 150 anniversary, with assistance of Lenin local office of United Russia party, administration of Leninsky district, the literary drawing room has taken place "Gorky - the writer and the person". (...) The action has been opened by the video file "The Gorky's Toponymics in Rostov-on-Don", prepared by the reading room employees. (...)"
  - Ростовчане меня читают, - согласился Горький.
  - Residents of Rostov are reading me , - Gorky has agreed.
  - Друзья! Прекрасен Ваш порыв!.. - творчески обобщил Александр Пушкин. Пожав Горькому руку, он пошел дальше согласно своему плану.
  - Companions! Your aspirations are brilliant! - Alexander Pushkin has creatively summarized. Having shaken hands with Gorky, he has gone further according to his own plan.
  Горький заглянул в Интернет.
  Gorky has glanced in the Internet.
  'Среда, 28 марта 2018 года, 18:30 Время Н: проверки ТЦ, юбилей Горького... ... ...'.
  "Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 18:30 The Time "N": checks of shopping centers, Gorky's anniversary ... ... ...".
  'Приятно, когда отмечают юбилей' - подумал Горький. - 'Но, в конце концов, праздники вторичны. Первичны дела. Мы создали общество образованных и культурных людей. Оно было, конечно, не без проблем. Но оно победило в войне. Оно построило мощнейшую экономику, запустило человека в космос...'
  "It is pleasant when the anniversary is celebrating" - Gorky has thought. - "But, eventually, holidays are secondary. Affairs are primary. We have created society of educated and cultural people. This society was, of course, not without problems. But it has won the war. It has created the one of the most powerful economies, has launched the human in space ..."
  'По плодам их узнаете их'.
  "You recognize them by fruits of them". "Ye shall know them by their fruits.".
  Горький продолжил выдавать книги читателям...
  Gorky has continued to issue books to readers ...
  1 апреля 2018 г. 14:39
  April 1, 2018 14:39
  Translation from Russian into English: April 2, 2018 08:37. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о праздновании 150-летия. Серия 2'.
  24. The Fairy Tale about the creative activity
  Сказка о творчестве
  The Fairy Tale about the creative activity
  Владимир Высоцкий задумался: 'Сколько новой информации!'
  Vladimir Vysotsky has thought: "How many of a new information!"
  'Но как эту информацию творчески переработать?!'
  "But how creatively to process this information?!"
  Он стал подбирать аккорды:
  He began to found chords:
  'Здесь лапы у елей дрожат па весу,
  Здесь птицы щебечут тревожно.'
  "Here the paws of the fir-trees tremble on weight,
  Here a birds chirp is disturbing."
  'Почему лес? А не море?' 'Что-нибудь о море?'
  "Why a forest? But not a sea?" "Something about a sea?"
  Пальцы снова коснулись струн.
  Fingers have again touched strings.
  'Но почему аборигены съели Кука?'
  "But why natives have eaten Cook?"
  Пришла логичная мысль:
  The logical thought has come:
  'Но почему именно Кука?' 'Все-таки Лисянского с Крузенштерном они не съели?..'
  "But why Cook?" "After all, they haven't eaten Lisyansky and Krusenstern?.."
  'А если не лес и не море, а - воздушный океан?'
  "And if - not a wood and not a sea, and - an air ocean?"
  Высоцкий погладил гитару.
  Vysotsky has stroked a guitar.
  'Я слышу: 'Ростовчане вылетают!'
  А мне в Одессу надо позарез...'
  "I hear: "Residents of Rostov are sent to the flight!"
  And to me to Odessa it is necessary extremely ..."
  Высоцкий вдруг замолчал. Затем незаметно оглянулся.
  Vysotsky has suddenly become silent. Then he have imperceptibly looked back.
  На всякий случай спел еще пару строк:
  He has sung couple more of lines - just in case:
  'Открыты Лондон, Дели, Магадан -
  Открыли всё, но мне туда не надо.'
  "London, Delhi, Magadan are available -
  All airports are opened. But I don't need of them."
  'Лучше буду читать ... Шекспира!' Снова сомнения. 'Попрошу ставить Островского! "Бедность не порок", "Не так живи, как хочется"'.
  "I prefer to read ... Shakespeare!" Again doubts. "I shall ask to organize the theatrical productions of plays by Ostrovsky! "Poverty is not a crime", "Not so live as there is a wish"".
  Высоцкий облегченно вздохнул, отложил гитару и направился служить в театр.
  Vysotsky has sighed with relief, has postponed a guitar and has gone to serve in the theater.
  6 апреля 2018 г.
  April 6, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: April 6, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о творчестве'.
  25. The Fairy Tale about Mark Twain, the publisher
  Сказка о Марке Твене-издателе
  The Fairy Tale about Mark Twain, the publisher
  В кафе-библиотеку весело зашел Марк Твен.
  Mark Twain has cheerfully come into the cafe-library.
  - Дорогие друзья! - весело объявил он. - Все вы читали мой рассказ 'Журналистика в Теннесси'.
  - Dear friends! - cheerfully he announced. - All of you read my sketch "Journalism in Tennessee".
  Надеюсь, все вы понимаете разницу между газетами и книгами. В газетах - свежие новости. Книга в большей степени претендуют на обобщение. Газеты читаются быстро. Книги - медленнее. Впрочем, граница - относительная. Переплетите подшивку газет. Получится - в каком-то смысле - большая и толстая книга.
  I hope, all of you understand a difference between newspapers and books. In newspapers - the latest news. The book more apply for a generalization. Newspapers are read quickly. Books - more slowly. However, a border - relative. Bind certain quantity of newspapers. It will turn out - in some sense - the big and thick book.
  Сегодня я Вам расскажу, как я издавал книги. Впрочем, вы понимаете, что граница между реальностью и мистификацией довольно условная.
  Today I will tell you how I published books. However, you understand that border between a reality and a mystification is a quite conditional.
  Допустим, вы назвали себя издателем. Чем это вам грозит? Смотря, где вы проживаете. Если вы живете в демократическом правовом государстве, то практически ничем. Вы скажете, а как же риски? На это я вам отвечу: а какие риски?
  Let's say you called yourself the publisher. What does it threaten you with? Watching where you live. If you live in the democratic constitutional state, then practically by nothing. Will you tell: "and what about the risks"? I will answer you: "what risks"?
  Вы мне скажете о выплаченных авансом гонорарах и о написанных в счет этих авансов книгах. А написанные книги не пользуются спросом и не продаются.
  You will tell me about the advance payments of honorarium and about the books written after these advance payments. And the written books aren't in demand and aren't on sale.
  На это я вам отвечу просто: не выплачивайте авансом гонорары. Лучше не выплачивайте вообще никаких гонораров.
  I will answer you simply: don't pay the advance payments at all. Don't pay any honorariums.
  'Хорошо', - скажете вы. - 'Гонорары из числа рисков исключаются. Но ведь возможны нарушения авторских прав! Даже непроизвольные, ненамеренные. А за них, за эти нарушения, можно ой-ой-ой как ответить.'
  "Well", - you will tell. - "The risks coonected with advance payments and with honorariums are eliminated. But copyright infringement are possible! Even an involuntary, an unintentional infringements. And for them, for these violations, it is possible oh-oh-oh how to answer."
  'Ха!' - скажу я вам в ответ. - 'Если вы не выплачиваете гонораров, то вы почти исключаете риски, связанные с нарушением авторских прав.
  "Ha!" - I will tell you in reply. - "If you don't pay the honorariums, then you almost exclude the risks connected with copyright infringement.
  Если вы не выплачиваете гонораров, то вы формируете новую авторскую среду. Вы имеете дело не с профессиональными авторами, способными жить на писательские гонорары, а с авторами эпизодическими. Эти 'эпизодические' авторы не имеют твердой самооценки, их легко 'сбить с ног' любым отрицательным высказыванием об их творчестве.
  If you don't pay the honorariums, then you form the new author's environment. You deal not with the professional authors capable to live on the literary fees, but with authors incidental. These "incidental" authors have no firm self-assessment, it is easy "to bring down them from legs" by any negative statement about their creativity.
  Написав некоторое количество произведений, не получая ни гонораров, ни какой-либо иной положительной реакции, они утрачивают писательскую энергетику. И выпадают в писательский осадок.
  Having written some literary works, they, not receiving either the royalties, or any other positive reaction, they lose a literary capability. Then they drop out in a literary sediment.
  Для вас, если вы издатели, это очень важный момент. То, что 'эпизодические' авторы 'отсеиваются', для вас, как издателей, индифферентно. Но для вас критически важно, что бы произведения этих авторов застряли в ваших издательских сетях. Чтобы доход от этих произведений, пусть и незначительный, капал в ваш карман.'.
  For you if you are publishers, it is very important point. The fact that "incidental" authors "are eliminated", for you as publishers, is the indifferently. But for you it is crucial that works by these authors have got stuck in your publishing networks. And the income from these works, let and the insignificant income, was dripping in your pockets.".
  На это вы мне скажете 'Авторы отсеиваются, выпадают в осадок. Доходы от каждой конкретной книг могут быть незначительным. В чем же секрет?'
  You will tell me "Authors are eliminated. They are dropped out in a sediment. Income from everyone concrete books may be insignificant. In what a secret?"
  'А секрет', - отвечу я вам, - 'в крауд-сорсинге. Авторов должно быть много, как можно больше!'.
  "And secret", - I will answer you, - "in crowdsourcing. Authors has to be much. As much as possible!".
  'Но откуда они возьмутся, эти авторы? Если им не платят гонорары? Если они отсеиваются, выпадают в осадок?'
  "But from where they will undertake, these authors? If don't pay them the fees? If them are blowing off away? If they are dropping out in a sediment?"
  'А вот тут-то мы и подходим к одному из наиболее важных пунктов наших рассуждений', - отвечу я вам. - 'Вот здесь-то вы и должны включить мозги! Человек в момент своего рождения ощущает значительный творческий заряд. Но существуют на Земле громадные территории, где творческие способности человека никому не нужны. Как правило, это территории экономически депрессивные, с деградирующей политической и правовой средой. Но людей на этих территориях живет довольно много. Вы - как издатели - должны научиться выстраивать отношения с людьми из таких территорий. В результате вы будете иметь крауд-сорсинг - авторский!'
  "And here we also approach one of the most important points of our reasonings", - I will answer you. - "Here you also have to include brains! The person at the time of the birth feels a considerable creative charge. But there are on Earth enormous territories where creative abilities of the person are necessary to nobody. As a rule, it is territories economically depressive, with the degrading political and legal environment. But there are a very much people in these territories. You - as publishers - have to learn to build up the relationship with people from such territories. As a result you will have the crowdsourcing - the author's!"
  Читатели искренне наградили выступающего аплодисментами.
  Readers have sincerely awarded the speaker with an applause.
  Марк Твен улыбнулся.
  Mark Twain has smiled.
  'Что я ваc кормлю философскими рассуждениями? Давайте расскажу вам какой-нибудь анекдот из издательской деятельности!'
  "Why do I feed you with philosophical reasonings? Let me tell you some joke about the publishing activity!"
  'Слушаем! Слушаем!!' - послышались возгласы.
  "We listen! We listen!!" - exclamations were heard.
  'Допустим, какой-нибудь энергичный автор из некоей депрессивной территории планеты Земля шлет Вам, издателю, делающему свой бизнес на территории демократического правового государства, свои нетленные работы. С одной стороны, вроде бы такая инициативность - вещь и не плохая. Вы оказываетесь распорядителем некоторого контента. Но, с другой стороны, слишком энергичная личность начинает доставлять беспокойство. Вам нужно как-то реагировать на эту энергичную деятельность.
  "Let's say, some vigorous author from a certain depressive territory of the planet Earth sends you, the publisher, doing the business in the territory of the democratic constitutional state, the imperishable works. On the one hand, it seems, such an initiative - a thing and not a bad. You are the manager of a some content. But, on the other hand, a very energetic personality is beginning to bring anxiety. You need to react to this vigorous activity somehow.
  Конечно, главная ваша реакция - это 'отсутствие' гонорара. Но это 'лекарство' долго действующее. В конце концов, и в эпоху античности, и в эпоху Средних веков гонорары не выплачивались, а, тем не менее, действовало много плодовитых авторов. Порядочные библиотеки формировались в те времена!
  Of course, your main reaction is "lack" of the fee. But this "medicine" is a long playing. Eventually, and during antiquity era, and during era of the Middle Ages the royalties weren't paid, and, nevertheless, many prolific authors acted. Decent libraries were formed in those days!
  Но я слегка отвлекся. Итак: есть и другие забавные методы.'
