Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

About Naval Dirk. November 19, 2019

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  1. Prince Henry the Navigator, Fernan Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. The order and the improvising. An essay
  2. Naval dirk. To the topic of the "Magellan - del Cano- de Espinosa" expedition.
  3. The Monologue about the French Tricolor and about the Stavka.
  4. The Dialogue and the Monologue about a "new history" of a Naval Dirk.
  5. The Monologue on the theme about a Naval Dirk.
  6. The Monologue about the rights to Naval Dirk.
  7. Symbols of the historical and psychological reconstruction of "Napoleon" or once again about a naval dirks.
  1. Prince Henry the Navigator, Fernan Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. The order and the improvising. An essay
  The author devotes this essay to the 500th anniversary from start date of the first circumnavigation.
  "Monday the 8th of September, we cast anchor near the mole of Seville, and discharged all the artillery.
  Tuesday, we all went in shirts and barefoot, with a taper in our hands to visit the shrine of St. Maria of Victory, and of St. Maria de Antigua.
  Then, leaving Seville, I went to Valladolid, where I presented to his Sacred Majesty Don Carlos, neither gold nor silver, but things much more precious in the eyes of so great a Sovereign. I presented to him among other things, a book written by my hand of all the things that had occurred day by day in our voyage.
  The knight Antonio Pigafetta" [1]
  1. Foreword
  The reading of the books about the great travellers, mariners, seafarers, has resulted me in speculations about "order" and about "improvising" in a seamanship.
  These concepts - generalizing. "Order" are perceived rationality, high intellect, planned use, organization, discipline. "Improvising" - ability to intuitive knowledge, development of talent, suddenness and other concepts of this series.
  On one "pole" - the figure Prince Henry the Navigator, who is personifying system approach, rationality advanced intellect, planing, organization, discipline, order.
  On the other "pole" - figure Francis Drake, personifying capacity to intuitive knowledge, development of talent, suddenness, improvising.
  As far as comparison of figures of Heinrich Moreplavatel and Francis Drake is lawful?
  Clearly, that this persons played different roles in a history of a civilization.
  On the one hand - the person, who created sources of the all-European culture of distant ocean sailings.
  On the other hand, second in a history the round-the-world seafarer, successful seaman and the soldier, and is possible - "pirate". Let's add to said "captain", and, maybe, and - "naval commander".
  And Prince Henry the Navigator, and Francis Drake were the people successful. There can be, a comparison of separate features, of parameters of success - is permissible.
  Let's mark - for historical distinctness - that Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator (1394 - 1460) lived before English seaman Francis Drake (approximately 1540 - 1596). Drake was born approximately in 80 years after completion of a zoetic path of great Portuguese prince.
  Naturally, Prince Henry the Navigator could not take advantage of something from experience or from discoverings of sir Francis Drake.
  To the contrary, and during second in a history of around-the-world cruise (1577-1580), and during diverse expeditions Francis Drake has used that cultural potential, to formation which Prince Henry the Navigator made start. In sailings Francis Drake we see, that become a reality both new "engineering" and new cultural "format" of navigation.
  Drake had ability to intuitive knowledge, to improvising, suddenness. But Francis Drake could not make a little long voyage without planned use, rationality, discipline, development of intellect (fissile usage of knowledge and skills), without results of civilization efforts Prince Henry the Navigator. Who have made of the ship not a simplly nautational means, but small terrain unified (christian in that time) Europe.
  It is understandable, that the element of opposition , on the one hand, disciplines, planned use, intellectuality, and, with another, - improvising, capacity to intuitive knowledge, steady tendency to achievement of good luck, - is partly conditional, is illustrative.
  It is clear, that Prince Henry the Navigator, outfitting all new and new expeditions along the African coast, acted partly intuitively, and Francis Drake could not to fulfill the voyages without the order, discipline and calculation.
  Consideration of a subject "the order and improvisation", the consideration of activity Prince Henry the Navigator and Francis Drake makes by a subject of attention the participants of the first around-the-world cruise: Ferdinand Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa.
  Historically after Prince Henry the Navigator (years of life: 1394 - 1460) followed Ferdinand Magellan (years of life: approximately 1480 - 1521), Juan Sebastian del Cano (years of life: 1486-1526), Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa (one of presumable versions of dating of the birth and death: approximately 1490 - after 1550), and behind them - Francis Drake (years of life: approximately 1540-1596).
  2. Henry the Navigator (rationality and planned use, discipline)
  The cultural revolution in european (and global) seamanship is connected to a name Henry the Navigator.
  At first, rather brief sea voyages (tied to the coast ) on courts with paddles (galera) step-by-step of steel to leave in past (or on the second schedule). Them were succeeded by long ocean voyages on sailing ships (caravels).
  In this point of reasoning we have the right to recollect about Vikings and their distant ocean sailings. Those most ancient samples of the ships Vikings, which one were kept till now, are dated IX by century. They are intended as for rowing (as for the course on oars), and for the course under a sail [2]. But in XI century for Vikings used also clean sailing vessels (alongside with the ships equipped with oars and a sail) [2].
  "Due to skill of the seamen and art of the shipbuilders Vikings were the sovereigns of the seas, and their courageous instructions to the seafarers prolong confidently to sound through centuries: "From Hernar in Norway be floating directly to the west, to Greenland ..." [2].
  The culture of distant marine sailings of Vikings was a part of enough especial ethnic -religious culture.
  The memory on distant ocean sailings of vVikings clearly demonstrates one more cultural merit Henry the Navigator - the merit, maybe, exceeding "technical" replacement of galeras on caravels.
  Secondly, Henry the Navigator made the ship the territory of the all-European culture, the small territory big (Christian at that time) Europe.
  The theses about "the all-European culture", about "the European community" with reference to a boundary 1400 - 1500 years can to someone show hypothetical. However structure of distant marine expeditions, including expedition of Magallanes, allows to use such terms. A considerable proportion of a personal structure of the first round-the-world expedition - Spaniards. The chief - Ferdinand Magellan - the Portuguese, Antonio Pigafetta, drawing up diary of expedition, - Italian.
  With Magallanes many aliens have departed "to expedition: at least thirty seven Portuguese, seventeen Italians, five фламандцев (mainly бомбардиров), some germans, Englishmen, Africans, Arabs, Basques, Greeks, inhabitants of Azores and Madeira" [3].
  By and large, the participants of expedition perceived one another, cooperated, jointly overcame considerable difficulties.
  "Thanks to connection of dynastic lines Carl inherited huge territories in Western, Southern and Central Europe, earlier never integrated ... (...) Actually Carl was the first governor (ruler) of unified Spain in 1516-1556 years ... Itself Carl officially was the king of Aragon (as Carl I, Spanish: Carlos I, 1516-1556), and in Castile was Regent of his the mother ... " [4].
  Probably, there are basis for a conclusion about the all-European structure of the first round-the-world expedition.
  The ship on a boundary 1400 - 1500 years became a place of a faith, discipline, accumulation of knowledge.
  The ship went to a long voyage with particular purposes, the captain received rather detailed instructions.
  In sailing the definite rules bolstering discipline, rallying crew, guides it to achievement of effective objectives worked. Not having communications with a native land the ship, nevertheless, as a whole, in general followed the regulations and the rules developed the European practice. Having returned from sailing, the crew of expedition enriches all-european community by the obtained knowledge. Let's mark, that to the moment of a beginning of the first round-the-world expedition already there were those oldest universities, in which one has listened cycles of the lectures in XIX century Heinrich Schliemann: the Parisian university (Paris-Sorbonne University), founded in 1215, and Neapolitan university (The University of Naples), founded in 1224. Approximately 1440 dates a beginning european mechanical movable type printing of the books (Johann Gutenberg).
  Observatory and a school of navigators and map-makers, organized by Henry the Navigator have activated enormous, global processes.
  3. Ferdinand Magellan (talent, intuition, resoluteness, discipline)
  Though Henry the Navigator and Ferdinand Magellan also could not be personally familiar, but we have the right to draw a conclusion, that Magellan was the representative of cultural traditions of the long sea voyages initiated by Henry the Navigator.
  "On September 20, 1519 the squadron Magallanes has left in the high sea" [3].
  During the first around-the-world cruise expedicion de Magallanes-Del Cano (1519-1522) there were some extreme moments.
  One of them - the mutiny which has taken place in the first numbers of April, 1520, even before passing of the Strait called later by the name of Magellan.
