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A Bright "Vague Time". The development of Siberia. 400-year geopolitical rents. An Essay exposing the historical illusion

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    A Bright "Vague Time". The development of Siberia. 400-year geopolitical rents. An Essay exposing the historical illusion.

  A Bright "Vague Time". The development of Siberia. 400-year geopolitical rents. An Essay exposing the historical illusion.
  One of the historical illusions generated by Karamzin's 'History' and, in general, a Russian historical science, is the concept of "Vague Time" ['Time of Troubles']. (Another historical illusion from Karamzin is a 'transparency' (to a state of obscurity) of the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania). [The work 'History of the Russian State' by Nikolay Mikhailovich Karamzin].
  The so-called "Vague Time" ['Time of Troubles'] is associated with the change of the Rurik dynasty to the Romanov dynasty.
  We expressed a fundamental doubt about the correctness of the creation of the historical concept of "Vague Time" ['Time of Troubles'] in the miniature 'The Short Story about the special book shelf' (July 14, 2018): '-What means - "vague"? In a sense - "not a clear "? Many periods of history are not clear... '
  Let's bring some clarity to the "Vague Time" ['Time of Troubles'].
  During the reign of Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich, measures were to tighten serfdom in Russia. Tsar Fedor, the son of Ivan IV Vasilyevich, and Tsar Boris Godunov, and subsequent rulers made their contributions to this historical process.
  Around the same time as the initial period of tightening serfdom, the period of transition of power from the Rurik dynasty to the Romanov dynasty began.
  We do not set ourselves the goal of giving a comprehensive assessment of the impact of a changing (replacement) of dynasties on the history of Russia.
  We only note that
  1) A significant part of the population lived a relatively free life - calling themselves "Cossacks." The change of dynasties did not affect such democratic societies.
  2) A certain part of the population lived relatively autonomously - in the "eastern" regions of the state, at a considerable distance from Moscow, from the central government. The change of dynasties led to an increase in the degree of autonomy (temporary) of such social structures.
  3) The change of dynasties weakened the process of tightening serfdom, which began under Tsar Ivan IV Vasilievich.
  The period after the death of Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich and before the coming in a power of Mikhail Romanov, the first Tsar of the Romanov dynasty, was marked by a number of important events, for example:
  1.1598 - the defeat of the the Siberian Khan Kuchum,
  2. The foundation of the city of Tomsk (1604) and of other settlements.
  The result of the events was the development of Western Siberia. And the result of the development of Western Siberia is the development of Siberia as a whole, the Far East, Alaska.
  The geopolitical rents from the development of Siberia, the Far East, Alaska has been used for about 400 years.
  These arguments suggest that the change of dynasties was a difficult time (for the dynasties themselves). One dynasty was replacing another. Russia, her free and initiative population, were going to the East.
  The time was bright, brilliant ...
  November 17, 2019 16:14
  Translation from Russian into English: November 17, 2019 20:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Яркое 'Смутное' время. Освоение Сибири. 400-летняя геополитическая рента. Очерк разоблачения исторической иллюзии.'
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