  But I have slightly distracted. So: there are also other amusing methods."
  Аудитория с интересом молчала.
  The audience with interest was silent.
  'Вы организуете подготовку обложки книги... Ведь можно немного и пошутить... Вылить на голову автора небольшой ушат ... воды... Вы бы для такой шутки какие образы на обложке разместили?'
  "You will organize preparation of a cover of the book ... It is possible a few and to joke ... To pour out on the author's head a small bucket ... of water ... What images on the cover you for a joke would place?"
  Аудитория задумалась.
  The audience has thought.
  - Я бы разместил на обложке изображение тонущего 'Титаника'! - послышался голос одного из Читателей.
  - I would place the image of sinking "Titanic" on a cover! - the voice of one of readers was heard.
  - Ха-ха-ха! - рассмеялся Марк Твен.
  - Ha-ha-ha! - Mark Twain has burst out laughing.
  - А я бы поместила на обложку изображение разбитой чашки и стола, залитого кофе, - добавила какая-то читательница.
  - And I would place the images of the broken cup and of the table, which surface is filled with coffee, on a book's cover, - some readeress has added.
  - Ну... Я предпочел изображение сломанных часов, - высказался Марк Твен. - А насчет кофе... Идея, - по своей направленности, - правильная... К сломанным часам можно добавить изображение мухоморов, грибов ядовитых...
  - Well ... I have preferred the image of the spoiled clock, - Mark Twain has spoken. - And about coffee ... The idea, - on the orientation, - correct ... By the spoiled clock it is possible to add the image of fly agarics, mushrooms poisonous ...
  Раздались аплодисменты.
  Applause were sounding.
  - В общем, друзья, в мировоззрении издателя книг есть много и расчета, и юмора. Всего сразу не расскажешь. Но не могу пересилить в себе писателя-юмориста. Потому все это вам и рассказываю. При случае загляну к вам и еще что-нибудь расскажу.
  - Generally, friends, in outlook of the publisher of books are many both a calculation, and a humour. It is difficult to tell about everything at once. But I can't overcome in myself the writer of a humor sketches. Therefore also I tell all this to you. As required I will glance to you and still I will tell something.
  Снова раздались аплодисменты. 'Ждем!' - было общее мнение аудитории.
  Again an applause was distributed. "We wait!" - there was the general opinion of audience.
  Марк Твен сделал рукой приветливый жест и в сопровождении Максима Горького направился к выходу из кафе-библиотеки.
  Mark Twain has made a friendly gesture and accompanied by Maxim Gorky has gone to an exit from cafe-library.
  17 апреля 2018 г.
  On April 17, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: April 17, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Марке Твене-издателе'.
  26. The Story about Navahrudak (Novogrudok)
  Рассказ о Новогрудке
  The Story about Navahrudak (Novogrudok)
  Читатель отвлекся от толстого тома, страницы которого он листал. Парк, тень деревьев, цветы... Все это отвлекало внимание.
  The Reader has distracted from thick volume, the pages of which he was flipping through. Park, shadow of trees, flowers... All this distracted attention.
  К скамейке, на которой он расположился, подошла Читательница.
  The Readeress has approached a bench, where the Reader watched the park.
  - Совсем другое дело! - поприветствовал ее Читатель. - Вижу: хорошее настроение! Именно такое требуется для изучения истории!
  - Quite another matter! - the Reader has greeted her. - I see: you have a good mood! It is required for studying of a history!
  - У меня хорошее настроение после изучения истории по "географическому принципу"! После рассказа о Копорье! - ответила Читательница. Она присела на скамейку и заявила:
  - I have a good mood after studying of a history by "the geographical principle"! After the story about Koporye! - the Readeress has answered. She has sat down on a bench and has said:
  - Жду еще одного рассказа!
  - I wait for a one more story!
  - Когда же я дочитаю этот том? - слегка задумался Читатель. - Впрочем, полезно переключиться с чтения на связное устное изложение исторической информации.
  - When will I read up this volume? - the Reader has slightly thought. - However, it is useful to switch from a reading to the coherent oral statement of the historical information.
  Он на секунду задумался:
  He for a second has thought:
  - Пожалуй, расскажу о Новогрудке!
  - Perhaps, I will tell about Navahrudak (Novogrudok)!
  - О Новогрудке? - разочаровано отреагировала Читательница. - Как-то странно звучит. Что это за населенный пункт?
  - About Navahrudak (Novogrudok)? - the Readeress reacted with disappointment. - It sounds somehow strange. What the settlement it is?
  - Да, есть такой город. И в названии "Новогрудок", и в истории Новогрудка сконцентрирована весьма объемная историческая информация. (Еще о названии. Англоязычная статья (перевод) Большой Советской Энциклопедии (1979) получила название "Novogrudok". Версия Википедии - "Navahrudak").
  - Yes, there is such the city. And in the name "Navahrudak" ('Novogrudok'), and in the history of Navahrudak (Novogrudok) is concentrated a very volume of the historical information. (More about the title. The English-language article of the (translated) Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979) was titled "Novogrudok". The version of Wikipedia - "Navahrudak").
  Читательница с недоверием посмотрела на рассказчика.
  The Readeress with mistrust has looked at the story-teller.
  - В средние века, - продолжал Читатель, - безопасные европейские торговые связи ограничивались прибрежными морями. Назовем "основные": Балтийское и Северное - на севере, Средиземное - на юге. Есть, конечно, и исключения. Например, Португалия омывается не каким-либо морем, а Атлантическим океаном.
  - In the Middle Ages, - the Reader continued, - a safe European commercial relations were limited to the coastal seas. We will call "main" seas: Baltic and Northern - in the north, Mediterranean - in the south. There are, of course, also exceptions. For example, Portugal is washed not by any sea, but the Atlantic Ocean.
  - Португалия! Испания! Средиземное море! - ассоциативно высказалась Читательница.
  - Portugal! Spain! Mediterranean Sea! - the Readeress expressed associatively.
  - Через реки, впадающие в Балтийское море, - терпеливо продолжал Читатель, - открывались пути в южном направлении, в глубь европейского континента.
  - Through the rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea, - the Reader patiently continued, - ways in the southern direction, in the depth of the European continent opened.
  В чем состоял интерес торговых операций в "северо-южном" и обратном "юго-северном" направлениях?
  In what did the interest of trade operations in the "North-southern" and the "South-northern" the directions consist?
  В обмене товарами между Европой (Северной Европой) и Византией, Аравией, Ираном, Индией.
  The interest was in the exchange of goods between Europe (Northern Europe) and Byzantine Empire, Arabia, Iran, India.
  А какие это реки? Текущие с севера на юг? И впадающие в Балтийское море?
  And what it is the rivers? Which are flowing from the North to the South? And flowing into the Baltic Sea?
  Читатель сделал вид, что вопросы - риторические. И продолжил:
  The Reader has pretended that questions - rhetorical. Also he have continued:
  - В числе крупных рек, впадающих в Балтийское море, по которым шли торговые пути "север-юг", можно назвать Западную Двину и Неман.
  - Among the large rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea, along which there were trade ways "North-South", it is possible to call the Western Dvina and Neman.
  Читатель сделал паузу.
  The Reader has made a pause.
  - От географических понятий перейдем к "политическим". Предполагаю, к общеизвестным. Или просто известным: "Киевская Русь", "Полоцкое княжество", "Союз литовских князей", "Великое княжество Литовское".
  - From geographical concepts we will pass to "political" notions. As I assume, to the well-known. Or simply the known: "Kievan Rus' ", "The Principality of Polotsk", "the Union of the Lithuanian princes", "Grand Duchy of Lithuania".
  Эти политические понятия связаны с вышеназванными географическими: "Западная Двина" и "Неман".
  These political notions are connected with the above-named geographical: the Western Dvina and the Neman.
  Полоцкое княжество с конца IX века входило в состав Киевской Руси.
  The Principality of Polotsk since the end of the 9th century was a part of Kievan Rus'.
  Это княжество располагалось в бассейнах pек Западная Двина, Березина, Неман, на важном для Руси торговом водном пути.
  This Principality was located in basins of the rivers the Western Dvina, Berezina, Neman, on the trade waterway, important for the Rus'.
  При впадении Западной Двины (Даугавы) в Балтийское море (в Рижский залив) расположен город Рига.
  At the place of confluence of the Western Dvina (Daugava) with the Baltic Sea (the Gulf of Riga) the city of Riga is located.
  - Рига! - с некоторым удовольствием повторила Читательница.
  - Riga! - with some pleasure the Readeress has spoken.
  - В середине XI - XII веков, - продолжил Читатель, - путь в Иран проходил через Новгород, Смоленск и Полоцк: по Волге, через Итиль и далее по Каспийскому морю.
  - In the middle of the XI-XII centuries, - the Reader has continued, - the way to Iran passed through Novgorod, Smolensk and Polotsk: along Volga, through Itil and further across the Caspian Sea.
  Путь в Византию и Скандинавию (путь "из варяг в греки"), помимо главного направления (Днепр - Ловать), имел ещё ответвление и через Западную Двину.
  The way to Byzantine Empire and Scandinavia ('Trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks'), besides the main direction (Dnieper - Lovat), had still a branch and through the Western Dvina.
  В чем тут "фишка"? От Днепра по Ловати - значит через Новгород. От Днепра через Западную Двину - значит, через Полоцкое княжество, к Рижскому заливу. Право выбора! Наличие альтернативы. Запасной вариант.
  In what here a question? From Dnieper across Lovat - means: through Novgorod. From Dnieper through the Western Dvina - means: through the Polotsk principality, to the Gulf of Riga. Right of choice! Existence of an alternative. A spare option.
  - Да! - отреагировала Читательница.
  - Yes! - the Readeress has reacted.
  - На 3апад вели два направления, - добавил Читатель, - из Киева в Центральную Европу (Моравия, Чехия, Польша, Южная Германия) и из Новгорода и Полоцка через Балтийское море в Скандинавию и Южную Прибалтику. (Среди важных географических точек - места слияния трех рек Невы, Западной Двины (Даугавы), Немана с Балтийским морем).
  - To the West the two directions were conducting, - the Reader has added, - from Kiev to Central Europe (Moravia, the Czech land, Poland, the Southern Germany) and from Novgorod and Polotsk through the Baltic Sea to Scandinavia and the Southern Baltics. (Among the important geographical points - the places of confluence of the three rivers Neva, Western Dvina (Daugava), Neman with the Baltic Sea. ).
  И вот в нашем рассказе появляется Новогрудок.
  And here the Navahrudak is appeared in our story.
  Читательница насторожилась.
  The Readeress has focused her attention.
  - Местоположения Новогрудка, - пояснил Читатель, - связано с рекой - Неманом (по-польски Niemen, по-литовски Nomunas, по-немепки Memel). Новогрудок так же, как и Полоцк, расположен в глубине континента. При впадении Немана в Балтийское море расположены несколько балтийских портов (наиболее известен Клайпеда - бывший Мемель).
  - The location of the Navahrudak (Novogrudok), - the Reader explained, - is correlated with the river - Neman (in Polish Niemen, in Lithuanian Nemunas, in German language - Memel). The Navahrudak as well as Polotsk, is located in the depth of the continent. At confluence of Neman with the Baltic Sea several Baltic ports are located (the most known is the Klaipeda - the former Memel).
  Неподалеку от Новогрудка Неман становится судоходен для небольших судов.
  Near the Navahrudak (Novogrudok) the Neman it becomes navigable for small vessels.
  В 1132 Киевская Русь в результате феодальной раздробленности распалась.
  In 1132 Kievan Rus' has disintegrated as a result of feudal dissociation.
  Итак, - подвел промежуточный итог Читатель, - "Киевская Русь", "Полоцкое княжество", "Новогрудок", "Неман", "Мемель", "Балтийское море".
  So, - the Reader has summed up the intermediate result, - 'Kievan Rus'', "The Polotsk principality", 'the Navahrudak' ('Novogrudok'), 'Neman', 'Memel', 'Baltic Sea'.
  - Взаимосвязанные понятия, - высказалась Читательница.
  - The interconnected notions, - the Readeress has spoken.
  - Допустимый вывод, - подтвердил Читатель. - Рассказываю дальше.
  - An admissible conclusion, - the Reader has confirmed. - I'm telling further.
  Видимо, к 1132 году уже возникло объединение литовских князей.
  Probably, by 1132 there was already created an association of Lithuanian princes.
  По сообщению Галицко-Волынской летописи, в русско-литовском договоре 1219 года упоминается союз литовских князей во главе со "старейшими" князьями, владевшими землями.