  Not it was pleasant to all participants of spanish expedition, that it heads by Portuguese navigator. But if the sea voyage at "a initial" phase was accompanied by apparent successes and sensation of safety, hardly nationality of the chief would have essential value. But the success was still far, and sensation of danger was in air. In some measure the mutiny was based on opposition to the "alien" Portuguese.
  Words said Magallanes for day up to supression of mutiny: "my solution is solid: I will better experience the heaviest deprivations, than with a shame return back in Spain" [3].
  The ships of expedition of Magallanes - part of an european civilization; on the ships already - european orders acts - more or less standard.
  As a part of an expedition there are officials with special functions. One of such officials, quoters of the Crown - Spaniard - responds for observance of the law order. His positions, probably, unambiguous modern analogy can't be picked up. In one books him call as the judge, chief justice, in other - police officer. There is also such version of translation of concept "alguacil" in modern realities: the bailiff. The Stefan Zweig will use the original naming of the position: he decided to name Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa "alguacil of fleet" [5] (alguacil mayor de la armada de Magallanes) (preboste de la flota ("alguazil")). By the literature, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa was the judge above the participants of mutiny.
  Probably, approximately exact will be generalized comprehension: "accountable for the law order with judicial and administrative functions". (Once again we shall mark, that Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa - certainly not navigator; he - figure of an sphere of control (management sphere)).
  Ferdinand Magellan routes alguacil Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa to one of the chiefs of mutiny with an order to demand subordination and termination of mutiny, and at resistance - to apply force.
  Having met with resistance, alguacil pins up by a dagger (dirk) of one of the chiefs of mutiny. (Earlier rioters have killed one of the supporters Magallanes). The act of alguacil makes an authoritative impression on the members of expedition. Alguacil - Spaniard, he - quoter (representative) of the Crown. To this act of alguacil the skilful operatings Magallanes are added. And the mutiny finishes by a fall. The expedition is prolonged.
  The mutineers (the rebels) were the Spaniards. And the Spaniards of a nobiliary parentage, officials assigned by the Crown. One of the organizers of mutiny, may be, consist in family relations with the spanish monarch... Someone in behavior of alguacil Gomez de Espinosa can see some kind of moral exploit. What "values" could bring the loyalty to Ferdinand Magellan? Really there were no presentiments, suppositions? It would be not easier "morally to surrender"? To capitulate? To interprete behavior of Magallanes in a negative light? To return to secure Spain? To join the influential opponents of Magallanes?
  What motives were to continue sea voyage in the uncertainty seeming disastrous?
  A duty? "Simplly" "duty"!? Personal responsibility? And what about life, and safety, and health, and family life? And what about solidarity with the noble Spaniards? Let's not forget also precept ...
  At once after supression of mutiny alguacil de Espinosa has conducted judicial proceedings on a coast of Southern America. Among the indictees (and denounced) was Del Cano, one of the participants of mutiny ... the Majority denounced was had mercy by Magallanes.
  4. Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa ("simple" ... "duty ")
  The destiny Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa is rather curious. After death Magallanes on Philippines in April, 1521 he (de Espinosa) avoids destruction (part of a personal structure of expedition was killed the inhabitants of one of far foreign-made islands; but de Espinosa on some internal impulse has managed to return prior to these tragic events from the coast on the ship). (Have perished, in particular, Duarte Barbosa, exchanging Magallanes in the rank of the chief of expedition, captain "Conception" ("Concepcion") Juan Serrano, main control (pilot), cartographer and astrologist Martin).
  Juan Sebastian del Cano and Gonzalo Gуmez de Espinosa became co-chiefs of an expedition.
  The quite good basis for an emotional drama any of the great playwright. It is possible to expect to see spunky opposition of the spunky men. But not drama performance is watched, but persevering tendency successfully to complete expedition.
  The ship "Victoria" under a command del Cano departs through Indian and Atlantic oceans to Spain.
  "This was a pathetic scene on the other side of the world, when forty-seven officers and men who were going home in the "Victoria," bade farewell to the fifty-one selected to await on Tidore the repair of the "Trinidad." Down to the last hour, the latter group stayed on board the "Victoria" with their comrades, to embrace them once again, and to send home letters and greetings. Two and a half years of hardships shared had cemented unity among those who spoke different tongues and belonged to so many different races. No dissension could now disturb their harmony. When the "Victoria" heaved anchor, the crew of the "Trinidad" were still unwilling to depart. On rowboats, or paddling in Malay prahus, they kept alongside the "Victoria" as she gathered way, to see a little longer the faces of those who were homeward bound, and to shout a last message. Not until night fell and their arms were weary, did they put about and make for the shore, while a broadside was fired in last good-bye. Then the "Victoria" continued her ever-memorable voyage of circumnavigation alone" [5A].
  "It was unanimously agreed that the "Trinidad," when she had been made seaworthy, should recross the Pacific in order to reach overseas Spain at Panama..." [5A].
  On all visibility, after losses, suffered by expedition, in crew "Trinidad" there were no enough skilful, aware navigators, mariners. The ship a long time the ship wanders in the ocean, decays, loses capacity to sail on ocean.
  Were saved both discipline, and perseverance in achievement of the purpose, tendency to return in Spain.
  But, as it is possible to draw a conclusion, there was no qualified a navigator, navigation officer, captain, were hindered an exact determination of the ship position, maintenance of an exact course. The ship doomed on wanderings, wandering.
  The hypothetical pathway of wanderings from illustrative maps, allows to suspect, that those wanderings in any measure is comparable to an hypothetical route (not becoming a reality) "Trinidad" through Pacific ocean for achieving spanish possessions in Panama.
  For that time, when "Trinidad" wanderings in the ocean spaciousnesses, "Victoria" has reached Spain.
  Let's mark as well that, despite of gradual loss of capacity to commit marine sailings and absence on its side of the specialists of a seamanship of a sufficient skill level, "Trinidad" do not sunked, did not become a place of the internal conflictings or mutiny.
  How there was a sailing of "Trinidad"? The documents which were by the ship have passed into the arms of Portuguese. Some of these documents (for example, document written by an hand of Magallanes) become property of the historians.
  But generally sea voyage of "Trinidad" accepted as unsuccessful, does not invoke(produce) the special attention. For example, Stefan Zweig, mentioning about voyage of "Trinidad", is extreme laconic.
  But nevertheless this floating deserves a certain interest. On ocean through strong storms moves the ship controlled by "terrestrial" person. On the ship there no experimental mariners ...
  When spanish "Trinidad" almost has lost seagoing capacities, and the hopelessness of a situation became clear, the captain Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa has addressed for the help to Portuguese. During this period between Spain and Portugal there was an official situation of peace.
  De Espinosa fasts, lives in misery, probably, asks an alms, is attracted in forced hard labour, conducts enough time under arrest, in the concluding. From more than fifty the person who has stayed under a command de Espinosa on the ship "Trinidad", almost everyone die.
  "Unfortunates have cast into prison of Lisbon, and they have stayed there seven months. For this time one more seaman - german Master Hans, a bombardier, has died. Only three seamen of the unlucky ship " Trinidad " have reached home in the beginning of 1527.
  (...)...Only after long efforts and requests the seamen from "Trinidad" have received everything, that to them was due. De Espinosa has received then honorary and accountable position of the royal supervisor of the ships left in India. In 1550, at the age of sixty years, de Espinosa worked in the Seville port and checked up readiness for sailing each ship sailing for the sea" [3].
  The example of "Trinidad" confirms relevance of all those elements of culture of distant ocean sailings, which one become generally accepted after civilization efforts Henry the Navigator: planned uses, rationality, discipline, intellectual (fissile usage of knowledge and skills) and other.
  Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa, participant and (some time) one of two chiefs of expedition of Magallanes - one of those who also has bypassed around of the world. The truth, the definite part of his travel has appeared rather tragic. This phase of travel he fulfilled on a position of the captive, on Portuguese ships.
  But, maybe, it has demanded bravery and firmness of the special type.
  About life de Espinosa outside the season 1519-1527 years are known not so much.