  According to the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle, in the Rus'-Lithuanian contract of 1219 is mentioned the union of Lithuanian princes headed by the "oldest" ("elder") princes owning lands.
  Феодальная раздробленность Киевской Руси, нашествие Батыя, размещение на Балтийском побережьи Тевтонского Ордена и Ордена меченосцев способствовали политической реорганизации государственных структур, расположенных в бассейнах pек Западная Двина, Неман.
  The feudal dissociation of Kievan Rus', the invasion of Rus' by Batu Khan, the arrival on the Baltic coast of the Teutonic Order and the Order of the Livonian Brothers of the Sword promoted political reorganization of the government institutions, which were located in basins of the rivers the Western Dvina, Neman.
  Мы наблюдаем своего рода "сгущение" исторических событий.
  We observe some kind of the "condensation" of historical events.
  1198 год - Из Палестины в Прибалтику перебазируется Тевтонский Орден.
  1198 - From Palestine to the Baltics the Teutonic Order relocates his the base.
  1201 год - Высадившиеся у устья Двины (Рига) меченосцы объединились в Орден божьих рыцарей меча, известный под именем Ливонского ордена.
  1201 - The Christ Knights, Sword Brethren, who have landed at the mouth of Dvina (Riga) have united in the Order of the Livonian Brothers of the Sword known under a name of the Livonian Order.
  1237-1238 Нашествие Батыя на Северо-Восточную Русь.
  1237-1238 The invasion of the Northeast Rus' by Batu Khan.
  Раздробленность и распад Киевской Руси, действия рыцарских Орденов, нашествие Батыя, выгодность использования балтийской торговли (в том числе по рекам Западная Двина и Неман) - все эти обстоятельства способствовали формированию Великого княжества Литовского.
  The dissociation and disintegration of Kievan Rus', action of knightly Orders, invasion by Batu Khan, the advantages of usage of the Baltic trade (including along the rivers the Western Dvina and the Neman) - all these circumstances promoted formation of Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  1252-1263 - правление Миндовга, первого князя, возглавившего Великое княжество Литовское.
  1252-1263 - Period of reign of Mindaugas, the first prince who has headed Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the first Grand Duke of Lithuania).
  В 40-е годы XIII в. князь Миндовг объединил земли, населенные будущими литовцами, и Черную Русь с городами Слоним, Новогрудок, Волковыск (земли Полоцкого княжества).
  In the 40th years of the 13th century Mindaugas has united the lands, inhabited by future Lithuanians, and Black Ruthenia (the Black Rus') (with the cities of Slonim, Navahrudak, Volkovysk) (the lands of the Principality of Polotsk).
  1254 - основание г.Сарая - столицы "Золотой Орды".
  1254 - the Sarai (city) was founded - the capital of Golden Horde.
  Процесс образования Великого княжества Литовского завершился в 50-е годы XIII века.
  Process of formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania has come to the end in the 50th years of the 13th century.
  Похоже, установление вассального подчинения ряда княжеств Золотой Орде не случайно шло параллельно с развитием Великого княжества Литовского. Вхождение в Княжество было, возможно, вполне приемлемой альтернативой подчинению Орде.
  It seems that establishment of vassal submission of a number of principalities to the Golden Horde not accidentally went in parallel with development of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Entry into the Grand Duchy was, possibly, quite acceptable alternative to submission to the Horde.
  Великое княжество Литовское Орде не подчинялось. Иногда успешно противостояло в военных столкновениях. Было самостоятельным.
  The Grand Duchy of Lithuania didn't submit to the Horde. Sometimes successfully resisted in military collisions. Was independent.
  Поcле распада Киевской Руси в XIII веке земли Южной и Западной Руси (Полоцкого, Киевского, Черниговского и др.) в XIV веке вошли в состав Великого княжества Литовского.
  After disintegration of Kievan Rus' in the 13th century the lands of the Southern and Western Rus' (Polotsk, Kiev, Chernihiv, etc.) in the 14th century became a parts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  Новогрудок - в составе Великого княжества Литовского. Высказывается мнение, что Новогрудок был столицей, а возможно и первой столицей, Великого княжества Литовского.
  Navahrudak (Novogrudok) - the part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The opinion is expressed that Navahrudak was the capital, and it is possible also - the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  - Для современного любителя истории, - Читатель задумчиво посмотрел на листву растущего рядом дерева, - следует сделать терминологическое разъяснение.
  - For the modern fan of a history science, - the Reader has thoughtfully looked at foliage of the tree growing nearby, - it is necessary to make the terminological explanation.
  Для современного человека слово "Литва" ассоциируется с современной Литвой - государством со сравнительно небольшой территорией на берегу Балтийского моря.
  For the modern person the word "Lithuania" is associated with modern Lithuania - the state with rather small territory on the bank of the Baltic Sea.
  Однако такое (или близкое по смыслу) значение в понятие "Литва" стало вкладываться только со второй половины XIX века.
  However such (or the close) the meaning a public began to invest in the notion "Lithuania" only from the second half of the 19th century.
  А до второй половины XIX века, то есть примерно до 1850-х годов "Литва" ассоциировалось с наименованием Великого княжества Литовского - другого государства (с другой территорией и другой величины).
  And before the second half of the 19th century, that is approximately till 1850th years, Lithuania was associated with the name of Grand Duchy of Lithuania - other state (with other territory and other size).
  В XIV веке, с 1316 года по 1382 год, Великое княжество Литовское значительно расширило свои владения, присоединив волынские, витебские, турово-пинские, киевские, переяславские, подольские, чернигово-северские земли и др.
  In the 14th century, from 1316 to 1382, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania has considerably expanded his possessions, having attached the lands of Volyn, Vitebsk, Turov and Pinsk, Kiev, Pereyaslavl, Podolsk, Chernigov and Seversk , etc.
  В целях объединения сил для борьбы с наступлением рыцарских орденов, учитывая усилившиеся экономические связи Литовского княжества и Польши, великий литовский князь Ягайло (1377-1392) заключил с Польшей династическую Кревскую унию 1385 года.
  For association of forces for a struggle against an approach of knightly Orders, taking into account the amplifying economic relations of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jogaila (1377-1392) has concluded with Poland the dynastic the Union of Krewo of 1385.
  Ягайло вступил в брак с польской королевой Ядвигой. Стал королем Польши.
  Jogaila has married the Polish queen Jadwiga. He became the King of Poland (Wladyslaw II Jagiello).
  В 1392 в Великом княжестве Литовском был назначен великим князем Витовт, брат Ягайло.
  In 1392 Vytautas, the brother of Jogaila, became the Grand Duke of Lithuania.
  Витовт довел границы Литовского княжества с Москвой до реки Угры. То есть, Смоленск оказался в границах Литовского княжества.
  Vytautas has brought borders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with Moscow to the Ugra River (left tributary of the Oka River). That is, Smolensk has appeared in borders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  Династическая уния дала свой политический результат.
  The dynastic union has provided the political result.
  15 июля 1410 года объединенная польско-литовско-русская армия под командованием польского короля Владислава II Ягелло (Ягайло) и литовского великого князя Витовта в Грюнвальдской битве разгромили войска Тевтонского ордена.
  On July 15, 1410 the joint Polish-Lithuanian-Rus' army under command of the Polish King Wladyslaw II Jagiello and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas in the Battle of Grunwald have crushed the troops of the Teutonic Order.
  Между династической унией 1385 года и государственной унией (объединением двух государств Польши и Литовского княжества) в 1569 году прошло почти два века.
  Between the dynastic union of 1385 and the creation of the state union (the association of two states of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) in 1569 there have passed nearly two centuries.
  Подробно двухвековой период не охарактеризуешь.
  There nоt a possibility to characterize in detail the two-centuries period.
  Но приведу пару примеров для общей ориентации.
  But I will give couple of examples for the general orientation.
  После смерти Казимира (1492) в Литве был отдельный великий князь литовский (господарь) Александр (1492-1506), который с 1501 года одновременно был избран и на польский престол. В 1506 литовцы самостоятельно, без участия польской шляхты, выбрали великим князем (господарем) Сигизмунда I, в 1529 году избрали еще при жизни Сигизмунда I его малолетнего сына Сигизмунда II Августа. Поляки, следуя за литовцами, избирали на польский престол тех же лиц.
  After Casimir's death (1492) in Lithuania there was a seperate the Grand Duke Alexander (1492-1506) who since 1501 has been at the same time elected also to the Polish throne. In 1506 Lithuanians independently, without participation of the Polish szlachta, have chosen Sigismund I as the Grand Duke, in 1529 have elected during lifetime of Sigismund I his son Sigismund II Augustus. Poles, following Lithuanians, elected to the Polish throne the same persons.
  Есть основания для вывода: личная уния поддерживалась в добровольном порядке.
  There are bases for a conclusion: the personal (dynastic) union was supported in a voluntary order.
  Другие факты из того же двухвекового периода.
  Other facts from the same two-centuries period.
  Родившийся ориентировочно в 1490 году в Полоцке Франциск Скорина в 1504 году учился в Краковском университете, где получил степень бакалавра философии. В 1512 году Скорина в Падуанском университете сдал экзамен на степень доктора медицины. Издательская деятельность Скорины началась в Праге. В 1517 году он выпустил "Псалтырь" на славянском языке В начале 20-х годов Скорина переехал в Вильнюс (территорию в то время Великого княжества Литовского), где основал первую на территории СССР типографию. В 1522 Скорина выпустил "Малую подорожную книжицу", а в 1525 -"Апостол" на славянском языке.
  Francisk Skorina, who was born approximately in 1490 in Polotsk (Polatsk), in 1504 studied at the Jagiellonian University (the University of Krakow ) where he has received Bachelor of Arts degree. In 1512 Scorina at the University of Padua in Italy has passed examination for a doctorate in medicine. The publishing activity of Skorina has begun in Prague. In 1517 he has published "The Psalter" in the Old Belarusian (Old Ruthenian). In the early twenties Scorina has moved to Wilno (Vilnius) (the territory at that time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) where he has founded printing house, the first in the territory of the USSR. In 1522 Scorina has released 'The Little Travel Book', and in 1525 - 'Apostol' in Slavic language.
  С именем Скорины связано становление белорусского литературного языка и развитие белорусской письменности.
  Formation of the Belarusian literary language and development of the Belarusian writing is connected with the name of Skorina.
  Раз речь зашла о языке, то попутно замечу, что литовская письменность появилась в XVI веке.
  Time it has come about language, I will in passing notice that the Lithuanian writing has appeared in the 16th century.
  Ливонская война 1558-1583 годов с ее напряжением и неудачами побудила шляхту литовского княжества к более тесному союзу с Польшей. На общем с поляками великом сейме в Люблине в 1569 году акт унии был утвержден: Великое княжество Литовское и Королевство Польское были слиты в одно государство - Речь Посполитую.
  The Livonian war of 1558-1583 with her tension and failures has induced a szlachta of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to closer union with Poland. On the common with Poles great Sejm of 1569 in Lublin the act of the union has been approved: The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish Kingdom have been merged to one state - Rzeczpospolita.
  В исторической литературе констатируется, что Люблинская уния прекратила самостоятельное существование Литовско-русского княжества.
  In historical literature it is noted that the Union of Lublin has stopped independent existence of the Lithuanian-Rus' state.
  С одной стороны, сложно оспаривать этот тезис. С другой стороны, так называемый Литовский статут действовал до 1840 года.
  On the one hand, it is difficult to challenge this thesis. On the other hand, the so-called the Statutes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the Lithuanian statute) was functioning till 1840.
  Самостоятельная политическая жизнь так называемой литовской шляхты так же имела место. Если Литовское княжество и продолжало существовать, то не как суверенное государство, но как автономная часть федеративного государства Речи Посполитой.
  The independent political life of a so-called the Lithuanian szlachta also was taking place. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania also continued to exist, but not as the sovereign state, and as an autonomous part of the federal state Rzeczpospolita.
  Можно предположить, что новое государство - Речь Посполитая - для литовской шляхты не установило никаких ограничений, сложностей или ухудшений. Жизнь шла "по-прежнему", но с дополнительными правовыми и демократическим гарантиями.
  It is possible to assume that the new state - Rzeczpospolita - for the Lithuanian szlachta hasn't set any restrictions, difficulties or deteriorations. Life went "still", "as earlier", but with additional legal and democratic guarantees.
  В новом государстве существовало формальное равенство польской и литовской шляхты.
  In the new state there was a formal equality of the Polish and the Lithuanian szlachta.