  There are basis to suppose, that are not known neither firm date of birth, nor firm date of death of Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa. (At all events, writer of this essay not met in information sources with the indicating on the concrete archive documents). According to the version Kunin K.I. de Espinosa in 1550 - sixty years old [3]. This implies one of presumable versions of dating of birth and death of Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa: apprx. 1490 - after 1550. One of Wikisources contains Spain - language article "Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa". In the article there is an indicating on resource: Wikidata, and the link to a source, whence is obtained the information for the article: a site mcnbiografias. And article on Wikisource, and original article on a biographic site mcnbiografias have no the indicatings of authorship. In the article "Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa" are presumptively indicated him (de Espinosa) years of life: 1479-1530 [7]. Indisputable data, with the link to the archive documents, about year of death of de Espinosa while, like, are not published.
  The level of tragedy of a personal history of de Espinosa is obscured by a historical distance, but the glory has remained! And the award has appeared not so small. At first, if to be grounded on the version Kunin K.I., and to take into account, that Magallanes has perished in 1521, and del Cano - in 1526, - at all failures and disasters - de Espinosa has endured (outlived, relived) and Magallanes, and del Cano more than for 20 years! Secondly, is stated, that in 1528 Spanish Monarches has given Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa the arms and pension in 300 ducats [7]. In third, on the version Kunin K.I., de Espinosa has received the honorary and accountable position of the royal supervisor of the ships left in India [3].
  We will state several additional reasons about Gonzalo Gуmez de Espinosa's motivation, who was one of two chiefs of expedition (after destruction Magallanes), becoming the captain "Trinidad".
  We can meet in the book of Malakhovsky K. V. the note about formation of the professional captain and commander.
  About English pirate, captain, mariner, explorer and known writer William Dampier, triply making round-the-world travel: "Probably, this experimental navigator, thoughtful spectator, the interesting explorer has no commander's data, and has no personal bravery" [6].
  Even for the person of enormous experience, the miscellaneous qualities can be advanced in a different degree.
  De Espinosa on "the "main" ("basic") speciality was not mariner, captain, his speciality was administrative.
  (Desperate) circumstances have caused to become him in the chapter of the ship. If de Espinosa was - according modern concepts - the worker of an management sphere, del Cano was professional and experimental mariner.
  Kunin K.I. named del Cano as "navigation officer" [3]. "It there was still young man - in 1519 to him there were thirty two years, but he was already distinguished in battles in Africa and in italian campaigns" [3]. Once again we shall point out, that del Cano was professional mariner.
  The submission would be quite logical for any participant of expedition, that del Cano, "Victoria" are have actual chances to reach Spain.
  " ... Has selected to sail on the seas Portuguese, to west, bending Africa, on a path Known ... " [8]. Logical the assumption is also, that "Victoria" could not contain (for long-lived sea voyage) all members of expedition. Expedition was sectioned into those who further moved on "Victoria" (more than 40 persons), and those who attempted to reach Spain on "Trinidad" (more than 50 participants of expedition).
  Quite reasonable would be tendency de Espinosa to prolong sailing on "Victoria". Certainly, such tendency was handicapped psychologic by the fact of conviction Juan Sebastian del Cano by de Espinosa in April, 1520. But nobilary the person, person of "terrestrial" profession, the quoter (representative) of the Crown de Espinosa could enough reasons to claim on - let and psychologic not comfortable - sailing on "Victoria" in Spain.
  It is possible to suspect and other (except for suit del Cano in April, 1520) motive of nonparticipation de Espinosa in sailing on "Victoria". The members of expeditions left without the authoritative chief, would become the disorganized collective, it is simple - crowd tending to turn into the inshore wanderers, into the enforced (involuntary) deserters. Such development of events would not be stacked in concepts of european mentality, would mean discrediting expedition, discrediting of commanders. Would throw a shade and on expedition as a whole, both on commanders, and on the all the participants. So that presumptively we can find out in an act de Espinosa, stayed with "Trinidad", raised motives.
  For comparison to De Espinosa's act we will give the fact from Magellan's biography taking place approximately in nine years prior to the first round-the-world expedition. "At the moonless night the squadron went by reefs Padua [the Paduan shoal (shallow) near the Laccadive Islands], located near Indian beaches...
  The forward ship safely passed a dangerous place, but other two jumped on rocks. On one of these ships was Magallanes. (...) The commanders fast have found an output: all nobiliary Portuguese, all commanders, having taken with themselves the most valuable property, will depart on boats to a coast, and the sailors and soldiers will stay on a beach and will wait, while behind them will send a vessel. (...) The commanders have pronounced about the solutions. There has set in silence. Then Magallanes has stepped forward and has declared, that remains with the sailors. He has taken with leaving commanders an oath, that they as soon as possible will send the help. (...) Magallanes did not sleep: the second day. The sun raised. The seamen already thought about construction of plot (temporary sailing device), when Magallanes, facing on boxes, pacificly has said: "sail". It was caravel... The noble act of Magallanes has made a large impression. In those times it seemed unusual, that the Portuguese commander risked the life for saving the ordinaries military men - sailors and soldiers. Even Portuguese manuscriptors, which one in general fall into Magallanes in a hostile way, have found necessary to mention heroic behavior him during wreck for reefs Padua" [3]. (Presumptively this case can be dated 1510).
  That in a structure of a part of the expedition (which has stayed on "Trinidad"), was not enough aware mariners - is a circumstance it is impossible to put in fault personally to de Espinosa.
  The reference de Espinosa to Portuguese authorities for the help in a remediless situation (Portugal and Spain were not in a state of war) as can not be put in fault de Espinosa.
  That line of behavior, which one was selected the Portuguese authorities in relation to the participants of expedition, can not be put in fault de Espinosa.
  The circumstances were added up - how they were added up.
  And not on fault Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa. If to look at a situation from today's standards, the fact of transit of a part of route up to Spain of de Espinosa and his satellites on the Portuguese ships discredits nobody and does not degrade; can be, adds internationality to so initially international expedition.
  As to personally de Espinosa, there are basis to consider him, co-chief of expedition (after death of Magallanes), a man of duty, person who has adequately fulfilled his duty. Duty to all: before Magellan, before members of an expedition, before of Spain.
  For some reason there is a sensation, that sailing "Victoria" and route to Spain those who sailed on "Trinidad", internally are interdependent. It would be desirable to exclaim: if the person of a "terrestial" profession - Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa - has managed to supervise over the ship, long time ploughing Pacific ocean and not drowned, has managed after all tests to return in Spain, - so especially had chances successfully to bend a terrestrial globe mariner del Cano and members, accompanying him!
  What reacting can produce the route Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa in Spain: shame or pride? The facts of the reference of de Espinosa for the help to Portuguese authorities and subsequent presence on a situation of the captive invoke shame for de Espinosa? But is pure definitely, that after returning in Spain de Espinosa was not accused in anything.
  If anybody feel a shame about de Espinosa, it is possible to comment: Spanish Monarch, king Carlos I, Emperor Сarl V, is much better than we, modern people, perceived the nuances of a situation.
  And if to accept versions Kunin K.I. and anonymous writer of the article "Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa", de Espinosa at will of the Spanish Monarch has taken a rather honorary position (de Espinosa has received the arms, pension, high position).
  For Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa it is not necessary to be ashamed. About situation historic facts speaking.
  We shall be objective. Someone has drowned. Someone perished in the conflictings to the local residents of exotic terrains. Someone has deserted. Someone died from illnesses and other causes ... ...De Espinosa has appeared among those who has remained in alive, has bent a terrestrial globe, HAS RETURNED to Spain. Degree of successful of del Cano and of de Espinosa - different (miscellaneous). Del Cano has returned in Spain is honorary, saluting by a discharging of bombards. And de Espinosa - after some kind of the Portuguese capturing.
  But de Espinosa was successful - that outside of doubt. The losses were in both parts of expedition.
  Also we will make the amendment that de Espinosa is the "overland" person, not the professional seaman, not the professional navigator.
  There are good causes to two titles of the first in a history of round-the-world expedition (basic - "expedition of Magallanes" and second - "expedition of Magallanes - del Cano") to combine third, "facultative": "expedition of Magallanes - del Cano - de Espinosa".
  Besides there are reasons to accept historic-detailing dating of expedition - 1519-1527 (into the specification of main basic dating: 1519-1522); - considering year of returning de Espinosa and other members of round-the-world expedition in Spain (1527).
  What events descended between 1522 (year of returning in Spain del Cano on "Victoria") and 1527 (year of returning de Espinosa)?
  "The situation has caused Spain and Portugal again to discuss a problem of divisions of the world.