  Есть основания полагать, что польская культура имела привлекательность для шляхты Литовского княжества. Уроженцы Великого княжества Литовского, шляхтичи по происхождению, добровольно воспринимали польскую культуру. Они писали, главным образом, по-польски и лишь изредка по-белорусски.
  There are bases to believe that the Polish culture had an attractiveness for the szlachta of the Grand Duchy. Natives of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, members of the szlachta by origin, voluntarily perceived the Polish culture. They wrote, mainly, in Polish and only occasionally in Belarusian.
  Восприятие шляхтой польской культуры объясняет, возможно, причину частого наименования уже возникшей Речи Посполитой "Польшей".
  The perception by the szlachta of the Polish culture explains, perhaps, the reasons of the frequent naming "Poland" of already arisen the Rzeczpospolita.
  Естественно, Новогрудок вошел в состав Речи Посполитой.
  Naturally, Navahrudak (Novogrudok) was a part of the Rzeczpospolita.
  1569 год, год образования Речи Посполитой, дал старт нескольким историческим процессам.
  1569, year of formation of the Rzeczpospolita, have given start to several historical processes.
  - Это любопытно! - отреагировала Читательница.
  - It is curious! - the Readeress has reacted.
  - Во-первых, - продолжил Читатель, - 1569 год дал старт развитию конституционной монархии и такого сословия как шляхта.
  - First, - the Reader has continued, - 1569 has given start to development of the constitutional monarchy and such the estate as the szlachta.
  Уже до 1569 года (до создания Речи Посполитой) наблюдается политический рост шляхты: она объединяется, знакомится с положением государственных дел, начинает формулировать и выдвигать на сеймах большую "программу реформ" в своих интересах.
  Till 1569 (before creation of the Rzeczpospolita) the political growth of a szlachta is observed: szlachta consolidates, gets acquainted with the provision of public affairs, begins to formulate and put forward on sejms the big "program of reforms" in the own interests.
  Речь Посполитая стала развиваться как сословная выборная конституционная монархия.
  The Rzeczpospolita began to developing as the estate elective constitutional monarchy (the Republic of People's Nobles).
  Высшей властью был объявлен сейм.
  The Sejm (Parliament) was announced the higher authority of the state.
  Можно с достаточной долей уверенности предполагать, что все или большинство Великих Литовских князей до 1569 года были этнически связаны с этническими литовцами (или их предшественниками).
  It is possible with a sufficient share of confidence to assume that all or most of Grand Dukes of Lithuania till 1569 have been ethnically connected with ethnic Lithuanians (or their predecessors).
  Однако, после создания Речи Посполитой, после объявления Сейма высшим органом власти эта возможная этническая связь стала второстепенной.
  However, after creation of the Rzeczpospolita, after the announcement of Sejm the supreme authority this the possible ethnic link became not very important.
  На первый план выдвинулось большинство населения, выходцами из которого были народные дворяне - шляхта.
  The most of the population, and the szlachta, - the people's nobles, - who were the natives of this most of the population, were becoming as (the most) important political factor.
  Ясно, что большинство населения Великого княжество было НЕ ЛИТОВСКИМ по своей этнической принадлежности.
  It's clear, that most of the population the Grand Duchy was NOT LITHUANIAN on the ethnic origin.
  Следовательно с момента объявления Сейма высшим органом государственной власти (ориентировочно с 1569 года) наименование Княжества стало соответствовать исторической традиции, но не политическим реалиям.
  Consequently, since the announcement of the Sejm by the highest authority of state power (approximately since 1569), the name of the Grand Duchy has become consistent with historical tradition, but not a political realities.
  Наименования государств 'конструируются' по-разному.
  Names of the states were "designing" differently.
  Возьмем для аналогии Соединенные Штаты Америки.
  We will take the United States of America for analogy.
  Жил итальянский исследователь, финансист, навигатор и картограф - с именем Америго и фамилией Веспуччи.
  There lived the an Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer - with the name of Amerigo and the surname of Vespucci.
  Его имя было 'применено' для наименования определенной территории.
  His name has been "applied" for the naming of a particular territory.
  На части этой территории возникло государство, в названии которого присутствует как имя ученого (элемент наименования территории) - Америка, - и особенности государственного устройства - Соединенные Штаты.
  On a part of this territory there was arised a state at which name is present as a name of the scientist (an element of the name of the territory) - America, - and features of state system - the United States.
  Итак, если рассуждать по аналогии в отношении территории Великого княжества, то
  So, if to argue by analogy concerning a territory of the Grand duchy, then
  Во-первых, мы берем имя гуманиста, врача, переводчика и одного из первых книгоиздателей Восточной Европы (деятеля культуры) - Франциска Скорины. То есть имя - Франциск.
  Firstly, we take the name of the humanist, physician, translator and one of the first book publishers in Eastern Europe (the cultural figure) - Francisk Skorina. That is, the name is - Francisk (Francis).
  Во-вторых, даем наименование обшрным территориям Великого княжества по его имени. Получаем, например, Францискания.
  Secondly, we give the name to vast territories of the Grand duchy on his name. We receive, for example, the Franciscania.
  В-третьих, добавляем характеристику особенностей государственного устройства: Республика (Республика Народных Дворян).
  Thirdly, we add the characteristic of features of state system: the Republic (Republic of People's Nobles).
  В итоге остается неизменным 'Польша' (что соответствует и традиции и историческим реалиям), но получаем два новых наименования:
  As a result there is invariable the "Poland" (that corresponds to both tradition and historical realities), but receive two new names:
  1.Францисканская Республика Народных дворян (Речь Посполитая),
  1.Franciscan Republic of People's Nobles (the Rzeczpospolita), (the United States of Franciscania).
  2. Великое княжество Францискания (или - Францисканское государство).
  2. Franciscan Grand Duchy (or - the Franciscan state) (or - Grand Duchy of Franciscania).
  Такой вариант рассуждений хотя и является гипотетически ретроспективным, но в большей степени соответствует историческим и политическим реалиям после 1569 года по сравнению с названием 'Великое княжество Литовское'.
  Such option of reasonings though is a hypothetically retrospective, but more corresponds to historical and political realities, arised after 1569, in comparison with the name "Grand Duchy of Lithuania".
  Король стал выборным, причем он обязан был подчиняться постановлениям сейма.
  The King became elective, and he has been obliged to submit to resolutions of the Sejm.
  Судебные дела шляхты были изъяты из ведения королевских апелляционных судов и переданы двум трибуналам (один для Польши, а другой для Литвы), состоявшим из выборных от шляхты депутатов.
  Lawsuits of a szlachta have been withdrawn from the maintaining royal Courts of Appeal and transferred to two tribunals (one for Poland, and another for Grand Duchy), which were consisting of elective deputies from a szlachta.
  Шляхте удалось достигнуть полноты государственной власти в таких размерах и формах, которые были недостижимы для дворянства других стран Европы (кроме, наверное, Англии).
  The szlachta managed to reach completeness of the power in such sizes and forms which were unattainable for the nobility of other countries of Europe (except, probably, England).
  В числе важных прав шляхты - участвовать в выборах депутатов в сейм, в выборах короля. В числе существенных правовых гарантий - неприкосновенность имущества и личности и т. п.
  Among the important rights of a szlachta - to participate in elections of deputies to the Sejm, in elections of the king. Among essential legal safeguards - the immunity (protection) of a property and a personality, etc.
  Спецификой шляхты была её относительная многочисленность - от 8 процентов до 20 процентов населения в разных районах Речи Посполитой - при наличии категорий малоземельной и безземельной шляхты.
  The relative - the significant - share of a szlachta in all population was peculiarity, specificity of those representatives. From 8 percent to 20 percent of the population in different regions of the Rzeczpospolita were the members of a szlachta (with categories of a not rich and a landless szlachta).
  Господствующее привилегированное положение шляхты сочеталось с традиционным запретом "нешляхетских" занятий (ремесло, торговля и др.). Возможно, этот запрет был весьма относительным. Личное участие мелкой шляхты в сельскохозяйственном производстве и шляхты вообще в хлебной торговле было обычным делом.
  The dominating privileged position of a szlachta was combined with the traditional bans on a "non szlachta" occupations (craft, trade, etc.). Perhaps, this ban was very relative. Personal participation of a not rich szlachta in agricultural production and the szlachta, in common, in a grain trade was a commonplace.
  Переход из других сословий в шляхту, как можно предположить, был в разные исторические периоды подчинен разным правилам. Однако можно отметить, что первоначально под шляхтой понималось рыцарство. И если говорить именно о рыцарстве, то исторические источники свидетельствуют о том, что получение статуса рыцаря было достаточно распространенной и относительно не сложной процедурой.
  The transition from other estates to a szlachta, as it is possible to assume, during the different historical periods has been subordinated to different rules. However it is possible to note that originally the members of the szlachta were perceived as knights. And if to speak about knights, then historical sources demonstrate, that obtaining the status of the knight was rather widespread and rather not a difficult procedure.
  Одной из мер царского правительства после подавления Польского восстания 1830-1831 годов явился "разбор" шляхты - перевод мелкой шляхты в однодворцы.
  One of measures of the imperial government after suppression of the Polish revolt of 1830-1831 was "analysis" (razbor, разбор - separation, сепарация) of a szlachta. It was the forced change of a status of not rich members of a szlachta to a status of the "one-house-owners" (однодворцы).
  Такой "разбор", возможно, служит косвенным подтверждением того, что значительный процент шляхты составляло обычное свободное трудовое среднее по достатку крестьянство.
  Such the "analysis", perhaps, serves as indirect confirmation that considerable percent of a szlachta was an ordinary, a not rich the peasantry, - the humans of a free labor.
  Последовавшие после разделов Речи Посполитой в XVIII веке восстания, массовые конфискации земельной собственности и ссылки, вынужденные перемещения (переезды) привели к появлению на огромных просторах между Днепром и Тихим океаном значительного числа людей энергичных, образованных или склонных к получению образования, подготовленных к интеллектуальному сложному труду, требующему личной инициативы. Имевших культурный кругозор и склонность к интеллектуальным занятиям. Перемещавшихся в ряды интеллигенции.
  The revolts which have followed after the partitions of the Rzeczpospolita in the 18th century, mass confiscations of the landed property and an mass exile (to Siberia and other regions of Russia), not voluntary relocations have led to emergence on huge open spaces between Dnieper and the Pacific Ocean of considerable number of people - vigorous, educated or inclined to education, prepared for the intellectual complex work, the work, demanding a personal initiative. They were representatives, having a cultural outlook and tendency to intellectual occupations. They were filling the ranks of the intellectuals.
  - Во-вторых, - продолжил Читатель, - 1569 год ускорил развитие ситуации на Украине (в Украине).
  - Secondly, - the Reader has continued, - 1569 has accelerated development of the situation in Ukraine.
  Одним из условий Люблинской унии 1569 года был переход юго-восточных земель Литовского государства (Волыни, Подолии, Киевской земли и других) непосредственно под управление Польши.
  Transition of southeast lands of the Grand Duchy (Volhynia, Podolia, the Kiev lands and others) directly under management of Poland was one of conditions of the Lublin union of 1569.
  В результате этого политического изменения возникла напряженность в национально-религиозных вопросах, связанным с церковной унией конца XVI века. Противники унии официально приравнивались в польских государственных актах к уголовным преступникам. Следствием этой политики было ожесточение большинства украинского населения.
  The tension in national and religious questions was the result of this political change. The tension was connected with the Church union of the end of the 16th century. Opponents of the union were officially equated in the Polish state acts to criminals. The exasperation of most of the Ukrainian population was a consequence of this policy.
  В восстаниях участвовали как крестьянство и городские слои, так и реестровое казачество.
  Both the peasantry and city layers, and the Registered Cossacks participated in revolts.
  Непрерывно обостряясь в течение первой половины XVII века, положение на Украине привело в 1648 году к весьма напряженной вооруженной борьбе.
  Continuously becoming aggravated during the first half of the 17th century, the situation in Ukraine has led in 1648 to the very intense armed struggle.
  Борьба на Украине приняла затяжной характер. В поисках поддержки гетман Богдан Хмельницкий пришел к соглашению с Россией, с которой Украину сближали моменты национально-религиозного порядка. В октябре 1653 года царь принял Украину под свою "высокую руку". В 1654 году началась новая война между Россией и Речью Посполитой, закончившаяся лишь в 1667 году Андрусовским договором, по которому Москва получила Левобережную Украину и Киев, а также Смоленск и Северскую землю. Правобережная Украина и Белоруссия остались под властью Речи Посполитой.