  Already it was necessary to "divide" the Pacific basin. The quoters of the Spanish and Portuguese Monarches have met for negotiations in 1524 on border of the states in a place Badajoz.
  Simplly and fast to divide a terrestrial globe it was not possible.
  The negotiations were postponed.
  Each of the parties aimed to achieve such frontier, that to her refer to Moluccas. (...) Not hoping on a satisfactory conclusion of negotiations, Charles V tried to end a prolonged dispute, having taken the Moluccas - to occupy the Moluccas.
  July 24, 1525 seven ships under a command of Garcia Jofre de Loaisa (in a structure of expedition was included and del Cano) send from Spain, being routed to Moluccas islands. The sailing was added up tragically. To Moluccas islands one ship - "Santa Maria de la Victoria" - has reached only. On the way have perished de Loaisa and del Cano. Third part of command of the ship has died of illnesses. (...) After unsuccessful attempts to capture of the Moluccas Carl V, experiencing acute requiring in money, has agreed, having received from Portugal 350 thousand ducats, to conduct a frontier (...) to east from Moluccas islands. It was described in the Saragossian agreement in April, 1529" [6].
  The expedition of Magallanes - del Cano - de Espinosa has activated potent global forces!
  By the way. There is involuntarily desire to joke: if de Espinosa returned to Spain much earlier than 1527, he would have chances to take not the office of honour of the royal supervisor of the ships left in Indium, but became an honour alguacil of fleet in expedition of Garcia Jofre de Loaisa.
  Some time Francis Drake, was born about 1540, could be a contemporary of de Espinosa (if he really worked in the Seville port in 1550 in 60 years age).
  Young Drake had to be visiting the ports of the Netherlands and France.
  Without having at the time of writing of this essay documentary confirmed data on date of death of de Espinosa, and adhering logical models "Derzhavin - Pushkin" and "Pullman - Edison", we can mentally create a meeting of Francis Drake with Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa.
  Let's say, in Amsterdam port. And words of successful de Espinosa, said at the presence of juvenile Francis: "to become successful, it is necessary to make round-the-world travel!"
  " ... Drake ... closely studied the book about sailing of Magallanes. This book was always with him" [6].
  5. Juan Sebastian del Cano (intellectuality, obstinacy, unshakable victorious hardness)
  "It is believed that Juan Sebastiбn belonged to a family of well-to-do fishermen and seafarers, who had their own home and boat. Firstborn of nine brothers; Some of them are known for biographical data. Domingo, called as the father, was a priest and pastor of Getaria. Martнn Pйrez, Antуn Martнn and Ochoa Martнn were sailors like Juan Sebastiбn and took part with him in the expedition of Garcia Jofre de Loaisa. Martнn Pйrez was the pilot of one of the ships of this expedition" [8].
  If the mutiny situation in April, 1520 was called one culmination episode of an expedition of Magellan, then other culmination episode the situation of elimination of Magellan from structure of an expedition in April, 1521 can be called. The staff an expedition will not be demoralized, does not run up. The tendency to criminalization is not felt. The collective, generally, is united, submits to discipline, to commanders. The team displaces one of the gone too far commanders who became at the head of an expedition after Magellan. Del Cano and de Espinosa - representatives of the Crown - become co-chiefs of expedition.
  The Victoria ship headed by del Cano is capable to continue swimming without considerable repair. Victoria goes to the West, across the Indian and Atlantic oceans, bending around Africa, to Spain. Despite considerable difficulties, diseases, hunger, in team the discipline is maintained, the firmness remains.
  Antonio Pigafetta, the knight of the Order of Rhodes (knight of the Order of Saint John) enlisted in an expedition as the understudy (doubler) continues to keep the diary.
  The Stefan Zweig transmits following words of del Cano: "We resolved to die rather than fall into the hands of the Portuguese." Thus, in due course, he would proudly report to the Emperor. [5A]
  The obstinacy of del Cano has appeared as victorious hardness.
  "Not yet, however, had the "Victoria" reached home. With groaning timbers, slowly and wearily, exerting her last energies, she continued the final stage of the voyage. Of the sixty-six souls on board when she left the Spice Islands, only twenty-two were left; instead of one hundred and thirty-two hands there were no more than forty-four to do the work, just when powerful hands were most urgently needed. For, shortly before she reached port, there came another catastrophe. The old ship's seams were letting in water. "All hands to the pumps!" was the order. But the water seemed to gain on them. Would they not have to jettison some of the several hundred quintals of precious spices, to lighten ship? No, del Cano would not waste the Emperor's property. The tired men worked at the two pumps by day and by night, toiling like criminals at the treadmill, having all the time to make sail or shorten sail as the wind slackened or freshened, to handle the tiller, to keep watch at the masthead, and to discharge the hundred and one other tasks of their daily work. It was too much for them. Getting no sleep for night after night, they staggered and tottered at their posts. "They were feebler," writes del Cano in his report to the Emperor, "than men have ever been before." Yet each must continue to perform a double, a triple task. Even so, they were barely able to hold their own against the leak. At length, with the very last ounce of their failing strength, they reached the goal.
  The greatest cruise in the history of the world, the first circumnavigation of the globe, was over.
  Next morning the "Victoria" sailed upriver to Seville. (...) Seville and Spain had long since given up Magellan's fleet for lost, but here was the victorious ship proudly, triumphantly working her way upstream. At length, in the distance, shone the white bell-tower of La Giralda. It was Seville! It was Seville! "Fire the bombards!" shouted del Cano, and a salute resounded across the river. With the iron mouths of these guns, three years before, they had bidden farewell to Spain; with the same cannon they had solemnly greeted the Strait of Magellan, and again greeted the unknown Pacific. With the big guns they had saluted the newly discovered archipelago of the Philippines; as now, with the same thundering bombards, did they announce the completion of their duty on reaching Magellan's goal, the Spice Islands. Thus did they bid farewell to their comrades at Tidore, when the "Victoria" left the islands for Spain. But never did the iron voices sound so loud and so jubilant as now when they announced: "We have returned. We have done what no one ever did before us. We are the first circumnavigators of the world." [5A].
  We will sum up the brief intermediate totals.
  The success of expedition of Magallanes became implementation of that cultural potential, a fundamentals which were created by Henry the Navigator, his seaworthy school.
  Clearly are visible: discipline, planned use, regularity, tendency to reach the purposes, the aspiration to achieve an effective.
  And not on the last place - rationality: by badly managed Victoria ship was brought the load of spices the value of which is compensate for the expenses of the expedition.
  On one of stages the expedition was subject to iron will of Magallanes, but on other - strong will of del Cano. And any special breaches of discipline on "Trinidad" under leading of Gomez de Espinosa, does not find out.
  Probably, at the first round-the-world expedition there were both an improvisation, and intuitivism, and suddenness, and luck, and steady tendency to achievement of success. (Magellan was confident in existence of a Strait, after called by his name (now - Strait of Magellan). Intuition?)
  But the authors writing about this expedition on such concepts do not place a particular emphasis. On the front place - the purpose, a duty, discipline, cooperation, the drawn-up plan, intellectuality (navigation and other knowledge, skills, abilities), rational reasons, and - is a lot of, it is a lot of work. In common, all that is a cultural basis of existence of the fleet of long sea and ocean voyages.
  6. Francis Drake (improvisation, intuitivism, individual talent, suddenness, steady tendency to achievement of success, luck)
  The history gives not only Prince Henry the Navigator's example (accumulation of knowledge and experience, systemacity and regularity, planned use), but also Francis Drake's example (inspiration, suddenness, an intuition, luck).
  Global cruise of Francis Drake (1577-1580), the second in world history, - largely - improvisation.
  Of course, a final result, but not a formal argument can be proof the correctness of a strategy based on inspiration, suddenness, intuition, fortune. The choice of such a strategy is a risk. And that risk falls upon the person who chooses this strategy.
  7. Brief epilogue
  As we see, there is rather thin hardly perceptiblean edge between improvising, using of intuition, personal talents, suddenness and discipline.
  It is possible to assume that partly artificial opposition of ORDER and IMPROVIZATSII characterizes one more common cultural problem: a problem of relationship of a hierarchical structure and the talented personality (this problem became one of subjects of our essay " Henry the Navigator and ship's logs, Heinrich Schliemann and diaries. An essay of a history of creativity of daily personal records)".
  In the other essay - "Success and recognition. To the question of successful travels of Georgy Baydukov, Chay Blyth, Alain Bombard, Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky, Maxim Gorky, Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, Joshua Slocum, Howard Hughes"") - is raised the question about "accumulation of success", achievable during an recognition of the successful persons and public consolidation in the course of an recognition of the achieved successes.
  And yet another opinion: passed about five hundred years from the date of the beginning of the first round-the-world expedition, but interest in her does not disappear!
  Moreover, authors continue attempts to disclose all new and new historical and biographic nuances connected with the round-the-world expeditions and people who performed them.
  December 11, 2016, December 24, 2016.
  8. List of information sources:
  [1] Full text of "The First voyage round the world, by Magellan" (The First voyage round the world, by Magellan by Pigafetta, Antonio). (English-language publication. Web Publishing.).
  Digitized: Internet Arciiive, 2011. http://www.archive:org/details/firstvoyageroundOOpiga
  [2] Симпсон Жаклин. Викинги. Быт, религия, культура / Пер. с англ. Н. Ю. Чехонадской. - М.: ЗАО Центрполиграф, 2005. - 239 с. (Simpson Jacqueline. Everyday life in the Viking Age). (Simpson, Jacqueline. Vikings. Life, religion, culture / Per. from English. N. Yu Chekhonatskaya. - M.: ZAO Centrpoligraf, 2005. - 239 pages.). (Russian-language publication).
  [3] Кунин К. И. "Магеллан". 1940. (Kunin K. I. "Magellan". 1940.)
  Kunin K.I.] Kunin K.I. " Magallanes". 1940). (Russian-language publication).
  [4] "Карл V (император Священной Римской империи)". (Википедия (рус)). ("Carl V (Charles V) (Emperor of Sacred Roman Empire)"). (Wikipedia (rus)). (Russian-language publication).
  [5] Цвейг С. "Магеллан. Человек и его деяние". (Zweig S. "Magellan. Person and his achievement".) (Russian-language publication).
  [5A] Stefan Zweig. Conqueror of the seas. The story of Magellan. (English - language publication).
  [6] Малаховский К. В. "Пираты британской короны Фрэнсис Дрейк и Уильям Дампир". М., 2010. (Malakhovsky K. V. "Pirates of the British crown Francis Drake and William Dampier. M., 2010."). (Russian-language publication).
  [6A] "Tratado de Zaragoza". Wikipedia (Espaсol). "Treaty of Zaragoza". Wikipedia (Spanish-language publication).
  [6B] "La expediciуn de Garcнa Jofre de Loaнsa". Wikipedia (Espaсol). ("The expedition of Garcнa Jofre de Loaнsa"). (Spanish-language publication)).
  [7] "Gonzalo Gуmez de Espinosa" (Wikipedia (Wikidata)). (Espaсol). (Spanish-language publication).
  [8] "Juan Sebastiбn Elcano". (Wikipedia (Wikidata)). (Espaсol). (Spanish-language publication).
  [9] "Элькано, Хуан Себастьян". (Википедия (рус)). ("Elkano, Juan Sebastian". Wikipedia (rus).). (Russian-language publication).
  [10] Губарев В. К. "Фрэнсис Дрейк". М., 2013. (Gubarev to Francis Drake. M., 2013.) (Russian-language publication).
  This translation from Russian into English: 06.09.2017 - 17.09.2017.
  The publication on the Internet of preliminary translation of this essay: 07.09.2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Генрих Мореплаватель, Фернан Магеллан, Хуан Себастьян дель Кано, Гонсало Гомес де Эспиноса, Фрэнсис Дрейк. Порядок и импровизация. Очерк"
  Vladimir Vladimirovich Zalesski "Prince Henry the Navigator, Fernan Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. The order and the improvising. An essay". This essay was included in publication (in Russian): "1519-2019. 500 years. From the past to the future. 16 essays about famous explorers, writers, scientists and inventors. Collection", 282 p.,. ISBN 978-5-4483-6197-5 (9785448361975).
  Experimental, gradual de traducciуn de ruso a espaсol "Enrique el Navegante, Fernando de Magallanes, Juan Sebastiбn del Cano, Gonzalo Gуmez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. El orden y la improvisaciуn. Ensayo" publicado en la Internet: 10.09.2017 - 14.09.2017.
  2. Naval dirk. To the topic of the "Magellan - del Cano- de Espinosa" expedition
  About five hundred years passed from the date of the beginning of the first round-the-world expedition, but interest in her doesn't disappear!
  Moreover, the authors continue to try to discover new and new historical and biographical nuances related to produced expeditions and human beings, who have carried out them.
  The logbook (the ship's log) as a binding document was not at all times. There is some chronological point of its occurrence. At some point, the culture of navigation has made a leap, and from voluntary, independent, proactive, more or less fragmentary ship records, of any other documents (reports, for example), a logbook has emerged in the modern sense of the word. Perhaps the activities of Prince Henry the Navigator (years of life: 1394-1460) have played in this process of emergence of the logbook either the main thing, or important value.
  Of course, in events of 500 years ago we can find not only emergence of logbooks.
  Here one more complex of interesting historical questions.
  During the first round-the-world expedition (1519-1522; the specifying dating: 1519-1527) there was a mutiny.
  The riot has happened in April, 1520 at coast of South America, even before passing of the Strait of Magellan (the modern name). Ferdinand Magellan has directed an alguacil Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa to one of leaders of a mutiny with order to demand the termination of a mutiny, and in situation of resistance - to use force.
  Having met resistance, alguacil slew with a dagger of one of the chiefs of a mutiny. (Earlier the rebels have killed one of the supporters of Magellan). Rebellion comes to an end by a failure.
  The expedition is continuing.
  When translating from Russian into English and into Spanish languages essay about the first global cruise ("Prince Henry the Navigator, Ferdinand Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo Gуmez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. Order and improvisation. An essay") "nearby" with the concept "dagger" the word "dirk" "was found".
  From Wikipedia articles, from other works follows, that "Dirk" is a variant of the dagger.
  Near the concept "dirk" - such concepts as "sword" and "dagger". The chain of names of cold weapon can be continued. Of course, it is possible to ask: "And at what here a sword?". In reply it is possible to ask a counter question: "and about what "tell" epaulettes (officer shoulder straps)?". Will be the separate conversation about the European concept "officer".
  However, why the dirk was and remains a steady element of a naval form, a steady symbol in a number of the fleet of the world? Unless the modern fleet assumes use of cold weapon?
  If to believe that the dirk is not so much weapon, how many a symbol. - A symbol of what?
  Let's return to a situation of the rebellion in the expedition of Magellan.
  The rebels were Spaniards of noble birth, officials appointed by the Royal power. One of the organizers of the rebellion, it seems, consisted in related relations (in family relationship) with the Spanish monarch... The Expedition was moving into the unknown. This uncertainty seemed disastrous. Magellan was clear not to all contemporaries.
  Let's remind, that Magellan tried to obtain the decision of the authorities of Spain on sending an expedition not alone but together with the erudite astrologer and the navigator Rui (Ruy) Faleiro. In documents of the Spanish authorities it was told about the organization of an expedition of "Magellan and Faleiro ". The Spanish king has appropriated to Magellan and Faleiro a title of captains-commanders, appointed a salary.
  K.I. Kunin, the author of the book "Magellan" (1940), writes that the astrologer before the expedition has made a new horoscope. Stars have predicted to the astrologer death during the voyage. Rui Faleiro has flatly refused to participate in a sea campaign.
  In General, any long-distance ocean voyage at that time was a threat. But the voyage of Magellan was super dangerous. Behavior Faleiro confirms this. The man who achieved from the Spanish authorities to organize the expedition, the person named officially and publicly by one of the organizers of the expedition, the man who became a party in the treaty relationship with the Spanish king, refused to participate in a sea campaign!
  Faleiro's behavior confirms the extreme riskiness of the Magellan expedition. The danger of the expedition was confirmed by the subsequent events.
  Someone in the behavior of alguacil de Espinosa can see the kind of moral feat.
  The loyalty on the relation to not absolutely clear Ferdinand Magellan could bring what "benefits", what "boons"? There was no feeling, assumptions? Wouldn't it be simpler to "morally bend", to capitulate morally? To interpret the behavior of Magellan from negative positions? Go back to safe Spain? Enter into alliance with influential opponents of Magellan? What were the reasons for continuing to swim in uncertainty, seeming to deadly? Duty? "Just" "Duty "?! And what about life and security and family life? And understandable solidarity with the noble Spaniards? Let's not overlook also biblical precepts ...