  The fight in Ukraine has accepted a long character. In search of support Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky came to an agreement with Russia, which demonstrated a common - with Ukraine - feachers of national-religious order. In October, 1653 the tsar has accepted Ukraine under the "high hand". In 1654 the new war between Russia and the Rzeczpospolita has began. The war has ended only in 1667 with the Treaty of Andrusovo, according which Moscow has received Left-bank Ukraine and Kiev and also Smolensk and the Seversk land. Right-bank Ukraine and Belarus remained under the power of the Rzeczpospolita.
  В-третьих, есть основания полагать, что создание Речи Посполитой в 1569 году способствовало экономическому подъему.
  Thirdly, there are bases to believe that the creation of the Rzeczpospolita in 1569 was useful for an economic recovery.
  С конца XV века Польша выступила в качестве "хлебного амбара Европы", снабжая сельскохозяйственными продуктами южно- и западно-европейские страны.
  Since the end of the 15th century Poland has acted as "a grain barn of Europe", supplying with agricultural products the Southern and Western European countries.
  Шляхта монополизировала торговлю хлебом, который она сбывала иностранным купцам или торговой буржуазии формально принадлежавшего Польше, но фактически полунезависимого, города Данцига (Гданьск).
  The szlachta monopolized the trade by bread which she marketed to foreign merchants or the trade bourgeoisie through the formally belonging to Poland, but actually semi-independent, the city of Danzig (Gdansk).
  Хлебная торговля в огромной степени повысила экономического значение основного экспортера-шляхты и послужила источником упрочения и расширения ее социально-политического господства.
  The grain trade in huge degree has increased the economic significance of the main exporter - the szlachta, - and was a source of consolidation and expansion of a socio-political domination of the szlachta.
  В 1648 год вывоз хлеба из Польши достигает предельных цифр-1.800 тысяч ц.
  In 1648 export of bread from Poland reaches limit figures - 1.800 of thousands of centners.
  В литературных источниках высказывается точка зрения, что политикой шляхты польское купечество было лишено возможности взять в свои руки эту торговлю, что бюргерство (ремесленники и купечество) были поставлены в условия постепенного оскудения из-за иностранной конкуренции и политического бесправия, что польские города в конце XVI и XVII веков приходили в упадок, что, таким образом, Польша якобы лишилась буржуазии.
  The point of view is expressed in literary sources that the Polish merchants have been deprived by the szlachta policy: the Polish merchants had no opportunity to take in hand grain trade. That the burghers (handicraftsmen and merchants) have been put in conditions of gradual impoverishment because of the foreign competition and political lawlessness, that the Polish cities at the end of the 16th and 17th centuries fell into decay. That, thus, Poland has allegedly lost the bourgeoisie.
  Насколько верна эта точка зрения - затрудняюсь оценить.
  This point of view is how right - I find it difficult to estimate.
  Польша вышла из полосы народных восстаний, разорительных войн середины XVII века с подорванной экономикой.
  Poland came out of a strip of popular uprisings, ruinous wars of the middle of the 17th century with the undermined economy.
  В течение XVIII века вывоз хлеба из Данцига лишь в очень немногие годы превышал 25 процентов вывоза в первой половине XVII века.
  During the XVIII century, the removal of bread from Danzig only in periods of a very few years exceeded 25 percent of the export in the first half of the XVII century.
  Неблагоприятные политические, экономические и другие обстоятельства привели к трем разделам Речи Посполитой в XVIII веке и прекращению ее существования как суверенного государства.
  An adverse political, economic and other circumstances have led to three partitions of the Rzeczpospolita in the 18th century and to the termination of existence of this state as sovereign power.
  Высказывается мнение, что правительства России, Пруссии и Австрии боялись конституционных и демократических реформ в Речи Посполитой, видя в этом проявление духа французской революции.
  The opinion is expressed that Governments of the Russian Empire, Prussia and Austria were afraid of the constitutional and democratic reforms in the Rzeczpospolita, seeing in this events the manifestation of the spirit of the French revolution.
  Разделы Речи Посполитой в XVIII веке означали не только разделы территории между Россией, Пруссией и Австрийской империей, но и политическое отъединение территорий ранее объединившихся Польши и Великого княжества Литовского.
  Partitions of the Rzeczpospolita in the 18th century meant not only partitions of the territory between the Russian and Austrian empires, Kingdom of Prussia, but also a political disunion of the territories of the Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania, united earlier.
  Что касается территории Великого княжества Литовского, то на его территории постепенно также образуются два самостоятельных государства: Белоруссия и Литва.
  As for the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in his territory gradually two independent states are formed: Belarus and Lithuania.
  - После объединений начались разъединения? - уточнила Читательница.
  - After associations a separations have begun? - the Readeress has specified.
  - В каком-то смысле, - предположил Читатель. И продолжил:
  - In some sense, - the Reader expressed the assumption. Also he have continued:
  - Основная часть территории Великого княжества Литовского досталась России.
  - Russia has got the main part of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  Было введено общеимперское губернское деление.
  All-imperial the organisation of Governorates has been entered.
  По третьему разделу Речи Посполитой в 1795 году большая часть литовских земель была присоединена к России. На её территории образованы Виленская и Слонимская губернии, которые в 1797 году были слиты в Литовскую губернию, а в 1801 году разделены на Гродненскую и Виленскую губернии. Из последней в 1842 году выделилась Ковенская губерния.
  According to the third section of the Rzeczpospolita in 1795 the most part of the Lithuanian lands has been attached to Russia. In her territory Vilna and Slonim Governorates which in 1797 have been merged to the Lithuania Governorate are formed, and in 1801 are divided into the Grodno and Vilna Governorates. From the last in 1842 the Kovno Governorate was allocated.
  Часть Литвы, расположенная по левом берегу Немана (Нямунаса), в 1795 году отошла к Пруссии, в составе которой оставалась до 1807 года, затем входила в герцогство Варшавское, а в 1815 году присоединена к Российской империи в составе Царства Польского.
  The part of Lithuania located on the left coast of Neman (Nyamunas) in 1795 has departed to Prussia as a part of which remained till 1807, then entered the Duchy of Warsaw, and in 1815 is attached to the Russian Empire as a part of the Kingdom of Poland.
  Западные литовские земли (Клайпедский край) оставались в составе Пруссии.
  The western Lithuanian lands (the Klaipeda Region) remained as a part of Prussia.
  После включения земель Великого княжества Литовского в состав Российской империи населению была гарантирована религиозная свобода, неприкосновенность "шляхетских вольностей" и "крепостного права".
  After inclusion of the lands of Grand Duchy of Lithuania in structure of the Russian Empire the religious freedom, the inviolability of "the szlachta's liberties" and "serfdom" has been guaranteed to the population.
  Все жители обязаны были принести присягу. Неприсягнувшие должны были уехать за границу и распродать свое имущество. Часть имущества была конфискована и отдана Екатериной II русскому крупному дворянству: было роздано около ста тысяч крепостных крестьян. Правительство Екатерины II проводило политику русификации края. Это вызвало большое раздражение среди литовско-белорусского дворянства, чем и объясняется участие дворянства в восстании Костюшко (1794 год). На коронации Павла I было возбуждено ходатайство об изменении политики. Правительство восстановило суды и литовско-белорусское право.
  All inhabitants have been obliged to take the oath. Those, who not sworn, had to go abroad and sell out the property. A part of property has been confiscated and given by Catherine II to the Russian rich nobility: about hundred thousand serfs have been distributed. Catherine II's government pursued policy of russification of edge. It has caused great irritation among the Lithuanian-Belarusian nobility, participation of the nobility in the Kosciuszko Uprising (1794). On crowning of Paul I the petition for change of policy has been excited. The government has restored courts and the Lithuanian-Belarusian Law.
  Русификация, однако, продолжалась.
  Russification, however, continued.
  Литовско-белорусская шляхта надеялась восстановить Речь Посполитую сначала с помощью России, а после 1807 года - при содействии Франции.
  The Lithuanian-Belarusian szlachta hoped to restore the Rzeczpospolita at first by means of Russia, and after 1807 - with assistance of France.
  В 1795 и 1815 годах этнические территории Литвы (уже в современном понимании) (кроме Клайпедского края) вошли в состав Российской империи.
  In 1795 and 1815 ethnic territories of Lithuania (already in modern understanding) (except the Klaipeda region) were a part of the Russian Empire.
  Как позже подтвердилось, даже литовцы Клайпедского края (Memelland), попавшие в XIII веке под власть Тевтонского ордена, не утратили за несколько веков своего этнического самосознания.
  As was confirmed later, even the Lithuanians of the Klaipeda region (Memelland) who have got in the 13th century under the power of the Teutonic Order haven't lost for several centuries of the ethnic selfconsciousness.
  Литовско-белорусская шляхта сочувствовало польскому восстанию 1830 года. После подавления этого восстания, правительство Николая I приняло еще более резкий русификаторский курс. Все местные законодательные особенности были уничтожены.
  The Lithuanian-Belarusian szlachta sympathized with the Polish revolt of 1830. After suppression of this revolt, Nicholas I's government has accepted the more sharper the course of Russification. All the local legislative distinguishing features have been destroyed.
  Эта политика вызвала к жизни некоторое оппозиционное белорусское шляхетское движение.
  This policy has brought some the opposition Belarusian movement of szlachta to life.
  Польское восстание 1863-1864 годов, которое проходило и на территориях Белоруссии, Литвы, было жестоко подавлено царскими войсками, однако правительство вынуждено было пойти на некоторые уступки. По указу 1 марта 1863 года были прекращены временнообязанные отношения, крестьяне получили право обязательного выкупа надела, при этом на условиях, более благоприятных, чем в других губерниях России: в основном сохранялись прежние наделы, ниже стали выкупные платежи.
  The Polish revolt of 1863-1864 which took place also in territories of Belarus, Lithuania was cruelly depressed imperial troops, however the government has been forced to make some concessions. Under the decree of March 1, 1863 the relationships of the temporal dependency have been stopped, peasants have acquired the right of a repayment of a land plot, at the same time on the conditions, more favorable, than in other provinces of Russia: generally former plots remained, redemption payments became lower.
  Это ускорило развитие капиталистических отношений. Десятки тысяч разорившихся литовских крестьян уезжали в промышленные города (Ригу, Петербург, Одессу), эмигрировали в США, Великобританию.
  It has accelerated development of the capitalist relations. Tens of thousands of ruined Lithuanian peasants went to the industrial cities (Riga, St. Petersburg, Odessa), emigrated to the USA, Great Britain.
  Во второй половине XIX века в Литве складывается литовская нация. Формируется рабочий класс. Развивается литовская городская и сельская буржуазия.
  In the second half of the 19th century in Lithuania there is arising the Lithuanian nation. The working class is formed. The Lithuanian city and rural bourgeoisie develops.
  Образование распространялось все шире. Образованные люди составили интеллигенцию.
  An education developed and extended more and more widely. Educated people filled the ranks of the intellectuals.
  В Революции 1905-1907 годов в декабре 1905 года был созван съезд литовцев (Вильнюсский сейм), принявший некоторые антиправительственные решения.
  In Revolution of 1905-1907 in December, 1905 the congress of Lithuanians (the Seimas of Vilnius) has been convened. The Seimas has made some antigovernmental decisions.
  Общеимперское губернское деление действовало до событий первой мировой войны.
  The all-imperial the organisation of Governorates (the all-imperial provincial division, management) functioned prior to events of World War I.
  С начала первой мировой войны 1914-1918 годов территория Литвы стала ареной военных действий. К осени 1915 года германские войска оккупировали почти всю Литву.
  Since the beginning of World War I of 1914-1918 the territory of Lithuania became the arena of military operations. To the autumn of 1915 the German troops occupied almost all Lithuania.
  В сентябре 1917 года под контролем германских властей была созвана в Вильно т. н. литовская конференция, в которой приняли участие исключительно представители зажиточного крестьянства и интеллигенции Литвы.
  In September, 1917 under control of the German authorities the so-called Lithuanian conference has been convened in Vilna (Wilno). In this conference representatives of the prosperous peasantry and the intellectuals of Lithuania have participated only.
  Конференция высказалась за провозглашение независимости Литвы и заключение особой конвенции с Германией.
  The conference has supported declaration of independence of Lithuania and the conclusion of the special convention with Germany.
  Литовская конференция создала Литовскую тарибу (государственный совет) из 20 человек.
  The Lithuanian (Vilnius) Conference has created the the Council of Lithuania (the Lithuanian Taryba) (State Council). Twenty people were elected to the Council.
  Литовская тариба 16 февраля 1918 года, т. е. в день, когда Германия объявила о разрыве перемирия с РСФСР, "официально" объявила Литву независимой.