  For the "normal" person is inexplicable the behavior of de Espinosa, the notable Spaniard, who hasn't supported the notable compatriots, who not taken measures to "reasonable" return to Spain.
  Right after suppression of a mutiny alguacil de Espinosa have conducted court trial on the South American coast. Among defendants (and convicts) there was del Cano, one of participants of a mutiny ... Magellan has carried out pardon toward convicts - overwhelming number.
  Further we observe other events. Gradually the dirk is a part of a form of officers of the fleet.
  But use of cold weapon in the modern fleet, generally, not really.
  Nevertheless, the dirk "continues to live"!
  For example, in Wikipedia (en), the article "Dirk" says "In the Royal Navy, the naval dirk is still presented to junior officers; their basic design has changed little in the last 500 years".
  To naval dirk, - may be, - 500 years! A naval dirk, - may be, - the contemporary of the first circumnavigation!
  Dirk is a symbol of heroism, of the duty performed, of overcoming insurmountable obstacles, of fearlessness. Achievements of a victory. It symbolizes the courage of seafarers, the courage of Navy officers.
  It is quite admissible to draw a presumable conclusion, that the naval dirk - as a symbol - originates (starts) from the first round-the-world expedition "Magellan - del Cano - de Espinosa".
  In any case, the NAVAL DIRK, as a symbol, is the result of the efforts of different people, different processes, different events. Let's name, - in particular, - Henry the Navigator, the first long victorious ocean voyages, sea campaigns of caravels.
  18.09.2017 - 19.09.2017
  This translation from Russian into English: 19.09.2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Кортик. К истории экспедиции "Магеллана - дель Кано - де Эспиносы"".
  3. The Monologue about the French Tricolor and about the Stavka
  He raised his glass. Symbols of anti-Christian paganism in a month will be thrown on the ground.
  Army under banners with the French tricolor was the only one in the modern era, which was able after the battles to enter in Moscow.
  The Committee of Public Safety! "The Fatherland is in danger" (Fr. La patrie est en danger)! The victories of Pan-European scale!
  The State Defense Committee has led the country to the Victory!
  "I have a spot, the stigma on a military uniform!" - he has remembered Napoleon's words.
  Supreme Commanders... Nicholas Nikolaevich, Nicholas II... "The Stavka capitulating"... The killed Dukhonin... The peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk! It - not a one spot! These are several spots!
  The Stavka - wasn't capitulated! Stavka have won the war!
  Supreme commander raises his glass, intending to give a toast in honor of the Victory.
  "No war, no peace"?!
  "We have in a reserve no Hindenburgs" - he said in the hardest 1942.
  "Bayonets to the earth?" - No! "Not one step backwards!"
  Peace!.. he glanced at the smiling Marshal Rokossovsky, - it is possible to speak about the peace with honor.
  Peace of victorious powers! Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam!
  There are presented the young vigorous marshals, generals. Admirals - with naval dirks. All - in beautiful, ceremonial military uniforms!
  We waited for forty years, we, the people of old generation, this day. - When a spot - several spots! - will be liquidated.
  He raised his glass:
  - I as the representative of our Soviet Government, I would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people and, above all, the Russian people.
  December 28, 2017 12:59
  Translation from Russian into English: December 28, 2017 19:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о французском триколоре и о Ставке'.
  4. The Dialogue and the Monologue about a "new history" of a Naval Dirk
  - You are stepping by foots still?!..Well, it is good that you have come!. Have allocated ... for the theme "naval dirk" ... You were engaged in this subject?
  - Who else? I!. We ...
  - Ok! Start! Tell the people! Look how much "they give"! Slightly I didn't begin to describe ... There was a thought to become the popular author! I joke!
  - Of course!
  "So, deeply in history it is necessary to look? ... It is clear, there is an opinion that history of a Naval Dirk has begun with the first round-the-world travel of Magellan and is connected with a name of one of participants and co-directors of this expedition de Espinosa ... Naval Dirk - a symbol of performance of a duty! Symbol of overcoming insuperable! Naval Dirk - a symbol ... But now I shouldn't write about all this ... Step by step Naval Dirk "has come" also to Russia ... The Navy, Peter I ... Victories, the first Russian circumnavigation, Alexander I ... Naval Dirk, officer ranks, officer's epaulettes, Stalin ... All this, it seems, for us and is close, but, at the same time, and far ...
  One author, who places own works on the Internet... He has even remembered the childhood friend in the yard of an apartment house. The nothing especially positive was remembered about this friend, though, generally, the boy was quite good, but once this friend with a pride has mentioned: my grandfather was the naval officer! He owns the naval dirk! This grandfather lived not publicly. To ask him was somehow inconvenient to look at the naval dirk. But pride of this boy with a small-minded interests - this pride was remembered! It appears, in the 60th - the 70th years of the 20th century the retired naval officers stored a naval dirks. And, probably, lawfully. Though the legislation was then peculiar ... And grandsons of officers were proud of these a naval dirks and of their grandfathers ...
  And here that, that has begun recently. About that it is necessary to write ...
  Some vanity around naval dirks has begun ... Naval officers, as well as any officers, - time comes, - retire ... And here with naval dirks there was a question ... Somehow to unusually for a naval officer if he lives in resignation, and he has no naval dirk ... And why he has no a naval dirk? When he served, he had the naval dirk?
  Yes-yes ... Here it was also necessary to try. We addressed to... Have received positive opinion ... Very high ... Again addressed ... Again addressed ... Again addressed ... Seemingly positive solution was ... How many it was necessary a time to spend for the solution of this question? About a year?..."
  "Here came the radio listener's call! The shop have opened in St. Petersburg? It is possible to buy a naval dirk on the money? And why it is necessary to buy?... Therefore! Bureaucracies procedures at such option - a minimum! Has bought, but how to be further? Can a retired Navy officer wear a purchased Naval Dirk with a military uniform?" "My dear radio listener! Everything needs to be done under the law!"
  "There's nothing to be done! The Law on weapon!. There is such concept: "cold weapon". There are rules connected with cold weapon!"
  "The Naval Dirk - the theme is inexhaustible!" "Magellan - del Cano- de Espinosa ... Peter I ... Alexander I ... Stalin ..." "Something is, it seems, mentioned also about Anna Ioannovna ..." "Historical works about Naval Dirk were written!."
  "The history of a naval dirk proceeds!"
  - Still moving?!!. Well, it is good that you have come!.
  - Yes!
  May 26, 2018 10:22
  Translation from Russian into English: May 26, 2018 11:41.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог и монолог о 'новой истории' кортика'.
  5. The Monologue on the theme about a Naval Dirk
  Naval dirk - it is interesting. I have no dirk, but I understand that a dirk (naval dirk, military dirk, dirk of an officer, dirk of an official), - a beautiful symbol. Symbol of the person involved in the solution of a State Missions.
  Met an article about a naval dirk by chance (57000 viewings. 155 comments). Could not resist, read the article and comments (
  As always: "the same" ("for fish pennies") - it is possible? - it is impossible (it is permitted - it is not permitted)? What legal bases for acquisition and storage?
  Firstly, it follows from the comments that there are naval dirks, and there are copies of naval dirks (copies are made of some "wrong" grades of steel). According to the commentators, the rules do not apply to copies of the naval dirks.
  Secondly, from the comments it is clear that the rules regarding the acquisition, carrying, storage, etc of naval dirks are constantly changing (and, perhaps, become complicated). Let's wait when lawyers - specialists in legal regulation of a (civil) circulation of dirks appear.
  Thirdly, someone makes remarks that even if to set the task strictly to observe all requirements about dirks, then it is difficult to make it not only owing to variability of the legislation, but also owing to real circumstances. For example, were issued in earlier years, Dirks (officially) without those documents, which in today's days (now), can be requested using the formal procedures.
  But not (only) it is interesting. It is curious how through a discussion about rules of a (civil) circulation of dirks the same subject constantly appears: a respect for a dirk.
  "Family relic"!
  "To me from the grandfather of times of the Second World War got!" ["To me from the grandfather dirk was transferred - the dirk of period of the Second World War!"]
  "I had [recieved] from the grandfather the aviation dirk of 1950 in perfect tune. And it is unlikely during my life I will part with him".