  The Council of Lithuania (the Lithuanian Taryba) on February 16, 1918, i.e. in day when Germany announced a rupture of truce with RSFSR, "officially" declared Lithuania independent.
  Это объявление фактически изъяло литовскую территорию из обсуждения при мирных переговорах между РСФСР и Германией.
  This action having actually withdrawn the Lithuanian territory from discussion at peace talks between RSFSR and Germany.
  Эта независимость Литвы была признана германским кайзером 23 марта 1918 г. Осенью 1918 Литовская тариба образовала правительство.
  This independence of Lithuania has been recognized by the German Kaiser on March 23, 1918. In the autumn of 1918 Council of Lithuania (the Lithuanian Taryba) have formed the government.
  В середине декабря 1918 года в Вильно и других городах была провозглашена власть Советов. Литовское буржуазное правительство бежало в Ковно, под прикрытие германских войск, оставшихся по требованию Антанты в Прибалтике.
  In the middle of December, 1918 in Vilna (Wilno) and other cities the power of Councils has been proclaimed. The Lithuanian bourgeois government ran in Kovno (Kaunas), under the cover of the German troops. The German troops have remained in the Baltics upon the demand of the Entente.
  Временное революционное рабоче-крестьянское правительство Литвы провозгласило 16 декабря 1918 года Литовскую Советскую Социалистическую Республику, объединившуюся в феврале 1919 с Белорусской Советской Социалистической Республикой в Советскую Социалистическую Республику Литвы и Белоруссии (Литбел).
  The provisional revolutionary Workers' and Peasants' government of Lithuania has proclaimed on December 16, 1918 the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic which has united in February, 1919 with the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Lithuania and Belarus (Litbel).
  Советская власть в Литве продержалась лишь несколько месяцев. В апреле 1919 года Вильно (Вильнюс) заняли польские войска. Советская Россия, тем не менее, первая признала молодое Литовское (не советское) государство договором от 12 июля 1920 года.
  The Soviet power in Lithuania has held on some months. In April, 1919 the Polish troops entered in Vilna (Wilno, Vilnius). The Soviet Russia, nevertheless, the first recognized the young Lithuanian (not Soviet) state by the treaty of July 12, 1920.
  В 1919 -1940 годах Литва - буржуазная республика (Вильнюсский край в 1920-1939 годах был в составе Польши). В 1940 году вошла в Союз ССР.
  In 1919 - 1940 years Lithuania - the bourgeois republic (The Vilnius Region in 1920-1939 existed as a part of Poland). In 1940 Lithuania was included in the USSR.
  Объявить и признать независимость еще не означает разрешить территориальные вопросы.
  To announce and recognize an independence doesn't mean yet to resolve a territorial questions.
  Версальский мирный договор 1919 года не установил границ Литвы.
  The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 hasn't established borders of Lithuania.
  Однако в октябре 1920 году Польша вновь заняла Вильнюсский край. В 1923 году к Литве были присоединены Клайпеда и Клайпедский край. Таким образом, Клайпеда и Клайпедский край стали территорией Литвы.
  However in October, 1920 Poland has entered the Vilnius region. In 1923 Klaipeda and the Klaipeda region (the Memel Territory) became the part of the Republic of Lithuania. Thus, Klaipeda and the Klaipeda region became the territory of Lithuania.
  Но фашистская Германия 22 марта 1939 года оккупировала Клайпедский край.
  But Nazi Germany attached on March 22 (23), 1939 the Klaipeda region.
  В этих условиях 10 октября 1939 года правительство Литвы подписало договор о взаимопомощи с СССР, согласно которому Вильнюсский край, освобождённый Красной Армией в сентябре 1939, был передан Литве.
  In these conditions on October 10, 1939 the government of Lithuania has signed the treaty on mutual aid with the USSR according to which the Vilnius region, liberated by the Red Army in September, 1939, has been transferred to Lithuania.
  13 июля 1944 года Красная Армия освободила Вильнюс, 1 августа - Каунас.
  On July 13, 1944 the Red Army has freed Vilnius, on August 1 - Kaunas.
  28 января 1945 года Красная Армия овладела Клайпедой.
  On January 28, 1945 the Red Army has entered Klaipeda.
  Высказывается мнение, что впервые в истории были воссоединены все литовские земли.
  The opinion is expressed that all Lithuanian lands have been reunited for the first time in the history.
  Читатель сделал паузу.
  The Reader has made a pause.
  - А как развивались события в Белоруссии? - послышался вопрос Читательницы.
  - And how events in Belarus were developing? - the Readeress' question was heard.
  - После третьего раздела Речи Посполитой в 1795 году и до 1917 года белорусские земли находились в составе Российской империи.
  - After the third partition of the Rzeczpospolita in 1795 and till 1917 the Belarusian lands were in structure of the Russian Empire
  Так же, как и на территории будущей независимой Литвы, было введено общеимперское губернское деление.
  As well as in the territory of future independent Lithuania, the all-imperial the organisation of Governorates (the all-imperial provincial division, management) functioned.
  В 1795 году Новогрудок был присоединён к России. В 1796 - уездный город Слонимского наместничества. С 1842 года в составе Минской губернии
  In 1795 Navahrudak (Novogrudok) has been attached to Russia. In 1796 - the uyezd (district) city of the Slonim Viceroyalty. Since 1842 as a part of the Minsk Governorate.
  Постепенно в белорусских землях стали появляться идеи об автономной, а потом и - о самостоятельной независимой Белоруссии.
  Gradually in the Belarusian lands the ideas about autonomous, and then and - about independent Belarus began to appear.
  Например, в белорусской среде работала "Белорусская Революционная Громада", организованная в 1902 году группой петербургских студентов.
  For example, in the Belarusian environment the "Belarusian Revolutionary Assembly" ("Belarusian Socialist Hramada") was organized in 1902 by group of the St. Petersburg students worked.
  После начала первой мировой войны в 1914 году постепенно большая часть Белоруссии была оккупирована германскими войсками.
  After the beginning of World War I in 1914 gradually the most part of Belarus has been occupied by the German troops.
  18 февраля 1918 года за перерывом брест-литовских переговоров последовало наступление. Затем - оккупация Белоруссии германскими войсками.
  On February 18, 1918 the stoppage of the Brest-Litovsk negotiations was followed by approach. Then - the occupation of Belarus by the German troops.
  Как только германские войска начали свое наступление, и Совет Народных Комиссаров оставил Минск, Совет Белорусского съезда, распущенный в декабре 1917 года, объявил себя высшей, до созыва Учредительного собрания, властью в стране. 25 февраля 1918 года Минск был занят немцами, не пожелавшими признать Белоруссию отдельным государством.
  As soon as the German troops have begun the approach, the Council of People's Commissars left Minsk. In this situation the Council of the All-Belarusian Congress, dismissed in December, 1917, declared itself the highest, before convocation of the Constituent assembly, the power in the country. On February 25, 1918 Minsk has been occupied by the Germans who haven't wished to recognize Belarus as the separate state.
  Однако, организованное накануне их прихода "Белорусское народное правительство" провозгласило Белоруссию самостоятельной народной республикой.
  However, the "Belarusian national government" (the Executive Committee of the First All-Belarusian Congress), organized on the eve of arrival of German troops, has proclaimed the Belarus the independent people's republic.
  Территория этой республики, согласно декларации 24 марта 1918 года, состояла из Минской, Гродненской, Витебской, Виленской, Черниговской и частей др. соседних губерний.
  The territory of this republic, according to the declaration on March 24, 1918, consisted from Minsk's, Grodno's, Vitebsk's, Vilna's, Chernihiv's and parts of other neighboring Governorates.
  Чтобы добиться признания со стороны императора Вильгельма II, Белорусское правительство послало ему приветственную телеграмму, в которой выражало благодарность за "освобождение" Белоруссии от большевиков.
  To achieve recognition from the emperor Wilhelm II, the Belarusian government has sent him the welcome telegram in which expressed gratitude for the "liberation" of Belarus from Bolsheviks.
  1 января 1919 года сформировалось Временное рабоче-крестьянское правительство Белоруссии, выпустившее в тот же день манифест, которым Белоруссия объявлялась Советской Социалистической Республикой.
  On January 1, 1919 the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' government of Belarus was created. This government has issued on the same day the manifesto which announced Belarus the Soviet Socialist Republic.
  Это правительство просуществовало всего два месяца. На первом съезде Советов Белоруссии принято было решение, что Белорусская Советская Республика объединяется с Литовской Советской Республикой для совместной борьбы против наступления международного капитала.
  This government has existed only two months. At the first congress of Councils of Belarus the decision has been made that the Belarusian Soviet Republic unites with the Lithuanian Soviet Republic for joint fight against approach of the international wealth.
  В начале марта 1919 года в Вильно имел место специальный съезд Советов обеих республик. На этом съезде была создана в Вильно объединенная Литовско-Белорусская Советская Республика (Литбел). Центр этой республики был перенесен в Вильно. 19 апреля 1919 года польские легионеры неожиданно вошли в Вильно и заняли, после двухдневного боя, город. После этого столица Литбел была перенесена в Минск, но тоже не надолго.
  At the beginning of March, 1919 in Vilna (Wilno) the special congress of Councils of both republics took place. At this congress in Vilna (Wilno) the integrated the Lithuanian-Belarusian Soviet Republic (Litbel) has been created. The center of this republic has been established in Vilna (Wilno). On April 19, 1919 the Polish legionaries have unexpectedly entered Vilna (Wilno) and have occupied, after two-day fight, the city. After that the capital of Litbel has been relocated to Minsk, but too not for a long period.
  Захватив Вильно, польские формирования продолжали наступление в глубь Белоруссии, занимая один город за другим, а в августе 1919 года заняли и Минск, затем почти всю Белоруссию.
  Having captured Vilna (Wilno), the Polish formations continued approach in depth of Belarus, occupying one city behind another, and in August, 1919 have occupied also Minsk, then almost all Belarus.
  В это время главные силы Красной армии были направлены против Колчака, Юденича и др.
  At this time the main forces of the Red Army have been directed against Kolchak, Yudenich, etc.
  11 июля 1920 года Минск был освобожден от польских войск и Белоруссия была провозглашена Независимой Советской Социалистической Республикой. Почти над всей Белоруссией в ее этнографических границах развевался советский флаг. Однако, отступление Красной армии изменило положение вещей. На основании Рижского договора 1921 года, западная часть Белоруссии стала частью территории польского государства.
  On July 11, 1920 Minsk has been freed from the Polish troops and Belarus has been proclaimed the independent Soviet Socialist Republic. Almost over all Belarus in her ethnographic borders the Soviet flag fluttered. However, retreat of the Red Army has changed a state of affairs. On the basis of the Treaty of Riga (1921), the western part of Belarus became a part of the territory of the Polish state.
  После Рижского договора 1921 года Белорусская Советская Республика состояла всего из нескольких уездов бывшей Минской губернии...
  After the Treaty of Riga (1921) the Belarusian Soviet Republic consisted of only several uyezds (counties) of the former Minsk province...
  На территории Западной Белоруссии, отошедшей к Польше на основании Рижского договора, было образовано, в частности, Новогрудское воеводство.
  In the territory of the Western Belarus which has departed to Poland on the basis of the Treaty of Riga (1921), the Nowogrodek (Novogrudok) (Navahrudak) Voivodeship has been formed, in particular.
  В 1939 году Западная Белоруссия и Западная Украина были включены в состав СССР.
  In 1939 the Western Belarus and the Western Ukraine have been included in structure of the USSR.
  Новогрудок стал одним из городов советской Белоруссии.
  Navahrudak became one of the cities of the Soviet Belarus.
  - Полоцкое княжество, Великое княжество Литовское, Речь Посполитая, Российская империя, Польша, Советская Белоруссия ...- начала было бодро перечислять Читательница. Потом взяла паузу и добавила:
  - The Principality of Polotsk, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Rzeczpospolita, Russian Empire, Poland, the Soviet Belarus...- the Readeress was beginning cheerfully enumerating. Then she have taken a break and she have added:
  - Надо освежить память...
  - It is necessary to refresh memory...
  - Конечно! Информация общедоступная! Интересный город Новогрудок! С богатой историей! - подвел итог Читатель.
  - Of course! The public information! The information of a common access! The interesting city of Navahrudak (Novogrudok)! With the rich history! - the Reader has summed up the result.
  - Да! - согласилась Читательница.
  - Yes! - the Readeress has agreed.
  04 июня 2017 года - 05 июня 2017 года. 19 апреля 2018 г. - 20 апреля 2018 г.
  June 04, 2017 - June 05, 2017. April 19, 2018 - April 21, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English (with the text changes): April 16, 2018 - April 21, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о Новогрудке'.
  27. Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account
  - May I remove my account?
  - And why you want to delete your account?
  - Have I a right to remove my account?
  - And what books in your account?
  - I have to come into the account, to make by a mouse of "copy-paste", to engage in useless activities of removal a unneeded text elements and to send you the list of books by e-mail?
  - And what books from the list sent by you are in the publication process? Probably, not the all? Some are in the process of a preparation?
  - I had to guess what you will express new questions? And then again the "pleasure" of a useless activities?
  - Why don't you want to?
  - Isn't it announced that readers can purchase books, written by authors, using your platform?
  - Isn't that right?
  - If you, the employee of the platform, can't independently obtain information about the list of my books at your platform, if, still besides, you are asking me to specify what books from this list are published and what books - aren't, then how the ordinary reader will understand your platform? And if he doesn't understand - how he will buy books using your platform?
  - Whether can we stop now? And to stop asking questions?
  - Why should I place books at the platform which a mass reader cannot understand? What is the meaning of the existence of my account in this situation? Don't I have the right to delete my account?
  (Allow to return to the beginning of the text? To start the reading the text once again?).
  May 3, 2018 19:39
  Translation from Russian into English: May 4, 2018 05:43.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы об издательской платформе и об удалении аккаунта'.
  28. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses
  - Why the "Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account" are creating a slightly strange impression about the such internet-platforms?
  - Did you get acquainted with opinions of the "beginning" writers about "traditional" publishing houses?
  - "Traditional" publishers, "traditional" publishing houses - who are they?
  - Is this notion - the royalties, advance payments, "paper" books, author copies, a delivery of books to readers through traditional distribution systems? Is it - the people who can work with the market? Publish and sell on the market circulation - three, five, ten, twenty-five thousand "paper" copies? The people capable to recoup the costs? Achieve a profit? Includes this notion - an author's honorariums dependent on a volumes of purchases of a circulation? - Legends about a fairy-tale good old times?
  - Legends are alive still? The beginners writers are forming for themselves a slightly strange impression about the existing modern "traditional" publishing houses? - judging by Internet chats?
  - Will modern "traditional" publishing houses essentially differ from other institutions? Whether it was necessary to accept the special legislative rules obliging the state organizations to respond to letters and addresses of citizens with observance of established periods?
  - Whether modern "traditional" publishing houses will essentially differ from other institutions? Whether it was necessary to accept the special legislative rules obliging the state organizations to respond to letters and addresses of citizens with observance of established periods?
  - Can any citizen create the account on the website of the internet-platform for publications and with enthusiasm to direct own forces for the publishing of own book?
  - Probably, it is a some life experience?
  - Will receive any money the citizen who has focused his energy for an achievement of the literary victories ? In exchange for results of the creative activity? At a cooperation with the publishing platform or with modern "traditional" publishing house?
  - Will he receive? Or he will spend?!
  - Can be spent except money, probably, both forces, and time??
  - If you will go for training in gym, or you will go to play on the tennis court, - you, probably, will spend both money, and time, and forces, too?
  - In what is the advantage of an internet-platform for publications?
  - Perhaps, you may to save your own time? Do you reduce the period of negotiations and correspondence? Do you get in the accelerated mode a new life experience?
  - Do you need this experience and in this volume? And what will be with results of your literary creativity?
  - Who should answer these questions?
  - Why I am convinced - intuitively? - that the total annual revenues from sale of all paper and electronic books is a quite noticeable and is giving a considerable amounts of money?
  - What can tell about the distilled, obvious figures ?
  - Knows a statistics about everything?
  - Will we ask questions about a statistics now?
  - Have you ever compared the cultural levels of employees of the internet-platform for publications and employees of the" traditional " publishing house?
  - Are you hinting at the possibility of communicating on the Internet with cultural and trained people?
  - The internet and remote communication with users now is a new format of reality? For a new reality a new people are needed ?
  - And what? No income, and some costs? - As in a process of the interaction with the online platform, so in a communication with the modern "traditional" publishers? And in both cases, you gain an experience? Can you to form the opinion, perhaps, the correct, that on the Internet you are communicating with a very prepared, cultural and educated people? But when you create an account, do you start acting instead of waiting for answers to letters??
  - It seems that the Internet-Platform for Publications - the idea not bad?
  - Are the excessive sketchiness and pessimism useful?
  - Do you hint at the information on the large royalties received by writers, at the information, which is periodically appearing in media? About books - the champions of circulation and of sales? About writers - millionaires? "Traditional" publishing houses are still useful?
  - Are there more things in information business, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy?
  - Shakespeare?
  - Homer?
  - Myths?
  - Tales, dialogues?
  - Questions?
  - Maybe with them was necessary to begin?
  May 4, 2018 - May 5, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 5, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы об издательских интернет-платформах и о 'традиционных' издательствах'.
  29. The Sketch about the Literary Prikaz
  He returned after shopping and visiting a spa beauty salon.
  "The prices are rather big, of course". "But it is necessary to be in the native circle of contacts". "The writer-millionaire shouldn't be among the different ones ..."
  On the table he found "Questions." Questions about that and about this... 'The reviewer has leaved them on the table again'. "What is literature?" - he has pressed "Questions" by the finger toward a table surface. - "This concept abstract ... It is possible to ask as much as necessary ... Life such is what it is ...".
  He has phoned: "Have brought?"
  In several seconds on his table laid the text of article prepared by an employee of a trusted literary factory.
  He has thrown a cursory glance along the page: "Orders - the effective form of a governmental management..." "It is a big art to plan the orders correctly ..." "Until the one of the orders ten days. Until another - ten nights, until third - ten weeks.... " "After the each order there will be literary achievements ...".
  To read further there was no mood.
  "Of course, we will publish ..." - He has chuckled. - "All the same, nobody reads this newspaper ... Now are not those times ...".
  "What else?"
  He has written the instructions: " Editor. Proofreader. To publish" and phoned to the assistant: "You need to sign the act of partial performance of works on the grant. Visit me'. Immediately he called the number of the accounts department. "Now will bring you the act of partial performance of work on a grant. Do the count of the honorarium and transfer money to me to the my bank cash card".
  "After all, the cash machine will take time."
  He has ironically smiled, having touched with a look the papers lying on a table: "Peter the Great was a person outstanding, but the Literary Prikaz hasn't created ...". [The pun of Russian words: order (instruction) = prikaz (executive governmental office)]. "Tomorrow at a meeting in the spa beauty salon this pun will be useful ...".
  "It seems, for today - all."
  He has called the service vehicle, and has gone to an exit.
  May 5, 2018 17:17
  Translation from Russian into English: May 5, 2018 22:43.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о литературном приказе
  30. The Sketch about a Timekeeping
  - What size of the grant?
  - 1000000.
  - How many minutes need to be fulfilled?
  - 840. That is, 14 hours - 60 minutes in each.
  - It's a lot, but we will make "packages" - 2 hours each. We will try to do the all within 7 days.
  - So ... 1000000 ... 840 ... And how many ideas?
  - Internet filters work in online. On average, 1 idea comes in a 10 minutes period.
  - But the themes of the ideas, the levels, quality of the ideas - are the different ...
  - That's why they gave you 840 minutes. For 840 minutes you will receive 84 ideas. Of these, 10 percent, that is 8.4-well, rounded, - 10 ideas - more or less of a normal level and quality.
  - And a literary and intellectual factories? A personal intellectual slaves?
  - In these options there are elements of doubt, some risk. Why do we need to be the dubious? These are options for the fussy. The intelligent Internet crowdsourcing is a thing socially accepted and endorsed.
  - You're right!
  - The ideas need to be been effective presented ... At rather high level of abstraction.
  - You are right. An idea is the abstraction. An idea isn't attached to any personality.
  - The quantity us is small. But - and grants there isn't a lot of.
  - The budget is not a rubber.
  - In general, " hurry slowly." A slow, brooding way of a speaking. All sorts of emotional "seasoning". "Civilization" - "outstanding achievements" - "we" - "startups" - "discourses" - "modeling of the future". Well, in the same spirit. It is not a dogma. Of course, creativity is welcome.
  - It isn't necessary to hurry with the presentation of ideas. You're "pull a thought", and ideas from the Internet are "dropping". All sorts of schoolboys, students, intellectual volunteers, suddenly left without work, restless pensioners. Also it isn't forbidden to others. You "abstract" the ideas, - you clean the ideas, as far as possible, from authorship. Also you insert the ideas into a weaves of words.
  - And 1000000 in our pockets!
  - Yes!
  - You are a genius!
  - The burlak - the barge hauler - of industrialization!
  - Nevertheless not everything is so simple ...
  - Well, it is clear ... Not yesterday were born ...
  - Turn on the toggle-switch!
  - We begin the intellectual movement!
  May 18, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 18, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о тайминге'.
  31. The Monologue about the Petya's Father is Good at Arithmetic
  The schnauzer is walking along a street to the radio station and thinking.
  "What is a strange tradition? No matter who from our trained community came to the radio station, no of them is possible to say anything a differ. They speak about the same thing: motorists are careless people. We need to train them more.'
  "But not the only the motorists among us live. Fans of history sit at the radio station and thumb through ancient editions. And we learn: it appears, and creative persons once lived, - except motorists ..."
  "There were a many votings! We have the figures in the budget for the financing of culture approved... Even if you subtract all sorts of useful employees such as leaders of clubs, librarians ... plumbers in the houses of culture, finally... then a some quantity of the creative individuals, who write stories, poems, songs, must be discovered ...'
  "Stop" - the schnauzer has started slipping, - "many of people... thousands, hundreds of thousands are writing ... enough to "come in" in some literary Internet service... Literary works by some of them are reading... The subject not in this... How many creative people get a part from the budget pie?... What is the exact number of geniuses and subgeniuses?... And what share of the budget pie goes to these selected creative personalities?'
  "Yes, no ... what am I saying?" - the schnauzer has again stopped himself. - "Creative people - they receive fees (royalties, honorarium). Their works are bought, the authors get the a part of the money received as a result of the purchase of their works... it is clear that the songs are listened to, that the books are bought... and so on."
  "But in order to buy books, they need to be published. After a publishing the books need to sell... Who publish? - Publishers!... Who sell? - Bookstores, shops, private traders stalls... Used to sell ... ... "ofens" - traders, who went through the villages ... Perhaps, the book - if it was cheap - was the best-selling product... Sytin, - the publisher, - entered in a history...'
  "Yes, isn't present! Well, what publishing houses ...", - the schnauzer has begun to get confused. - "That is, firms with the name "publishing house", of course, exist ... But the publishing house, is it seems as an organization the getting profit on a sale of books. Such an organization can estimate a book market, is capable to undertake risks, to become an intermediary between the author and retail chain stores, buyers of books ... However, and with retail chain stores not everything is simple ..."
  'Generally, if who of authors dealt with all this system, he, perhaps, knows that the main thing not to write the work, but to save the patience and persistence necessary for correspondence ..."
  "If the principle "profit - from a sale of books" is acting, then why they are not interested in the authors?..."
  "However, skilled people with irony say that a some happiness they had - to receive the royalties: near fifteen thousands rubles [approximately 190 euros]. It a payment for a half a year - a year (and can be, and more), necessary for writing a book, and for the tons of the headache, getting at the subsequent correspondence ... If only a writing of letters - without any answers - it is possible to call correspondence ..."
  "Generally, this system of "publishing houses" and "book trade" has the own secrets and laws ..."
  "If the person-university was engaged in studying of this system, then he, perhaps, would open the law of a saving of money ... and still some laws ..." - the schnauzer has joked silently.
  "Well, if the system of "publishing" and "book trade" to leave aside, and then to go from the traditional fees back to the budget again, to public finance for culture, and to those lucky people who are somehow involved in this budget...
  Of course, literally you won't convert the budget money into the money of royalties ... you will not be for the budget money to buy fully or partially a book circulation ... ... you will not be for the budget money to buy fully or partially a book circulation ...
  However, and if to buy for libraries (a civils or a militaries)?. For some state and municipal organizations - that to put a books on a regiment in a visible place ... How many did remain libraries?. . The publishing house receives money from budgets after a buying a circulation, a part of money a publisher gives to the author - here and the fee ..." "Not really is heard about it ... Probably or practice this not really widespread, or it isn't accepted to speak about it ... But, in any case, there is money, there are books, there are creative people ... Perhaps, among these people there are our modern Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Gogol?..."