  "My father had [was the owner of] the exact same dirk. Just "older" - the dirk "older" period of 1965 - 1960s. Now this dirk is lodged to the nephew for a keeping".
  "The main thing - to keep a thing for descendants ..."
  People are proud. A dirk - a symbol. Possession of a dirk to some extent forms the identity of the owner.
  What sense in this legal mass of rules? In this infinite casuistry? Who can understand it? To whom it, this casuistry, is necessary? Well "hooks" and "traps" not specially are continually placed? That would everyone be powerless and vulnerable? There is a risk of plunders of the state property? But plunder is pursued irrespective of, a dirk, or not dirk, is stolen.
  It seems, in any large city it is possible to meet a big or small shop where whether dirks, whether copies of dirks are on sale (and other types of cold weapon). Who upon purchase will ask certificates? Who will carry out expertize?
  The simplest decision - to enter a phrase in the law: "storage, inheritance, donation of cold weapon is allowed without any restrictions". I assume that the formulation can be modified in case of "deep immersion" in a topic.
  Why not to allow also a carrying [cold weapon]? A law-abiding persons [ legitimate people] often are unarmed (unlike a not law-abiding).
  The owner of a dirk is a good person. (I speak - in principle. I do not think that for criminal persons there is an interest in possession of a dirk).
  Also it is not necessary to make the owner of a dirk a potential offender (a potential delinquent).
  The unambiguous formulations allowing a storage, inheritance, donation of dirks are necessary in the legislation.
  People will quietly own the dirks of their fathers, grandfathers, more distant ancestors - people who served the State.
  January 19, 2019 01:35
  Translation from Russian into English: January 19, 2019 10:49.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог на тему о кортике'.
  6. The Monologue about the rights to Naval Dirk
  New publications have been published on the issue of rights to the Naval Dirks. The reason was the judicial act of the Supreme court (see, for example, Mikhail Falaleev "The Supreme Court specified rules of possession of cold weapon").[].
  As far as it can be seen from the publications, the Supreme court did not resolve the case on the merits, sending the case for a new trial to a lower court (for a new trial to the North Sea garrison military court, but - in a different composition of the court.).
  At the same time, the publications that appeared prompted me to read a number of publications on the Internet.
  The idea about removal of all restrictions from a circulation of standard blade weapons (with one blade) finds the increasing support. In these conditions ( a cancellation of restrictions, can be, gradual - according to blade length? To add on centimeter of allowed length a year,) - the population will gradually get used to new rules.
  (Maxim Gorky, as a young man, bought a revolver in the market and almost shot himself (he wounded himself-struck a bullet lung). (a) No one has brought any cases of arms trafficking, according to the memoirs, in connection with this event. (b) the Population (at the time) each other with revolvers are not shot - despite the opportunity to purchase weapons on the market for small money).
  So, the tendency of gradual removal of all restrictions breaks the way.
  Secondly, it is clear that the naval dirks are in a special situation. The naval dirk is a symbol.
  The officer is in a position to dispose of other people's lives and (military) property of a significant value. The officer faces the most difficult tasks that require courage, honor and bravery.
  "Normal tasks "may not require"special qualities".
  As an illustration, I will give the story of Georgy Alexandrovich Solomon (Isetsky) from his book "Among the red leaders" (the Internet link to the book(in Russian) in Wikipedia, the article about G. A. Isetsky). The story of Isetsky concerns the organization in 1920, the first large Soviet marine expedition in the northern seas.
  '... Экспедиция, по заданию, должна была прибыть в устья Оби и Енисея и там сдать свой груз обской и енисейской речным экспедициям, шедшим навстречу ей с грузом сибирских продуктов, которые должны были быть погружены на наши пароходы...
  "...The expedition, according to the task, was to arrive at the mouth of the Ob and Yenisei rivers and deliver its cargo to the Ob and Yenisei river expeditions, which were going to meet it with the cargo of Siberian products, which were to be loaded on our steamships...
  И вот, началась сумасшедшая, почти горячечная работа, в которую я ушел весь... Я обшарил при помощи моих телеграмм все рынки Англии, Бельгии, Франции, Германии, Швеции, Дании, Норвегии, Австрии и Америки с Канадой включительно... Все, что можно было извлечь готового, было закуплено. Шла приемка товаров...
  And here, mind-blowing, almost feverous the over heavy work began... I rummaged around by means of my telegrams all markets of England, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Austria and America with Canada inclusive... Everything that it was possible to take ready, was purchased. There was an acceptance of goods
  Заведующий транспортным отделом был капитан первого ранга Саговский, тоже "персона грата" Половцовой и Крысина, являющийся в настоящее время директором одного из смешанных (советский и иностранный капиталы) обществ Англии. Он хорошо, даже, пожалуй, слишком хорошо знал свое дело. ...В виду назначения меня организатором экспедиции, я имел право давать поручения всем отделам, независимо от того, в чьем ведении они находились. Но Саговский, надо полагать, по инициативе Крысина, не торопился с исполнением моих распоряжений...
  ... The manager of transport department was the captain of the first rank Sagovsky, too the "persona grata" of Polovtsova and Krysin who is now the director of one of mixed (the Soviet and foreign) enterprises in England. He is good, even, perhaps, too well knew the business.......In mind I was appointed organizer of the expedition, I had the right to give orders to all divisions, regardless of whose jurisdiction they were in. But Sagovsky, presumably, on the initiative of Krysin, did not hurry with the execution of my orders...
  И на одном заседании правления, на котором участвовали также те из заведующих отделами, которые помогали мне в организации экспедиции, я, выслушав доклад Саговского, ясно говоривший о том, что все стоит на мертвой точке, возмущенный его явно нарочитыми замедлениями, пахнувшими настоящим саботажем, взяв слово, сказал:
  And at one board meeting at which also those from managers of departments which helped me with the organization of an expedition participated, I, having listened to Sagovsky's report (which was clearly showing that everything costs on a dead point), revolted with his obviously deliberate delays smelling of the real sabotage, having taken the floor, told:
  - Я совершенно недоволен деятельностью капитана Саговского и считаю ее настоящим саботажем. И потому ставлю на вид капитану Саговскому, в порядке службы, его непозволительную медлительность, на первый раз с занесением этого только в протокол заседания правления...
  - I am absolutely dissatisfied with activity of the captain Sagovsky and I consider it the real sabotage. And therefore I put by sight to the captain Sagovsky, in order of service, his inadmissible sluggishness, on the first time with entering of it only in the minutes of the Board of Directors...
  Он густо покраснел и встав, начал было что то говорить, но я оборвал его на полуслове:
  He densely reddened and having risen, the beginnings was that that to speak, but I cut him short:
  - Капитан Саговский, я вам поставил на вид не в порядке дискуссии, а в порядке службы. Следовательно, вам остается только сказать по морскому "есть". А если вы недовольны, прошу официально обжаловать мое замечание.
  - The captain Sagovsky, I delivered to you by sight not as a question for discussion, and as question of state service. Therefore, you need only to be told as on sea "I am ready". And if you are dissatisfied, I ask to appeal against my remark officially.
  - Слушаю, Георгий Александрович, - невольно, должно быть, вытянувшись по военному, сказал Саговский- "есть"...
  - I listen, Georgy Aleksandrovich - involuntarily, has to be, having raised as a military man, Sagovsky told. - "I am ready" ... ...
  - ... Мое служебное распоряжение будет внесено в протокол в порядке моего единоличного приказа! Точка!..
   - ... My official order will be entered in minutes as my personal order! The point!.
  Между тем, английское правительство по своей инициативе предложило делегации возвратить России построенные во время войны два ледокола "Александр Невский" и "Святогор"... Но я энергично настоял на принятии этого предложения, и оба ледокола были переданы нам. Один из них, "Александр Невский", я отвоевал для Карской экспедиции, и этот ледокол, на котором находился капитан Свердруп, не раз спасал затертые льдами в суровом Карском море наши суда...
  Meanwhile, the British government on its own initiative invited the delegation to return to Russia two icebreakers "Alexander Nevsky" and "Svyatogor"built during the war... But I vigorously insisted on the adoption of this proposal, and both the icebreaker was transferred to us. One of them, "Alexander Nevsky", I won for the Kara expedition, and this icebreaker, on which there was a captain Sverdrup, saved our vessels when they were jammed by ices in the severe Kara Sea more than once...