  "Yes, hardly", - the schnauzer has again begun to doubt, - "about Tolstoy, about Dostoyevsky, about Gogol almost all knew in Russia. And if there is no information, then what Gogol it is?"
  "Then we come to the budget financing of projects, programs, events..." "Here I go to the radio station, and this radio station received a certain amount... There, for example, a thousand people are employed: from the janitor and the elevator operator till the editor and proofreader... There, probably, and fees can to appear...
  However, it is simpler to work through a traditional (time-based) salary: and a creative person gets used to a relative reliability, and for the administration it is more easy ... A loyalty ...
  And in general, all - are members of the creative team. And lifters, and watchmen, and editors, and proofreaders..."
  "There is, of course, in the tax law a concept a "fees" ('royalties', 'honorarium'). Probably, data are in tax administration - who and how many ... But, first, there is such concept a "tax secret", secondly, the information may be absolutely unexpected ..."
  "What I to myself ask riddles?" - the schnauzer has begun to be tired of the own questions. - "Who they, the creative people?" "Who geniuses and subgeniuses?" "Who Dostoyevsky and Gogol?" "What sums of the fees?" "Who they, which had received money from the budget? And how many was received?" "This creative people not a millions? To Maxim Gorky, when he lived at the Capri, a several hundreds of the beginners writers from Russia letters were written ..."
  "Who at us a cultural figures? And bloggers are not cultural figures? All know them and about them!..."
  "Bloggers! But hardly they get something from the budget ..." "And this culture (from the most famous bloggers) - mostly the culture of a tea strainer from Ilf and Petrov's book ..."
  "In general it is natural ... Heinrich Schliemann, let us assume, learned different languages, he prepared himself for the career of the archeologist, was engaged in business, sport ... and someone from his contemporaries spent time at a balls, dances and lunches ... There can't be at all identical interests ..."
  "And in general... With this "culture" ... All this is very strange ..."
  The schnauzer, at last, has reached the radio station. The moment has come to present the ideas to radio listeners.
  "Owners of tricycles are people careless. It is necessary to train them more", - has sounded in a radio air.
  "To organize a dialogue with listeners on a subject! To find out the relation of "people" to a theme!..." - the staff of the radio station were worried ...
  Radio listeners have switched off radio receivers.
  May 22, 2018 22:23
  Translation from Russian into English: May 23, 2018 - May 24, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о Папа у Пети силен в арифметике'.
  32. The Fairy Tale of How Nikolai Gogol became the Great Dramaturge.
  Nikolai Gogol comes to Vasily Zhukovsky:
  - Vasily Andreyevich, I want to serve the benefit. By my pen. All of us know that you are the talented poet, the patron, and the tutor of Crown Prince. Therefore I to you have come for council and support. I am going to devote the forces to collecting national legends and myths about "Тришкин кафтан" (a "Trishkin's Kaftan"). But will this be the right direction?
  - The fatherland waits for talented people! - Vasily Andreyevich has answered. Also he have continued to write down the poem on the sheet of paper.
  "It is necessary to wait", - Gogol has understood.
  There has passed some time. Creative energy demands an exit. Again Nikolai Gogol to Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky comes. Vasily Andreyevich has smiled to Gogol and has continued to write on the sheet of paper.
  "I'll wait," - thought Gogol. - "First of all, Vasily Andreyevich can recall my previous question. Secondly, the creative process comes first. Everything else is on the second place.'
  The room was entered by the footman and has reported that the horse carriage for Zhukovsky is arrived. The important visit is required to be made.
  Vasily Andreyevich has smiled to Gogol, has postponed sheets of paper and has gone to an exit.
  "He smiles!" - Gogol has thought. - "Means, it is possible to make a request!"
  - Vasily Andreyevich! I would like to devote the creativity to a benefit, and I intend to go deep into folk art: to collect in different areas versions of a saying "In a kitchen garden - a plant with berries, and in the Kiev - an uncle". I plan to compare different options, to analyse, write the book. Naturally, it would be desirable to know the mood ...
  Gogol slightly raised head and looked somewhere...
  Vasily Andreyevich smiled again, jumped into the carriage and left.
  Gogol feels, that as if would what the changes in the atmosphere occur. Again he comes to Vasily Andreyevich.
  Vasily Andreyevich is a little busy, some important people, visitors, courtiers in beautiful uniforms.
  The house owner has invited Gogol to sit down, has smiled friendly.
  One of the guests dressed in a beautiful court uniform speaks to Zhukovsky:
  - Important direction of activity! Audits are organized across all Russia!
  Then he have turned the head to Gogol and have smiled.
  Other guest in a beautiful uniform has joined a conversation:
  - The people joke that some writers, - very famous, - write their works, after drinking a few glasses of a foreign rum!
  He said, and politely looked on Gogol.
  Gogol has got the manuscript from his pocket and something has added in the manuscript. Then he saw that all were silent and looking at him affectionately.
  Then Gogol says:
  - Vasily Andreyevich! I want to serve for a good future! By my pen. I wrote the Comedy, which aims to eradicate vices and show the benefits of audits, which were organized throughout all the Russia. Some of the writers, - very famous, - are mentioned.
  - Thanks, Nikolai Vasilievich that have arrived on a visit! - Zhukovsky have politely told . - There is a big need now for a young, talented people! Several days will be required on reading, on formality. Then - the premiere of your comedy. And you are waited right now by the director of the central printing house, very much he wishes to get acquainted with you. My carriage will give a ride to you.
  Gogol thanked him, gave Zhukovsky manuscript and leaved his house.
  Then he have thought a little, he have taken away the fee, and he have gone to Rome.
  And in St. Petersburg the theatrical performance of "The New Government Inspector" was already prepared. Who is the author of this "The New Government Inspector" - full clarity still isn't present.
  Gogol those times began to write "Dead souls". In Rome.
  May 25, 2018 06:55
  Translation from Russian into English: May 25, 2018 09:05.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о том, как Николай Гоголь стал великим драматургом'.
  33. The Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale monologue about a "military prose"
  Leo Tolstoy with interest read the poem by Mikhail Lermontov. One officer with interest got acquainted with the work written by the other fighting officer.
  'И жизнь всечасно кочевая,
  Труды, заботы ночь и днем,
  Все, размышлению мешая,
  Приводит в первобытный вид
  Больную душу: сердце спит,
  Простора нет воображенью...
  И нет работы голове...'
  "And life is hourly nomadic,
  Labors, cares night and day,
  All, reflection hampering the,
  Leads the sick soul
  To a primitive form: heart sleeps,
  There is no scope to imagination ...
  Also there is no work for the mind ..."
  Poetically described...
  But all was not so poetic.
  Here are the memories of the other officer.
  "Lermontov gathered some gang of dirty thugs ... It did not last long, however, because Lermontov could not sit anywhere, always torn to somewhere and did not bring anything to the positive completion. He disgusted me with his unusual untidiness. He wore a red canaus shirt, which seems to have never erased and looked blackened from under the ever-unbuttoned coat of the poet, who wore it without epaulettes ... Lermontov pranced on a white, like snow, horse ... ... rushed on horseback to the protective structures made of felled trees?! We laughed at him for it'
  In fact, how he can to rush on horseback to the protective construction made of the cut-down trees?
  Tolstoy continued reflection.
  The Vladimir Bogomolov's novel 'In the August of '44' ('The Moment of Truth')... A lot of episodes which, taken separately, and "commented", are capable to create impression of some theater of absurdity. One of the characters remembers how he led many hours of observation in the cold from an abandoned toilet in the middle of the yard. Or - the search for a sapper shovel... The search long, mass, and, as it might seem, meaningless. Or - the lack of chairs, seats at the meeting of the generals... and so on... but the novel - eventually - shows the reader a completely different reality... in many of the heroes of this novel there is pride for himself and for comrades, a tremendous energy of victory...
  ...These are the people of the knightly spirit...
  But this, nevertheless, events are not close...
  And if we turn to other events?
  Here, for example, the circumstances, which the one of participants of the Crimean war remembered:
  "I ask you, young man," - began the managing director in an instructive tone, - " how much will you pay me for the money I order to release for your brigade's battery?" Usually pay me eight percent and more, but you, artillerymen, the people stubborn. Artillerymen like to bargain. Well, from you it is possible to take cheaper... However I warn: I won't take less than six percent for anything, it is impossible..."
  Such shameless and cool robbery has exasperated me".
  Tolstoy's fingers have accidentally touched one of sheets of the manuscript. He has much written about the Crimean war too.
  "More than once I saw near Sevastopol when as during truce Russian and French soldiers, without understanding the words of each other, after all friendly, brotherly smiled met, doing signs, patting each other shoulder or a belly. As far as these people were above those people who arranged wars, and stopped truce during war, and inspiring people that they aren't brothers, and hostile members of the different people, forced them to kill each other again."
  Yes ...
  More and more of a literate people. If everyone is literate, then, of course, some educated people - those, who gained a fighting experience. And among them - there are people with literary abilities...
  Eventually, if to simplify, the problem consists in the outlook wide scope? Or - in capacity of a talent? Or - in a life experience?.
  Someone, - we will believe in this statement, - have seen a dirty shirt and slovenliness ... Other by the power of talent have created a beautiful poetic image. The third in a set of circumstances and documents, in the meat grinder of multimillion war has seen
  'Надежды лучшие и голос благородный
  Неверием осмеянных страстей'.
  "Hopes the best and voice noble
  of Passions, which were later discredited with a disbelief".
  What about abroad?
  The question is not a simple... Take the specific example... and look in the encyclopedias...
  ... The gifted artist, having been wrecked in private life, finds death in the battlefield in the ranks of colonial troops. ... Espionage activity of the boy ... ... for the benefit ... empires is sung. ... Draws everyday life of soldiers, petty officials, their devotion to a debt to the empire. Criticizing ... colonial administration ..., reproaching ... the government and military command in inattention to the lower ranks ... ... makes an impression of impartial objectivity of the views. However his creativity is extremely tendentious in the statement of a "civilizing" mission ... The heavy "burden" ... A little seperatly there are two well-known "Books of the Jungle" ... ("The Jungle Book", 1894 - 95) in which ... acts as the initiator of "stories about animals", where the capitalist law of competition is proved by the animal law"survival of a strong".
  Yes it is possible to find both other examples, and other statements in encyclopedias ...
  In general, war - a terrible thing. What happens to the person who passes through her? Great Northern War (1700-1721) lasted about 20 years. Events there was a set. A set of options - as it is possible to group these events. How to interpret ... How to estimate ...
  Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky showed in the one way the image of Peter the Great . And Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy - in the another way...
  Aleksey Nikolayevich... Peter I. The 'window' in Europe... The European way of life... The Navy... Education...
  Let's say there are readers who can read with interest the works by D. S. Merezhkovsky and the works by A. N. Tolstoy...
  A. N. Tolstoy wrote "The Adventures of Buratino or The Golden Key".
  ...About a cat Leopold is not a bad idea...
  From memory the reminiscence was rising up: "mongoose". Family, - parents, children, the house, the garden, the mongoose ... The mongoose protects children. Question " to protect or not to protect?" not even worth it ... And about a hostilities or an armed confrontation - not a one a word... Just - the children's tale... How is it? "No questions"? Even if "no one step backwards", there are still questions: is not it too simplistic? towards the left Bank of the Volga heavy artillery was transported? the artillery fist was created? so a maneuver was needed?.. "Having passed school of a newspaper essay ..." Here, perhaps, the other school ... If to take since the time of Julius Caesar, - 2 thousand years ... Since 1215 - from acceptance of the Magna Carta Libertatum - 800 years ...
  Long it is possible to reflect ...
  Tolstoy has switched from philosophical reflections to continuation of writing of the literary work.
  So ... The Story "Demoted" (1853-1856) ["Meeting a Moscow Acquaintance in the Detachment" ("Разжалованный", 1856)] [Person, was stripped of his officer's rank and became an ordinary soldier]. From "The Caucasian memories"...
  "-Because I'm an abomination, this life has destroyed me, everything that in me was, everything is killed." - Tolstoy has written down the statement of one of the characters.
  "Probably, he became worried at the cold.
  - What here ... is walking?
  I didn't answer and silently have got out to the road."
  'The "Demoted" story do not pass',- Leo Tolstoy noted in the Diary on December 2, 1856, referring to the censorship.
  The story didn't make the great success. The story "was accepted coldly", - Wikipedia (rus) specifies, making a reference to the correspondence of Leo Tolstoy's contemporaries.
  May 30, 2018 - May 31, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 31, 2018 - June 1, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказочный монолог Льва Толстого о 'военной прозе''.
  The Collection was composed: May 24, 2018, May 27, 2018, June 1, 2018.
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