  Увы, я никогда не организовывал полярных экспедиций и имел о них понятие исключительно только по литературе. А на мне, я знал, лежала вся ответственность за успех ее. И меня удивляло, что люди, казалось бы, более опытные, как, например, моряк Саговский, не подумали о снабжении ее всем необходимым для дальнего и опасного плавания: так, о водолазе, враче, медикаментах, измерительных приборах вспомнил лично я... Это был сознательный саботаж!..
  Alas, I never organized polar expeditions and knew about them only only on literature. And on me, I knew, all responsibility for its success lay. And surprised me that people, apparently, more skilled as, for example, the seaman Sagovsky, did not think of supply its all necessary for a long and dangerous voyage: so, about the diver, the doctor, medicines, measuring devices I remembered personally... It was deliberate sabotage!..
  Мне приходилось держать весь этот сложный аппарат в своих руках, отдавать, конечно, по телеграфу распоряжения во все концы мира... Но, наконец, все было готово...
  I had to hold all this complicated apparatus in my hands, to give orders by Telegraph to all parts of the world... But finally, everything was ready...
  И на ледоколе взвился роскошный красный шелковый флаг с серпом и молотом. Я должен был снова произнести приветствие в честь нашего флага...
  And a luxurious red silk flag with a hammer and sickle hoisted on the icebreaker. I had to say a greeting in honor of our flag again ...
  В минуту отчаливания я был на "Ленине". Раздалась команда Рекстина:
  At the moment of departure I was on "Lenin". The Rekstin's order sounded:
  - The ice breaker 'Lenin", to navigation be ready!. I hasty and warmly began to say goodbye to driving off... The icebreaker breathed heavily and powerfully. "Lenin" began to move slowly. My nerves, exhausted by the overwork on the organization of the expedition, could not stand it. I as that suddenly felt how both this ice breaker, and all expedition, and its all participants became infinitely expensive to me... And, hardly holding back tears and feeling that spasms squeeze to me a throat, I hurried to go down on a storm ladder onto a small steamer...
  - Ледоколу "Ленину", к навигации товьсь!.. Я торопливо и сердечно стал прощаться с отъезжающими... Звонки в машину... Она тяжело и могуче задышала. "Ленин" стал медленно двигаться. Мои нервы, издерганные положительно непосильным трудом по организации экспедиции, не выдержали. Я как то вдруг почувствовал, как мне стали бесконечно дороги и этот ледокол, и вся экспедиция, и все участники ее... И, едва сдерживая слезы и чувствуя, что спазмы сжимают мне горло, я поторопился спуститься по штормовой лестнице на маленький пароходик...
  И "Ленин", громадный и мощный, легко и красиво шел вперед навстречу всем случайностям. А маленький пароходик - пигмей, развив наибольшую скорость, кружил вокруг него... Я же, стоя на капитанском мостике, горько, как ребенок, плакал, даже не стесняясь присутствия
  And "Lenin", huge and powerful, easily and beautifully went forward towards all accidents. A small steamer - pygmy, developing the highest speed, circling around him... I, standing on the captain's bridge, bitterly, like a child, cried, not even embarrassed by the presence of my purposely turned away employees... And "Lenin" went and went...'
  (Мне показалось, что в книге 'Жуков Ю. Н. Сталин: Арктический щит. - М.: Вагриус, 2008. - 544 с.' упоминание об этой экспедиции - Карской экспедиции 1920 года - отсутствует. Может быть, в тексте где-то есть упоминание, но я пропустил?..).
  (It seemed to me that in the book "Zhukov. Stalin: Arctic shield. - Moscow: Vagrius, 2008. - 544 p. " there is no mention of this expedition - the Kara expedition of 1920. Maybe there is a mention somewhere in the text, but I missed it?..).
  So, the officer is faced by difficult tasks. But if the officer acts in the sea, as a part of the Navy, then tasks become complicated. The sea - elements ... Even more special situation - at the captain ...
  So: a duty, honor, courage, consciousness of the fulfilled duty ...
  Thirdly, such concepts as "duty", "honor", "courage" - they are "civilization" concepts.
  Let's address Naval dirk history. Most the dirk was widely adopted in Russia at Alexander I (the first round-the-world expedition under the Russian flag, numerous victories) and at Stalin (creation of the powerful ocean fleet (Navy), the Northern Sea Route, numerous victories). These historical figures symbolize the periods of successful actions of the state. But for achievement of success both understanding of a duty, and honor, and courage were required ...
  A "commitment" to Naval Dirk is not determined by the provisions of regulations, administrators!
  This commitment goes through, through history. It exists independently of the political regime and regulations. Regardless of the cultural characteristics of certain countries. In historical works, we can find information about Naval Dirk in the Navies, for example, and of Japan, and of the United States, and of many other countries [].
  Fourthly, the legal rules concerning both bladed weapons (in General) and - separately - Naval Dirks are changing. It seemed to me that the legal provisions on Naval Dirks are compactly set out in court decisions, for example:
  Decision No. 2A-160/2017 2A-160/2017~M-170/2017 M-170/2017 of may 17, 2017 in case No. 2A-160/2017. []
  Decision No. 2A-75/2017 2A-75/2017~M-57/2017 M-57/2017 of may 4, 2017 in case No. 2A-75/2017 []
  В-пятых, знакомство с вновь появившимися публикациями дало возможность узнать о еще одной версии происхождения слова 'кортик'. Кортик (от итал. cortello - "нож")...
  Fifthly, acquaintance to again appeared publications gave the chance to learn about one more version of origin of the word "dirk". A dirk (from ital. cortello - "knife") ...
  [Words are correlated in the Russian language.]
  This version is not the only one. But - (like would) a new.
  I will use an occasion and I will put forward the version (which corresponds to history of emergence of a Naval Dirk. - To a naval dirk - 500 years. - On April 2, 1520 the alguazil Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa made a resolute act. It was one of those moments that guided the expedition of Magellan - del Cano - de Espinosa to the victory.)
  Моя версия. Court (англ) - суд. Некоторые функции капитана корабля близки к функциям судьи. Таковы условия морских плаваний...
  My version. Court (English) - court. Some functions of the captain of the ship are close to those of a judge. These are the conditions of sea voyages...
  It can be assumed that the legal regulation of ownership of a naval dirk will be (to simplify the situation) allocated to a separate task.
  That any (unreasonable) restriction on the receipt of naval dirks officers, retired, in storage, naval dirks, their gift, transfer by inheritance will be undo.
  January 23, 2019 14:29
  Translation from Russian into English: January 23, 2019 19:33.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о правах на кортик'.
  7. Symbols of the historical and psychological reconstruction of "Napoleon" or once again about a naval dirks
  I would not want to provoke someone into something ...
  But I thought and continue to think:
  1. Owners of naval dirks - in essence, people are positive.
  2. Criminals have weapons. And people are law-abiding (even if desired) - not always.
  3. A cold weapon - I would not want to simplify to vulgarization - the "continuation" of scrap, of a large table knife, of a shovel and of a screwdriver.
  From all this - a concept. Society will benefit from an allowing the free circulation of at least a naval dirks. And even better - of a standard single-blade cold weapon.
  Recent events confirm this.
  Someone can to talk a lot about his intellectual baggage and to put, to dress a beautiful imperial (?) uniform (a Napoleon's uniform?) ...
  But by coincidence, the general public glanced behind the scenes ...
  And what did she see there?
  Alas, not a naval dirk ...
  It turned out to be a firearm (!) Weapon - by all indications it was illegally acquired. ['Обрез' - "Obrez" - An illegal weapon that was created by cutting off the barrel of a standard rifle].
  Weapons of this type were common in a relatively short historical period and among specific groups of people ...
  One of the types of historical and psychological reconstruction - using this type of weapon - this is not the era of the Napoleonic Wars.
  These are wanderings through the forests of gangs of deserters in the period after the end of the First World War and the outbreak of the Civil War ...
  This strange psychological and historical reconstruction confirms a simple conclusion - the absence of serious obstacles to removing all restrictions on the free circulation, on civil trafficking of a naval dirks, a standard single-blade cold weapon ...
  November 14, 2019 00:34
  Translation from Russian into English: November 14, 2019 09:09.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Символы исторической и психологической реконструкции 'Наполеона' или еще раз о кортиках'.
  The Collection was composed: May 29, 2018, January 19, 2019, January 24, 2019, November 19, 2019.
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